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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 381403 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2200
Hello! I apologize for my absence as of late.  For whatever reason, I have stopped getting email notifications for this forum.  I just figured everyone was as busy as I have been lately so there have been few response.  But it is my fault for making that assumption and not coming here to verify it.

So, what's the reason for being busy, you ask?  I auditioned for a musical and got a part.  We started rehearsals 3 weeks ago and our performance is in 4 weeks (mid July).  This means that right now, I work 30-40 hours a week and go to rehearsal 9-12 hours a week.  Across the next month, that rehearsal time increases as we get closer to the show.  I remember doing this in college and not being so exhausted by it all, but as a non-college adult, this schedule is wearing me out.

I guess what I'm saying is that posts will continue to be slow-coming until the show is over because i don't usually have the energy to write after 8 hours of work and 3 hours of rehearsal.  :(  I am really sorry for this.  I forgot (and didn't expect) it to be so physically demanding and time intensive.

Oh, the musical is Pirates of Penzance.  I am Isabel.  I have lines, but no singing solos.  It's crazy and fun and exhausting and it will be over in one more month.

But enough about me!  Hello new characters!!!!  So nice to see you!!  The art is lovely as always!!  How exciting to have new pictures and faces!!
New people! Hooray!

Also, I must apologize for my own silence. I let Auctor know, but I got diagnosed with nerve pain through the jaw, which pretty much meant that I was in severe pain, and terrified that it was a problem with a crown on a tooth. Turns out, it's a nerve, which is managed by meds.

Long story short, lots of pain, lots of appointments, and managing it now. Glad to be catching up :)

Also, thank you to Kaligos for setting up Discord.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2201
Thanks brutus!!
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2202
Staff Announcement is up in Day 02:,

Day 02 is opened, and I hope you all like how things are progressing. No new posts started later than 1500 hrs. on Day 02, though. the latest time possible to post threads being 1500 hrs. Now, I am off to bed. G'night!

Note: The ship is in MVAM, so Thea will have to site-to-site transport people around as required.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2203

Please welcome our 25th member, namely Douglas Everton. He joins the story with Tanithil Heilana, a RIO from the White Wolves Squadron.

Lt. JG Tanithil Heilana      Wolf-12 RIO [Boogeyman]  

  - Played by Douglas Everton

His Valravn was destroyed in the Battle of Starbase 84, and when he tried to engage his ETS system, the USS Orcus's transporter systems were too badly damage to accept Tanithil into its buffers. Instead, Thea picked up on the transporter signal, and given how a lot of the White Wolves defected to the Theurgy, she decided to bring him in. With his life-signs weakening, Thea beamed him directly to one of the EMH, who had to postpone surgery until Day 02 given that the pilot is of a unique species. Namely, the Si'Loren:

>> Click for more information

Since Doctor Nicander is preoccupied with another stasis-revival, it would be awesome if I could get some help with the starter thread! :)

Everton will be writing the inagural post, but we need a nurse or a doctor there when Junior Lieutenant Heilana opens his eyes!

Welcome aboard!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2205
Welcome aboard!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2206
thanks, all look forward to putting my writing skills to work for the first time in ages

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2207
so which of you lovely ladies wants to play nurse for tanithil when he wakes up? :stuck_out_tongue:

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2208
Welcome. Love the character!
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2209
thanks was 4 years of work look forward to kicking some space ass with you and the rest of the boys n gals

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2211
 Welcome!! Both my ladies are mechanically inclined and both prefer piloting to anything medical, otherwise I'd offer my services.  Plus they are both about to get very sick.  :) but hooray for new faces! I'm certain I'll write with you eventually.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2212

Since Komial Dohtnil bit the dust at the end of the Battle of Starbase 84, Brutus felt he wanted to introduce another character to the story.

Ens. Faye Eloi-Danvers        Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer 

  - Played by Brutus

As you may remember, the writer who joined with the Chief Diplomatic Officer TharinAlk th'Thane vanished before he even began to write, so the idea is that Brutus' new Betazoid here was a part of the diplomatic delegation aboard the Theurgy. TharinAlk was spaced before Episode 01, and Ensign Eloi-Danvers almost died too, but will be revived on Day 02. She will soon be named Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer on the Theurgy, and perhaps she might aid with the Devoted instead of TharinAlk th'Thane, along with any other situations best suited to her abilities.

Looking forward to take part in this new character's story!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2213
Pretty stuff Brutus! Looking forward to what she'll have in her to partake in negotiations in the future ^^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2214
Thanks! I thought the idea of a Diplomatic Officer/contingent on the ship was a good idea: it made a lot of sense that the ship would have officers of that persuasion, given their orignal mission, and since everything went tits up at SB84, there seemed to be a great need. So I was all for that new guy - aaaaaaaaaaaaaand then he vanished.  Didn't want to see the possible plot threads dropped we are (after a few name changes) with Faye.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2215
She looks perfect and that name is absolutely lovely!  (L)

I look forward to seeing her in action and she and Heather should have threads!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2217
Is that me, or is a telepathic diplomatic officer kinda like cheating in face-to-face meetings? 

But then again, if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying hard enough.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2218
Sometimes the only way to win is to cheat ;)

I can see how Faye might set Deacon on edge. And I'm all for a threat at somepoint b/t her and Heather :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2219

Since people have been loosing their posts when writing in the Quick Reply window, I have disabled it for everyone, but if you want to get the Quick Reply window back (even if it won't save Drafts of your posts), you can enable it again in your forum settings.

In order to reply to posts now, you simply hit "REPLY", and your posts will be saved as you write. In order to retain a Draft of your post, you return to the thread you were going to reply in, hit "REPLY", and at the very, very bottom of the reply page, you can find the list of recent drafts. Just click the one you want to use when you resume writing.


Oh, and I also enabled the Likes function for posts. Not sure how much I will be using it myself, but it's a nice little feature pre-installed on this forum. Feel free to use it, and please don't get discouraged if your posts are not getting likes. Given how many posts we are dishing out and that most doesn't read any other threads than the ones they are active in, a lack of likes really means nothing at all.


EDIT: There is also a Mention function now, so when you write @ and then a forum name, there will be a notification for the mentioned member. Might not be useful outside OOC posts, but if used in the story, I would like those to be reserved for OOC sections at the bottom of posts so that they don't clutter the IC texts (such will be a bitch to remove when making the PDFs).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2220

After careful deliberation, taking into account a lot of different factors, the final decision has been made to terminate Douglas Everton's membership.

The offences he committed are too many to list here in detail, and he received several warnings before he ended up banned from our site. Aside from personal attacks against people, aggressive tendencies, and an unhealthy focus on writing smut as opposed to story, the final straw came when he began posting porn in the Discord chat, this being the moving gif kind with full phallic penetration. This, alluding towards doing the displayed act against another member. That offence alone was, however, just a small part of the collective offences he managed to make during his short tenure here at Star Trek: Theurgy. In the end, the safe atmosphere and the health of our sim needed to be protected.

The result is that he has no longer access to the Discord chat, he can't enter this site from his IP, and his character and species have all been removed from the Wiki. Moreover, the two threads he had managed to post in has been removed from the story, and the member has been sent his character and species texts via email. The artwork of his character, however, is ours to re-purpose for some other use.

These things are never fun, but from the reactions I have got so far, this ban was more than merited.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2221

Yesterday, member Jack Noble contacted me over Skype and asked me to delete his character without explanation, so I have now proceeded to delete his character as he requested and when I tried to ask him why, he had blocked me on both Skype and Facebook. I can only guess, but he was likely feeling guilt guilt about it. I can but hope he won't be using his character images in his own sim, but perhaps I should not assume the worst.

Regardless, this being the third set of character images done in vain, counting TharinAlk, Everton and Jack Noble, the character application process for new members will be updated. Se below.


New members will not have character images made for them until they have posted In-Character 25 times + been a member for 1 month. This way, hyper-active members that dish out a lot of posts in a short time will have to remain members for a month minimum before they are granted character images. It also means members who just participate in an OOC capacity for one month but only posts In-Character a handful of times will still have to be more active before they get character images.

On the Crew Manifest and on the Character Page, images with an error message will be seen until the new member meets the above criteria, and images are made for them.

If new members joins with acceptable character images of their own, this is no issue, and will get the help needed to have them visible on the Crew Manifest and their character page.

This update does not affect the application process for old members in any way.

EDIT: The Joining the Crew page has now been updated.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2222
Hey everyone. I need to apologize for my delay lately. I just got back from a week and a half vacation where I was told I'd have internet and plenty of free time... I instead had awful internet and was asked to help watch my dozens of nieces & nephews (and cousin's kids) at the reunion. I tried to play the 'not my spawn' card, but I was countered with the 'you got free airfare and lodging' card so... :)

It was still fun, but yeah, I'm behind. Soon as I catch up on the 200ish emails and outstanding work stuff today, I'm planning to knock out a post or two.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2223
Hello everyone. I must also apologize for the two weeks or so that I haven't been doing my best in keeping up with posts. I have been absent from the discord for most of the time, and I have been delaying my posts.

Yesterday I finally got to sit down with a psychologist, and among some amusing discoveries came the realization that I am deppressive, and have high anxiety. I mean yeah I kinda knew that already, but now I can seek out treatments that work for me.

I have also been working most days but now I have two days off so I should be able to get caught up.

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