Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight
Reply #1 –
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Sickbay >> Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet
After the Fighter Assault Bay was finally swept clean of Hostiles and Meony was beamed over to sickbay, Jimmy reunited with Alessia when she pinged that she was going to look into her RIO co-pilot in Sickbay. Jimmy had secured a particularly-wicked looking Klingon Battle-Axe, the likes of which only a Gorn or a copper-blood creature could handle expertly. "Here, hold this." Jimmy indifferently told one of his noncoms, with orders to turn it in "as evidence." Or for someone's use in the Armory. Theurgy couldn't exactly stop for spare parts or weapons these days, and the Australian almost hoped someone could use that device as a weapon against any parasite who revealed their existence aboard.
In the Turbolift, though he couldn't help but notice Alessia's own piece of Evidence. "Capt Zaarin. The guy always did promote the acquisition and research of the enemy's technology, but I think we all know how a sword works."
"Says the dude with a cutlass." Came Alessia's grinning reply "Who'd you defeat in honorable combat for that?" She asked, "Klingon Blackbeard?" she spun the armor-clad officer aside as if looking for a symbol. Yan-Isleth, but the House logo was a telltale one to anyone who'd been briefed on the factions loyal to the current Chancellor. "House of Torlek. Not bad." The Turbolift opened and Alessia briskly strode off, the her pace reminding her of her urgency to check in on her friend, RIO,..... and possibly last surviving crewmate. Jimmy was half a pace behind the long-legged Spanish woman. Only Leon walked as fast without resorting to a pace akin to walking.
"Shite." Jimmy never bothered to study the weapon's lineage, properly returning it to his home-replicated holster. "Chang's star student. Guy who lived on Earth when the peace was declared after years of scouting for new energy sources after the Talli Nor Gate system was obliterated." Jimmy recited his own briefing and footage of the Klingon Dahar Master's achievements in the months before the Khitomer Accords and years later pertaining to the eventual headmaster of the Klingon Academy. "My dad interviewed him during our Qo'nos week.... Damn shame. General Drex sent forces to kill or capture us after we were set up by our away team science officer. A Croc-head." Jimmy recounted. "I hope the Savi are probing that backstabber for what he did." was the grimly satisfied way to conclude the topic, though it was apparent Garcia wasn't paying attention, or seeming like she was. It was hard to tell the way she didn't turn as she followed memorized directions to get to sickbay.
Sure enough, it was a bloody disaster. And what was worse was the two security personnel standing guard and didn't let Jimmy enter to check in on Meony. They were friendly about it as one put a hand out. "Sorry, Sir. Our orders are to direct security personnel to the Security Center."
"Go ahead, Jimmy, I'll keep you informed. Meony's my wingmate too." Alessia told him. She had since queued her fighter for repairs and immediate rearmament, and was given leave to check in on her RIO, to weigh in the question about the need to defrost a replacement from cryo-stasis. But it was clear that Alessia wasn't going to take that option foremost.
Jimmy nodded as he whistled a melodic series of notes identified as the 1812 Overture's crescendo, which Alessia completed. Between the shipmates, this didn't particularly mean anything besides 'acknowledgement' or 'here I am'. "Yeah, sure, but if someone retakes this sickbay and I wasn't here, well, Whoever's left standing's gonna be proper cross." Jimmy answered, hiding his disappointment with his calm humor. "I know my way there. Stay vigilant. Carry on." Mariner acted as formal as he could.
Finally at the C-sec, Jimmy briskly made his way to the armory, to walk in on,
"It smells of bullshit. This whole situation does."
A Trill, female, with short hair and a strong voice for her size. He didn't catch the entire context, but
Not knowing what to make of it, Jimmy announced himself to her as he found a place to start getting out of the form-fitting but somewhat uncomfortable-for-so-long armor. "Well don't bloody blame me, Spotty." Mariner broke character for that moment, before resuming.
"I only reek of dead Croc-heads, Ass-urines and whatever the hell you call Hook Spiders hungry for canned meat.". He said as he presented his weapons to be collected, either Starfleet-issue or sheathed. "Oh -- At ease. Mariner. Ensign Mariner, Call me Jimmy." The Australian offered his hand in handshake to the colleagues he hadn't yet met or been introduced to. "Proper good job holding down the fort." He told the Trill first, then around, but went on, "Did you filter out the components necessary to form a disruptor pistol from our new guests? It only takes one to escape then we're gonna have a damn disagreement with the visitors."