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Topic: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission  (Read 5884 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Captain's Log, stardate 57505.36. The second day in the Azure Nebula certainly left a lot to ask for, since as of this morning on the third day, neither the Virus 117 outbreak nor the threat of the Devoted have been fully dealt with. Many of the crew are still at risk of exposure to the virus, and there are still reports about attacks against individuals that the Devoted deem are a threat to them or Junior Lieutenant Morali.

Furthermore, even if there has been no direct contact, we are all quite aware that Starfleet might find us here at any moment, and after the audience with the Asurian Queen, it might not just be Task Force Archeron searching for us. Another attempt will be make to appease our past allies, yet I fear that all further negotiations will be difficult.

At 0700 hrs., an away team will travel to a nearby moon, where there is said to be a Klingon outpost, and a promise of ready-processed dilithium. The shuttle will have an armed escort in form of three Valkyrie fighters, and the mission leader will be Deputy zh'Wann. Because of the nature of this outpost - which was built in an ancient ruin of what might have been the ancestors of the Radiants - we are sending personnel that are best qualified to breach the outpost' different security systems.

Since the outpost was established during the Klingon-Federation war - before the establishment of the KNZ - we hope to find the facility abandoned, and that the away team will return swiftly with enough dilithium to last of for the rest of our mission. A mission... that still depend on the awakening of the Rez-symbiont's new host.

As Doctor Nicander explained it, the physical process of being joined is irreversible. Once joined, the Trill host and symbiont are usually dependent on each other after ninety-three hours. Yet because of the previous faulty joining to Edena Rez, the physical dependency between Amelya Duv and the symbiont has already begun. If the symbiont is removed from Duv, she will die within hours, regardless of her state of health. The symbiont's chances are better, but only if re-implanted with another host.

Since Doctor Duv has yet to wake up, I ask myself how long we dare wait before we must ask another Trill crew member to consider accepting the symbiont. For if Duv is unsuited for joining, the symbiont could remain dormant forever, and we will remain ignorant of whom might actually heed our call to arms.

- Captain Jien Ives, Commanding Officer, USS Theurgy

[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Upper Shuttle Bay | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
Overseeing the operation of loading the Sabine with all necessary mission equipment, ThanIda zh'Wann slowly paced the open area on the starboard side of the small ship. Both her eyes and her antennae made sure the Operations personnel hadn't forgotten anything from the list she had provided, and once they were done, she inclined her head to them before they left.

She is a lot smaller than the Allegiant, she thought to herself as she looked at the civilian vessel, having preferred to use Thea's auxiliary scout ship if it hadn't been in such a sorry state of repairs after the battle at Starbase 84. The Runabouts - Thames and Tigiris - as well as their Argo shuttle Tesla were all committed to the repairs of Thea's hull, and since repairs took priority, the choice had fallen on the Sabine. Furthermore, it had been the owner of the small ship that had suggested the mission in the first place, and the coordinates were already available in the ship's flight log. Sera vers Aldnoah had been at this old Klingon outpost before, and would be their guide once they had landed. The Câroon was already inside, having been woken up when Ops began to load mission equipment into the ship. From what Ida had gathered, she hadn't been entirely pleased.

Turning around, she saw some of the away team approaching, being on time. Aside from the two Resolve security officers Ida had requested to come along, meaning to see how they preformed, there were two scientists on the team as well. They were both picked because of the outpost's nature. Sera had described how there were parts of the outpost she couldn't reach because she wasn't Klingon, and certainly not able to generate the kind of light-waves needed to go deeper into the facility's original structure. As it happened, Junior Lieutenant Hi'Jak had confessed to be Klingon Intelligence - if there was such a thing - and Heather McMillan had been keen on determining whether or not "the Lightborn" were actually ancient ancestors to the Radiants.

"We leave in five," she announced to the group, certainly not about to hold some jath’shola speech, "so get aboard and tell Fire Eyes in there to prepare for launch. It's her ship, so she's the pilot."

Having said what she meant to, Ida stepped away and tapped her combadge - her other hand resting idly upon the handle of the pulse phase pistol at her hip. "Deputy zh'Wann to Lieutenant Havenborn," she said, contacting one of the new Lone Wolves, and allegedly the former SCO of the Resolve's Grey Wolves Squadron, "The Sabine is about to power up and depart. What't your status, over?"

OOC: I realise we are skipping ahead with this mission starter, and how there have been no scenes in which the away team members were briefed about the mission during Day 02, but I figured we could roll anyway.

Loose PO in Shuttle Bay: 1) @Triage (Heather) 2) @Kaligos (Hi'Jak) 3) @CanadianVet (Eliska) 4) @Striker N7 (Mariner) 5) @Mathis (Sera)

Loose PO in Fighter Assault Bay: 1) @Havenborn (Daniel) 2) @Josie (Rini) 3) @Doc M. (Tessa May Lance)

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #1
[ Heather McMillan | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Kaligos, @CanadianVet, @Striker N7, @Mathis, @Havenborn, @Josie & @Doc M.
Heather McMillan felt like her feet were chafing within her confining boots more accutely than usual today. They were already modified to be even softer than the usual material, to the point they were essentially glorified boot-shaped socks, but she still couldn't walk on tip-toe like she usually did, nor could she keep her balance very well, on top of feeling like a fever was coming on. She had been following behind a half-klingon man when she sneezed and lurched forward, losing her footing and would have fallen over if she hadn't bumped into him with all the force of a thrown tribble. Considering her featherweight aspect, she felt the impact more than he ever would, and after an embarrassed murmured apology, she swerved around him to hastily board the Sabine, obeying the scary-looking Andorian woman.

Hauling her personal gear (fully set with anti-grav generators), she pressed a button on her belt buckle, activating a protective photonic energy field around critical parts of her body. The field appeared as a translucent blue shield that hovered a few centimeters off her form, giving the impression of holographic projections. It covered her in entirety, in fact, despite the seeming gaps and disconnected links in the field, and she could even survive for a limited time in complete vacuum, though it wasn't recommended. Still in its experimental stages, and made mainly for someone as fragile and physically inferior as her, McMillan made it mainly for the purpose of being a shock absorber and a super cushion to keep her from getting hurt if she fell or was exposed to very rough terrain. This way she enjoyed the relative protection of the SAFTI gear, but didn't have to deal with cumbersome armouring and weight. In turn of course, its protectiveness was limited and highly subject to failure.

Spotting Fire Eyes (what a strange name) and smiled brightly at her, literally. Her body was fully aglow with her usual colourful radiance, albeit in a strange pallor, as if every colour and shine was diminished for all its existence. “Hullo!” said McMillan brightly, “Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann said to prepare to lunch. We're leaving in five. Oh wait...I think she meant launch. It should be launch...unless you're hungry. I'll go check.” She dropped her gear out of the way of everyone and stuck her head out the hatch, “Uhm, I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but you said launch, right? Not lunch?”

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #2
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Flight Deck | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy]

It was go time.

Time for action, time top hope that all the shit that she had gone through yesterday and all the fighters and ships that she had checked in on and make changes to were doing what they needed to do today.  That meant that she needed to be down on the deck to make sure that everything was going well.  It was the time to shine. Yesterday, had just been crazy busy but that was all right.  She didn't mind busy, because that made her feel alive. Part of the crew.  She hadn't seen Sten in a while, and that was okay.  Either he was avoiding her because of their second tryst or maybe he just was busy.  Either way she didn't really care that was all right.  She would figure everything out on her own and she wasn't the type to pressure someone into trying to like her.

That wasn't her style.

Full jumpsuit on today, this was official.  She was zipped up completely, PADD in hand, as she walked down the center of the bustling flight deck.  Her babies, the Valkyries were getting ready to head out for the moon.  Sometimes she wished that she had a place to go, that she could go on the adventures that the others did.  But that wasn't her choice.  That wasn't what she wanted to do with her life, she was doing her passion and there were people that worked hard and never got paid for their passion.  She was lucky in the life that she had with her job and those that she knew around her.

She knew which ones were going to head out, she knew the pilots and who was going to go out.  Hopefully, they would also come back.  Especially, Chris.  They had bonded a bit, over his jacked up fighter and she was glad that they had.  It was nice to have someone that she knew though she knew that she would worry that he would come back.  He had already been through so much.  No new scars was all she could hope for at this point.

Right now, she was doing her job.  She was in Chief mode as she went to make sure that everything was running properly, that everything was starting up, there were no issues, no hiccups in the fighters that were going out tonight.  That was what was important.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #3
Hi'Jak's personal logs, Sub file: Letters to my sister, Sub file: That one book I keep trying to write, Subfile: Chapter 12 the one where the guys do a thing , Encryption Vox, Password *******

maghwI' pa' title lutmeyvam vIghaj. cha' jaj abord chonayta' luj Dujvam, je neH potlhqu'.

vaj batlh mIw vaj pa'DajDaq ghaH'a' jIchegh qaHoHqang jIH HeghDI' jIHvaD wa'DIch ghIq trent qaja'. 'ach jIH not wa' potlhmeyDaq tuq keeping, 'ej mong ghu' unique nob pol neH veb priority puS chongaghpa' tagh tlha' pIH pagh ngoq batlh 'op.

jIQam DeSDu' road Hub'eghtaHvIS qabDaj beQDaq lang. lugh vIHtaHbogh wa' trent, Theurgy laH wej Hot wo' 'ej DIvI' laH. naDev vIratlhchugh QaD vo' Hoch 'Iv, yIchev neH. in return for vanglu'Qo'DI' 'ach legh jIH. vaj wo' contact Hutlh vegh Theurgy network vaj ghaytan vaj qabna'Daj brig pa' 'ej vabDot DaH vaj vIjaH wItI'nISmo' wo' lan jIH wItI'nISmo' chavmoH De''e' desk qaStaHvIS yInwIj. neH ngoQ ghaH loS until qanchoH jIH.

vavwI' vIpoSmoHmeH loS wa'vatlh Heghpa' ghaH naQchoH qantaHvIS. yIn mu'tlhegh ghaH tIq 'ej SoHvaD waste yIn. DaH 'e' Hopmo' jIH naDev, 'ach tu'lu' Qugh, 'ach San. vaj 'emDaq je contacts lo' Theurgy, wo' laH tu'lu'be' jIH vaj veS laH wej Qap maH. 'oH couldn't Qap maH wa'vatlh ben, 'oH couldn't Qap maH during veS Dominion, 'ej DaH?

ghatlh tera' DIvI' grip wo', vaj absorbed nuv law' 'ej vIlegh vImuSHa' 'ach 'eb wIghaj wa'vatlh ben 'ej luj maH HeghDI' pa'QIS Dej maH. DaH chaq wej tu'lu' matay'DI' ghob. jatlhbe'taHbogh redeam qo' maluj laH. jagh unseen, 'ej endless veS vegh logh poH je tu'lu'. vaj roQ tob laH Dan jIH wej neH mup against chaH chaq wo' 'ach ben law' batlhmey 'eb vIghaj.

vaj 'e' nIv'e' jagh, puS 'e' wo' tIq SIch roQ ghob'e' je jIlajneS Har jIH. , tuq ghob, 'ej pa' carnage luH inquisitions ngo' SachchoHghach'a' maHvaD 'uch wItI'nISmo' wa'vatlh ben tlhuHDaj tuq. 'op wa' 'Iv laH ro' ben law' batlhmey might 'ej lang qaStaHvIS lurgh lugh mIw forward, ta' chu'. ghaHmo' pop nuv wa'DIch jagh Hopmo' 'Iv, 'ej wa' chon Dev 'Iv.

jIchegh wa'DIch halfbreed 'e' reH Hew. vaSDaq Hero. gold vay' ghaHlaw', bronze tlham 'ej qach HochHom Hew 'ach ghaytan ghIq. mIw ngo' wIQaw'laH.

baS Dev vaj location. waw' vo' vatlh DIS veS. qeD 'oH, 'ach wej wabmeyvetlh. Suq refreshed ngo' De'wI' software Hoch wej DIS. vaj naw' chaw'a', ngoq ra' vaj vay' 'e' QIn laH vIngeHlI' nuvpu' cher wa' mIw link 'e' qo'nos, qaSpu'DI'. vaj Duj mej reH vIneH ghotvam'e' 'eb pup.

'ach jegh chon, 'ej possibily vabDot toy' jIH je leng nuvpu' HoH je qej 'oH.

[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @Triage , @CanadianVet , @Striker N7 @Mathis , @Havenborn n, @Josie & @Doc M.
Jack looked over the PADD stating equipment he had been issued for the away mission, the hand phaser being something of a curiosity. He hadn't expected to be armed for this mission. He had assumed that Trent would have passed on that he wasn't to get a weapon, but nonetheless, it was in the list of mission equipment on the Sabine. This thing was less of a weapon however and more like a swiss cutting tool.

In the last four years he had done maybe two geological surveys that had required him to go off station. Sitting at the edge of the neutral zone hadn't exactly been a job where you would get to move around a lot. Again, this ship provided him with another interesting challenge.  In the past two days he had been more mentally engaged than he had been during his last four years aboard the station.

If Simon had approved his transfer sooner, then maybe he could have ended up here before all of the madness of 84 had happened. He shook his head, nah, that was far too many years ago. Like Trent had said, he had been beneath notice of both the Federation and the Empire. The Theurgy was an important project, one he couldn't have hoped to actually get into any other way.

Going through his packed belongings, he had a spare uniform shoved into his dufflebag. A rather powerful tricorder, and of course, they were also bringing along their combadges, which also served as subspace beacons. That one... was something he was interested in. Fastest Taxi hail in the galaxy. That thing was a message in a bottle that he could get out in the worst situations.

For the trip to this moon, he had also packed a few things. A small unmarked silver bag was packed into his own bag. A PADD for reading not that he was particularely interested in reading in all honesty he was more obsessed with the morning events. Omega a threat to the entire universe, and here he was going out to a moon that no one was even supposed to know existed.

There was a distinct lack of a fighting knife on his person. He sighed, wishing he had managed to talk Trent into giving him that. He shook his head trying to get rid of both the disappointment and the nerves. Walking up to the Sabine, he had to chuckle. He wondered if anyone had ever found the pair of boxers he had lost on this ship. Speaking of which, he never did replace those. He had replicated half a wardrobe by now, and still was going commando. By now it was a life style choice more than anything else.

"Ready to kick the tires and light the fires?"
He said walking past Ida. the captains warning to listen to her was still in his mind, but at the same time he was warry of this group. So far it was pretty much the same as every other job that he has ever been in. He finds something and was immediately hushed by his superiors. In this instance he could probably cite it was a good idea, but it was nerve wracking all the same he had carried around some sort of dangerious artifact for three days unaware of it's origin, he was also found out to be a traitor at the same time, he could understand Ive's choices, but trust was a two way streek, and so far... well lets just say he wasn't exactly trusting of Ida or Ives.

Walking into the Sabine, he nodded towards Heather, another member of the science department that he hadn't actually introduced himself too. "It's 'launch', and you should get to your chair."

As he spoke, he sat down in the co-pilot seat, the very same one he had some fond memories of. The last time he had been in the small ship, he had a bit more fun than he could remember. As he looked at the controls he wanted a slight change. "Computer switch co-pilot display to Klingon basic."


Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #4
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  , @Triage  , @Kaligos  , @Striker N7  @Mathis  , @Havenborn , @Josie  & @Doc M.

When she had been told to prepare for a shuttle mission, Eliska Bremmer felt her gorge rise.  The memory from that fateful away mission back on the Resolve that had gone completely awry felt fresh in her mind, and her heart had started to race and she'd fairly sweated bullets.  For, when the information had sunk in, she felt as though she was stuck in that four-foot cube of a sensory deprivation/overload cell she had spent days in, waiting to be rescued...

But, she had swallowed hard, acknowledged the orders, and prepared herself as best she knew how.  After all, she was a professional, a member of Starfleet's Security branch, a graduate of Advanced Combat school, a veteran of the Dominion War and of the Resolve's unplanned journey.  She could choke all this down and do her job, right?


As such, she had gotten up early, swung by sickbay to get herself a quick shot of analgesic and a mild stimulant to clear the aftereffects of the slivovitz she'd shared with Dyan and made her way to the shuttlebay by way of the armory to draw her personal weapon.  And in the bay, she could see the ops personnel preparing the craft for launch, and how they were loading on board some equipment.  Given that she had arrived prior to the mission commander and the pilot, she made a point to stay out of the way, watching the activity while carrying a small, carefully packed duffel containing the basic essentials of a three-day pack, and a few extra things for her comfort should the mission run long. 

But the fear remained, the doubt gnawed at her, and being the first one there she did the only thing that made sense to her.  She had been Resolve's Mistress-at-Arms, so she would at least act like one.  So, she occupied herself with her own equipment.  The tricorder she'd been issued was not something she was accustomed to carrying.  After all, she was just a Security guard, albeit one with advanced combat training and she had the feeling she would not be able to make use of a tenth of the device's potential at best.  And, as the briefing notes had stated, she would be issued an exosuit for the operation, and if she was wearing that, most of the functions she would need from the bloody thing would be covered by the suit's built-in systems.  But hey, there it was.

But mostly, she occupied herself with her pistol.  Of course, it was perfectly maintained and had been inspected and checked by the Mistress-at-Arms' own team before being issued to her.  But it didn't stop Eliska from doing much the same herself.  Expertly she ejected the power cell and practiced fingers snapped open the covers to the emitter, to the pre-fire chamber, to the internal circuitry, stripping each component out for inspection and, if necessary, adjustment.  Each time she knew exactly what she would find, what to look for, and what she could do to fix anything that could be amiss.  But, as she'd pretty much expected, everything was flawless and she reassembled her weapon without even looking at it and her eyes only came down when she ran the function test before doing a few warm-up draws and presentations, each time the muzzle of the pistol coming to point at the bulkhead directly in front of her.  Of course, her form was crisp and tight and muscle memory still worked in lining up her sights with her eyes each and every time. 

Yes, she was as ready as she was going to be...

 Which was a good thing, because she spied the mission commander, the Deputy Chief of Security no less, walk in and call out they were heading out soon.  "Roger that, ell-tee," replied Eliska as she made her way towards the ship.  So far as shuttles went, it was different from anything she was used to.  But there it was.  Not exactly spacious, but miles better than the class-2 claustrophobia she'd encountered so many times in the past.  Already, the two geeks she was supposed to help protect were in there.  One was a half-Klingon who struck her as a smartass who might need to be put back in his place once in a while; he had to be that Hi'Jak fellow.  The other was a cute little thing, and she was a hot mess all right, and given she was the only female scientist on board, it had to be Heather McMillan.  "Warrant, how about we get you situated here?"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #5

ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @Triage , @CanadianVet , @Striker N7 @Mathis , @Havenborn , @Josie & @Doc M.

The Attack by the Devoted had made the Security specialist more than ready to keep an eye out on his friends' safety, but his combat time and experience boarding Dominion and Beta-Quadrant Raider vessels then sabotaging them made him a natural volunteer for the away team.  Marquez would look after Sharky in case something went sour and reinforcements were needed, or if the dog needed to be used against the threat hidden behind any officer he didn't immediately know on Theurgy.

By the time he reached the hangar bay he was fully equipped for his mission, his phaser at his hip. It was pre set to his preferred 'hotkey' trigger modes. Ranging from suppressive auto fire intended to counter Jem'Hadar carbines, or chambered to a higher stopping power mode in favor of more calculated shots. After the Dominion war, Ensign Mariner had his favorites. Mariner arrived a few minutes early to arrive to get only a bit more familiar with the ship itself, at least its impressive capability as a carrier like the Hornet. That Galaxy-class was impressively refit, but nothing like this inherent design. Besides noting the Fuzzy Flyer had made it, Mariner had read that this ship even had an Argo-class with a functional ground vehicle, and was instantly hoping it was his ride, only to meet the Sabine. Mildly disappointed to not be able to drive an all-terrain vehicle on this particular mission, the sleek, moon-winged craft reminded him of the Resolve's dependable Aerowing shuttle, and the thought reinvigorated the war veteran as he reported for duty. Having secured his gear in a knapsack, he hustled to report for duty on time.

Jimmy identified himself to his superior, the same Andorian Lieutenant who brought Striker in from that unpleasant business back on Starbase 84. Now that he regarded her again, she did remind him of his Andorian friend Tarsi from Tactical. What mattered to him was putting on a good show alongside an Andorian and a Klingon if there were a need to demonstrate what the 'son of Mar'nehr' could accomplish as a specialist. He stored his equipment the moment he boarded the shuttlecraft and got his game face on.

It was good to have his colleague Eliska here, Nothing ever happened between them given the stigma of inter-departmental relationships, and he grew to respect her all the same. He'd always reserved any hard feelings for the scoreboard on Resolve's Holodeck; the competition for top shot was always a point of contention. The end result, however, was a pair of well-trained fighters escorting the science team. Lieutenant Dan "Salvo" Havenborn was always a good ally to have in a fight, in a cockpit or if the situation warranted another sidearm. Ensign Mariner inspected the shuttlecraft's armory and made sure each item was where it was supposed to be before securing it again. No complaints, he could always punch in his firing preferences as they approached. Right now, the only rush was to get his gear secured and procure some rations.

Mariner knew they were heading into a Klingon base, but all the same, he wanted to be ready for anything. Particularly, anything that had forehead ridges--present company excluded, he hoped; disruptors, and blades. Otherwise Klingons made great conversationalists with "Jimmy, son of Mar'nehr", over some Terran gagh meal he had introduced them to: it was called 'spa'gagh'ti', which went remarkably well with Bloodwine. He made a reference to this at the female noncomissioned officer with a British accent.

"Hold onto your Spa'gagh'ti, Left-enant." Jimmy overheard the ridge-browed Jr. Lieutenant in response to the female scientist's accented slip-up and idly defended her, "She's just got an accent. Besides, it's more like Breakfast time." Jimmy briefly explored the shuttle and made sure his 3-day survival kit was properly secured and reachable in case of emergency beam-out. Stopping to acquire a single datarod labeled 'Survival-1'. Mariner found the replicator and smirked, inputting this rod containing a database of items designed for survival, including rations in the form of categorically-various flavored protein bars, each one slightly half the size of a PaDD.

With the Andorian squad leader in mind, Jimmy replicated a protein bar flavored to chilled chocolate. As the order to launch was conveyed and Jimmy made his way to his seat, pocketing a few bars for himself to dispense as he buckled in. "Either way, I'd hold off on these for now, they can sustain any normal person for about a day and a half, depending on one's metabolism."

"Still, help yourselves." He offered later when the Sabine's loading ramp closed and everyone was secured.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #6
[ Tessa May Lance | Flight Deck | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]  Atten:  Blue Zephyr

Tessa emerged from the locker room in her flight suit carrying her helmet under her arm as she strode over to her Valkyrie, only to remember that she wasn’t Wolf-07 anymore.  She was Wolf-03 now.  Gingerly walking over to her stall, Tessa attempted to be nonchalant and tried to act casual so as not to advertise her mistake. 
“Hey Chief, how’s my bird?” Tessa asked Eun Sae Ji in a conversational tone.  It was still hard to think of that particular Valkyrie as “her” bird.  That particular Valk had been flown by the late Hannah Slaverton before she had been killed by the Harbinger’s first officer Commander T’Rena.  Still, it wasn’t as if Hannah was going to need it and Tessa had lost her own fighter back at Starbase 84.  It still hurt.  It was just like losing another squadmate.  Speaking of losing another squadmate the medical update she had received on Evelyn Rawley was that the docs had put her in a medically induced coma and were preparing to place her in stasis.  It didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that Tessa was flying in Evelyn’s place.  

But the flight deck was no place for Tessa to wear her heart on her sleeve.  It was time to get her head in the game and go into “pilot mode.”  Assuming a friendly but professional tone, Tessa continued to ask Eun Sae Ji the standard unnecessary questions and try to pass it off as casual banter.  “Is she ready for a long range mission?” she asked as she reached for Ji’s PADD so she could glance at her bird’s preflight checklist.  “From the briefing we were given I get the feeling we might be out there quite a while.”

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #7
[ Heather McMillan | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Kaligos, @CanadianVet, @Striker N7, @Mathis, @Havenborn, @Josie & @Doc M.
The half-Klingon man boarded the vessel and the short Radiant immediately retreated upon sighting him, ignoring any response from the particularly intimidating Andorian woman in favour of making space for the man as he boarded. Plus, she had bumped into his back earlier, and she wasn't quite sure whether she'd incurred his wrath already. Klingons were so temperamental and dangerous. Swallowing audibly when he spoke, he clarified the word used and then went straight for the co-pilot's seat. Her colourful lights caused the blue holographic projections indicating the photonic shielding to shimmer and shift, as the lights interrupted with the projections. She worriedly fussed with her belt buckle settings. If her light can interrupt the photonic shielding, it might be rendered useless.

“Wh-uh!” She jumped and looked up at the woman with a terrified expression. She wanted McMillan to sit down, just like the Klingon, and before she could comply, another man came up to address the Klingon and also explain the girl's problem of clarifying the lunch-or-launch issue. Wishing fervently for Nicander or Trent to be around so she could hide behind them, she brushed her lightweight hair out from her face, causing it to flare out and slowly float back down, then her aura of lights shifted to almost completely pink with embarrassment, while her golden halo reappeared.

“Y-yeah,” said McMillan after she found her voice again, speaking first to the latest arrival, the short haired handsome man, then the strong and intense looking lady, “I guess I misheard the lieutenant. Right, to my seat then!” Picking up her kit and gear, she shuffled awkwardly to her place, keeping her gaze lowered so as not to make eye-contact with anyone...except she walked right into the woman, “Sorry!”

Once settled, she hugged her gear to herself, and blushed a furious glowing pink, though her hair continued to shift non-stop into various colours and hues. She glanced over at the man who offered energy rations. “What goes into them?” She asked curiously, all bright-eyed.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #8
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Triage, @Kaligos, @CanadianVet, @Striker N7, @Mathis, @Havenborn, @Josie, @Doc M.
Heading to the Fighter Assault Bay ahead of time, Zrinka had gotten changed into her exosuit before going to the empty squadron briefing room and doing a run-through again of what she had been told. She wanted to control everything she could that could go wrong. When she was happy, Rini headed down the corridor and back into the bay, where she could see numerous people working. Walking across the deck to hers, she nodded to some of the bay crew as she reached her fighter and began doing a visual check of it.

She had only flown it last night, but well, if it was going to be the thing keeping her alive and making sure she could do her job, Zrinka was still going to be through.  Smiling as she noted that the paintjob she had done was still there, she let out a soft little chuckle and wondered about the reactions she might get.

Getting into her fighter, she began working through the pre-flight checklist via her knee padd, making notes of results as she did, and when it was finished, she sat waiting for Lieutenant Havenborn. She wasn't exactly sure that she had left a good impression on him, and it had been a little bit of her fault - sorta. Rini knew she was over-familiar and quirky, but.

Anyway, today, she was going to be a professional pilot and show that he could trust her at his back when things went bad. It was important for the older Lone Wolves to integrate and work with the new crew members that had come in, regardless of from Theurgy, Resolve, Orcus or Harbinger.

Out of all the squadron and deck crew, Zrinka suspected that Lt Havenborn might be the one to try to be most annoyed at her addition.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #9
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Flight Deck | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] @Doc M.

Number 07 ready to go.

She marked the fighter as ready on her PADD which would sync with the other PADDs.  The pilots would be alerted.  Sten would get the info that she had signed off on the fighter.  That way everyone would know that she had done her checks and confirmed that it was, indeed, ready to go out.  Blowing air upward she moved her bangs out of her line of sight and checked her PADD to see which one was next.  She looked at the every shortening list of the fighters that she still needed to check out and go through.  There were a few more that were scheduled for duty today and that meant she needed to make sure that they were fully ready.  She didn't want anyone breaking down out there because she missed something.

The next fighter was another beast, she looked at the assigned pilot and was pleased to see that it was Tessa.  Good pilot, and seemed to care and take care of her fighter.  Some pilots bonded with their fighters, to others they were just tools.  So it was nice to find someone that appreciated a beautiful bird like she had been assigned.  Pushing a large staircase up to the fighter she hoisted herself up into the cockpit and perched on the side as she leaned in and plugged her PADD into the diagnostic port that all the fighters had. 

Slowly, for a moment, then quickly information began to scroll across her PADD.  Green for within parameters, red if it wasn't, and yellow if something was a miss.  A simple system to do a quick diagnostic.  When they came home from battles she did the full on deep check, but this was just to make sure that nothing new had arisen since the fighter had been serviced last.  She knew that the last mechanic to go over it, logs showed Jim, had done a good job. He always did, but this was important.  She didn't want Tess going down on her watch.

With everything coming up properly she unplugged and headed down the temporary staircase and to the flight deck.  Her boots biting into the deck plating as she looked over hearing someone call her.  She was used to answering to Chief as much as she was used to answering to Ji.  They were inner changeable and she always looked around when she heard someone call out Chief even if they didn't necessarily mean her.

“She's doing well, Tess.” she said honestly as she looked at the young woman.  She was a nice girl, pilot, and a good fighter as well.  She hoped that Tess and all the pilots that were heading out today would be safe and come back the way that they had left.  Tessa took the PADD From Ji's hand and it only slightly irked her that she hadn't even asked, but then she could also understand that Tess just wanted to see the results before they headed out on a mission.  Ji gave a simple nod blowing her bangs up and out of her face again.

“Seems to be ready to go.  You'll have to let me know how she handles.  Everything is green and everything is ready.  Though the seat warmer and vibrator were shoddy, had to take them out, no luxury cruise for you this time.” she teased, knowing they both had the knowledge that such a thing never existed in the fighter to begin with it was just fun to joke and enjoy the company of another person without jumping into super Chief mode.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #10
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie “Hellcat”] Attn:  @Auctor Lucan, @Blue Zephyr, @Josie, @Triage, @Doc M., @Striker N7, @CanadianVet, @Kaligos

Daniel and Knight were both running through the pre-flight checklist, they had been briefed on the mission to the moon inside the nebula.  It seemed like a simple mission really, escort the Sabine to the moon, stay on station to provide assistance as needed then escort them back to the Theurgy“I’m still getting a little vibration from the structural integrity field, I’m going to compensate with power from the forward arrays.”  Knight said from behind him.  “Understood, also reroute power from the nacelles to the impulse engines so we can get a bit more thrust.”  Daniel replied as he started his fighter up and began to taxi it into position, following the LSO in front of him.

"Deputy zh'Wann to Lieutenant Havenborn the Sabine is about to power up and depart. What't your status, over?"

Daniel listened to the Andorian Security officer and keyed up his communications channel.  “Lieutenant zh’Wann, Lieutenant Havenborn.  Wait one moment for readiness confirmation from Escort element.”  Daniel replied to the woman as he switched to the squadron channel.  “Salvo to all callsigns, state your readiness.”  He said as he listened to the other two pilots chime in and state that they were ready to go.  He switched his communications channel back to the Sabine. “Lieutenant Havenborn to Lieutenant zh’Wann, Escort Element is ready and waiting on your order.”  He said as he waited for her confirmation and order to launch.  He had read over the mission manifest before leaving and was actually happy that two of the mission team were ex-Resolve crew, it was good to see the integration going well, plus while he wouldn't admit it out loud, at least not on duty, he was happy that Mariner was going to be there, it was always good to have the Terran along.

While he was waiting he switched his communications channel again to Fighter Bay Operations.  “Salvo to Operations, Escort Lead is requesting clearance of all personnel from launch area.”  Daniel said.  “Structural integrity field is stabilized and holding.”  Knight said.  “Good, prepare impulse engines for full thrust once we’ve cleared the hangar.”  Daniel replied as he heard Knight confirm his order.  Daniel was looking forward to this mission; it would be his first mission as a pilot for the Theurgy, and he wanted to make a good impression to show that he could be counted on to get the job done.  While he was very much by the book he also understood that no mission had ever gone by the book and he expected there to be some sort of twist that hopefully didn’t derail them completely.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission to the Coreless Moon

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Upper Shuttle Bay | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] @Mathis
Waiting for the reply from Havenborn, the away team filed into the Sabine, and Ida followed them at a slower pace. Her train of thought, having gone over the inventory again in her head, was interrupted when one of the scientists tapped her shoulder as he passed her. It made her stop in her tracks, and not just because of the invasion of her personal space, but because he spouted nonsense about fires and tires that made no kind of sense to her. Like a shax, she suspected the Ridgehead would quickly get under her skin, but at least he corrected the other scientist when she - for some reason - mistook the hour of the day and what she had said. At least the two Security officers she'd picked for the mission had the right idea, seating themselves without much comment.

"Lieutenant zh'Wann, Lieutenant Havenborn.  Wait one moment for readiness confirmation from Escort element."

"Acknowledged," said Ida and followed the away team unto the Sabine, and when she stepped inside, she saw the female scientist bump into the woman from the Resolve. She could but stare at the Radiant, wondering how she'd fare once they touched down on the alien outpost. Lor'Vela knew what they might find there, and she was not keen on the prospect of having to baby-sit someone who couldn't even walk in a straight line. Ensign Mariner caught her midnight blue eyes next, gearing up for the duration of the flight, and Eliska Bremmer - while appearing somewhat uneasy - seemed ready as well.

"Lieutenant Havenborn to Lieutenant zh'Wann, Escort Element is ready and waiting on your order."

Hearing this, Ida's gaze moved to the front of the small ship, and caught the fiery eyes of the Câroon. The owner of the Sabine, whether she was ready or not, would simply have to accept the hour chosen for the mission, and Ida's reply to Havenborn was just as much directed to her as it was to the pilot.

"This is zh'Wann, the Sabine is launching now, heading for the designated coordinates. Launch when ready and keep a minimum of one fighter within commrange if you plan to scout ahead. Communication schedule; verbal or written check in should be made every 15 minutes, and we'll answer in kind. ETA to the moon is estimated to three hours at Warp 6. We'll rendezvous in what Sera vers Aldnoah has described as the main docking bay and take it from there. zh'Wann, out."

Having said as much, her eyes and her antennae returned to the Câroon. "Let's just hope other scavengers haven't stripped the outpost clean since you were there last, Miss Aldnoah." Ida made it no secret that she had no expectations that they'd find anything of value on the moon, because if the woman in the pilot seat - as much as she'd like to draw Fire Eyes because of her rough beauty - could find this moon, other scavengers would too, and no one would leave dilithium around. Her eyes went to the halfblood Ridgehead seated next to her. "Alternatively, we place faith in the present Klingon security systems that there is ought left to find... antiquated as they might be."

Having said this, she retreated to the back end of the Sabine's compartment. She eyed a seat next to a workstation, brushed aside the crumbs of what she presumed was a meal that the Câroon had eaten recently, and seated herself. She leaned back, arms folded underneath her breasts, and closed her eyes. She had no personal interest in speaking with the team, but would let them banter all they liked during the flight. She decided that if spoken to, she would try to be cordial enough, even if they would be disturbing her in her ruminations. She liked spending shuttle flights painting with her mind, making mental imagery before she'd physically apply them to canvas. She had already decided to draw Aldnoah first, but also the Radiant because of the challenge she posed, followed by the rest of the team members. If she survived the mission, and either of them didn't make it, she would draw the commemorative portraits for their memorial.

It was the least she could do if she failed to protect them.

OOC: @Mathis is up next before anyone else posts in the shuttle, launching the Sabine. @Doc M. and @Josie are next in the Fighter Assault Bay, and I leave it to @Havenborn to wrap things down there. Since it's a 3 hour flight, this thread will remain open for any banter as we all see fit, and I will post a new thread starter set at the time of arrival to the Coreless Moon later on Day 02.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #12
[ Tessa May Lance | Junior Officer Quarters | Deck Eight | USS Theurgy ]  Atten:  Blue Zephyr

"She's doing well, Tess."  Eun Sae Ji assured Tessa.  "Seems to be ready to go.  You'll have to let me know how she handles.  Everything is green and everything is ready.  Though the seat warmer and vibrator were shoddy, had to take them out, no luxury cruise for you this time."

Tessa giggled girlishly at the diminutive deck chief as she circled the Valkyrie.  ”Thanks Chief, we don’t have that many Valkyries any more,” she admitted as she gave her new bird the once over.  “We gotta keep the few we got left… Oh!” she jumped when the communications system in her flight suit spoke to her in Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn’s masculine voice. 

"Salvo to all callsigns, state your readiness."

“Oops!” Tessa squeaked as she handed the PADD back to Eun Sae Ji.  “Gotta go!  Wish us luck,” she added as she put her helmet on and climbed into the open cockpit of her Valkyrie.  “Um, this is Goldeneye.  Wolf Three,” she stammered as she strapped herself in and activated the cockpit’s inertial gravity compensator.   ”Ready for action,” she added as she swept her hand across her console to activate it and make the controls and indicators light up.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #13
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Triage, @Kaligos, @CanadianVet, @Striker N7, @Mathis, @Havenborn, @Josie, @Doc M.
While she was waiting, Zrinka listened in onto the communications going on around the bay.

"Salvo to all callsigns, state your readiness."

Smiling, she spoke, "Wolf-02 is ready for action, Honey Badger flying. I am looking forward to your orders, Sir."

She had gone through what she could find out about the new pilots, and had been impressed by Salvo's records. But as a pilot, Rini always believed that the best way to tell was with actions, not just words.

He obviously hadn't seen the paint-scheme that Rini had applied the previous night, or he may have had a talk to her about it. Tapping the fighter's console when her comms was not transmitting, she smiled, "So, fighter. I think I need to give you a name. Somethat that fits. Rabid sounds good."

Bringing up the power, she smiled as the fighter lifted off a little and then waited. It was very common for Zrinka to be itching to go.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #14
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] @Doc M.

Tess... was a giggler.

It was weird.

Ji didn't think that she giggled what so ever.  She might have, when she was little, or young, but certainly not as an adult.  It didn't repulse her or anything just proved how different they were.  Her and this woman that stood before her.  At least she got the fucking joke.  So many of the pilots were so serious they couldn't fucking take a little razzing or something it was always super serious all the fucking time and it was really fucking annoying, she thought.  But, at least Tessa was cool.  She didn't know a whole lot about Tessa.  She hoped to learn. 

Maybe one day we'll hit up the lounge for drinks.

All of a sudden the com unit in the woman's flight suit fired up, and Ji gave a grin.  “Looks like Daddy is calling you home.  Take care Tess.  Don't break the baby.” she winked at the woman taking her PADD back so that she could go get ready for the mass exodus.  She wasn't the one that controlled flight or how the fighters got off the deck.  She would though be checking for any propulsion issues or anything that came up that would be something she needed to call a fighter out of the line of duty for.  That was definitely her job. 

Giving Tess a pat on the shoulder she headed to the main central console where she would join the other chiefs in sending off the fighters off to the mission that they had tonight.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #15
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie Hellcat] Attn:  @Auctor Lucan, @Blue Zephyr, @Josie, @Triage, @Doc M., @Striker N7, @CanadianVet, @Kaligos

Hearing the orders from Lieutenant zh’Wann he acknowledge her.  "Understood Lieutenant, I'll scout ahead and inform you of anything awry."  Daniel said as he looked over at his flight console and began his mission clock then opened a channel to his flight element.  “Wolf-02, Wolf-03 fall in formation with the Sabine and keep speed with them.”  Daniel said as he waited for the confirmation from both pilots.  Once he had it he entered his warp speed and the factor.  “Knight confirm warp six, factor-one.”  Daniel said as he calculated the necessary information slightly faster than the computer, which he wasn’t that surprised by, it had been three years since the computer had, had a complete upgrade after all.  He hoped that once this mission was over and the deck crew got into her guts and upgraded her that she’d begin beating him in calculations again.  “Warp-six, factor-one confirmed Salvo.”  Knight said behind him as he prepared the engines for warp speed, he had to continue compensating energy from the phasers to the structural integrity field leaving them only a forward firing arc.

“Understood, engage in five seconds.”  Daniel said to Knight.  He opened a channel to his flight element again.  “Good hunting.”  He said before closing the channel and felt the warp engines vibrate the craft and watched as the stars around him bent as the warp bubble formed and his craft entered subspace.  Two hours and forty-five minutes remaining until they dropped out of warp.  That would give them fifteen minutes to scout ahead and if there was anything that the Sabine needed to know of, Daniel would find it.  “Knight, you have control.”  Daniel said as he heard his friend confirm his order.  Daniel pulled his knee-PADD out and accessed the TacCONN personnel files and began to read up on his two wingmates, Ensign Zrinka Agaixot and Lieutenant Junior Grade Tessa May Lance.  He figured this would help him determine who would be the best to run a combat air patrol with him while the other escorted the Sabine down to the outpost and stayed with them.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #16
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | USS Sabine | USS Theurgy Docking Bay ] Attn: Those in the mission
Sera busied herself with preparations as the rest of the team began gathering into her ship. There hadn’t been this many people on Sabine since… well ever. She was glad she was in the pilot’s seat for the mission, the rest of the ship was going to be very cramped. She had powered up the ship and stowed all of her personal belongings before anyone else had shown up and was running through the first of the pre-flight checks when the bubbly warrant officer let her know that they’d be leaving soon. Sera smiled at her and thanked her, wondering if she’d ever met anyone so positive and friendly in her life.

Soon after, Jack sat down next to her in the copilot’s seat. Memories of their time together the other night came back to her mind, and she looked away to keep from blushing. She was surprised when he changed his displays to Klingon, but didn’t comment on it. She knew he wouldn’t pick something that would hinder him, at least on purpose. She gave him a small smile once he got settled in, “Hey,” she said quietly. It was all she said, all she really felt she needed to say. Besides, there were others present for once in their relationship. It didn’t keep her eyes from taking him in as usual though, eyes wandering down as she wondered whether he’d managed to get himself any underwear yet. She hadn’t had time to search the Sabine in the off-time, with the limited access they’d given her. She’d barely found time to make sure her plants were doing alright. Maybe one of their cramped passengers would find an amusing surprise. Maybe it would be the amusing but very attractive, male, security officer she eyed briefly when he boarded.

She finished her checks right about the same time the lead officer came aboard to tell them it was time to go. She tried to hide the slight bristling she felt at being ordered around on her own ship, but she also found herself not really caring. The other woman might be in charge, but no one knew how to get there or what to expect without her, and she needed to impress the Theurgy’s command staff, the Captain and XO especially.

She opened a channel, Sabine to Theurgy control, we are ready to depart, requesting permission to disembark.” She waited for the confirmation to arrive, then turned and announced over her shoulder, “Alrighty everybody, here we go. I hope you’re all comfortable and ready.” Moments later, USS Sabine emerged from the docking bay flanked by her fighter escort and arcing towards their destination.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #17
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Triage, @Kaligos, @CanadianVet, @Striker N7, @Mathis, @Havenborn, @Josie, @Doc M.
Zrinka nodded in a fighter without thinking before responding, "Wolf-02, acknowledged."

With that, she adjusted her fighter's controls and path to the flight formation and felt the little vehicle's thrusters and engines work to respond. It didn't take long before she was settled in behind Sabine and then she shifted frequency, "Wolf-02 to Sabine, we have your back."

Adjusting her fighter's sensors to get a good look at the Sabine, she was quite impressed, and it also looked very good from the outside. From the briefings, she knew it was Sera's but she hadn't met the woman beyond briefly seeing her in the briefings and the FAB. If anyone got back from this, Rini was thinking that she needed to maybe introduce herself.

When the Sabine got confirmation, Rini adjusted the flight path and headed into warp behind, her eyes peeled for trouble. Zrinka smiled, enjoying the feeling of being pressed back slightly into her seat as the fighter jumped into warpand back into a possible combat situation.

Over to the other side, she knew Tessa in Wolf-03 would be also watching, and knew that whatever was going to happen, Daniel, Tessa and herself would keep all of the crew in the Sabine safe and get through the away mission. What Zrinka knew was that it was quite likely she would be staying in her fighter, and it was perfectly fine for her.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #18
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ]  Atten:  Those on the mission

"Alrighty everybody, here we go. I hope you're all comfortable and ready."

The Valkyries’ antigravity fields created by their impulse drives hummed against the flight deck before the fighters soared through the low powered air tight force field that allowed solid matter to pass through and into the sky blue sirillium gas filled nebula filling the void outside the Theurgy.    Tessa was glad that her Valkyrie’s twin-tandem ITD-900 Series Class V Impulse Drive didn’t create any sparks that would ignite the combustible gas.  Indeed the gravitic impulse drive actually pushed matter away.

"Wolf-02, Wolf-03 fall in formation with the Sabine and keep speed with them," Havenborn’s manly voice ordered through the communication system in her helmet.

“Acknowledged Salvo,” Tessa replied.  “This is Wolf-03.”

As Tessa fell into formation, she reflected on the fact they she really didn’t know her flight leader very well, and it was her own fault.  She should have gotten to know the new squad instead of feeling sorry for herself and scheduling counseling appointments.  She should have spent time with them, but while she was mourning the dead she didn’t dare let them know just how emotionally unstable she was.  The old squad may have been willing to carry her but the new squad might kick her to the curb and transfer to shuttle piloting. 

Daniel Havenborn was hard to figure out, or was he just too intimidating for Tessa to approach, let alone familiarize herself with?  She did notice that the closer he was the less scary he became.  It was obvious even to Tessa that she was merely spooked after the Harbinger fiasco and wasn’t giving him a chance.  After all, Christopher Slayton came from the Harbinger, and he was, dare she think it, lovable.  Surely, someone from the Resolve couldn’t be worse than the pilots from the Harbinger could he?

Thankfully Rini was someone she actually knew.  Ensign Zrinka Agaixot, callsign Honey Badger, was known as Rini to her friends, of which Tessa was grateful to be counted among them.  The former marine had spent the Dominion War in Starfleet Academy, mustanging up to officer and entering Starfleet’s Tacical Conn Academy and becoming a pilot.  She was friendly, as a matter of fact, Rini was very friendly, as Tessa had discovered after the older woman had comforted her after her first breakdown.  Tessa still didn’t know why Rini was still an ensign; that story about Admiral Decour’s wife sounded like something from a holonovel but knowing Rini that story just might be true. 

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #19
ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @Triage , @CanadianVet , @Striker N7 @Mathis , @Havenborn n, @Josie & @Doc M.

"I'm sorry It's not real chocolate ice cream, but it's close enough. Otherwise this is well-packed with the usual Federation rations: Replicated protein molecules and textured carbohydrates, but you're the scientist, of course." James shrugged as he skimmed the foil wrapper's fineprint, more familiar with the original candy bar variant. Mariner would've had a breakfast burrito and Irish coffee with Meony and Sharky before deployment but he was ordered to get some rest for this mission. Besides, he had a family photo of the three of them in the Fuzzy Flayer to keep him company. Of course, not even Eliska Bremmer was privy to his relationship with Meony. Bremmer probably mistook certain polite mannerisms of his for sexual advances and had never forgiven him. Ever since, Mariner had taken aims to maintain his unflappable good nature.

Jimmy took a quick tour of the shuttle's bridge, offering some more unopened bars of his combat ration to the pilot crew. "Here, guys, this'll keep food off your mind for a good 18 hours. I usually carry spares, just in case. You never know." He took his seat after he made his offer to the Klingon officer, and the shuttle's pilot before returning to his seat and staying put until the craft had cleared the hangar and all hands were aboard and secure.

"I got this off a Ferengi who copied, err, shall I say--" He explained to Heather, "...Perfected the formula of a one... 'J... Basher'?" Mariner furrowed an eyebrow, "Bay-shir?... Anyway, he sold me this replicated combat ration menu item while on shore leave near Bajor.  Whoever this  'J. Bayshir' is or was, they had a sweet tooth and my respects for creativity. Mmm." Jimmy explained, opening up a foil wrapper of his own ration, splitting it into halves, taking a sample for himself, offering Heather the other half. He knew her name from the data file, but preferred to make friends the old fashioned way, by handshaking. "Jimmy Mariner. Survival rations connosieur." He idly jested with McMillan.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #20
[ Heather McMillan | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Kaligos, @CanadianVet, @Striker N7, @Mathis, @Havenborn, @Josie & @Doc M.
She felt so out of place and out of sorts, but Heather McMillan kept her feelings and her fears to herself for the time being. She had only just started as an actual Starfleet recruit, it wouldn't do to succumb to a panic attack now and so early into with the illustrious Jien Ives. Well them and their crew. One lone Radiant amongst hundreds of gods. That train of thought set her heart racing again, and she quickly distracted herself, thinking about rainbows, tribbles and unicorns. She saw how the Andorian woman looked at her after she'd bumped into Bremmer. Well it was a wonder the Resolve woman didn't feel inclined to chew her out. And on a ship of this size, there was very little place that McMillan could flee to.

So it was, with her trying to be as unobtrusive as possible, the diminutive Radiant listened to the enthusiastic Mariner with a pained smile, as she did her best to ignore the throbbing ache in her temples, and pay attention to what he was saying. He was very forthcoming about its make, its origins and something about a Baesher? “Umm...Bashir?” She piped up shyly, and her smile disappeared as she watched for his reaction to see if he got offended for her speaking up while he was still talking. She remembered the name vaguely whilst reading through some history on a whim, and had come across a brief mention of various staff on board Deep Space Nine. When Mariner mentioned Bajor, she recalled the history she'd read. It was a terrifying horror story. The Dominion War. She'd heard about it, certainly, but her parents largely kept her from the worst of it, so it was terrifying to read about much less see the images and videos.

Many of the people here had been a part of the war themselves. But they were gods. So what else would she expect. They were violent, and fought against even more violent gods. Right now, it made her head want to explode. “Pardon?” said McMillan, then she saw that he was offering her half of the ration, and the thought of food made her stomach churn unpleasantly. It couldn't be that time of the month yet! Carefully moving, she accepted the offered meal with a murmured thanks, and then she looked nervously at the offered hand. Did he know whether a normal grip could destroy her hand beyond repair? She very slowly reached out to accept, because it would be impolite not to, but she explained ahead of her hand reaching his, “Nice to meet you. I'm made of sand compared to you, please don't grip too hard.”

Her hand connected with his, and she immediately could feel how solid and strong he was in comparison with her. It was like a feather trying to impress upon a steel wall. He would feel immediately how soft she was, and her frailty, even with the protective photonic field coursing around her body at present, or her natural psychokinetic shields, she was still as easy to crush as paper, and her fear was written all over her face. It said "you can kill me without even thinking. Are you going to?"

But what she uttered was, “Heather McMillan, provisional warrant officer, science division.”

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #21
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @Triage  , @Kaligos  , @Striker N7  @Mathis , @Havenborn  , @Josie   & @Doc M.

Having been bumped into, Eliska looked over her shoulder towards the little Warrant Officer.  And she smiled.  That woman, a Radiant she'd been told she was, was a little bundle of nerves and if anything, she needed to relax some.  "It's all good, Warrant.  Make yourself comfortable, and settle in.  It'll be a couple of hours before we get anywhere."  And then, the Petty Officer settled herself in and laid back as much as she could in her seat.  It wasn't much, but it was sitting down; and it was soft enough that if she chose to, she could close her eyes and drift off to sleep until it would be go-time.

But her thoughts of relaxing while waiting for the mission to start in earnest were interrupted by Mariner.  That man, did he ever shut up?  And what was it with raiding the mission's supplies even before they really got started out the bay?  "Mister Mariner, I don't know what they teach you in officer school, but us grunts we're taught it's bad form to get into mission supplies even before we launch."  And that didn't even come close to addressing another lapse... "Also, I was always taught to get something to eat before saddling up, either for a regular watch or an away mission.  But what could a mere Petty Officer know?"

Her tone was not exactly the most respectful, but there was no doubting that Eliska Bremmer was a professional.  Oh, she didn't much care for the idea of a shuttle-based away mission, but she had a job to do and she was going to do it as best she knew how.  After all, that was what she did. 

But the Radiant had to ask the question one never really wanted answered when it came to field or combat rations.  Because, frankly, it was best not knowing more often than not.  And after eating enough variants of field rations from different sources, there were a few things she'd learned.  "Warrant, trust me you don't really want to know; not if you actually have to eat them later on.  And if you do have to eat them... we had a saying in Ground Combat... 'you can eat a field ration, but you can't digest it'."  A bit of a grin showed on the junior woman's face.  "Basically, if you eat that, you won't be able to have a good sit-down for a good three days or so, and when you do, it'll feel like you're trying to pass a brick." 

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #22
ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @Triage , @CanadianVet , @Striker N7 @Mathis , @Havenborn n, @Josie & @Doc M.

Mariner read McMillan's facial features, almost-apologetically replying with his own 'Oh! I get it. Sorry.' expression and let her hand go, enjoying the moment of making acquaintances with an alien. The ever-present optimist enjoyed this first contact -- it was uplifting.

"Charming, Eli." Was Mariner's reply to Bremmer's exaggeration of his choice in pre-mission snacks. Good thing he got them from the replicator, rather than rummaging through the supplies; that'd be a rookie mistake. Despite the temptation to remind Eliska that the replicator database included Prune Juice, he enjoyed the thought to himself-- someone else here might actually drink the stuff and take offense. Mariner wondered if Bremmer -really- had the misfortune of being issued subpar rations in her career, or if she just hated chocolate. Either way, Jimmy didn't care, really, he was both a professional and a shameless boyscout, so he turned back to Heather.

"When we make it home, I'll treat you to a swell meal, Mac. Something... light and probably shiny..." He told Heather as he wrapped and pocketed his ration bar, managing to make a pun, his face read, 'not like this stuff', adding, "With a Holst concert to go with it."
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"


Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission

Reply #23
[ Heather McMillan | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Kaligos, @CanadianVet, @Striker N7, @Mathis, @Havenborn, @Josie & @Doc M.
Yanking her hand back reflexively when Bremmer spoke up, the young Radiant looked up in alarm. Her tone towards Mariner was completely different from the one used on her. She shrank back on herself further when Bremmer began explaining the very horrific results of eating the ration bar. “Th-that sounds uncomfortable...” said the petite Radiant. Why on earth would anyone want to eat those things if it did that to your body? Gingerly picking up her tricorder, she ran it over the bar in her hand, and read the contents in it.

“M-maybe next time I'll bring...gorp.” said McMillan. “It's healthy, and no brick-shitting...yeah.”

When the golden halo reappeared over her head, McMillan grabbed it and brought it down to hold close to her chest like a shield, and she smiled at Mariner, “That's very generous of you, Mr. Mariner, and I accept.”

Turning to Bremmer, she said, “And thank you for telling me about this,” she showed the half ration bar to the woman, “I have some scientific research to conduct now.”

She placed the halo back over her head like one would with a hat.

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