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Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #50
[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Corridor | Deck 04 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @trevorvw
Kai Akoni had joined Kingston in the computer core - the centre of it still bereft of Thea's positronic brain - and together, they had dispatched the last present drones.

Afterwards, it was quickly revealed that not only had the high security prisoner - Nicander - escaped, but for some reason the drones had gone out of their way to try and assimilate him too. Akoni poignantly illustrated the challenge for them, but as to what they might do, Kingston only had the most obvious of ideas to resort to. "Checking internal sensors," he said in his hoarse voice and then shook his helmet. "No joy. He doesn't show up anywhere aboard, but I doubt he's somewhere out there."

Suddenly, the whole ship rocked harder than it had done before. Once, twice, three times. It appeared that the Borg were making some kind of retaliation, and the Theurgy was suffering for it. Kingston had activated the mag locks, but he still had to keep his balance while his ecosuit boots were nailed to the deck. Eventually, after an EPS conduit had blown overhead and sent sparks raining over them, the retaliatory strikes ceased, and Kingstron tapped the side of his helmet. "This is Kingston and Akoni to all security teams, report in descending order of designation."

[This is Alpha team,] came the reply in both their helmets. [I'm on Deck 4 and I've lost three people. I am now alone. Karlsson was sucked out of a hull breach, over. There are two drones here, and I need reinforcements!]

[Bravo team here, all accounted for, but we're sealed off by debris here on Deck 6. We sighted the Bellerophon survivors, heading for the Upper Shuttle Bay. I repeat, those from the Bellerophon are on the loose.]

[Charlie team! We're engaged the Borg here in the Aboretum, using the undergrowth for cover. I think we lost Pilkington. Last we saw him he fell into one of the ponds while fighting two drones. He's in a suit, but visibility has to be zero down there.]

[Delta team. Everett. They have adapted. I'm sorry. I won't be assimilated...] The sound of a phaser, discharging, and then clattering against deck plating.

Kingston swore. If the Borg had adapted, there was only one thing to do. After trading a glance with Akoni, he gave the order. "Kingston to all teams. Resort to graviton beam weaponry and alternative measures, fall back to defend security areas, over!"

There were shuffling noises outside the doors, and then... they were no longer alone. Curling his upper lip, Adam raised his Accipiter, letting Akoni handle comms. More drones were stepping through, and they were trapped.

[ Ens. Cir'Cie | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @alphawiz @Doc M.
Catching the phaser that Kaylon Jeen tossed her way, Cir'Cie calmly raised the muzzle against the closest advancing drone, raised the setting, and opened fire. The close proximity might have begotten fear, but of this, there was no sign in Cir'Cie's face.

The beam hit centre-chest, and made the metal and ribcage collapse. Yet before her beam had hit, both Jeen and O'Connell had fired as well, making that particular drone more than adequately deactivated. She returned her attention to the console in front of her, making sure that the calibrations weren't off, and it seemed they had managed to keep the shields up for the time being.

Unfortunately, it didn't last.

The sliding doors parted, and new drones filed in. Three of them, the first raising its arm against Cir'Cie. Instinctually, she ducked, narrowly avoiding the disruptor blast sent in her direction. She reached up, found the handle of her phaser and began to fire anew  an eyebrow raised against the drone in question. It went down... but that was the end of their luck in Engineering.

The Theurgy was hit, hard, several times, and there was no way to remain standing without support. The drones were not so easily toppled, advancing further inside the area. Cir'Cie held on to the edge of the table, narrowly avoiding to fall at the feet of the drones. On one knee, she raised her phaser again, fired....

...only to find that the drone had adapted. Her eyes didn't widen. She shouldn't be surprised. Much less so when the drone seized her by the neck and lifted her clean off her feet. She could no longer speak. Instinctively, she tried to pry those metal fingers off herself. To her credit, she wasn't afraid, even when the drone's other arm rose...

...the assimilation tubes about to enter her.

[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy
Attn: @fiendfall 
In her cockpit, Sera was grinning and picking off the drones in sight, one by one, with the Sabine's pulse phaser turrets.

Of course, she took careful aim, making sure not to hit the Starfleeters that were running around the shuttle bay. She learned soon, however, that she would have to give them directions. They were a panicked mob, and she appeared to be the only one able to do something about the drones. She tapped into the external PA system of the Sabine, since it was time they got out of the way.

"Hey! Fleeters! Gather at this side of the blasted bay, head me? Over there, you'll just risk running in front of my crosshairs, all right? I won't shoot you, okay? Now, move!"

At first, it seemed to be working well. She picked off more of the drones, there were no soft bodies in the way, and she was slowly beginning to think that she'd clear them all out. Of course, as had been her luck since she came aboard the bloody starship, her luck ran out. The Theurgy took some devastating hits, and after that, her phasers were rendered ineffective. Meaning that the Borg had adapted. "Bloody ashes!"

Sera leaned forward, checking on the people on her side of the shuttle bay. With so many Starfleeters in the bay, she couldn't very well start firing micro torpedoes. She cursed, knowing that if her weapon systems weren't any options, she had to become creative. She opened up the external audio channel again. "I'm going to turn the ship around, so down on the flaming deck, okay?"

Said and done, she swung the Sabine around, and lowered her altitude. There were three more drones, advancing towards her and the people below, and very little time. With her teeth bare behind her visor, she got her micro fusion thrusters where she wanted them to be, and calibrated her forward thrusters to compensate for the momentum. "Fire in the hole!"

She scourged the drones with her thrusters, and then had to do a trick turn lest she'd crash into the bay doors. Only she did, but only enough to scratch up the port side of her ship - sparks raining down on the Starfleeters. Then, she had to level out, before she crushed anyone below her, and she solved it by taking the Sabine further into the bay. Just enough to spare the lives of those she'd protected. As for the drones, they were charred pieces, only one of them still crawling - without a lower body - towards the bay doors. The stunt she had pulled had her heart racing, and she decided to pop the airlock and walk out, her disruptor still in hand.

"Everyone okay?" she called towards the huddling officers, while she looked around for more drones.

She couldn't shake the feeling it wasn't over yet...

OOC: The Borg have adapted, so henceforth, let that be reflected in your posts. However, towards the end of your posts, the Versant should have fired against the cube, and given the level of devastation done to the cube, its shield matrix and the linked drones are rendered vulnerable again.

Please bear in mind that while this thread is available for all, you may all start up Supplemental threads too, if that would be your preference. The naming convention of such Supplemental threads would be CH05: S [D06|1110] Insert Title. I will not be adding objectives here for the time being since there are still ones not covered since last I posted. But given time, I can add some more later on. It depends a bit on the development in the main Chapter 05 thread. In any case, happy Borg hunting!

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #51
[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector: Combined | USS Theurgy ]

Zark’s pulse pistol had rained down bolts on the unshielded Borg, dropping one.. then another. She’d adjusted the frequency to fire more Andorian standard, so the blasts were brilliant blue. She figured if the Borg where running the numbers to adjust to Fed standard blasts, a few blue bolts might shake things up a bit.

The three Security crewmen with her were taking advantage of the shield-less borg as well. The three of them had dropped two more Borg between them. Then the ship shook. BOOM! And one of the crewmen went flying over a console.

Zark engaged her mag boots and crouched. BOOM BOOM! Two more heavy hits overloaded the local internal dampeners and people tumbled. Zark held onto the console she was taking cover behind and looked around. Peeking up over the top she saw the crewmen picking themselves up, one scrambling for a phaser.


He grabbed the dropped weapon just as the drone lanced it’s hand down and injected him with nanoprobes. Zark stood and fired her pistol. Because she’d changed up the frequency she got in one more hit, staggering the drone. It’s tubes coming out of the crewman’s neck but not killing it. It’s dead fish eye turned towards Zark and he raised his weapon arm.  Zark saw the weapon aperture opening and disengaged her mag boots. Placing one up on the console she launched herself up. The Borg fired off a forced plasma beam that lanced through the air, and the space she had just vacated. Well over a decade of gymnastics training came into play as the Andorian cut a flip in the air. Landing on her toes she threw her self to the side as the Borg tried to re-acquire his target and fired again! Landing she rolled hard and a laugh escaped her. Coming up to a knee she raised her pistol but he was firing again. This time she dove forward ‘’below” the line of the beam. Landing hard in the Exosuit, a string of near manic laughter was coming now.

She better figure out something quick. Or she was going to be a blue mist on the wind! A transmission came through her helmet "Kingston to all teams. Resort to graviton beam weaponry and alternative measures, fall back to defend security areas, over!"

Oh, yes. She’d noticed the adaptation. Left hand swung down and the pistol was holstered. She called out to the remaining crewmen still able to fight. “Change it up!"

Rolling to the side she got her feet under her, and charged. Antennae folded back tight against the suit’s helmet she let out a primal Andorian battle scream! Her hand swept by her belt pulling the grip from it’s place and triggering the stud. The memory metal unfolded swiftly, clinking and chinging into place with a snap.

Compared in size, the drone was a weight class or two up. That was hardly new to the Security officer. She was used to foes being bigger than she was. So she made up for it with speed and skill. The Chaka came around first hitting the Borg’s weapon arm. CLANG! Shoving it to the side. The forced plasma beam discharged and scored a wall. Zark ducked under the counter swing. As she did the reverse blade of the Chaka drew a line across the Borg’s thigh, trying to find an artery. The Borg swung down and she brought the Chaka up in a two handed parry. WANG! With a pivot she transferred the down swing of the Borg to the side and she stepped around it. Chaka coming up, under the ribs to bite deep and rip through flesh. A bark of laughter escaped her and the Borg brought that weapon arm back around in a crushing blow! The Andorian leaned back back back as if Limbo was her favorite game and the metal appendage glanced off her exo suit. The glancing blow sent her slamming to the floor. Damnit! A few more cm and he’d have missed her totally. The Borg stepped forward and brought the arm up in a headsman’s blow. Before it could descend Zark pulled back both legs and slammed both boots right into his leading knee. This had the dual effect of buckeling the knee and scooting Zark a few meters in the opposite direction.

The Borg crashed to the deck. Zark rolled to her feet and leaped, cat like and quick. The Chaka finding the throat of the Borg as he started to rise and cutting deep, all the way to the spine and the serrated blade scoring bone there. YANK! The spine was severed and the head sort of flopped to the side, hanging on by a flap of flesh, but Zark didn’t think he would be putting that back together any time soon.

Spinning she checked on the others. They had double teamed a drone with standard issue Starfleet combat blades. Considering, they’d done a good job. Stabbing didn’t do as much but they’d severed a number of tubes and such till one brave crewman had gone straight in through the eye. Stabbing the drone’s brain. Sadly the drone had thrust his weapon arm through that crewman’s chest and out his back. Both fell twitching on the deck.

Zark looked to the remaining crewman and nodded and turned. Through the dark 4 more red eye beams were sweeping their way. Four against two weren't the best odds.“Shelat!!”

Zark backed towards the other crewman and then her antennae shot up straight.“COVER!!” She dove to the side as Borg weapons fire came lancing out of the darkness. Hitting the deck she rolled over and behind a fallen Borg. Grunting she shoved him up a bit as make shift ‘cover’ and shook her head.

She looked to the Crewman who was hunkered down behind a console eyes wide.“I think we have um on the run!” A laugh as more weapons fire made her keep her head down. The Crewman looked at her like she was crazy.

Queing her coms in the helmet again her voice came out a bit amused over the transmission. “Sigma Team, Pinned down in the security center. We’ve reduced their numbers a bit, but still under heavy fire. These Borg are _not_ at all what you’d call social.”  A blast vaporized a hunk of the Borg she was using as cover and she got up, sprinting to the side and flinging herself bodily through the air to land behind another console. Green plasma blast following every step. Landing with a grunt she rolled and kept low.

“Oh yeah. We’ve pissed them off something _fierce!_ Assistance would be appreciated.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #52
[ William Robert O’Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @alphawiz @Auctor Lucan  @fiendfall @FollowTomorrow @Steelphoenix

The gorram drone took more than the remaining three bullets in the master chief’s six-shooter.  It was O’Connell’s fault for wasting his shots in its center of mass where that dingy black metal carapace served as armor.  Although those shots had messed it up some, it wasn’t enough until Kaylon Jeen finished it off.

"Somebody do me a favor and grab a mop!" the Trill quipped.

How the hell had Jeen’s phaser brought it down when O’Connell’s had stopped working on it?  Did the lieutenant prepare for the Borg by setting his phaser on random frequencies that no one else had tried yet?  Who knew?  And right now, who cared?

Right now it was time to survey the damage the drone had done to the power regulators.  Billy Bob let out a low whistle.  Five black slender tubes had come out of the drone’s left wrist and somehow in just a few seconds time they had made alterations to the Theurgy’s power regulators.  Sections of the machinery had been replaced with Borg tech: some kind of blocky black components with a green tinge to them.  He could only hope that the Borg hadn’t altered power regulators on the other two warp cores.  

“Well ain’t this sweeter than smeg,” Billy Bob grumbled.  “Somehow they done gummed up th’ power regulators!  Tarnation, Ah don’t even know if they the lights are still on in th’ bridge!  Looks lahk we got our work cut out fur us sir.  Somehow we need tuh bypass the power regulators until we kin—”

At that moment O’Connell and Jeen heard a disembodied voice over the ship’s communications system:

[ Engineering, I am transmitting schematics and a deployment grid.  One relay is already in place; these need to be replicated and released as quickly as possible.  No less than twenty but the more you can manage, the greater our advantage.  Advise the bridge once complete.  Kaeris out. ]

“Kaeris?  Who the hell is Kaeris?” Billy Bob asked out loud.  The master chief snapped his fingers.  “ Oh yes, Mister Kaeris, that young science ossifer from th’ Endeavour who don’t look old enough to shave yet.   He’s new.  Well sir, it looks lahk th’ folks on th’ bridge already got uh contingency plan.  Wish they woulda told me.” 

He marched over to Petty Officer Arex’s abandoned console to change the LCARS graphic to the information being sent from the primary bridge’s science station.  “Well  sir, it looks lahk uh good way to reroute power functions until we kin fix th’ sabatoge.”

He pressed a button on the console.  “Engineerin’ tuh bridge.  We’ve received yer schematics an’ will be setting up yer deployment grid on th’ double.  We’ll be getting th’ first relay up in two shakes of uh lambs tail.  O’Connell out.”

OOC:  I have no idea what we’re doing but I assume it’s technical.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #53
[PO2 Kino Taer | Deck 16 | Right outside FAB ] @CanadianVet @Auctor Lucan @trevorvw

Kino did what Trent said, trusting in the senior officer for a path through that wouldn’t involve more dead bodies to clean up. Idly, she mused on how pre-Starfleet Kino Taer would have looked down on her now as being little more than a muzzled attack dog. All these skills and access to explosives and the Trill wasn’t using it to dismantle power.

Ah, but I get to still have fun with military-grade weapons.

The slender commander began speaking to the muscular petty officer, talking about bridge console authorization or something. Kino wasn’t paying attention to the talking as much as the body language of the Devoted grouped up in front of her. With half her team watching the rear and an active battle still going on, she was on too on edge to for a situation that seemed to require more words than actions at this point. Trent at least managed to get through all of his words before her team’s communications blew up.

[Lieutenant Zark, to Security Forces. Security Center breached! Drones present. High Priority Prisoner just poofed. Repeat: High priority prisoner is in the wind! Requesting assistance!"]

High priority prisoner… Oh fuck me sideways, that’s Nicander.

[Sel to security forces, lock down the main armories on each Vector, we cannot allow the prisoner to get his hands on anything stronger than a hand phaser if we can help it.]

[Akoni to all security, the Borg are looking for Nicander. We need to find him before they do.]

“Commander, the security situation just got a hell of a lot worse,” she called out as she switched back to her rifle and reset it to kill. “The center just got swarmed by the Borg and we have a very dangerous prisoner loose.”

The ship then shook hard, clearly taking on some severe damage from whatever the Borg just unleashed. Kino had to reach out to a wall to keep herself from falling. There was a scream from the group of Devoted when something exploded in a shower of sparks.

[This is Kingston and Akoni to all security teams, report in descending order of designation.]

She listened to the others report in with increasingly dire situations, readying to chime in with her own report when the next message came through.

[Kingston to all teams. Resort to graviton beam weaponry and alternative measures, fall back to defend security areas, over!]

“Epsilon-6 here. Copy that. We’re dealing with some Devoted that got loose. I have Commander Trent with me right now and we’ll be entering the fighter bay shortly.”

With her report sent, she turned her attention to Petty Officer McPherson.

“James McPherson, right? Look, as is very obvious, we’re in a bit of a shitstorm here. Your cousin was assigned to a team on Deck 19, last I saw. The Borg have adapted. So this?” The Trill held up her rifle. “It’s useless against them right now. He’s holed up somewhere on that deck, hoping not to get assimilated or killed before we see this fight through and look at you. You’ve killed at least four other Security officers getting here.”

He went pale at that, clearly taking in more than the explicit meaning of her words. “We-we’ll get Morali back and he can save her, save us all! Don’t you understand?”

“No, I don’t. I understand explosives, weapons, and several different ways to immobilize or kill anything that gets in my way. Commander Trent here has made his case. You have the choice of listening to him or dealing with me.”

A phaser shot from the other side of Trent lanced out into the crowd. The sudden silence was punctuated by the soft thump of a body hitting the ground. Apparently, one of the human members of her team fired his pistol.

“One of them drew his weapon, Taer. He’s down now.”

“Jim, I need to get to the fighter bay. Make your choice. Maybe you’ll get to see your cousin again. She was on the Resolve, right?”

The Bolian on her team chimed up with a warning about Borg coming up behind them. Kino looked behind her, then at Trent, and finally back at McPherson.

“Borg are on their way. You’re not going to make it to the Bridge.”

He nodded slowly. “We’ll fight them. Wenn Cinn better keep his promise to get our people back from the Versant.”

“I’m … sure he will. Blythe, use your overrides to get that door open. Commander, stay behind me if you will.”

Her rifle was returned to a secure enough position on its sling now and she pulled out her graviton weapon. It was smaller than she thought such a piece of technology would be, barely bigger than her Type 2 phaser pistol. McPherson was shouting his own orders to his group, fanning them out to cover both approaches in the corridor. He took up position next to Taer’s team, nodding grimly to her in recognition of the coming battle. The team member that moved to the door was the same human that fired on the Devoted, which earned him a few looks of scorn from the rest. They refrained from doing anything more than that, however, as the Borg were almost there.

Kino fired on the first pair that rounded the corner. The phasers from the rest were merely absorbed by the drone’s personal shielding, but the beam from her weapon sliced through them effortlessly. She grinned and took aim at a third one.

“Door’s open!” Blythe called out over the team’s channel.

“Go, go, go!” She responded, pushing Trent in the direction of the open door to the Flight Assault Bay. “Zota, take Commander Trent to where he needs to go. Rest of you, form up on the other side.”

She backed up slowly to bring up the rear, firing a pair of beams to take out the third drone before getting full behind the Devoted line. She paused to take stock of the situation. More were coming up the other direction, but there was something different. Though resistant at first, the drones started taking damage from the Devoted’s weapons.

Good. Maybe they stand a chance after all.

She walked through the door, making sure to close and lock it again after her. Maybe the Devoted would all die to the Borg. Maybe they wouldn’t. McPherson seemed a more reasonable sort to her. Whatever the result, though, Kino was now pretty sure they weren’t going to go anywhere far from here as the Borg were going to tie them up for a while. She turned around to meet with her team and noted that the officer that was with her had already vanished, taking the Bolian with him. Clearly, that man was in a rush to get somewhere.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #54
[ Commander Carrigan Trent | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] @patches

Every officer who was ever considered for a command slot would have received training in negotiation and diplomacy.  But it hardly meant that everyone did well at such endeavours.  And, to be frank, it was hardly Carrigan Trent's strong suit.  He was a tactical officer by initial training, and the way his career track had gone, he had not spent much time in positions to hone such skills.  He was someone who approached opposed situations as a tactical problem, and dealt with them methodically, with cold analysis and relying on intellect and logic.  Backed by a ruthless efficiency and ability to adapt his plan on the fly if so required. 

As such, he probably would never find himself on the edge of known space performing exploratory missions likely to make first contact with new species, or maintain relations with distant polities.  But on the Bridge of a starship engaged in security, tactical or emergency response duties?  That was where he belonged. 

And that meant his negotiation with the Devoted was not something he approached as diplomacy, but as an attempt to make them back down.  Their cult were as close to religious fanatics as he'd ever dealt with, and if they believed Morali and his knowledge of alternate timelines were of importance, then making mention of actual deity-like beings that had tangible effects on the galaxy at large was bound to be of some help...

And as it so happened, having a heavily armed security detail with him was also an asset.  Many believed Starfleet and the Federation should never even consider backing talk with the possibility of force, but truth of the matter is that diplomacy without a fist of some sort behind it is worthless.  Whether it be economic clout, being able to restrict access to science or technology, or simply being backed by a powerful fleet, diplomacy without something to back it was just empty words that may or may not function as intended. 

And this needed resolving, as the security situation ship-wide was deteriorating even further.  Nicander, the only high-value prisoner he could think of, was loose.  Security was being overrun.  Borg were coming up behind them. 

It was starting to look like a bloodbath would be the only way out...

Until it wasn't.  There was a single phaser blast involved, but the Devoted stood down.  Not only down, but fell in line with the Security team leader and took positions, just in time for the Borg to arrive.  And when he was hurried along, the Commander did not argue.  He could fight; he was even reasonably skilled at it.  But even when dealing with small arms or even his hands and feet, his greatest assets were good technique and dirty tricks; neither of whom would avail much to him against the Borg.  He fought his battles with his mind, with computers and plots, with several hundred thousand tons of starship as his weapon. 

With the hangar bay just ahead, Trent expected he would find a bird that had been downchecked, and that would be his way to get to Deck 01 in a hurry.  However, such was not to be...

OOC: Exeunt Trent to Injustice

[ Petty Officer Eliska Bremmer | Near Deuterium Storage | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @trevorvw

The alarms were blaring across the deck.  But they were not the klaxons of Red Alert or Intruder Alert.  But they were damage control alarms.  The weapons fire Theurgy had taken had disabled the fire suppression systems. And that temperatures near some of the deuterium feed lines are getting increasingly more dangerous.  And of course, there was debris in the way, and personnel trapped in various compartments and spaces, either by fire or by structural damage that made egress impossible. 

And of course, the various alarms from Security came through on the channel.  Of course, things could never ease up, could they?  Why could the reports not be of decks secured, of boarders being driven off?  That things were going well?  And as much as she enjoyed a good fight, there were higher priorities to deal with.  And a non-trivial part of the ship's deuterium supplies getting exposed to plasma fires could have some rather dire effects on the survival of the ship.  So, it meant she had to report in, and once more, the Petty Officer repeated herself, especially since a damage control party had yet to arrive.  "Akoni, Kingston, this is Bremmer with Delta-3.  We're free from Borg contact right now but we have a damage control situation near Deuterium Storage.  Reading multiple fires and trapped personnel.  Fire suppression is down, and there's a threat to the feed lines." 

Around her, her team was working frantically to make their way towards emergency shutoff valves.  Security exosuits had been initially designed for operations in high-threat environments, but they were eminently well-suited to non-combat usage such as search and rescue operations, or even damage control as it would happen.  And as the temperatures nearing the seat of the fires was rising fast, those exosuits would keep protecting long after they would increase into the lethal range. 

Lethal range.  The people who were trapped were not so protected, and odds are smoke might become an issue for them sooner rather than later.  Between her suit's sensors and her forearm PADD, she brought up a schematic of the deck that tracked the damage, the fires, and located personnel.  And she had an idea. 

"Lieutenant Akoni, Bremmer.  I don't think we can make it to the shutoff valves before the deuterium feed lines go up.  I need an override, sending you some specifics."  With a few hits to the controls, she sent the spaces where personnel were located that would need to be protected by atmospheric forcefields, where others should be erected to isolate as little of the deck as possible... and drawing a path towards an external airlock.  " And then I need airlock 22-17 opened."

Her plan was simple: vent the area out into space and put out the fires that way.  It was risky, for there might be people her suit's sensors may have missed, or whom the forcefields wouldn't fully protect, but it would be that or losing the ship.  Good thing that sort of thing was for officers to decide in the end.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #55
[ Drauc T'Laus | Cargo Bay 04 | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Cosmos
As battlefields went, Drauc T'Laus was reminded about the Dominion War, only then, he'd fought alongside his brother. Not on his own.

The memory of the cargo bay had been suppressed, just to allow focus towards whatever might be found beyond the next smoke-filled intersection. For him, the loud noises of fighting, of disembodied warnings on the intercom, and the gradual destruction of the ship, it was all just an undercurrent for what his mind absorbed from the vicinity around him. Despite the plasma fires and the smoke, the exchange of weapons in the flagrant scents that hit him, it was the fears that were the loudest. Those panicked and the brave, he could find them without seeing them, for their thoughts imposed upon his own. His answer, it was to allay those fears and support the brave.

Therefore, he strode through the smoke, with his frayed robe following each minute movement of his, in search for the Borg. These unhealthy minds, all disconnected from their bodies, instead becoming one. Drauc did not fight the drones individually. He fought the collective gestalt that had come to inhabit the ship. They were the same to him. A perverted, cold fabrication, without a shred of what they once were. Puppets, animated by a terrible hive mind, all bent upon consummation of technology and the corruption of new flesh. In the Jem'Hadar, Drauc had found himself to respect their purpose and loyalty. The Borg, however, was just a virus, and he found no compunction in trying to be a cure.

When the one called Lieutenant Zark had requested assistance the first time, her voice heard over the combadge he'd been given, Drauc had stopped in the corridor, and turned his steps towards the Security Centre. He had seen the manner of guard placed upon this prisoner, and he could but assume him to be a priority. Moreover, the area was the node for coordinating all the security foces aboard, so if they lost it to the Borg, they might be cut off from each other entirely. While Drauc preferred to operate lone after he lost Kraun, he knew others didn't.

Upon arrival, the same officer - named Zark - had requested assistance a second time, and it served to show his instinct was right. With everyone preoccupied in their skirmishes, aiding others were difficult. When the sliding doors parted for him, he saw the backs of four Borg drones, all advancing against two security officers on the other side of the lobby. He was right in their sights, appearing behind them as he was, so he leapt towards his right, rolling over his shoulder, and kicked the legs of the closest drone sideways. It hurt, the thing made mostly of metal, but it toppled over like a mannequin. Drauc was already standing, his rifle raised towards the other drones.

Unfortunately, he then learned that the drones had adapted to the phaser rifle he carried - his bolts inneffective. The three that were standing turned in his direction, however, giving the two from security some respite. The closest one was so close that it attempted to assimilate Drauc instead of firing against him, two long strides carrying it towards his position. With the rifle useless, Drauc resorted to other means, and being Romulan helped him deliver enough force behind his attack. A straight kick, right into the centre mass of the metal figure. The drones did not bend their knees in order to keep a low centre of gravity, so Drauc managed to make it topple backwards. By instinct alone, Drauc again tried to fire with his rifle against the remaining two drones, and even as he did it, he was retreating, having no expectation of causing further damage.

Only then, for some reason that escaped him, it seemed like the personal force fields were once more failing to adapt to the rotating phase modulation. Drauc's three bolts skewered right through metal and pasty flesh, rupturing torso and skull. He was confident that the other two security guards had noticed it, and together with them, he set out to end the two fallen drones and the last one standing.

OOC: When the Versant now tore through the cube, the networked drones of that cube all suffered the same fate as the adaptive shield matrix, now making them vulnerable again.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #56
[ Lt Simon Tovarek | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Lex Dalton @Arista @lisavw @FollowTomorrow

What did they need to do? It was a very fine question asked by Jovela as Simon looked up at the freshly installed equipment. It still had to be calibrated before it would work properly. Simon was eye to eye with the Borg and he slowly stepped backwards before he murmured "Closing the doors will only stop them for so long..." he glanced over to Jovela "Call for security."

"Take this, you Borg bastard!"

Was the voice of a Vulcan doctor as she threw and object to one of the drones. It certainly seemed to catch the attention of the drone as it now turned towards them. The object thrown however was but a simple glass beaker and it seemed to have done no damage as the drones marched towards the aggressor. They had to act quickly now as one drone remained at one of the consoles in the corridor as the two others made their way over to the Main Sickbay.

The crew safety was adamant to the officer and he tapped his combadge "Tovarek to any transporter room. I need you to lock onto my immediate surroundings and beam out ANY Borg lifesigns NOW!" he burled out as he realized too late how close one of the drones had come. He wanted to step back, yet the drone that had been targeted by T'Panu grabbed onto Simon's arm.

"Wha? Chort! Let me go suka!" he cursed, his Russian roots surfacing once more. Time seemed to move slower though as he could see the tentacles slip out of the Drone's arm they snaked closer to his neck. He had to move, now! He tried to move, yet his body reacted otherwise. It didn't move at all and just stiffened up in this ordeal. The eyes of the science officer widened. A sharp sting made him hiss as a dose of nanites was spread into his system.

He couldn't tell how much time had passed before his body reacted to the invasive procedure. His leg moving up and kicking the Borg back just a few steps. His hand covered the attacked flesh at his neck before he looked over his shoulder at Jovela. Perhaps it was fear or anger that glinted in his eyes. Yet just mere seconds later the energizing effects began to envelop the drones, the drones were not the sole target thought it seemed as the tingly feeling coursed through Simon. Did they really just target him as a Borg lifesign? Perhaps because of the nanites injected for assimilation?

It was too late to tap his badge and cancel out the procedure. Perhaps it was for the best, to not undergo the atrocity of feeling one's mind fall to the hive. To lose all he fought for and worked for. He simply kept looking at those gathered at the door that would lead to the main sickbay. Within the next second the corridor that had Borg drones and the Russian scientist was empty.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #57
Lt Kaylon Jeen | Main Engineering |Deck 25 |USS Theurgy | Attn @Auctor Lucan @Doc M.

The drone had her.  Cir'Cie was seconds away from being assimilated.  This would be a tight shot to be sure.  Kaylon aimed and fired.  The drone didn't drop to the floor like he'd hoped, but he had knocked it off balance and it released its hold on her.  "Cir'Cie! Run!" he called.  She didn't waste any time analyzing the situation.  She took off like a shot out of McConnell's revolver.  As soon as she was clear, Kaylon fired at the drone again.  This time it did hit the deck with a metallic clatter.  Such a satisfying sound, he thought.  As Cir'Cie came over to them, she gave him a simple nod and said simply.  "Thank you, Lieutenant."  Kaylon couldn't help but smile and say "Anytime..but try not to let it happen again.  It was a lucky shot."

[ Engineering, I am transmitting schematics and a deployment grid.  One relay is already in place; these need to be replicated and released as quickly as possible.  No less than twenty but the more you can manage, the greater our advantage.  Advise the bridge once complete.  Kaeris out. ]

McConnell moved over to a nearby LCARS display, acknowledged the transmission and then turned back to Kaylon.

"Well  sir, it looks lahk uh good way to reroute power functions until we kin fix th' sabatoge."

Jeen nodded.  "Do it as best you can, Chief.  If we can get rid of these other drones, then I can give you a hand." he said, firing again at one of the two remaining drones.  It went down.  So far, they hadn't adapted to these phaser settings.  If ti continued to work, he'd be sure to inform Starfleet of this.  One day.  For now though, he was on a rogue starship and the fleet wouldn't listen to anything he had to say.

He fired again.  His beam, along with a phaser from a crewman across the room hit the last drone.  It too toppled, whether from one beam, or the other, or a combination of the two, he didn't know.  He'd half expected the drone to adapt, but it was all academic at this point.

"Computer!  Seal the doors to Engineering!" he called out.  "That should keep them out for a little while at least.  Now let's see to those relays.  What exactly is it we're deploying, Chief?"


Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #58
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Corridor | Deck 4 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @CanadianVet

Kai and Adam had just heard Everett on Delta team commit suicide. Kai had dealt with other people committing suicide in the past, especially during the war, but he’d never had someone under his command do it before. He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and then shared a quick, but knowing glance with his acting deputy which had caused Kingston to give the orders to the security teams that Kai had been thinking about issuing himself.

“Kingston to all teams. Resort to graviton beam weaponry and alternative measures, fall back to defend security areas, over!” Kai nodded agreement at Kingston before they both heard shuffling outside the doors which caused them both to snap their heads to look at the door. Adam raised his Accipiter as Kai took two steps back as the drones pried their way into the room.

”Well shit…” Kai said to himself as he took aim at the drones in front of the two officers.

Akoni’s combadge shrilled to life with another urgent communique. 

[Akoni, Kingston, this is Bremmer with Delta-3.  We're free from Borg contact right now but we have a damage control situation near Deuterium Storage.  Reading multiple fires and trapped personnel.  Fire suppression is down, and there's a threat to the feed lines.]

Of course, because if it’s not one thing, it’s another…this damn ship! Kai thought to himself as he motioned towards the door for Kingston to take care of. Adam had heard the message too, so it was unspoken between the two as to what the plan is. 

”Come on Bremmer, I need an idea” Kai said to himself while looking at the schematics for that area of the ship. He hadn’t communicated to her or anyone else in particular, just talking out loud to himself. Something he hadn’t done since the war.

As if she was reading his mind, Bremmer chimed back in just as Kingston had opened up on the Borg drones entering the computer core.

[Lieutenant Akoni, Bremmer.  I don't think we can make it to the shutoff valves before the deuterium feed lines go up.  I need an override, sending you some specifics. And then I need airlock 22-17 opened.]

Genius and dangerous…I love it Kai thought to himself as he moved to his left.

The acting chief of security looked down at the console just a metre from where he had been standing and saw the plan Bremmer had drawn up on the fly.  Kai quickly came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t have time to get command authorization for this plan, so that’d be all on him.

What made it tough on Kai was the fact that there was intermittent internal sensors in that area, so he’d be relying on Bremmer’s quick assessment of the situation.

Kai punched some buttons on the console in front of him and put the atmospheric forcefields into place as he prepped the airlock to be opened.

I hope to hell that all the forcefields hold He thought as he finished double checking his work.

The large man sighed and slapped his combadge,

”Akoni to Bremmer, I’m all ready on my end. We’ll go on three okay? One…two…three…Opening airlock!” he said just as Kingston had finished putting down the last drone trying to get into the computer core.

Kai watched the progress on the display panel in front of him. He could see the forcefields holding while the remaining atmosphere was being vented into space and hopefully suffocating the fire at the same time.

He tapped his combadge again, ”Akoni to Bremmer, repo..” he trailed off as he saw one forcefield failing, and then another failed causing two sections to be forcefully vented.

Kai looked up at Kingston and made eye contact


Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #59
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Jefferies Tube access point | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Juzzie

Even after completely removing himself from sickbay, Elro still wasn't able to temer the trembling in his hands, his ears continuously burning with the lingering resonance of the explosion he had been the cause of. The physical reminder of the carnage he had just inflicted was preventing the adrenaline in his bloodstream from settling, keeping his whole body permanently on edge. The image of the fire catching still ran through his head over and over again, watching the metallic bodies of the Borg surrender to the blaze as it engulfed them and the corridor behind them. He took a deep breath, trying to send the image away. He couldn’t help but dwell over the knowledge of how easy it would have been to have miscalculated the methane explosive potential in the gas, or how devastating the explosion would have been if it had caught a security detail trying to retake sickbay in the blast.

In a way, Elro felt sick to his stomach that he had applied his medical knowledge of xenobiology as an instrument of death. It was so, terribly, reckless of him to have made a move like that… It went against any course of action he had taken in the past; he was always the mellow, collected one. He’d never demonstrated such a panicked fury before… He’d been in threatening situations dozens of times, but he’d always left the violent parts to others…

He hadn’t had anyone else to rely on back in sickbay… The Security were keeping watch over his patients and they mightn’t have had the ingenuity to think of creating a methane explosion… He had to admit, that despite his reservations, what he had done had been the right choice. Borg didn’t differentiate between Security staff and Medical officers and their patients. He had no choice but to stop them, or he’d have swiftly been assimilated.

But despite that knowledge, he had still been agonising over the other potential options, wondering if there had been a way to have stopped the Borg without an explosion. Numerous possibilities had come to him in hindsight, releasing anesthetics into the air, attempting to sedate them, trying to repel them using radiation… But he knew, in truth, that his method had been the most likely to succeed, and therefore, the one that was least likely to end up with him and his patients becoming drones.

Yet that knowledge didn’t do much to calm his shattered nerves.

As long as even one Drone still existed on the ship, Elro didn’t imagine he would ever manage to stop his heart from trying to thump its way through his ribcage… Apparently he would need to update his personal file to include severe anxiety when faced with Borg… At least on the Endeavour he’d been able to busy himself with treating the myriad of casualties who’d been flooding his Sickbay. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the same distraction on the Theurgy to keep his mind from racing.

The patients he had evacuated from sickbay had mostly been stable before he had sent them into the tubes, but as expected, crawling through a dozen jefferies tubes had not been the most ideal of activities for their wounds. Some of them had reopened, some were too weak to keep going, and others were simply panicking that if the Borg pursued them, they wouldn’t be able to escape again… The patients and staff had made it about as far as they could have reasonably been expected to, and were sprawled across three decks inside one of the jefferies tube junctions, with three of the security guards who had been stationed in sickbay having stayed to cover each deck and support the nurses, whilst the final one had set off to try and find some support.

Elro had done the same.

He needed to get to main sickbay; it would be better guarded and might have enough power to facilitate a site to site transport. Though he darent imagine what sort of state it would be in, he’d received a message to get to deck eleven. And that was exactly where he was heading.

Elro however, found himself hesitant to push open the release on the hatch leading to the corridor, not through a lack of strength, but through the mire of sheer fear that he had to wade through. He knew that any step, any move, could be the difference between getting assimilated and surviving. He’d wanted to stay back in the jefferies tubes until the battle concluded, but he couldn’t mentally even entertain the idea. He was a Lieutenant, not a Cadet. He was expected to take some responsibility and face his fears…

That’s what being a Starfleet Officer was about.

As he pulled on the release handle as quick as he dared, his free hand tightened its grip upon the phaser he had been given by one of the security team. The device felt entirely uncomfortable in his hand, his fingers used to holding more delicate, precise instruments, as opposed to a weapon; even such a small one. The security officer had insisted however, even setting it to some sort of special modulation that ‘should’ stop a Borg before they adapt.

Elro supposed the weapon was welcome, since it might have been all that would stand between him and assimilation, but he hardly felt comfortable with it. He tried to move as quiet as a mouse when he stepped out of the hatch, yet his caution was needless. There was movement, but it was Starfleet personnel, the drumming of well-tended boots on the deck comforting his ears, his dark eyes unable to pick out any drones in the chaos. Seeing other crewmen moving around bolstered his resolve, allowing him to assume a brisk jog towards where he believed Sickbay to be located.

He still found the Theurgy to be disorientating, and in the chaos, with damaged corridors and a constant look behind his shoulder for Borg, it was only more difficult to navigate. But evidently his bewildered sense of direction was a boon, as he rounded another random corner and almost tripped over a sprawled crewman on the floor.

The Betazoid snapped to attention and raised his phaser in panic, but quickly withdrew when he saw a somewhat familiar face. Lieutenant Williams. And another crewman next to him pinned under what looked to be a fallen bulkhead.

Elro didn’t have the soul left for any attempt at a light-hearted comment, but instead crouched down and fetched his medical tricorder from his pocket, scanning the victim in the wreckage, who seemed to be dazed to the point that his ability to recognise anyone had failed. He had extreme injuries.

“We need to get this man to sickbay now…” Elro breathed, fumbling with the phaser once again. “We’re not going to be able to move this debris on our own, but we might be able to cut him out…” Elro paused, glancing gingerly down at the phaser, and then up and the debris. Then he turned to Lieutenant.

“Please tell me you can use a phaser better than I can?”
Ensign Sylvain Llewellyn-Kth - Chief CONN Officer - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #60
[ Lt. JG Jovela | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Nolan @Auctor Lucan @lisavw


Jovela slapped her combadge and cried out "Security to main Sick bay, we have Borg here, repeat we have Borg here!" She looked at the approaching drones and looked around for something to use as a weapon, she considered throwing her medical tricorder much like Tovarek had thrown something but realized it would do nothing.

Taking a breath she took a step forward and clapped her hands together dropping into a fighting stance, her heart was racing and she could feel the adrenaline waking her cells into a state of readiness. She embraced the feeling and grit her teeth, if these drones wanted to get into her sickbay they would have to do it over her dead body. Tovarek had called for all Borg life signs to be beamed out, it was a good idea and she smirked hoping it would work.

She glanced over at Tovarek and saw a drone reach out to grab him, as it did so she stepped forward and delivered an open palmed strike to the drones face. It felt like hitting a statue not a living creature, the sudden stop jarred her arm and the drone did not even move its biological eye to look at her. With a growing sense of horror she saw it deliver a dose of nanoprobes into the man using its hand mounded tubules.

"No! stop you soulless machine!" She cried at the drone, her mind flew with possible cures for early assimilation and she reached out to try and drag the man free of this bio mechanical monster. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she watched as the Bord and Tovarek were surrounded by a nimbus of light.
"Wait! wait!" She cried out and slapped her combadge so hard she felt the metal bite her breast.

"Jovea to transporter room, cancel the transports from sickbay, you have a Tovarek. Stop, Stop now for fuck sake!" She watched as the Borg drones and the Russian Scientist where transported out of sickbay, she stood for a moment her hands balled into fists and pushed down the emotions rushing through her.

"Calm, know your target, abandon fear" Drauc had taught her and she took hold of that with both hands, a steady sense of calm and anger filling her. With determined steps she went over to the medical instruments and took up a pair of surgical tools, holding them like knives. If the Borg returned to this sickbay she would take them apart one piece at a time, the oath was "Do no harm" but that was to sentient life forms not evil twisted mechanical creatures, she strode over to the sickbay doors and looked out down the hallway her dark eyes resolute.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #61
[Lt. Rhys Williams|Corridor|Deck 11| USS Theurgy] attn: @TWilkins

Rhys looked at the medical tricorder and tried to decipher its meaning. Rhys had very little medical training, just standard first aid practice and that was it. He knew just enough, so that he would not end up killing the poor boy with eager but misguided attempts to help. Tom’s legs were clearly shattered and as the tricorder told him this he muttered under his breath. “No shit!”

“Lieutenant?” Tom’s voice sounded muffled far away as if his mouth was full of cotton wool.

“Its ok Tom, its ok.”
Rhys tried to say as calmingly as possible. The tricorder was also indicating some kind of damage to the head. Rhys looked closer at the boy, and while he had a glazed expression he could see nothing wrong. He looked back at the screen and saw that the tricorder was recommending something to numb the pain a little. He looked through the medkit trying to identify the right hypospray.

He was so wrapped up in his task that he did not hear the footsteps approaching. They melted into the back ground noise of hundreds of other footsteps in the connecting corridors. Suddenly there was a phaser in his face, the other end of which was in the hands of an extremely spooked looking Doctor Kobol .

Rhys realised he probably did not look that great. He was covered in superficial burns and cuts from the explosion of the conduit. They were however, just that superficial, nothing compared to poor Tom. Rhys looked nervously at the phaser until it was lowered. Suddenly the Doctor was next to him examining the crewman. Rhys was more than happy and quite relieved to surrender the medical duty to the good Doctor.

He felt the phaser being pushed into his hands as Elro explained that Tom needed to be in sickbay, and they ought to cut him out with the phaser. “I was going to try find one of these.. but uh.” He nodded to Tom, “He did not want me to leave him.” He turned over the weapon in his hand, he had not fired one in a long time but he felt sure he still remembered what to do. He made a few adjustments to the phaser’s power and beam, before crouching down again and firing. This was going to be slow progress and there was always the fear that at any time,  the Borg could come upon them. “Well its been a while but it seems to be coming back to me.” Said Rhys as he slowly cut through the jagged metal taking care not to hit the crewman. He smiled a genuine but very tired smile at the Doctor. “Glad to see you.”

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #62
[ Petty Officer Eliska Bremmer | Near Deuterium Storage | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @trevorvw

"Everyone, brace for decompression!" Petty Officer Eliska Bremmer wasted very little time after giving her report to Akoni to pass on the word to her team, and hopefully the message would also get to the people who were trapped.  If the forcefields failed, they'd have to be ready to act fast in the fifteen to thirty seconds of consciousness most people could maintain in a vacuum if it came own to it.  But for her and her team, safely ensconced in exosuits, the real danger would come from being blown about when the atmosphere would be blown out of the ship. 

It was a common enough trope in bad holonovels for the heroes to hang on by their fingertips while air rushed about for minutes on end.  But in reality, the decompression would be hard and brutal, a brief hard buffet that no one could hope to withstand with main strength alone.  But exosuits made that irrelevant.  Around her, much like she was doing herself, her team was adopting strong, wide stances and panels and doors were being opened so everyone could get a solid handhold.  The suits' strength-enhancing features would come in handy, but not nearly so handy as the magnetized boots, and the ability to lock the joints in place so the armour itself would make a solid unit anchored between the bulkheads and the deck.

And it was not a waste of time, for Akoni was quick enough to give the decompression warning, and the airlock opened.  The red lights across the deck switched to blue, and the warbling of fire and damage control alarms fell away as atmosphere, flames, plasma and smoke, along with water vapour and light, loose debris rushed down the corridors towards airlock 22-17 to be ejected out into space.  Now, gauging actual temperature in a vacuum was difficult, but the sheer volume of atmosphere that rushed out served well enough as a cooling system, lowering the temperature of areas that had been smoldering, or even actively burning, back do to at least safe enough levels. 

Within her suit, Bremmer could feel the ship silently thrumming, and the vibration of debris that had been unsettled by the emergency decompression rang through her boots and her hands.  Freeing herself from her braced position, she looked to her team.  Everyone looked all right, but one of them looked a little pale.  As a rule, being in vacuum within the hull of a starship was bad news, and they weren't out of the woods yet... 

The call from Akoni to report on the situation started coming in, and she would have answered when she noticed a bit of bulging out of a bulkhead near her, one of which that was supposed to be protected by a forcefield for there were people behind.  And next thing she knew, she was hammered against the opposite wall as it gave out. 

Another rush of atmosphere happened, and that one was not one anybody was prepared for.

When her vision cleared from the impact, she could see a single uniformed figure on the deck.  It was a young man, an engineer by the looks of him, and his eyes and face were bulging in horror as his mouth worked soundlessly, much like a fish out of water, to breathe.  But such could not happen, especially as the breath had been stolen from his lungs.  And of her team, one of its members was writhing on the deck even as another pounced upon her and ripped open her emergency supply pouch to apply a sealant about a piece of internal framing that had penetrated her abdomen. 

From her side, Bremmer rushed to the poor bastard who was out in vacuum without a suit and scooped him up into her arms and ran for the end of the corridor, where she could see the shimmer of a forcefield behind which there was an environment that could support life.   "Akoni, Bremmer, need atmo!  Got casualties!  Stanbra is down and I got one engineer who's sucking vacuum."

But she was only halfway there when that forcefield failed too and another rush of air knocked her down and nearly made her lose her grip on the casualty she was trying to help...  not that she had noticed a piece of loose debris that was driven by the explosive movement of atmosphere had struck him in this second uncontrolled decompression and struck him in the head with lethal, and messy results.  "One more forcefield gave out. Need pressure fast before that guy..."  She turned her head to look at him, but the piece of metal that was wedged into his collarbone and skull left very little room for error as to his status, as did his one remaining eye, flat and lifeless.  "Disregard about the engineer.  Debris got him.  FUCK!"

For a moment, she remained silent as she took a few deep breaths, setting down the deceased engineer whose blood and brains now stained her exosuit.  Akoni still needed a report. "But good news is, fires are out and I don't think there's any chance of flare ups when we have air again." 

Not that she sounded too happy; it wasn't the first time someone literally died in her arms, and she was realistic enough to know it probably wouldn't be the last.  But she knew it had been her plan that killed him... and she could live with that.  Particularly when the alternative would have been the ship's deuterium supply explosively combusting.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #63
[ William Robert O’Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @Absinthe @fiendfall @alphawiz]

“Now let's see to those relays.  What exactly is it we're deploying, Chief?"

“Well sir, ez yew kin see with th’ power regulators ur all smegged up, so’s we’s gotta reroute power functions through these relays in order tuh pick up th’ slack,” O’Connell replied.  “Ah reckon we can do so at here, here, an’ here,” he added as he pointed at various parts of the graphics display. “We kin git uh better look at th’ the master systems display table.  Hopefully it’ll git our power systems tuh near but not plumb.  Tarnation!  We’ve got systems out all over th’ ship!  But let’s concentrate on rerouting our power functions.  Hopefully, th’ Borg hasn’t got tuh th’ power regulators on deck six yet.”  He tapped his combadge.  “O’Connell tuh Manfredi, the Borg have gummed up our power regulators, how are things on your end?”

The sound of gunfire could be heard in response.  “What was that Master Chief?” the voice of Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi shouted over the din.  “What was that?  I didn’t copy!”

“Never you mind Chief; Ah kin see thet yore busy,” O’Connell retorted dryly.  He then emptied the spent cartridges in his revolver and fetched fresh ones out of a pouch attached to the belt of his webgear.  “Thet reminds, Ah say thet reminds me sir,” he commented as he glanced over at Kaylon before turning to address the Bolian petty officer who’s station he had commandeered.  “Mister Arex, go intuh mah office an’ fetch me mah shotgun.  It’s the thing with thuh wooden buttstock an’ th’ twin metal tubes.  Shaped kinda lahk uh mark three phaser.  It’s on th' table, mah desk that is.  Yuh cain’t miss it.  An’ don’t fergit tuh bring along th’ box uh shells in case Ah gotta reload.”

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #64
[ Lt. Cmdr Hathev | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

Hathev's choice of cover had been sub-optimal, selected under pressure, and she took the first opportunity she was afforded to reconsider her position. The doors to the bay were tantalisingly close, but unfortunately the route there was obstructed by multiple Borg drones. Chances of survival were minimal; she discarded the option and looked elsewhere.

The safest place would be beside the ship currently firing on the Borg. But crossing the bay would put her directly in the line of that fire, and she was loathe to trust the amplified voice that assured her 'I won't shoot you, okay?'

Her choice was made for her, however, when a nearby drone began to lurch in her direction, others following suit. They had been distracted by the blaster fire for only so long, and her luck had finally run out. Unarmed as she was, she would have little hope of holding them off herself. Of her options, trusting the pilot was regrettably the best choice.

She could only afford moments to wait; the first sign of a lull in the blaster fire, she moved swiftly out from cover and towards the ship, skirting around the mass of drones and struggling Bellerophon crew. There was nothing that could be done for them, and she had little interest in martyrdom. She put them from her mind, and continued on her way, moving briskly and with purpose even amidst the chaos. The drones after her were quickly left behind; she glanced back only once, in time to see one fall to the fire overhead. Several bolts flew past altogether too close for comfort, but it seemed the pilot of the ship had been telling the truth. For now at least

Remarkably, she made it to the other side of the shuttle bay unscathed; but no sooner had she arrived as the Theurgy took a series of shuddering blows, sending her to the floor with a crack as her skull hit the deck. Pain stabbed behind her eyelids; ears ringing, she blinked quickly to clear the haze from her vision, trying to take stock of her injuries. She'd landed awkwardly on one arm, and her neck had snapped back sharply in the fall, but it was her head that had took the brunt of the damage. Nothing serious; a problem for later.

A more pressing problem was the advancing Borg, which no longer seemed affected by the incoming phaser fire. But apparently the pilot of the ship was a madman who considered thrusters to be a viable weapon; Hathev had barely levered herself up when the shout came to hit the deck, and she was more than happy to oblige.

Mad though the pilot may be, she had to concede the efficacy of their tactics. The remaining drones were burned alive in a blaze that lasted mere seconds, leaving only charred remains behind. The ship performed an acrobatic manoeuvre before coming down to land at a safe distance from the surviving crew in the bay.

Hathev rose with considerably less grace than was accustomed, turning to take stock of the survivors. There were perhaps thirteen of them, at least two seriously injured. She was almost surprised it wasn't more. A cursory check of the uniforms present suggested she was the highest ranking officer; command had never been her strong suit, but needs must.

She directed the lone medical officer to the wounded, but managed little else before the airlock of the ship behind her hissed open, and she turned to see emerge a red-suited figure, armed and poised for action.

'Everyone okay?' the figure called, scanning the area.

'We have multiple requiring medical attention,' Hathev responded, hating the words even as she spoke them. 'How far is the nearest sickbay?'

Escape from this ship had been proven to be impossible; for better or worse, their fates were aligned with that of the Theurgy.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #65
[ Dr T'Panu | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]

T'Panu watched as the beaker she threw hit the back of the Borg's head and fall pathetically to the floor. Her only defense and it was the most pathetic attack she's ever tried to make.

"Tovarek to any transporter room. I need you to lock onto my immediate surroundings and beam out ANY Borg lifesigns NOW!" Tovarek yelled. T'Panu was excited that soon the Borg would be gone! Out of their sickbay so they could get back to doing what they did best: treating their patients.

But just fast as she was excited, she realized what happened. Tovarek was actually hit by the Borg, injected by their nanites. T'Panu felt a surge of helplessness, followed by anger. How dare they think they can take one of us!

Jovela tried to stop the transporter from taking him, but it was of no use. What else was there to do? What could they do?? The Borg got him, and what could they do to stop them anyways??

T'Panu felt a wave of rage pass through her body. She felt strength like she had never felt before; but on top of that, she felt unstable. She wanted to scream, fight, hide. All at the same time. She was brought back to their last encounter, and hers before that. She was trapped in her mind, going back and forth over everything that she had experienced in the past.

She was transported back in time to the USS Ahwahnee. She watched as sparks were flying all around her, due to the onslaught of the Borg attack on their ship. The Borg had hit them hard, and they fought them with everything they had. Which to the Borg, was like a fly fighting a human. They were getting their asses kicked no matter what they did. Phasers? Useless. Torpedoes? Double useless. She ran past her comrade Lieutenant Terev. She tried to save him as he sat on the floor of the corridor, leaning against the wall. She watched as the life ran out of the Tellarite, and felt her hope draining with him. His lifesigns were officially zero as she checked for a pulse, to find nothing.

She ran as fast as she could back to sickbay. Enroute, she saw Zeto, who was head of security. He was clutching his side, the blood quickly draining from his wounds. "Zeto! I see you're injured! Can you stand?" He nodded, and she helped him limp his way back to a biobed.

She was transported back to present day. She felt the rage surging through her veins. There were no Borg in their sickbay, and there was no Tovarek either. She felt both weak and powerful. Her anger was fuelled by her past experiences that kept clawing at her state of mind. She stormed around sickbay, unsure of where she even was anymore. She grabbed a medical tricorder, half alert to what she was doing, and threw it as hard as she could against the wall. It shattered into pieces, the screen quickly losing power and dying. She looked at the beakers and equipment on the counter, as she grabbed the PADD and threw it against them all. Everything broke, sending shards of glass and pieces of plastic flying all around her.

Back aboard the Ahwahnee, Zeto was in the biobed. She was examining him with her tricorder, stopping his bleeding, preparing to infuse fluids to stabilize his blood pressure and pulse. "You lost a lot of blood, but I'm going to do my best to help you. Here's something for the pain." She injected him with an analgesic mixture. Quite strong, to make sure he felt nothing. A few minutes later, as she was treating him, his eyes began to flicker. His hypovolemic state was getting too difficult to treat quickly enough to stabilize him. He was tachycardic, hypotensive and not alert.

Finally her mind, despite its traumatized state, stopped tormenting her with the memories of the past.

"Stay with me, Zeto!" T'Panu yelled at the empty biobed. It was too late. She knew then, as much as she knew now, that he was gone. Just like how Tovarek left sickbay. She was helpless, aside from destroying sickbay as everyone left in sickbay, including the patients who were alert, were left staring at her, speechless.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #66
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Deck 04 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @CanadianVet

Kai had just seen the forcefields failing from his rapid decompression of Deck 22 to try and mitigate the damage from the fires near the deuterium storage. Also this would hopefully stop the deuterium storage from converting the ship into trillions of pieces. He immediately felt like shit when he saw the forcefields fail, however the feeling didn’t last long when he got the call from Bremmer.

[Akoni, Bremmer, need atmo! Got casualties! Stanbra is down and I got one engineer who’s sucking vacuum.] and then as Kai’s fingers flew across the console he got more information. [One more forcefield gave out. Need pressure fast before that guy…Disregard about the engineer. Debris got him. FUCK!].

Just as the communique from Bremmer had concluded, the outer airlock confirmed as sealed on the console, Kai started re-pressurizing Deck 22.

[But good news is, fires are out and I don’t think there’s any chance of flare ups when we have air again.] Bremmer had finally reported some good news.

Kai sighed, ”Bremmer, re-pressurization is in progress. Should have a full atmosphere in 20 seconds. Get Stanbra medical attention then resume your duties. Akoni out”. Kai knew he didn’t have to tell Bremmer what to do, she seemed experienced enough to know, but it made him feel a little more in control of an relatively uncontrollable situation.

Kai then heard a call for Security to report to Main Sickbay because they had Borg there. Kai knew he was supposed to have security personnel on Deck 11, however they hadn’t reported in. Hopefully they weren’t assimilated, but Kai knew they had to secure sickbay. 

Help the helpers, he thought to himself as he looked over at Kingston.

”I’m headed down there, you hold down the fort here for now” he said to Kingston as he headed for the door. He slapped his combadge, ”Akoni to Sickbay, I’m on my way”

Kai made his way out of the computer core and headed for the Jeffries tube access to make his way down to Deck 11. As almost an afterthought, he called to Kingston.

”Akoni to Kingston, keep me updated on the status of the intruders”

[ Annika Van den Berg | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Ship of the damned aka USS Theurgy ] @Nolan @Auctor Lucan @lisavw @Lex Dalton

Annika had watched as the Vulcan doctor threw a glass beaker at a Borg, hitting the drone, but harmlessly shattering on impact and the shards of glass falling to the deck plating. However, it seemed to catch the attention of the done. They started to advance towards the doctors. Annika felt a wave of fear and panic come over her as she stared. Her eyes darted around the room looking for something, anything, to try and defend these people. She found nothing immediately.

”Tovarek to any transporter room. I need you to lock onto my immediate surrounds and beam out ANY Borg life signs NOW!” the one doctor was able to say just as a drone grabbed onto his arm. The drone extended assimilation tubules towards the neck of the doctor as Annika was paralyzed with fear.

Annika had no idea what to do now, as the transporter room must not have been able to distinguish between the poor man about to be assimilated and the Borg drone who was intent on doing the assimilation as they both had dematerialized and disappeared from sight. After there were no more Borg present in sickbay, Annika felt like she had time to breathe finally. 

She was mad at herself for freezing like a little bitch, instead of doing something to help the people there. Especially the poor man who was transported away with the drone.  She could have done something to help him. She not only could have done something, she felt like she should have done something. She hoped that he would be alright.

Annika’s pity party was interrupted by the Vulcan, T’something throwing a tricorder against the bulkhead which caused it to break into pieces and fall to the floor. The angry Vulcan then threw a PADD against some beakers which caused them all to break and send debris flying around next to her.

”Stay with me, Zeto!” she then yelled at an empty biobed. Annika looked around the sickbay to see if this was normal for the Vulcan or if this was out of the ordinary. The shocked and staring expressions on everyone else’s faces told her all she needed to know.

She walked over to the crazy doctor and put her hand on the doctor’s right shoulder.

”Uh..maybe you should go sit down before you wreck anything else.” as the Vulcan nodded back to Annika in agreement and made her way to a chair to sit.

Annika looked around the room, unsure of what to do or say.

”I’m not a doctor, but can I do anything?” she offered in hopes that she would feel useful.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #67
[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Corridor | Deck 04 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @trevorvw
Kai Akoni motioned towards the door, implying to Kingston to take care of the drones that tried to enter the computer core. Adam had heard the message from Bremmer too, so it was indeed an unspoken accord between the two when Kingston let Akoni handle the situation for Bremmer's team.

"Not today, tin-heads," Adam said quietly in his hoarse voice, and squeezed the trigger of his allotted Accipiter. The tungsten slugs tore into the first one, making his flesh and metal thorax collapse and the head topple forward from the rapid impacts. The second one's personal forcefield lasted longer, managing to slow down Adam's bursts to the degree that the rounds didn't get as deep into the drone armour. Then, the forcefield collapsed from the onslaught of a fifth burst, and the metal man was shredded and cut in half. The third drone through the door... it's forcefield barely let the tungsten rounds injure it - the slugs clattering without effect against the chest and abdomen. Cursing and baring his teeth, Adam switched to auto-fire, but that merely resulted in his shots raining against the deck at 25 rounds per second.

"Piss off, you manky buggers," he murmured, and switched the setting to the warp concussion mode. It might only be used with the single shot firing setting, but Adam didn't argue with the results. The concussive blast made the drone slam into the doorframe that it had just passed through, causing sparks to ignite along its spine and neck. The next shot hit the next drone in line, a female one who had yet to pass through the door, and it sent her straight into the bulkhead of the corridor. Meanwhile, Kai was finishing up the situation Bremmer faced, when there came a call from sickbay. He heard the order to guard the computer core, and he nodded while he accompanied the large man from the Endeavour into the corridor.

"Good hunting, sir," he wheezed, his browridge low over his eyes while looking at the female drone that tried to pick herself up from the deck, switching to the phased tetryon beam setting on his weapon. "I'll keep you posted."

He used the tetryon setting to try and disable that personal forcefield, and then switched back to the standard railgun mode, finally able to tear the drone apart with two bursts to the head and torso. Instinct, more than any peripheral vision, made him turn around...

...just in time to see the drone with the broken back try to reach his ankle. In the nick of time, Adam stepped away - a cold shiver running up his spine while he finished off the prone figure. He cursed his carelessness through the process.

[ Ens. Cir'Cie | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @alphawiz @Doc M.
When Cir'Cie thanked Kaylon Jeen, her voice was strained, and she rubbed her neck with her hand - an unnecessary but instinctual gesture, as if she somehow could diagnose herself with her palm. Lieutenant Jeen might have called it a lucky shot, the one who had saved her from assimilation, but there was no time to disprove the notion that the concept of luck was illogical.

There were still Borg present in engineering, so Cir'Cie calmly walked up to the phaser she had dropped and picked it up, lending her fire to that of Jeen's, while Chief O'Connell spoke with the bridge about these relays. While their phasers momentarily didn't pierce the personal forcefields of the drones, forcing them to fall back and attempt further remodulation of the phase variance, the Borg became vulnerable again - just when O'Connell reached an available console. Then, it was a quick process to finish off the remaining drones that had managed to get inside. Kaylon Jeen made the computer seal off Engineering at that point, and Cir'Cie lowered her phaser, not even winded by the ordeal.

After she had holstered her phaser by her hip, Cir'Cie heard O'Connell saying that they could get a better understanding of the current situation at the MSD table, and since she wasn't far from it, she serenely set her hands to work on getting the information available on the relays. "Incorrect. The power issues aside, the replication patterns for these relays that Mr. Kaeris has asked to to deploy... they appear to cause subspace interference, specifically meant to disrupt the connection between the drones and the Borg cube. Those on the bridge already have coordinates available for the relays, so as long as we have power for the replication and transport, we just need to activate the sequence, and cut off the drones from the cube."

Cir'Cie looked up from the MSD table at the Trill and the Human, the idle thought of they expecting her to only know Botany after graduating from the Academy coming to her. Perhaps Jeen might give her the benefit of the doubt, but she had little hope for the bigot Chief. "What are you waiting for? Harness the required power from available systems and activate the replication and transportation sequence. The coordinates have been prepared, and Mister Song on the bridge is waiting."

[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy
Attn: @fiendfall 
While the Vulcan spoke up, indicating that she was the highest ranking Starfleeter among the bunch, Sera shrugged with one shoulder and turned her visor towards the legless Borg drone that was crawling towards them.

"Burn me, I have never been to any sickbay on this blasted ship," she said through the microphone in her helmet and raised her disruptor's muzzle towards the persistent drone. She fired twice, expecting the forcefield they had to stop the blasts, but for some reason, her shots disintegrated the head and neck of the thing, and it stopped moving. "You may want to ask someone with a uniform."

Before anything further could be said between her and the group of survivors, there was a shimmer of aquamarine light next to one of the shuttles, and Sera raised her weapon towards it, expecting it to be another drone arriving. The blackness of the torso and legs suggested it... but what stayed her finger was the sight of two blue antennae over long white hair. Sera's eyes widened. While the woman didn't wear one of those drab Starfleet uniforms, she knew this Andorian. "zh'Wann?" she asked, eyebrows raised. It was the leader of the away team to the Coreless Moon. But how..? "Blast me... last I saw you, you were just a pattern in my ship's transporter buffer. You were already dead before that, a bloody hole in your side, and then the Savi bug-ship destroyed that buffer."

The Andorian, who carried some kind of metal sphere in her hand, along with a strange datapad, turned to look at Sera and the survivors. There was a pause, and perhaps the woman couldn't credit the fact that she was back on the Theurgy. "Vers Aldnoah.... It would seem the Savi collected me before that. I suspect I wasn't dead for long, but they never told me how they resuscitated me... only why. Who are these people?"

"We're from the Bellerophon!" one of the men cried out, even though he wasn't the highest ranking officer present. "We need to get off this ship. Open the bay doors!"

Ida frowned while she took in the situation, and Sera wanted those doors opened as well. The Andorian spoke first, however, and sensing the temper of the group, she drew her black sidearm - something definitely not of Starfleet design. "The Borg are on the way, and we're about to blow up their shortcut into Federation space. Any shuttles will be caught in the blast, so I suggest you step aside, and wait for a better time. By Lor'Vela, I have neither time nor patience for any moronic notions about heading out there. Understood?"

Sera cursed under her breath, debating if she should shoot the woman. She only had to raise her disruptor and...

...and the Andorian was looking her in the eye - eyes unblinking. "Try it, yellow-eyes. I should warn you, however. This weapon has no stun setting."

"Neither have mine..." she said tightly, yet suddenly, Sera wasn't so sure she was quick enough. She'd seen that Andorian in a firefight, and her odds of shooting the Andorian first weren't good. Oh, Zy, why didn't we leave earlier, when we had the chance? Curling her lip, she powered down her disruptor, and in a show of good faith, she tossed it to the Andorian's feet. "Burn you, I'll be a good girl."

For now.

"Then move along to the back of the bay, all of you," said the Deputy of the Theurgy, and raised her chin. "zh'Wann to Sickbay, we need a triage team here in the upper bay. Send security as well, since there seem to be officers from the Bellerophon aboard."

Sera did as she was asked, watching zh'Wann pick up the disruptor and addressing the Vulcan from before. "I know it may be hard to believe, but I advise you all cooperate, and hear out the captain. She will come along shortly, and tell you what Admiral Sankolov hasn't. Now, however, you need to clear this deck. Time is short."

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #68
[ William Robert O’Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Absinthe  @alphawiz  @Auctor Lucan  @fiendfall  @FollowTomorrow 

When O’Connell and Jeen reached the master systems diagnostics table he was disappointed to see that Miz Cir’Ce was still there.  That woman was harder to get rid of than Ferengi in a bank.  Unfortunately, as the only enlisted department head, he couldn’t exactly order her out, all he could do was ‘advise’ and ‘encourage’ the young officer to try and ignore her.

“Alright, Mister Kaeris wants us to relay th' power...” Billy Bob grumbled. 

"Incorrect," Cir'Ce interrupted.  "The power issues aside, the replication patterns for these relays that Mr. Kaeris has asked to to deploy... they appear to cause subspace interference, specifically meant to disrupt the connection between the drones and the Borg cube. Those on the bridge already have coordinates available for the relays, so as long as we have power for the replication and transport, we just need to activate the sequence, and cut off the drones from the cube."

The master chief paused, before looking at the readout on the master diagnostics table.  Just a glance made it obvious that rather than trying to bypass the power regulators, Kearis was indeed trying to rip subspace a new one.  No wonder Kaylon had asked for clarification.  The Cayuga’s chief engineer must have thought O’Connell was as crazy as popcorn on a hot stove.  Billy Bob had screwed up.  His cheeks reddening, O’Connell coughed twice before gracefully admitting defeat.  “My apologies ma’am; apparently we do need uh scientist down here after all.”

If O’Connell was expecting a smile from a Vulcan, he was very much disappointed.  The greenblooded scientist was relishing the opportunity to order the acting chief engineer around.  "What are you waiting for? Harness the required power from available systems and activate the replication and transportation sequence. The coordinates have been prepared, and Mister Song on the bridge is waiting."

There was nothing for it but to let the victor enjoy the spoils.  “Yes ma’am,” O’Connell nodded before launching into his chief voice.  “All right you heard her, set up them relays and inform Suq that we may need to channel power through his deflector dish!  Come on, people!  Make it happen!”

“Master Chief?” Petty Officer Arex asked as he walked up to the acting chief engineer with Billy’s shotgun.  “What do I do with this?”

It was then that Billy Bob let him know that feces rolls downhill.  “What in blazes are yew doin’ with mah shotgun Arex?” he roared.  “Put it back in mah officer raight now!  Fuck’s wrong with yew?”

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #69
[ Dr Amelya Rez | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Lex Dalton @lisavw @trevorvw

The chaos in Sickbay was increasing as patients were being beamed in through site to site transports when possible, yet a lot of patients started to come in through the main entrance. The main entrance that had been cleared by Tovarek and while Amelya had not been present to see the disappearance and end of the scientist she was grateful that the way was cleared for the injured. What worried her most though was the fact that the newest Vulcan addition to their medical component seemed to have lost it. Rez walked up to the Vulcan and looked into her eyes. A patient had seemed to have placed her down on a chair and as she asked if she could be put to use, Amelya looked her over.

"If you want to make yourself useful, please take a PADD and try and get the names and injuries of those coming in. I'll give us a better view on who's here and who's still unaccountable along with the sort of injuries we need to tend to first." she said with a calm voice and a smile before she looked back at T'Panu "Doctor, are you okay? Do you need to head out of here to meditate?" As she awaited the answer of the Vulcan and eventually nodded with some concern to her reply, she called out to the head nurse.

"Jovela! I need you back in here. Help with the triage and tend to those who need pain medication or urgent medical care. Call out if you need a doctor and pass the word on to the nurses." she said with clear voice as she sought to bring some order back to her Sickbay. The place was quickly getting crowded with patients and staff as Amelya tended to a couple of critical patients. She followed up on their parameters and gave her orders to the medical staff so she could move on where else she was needed. Unaware of the events happening outside the hull.

She did wonder how Nicander would have reacted to this situation, if he were uninfested that was. He'd probably kill them all as this was part of the endgame for the parasites she imagined. She shook the thoughts about the former CMO out of her head as she continued to work further on the patients and task at hand. There was no point to linger on the alternative as the present was filled with people who needed medical care.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #70
Lt Kaylon Jeen|Main Engineering|USS Theurgy|Attn:  @Doc M. @Auctor Lucan

"What in blazes are yew doin' with mah shotgun Arex?  Put it back in mah officer raight now!  Fuck's wrong with yew?"

Kaylon looked at O'Connell with confused shock.   He distinctly remembered the Chief telling Arex to bring him the shotgun.  Something wasn't right, and Arex certainly didn't deserve to be dressed down for following orders.  "Chief, didn't you ask for that to be brought to you?  I'm pretty certain I heard you ask for it."he asked, a note of command sternness creeping into his voice.  It wasn't enough to sound as if he was dressing down the Master Chief in front of his men, but enough to make the tone of warning clear.  Hopefully it would be enough to snap the enlisted man out of whatever was going on with him.  "I don't know what's going on here, Chief, and I certainly don't want to step on your toes since you're technically still in command down here, but if I were you, I'd pull myself together.  Otherwise, I may have to start pulling rank." he warned, his voice dropping almost to a whisper.  Kaylon was sure that Cir'Cie probably heard it with her Vulcan ears, but not the other people in Engineering.

He liked O'Connell.  The man was direct, and a bit rough around the edges, but he'd also felt the crises they'd faced aboard the Cayuga had helped develop a bond between least from his perspective.

Reprimand delivered, he turned his attention back to the master display.   If Chief O'Connell wanted to respond, he could, if not, that was fine too, so long as he heeded Kaylon's warning.  "If those relays, or whatever they are work as Cir'Cie says, and if I understood her correctly, then any drones that come aboard will be cut off from he collective, and it will be as if we cut off the serpent's head."  He looked up at Cir'Cie.  "Is my understanding correct, Ensign?"

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #71
[ Dr T'Panu | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
@trevorvw @Nolan @Lex Dalton

"I'm not a doctor, but can I do anything?" Annika asked quizzically. The look she gave T'Panu was one of both concern, and...T'Panu couldn't quite place her finger on it. Fear? Shock? All of the above?? T'Panu snapped out of her momentary psychosis, and looked around the room. She noticed how everyone was staring at her. They were staring like she was a crazy person. And she realized, in that moment, she was.

She looked down at the biobed again, half embarrassed, half confused. What just happened??? She realized she was reliving the past, having it come back to haunt her after all these years. She had worked so hard to suppress her emotions, to escape it; but all she had accomplished was to bury it, telling herself it was over. It came back to bite her like an osmotic eel on a wound. Gross, T'Panu thought.

"Doctor, are you okay? Do you need to head out of here to meditate?" Dr Rez asked her.

Patients began entering Sickbay. They came from the transporter, and walked in through the main entrance. Dr Rez asked Annika to start triaging patients. T'Panu watched as patients were helping each other in, supporting each other's injuries. Some were able to walk in under their own control, which was a great sign.

She hoped there weren't many casualties, and realized she needed to get it together. Their patients needed her, the medical staff needed her, and she wasn't about to let anybody down now. She never had, and never will.

T'Panu stood, turned to both Annika and Dr Rez, and explained apologetically. "I apologize for my performance, but there's work to do. Thank you for your concern. I have let you down, but I won't let our patients down. After this is all over, I will seek counselling which I realize I need more than I ever thought. I'll clean up my mess and grab a Tricorder to start assessing the patients Annika triages."

T'Panu turned to the patients that had seen her outburst with an apologetic smile. They understood, and she got back to work, awaiting Jovela's arrival to help triage. She began administering the analgesics to help with the pain of the crew members that came in, seeing the open wounds and blood spread throughout their bay; the obvious phaser burns, the cuts and scrapes. She wondered just how many crew members would be seeking medical help. "Perhaps we should prepare for an overload of patients. We should prep Vector 01 Sickbay for the influx and prepare for the worst."

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #72
[ Annika Van den Berg | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] @lisavw @Nolan @Lex Dalton

After Annika had asked if there was anything she could do, a Trill doctor walked over and looked her up and down before saying.

”If you want to make yourself useful, please take a PADD and try and get the names and injuries of those coming in. I'll give us a better view on who's here and who's still unaccountable along with the sort of injuries we need to tend to first.” before turning towards the crazy Vulcan and asking her about meditating or something. Annika had stopped paying attention after she grabbed the PADD and set out on a personal mission of feeling useful.

As an injured crew member walked through the entrance, Annika walked up to her.

”Name and injury?” before noticing plasma burns on the woman’s right arm.

”Ensign Logan and obviously plasma burns on my arm” she said whilst motioning to her right arm.

Annika nodded in response to the Ensign and in turn motioned to a chair.

”Have a seat” as Annika turned around to hear the familiar sound of the transporter beaming another injured crew member in.

As the patient finished materializing on the bio bed, she immediately noticed it was an injured Tellarite. Annika walked up to the injured and unconscious new arrival and froze upon seeing his injuries. She had a flashback to her youth.

Young Annika stared at her Dad standing over a Tellarite who was laying supine on the ground in front of their house. Her Dad was breathing heavy and holding a knife. Dripping off the knife was blood, which was adding to the pool of blood spreading out from underneath the Tellarite on the ground. Annika stared in horror and what her Dad had done

After she regained her sense, Annika noticed that the injuries on the injured Tellarite from the Theurgy was similar to the injuries from when her father murdered the Tellarite back on Earth. However, thankfully for Annika, this patient had been injured by debris rather than being stabbed by a delusional and xenophobic man. The Tellarite’s breathing was laboured and slowing.

Annika looked for the nearest doctor and yelled at the same time, ”This man needs help now!” as she awaited someone to help.

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #73
[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector: Combined | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zark heard the doors whisk open to the Security Center behind the drones. She heard a muffled roll as a robed individual entered the center and a wang as he kicked the legs out from under a drone. The harder clang as the drone hit the deck. Rolling a bit to the side she tucked her antennae back and risked a peek around the edge of the console. She saw what looked to be some sort of mad Romulan monk engaging the 4 drones at close quarters.

He opened up point blank with the rifle that he carried and the shields swallowed the blasts. Zark was about to call out a warning as the drone maneuvered to assimilate the Romulan Monk, when he just up and Sparta kicked a second one sending it falling. A nod of her head and she was raising to her feet. A hand placed on the console and she was vaulting over.

It’d be a warm sunny day on Andoria before she hid behind a console and was saved by an unknown civilian in a robe! Landing lightly on her toes she was moving swiftly towards the two still standing when the Romulan opened up with is rifle again. The bolts blasting through the Third drone. Borg shields were down. Again.

The Andorian didn’t pause to question why. They were up. They were down. They were up They were down. Well they were down right now and that gave the Security forces a few seconds to capitalize on it.

The armored form of the Exosuit accelerated. Zark was swift and agile, and the synthetic muscle technology accented that. The drones had turned to face Drauc and didn’t see her coming. The gleaming blades of her Chaka came around in her left hand, slashing high she connected with the back of the last standing drone’s neck. The triple blade of the Chaka hitting with the fore and then center blades on it’s way through both spine and metal. The Exosuit added it’s strength to the Andorian’s not inconsiderable muscle. Sparks flew as well as some biofluid when the spine was severed. Glitching and spazzing out due to the severed spinal column, the drone crashed forward. A bark of laughter escaped the young woman as it clanged to the floor.

Even as it fell the dark blue security officer gave the Romulan a nod, her voice coming from the helmet. “Thanks for the assist!” She pivoted and slammed downwards, dropping to a knee as the center blade of the Chaka was PUNCHED brutally through one of the still functioning, but fallen drone’s organic eye and deep into the skull. She wrenched the blade clockwise a quarter turn then counterclockwise. CRUNCH CRUNCH!

The remaining security crewman had absolutely zero intention of getting close. He wasn’t in an exosuit, and more over, screw THAT. When the Romulan’s shots dropped the one drone and then the Andorian officer vaulted the console and ran up to engage the other. He rolled to the side, took careful aim with his rifle and squeezed the trigger as he’d been taught. The three pulse blasts lanced out and hit the second toppled drone in the face. The energy bolts hit the unshielded drone from just a few meters away, cored his head and blew brains and bits of circuitry over the carpet. The crewman gulped a bit and then slowly rose to a knee.. then slowly to fully standing spinning around to make sure no drones were creeping up on them from behind to assimilate them unawares.

Zark herself looked around, antennae, in their little armored sheaths perked up and pivoted to one side and the other as well. A wrenching motion and she tugged her Chaka out of the drone’s head. Flicking her wrist sent a few hunks of flesh and chunks of bone to splatter off to the side. She stood and looked to the Romulan and nodded the smile gleaming white behind the Exosuit’s faceplate. "Great timing, big guy.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass

Reply #74
[ Lt Cmdr Hathev | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy

Hathev suppressed a flicker of frustration at the redsuit's careless attitude. Just another brute with a phaser, apparently, and completely disinterested in being of any use outside of combat. Then again, the woman clearly wasn't Starfleet, so perhaps Hathev should have lowered her expectations to begin with.

No matter. The priorities remained the same: keep the survivors safe, and care for the injured among them. If the redsuit refused to help, perhaps she would also be too lethargic to hinder them. Hathev disliked having to rely on such nebulous assumptions, but for now they would have to do.

She turned back to the crew, regarding them carefully. There had been mutterings among them when she had spoken to the redsuit about moving to a sickbay; some still harboured hope for an escape. Casting an eye over them she picked out one or two who might cause trouble over the issue, but she predicted most would follow the crowd. Still, something worth dealing with pre-emptively.

Hathev fixed the potential troublemakers with a steely gaze, addressing the group of survivors. 'From what we have all seen here only moments ago it should be clear that this ship is currently engaged with a Borg Cube, and potentially an unknown number of other vessels. Though I am sure none of us wish to remain on a rebel ship, if we were to attempt escape at this point our chances of survival would be negligible at best. I will not compel any of you to remain but I hope my meaning is clear when I say it is not your duty to die today.'

Her own duty was done. She had spoken the truth: if any among them wished to leave, she would not stop them. She was not in the business of trying to save a lost cause. If they wanted to play the fool, so be it. She need only concern herself with those she could help.

With no more living Borg in the bay, it was a straight shot to the doors. It would be fairly easy to find the sickbay even without directions, as important destinations should be signposted on every Federation starship. But the likelihood of encountering more Borg out in the corridors was uncomfortably high, and without weapons or a knowledge of their surroundings, Hathev did not much like their chances of making it to a medbay without taking further casualties.

The redsuit was, unfortunately, their best option. Hathev turned back to face her, but frowned at the sight of not one but two women now standing before her. The newcomer was an Andorian, apparently familiar to both the redsuit and the Theurgy. Although she wasn't dressed in a Starfleet uniform she carried herself with an authority that led one of the crew behind Hathev to call out for her to open the hangar doors.

The Andorian's response was decisive, drawing a weapon and warning both the crew of the Bellerophon and the redsuit not to cross her. Hathev prickled at the woman's command as she ordered the crew to move to the back of the bay; she had only been aboard the Bellerophon for a few days, and bore no connection in particular to the crew, but to follow the orders of rebels and traitors... She was in no position to contest the command, however, and so complied.

'I know it may be hard to believe, but I advise you all cooperate, and hear out the captain,' the Andorian addressed them. 'She will come along shortly, and tell you what Admiral Sankolov hasn't. Now, however, you need to clear this deck. Time is short.'

Hathev's lip curled in a half-smirk at that assessment. Hard to believe. Some might say impossible. She would be first among them. With aid secured for the injured crew, Hathev no longer had any reason to ask these turncoats for help, nor to listen to their poisonous delusions.

Then again, she had to admit a... professional curiosity with regards to those delusions. The captain who could espouse such conspiracies and pollute an entire ship to the point of rebellion... That was someone she would be interested to meet.

'This captain of yours,' she said boldly, addressing the Andorian, 'if she will treat my crew fairly and with compassion, I will afford her explanations that same courtesy.'

If she survived to return home, the book she would write about the cult of the Theurgy might be her greatest work yet.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

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