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CH02: S [D06|0030] Tomorrow We Fight

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

[ PO2 Kino Taer | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Sickbay >> Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet @Triton

Kino led her team through the back door into the Security Centre, seeking to avoid the spectacle already being described over the non-urgent Security chatter as well as get to the armory more quickly. One of McArthur’s last transmissions before he signed off in favor of his Gamma Shift counterpart was to inform her that Petty Officers Varder’s team had finally been granted the chance to get some rest before the start of their next shift. It was with that in mind that Taer made a beeline to armory & weapons maintenance room to shed her exosuit and check in her weapons. The others made noise about checking in weapons and then just going straight to bed. She herself couldn’t quite rest yet.

Her mind wouldn’t let her. There was just something about the Maya and Nicander situation that bothered her. She hadn’t been out of cryo for long, but just in the past two days, there was this feeling in the air that she hadn’t experienced since the Dominion War at the height of the changeling panic. What was it that Maya had mentioned right before Kino left?

"Given this ship's multiple experiences with mental tampering his actions were quite understandable."

Mental tampering? Multiple experiences? Unless someone tampered with Barton’s mind, his reaction was beyond unacceptable for a non-commissioned officer of such experience and standing. Maya, on the other hand, already showed deception and a willingness to break orders with the earlier action to stick Nicander with a hypo full of adrenaline, complicating an already tense transfer. Bremmer had tried to warn Taer of Nicander’s newfound brutality and danger. The Trill simply didn’t think she would see the results of that. All the precautions were in place and it should have stayed that way.

She barely registered the presence of Gamma Shift’s armory officer as she walked into the room containing Bremmer, Varder, and a few crewmen. It seemed Bremmer and Varder were already in the process of looking over their weapons and exosuits. Kino joined them at the table, taking off and setting down her helmet on the surface, followed by her rifle.

A tired sigh breathed out as she ran a gloved hand through her silver hair, beads of sweat coalescing in its path before falling along the crevices of the suit. She looked at Bremmer and smiled in recognition. There was something different about their relationship that Kino had never experienced with other women, something that was beyond the shared experiences on the field and in bed. It somehow combined the essence of being sisters of battle and passionate lovers without ever really entering the realm of an exclusive romantic relationship. At that moment, Kino couldn’t imagine having anyone else watching her back in this fucked up space opera.

Movement caught her eye and she returned to the present, Varder’s presence renewed in her mind. The Petty Officer suddenly frowned and shook her head. Her hands flew to the rifle she had set down, absentmindedly powering it down and taking out the power pack before taking out her pistol to do the same as she spoke.

“The Master Chief is dead now.” Kino nearly whispered as she sought eye contact with the Bajoran. “Barton. That fuckwad made mincemeat out of him. What’s more, Doctor Maya insists he hit her with his rifle, knocking her unconscious.”

She shook her head again, her eyes hooded and eyebrows furrowed in consternation.

“It smells of bullshit. This whole situation does.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #1
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Sickbay >> Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet 

After the Fighter Assault Bay was finally swept clean of Hostiles and Meony was beamed over to sickbay, Jimmy reunited with Alessia when she pinged that she was going to look into her RIO co-pilot in Sickbay. Jimmy had secured a particularly-wicked looking Klingon Battle-Axe, the likes of which only a Gorn or a copper-blood creature could handle expertly. "Here, hold this." Jimmy indifferently told one of his noncoms, with orders to turn it in "as evidence." Or for someone's use in the Armory. Theurgy couldn't exactly stop for spare parts or weapons these days, and the Australian almost hoped someone could use that device as a weapon against any parasite who revealed their existence aboard.

In the Turbolift, though he couldn't help but notice Alessia's own piece of Evidence. "Capt Zaarin. The guy always did promote the acquisition and research of the enemy's technology, but I think we all know how a sword works."

"Says the dude with a cutlass." Came Alessia's grinning reply "Who'd you defeat in honorable combat for that?" She asked, "Klingon Blackbeard?" she spun the armor-clad officer aside as if looking for a symbol. Yan-Isleth, but the House logo was a telltale one to anyone who'd been briefed on the factions loyal to the current Chancellor. "House of Torlek. Not bad." The Turbolift opened and Alessia briskly strode off, the her pace reminding her of her urgency to check in on her friend, RIO,..... and possibly last surviving crewmate. Jimmy was half a pace behind the long-legged Spanish woman. Only Leon walked as fast without resorting to a pace akin to walking.

"Shite." Jimmy never bothered to study the weapon's lineage, properly returning it to his home-replicated holster. "Chang's star student. Guy who lived on Earth when the peace was declared after years of scouting for new energy sources after the Talli Nor Gate system was obliterated." Jimmy recited his own briefing and footage of the Klingon Dahar Master's achievements in the months before the Khitomer Accords and years later pertaining to the eventual headmaster of the Klingon Academy. "My dad interviewed him during our Qo'nos week.... Damn shame. General Drex sent forces to kill or capture us after we were set up by our away team science officer. A Croc-head." Jimmy recounted. "I hope the Savi are probing that backstabber for what he did." was the grimly satisfied way to conclude the topic, though it was apparent Garcia wasn't paying attention, or seeming like she was. It was hard to tell the way she didn't turn as she followed memorized directions to get to sickbay.

Sure enough, it was a bloody disaster. And what was worse was the two security personnel standing guard and didn't let Jimmy enter to check in on Meony. They were friendly about it as one put a hand out. "Sorry, Sir. Our orders are to direct security personnel to the Security Center."

"Go ahead, Jimmy, I'll keep you informed. Meony's my wingmate too." Alessia told him. She had since queued her fighter for repairs and immediate rearmament, and was given leave to check in on her RIO, to weigh in the question about the need to defrost a replacement from cryo-stasis. But it was clear that Alessia wasn't going to take that option foremost.

Jimmy nodded as he whistled a melodic series of notes identified as the 1812 Overture's crescendo, which Alessia completed. Between the shipmates, this didn't particularly mean anything besides 'acknowledgement' or 'here I am'. "Yeah, sure, but if someone retakes this sickbay and I wasn't here, well, Whoever's left standing's gonna be proper cross." Jimmy answered, hiding his disappointment with his calm humor. "I know my way there. Stay vigilant. Carry on." Mariner acted as formal as he could.

Finally at the C-sec, Jimmy briskly made his way to the armory, to walk in on,
"It smells of bullshit. This whole situation does."
A Trill, female, with short hair and a strong voice for her size. He didn't catch the entire context, but

Not knowing what to make of it, Jimmy announced himself to her as he found a place to start getting out of the form-fitting but somewhat uncomfortable-for-so-long armor. "Well don't bloody blame me, Spotty." Mariner broke character for that moment, before resuming.

"I only reek of dead Croc-heads, Ass-urines and whatever the hell you call Hook Spiders hungry for canned meat.". He said as he presented his weapons to be collected, either Starfleet-issue or sheathed. "Oh -- At ease. Mariner. Ensign Mariner, Call me Jimmy." The Australian offered his hand in handshake to the colleagues he hadn't yet met or been introduced to. "Proper good job holding down the fort." He told the Trill first, then around, but went on, "Did you filter out the components necessary to form a disruptor pistol from our new guests? It only takes one to escape then we're gonna have a damn disagreement with the visitors."
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #2
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Sickbay >> Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat  @patches @Triton

Gear, then self. 

That mantra was one that had been drummed into every recruit Starfleet took since the very first day of basic training.  In Security training, it was reinforced even more.  And at ACS?  8 hours' downtime between two training evolutions tended to mean little more than 2 or 3 hours' rack time as equipment needed looking after, along with the necessities of life such as showers, food, laundry, preparing quarters for the next inspection, and whatever other tasks would be required.  And while the basic operator maintenance on standard-issue small arms and gear was fairly minimal, ACS taught a much higher standard of maintenance and operator repairs that started to verge into the traditional territory of actual armourers.  Which, come to think of it, was probably why a disproportionate number of Master-at-Arms and their assistants were drawn from the ranks of ACS graduates after the war; less training time to bring them up to speed on the maintenance requirements of a ship or facility's small arms complement. 

And that was even before dealing with the suits themselves.  There was a reason anyone who graduated from ACS was also rated as a first-line maintainer for EVA gear and basic EVA instructors.  It was because those damn suits needed a fair bit of work for every usage. 

Which was the primary reason that Eliska Bremmer had not bothered putting her uniform back on after she had stepped out of her armoured suit.  Unlike most who stripped naked or down to their underwear, she instead wore skin-tight half-sleeve and full-leg long underwear, and socks, when she wore that suit.  It was warmer, yes, and it showed as salt stains were marring the paper-thin fabric, but she always found the inside of the suit chafed her most uncomfortably if she stripped down even more.  Mind you, it was not as though those clothes left much to the imagination to begin with, for they were directly against her skin. 

She had cracked open a full armourer's toolkit on the table and her suit, hanging from an armour rack, was brought close to that workbench and she was crouching, fixing a slight sticking in the left knee actuator.  Kino was talking about her encounter with the Vulcan doctor, and that tall tale about how, apparently, the Master Chief had come within arm's reach of Nicander to buttstroke that doctor?  That indeed made very little sense.  Granted, Eliska had only met Barton once, but the man struck tougher than an old boot and was as solid as a stone wall; a no-nonsense type who had been in Starfleet since before she was born and would have been there to prevent that sort of thing from happening rather than doing it himself.  She had been about to reply when the armoury doors hissed open and she hear a voice and an accent she'd know anywhere.  Mariner.

Now that was unusual. In fact, it was downright unexpected and as he introduced himself in his inimitable way, and tried to tell them all how to suck eggs, she rose from where she had been, the bulk of the table having kept her hidden from the door, and set down the microwrench she had been using and wiped her hands on a rag that had known better days.  "You know Jimmy, we might be poor dumb enlisted types who do not have 4 years at the Academy and a degree on our walls, but we are perfectly capable of remembering to do up our flies all by ourselves, without a commissioned officer to give us instructions broken down into individual steps after a 2 hour safety brief."

The weapons component hidden among Klingon uniforms was a well-known fact, and something that had worked its way into basic Security training after the incident on the Enterprise, one of the many that had nearly ended with a warp core breach. 

However, there was no sting in her words as she spoke, especially so informally, to an officer.  In fact, she was downright grinning and while they had never really been close,  seeing any known face come from who-knows-where when they had been separated and there was no way to know who was alive or dead?  That was priceless.

"You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really fucking glad to see you right now."

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #3
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Sickbay >> Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet 

Jimmy kept his eyes where they belonged as he noticed Bremmer turn around-- he knew that figure looked familiar. Not that he was interested, Jimmy learned very early on in his career never to dare to get or even try to with any woman in security. Not with Admiral Toddman's niece, at any rate; lesson learned.

"Eliska Mother-fucking Bremmer." Jimmy strode toward her in response to her calling him out, his face stony but calm. "Or perhaps was more grades, guts and grit than some have and some don't." Jimmy held his gaze, He had ground to defend and an impression to give, good or bad.

Mariner abruptly blurted out laughing for 2 seconds, getting into a mock-boxing pose, anticipating her to throw a punch but in good fun. "Ha-ha! It's bloody damn good to see you too!" Jimmy summarily got to work manually getting his exo-suit off, revealing just one layer of clothing beneath, padding for the suit. Gold, of course. Something that could be covered by a standard-issue black and gray uniform. Acting as if he didn't hear Bremmer's sassy attitude, Jimmy nodded or shook hands with the other officers as needed.

Before Kendrick, Jimmy's former CO had bounced Jimmy from noncom to officer for every foolhardy risk that wound up saving the day, despite defying orders. It really made him popular with some of his colleagues who jokingly called him 'Jumping Jimmy' for his hops through the ranks. That attitude never went away until the Resolve's grim, almost joyless adventures. One more reason to stay close to familiar faces and get to know and trust new ones.

"Speaking of canned meat, I heard you all had one helluva party while I was out. Who's the jackass who crashed it?" Was the Australian's drawl for a marauding perpetrator, not being entirely up to speed on the situation with Nicander, while hoping he could best get to know his colleagues a little more as he about finished changing out of his second skin, feeling figuratively naked as he got out of the well-nicked but intact suit of armor. He was shirtless and doing sit-ups a few moments later, throwing punches with each count.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #4
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Security Center | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 0030 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @Triton
Checks and maintenance, unnecessary to the new and crucial to the experienced. This showed clearly as Varder went about what needed to be done in a similar manner to fellow Petty Officer Bremmer, although it was done with a much rougher and less trained hand for such matters. As he worked he bounced questions of the woman, seeking to learn something from her differing experiences and training, things that in this case rendered her far more capable than himself. One thing that he had not learned from her was the under armour attire, with what he wore being more like a sleeveless body-glove or under-armour set.

Given the current situation with the Vectors split he worked with the thought in mind of lessening the load on another, even if it was only a rather minor dent. It was not an uncommon ethic for work among those who had served in the Dominion conflict, or at least that is what his own observations told him.

His attention upon this task was broken by a certain spotted individual who sought to gain his attention, the words she spoke certainly achieved this. The Master Chief? Varder could think of nothing that would drive such a man as that to such an action, it amounted to reckless and beyond stupid. Both things that Barton sure as hell wasn't, you didn't reach Master Chief with behaviour like that. The look upon Varders face conveyed his thoughts clearly to the Trill, clearly displaying his agreement to her sentiment of "It smells of bullshit. This whole situation does."

his mouth moved to form a reply before a loud and unexpected voice interjected with words clearly designed for the Trill, the words Varder planned simply changed into a small huff as he silenced himself against this unfamiliar voice. Followed by a brief realization of the individuals rank, although as he straightened himself out to salute the man introduced himself and said to stand at ease before offering his hand, a gesture Varder was in no position to accept. Standing on the far side of a workbench and two exo's hung from an armour rack.

The accent this man spoke with was unfamiliar to the Bajoran, however, it seemed that Eliska was familiar with the man as she returned a greeting which sparked a quick back and forth between the two. All in a goodhearted nature in the line of banter, it almost seemed like this man was ready to start bouncing off the walls at any moment. Still, the man was an officer. More importantly, he was one that Varder did not know, as a result, he continued the work on his Exo. Then the man asked his question, one that was slightly confusing at best. "Are you referring to the battle or another incident sir, we have been on duty for the last twelve hours at least." The young Bajoran spoke in a very matter of fact tone, his face carrying the weariness to back up his words as he leaned around the armour to make his statement.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #5
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Sickbay >> Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet @Triton

Taken aback by the sudden introduction of the brash Australian to the room, Kino could only look at Ensign Mariner with a raised eyebrow and a mild look of disgust at the question he asked. Of course they figured out the components. Hell, she personally searched and disarmed two of the boarders.  Between that and the transporters, the petty officer was quite confident that their new guests were not going to be of much trouble. Besides, they wouldn’t be her trouble for the next six hours or so. She offered Jimmy a quick two-fingered salute in lieu of the handshake he offered. "Petty Officer Second Class Kino Taer, sir."

Eliska’s response gave some context for the man’s presence and donning of an exosuit. Whoever this Jimmy was, he was clearly someone who hadn’t made himself a complete fool in combat in front of Bremmer. The list of junior officers who possessed the qualities of pretending they could realistically be on first name basis with people right off the get go and were also prone to being fools was depressingly long in Taer’s experience.

As two compatriots talked, the Trill began the process of taking off the rest of the armor. There was multiple layers to the suit and as each piece came off, she also double checked the compartments to ensure nothing was in them that shouldn’t be. The two phaser pistols were thus laid down next to the rifle she had been carried, a thoughtful look on Kino’s face marking the pilot’s pistol. Her knives were looked over for any nicks, but returned to the suit afterwards with the exception of the one she actually used during the melee. As it had been in contact with flesh, blood, and bone, she wanted to take the time to give that one some proper love.

She was now down to her black sports bra and boxer briefs, the deck plating cool against her bare feet. The quick visual inspection didn’t reveal anything more pressing than the deep gouges on her gauntlets, which might necessitate a replacement of the outer ceramic layers. Klingons were strong and the one Taer faced was definitely not holding back. She set them aside for her first task and hung the rest on the nearby armor rack. She had a small smile on her face as she finished that, a sense of real satisfaction flowing through her as the experienced Security NCO reviewed the day’s events. Nicander might have found a way to fuck things up, but at least she managed to get in a good fight with someone other than Ducote.

Blood was shed. It was a good day.

Kino caught the tail end of Varder’s query to Mariner and had to take a moment to remember the rest as well as context. As she grabbed one of the few armorer’s kits left with her right hand, her left pointed at the damaged left pauldron on Bremmer’s suit.

“I think he’s referring to the action that earned Eliska that damage. Damn girl, all I got was a few scratches.” Kino replied with a chuckle. “Klink ambushed me in the restroom of all places. He must have gotten lost after Sickbay was locked down. I don’t know what happened, but I guess one of their ships must have figured us for easy prey.”

As she spoke, the combat veteran had set down the kit and pulled out a pair of tools to start on the gauntlet repair. It was a quick fix that she could do, saving the Master-at-Arms a bit of time and ensure that she knew her armor was at its peak for the next battle. With one in her hand and a gauntlet in the other, she gestured towards the direction of the temporary brig. “Now as far as our makeshift Rura Penthe goes, that’s what I was referring to about the bullshit. Our Master Chief got himself killed, apparently, and knocked out one of our doctors, Maya, with the butt of his rifle. Maybe I misread him, but Barton was as by the book as they come and a hardass about it too, sir. I simply don’t think it happened the way Doctor Maya says.”

She shrugged. “I’m not sure we’ll know the truth of it either. I’ve only been awake two days, so who the fuck knows what’s going on at this point.” Her brows furrowed, both in concentration as her focus started narrowing to the task in front of her and in discontentment. “There’s - The - There is just too much I don’t know right now.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #6

[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Sickbay >> Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet 

Jimmy shook hands with the Bajoran, Varder, and issued a well-wishing greeting in his language. "You don't have to 'sir' me, buddy; Call me Jimmy. Well met." he nodded with a smile in the handshake. "I just meant in the last 60-odd hours and change. Anything major ever since we had those Morali-ists infesting the crew. Any of that lot still lurking 'round?" Jimmy cited the mutiny aboard involving cultists and without mentioning directly, the would-be assassins of Meony and her Cardassian friend. Mariner only regretted his Pit Bull let them off as easily as he did. A mercy, given the Starfleet Articles of justice. Personally, Jimmy would've spaced mutineers on principle.

"Petty Officer Second Class Kino Taer, sir."

"James Mariner. Stiff-arsed gent. At ease, I'm pleased to meet ya." Jimmy responded greeted the Trill, giving the woman her privacy, and not given the chance to shake her hand as he got to work on his own exo-suit, not leaving much to the imagination in the process. When the moments passed and he could resume the conversation in gym wear on its way to Starfleet Security uniform, Jimmy couldn't resist imposing his nature. "In the loo? Savage. Even despite lilac air freshener; shame. Please tell me he forgot to knock and that you stoved that Croc-head's noggin in for that."  Was Jimmy's only come-back to Taer's report.

"Bremmer and I did our share of that over Sud Lang-- the stoving in, not the loo-crashing. I'd be happy to tell you more, but I'd prefer we air that out when the ringer debriefs us as to why the bloody hell we've got the Chancellor of the Klingon Empire giving us a Vulcan-Hello." Jimmy had cast a line in throwing in one of his patented euphimisms.

Jimmy had used an old sailor's term for 'commander', despite it being shorthand for an affectionate term the way 'skipper' was to captains or chiefs. In reality, Jimmy was equally pleased to have a Security officer in command. "Our losses?" he asked nobody in particular upon his dozenth sit-up, capped off by him lifting his neck and turning upwards, cracking his neck in the progress, extending his arms as if to prepare for a scrap, though it was primarily to limber up a little. If the Theurgy was thawing out survivors or stasis chambered crew, Jimmy dreaded they were scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of survival, meaning that every life they could save was one more to ultimately wage the war for the soul of the quadrant; a mission he bled and sacrificed for a generation ago against the Dominion.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #7
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @patches @Triton

"Suits and weapons draw was at what? 1400?  I know I've been on the whole time til now.  And I got tagged for the detail even when I'd been on watch this morning, and spent a good chunk of it babysitting Nicander.  Oh, yeah, that's right you weren't there for that: he's got one of the parasites in him."

Eliska was working on her suit as she was speaking.  Some officers might take offence they were not a subordinate's entire field of attention, but there was work what needed doing.  And, truth be told, Bremmer would much rather focus on what she was doing so she could get to bed.  With practiced ease, she detached what was left of the pauldron that had taken a hit, and examined the layer that was immediately beneath it.  "Pro kurva"1, she swore as she examined the damage.  So the kinetic layer had torn some all right.  Reaching into her toolkit, she grabbed a cutting device that was not entirely unlike a surgeon's scalpel to slice into the pseudo-padding, and then made use of something not too different from a protoplaser to undo the molecular bond between the kinetic layer and the vacuum-proof innermost one.  Well, at least that hadn't been breached at first glance, but it would need a more thorough examination. 

But the kinetic layer would need some pretty severe repairs itself.  Only then did she look at Kino.  "Well, I was first through the fatal funnel, so I got clipped.  But hey, that's what armour is for, right?  Better me taking a shot in a plate than a soft-skin getting blown to burnt hamburger, right?"

But then, she had to look towards Jimmy, who was being his usual showboat by exercising.  Seriously, he had the energy for that?  Apparently things had been damn easy at his end, if he could do that.  "Don't remind me about that fucking moon, Mariner." 

The PO had fairly growled those words.  Oh, she had hated that bloody mission with a passion. Babysitting a squishy, paired with a pilot.  Thousands upon thousands of spiders.  Being left all alone to be swarmed and devoured by them.  She shook her head.  "Kino, sweetie, at some point we'll talk about that mission, all right.  But first I'll need a lot more booze in my system, all right.  It was... rough."

And, of course, she remembered being shot down a corridor when all of the sudden the near-vacuum had turned into a high-pressure inferno that incinerated the spiders and left her feeling like she'd just been used as a punching bag for an entire day's worth of close-quarters combat training.  And then there had been the fight with the Klingons.  Where she had just about gotten herself killed, and The Deputy saved her life at the cost of just about getting herself killed. 

And then they had been stranded.  And if she hadn't remembered that one mission, they'd probably still be there.  Or en-route at impulse while waiting for a tow or a lift or something.

"As for what's happening right now?  Frankly I lost track.  We rescued some people from the Endeavour, who decided to be not so friendly and then somehow wound up giving us orders during the boarding action; we got Nicander secured like there's no tomorrow after he got revived by that little Vulcan doctor, oh, and apparently Master Chief Barton did a real stupid and closed within reach of Nicander when he took a swing at that doc with the butt of his rifle, and got butchered for his trouble; which I don't really buy either.  So, really, right now I really have no real idea whatever the fuck is going on.  So, if you'll excuse me, I'll finish doing the basic checks on my suit and my weapons, grab a shower, some food, most definitely a drink, and sleep for as long as I can get away with as soon as I can, so I can muckle on to the real repairs once I won't feel like my eyes are full of sand."

1- Fuck's sake, in Czech

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #8
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @CanadianVet @Jm Von Cat @Triton

Kino raised an eyebrow at the talk of Sud Lang. She recognized the name as Klingon in origin and along with the mention of the Klingon Chancellor (Seriously? The fucking Chancellor himself?), she put two and two together and she figured the Theurgy crew must have raided a Klingon outpost or something and maybe bit off more than they could chew. It wouldn’t be the first time Eliska had been in that situation, but once again, Kino found herself wishing she had been woken up earlier to be there for her.
There was nothing for it, though. She’d get the tale from her good friend later, as was said. It had been done before during the war when they’d occasionally get separate assignments. Getting drunk afterwards made it easier to share the horror and grief. Alcohol was also an excellent lubricant towards sex, which Kino considered a pretty solid win.

“A shower and bed does sound really good about now. As for casualties…” Kino sighed as she finished sliding out the scratched plate on her right gauntlet. “Stasny got hit, as well as an Andorian on Bremmer’s team. Looks like they’ll make it. When I got to Sickbay, it looked like one of the pilots got beamed in and then promptly shot, but luckily, his exosuit saved him. I saw that suit, though. The chest piece is totally fried.”

She set aside the plate and reached for a replacement from a nearby shelf, shaking her head and frowning as she continued speaking. There was a tightness to her voice.

“They were shooting our wounded in their beds. Killed all three guards and a handful of medical staff as well. It was murder, straight murder.”

Her eyes were hooded and eyebrows furrowed as she finished her repair on the gauntlet she had and then grabbed the other to do the same. The Trill took a deep breath before she started.

“If it were up to me, I’d space every single one of those fuckers we took down in Sickbay. One of them has a hole in his hand now, at least. Small comfort. Between the Klinks and Nicander, we’re going to be running short-handed now. I saw the roster. Half my original EOD team is dead or in stasis.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #9
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Security Center | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 0030 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @Triton
Varder tilted his head slightly to a side as Jimmy spoke, so the ensign spent time in Bajoran space, not that unusual will all things considered. But not many of those had taken the time to learn the language, after all it was to be one post among many. On the mention of the Devoted, the Bajoran's expression would shift towards one of distaste. "No activity from them, but everyone has been running into the ground." After his words he would offer a small shrug and made no move to continue this line of conversation after Kino gave her introduction. The devoted were one of the last things he wanted to hear more about.

The conversation continued, this Ensign seemed determined not to be called sir or be treated in any formal manner. Unusual for Starfleet, although it was a style he was used to from his days in the resistance. Then was Kino's report along with another prod towards talking about the master chief, a topic which it seemed this Ensign was not looking at addressing at all. As Varder merely listened for this time his attention was primarily upon his suit, slowly and surely going over a few of the newer tricks Eliska had made him aware of earlier.

SuD Lang That was a name that cropped up a few times, a vague memory really. An away team mission that took place just as he was recovering from thaw, from the sounds of things it was rough. Especially given the reaction Eliska seemed to have towards its memory, probably nothing worth pressing, If she wanted to talk about it she would. Fair and simple.
The only thing he really knew about that mission was that the Klingons had made an appearance.

Then Kino began to talk about the casualties, at first it was light, then there was a tightness to her usual tone as she spoke of what these Klingons had done. "They were shooting our wounded in their beds. Killed all three guards and a handful of medical staff as well. It was murder, straight murder." He stopped the task he was doing, instead squeezing the tools he held. His hands whitening for a moment as he held a strong grip, listening to the rest of what she had to say before speaking up in a voice rougher than usual. "I saw similar once before on DS9, in the area's they took there were no injured. Lost most of my squad there, but we can't reduce ourselves to what the Klingons are, fair or not."

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #10

[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | 0030 hours |  Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
 @Jm Von Cat  @patches  @CanadianVet

"I know which Pilot. My buddy's RIO." Jimmy recalled. "Funny Ferris." he blissfully forgot Alessia's copilot's callsign, "Good. Croc-heads put 'em there in the first place. Are the forcefields rigged to overload in the event of an escape? Resolve learned it was a nonlethal way to stun escapees." It was a hard learned lesson, and Meony's tumor was a direct result of that. 

"So, they've scurried, ey? Good... and bad. Only idiots fight in a burning house. But backstabbers get a seat in a particularly unpleasant roachhole in the afterlife." Jimmy recalled some of his father's footage in the Resistance and spared Varder the experience for now but it amused Jimmy to know they each were at DS9, that'd make a nice talking point later. "I'll check in those vermin there the next time they come out of their roachholes." Jimmy changed Warm-up position, opting for some mock punches in a mix of iSuss Manhah and Boxing without moving. "Aw bugger,--Sorry, Bremmer" it slipped Jimmy's lips that he hated insects more than ever lately and this led to him making a . Time to forget about anything with more than four legs.

For now, a steady on analysis of their current enemies was a settling way to dodge Eliska's [girl?]friend's suggestion regarding the prisoners, even if he himself agreed with her. "Klingons are aggressive but crude warriors. They have trouble adapting to changing circumstances, but they're not fools*. Nothing is more honorable than victory to those animals." Jimmy frowned angrily. Some of his instructors were killed during the latest Federation-Klingon War. But the first Klingons he ever killed or defeated were this week, despite his education concluding after the War with them ended, which didn't dampen his impression of them when he and his father went to the homeworld in his youth for a documentary at the time.

In retrospect, Bloodwine didn't taste so good. "But maybe we can somehow convince them that We're not a threat. Anyone else here study the Xindi War? Johnny Archer was able to win allies over with proof and some basic showmanship." Thinking creatively or so he hoped, Jimmy produced an idea akin to his Armstrong Williams persona, with the use of a holodeck to force the Klingons to piece their story together.

It was something to best suggest to the CO himself. It was that, or instruct the entire crew, combatant or otherwise how best to practice Suus Manha. It was done on Hornet during the war. The Australian practiced the silly-looking but tailor-suited sword dodge while his fists were raised in CQC poses as if to respond with a KABAR or combat knife in hand. Even fighting with his Cutlass employed backhand grip to disembowl for his next time. "Anyone know if we've still got any stun batons handy? I'd like to suggest we carry those on duty just in case. There's Asurians and Borg about. Two more reasons to be prepared... unless we've got Ushaan-Tors and Lirpas handy?" this wasn't exactly a week for being doves.

 *(ENT S2E6 'Marauders')
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #11
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Day 6 | 0030 hours | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @patches @Triton

The conversation had gone quickly from the matter at SuD Lang, to the Klingon treatment of wounded enemy.  That was something the Dominion did well, too.  Unless the Vorta had a plan to hang on to some prisoners, the Jem'Hadar weren't too particular about caring for enemy wounded or taking captives.  But they had no compunctions about slaughtering them all out of hand, too.  Knowing that had one of two effects, she had been taught in training and observed first-hand.  Either it could turn one's knees and insides to water, or it could have the utterly opposite effect of fighting to the last breath.  But when one knew they had an option to not have to fight to the death, it tended to remain in the back of their minds, and they knew surrender might be an option if it all dropped into the pot. 

"Mariner, you're over-simplifying the Klingon.  They're brutal, but they're not dumb.  And victory isn't everything.  Honour is.  They'd rather withdraw from a superior foe kicking and screaming the whole way so they can live to fight another day, than just sweep aside ineffective resistance.  And killing the wounded?  Not a problem for them if they don't consider them to be really people." 

Then, she turned her head towards Varder.  "Yeah, Kino and I saw that too during the war.  Not so much by the Cardassians and the Breen, but the Jem'Hadar weren't usually big on taking prisoners.  A lot of wounded killed by a bayonet or a k'tarkan or a shot a point-blank.  That was really bad at times."  Even with her heavy accent, it would be obvious to all who knew Bremmer she didn't much care for that part of her life.  And really, who did?  Sure there were plenty of good memories.  Good friends had been made, many who were even still alive and around, and they even had fun from time to time.  But it was hell, on a good day.

Resolve hadn't been much better.  In fact, in a lot of ways it had been worse since there was no relief, there were no breaks, no chances to get pulled back from the line or to refit and recuperate between missions.  Just a constant running battle for 2 years. 

Pushing those thoughts aside, Eliska made a few notations on her PADD and stowed her tools away before turning to her rifle and pistol.  Her sidearm had not been used, but her rifle had seen plenty of action in that boarding, and there had been something off with it.  There had been an odd vibration when she fired, and she knew a few of her shots had gone astray when they had absolutely no reason to. 

Working her way from the sights, she first confirmed they were indeed sitting there firm and true, and the self-test did not reveal any malfunctions creeping up since she had first drawn that weapon from stores.  But when she started to open up come of the covers, she started to swear viciously in the pidgin of Czech, Polish and German that was her mother tongue. 

"Well fuck me," she continued in a more comprehensible language.  "I guess I'm lucky I didn't blow myself up.  The barrel assembly is warped, and the brackets broke loose from the stock.  Focusing chamber is out of true, and the particle emitter is cracked.   Now wait a second..." 

She took a closer look at some of the components, using an ocular from her tool kit.  "Who in the fuck did this butcher job?  Parts from 4 different rifles, and not a single one that looked fit for use when it was put together!"  With practiced ease, she started rendering the rifle down to its major components, and even those she broke down, tossing several into a bin marked 'disposal' in the process until very, very little was left.  "Well, at least there's one rifle downchecked.  Now if I get my hands on the asshole who ran weapons draw, I'm going to kill him."

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #12
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Day 6 | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Kino listened carefully as the others chimed in about the Klingons murdering injured crew, nodding in understanding though the majority of her focus was on the glove she was working on. She almost snorted at Mariner’s question about the forcefields, choosing to bite back the sarcasm instead to remain quiet as he continued and Eliska responded. Bremmer’s remark about the Jem’Hadar was a timely reminder for the Dominion War veteran. She recalled having to fight a holding action a few times to get wounded out of the Dominion’s path not to prevent capture but to prevent them being killed by the invaders. Sometimes, they didn’t entirely succeed.

She honestly never understood the impulse to kill someone who could no longer fight back. The challenge in a fight was always in how the other combatant responded. There was no thrill in shooting a man in a biobed or dying on some rock. Eliska’s remark about them not seeing wounded as real people felt like it hit the mark, but Kino nurtured some private doubts that most Klingons saw anyone that wasn’t Klingon as a person anyway. The few tangles she had with them always felt like fighting another animal more than a person, almost like the Jem’Hadar clones.

Eliska went off about her rifle and Kino put down the gauntlet since she was finished with it anyway. She recalled the Bolian passing out weapons, including the rifles they had used. He wasn’t a familiar face, but he had introduced himself. What was his name?

“Salin, I think. Bolian. He’s not original Theurgy, though.” The reply came slowly at first as the petty officer put the gauntlets into their spaces on the armor rack. “Honestly, got a vibe that he wasn’t well trained for armoury duty and just mimicking the motions he saw.”

That was an experience they all would know well enough. When manpower was short, you worked with what you had and Security in particular had been noticeably affected by the constant battles that the ship found itself in. Kino knew she was probably going to have to train at least a couple of others in the basics of her specialty soon enough. Training wasn’t her strength, though. Maybe she’d talk to Eliska about that.

She bent over and reached for the one compartment she hadn’t fully cleared yet, pulling out the PADD that Rawley gave her earlier and setting it on the table while she finished cleaning up her space.

“Time for this little girl to rest her head. See you in a few hours.”

Kino saluted the others with the newly retrieved PADD and walked out, her intention to use the locker room across the hall.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #13
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Security Center | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 0030 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @Triton
Varder was unsure what to think of the Ensigns claim about overloading forcefields, a small glance towards Kino provided just enough insight into her thoughts on the matter. Although he agreed with her his mind went to less sarcastic replies, but these he chose to keep to himself in much the same manner. Letting Bremmer say her part as his work continued, picking up a pad and properly registering his sidearm to the wounded Andorian it was handed off to during the boarding action and checking their rifle in alongside his own.

The Bajoran could hardly bear to look at Jimmy as the ensign continued with his warm-up and exercise on the floor, the idea of such activity right now was near painful given the last 24 hours. Whatever image this man was wishing to provide, it was more simply highlighting that he had not been present for what they had just dealt with. It was all Varder could do to contain his expression to an exhausted sigh between the activity and the Klingon mindset dissection.

When Bremmer turned her attention and words towards him it was all he could do to offer a small, sad smile and nod of understanding at her words. Regardless of who you were, short of being psychotic losing people hurt. Even if the only connection was simply the same uniform.
In the immediate silence of those words the Bajoran simply continued his work, finishing what was needed. His attention only turning to Bremmer as she spoke out about her rifles condition.

With a curious expression painted across his face, he noted what she was saying. With some admiration, he watched as she very swiftly rendered the rifle down into smaller and smaller components. Quickly spotting what was and what was not salvageable, separating and disposing of as needed. Stripping a rifle was one thing, they all knew how to do that. The ability to spot the damages and details that rendered a weapon dangerous or inoperable. That was a skill he had learned to respect.

As he watched it was Kino who spoke up with memory of whom had handled weapon draw, the sentiment she attached to his inexperience was one well understood. With numbers low, everyone would have to dip into areas outside their expertise. As that thought lingered in his mind Kino excused herself.
Varder returned her salute in a casual manner with some words of his own, "So much for light duty popsicle, catch you next shift."

With that being said he did one last run of his checks and put things away appropriately before speaking again. "She has the right idea, I shall see you both again, hopefully under better circumstances." That being said Varder offered a proper salute and turned for the male Locker Room.


Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #14
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Day 6 | 0030 hours |  Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | | USS Theurgy ]

Well Fuck me!

"Bless you." Jimmy dismissively retorted as he shrugged, as if the PO had sneezed rather than exploit the bad pun she set herself up for, choosing instead to stroke his firsthand understanding of the people who bloodied their ship. "Cute story, really. But only I can tell it. You can't." Jimmy knew Bremmer didn't care about his war stories. Still, he had to call the quartermaster out for underestimating his understanding of Klingons. It was hardly necessary but he matter-of-factly recited from Torlek, son of Ro'va.

"They could've been a species of farmers, poets, philosophers... artists, even. But we got lucky: J'mpok was a student of Chang's, but good thing he didn't inherit his vendetta against the Federation-- yes, I know you know this and yes, you think I oversimplify, but petty-competish aside, Klingon History might've made things most interesting for our grandparents. Australia, Nova Kosice... Trill all would've been outright screwed." It really did feel good to have firsthand knowledge about what he'd remarked idly on earlier, only to now himself unceremoniously tasked with far less interesting office detail, opting out of mispronouncing her homeworld out of a modicum of respect for the uniform. Someone here had to show capability of respect. Some days he wished stayed in show business rather than foster a life of adventure.

What awaited Jimmy, however, was anything but. That included debriefing, formal log entries and maybe a two-hour cat--err-- power-nap. Then breakfast and a morning jog. When alone. The cat-nap pun to himself was a bitter pill to to digest upon remembering that K'ren who may have approved of the joke was not aboard. And Meony was barely alive; privately the fear of mortality was gaining on him and it was onl a matter of time before one or both of them would be casualties of this damnable little war. The recent battle had been slaughtering his morale, and he needed little provocation to sign up for the next hazardous away team, if only to not have to be in the same room as their onboard parasite. Or Eliska.

Jimmy remarked at the Trill in a complimentary manner. "Glad you guys did, by the way. No week is complete without a cast-off from a good anti-grav sail or those Hoobesian Baths. But next time you feel up for a level-10 A-grav cruise, Taer? Blue Horizon, that's the place, real or holo for hanging ten on high-speed currents." He smiled at Kino with further firsthand knowledge of a favored hobby, pointing her way then giving a thumbs-up in his reply to her salute when he nodded at the Trill. Definitely a spotter if only she could grow out her hair. "Cheers." he waved her in farewell.

"Oi, Mr. Varder, right? Here, Mate. Have a look at this sometime-- 'Prophets' Testament' is the episode. No rush, but my dad turned down a Pulitzer for this story when his name was called. Instead, he sported a Bajoran earring and raised public awareness for Bajor. Three guesses who his cameraman was." Jimmy smirked as he tossed a datarod from his belongings to the Bajoran. He had copies of this episode and only really viewed his and his fathers' show when he was especially homesick. Or doubting himself. "There's a whole special here on Galactic Geographic that gained considerable sympathy for Bajor's plight in the quadrant." Beaming in hollow but otherwise apparent smugness, Mariner left the office, patting Eliska's shoulder on his way out to the C-Sec Offices. Then to get a breakfast burrito. "They don't have Bashir Candybars, so you can sit easy." he quipped at Bremmer's misfortune in combat rations as an ongoing in-joke.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #15
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Day 6 | 0110 hours | Deck 07 | Security Center | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

A shower and change of attire into her standard gym attire did wonders for Kino’s temperament, though wonders more would be done once she returned back to her quarters for a few hours rest. She could no longer be sure what would come the next day, a feeling that was both uncomfortable and yet familiar to the Dominion War veteran. Here was why she indulged in her own pleasures and temporary whims so often. Why delay when tomorrow wasn’t guaranteed?

As she walked out of the communal locker room, the Trill was absentmindedly playing with the small PADD she previously dug out of her exosuit’s pocket. On it was recorded a message from a pilot that visited Sickbay during Nicander’s surgery, a Lieutenant Junior Grade Evelyn Rawley. What business the pilot had with the murderous doctor, Kino didn’t know, and she really did not care to know. Her business extended firmly to the crew’s safety, no more, and that was temporarily resolved. She had made a promise to Rawley to play this message for Nicander and that was unfinished business she intended to mark off her list before leaving the Security Center entirely.

The path from gym to Nicander’s fortified cell took her past the department’s nerve center and aide station. Taer nodded amiably to the junior officer manning the aide duty station and then to the NCO that stood guard outside of the room between the main reception area and the temporary holding cell. She had been in Sickbay when the earlier events transpired. Bremmer had already informed her of the measures taken, however. What was normally a brig officer’s duty station was now a high gravity, vacuum-filled room, a high-tech moat between what was deemed the ship’s most dangerous passenger and the rest of the Theurgy.

She stood in front of the open door, peering through the dimmed lights at Nicander’s silhouette. He was obviously more whole now, thanks to the work done by Theurgy surgeons. The same could not be said of the Security department’s most senior NCO in charge and two others that were now just mangled bodies in the morgue.

How did we get to this point, Dr. Nicander? You even found a way to make me laugh during our first conversation here.

The two rarely spoke. Even with Taer’s propensity to solve interpersonal drama with her fists, she made a deliberate habit of avoiding Sickbay and as Chief Medical Officer, Nicander’s duties often kept him quite busy. The Trill assumed she was mostly just a name in his reports. Still, there had been times.

The way you looked at me and that nurse during my second visit there. I wasn’t sure you knew who I was, but that look definitely told me you at least suspected we knew each other outside of Sickbay.

It was easier to tend to her own scrapes and bruises when there was a cute young nurse that didn’t mind making house calls. She wasn't sure where that nurse was now. Dead, presumably, or missing or in cryo from all of the battles or crises since Kino's injury. The petty officer didn't really miss her. She learned long enough ago to limit how personal she let such dalliances be. There was really only one exception and she was likely even tougher than Kino was.

It appeared the moment stretched on longer than the guard was comfortable with.

“Hey Taer, do you have business with Nicander? You’re off the clock. You should sleep.”

“I do, actually. You mind giving me a few minutes with him? I have a personal message to relay to him.” She waved the PADD and gestured to the intercom. “Through that, of course.”

He didn’t answer right away, sharing a look with the aide who just shrugged in response. In turn, he shrugged and stepped just far enough away that he wouldn’t be in Kino’s personal space while she used the intercom.

“Thanks.” She said with a chuckle as she took up position and pressed the intercom button. “Doctor Nicander, you awake? I’m Kino Taer. I have a message for you from a Lieutenant Rawley.”

Once she got a response from him, she held up the PADD to the intercom’s microphone. Kino really didn’t care to make the effort of being fancier than she needed to be. A quick thumb press started the recording.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #16

[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @patches 
Another minute. Another hour. Another night... yet unlike any other.

Having been a dormant spectre in the darkness that possessed him, knowing imprisonment of the mind, Doctor Nicander found that physical detention was far more preferable. He held gratitude towards Amelya Rez - this new host of the Rez symbiont - as well as the other Doctors that had treated his wounds. For in doing so, he could retain a grasp on his mind - the darkness not required to animate his body. The gradual decline of the recent years, after he was first possessed, had been lifted by the lost Radiant, and he was relieved that whatever her light had done to repel the darkness had still held true after his recovery.

The blood in his cell, however, was a clear reminder that it wasn't true in all circumstances.

When completely consumed, he had learned the means in which the Hosts communed, and in ignorance, he had utilised the farseeing in order to save the ship. To give his old friend in the Command Chair the shield harmonics of the Rotarran. He hadn't known... that if you stared into the abyss, you risked loosing yourself in it as well. This, he had done, when Doctor Maya was struck down, and it was something he'd have to live with. A mistake, grave and unforgivable, and try as he might, he could not push it from his mind either, when the blood remained there. This, was why he remained awake, when he got an unexpected visitor.

He had been on his feet, a silhouette in the dim light of his cell, when the female voice was heard, and he turned to gaze at the figure beyond the depressurised room. Her words, however brief, made him answer, "I know who you are, Petty Officer." His Câroon accent faint, his deep voice had been low - likely unheard - before the message was played through the static of the com-link.

Rawley, making accusations. Condemning him for the actions he'd taken whilst under the darkness' influence, well before Heather McMillan restored his mind. The words were as expected as they were true. He, or his possessed self, had done all that she claimed, but so much more. When the message from his former lover, however long ago it might have been, came to an end, the silence lingered for a while. He did not know what Kino Taer expected him to say. A confession? Casting blame elsewhere? That he'd ask her to deliver a message back? What was the point?

"Under the possession of the thing inside me," he said eventually looking down at his artificial hand, flexing it since he had noticed that the Trill had a similar kind of prostethic, "I did far more. I murdered Chief Counselor Garen Nelis, and Arcorn Noetin. I also made Lin Kae betray the crew at the Black Opal. I will not bore you with the medical specifics, but worst of all, I made Doctor Maya free Sonja Acreth from the Brig during the battle at Starbase 84. Only when the Radiant restored me, and suppressed the darkness with her abilities, did I seek to stop what I had put in motion. Together with Heather McMillan, I tried to prevent Acreth from entering the temporal breach. I failed, and now, the Cycle will begin anew."

Lowering his hand, he raised his eyes to the woman, and as becoming as she might be, his mind was entirely on how he might aid the mission rather than redeeming himself. He held no hope for redemption, but if there was any chance to change things in the current Cycle, time was of the essence. "I have much to tell, Petty Officer, but so far, I have been met with doubt and apprehension. I do not wish to answer Junior Lieutenant Rawley. My message, should you carry it, must go to Wenn Cinn."

He was my friend once, and as much as he might hate me now, there is no time for personal grievances.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #17
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Deck 07 | Security Center | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

The contents of the message Rawley recorded were deeply disturbing to Taer, but Nicander’s response unnerved her even more. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting him to say, but a full confession to his crimes was definitely not on the radar. While she was trained and expected to act in such a role when necessary, the policing part of Security duties was something Kino rarely did but she had heard the stories from those that primarily took on that role. According to those stories, confessions were not usually the first thing out of a suspect’s mouth after being arrested.

‘Ah, but Nicander is no ordinary suspect,’ she mused to herself as he spoke. The names he gave were not all names she knew and she made a mental note to check into them during her next shift. She needed more context, more information about who these people were and when they died. Growing up on Trill, especially as the child of a very wealthy man with good connections, gave her an education enabling her to loosely understand what a temporal breach was, but she had no idea what it meant for Nicander, Heather, and this “Acreth”, much less this “Cycle” that he was referring to.

Once again, the Trill wondered just how much she missed while she was in stasis.

His request that any message he gave to Kino be forward to Wenn Cinn sharply drew her attention. She was still trying to figure out just he was talking about exactly and why he kept calling the parasite in him “the darkness”, much less what Heather had to do with suppressing it, and now he was telling her that he needed her as a courier. Kino titled her head to the side slightly as she studied the faintly glowing figure of the disgraced doctor.

“I think the crew approaching you with doubt and apprehension is very understandable, Doctor.” She let the PADD drop to her side and tapped her foot twice. “You did murder several people and caused quite a bit of trouble, all because of this …” She gestured at him vaguely with her free hand, the organic one. “Parasite in you. You keep saying ‘the darkness within me’, almost as if it were simply the darker instincts we all have given form.”

She looked up at the ceiling briefly while sighing deeply before she meet his gaze and continued. “I suppose I did sign up to be a courier when I agreed to pass on Rawley’s message. The commander is a busy man, so I can’t promise that he would get the message quickly but I will get it to him. I suppose I ought to record this….”

Taer brought the PADD back to chest level so that she could open the recording functions of the device and held it up for Nicander to see.

“Feel free to start whenever.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0030 hrs. ] Tomorrow We Fight

Reply #18
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @patches 
The Petty Officer's comments were somewhat expected, but the notion that the outer-dimensional presence that had plagued him even affected those who weren't Hosts - and always had - was deeply unsettling. He had no answer to this, for he did not know. Perhaps the chaos nature in which the darkness presided affected other dimensions too, without the use of direct possession? He had no way of knowing for certain, not without staring into the abyss once more, but the unexpected suggestion made him blink, almost flinch.

Kino Taer agreed to take his message, however, which was a relief. She held up the PADD before her chest, and Lucan collected his thoughts before he spoke, hoping he was clearly heard through the comm-link.

"There is a lot to say, but what's most important, is the means through which I could see the Rotarran's shield frequency. I saw through the eyes of another Host, the two of us connected to the nameless darkness. I am not entirely certain, but I think it was a female Klingon, and I was seeing a console located behind Chancellor Martok. Weaponry console, I believe. My understanding of the Klingon script wasn't the same as when I attended the Academy, but I am quite certain I was looking at the ship's weapon loadout, and the female's fingers were making firing commands. What she did, however, is irrelevant. That matters... is that she was there."

Lucan stepped closer to the forcefield, his eyes looking at the Trill while he spoke, his deep voice cutting through the static. "It means that when the Borg come through in full forcee, the Infested doesn't need to have me assimilated to gain access to the Collective. There is a second Host, and she is in the position of compromising the ship she is on, and allow Borg boarding parties to reach her. It is imperative that we're there to stop it from happening. I already told you how the parasites exist in a state of flux, and the assimilation won't affect the darkness in that Klingon. It will simply gain all the knowledge of the hive mind. Worse, though the link, it will be able to affect the decisions made by the Borg Queen. It would be capable of spreading misinformation through the Collective, and dictate the pace of the invasion."

Raising his tattooed hand, he placed it next to the forcefield, feeling the cold bulkhead underneath his palm. His pale grey eyes, however, kept staring into that of the messenger beyond the depressurised room - his voice void of pleasant bedside manners and warmth. He didn't know how to stress the importance of his words enough, and he hoped more would come to speak with him, but at that moment, he had a chance to do the right thing. To compensate for his weakness, and is inability to aid them from outside his cell.

"The darkness seek to tear down all societies, every shred of order, down to the primordial soup in which we were created. It considers all of us - everything we have built - a suppurating wound on existence. This includes the Borg, naturally, and the Queen would just be a temporary tool of destruction before she'll be cast aside, and the Collective collapses unto itself. Still, despite its inevitable fate, the cost is too high, the knowledge too great for the darkness to wield."

Nicander sighed, and ran his artificial hand through his hair, his next words more personal in nature, directed to Wenn Cinn.

"By the winds, you once considered me a friend, and I know how you must feel now. How you never truly knew me." Lucan bit his teeth together, his real hand closing into a fist against the bulkhead. "I was still there, used as a puppet by something else. It doesn't mean I don't remember everything, but in a way, I am still me, my strings have been cut, and I can both speak and act freely. I beseech you, old friend, to heed my words, and to stop both me and the second Host from being assimilated. The Borg invasion must be stopped at all cost. Only then will we be able to save this Cycle - slim as the chances may be."

Having said his part, he fell silent, and nodded to Kino Taer. He even tried to give her a tired smile.

"Thank you, Petty Officer. I know this is not a part of your duties. My deepest gratitude, for listening, and obliging me."


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