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Topic: CH01: S [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction  (Read 3397 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH01: S [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym] Attn: @Aharon

Hi'Jak had barely survived surgery, having to go into stasis for several days so his body could stabilize. To the Half Klingon male he barely remembered anything. One moment he had been in the stadium ready to die with his head on his shoulders, he had felt the impact of the high chancellor's blade strike deep into his stomach, and from there everything faded, he had regained consciousness a few days after his surgery surprised to return from the darkness of death to a sterile sickbay, a familiar sickbay. This time there had been no armed guards, he had been informed that he was now just a civilian, nothing of any importance, so why was he alive?

His life actually caused more complications than his death would have, and yet he was here. Was it because Martok had broken the spirit of his promise? Yes Jack was smart enough to know that the call of vengeance upon him was effectively an execution with extra steps. An execution that if not for the talented medical staff would have certainly succeeded but had also left him incredibly weak.

The cut had punctured a number of important organs, thankfully his klingon insides meant he had redundant systems that his body could rely on while the main ones healed. But unlucky for him the entire lasceration had cut out much of his core strength. Jack could no longer walk unassisted. On top of having a false arm, and an eye, it seemed that for the time being he would need the use of either a walker, cane or a repulser lift chair. Each had their problems and none were exactly the klingon definition of dignified.

The chair was obviously the easiest to use, but offered no stress his condition would only worsen if he relied on the chair an easy way out of doing physical labor to be sure, but it would hurt his recovery in the long run.

The walker was the second easiest but the least dignified in his mind, Hobling around with the clumsy four leg set made him feel like he should just curl up and die already. It made things easier sure would keep him on his feet for longer periods of time, but hurt his pride far too much for him to use constantly.

The cain was the hardest to use, awkward for him to lean on, he was arguably too weak to use it yet, lacking the core needed to keep himself upright at the moment. But he would much rather have 3 legs than six. With the use of the cane though his entire body ached after only one or two hours of standing upright. His legs were unsteady and he had fallen multiple times already.

In the rehab gym the small room in sickbay they had all the equipment needed to rebuild himself. He didn't have any quarters on this ship, he wasn't sure how long he was going to be here, so he was determined to rebuild himself to some extent. To that regard he was laying down on a padded yoga mat trying to lift a medicine ball up using his limited core strength and toss it up while under observation of a doctor. He huffed and struggled with the five pound ball. He was pretty sure this thing was made of hate, because it made his entire body burn just by touching it and struggling against the weight. He was sweating wearing the P.E. clothes of the Theurgy as he tried his best to struggle against the weight.

OOC: This thread can easily act for all of sickbay finding out about the paris attacks, I started it about five or so minutes before the FNN news cast hits the ship wide.

Re: CH 01: Sickbay Recovery and Reaction [Day01 |11:15]

Reply #1
[Sithick & Dr. George Hernandez | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym] Attn: @Aharon @Masorin

"Sithick, I am surprised to see you here." Dr. Hernandez stated as the Gorn entered Sickbay. "You missed your physical, then when you get into a fight with a Klingon who cuts your hand off you refuse medical treatment. So I have to ask, what brings you here now?"

Sithick made a rumbling noise with his throat. "Yousss won'tsss clearrrsss me forrr dutiesss untilsss I ssseeesss yousss," he responded. It wasn't that the Gorn hated doctors. The reason he had been avoiding sickbay had to do with a wound that the medical staff couldn't heal. Ever since the death of Dr. Saugn.... his Lahkesis... his future mate... sickbay was haunted with her ghost.

"Well, there is that." Hernandez was familiar with his fellow Black Opal crewmate and it was not like Sithick to avoid anything. "But I think there is more to it. You've never tried to dodge duty responsibilities before. Come let me get you cleared for duty." Hernandez gestured for Sithick to follow him to an available biobed.

"Itsss complicatesss."

"I bet it is." Nothing was ever simple with the Gorn officer.

Hernandez made small talk trying to ferret more information from Sithick while he examined the unique physiology of the Chief. There was only so much that the Federation Medical Database had on the Gorn. Most of it recorded by Doctor Leonard McCoy back in the 2260s, the rest from sporadic notes of medical officer encounters since. Sithick's presence in Starfleet presented a valuable opportunity to advance medical scholarship on the Gorn. Hernandez himself was thinking about writing a paper on the regenerative nature of Gorn cells. It had only been ten days since Sithick had had his fingers severed and the wound on his left hand had already closed without assistance from a dermal regenerator. Minature digits had started to sprout from swollen lumps on his hand.

"I have to say. I know a few people who wished they had this ability of yours." Hernandez had read Dr. Bianca Wilder's report from 2282 when she performed field surgery on a Gorn. She made explicit notes on how fast their cells regenerated and how she wish she had more time to examine them. "Had you come to see me earlier it would already be fully healed. I can't accelerate regrowth now. You're going to have do this the natural way. However, I am going to prescribe daily physical therapy and examination to ensure you get full functionality back quickly. Come with me to the Rehab Gym and I'll work you through exercises I want you to perform. As long as I see you daily, I'll clear you for duty. Is that clear?"

With a grumble in his throat, Sithick nodded and proceeded to follow the doctor to the gym.  Entering the small room, Sithick could sense its occupant. Mammalians often sweated and when they did they released pheromones. If only they knew how much those smells gave away about their mental and physical states.

"Good work Jack. Keep it up and soon you won't need any assistance."

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: CH 01: Sickbay Recovery and Reaction [Day01 |11:15]

Reply #2
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Masorin @jreeves1701

It was moments like this in his Starfleet career, that Vinata truly felt empathy towards the patients he worked with. He could see the immense amount of effort and strength it took Hi’Jak to push himself through the various exercises the team had developed for him. There was a resolve in Hi’Jak that Vinata could only admire. It also helped reinforce how fortunate he was with his own Ovri physiology - the rather unique ability to regenerate was rare in comparison to most other humanoid species he had encountered in the Federation so far.

There was something curious about Hi’Jak - and Vinata could not help but awkwardly stare past the periphery of the doctor that had been coaching him towards the man. Vinata had been part of the team and had quipped in on occasion to help provide some motivation. He was sure though, that he looked rather useless clutching the PADDs he was using to document and take notes for Hi’Jak’s medical chart.

Of course Vinata had heard whispers of what had taken place between the former Starfleet Officer and Chancellor Martok - a part of him had been tempted to query into the experience - thankfully though, his own reasoning had taken over and helped assert that it would not be tactful to bring up those things here, during Hi’Jak’s treatment.

Was Vinata surprised though? No. As the days drew on, he was only becoming more convinced that this ship and its crew had a long-standing curse. For every step forward, another knife was jammed into their collective backs. If anything - given all that had taken place in recent months, Vinata had become slightly jaded and most pessimistic.

The Ovri took notice of Hi’Jak’s significant efforts to move the weight of the medicine ball and had moved forward, closer to the mat that his patient was working on. He kneeled down, still clasping the PADDs with his right arm.

“Breath Mr. Hi’Jak… You can do this…” Vinata had stated the obvious but could see through the strain that Hi’Jak had taken to some breath holding, which would only cause more strain in his weakened muscles. It was perhaps a little brazen of the Nurse to start directing things but the doctor had not provided the coaching, therefore he felt justified in taking a more active part.

It was shortly after that though, that Vinata had realised that his skirt had ridden up -  exposing a little more to Hi’Jak than he had bargained for. Vinata had not taken to such considerations yet - as it has only been a few weeks of wearing the liberating and most comfortable uniform variant. These were things he would have to adjust too, considering his formal decision to remain a biological fully female humanoid.

He was sure that his cheeks had become slightly flush at the realisation - and his left arm had moved downwards to assist in tugging his garment, which helped return said exposure to a state of professionalism. Hearing the voice of another physician, Vinata looked back to see Dr. Hernandez briefly and then he returned his attention to Hi'Jak. The quick look had confirmed his hopes that his slip-up hadn't been noticed by the other physician-counter part... This was good.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH01: [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

Reply #3
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym] Attn: @Aharon @jreeves1701

Jack struggled for a moment as he was told to breath by the nurse. That earned the blue creature a small glare, not really menacing or even really hostile but it wasn't like he was trying not to breath, it was just hard to get his lungs to actually take in breath while every part of him felt like he was on fire. And as he worked to push the ball up and around him, Trying to rebuild those all important core muscles he felt sweat and pain drip off of him in waves. He struggled with his breath for a long moment before finally expelling it and taking in a new set of air as he finally put down the ball and felt his arms drop onto the ground next to him.

He was panting for a moment. His eyes drifted in time to see a lizard enter the small gym, along with another doctor who told him to keep up the work. Jack managed a hearty thumbs up as his arms and his core felt like they were on fire for a moment.

"How long as it been?" He asked between panting breaths, barely 20 minutes into his two hour session he felt like curling up and weeping for a moment. As he looked at Vinata though there was an odd memory for a moment, something about the blue of his skin, and the flash of blue sexual organs, a familiar smell of the sterile environment, memories drugs had suppressed back when he was on the versant.

He shook his head for a moment. Those memories were uncomfortable, and not something he wanted to deal with right now.

He reached out and grabbed the ball again. "I really hate this thing... Any chance I can vaporize it after I'm fully healed?" He said with a small joke but went about once again trying to gather his strength this time to use the ball for assisted sit ups. Breathing once again struggled as the injuries were so close to his lungs.

Re: CH01: [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

Reply #4
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Masorin @jreeves1701

Vinata took note of the glare from Hi’Jak but elected to not take it personally. He was no telepath but could easily ascertain that there was no ill-intent meant by it. Hi’Jak was working immensely hard and given the extent of the injuries he had sustained, Vinata knew he was both giving a full effort and quite possibly aggravating newly formed muscle tissue - a painful endeavour.

There was a slight hesitation in the Nurse’s reply to Hi’Jak’s questioning on time. Vinata felt that clock-watching was never a good idea during any type of rehabilitation session, it could prove both frustrating and aggravating to the patient. He also figured in this case though, that holding back, or trying to divert his answer wouldn’t be wise either.

“A little over twenty minutes Mister Hi’Jak.” The Ovri offered the man a look of genuine care while he reached out and gently touched his shoulder. A gamble. Some patients despised physical contact - and could find it a bit unprofessional. Vinata for one reason or another, felt comfortable enough with Hi’Jak to use the therapeutic touch as a gesture to show he did care about him and his efforts.

“I can most certainly provide you with a phaser to follow through on that request - but it would set off the internal sensors. I am also certain that Doctor Kobol  would not look fondly on me after facilitating such an event.” It was Vinata’s best attempt at providing some added humour to Hi’Jak’s own statement. The Ovri stood there now, rather awkwardly, not entirely sure if the man was serious in his request though.

Vinata then looked over at the large Gorn that had walked in with Dr. Hernandez - Sithick if he remembered the name correctly. Vinata did not know the creature all that well but the two did share a unique position on the Theurgy - they were the only ones of their kind on board.

“Mister Sithick. I see that you have decided to punish yourself as well today.” Vinata grinned, rather chummed with the statement. He felt that it also provided a good segway away from his own awkwardness regarding Hi’Jak’s prior comment. The Nurse could not help but stare at Sithick’s wound,  rather curious as to its cause - he did turn his attention back to Hi’Jak after the staring had become blatantly obvious.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH01: [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

Reply #5
[Sithick & Dr. George Hernandez | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym] Attn: @Aharon @Masorin

Sithick sat where Dr. Hernandez told him to, silently brooding trying not to demonstrate any weakness before his crewmates, especially those with Klingon heritage.

"Hi'Jak's ball therapy should aid your hand in its regeneration." Hernandez handed the Gorna stress ball. "Squeeze it repeatedly."

Sithick had noted Hi'Jak's apprehension for the little sphere and with a single press, the Gorn popped the ball. Hernandez rolled his eyes as he turned to retrieve another. "Sorries, toos hards?" asked the lizard.

"Just a little."

Turning to face Nurse Vojona, "You should see the other guy." Sithick couldn't recall any of his crewmates in the crowd that day on the Klingon station. He so hated that he was forced to fight for his dinner but so was life aboard Klingon stations. "My fingers will regrow, his pride..." the Gorn made his best imitation of a Terran shrug.

Hernandez handed Sithick another ball. "Try to make this one last more than one squeeze, please."

Looking back at Hi'Jak, Sithick gave the Klingon Officer a wink and proceeded to test the integrity of the little round object, bringing it near the breaking point a few times before releasing it.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: CH01: S [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

Reply #6
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym | USS Theurgy] Attn: @jreeves1701 @Aharon

Hi'Jak paused for a moment while doing his situps and looked at the Gorn, noticing his lizard like features. He was unfamiliar the Gorn as he was already a member in Starfleet when the Klingon-Gorn War broke out. Hi'Jak gave the Gorn a slight nod and then returned his focus to his rehab, with the medicine ball Hi'Jak continued to finish the 20 sit-ups that Nurse Vinata had tasked him with.

"...18...19...20...Done!", Hi'Jak said in exhaustion as he dropped the medicine ball next to him and then laid flat on his back trying to catch his break. Hi'Jak was frustrated and in pain, he was replaying the recent battle in his head. He turned to his side so he could use his arms to assist himself up off the yoga mat. Once on his feet he leaned against a nearby table to keep his balance and placed both of hands on the top of his head. His artificial arm felt strange against his head, and he was still getting used to it. He wasn’t sure how long it would take to adjust, but he swore that at times he could still feel pain in what would have been his hand, the doctors told him after the surgery that he might experience ‘phantom pains’. Hi’Jak took a few deep breaths in an attempt to stall for time before the next exercise. He knew that this stall would only work for so long and decided that he should continue with his rehab if he ever wanted to walk again without assistance. "Ok Nurse, what torment do you have for me next?", Hi'Jak said as he panted, slowly catching his breath.

OOC: Auctor unlocked this post so that we may continue the story. I am attempting to match the writing style to a degree of Masorin so the story doesn't have a huge shift in the writing.

[Ens. Jensen | Science Officer - Temporal Mechanics | USS Theurgy]

Re: CH01: S [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

Reply #7
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @brett620 @jreeves1701

Vinata smiled like a proud parent as Hi’Jak worked through his pains and pushed himself just that little bit more that he needed to. It was determination and gull like that which reassured the nurse that this officer would indeed make out okay, in the end. It was pretty easy to determine if a patient would successfully complete their rehabilitation, a certain gut feeling as it were, reinforced by the sense of said patients' own attitudes and drive.

Hi’Jak was driven, at least in Vinata’s own assessment. Vinata was also certain that the man was indeed dealing with his own subjective torment in terms of his pains - pains that had no true means of treatment.

Vinata touched the shoulder of Hi’Jak in a therapeutic way, to show his own happiness with the man’s performance so far. It was after that touch though, that Vinata had a sudden flash back - a foggy one at that - it seemed very sudden and dreamlike. It was Hi’Jak and himself, in a very intimate moment…. Somewhere…. This caused a sudden churning of his own stomach and a sudden diaphoretic response in hands.

“Well… I….” Vinata stared at Hi’Jak closely for a moment, seeming to study the man up close. He was sure the sudden change in his own body language and demeanor was palpable - he couldn’t help it though. “I think it is best you just take a moment to rest up first, Mister Hi’Jak. Continue your breathing, let your muscles fully relax.” Vinata slowly removed his hand from the man’s shoulder, but still had a lingering sense of closeness.

The Ovri looked over at Sithick and smiled, a welcome distraction from the weirdness in his own interaction with Hi’Jak. “I would certainly gather that they are needing a bit more physical therapy than yourself Chief.” Vinata himself would not mess with the large Gorn.

OOC: I was informed a while back that Hi’Jak and Vinata were forced to have an ‘encounter’ during their captivity with the Savi (drugged and very much under the influence), after their forced transformations - just playing off of that dynamic a bit.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH01: S [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

Reply #8
[Sithick & Dr. George Hernandez | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym] Attn: @Aharon  @Masorin @P.C. Haring

Sithick made a sort of throat chuckle akin to the sound of a reptile preparing to throw up its lunch. "Klingonsss aresss toughsss opponentsss butsss theirsss fleshsss isss softsss," he addressed Ensign Vojona. He continued to do his physical therapy as instructed while Hernandez took readings on a tricorder moving through Sitick's annual physical.

"Ok big guy, let's talk diet. I know that Theurgy hasn't been able to offer you a complete protein-rich menu to meet the demands of your Gorn anatomy. Have you been taken the supplements as prescribed?" asked Hernandez.


Hernandez switched from his tricorder to medical PADD and entered in the data he had collected regarding Sithick's health. "Well, you are the fittest Gorn I have ever examined. You keep up your therapy on your hand and it will be back to normal soon. I see no permanent damage. In fact, must admit a bit of jealousy. My job would be a lot easier if more of my patients could regrow their severed appendages. So you are cleared to visit Counselor Hathev and complete your annual check-up."

Sithick had forgotten about the psychiatric part of the required annual examination. He was already uncomfortable being in sickbay for the brief time he was there now. This had been the place occupied by his bonded beloved. The others couldn't sense her the way he could. He could still taste her among the sterilizing agents used throughout the room. Every tool she had used, every screen she touched, Lahkesis left a microparticle trace of her essence. "Thatsss shallsss beesss mysss nextsss destinationsss." responded the chief. A lie, but none would know it till after he had left the sickbay completely.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Re: CH01: S [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Shit's gonna hit the fan | Fundamental character shift pending | Just a Cameo | Nothing to See Here | Carry On] Attn: @Aharon @jreeves1701 @Masorin

Although she had no appointments for the next few hours, Hathev had penciled in CPO Sithick in the hopes that she could catch him for his annual psych eval before being released from Sickbay.  She'd even given Dr. Hernandez a note that she wanted to see him.  He was one of many who were overdue, of course, but he was the most accessible.  The logic here was clear.

But the Captain's summons to the Bridge changed all that.

Even as she stepped out of her office, straightening her uniform as she walked, something told her that whatever the news from the Captain, things would never be the same again.

Ahead of her, she caught the slight whip of a reptilian tail slipping around the corner as the entrance to sickbay hissed closed.  Under most circumstances she might be concerned that Sithick had not come to see her.  Given the circumstances, she did not object.

She would have to find him later.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1115] Sickbay Recovery and Reaction

Reply #10
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Rehab Gym | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Aharon

Hi'Jak had gotten up and grabbed his water and took a couple of sips. Hi'Jak was leaning against one of the tables used for rehab and was thinking back to the Versant and remembered how they were forced into an experiment. Hi'Jak had feelings for Ens. Vinata Vojona but he wasn't sure they were real or just after effects of what the Versant did to them.

"Alright Nurse, I am ready for your next torture...errr ummm exercise treatment." Hi'Jak said with a grin on his face.

[Ens. Jensen | Science Officer - Temporal Mechanics | USS Theurgy]

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