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Topic: Day 07 [0800 hrs.] We Have The Technology (Read 4787 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 07 [0800 hrs.] We Have The Technology

[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon @Swift @Griffinsummoner @Tae @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @SummerDawn

Frank had come to the bay early, to plan, but also to commiserate. There she was, the Jackrabbit, the last of her kind aboard the Theurgy. She carried the scars of the short jaunt to Andor, and to Breen, that had resulted in mission success, but bitter losses. He wasn’t sure what clairvoyance that Andrew possessed, sending the Jackrabbit with them on the Allegiant, rather than preserving it for Intelligence to use on the main ship, but it was divine providence that they’d had it. But now, she was in a sorry state.

They’d dragged her to the far corner of fighter bay one, and erected some rollaway welding barriers to corner them off from the rest of the fighter activity. With all of the preparatory work going on to get ready to fight the Romulan Star Navy, they didn’t want to be in the way while they worked, but also Frank didn’t want members of the team getting poached for other jobs. The Jackrabbit represented a serious portion of Intelligence’s firepower, and a serious investment of Engineering’s time.

In the middle of the makeshift space, was the Tovarek drone, that Frank had nicknamed the Jackrabbit. He was waffling on the name, speaking with Andrew he’d said he didn’t think it was elegant enough. But looking at her now, his handiwork, modified phaser, relocated torpedo tube, special coating, and of course the Savi graviton beam, hastily installed on the front, she really did look like a Jackrabbit; perhaps a Jackalope. The name had stuck, it wasn’t going to get changed for now. Either way she looked worse for wear. The back end of the craft was well scorched with disruptor fire, her wings were a mess of buckled panels, and missing pieces. The special coating he’d placed over much of the craft was cracked in innumerable places, suggesting the serious internal damage, and to boot it was sat on a pair of gravity stands because the rough landing had destroyed the landing struts.

He'd wheeled in a rollaway chalk board, well truly it was an optical lightboard that was styled to look like a chalkboard, but it worked the exact same way. On it, he had written a blow down of known damages, and at the top, he had written ‘Full Tear-Down Diagnostic’. Beneath it he had made an inventory of things he knew to be broken already. They followed in a bulleted list, ‘Buckled Panels Dorsal 1 & 2, Ventral 4, 7, 8, Starboard Wing 2’, ‘ EPS Conduits 1, 3, 7, 8’, ‘Transport Buffer 2 & 3’. ‘Graviton Lance?’ was written with four question marks behind it, and ‘Disruptor Damage’ was emphasized with six exclamation marks. Lastly ‘Shield Generator’ and ‘Landing Gear’ finished the written list. He’d left the other half of the ‘chalk’ board blank under the heading ‘Teardown Findings’, as he knew they were going to find plenty.

Besides the chalk board, he’d set up six workbenches, and a meeting table poised in front of his chalk board. Each bench was complete with a set of hand tools and diagnostic equipment, and besides that they’d share a number of the more complex tools. He sat at the head of the table, waiting for each of the people he’d invited. He’d extended an invitation to the Deck Chief, as well as Valyn, after they’d reunited at the Dance, of course Fisher and Ravenholm were on the list, Scruffy LeBlanc his new rising star, as well as one of his other bright engineers Kala Marika. He’d passed on the invitation to Victor although he knew the man had his hands full with his own flight project, as well as he’d forwarded the invitation to the department heads for any person who wished to gain the experience.

He'd laid out the original prints for the Tovarek on his table, and then he had laid a set of his modified prints that Andrew and I had come up with the first time. But for now he sat, and waited, and pondered his board of problems to be solved.

Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #1
CPO Victor vanVinter | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon @Swift @Griffinsummoner @chXinya @SummerDawn @uytrereee @Auctor Lucan

Having entered the Fighter Maintenance Bay at his usual time, Victor was dressed in his coveralls, the least favorite of his Uniforms. Still, he had the tasking from the Chief Engineer to assist him with the Tovarek drone. So as soon as the experienced NCO entered the bay, he immediately began walking around the craft to see what needed to be done to it. All of the external damage was easy to see. Energy weapon hits, carbon scoring, a devastating amount of damage that most craft couldn't survive. His brows knit closely together then, and he finally walks up to Frank after his visual walk around.

"You want my opinion here Chief, what we do is pull all the panels off inspect the interior bulkheads. If the internal bulkheads and frame are compromised, we give it to the lab geeks to reverse engineer. If we can't get it flightworthy from a structural point of view, the damn thing's a write-off except for figuring out what makes it tick. But if you want my opinion here, this thing is a drone. It's not a crewed craft that makes it expendable. You don't build a disposable ship to the same standards as ones meant to keep a person alive. Different tolerances for the inertial dampeners increased stress on the frame far beyond the G forces a pilot of most species can handle. I'd be surprised if the frame isn't scrap metal after taking this much damage." His tone of voice was firm and authoritative while pronouncing judgment on the drone. He'd seen significant damage on ships like this before, and each time he'd been forced to scrap them or turn them into cann-birds* at the very least.

Victor furrowed his brow and sighed again, looking at the drone with a wary eye. "So I'm hoping that the moment we take our wrenches to that, we don't get the shit shocked out of us with some security countermeasure it has." His eyes flick over the drone, and he steps closer, listening for the telltale buzzing hum of an electrical current. Not hearing anything obvious, Victor steps back and stands next to Frank again, still pursing his lips, brow furrowed as he considered the list Frank wrote out, an eyebrow lifting.

"This thing has a graviton lance? Really, on a ship this small, they fit one of those things on board? Please tell me we're going to rip that thing out first?" There was an evident look of shock in Victor's voice as he made some notes on his trusty PADD, shaking his head in amazement. To be fair, working on a craft like this was an engineer or Technician's dream, and he was getting to have that right now.

*Cann-bird: A plane explicitly used for stripping good parts off of it. This is done when the cost or effort of repairing the aircraft the parts are taken from is excessive.

Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #2
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @BipSpoon @Swift @Griffinsummoner @chXinya @SummerDawn @uytrereee
As he approached the maintenance bay, Ensign Herrold couldn't quite believe they had been in orbit over Qo'noS for a whole week.

One week ago, he'd learned what happened to Chief Ji, and it weighed on him quite a lot. He'd spent a couple of hours talking with a counsellor about how he felt, just airing out the raw feeling of loss in words. While inadequate, it had helped. Ji had been the one that distanced herself from him, many weeks ago, but they had been really close before they'd crossed the anyonic phase variance together and faced that...

Liam shook his head, not wanting to think about the nightmarish fight with the Infested Doctor, and what that monster had done to Ji, right before his eyes. Worse yet, how that demonic version of Doctor Nicander had claimed Ji had visited the brig a couple of weeks before then. How she'd...

A friend in Security confirmed it. She hadn't told him what she'd done, and Liam supposed she distanced herself from him in shame. It was clear she needed to sort things out for herself, so he'd let her. He had written messages, saying he forgave her, but without replies. He had assumed, in the end, that she didn't want to talk about it anyway, so he'd kept his distance. He remembered their last conversation, right there in the fighter bay, before she went on her away mission. He'd made it back aboard safely, which he had the new Chief Engineer to thank for since he was one of the team leaders of that mission, but Ji hadn't made it back to the fighter bay. She'd died outside Nicander's cell, having visited him rather than reporting for duty... That Klingon had killed her, same one that had bombed the lounge.

Taking a deep breath, Liam cleared his head, trying not to think about Ji since he missed her still, despite what she'd done while they were together. He focused on the corner of the maintenance bay that he'd signed off on being utilised for repairs of a drone. The request had come from the Chief Engineer, and he really didn't see any problem with that part of the maintenance bay being borrowed for the repairs, so he was just going to stop by.

When he got closer, he saw that Chief vanVinter was there, and smiled a little. The man was neck-deep in fighter training, having opted to apply for joining the Lone Wolves, but it seemed the man just couldn't stay away from MRO duties. "Lieutenant Arnold, Chief," he said, rolling up the sleeves of his jumpsuit since he was quite warm from the conduit calibrations he'd done in Rawley's fighter just earlier. He inclined his head to them both, and then his light blue eyes settled on Arnold. "You need anything here?"

Liam had little experience with Arnold, but given that he'd been picked to replace Tiran - whom had also been killed outside that holding cell - he was likely the man for the job. Herrold was quite happy that his responsibilities were limited to just the fighter bay instead of all three of Thea's Vectors.

Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #3
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon @uytrereee @Griffinsummoner

Grumbling as he begrudgingly took a sip of tea laced with ginseng and ginger, Fisher gradually crossed Theurgy’s bustling flight-deck on route to join members of the Engineering Team as they were getting together to go over the damage dealt to the ‘Jackrabbit’ during it’s maiden mission, and how best to repair and in fact improve upon it moving forward. From what he’d read in reports, the little drone had performed well above expectations, and have proven itself to be a vital piece of equipment, well worth the effort that Frank Arnold and his team had put into it. To an extent, it felt somewhat vindicative for Fisher, who had pushed the project ahead of a few others that his people had thought up, reassuring him that his ability to make the right calls hadn’t yet left him. After all, he knew well that eventually, everyone needed to hang up the gloves and step aside to let someone younger take over. For now though, he felt confident that he was indeed still the right man to lead Theurgy’s Intelligence Department, even if he deep down he secretly wanted someone else to do the job and had been wanting to leave the shadows of spy work behind for almost half a decade. Necessity however, had a profound means of often keeping you in place, despite any personal wishes or desires you might’ve had to the contrary.

Though, it could also put you right where you belonged, as it so seemed to have done with regard to Theurgy’s new Chief Engineer.

The death of Commander Tiran, someone he’d barely known, their paths having never really crossed outside of some cursory pleasantries shared earlier on, and the occasional senior staff meeting called by the Captain, had left Theurgy in need of someone who could step in and fulfill that exceedingly important role. The necessity of the ship had therefore meant Frank would now assume the mantle in her absence.

Nearing the Maintenance Bay wherein Frank had requested everyone to gather, he could hear some of the others piping up as they began offering up some solutions to problems that had been outlined in the data brief sent out. For his own part, Fisher didn’t necessarily have anything to add on that end; repair work wasn’t generally within his scope of profession. No, he generally focused on creating the damage, rather them fixing it. He did, however, have an invested interest in the progress of the drone, considering it would be his team that relied on it for support in the field, especially moving forward during their parlance with the Tal-Shiar and Romulan Empire. As such, he had some additional specs he’d wanted to bring with him in the hopes that maybe they might be able to incorporate at least some of them into the battered support craft. He knew not all of his wants could be met, after all the thing was moderately limited to size, but therein lie the promise he saw fit from the ‘Jackrabbit’, because stealth and subterfuge would be of absolutely paramount importance now.

“Sorry I’m late. Was stuck fighting a losing battle with the replicators up in the CIS.” aware that among a group of Engineers, one of whom might press on the issue so as to remedy whatever problem Fisher was incurring, the Chief spy sought to disarm any concern.  “I’ll uhh... file a maintenance request later on. It’s not a big deal.” He explained, without necessarily explaining. Though, it wasn’t necessarily an easy thing to outline, how he had somehow screwed up the subroutine processing in the Replicator system, causing any order that he specifically placed for Coffee, to be altered into one for Tea with Ginseng and Ginger. The prank he’d intended to play on the Chief Diplomatic Officer having somehow comeback to roost on him instead. Pride had prevented him from seeking out one of the Gold-Collared ilk to fix whatever error he had made and restore his ability to order his preferred comfort beverage, and so he was stuck drinking Rutherford’s insidiously pleasant tea, at least whenever he couldn’t goad someone else into ordering coffee for him. Raising the silver tumbler in hand to salute his friend and new Chief, Fisher nodded in acknowledgement of the gathered others, not necessarily wanting to intrude on any discussions they were in the midst of.

Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #4
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift  @uytrereee  @Auctor Lucan  @Tae

Scruffy made his way from the corridor into the bay, focused on the PADD in his hand, barely looking past his feet.  He was wearing a heavy-duty version of his uniform, with reinforced padding on the elbows and knees, designed just for crawling around tight spaces.  He had been surprised when he got the Chief’s invite to help repair the Intel drone, as he was currently in the middle of supervising the repairs of Tessa’s, Lt. Lance’s, fighter.  It had been going smoothly, as smoothly as a reconstruction could, and he had been learning a lot about the specific demands of small-sized crafts while he looked for ways to optimize it for her needs.  He hoped some of that familiarity would come in handy on this project, or vice versa, even if all he was doing was following the established schematics.

Speaking of, he was taking a close look at what he could get of the Tovarek schematics, original or modified.  Earlier he had made notes of the mission reports of the Jackrabbit, making notes on how it had been used.  He had been comparing those notes to the schematics he had access to, looking for places it had fallen short or had been used in ways unintended by her designers.  His mind was already spinning with slight adjustments that could be made, depending on the extent of the damage, or suggestions he could make on a descendant-model craft.

Scruffy looked up as he passed the drone, scanning over it briefly before his gaze drifted to the table that had been set up.  Only then did he look at the others who had gathered, noting the Chief and the fighter specialists… and then he stopped, briefly, when he saw Lt. Commander Fisher.  Scruffy hadn’t seen Fisher since they had been separated aboard Gorka’s ship.  Scruffy knew that Fisher had been successfully rescued, but hadn’t yet had the opportunity to properly approach him and make amends for leaving him behind.  Still, this wasn’t the time for that. 

He resumed his stride and walked up to Chief Arnold.  “I brought a little something to help the discussion, Chief.”  Reaching to his belt, he pulled a small holo-emitter off and slid it onto the desk.  “It has been pre-programmed with the Jackrabbit’s schematics, a fully manipulatable scale-model that can be accessed physically, verbally, or remotely via PADD, for those of a more visual mindset.  It can be updated with the current state of the drone once a comprehensive scan is uploaded.  Especially useful for previewing changes we wish to make before committing to them.”

Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner @Swift @uytrereee @Auctor Lucan @Tae  [Show/Hide]
Valyn actually looked like she’d gotten some rest. Having a week of R & R had done her good, though it certainly hadn’t all been rest. She’d been aboard little over a week, and she’d been on combat ops and switched departments over such a short time. A shipwide invasion, a rescue, azurite station…just to name a few. While mostly relaxing, she was under no illusion that shore leave aboard Theurgy was anything like regular shore leave.

She’d read what little she could when she’d transferred into intelligence, about the ‘drone’. Really, it just sounded badass, and she wanted to have a hand in resurrecting the thing if she could. Running into Frank at the ‘dance’ had been unexpected, but by no means unwelcome. For starters, it meant she’d gotten a chance to get in on the drone. Plus, another familiar face aboard didn’t hurt.  As she entered the bay, she glanced at Victor, “Personally, I’ll take the shock if it means we get to use this beautiful thing.” She grinned at him, and dipped her head, before firing a coquettish smirk at Frank, with an accompanying wink.

Fisher was greeted with a friendly smile as well, and a small wave to match. Valyn had gone straight to the Maintenance Bay, not having stopped at the CIS yet. “I’ll bring my own coffee I guess.” She grimaced. Caffeine was the lifeblood of her day in most cases. She hadn’t started a morning without a strong Raktajino since her academy days.Not having a replicator on hand was an uncomfortable concept. The discomfort brought her a moment of personal shame though. She’d been trained to deal with the worst of circumstances in the worst of conditions, and there she stood…annoyed about a lack of convenient replicator access.

There were a few unfamiliar faces though. Firstly, Liam. She gave him a quick once over before smiling, friendly. There was still that eerie, predatory aire about her though, buried deep beneath the friendly face that she’d chosen to wear for the event. By no means was she naturally unfriendly, she’d learned to smalltalk just like the rest of most Starfleet crews did. She could shoot the shit. She could banter. However, the shadowy cloud that was her previous allegiance and occupation still hung over her everywhere she went. It was embroidered into her very stance and gait. She was always watching, always trying to learn more about her surroundings. It was no different in the maintenance bay. Warm glances were cut short by an instinctual glance around the room.

It was a habit that likely wouldn’t be dying any time soon for her.

The other new face was Scruffy. She looked over his lanky form once, and glanced at his hands. They didn’t appear to be the hands of a slouch, but the rest of his raggedy appearance gave her pause to the idea. Her own uniform was pressed neatly, and her hair was tied back tight. There wasn’t so much as a single stray hair on her head, hair pulled back into a militaristic bun.

“I’m Lieutenant Amarik.” She offered to those she hadn’t met, before trying to find herself somewhere near her new department CO.


Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Tae @Auctor Lucan @Griffinsummoner @Swift @BipSpoon

Frank stood and waited, he knew he was a touch early, well more than a touch, but he also cared about the Jackrabbit. She'd been the reason for the marginal success over Andor, and she was a creation of his own making. Needless to say, he had an irrational sentimental attachment to her.

vanVinter joined him first. It seemed they'd be working together a lot in the near future, between the Tesla and this, they had a lot of small craft related work to chew on. He started to listen to what the man said, massive mitts wrapped around the backrest of one of the chairs, Frank ominously framed by worklights and backed by the Tovarek drone, in a way that made him look like the man behind the curtain.

As Victor finished, he shook his head, and offered as his massive hands squeezed the back of the chair so hard he thought it might snap, "The Jackrabbit represents a significant portion of Intelligence's arsenal and capabilities for oversight missions. There's no scenario here in which I sign off that she is scrap." He rolled his shoulders, and took a bit of a curt tone as scrapping the drone was suggested "I had this thing down to the cowlings once, I harvested a lot to build her, and she represents a significant investment of my own, as well as Commander Fisher's time and energy. She was a mess when we got her, but I fixed her up. Ravenholm made her see and Fisher made her soar." This was his pet project, his tone made clear that this craft was significant to him, and unlike the fighters, the Tovarek was the purview of him and Andrew. It lightened as he finished with, "So buck up Chief, she'll fly again." Indomitable was his spirit.

He nodded, "A full teardown is the first point of order, but from there, repair is going to be a question of how, not if. I made a lot of notes the last time I tore this model down, you'll even find some of my drawings on the inside of the panels that should smooth disassembly."  There was also the matter of the quote he had put inside the panel of the warp core shielding, 'Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.'

He nodded as Victor asked about the graviton lance, and he grit his teeth for a moment so he didn't say something harsh and out of turn, the mission that it had come from was a sensitive topic for him, "/I/ fit one on board. It was given to us by the Savi for a very specific purpose. I intend to remove it, and repurpose it for another project. It draws too much power to be effective on the Jackrabbit."

He turned his attention to Liam, another Chief, three now in the room, and he offered politely to the man, "Thank you for coming by. As far as supplies and material, for now I think we have enough to get started, and you're more than welcome to stay and help." He nodded gently, "I appreciate the space that was carved out for us." He smiled a tired smile at the man.

As Andrew joined them, he turned the man a smiling face, but then turned to face the drone, and then looked back to the man with an almost apologetic look. He finally released his furniture victim, and offered with a light chuckle, "I did warn you I was quite hard on her." He thumbed over his shoulder at Victor, "Operations would like to scrap her." He teased, and then said lightly, "I said bully to that." He chuckled gently, warming as his friend described a replicator problem, "Something I can he..." And then Andrew said he'd file a maintenance request, which was for the best because as much as Frank wanted to help, he didn't have five minutes to spare.

And then one of Frank's other projects joined them. Scruffy LeBlanc, and he was glad the man did. He wanted to see the engineer in action in the flesh. He would look Scruffy over once, and then looked at what he brought. When Scruffy described it, he clapped a little, and then would motion, "Go on then, turn it on!" He smiled, and if he did, Frank would manipulate the image to see the detail scruffy had put in. If he didn’t, Frank would imagine it just as grandly in his head, "Very nice work Mr. LeBlanc. This should speed up prototyping immensely." He nodded emphatically, evidently proud of his staffer, "I'm very glad you've joined us."

He would turn back to the group, and offered lightly, "I think this might be all we're getting. Which is a-okay. This project is secondary  duty for many of you. Except for the engineering staff. Any time you're giving will only help this go faster, and I appreciate the unique perspectives." He turned to Victor at that point, and nodded, he didn't want the man to think his opinions weren't heard, just that they struck a nerve.

He cleared his throat about to start, when they were joined by Valyn, which brought a pleasant smile to his face, and he intoned a nod towards her, before resuming what he was saying, "Each workstation has a full set of prints, annotated by me to mark the differences with the Tovarak Mk. 1. And Mr. LeBlanc has been so kind as to furnish us with a projector. Maybe to start with, you could each let me know which area you think you might be the most use in. After the full tear down, we'll have to put this back together." He motioned to the board which read: 'Buckled Panels Dorsal 1 & 2, Ventral 4, 7, 8, Starboard Wing 2', ' EPS Conduits 1, 3, 7, 8', 'Transport Buffer 2 & 3'. 'Graviton Lance?'

Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #7
CPO Victor vanVinter | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon @Swift @Griffinsummoner @chXinya @SummerDawn @uytrereee @Auctor Lucan

Victor was not always right when it came to determining what to do with wrecked craft. Victor had to make many calls like this one during his time on the Thunderchild, and Victor sighs, looking to Frank, noting the tension in his hands, the whiteness of his knuckles from gripping the chair.

"Got it, my apologies. I had to make many calls like this during the war when I ran the deck on the Thunderchild. You're right. Just because she's trashed doesn't mean we should scrap her. Since you want to tear her down all the way anyway, I'll get to work on planning how to do that first. We'll have to inspect every bone to fix her up Frank, that sort of inspection was my bread and butter for the Valkyrie program."  Victor smiled then, giving an emphatic nod to Frank, and he walked over to his station, making notes to that effect. The very fact that Frank himself had jammed a graviton lance into the Jackrabbit made him raise his eyebrow. The power draw being an issue hadn't surprised him, though, and Victor did his best to disguise the smile that appeared on his face then. Ensign Herrold walking up gave him the perfect opportunity to be distracted, and he looked up to wave to the Ensign.

"Good to see you here Ensign, the Lieutenant and I were just discussing differences in maintenance priority in our unique situation." While it wasn't true that they hadn't been discussing using those particular words, it amounted to the same thing. The Theurgy had to make do with whatever they had. They couldn't afford to scrap anything unless it was all twisted metal. Little did Victor know that his day in the Fighter bay was about to come to an end in maintenance and that his transfer to the Lone Wolves would be in effect within a few hours.

And then there was the arrival of Lieutenant Commander Fisher. The appearance of the tall Commander prompted a lifting of a brow. With Fisher walking right past him, Victor got a whiff of the man's breath. The aroma of tea with ginseng and ginger on his breath, causing the Chief to perk up. That smelled good, and Victor figured he'd say hello in the best way, asking about a beverage that the Commander liked. The half-Bajoran was experienced in cooking and quite familiar with spices, especially in tea. "Wrong temperature to your tea, Commander? The replicated stuff just doesn't react well unless the tea's at the right temperature. I think we grow some on board. Try to find real powdered ginger, and it responds better at a broader range of temperatures. Chief vanVinter at your service, Commander."

And then, in short order, Scruffy and Valyn came in. victor gave a nod of greeting to each of them and looked impressed at Scruffy having the foresight to bring a manipulatable holo-model of the Jackrabbit. That would be useful. "Damn, Petty Officer, I could have used someone with your foresight back on the Thunderchild. Where were the prophets hiding you away?"

Victor smirked to Valyn at the comment about taking the shock, shaking his head a little at that. "Yeah? You're a braver soul than I am, Lieutenant. Or crazier, Elements watch over you because I'll be over here." Victor gives the blonde Romulan a wry grin and points at the desk he'd been assigned for this. All of this taken in stride, all of the information presented the way it was; Victor did some quick thinking and took a step forward, nodding to Frank.

"Alright, Chief, I think we should start with the tear down wherever the panels are buckled and warped. I've pulled off enough buckled and fucked up panels in my time to know those are going to be a bitch to deal with, and anything behind them is going to be a mess. So we start in the areas where she's relatively intact and pull parts as we go. Save anything that's wholly compromised for last, working around anything trashed. That way, we should be able to minimize what we do wind up having to scrap and replace. If we can get everything good off of her, we can get a better look and see just how badly the Jackrabbit here has shit the bed." Clearly, Victor had taken a more moderate stance on scrapping the entire drone and proposed what he saw as the most efficient path. Start with the easy bits and save the complex parts for last. That way, they'd at the very least see some early progress.

Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #8
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @BipSpoon @Swift @Griffinsummoner @chXinya @SummerDawn @uytrereee
Liam had heard how Lieutenant Arnold was content with the available supplies and material for the project, and he'd smiled and inclined his head when the new Chief Engineer thanked him for reserving the corner of the maintenance bay for the repair project of the Tovarek drone. He pondered staying, like suggested, and while he did, he thought about what little he knew about the Tovarek-class drones that the Theurgy had picked up at the Black Opal before he came aboard from the Resolve. He had little knowledge about them beyond what he'd read in reports.

The drones had still been under the purview of Lieutenant Simon Tovarek - a former Chief Science Officer - when he'd arrived, and they hadn't even been housed in the fighter bay, instead launching from a cargo bay somewhere. He'd never laid a hand or  spanner on any one of them, remaining ignorant to their hardware. Apparently, they'd started out as a nameless prototype that Tovarek had salvaged before the Black Opal was destroyed. He'd then reverse-engineered the thing, and started a project in which he replicated parts and put together about ten or twelve of them, refining the software well enough to allow for swarm-flight control from the Tactical station. The squad of drones, while rather inferior all-in-all and not worth all the bother as far as Liam was concerned, had still come well in hand at the Battle of Starbase 84. They'd provided cover fire, allowing for the Lone Wolves as well as the surviving Grey Wolves and White Wolves to dock with the Theurgy before the ship fled into the Azure Nebula - throwing of any pursuit.

Then, three days later, the Savi had attacked inside the nebula, and in order for the Theurgy to get away from the Versant, the bridge had ordered the small drones to launch against the Savi dreadnaught, and go to warp in doing so. The Savi had managed to destroy most of the drones before they went to warp, but one or two must have breached the dreadnought's shield envelope and hit the propulsion systems, since the three Vectors of the Theurgy had managed to split up and retreat. While Savi interceptors had pursued the Vectors, the Versant had been unable to follow - remaining where while the Savi repaired it.

Apparently, the drone sitting before Liam had been unfinished - or under repairs - since it hadn't been sent out against the Versant. All of this was just context well available in the tactical reports, and not unique knowledge only he possessed. Moreover... as more people showed up in the corner of the maintenance bay, he didn't feel like his obligations towards the fighter bay could be shirked for the sake of something that already had enough attention. He glanced at all the new arrivals with a smile and cleared his throat.

"I'd love to stay and help, sir, but I think you have all the help you need already, and I have other crafts waiting for me out there," he said and glanced towards the fighter bay outside. "Best of luck though. Ladies, gentlemen."

Inclining his head in parting to the gathered people, Liam stepped out into his fighter bay and returned to his duties.

Re: Day 07 [0800] We Have The Technology

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon @uytrereee @Griffinsummoner @Tae

This was decidedly not Fisher’s realm of comfort; engineering having always been his weakness. But, thus far, his sense of imagination had been handsomely rewarded by the capabilities of Frank and his team, in end some even. Still, he knew better than to necessarily interject when it came to the ongoing thinktank of minds more geared toward the technical aspects of the project laid out before, and around them.

It was nice to see some familiar faces now that he was up and about once more, namely that of Leblanc, the systems engineer whom he’d last seen at the tail end incursion of Gorka’s command ship, quite literally just prior to his having been captured, imprisoned, and subsequently tortured. Fond memories for sure, he mused internally. Yet, In no way had Fisher felt any semblance of ill-will toward the man for having left him behind; quite the contrary, as it had been his direct orders to go, rather than risk the overall integrity of their mission, and make any possible recovery operations even more difficult by giving the Klingons additional prisoners to horde over. The very fact that he and the others aboard the Apache had made it back, meant that rescue efforts could be hashed together, and his hide be so ceremoniously saved from a most impromptu and dreadful ending at the hands of his Klingon hosts. In addition to the man so aptly named, Scruffy, was his personal second in Intelligence, the blonde Romulan, Lieutenant Amarik, who had actually been at the tip of the spear which had liberated him.

Two other faces, whom he didn’t personally recognize, but whom he’d at least been aware of from personnel dossiers which he’d tried to regularly review and familiarize himself, were those belonging to Victor vanVinter, a recent addition to the roster of Lone Wolves; a much-needed addition, given recent tolls the squadron had taken, and Liam Herrold, Chief of the Deck aboard Theurgy. Considering their relative positions, and backgrounds, it made plenty of sense to have them in on any meetings regarding the future of the little drone, so nicknamed ‘Jackrabbit’ by the Chief Engineer. Hell, as far as Fisher was concerned, anyone whom Frank invited into the project was welcome, as his trust in the fellow bearded-man had already proven rightly placed and extended to the team which had been responsible for the success of the aforementioned drone. Of the former new faces, Fisher afforded a courteous nod when fun was poked at him regarding his, Tea, or rather, Rutherford’s Tea he had been essentially forced to drink, though he refused to grow accustomed to it.

At mention of scrapping, Fisher furrowed his brow, as he too would’ve outright voiced opposition to such a proposal. His department would need all the overwatch they could muster in the coming weeks, and the ‘Jackrabbit’, as Frank had so pointedly explained, was a huge asset to them in affecting such overwatch.

“I’m grateful to have your team in our corner on the matter.” He said simply as way of voicing his appreciation. As Herrold excused himself, the Chief Intelligence Office raised a curious eyebrow higher than it’s companion before returning his attention to the Chief, and those who remained. “I might not know my own ass from an ODN node, but that won’t stop me from lending a hand where and if I can.” The confident smirk on his face contorting in apparent disgust after Fisher took another sip of the insipid tea in his hands, nearly eliciting a twisting of the muscles in his neck as he tried to swallow it down out of stubbornness. Truth be told, Fisher appreciated the chance to escape the doldrums of data analysis, duty roster review, and transmission decryption work which was his general day-to-day itinerary in the CIS. Crossing his arms over his chest, he waited to see what the task would entail, his gaze shifting to vanVinter who began to outline exactly that.

“If there are parts you guys need requisitioned, and don’t have access to, forward it to my office, and I’ll see if any of my contacts can get them shipped to us while we’re ported up over Qo’noS. You’d be surprised what kind of tech you can find on some of the black markets we keep an eye on up in the CIS; and for the right price, we can generally get it.”

He decided against making mention of how he’d get any parts which might’ve come at the wrong price.

Re: Day 07 [0800 hrs.] We Have The Technology

Reply #10
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift   @uytrereee   @Tae  @BipSpoon

Scruffy couldn’t help but notice the way Lt. Amarik looked him over as he set up the holoprojector, nor did he miss the sense of judgment she gave off.  But then, you don’t get a nickname like Scruffy without having elicited that kind of response often.  He mentally brushed it off, he was here to work, not socialize, after all.  Still, part of him would relish the opportunity to crack that veneer, just as he would wait for his chance to clear the air with Cmdr. Fisher.

He felt a touch of pride when his contribution was so well received.  As Lt. Arnold manipulated the image, it would be quickly apparent that it was based on the standard model for the drone, not the Jackrabbit in particular, as those schematics had been beyond his clearance before this assignment.  Still, it would be easy enough to integrate the current features once a full scan was complete, or even with the annotated notes.

As the Chief finished his initial briefing, Scruffy looked over the board he gestured to.  “I’m well acquainted with EPS conduits, and could also take a look at the Jackrabbit’s power consumptions, see where we can squeeze in some upgrades while we’ve got it opened up.  I’m also intrigued by the challenge of working with the graviton lance, though, I admit, I’ll have to do a bit of brushing up on such a system.”

Re: Day 07 [0800 hrs.] We Have The Technology

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Swift @Tae @Griffinsummoner @BipSpoon

Lieutenant Frank Arnold smiled as the two enlisted engineers were settling their minds into how the fix the Jackrabbit and were going to start getting their hands dirty.  Truth be told, he wanted to dive right in as well, but a sense told him that as the ship's Chief Engineer, he was going to have to learn to delegate much more than he was used to. Going to have to figure out Blue's touch for this. he mentally griped as his mind began to consider the enormity of running what amounted to running three separate ships all at the same time before bringing himself back to the present. "Chief, Petty Officer, I've got a general list of materials here that I know we need."  He manipulated the PADD he was holding to send the information to the other two. "Update it with anything else that's missing, especially for the add-ons, then we'll get the industrial replicator running for those parts."

With that taken care of, the Chief Engineer turned his gaze to the two red collared crew members and motioned them a bit closer as he stroked his beard for a moment.  "I think all this salt and pepper is making me go senile, but once again, thank you for joining us.  I wasn't kidding when I said the Jackarabbit represents a major portion of our intelligence capability, both direct and indirect."  Blue eyes looked hard into the two intelligence officers to convey his acceptance that there were certain things would need to be done to get this project completed.   "We're going into a hot war in two weeks, and I intend to have every part of this ship as combat capable within that time, so for this project there are a few other things that I'm looking to have done.  First, I need a way to reduce the rabbit's detectability to the absolute minimum, that means energy signature and physical scans.  Next, the passive sensor suite needs to be upgraded, if someone reading a book a parsec out, I want to know what the title of that book is."  Frank grinned to show he was exaggerating, but still set the scale of the quality of equipment he wanted.  Finally, and this maybe the easiest, we may need a way to covertly infiltrate personnel into a location with high precision with our transporters.  Do you have any ideas regarding how to do that and are there any other ideas you two have?"

Re: Day 07 [0800 hrs.] We Have The Technology

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Fighter Maintenance Bay 01 | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner @Swift @Auctor Lucan @Tae @RyeTanker   [Show/Hide]
Valyn couldn't help but smirk...just ever so slightly, at the thought of being able to procure anything for the right price. Often, it didn't even need to involve currency. If they needed the part badly enough, she had no qualms with procuring it from the surface, first-hand. Be that with or without the assent of the owners. "I ain't goin' to be too much help on the mechanical end of things. I'm not bad at calibrating weapons to do a specific task, but for the most part I'm just an extra pair of hands. Point me in the right direction and I'm here to help however I can." She directed that at Frank, more than at anyone else.

"Forgive me if this is already a capability but when it comes to transporting us closer to our intended target, would it be possible to install a sort of...transport beacon?" She was trying to figure out the best way to phrase exactly what she was thinking. "I mean, utilize the drone as a secondary transporter buffer and scanning device, and allow it to function as a transporter enhancer." How exactly that would work in practice, she wasn't sure, but she was willing to work to find out. "If we can manage to install a buffer, theoretically we could also use the drone as a resupply vehicle. If there is a team on the ground that decides they need a Tr-116 for example, we can keep certain supplies in the buffer and just send a signal to the drone to transport the item down with greater precision than we may be able to achieve from the ship." She looked among those gathered for their thoughts, Scruffy included. Whatever reservations she may have had about him, he had been invited by the Chief Engineer, and from what little he'd said so far, he seemed intelligent enough.

"I'm not going to be of much use in regards to the sensor suite though, the science department may have some tricks up their sleeve though? However...keeping it hidden. I wonder if we could find any sort of materials on Qo'Nos that are a bit...reflective, for lack ofa better term. If we find something that perhaps isn't as tough, but keeps her hidden, we shouldn't need to make her beefy, no?" She asked, and she really was asking. She wasn't an engineer, and never claimed to be. She could however, hunt for the things they needed.


This thread being old and forgotten, I will lock it, but PM me if you want to continue the scene. /Auctor

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