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Topic: CH02: S [D06|0620] A Drone and A Wolf Walk Into A Bar (Read 5532 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH02: S [D06|0620] A Drone and A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign “Ghost” | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton @Triage


Evelyn Rawley felt surprisingly good after a night’s rest. Maybe it was the previous nap with Tom Ravon that helped her, the memory of that moment before the battle…or it could’ve been Maya’s counseling words. Now, starting the day in a fresh uniform, Rawley felt the Whetstone would do her good; the lounge at the Fighter Bay didn’t appeal at the moment.

Rawley indulged herself in a haggis breakfast with coffee. There were a number of people, but she didn’t care. People came in and out of the Whetstone all the time. Besides, what were peoples’ opinions of what she ate anyway? Rawley made it a point to have a hearty breakfast because it could often be her last meal.

She heard someone at the replicator request…a whole pot of coffee? And who was Neelix? Some buggers were strange that way…

“Excuse me, is this table taken?” asked a friendly voice. Rawley turned to answer and was surprised to see the drone girl from the Allegiant, carrying a big coffee pot with a bloody whopping stench.

For her part, Six was equally surprised to be addressing the pilot who took an instant dislike to her upon meeting. She didn’t even recognize her. She didn’t recognize her until she turned her head.

Rawley forestalled her sharply. “This table taken, so bugger off, drone.”

“In case you haven’t noticed,” said Six, stressing the nickname sharply, due to the accent, “I’m on your side.”

“On my side, my arse,” snapped Rawley. “How do I know the Borg isn’t watching us through that artificial eye of yehrs?”

Six shuddered at the thought but kept her ground.

“I’m not a spy for the Borg, if that’s what you mean. Besides, if I was working for the Borg, would I be behaving like this?”

“Dinnae think that occurred to me. Maybe the Borg have come up with one and off switches,” retorted Rawley.

“And I’ve been of good help in the past few days. I helped the crew of the Resolve evacuate while Starbase 84 was going down. I recently contributed in helping Theurgy’s Vector Three against an Asurian attack.”

“Asurians?” scoffed Rawley. “Asurians? Oh, aye, yeh think yeh’re some bloody hero, are yeh? What did yeh do, take down their arses by assimilating them? Saved the ‘Stallion’ singlehandedly that way?”

Six was incensed. She did nothing of the sort. But instead of retorting back, she took a breath before responding.

“I was utilizing my skills as a hacker, and I wasn’t the only one who helped. Some of the officers on the Allegiant can attest to that, they contributed in it…”

She looked up and noticed a familiar face…one who was also with her on the “Stallion.”

“Ensign Mariner? A word please?” she asked, gesturing for him to come over.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #1
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

There were some things in life that couldn't be solved in the gym, phaser range or even a power nap could solve. Voluntarily, Ensign Mariner subjected himself to a trip to sickbay in the hopes it would stop the nightmares. He wished he could have seen Meony. Alessia had been preoccupied by teaching her RIO how to walk again and would later padd-text her apology for not being on-hand to do so. Regardless, Jimmy had gone to sickbay to ensure the anti-Borg serum hadn't been the cause of his anxiety since arriving on the Sword.

Fortunately, a trip to the head could solve the probes in his system. After hopefully purging his system of that resource, the Ensign had a window in the morning to get the placebo effect and momentary self-assurance of some synthehol. Something dark, feeling the need to bond with his ancient pre-Australian Irish roots. At room temperature, when securing himself something that didn't remind him of anything cold or dangerous.

Until he spotted that Bloody hell, please don't be psychic artificial red eye.

Jimmy acted like he didn't notice Six when the lounge replicator almost literally replicated a pint of what Jimmy's father habitually dubbed when regarding synthehol. "Ferengi Bug Jui-- computer cancel." Pete Mariner favored the real deal. "Synthehol, Guinness-brew, no foam." In respect, some Earth cultures considered bugs or insects a delicacy. However, this Australian didn't have the indifferent and in many cases, eyebrow-raising pallate of his father; The same documentarian who had become a gagh connosieur.

Jimmy's latent disgust for the Borg was cut off at someone using language and tone that even Meony might have employed. A Commonwealther or Colonizer by the sound of her; he was better at imitating voices or accents rather than actively identifying them on account of any real time spent on Earth. At least not for more than a day per region of the world for his pre-academy year.

The Australian noticed her at last, and overheard their bickering, wearing only a corner view of thee two, decided to listen in as he made an expression that best reflected a good point that was raised. Then Six addressed him. Shite. But he had to at least act objective, and did so with his patented bluntness.

"Oi," Mariner used the greeting endearingly as any of his terms for other creatures. "Xenophobia is not a virtue; don't prove the collective right about their 'uniform' policies." He was clearly referring to the Borg taking any species without bias of their origins.

"Do the peace a favor and help keep it, ey?" Jimmy suggested, planting his ale. He'd had breakfast three hours go and simply needed to have a moment to himself before the day went on. It was also practice for when fights needed to be defused as they often did.

Then Jimmy's equal-opportunity humor shifted to Six. "And Sparky-- err! Six?" To balance his mediation, he continued, "Just in case she's right, and I look like a git for defending you?" A moment passed until he had their attention before adding, "Then, well, at least as a courtesy to your colleague and have me assimilated last. That is, if you'd by then manage a good word with them--I mean your alleged former compatriots." That way he could be the one who order any auto-destruct sequence. As if his apparently-joking tone didn't already convey the message.

During his time at the academy and even aboard his classified training cruise, Mariner's class had reviewed the Enterprise-D security logs and many of Captain Shelby's reports. All too much, the last 18 hours and change had him recalling and even reviewing these from some of Resolve's recovered datarods. It was befitting that Six mentioned her role in that rescue.

"It's not that some of the crew don't trust you or distrust you. It's just... apprehension... of a repeat of Wolf 359. You really think J.L. Picard wanted to wipe out 40 ships and his own friend, J.P. Hanson? Opinion is irrelevant to the collective." He added, before a reply-spanning drink. "Not here."
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #2
[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Triton


Six blinked with befuddlement. She can never know if Mariner was joking or not; it’s one reason why they have no friendly relationship. They have a familiarity with each other, but no friendship.

Rawley, for her part, furrowed her brow at the Aussie. She recognized Jimmy Mariner, Meony’s “stallion,” but she was absolutely surprised to see that the big lug knew the drone. But when he heard him say “apprehension,” she realized this was someone who doesn’t like the Borg nor the prospect of assimilation as much as she does. So how does the drone slut know him?

Six launched into explaining to Mariner.

“Let’s just forget the whole ‘don’t-know-when-this-drone-will-turn-back-to-the-Collective’ crap for a moment, okay, Mariner?” she said. “We got a doubting Thomas here,” she added, gesturing at Rawley. “Boudicca here doesn’t believe that I had a role in helping the Cayuga against the Asurians. I know you were of beneficial assistance in stopping an Asurian boarding party.”

“You? Mister Mariner? Against an Asurian boarding party?” said Rawley. “Dinnae know if I can believe that, no matter how big yeh are. And especially if this is coming from a drone.”

“It’s true!” snapped Six. She then took a breath to calm herself down. She didn’t want to sound immature.

“If that’s true…I think I like yeh more. I see why Meony would like yeh, Mariner,” said Rawley. “But if this is coming from a drone?”

“I’m telling the truth!” said Six.

“Oh, how brilliant!” said Rawley, and then stood and raised her voice for the lounge to hear. “Hey, everybody! Here are a couple of heroes who saved a ship and a third from Asurians!”

Six turned to Mariner. “Is Boudicca mocking us?”

“And if there was an attack by Asurians,” said Rawley as she sat back down, “you really dinnae know what this vector was up against. We took on the bloody Klingon Chancellor, Martok himself! A whole bloody Klingon carrier, complete with fighter complement, all to whom we’ve lost almost half our pack…as a certain lass can attest!”

She gestured at Cameron Henshaw, who she saw when she stood.

“Am I right, Ensign Henshaw?”

“Martok? Himself?” said Six in surprise. “I hate to think what Vector One came across. Hopefully it’s not anything worse than Asurians or Klingons. Hopefully they haven’t encountered so much as a sphere, let alone a cube.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #3
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @Multificionado
“Yes, of course, Lieutenant,” said Cam as she drew closer. After her particularly troubled rest, coupled with a number of disruptions, the Yeoman didn't feel energetic or at all well, but she was dressed and prettied-up as well as a porcelain doll. She'd come to Whetstone Lounge, partially debating with herself if she ought to get something to eat before starting her day and shift, yet she felt sick to her gut, and sincerely doubted she could hold down anything more than a cup of porridge. Especially after Evelyn reminded Cam of the moment she felt she had failed the Wolves. She told herself not to dwell on it, but the twinge of pain in her chest appeared nonetheless. “though why are you yelling?”

She looked around, noting Ensigns Six and James Mariner.

“We know what has transpired between the Sword and the Stallion,” said Cam, “after compiling reports and debriefs. Now we can only hope that we just get all the vectors back together and...continue with our mission, as Ji-Captain Ives ordered.”

She looked pointedly at Evelyn then, “In the meantime, would it be at all possible for you to keep from antagonizing your fellow crew? If Six's presence is such bother to you, she can eat with me...” the young woman's frown deepened as she felt her stomach curl on itself and she highly doubted she could keep even the porridge down after all.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #4
[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Triton

“Why, thank you, Ensign Henshaw,” said Six with a smile. She was grateful at the kind answer Henshaw made, and she followed her to her table.

Rawley merely scowled at Six’s direction, then looked at Jimmy Mariner.

“Fancy sitting with a fellow lass?” she asked him. “Better you than the drone. Oh, and I may likely drop by Sickbay later to see how Meony’s doing. She’s a good lass, Meony. She deserves you and you her,” she added with a smile. “She almost makes me think of…well, me, if I was reincarnated into a ginger cowgirl rather than a Scottish bouncer.”

Sitting at Ensign Henshaw’s table, Six smiled. She was glad to be away from Rawley, in a way. She remembered Lieutenant Martin’s words well:

“As for the rest of the crew it is likely that they will take some time, but your actions will eventually put them at ease. You are not a threat."

While he was talking about her fellow crew mates on the Allegiant, Six felt that those words may easily apply to the rest of the Theurgy crew. It’ll take time for people to trust her. It may take even longer for Rawley, or perhaps not at all. Fortunately, the new quarters she found were nowhere near where the pilots resided.

“I’d like to thank you again for that offer, Ensign Henshaw,” she said, setting her pot of coffee on the table. “I’m still new to the Theurgy and I gather I…intimidate people some. Then again, I ran into one of the fellow pilots, Tessa Lance. She tells me Rawley ‘hates everybody.’ I’m not sure whether or not she’s exaggerating, but Rawley does seem to be, shall we say…apprehensive?

“I gather you know Captain Ives really well?” she also asked. “You almost referred to the Captain by his, or her, first name. I’m just curious; as I say, I’m new to the Theurgy. I used to be on the ‘Stallion,’ most everybody around me is just as new to the Theurgy as I am.

"Care for a cup?" she offered, gesturing at the coffee pot. "You may be in need of caffeine as much as I do."

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #5
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Multificionado

"Exxageration is irrelevant."
Jimmy deadpanned, just in a demeanor that was as coy as it was robotic,  tilting his head before a drink from his pint that he abruptly put aside when he spotted Ensign Henshaw enter the room. Nearly losing his cool, he acted as if he didn't start to have some of his non-alcoholic but still questionable choice in a refreshment. The gulp almost went down the wrong tube when she arrived. Jimmy greeted Cammy with a half-smile and something of a twinkle in his eye, even though it was an innocuous greeting, he stifled his pleasant surprised reaction well enough.

It nagged at him that he privately had a sweet spot for the Yeoman, but despite the understanding about his and Meony's open relationship, not everyone was as open-minded about sharing the way most modern couples did, so he didn't have hopes. "But I did-- we, Six and I, and Vector Three, even the great Zelosa Ejek, -did- save that ship from becoming a giant one-ship junkyard. The catch was that I had to impersonate their skipper through a holofilter to gain their trust. Shameful showmanship, yes, I know, but their skipper had a good head on her shoulders and let us help them against a common threat. Unlike their, ahem, party crashers." Jimmy explained matter-of-factly with just the slightest self-promotion as he rummaged around to find the surveillance of the incident in particular.

"Oh, how brilliant! Hey, everybody! Here are a couple of heroes who saved a ship and a third from Asurians!"

When Six asked Mariner. "Is she mocking us?", Jimmy tilted his head again, as if shrugging off the notion.

"Who-dicca? Iceni-- I mean I see no reason why she would. We're all theoretically subjects of the crown." Jimmy abruptly paused his recollection of ancient British history when he saw another familiar and friendly face arrive, order an Andorian caffeine drink and then steadily make an approach.

"And if there was an attack by Asurians, you really dinnae know what this vector was up against. We took on the bloody Klingon Chancellor, Martok himself! A whole bloody Klingon carrier, complete with fighter complement, all to whom we've lost almost half our a certain lass can attest! Am I right, Ensign Henshaw?"

The Australian momentarily glanged up at her from his pad for a moment "Ji--" he was hoping she'd mention him, only to pretend he didn't notice when the yeoman referred to the captain. Privately, a tiny splinter of jealousy crossed his mind, but he privately didn't dwell on it; a gem like her was bound to be close to someone like the Captain.

If only to lend his thought, though not to cause a panic. "Who knows what's going on in Vector-One. For all we know there could be another parasite aboard. Or a Mutiny. Or Both... more than likely, they've rescued the abducted and are heading this way with a solution to this madness." On that sarcastically-but-idly-hopeful note, Jimmy returned to the replicator for a refill, this time, a custom-preset synthehol with just the right placebo effect of an Australian microbrew his father favored, and a bucket of 'Movie-night Supplement 3-Alpha'. Summarily, a large replicated tin bucket of popcorn in butter and caramel variety materialized at the replicator which he brought to the table to share with anyone interested. He'd had an early breakfast and was off-duty for the moment, anxious as anyone was to know what would play out in the near-future but hiding it through keeping a stiff upper lip.

When he returned to his seat, Mariner finally produced a padd and loaded the footage he'd acquired of the encounter as the others spoke or reacted to Ghost-- Jimmy summarily took her up on her invite with a smile. As the tables turned to Ghost's announcement and the division in the seats Jimmy took the moment of opportunity to pull up the encounter with the Asurian in Cayuga's engineering to prove his adventures "I took him out to the old ball game, and he struck out... right about.... --owch… okay, look, where I come from, we have a saying, 'you should see the other chap,' keep watching." Jimmy winced at the moment of him losing the upper hand in that fight. "-- hehehe, OLE'." At just the right time, Mariner stood up himself and caught an inbound projectile, right at the moment of impact between Balak and the console Jimmy had baited him into was shown on screen. 
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #6
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Triton @Multificionado

The chime of the computer and its voice telling Eliska Bremmer the time of day had been most unwelcome.  Just over four hours' rack time she had managed to get before she had to get up.  Last she had heard, she did not have a shift as a security guard ahead of her, though.  She had armoury duty.  As a fully qualified mistress at arms, the maintenance of all the small arms and armour that had been used in the counter-boarding action would be falling in her hands.  She knew she had already downchecked the rifle she had carried, and she could only hope the assistant who was working overnight had taken the time to at least diagnose what he could for her final verification, or repairs as required. 

And, her quarters felt so empty.  Without Dyan Cardamone to share them, the space felt much larger than it really was.  She had heard she'd defected to the Asurians during the battle, but that was one she wasn't so sure about.  But, she couldn't afford to think of that just yet.

A sonic shower later, she was back in a fresh uniform.  Still, she was amazed she had tank tops to wear; those had been deemed creature comforts on the Resolve and she had not seen one in over a year before being rescued by Theurgy.  And it also meant she did not have to worry herself with a bra if she had one of those.  True freedom.  But she was in no state to enjoy it.  She needed food.  She needed coffee.  And she had an entire armoury that would need her talents in front of her, starting with her own exosuit.

Speaking of which, with some luck the medics would have finished cleaning out and sanitizing the ones that came from Nicander's cell by now. 

Resolutely, she headed for the first place she could think of to eat.  The Whetstone lounge would do for now.  It was close enough by, and if she remembered correctly, the breakfast menu would be half decent; they had fried kielbasa today. 

But entering the lounge she was assaulted by uncharacteristic rowdiness for this early in the morning.  And at the heart of it all... "Mariner?  Are you even human?"  How in the world did he have so much energy, when he'd had no more of a chance to sleep than she did?

And with that said, Bremmer made her way for the coffee urns, by way of the bar for the single largest tankard she could find.  This was going to be one of those days, she could smell it.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #7
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @Multificionado
As Six followed Cam to their own table, the Yeoman glanced back at the shaved pilot and noticed the fearsome scowl on her otherwise pretty features. It wasn't like liberated Borgs were that unheard of these days, nor had she heard of any particular case of the liberated drones ever getting her memory anyhow. Even so, Six was quite unusual, in that she demonstrated a greater range of emotions and slang. Cam privately mused that each liberated Borg probably have different ranges of effects to how much of their original personality would be retained or regained.

She remembered reading dissertations of a captain who'd been completely restored after being assimilated. As far as she could tell, the captain's personality was entirely as before assimilation. Perhaps Six was something like that, with the exception of retaining some Borg implants. The woman was grateful for Cameron's more open nature, and she was curious about something, which made Cam more alert, and the Yeoman waved politely at the offer of a drink of coffee.

“Thank you, Six, but I've had too much caffeine already,” said Cam, “and don't let the lieutenant bother you too much. Like most pilots, she tends to live in the now, and not care much about the consequences of her words or actions. She's hotheaded because anyone more relaxed than herself is significantly too slow for her liking. But she means well, and somewhere...very deep down, she's got a more tender side.”

She glanced over at the woman's table, then back at the liberated Borg, “However, since she does seem more prejudiced than usual towards you, I think it best to steer clear of her.”

Now to address her near slip, calling Jien Ives by his first name, “As for that slip up,” she waved a hand, “it's just a bad habit of mine. I'm far more casual than is acceptable, even if I'm the Captain's Yeoman. I too easily fall into a habit of calling people by their first name. I suppose with you, you wouldn't experience that...unless you have another name besides Six?”

She saw Eliska walk in and make a commentary about James, and she said, “Good morning, Eliska,” rather pointedly. To confirm her excuse that she had a habit of getting casual, “Care to join me and Six?”

She didn't wait for a response, and instead returned to her table, adjusting her skirt as she sat down, and looked over at the Borg, “Are you all right?”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #8
[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Triton @CanadianVet @Doc M.


Rawley nodded at Mariner’s words, though she found it surprising that his choice of breakfast was popcorn…if that was his breakfast at all. She could’ve replicated some kind of brew for the two to share if she had known. Then she saw the footage Martiner showed her.

As he was, of course, Rawley was hearing words from other patrons bearing mixed reactions towards her treatment at the drone girl. Most told her to lay off, and she hardly heard any agreements with her.

When Mariner did, of course, Rawley was surprised. They were Asurians, and from the looks of things, he had quite a moment taking the mickey out of the big horned brute.

And she also winced with him whenever she saw the blows Mariner sustained.

“Crikey. They are Asurians. Yeh must be stronger than yeh look, Mariner,” she said.

On Henshaw’s return and query, Six replied, “I’m alright, Henshaw. I’ve endured worse teasing before. I’ve met people who have grudges against the Borg, but few of those individuals have ever called me something so strongly as ‘slut.’

“The fact is,” continued Six, “Six is just a name I made up in honor of my friend and mentor, Seven of Nine; I used to live on Voyager. My real name is Noor, but you can call me Six if you’d like. I generally like ‘Six’ better than ‘Noor.’

“And that’s an impressive position, the Captain’s Yeoman. I can understand that; Captain Janeway and Seven can be almost inseparable at times, generally because Janeway was teaching Seven how to be human. Of course, Seven never got as far as to be on first-name terms with Janeway. Seven wouldn’t know casual if it bit her in the boobs,” she added with a chuckle.

She turned back at Rawley and could see Mariner was providing footage of his fight with the Asurians.

“I don’t deny staying away from Rawley,” she said. “But I highly doubt she believes me. You see, Vector Three was in a battle with the Asurians, but Mariner and I helped in improving the odds. Mariner stopped a boarding party, while I hacked into the Asurian communications through an…impounded Asurian saucer. I’m something of a hacker; I used those skills in helping the crew of the Resolve to escape. Anyway, hacking into Asurian communications, I sent viral matrices, or viruses, as you will, to some of the ships through a hailing frequency. These aren’t too critical, mind. They’re just designed cause confusion and all. I rarely make use of, say, a cascade virus, unless I was really desperate. For one of the saucers, I sent in a set of coordinates that sent it in a collision course with another saucer dead in the water. I’ll provide the footage if and when we reunite with Vector Three. Don’t know when that will be.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #9
PO2 Sithick | whetstone lounge ] attn: @Multificionado @Triage @CanadianVet @Triton

It was feeding time. Sithick wasn't sure exactly what time it was, but he knew that he was over worked and over hungry. Splitting the ship into thirds meant that there was only one third the number of engineers but somehow triple the workload they normally had. People kept putting holes in his ship and he was starting to get annoyed by how much he was doing.

Normally he would never dream of walking into a lounge and ordering food. The giant lizards carnivorous appetite was unsettling to the majority of human crew and he hated attention. But he was tired this place was closer than his room and he wanted food. He went to the front counter ordered his chicken carcass and a hot drink, and ignored the looks of disgust he got as he started to pick at the raw, meat with his bare claws. For a moment he considered the bar and where he should sit. If he should sit at all. Unless someone called out to him he decided he would sit at the bar, he wasn't sure who was on this vector and he knew so few of the crew.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #10
[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Triton @Masorin @CanadianVet

Six had looked up to try to access viewscreen recordings she copied into her system when she saw the Gorn. As enormous as he was, he sat alone. Six could understand the feeling. She almost sat like that. But the fact that there was a Gorn before her told her a great deal.

It was extremely rare to encounter a Gorn in Starfleet. Well, perhaps if he was another outcast, perhaps a fellow outcast would do him good.

“Excuse me?” Six called to the Gorn. “Would you like to sit with us? You look like you could use some company.”

Meanwhile, she withdrew a Padd and injected her tubules into it. She looked up and gave a reassuring expression to Henshaw.

“Oh, don’t worry,” she said. “I’m not assimilating anything. This is a means for me to transfer data; I’m a walking organic database, in a way. I’ve brought viewscreen recordings from the “Stallion” with me, I copied them to my database, and I’d like to show you what happened, and my contributions against the Asurians.”

Once the recordings came up, Six pushed a play button and flipped it around for Henshaw to see.

“Watch and enjoy,” said Six, anticipating how it would be enjoyable. But she didn’t expect to hear what came out of the recording…


It was a familiar voice. And there was ecstatic breathing, the kind expected when copulating…

Six flipped the screen back to her and turned a shade of red. It wasn’t any viewscreen recording. It was footage from her ocular implant, and it was specifically showing Hi’Jak. Jack. Naked. And copulating.


She quickly shut off the recording and looked up at Henshaw with embarrassment.

“My apologies,” she said, a hair octave higher in her voice. “I…didn’t know where that came from. It may have accidentally came on when I was…here, I better find the right footage. Let me see…Stardate 57551.35. It was around that time…”

It took her a moment to find the right recording, and she was still red with embarrassment. Then she found the right footage.

“Here we go,” she said. “Watch this: Four Asurian fighters, one dead in the water, one plowing through the Cayuga like crap through a goose, as they say on Earth.

“Now…there, see that?” she said, indicating to the saucer colliding with the one dead in the water, smiling as she did so. “That was my doing. What I did involved hacking into Asurian communications by accessing the communications array of an Asurian saucer impounded in Vector Three’s shuttlebay…for want of a better word. In this case, I sent a viral matrix to make a different set of coordinates, sending the Asurians into a collision course.”

OOC: Just a bit of perspective on Six here.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #11
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Triton @Multificionado @Masorin

Bremmer had not eaten the night before, she had simply been too damn tired to eat.  But given the last she'd had was a light lunch the day before, her appetite had come in with a vengeance.  And it showed as she loaded her plate with potatoes, fried kielbasa, four eggs (over-easy, of course) and a generous helping of fruit. 

And, she found herself invited to join a pair of women at their table.  One of them calling her by name.  Henshaw, the Captain's Yeoman.  Cute little thing all right, pretty friendly, and by virtue of her role, not really in the chain of command either.  "Sure thing, Cam," she replied.  After all, there really was no rank in the mess, and she was cordially invited. 

And she reached the table just as the other woman's PADD flashed and started showing something Eliska Bremmer really didn't feel like seeing just before breakfast.  As she sat herself down, she shook her head. "Seriously, what is it with you people and highlight reels?"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #12
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Masorin, @Triton & @Multificionado
Changing her mind about a drink, Cam decided to risk a cup of coffee after all. It seemed like they were attracting a small crowd. Six invited the massive Gorn to their table, and Eliska was on her way over to them when Six did the most bizarre thing ever. Her eyes widened comically, but Six explained herself, not that Cam was worried about assimilation. It was a heck of a thing to assimilate first. She idly wondered what would happen if James Mariner had been assimilated. Would all the Borg want to pull pranks thereafter? Or if they assimilated Evelyn Rawley, maybe they'll all explode out of a self-destructive fury?

These were oddly more terrifying thoughts than the idea of facing the Borg in their current state.

But as she took a large gulp of her drink, she was visited with the visual of something she was not likely to unsee for a while, even if she wished she could, and her reaction was to snort coffee...out her nostrils.

“My word!” was all she managed whilst choking and coughing. “Six for the love of God, could you please manage your own memories better? I would be most obliged.”

She had to agree with Eliska there and what she said. Now her head hurt from that little demonstration of how not to spit coffee. She watched the video that was meant to be shared, and nodded, “Rather impressive. This is logged and recorded in the official database, I'm sure? One day we will be referring to it for tactics and strategy.” she said as she finished her meal and drink, what was left of it, and rose, “if you will excuse me, I have to be about my duties. Good day to you all.” She nodded at them and made her way out the lounge.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #13
[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Triton @Masorin @CanadianVet


Rawley couldn’t help but scoff at the drone girl. Way she was going on, it was as if she saved the whole bloody “Stallion.” Then she couldn’t help but recall when she was just a wee ensign. She and Donna and Jhoza. Crikey. Were they ever as spry and energetic and just like bloody children like this whippersnapper?

Not bloody likely. If they were, they were cubs mature for their age.

She looked and could see that the girl, in trying to pull something up on a Padd, pulled up…what was that? First-person fucking? Rawley could see the girl turning red all the way from her table. Then she pulled up the right footage.

"What's wrong with a bit of fucking?" she called out to that table with a sneer. Well, if the drone could fuck, then perhaps she really had no affiliation with the Borg.

Bugger it all. Rawley wasn’t the kind of person to review highlights, unless her own flight performance was in question. Interested as she was to see Asurian saucers acting wonky, she’d prefer seeing hand to hand crap. So, she turned back to Mariner to watch him kick more Asurian arse.

“Bloody brilliant yeh did, Jimmy,” she said with admiration. "Yeh had Asurians to deal with, we had Klingons."

“My apologies, Ensign,” said Six at Henshaw’s telling-off. She really should manage her memories better, indeed.

Then, after she showed the recording she intended to show, she smiled at Henshaw’s words of approval.

"Rather impressive. This is logged and recorded in the official database, I'm sure? One day we will be referring to it for tactics and strategy."

“It’s in the official database, yes,” said Six. “But tactics and strategy? Well…I pulled it off by hacking into the Asurian communications, but I could be useful like this in the future as a hacker. Especially in the Security Department.”

She pressed on as Henshaw finished her meal. “In point of fact, my database within my body, thanks to my implants, contains a variety of viral matrices to execute. Nothing too serious, just some small, simple ones to cause confusion, the best of which I could send incorrect coordinates for a ship to jump to warp. With boarding action or something, I could also be of value, like disarming traps or unlocking obstacles.”

“A likely bloody story!” bellowed Rawley not far off. Six wondered if Rawley could hear her. She thought she heard Rawley earlier about...what was 'fucking'?

When Henshaw rose to depart for her duties, Six nodded respectfully. “Good day to you as well, Ensign, and, if and when you see Captain Ives again, give him – or her – my regards.”

She then turned back to the others at her table, Eliska and the Gorn. She took note of her not just because Ensign Henshaw invited her to the table, but because of the speech she made earlier, that she was in no mood for a brawl. She must be one of the, as coined on Earth, “grunts.” The fact that Eliska was a grunt was confirmed with her vocal opinion on “highlight reels.” It’s like Mariner and Rawley rolled into one. Without the accents, of course. On that subject, considering she seemed to call to Mariner earlier, it made her wonder if she knew him.

However, it doesn’t mean everybody else in Security were grunts like Eliska. She knew what Wenn is like from their debrief, and perhaps there were others in Security as unique as Six is. In positioning, not in the same amount of implants.

“So…Eliska?” she asked. “You’re with Security? It’s good to meet a new colleague in the Security department. I take it you know Ensign Mariner?” She nodded back at Rawley’s table, where Mariner was seated.

“Me, too, but that’s just left at that level; we don’t have any sort of friendship.

“Anyway, I had been in a debrief with our department head, Commander Wenn, just earlier in the hour. I like Commander Wenn. He could run all three vectors if he so desired. He reminds me a lot of Tuvok, back on Voyager.”

She then turned to the Gorn with interest.

“I gather you’re in Security as well? Or in Engineering?” she asked. She couldn’t tell with the yellow uniform, but it wouldn’t surprise her if he was in Security. He was big and intimidating enough to be so. But if he scared other people…well, she can understand that feeling; plenty of people who don’t get to know Six were scared of her.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #14
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Multificionado @Triage @Masorin @CanadianVet @Firefox013

Jimmy's laughter ended like a switch when Eliska arrived. He initially ignored her gaze. "Admiral-on-deck." he grumbled under his breath within earshot of anyone at their table before extending a civil greeting. "At ease, Ellie, still too early for Oktoberfest." Was his only response to his penchant for power-naps.

"My apologies, Cam. I'm rarely a gentleman down in the wolf-den or redshirt club, we take our pleasure however possible, even the simple things in life? Why? so we can remember good times if and when we survive the week." Instead of cruising on a bridge, Mariner didn't quite add, in force but sighed still wearing a stoic smile, reminded of the reason to relax and get a good kick before the next battle; something he could have added.

Mariner waited to reply during a few moments of responses and arrivals, including that impressive Gorn that Jimmy hadn't met yet. That guy was not someone Jimmy would dare name-call. Any Betazoid could just about imagine Jimmy being right about being worried. "Erin go Bragh, left-enant, I'm a Celt too. You and I, we can take a particularly bloody hammering, eat combat rations--even bloody Haggis-- and turn hostiles into Picasso art-- Sorry, Angel-- in no particular order." the assault team leader said in a much more calm matter  [color=goldenrod But we've got one thing in common."[/color] He had another drink, "Don't care. Velazquez and Dali were better." Came Angel's indifferent regard, sitting innocently at their table, despite her own ancestors being ancestral rivals with Jimmy's and Rawley's to some extent. Even though Mariner was Irish from his father's side before their ancestors were deported to Australia, they were recalled many centuries later to defend the British Isles from the Nazis in the Battle of Britain and later the wars in the Eugenics Wars and beyond. Eventually, one Mariner was a MACO aboard NX-01. "Got some history to use as our edge. Right, Angel? Cartagena. The one time we were on opposite teams during a holo-battle; Caribbean Columbia. The winning empire would plant or keep their flag over a whole continent."

"Your side lost, but who knows, maybe she'll out score you." She indifferently stated, as if writing off where Jimmy taught himself how to handle a sword, which earned a blindsided look of momentary betrayal, short-lived as it was. " So, yeah, Ghost, when he's not thinking with what's between his legs and not his ears, he's a keeper. We're hoping she is." Alessia's eyes sympathetically met with his and they both looked away at yet another mention of Meony. Mariner just sipped more synthehol in a nod to RAF Pilot heritage and shrugged matter-of-factly, despite internally being quite uncomfortable at that thought. Alessia in support, clinked her mug with his pint and Jimmy half smirked, as it to utter a thanks.

That was when Six played footage of a voice that made Jimmy unconsciously pat his sidearm, but only for a moment and no one really noticed his lack of a facial reaction until the accidentally-played clip ended. "Six? You and... Jak? The traitor who sold us all out to the Klingons." The moment passed after she displayed her intended playback. Jimmy held his tongue as he witnessed the recap knowing precisely where he was at the time of that recording. "It's alright, Sixy... It's forgivable; you didn't know." Not one to hold a grudge for sleeping with the enemy, Jimmy's tone was forgiving.

"You mean he's why we..." Alessia let and anyone else conclude that sentiment, sighing understandingly. With a cusp of anger, she blurt out some rather insulting words that even Jimmy noticed was on par with the Spaniard's tightening grip on her coffee mug. Jimmy took the time to defuse the faux pas.

"You guys had a bloody Karaoke Night?!" Jimmy excitedly exalted when he saw some of the Wolves letting their hair--or scales-- down. "Crikey. Now *that's* a highlight reel." he grinned. before munching on more popcorn, feeling 'Highway to the Danger Zone' was somewhere in the mix.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #15
[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Triage @Masorin @CanadianVet @Doc M.


“Oh, aye, Jimmy, we did have a Karaoke night,” said Rawley. “It helped loose some nerves before we took our flight out…before almost half our pack got wiped out by bloody Klingons. It was a lovely night. Some of us took advantage of the lovely evening with some fucking. Yeh better brace yehrself for some Scottish belching,” she added in amusement. “Yeh might come across me as yeh play it, Angel. And…cor, was the Gorn doing Javert…?”

Rawley looked back up at the table with the drone, who had been joined by the aforementioned Gorn. Two intimidating figures. They deserve each other.

She noticed that Jimmy’s demeanor changed when he saw the drone’s accidental recording showing extreme scenes. He said something that the fellow was a traitor…something about Klingons? Rawley didn’t get a thorough look, but it seemed that Jimmy was shaken. Jolly Jimmy was shaken…make that perturbed. Make that gobsmacked. Something about this Jack was bothering him.

“Speaking of fucking… Jimmy, this…Jack, who was he?” she asked. “How is he a traitor? And how does the drone girl know her?”

Six, for her part, deleted that recording she accidentally pulled up. It must’ve came on by accident as she was…copulating with Jack. She was determined to never reveal it again. Footage of copulating can do more damage than phaser barrage. It could absolutely hurt her career. Now and in the future.

Immersed as she was, she didn’t take notice of Mariner’s compliment on her hair.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #16
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Masorin@Multificionado@Triton

Late for breakfast, Tessa staggered into the Whetstone Lounge passing Cameron as she did so.  No doubt the yeoman needed to find quarters for the new arrivals, if she hadn’t already.  Scuttlebutt had already spread about the refugees from the Endeavour that had been forced to abandon ship due to an incursion by the Borg so Tessa was ready to see new faces.  But Six had been aboard the Theurgy since they left Starbase 84, and Tessa hadn’t known she existed before she found the ex-drone sleeping in the deck crew lounge attached to the fighter assault bay.  It was time to stop hiding in her shell and reconnect with her shipmates and see if any of them could introduce her to the new blood.  It was easy to be afraid of forming new relationships when they could be ended at any time.
“I’ll have my usual breakfast, bacon, pancakes and eggs over easy, with a glass of orange juice,” she informed the hologram manning the bar in the Whetstone Lounge today.   Although it was possible for the pilot to simply use the replicator, asking the lounge’s hologram for customer service added a human element to dining that was one of the little things that kept Tessa sane.

Looking for a place to sit (and more importantly, a member of her squadron) she found Evelyn Rawley sitting next to Six who was determined to get to know her at all costs and James Mariner, one of the newcomers from the Resolve who seemed to be flirting with new success.   But what was that on Evelyn’s head?  She seemed to be growing her hair out at a rate fast than nature would allow.  It made her look… feminine.  That explained Jimmy Mariner’s interest.  Even now, Tessa was thinking of her as Evelyn and not Rawley.  Fortunately, beneath that hair was an irritated Rawley who seemed too tired to give Six a Rawley styled rump-whomping.  At least that was still the same.

“Hey Rawley, I see you’ve met Six,” Tessa said as she sat down.  Of course she met Six.  Six had told Tessa that just an hour ago.  What a stupid thing to say.  “So… have you seen Christopher… urk!”  That was an even stupider thing to say.  Chris had died, along with Tali and T'Zantha and half of the squadron.  Somehow she had put it out of her mind and now she brought it up…

Tessa’s face flushed as the pressure behind her eyes made her squint.  Tears started running down her cheeks as she shuddered as if the temperature had dropped twenty degrees.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #17
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado @Masorin @Doc M.

To say Bremmer had packed her plate would be an understatement.  It was fairly heaped with food.  But then again, a body adapted to a higher gravity, subject to extreme physical demands, and not having seen food since a light lunch the previous day tended to have a prodigious need for fuel.  There were heaps of potatoes, four eggs, a generous amount of fried kielbasa, beans, fruit, and three thick slices of toasted bread.  And something she knew her mother would take exception to.  Well, something else at least. 

Karolin Bremmer.  No, Karolin Cromer, since she had reclaimed her maiden name after she had divorced Niclas Bremmer and given up her parental rights with regards to their only child, a certain Eliska Bremmer, was as much a nationalist as one could be found on Nova Kosice.  Like everyone on that nearly failed colony, she had her pride.  Pride at doing so many things the hard way, at eschewing much of modern technology, at being true to their roots.  On one of her rare visits home, just before taking her first commission on the USS Grainger, Eliska had sought out her mother, and to say the meeting had been a poor idea was an understatement.  Words along the lines of 'this will always be home and who I am', 'you are not my daughter, haven't been for years' and 'that thing you're wearing just shows you don't belong here' were exchanged. 

And now, Eliska Bremmer had, along with her food and her coffee (real coffee, not the stuff made from toasted acorns and chicory, and most definitely without cream!), a bottle of a fiery hot sauce; she had discovered a taste for the stuff when she made for Earth the first time, and the idea of the capsaicin-based condiment would have infuriated Karolin, for everyone knew that 'proper Nova Kosiceans' would use horseradish or mustard to bring some heat to their food!  But certainly not eggs or kielbasa!

But, it hardly mattered to the Petty Officer as she liberally sprinkled the red stuff all over her plate.  And only then did she think to address her tablemates, starting with Rawley.  "That I am.  Acting mistress-at-arms right now.  And yes, I do know Mariner.  We were on Resolve together."  But something she did refrain from saying was to openly question how someone so brash had managed to stay alive that long when others with much cooler heads had not. 

Now, she had started to attack her food with gusto, and had been about to address the Gorn who had joined them.  Now, she had come across Gorn before, especially on the Grainger; for some reason, smugglers and pirates really liked having large, intimidating and powerfully-built lizards around, and she had seen exactly none on a legitimate crew, until now.  But that idea had been interrupted when Tessa Lance, Goldeneye, entered.  Now, that pilot was someone Eliska could come to like. 

For one thing, she was damn pretty, especially now that she could be seen outside of her armoured suit.  Second, even if she wasn't particularly skilled when it came to fighting outside of her fighter, she had heart.  And inside her bird?  Bremmer wasn't much of a judge as she lacked the basic math foundations to even be considered to take the basic shuttle operator's course, but she had a healthy level of respect for anyone who could fly and fight a small craft at the same time. 

She had started to speak, happy and chipper, until she mentioned a name that stopped her dead, and tears started to stream down her face.  That was something Bremmer knew all too well, remembering entirely too late that one was referring to a friend who'd been lost in action.  So, instead of the bright greeting she had initially planned, the Security Petty Officer rose from her chair and walked to the other woman, and placed a hand on her shoulders.  "It's all right," she said softly.  "Everybody here's lost people along the way.  And we all forget, sometimes."

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #18
PO2 Sithick | whetstone lounge ] attn: @Multificionado @Triage @CanadianVet @Triton

It was rare for Sithick to be pulled into any conversation around him, so he was willing to partake for a change. He walked to the table where the Borg drone had invited him, sitting down, and listening to the conversation around him trying to find where he could chime in. He saw the video of human compulation. The video sparked an odd feeling, he missed Vivian and Lahkesis. Sithick let out a soft huff of air at the video listening to others reactions.

Clearly the woman had not meant to show the video. Which was a shame. The lizard had no real sense of how these social things were supposed to go, so he just turned to six. Pulling out one of his own pads, and passing it towards the drone. "Could I have a copy of that?" He looked at the other humans giving a shrug. "My girlfriends told me to get better."

If there was an equivalent to a blush Sithick's face couldn't really perform such an action, his blood didn't circulate in any way to show embarrassment. When he was asked about his station he let out a small hiss, the equivelent of a sigh this was not the first time someone said that he should be in security. But he really abhored violence at all ends. "I am an engineer. Weapons specialist, and designer."

Sithick took another hard snapping bite at his meal, having to rip the flesh from it's bone so that he could swallow it. He was not used to sitting at a table but tried to give himself enough room so that his eating could be done peacefully, his lack of lips made the action noisy and honestly difficult to watch.


Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #19
[ Ens. Jaya Thorne | Vector 2, USS Theurgy | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13| Azure Nebula ]

The doors to the lounge slid open, admitting the young Ensign in, Jaya stepped in, looking around, she had rested for a while but felt she needed a drink more than anything else and decided to head to deck 13, to the Whetstone Lounge.  So here she was, looking around the place, music playing.

There were a few people around, mostly pilots of one sort or another, a lot of them from the “special breed”, Fighter Jockeys. “Great… its not too busy but that group there seems a tad rowdy… must be an interesting conversation.” She thought to herself as she quietly made her way to the Bar, a few seats away from the others there so as to not seem as if she’s barging in or trying to eavesdrop or something.

Now that she as closer, She thought she recognized one as a pilot who’s callsign was Angel, the others spoke with accents form earth, celtic she thought, they seemed to be bantering well enough. The barman came over and she ordered Single malt, some Dalmore, real, not replicated or synthetic. She needed the real deal, not some facsimile. She nodded, thanking the barman before taking her Dalmore and downing the three fingers in 1 go, exhaling softly after. “Ooooh that’s the stuff.” She said then ordered another. That one she sipped, enjoying it properly, the taste and kick of the strong Scottish Single Malt Whisky an old friend to her at this point.

She sat there, listening to the music, the banter, just taking it all in, didn’t take long for her to be sure the three nearby were definitely wolves. A different breed of pilot for sure than the bus driver she was, albeit a certifiably crazy one in a fight, she had the vector pulling moves that probably didn’t just push the envelope of Federation starship design performance, it bloody shredded it and threw the pieces into the wind. Engineering was probably still hopping mad about how she pushed their engines and maneuvering thrusters way beyond spec. She helped get them out alive but she still felt bad having had to push the girl so much. She certainly hoped Thea wasn’t mad at her for flying the vector like it was some sort of assault shuttle or something.

She noticed them getting raucus again and listened in, learning they were definitely friends too, the way they spoke to one another. She also noticed the man with them wasn’t exactly bad looking either, kinda hunky actually. She eyerolled to herself, knowing this was probably just her lack of “intimacy” with another person in such a long time that was causing this. She still couldn’t help it, stealing glances at him as she drank once in a while, still just trying to wind down, she felt as wound up as a warp coil.

She had also noticed Sithick in there but decided not to bother the Gorn, apparently he was hungry and shed watched him eat before, long enough to know it made her more than a little queasy. She simply stayed where she was, observing, hoping not to bother anyone.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #20
[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton @Masorin @CanadianVet @Doc M. @Firefox013


Six blushed somewhat at the Gorn’s request. He wanted a copy of her accidental copulation recording? She had a mind to delete the recording; Starfleet generally frowns upon such recordings. On the other hand, it seemed the Gorn was curious about humanity as much as she was.

“I’ll do you one better,” she said with a smile. “I can transfer the recording to you. Seems we got another thing in common: curiosity of humanity in one aspect. Just let me know where I can transfer it and I can provide it for you.

“So…weapons specialist and designer? That’s interesting,” she added. “You probably must specialize in torpedoes, rather than small arms.”

Turning to Bremmer, she asked, “Is that what you specialize in, as acting mistress-at-arms? Small arms?”

But she noticed Bremmer stood to comfort somebody who broke into tears. And Six recognized that somebody: Tessa. Of course, it wasn’t Six’s place to help comfort Tessa; she had yet to get to know her, and she didn’t want to ignite further ill feeling at Rawley, whose table Tessa had sat with.

She turned back to the Gorn and resumed speaking.

“Might I ask how you came to be on this ship?”

Rawley, of course, was surprised to see Tessa taking a seat with her, let alone identifying who the drone is.

“Have I met…is that what the drone is calling herself? Six? Oh, how typical of an ex-drone, with the exception of everybody’s favorite geezer, Jean-Luc Picard.”

And when Tessa asked her second question, only to break down into tears, Rawley furrowed her brow.

“Have I seen Christoph…” Then it occurred to her: “Oh, did yeh mean Husker?”

Of course, she meant Husker. Why else was Tessa crying?

Thinking of Husker made Rawley feel solemn. Now that he’s gone, it meant that all that’s left was the two women and Razor, left of the original Lone Wolves.

Even as one of the lasses in yellow from the drone’s table came to comfort her, Rawley put a comforting hand on Tessa’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry Husker’s gone, Tessa,” she said. “Blimey…it’s just the three of us, you, me and Razor, the last of the original Lone Wolves. And half our pack gone…yeh miss him, dinnae yeh, Tessa?”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #21
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner & LTJG Alessia Garcia | Day 6 | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Multificionado  @Doc M.  @Firefox013 @Masorin

Alessia had previously held her ground against the discouraging glance she'd gotten from Yeoman Henshaw. The Spaniard's pose of folded arms with a sudden eyebrow raise that stated that she held her ground, her only response being an angular eyebrow-raise. Despite the exchange, she stood opposite her wartime compatriot and her remark could only have spelled 'deal with it.' once the prank had transpired. Henshaw left in a huff after Six's... big-screen debut. Alessia laughed in snideness at Six's recollection, even giving a sharp wolf-whistle at the Drone before her memory was 'corrected'. Angel's pearly-white grin however, was short-lived.

As more arrivals made their way here, Angel recognized Tessa Lance’s chipper voice from her innocently-bright naivety asking about the location of fallen wolves out of innocent happenstance. Really? They must’ve been close. Not bothering to think how she would react to the situation or recall close calls aboard Hornet, Alessia joined Rawley to tend to Tessa’s side. 

Jimmy meanwhile had been playing the equivalent to a game of chess in the regard that he'd all along been glancing only sparingly in kind to the pretty brunette with a particularly gorgeous smirk on her. She was in jeans, a camisole and a hoodie over that, but the piece de resistance: That winning smile that stirred him to passively drop a regard in kind when responding to Rawley in his demeanor after his prank. Whoever she was, Jimmy knew she was watching him and given his tendency to tell stories or make his reports sound much more heroic, he would have reminisced further about the coreless moon, if not for the sudden arrival of another survivor of that mission. Good save, Goldeneye. Mariner didn’t want to lose his own simulated buzz thinking about the traitor behind the decimation of Goldeneye's, Ghost's, Angel’s and Meony’s Squadron; He wasn’t gonna be a shoulder to lean on. Not for Tessa, who had an Angel and a Ghost on her shoulders. Alessia had already begun whispering… well, something into Goldeneye’s ear.

Safely out of Alessia’s stern, almost Marquez-caliber gaze, Jimmy made his move once he saw the off-duty (or civilian?) brunette's order of a morning-sparkler drink. Under the excuse of having downed his synthehol, Jimmy approached and ordered a drink from some of his own input from Resolve datarods. Ever a security man with a backup plan-for two, he had the right hyposprays on his person just in case a red alert was called… or an alert of a different color. “Barkeep? MacCutcheon.” Then his ensuing Earth-bar-sign-language was read: ‘Another glass. Leave the Bottle. Give us a moment and I’ll leave a tip.’  Jimmy was grateful that his request was picked up.

Verbally, the Australian led with a naturally-winning smirk to the lady when he eased into the seat next to her. “Six-y there can sure leave some good input... imagine a date with her and that big fella in authentic Gorn-skin leather.” Jimmy remarked in the direction of the Gorn, before a burgundy-labeled bottle of carefully-reproduced whisky was placed with Jimmy’s new glass properly served. After this icebreaker, Mariner’s palate for strong drinks was tested as he had his shot. This was one of the few non-syntheholic drinks that could be reasonably duplicated with some fidelity to the original spirit. The buzz itself was said to incur ‘lens flares’ to photosensitive beings, though Mariner didn’t see any… yet. Then he thought he spotted a glint of one in the lady’s eye in response to his humor. “Not on duty, or are you civilian, Miss…?”  The Australian regarded her with a friendly smile as he displayed another parlor trick: refilling his glass without looking or spilling a drop. The trick was in the timing… and more or less a pre-selected location for his glass that he could see with his peripherals.

Elsewhere in the lounge, Duty-uniform-clad Alessia giving Tessa May a sisterly hug and a reassuring head-touch once she'd gotten her attention and even produced a napkin to help get the emotional pilot back on her feet. "Hey, easy, don't worry, mija. I'm sure they're together up there. Husker, Tali and T'Zantha too." Frakking in the afterlife, no doubt about it if the rituals that the Neo-Asgardian, Vulcan and Andorian all got into if what she'd overheard them all get into were true. Her own former CO's brother was not a topic Marcus Slayton often harped on. It wasn't for her to judge if she was partially curious about sharing a man with a squadmate. It was then when she noticed Jimmy having a drink. Before every instinct in her told her to break up the situation at the bar, she'd recalled that Mariner said 'it was complicated' with Meony. Alessia held her friend and singing partner up. She hoped Mariner hadn't grown into Marcus Slayton, he was usually just a flirt, not a polygamist... then again, times changed. "Easy, Gold-eyes....I'm sure Husker's legacy will still be honored. So say we all, right?" 

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #22
PO2 Sithick | whetstone lounge ] attn: @Multificionado @Triage @CanadianVet @Triton @Firefox013

Sithick provided Six with his contact information so that she could send her recordings to him. He was curious about them and what he would learn from watching, but in truth they also made him miss the two women in his life. Vivian and Lahkesis, Vivian had been on the helmet when the ships had parted, and Lahkesis had been taken by the Savi, and since then he had been worried about both of them. He thanked Six for a moment but before he could rejoin the conversation about the weapons he had designed he caught a wiff of a familiar scent.

He turned towards Jaya Thorne and waved enthusiastically towards her. "Come Jaya, join us! Everyone this is Jaya, she is my Bestie!" He his mouth still had a bit of chicken dangling from it, he was trying to speak more of the Federation languages and not rely so much on his translator but with his mouth full the device had to do the work for him, so for the moment Sithick's voice was that of a strangely robotic female.

He was pointing towards the female bringing a lot more attention to her as he enthusiastically waved towards her.

He then returned to the group turning towards them with the Gorn equivalent of a broad toothy grin as he worked on swallowing the meal he had been eating.

"I helped to designe the modular weapons system that attach to the Valkyries. The transportable micro torpedo launcher, and the other weapons found at black Opal were partly my designs." He said addressing the pilots in the room. "For most of my youth I served aboard the flotillas of the Orion crime syndicate, I was a mechanic and slave, I was later sold to the Klingon Empire, and during the dominion war I survived the destruction of the ship I was forced to serve on, and found my way to a Federation ship. For the first time I was offered a chance to serve rather than being forced too... I've been an engineer ever since."

As for Theurgy that was from the destruction of the black opal station, the same station where Jaya Thorne had served. "At Black Opal I helped the Federation by building new and advanced weapons, and my current project has me breaking down the captured ship's gravity weapons. I'm attempting to get them to activate with a Federation power source, but so far it has been a frustrating no going."

He turned towards the mistress at arms. "Actually I have been meaning to speak with you. We took aboard many of the others smaller gravity weapons, I wish to acquire three of them. Two to take apart and experiment with, and the third as a control unit with no modifications."

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #23
[ Ens. Jaya Thorne | Vector 2, USS Theurgy | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13| Azure Nebula ]

Jaya blinked and sighed, noticing Sithick was eating, never something very pleasant to see, but it wasn't exactly the giant lizard man’s fault, not having lips to hide those teeth. She gently stood up after ordering a new round, having downed the rest of her first. “All right, sure, why not.” She says, shaking her head, walking over. “Yeah that big lug and I were sharing quarters on the Black Opal. Trust me it was NOT always fun heh, but I guess… we worked it out over time huh?” She says, nodding to the Gorn.

She sipped more of her drink, listening to the banter. Smiles a bit. “I think we all do what we can really… I just needed a good drink and to unwind, specially after that battle… I mean.” She sighs. “They had to rush me to the medbay apparently cause this stubborn gal managed to finish the fight with old fangtooth Martok’s flagship while injured and losing blood… guess I just, didn’t want to fail or something…” She says and shrugs.

"To be honest… I’m not looking to talk about work n bad stuff, just here to unwind, relax, listen to tunes maybe play some pool or something and go on with the rest as it happens.” She said, sipping more The Dalmore.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0650 hrs. ] A Drone & A Wolf Walk Into A Bar

Reply #24
[ Ensign Six and Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton @Masorin @Firefox013 @CanadianVet


Six listened to the Gorn’s story, fascinated with his history. She knew only a handful of other people who had such adventurous accounts, and most of them used to be in the Maquis before being spirited away by the Caretaker to the Delta Quadrant. Chakotay and Tom Paris had yarns that brought Six at the edge of her seat at times as she was getting to know them on their off-duty times. Neelix had plenty of adventures up his sleeve. Even she can handle Tuvok’s tales where others would be bored, but her intelligent mind could handle the Vulcan’s words. Of course, she never tried to get anything out of B’Lanna; the half-Klingon Chief Engineer would sooner tell her to screw herself than tell adventurous exploits.

As she listened, she transferred her accidental recording to the Gorn, glad it was out of her system and that somebody could make use of it.

She turned as the Gorn asked one Jaya to come join in, and a woman in red took a seat. Given the red uniform and the pip indicating that Jaya’s an ensign, Six wondered if Jaya was a helmswoman or a junior Tactical officer.

“Pleased to meet you, Jaya,” said Six with a nod. “I’m Ensign Six.”

Six listened as Jaya talked. She could definitely see the war weariness.

“I understand,” she said. “So, what do you technically do…?”

She stopped when she noticed Ensign Mariner joining them. Six shrugged as he took a seat. She didn’t mind his presence, but they were rarely on friendly terms.

It seemed that Mariner was interested in Jaya. Well, who was she to care if Mariner began hitting on somebody? She knew little about Mariner’s love life; she presumed he loved his job more than he loved women. She turned back to the Gorn.

“Sounds like you have had an adventurous past before you joined the Theurgyh,” she said with fascination. “I knew plenty of people back on the Starship Voyager who had plenty of adventures in their time. True, they certainly didn’t have the exact same treatment, but you had a lot of adventures in your time, it seems to me. Oh, I never did seem to get your name, by the way,” she added.

Rawley noticed Jimmy Mariner heading to the drone’s table. And…was he attempting to woo that other lass? Her eyes hardened; Meony wasn’t going to like it when she woke up. If she woke up.

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