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Topic: Day 08 [1425 hrs.] Anomaly Detected | The Silver Shadows Part 01 (Read 5096 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 08 [1425 hrs.] Anomaly Detected | The Silver Shadows Part 01

STARDATE 57576.58
MARCH 18, 2381

[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Conference Room 02 | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @CanadianVet @lisavw @The Ostrich @trevorvw

Thanks CV for Trent's few words.

Mickayla was walking along the corridor, wondering if she had made the right decision in volunteering as she approached conference room 02. Her week had been mostly low key, standing her duty shifts as required and trying to determine how best to modify a phaser rifle into something that could take down a Savi Scion in her spare time. So far, she hadn’t come up with any good ideas.

Entering the conference room, she saw that it was already occupied. A male Caitian, his dark grey fur and appearance showing his mountain origins, sat on one side of the table. From where she stood at the entrance, she could also see that he was a Petty Officer 2nd class from the Security department, like her. Further down, a female human from the Science department sat but Mickayla couldn’t identify her rank from where she stood.

The last person in the room was another Human, a male this time. He stood away from the table, looking out the window at the space beyond. She couldn’t see his face and the only identifying feature she could see from behind him was that his left hand was a prosthetic.

“So, this is Lieutenant Trent,” Mickyala thought to herself as she stepped more into the room. She had never met the man but what she had heard over the last week made for interesting listening.

“Petty Officer Mickayla MacGregor reporting, sir,” the Klingon said, announcing her presence.

“Have a seat Petty Officer,” Trent directed without turning, his voice quiet, almost like a whisper. “We’ll begin once everyone arrives. They still have a few minutes.”

“Yes, sir,” Mickayla acknowledged, moving to the table and sitting down.

OOC: Welcome everyone. Thanks for being the guinea pigs for this, my first shot at running something. Hopefully I do right by everyone. That said, if you have any feedback, positive or negative, please let me know. I can't correct my mistakes if I don't know I have them.

To Business:

Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything. If I am, please tell me.[/i]

Re: SD 57576.58: Anomaly Detected

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Conference Room 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ]
@Stegro88 @CanadianVet @lisavw @The Ostrich

Kai walked along the corridor on the way to the conference room, only vaguely being aware of what the mission would be. Rumour had it that it'd be Lieutenant Trent's mission, but Kai would be the ranking officer on it.

Truth be told, Kai didn't really know Trent from a hole in the bulkhead, except for meeting him once when he was with that one girl when they met with Nicander at the behest of Captain Ives. This hadn't been enough time for Kai to form an opinion of the man, however scuttlebutt had lots to say about the man. The large chief of security would definitely listen to what was said, but wouldn't make any major assumptions based on said rumours. Either way, Kai knew he had to balance everything to make the best decisions he could.

As Kai entered the conference room, he saw Mickayla sitting at the table along with two others and Trent staring out the window. As the three people saw it was Kai, they went to stand up, but Kai raised his right hand and held it in front of him, palm facing outwards as a non-verbal way to tell them to keep sitting. The trio, almost in unison, lowered themselves back down to sitting.

It was then he noticed that Lieutenant Trent hadn't moved and was still staring out the window, keeping himself isolated from the table. 


Kai walked over to where the man was standing and stood beside him, looking out the window. They both had their backs to the table, and what Kai was about to say, was for their ears only.

"A word Lieutenant? Look, I don't know you and I don't want to make any assumptions but I want to be clear that if we come across anything hostile, we'll fall back and re-evaluate the situation. I will not risk anyone's lives over a sensor anomaly." Kai said in a hushed voice, but the side glance from Lt. Trent told him that the message was received loud and clear.

Without saying another word, Kai left the man's side and made his way over to the table, his mug of Raktijino still in his hand, and sat down in a chair and awaited the others to show up so they could get this briefing underway.

Re: SD 57576.58: Anomaly Detected

Reply #2
[ Ltjg Jhozahosh “Blizzard” sh’Avhennes | Conference Room 02 | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ]


Jhozahosh sh’Avhennes wandered into the conference room humming a wordless tune to herself. She made ignored the people in the room already, making her way straight to the replicator and ordering a large mug of Katheka. Drink in hand she took a seat and had a proper look around at the people here. Taking a deep draught from her mug she settled back and took stock.

There was a Klingon woman, gold collared and unfamiliar, Jhoza hoped she was a security officer. There was nobody she would rather have at her back in a combat scenario than a Klingon, save another Andorian of course. There were two more gold collars, a Human man and a Caitian man, both unfamiliar to her, engineers, security or operations, Jhoza could take guesses, but refrained, she was sure they would be introduced soon enough. There were two more already here too, an unfamiliar Human woman, in the teal of either science or medical, and Carrigan Trent.

Jhoza grinned as she finally saw a familiar face. The man who had claimed to be an Aldean at a bar on the surface was currently occupied it seemed, staring out the window at who knew what, probably lost with his own thoughts. She wouldn’t disturb him just yet, she was sure there would be plenty of time later for her to make jokes at his expense about their interactions at the bar. Perhaps she would manage to sell him some jewelry this time.

She chuckled to herself and took another mouthful of her drink. Jhoza wasn’t quite sure why she was here. She had heard of a position on an away mission, and volunteered before gathering any additional information. Some might have considered that a silly thing to do, but Jhoza was known for making spur of the moment decisions. Her antennae flicked back and forth, looking at each of the people in the room in turn. She was sure the purpose of the away mission would be explained sooner or later.

Re: SD 57576.58: Anomaly Detected

Reply #3
[ Lt. T'Panu | Conference Room 02 | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ]
@Stegro88 @trevorvw @The Ostrich @CanadianVet

T'Panu left her quarters and headed for the conference room. Medical staff had been alerted of an away mission and being that T'Panu hadn't yet been on one, was excited to join the party! She had already ventured down to the planets surface and quite enjoyed her time there. Tales of an abandoned ghost town sounded right up her alley. She knew that sounded a little strange, but she was very excited to go on a mission.

She walked in just as a very large man had entered. Everyone was starting to get up when he waved them off. They sat back down as T'Panu was happy she was able to walk in without anyone really noticing her. The hubbub of the room quickly returned, the room buzzing with different conversations. She walked over to the replicator and asked for a spice tea. She recalled her last meetings back at the academy, when many of them would cause her to doze off. She wasn't sure why, it never seemed to happen to anyone else.

Perhaps they're better at hiding it than I am, she thought.

T'Panu felt her stomach grumble. She looked down momentarily as she realized her stomach spoke better Klingon than she did. She was tempted to replicate something to eat, but she didn't want to seem strange on her first time meeting everyone.

She took her seat as she carefully set her tea down. She managed to walk it over without spilling it on the floor, herself, or anyone else so she felt like it was a great accomplishment to start the day. Her chair made a slight squeaking noise as the legs caused friction in the floor.

Why don't we have levitating chairs? After all these years of space travel we should have levitating chairs.

She pulled her chair in as she sat, imagining getting into a hovering chair beneath her. She felt quite amused as she prepared for the meeting to commence.

Being nearly the last one to the meeting, she was somehow not surprised. Hopefully one of these days she would be the more punctual Vulcan she knew she was supposed to be; however, she even forgot to eat so she knew that wasn't happening any time soon. She sipped her tea, feeling the caffeine awakening her senses as she prepared for the meeting to begin.

Re: Day 08 [1425 hrs.] Anomaly Detected

Reply #4
[ Lt Carrigan Trent | Conference Room 02 | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @trevorvw @The Ostrich @lisavw

Focused on a task, the pending evaluation of his conduct was easy to forget. He regretted lashing out against the scientist a couple of days ago, but as it were, he had no way to do something about it. Ives judgement awaited. Now, however, duty called.

When he had first come across those findings, Carrigan Trent's every instinct was that there was something off about them.  And when he'd seen them repeated again with exactly one solar day between them, he became certain it was no sensor ghost, which led him to requesting from Captain Ives to authorize an away team to take a closer look.  That much had been granted, but of course with the proviso that it would be on an entirely volunteer basis, and there would be someone to override him. 

Because of course, it had been made abundantly clear to him he was barely trusted enough to order his own breakfast, let alone direct personnel for anything resembling something operational, and considered just about competent enough to remember which foot each shoe went on.

But, the briefing had been called, and as was his habit, he was the first one present to make sure everything would function as expected, and he would not suffer the indignity of being late for his own briefing.  Or to have his volunteers walk out because they did not feel like waiting and see this project, which would be largely out of his hands once he would give the information.  Either his volunteers would stick around, or whoever was going to be the mission commander would keep him frozen out of the operational aspect.

And of course, there were doubts.  Part of him expected this would be little more than a show put up to remind him of just how far he'd have fallen; that the volunteers would come in to see what an inept, murderous loose cannon who spilled lives like water would come up with to get other people killed.  And especially, how this would end up if what warranted this operation in his mind would prove to be nothing of consequence... or if things would go south.  He had no doubt anything but a perfect result would serve no purpose save cementing what was circulating across the ship.

As people arrived, he acknowledged with a simple few words and a nod, keeping a count of who was there.  And he was happy enough being left alone to look out the window and work his thoughts in order when he was joined.  Lieutenant Commander Akoni.  They had but one meeting before, and Trent had been curt and to the point with him.  How that would play along, he could not even begin to fathom.  However, the large Polynesian made a simple point.

At first, the mention of his rank was like a stab.  He had not even been reduced to his substantive rank of Lieutenant Commander,  but down one more level, and reduced to having absolutely no authority to get anything done; in effect, being put in a position where if he could not generate support, he would fail at his mission.  But what else was this implied statement he was reckless with the lives of his shipmates.  That was beyond offensive in its own right, and it was only years of mental discipline that kept his face impassive as he looked to his superior and granted a simple nod. 

But he was biting back many a sharp remark, the mildest that came to his mind being one about not needing to teach one's mother to suck eggs. 

And finally, the last person came in, and he turned around to face the table.  Most he did not know, but the Andorian woman, on the other hand... I don't have the time, or the patience to deal with her bullshit  "Now that everyone is here, let's begin."

Pressing a button on the table's console, a holographic representation of Aldea Prime appeared over, before zooming in to one of the dead cities located on the local equivalent of a savanna, adjoining a major river. "Over the last few local days, we have detected a recurrent energy spike coming from this city.  For reasons still unknown, we have not been able to pinpoint the exact location or exact nature of the spike.  However,"

Pressing another button, what appeared to be a representation of a signal appeared in mid-air over the table, flashing red lights highlighting various limits and parameters, before a composite image showing where they matched was generated. "All occurrences are exactly 2.73 seconds in duration, at precisely half an hour before local sunset.  The parametric data has no match with known sources planetside, but the power output and the structure of this suspected signal suggest to me it may be aimed at a recipient that could be as far as out-system.  We have no indications towards the identity, or even actual existence, of such a possible recipient at this time."

With one more button press, the signal data vanished, replaced by a representation of the city, and an out-of-scale trajectory from the shipyards down. "The mission, for those of you who still accept to take part, will be as follows.  As we have been unable to gain meaningful data from orbit, a landing party will take the Tesla planetside to install sensor relays to triangulate the source of the signal from closer in."  With another press of a button, the representation of the city became a top-down map showing a few possible landing zones, and paths to suitable positions to install sensor equipment.  "If possible, also determine the reason our sensors' efficiency with regards to the area is marginal.  Be aware that the dead cities have been identified as being places where extra-legal activities take place, may have been overrun with predatory wildlife, or could harbour hazardous technology that would consider outsiders a threat.   This is reconnaissance and survey, not a combat operation, and the rules of engagement are as follows: self-defence is of course authorized; but if coming across anything hostile, search teams are to break contact and return to the shuttle and the situation will be re-evaluated and the operation altered accordingly.  Commander Akoni, as the senior rank involved, will be in overall operational control and the go, no-go authority.  I will remain on board to monitor the shuttle's sensors and each team's communications, progress and tricorder readings, and provide real-time analysis.  Teams will be detailed by Commander Akoni as the on-scene commander.  This concludes the initial part of the briefing.  Sir, do you have anything you wish to add?  Also, if anyone has any questions, now would be a good time."

Re: Day 08 [1425 hrs.] Anomaly Detected | The Silver Shadows Part 01

Reply #5
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Conference Room 02 | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @CanadianVet @trevorvw @lisavw @The Ostrich

Mickayla was restless. She’d spent the last week on board the Theurgy, actively resisting attempts to leave the ship because she wanted to avoid Klingons on the stations as much as possible. Where Khorin had settled down a bit, or she’d just gotten used to him, the Empire’s Klingons were not something she was accustomed too and at the moment, she didn’t feel like getting used to them. So, she had accepted other jobs, giving herself reasons to stay on the ship while trying to remain busy.

But then this mission had come up, a chance to get off the ship while avoiding the Klingons and she had jumped at it. And now she was starting to regret that choice. Chasing down a recurring anomaly in a ghost city. Barely even present on sensors and only occurring once a day. It was definitely sound like a wild goose chase despite what Lieutenant Trent seemed to believe. And yet, if it was a waste of time, why was Lieutenant Commander Akoni present.

As to questions, Mickayla had half a dozen or so. What were they wearing, weapons, signs of hostile activity in the city? Support, either from the Theurgy, Klingons or Aldeans? What were they going to do if they found the source of the anomaly?

“Sir, I assume as we are going down to the planet we will not be in uniform?” M’Mau asked, his feline voice quiet. Mickayla had met the Caitian the other night and he seemed quite capable. Especially as he had been on the Theurgy from the beginning and was still alive.

“Given this ship’s attrition rate, that’s almost a miracle,” Mickayla noted mentally as she waited for an answer.

OOC: Apologies for the delay, I've not been well.

Final round of posting here. Ask any questions your characters need to ask and either Akoni or Trent can answer them. (Akoni might have some of his own to ask Trent)

@CanadianVet if Trent could go last and answer questions, conclude the briefing and ask everyone to report to the Tesla at 2100HRS, that would be awesome.

Teams on the ground will be:

Rover Team:
Lt Cmdr. Kai Akoni (Security) @trevorvw
Lt. JG Jhozahosh sh'Avhennes (TacCONN) @The Ostrich
Ensign Ema Newberry (Human Female/Science Department)

Foot Team:
Lt. T'Panu (Medical) @lisavw
PO1 Mickayla MacGregor (Security Department) @Stegro88
PO2 M'Mau (Caitian Male/Security Department)

Any Questions, please let me know. I'll get started on the opening post for the landing party. Currently it is scheduled at 2200 ship time but that will be just before sunset on the planet. Something to comment about.

Take it easy everyone.

Re: Day 08 [1425 hrs.] Anomaly Detected | The Silver Shadows Part 01

Reply #6
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Conference Room 02 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ]
@Stegro88 @CanadianVet @lisavw @The Ostrich

As Kai sat and listened to Lieutenant Trent's briefing, it had dawned on him just how lacking this mission was on the intelligence side.

There was a whole lot of unknowns, almost too many for Kai's liking. Best he could discern was that there was a mysterious signal once a day, sensors didn't work, extra-legal activities were known to occur. Other than that, not much else was known. It didn't really sit well with Kai, as he had a bad feeling about this mission, but knew he was there to hopefully alleviate anything that went wrong.

As Trent concluded his briefing, he had asked Kai if he had anything to add. Kai realized he had some questions, but only one had sprung to the front of his mind. First, he decided to get the information out that he had to.

Before he could speak, M'Mau had asked Trent if they would be going down planetside, not in uniform. As Trent replied to that question, Kai studied the man giving the briefing. He wasn't quite sure what to think of him, although he seemed somewhat competent. Even though, as the Intelligence Officer, he hadn't provided any concrete intelligence. As Trent finished answering, a quiet pause came across the room. Now was Kai's turn to speak.

"Okay people, Lieutenant T'Panu, MacGregor and M'Mau will be Beta team, the others will be with me on Alpha team." Kai said as he turned to the Vulcan doctor seated at the table with them. "No offence doc, but I'd feel better if Petty Officer MacGregor was in charge of your team. She'll keep you safe."

Kai then turned away from the Vulcan and addressed the rest of the table, "I don't want to take any chances down there, so we'll be heavily armed. Better to be safe than sorry."

Kai then turned his gaze towards Lieutenant Trent.

"Is there any other intelligence on this site? Anything at all? There just seems to be a lot of unknowns." Kai asked as he took a sip of his Raktijino and listened to Trent's reply.

Re: Day 08 [1425 hrs.] Anomaly Detected | The Silver Shadows Part 01

Reply #7
[ Lt. T'Panu | Conference Room 02 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ]
@Stegro88 @trevorvw @CanadianVet @The Ostrich  

T'Panu sat, listening as intently as she could while sipping her tea. Her stomach still grumbled at the most inopportune times, right as the room seemed to diminish all speaking. She was excited to set out on her first mission, waiting almost impatiently to see what was about to happen. She had heard of everyone always going on these missions, having always wished to be one of the ones that joined. This time though, she was. 

She watched as the flashy lights indicated the energy spikes in the city, finding herself becoming lost in her thoughts. She envisioned the anomaly, wondering what sort of dangers they were going to find. She knew with such a crew as theirs, they would find themselves free of danger; albeit they would find some, but she knew they would come out unscathed...or rather, mostly. 

She watched the lights, blink...blink...blink...mesmerizing her as her mind became engulfed in the flashing on the map. T'Panu had been akin to many meetings, but she had never fully stayed alert in any of them. They always seemed to be the perfect time to completely zone out, as hard as she always tried not to. 

She had completely zoned out, until she heard her name. She almost jumped, when she realized where she was and that she should really be paying attention." Lieutenant T'Panu, MacGregor and M'Mau will be Beta team," the Lieutenant Commander declared. Her heart raced slightly as she realized she would be leading a team. 

How will I do? People will be following my orders?? I couldn't even feed myself for this meeting, let alone lead people to safety! 

Just as she was having her own personal nightmare, the Lieutenant Commander spoke again. "No offence doc, but I'd feel better if Petty Officer MacGregor was in charge of your team. She'll keep you safe," the Lt. Cmdr. explained. T'Panu sighed a breath of relief, realizing she had nothing to do with being in command. Her shoulders relaxed as she finished listening to the briefing. He took a sip of his raktajino as she took a close look at his alluring body. 

T'Panu thought of any more questions she may have. Being the only medical, she was considering the potential challenges of caring for the two groups. She listened to the rest of the briefing as she went through her head to make sure they'd be properly equipped for their upcoming mission.

Re: Day 08 [1425 hrs.] Anomaly Detected

Reply #8
[ Lt Carrigan Trent | Conference Room 02 | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @trevorvw @The Ostrich @lisavw

The first question to be spoken was an obvious one. One might be tempted to take offence when a softball like this was tossed one's way, but not Trent.  For one thing, he knew that this was also a bit of a test; after all, he was one to ask questions after he'd hand out detailed briefings when he had been in charge, to make sure others had listened, that attention had been paid to details. And, those administrative details, he would normally have left them to the on-site commander, but since he was the one put in the hot seat.. 

"That is correct.  So far as anyone on the surface is concerned, there is no Starfleet presence here and we keep it that way.  Attire will be appropriate civilian clothing, with tactical gear as required, and nothing uniform if it can be avoided.  We have plenty of Aldean gear on hand to see everyone properly equipped.  Anyone unfamiliar with the gear at hand, including weapons, will have time to be familiarized before the mission begins."

Then, after Akoni detailed the teams and confirmed they would be well-armed, he asked a question of his own that was, frankly odd. Had he been paying attention at all while Trent had been speaking, or was he hoping to catch him selling them information that did not exist as to prove to everyone the former XO was indeed a barely competent loose cannon?  "Sir, this is meant to be a reconnaissance operation, to acquire the data the sensors at our disposal can't without having boots on the ground.  If there was more information to pass on, I would have done it."  If I knew what was down there, we wouldn't be here; if it was something I didn't think was significant, I would have gone down there myself to take a look, not have to draw up a proposal to the Captain to send a landing party down there, he thought somewhat uncharitably; his current situation of having to ask, if not downright beg, for support was a recipe for an intelligence failure he would no doubt be blame for by making sure he would never have constant access to the resources he would need to do his job... 

He had kept his tone polite, but he was hardly pleased at having to state the obvious in such a case.  "What I can say, though, is that the recurring energy spikes' structure and recorded power levels would require access to a substantial amount of energy; sensors are not picking up a functioning power grid within the city, so I would surmise there would be a standalone generator in the areas we are unable to scan.  Based on the spikes' geometry, " he was not about to go into the details of Doppler shift, back or side lobe strengths or how quickly the transmitter generating it would go from rest to full transmission power; this kind of analysis had been for him to justify requesting the away mission to the Captain, irrelevant to the ground teams. But there was something he could add.  "I would say the suspected signal is originating in this general area," with a few button presses, the map zoomed to one particular sector, "and it is being sent from a high feature; there are a number of high-rise buildings in the area; between the shuttle's and rover's sensors, your tricorders and the equipment you will need to emplace at the marked locations, a precise set of originating coordinates should be pinpointed, and the spike properly identified.
 And given the close proximity, I assess whatever is disrupting orbital and airborne sensors should only have minimal effect, and readings on that effect should be sufficient to allow us to compensate and maintain surveillance from orbit."  

He then took a deep breath. This was going to be the moment of truth. Do or die, go or no-go, despite entirely more 'shoulds' than he would like. "Commander Akoni, you are the final go/no-go authority on this operation.  Should it proceed, the shuttle departure is scheduled for 2100 hours, and this should grant ample time to reach the designated coordinates with one team on foot and the other on the Argo and install the sensors before the next occurrence.  In the meantime, if there are any questions I will remain available to answer them off-line for some time."  Then, he had to give a disclaimer he hated, for if anyone took him up on it, it would leave the landing party short... or put him on the surface where he would be unable to keep a bird's eye view on things.  "This is a purely voluntary assignment; until you board the shuttle, you are free to withdraw from the operation.  Once you board, you are under Commander Akoni's control.  Thank you."


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