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Topic: CH04: S [D05|1800] A Wolf's Intuition (Read 5931 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH04: S [D05|1800] A Wolf's Intuition

Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1800 hrs. ] A Wolf's Intuition

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Deck 16 | Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @patches @Doc M.

"These will be rough times ahead, so if you have any personal errands to run I'd suggest you do so now.  I want us to be ready for whatever comes our way. Good luck ladies and gentlemen. Dismissed."

Rawley nodded at Ravon’s orders. She wasn’t too keen on letting the whole kit and kaboodle sauntering off on its lonesome after the cybernetic leviathan hive known as the Borg; she’d rather do an advanced scouting mission like she indicated. Still, orders were orders, and one or two of her breaches of orders got her landed in sickbay. Plus, she wasn’t keen on Razor chewing her off so soon after she had forgiven him.

She didn’t know what personal errands to do, but something was still bothering her. Something in the back of her mind kept bringing up Nicander, and the air of unease whenever he was mentioned. She couldn’t help but keep thinking about him. If something happened to him, she deserves to know, and sod the barriers.

“Computer, locate Doctor Nicander.”

[Doctor Nicander is in Sickbay undergoing surgery.]

Rawley blinked. First Nicander was in the brig, now he’s in Sickbay? And in surgery? What was going on? Whatever bug that bugger caught must have been a whopper.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Sickbay Waiting Room | Deck 11 | Vector 02 ]

Rawley entered Sickbay, never thinking she’d be back again, but at least she wasn’t wounded or whatnot. She approached the surgical suite as quietly as possible; she wasn’t about to bother anybody in surgery. She merely approached the door and arranged it so that it would open a mere fraction so she would sneak a peek. Noiselessly, it opened an inch and peeked in. What she saw surprised her. The bug seemed to definitely a whopper, all right, to require three of the chums in yellow to guard them.

She began putting two and two together and made five, maybe six, but she needed confirmation.

She recognized Kino, when she awoke in her recovery bed. Rawley had an admiration for anybody with a cybernetic eye, hence why she remembered more than the other lasses in yellow. She shut the door back and returned to the waiting room. She tapped her combadge and secured a private line.

“Oi. Kino? If you have a mo’ to spare, I’m in reception. What the bugger is going on with Nicander?”

OOC: Given the development in "Charades," it was necessary to make Rawley's personal errands into a supplemental. Don't know whether or not it's possible to make private channels between comm badges, considering they're not the cell-phone like communicators of the day. This will later lead to a moment between Rawley and Ravon, something Nolan and I were discussing.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [Day 05 | 1800 Hours] A Wolf's Intuition

Reply #1
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Deck 16 | Sickbay Waiting Room | Deck 11 | Vector 02| USS Theurgy ] @Multificionado

Surgery was very boring to watch by now. At first, it was interesting seeing someone essentially being taken apart in some areas to be put back together properly but after several straight hours of it, Kino wanted to do something else. Anything else. Luckily, others had the same idea and they implemented a simple standard rotation for this duty. Unluckily, it was her turn again. She was fiddling with her pistol absentmindedly with her rifle on its sling for now when someone hailed her on a private communications channel.

Eliska...? Oh, no. That’s Rawley’s voice.

Thankfully, her exosuit meant that such communications were truly secure and private but it seemed the pilot wanted to speak to Taer personally. She signaled to the other two on duty that she needed 5 minutes and slipped out of the surgery suite to the waiting room near the reception desk. With one final check to make sure her weapons now fully holstered and safe, Kino approached the apparently anxious Rawley.

“Hello Lieutenant! Nicander is undergoing some pretty intensive surgery right now, but the tone of your voice suggests that wasn’t really your question. He’s been classified as an extreme threat to the ship, which is why I’m here. What do you really want to know?”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [Day 05 | 1800 Hours] A Wolf's Intuition

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Sickbay Waiting Room | Deck 11 | Vector 02  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @patches @Doc M.

Rawley almost jumped at seeing Kino up close. She didn’t see the lass’s suit up close before. It seemed to Rawley it was about as bad-arse as they could come for the lads and lasses in yellow. Then again, she remembered her own flight suit. She wasn’t about to argue.

In any case, she hung onto Kino’s words with rapt attention.

“Nicander is undergoing some pretty intensive surgery right now, but the tone of your voice suggests that wasn't really your question. He's been classified as an extreme threat to the ship, which is why I'm here. What do you really want to know?"

“Extreme threat? How, Kino?” said Rawley, her anxiety turning into suspicious indignation, her brow furrowing as she spoke. “What’s come up with Nicander? Or do we even know if the wanker in surgery is Nicander we know at all?”

Even as she asked the last question, she realized she answered it at the same time. The moment Kino listed Nicander as an “extreme threat to the ship,” her intuition seemed to go on “red alert.” She never forgotten her near-violation, only to find that Ravon wasn’t responsible for his actions. She found that Dr. Maya was behind mucking up Razor’s head to do it, along with another Lone Wolf to kill a comrade, but she wasn’t responsible for her actions, either; her mind was being mucked with. And it was a whopper of bonkers levels to muck the mind of a Vulcan. But what if it lay beyond that? What if there was something worse in the horizon? What multiple somethings could’ve happened to the Theurgy?

Her intuition has set her suspicions ablaze again, even more so since she left Sickbay thirtyish hours ago. It seemed everything pointed to Nicander. But she needed confirmation.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [Day 05 | 1800 Hours] A Wolf's Intuition

Reply #3
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Deck 16 | Sickbay Waiting Room | Deck 11 | Vector 02| USS Theurgy ]

Kino frowned at Rawley’s question. Hadn’t she already heard or was it taking longer than usual for scuttlebutt to make its way through the ship? The look on the pilot’s face seemed to change, though, signaling that some realization was made. The Petty Officer sighed, an uncharacteristic note of sadness somehow in that gesture.

“He’s infested.” She said gently, one arm gesturing uselessly in the vague direction of the primary surgery room. “We hadn’t quite been thawed yet, but I read the report. He caused extensive damage to our long-term medical hologram and killed a few people before Security was able to … manage the situation. I guess the docs are undoing all that now, which is why I’m here.”

Shit, I sound corporate now. I don’t think she needs to know just how badly he was injured, though, not with that look in her eyes.

If she wasn’t in her armor, her body language would have signaled frustration on top of her boredom. Kino didn’t like what Command was doing – ordering them to save Nicander’s life. As it was, she took advantage of both her training and the suit’s own subtle resistance to sudden movements to keep still in a sort of “at ease” position. The volatile Trill didn’t quite have Eliska’s mastery of looking perfectly calm in the middle of a hurricane, but she could pretend well enough.


Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [Day 05 | 1800 Hours] A Wolf's Intuition

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Sickbay Waiting Room | Deck 11 | Vector 02  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @patches @Doc M.

Rawley nodded. It was more than Kino’s words that confirmed her suspicions. The way she spoke about Nicander, and the frustration she was displaying; it was like she’d rather murder him than help heal him, and Rawley couldn’t blame her one bit. She wanted to wring Nicander’s neck herself, inwardly.

It was really him all along.

She got a padd out and turned back to Kino. “I need a mo’ to record this. Please wait, it’s a message for Nicander,” she said.

Considering the emptiness of Sickbay, any place would suffice, but she wanted to make sure Kino was out of earshot before she recorded, but she indicated she’ll be back to give her the message. She wanted to vent her anger in some way but kept it cool. Finding a secure place, she commenced recording.

She entered the counseling waiting room. Deserted as it was, it was perfect. And fitting, considering the mental scars she bore since their journey on the run began. Confident she was alone, she began her recording.

“Hello, Doctor Nicander,” she said with quiet anger, her teeth gnashing a little at even saying his name. “Or am I really talking to Doctor Nicander. Well, sod it. Whether or not I’m talking to Doctor Nicander is a load of crap. What I wish to say is: I know what you have done.

“Mucking with Maya’s head so she in turn can muck with other minds? Like making Ravon try to rape me? Or make one of the Lone Wolves kill one of the bloody pack?

“It’s taken me a while to find out who was the wanker behind it all. Ravon wasn’t responsible for his bloody actions, that I found. I found Maya made him do it, but she wasn’t responsible for her actions either. And it’s bonkers to muck with a Vulcan’s mind. I find this a blow as bloody huge as a meteor. You, a man who I consider a friend, someone I snogged…but it’s not even the man I snogged with, it’s a blow nonetheless. It’s a bloody blow to the whole bloody crew.

“I will say this: I do not care whether or not you are not responsible for your actions, that you didn’t know what you were doing. Well, up your arse.

“You won’t always have the lads and lasses in yellow around you. You’ll be bound to scarper, or muck something else in the future. When that day comes…”

And she lowered her voice to a hiss of a whisper, almost like the hiss of a furious cat.

“…I suggest you watch your arse, because I will be emptying my ordinance into it.”

Satisfied that her message will drive the point home to Nicander, that she’s letting him know some tart on the Theurgy meant business, she returned to the primary waiting room and handed it to Kino.

“If you find a suitable mo’ when he wakes up after surgery, please give it to him,” said Rawley, her voice a little shaky at what she made in her recorded message. “It’s something from an old friend,” she added, emphasizing her familiarity with Nicander and the fact that what she was no longer any friend of his.

With that, she left Sickbay, finally feeling a burden lifted from her. Her intuition reminded her of Ravon, and as she waited at the turbolift, she knew she had to get as much time with him as possible before their free time was up.


OOC: Considering when Nicander will wake up, the message Rawley recorded could show up any time when he does.

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