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Topic: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury... (Read 2992 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ, @Nolan


There was no hesitation. The moment Lillee's Valkyrie touched the deck, she popped the cockpit hatch and leapt right out of her fighter, not even waiting for the ladder. Her knees ached on the landing, but it didn't matter as Lillee ran for the squadron showers. Her exosuit was off in a heartbeat, followed by a shower that was as quick as Lillee dared. She didn't even bother with the post-patrol paperwork, having cashed in a favour from Salvo, and instead headed directly to her quarters.

If there was one thing for sure, Lillee was absolutely not missing her appointment at the spa. She'd been waiting more than a week for her reservation, but the daily patrol had ended up being extended by three hours at a potential Starfleet sighting in a nearby star system. It had proven to be a false alarm, but still...

llhusra! If I miss this reservation because of that stupid merchant, I'll track him down and burn him in his own warp core!

Arriving at her quarters, Lillee was a flurry of energy, throwing off her uniform and rushing to don a loose pink shirt and skirt before hurriedly packing a small bag. That done, she half-sprinted for the nearest transporter room, out of breath and flushed by the time she arrived and hopped up onto the pad.

"The Azulin Spa!" Lillee gasped. The chief manning the console gave her a suspicious look, and she added irritably, "I'm on the approved list! Lillee t'Jellaieu, I'm just a little late."

The chief frowned, but upon checking the list and Lillee's identity, he shrugged and worked his controls. Blue sparks fizzled around Lillee and seconds later, she was standing outside the spa itself. Relieved, Lillee took a moment to glance around at the spectacular coastline, the surging sea and idyllic blue skies, to feel the heat of the sun upon her skin. It was technically little different to when the sun had been shining through into her Valkyrie's cockpit just a few minutes prior, but it felt glorious.

With that, Lillee stepped into the spa, smiling at the attendant at the welcome desk. The foyer was predictably appointed, with various content and relaxed individuals either relaxing in the comfort areas or passing through. The attendant smiled back, showing no sign of being perturbed at the rare sight of a Romulan so far from the Empire. "Welcome to Azulin, How may we serve you?"

"I have a reservation," Lillee said, taking a moment to settle herself, manage her hair and pray that she wasn't too late. "Vaeyna t'Quam. I am a little late..."

After checking his computer, the attendant shook his head, still smiling. "Not at all, madam. Certain clientele such as yourself need not worry about that. I see that you have elected to have a full treatment?"

Lillee had to stifle a giggle. She hadn't enjoyed a true spa treatment for five years, and the idea of simply letting everything go was unimaginably appealing. Manicure, pedicure, massage, sauna, everything a woman could hope for, all certain to leave Lillee a transformed woman by the time she left the following day.

"The bath is first, yes?" Lillee said hopefully. She'd been forced to endure simple sonics for weeks...

The attendant bowed his head in acknowledgement, gesturing for Lillee to follow him while someone else seamlessly replaced him at the desk. In short order, the two arrived at a door distinctive for its electronic lock, and the attendant leaned in. "Special dispensation has been made for clientele such as yourself, madam. Only such clientele are permitted to enter, so you may come and go at your leisure during your stay here. As soon as you are ready to commence your treatment, you are welcome to use the comm to call us and we shall accommodate you, regardless of the time. Have a pleasant stay."

With that, he bowed his head for the deliberate length of a breath, drawing an astonished look from Lillee; it was a Rihannsu gesture, and one she deeply appreciated. Lillee bowed her head in turn, her bow lasting for only half a breath, the typical manner to express gratitude for a service. The attendant left, and Lillee opened the door to reveal what was surely, at least in her mind, Vorta Vor incarnate.

The tub itself was large, easily enough to accommodate a half dozen occupants, and looking in from the door, Lillee gazed directly out the expanse beyond. The window was set directly atop a cliff edge over the sea, providing a spectacular view of the ocean and the beach, which curved up on the right. The window even afforded privacy, appearing opaque from the other side. With a deep sigh of relish, Lillee stepped in, making a point of closing and locking the door behind her. Only fellow crew from the Theurgy could unlock it, and even then, only authorised officers and NCOs, a security feature that Lillee deeply appreciated.

She took a moment to check the room, tastefully built with wood and adorned with art, before glancing at the tub itself. It was already full and steaming, looking impossibly inviting. There were nozzles and buttons set around the tub, most likely intended for all sorts of things, but Lillee simply wanted to relax.

Thus, she set her bag down and stripped, setting her clothes aside in a neat pile in a closet. Lillee cursed under her breath when she checked her bag, realising far too late that in her hurry, she'd forgotten certain items, most particularly her bikini. Still, she mused as she glanced at the door, what were the odds that someone would interrupt her? The obsessive security precautions around the Theurgy's stay made it deeply unlikely.

Thus, quite nude, Lillee shrugged and set her bag in the closet too. She tipped her toe into the water, noting that it was piping hot, and so slowly she stepped into the water, groaning at wondrous feeling as the heat seeped into her bones. Settling in with her back to the door, simply able to watch the wonderful vista outside, Lillee smiled, closing her eyes.

"Vorta Vor," she murmured in contentment. "Truly."

Rihannsu: Romulan
llhusra: Romulan curse word
Vorta Vor: a Romulan term for a mythical paradise, similar to the human myth of Eden

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #1
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ  @Griff

After having been reunited with Zyrao after his short imprisonment during a patrol run, the both of them had agreed that a trip back on Aldea would do them some good. If not to get away from the stress aboard the starship that was nearly fully retrofitted for duty, it was to enjoy the little free time they could share together. Thomas had noticed how the scars on Zyrao's back were a sore spot for her every morning. He understood why she had opted to not remove them, yet the pain and discomfort he saw her in each morning did bother him.

He had swung by in sickbay to see what could help the issue. Remedy would be the removal of the scar tissue, but he figured that wasn't an option. Heh ad been given the options of ointments, salves, gel and the sorts which he figured he could use. Doing some research upon the subject he found out that Aldea had some spas that would be good for nurturing the skin. A spa had been reserved for Theurgy crew and whilst recovering from his ordeal at Epsilon Minos he decided o book an appointment to surprise Zyrao and get some quality time in. Sure it wasn't exactly something either of them would do naturally, yet he figured that some experimenting could be done. If not they could still fool around and throw mud at one another for fun. Question was if the spa personnel would agree with that way of treatment.

Having arrived a bit before 16.00 hrs, Thomas had already earned himself a mocking reaction from Zyrao as they neared the spa center. He had teased, dared her even to go through with it and see how it would turn out for the both of them. Eventually he did inform her that he wanted to try it out for her to see if it did any good for her scars. If the treatment would prove to be ineffective he promised that he'd rub her back in with the various ointments back in his quarters to see if it would work. Of course he figured she'd rather do it herself, yet her back was perhaps one of those places she couldn't easily reach. It was a perfect excuse though for him to get closer to her and get physical. While in fact he didn't really need an excuse to do that, it would show some affection from him to her.

It was weird to show affection once more to another, at least in this way. Relationships have perhaps never been one of Thomas his fortes. The people he tried to get close though either remained elusive or were taken from his life. The way they were living at the moment, the latter option would prove to be a bullet they'd have to dodge more than once. It had been a delight though to feel these feelings again though, as weird as it was. Thomas had felt his heart race, his skin tingle and grow warm or feel that gut feeling explode whenever he was with Zyrao, especially when they shared intimate or 'couple' moments. Though they were very atypical for a couple, often sparring, getting into physical violence with one another. Testing their limits yet always triggering more love with each punch, kick or choke hold.

Today, the trick had been to not redecorate the Azulin Spa interior into a mud splattered decor. It had gone fine the first two minutes. Two minutes exactly, one could debate who threw the first handful of mud to another. Yet it hadn't taken long before a mud fight ensued. The room had been a mess and mud would be everywhere. They shared a lot of laughs as petty insults were thrown back and forth. Eventually they had given up on the mud session and moved over to the adjacent showers to rinse it all off. Clothing had been removed for a good cleansing and perhaps the two of them had lingered a bit too long under the showers. Kisses and touches being shared, the two of them riling one another up for more, yet neither of them giving in to it just yet.

The next part would be the warm bath to relax the muscles and open their pores. Their clothes would be cleansed first from the mud and they had been told that the pool would be free for the both of them. So with just towels around them they ventured further. Zyrao splitting off from him for a second as she'd get something for the both of them to consume in the bath. Thomas had nodded and made his way further as she told him not to wait. The doors of the bathhouse were locked and with a bio print the doors unlocked.

He opened the door and looked inside, amazed by the architecture of the room and the view it gave. His eyes skipped around the room and came to a stop at the bag of clothing and the owner of said clothes. His brow rose slightly as he wasn't sure he had stepped in the right room. Nobody had informed him that this was a public bath house. His eyes tracked down the owner of the clothes and he spotted Petty Officer t'Jellaieu. The raised brow turned into a frown as he had no clue she'd be here and he cleared his throat to make his presence aware if it wasn't already known.

"Lillee." he said, addressing her by her first name before walking closer to the tub "I didn't know that you'd be in here." he said before he walking over to the sides of the room. He grabbed a few towels, one for him and Zyrao before moving over to the point of the pool that stood closest to the glass with the view outside. The rising steam obscuring the sight ever so slightly as Thomas removed the towel just as he was slipping in with a slight splash. The water felt hot and the pilot sucked in the air at the contact of his skin with the water.

It didn't exactly feel odd to be in a pool with her, they were squadron mates after all and he couldn't remember if he's seen her in the lone wolves changing rooms. Shared nudity had never been a problem with most of the wolves so far and the original Theurgy pilot had never made it an issue either as he had been trained this way. Coed changing rooms and showers were quite common with the Tacc Conn department and thus most of their pilots shared little issue with showing flesh.

"How are you enjoying the spa so far?" he asked, going for small talk  whilst waiting for Zyrao "And how has your new placement been going? I know I drafted you before the last battle as I was in need of pilots, so I'm curious to how you're enjoying it."

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #2
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ, @Nolan


The sound of the door opening drew a sigh from Lillee. She'd had what, five minutes? Was it too much to ask for any longer, to just stay in the water? She turned around, resigned to the awkwardness of sharing the room, and her eyes widened at seeing her own boss: Thomas Ravon.

"Lillee." he said, addressing her by her first name before walking closer to the tub. "I didn't know that you'd be in here."

"Commander," she said with a tight smile. "I am sorry...this is your time? I was delayed on a patrol." Lillee pondered getting out, perhaps finding elsewhere, but the idea of leaving such blissful warmth was just inconceivable. Ravon walked around the tub, clad only in a towel, and Lillee rather suddenly lost all irritation at her situation. As humans went, he was certainly impressive. More importantly, she realised, as a fellow Lone Wolf, he was long used to nudity among the squadron. True, Lillee couldn't recall seeing him in the locker room or showers given that they flew in different flights, but surely he wouldn't mind?

Her question was answered as Ravon, apparently not caring a whit, dropped his towel and slipped straight into the tub. Deeply relieved that she wasn't about to ordered out, Lillee relaxed again, allowing her body to submerge again, her head resting against the tub edge.

"How are you enjoying the spa so far? And how has your new placement been going? I know I drafted you before the last battle as I was in need of pilots, so I'm curious to how you're enjoying it."

"I just arrived," Lillee replied with a content smile, closing her eyes. "I've been trying to check in to a place like this for weeks. I was assigned to Starfleet Command before everything happened, but it has been too long since I just...let go. For us, it is important to find time to surrender, no? To simply...relax? I had forgotten how intense and thrilling it is to fly a warp fighter, but it is relentless. And we are likely to go back to war soon, so when will we next have the opportunity for such luxury?"

Then Ravon's second question penetrated Lillee's heat-addled mind, and she opened her eyes.  "You have not heard? But...oh, you were captured. I requested a transfer back to CONN. You no longer need my service, yes? Not when we have reinforcements?" The water and steam concealed both their submerged bodies, so Lillee could look him in the eye without risk of seeming to leer. "Being a Wolf is a different life than what I chose. I fly shuttles and starships better than Valkyries and Valravns."


Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #3
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ  @Griff

The fellow pilot apologized and asked if it was his time at the bathing house. He shrugged "I was told to come here after... Well not behaving so nicely in their mud pool section." he snickered "But by no means do you need to leave on my behalf, we're all entitled to some R&R." he concluded as he walked over to the spot he had chosen to slip in. She probably would've known the answer if she had to leave or not as he had slipped in already into the pool.

He listened to her as she stated she had just arrived after having a delayed patrol run. He nodded and smiled as she stated that one needed to time to find and unwind. To make sure one would get relaxed appropriately before they'd head back into conflict. He couldn't do more but agree with her choice and actions today as he relaxed, submerging his water further into the water to the point that his shoulders would dip just under the water. It felt heavenly.

He looked back at the Romulan pilot "I couldn't agree more with you." the second part of his question being filled in by the petty officer as she mentioned that she had requested a transfer, considering the new blood he was getting from Anderson. Ravon his head turned to face her, the steam blocking a clear line of sight as he stirred in the water and moved closer to her. He hadn't heard about it, certainly didn't see it pop up in his paperwork. Was he slacking on the paperwork perhaps? Having missed such a vital thing.

"Has it been cleared yet? In my absence perhaps?" he asked her as he swam slowly over to her to get a better look at her. The water still masking most of their bodies and not making him aware at least that she was nude herself. Her explanation was a sound one, one that he could get behind and respect "Ah, I respect your call petty officer. I must admit that you were a fine addition to the squadron, a loss for us yet a hell of a pilot for the Conn." he smiled as he got close enough so he could make her out more clearly "I'll be sure to pass my evaluations of you to your new commanding officer." he smiled with a nod as he seemed to be in a good mood as he praised her skills.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #4
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ, @Nolan


As Ravon drfited closer, Lillee was content to simply rest where she was, eyeing Ravon lazily. Anywhere else, he was her superior officer and squadron commander, along with all the etiquette and baggage that came with such things. Here, though, in the steaming water, he was simply a man, one to be appreciated. Lillee swept some off her hair from sticking to her sweaty skin, content with the intimacy.

"It was not cleared, no," Lillee said softly. "With Thea in the dock, there was hardly a pressing need for pilots to fly her or the shuttles, so my request was held up until your return. Lieutenant Veradin has already consented." She smiled at him, and with a gentle movement, drifted through the hot water over to her fellow Wolf. She raised a hand to grasp his damp shoulder, squeezing lightly. "Thank you, Commander. You lead a superb squadron, finer than any I flew with before in the Grand Fleet or Starfleet. If need be, I would be honoured to fly on your wing once more."

In other circumstances, Lillee might've been more conscious of the teasing intimacy of their proximity or their mutual nudity, but she was far too relaxed to overly care. Ravon didn't seem the sort to indulge in such frivolities with individuals under his command, so Lillee didn't worry, instead settling back to her original position against the tub wall.

"Now...may I ask what transpired in the mud pools?" she asked with a devilish grin, pulling a strand of damp blonde hair back behind a pointed ear. "You do not seem the type to misbehave, no?"

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #5
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ @Griff

Lillee informed him that the request had not been cleared yet, so it did await his approval. Veradin however had been brought up to speed and had already agreed to the transfer. Ravon's thoughts strayed for a moment to the Trill man, whom he did have a short lived adventure with. The thoughts strayed though as his eyes were resting on the beautiful looking Romulan. She ventured closer and placed one of her hands on his shoulder before thanking him and praising his squadron. The pilot couldn't help but laugh and nod as he waved it away "Such praise." he snickered "But thank you nevertheless."

Ravon felt at ease with Lillee, he still wasn't entirely aware of her nudity though it didn't exactly matter. He had changed his policy to sleep with pilots of the squadron when he had made it to the top. Whilst he indulged in sleeping, fooling around with squad mates in the past, he knew that doing so now could be seen as using his rank. Thus he refrained from any intimate activities with any of them. Another reason why he refrained from moving back to his old habits was Zyrao. Obviously he didn't want to get on the bad side of the tactician, the woman he had now called his lover.

Lillee's question was to be an expected one as Thomas had left it open to what had transpired at the mud pools. He had to smirk as he stretched himself, baring his torso to the warm room before submerging again "Mmh..." he chuckled "Believe it or not... I do have quite a bad rep before I turned into the SCO." he didn't dwell further upon it and shook his head "I'm not alone at the spa today. I was accompanied by a rather special woman." he explained "One that pulls out both the best as the worst in me. So whilst the two of us were being submerged in mud, both of us had that same tendency to provoke the other. What easier way to do so with an unlimited amount of ammunition in the form of mud." he snickered as he left it open to what else would have transpired.

"Either way, I think it'd be safe to say that it was quite unbecoming for an officer like me, but fuck was it enjoyable to wreck some mischief." he laughed as he came to take a rest besides her. He rested his head against the wall, enjoying the view out of the big window as he licked his lips "What else do you have planned for your stay here?" he asked her curiously as he had to wait for Zyrao anyway.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #6
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ, @Nolan


"No nude mud wrestling, if you must know," Lillee said with amusement, "but everything else imaginable. Manicure, pedicure, facial, massage..."She waved a hand through the water lazily, smiling. "I don't have to report for duty for sixteen hours, and I intend to spend every minute being pampered until I must beg for mercy. On ch' pardon. On Romulus, there are some of the finest spas in the quadrant. I never had the opportunity to go as an uhlan, but I heard stories, met others who did. Legend has it that four days in one of the thermae is transformative, physically and spiritually. A war-weary and wounded soldier could walk in at the start of the week, and by the time he leaves, he is ten years younger, fit to conquer worlds."

Lost in reverie, one of Lillee's hands drifted down in the water, grazing Thomas' muscular thigh. This time, finally, Lillee took notice, sharply pulling her hand back. She glanced at him with an apologetic smile, pointedly pulling her guilty hands back above the water in plain sight. "Do you have plans, Commander? Not just here, tonight, but beyond." Lillee turned her head fully, fixing her eyes on Thomas' with a sensual intensity. "Beyond the Theurgy, beyond our war, beyond it all. Do you know what you shall do afterwards? What you shall do with your woman, perhaps?"

Her left eyebrow quirked up. "Or are you content to find the nearest pile of mud with her and make love to your heart's content?"

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #7
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ  @Griff

Thomas chuckled as Lillee informed she wouldn't do any mud wrestling, the rest of her schedule in the spa did seem to be full option. He nodded and couldn't exactly blame her for going for a full treatment. He looked at her as she seemed to dream off at the array of things she could do and enlightened him about the spas on Romulus. He looked more intrigued and nodded again "Sounds like quite the place." he offered her with a warm smile.

He felt her hand come in touch with his thigh, not that he minded. He shook his head as she gave him the apologetic smile, indicting that he didn't mind. It was by accident after all, was it not? Her question however had him press his lips together as he turned his head to look back at her. Her eyes looked quite intense and he shifted in his spot, baring his torso for her slightly as he gave it some thought.

"That is a hard question." he admitted as he sighed "I've... Refrained myself from thinking that far. Not because I don't want to see a future between me and her, but more because of our line of work." he explained "I mean, I could see me have a future with her beyond." he smiled faintly before turning more serious "The part where our life expectancy will simply not make it through our journey is high. I mean statistically, my squadron has very little original members in place. The chances of me getting killed or her getting killed in our line of work is high. So perhaps I see it as a fail safe. To not plan ahead, to not have to deal with those lost dreams and hopes should the moment dawn." he said softly as he moved one hand out of the water to run through his hair. "Instead, I shall seize each day that we can have together. If that means mud fights and  lovemaking, I'll do it." he snickered.

"What about you? Anyone special out there or any future plans if we make it out of here?" he bounced the question back to her as he had moved a little closer to her, more unconsciously then consciously as his hand brushed against her hip and leg accidentally before he used both his hands to splash some water in his face.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #8
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ, @Nolan


"Special? No," Lillee replied wistfully as she gazed outside at the ocean. She didn't comment on her companion's hand, enjoying the touch on her skin in the water as she did. "Being a single parent, especially to twins, leaves little energy for much else. I have dated at times, some within Starfleet, some outside, but I never found someone. Perhaps it is a blessing. Save for my husband's family and a few friends, I have few true ties to Earth or the Federation."

With that, Lillee stretched her arms over head, exposing her own chest to the relative chill of the air before settling back into the water. She glanced at Thomas, smiling with melancholy. "When this is over, I am flying as far away from all this as I can. Far from Starfleet, the Empire, the Borg, any of it. I don't want my babes growing up amidst all this. I cannot stand the thought that they are on the same world as those...those Parasites. It burns my blood."

Once more Lillee's hand drifted down to Thomas's thigh, this time to rest there, her thumb tracing up and down the muscle idly. Suddenly she giggled, as if to clear her thoughts, and she waved her left hand through the water, the sound echoing pleasantly within the room. "Oh, never mind me! This isn't the place for that." She paused, still smiling. "Your partner. She is from the ship, yes? Someone I might know?"

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #9
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ  @Griff

It was new information to hear that Lillee was a parent, to tins nevertheless. It made Thomas wonder where those children of her might be and how she coped with not being able to take care of them in these dire times. She had opened up about never having found another partner despite her dating efforts. There was nothing wrong with it, though Ravon wondered if the Romulan was missing the affections and company a true relationship could hold.

He watched her stretch, his eyes instinctively moving down to take in her modest chest and he looked back up at her as she spoke of her future plans. He smiled and nodded in agreement "I can understand your reasoning." he offered her softly "How old are they? Your children?" he asked her carefully, not sure if it was a touchy subject or not "And... What happened to your husband if I can be so bold?" he asked on as he turned himself to fully face the Romulan pilot. 

Upon her reaction to clear her thoughts of the subject, he found her hand on his thigh and he did enjoy the touch, not minding it as he had to laugh at her question about Zyrao "She's a recent addition to our crew yes. The Klingon liason, Zyrao Natauna." he spoke with some admiration to her in his voice "Feisty woman, but now part of our ship." he smirked as he pondered "I'm not sure if you've met her before though."  his body relaxed under her touch and perhaps he ought to have moved away, yet the pilot felt relaxed. His mind thinking of Zyrao at the moment and nothing else in the world mattered a this given time.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #10
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ, @Nolan


Her right hand still gently skimming Thomas' thigh, the touch distinctly different in the steamy water, Lillee wiped some sweat off her crenelated brow with her other hand. "My husband died during the war," she answered quietly, looking down. "On the very last day, in fact. He was assigned to the resistance movement in Lakarian City on Cardassia when the Dominion destroyed the city. He never even met our children. I was flying a fighter during that battle, and it was weeks before I even learned he was gone." She sighed. "The twins...Ahnlai and Monoui. They are four years old, just old enough to miss me. My husband's family will be taking care of them, I am sure, but they have no way of knowing I am even alive. Starfleet likely told them I was executed or some other nonsense, as I was onboard the Theurgy only through happenstance. As far as anyone on Earth knows, my children are now orphans."

Then Lillee asked her question, and at Thomas' laugh, she spontaneously smiled in response, enjoying the happy sound. "No, I haven't met her, but the way you speak of her, it is very sweet. You truly care for her, yes? And for her...ah...feistiness?"The word was spoken with an odd accent, as Lillee struggled with the pronunciation, and she grinned. "It is good, sharing this fight with someone. I cannot recall the last time I truly enjoyed such company." She trailed off thoughtfully as she recalled her impromptu tryst with Ghost and Angel, but Lillee mused that it hardly counted. She'd been far too drunk worn out to recall much of it, after all, and such one-night stands were far from as satisfying as making true love.

Distracted in her own thoughts, Lillee's hand drifted yet further, and as it made contact with more flesh, her entire body was energised, as if sparked by electricity. Her hand twitched away by reflex, but she couldn't help but realise that it had been...gorged. Not rigid, or even close to that state, but clearly stirred.

Lillee looked into Thomas' eyes for a moment, her skin prickling powerfully. There were a thousand reasons to pull back, but in her heat-addled mind, none of them seemed particularly relevant. Here, now, she felt a sudden deep loneliness, longing, and a remarkable man beside her, attractive and physically delicious, with his broad shoulders and powerful arms. He wouldn't even be her direct commanding officer soon. Thus, ignoring the protests within her own mind, Lillee's hand dipped back down to Thomas' member...and grasped it.

Without saying a word, she began to gently move her hand up and down, pumping the phallus slowly.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #11
[Zyrao Natauna | Don't Mess with a Klingon's Man | I Hope You Don't Need That Hand to Fly | I Will Break Your Face | Osteo-reformation Courtesy of Zyrao Natauna]
@Griff @Nolan

Zyrao leaned casually against the support pillar for the small area dedicated to snacks and drinks that people could partake in.  The place, really was beautiful, and Zyrao had to admit that all the years she had lived off and on Aldea she had never taken advantage of it's spa.  It had seemed wasteful and weak, but Thomas assured her it would help loosen her back.  Not that she would ever admit it needed to be loosened.  Afterall, the pain was something she had dealt with every morning since she was just over twenty years old, and compounded more so by the fact that the scars had been built upon through her various tenures as a slave, and now, she was just one ball of scar tissue on her back.  However, as stupid as it seemed. Zyrao stalwartly refused to get rid of them.  She could, though it would be hard and somewhat painful considering how old they were.  But, she didn't want a smooth back, the pain, the scars, the whole thing reminded her of her roots.  Should she forget who and what she had been, who and what she was, and the drive to go forward... should she get complacent in life without as much pain, she wanted to remember.   It was important.

“Your order is ready.” came the voice behind her. 

Zyrao rolled her shoulders, pushing the thoughts of her scars and her history back out of her mind and turning to see the tray full of the things that she had ordered.  Some cool fruity but alcoholic drinks for the both of them.  Zyrao could drink Thom under the table, but this wasn't about getting drunk it was about relaxing and having a good time.  A grin spread across her face when she remembered the fun time they'd had in the mud baths, fun enough to get kicked out.  At least, that was after he had been able to pleasure her significantly amid all the mud, the mud fighting and the wrestling.  They'd made a right mess of the room when they had finally been asked to leave, but Zyrao did not regret it at all, she didn't even feel a little guilty.

There were some fruit, some cut, some ready to be cut or just eaten.  She had ordered some crunchy snacks, because they were her favorites, and some other small Aldean treats that she wanted to share with Thomas since they were going to be alone together.  The tray was heavy, laden with goods, as she turned and headed for the room he had told her they would be in.  The steam baths was something she wasn't sure she would enjoy.  Being hot, in water, while sweating just sounded like something that wasn't all that appealing.  But then again, neither did laying down in mud.  But, Thomas had managed to make that far more enjoyable than anticipated so she figured that she could give him the benefit of the doubt at this point.  The door to the steam baths was clearly labeled and Zyrao used her back to push it open and step inside. 

She was clothed in only a towel as well since they were going to have a private bath.  Like Thom, Zyrao was not the sort that worried about being seen nude but she also didn't want to walk around showing off to everyone in the building.  Instead, she would save that mostly for Thom but didn't mind if someone else saw it.  Immediately, Zyrao heard a woman's voice, which caused the El-Aurian to stop just inside the door to listen to the echoing voices that bounced off the ceramic walls of the room.

'It is good, sharing this fight with someone.  I cannot recall the last time I truly enjoyed such company.'

Oh really now?

Zyrao figured that Thomas would put the young stupid woman in her place, reminding her that he had someone he already shared the fight with.  As Zyrao silently moved closer she could tell that this was not what she had hoped.  They were sitting close together, Thomas and this woman.  Both were naked, and she was stroking his leg.  Hot, angry, rage built inside of her.  Zyrao did not open herself to many, and it had been a long damn time since she had even tried.  She was trying to stay on the ship so that she could continue to be with Thom instead of leaving like she could.  She could have walked away, but she did not, she was hopeful that Ducote would find her things to keep her busy once he had a chance to talk to Ives. 

Zyrao put the tray down silently, picking up one of the items as her cold grey eyes watched the scene in front of her unfold.  Thom should have felt the horror coming up behind him, but he was too busy as a certain woman decided to take it upon herself to touch what belonged to Zyrao.  Bad choice, bitch.  Zyrao pulled her arm back and quickly launched the fruit that she had in her hand.  The orb sailed through the air and connected with a loud thump on the back of the woman's hair.  The skin gave way as soon as contact came and the ooze of fruit slid through her hair, down her shoulders and chest.  As the pair looked for what had happened, Zyrao was already on the move. 

Her hand wrapped around the surprised woman's throat and pulled her out of the water and down onto the ground with little effort.  Her towel had fallen off at some point during her move, but Zyrao could not be bothered with that at the moment.  Her hand around Lillee's neck was what kept her on the ground, that and Zyrao's body over top of her exerting just enough pressure that she could breath, and speak, but not too much.

Her grey eyes sharply slid over to Thom who had stood up and she saw his attentiveness.  The betrayal in her eyes was nothing short of vivid, as she turned them back to the young woman at hand. 

“Find some other mother fucker to share your fight with and keep your hands the fuck off of mine.” she hissed in a dangerous voice.  Zyrao's head tilted.  While holding the woman her eyes shifted and bore straight through the now standing Thomas.

“You just fucking let her touch you?!” she turned back to the woman and stood up with her.  Arm around her neck so that she couldn't flee, Zyrao could take just about whatever kind of blows the woman gave, if she fought back, but before she could do much, Zyrao shoved her forward causing her to fall back into the pool of water where she had come from.  With that done, Zyrao stepped into the water, her body all prowling anger of a predator, as once the woman surfaced for air, she got a punch straight to the face sending her right back down.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #12
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ  @Griff

Things seemed to cascade from this point on. Thomas wasn't fully aware of what was going on. Not at first at least. The pleasant conversation with Lillee suddenly took a different turn. A turn that he'd usually welcome and relish in, there was nothing wrong with the handsome looking Romulan. In fact, if he hadn't been with Zyrao, there won't be anything stopping him from taking things further with Lillee. She'd no longer be part of his squadron, thus he wouldn't be breaking his own rules.

This situation was different however. Very different. The pilot seemed to be caught by surprise when he felt the blonde Romulan's hand slip over to his member. He had been somewhat aroused, not entirely because of Lillee, though it'd be a lie to say that her appearance certainly didn't stir anything in the pilot's loins. Her hand grasped onto his length and began to pump him slowly. His thoughts grinding to a halt as he looked into her eyes. Time seemed to be moving slower now, almost agonizingly slow. "Lillee... I ca-" he started before he felt his body tense up as if he felt something were wrong.

His hunch confirmed when a piece of fruit connected with Lillee's face and the contents of it spilled down over her chest and into the pool. Ravon's head snapped back as he felt his heart freeze for a second as this was by far the most impeccable bad timing the universe could've thrown at him. Zy was storming over to them, the fury in her eyes quite visible and before Thomas could actually say or do anything, Lillee was plucked out of the pool by her throat and smacked down onto the floor. The pilot's eyes widened at the scene, his reaction to stand up triggered by his flight or fight reflexes.

Again, it would turn out this would be a poor choice to be made. He made his way closer to Zyrao, his now erect member in plain sight as he saw Zyrao's towel drop to the floor as well. His eyes traced both naked women's bodies now and in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but think how hot this situation actually was. He drew close, the water stirring in his wake as he heard Zyrao make her threat to Lilee. Thomas managed to jump out of the pool and onto the floor now as Zyrao turned her head back to him with a glare that would've rendered the destruction of the Azure Nebula like a fire cracker. Thom knew he was in trouble, deep fucking trouble.

"No!" he shouted back at her at her question if he'd just let her touch her "I wasn't I wa-" his sentence broke off again as Zyrao continued her assault on the Romulan. The blonde being picked up and flung back in the pool after a slight struggle for power. It would be the living proof why Zyrao had been a formidable arena fighter and why she had earned her trophies. Thomas realized that Lillee would probably get killed at this rate and that he had to step up.

The girl fight had moved on back to the pool again and he kept into account that he made the wrong choice at the dress party. However he wasn't sure what the right choice here was. Was it punch alongside Zyrao and pummel Lillee into destruction? Was it stopping Zyrao from committing murder? Or would he just have to watch and see it all unfold? His hands clenched into fists again as he jumped into the pool again and decided to do what he'd normally do. Which probably would've been the bad choice.

He made his way over as Zyrao punched Lillee down each time she came back up for air. Zyrao managed to land quite a good few punches before Thomas blocked her raised arm that would send a new punch down towards the woman. Instead he turned her to face him as his eyes were looking serious, somewhat aroused perhaps as he was smart enough to place his other hand on the other wrist before absorbing what inevitable would be a kick in a place he'd not enjoy. "Zy! You're fucking going to kill her at this rate!" he called it out to her before shaking his head "I was going to stop her! This situation ha-" his sentence broke off as Zyrao's leg connected to the area he had anticipated it would. The air was pressed out of his lungs as his grip faltered to keep her wrists bound.

The pilot stumbled back as he pain seared through his body and it took quite a few seconds to get air back into his lungs. After that though, the pilot launched himself back at Zyrao to stop her from doing anything that she'd probably not regret on short term, yet could jeopardize her position aboard the ship "Stop! I don't want my woman to get herself kicked off the ship." he hissed at her as he tried to have her stand down.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #13
[Zyrao Natauna | Rearranging Your Face | Touch My Man Again | Fingers Are Next]
@Nolan @Griff

The woman surfaced.  Zyrao punched.  She had no idea how many times the same thing occurred.  It wasn't going to be pretty, when she was done reorganizing the woman's face.  But that would be if she could still breathe at the end anyway.  Right now, Zyrao was in a full on red zone, and she was taking it out on the face of a blonde woman that couldn't keep her hands to herself.  Thomas was there a moment later and he reached up blocking her next punch causing it to go to the side, and only earned himself an angry glare right before she shot a hit towards his erect member.  He caught her wrist and that only enraged her even more.

He told her to stop that she was going to kill the woman at this rate.  Zyrao slowed a moment, she didn't want anyone dead, or rather, she wouldn't mind it but the repercussions would be stout.  He told her that he was going to tell the woman to stop but he hadn't gotten that far.  Son of a bitch!  Without thinking much, she kneed him right in his fucking privates and sent him away.

She turned to look at the woman who was now above water standing there holding her bleeding nose and trying to figure out what to do next, Zyrao assumed.  She wasn't in a good situation to begin with, but Zyrao had made it a lot worse. 

“Mine.” she hissed between her teeth pointing at Thomas right before she moved again, ready to take the woman down again.  She needed another good crunch.  But, instead, she heard Thom's voice behind her.  Calling out to her that she had to stop, he didn't want her getting kicked off the ship.  Zyrao paused, and she heard him coming up behind her, he put his arms around his nude woman, who was breathing heavily but slowly the fight left her body, and the rage left her eyes.  The blonde woman would be hurt no longer, but Zyrao was still breathing heavily. 

She swallowed heavily and looked at Thomas.  “You were right.” she whispered.  “I am a loose canon.” the anguish in her voice was heavy, as she shifted out of his arms and headed for the side of the pool.  Hoisting herself up she collected her towel, and tossed it to the blonde woman so that she could staunch the blood flow of her broken nose, and get herself some medical treatment.  Zyrao headed out of the room without looking back.

Thomas could figure out what to do with the blonde woman.  Right now, Zyrao needed space.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #14
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ, @Nolan


There was no warning, no time for Lillee to react, no time to think. The fruit had hit the back of her head and it felt like immediately afterwards, Lillee was then being choked in a grip of steel outside the water, flailing wildly on the floor, her wet limbs slipping on the varnished wood. Lying there, Lillee was helpless, helplessly clawing at the vice around her throat. The woman assailing her was rage incarnate, naked and murderous.

"Find some other mother fucker to share your fight with and keep your hands the fuck off of mine." Lillee tried to speak, to say something, but couldn't find the words; this had to be Ravon's woman, Zyrao Natauna, but what, how...

Then with insane strength, Lillee felt Zyrao heft her up to stand. The Romulan tried desperately to break the choke, her throat aching at the pressure, before the woman shouted again and hurled Lillee bodily back into the hot water. She emerged, sputtering and coughing, before a meteor sent her right back under. Again and again Lillee was battered, not even capable of fighting back, too stunned by Zyrao's brutal assault.

Time blurred underneath an endless hammering upon Lillee's skull before finally, she realised that it had stopped. Groggy, a fog settled in her brain, Lillee heard more shouting before she saw Zyrao again, still in the water, glaring daggers.

"Mine!" Zyrao hissed between her teeth pointing at Thomas, and Lillee could only nod her head meekly. When Zyrao pushed through the water again, however, Lillee clenched her fists, her own rage igniting, heedless of the splitting pain in her head.

Touch me again you human bitch and I'll rip you apart!

Thomas shouted something again, though, physically moving to restrain his lover, and this time Zyrao finally began to cool. Huddled against the side of the bath, her nose bleeding green, Lillee shuddered with building anger before realising that it was over, the fight slowly leaving Zyrao's eyes.

"You were right." Zyrao whispered.  "I am a loose canon."

Lillee caught the thrown towel, her other hand still clenched into a fist, before Zyrao finally left. The whole thing had been short, brutal and utterly humiliating, only making Lillee even angrier. She hoisted herself back out of the bath, but as she stood, the splitting headache made her stumble before catching herself on the wide curving window. Coughing, she gingerly made her way back to her clothes, drying herself with Zyrao's towel as she went. The smell of the woman was still in the fabric, only making Lillee hiss in fury.

Then she realised belatedly that Thomas was still there, still as naked as her, but now none of that mattered. "I will be fine," she muttered. Tasting a sharp copper on her tongue, Lillee winced and used the towel to staunch the flow of green blood. "I will beam back to the..." she coughed, her eyes unfocused. Nevertheless Lillee made clumsy efforts to put her clothes back on with one hand, a process complicated by the material sticking to her damp skin. "I will beam back to the ship from here."

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #15
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azulin Beach Spa ]Aldea ] Attn: @BZ @Griff

It was only and only when Thomas called out to Zyrao that she'd get kicked off the ship if she continued what she was doing that the El-Aurian stopped with the battering attacks. He made it to her again, his nude frame pressed up against Zyrao. The erection from before well flaccid now after the direct hit from moments ago. His focus right now was on just containing the boiling angry woman. His woman.

Zyrao looked at him, her breathing heavy before she told him he was right and Thomas swallowed himself now as he knew what she was going to say. She said it out loud herself now and he sighed and shook his head "No, Zy..." he didn't get the chance to finish what he was saying as she moved to the side and hoisted herself out of the pool after freeing herself from his hold, even though he gave up on the restrictive way of holding her when he saw the aggression bleed out of her. His eyes watched her throw a towel to Lillee before she stormed out of the door, unsure if she heard him call out to her "Zyrao wait!"

She was gone just like that and Thom's attention shifted to the Romulan that had surfaced and spilled green blood in the pool and onto the towel that had been thrown to her. He cursed softly "Oh fuck... Lillee? You okay?" he asked concerned now as he made his way over to her. The Romulan hoisted herself out of the water and stumbled to the curved window now. She didn't seem fine at all despite her words that she was.

He stepped out of the water himself as he was now faced with a new horrid choice to make. He was eager to go after Zyrao and calm her down, talk into her as she had made a realization that he knew was always there between them. hey were both no bullshit people and they'd trigger one another into violent outbursts. If someone else hurt or violated their relationship or person as a whole, the other would go to extreme measures to protect said other.

He couldn't however leave the Romulan on her own as she had taken quite a beating and he decided to make sure she was alright first. He stepped closer to her, not caring if he was nude as he came to support her. She tried to get herself dressed with one hand, even though she was still soaked and he shook his head "Lillee, stop." he said, demanding it almost from her as he eased her down against the glass "Take a seat and grab a breather." he whispered as he tried to get the towel out of her face to assess the damage.

Zyrao had given her quite a number and Thomas winced at the sight of the bruises "Let me help you get dressed at least. I'm sorry about this, truly." he whispered as his eyes did travel from her to the door. Lillee eventually agreed, to groggy really to protest as her still senior officer began to dry her off with the towels he had brought along for himself and Zyrao. He turned his attention to the Romulan now as he made sure she'd stay conscious as he made sure he'd not miss a spot on her body. Once he had dried her off he helped her in her clothes, stumbling and struggling at some garments to be put onto her. Their bodies brushed and rested against one another more than once as the pilot eventually got the other dressed and he pushed her blonde hair out of her face as he caressed her cheek "I owe you a spa treatment in any case Lillee." he tried to lighten the mood before he tapped the badge "One to beam up."

He wasn't sure how much time had passed after cleaning Lillee up and after seeing her get beamed away he stormed after Zyrao. She had a head start, but he'd probably just have to follow the people pointing at the naked tattooed woman or the shock people were in as she had passed.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #16
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Azulin Beach Spa ] Aldea ] Attn: @BZ, @Nolan


Thomas' assistance was unexpected, if welcome. As Lillee's reactionary anger faded, her headache grew worse and worse, the fog in her thoughts growing thicker. She was a pilot, not a brawler, but nevertheless she felt even more humiliated as her SCO helped dry her and get her dressed. Left to just hold the towel up to her nose, feeling the concussion, Lillee fumed. To be so thoroughly beaten, and by a weak human of all people...

...but Zyrao had been driven by a fury that Lillee understood. The touch of Thomas' hand against her breast as he pulled her shirt over her head made Lillee flinch instinctively, innocent though the touch was. Her head bowed in despair, scarcely believing it. Her own SCO! He'd told her that he was with someone, but she had done it anyway...a foolish act, a dishonourable act. Unforgivable.

Lillee had been called a whore before, recently even, but not until now did she feel like one. What kind of disgraceful harlot attempted to seduce a comrade who was already taken? What kind of ill-bred traitress was she, to try such a thing?

Then, dressed once more and with her bag slung over her shoulder, Lillee watched her SCO search the bag for her communicator. She recalled his apology and grimaced.

"No," she muttered. "It is I who am sorry. So sorry. Go to her, do not let her turn you away."

Then he swept her hair, caressed her cheek, and Lillee smiled weakly at his joke, still holding her towel to her nose. Before she could say anything more, Thomas tapped the combadge he had attached to her shirt and the sight of him fizzled away in a field of blue, swiftly replaced by the sight of a transporter room. The tightness of the transporter made Lillee queasy, and as soon as the grip of it vanished, she very nearly fell over again, only just catching herself.

The transporter technician on duty, the same who had beamed Lillee down only an hour ago, looked shocked. "Petty Officer!" he said in concern, rushing over to help her. "What the hell happened? Who attacked you?"

"An accident," Lillee said firmly. With fresh determination she stood up straight, ignoring her pounding headache and the increasing puffiness around her left eye. "No need to call for assistance. I can go to Sickbay on my own. Thank you."

With careful steps, she made her way to the door, mentally planning her route. The chief followed her, though, still concerned. "You need to call Security, Petty Officer. You were attacked. They need to find whoever did this to you."

Pausing at the door to the transporter room, Lillee stood even straighter, glaring at the transporter chief with ferocity of her own, made all the more impressive for the green-hued bruising of her fair skin or the green-soaked towel she held to her nose. "Nobody did this to me. I did this to myself. An accident, nothing more. What happens when I am off duty does not concern Security. Thank you, Chief. I will go to Sickbay alone."

With that she strode out, the doors closing her. The Chief sighed, shaking his head in bemusement before returning to his console. Just what the heck had happened to t''Jellaieu down there?

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #17
[Zyrao Natauna | Red Zoned | Truth | Slap in the Face | Can't Afford Triggers]
@Nolan @Griff

As Thomas called after her, she didn't even pause in the room.  She didn't need to, she was far too shamed at her reaction to something that could have been a simple as breaking the woman's hand.  But no, she had gone completely into a red zone and it was something she wasn't sure that she could have come out of without his help.  It was horrible, because it proved that he was right.  Back at the party, when he thought she was a loose canon.  When she had told him that she wasn't, and while she wanted to punch Bila in the face she wouldn't have caused lasting harm. 

She had been wrong.  He had been right, and the knowledge of this stung quite smartly.

She could have walked off as she was, naked.  But, she decided it was best to gather her things.  The locker room wasn't far from the front of the building and she strode across it completely naked for anyone to see without batting an eyelash.  The locker room was mostly empty, only a few people in there changing their clothing for towels, most of them behind partitions for their modesty.  Zyrao used the code, her birth day in El-Aurian years to open the locker.  She pulled on the pair of stretchy leggings, black, her favorite color she hardly wore anything else.  The tank top was a vibrant blue color though and she pulled it over her bare chest and brushed a hand through her hair.  She decidedly did not look at her reflection in the mirror.

Grabbing her bag, she stepped out of the locker room leaving Thom's things in the locker.  Hoisting her overnight bag over her shoulder she slipped out.  She was pretty talented at blending into the crowd when she wanted to, waiting for the right moment she slipped into a group that were dressed in work out gear heading out laughing and talking among themselves.  Walking on the other side of them, she saw Thomas coming out to look for her but he would be disappointed to find that Zyrao Natauna was gifted at making herself disappear when she wished.

Outside, she quickly took every turn that she could away from the building in order to make the line of sight broken incase he came out looking for her.  Once she was three blocks away she knew where she was headed.  Back to her apartment.  She didn't feel comfortable going back to the ship right now.  One, she needed to apologize to Lillee for her gross errors, and two, she was fairly certain she would be kicked off for assaulting an officer, and three, she was pretty certain that she did not belong on the Theurgy at this point.

Once she arrived at her building she used the lift to head up towards her apartment.  It was still mostly empty, the bed had only been used the other day when she brought Thom here after their first kiss to sleep.  The door closed behind her and she locked it so that no one could just come in.  Thom didn't have permissions anyway if he even remembered that this was a place she might go.  Tossing her bag onto the couch she went over to the bedroom and fell back on the bed.  Feet on the floor, knees at the edge of the mattress, and eyes staring upwards at the ceiling.

What have I done.  I believed myself better than this.

Re: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Hell Hath No Fury...

Reply #18
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azulin Beach Spa ]Aldea ] Attn: @BZ @Griff

After seeing Lillee off to the ship, Ravon stood up and moved out of the doors. There were little places Zyrao could have gone to and he made quick work to find her as he strode through the facility unashamed of his body. He did get quite some stares and glares alike as people were talking, yet the overall serenity of the spa remained. He checked the obvious rooms first before going to the locker room.

He moved from aisle to aisle before getting to the locker they used together. The lock was open and as he tilted the locker open, he found his stuff, yet hers missing "Fuck." he cursed as he quickly got into the hoodie he had been wearing and the jogging pants that fit along with it. He would've taken the time to grab his underwear, yet time was a factor that he now didn't have to spare. He stormed out of the locker room now and eyed for the nearest exit. He sprinted his way over to it and barged out as the Aldean sun shone down on him. There were crowds and people everywhere which made it harder for him to spot Zyrao. Sure she stood out in a crowd, yet the liaison seemed to be perfectly adequate to blend in with the crowd.

He bit his lower lip as his heart raced and he ran down the street before double backing to run down the other half of the street. It was pointless though as he couldn't find her. He was frustrated now and shouted, cursed in public before he tried to remember where she had taken him after their time at the pier with the setting Aldean sun. It took him a while to find his way back to the apartment block. The sun in the meantime had started to set and the streets of Aldea had become more busier. He didn't manage to get into the building though as he couldn't provide the correct credentials. Besides, he couldn't be sure if she were up there or not.

Defeated, he returned to a transport pad before letting him beam back to the ship. He went to her quarters first, finding no hearing as he chimed the door a dozen times. With no other choice he returned to his own quarters, once the doors closed behind him. Hell broke loose as he tossed things around in the quarters and broke down a few PADDs. In the end, the pilot sat in his couch, the mess all around him the silent witness of his outburst. He stared at the door, wondering if she'd ever come back.

Perhaps he should never have told her that she was a loose cannon. Perhaps he shouldn't have gone to the spa with her. Regardless, this was going against what they had agreed after the official dress party. They would stick by each other's side, they would cover for one another. This however was nothing like that. This was going against everything their relationship stood for.





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