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Topic: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her? (Read 4937 times) previous topic - next topic
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USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

[ Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Gideon’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Fife @Numen @trevorvw @TWilkins

Gideon was looking forward to the evening. He had everything ready. He had his poker table ready, and everything necessary to get the game going.

He always set up a poker table in his quarters whenever he transferred to a different post, particularly since the Academy. He enjoyed poker much as he enjoyed chess. Like chess, poker offered ways to make strategic moves. Unlike chess, however, poker had many unpredictable outcomes, which is why he enjoyed it so much. Games of change always produced unpredictable outcomes, and as such, they helped him prepare for the unexpected. And when the unexpected occurs it can help to figure out a strategy to work things out.

In addition, these games helped his fellow players to make such strategies. And every time he transferred to a post, he always set up a poker game to get to know them. And it seemed like a good time as any for a game to get to know his crew members on the Endeavour.

Gideon was shuffling cards when he heard the chime on his door.

“Come in,” he said.

His guests had arrived, and Gideon was surprised at an additional number who had arrived. He had expected his boss, Cross. He had expected Kai Akoni, “Big Kahuna” as he called him since Gideon arrived on the Endeavour, as well as his fellow Tactical officer and “Big Kahuna’s” girlfriend Annika Van den Berg. But he certainly didn’t expect Shar the Andorian and Doctor Kobol .

Gideon didn’t forget when he first met Kobol  on his physical, when he found out he was a Betazoid. Generally, Gideon was careful around Betazoids. He learned mental techniques to shut Betazoids out of his mind in the Maquis. True, a few of his friends from the Academy were Betazoids themselves, but Gideon rarely ever played poker with them, chiefly because it would be easy for them to cheat in poker.

Nonetheless, however, Gideon felt, the more the merrier.

“Good evening, all,” he said. “I’m glad you could make it for poker night.

“Now, to those who don’t know about poker, I will explain as much as I can about it: With the extinction of money and economics among the Federation, poker is still playable. Generally speaking, one can still play for chips. Wagers can also be made, like, ‘if I win, I do this, and if you win, you do this,’ and vice versa. For instance, one could play for a shift, or a day off. You can make bets with each other if you wish, but if you wish a major wager overall in the game, let me know.”

Looking up, he was surprised to see, among the crowd, Laurel Okhala at the rear. The mass of the crowd must’ve hid her as she came in, but now that it thinned out around the table, Gideon could see her better.

For her part, Laurel had been curious about the new Tactical officer. He seemed...unusual. So when she heard about his poker idea from Annika, she decided to follow her and Akoni down to see what it was like. An unusual turnout it certainly seemed like.

Gideon cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from the beautiful helmswoman. He was taken in by Laurel, but also with Annika. Still, he felt he could have better luck with Laurel; he didn’t want to get on “Big Kahuna’s” bad side by making a move on his girlfriend. And in any case, he didn’t want to get distracted.

“Now, what this version of poker we’re going to be playing is known as Texas Hold ‘Em, which can also be referred to as No Limit. Each player will be dealt with two private cards, after which there will be a betting round. Cards will be put down by the dealer – that’ll be me for this evening – and a betting round will follow. After the fourth round, each player shows their hand, and the one with the strongest hand wins the game.

“Now, before the cards are dealt, the blinds, or forced bets, will be dealt. There will usually be two blinds, a Small Blind, and a Big Blind. The Small Blind sits to the left of the dealer, and the Big Blind sits to the left of the Small Blind. The amounts the blinds have are predetermined, and the Small Blind gets half of what the Big Blind has. The chips will be distributed or added to the pot,” he added, gesturing at the chips. “The player to the left of the Big Blind will be the first to play.

“Now, please feel free to make your wagers right now,” said Gideon.

Laurel had listened to Gideon’s instructions about poker with fascination. She heard about the game from a few humans, but never considered playing it. Neither her nor Dev had the time to ever try human games, they were too busy flying. It seemed like it was going to be a fascinating experience. However, as cute as Lieutenant Drake looks, she'd take Egon Julbi over him any day. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if Egon handed Drake's butt to him in a thermos.

OOC: With this thread on poker, the bets and card estimate can be written before each round the dealer makes. Feel free to make wagers with the other characters at your leisure. Title in reference to the "I Hardly Know Her" jokes explained in the following link, but if the title won't be likable, it will be changed.

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cross | Lt. JG Drake’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Endeavour ] Attn:

Cross entered Drake’s quarters along with the others, the hybrid tactical officer fighting to keep a scowl from contorting his features. Cross had never been a particularly social individual and had been inclined to turn down Drake’s invitation when the junior officer had approached him. He most likely would have, had Kai not been standing next to him when Drake had extended the invitation. As it was, the ever-enthusiastic Lieutenant Akoni had accepted the invitation on Cross’ behalf as well of his own, leaving Cross little choice but to make an appearance this evening.

And thus Cross found himself standing in his subordinate’s quarters, casting his cold gaze over those assembled within. Kai and Annika stood close by, possibly to stop the dour Chief Tactical Officer from making any attempt at leaving. The massive Chief of Security and his sweetheart, another of Cross’ subordinates, had come to Cross’ quarters to make sure the heartbroken hybrid attended this evening rather than spending another despondent evening alone in his quarters.

Cross wasn’t sure he would ever forgive them for it.

Also assembled were Lieutenant Elro Kobol , the Endeavour’s Betazoid Medical Officer, and Junior Lieutenant Shar from Operations, who’s full name Cross always struggled with. He struggled with most Andorian names, come to think of it.

Cross’ attention was drawn to their host as he spoke, welcoming them and informing them of the game they would be playing. It was something called Texas Hold ‘Em, which Kai had told him was a style of poker. Cross knew little of poker and had only player once with Kai, Annika and Jill, another reason he had been hesitant of attending tonight’s social gathering. Cross listened as Drake continued, hoping to remember some details of the game. Drake instead laid out the manner in which they would be betting. Cross remained silent, having decided he would figure out the game as they played. The Vulcan/Bajoran hybrid only hoped that the wagers wouldn’t involve removing pieces of clothing this time, since his lack of familiarity with the game hadn’t served him well last time. Cross glanced over at Kai with a cold expression at his friend.

”Don't even think of suggesting strip poker this time, Kai.” Cross growled in a low tone. A shade a green rose on the hybrid’s cheeks as the rest of those gathered cast curious glances in his direction, telling him he hadn’t spoken quietly enough. Cross inwardly cursed himself as he took a seat a the table, and took a seat on the opposite side of Kai from Annika.

OOC: I would suggest we figure out who is sitting where at the table so we can figure out the game's posting order. I know trevorvw was talking about having Kai and Annika play the same hand, (the idea being that Kai is teaching Annika) so if they say to Gideon's left and took the Small Blind for the first hand, Cross could be next as the Big Blind. Then perhaps the order could be Shar, Doctor Kobol , and Laurel? Not trying to dictate anything, just making a suggestion.

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #2
[Lt. Kai Akoni & Lt. JG Annika Van den Berg | Gideon Drake’s Quarters | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Fife @Multificionado @Numen @TWilkins

Kai and Annika had walked with Cross and Laurel to the poker game, despite Cross’ numerous protests about not going, Kai had finally convinced him. Even though Kai would never say it out loud, Annika was well aware of the fact that Kai was worried about Cross, ever since Jill had left back to Earth.

Annika and Laurel hung back and allowed the two good friends to walk down the corridor together. Despite their walk being in relative silence, it had seemed good for the two of them. Cross had become more of a grumpy recluse since Jill’s departure and it was good for Cross to get out and socialize. If anything, Cross wouldn’t completely hate it.

They arrived at the quarters just as the others had arrived and waited to enter the room. Once the door had opened, they all filed into the room and stood around. Kai was very familiar with Texas Hold ‘em as he had played throughout the academy and on every starship he had been on thus far.

I might even feel a little bad winning it all Kai had thought to himself which prompted a little smirk to appear on his face. Annika had noticed this and gave Kai a small, sharp jab of her elbow into Kai’s left hip.

Annika wasn’t willing to bet much, as she had only played once with Kai, Cross and Jill. Even though that was a night of drunken debauchery which ended with her being practically naked while failing spectacularly at what Kai called “strip poker”. She had fun, but she figured it’d be fun to try it again.

The poker, not the strip poker she thought to herself rather amusingly.

As Drake was explaining the nuances of Texas Hold 'em, Kai noticed that both Annika and Cross hadn't really understood the complexities of the game. Both Kai and Annika had decided ahead of time, that they would share one hand so Kai could teach her a thing or two about the game. Cross on the other hand, was on his own.

"Well, Annika and I will play as one hand, so she can learn some of the finer points from yours truly! Just this time though!" Kai said whilst winking at Annika.

Drake had asked for wagers and Kai was the first one to respond.

" about a pot of replicator rations or holodeck time? Winner takes all". Kai knew this is what he had wagered in the past games of poker he had played, but he was also smart enough that once the game got going, there'd be more wagered.

Cross mentioned for Kai to not mention strip poker again. Kai laughed outwardly at his friends' poor misfortune on that fateful night, as he waited for everyone else's suggestions on wagers.

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #3
[ LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne |  Jefferies tubes | USS Endeavour ]
@trevorvw  @Fife  @Multificionado  @TWilkins

"You'll go there or I'll handle to it that the only job you'll be commissioned for the next few months is to unclog cesspools." Commander Vasiliev threatened with his thick accent, waving an ODN recoupler in front of his square face to emphasize his words. Shar frowned and made an unpleasant and weary grimace as only answer. For two full minutes she kept working on the optical data network, pouting her lips more and more until she finally barked in protest. "You know too well that the Nebula-class don't have cesspools, the replicator technology allows ..." She didn't finish the sentence, because it was interrupted by a growl from the Chief Ops. that resonated on the tube like the roar of a gigantic predator. "Don't lecture me, missy. You'll go there and you'll enjoy the company of other officers, I'm tired of seeing you spend all your free time slithering in the Jefferies working ahead of time or writing complaining notes about Commander Blue. Relax for once, God damnit! "  The mention of her archenemy only made the frown darken her eyes even more. The Andorian twisted around herself to face Anatoly, ready to fight to the end. "Just do not! Get out of my sight frost-leek, it's an order." Roared the russian just before she could made her rebuttal. Catched between the sword and the wall, between her dislike of participating in a pointless form of entertainment and a direct order, Kelleshar tensed her jaw and left the tool she was using in the toolbox with more force than she should. Without saying goodbye, and without waiting for Vasiliev to demand such pleasantries, Shar went down the nearest vertical tube, in her way to the exit. When she was about to reach it, she could hear her boss's voice echoing again in the tubes. "And make sure you have a good time! I'll ask for reports! " Shar sighed in frustration, shaking her head.

[ LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne |  Gideon Drake's Quarters | USS Endeavour ]

Shortly after, she was in front of the doors of the quarters of the last member of the Tactical Department. She had barely seen the hybrid a couple of times, as well as she barely knew the two women who were part of the group that was right in front of her. However, the immense human occupying the position of Chief Security Officer was impossible to confuse with another pink-skin, as well as it was imposible to confuse the bitter face of the Chief Tactical Officer with any other. There were few emotional vulcans around with ridged noses. The latter seemed even more grumpy than usual, and by the few pieces of conversation that she could capture, she understood that the half-vulcan wanted to participate in that game as much as she did. It was a sad consolation to discover that she wasn't the only one who was there against her will, but she didn't have much to be happy about even with that. She entered in Drake's private rooms in the group's tail, keeping herself slightly apart, arms crossed under her chest and antennas firmly pressed against her scalp. As soon as they were all inside, their host set out to explain the rules of that nonsense in which they were going to waste their time. Halfway through his speech, Shar gave up and let the information go in one of her ears and out the other. With a little luck, if she lost fast enough she could quickly excuse herself and seclude herself in the solitude of her own quarters until it was safe to return to the Jefferies without arousing Vasiliev's wrath. The only problem was that letting herself win wasn't something that Shar was used to, and the mere thought of losing without a fight left a bitter aftertaste in the back of her throat.

When the rest of the crew began to sit down, the Andorian chose the chair to Cross's left, the half-vulcan seemed a perfect accompaniment to her bad mood and with some luck he would confirm to Vasiliev that she had been present at the table when The Chief made his inquiries, as she was sure he would. When the group began to expose what were betting each of those present, Shar didn't think twice. "Holodeck time," she said plainly. The ops. Officer rarely stepped on the holodeck for something that wasn't repair it, so time on the hologrid didn't seem like a too painful loss.

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Lt. JG Drake's Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Numen @Fife @Multifictionado @trevorvw

Elro had definitely softened in his resolve over time, he never used to be such a sucker for a pretty face. At least, he didn’t think so... The Doctor put it down to having only been serving on the Endeavour for a few months thus far, and his new workload hadn’t allowed him an inordinately large amount of time for socialisation. He guessed that compared to the Artemis, where he had a friend in every department, being Chief Medical Officer made friends more scarce to come by, especially given his intimate knowledge of everyone’s medical details... But no matter the rhyme or reason, Lieutenant Drake’s poker evening was certainly an opportunity to meet some of the other officers in a setting that wasn’t a meeting or a clinical consultation. The perfect opportunity to make some new friends.

The Betazoid had hesitated on the acceptation of the invite for quite some time; Elro, despite his mental or outward disposition, didn’t have the most intense longing for social interaction. In other words, the Betazoid was relatively content in his own company. However, the perfect storm of the tiniest flecks of loneliness, a lack of much else to do on a night off, and the cute little Bajoran nose of Lieutenant Drake, eventually led him to cave and accept the invite, leading to his current position, sat down in the Lieutenant’s quarters, ready to game with the rag tag band of the other acceptees.

The Doctor was disappointed to find that R’Rori, nor any other members of his medical team, had accepted the invite, but it at least forced Elro out of his comfort zone to interact with new people. However the Betazoid was glad, if not rather surprised, to see Lieutenant Cross looking less than impressed from the other side of the table. Elro was at least somewhat familiar with the tactical officer; they’d both been present in various meetings over the past months and he at least felt somewhat comfortable in his presence. Though from what he knew of the Vulcan/Bajoran, spending a night playing poker didn’t seem well within the confines of his character. Of course, the smirking Lieutenant Akoni might have had something to do with that.

"Don't even think of suggesting strip poker this time, Kai." Cross growled at the Chief of Security, at a volume which Elro wagered wasn’t intended to be so audible, judging from the green tinge that decorated the cheeks of the Hybrid. Though Elro had promised himself that he wasn’t going to do ‘a Betazoid’ and cheat his way through the game using his abilities… Did the game decide to vere towards the wager of clothing however, Elro knew that even his iron resolve might not prevent him from mentally beating some of the other candidates out of their clothes, for the amusement if nothing else.

As a Betazoid, nudity was pretty much the norm to him in a private context. In more public settings, whilst it didn’t make him uncomfortable, his upbringing around other, more reserved, species did give him a tad of apprehension when it came to public nudity. In the context of the poker table however, Elro was comfortable in the assumption that he would have been the most comfortable one at the table to be naked, despite his outward reservation.

Though, the topic of wagers quickly slipped from clothes to other things, and since Elro hadn’t played poker in much of an extent before, he wasn’t anticipating any grand victory over anyone else. In fact, when the others started to decide on wagers and what they wanted to be betting, the Doctor realised that he would no doubt be walking out of the room with a lighter budget of holodeck time than when he arrived…

Nevertheless, desperate not to be called a cheat, one of his biggest pet peeves, Elro was more than happy to lose the game. In fact, if he were to deliver such a stellar performance that he came away with a haul of holodeck time, he’d undoubtedly be called a cheat, so losing served him well for his primary goal. By the time he had a chance to cash it in, he’d have another few weeks worth of time to use. However, no matter what, the Doctor decided that a friendly warning to his competitors would suffice to inform them that the Betazoid certainly didn’t appreciate being called a cheat.

“I can settle on some holodeck time…” Elro began with a small smile on his lips. “But before we start… I just want to let you know, before anyone accuses me of using my telepathy to cheat, that as a toxicologist, I do occasionally need volunteers to test antidotes on… Just something to keep in mind…” Elro playfully teased the rest of the players, before adopting a cross-legged pose on his seat.

“So who goes first?”

Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Gideon's Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Numen @Fife @trevorvw @TWilkins

Gideon smiled in amusement at his boss demanding no strip poker. That was fine; he rarely introduced strip poker when he played anyway. He also smiled as the bets were made. The majority seemed fine with holodeck time, even if it was apparent one or two people didn’t want to be there, particularly Cross and Shar, who looked like she was attending against her will. Gideon could tell; all Andorians had the look of being bad tempered for most of the time, and there are multiple different ways of displaying it. He rarely met a happy-go-lucky Andorian.

The fact that Kai and Annika were going to share a hand together, Gideon was fine with. He often allowed novice players these exceptions. Not to mention Gideon was taken by Annika as he was with Laurel, but he never attempted to make a move on Annika; he didn’t want to get on Big Kahuna’s bad side.

“And what’s your wager, Ensign Okhala?” Gideon asked.

Laurel had pondering hard on what to wager. Everybody was betting for holodeck time, with the exception of Cross, who specifically asked that the game not go in a strip poker direction. Laurel was fine with it.

Then again, holodeck time seemed to appeal to Laurel; if Laurel won, it would mean she and Julbi will get a good moment of time in the holodeck together.

“I’m with Akoni, Shar and Kobol ,” she said. “Holodeck time.”

Gideon smiled. The bets were made. Time to assign the blinds.

“Good,” he said. “And, Doctor Kobol , I’m sure nobody will attempt to accuse you of cheating. Just be sure to keep your mind reading in check, please.

“Now that the bets are made, I will assign the blinds. Since you and Big Kahuna are playing together, Annika, I will assign you the small blind. Boss will be with the Big Blind,” he added, nodding at Cross, as he gestured where everybody will sit.

Everybody took their seats, Annika to Gideon’s left, Kai and Cross following in clockwise order. Gideon took note that Shar sat at Cross’s left. Kobol  and Laurel sat last, Laurel sitting at Gideon’s right.

Gideon then set up the chips for the blinds and distributed to them, first the prearranged amount of chips to the blinds, then to the rest of the players in even amounts. He then shuffled the cards and continued explaining as he did so.

“Now that we are in position, I will distribute the fold cards, two each. Once distributed, the player to the left of the Big Blind, as I indicated before, will be the first to play, and it’ll mean you, Shar,” he said, nodding at the Andorian.

“We will set the pot, or where the chips go once they’re bet, into the middle,” he continued. “The player that will be the first to act can choose to call the current bet, that is, to match the bet; or to raise, which is to increase the amount; or to fold, by discarding your hand and forfeiting the current pot. However, you can’t fold early in the game, only if things become difficult and losing was inevitable,” he added, looking directly at Shar as he spoke. He noticed she was so unwilling to be a part of the game from her demeanor, and was therefore the likeliest one to try to fold early. He had seen it happen before in previous games. As such, at every game he hosted, he forbade early folds; nobody can fold unless the probability of losing was great.

“Now, if a player raises a bet, each player must call a new amount to continue playing the current hand. If no player raises the Big Blind,” Gideon added, nodding at Cross, “then the Big Blind may check, or bet zero, or raise. The betting round will stop when either player folds or raises…but with this first round, just raises. The player may have the option to fold in the second round if he or she so desires.”

Well, that’s also how he played it; he always liked to be fair, and a good sport, whenever he can.

Gideon finished shuffling the cards and distributed a pair of cards to each of the players facedown.

OOC: The posting order will be associated with the clockwise positions of the players. trevorvw and Fife will post as the blinds, of course, but Numen will begin the game with Shar, with TWilkins next. Feel free to make up what are on the cards as each of the players look at them. Whatever Gideon will distribute when he deals the “Flop” (when the dealer puts cards down) will depend on how good or bad things get for the players.

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #6
[ LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne |  Gideon's Quarters | USS Endeavour ]
@trevorvw  @Fife  @Multificionado  @TWilkins

That Doctor Kobol  felt necessary to stress that he wouldn't use his telepathic abilities, made Shar frown even more, if that was possible. She was suspicious always of the species that could dig other people's minds openly. The doctor had proved to be true to his word until that moment and had keep her nocturnal visits to the sickbay between them both, without asking too much about the origin of the injuries that brought herto the bay in need of his care. That was a point in favor of the betazoid but despite that the shen was unable to trust him completely. Once an idea was planted in her brain, it did it firmly, and it was tremendously difficult for her to change her mind and abandoned it. Especially if her suspicious match so well with the current situation, when that evil ability seemed perfectly designed to turn that useless hobby into something even more useless. However, she didn't say anything about it. If Kobol  cheated, that stupidity would end quickly and she could return to the commodity of her quarters, all alone. If he kept his word, there was no point in worsening her relationship with the doctor by showing everyones her doubts about him. It suited her that the doctor remained a kind of uncomfortable ally.

The Andorian didn't have time to continue pondering on those ideas, as Gideon began to distribute the chips and cards and, in no time, she found herself surrounded by several brightly colored stacks of circular plastic pieces that seemed to come out of a drug-induced childhood dream. In Shar's opinion, any object with such bright colors should be declared illegal. Without knowing very well how to act, he observed how Cross and Kai deposited a number of chips in the center of the table before taking their cards. She imitated them and observed her mountain of tokens fiddling with them for a moment, not quite knowing what she was supposed to do next. Trying to buy time, she picked up her cards and took a look at them. One of them had a strange symbol drawn, a kind of leaf or flower formed by three circles and a kind of triangle at the bottom. The letter 'A' appeared on the top and bottom of the card. Shar frowned, not quite sure what value it had. Her sight momentarily passed to the other card she held in her blue hands. This one showed three diamonds of red color arranged in diagonal with a pair of '3' in the corners. Turning her eyes to the first letter, she assumed that its value was '1' but for some reason she didn't understand, instead of a number it was marked with a letter. Humans were strange creatures who had the strange need to overcomplicate their useless entertainments. So, she had two of the cards with less value, if she wasn't wrong. One of its antennae twitched in annoyance while depositing the minimum amount of acceptable chips on the table. Then he placed her cards face down on the table and looked around. Most of the eyes were fixed on her, she had spent too much time observing the cards. Immediately, she felt embarrassed, and her antennae crushed even more against her scalp flattening her short hair, while her expression soured even more.Shar wouldn't give them the pleasure of seeing her blush. No. Never.

Sorry for the delay!
Shar has in her hand

clovers / clubs
3 tiles / diamonds

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Lt. JG Drake's Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Numen  @Fife  @Multificionado  @trevorvw

Elro glanced down at the hallucinogenic disks being pushed across the table towards him, the dazzling array of colours looking like some sort of exotic, edible plant out of one of the Alice in Wonderland or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory holonovel’s he’d played as a child. The brightly coloured chips brought back childhood memories of Betazed Bourbon and Elro’s father’s friends sat around the dining table playing poker. Elro’s father had been a true connoisseur of Earth card games, poker being one of his absolute favourites to play with the other gentlemen from his office. Naturally, Elro had seen the game played dozens of times, but never gotten involved himself; he’d been intimidated by all of his father’s friends as a teenager. He’d played other card games, Solitaire, Clock, Scabby Queen… But never poker.

Though he thought that he understood the basics…

Elro listened carefully to the instructions, even though they seemed more intended to reach for the Andorian next to him, and wagered that he could just about get a grasp of the necessary steps. Lieutenant Khelleshar sh'Zen looked somewhat uncomfortable with being around the table with cards in her blue hands, and from what Elro knew of her from her late-night sickbay trips, she didn’t seem likely to have been a volunteer for a poker game. Perhaps she, along with Cross, had been coerced into it by a senior officer.

The Betazoid delivered a small smile to Lieutenant Drake, as two cards slid over to the empty space on the table in front of him, his delicate fingers reaching down to pick them up in a loose, two-card fan shape. The first card was the five of hearts, the second, the Queen of spades. Elro winced at the latter card, bringing back painful childhood members of playing Scabby Queen with his parents.

It was a game of chance, to draw a card from the opposing player, discarding pairs, whilst trying not to get lumbered with the lone Queen. The Scabby Queen. His parents had used it as a method of testing his ability to conceal his thoughts to another telepath, something that he found very difficult to grasp. Needless to say he lost a great deal of games whilst his parents probed his mind to choose the cards they wanted. Elro had always thought that it had been a brutal way of teaching a child a difficult lesson; they may has well have strapped him to a chair and probed his mind instead…

But for his current game, the Queen of spades didn’t seem to be a particularly favorable card either. Elro didn’t imagine that a five and a queen of different colours and shapes would serve much purpose for this round, but he supposed the deck of cards poised under Lieutenant Drake’s hand could have anything waiting to be revealed.

Annoyingly, he simply had to wait and see.

Elro had forgotten how much he hated anticipation…

Sorry for the delay! I messed up and got confused with the posting order...

Elro has in his hand, the Five of Hearts and the Queen of spades

Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #8
[ Lt. Kai Akoni & Lt. JG Annika Van den Berg | Gideon Drake’s Quarters | USS Endeavour ] @Fife @Numen @Multificionado @TWilkins

As the others looked at their cards and made their bets, the turn came to Annika and Kai. Annika took the two cards off the table and proceeded to look at them before secretly showing them to Kai. Kai looked at them, nodded and then Annika set the cards back on the table in front of her face down. She then picked up a chip and threw it into the pot just enough to cover up to what the big blind was.

”We’ll yell!” Annika said whilst looking at Kai for approval that she said the right thing.

Kai chuckled at his girlfriend, smiled and slightly shook his head.

”Call. It’s not yell” he said, correcting her while putting his right hand on her up left thigh at the same time.

Annika blushed a little bit in embarrassment but quickly dismissed it. She had been so sure that she had it right this time, but she knew she’d get it eventually and Kai was an excellent teacher.

Maybe I’ll learn better if just Kai and I play strip poker alone, Annika thought to herself naughtily.

They looked over to Cross, as it was now his turn as big blind to either check or raise. Kai looked over to his friend and put his left hand on Cross’ right shoulder.

”Your turn my friend” and then Kai leaned in and said quieter, ”Remember to keep your clothes on this time!” he said chuckling and waiting for Cross to play his hand.

OOC: I hope I read the posting order right!

The lovely couple has a Jack of Hearts and a 7 of Clubs

Re: USS Endeavor: Why Poker When You Hardly Even Know Her?

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cross | Lt. JG Drake’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Multificionado @Numen @TWilkins @trevorvw

After his chips forward to cover the Big Blind wager, Cross had risen from his seat and made his way over to the replicator, careful not to look at anyone else’s cards as they checked them. Once at the replicator, he placed an order for a drink and returned to the table. He placed the glass, full of the dark, syrupy liquid that was his drink of choice on the table before checking his own pair of cards which Drake had placed before his seat.

He made sure to keep his expression neutral as he peeled the corners of the two cards off the table, tilting them just enough to see the markings in the corner. Two of Hearts and Nine of Diamonds. Hardly great cards, if he remembered correctly, though truth be told his experience with the game was limited, and he had hardly been sober last time he had played. He waited as each of the other players called, patiently raising his glass to take a sip of his kanar. He would have to be careful not to drink too much tonight, since there were more than just his close friends present at the table. With two of his subordinates present tonight it wouldn’t do for him to get carried away. He sat brooding as play continued, lost in his own thoughts until Kai placed a hand on his right shoulder. Your turn my friend,” Kai said before leaning closer and adding in a quieter tone, ”remember to keep your clothes on this time!”

Green colour rose in Cross’ cheeks as he gritted his teeth, suppressing the urge to elbow his friend in the ribs. The suggestion of strip poker had been Kai’s idea last time, and Cross hardly needed to be reminded that they were playing a tamer version of poker tonight. ”Thank you for the reminder, Kai.” Cross growled through clenched teeth, glancing at the larger Human out of the corner of his eye. He gave the large man a slight grin before turning his attention back to the table. ”I call.” Cross announced, his eyes travelling around the table to look at each player in turn. Social interaction had never been one of Cross’ strengths, nor was reading people, which he knew left him at a disadvantage when it came to poker. Not that he had been particularly eager about coming here tonight.

As the game continued he was distracted by his PADD chirping at him. ”Forgive me,” Cross said to the group as he removed the PADD as checked the message, a part of him hoping it would be some departmental crisis that would require his attention. No such luck, as it would turn out. Instead, the message was from Commander Vasiliev in Operations, asking him is Shar had attended the game. Cross’ face took on a quizzical expression at the man’s query, glancing at Shar for a moment with confusion plain on his face.

”Lieutenant sh’Zenne,” He said, addressing the Andorian in a quiet tone in an attempt not to draw the attention of the others, ”is there any particular reason your Department Head would be sending me a message asking me if you had shown up for this poker game? Or were you also coerced into attending tonight?”


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