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Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature


This chapter opens up for a lot of opportunities in characterisation, and also, a situation where the abducted has to find a way to escape. That's not all though, there are critical things to bring with them if they are to get off the immense Savi ship. On the Versant, these are the things that are of interest (some characters might prioritise some more than others):
  • Thea's Positronic Brain and her mobile emitter
  • The Reaver fighter named Cinsaj, which is critical evidence
  • The Omega Device aka the puzzle box Sera vers Aldnoah found in a ruin
  • Albert, Blue Tiran's robotic owl
  • Hylota's egg, the offspring of her and the late Nurse Maal

Here are the characters aboard the Versant, and what has happened to them:
  • Khorin Douglas | Corrected to Klingon | Waking up, due to enter the Observation Pen
  • Nathaniel Isley | Corrected to Romulan | Waking up, due to enter the Observation Pen
  • K'Ren | Corrected to Caitian | Due to enter the Observation Pen
  • Devyrie Okhala | Corrected to Human | Waking up, due to enter the Observation Pen
  • Deacon | Partial Correction to Human | Due to enter the Observation Pen
  • Sarresh Morali | Correction aborted, then resumed... | Waking up, due to enter the Observation Pen
  • Hi'Jak | Corrected to Human | Due to enter the Observation Pen
  • R'Rori | Partial Correction to Human | Due to enter the Observation Pen
  • Laurel Okhala | Corrected to Romulan | Due to enter the Observation Pen
  • Cross | Corrected to Vulcan | Due to enter the Observation Pen
  • Lahkesis Saugn | Biological study | Absinthe due to post Supplementary thread starter
  • Heather McMillan | Biological study | Triage due to post Supplementary thread starter
  • Sinead O'Riley | Biological study | Triage/Zenozine due to post Supplementary thread starter
  • Hylota Vojona | Gender Correction | Zenozine due to post Supplementary thread starter
  • Vinata Vojona | Gender Correction | See above
  • ThanIda zh'Wann | Mating study | Supplementary thread posed, underway
  • Kelleshar sh'Zenne | Mating study | Supplementary thread posed, underway
  • IrnaShall ch'Xinya | Mating study | Supplementary thread posed, underway
  • Sehl th'Chilnes | Mating study | Supplementary thread posed, underway
  • Blue Tiran | At large | Blue Zephyr due to post Supplementary thread starter
  • Thea | Hardware and software study, reverse-engineering | Fate and location unknown
  • Jien Ives | Semathal's personal biological study | Fate unknown

The current time of the thread (after those 48 hours of Correction) is around 2100 hrs. on Day 05, unless otherwise stated in Supplementary threads, which can take place at any point during the time aboard the Versant.

All Theurgy crewmembers that were slated for Correction needs to wake up in Containment Cells next, and you may depict them discovering their own bodies having been changed (Brutus, Hastata-Nerada, Masorin, and I need to post this!). They will have no idea about 48 hours having passed, but once we have have all posted, I will have the Savi speak to them all and set things up further in the process. Please see top post for details on the Containment Cells.

All Endeavour crewmembers have been contained for 48 more hours in their cells, but since the Savi have found their health deteriorating, the decision has been made that they will be given more freedom of movement in wait for further surgeries and the memory engram treatment that they are due for. Therefore, they are beamed into to an Observation Pen in your upcoming posts (Patches, Fife & Yasyra Trill), where they - in their gowns - are able to meet and speak. The Observation Pens are larger areas that specimen are kept in, and they also function as holodecks. To begin with, there is no holo program running, so they merely meet between four bare walls.

The Theurgy crewmembers will be joining the Endeavour crew in the Pen shortly, but in the meantime, the Pen is filled with a handful of other NPCs from the Endeavour (you all have creative license there). Naturally, it will be hard for everyone to recognise each other, even if they were friends on the Endeavour. It is in from the Observation Pen that the escape might be planned between the characters of the two ships!

All specimens in the biolabs will have Supplementary threads set up, where starters will be posted by the writers of said characters. Details for these starters are sorted out OOC with the GM as required.

Here are some random ideas that have come up in the process!
  • Since the two Ovri's genitals have been corrected to match their bodies, the Savi would like to test their functionality. Anyone interested in a one-on-one thread with Zenozine, depicting an aphrodisiac-foggy sex-scene should contact the GM
  • Since Sinead O'Riley has a chip in her brain that lets the Savi remote-control her, anyone willing to write a hand-to-hand combat scene under observation by the Savi should contact the GM
  • Anyone willing to have their character subjected to more invasive biological studies by the Savi themselves should also contact the GM. This would be the Savi pulling out a specimen for their own curiosity. This might lead to anything, perhaps even escape, and finding Blue Tiran. She does need help if she is to mount an escape for all the specimens the Savi have collected.


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #1
It is still quite early given that the scene in which I participate is in the beginning stages, but since all the Andorians are in a "reproductive" experiment and I've confidence that the Versant is organized as a laboratory or hospital it would be logical that the andorians could found (either escaping or after the respective experiments in the observation pen) with the Ovri. Something like being in the maternity unit' waiting room of a health center. In the same way, some of the Andorians could locate Hylota's egg in this area, or hear something about its whereabouts.

Just throwing ideas into the forum :)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #2
Well, I got the starter up for Lahkesis. I hope it is as confusing as people were expecting from me. Boy what a mess. My poor poor plant girl.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #3
Ohh, that’s an excellent idea Numen! Perfectly plausible and I am sure we can work with that. Right. @Zenozine ? :)

Awesome post, Absinthe! I will be replying as soon as I can, I just need to juggle a few ideas of my own pertaining to that scene.

@Fife @YasyraTrill and @patches , are you comfortable with introducting the larger kind of Observation Pen in your upcoming posts? You have creative licenses, of course, not just in regard to the handful of NPCs you may find there from the Endeavour that has also been Corrected. I imagine the large room to just be a barren, sterile area to begin with, before the Savi activate the holo emitters. I have a few ideas for that, but as or your characters being transported inside there, I look forward to your posts!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #4
@Numen  that would actually be a good choice for how to pick up Hylota, seeing as she will be on her own while Vinata will be paired up with O'Riley.

As for the egg, I feel that it should be the subject of a certain level of fascination, perhaps a low level project that then was taken by a higher up researcher, it could perhaps be Savi gossip about how the project is not being corrected and instead studied.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #5
I think @YasyraTrill  @patches and I can get the Observation Pen started easily enough. Anyone have any thoughts on how many NPCs should be present in the Obs Pen? If they're other Endeavour survivors then odds are we'd know at least some of them, though as AL had mentioned before, it would be difficult to recognize them initially following the Corrections.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #6
This is going to sound like a very weird request but I swear it does have a point going forward. @Auctor Lucan

I would like to have Jack play a word game with a member of the Savi. (I'm kind of addicted to these at the moment.) I have ideas for the game, and it's important that it happens for an idea later down the line. My thought process is that if Jack looses the game he freely and willingly subjects himself to whatever invasive test the savi have in mind for him, if he wins than my request would be a sample of Savi writting to study like a text book written in whatever constitutes as their native language.

My idea is that since the containment cells are guarded he could talk the guard outside his door into playing the game, an idea I'm pretty sure is foriegn to the Savi, this would give us a very good chance to look at a bit of their culture (or rather lack there of) as well as aid with something that I am plotting for later down the line. All he needs to do is trick the guard into playing a game.

If someone wants to NPC the Savi guard that is fine too if Auctor has no desire to do so, but I promise this is not some idle fantasy or a waist of time. I has plot reasons for this.

The rules of the game will be disclosed in PM's.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #7
I like the idea overall! The idea falls on the premise that what Hi'Jak is offering is already theirs for their taking, should they be interested. He would be trying to barter with something they already have, so perhaps a close alternative that is more interesting? What about offering to preform some kind of task for them willingly?

There are actually no guards in the sense you describe, since the Containment Cells are secure enough. There are armed teams on the ship sure, but a challenge posed to to the xenobiologist that is overseeing Hi'Jak's correction could work in the same way, since that Savi is making the rounds quite often.

Hi'Jak could offer the challenge and suggest his terms, to get a piece of their writing to study, but the Savi would offer the counter-terms. That if the Savi wins, then Hi'Jak is to voluntarily "initiate coitus" with another specimen in the biolabs, against the specimen's will or not. This could tie into the thread discussed the other day.

If Hi'Jak would win, he'd have Savi script projected on the wall inside his cell, since they would never give him any datapad of some kind. They are too intelligent for that.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #8
I'm just posting this here because I think some players may have gotten lost between the supplementals for chapter 2 as there are still a few missing posters for the main chapter:

Chapter 2 MAIN
Began with
   @Hastata-Nerada  (Khorin)
   @Masorin  (Isley and Hi'Jak (Specimen 706))
   @SummerDawn  (K'Ren)
   @Auctor Lucan  (Devyrie Okhala)
   @steelphoenix  (Deacon)
   @Brutus  (Sarresh (Specimen 906))
   @patches   (R'Rori)
   @YasyraTrill l (Laurel Okhala)
   @Fife  (Cross)
   @Absinthe  (Laukhesis (Specimen 229))
   @Triage  (Heather (Specimen 717) and Sinead)
   @Zenozine  (Hylota and Vinata)
   @Blue Zephyr  (Blue Tiran)

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2020 hrs. ] Human Determination & Ingenuity
   @Blue Zephyr (Blue Tiran)
   @Auctor Lucan (Devyrie Okhala)

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 03 | 2100 hrs. ] In Broad Daylight
   @Triage (Heather (Specimen 717))

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 5 | 2100 hrs. ] Entering Manhood
   @Zenozine (Hylota)
   @Auctor Lucan (Devyrie Okhala)

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 5 | 2100 hrs. ] The Fairer Sex
   @Zenozine (Vinata)
   @Masorin (Hi'Jak (Specimen 706))

Chapter 02: Supplemental | Sordid Phytosociology
   @Absinthe (Laukhesis (Specimen 229))

Chapter 02: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity
   @chXinya (Irnashall "Shall" ch'Xinya)
   @Numen (Khelleshar sh'Zenne)
   @Even Angels Cry (Sehl "Talon" th'Chilnes )
   @Auctor Lucan (ThanIda zh'Wann)


Remaining in MAIN on Day 5, 2100 hours:
   <posted to observation pen>
   @Hastata-Nerada (Khorin)
   @SummerDawn (K'Ren)
   @steelphoenix (Deacon)
   @patches  (R'Rori)
   @Fife (Cross)

   <status unknown>
   @Masorin (Isley)
   @Brutus (Sarresh (Specimen 906))
   @YasyraTrill (Laurel Okhala)
   @Triage (Sinead)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #11
I was just thinking - you all may get your jokes about that being a dangerous pastime out of your system, thank you  :p - Thea is on the Versant.  Whether she likes it or not, she is an AI that was optimized for a ship with a very heavy tactical role (note, didn't call her a warship) and she has been exposed to Trent's cyberwarfare and EW stuff, and the Savi's cyberwarfare suite...

I think we might have a (virtual) woman on the inside...

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #12

With my recent post with Devyrie Okhala, we move the hands of time forward 1 hour!

One hour should be enough for everyone to have settled into the Enteprise, new locations available as you all see fit. Everyone should take this opportunity to write their characters together with the characters on the Enterprise, but I will not have any opportunity to NPC them all, so work together with other writers if you need to! Also, a reminder about the mission objectives, and how you should try to have Endeavour and Theurgy crewmembers commingle and plot escape together.

Personally, my hope is that @YasyraTrill now post next, where she can both find her lost sister, and start up a scene wherever would suit best, be it sickbay, some quarters or whatever.

Posting order is free! But everyone in the Observation Pen should at least post once within the next 7 days!

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #13
Well! As i've written, Khorin will head up the armory, and then he'll check again any crewman who seems angry enough and ready to began a mutiny in the purest Klingon style. He has put his eyes on @YasyraTrill just for being a Romulan, but anyone who wants a scene in the armory or join the riot incomming is welcome.

BTW so OOC for Khorin, but maybe and interview with picard, telling him what is happening and why could end with a holo-ally ;)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #14
just a thought but with the apperance of Obrian it looks like the Savi don't really know the crew of the enterprise all that well, so I had some neat ideas for ways that the crew could be a little off.

1. Dr Wesley Crusher, and his annoying super smart daughter Beverly. We have a group going to sickbay, how funny would it be to take aged up will wheaton put him as the smart capable doctor, and make Beverly his bratty daughter subverting the usual "shut up Wesley."

2. Rascals Picard Rascles is probably one of my favorite episodes of star trek. Since it seems a lot of the Savi records are incomplete what if they never figured out Picard was returned to his adult form and so we have the assistance of one of the most legendary captains, in the least useful forms.

3. Lt Uhura, By the time of the enterprise D. The Federation had done away with communication officers, the job is litterally done by computers now, but the Savi still think that the Federation is technologically inept so why not put the communications officer from another enterprise onto the enterprise? it seems like it could either be clerical error, or otherwise but it would be kind of funny to see a woman displaced by time in a role that doesn't exist anymore.

those are my top 3, but I am trying to come up with more, what do people think @Auctor Lucan ?

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #15
1. Dr Wesley Crusher, and his annoying super smart daughter Beverly. We have a group going to sickbay, how funny would it be to take aged up will wheaton put him as the smart capable doctor, and make Beverly his bratty daughter subverting the usual "shut up Wesley."

The Savi might have missed details, but this is over the top. :)

2. Rascals Picard Rascles is probably one of my favorite episodes of star trek. Since it seems a lot of the Savi records are incomplete what if they never figured out Picard was returned to his adult form and so we have the assistance of one of the most legendary captains, in the least useful forms.

Waaaay over the top. They wouldn't do such an error. You give them too little credit. ;)

3. Lt Uhura, By the time of the enterprise D. The Federation had done away with communication officers, the job is litterally done by computers now, but the Savi still think that the Federation is technologically inept so why not put the communications officer from another enterprise onto the enterprise? it seems like it could either be clerical error, or otherwise but it would be kind of funny to see a woman displaced by time in a role that doesn't exist anymore.

They wouldn't get the age that wrong, though, so she'd be grey, but sure, have grandma Uhura on the bridge! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #16
Hey! So I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas for our escape plan inside the holodeck? Because as far as I can tell we're stuck waiting for Blue to bust our genetically-altered asses out of there!

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #17
Sinead is about to show up, and she might have a few theoretical solutions, as she worked very extensively with holodecks, and she enjoyed tinkering with holodecks and their programs. She's about to have severe manic depression though, so she might try to solve things on her own or request everyone to kill her the first sign it appears that she's about to go nuts and attack everyone.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #18
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if anyone tried to kill Sinead wouldn't they likely come to the same end as the very unfortunate Risian woman?


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #19
Oh I don't'd have to try your luck. It's like gambling, with a room full of ravenous tigers, and your opponent was the devil himself, who has a vested interest in your soul...

on the plus side, Sinead's mentally and physically exhausted...even if the kill chip activates, she's running on fumes...

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #21
Great post @Auctor Lucan! Just one question. Was Nerina corrected to Human or Klingon? (I'm assuming she was corrected like the rest of us.)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #23
New development in Chapter 02: The Versant! :),2320.msg16425.html#msg16425

Hope you like how things are going, and if you have additional ideas, either post here or directly In-Character with the one you've got present in Ten Forward.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #24
I just threw out a positioning shot for K'Ren in the lounge. Wasn't sure what she could contribute directly but if anybody wants her help, feel free to tag me and I'll jump in.

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