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Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #25
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beaches ] Attn: @Brutus

She had been expecting some sort of protest, maybe an argument about going back to the market to purchase swimwear. What she hadn’t been expecting, didn’t even have an inkling that it was about to happen; was one Betazoid female dismissing her argument like so much space dust and proceeding to start stripping naked before her while explaining, quite matter-of-factly, that what she was wearing was not actually swimwear, that she had no actual swimwear with her and that she had no intention of wearing any anyway. 

“She planned this!” Mickayla almost raged to herself as Faye undid and removed her bikini, exposing her breasts for whoever cared to look. And the stars help her, Mickayla was one of those looking. They were right there and Faye didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed that she, or anyone, was looking. “No, I didn’t know that Tess,” Mickayla replied to her companion regarding the beaches and their status. “It would have been appreciated if you had told me before now.”

“She cannot be expecting me to....”
Mickayla began to ask herself Faye began to lower the thong she was wearing down her legs, her eyes fixed on the Klingon as she did so. Mickayla knew she should have turned away, that it was the polite thing to do but she found herself unable. All she could do was look at the Betazoid standing opposite her wearing nothing but a belly ring and a mischievous smile. “By the stars, she does expect me too.”

“I, ah, I can’t Tess,” Mickayla declared, shaken as the reality and connotations of what Faye was asking her to do settled in. She wanted the two of them to enjoy the beach, sans clothing, without a care in the world. And the scariest part about it all, was that a part of Mickayla was enticed by the idea. To do what she had only done in her quarters until now. To not have to worry about her skin itching from contact with fabric. To be free.

But that was in her quarters, in private. Out here it would be public, very, very public. It wasn’t like it was even a private beach somewhere. No, this was a public beach, right near a public market. It was too bunch. How would she cope? Everyone would see her for what she was. She would be laid bare for all to view as they wished.

“Maybe that’s a good thing,” one part of Mickayla argued casually. “How can that be a good thing? There is no protection in that,” another part countered. “Why do we need protection? We are strong. If we were naked on the Versant, we still would have fought. This is just a different kind of battle. One with our own fears.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #26
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers |  Ibai Besi Promenade Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

In all fairness to the mischievous Betazoid diplomat, she hadn't been planning to go to the beach. She certainly hadn't planned to try and trick Mickayla into getting naked. She was simply having fun, and a lot of it. Impulsive as ever, she had tossed the dice on a bet that she figured would turn out to be pretty fun. She hadn't quite expected the other woman to react this strongly to the prospect.

Standing upright, and wearing nothing at all, save for the new piercing, Faye crossed her arms around her middle. This hid nothing of course, as she hugged her tan torso. Not the breasts, modest as they were, that Mickayla had stared at, nor the cut of her hips, or shaved bare join between her legs. Her feet were a little apart, and the wind was swirling her hair back, away from her face. 

"Well, I hadn't really planned on going to the beach until we were finishing up lunch and started talking about it," she began, pacing her words as best she could. Training was taking over, supplanting a bit of that impish nature of hers. Clearly this was something that had gotten under the other girls skin. It wasn't as if Faye was unaware that not every species shared the same lack of nudity taboos as the Betazoid's did. At the same time, "It's just skin, Hanayr. Nothing to be ashamed of."

Perhaps, just perhaps, that wasn't quite the right track to go down, because Mickayla doubled down on her protest. Faye tilted her head, the dyed golden tips of her dark locks sliding over her bare shoulders and cascading back between her shoulder blades. For a moment, she didn't say a word, just stared, her dark eyes darting up and down, analyzing the security officers body language. Clearly, she's conflicted over this. I think...yes, part of her wants to, and part of her is throwing up every protest she can. What had started as an effort to read body language had led to a gentle skimming of surface thoughts. 

Looking back over her shoulder, Faye could see the water lapping at the shores, making its way up the sand, only to slide back down into the ocean again. The beach was so inviting, and Faye truly didn't give a rip that she was as bare as the day she was born. If anyone wanted a free look, they were welcome to it. But Mickayla operated on a different wavelength. What remained before Faye now was the task of tuning that wavelength to match her own. 

When in doubt, fall back on what you know.

Squaring her shoulders a bit, the naked Betazoid padded over to Mickayla and gently put a hand out, on her arm. "First off, I'll be out there with you. It's not like you're going to just be wandering the beach naked on your own, surrounded by complete strangers. You'll have company, and I can be pretty distracting, as I'm sure you've noticed. I babble constantly, after all," she smiled as she spoke, knowing that a little bit of self depreciation could go quite a long way. And when that didn't work, there was always the old fashioned bribe. 

"Look. I think that once you're out there with the water swirling around your knees, you'll be having too good a time to feel awkward about being naked. I get not everyone is a comfortable about these kind of things as your average Betazoid.'s the deal. If I'm wrong, I'll make it up to you.;" Her mind had been working pretty fast to come up with something that might make a fair consolation prize. Really, she could go and buy something for the Klingon, but she'd done that already and she didn't want Mickayla to think she owed Faye something. And she wasn't necessarily going to just offer up her self as a prize. That might be very fun - in fact, she was pretty sure it would be - but that also didn't seem to be quite right to her, not sitting well on some level.

It wasn't because she now had Riley, or was worried about upsetting her. No, she just didn't think that would be fair to do to Mickayla. 

But her mind had jumped about and she'd remembered one of the few things she could offer up. The question was, would it be sufficient? There was only one way for Faye to really find out, so as she still held gently onto Mickayla's arm, she made her proposition. 

"Hanayr, by a fluke of luck, I'm the senior diplomat aboard. I'm not the only one, not exactly, but the highest ranking Starfleet diplomat aboard. They gave me my bosses old quarters, the ones he'd been assigned to back when we had a full Diplomatic Mission aboard the ship."Back before they all ended up spaced. Except me. She spoke in a soft whisper that wouldn't carry past the two women. It'd be poor form if she said her ships actual name while they were all trying to be incognito. Or as much as two obvious tourists could manage.  "He was a department head. They get really, really big quarters.

"And they gave them to me. Do you know what the best part of the quarters are?"
Faye didn't even wait for the petty officer to respond, before she said, "It comes with an honest to gods bathtub. There aren't many of those on the ship, and most of the ones we do have are in those public baths section. Which, if you don't like walking naked along the beach with a friend, I doubt you'd enjoy the ships public baths." She gave a little shrug, which did nice things for her chest. 

"But if you don't enjoy yourself once we're out on the beach, then I will grant you a free pass to use that tub any time, to make up for it."

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #27
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beachfront ] Attn: @Brutus

Mickayla listened as Faye spoke, focusing on the Betazoid’s words and not the luscious body that she was showing for anyone that wanted to see. And Mickayla couldn’t deny herself the opportunity to look. Ever since her breakup on the Artemis, she had had something of an agreement with herself that men were assholes. This of course, led her to observing the females around her more closely for the first time in her life and she had found them quite enjoyable to view. And while she had peaked at Faye in the store, this was another matter entirely.

Faye had stepped closer to her, bringing her naked body inches from Mickayla’s own as the Betazoid spoke in a whisper about making it up to her and how she could do it. That despite her rank, she was the senior diplomat onboard and so had the rights to a Department Head’s quarters. Which included the bath that came with it. Mickayla couldn’t remember the last time that she had enjoyed a proper bath.

“It was during shore leave on Aldus IV,” her inner voice spoke up and Mickayla found herself standing on the shores of a lake, staring at herself. But it wasn’t just any lake, Mickayla realised; it was the shore of Loch Katrine. “Indeed. I thought this might be a good place for us to talk,” her other self said.

“I’m going crazy. I’m talking to myself and imagining myself talking to myself in a place where I cannot possibly be,” Mickayla said, quite literally to herself. 

“Is that such a surprise after everything we have gone through recently?” her other self mocked her. “And I am not just talking about the Borg and the Savi, although they are the largest cause of this,” she continued, turning to gaze out over the loch, seeming to enjoy the imaginary breeze that came up. “Ever since the Artemis, we have been experiencing a personal crisis of sorts. But typical us, we ignored it and let it fester. Now, it is a wound that cannot be healed in the traditional sense. Instead, it needs cauterising before it spreads further. And I’m the hot piece of iron, so to speak,” she revealed, striking a pose that Mickayla imagined would be more like something Faye would do.

“And what was I, we, meant to do?” Mickayla retorted in frustration. Now her own mind was at war with her. And it had gotten so bad that Mickayla was now imagining it. “Am I meant to just strip off and prance around naked?”

“Yes,” her other self responded. “Let’s make this easier. You are Mickayla and I’ll be Mac. Just in case Faye decides to take a peak when we don’t answer her straight away. But yes, you should strip off and prance around the beach naked and enjoy yourself. You do it in your quarters all the time now. What is so different about the beach?”

“Everyone will see!” Mickayla countered, pointing out the obvious.

“Let them!” Mac replied. “All they will see is a Klingon female confident in her own body. And that is if they even look at you given that Faye will be right beside you.” As if to illustrate her point, Mac was suddenly naked with an equally naked Faye standing beside her. “Don’t you think we look cute?”

“That is beside the point,” Mickayla argued.

“It is exactly the point!” Mac shouted at her. “You are literally arguing with yourself about being confident in your own skin, and more importantly, your own self-worth. I can have Faye here tell you this, or Cross, Khorin, Sithick, or Dev. Perhaps even Counsellor Hathev or Commander Akoni. I could even try to imagine up the Captain if you’d like. Would you prefer male or female?” Mac teased as Mickayla growled in frustration. “My point is simple. You have already decided to strip off and join Faye on the beach in nothing but your own skin. You are just arguing with yourself because you believe you lack to confidence to follow through with your desires. Well guess what, if that was the case, you wouldn’t have changed clothes or gotten a piercing. You have all the confidence that you need and if you are feeling uncomfortable or uneasy, then tell Faye. She seems very nice and you need to start making friends again. And you know I’m right because I am saying it to you.”

“Doesn’t mean I need to accept it,” Mickayla maintained, even though she knew that her other self was right. Putting her hands in her pockets, Mickayla looked out across the loch, backing in the memory of a place that she had enjoyed visiting when she was younger, when she felt she needed solitude. 

“You do, and you know it,” Mac said calmly, banishing the naked Faye as she stepped up to Mickayla. “Otherwise these little chats of ours are going to become more frequent as your own personality splinters. And I think we can both agree that that would be bad,” Mac noted. “I am not saying to go running around the ship naked. What I am saying is be confident in yourself. Accept yourself for who you are and want to be and stop isolating yourself.  And see if you can figure out a way to still get access to that bath. Stars know, its been years since we got to enjoy one properly.”

“You’re crazy you know that,” Mickayla accused herself.

“You’re one to talk,” Mac retorted with a grin. “Now go and get our kit off. Enjoy the beach and Faye.”


The sounds of waves crashing onto the beach broke Mickayla from her reverie and she found herself back on Aldea, standing opposite a very naked Betazoid. Faye was staring at her and Mickayla suppressed the concern that she had seen and heard everything that had happened in her mind just now. 

“I, ah, ok then,” Mickayla replied to the officer. “It’s been years since I got to enjoy a proper bath. I would kill to have access to one all the time.” Probably a bad choice of words given her recent history, but she’d been saying it for years and old habits died hard. Stepping over to the locker, Mickayla carefully deposited her bag inside before taking a deep breath. “I can do this.”

Starting with the easiest task, Mickayla stepped out of her boot before leaning over to pick them up and place them in the locker. The next one came after a pause as Mickayla crossed her arms across her body, grasped the bottom her of new top and in a single fluid motion, pulled it over her head. Depositing it onto top of her boots, and feeling the breeze rush across her skin, Mickayla reached behind her and undid her bra. Rolling the straps off her shoulders, the Klingon placed the undergarment in the locker.

“One last thing,” she told herself as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt and the underwear beneath. Closing her eyes and exhaling, Mickayla slowly pushed both garments off her hips and down her legs to pool around her ankles. Taking a moment to feel the ocean breeze across her now naked form, Mickayla stepped back out of the pile of clothes, crouched to pick up the bundle, which exposed her own hairless sex to the breeze, making her gasp a little at the sensation it caused, before standing up and placing the clothes into the locker. She was sure it wouldn’t be the last reaction of that sort, but she found herself oddly looking forward to them.

Turning back to face Faye, Mickayla tried to act normally but found it difficult now that she was naked. Still, she would persevere and try to enjoy herself as much as she could. She owed it to herself to try. But there were a few things she did want before they ventured too far out onto the beach. Perhaps it was the irony of her request or the situation she now found herself in after having an imaginary stand up argument with herself but Mickayla found herself grinning at the Betazoid as she looked at her and asked simply.

“Do you know of anywhere that is close by that I can get a decent hat and sunglasses to go with this outfit?”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #28
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88  

Petty Officer MacGreggor would hardly be the first person to split off their mind into a two way conversation with themselves, that Faye had happened to listen in on. It was a surprisingly common tract among many humanoid species, though usually it was in the minds of those that were more in-tune with their emotions. She'd never one picked up a Vulcan thinking things through in such a fashion. While the metaphor was a useful one for most, the logical disciplines of a rigidly self aware mind like a Vulcan rarely resulted in such a mental debate. If a Vulcan were 'having a conversation in their head' then odds were they were either in a mild meld, under a psychic assault, or crazy.

Not one of which was one where Faye would want her thoughts and conscious to be present.

The bare skinned diplomat had not intended to be privy to this little chat either, but Mickayla had gone quiet enough, for long enough, that the other woman had begun to worry. There was a chance, however slim, that something she'd said had flipped a trigger, toggled some slightly ajar button in the petty officer's mind, and caused her to disconnect from reality. If the mere suggestion of strutting down a beach naked were all that it took, than Faye had a duty to a] find out if this were the case and b]escort her assigned body guard back to the ship as swiftly and discreetly as she could. She'd be doing Mickayla a great disservice if she herself tried to patch the other woman's' shattered psyche on her own. That's what folks like Seren, and the newer counseling staff, were for. (The stodgy Vulcan being the only one of the lot that she had known of, in passing, before Jupiter Station).

But as she'd seen the wheels spinning and spinning, like an old fashioned loading screen on her home computer terminal back on the farm, Faye had begun to worry. And when she worried, she peeked. Just a little, or so she'd thought, instead ending up with something of a bug on the wall view of the little chat between the two manifestations of Mickayla. It was all rather insightful, and she learned quite a bit more than she'd expected to. She wasn't going to say aloud that she thought this 'Mac' was right, on more than one count, but she decided she rather liked the introspective metaphor that Mickayla had cooked up for herself, and fancied that the security officer should take 'Mac's' advice more often. She'd have more fun that way.

Plus, the whole 'not having a complete and total mental break' thing was a really good point and valid concern. She probably should suggest that Mickayla see one of the ships shrinks, but that would be counterproductive to her goal of getting her naked ass out onto the beach. She couldn't much do that if Mickayla was unwilling to come with (security guard, duh!) so she needed the girl on board with the plan. Those sort of things were always much more fun with a friend along, especially if the friend was a tasty dish of eye candy. Having spent plenty of time with Klingon Warrior and Diplomat's (often one in the same) while stationed at Khitomer, she fancied that Mickayla was attractive by any species standards, but certainly by the Klingon's own.

'Mac' was right, and Faye's smirk mirrored the one that the figment of Mickayla's over worked and stressed imagination had conjured. We do look cute, she thought, her shoulders relaxing a bit. She'd concluded where this was going before her escort had, and carefully withdrew from the other woman's mind, putting her shields firmly back in place and letting herself settle in, thus she missed the bit about making friends, but Faye was already well along the way to doing that, so it didn't mater very much at all.

The Betazoid wasn't going to act like this little mental distraction had happened at all, at least time wise. But time had passed, and just enough for her to get comfortable with herself, in her own head again. She affected an easy going smile, as if there was not a worry in the world about any of this (there no longer was), and let her hip jut out to the right, pulling the swell of her body along as a result.

There was a subtle shift in the other woman, that told Faye she was coming back out of her own head. Certainly, no one else would notice anything different. But Faye had been watching for it, had been trained to detect it at the Academy and the Babble Diplomatic Annex, and most importantly, had just been inside the security officer's head. More than enough to allow her to read the subtle queues, the shift in breathing, and the way the other woman held herself. This, more so than the tone of her voice, confirmed to Faye that she'd been right.

"Baths are rather delightful and I can say from experience that the tub is huge," Faye told her with a friendly smile. She made absolutely no effort to look away from Mickayla. The other woman was going to be rather naked for the next little while anyways, so what point was there in affecting false modesty as the Klingon stripped? Besides, she wanted to watch, and rather thought that perhaps the other woman secretly - or not so much - wanted to be watched.

So she did, and made a small, appreciative noise at all the right moments. She didn't have to feign any affection either. The striking woman was quiet well built, and though some of the features were more alien to Faye's almost human like physique, those differences were to be celebrated, and taken as a part of the whole package, were beautiful. Deciding that she should do more than just think it, Faye giggled a bit at the girls line, and then responded in truth.

"This is really a good look on you, Hanayr," she told her earnestly, stepping forward and running a finger gently over the girls stomach, just to the side of the piercing in her dark skin. She telegraphed the move, making it clear what she was going to do and giving her escort the time to step out of the way casually, without making a big deal of things. She took it as a good sign that Mickayla let her indulge in the touch. Thus bolstered, she shifted to one side of the woman, and taking what she thought was her non dominant arm, she wrapped her own around it, giving it a little hug and starting off down the beach with the girls limb tucked in against the side of her modest, bare breast.

Scanning the beach, she picked a direction, and led the other woman by the arm, enjoying the warmth of bare skin on bare skin. She felt different than Riley did, or either of the Aldean boys from the other day, for that matter. Every person was different, each a special treat that Faye wished to enjoy. "I think there is a small stand that way, that just might have what we need," she said, pointing with one of her hands at breach front stall with a few Aldean's clustered about, roughly 3 blocks down the breach.  The sand was warm here, kicking up overt small boardwalk that ran along the edge of the sand dunes, and the few scattered shops on this side of things. They had crossed that small foot bridge to get to the beach proper, separated from the main shopping avenue.

As they walked toward the hut, Faye talked, her words accompanying the roar of the surf below them, down at the shoreline. "Back to the bath, I'm sure we can set something up so you can come give it a shot, even if you do like your time here with me prancing along." She could feel a few minds turn her way, and was glad that they weren't at the other breach, from earlier in the week. She might have been recognized there, and that could have led to some well intention-ed but unproductive greetings and interruptions. She didn't think that she should be leading Micayla into a potential beach side orgy, as she had purposefully done with Riley. As enjoyable as that would surely be for Faye, she doubted Mickayla would get as much out of the experience.

"I could bathe in it ever day and it wouldn't really put a dent in things. And the fresher unit is just as secluded in my quarters as it is in anyone else's with a retractable privacy screen and doors. Not like the open baths back home, or on Betazoid. And never mind the mudbaths in the Gardens. Now talk about being exposed!" She allowed herself an amused giggle at the look of mild horror on Mickayla's face. She wouldn't be suggesting that to the Klingon or some time yet, as she doubted it would be productive. "But a nice soak in the privacy of my quarters is a treat, and I don't need to hoard it all to myself. I just need a heads up, yeah?" As she asked that last bit, they came up to the fully stocked star of the moment.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #29
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

She’d done it. She had stripped herself down to her skin next to Faye and wasn’t screaming in panic. Yet anyway. And it seemed her inner self knew her better than she thought she did. All she had to do was be confident. Which was easier said than done, but she had done it. She was naked, standing next to an equally naked yet much more confident and comfortable Betazoid, on a beachfront on Aldea. Where anyone could see them if they chose to.

“Big enough for two?” Mickayla was tempted to ask as she saw Faye looking her over, admiring her; even giggling a little a Mickayla’s question about a place to get a hat and sunglasses. Mickayla wasn’t sure what that was about but she thought she could learn to like the sound. It was… different. And she could understand the humour, and perhaps the irony, of a naked woman asking about a place to get a hat and sunglasses.

And then Faye spoke, telling Mickayla that she looked good naked. Perhaps not in so many words but that was the meaning behind them, and the Klingon could tell that she meant it. But what happened next caused a moment of unsureness as Faye stepped forward, her hand held out. Mickayla could tell that she was being very obvious with what she meant to do, telegraphing so that Mickayla could avoid her if she wished to. And for a moment, an instant, the Klingon was going to. But she quashed that thought and stayed still as the warm feeling from the Betazoid’s finger played across the bare skin next to her piercing. 

She made no objection when the diplomatic officer took her by the arm and with the conscious knowledge that Faye’s bare breast was now pressed against her arm, was guided along the beach towards another stall. The stroll was an interesting experience as she tried to both catalogue and enjoy all the sensations her skin was feeling. The soothing warmth from the Betazoid’s skin pressed against her own contrasted against the different, more acute heat from the sun-baked sand. This was counted by the cool breeze that caused an altogether different reaction from the more acutely sensitive parts of her that were unused to feeling the wind upon them.

As they walked, Mickayla quietly listened as Faye spoke about her quarters and the bath within. And that even if she did enjoy herself today and ‘lost’ the bet they had, that they could still set something up so that the Klingon could indulge herself in the Betazoid’s bath. The mention of open mud baths on Betazed though caused a rash of fear to overcome her at the thought of what that would exactly entail. 

“Not sure why I am that worried about it,” Mickayla mused silently as they stopped in front of the stall. “I doubt we’ll be going to Betazed anytime soon.” Taking a moment to centre and calm herself, Mickayla looked over the array sunglasses and hats as she replied to Faye. “I wouldn’t want to put you out of your room Tess. Besides, it's more fun to have someone to talk to while soaking.”

The stall’s merchandise seemed to be eclectic in its origins, displaying no singular form or taste beyond their usage as eye and headwear. Still, Mickayla wasn’t overly picky when it came to a hat and a simple black hat with an oversized brim that extended out to her shoulders fit the bill nicely. Eyewear was a different matter as none of the styles presented didn’t appeal to her.

Mickayla was just about to give up hope when she found a pair hiding at the back, almost out of sight. They were a pair of Terran Aviator style sunglasses, something that the Klingon recognised immediately. Picking them up, Mickayla looked them over before trying them on.

“I’ve been trying to get rid of them for months,” the stall keeper said, shuffling over, somewhat surprised that a naked Klingon female was before him. “I never thought a Klingon would buy them. Your tastes generally go more towards armour and alcohol rather than beachwear. You sure you are in the right place?”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #30
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

As tempting as it was to tell Mickayla that yes, the tub was indeed big enough for two, or three (possibly 4, she hadn't tried that yet) Faye knew better than to voice it aloud. This was a big step for the Klingon non-com, and she was in no rush to make things awkward for the girl by rattling off answers to unasked questions. That was just down right rude.

The more comfortable that Mickayla seemed to become as they walked, the more relaxed Faye felt. She was much better than the other girl at 'faking it till making it', another Terran phrase she'd picked up not from her adoptive mother, but at the Academy. Ambassador Hawkins had dropped by to give a guest lecture in her sophomore year. It had been a most illuminating one, and she'd picked up a few tips from the man. They all had, and he'd been one of the more delightful guest speakers of the series. She would see him again a few years later during her Attache training at the Diplomatic Annex on Babel, alongside a few other noted dignitaries. 

Idly, she wondered what said dignitaries would think of her now, strolling along pleasantly with a fellow crew member, naked as the proverbial jaybird. She snorted a bit, in the back of her mind, knowing most of their responses, from Hawkings, to Spock, to Troi. Each one unique and telling in their own ways.

Smiling now at that thought, and Mickayla's concern, the girl gave a bit of a shrug and winked up at the Klingon. "Oh, I'm not worried about that at all. More that I'd just like the place to be, you know, presentable. No dirty laundry left hanging off of a lamp post or anything like that." she informed, as she pondered just how the other woman would look, lounging in her tub, surrounded by bubbles. Though come to think of it, all of my lighting is currently overhead, saved for one attached desk lamp. I really should get a standing lamp for behind the couch. Or maybe go back and order that smaller one we saw, for by the bed... She could, of course, simply replicate one as well. That wasn't nearly as fun, however.

The real reason she wanted a warning though, was so that she could prepare Riley, should the nurse happen to be there. She'd tell her Imzadi all about her day over a meal later - dinner, if their schedules synced up, breakfast if not - but while Faye was fine as could be with someone coming to use her bath, she'd want to give Riley the chance to bug out if she so desired. Her human lover was much more open and adjusted than she'd expected, but she also knew that their journey together was an ever evolving one and she didn't want to make the other girl uncomfortable - beach-side orgy's aside. 

Pursing her lips a bit, Faye looked over the stock, picking out a nice wide brimmed hat for herself as well. She didn't mind the sun on her, and she had enough of a tan for the other day that she wasn't worried about getting burned, but the hat seemed as good an idea as any, and she deftly picked up the straw like headgear and a pair of circular, glass lenses that would perch on her nose. They were rather rose colored, and she decided that was funny. What was that saying of mothers, about looking at the world through rose colored lenses? How can I not?

Turning, she caught the shop owners words and giggled again, sauntering over to the duo. "Never judge a book by its cover, nor a Klingon by their ridges. You'll be quite surprised in both counts, I assure you." She flashed them all a wide smile, brighter for the lack of clothes she wore and the clearly casual ease she had in the act. "To be fair, Hayanr here is humoring me today. She looks just as good in armor and with a few drinks as she does now, and just as formidable, I assure you." Faye, of course, had no idea at all what Hanayr looked like in armor. She wasn't sure the security officer had ever worn a traditional Klingon warriors suit, but she wasn't about to tell the shop owner that. She had appearances to keep up. 

And truth be told, she just wanted to get the transaction done. So she gave a little prod with her hip, and deftly plucked the one of the woman's hands into her own and led both her escort and the owner to the register. It took them a moment to process the transactions, but then they were good to go. With a "Have a nice day, er Ladies," from the owner, Faye and Mickayla - or Tesss and Hanayr, as it were, sauntered away from the booth, the former with a bit of a sway in her hips as she slid the rosy glasses onto her face and grinned up at the latter. 

'There. That wasn't too bad, was it?" She asked cheerfully, as her toes sunk into the warm sand once again.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #31
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

Mickayla couldn’t believe how rude the stall keeper was being. Maybe it was just her opinion and she was overly sensitive because she was naked, but the man seemed unduly judgemental for someone who generated an income by interacting with people. Despite her suddenly intense desire to punch the man, Mickayla managed to contain herself long enough for Faye to step in and defuse the encounter.

“10 days and I still do not have full control over my emotions,” Mickayla thought to herself Faye continued to speak to the man, telling him that she looked just as good in armour. “I’ve never even worn Klingon armour. I wouldn’t even know how to put it on properly.” The man seemed to accept Faye’s words and once the Betazoid had again paid for their items, he farewelled them as the two ladies departed; Mickayla calmly putting on her new sunglasses as they turned back towards the beach.

“Not so far,” Mickayla admitted calmly, as her own feet sank into the sand as they started down the track to the beach proper. The breeze picked up, whipping her hair around a bit beneath her had and rippling across her skin, caressing it in a sensual way that appealed to Mickayla. Climbing up the last dune, Mickayla stopped at the top and looked out across visage below, taking it all in from the water lapping at the sand to waves breaking further out and the horizon in the distance.

“Beautiful,” Mickayla uttered quietly as she enjoyed the view. Two days ago, she never would have believed she would be standing where she was, naked but for a hat, sunglasses and a new piercing, staring at the horizon from an Aldean beach. Yet here she was.

“Thank you, Tess.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #32
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

Getting out of the shop with Mickayla in tow, and everyone in one piece was something of a relief. The Aldean shop owner was more than a little bit of an ass, and there was a part of Faye that wished to take him down a peg. However she knew that they needed to keep a relatively low profile. A Klingon in the shop wasn't all that out of the ordinary. A naked woman on a beach that was clothing optional also wasn't all that odd. When they were one and the same, with a  second non-Klingon tagging along, that was out of the ordinary enough for notice. If she'd say, let Mickayla deck the man, as she so clearly had the impulse to do - that would have been too far out of the ordinary.

So she'd deflected, smiled, put on a show and took charge. Just as she was trained to do. It was almost instinctual. Faye certainly didn't feel like she'd handled the situation the wrong way, and from the end goal of a peaceful exit, she'd been quiet successful. That it wasn't quite as satisfying in the immediate time frame was something any diplomat got used to, over time. Reaching a middle ground was the best that one could often ask for, and rarely was the case that both parties were utterly satisfied. In this case, the vendor was probably happier to have that one pair of shades sold and the odd customers out of his shop, than Faye and Mickayla were to have dealt with the rude man. 

Still, they had their hats and shades and that was important.

Hiking up the large dune was done in silence. Each step brought them closer to the crest. Salt filled Faye's nose, and the breeze picked up, the sand grasses gently brushing against her calves. A tingle of anticipation rode up her spine as they reached the peak, and looked  down at the shoreline. White cresting waves broke further out, leading to light foam lapping at the shore, reaching up, then pulling back, the sand darker in its wake. People dotted about, and the sun, not as high in the sky has it had been during her last beach trip, beat down warm upon their bare shoulders. 

Drawing in a long, low breath, Faye purred like a kitten. She wriggled a bit, basking in the moment, in the feelings coming off of her escort, and the sensations of the beach. "It is beautiful, you're right, Hanayr. And you're welcome," she said, smirking a bit. You're pretty beautiful too, Miss MacGregor, but I don't think telling you that will help you right now. No need to make you blush. Still, she enjoyed the view out of the side of her eyes, watching the way the sun danced across the warm brown skin of the other Starfleet officer.

After a moment, Faye set off down the dune, toward the wetter sand. As she and Mickayla walked, the former bit her lip, and then, "I'm sorry, by the way. For just taking over in the shop. And saying you look good in armor. I really have no idea if you would or not, but that seemed to be the quickest way to deal with a rude native." Her hands waved about as she spoke, as if redrawing the lines from the shop before. "He was a bit of a git. And it would have been far more satisfying t let you just deck him. But I'm trained to find a nonviolent solution. Diplomat."

Flashing a wry grin at the other girl she wrapped up her point. "I basically just butted in and spoke for you, and while I think the end goal of getting out of there without attracting undo attention was achieved, I'm not sure I had the right to speak for you. Rank aside, we're technically on leave." Faye came to a stop, looking up at Mickayla from under the brim of her at. A wave reached out, and washed gently over their feet, leaving the tops cooler  than before in its wake, though the faint film of water quickly baked off in the sun.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #33
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

Mickayla didn’t protest as Faye half led, half guided them both down the other side of the dune towards where the sand met the water. Glancing sideways, the Klingon saw the Betazoid biting her lip and Mickayla was about to ask what was on her mind just as her companion began apologising for speaking on her behalf back at the stall. The Klingon said nothing as the two of them came to a stop at the water’s edge as a wave washed across their feet, sinking them into the wet sand before draining away.

“Personally, I think my method of dealing with him would have been quicker and more satisfying, but your way avoided us undue attention,” Mickayla admitted as another wave crashed ashore. Glancing around, making sure that no one was close enough to overhear, Mickayla went on in a quieter tone. “Truthfully though, I wouldn’t know how I look in Klingon armour. I’ve never worn it before. I know almost nothing about Klingon culture. And you are the one on leave, ma’am. I’m the bodyguard, remember.”

Turning away from Faye, Mickayla went back to looking out across the water, thinking about how much her life had changed since the Endeavour’s destruction and how much more it would change as she adapted to how she was now. Hathev had said that she needed to find a new self, made up of both her old and new selves, but the Klingon wasn’t sure how much of her heritage and upbringing were relevant to her new biological status. Shaking her head to clear it of the depressing thoughts that threatened to overcome her, Mickayla turned back to face the Betazoid.

“So, what next?” she asked politely. “It’s been a long time since I was on a beach.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #34
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

Lacking the skills to counter the argument about who was and wasn't supposed to be on leave, Faye could only nod on that point. Idly now, she wondered if perhaps she should not have pushed Mickayla so, given she was on duty. Naked left precious little space to conceal a weapon. Though the Diplomat supposed that the statuesque woman walking next to her more likely than naught counted as a living weapon. Weren't all security officers smash-em-up fisticuffs types? She might have made things a bit more challenging for the naked non-com, but she had every faith that the petty officer could take care of any threats less than say, a photon cannon. 

If they were dealing with one of those, they were well and truly fucked, she supposed.

With that happy thought in place, Faye nodded, gingerly. "I've been around plenty of Klingon's, Petty Officer," as she'd just been called ma'am the rank seemed fitting, though she said it softly. Not that she thought anyone was in ear shot, but all the same she modulated her tone. No point in taking unnecessary risks, after all. It would do neither of them any good to get outed while on a beach stroll.

"I was stationed at Khitomer before coming aboard the ship as part of the diplomatic mission to Romulus. You pick up a lot of the culture when you live with Klingon's on a daily basis. I think the armor would look good on you." She gave the girl an appraising look, and then added slyly, "Not as good as you look right now, by any means. But just a guess, I'd say you'd carry it well." 

Pondering the new question, Faye let her gaze roll over the waves. She almost made a quip about finding a pair of boys to use and lose, but she'd parted rather well with Harnet and Tayban after she and Riley had their fun, and she had no real desire to go picking up random men on the beach. At least not at the moment. She might change her mind. It wouldn't be the first time. But she was betting that Mickayla had zero interest in that option. 

"Usually when I go to the beach, I'm either laying on a blanket soaking up the sun, or out into the water getting drenched. Occasionally, I just stroll and enjoy the peace." Sometimes I get my ashes hauled but I'm not telling you that today! She giggled a bit all the same. "There are people about, but they're giving each other space. Its not too crowded today, and that's a good thing, I think." She pursed her lips though, and pondered, "Could fly a kite I suppose, that's a thing that's done at beaches. Or build a sand castle." She wasn't being really serious about that, of course, but she did understand that it was something of a beach going tradition among her adoptive mother's people. And since PO MacGregor was brought up on Earth, she figured the woman might at least get the reference.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #35
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

“My family didn’t go to the beach much when I was growing up,” Mickayla said wistfully, her mind drifting back. “Where we lived was cold and mountainous, a place more suited to snow castles rather than sand ones. What beaches that were on the coast were all rocky. Not like the sand here. And kites, well, I tried to fly one once at home. But it got away from me and chances are it is still flying around the highlands somewhere.”

“The last beach I went to, that was a different experience. We mostly spent the day drinking, eating or swimming,” Mickayla lamented, remembering that some of the others had disappeared behind the dunes at different times. It was obvious what they had been up to when they returned the group; they had ‘that look’.

“The idea of soaking up the sun though is tempting,” Mickayla considered thoughtfully, enjoying the heat considerably. It was a different feeling than when she was alone in her quarters; the sun, the breeze and everything else all made it different. And despite her earlier apprehension at being naked, she now stood there, mostly confident, with her hands on her bare hips debating what to do next.

“I guess we could lay on the sand for a while,” Mickayla proposed. “We don’t have any blankets, but we can always wash the sand off later,” she pointed out. “Or we can swim first. Up to you, I guess. I can’t decide.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #36
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88 

Yet again, Faye found herself learning more about her escort. She sensed that the woman needed a few good friends, especially after all the changes that had been forced upon her by her time on the Versant. She would most certainly be making an effort to look over the girls service record once they were both back at the ship. For the moment, she contented herself with listening to Mickayla, both literally, and the more figurative notion, for picking up surface thoughts. No prying, just skimming.

"We got a little snow where I grew up," Faye admitted, but her family farm had been in a more moderate climate zone, and the snow was fleeting in the winters, when it did come. Usually they just had bitterly cold rain, if that. She gave a little smile all the same. "We had enough that I made what mother called a Snowman once. Though he didn't really look much like a man. More like a blob with a carrot. Humans." The tone accompanying the word was said with affection, and a shrug of the shoulders. She rather liked Humans. They were refreshing in their ways, though she would be the first to admit a bias there, given her adoptive mother was human.

"Can't says I've ever made a snow castle though. I imagine it holds up better than the sand variety of structure. We had a large pond - almost a small lake, really - on the property but it wasn't much of a beach lake.  Grass right up to the edge and the like. Good for swimming and sunbathing, not so much for castles."

Deciding that she was the beach expert, Faye let her pace slow a bit more, before coming to a stop and looking up and down the beach. The foamy water tickled at her toes as it rolled over and then sucked back out to sea, teasing a giggle from her. Finally though, she gave a nod and pointed up the beach a bit. "Momma always said that it was better to go into the water after sunning one self. Made the water feel all the better for it. She tended to be smart, and wonder of wonders, I tended to listen to her. Lets go stretch out there and let the sun bake us a bit. It will be good for the muscles." Or so she assumed. Heat usually worked wonders on tired limbs, and the walking was getting to her. Faye wasn't out of shape  - clearly, her shape was quite pleasant to look at, judging by some of the gazes she'd picked up - but all the same, it would be nice to lay out.

"We soak for a bit in the sun, and then we can go wash off in the surf. I'm just enjoying the heat on my bareskin too much to go dive under the cold spray just now. I must be part lizard or something because the sun feels lovely right now. On every inch." As she spoke, she walked, hips giving a sway and her hands reaching up to the sky as she stretched. That pulled the muscles along her back into compliance, and made her perky tits bounce a bit  for anyone looking at her from the front. Her whole body seemed to be as taut as a bowstring for a moment, and she could just feel a slight pulling from her still somewhat numb belly piercing. As a result she reluctantly stopped her stretch, and smiled brightly back over her shoulder at Mickayla.

”Pull up a patch of sand, Hanayr,” she suggested as she turned and dropped down to her knees.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #37
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

“Well this is going to be a new experience,” Mickayla noted to herself after Faye suggested they let the sun bake them a little. Technically, she had already done something similar, in her quarters at least. With the heat turned up until she was almost sweating herself, she had lain on her bed and enjoyed the feel of the heat and humidity on her naked body. This would be a different feeling though. For one, there was sand. “They say you only live once,” Mickayla mused as she followed Faye, enjoying the sway of the Betazoid’s hips as she walked and stretched. She couldn’t see what effect that caused on her companion’s body, but she could guess from her own experiences of stretching similarly.

“Sounds like a plan Tess,” Mickayla acknowledged, looking up to see that Faye had caught her looking. Blushing slightly at being caught, Mickayla found herself unable to control her thoughts as Faye directed her to ‘pull up a patch of sand’ while dropping to her own knees. Mickayla couldn’t not noticed at what level that put certain parts of both their bodies and she imagined what it might feel like if those parts met. Blushing even more and praying to every deity that she knew of that the Betazoid was not peeking herself, Mickayla shuffled up beside the Betazoid and sat down quickly while trying to ignore the sand that now graced parts of her that it never had before.

“Get control of yourself!” Mickayla chastised herself as she slowly reclined, choosing to keep her new piercing out of the sand for now. Adjusting her hat to better shade her head, Mickayla lay back and tried to relax and enjoy the sun beating down upon her naked body.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #38

[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

As a diplomatic attache and Starfleet officer, the young Betazoid had met a lot of people in her years in the Diplomatic service, and not a single one that she had encountered didn't like, on some level, being admired. This was something that Faye had found to be almost universal. That the statuesque security guard that had been assigned to her had been looking at her - really looking - caused her to flush with pride.  She knew of course, that she was attractive. She knew she could garner attention - she and Riley had proven that on their own little beach trip, though that had been as much about what she had been doing as how she had looked doing it. Knowing it was one thing; catching someone looking you up was another entirely. One of life's simple pleasures as far as Faye was concerned, and in her experience, as far as just about anyone was concerned too. 

So yes, she'd put a little bit of extra wiggle into things as she settled down on her knees and waited for Mickayla to figure out how and where she wanted to stretch out. Her butt rested on her heels as she settled back, still on her knees, just sinking down a bit more. The smile grew just a tad predatory as she picked up a little bit of what was going on in the other girls head. A quick surface read was more than enough to get the mental juices flowing and she smiled up brightly at the Klingon woman, practically beaming. 

It would be so very, very easy to just lean in and run a hand over the hip, she thought to herself, indulging in a momentary fantasy, working with what she'd gleaned from the other woman's mind. Press a kiss just south of that shell. Run my fingers over the skin, and kiss lower, and lower, and lower. Just slide the hand around the back, cup, and pull forward and...jackpot. Thankfully this little indulgence was one way. She didn't know just how the poor girl might react to seeing what was going on in her head now that she'd had a peek in Mickayla's. Instead she watched until the other girl had stretched herself out. Only once the girl had fully stretched out on her back, in the sand, did Faye go about settling herself. 

She looked out at the surf for a moment, lapping up the shoreline. The air smelled different than at the other beach, something slightly shifted. Perhaps it had something to do with the latitude here compared to the other. Both were pleasantly warm but this one felt a tad more humid to her. The ocean might be just a bit more laden with salt than the other. She wasn't really sure - oceanography wasn't a subject she'd taken at the Academy, and really hadn't had a reason to pursue its study in the years since graduation. 

Slowly, she lay down, leaning over onto her side and letting her hip dig into the sand, as well as her elbow, propping her head up and looking at Mickayla, who lay there with her eyes closed for the moment. She does cut a fine figure, and once she gets used to herself, confident, she'll be a force to recon with. There was an appreciation on Faye's part for the girl before her, and a bit of affection for a new friend (hopefully). Idly she wondered what the woman might look like, laying in her tub, or splayed out on her bed, with Riley on hand nearby. Or what she might look like with Faye's own head. nestled...exactly where her security escort had been secretly imagining it just moments before. All of this day dreaming was rather academic on her part, but it did help her focus in on what to do next. 

Drawing one leg up over the other, she made a soft little noise in the back of her throat, settling her thoughts about, and then said rather lightly, "It's all an adjustment, isn't it? Not just putting up with me, I mean.  All the change." She smiled a bit, seeing the confused look. "I don't know half of what you've been through, and while they don't actually pay us, you know, being perceptive is my job. Even before you add in being able to read thoughts and such. Especially when someone is broadcasting very loudly," she noted with a wink.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #39
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

“SHIT!” was the single, overriding thought that enveloped Mickayla’s head when she heard Faye speak about broadcasting loudly. The Klingon had turned her head enough to look at the Betazoid when she began to speak, sensing the change in tone of their conversation. She hadn’t anticipated being called out on what she had been thinking about. She was under no illusions about what Faye was referring too either; she’d known enough telepaths to know that unless they shut themselves in entirely, they could still hear ‘loud’ thoughts from others. And to a person, all of them had said that shutting themselves in was very uncomfortable for them. “I can’t expect someone else to be uncomfortable just to make myself feel better. Not here.”

 Surprisingly, she also found that she wasn’t mad either. She supposed she could have been; she didn’t know the extent to which Faye had been reading her mind. But what difference would it have made anyway? Mickayla had still agreed to do everything they had done so far and she wasn’t about to complain about the company or the view she’d had while doing it. “Shit!”

“Sorry F... Tess,” Mickayla apologised, not sure how close anyone was. “I, ah, I’m not usually like this. Uncontrolled that is. Or checking out you, or well, girls at all. That’s very new,” Mickayla rambled before catching herself and looking away, trying not to blush more. Taking a deep breath and then exhaling slowly, Mickayla turned back to look at Faye and tried to ignore the enticing pose the Betazoid was in.

“You’re right,” Mickayla affirmed. “It is an adjustment. And not just this,” the Klingon said, indicating her body and the change it represented. “I had issues even before that ship. Those reasons were why I was even in the nebula at all. Why I had transferred from my last ship to the E after 8 years. I got hurt, my ability to trust was shattered and I needed a change of scenery.”

“This wasn't exactly what I had in mind at the time though,” Mickayla mused, rolling her head back around to look at the sky. “Even if the present view is great.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #40
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88 

Speaking of broadcasting, by the gods that was loud, Faye thought, wrinkling her nose just a tad that rapid fire burst of vulgarity in Mickayla's mind. No tuning that out, not unless she'd had her walls as tightly in place as...well, as a blast door. And seeing as one of those had result in her needing a new arm, Faye had a unique, if unpleasant expertise on the subject. And she'd not been so very good with her own mental fortifications ever since coming out of stasis. The effort required was more than she remembered, and in truth, most telepaths really did prefer to not bother with the whole 'shields at maximum' mentality sometimes required. Toss in that her job required her to use her gifts and well...she picked up more than was perhaps polite, though she never did so with ill intent.

Not that any of that really mattered just then. One would not need to be telepathic to pick up some of the distress that was briefly present across the petty officers face, though Faye was glad that her insight reassured her that the other woman was not mad. Just startled and rapidly attempting to come to terms with this new information. So the diplomat kept her pretty little mouth shut and allowed the other woman to work through some things on her own. Sometimes the most diplomatic rout to a solution was the quiet path of stately silence.

And so Mickayla spoke, tripping over the assumed name that Faye was using for their excursion. She really should have used one with Riley but she had been too excited on that journey to exercise any common sense, and the day prior had been up to her eyeballs in diplomatic entanglements. Quite entangled, at that, she reflected with mild amusement on how that had all gone down, winning a reprieve for the human members of the Theurgy's crew. She would endeavor all the more to remember to use the other woman's alias however, lest she allow herself to fall back into bad habits while on leave.  "You've nothing to apologize to me for, Hanayr," she swiftly reassured the larger woman, attempting to put her at must as ease as she might manage with a gentle wave of her hand, before draping the arm back over her hip and letting her fingers draw circles in the sand.

She listened with rapt attention, something she'd been trained to do, but made no effort to disguise the fact that she was listening. For the moment, her whole focus shifted onto the non-com assigned to keep her safe. The diplomat pondered the words, and the emotions, while sticking to the surface of Mickayla's thoughts, not prying deep to ferret out the answers behind the words, the details that had not yet been shared willingly. Once she cataloged everything - faster than one might think - she gave a slow nod. "Setting aside the Savi and their machinations, and the Borg, and having to shift ships in the middle of a nebula," she let out a rueful bark of laughter, "Rather a lot to set aside, truth be told, you're right. There is a lot you are coming to terms with.

"Now, I happen to think a beach is a lovely place to sort a few things out, though I suspect that some of the issues at hand you'd need a trained councilor for. Thankfully we're rebuilding that department because the gods know I could use some therapy that isn't strictly shopping."
She included herself in this to ease any potential sting. Then she swept a bit of hair back and leaned in closer to Mickayla. "Exploring who you are is a very personal thing, and I think a very good thing. Getting used to the physical changes, and the preferences. Testing the waters so to speak.

"What I'm getting at is, I'm happy to listen to anything you'd like to say. Or not say. I can actually be quiet, all evidence to the contrary."
She winked, her voice light but dripping with self-depreciation. "I think the views here are great for reflecting, and if you want to ogle me as part of 'taking in the view' I'm not going to complain. There are plenty of beautiful men  and women out walking the beach that wouldn't even notice you checking them out, but its not like I don't enjoy being looked at. As if my choice of dress earlier wasn't a hint." She wagged her eyebrows a bit and then laughed.

"If I can help, I'd like to. Not the least of which because you've done an admirable job of putting up with me." she said, ending her monologue with an encouraging smile.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #41
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

"I’ve been checking you out ever since we changed clothes back at the shop,” Mickayla admitted calmly, seeing no benefit in lying about it. She was pretty sure that Faye and not only caught her looking but also been looking back. “I couldn’t help it,” Mickayla continued, about to apologise but holding off after remembering that Faye said she had nothing to apologise for. She wanted to explain why, to try to understand herself what was happening. And perhaps it was better to talk to Faye rather than Hathev. Vulcan’s weren’t exactly known for their emotional responses after all.

“I’ve always found it difficult to trust people. Growing where and how I did,” Mickayla began slowly, fighting the urge to lie or not say anything at all. She knew she had to trust; doing it, well, that was another story entirely. “It got better as I got older, learning how to judge people and make choices. I even started to make a few actual friends. Back on the Artemis, I met someone that I thought could be more than a friend. Two years of dating and I found him in bed with my roommate. They had apparently been engaged for several months,” Mickayla revealed, trying to keep her voice even and not get angry. Anger wouldn’t help now.

“We all ended up in the infirmary. I was offered a transfer instead of formal charges in light of the situation. I accepted without pause. I couldn’t stay there anymore. Two of the people I trusted the most had betrayed me,” Mickayla explained, exhaling deeply as she listened to the waves to calm herself. “Moving to the E was meant to allow me to start over, to try and learn to trust again. I wasn’t there long enough. Then there was the Versant, where I was offered a choice; one or the other. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up on that one; it sounded too good to be true. And again, I ended up with lies and broken trust. And a new Klingon body with skin sensitivity and anger management issues to go along with it,” she finished up, noting the irony of wanting a fresh start against now having it. “Becareful what they wish for, or so they say.”

“Anyway,” Mickayla said, moving on from history. “It seems that everything in my life is changing, including my preferences for company, so to speak. And I'd say it's pretty obvious which side of the fence I have been looking at recently,” Mickayla stated, rolling onto her side and mirroring Faye’s position. “Besides a one night stand that just kind of happened, I don’t know if I trust myself to explore what I am feeling, or desiring or whatever the right word is.”

“I think what I am trying to say, or ask or whatever, is that I could use a friend to help me understand. Someone I think I can trust,” Mickayla said, not entirely sure what she was saying or doing but knowing she had to try. “And for the record, I haven’t been putting up with you. Today has been good so far. Uncomfortable at times, but definitely not a burden,” Mickayla admitted, smiling gently.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #42
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88 

Just as Mickayla could not help having looked at Faye, so too could the lithe woman not help preening now. Flashing a blazing bright smile at the guard, she tilted her head to let more of hair cascade back, and drew her leg up just a bit, foot running over the shin of the limb beneath. "Good. I'm rather glad you could not help it, and I highly discourage trying to 'help' resisting in the future. I am so vain after all." The last bit was her teasing, though perhaps it was truer than she wished to admit. Vanity and pride in herself could easily be a fault of hers - when she wasn't too busy reliving the attack at Jupiter Station and suppressing feelings of imposter syndrome.

Thankfully recent successes against the ADC at the negotiations table on behalf of the crew had helped tamp down on that.

The smile dimmed slightly however, as the Klingon continued. Faye's teasing nature took a backseat to genuine interest and outright concern for the other woman laying in the sand across from her. Coal black eyes quit darting about the expanse of exposed skin, kissed now by the Aldean sunlight, and instead focused on the face. The way the lips moved, the brows tightened and the eyes darkened, as she opened up, bit by bit. And there was no hiding how appalled she felt as the petty officer informed her of the betrayal she'd suffered on the Artemis. Her face crumpled up into one of sympathy and dismay, though she marshalled herself and kept from speaking up. 

Given her own tendencies to ployamours encounters, on the one had she struggled to understand why all three could not have simply enjoyed each other's company. At the same time she understood that the hiding of the knowledge...the lack of communication. The Dishonesty. That was what was at fault. It was a wretched thing to do. Nearly unheard of on her planet, where such a deception would be nigh on impossible to hide. It was all she could do not to reach out and grab onto Mickayla's hand in a gesture of sympathy, but Faye worried that interrupting might cut the other off, and cause her to stop all together.

Best to let her get it all out, she resolved, forcing her expression into a less drastic countenance of sympathy, still quite attentive.

That the captured hybrids from the various ships that the Savi had encountered had been offered a 'choice' of sorts as to a preference of which of their respective genotypes they might be reverted to was something that Faye had heard in light passing. That these choices were apparently disregarded, at least so she garnered from the bitterness in Mackayla's voice, was news to her. The whole of it sounded barbaric, and now the poor petty officer was trapped in a body she did not entirely choose, with changes she was having to adjust to. No wonder she was so on edge about so many things.

And it now appeared to have fallen on Faye's slender shoulders to help, as Mickayla finished up, turning to face Faye, laying on her side in a mirror of the Betazoid, and entreating her for friendship, while at the same time reassuring her that she was not as Faye had put it, a burden. Uncomfortable, but not unwelcome. She could work with that, and slowly settled into the role she was taking upon herself.

Telegraphing the movement, Faye reached out and gently gripped Mickayal's shoulder with her hand, squeezing, and then slowly running her grip down the other girls arm, and then, over her hip. As if this were the most natural thing in the world, and not a measured effort to give the skin just so recently spoken of some pleasant tactile sensations. "You've been through quite a lot and I'm not going to pretend I can help with everything. I'm more than happy to help a friend explore herself however." There was not a hint of hesitation on Faye's part, even if she might not have realized just what that would open her up to. To the Betazoid, it was a natural response. Few on her world would have not offered the same, to a friend in such a state.

The impulse to help, to care and tend to, ran deep in her species. Sometimes that ran towards taking up roles in hospitals as doctors or nurses, sometimes as psychiatrists. Occasionally, a Betazoid would enter a security professional out of a deeply abiding desire to protect. Faye had done so in the service of exploration and diplomacy, and now as a friend, helping Mickayla to build trust again.

"I certainly like to think that I can be trusted. And I'm not about to run off with some man you take an interest in. Men are fun to play with but thats really about all." She winked a bit. Men had their uses in her view, but for her at least they weren't serious. "Checking out 'the other side of the fence' simply shows good taste on your part. And while it may be an adjustment, I can safely say the new body you have is perfectly stunning."

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #43
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

Once again, Faye telegraphed her movements as she reached for Mickayla and again, Mickayla allowed her to do it, not reacting as the Betazoid’s hand squeezed her shoulder. Inside though, Mickayla wondered if a day would come when Faye, and others, wouldn’t need to telegraph their movements towards her and that she wouldn’t react to them violently if they didn’t. That thought stopped, however, when she felt Faye’s hand transition from her should to running down her arm and then to her hip. Her eyes fluttered slightly at the feeling of warmth from the hand, a warmth altogether different from the warmth of the sun on her skin.

And then there was what Faye was saying. Mickayla wasn’t sure how Faye meant to say it, or how she meant it to be understood, but Mickayla took it as Faye wasn’t against them exploring each other. And gazing at the svelte form laying opposite her, Mickayla couldn’t deny the desire within her of wanting to do exactly that. A part of her wanted to have the Betazoid right there but another part of herself argued that they were on a public beach and that there were just some things that should be enjoyed in a more private local.

“My body is nothing compared to yours,” Mickayla declared, honestly believing that of the two of them, the Betazoid’s body was much more desirable over her own. She wanted to reach out and run a hand along Faye’s form just as the officer had done to her but held back, not wanting to overstep; even if Faye had said that she was more than happy to help. “I have too much muscle to look as good as you do. The only way I could be stunning is if I hit someone.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #44
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88 

There was a parable from her mother's homeworld, something about a reptile and a Lepus, a bunny she thought. She couldn't really remember it, as neither of those creatures were native to the lands where she grew up, but the moral of it was taking things slow, and keeping a steady pace, would bring you satisfaction. She thought. It seemed silly at the time. To her, the moral should have been 'don't get cocky' but she wasn't the one that wrote the fable. Be that as it may, it applied here, and now, to Mickayla's boundaries, and the steps they would take next.

Clearly, she enjoyed the touch, so Faye did not remove her hand when she was done. She let it settle in atop the other woman's hand in turn, her tan skin contrasting with the richer brown tones of the Security officers pigmentation. There was a brief bolt of delight, a shifting of the body, an easing of tension in the shoulders - little non visual tells that Faye had been trained to pick up over the course of her education and earlier assignments. Any little tick could be a tell, an indication as to what was really going on in the mind of someone across the table from her. Not all species could be read, of course, some had training against telepaths.

Mickayla did not, and it was clear to her that the now full blooded Klingon wanted to return the gesture. So she smiled, and started to lift the girls hand, only to stop and scowl at her. she didn't let that expression last long, but it was a knee jerk reaction of someone who heard something they thought was a load of bullshit. And training or not, in that moment her control slipped. It was possibly for the best.

"Oh please. I have no doubt that you could use this," she lifted the girls hand up, the one she had begun to squeeze a moment before, "and leave someone reeling with a good solid blow. You've got the muscle and the training for it, no doubt. But girl, please," she protested soundly."

"Did you miss the part where I was checking you out too? I might have been decently discreet in the shop but I was pretty blatant a moment ago as we were laying down. The way I raked you over from head to toe with a look? Or am I losing my touch?" She gave a little giggle at that, unable to pretend to be angry but she sure did have concerns."You've got a lot of muscles and that is all kinds of appealing. I like a strong woman, you know. And it's kind of all gleaming in the sun right now, which makes you look, well, delicious.

"You look different than me. That doesn't mean I look better. You've got soft bits and hard bits and ridges"
She intoned with some enthusiasm, wagging her eyebrows. Then she took the girls hand and let it drift over to her own hip, scooting a bit closer so as to make it easier on the Klingon. "Hanayr, just because I happen to be smooth all over, that doesn't mean I look better than you, or that you aren't a knock out in your own right." she let go of the hand, permission given again. She knew that Mickayla wanted contact. She wouldn't push her - not too much at least.

"I wish you could see you the way I see you. You might like my view of the world." Then with a hefty dose of vanity on her part, she noted, "Mind you, I do think the rest of the world should see it self as I do. Would be a lot more fun of a place to live."

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #45
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

Mickayla couldn’t help but shift a little when Faye’s hand settled upon her own. It was such a simple act, and yet it brought up an enjoyable sensation that Mickayla didn’t want to give up easily. It was silly, but simply holding hands was comforting. But it seemed that her words had had the opposite effect on the Betazoid. Mickayla had caught the scowl on Faye’s face before diplomat schooled her features. 

The rebuke, for that was exactly what it was, that followed was delivered with enthusiasm, waggling eyebrows and even a little bit of giggling. And yet the words from the Betazoid cut deeper then a listener would have thought. They plunged headlong into the matter, seeking to alter the status quo into something that Faye seemed more… right. And even if Mickayla had wanted to try and refute her arguments, there wasn’t the opportunity until Faye stopped speaking.

“You are definitely not losing your touch,” Mickayla responded, feeling her hand encased in the delicious warmth of the Betazoid’s hip and hand and not even trying to hide the smile that formed on her face from the thoughts behind her words. It felt nice to smile again. It had been too long. Although even that felt wrong. She was sure she had smiled recently, for one reason or another. But at that moment, Mickayla couldn’t recall when. She wasn’t even sure if it mattered.

“And I did notice you checking me out, raking me with your eyes, as you put it,” Mickayla said, unable to resist dropping into tactical parlance; it was the fighter in her. “I guess I just figured you were comparing me to you, seeing if I was competition or not. And I have never been called delicious before,” she admitted, blushing a little, again. She seemed to be doing that a lot recently.

“And I had noticed you were smooth all over,” Mickayla observed, letting those words hang in the air for a moment, not eve sure why she had said them. “I’m not sure I could see me as you see me. Or if I would understand it. Your viewpoint seems to be pretty unique,” Mickayla continued, tapping Faye’s skin with her fingertips, not even realising that those tips were brushing the edges of the Betazoid’s behind.

“I guess, I am still adjusting to how I look. So long looking one way and now I look entirely different. I get up in the morning and I see me in the mirror. But it’s not the me that I remember or expect to see. It’s a new me that I don’t know or understand,” Mickayla admitted, hoping that Faye wouldn’t think her too weird for not knowing who she was. “Have you ever felt like that Tess?”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #46
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88   

While she had most certainly been kidding, and not at all really worried about 'losing her touch', Faye was still happy to see Mickayla say that. Her new friend was starting to relax, despite herself, and that was a good sign. She was letting her fingers move about a little, and more importantly, simply allowing herself to enjoy the contact of skin on skin - be it Faye's hand on hers, at first, or the softness of that smooth, tanned skin under the Klingon's palm. 

She was even smiling, and while Faye promised herself she wouldn't point that out, less she spoke Mickayla, she was pleased to have pulled that one out of her. It set her to wiggling, which could only serve as something of an enticement for the other member of the Theurgy's crew. Between the smile, and the blush that soon followed on, the girl looked downright cute. This observation she did not keep to herself, instead saying, [color]"Well, you do look tasty enough to bite, I won't pretend otherwise. And you have moment's where you're just plain cute. No avoiding it I'm afraid. Just going to have to learn to live with it." 
Her mock severity on the subject was completely tossed out the window when she faintly purred and shivered, pleased, from head to toe in the sand. One of the girls fingers had tickled a particularly sensitive point along her rump, having ventured further when Faye had shifted her own weight. Now it was running up and down the swell of her bum and triggering delightful little busts of pleasure deeper into her core.

But it was incidental touching, nothing determined or on purpose, and so Faye neither brought attention to it or escalated matters herself.  She did readjust her leg, to show off a bit more of that smoothness the two girls were talking about. Mickayla might not have an idea of why she had brought that back into the conversation, but Faye was willing to wager she had a notion or two. Though her thoughts, at least, remained her own. No amount of starring could change her from a Klingon to a Human.

At least, she certainly hoped not. 

"I do see the world though rose colored glasses sometimes," Faye said, with a wink, drawing attention to the poor pun she'd made, as she was still wearing her glasses from before, rosy pink in lens color. It should have brought a groan to Faye's lips if she had not been the one to say them. "But even when I'm not, I see a lot of what should be obvious good. Plenty of that in you, Hanayr,

"But for all of that, I only know so much about what you mean,"
Faye reluctantly answered, reaching out again with her hand, moving it from the hip it lay on to caress the dark arm stretched out. "When they thawed me out of stasis, I would spend hours holding my hands up and just looking at them." She rolled away onto her back, giving Mickayla a better view of her chest and the swell of her body, down to the join of the legs, where one split up and off, at an angle, heel resting in the sand.

Both hands looked perfectly normal as she held them in place. "One of these is a replacement. And from a purely objective standpoint, they look identical. Yet when I would look in the mirror I saw a girl with a fake arm. She couldn't be me. And i'm still coming to terms with that." She reluctantly admitted.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #47
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

“I’ve been called many things over the years, by a lot of people. But none of them, my own mother included, ever called me cute,” Mickayla remarked casually, thinking about what else Faye had said in that sentence. About learning to live with it. “This and more besides,” she thought to herself remembering what V-Nine had said about there being no possibility of her being returned to her former hybrid status. The best she could have hoped for was a cosmetic procedure to appear as a hybrid but Mickayla had decided against it. She couldn’t bring herself to live a lie. 

Mickayla listened as Faye spoke about seeing the world through rose coloured glasses, the irony of her words not lost on either of them given her current eyewear. And she was acutely aware of where her hand now rested after Faye moved a little. She was of half a mind to withdraw her hand but decided if Faye wasn’t going to do anything about it, neither would she.

When Faye rolled onto her back, Mickayla’s hand was dragged from where it rested against the Betazoid’s behind to a position halfway in between the new piercing she now shared with Mickayla and the junction of her legs. Mickayla froze, expecting Faye to ask her to move her hand a little but when nothing came, Mickayla relaxed a little and took in the full body view the Betazoid was offering her. And she continued to listen as Faye described how one of her arms wasn’t hers. How it was a prosthetic to replace one that she had lost.

“I didn’t know that Tess, I’m sorry,” Mickayla apologised, not sure what else she should say in that situation. She could ask about how it happened or a dozen other things about it but that would be about answering her own curiousity and not helping Faye. So Mickayla chose a different path, hoping to do for Faye, what the Betazoid had been doing for her practically since they beamed down.

“The galaxy needs people like you, Tess,” Mickayla proclaimed honestly, absently drumming her fingers a little on Faye’s skin as she spoke. “People that can see the good through all the bad that is out there. I might disagree with what you see in me, but I know that there is good out there. And I know that without people like you, those with a good heart, then people like me would never be able to find it. No matter how long we searched.”

“So, wear the glasses, and keep looking,” Mickayla urged, staring Faye in the eyes even if the Betazoid couldn’t tell she was behind her aviators. “Sometimes it is the obvious which is hardest to see. I suspect I am proof of that.”

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #48
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ibai Besi Beachfront | Aldea] Attn: 

A great temptation arose up in Faye to scold the other woman's mother, though she realized quite steadily that there would be no good come of it. For one, she did not know where the Mrs. MacGregor might reside, and on the other hand, she did not think Mickayla meant any reproof on her mother, but more as a wry note to herself, and a thanks toward Faye. "Well, it is quite true, you very much can pull of cute." She winked as she settled herself down.

Thus contented, the Betazoid let her guard enjoy the feeling of soft, sun kissed skin beneath her new hand. Her skin was warm, and smooth, and bared for all the world to see. A little movement here, or there, would send the hand either up, to her belly proper, or down. Faye was quite certain that the other woman was more than curious enough about that, but equally sure she was quite happy to move at her own pace. Slow and steady, the telepath thought again, having explained about her own hand, and knowing that it didn't quite compare to the petty officers experience, but was simply as close as she could come.

"Oh, it's not as bad as all that, thought I do thank you for the sympathy," she quietly interjected, if not quite entirely truthfully. The nightmares still came, as did the bouts of impostor syndrome, the crushing weight of responsibility as being the only one left. Recent negotiations would only go so far. "The actual act was over quite swiftly, and from my perspective, I woke up but moments later, restored. I didn't have to go about for days before a replacement arrived - Stasis has some up sides." And that really was all she was able to say on the subject, though having spoken of it, her empathy toward what the now full blooded Klingon was going through could only grow.

All her feelings of empathy gave her no real warning as to what was going to come out of Mickayla's mouth next. She blinked up in surprise, her own shades doing precious little to block her coal dark eyes from view. Propped up on her elbows now, her mouth opened a little bit, and found herself without any words, at least for the moment. Those would come in a fast rush once the Klingon said her piece, falling one on top of the other as a blush crept into her face. The pleasant tapping, in such a position so close to a private area, on sensitive skin, sent a tingle washing over the girl which, of course, did nothing at all to hide the blush on her cheeks. So focused had she been on her escort that she was wholly unprepared to have the same sort of concern and kindness directed back on herself.

"I....well, I mean,....that is to say," she stopped, shook her head and giggled. She swallowed to collect herself and twisted on her side, wiggling closer now, feeling the girls hand move across her skin. She leaned up and in, and angled - slowly- so that her lips were able to hover just right by the other woman's ear. It brought them terribly close, if not quite in full contact, and she was able to murmur, so soft that none would hear her say, "Thank you, Mickayla. That means quite a lot, and I know how much it means to you to be able to say it. I promise I will." She said it all in a fast rush, determined to use the woman's real name when she did not think others could hear it, because it really mattered in that moment.  Her lips nearly brushed the skin there, and she knew her breath would be warm. As fast as she spoke she could not keep a certain husky quality out of her voice, for the words really hit home and she wasn’t very good at hiding how well she appreciated them. After all, this wasn’t a negotiating table where she might have been in better form, but a beach, where she was utterly exposed beside a shipmate that was becoming a new friend.

Then she pulled back a bit, to bring her face into view of the other girl, and smiled brightly, if still red in the cheek. Louder, she said, "I think I will keep the glasses. They do look rather good on me." Knowing full well her friend was talking about the metaphorical ones, not the physical.

Re: Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls

Reply #49
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | AKA Hanayr | Ibai Besi Beach ] Attn: @Brutus

“I could definitely learn to like that sound,” Mickayla thought to herself when Faye giggled again. It was a lovely sound in her ears. Different enough from anything she could remember hearing to be unique, and thus memorable. What she hadn’t expected was for Faye to roll over onto her side again and move closer, forcing Mickayla to glide her hand across the Betazoid’s skin as she rolled. When all movement ceased, she realised that her hand was squarely planted on the officer’s rump; she could feel the edges of the gully that led downwards at her fingertips.

Her focus on where her hand was now located was broken as Faye leaned in, bringing their two bodies so close together that Mickayla could feel the sun kissed warmth from the Betazoid against her own skin. And their positioning, left only one thing to look at, the officer’s left breast as it hovered so close that if Mickayla extended her tongue, she could make contact with it. Once again though, her thoughts were disrupted, gratefully this time, when she felt Faye start to whisper in her ear; her warm breath playing across the contours of the sensory organ delightfully.

It may have only been a murmur, a whisper in the wind, but Mickayla listened as the sweet yet husky voice thanked her, using her real name. Mickayla hadn’t intended for this type of reaction; she had spoken honestly. Knowing and accepting that she would never be able to see things in the same light as the diplomat. Still, she appreciated the gesture, closing her eyes to enjoy all the sensations she was feeling at that moment.

Opening her eyes again, she found Faye’s face had replaced her breast in her vision, yet still close enough that it wouldn’t take much for Mickayla’s own to reach it. Faye was saying something about keeping her glasses but Mickayla wasn’t listening clearly; all she could see was Faye’s face right in front of her, looking inviting. She didn’t understand why it was inviting. Was it the Betazoid’s influence? Was it her own inhibitions being lowered? Was there something in the air or water? Mickayla didn’t know. She was a soldier, a grunt; not a scientist. She was told an objective and went after it. And right now, with her hand grasping Faye’s backside, all she could think about was kissing her.

“What has gotten into me?” Mickayla wondered idly, concern starting to fester inside of her. “I only met her this morning. I shouldn’t be acting this way. I need to get a grip of myself, not of her,” the Klingon chastised herself, releasing the delightfully warm and firm backside she had been holding and slowly stating to slide her hand back. She didn’t want to, that much she knew, but something inside her, good or bad she didn’t know, told her that she shouldn’t be behaving like this. It wasn’t right.

“But it's so nice though,” Mac’s voice echoed. It was her own voice, yet she knew it was different. “Besides, what is right or wrong anymore? You only have one life to live. And even if you could have more than a century of it left, why waste time waiting to enjoy yourself,” Mac urged cheerfully, Mickayla almost able to image the smile on her face as she stood by the loch. “Let go of yourself, not of Faye’s great arse!”

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