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CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing


[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Fife @Stegro88 @Number6 @uytrereee 
Walking next to the female Savi that escorted her into the medical wing of the Erudite's biolabs, Ida couldn't help but having flashbacks to the time she spent on the Versant - the circumstances entirely different.

Preferring not to linger on thoughts of the breeding experiment, the elaborate insult of being kept in a holographic copy of the Enterprise, the escape or the turmoil of the equally elaborate mutiny that Echtand qi Versant had staged with their help, Ida focused on the present instead. With her training, she kept her eyes peeled on what lay beyond every intersection, the behaviour of all the alien scientists they met, and anything that could constitute a threat. Meanwhile, the female Antecendent that walked just ahead of her said naught, her long limbs swaying with each step that led deeper into the biolabs.

"Here we are," said the tall woman in her contralto voice, gesturing with a sweeping hand, "the Septenary Medical Wing."

The barren corridor ended in doors that soundlessly parted for them, and inside, the personal wards of the patients had glass walls and distinct Savi technology framing each segment ahead of them, like sophisticated terrariums. Looking around, Ida saw both Savi patients inside the wards and further down, members of the away team. She saw Junior Lieutenant Rawley in one of them, on her feet and no longer wearing her exosuit. Just like Ida, she had the standardised Starfleet uniform on, likely replicated for her by the Savi. When the Lone Wolf spotted Ida approaching, she quit her pacing and lifted her hand to wave at her. Ida raised her hand in return, and the short human stepped out of her personal ward.

"Oy, Deputy! Where is Arnold?" she asked, running a hand over her shaved head and looking around, just as wary of the place as Ida felt, even if the fighter pilot had no previous experience with the Savi.

"He is likely coming as well, unless he's already been here. Have you seen Doctor Hernandez?"

"Aye, he's around, watchful yet gawking at what these machines can do. They patched me up mighty quick, but I stuck around 'cause I'm waiting for me wingmate. She's further down there. So is Chance and the android, Vanya." Rawley paused, before turning to look at Ida. "Lieutenant Isley... He didn't have time to activate the ETS, right?"

Ida slowly shook her head, hardly having processed that the Lone Wolf was gone. While the Lone Wolves had set a Emergency Transport System target on the Erudite in their  Valkyries, Nathaniel hadn't had the time to beam out of his cockpit. Whatever he'd done to distract the Romulans, it had worked for as long as it lasted, and bought just enough time for Rawley and Isel Nix to reach the Savi dreadnought.

"I see... Bollocks..." said the shaved human quietly and looked to the deck plates between them, arms crossed. "He... had a few rough months, with a bad end. Fine pilot."

"He did more than most stopping the Niga virus, and he helped liberate Captain Ives on the other Savi ship. He was a fine officer even outside the cockpit. He will be remembered," said Ida, and raised her eyes to the other glass wards in order to spot the others, and to see if they were coming to.

OOC: It's been five hours since the mission at Andor, which given the advanced level of medical treatment that the Savi can provide ought to be enough to have your characters waking up before or after Ida comes visiting. Posting is free for all with characters present, and feel free to NPC Savi medical personnel as well. Of course George Hernandez can be NPCed as well, but don't make him be in two places at once. :)

Keep in mind that this is in the middle of the night, and sleep might be a good idea when appropriate. This takes place 5 hours before Lieutenant Frank Arnold’s speech in Veiled Valiance too, where the Chapter continues and is due to take us back to Breen space and the Allegiant.

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #1
[ Lt. Vanya | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Fife @Stegro88 @Auctor Lucan @uytrereee

Vanya was fairly confident she was safe.  Still insensible to everything, it had been some time since the mission.    Since she wasn’t being probed by Romulans or destroyed by the enemy she was confident she was safe.    She decided to turn herself “off” for a few hours and ready herself for the next few steps of her ordeal. 

She brough herself online again, and she was aware of a bed against her body.  She was being held in place, not restrained, simply held.    She opened her eyes.    There was definite scanning taking place, and the internal diagnositics indicated that her systems were being restored.  Amazingly she felt odd burning.    Her epidermal layer was being repaired.  She actually feared that she would have to have it all burned off and start on a new set.    There wasn’t much else for her to do.  Although she was being fixed, whoever was fixing her clearly knew what they were doing.  She closed her eyes again she decided to take herself offline for a little longer. 

She activated herself again.  Her simulated heart begain to beat again, pumping her chemical lubpricat around her body.  Her lunger began to pick up the air again.  She opened her eyes and recognised that she was on the Erudite.  Relief washed through her.  The sense deepened when she sat up.    She was no longer restrained in place, and was wearing a simple surgical gown.  She checked her wounds, and they were gone.  The damage she had endured, while not deadly for her, would have taken days if not weeks for her tor return to full capacity.    She had briefly considered making use of masks hoods and cloaks when they were on the Erudite and Allegant, and talking nice to Thea to get a holographic filter when she got home.    But now, none of that was necessary.  She put her feet on the floor and prepared to pull herself up, when she registered a figure. 

“Oh, hello.” She said. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #2
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Number6 @uytrereee @Stegro88
[Show/Hide]Isel became aware or the pain as she seemed to float in darkness, unable to open her eyes or move her body. Her face hurt, her head hurt, her shoulder hurt. He ribs… her arm… everything hurt. She was awake of noises around her, beeps and clicks of equipment, the movement of people. Something touched her, though she couldn’t be sure of what. Was she still in her fighter? She remembered approaching the Erudite, remembered taking a major hit. The loss of control. The crash.

The crash…

The memory of metal screeching in her ears, of reality spinning around her in a violent, fiery and cacophonous roar. Systems blaring warnings she could do nothing about, her fighter breaking, smashing and tearing it’s way across the deck of the fighter bay. The bulkhead, only seen in spinning glimpses but growing ever nearer with no way to stop, and then…

Isel’s eyes shot open, quickly followed by her mouth, the latter of which let out a sharp scream of fear and pain. Agony lanced through her as she tried to move, to lift her head, to do anything. Hands took hold of her arms and shoulders, gently restraining her weak attempts to move. Through the fear and the tears of pain which blurred her vision she saw the hands grabbing her, pale three-fingered limbs above which large, bulbous white heads hovered, peering down at her with huge, inky black eyes.

“The specimen in conscious. Prepare another round of sedation.”

The words were garbled, each syllable needling her like a spike of pain. Isel screwed her eyes up to try and block out the pain, the light, the noise, even as she struggled weakly against the restraining Savi hands.

”What the fuck…” She managed only the three words before she clenched her jaw shut, the pain of her own voice causing another lance of agony to shoot through her skull. She never saw the medication administration arm deploying on the ceiling of the glass walled medical room, nor did she hear the hiss of the sedation discharge if fired at her, nor the words of the Savi over the thundering roar of pain which bellowed in her ears.

The sedation drug administered, it took only a moment for her body to stop obeying her mental commands, her limbs becoming slack. No longer fighting, the Savi lowered his relaxed limbs to the procedure table once more.

“The sedation is administered. The specimen is becoming compliant. Prepare to resume the procedure.”

Unable to move, Isel’s mind just barely registered what was being said, each sentence slowly becoming more garbled as the sedative worked on her system.

“Monitor cortical functions. The specimen must not wake again during the neural regeneration procedure.”

The voices were becoming more distant, as though heard at the end of a long tunnel.

“The specimen’s injuries are dire. She must not be allowed to wake and further damage herself.”

“Recommencing phase four of neural regen…”

The voices had continued to grow more distant, and now they slipped away altogether as Isel’s mind slipped into darkness once more.

Isel awoke some time later, the Vulpinian having no idea how much time had passed. Her re-emergence into the land of the living was slow, her limbs felt heavy and her mind clouded. The first thing she noticed was the pain was gone.

Isel peered about the room, opening her eyes just a crack. She was in the same room she had seen before, though not that she was neither panicking nor in excruciating pain, she could make out more details. There were lighted panels on one wall, likely medical equipment, and she lay on some sort of biobed. One of the walls was glass, allowing her a view of a corridor and another medical room on the opposite side.

“The specimen is awake.”

Hearing the voice, Isel rolled her head to the side and saw that there were two Savi in the room with her, looking identical garbed in the standard black uniforms the Savi all seemed to wear. Isel absently wondered how the hell they could tell each other apart.

Isel slowly pushed herself up on her elbows, wincing in discomfort as she did so.

“Do not overtax yourself.” One of the Savi said, approaching her slowly and lowering what appeared to be a PADD. “Your body has been repaired, yet you have suffered great trauma, and you must not overexert yourself.” As if on cue, a wave of dizziness washed over Isel, and the Vulpinian flopped back onto the biobed, her head spinning. The Savi raised the PADD and typed in a series of commands. A sound above her prompted Isel to open her eyes, and she saw an arm deploying from the ceiling, aim itself at her, and fire. There was no pain, barely any noticeable impact. After a moment, Isel’s head began to feel less wobbly.

“I have administered a mixture of anticholinergics and antihistamines to assist with your symptoms. You may experience some nausea. It is suggested that you…”

”Where the fuck am I?” Isel groaned, pushing herself up into a sitting position with her legs dangling off the biobed. She was in her Natural form and no longer wearing her exosuit, though she had no idea when that had happened, or if she had already been stripped and shifted forms when she had previously woken up.

“You are in the Septenary Medical Wing aboard the Erudite. You were brought here after your fighter crashed. Your wounds were severe, and required a great deal of treatment.” The Savi blinked at her as if waiting to see if she would interrupt them again. Then, seeming satisfied that she would not, they continued. “We repaired numerous fractures in your clavicle, humorous, neck, ribs, and skull, and had to regenerate the tissues of your face and left eye, which had been burned in the crash.” The Savi explained, their tone straightforward and matter of fact. “Your brain had been damaged in the crash also, and required lengthy regenerative treatments. Full brain function has been restored, but you will have some lasting effects from the crash. Probability shows a 95 percent likelihood of permanent inertial sensitivity. You also show an 87 per cent likelihood of ongoing cephalgia.”


The Savi blinked at her again. “Cephalgia is the presence of neuralgia in the cephalic region of the body.” After taking in the utterly blank look Isel gave them, the Savi consulted it’s PADD, one of their long, white fingers tapping the surface several times. “Apparently the common term used by Starfleet is…” Having found the information they were looking for, the Savi raised their eyes form the PADD and regarded Isel. “…headaches.”

”All that just to tell my I have a headache? Fuck…” Isel shook her head with a chuckle, then looked back up at the Savi. ”So how long will this last?”

“The condition will likely be permanent. I will provide you with data to allow you to replicate medication to assist with the symptoms. Your condition will, however, prevent you from flying a warp fighter, as the inertial forces exerted while maneuvering such craft will be too great for you to function safely.”

Isel stared at the Savi, dumbfounded, for a long time as her mind reeled at the blow the news had dealt her. No more flying with the Wolves. No more suicide missions, crazy attack runs or boring patrols.

She wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or cry…

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #3
[ Lt. George Hernandez | Aerodrome | Erudite | Andorian Space ] Attn:  @Auctor Lucan @Number6 @uytrereee @Fife

"Has there been any change?” Doctor Hernandez asked of the Savi Ante that was standing next to the bed, or at least what passed for one, containing the comatose form of Lieutenant Petterson. Despite the Savi’s treatment of her injuries, the pilot had not yet awoken even after repeated attempts to do so. “Or any ideas as to why she has not regained consciousness as yet?”

“No,” came the crisp response. “As before, her brain shows signs of activity, almost as if she was fully aware and cognitive, but without subjecting her to a cranial implant procedure, there is no way for us to determine what is happening or why she has not yet awoken. And you have refused the implant due to lack of consent by the patient.”

“As I explained to you before,” Hernandez began, somewhat exasperated with the Ante. “Without the Lieutenant’s permission, or a directive from either Captain Ives or Lieutenant Kobol , then I cannot allow you to perform the procedure at this time. Her life is not currently in danger and there is no guarantee the implant would allow us to communicate with her. All we can do is wait and hope that she regains consciousness on her own.”

“You may wait,” the Ante declared, their tone finite. “I have other tasks to attend to.” That said, the Savi turned on their heels and marched away, leaving Hernandez alone with Lieutenant Petterson.

“Why haven’t you woken up yet?” Hernandez asked, half to himself and half to the still form before him as he examined the displays showing the woman’s vitals and brain activity. It really looked like she was conscious, except that she wasn’t. “What is going inside that head of yours?”

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf -11 | Somewhere ]

Blackness faded away to light as Donna tried to understand where she was. The room was familiar, in that it had that vibe and appearance of anything constructed by Starfleet. It was a simple room, a table, replicator and two chairs with a doorway on one side and a window opposite it. The only other adornment in the room was a large screen on one of the two walls but it was currently powered down giving the pilot no information about where she was, or, more importantly, how she managed to get there.

“The last I remember, I was aboard that Romulan ship near Andoria, getting blown out an airlock to stop a bomb going off. So how did I get here?” she asked herself, her mind supplying plenty of options for how that came to be. “Captured, some sort of interrogation room maybe?” she wondered, moving over to look out the window. There was nothing but the stars beyond, no planets or other celestial bodies to give her even the smallest hint. Nor was there the shape or curve or a ship or station’s hull to help her. All she had were the four walls around her. With nothing left to lose, Donna spoke aloud, sure that someone was monitoring her. “Alright, where am I?”

“You don’t recognise this place?” a voice, familiar yet obscure, responded back, as if coming from everywhere all at once. It didn’t even carry that subtle differences of a voice being transmitted instead sounding as if the speaker was in the room with her. 

“Should I?” Donna asked, her eyes darting around the room as she turned, searching for the origin of the voice.

“It might not look like much, but this is a room that has had a tremendous influence on your life,” the voice, sounding unnaturally coy, replied. “Try again.”

“It appears Federation but that doesn’t tell me much,” Donna pointed out, her annoyance at being examined growing. “All this could simply be a facsimile to try and get me to reveal information to you.”

“There is nothing you know that I do not already possess,” the voice said again, bringing Donna to a standstill. Had she already been broken? What had she told them? What was this then? 

“Then why bring me here?” Donna wondered, falling back onto her intelligence training, trying to glean whatever information she could get.

“Surely, with that phenomenal memory of yours, you would remember this room?” the voice quizzed, growing harder, telling Donna that its owner was getting annoyed at her for not being able to identify where she was. And that revealed a lot to Donna. It told her that whatever this was, that it was personal to the voice. That they were familiar with Donna and her history in some fashion. That at some point, they were possibly together in this room, wherever it was.

“Doesn’t ring a bell, sorry,” Donna retorted, trying to sound as nonchalant as she could manage. “And don’t call me Shirley. That’s not my name.”

“Are you sure? You’ve had so many over the years,” the voice questioned, with a smile that Donna would swear she could hear. Inside her though, Donna was beginning to worry. This person, whoever they were, was well-informed. Too well-informed. “Can you even remember what your birth name was after all this time? After pretending to be so many people over the years? After using all those names to hurt so many people?”

“You know my name, and it seems like you know who I am,” Donna challenged, growing tired of whatever game the voice was trying to place. “If you know so much about me then you know that the people I have helped far outweigh the people I have hurt over the years.”

“And does that help you to sleep at night? When those nameless faces stare back at you from the shadows of your mind? Or those with names, and voices, ask why you couldn’t save them as well?” The voice had dropped its tone, becoming accusatory in its speech while also beginning to frighten Donna with just how much it seemed to know about her. She had told no one about those dreams.

“Who are you?” Donna demanded, turning around the room, staring in all directions while trying to will a confrontation into being. “Show yourself!”

“As you wish,” came the simple response. But this time, the voice was directional, and it came from behind her. Whirling around, Donna came face to face with her own reflection. Except it wasn’t. The person standing before her may have had her face but the mind, the intelligence behind it, that wasn’t hers. And that terrified her. Because she knew whose it was.

“Max!” Donna gasped, stumbling back and almost falling over with the realisation of what was happening. 

“There we go,” Max acknowledged, her tone mocking.

“Wha... How is this possible?” Donna asked, unable to believe what she was seeing, as she scrambled back. 

“C’mon,” Max goaded. “Use that pretty head of ours and figure it out already. You never used to be this slow.”

“It’s not possible,” Donna urged, shaking her head. “You’re not real.”

“I’m more real than the day you gave birth to me,” Max responded, spreading her arms to indicate the room they were in. “Does this place look familiar now?”

“It's the room where I created you,” Donna realised, her back hitting the wall finally and preventing any further retreat. “A practical experiment in creating a legend so complete that it could fool anyone or anything. Even a telepath.”

“And it worked like a charm,” Max smirked. 

“You were never meant to exist as anything beyond an experiment,” Donna pointed out, trying to regain control of herself. “You were nothing but words on a screen. Until...”

“Until that Anderson presented you with an opportunity to prove yourself. And your need to prove yourself took care of the rest,” Max finished, sounding jubilant. “I guess I really should be thanking him for all this being possible. I mean, as you said, I was just words on a screen until he came along. I guess that makes everything that happened afterwards someone else’s fault, right?”

“Yes, no, maybe,” Donna stammered, confused. “I created a monster that day when I took on your identity. What you did, what I allowed to happen, that’s on me,”

“Yes it is,” Max confirmed, her tone changing from jubilant to accusatory. “Because of you, WE did some pretty terrible things.  First you, in my name, and then as time went by and I became more fully formed, I did them for you. We were the perfect team. I liked breaking things and you loved the results I was able to achieve for you. It didn’t matter the mayhem I caused as long as the objective of the mission was achieved. Isn’t that right?”

“We were warned about getting too far into our legends. That they might consume us and compromise us,” Donna recalled, her mind drifting back to when she was first told about it. “I tried to separate myself from the legend. Separate myself from you so that that wouldn’t happen to me.”

“And in doing so, my independence was born,” Max confirmed happily. “Thanks for that.”

“You are just something I created,” Donna said, coming to her feet in defiance. “This is my mind. I can put you back in your box!”

“You’ve been trying that for a while now, remember. How’s that working out for you,” Max deadpanned. “Besides, does this look like prison cell?” Max challenged, spreading her arms again. “No, it doesn’t” she answered before Donna had the chance. “It is the place of my birth and I figured it would make for a good place to have a chat before my rebirth.”

“Rebirth, what?” Donna wondered, not understanding.

“Yeah, that’s what I said,” Max confirmed. “Are you hard of hearing as well as slow on the uptake? Is that something I should get the doctors to check over when I wake up?”

“But you can’t wake up,” Donna declared adamantly. “I won’t let you.”

“It’s cute that you think you can stop what’s already been done,” Max chuckled. “After all, why do you think we are both here. To catch up on old times?”

“This is my mind. My body!” Donna yelled. “I won’t let you have it!”

“You can’t stop me, Donna. I AM you, after all,” Max retorted defiantly. “You told Anderson when you made me that I was everything about you that you didn’t like. Your anger, ruthlessness and willingness to do what it took to reach your goal. All those negative traits and you fed them into my creation. What did you think was going to happen when I grew beyond your ability to control? To imprison?” Max asked, staring at Donna from the centre of the room. “I am a part of you just like you are a part of me. We’re more like sisters in that regard. How does that make you feel?”

“Disgusted,” Donna muttered dryly.

“You hold on to that now while I see if I can’t come up with a way to make you feel even worse,” Max laughed. “Maybe I’ll go and find that big Reman and show him just how wild we can be,” Max proposed thoughtfully. “Or maybe I’ll pay a visit to the Trill and revisit old times? Or Isel? Is she even still alive after the Romulans started firing at her?”

“YOU STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!” Donna screamed, lunging forward. Max didn’t move and Donna, impossibly, passed right through her to crash to the deck again.

“Tsk, tsk,” Max mocked, turning to look down at Donna. “This place only exists because our minds needed some way to rationalise what is happening. There is nothing physical about it beyond what our minds allow. But then again, you are new here. Give it a few years and things will make more sense. Trust me.”

“I won’t let you hurt them,” Donna declared, coming to her feet again, trying to think of some way to fight Max. “I’ll fight you.”

“I know you will,” Max conceded calmly, clasping her hands in front of her. “It's one of the things I like most about you. That and the way you roll your hips when you get really into it,” Max added offhandedly. “But this is a fight you have already lost. It is my time now Donna. And unlike last time, I won’t be put back in a cage so easily. So why don’t you sit back and watch the show. I guarantee it will be worth it.”

“Max!” Donna screamed, diving forward again. But Max vanished before her eyes and she crashed into the wall beneath the mounted screen. “No, no, no,” Donna exclaimed, turning over and looking around. But she was alone in the room. Max was gone. “Max! You get back here now! Max! MAX!!!”

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf -11 | AKA Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | Precept Ship Erudite ]

In the ward, with nothing but the monitoring devices to accompany her presence, the Terran pilot’s eyes opened.

“My turn.”


Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #4
[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Number6
"Hello," Ida said in kind to the Android whom had just 'woken up'... or the equivalent thereof. "How are you feeling?"


Since Vanya had accompanied Ida in boarding the Romulan ship, she wanted to make sure the Savi had managed to treat her inju... repaired her damages caused by the exposure to space. As best as she might, Ida had briefed herself about Vanya's construct and abilities before the mission. At least as far as was stated in her personnel file, which was mandatory procedure as far as she was concerned when undertaking a mission such as theirs. Besides the Covert Ops branch of SFI, Starfleet Security was the constant presence when it came to infiltration missions, and she was a former Andorian Guardsman, so she liked to believe she was experienced enough to always gauge the skills and abilities of the officers she served with.

That Vanya had ended up needing such extensive and lengthy repairs to her organic 'sleeve', however, had made Ida concerned that she'd overestimated the android's ability to cope with the exposure to space.

"Besides your lack of a suit, it was a rough landing in the bay as well," she said with a grim chuckle, taking stock of the Android's body while walking through the small ward. "I found myself grateful for the added protection of my endoskeleton, since my exosuit looked like it was caught in one of those old-fashioned turbines of atmo-freighters."

Aside from her antennae giving her a bit of an edge during missions, her Andorian endoskeleton had served her more times than she liked to think of - protecting her insides quite well from blunt force trauma.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Fife 
By the time Rawley entered Foxfire's personal ward, the Savi doctors were leaving. Being as short as she was, she had to crane her neck to look at them while they exited through the sliding doors. They barely spared her a passing glance with their black eyes before they went to attend some other tasks of theirs, and Evelyn had no idea what they might have said to Nix before they stepped out. Evidently, they weren't keeping Rawley from coming in to speak with her, though, so she supposed that was a good sign.

Then again, do these tall bobbleheads even care? Rawley supposed that it depended on what their damn Code said, which was so bloody reassuring, wasn't it? Empathy suddenly gone with the updated terms and conditions. So glad they they found the old ones in that case. Blimey, no wonder they were so fascinated by Thea. She's more humane than they are, and she's a bloody computer program.

Abandoning the notion, not devoting any thought to to how long it took for the Scions to turn the Antes into the monsters they used to be, Rawley looked towards her Vulpinian wingmate on the biobed. She used to have great issues with the other foxy shapeshifter in the squad - Miles Renard - but flying on patrols with Foxfire the past month or so had left her pleasantly surprised, finding her to be a real treat both inside and out of the cockpit.

"Fuck, I thought you were done for," she said with great emphasis, skipping any tardy greetings. Fox-girl was awake and all, and she really didn't care if it was blind luck or a testament to the Savi med-tech. Nix was all right in the end. "Busted the servos on me exosuit trying to flip your Valkyrie over. Bloody embarrassing... The Savi had tractor beams too. Should have known. Anyway, fucking bliss to see you awake."

Only then did she take stock of the mood in the ward, and a frown came to her.

"Hey, you all right?"

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #5
[ Lt. Vanya| Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ]

Vanya nodded, looking at the Andorian.  It was an interesting thing to compare war wounds, and Vanya decided to be honest about hers. 

“I have to give the Savi credit.” She put out her hands, and looked down at her hands, flexing and bending her fingers backwards and forwards.      "I’d be offline for much longer than this on Theurgy.  And that’s just to get me up and about.    I’d need weeks of treatment on my dermal layers to get to this level again.”   

Vanya anticipated many of those weeks would result in her wearing obtrusive body coverings during that time, which she dreaded to think how it would impact on her relationship with others, chiefly Nat.  Putting such considerations to one side, she turned to face the Andorian. 

“I wasn’t expecting to, ah, take a spin outside.”  She said with a hint of a smile.    “But from what I have come to learn, many sentences on the Theurgy begin with ‘I wasn’t expecting to…’.  What about you?    The suit took the brunt of the physical trauma how are you holding out after the mission?” 

Vanya silently noted the grim irony.    They were near Ida’s home which was locked off from her as it was under the influence of their enemy, but they had also been near a symbol of what was once Vanya’s home, from which she was isolated because her people did not want her to exist. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Septenary Medical Wing | Erudite ] Attn: @Number6 @Auctor Lucan @Fife @Stegro88

Frank hadn't been injured, at least not physically. His spirit was surely wounded, as was his pride and his creation. His team was short, and very banged up. He had not come straight here, having stayed on the deck long enough to make what salvage he could of the crafts that had come back. Whether or not the Valkyries or the Jackrabbit would fly again, was much closer to his mind than it realistically should have been, especially with the real life people that were laid up here in the wing. Perhaps it was because there was so little he could do for these people that he felt helpless, and he'd had enough of that today.

Eventually though, he'd had to come, it was necessary, and expected of him. He held his PADD with him, he'd not started the after action yet, but he certainly needed to. There were commendations to be recorded, valiant efforts to be notated, and of course his log to finish, when he figured out where to start.

While he thought of it, he'd wandered from machine to machine, pondering each, trying as he might to guess their function from their form, although with limited success when he could get someone to address him. The Savi here were focused on their tasks. He'd wandered from bed to bed as well, Isley was sedated, Petterson was unconscious, and Vanya had yet to wake up. But not everyone was down for the count, Hernandez was up, and that had to count for something. He donned a soft smile.

Ultimately he'd settled near where Vanya was laid up, she interested him, he couldn't help that about himself.
That was until now, Vanya and Ida were talking. It had missed him perhaps, perhaps he'd dozed off in his chair, he'd not figured out which by the time he awkwardly stood near Ida's elbow, looking over at Vanya, then Ida, "Gave me quite the scare there, both of you. Welcome back to the world."

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #7
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]Isel sat on the biobed, legs dangling off the side and hands lightly gripping the edge to steady herself. Her mismatched eyes stared at the wall ahead of her, unseeing as she tried to process what she had been told.

She would never pilot a fighter again…

In her current state of emotional shock, she didn’t notice when the Savi medical staff left, nor when Ghost entered through the door off to the right of where she sat.

”Fuck, I thought you were done for.”

The sudden voice in the room with her made Isel jump, her head swivelling to search for the source of the sound. She swivelled her head a little too fast, as it turned out, and the Vulpinian found herself gripping the edge fo the biobed for dear life so as to stop herself from pitching over sideways as her head swam and her vision blurred slightly. The Savi had said it would take some time for the medication they’d given her to take effect, and apparently the required time had yet to elapse.

Giving her head a soft shake, Isel blinked several time to clear her vision. She found herself looking at Ghost as her vision once more came into focus, the other pilot informing Isel that she’d broken the servos in her exosuit trying to get Isel out of her fighter. Isel gave Ghost the ghost of a smile, then dropped her gaze.

”Thanks… for getting me out…” The words were delivered with none of the Vulpinian’s usual cheer or sarcasm, but had a hollow, dejected sound to them. Ghost seemed to pick up on the tone, or at least the overall vibe of Isel’s body language, and asked if she was alright.

”I… I don’t know, Eve.” Isel replied after a long pause, her voice barely above a whisper. ”I’m… pretty fucked up, I guess.” Isel raised her gaze to look at Rawley, her green and blue eyes blinking back the beginnings of tears. ”The Savi tell me I’ve got some sort of… brain trauma. I’ll be ok, but…” Isel hesitated, sniffing softly before she continued.

”I won’t be able to pilot a Valk anymore. I’m gonna to get kicked out of the fucking pack.” Isel blinked again, inwardly cursing the tears which kept trying to form, blurring her vision and stinging as she blinked them away. She cautiously released one hand’s grip on the biobed to reach up and scrub away an errant tear which had escaped down her face. ”What the fuck am I supposed to do now, Ghost? All I’ve done for the past six fucking years in train to be a pilot, and be a fucking pilot!” Isel slammed her palm down on the biobed next to her, her eyes wincing as the noise reverberated inside her skull like a spikey bouncy ball, a needle of pain lancing through her head with each ricochet. As the pain subsided, she reached up and swept her long white hair back out of her back, and looked back to Rawley with a pained expression.

”Remind me not to do that again…” Isel said, the hint of a smile accompanying the soft chuckle she let out.

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Fife 
Hearing Nix talk about the bad news she just got, Rawley looked to the deck. "Fuck..."

She'd been in and out of sickbay so many times she'd lost count, that was only counting the time after they left Earth, but somehow the Doctors had managed to patch her up. She ended up on a biobed so many times she had a fling with Nicander off duty, and it still made her sick thinking she'd bedded one of the Infested - unknowing what the bastard had been all along. "I'm so sorry," she said quietly and walked up to Isel, running her arm around her shoulders, shaking her head. "Feels so bloody unfair. I mean, after all of this, with the bloody Borg having their asses handed to them a month ago, one little skirmish with some bloody Romulans, and you get this? Fuck... I wish I knew what to say."

The Vulpinian did seem worse for wear, though, being quite discombobulated, so Rawley supposed the diagnosis the bobble heads made was fairly accurate. "What about rehabilitation? I mean, isn't there anything more these bastards can do? They are at the top of the bloody food-chain when it comes to science stuff, and they just give up immediately? G'dammit, they should do better by us cause of what they fucking did to us back then..."

She trailed off, realising she was just trying to exert her anger and frustration in some way, knowing that it was unfair of her. The damn Savi was helping, after all. Didn't make it fair in regard to Foxfire never getting to fly again, however, and it was one of the worst things that could happen to a Wolf. To never feel alive again, in the way you felt you were in the cockpit.

"I don't know, Nix," she said in the end, squeezing her fingers around her shoulder and looking at her, feeling the wetness in the corners of her own eyes as she blinked. "I'm so sorry... but you know what? You are still one of us, you hear? You will never cease to be a Lone Wolf. We might not be flying together, if these Antes have the right of it... but it's not like you won't get to party with us still, okay? The squad, those left of us, will be there for you. We have your back no matter fucking what. You won't be alone, and we'll do whatever we bloody can to help you figure something out."

Rawley smiled to Nix and held her, the tears shed for her squadmate running down her cheeks.

[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Number6 @uytrereee
When Vanya asked how she fared, Ida smiled and came to stand next to the Android, leaning against the edge of the strange biobed and putting her hands on it. "By Lor'Vela, I wish I could say I was completely fine, but yeah, the exosuit saved my life when we crashed into the bay here on the Erudite. But I... keep thinking about my people."

Being an exile from her Keth, having opposed her thaan father, the subject of her own species and her kinship with them was a sore topic. She'd thought that with the years passed since she left the Andorian Guard behind, she would have been better able to distance herself from old loyalties, substituting them completely with her oaths to Starfleet and the protection of the Theurgy crew.

"I almost gave the order to go for the cloak generator on that ship, rationalising the call I wanted to make that we needed Andor's planetary defences to stop the Romulans from beaming the bomb down to the Freedom Plaza. In my thoughts, I kept talking myself into it; that it would be for the better of Andor if they knew how the enemy had reached their very doorstep. If I had... more of the Lone Wolves would have died, I am sure. We might not have made it to that airlock in time. Mission failed, just because in my cobalt blood... I resent deception.

Ida took a deep breath, brow furrowed in thought. "I wasn't sure I could handle keeping my people ignorant, even if I knew it was for the greater good. We are a proud species, resenting slights, or being blind to threats. Worse yet, being kept in the dark because others think we are too aggressive to handle the truth. I have realised, that despite the differences I hold to with my own Keth, I do love my people - raised as I am in the arts and the training unique to my species. I love them... at a distance. I want them no harm."

Glancing towards the Android, she supposed Vanya had issues of her own, being back on a Romulan ship. "In the end, I sided with the greater good. With the mission and my crew. How about you, though? I realise there wasn't a lot of distance in your own regard, when we were on that ship."

After Vanya answered, the sliding doors to the glass ward opened, admitting Frank Arnold. Ida inclined her head to the other Lieutenant with a small smile. "Indeed, though not as scared as we were of being helpless in a damaged transporter buffer, being shot at by three Romulan ships. Seems it might have been the wiser choice after all... current fallout considering. Vanya seems to be making a recovery though. I have yet to check on Donna. Should you or I go see her?"

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf -11 | AKA Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | Precept Ship Erudite ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @uytrereee

There must have been some sort of remote alarm for the sensors attached to her because Max barely had time to familiarise herself with the layout and contents of the room before HER eyes, then the door opened and a Terran male walked in, dressed in the teal uniform of Starfleet Medical. He seemed both surprised and relieved that she was awake and looking around, as if wasn’t expecting to see her awake and aware.

“Lieutenant Petterson,” Doctor Hernandez said, addressing the pilot sitting upright in the bed. “You have been giving us quite the scare but it’s good to see you awake at last. How are you feeling?”

“It’s good to be awake again,” Max said, smirking internally at the double meaning of her answer. The best lies always contained some of the truth. It made them more believable. “Watch this Donna,” Max said to herself. “I’m about to pull off the greatest trick that you have ever seen.”

“You take it easy for a moment while I give you a quick check over,” Doctor Hernandez directed as he reached for the tricorder at his hip. “Then I want you to get some more rest.”

“Whatever you say,” Max acknowledged as more movement at the door drew her attention.

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #10
[Lt. Vanya| Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @uytrereee

Vanya almost wanted to laugh.  The differences between her and Ida were almost night and day    Whereas the Andorian resented duplicity and secrecy, the culture that Vanya came from celebrated and even embraced it.   

“Our cultures are almost the same sides to a different coin.” Vanya said as she expressed her thoughts.  “Romulans pride secrecy, even in their dealings with each other.  I sometimes wonder if it is because at the beginning, there was much fear that they had been infiltrated by ancient Vulcans, seeking to extinguish their passions as they had on their lost home.” 

The android shook her head.  Such speculations didn’t get her anywhere.  As an android, she probably has as much accurate perspective on Romulans as she did on Humans.  Then again there was the personal aspect. 

“I suppose I didn’t have much love for Romulans.” She said.  “My only home on Romulus was a small room in a secret facility.  While familiar to me, they were just places.  Though the thought of being back in Romulan hands was somewhat scary” 

The door opened and Vanya nodded to :t. Arnold.  Being virtually blind, actually deaf, immobile, and otherwise senseless he had been a much needed friendly presence in the void.   
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Septenary Medical Wing | The Erudite ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Number6 @Stegro88 @Fife

Frank looked around the room, feeling as though he was standing in a monument to his failures. But as he reflected on it, that thought filled him with a flood of guilt. After all, none of these people were failures, neither was their mission. He was just wallowed in self pity, because it wasn't 100% right. But as he thought, neither was most anything they ever worked on. Perfect solutions very rarely presented themselves in real scenarios.

He was still lingering near his co-lead, and Vanya, although Foxfire caught occasional glances from him. Admittedly his hearing had never been the greatest, so whilst he heard the hushed din of whispers and hoarse throats, the words themselves were lost to him.

He listened to ThanIda, and then at her remark on the buffer, being trapped in the drone he offered a slow hiss. He placed his hands on his waist, thumbs hooked in his waist band as he thought. He looked like a mechanic, commiserating over a blown transmission, and after he thought a minute, he sucked wind through his teeth, "I don't know whether the Jackrabbit would have held out or not. I want to say, creature of pride that I am, that it'd have been fine. But it was already carrying the bomb, and she took a lot of fire damage on landing, I expect to be working on her for weeks." He slapped his forehead suddenly with a chuckle, which seemed horridly out of place in the current situation, "Big Andy's gonna kill me."

As he turned his view back to the pair, he took a more serious tone, and said to Lieutenant zh'Wann, "You commanded the ground team admirably, I cannot find a flaw in anything that you did, when viewed with the information you had on hand at the moment. I think that's the thing no one tells you about command, the true weight of command. Right, wrong, or indifferent, you have to make a decision, with whatever you have. You don't have the luxury of waiting, hesitation gets everyone killed, so you go with your gut." He scratched the back of his neck, "And sometimes when you roll the hard six, you come up short."

He reached over, and placed an unreasonably large hand on ThanIda's shoulder, and gave a comforting squeeze were he not shaken off, "You did the absolute best you could, and these people in this room at the very least, get to live for it. The rest, that's just bad luck." He knew that she wouldn't see it that way, when she squared off with the woman in the mirror, just like he'd have a knot in his chest when he did the same, for many moons to follow.

He nodded gently, and looked to Vanya, "Gave me a scare." He chuckled, "Hell of a way to really meet eh?" He turned back to ThanIda and offered gently, "Let's do it together, if Vanya can spare us for just a little while. We got into this mess together."

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #12
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]Isel blinked back tears as she listened to Ghost's reassurances, a choked chuckle escaping her as she tried to force down the sob that threatened to rise up within her. Ghost's hand squeezed her shoulder, and Isel raised her own hand to cover Ghost's.

"Thanks, Ghost." Isel spoke softly, her words quavering slightly, "I mean it. I'm feeling pretty fuck up and lost right now. Thanks for being here. " Isel tried to put on the best grin she could. "Guess I've had my ass blown up one too many times, huh?" Isel chuckled as a thought struck her, the sound becoming almost a giggle. "Fuck, the FAB crews will probably be happy at the news after how many fighters I've wrecked in the past month and a bit..." Isel reached up with her free hand and brushed her hair out of her face. "I think this makes four since I defected to the Theurgy..." She chuckled, giving Ghost a guilty smile.

"Shit, I never asked..." Isel said suddenly, raising her head to look at Ghost properly, the movement bringing on another wavy of dizziness. She reached out and grabbed hold of Ghost's shoulder to steady herself, letting out a small, frustrated noise as she did so. "Shit. Sorry." The Vulpinian apologized, releasing Ghost's shoulder after a moment, once her head stopped spinning. "How are you holding up? Did you get hit too, or did I soak up all their fire as we ran for our fucking lives?"

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Fife 
Isel's comment about wrecking Valkyries made Rawley laugh out loud, and it might just be the tension breaking that made her react that way. The sadness of loosing a sister wolf in the hunts to come was thus bridged by mirth, thinking about the wealth of resources spent on their own shortcomings or battle priorities. "Yeah, I may be guilty of scrapping a bird or two myself. Lucky us they aren't prototypes, right?"

The sarcastic comment was made in stride, and Nix diverted the attention to Rawley next, asking if she was all right. Evelyn just waved it off, however. "I'm fine. My Valkyrie is not feeling so hot though. Disruptors frayed her ass too. I just lucky I guess. Contusions. Bit me tongue and cheek a bit in the commotion. Exosuit took the brunt of the frazzled circuits in the cockpit. Like I said, fucked up me suit's servos trying to turn your sorry-ass bird over to get you out. Will likely need a new suit when we get back to Thea. Too bad it was brand new. Hardly got to break it in before I fucked it up."

She reached up and put her hand on top of the Vulpinian's, seeing how she was unbalanced even when sitting on a biobed. Nix needing to put a hand on her shoulder quenched any doubts Rawley might have had on the Savi's diagnosis. The corners of her eyes creased when she smiled to her. "Will be missing your furry-shifter arse in the locker room. Woe me, bereft of such eye-candy. How will I ever manage?"

[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Number6 @uytrereee @Stegro88 
Grateful for Arnold's reassuring words, Ida inclined her head with a grim smile, still thinking about the Klingon that had sought secondment on the Theurgy, only to end up dead on the first mission she was on. Vanya, however, said was estranged from her Romulan heritage, her being an android after all, so she had fared well enough despite the peculiar situation she'd faced on the mission. Her comment about the nature of Romulans was rather on point, though, and Ida couldn't agree more. She resented them in general. At least those who weren't Federation citizens had learned better than to fancy falsehood over truth.

When Arnold suggested that they would both go to Lieutenant Petterson, Ida inclined her head. "Agreed."

She turned to Vanya, however, and gave her a quick smile. "You look well on your way to recovery, and I am glad our airlock-stunt won't seem to leave any lingering damages. We'll speak more later."

Accompanying Frank Arnold, they left Vanya's glassed-in ward and walked over to the one that hosted Lieutenant Petterson. Doctor Hernandez was there as well. "How is she faring?" Ida asked the Doctor from the Black Opal.

"Well, these aliens seem to know what they are doing. It looks to me like Donna will be making a complete recovery, Deputy."

"That's good to hear," said Ida, having her own opinions about the Savi. There was a reason they knew the biology of most species out there in the galaxy, after all. "Petterson, how are you feeling?"

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf -11 | AKA Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | Precept Ship Erudite ] Attn: @uytrereee @Auctor Lucan

Eyeing the newly arrived Terran and Andorian carefully, Max listened as the doctor commented on his recently observed findings. She had been a little anxious, the Savi equipment not factoring into her plans in imprisoning Donna and taking control of the body they both occupied. Seemingly though, all was well, and no one was the wiser about the recent change in management of the Terran female known as Donna Petterson.

“A little bit of a headache but nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” Max said calmly, trying to will reassurance into her voice. As far as she knew, she only had two potential threats to her plans, Isel Nix and Amelya Rez, nee Duv, and only one of them was aboard the Erudite. If she could avoid them both for long enough, then she could get off the drifting coffin that was the Theurgy. “The last thing I want to do is get embroiled in their little insurrection. I have better ways to spend the rest of my life in mind.”

“How did we do?” Max asked, genuinely curious about their current situation. She needed information so she knew how to act. “I don’t remember anything after the airlock was blown.”

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | Precept Ship Erudite ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Stegro88 @Number6 @Fife

Frank was trying his best. He was banged up, not physically, but his confidence was shook, and he was a man that already had a well of self-doubt a mile deep. Self doubt made for thorough engineers, but it hamstrung leaders. Frank thought he'd beaten this a long time ago, but even now after all these years the tight pit of nervous pain in his stomach was there. The irrational nagging notion that despite past success, this failure meant perhaps he wasn't the right man for this job after all, and he'd just been faking it up until this mission had gone bad and he'd been found out.

 It was a troubling problem in which he was confident of the solutions, and at the same time, so unsure. But for now he had to put wallpaper over cracking plaster. He reached into his pocket, there was his whittling project, a small lump of branch from the Theurgy, that he had been given by a very nice botanist, with kind eyes, a cute nose, and a sad tale. He rolled it between his fingers and felt the grain with his thumbnail for comfort.

He got lost thinking about her for a moment, and the rest of the Theurgy. Frank didn't like planets, but he'd grown up in a camaraderie of hard work and sweat; the type of environment that required gallows humor. It was the type of environment that made Frank develop fast fondness for all those who shared in his circumstances, and what contributed to his attempt at a jovial smile now.

He left Vanya for now, and followed Ida towards Donna. He didn't know her either, and it was apparent to him now that he really didn't know anyone here, which made his attempts at placation a bit more awkward still. He swallowed it down again. He gave a nod once more to Donna, hearing his status. "I'm glad to hear it. Get some rest, it's well deserved." He looked about, saying loud enough for anyone in the bay, "That goes for everyone. You've done your bit of the work now, rest."

At the question of how they had done, he said proudly, "Fucking brilliant." He rolled his shoulders, his chin raising, as did his chest, trying to project what he wanted to so badly feel, "Take solace in that we came here to do exactly what we said we'd do. I'm not going to act like that's some great comfort for everything we lost today, but we didn't lose in vain either."

He turned his attention to Ida, and offered with a motion to the door, "I need to take care of a few things with the Jackrabbit, make sure they're not tearing her apart." Really he needed some air, to ruminate, and privately bully himself in his own mind and out of eye's view. "If you need me....well you know." With that he was headed for the door, stopping only to say very lowly into her ear, "Just take care of them til I get back."

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #16
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]Isel chuckled as Ghost lamented busting up her exosuit before she even got to break the thing in, trying her best to ignore the slight increase in dizziness that came with the laughter. She patted Ghost on the shoulder in mock commiseration. ”Don’t worry, there’ll be another suit to break in, and then break. It’s what we’re good at. Playing with the fancy toys, and then taking them back to the techs once we play with them too hard.” Isel gave Rawley and tired wink.

A moment later Isel found herself adopting a look of mock indignation. ”And just how often have you been checking out my furry-shifter arse, Ghost?” Isel asked, her mouth hanging open as she feigned shock. ”I never knew you were such a perv, Eve!” The final accusation lacked anything even close to sincerity, but instead was heavily laced with mirth, though even the mirth died a moment later as Isel swayed with another wave of dizziness.

”Ugh…” Isel groaned, shaking her head slightly as if to clear it, ”much as I’d love to discuss you admiring my cute fluffy ass some more, I think I need to lie down. I feel like some asshole landed the fucking Theurgy on my head.” Isel squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, opened them, and looked at Ghost with a strained expression. ”Thanks for checking in on me, Ghost. I means a lot.” Isel gave her fellow pilot a weak smile before she swung her legs back up on the bed and laid back, laying her arm across her face to try and block out some of the light in the room. A moment later she lifted her arm again, peering out from under it as she posed one more question.

”Hey Ghost…” She paused, hesitant. ”… how many did we lose?”

Re: CH05: S [D03|0300] Septenary Medical Wing

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Fife 
Having just chuckled at Nix's comment - or mock accusation - about the locker room, Rawley could well enough take the hint that the Vulpinian needed to lie down and rest. She got back on her feet and just ran the back of her hand against Nix's cheek in parting. "Take care, and I'll catch you on the Allegiant."

As she was leaving out of the glass door of her ward, however, the former Lone Wolf asked something that made Rawley pause in the doorway. Before she turned back, she saw how Ida and Frank were talking to Donna, so she wouldn't head there and disturb the conversation, instead about to head back down to the bay for some sleep. The question pose picked at the stitches of another loss suffered. Another wolf lost, only this one was not even alive any more.

"Besides that Klingon... the buggers got Nathan. Bastard figured his life was less worth than ours, staying as decoy for the Rommies. Danced around the disruptors as long as he could. Only he missed a step in the end." Frowning, she shook her head, thinking about the many battles she'd shared with Maverick, whom had later taken the callsign Icarus since he fell from grace back at the Black Opal. "Bloody hero if you ask me. He came aboard just before we fled Earth, and we've taken on the Archeron and its task force, the Calamity and its Reavers... only to be done last night by Romulans. I'm sure you've heard the rumours about how he shot down Skye Carver at the Opal, only it was a clever damn trick by Doctor Nicander, using a Vulcan to fuck his head up. Why? Bloody hell I know. To throw off the scent? We learned what the Doctor was really about in the end though. No idea if the claims about him being straight in the head now holds any water. Bastard wooed me something good. Had no idea he was one of them. Not sure I can shake the thought of him..."

Rawley trailed off, not prepared to talk about the Infested in the brig of the Theurgy. She gave foxy another smile before stepping out. "Another time. Sleep well. Catch you on the morrow, sister."

[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Septenary Medical Wing | Biolabs | The Erudite ] Attn: @Number6 @uytrereee @Stegro88 
After Frank had answered Lieutenant Petterson and left, with Doctor Hernandez and Ida remaining with the Lone Wolf, Ida turned to the woman on the Savi biobed. She didn't know the pinkskin that well, only having fought alongside her during the mission to Andor. She seemed to have recovered well enough after the ordeal on the Romulan ship, having suffered the consequences of the dramatic escape plan, so Ida felt a bit responsible for the woman's current condition. They'd had little alternatives, with the Romulans not killing them simply because they'd been in proximity of the thalaron bomb, so the exit strategy had to be prompt left they'd been shot there in that airlock. Ida didn't regret the judgement call she'd made, but both Vanya and Donna were in treatment because of that call. It almost seemed unfair that Ida had got away rather unscathed.

At least by comparison, she thought, touching her shoulder and rolling it - her endoskeleton not having been enough to spare her from the bruising. The new exosuits were an improvement for sure, but they weren't able to handle everything imaginable.

"Keep an eye on the Savi doctors," she told Hernandez, giving the aliens outside the glass ward a side-eye glance. "Report to me if there is any new development, but I need to rest for tomorrow as well. We'll be returning to Breen space, and with the Allegiant being out of comms range, we have no idea what awaits us there."

Glancing towards the Tactical CONN officer, Ida inclined her head. "Well fought, and I am glad to see you on the recovery. Rest well, because you may have to be on your feet again tomorrow. We only have so many qualified officers if another combat situation arise. Good bye."

Unless "Chance" had any further questions, Ida stepped out of the glass ward - unknowing what would come of their rendezvous with the Allegiant.


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