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Topic: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like... (Read 5699 times) previous topic - next topic
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PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

[ Lt. Cmdr Jaru “Janus” Rel | SCO & COD Office | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All Lone Wolves, and all other party crashers

“Good morning, Commander Jaru. The time is 0500 hours. There is a senior staff meeting scheduled for 0800 hours. This message will repeat on a loop until the alarm is disabled.”

As dreams went, he’d been having a rather pleasant one. They were back in that shitty dive bar in Italy – Sicily maybe? – all dim light diffused through smoke, reeking of spilled drinks, sweat, and vomit, suffocating under the heat of far too many people crammed into one room. Outside the cool night air and the sea beckoned under a full moon, and every single one of them was choosing to stay in this cesspool instead. That night, Rel and the other Academy cadets had been obsessing over the bell hanging in the middle of the room, taken from some old sailing ship centuries prior. Rel and bell rhymed, so naturally he’d spent a great deal of time ringing it. Often with his head.

Prophets save him, his head was fucking pounding.

“Good morning, Commander Jaru. The time is 0500 hours. There is a senior staff meeting scheduled for 0800 hours. This message will repeat on a loop until the alarm is disabled.”

Somewhere along the way they’d decided to steal the bell. They’d all thought themselves terribly clever, sneakily unscrewing it from the ceiling. Really, no one had been sober enough to notice the obvious thievery. He took another sip of kanar, making a face at the taste. Why had he ordered that again? Zeus fell off the table, and Rel got up to take his turn unscrewing the bell. Once he was in front of their prize, he paused, looking back at the fallen pilot. What was someone from the Horus doing here?

“Good morning, Commander Jaru. The time is 0500 hours. There is a senior staff meeting scheduled for 0800 hours. This message will repeat on a loop until the alarm is disabled.”

The bell was gone. He was staring, slackjawed, at Thea. Standing in front of him, straight backed and proper, somehow the only thing standing still as the room spun.
“Thea? The fuck did you do with my bell?”

“Good morning, Commander Jaru. The time is 0500 hours. There is a senior staff meeting scheduled for 0800 hours. This message will repeat on a loop until the alarm is disabled.”

He woke with a start, banging his head on something hard as he jerked, groaning at the fresh pain added to his already throbbing skull. In the background, he was dimly aware that the computer was continuing on repeating his morning alarm. “Whoever programmed the AI and the regular old computer with the same voice should have realized the consequences,” he complained. The alarm was invading his dreams. He opened his eyes, then immediately closed them again as the bright light compounded the pain.

“Good morning, Commander Jaru. The time is—”

“Computer, dismiss alarm. Reset for tomorrow, same time stamp. Lower the lights by twenty-five percent.”

When the brightness seen through his eyelids dimmed, Janus tried again. It still wasn’t pleasant, but he forced himself to deal anyway, pushing up to a sitting position. The room spun, his stomach rumbled unhappily, and the pounding in his brain returned with a vengeance. But he didn’t throw up, so he figured he’d live. To his amusement, he found himself sprawled across the desk in the office he shared with the chief of the deck, using one of Harrold’s PADDs as a pillow. He had no idea why he’d chosen this spot instead of the comfortable couch nearby, but there had probably been a drunken logic to it at the time. The sticky aftermath of Kanar lined his throat, which explained why he’d been drinking it in his dream. “Must have lost a bet.”

To recap, he’d woken up in his office feeling like hot shit, and a significant amount of his memories from the night prior were lost to an alcohol induced haze. Excellent. That meant the party must have been a rousing success.

He’d been training the Lone Wolves in the cockpit since he’d taken over the department a few days ago, but what Janus really wanted them to do was bond. As a group and with him, as he was simultaneously the oldest and the newest pilot in the squadron. In his experience, the best way to go about that was to throw a party. He’d deliberately timed it to their last night of shore leave, giving everyone a final chance for stress relief before the real work began.

“Computer, one raktajino, hot, large, and as strong as the program parameters allow you to make it.” He was moving now, through necessity more than anything. There was a meeting in three hours, and a whole regimen of shit he had to do to be rid of this hangover by then. Janus took the coffee in hand, ordered one more thing from the replicator, then set out. Surely, there were more people around here who needed a kickstart back into the world of the living.

He made his way back down to the Den, leaned in the doorway, and announced himself with his new toy. Way better than a bell and far more instantaneous than the computer’s overly polite alarm. No, today he was waking up the Wolves with an airhorn. As the sound ripped through the room with the force of an avalanche, he considered that he should have replicated ear plugs too. The few seconds of noise erased all the minor good the Klingon coffee had done for his headache, now returned with a vengeance. Too late now.

“Wakey wakey little cubs! Everyone who passed out here, you get 25 points. Waking up in someone else’s bed, 50 points. Rat out anyone who went home sober, because they’re dropped back to zero.” Glancing to his right, Janus saw that the computer terminal they’d been using to keep score still had everyone’s names up. “And so is whoever put me in the negatives.” Ah well, that was bound to happen when he’d started a game where points could be given or taken away for completely arbitrary reasons, by everyone. 

“Nap times over, everybody up! I want this deck looking beautiful when we break orbit. Can't do that until I get some coffee into you.”

OOC: Tagging @Eden so he sees the Wolf thread this time. Anyone who is not a pilot and wants to have partied with them is welcome! Tag for @Dree as the first party crasher. :)

This is where the bell from my childhood playset came from. They really did just unscrew it and walk away with it.

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan] SCO & COD Office | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All Lone Wolves, and all other party crashers @rae

“Wakey wakey little cubs! Everyone who passed out here, you get 25 points. Waking up in someone else’s bed, 50 points. Rat out anyone who went home sober, because they’re dropped back to zero.  And so is whoever put me in the negatives.”

Reika had been half perched half reclining in someone’s lap on the floor beside the coffee table nearest to the side bulkhead.  Whose lap wasn’t important as she didn’t even know the vast majority of the crew aboard.   In her sleep, her black leather skirt had bunched itself around the top of her thighs, and her red off-the-shoulder sequined shirt was stained with a dark substance.  But upon hearing and feeling the percussive timbre of the voice that invaded the cacophony of snores and other nocturnal sounds, she was startled awake and tumbled into a low coffee table where having disproportionately distributed her weight on the corner, the Andorian unbalanced the table covered with metal cups in various sizes resulting in a loud clatter of falling metal of one kind or another.

The unsteady mishap instead landed her face plastered on the cold floor as she tried to gather her wits and her limbs about her.  The room smelled of a myriad of types of alcohol, body order, stale food, and vomit.  And the smell of vomit, more than anything else, roused the memories of how she got there. 

There was a person, a person whose name she couldn’t right now remember and one whose vague impression of a face she wasn’t sure that she could recollect either, who had successfully tempted her with the promise of meeting some of the crew, of endless fun, and even more alcohol.  And somehow in the midst of it, she had passed out along with most of those who were still in the room. 

Sh’laan felt her head and stomach reel from an amount of booze, that in her opinion, shouldn’t have inebriated a fly.  ‘That was never an issue before I was frozen and thawed,’ she thought.  But even her thoughts were too loud for her pounding head.  She pushed herself up into a seated position against the end of the couch and for the briefest of moments set her hands on the sides of her head as if attempting to squelch the reverberating silence of people on the edge of consciousness.

“Nap times over, everybody up! I want this deck looking beautiful when we break orbit. Can't do that until I get some coffee into you.”

"Thank the gods that's not my purview," came a voice from the body sitting on the floor at the end of the sofa.

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Callax Valin | Wolf's Den | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Lone Wolves & @Dree
Gloved hands gripped the familiar control bar as the modified hang glider banked through a patch of thick clouds. Off to his left, the glimmering city of Stratos dominated the vista as it  floated stationary well above the rolling hills of brown grass. He was in his happy place in the sky, with just the rush of the wind around him for company.

As he completed a circuit around the city, an errant gust of wind brought him into a powerful updraft that would allow him to repeat the circuit. Up he went, well above Stratos and soon well above the cloud cover where the oxygen would quickly get thin. He shifted his weight on the hang strap to bring him out of the updraft as he had done hundreds of times before. Except this time the glider did not respond. He kept ascending, the sun above growing larger with each passing second. A booming sound came from nowhere, causing Cal to release the control bar and cover his ears, the glider now floating erratically upwards. Towards a sun which had never seemed so large before.

He blinked and immediately closed his eyes again. The blinding light was still there but it was no sun. It was a ceiling. Realization dawned on him just in time for a wave of agonizing throbbing pain in his head.

“Nap times over, everybody up! I want this deck looking beautiful when we break orbit. Can't do that until I get some coffee into you.”

The Ardanan groaned and sat up on the pool table where he had apparently passed out the night prior, head pounding with a fierce headache as he brushed aside one of the billiard balls he had slept on. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this bad.

He looked around the bay, still in disarray from the party the night before. The remnants of alcoholic beverages and food were scattered everywhere, and the smell of stale alcohol was noticeable in the air. It took a great measure of effort not to vomit right then and there.

The pilot pushed himself off the pool table to his feet, feeling every one of his 27 years. He shuffled a few steps forward, the thought of moving further making his head spin. He leaned against the side of the pool table and took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. As he looked around the bay, memories of the previous night started coming back to him. He remembered dancing with the other pilots, laughing, joking, and drinking. So much drinking.

“I am awake. Barely...” he said with a strained tone as another wave of pain shot through his head. “Send some of that coffee this way, J-Anus. Err… Commander.” He corrected himself quickly, faintly recalling how some had mocked the callsign the night before. Glancing towards the unreadable computer terminal where they had recorded their scores. He could not tell from this distance whether he had earned or lost points for the nickname.

Looking around the room, Cal did a mental roll call of those present as they began to awake. It was small consolation that many seemed to be in a similar state as himself. Most all were familiar, although one stood out amongst the others.

“Hey, who invited Ops?” He asked as he steadied himself on his feet. “Not that I am complaining. Good morning, Lieutenant,” Cal added, casting a friendly smile and wink in Reika’s direction. “Enjoy the hospitality of the Wolf's Den?"

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #3
[ Lt Reika Sh'laan | Wolf's Den | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] attn: Lone Wolves

Upon hearing more people in the room begin to stir, Sh'laan pressed her head back against the arm of the couch that she was seated on the floor behind and squinted her eyes together even though they were already closed.  Her antennae drooped toward her forehead as if to try to mute the reverberations she heard of those beginning to rouse.  Then, what felt like, a loud voice broke through the background rumble.

“Hey, who invited Ops?” He asked as he steadied himself on his feet. “Not that I am complaining. Good morning, Lieutenant,” Cal added, casting a friendly smile and wink in Reika’s direction. “Enjoy the hospitality of the Wolf's Den?"

Upon hearing her position called out, Reika turned around behind the couch's arm, only her antennae were visible.  Placing one hand on each side of her head, she pushed herself up onto her knees slowly and peered across the room looking for the voice.  Much to her surprise, she saw a familiar face,  granted it had been years, but she remembered faces - and usually names.  "Cal Valin?" as she spoke the words a smile wound across her face.  "I must have been too drunk to recognize you last night," she said finally making it all the way into an upright position, standing with one foot in front of the other and her arms crossed over her chest and her antennae - more than her eyes - gawking at her former Classmate.  "It's been a while.  I never expected to run into you here.  So far, since I've been thawed, I think you're one of the only people that I've seen and recognized - with the exception of the Commander," she nodded toward Janus, "And Commander Stark when we spoke and Captain Ives who I saw in passing."

It took her a minute to calculate a route to the pool table where, in her hung-over state, she wouldn't trip over one or more bodies since the floor was still strewn with numbers of them.   Finally, after successfully mentally mapping one out in her mind, she meandered her way over.  But on her way, Sh'laan felt her bare foot trod on a finger.  She pulled that foot up quickly.  To someone who didn't know what was going on, it may have looked like some strange dance step.  "Sorry," she turned her head to the prone figure as she made her way across the room.  Reaching her objective, she plopped against the table near Cal, punched him playfully in the arm, and said, "Hey Stranger!"
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Callax Valin | Wolf's Den | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Lone Wolves & @Dree
“Inebriated or not I will pretend not to be offended that you forgot this charming face,” the Ardanan said, gesturing dramatically to his face with both hands. The wide grin that formed should have dispelled any notion he was being serious in taking any offense. “I am just as surprised as you. Small universe, huh?”

Tired eyes watched the Andorian make her way over towards the pool table that still acted as his only anchor to the bipedal world. The familiar face was almost enough to distract him from his banging headache for a brief moment until a second wave of pain and nausea returned. Using his training from flying with varying degrees of g-force, he managed to hold back at least temporarily the desire to vomit there and then.

“Hey Stranger!”

Despite the playfulness of the punch, it was almost enough to disrupt his tentative grasp on the table, reflexes expecting a throw with more malice behind it. Cal was glad to see his classmate from his Academy days did not harbor any ill will. Like many of his friends from the Academy, he had struggled to keep in contact with many of them due in some part to his assignments but mainly due to lack of personal initiative to reach out. Hearing that Reika had been in cryogenic freeze dampened some of the guilt for not keeping in closer contact the past few years.

Cal nudged the woman back with his elbow. “Hey Reika. Sure they finished the thawing process? You are still looking a bit blue there,” he teased, glancing briefly at the woman’s antennae as they moved. “Really though it is good to see. Newly thawed or not you likely still have the advantage of knowing more names and faces. I transferred over from the Oneida just a few weeks ago. I can tell you the full story just… maybe once I have recovered a bit,” he added with a dry chuckle, still maintaining a tenuous grasp of the table. “Meet up in the lounge after duty shift later? Lower Decks?”

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #5
[ Lt. Rieka Sh'laan | Wolf's Den | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] attn: Lone Wolves @Eden

As Rieka wound her way across the room, she listened to her former classmate.

Inebriated or not I will pretend not to be offended that you forgot this charming face,” the Ardanan said, gesturing dramatically to his face with both hands. The wide grin that formed should have dispelled any notion he was being serious in taking any offense. “I am just as surprised as you. Small universe, huh?”

Rieka scoffed.  "Charming face?  Ya mean that forgettable mug?" she said, giving him a wink and a slight smirk.  A hiccup escaped her mouth.  Immediately, her cheeks turned a shade of lilac, and she slapped a hand over her lips.  "Oops," and a giggle followed.  "Small Universe indeed."

Arriving at his side moments later, she playfully slugged his arm.  “Hey Stranger!”  After which she felt a gentle push from his elbow.   “Hey Reika. Sure they finished the thawing process? You are still looking a bit blue there."

"Ha, Ha," she added dryly.  "I think you'd be more worried if I showed up all pale like you.  Besides don'tcha know that the hottest fires burn blue.  For all you know maybe they thawed me a little too much."

"Really though it is good to see. Newly thawed or not you likely still have the advantage of knowing more names and faces. I transferred over from the Oneida just a few weeks ago. I can tell you the full story just… maybe once I have recovered a bit,” he added with a dry chuckle, still maintaining a tenuous grasp of the table. “Meet up in the lounge after duty shift later? Lower Decks?

"Hell yeah," she said.  "I don't think there's anything in OPS that will require my attention too late today.  I'll fill ya in on how I ended up a pencil pusher instead of in Tac like we both expected."

More and more people were getting their drunken asses up off the ground or other furniture, and Reika realized that she wasn't wearing her shoes.  But a cursory glance around the room didn't make their location apparent. "Damn," she said.  "I don't plan walking back to my quarters in bare feet.  Besides, I like those shoes."  She sighed a loud sigh before turning back to Cal.  "Do ya think he," the Andorian's antannae motioned to Janus, "was serious about cleaning this place up?"  Her mind began to consider ways that she might stealthily abscond if cleaning were the order of the morning - well only since she wasn't a Lone Wolf.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #6
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | FAB | USS Theurgy] Attn: Lone Wolves & @Dree
She woke with a grimace, grunting as she hid her eyes from the bright lights of the Assault Bay. For a moment, Talia didn’t recognize where she was, but as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes everything came back. Hm. Slept in my ship after tucking Janus into bed.The new/old SCO had hit it hard and had required assistance to his office; so Shadow (being one of the few stone-cold sober enough to do it, thanks to being voluntold to chaperone the evening) had fireman carried his heavy drunken ass and deposited him on his desk. 50 points for me, soon to be a thousand.

A smirk curled her lips, as she ducked down to peek over the edge of the canopy. Dark eyes flicked to check the time – 0510 hrs. This should be good, she grinned, arms folding over the Viper emblem on her faded hoodie. It wasn’t her fault Janus left his terminal on, with a comprehensive list of every upcoming scramble drill; it also wasn’t her fault for altering one – how would anyone know he didn’t do it in his state of alcohol induced stupor? Tsk tsk, Talia stifled a chuckle. Wonder if the sign is still on his back?

Midway through the evening, as Janus, Emerald, and a few others were enjoying a game of pool, she’d brushed past him while handing out drinks; the piece of paper she taped to his shoulder read: Get me to Skip, +100 points. Everyone had a good time giving him shit about it afterwards.

It was a great party, overall. Shadow didn’t mind being sober – she’d had plenty of alcohol induced misadventures already – and the rest of the squad proved more than enough to keep her entertained. The line dancing was fun, karaoke even more hilarious – but the best part (in Talia’s opinion) was when poor Javert passed out. They’d caution tapped him to one of the chairs, (marking his failure with a bottle balanced on his forehead holding a sign that read G-Lock with a sad smiley), then pushed him into a corner; Emerald and Shadow may or may not have danced on him a little bit. Good times.

Her eyes flicked back to the time, and sure enough, the door to the Den slid open as she watched; the interior flashed crimson, the simulated alarm of red alert from within blaring out into the Bay. Talia ducked down even more, covering her mouth as she laughed; watching as the poor hungover fools stumbled into the open. She'd been careful to set it as a localized drill, only for the Den; no comm alerts, no scramble orders, just a very loud and visual wake up aid for her unfortunate squad mates. A bit of fun, courtesy their new SCO – or so everyone would think.

Time to go, she giggled to herself, jumping up and out the canopy, using the other birds as cover to make a discrete exit. Breakfast was calling, then the gym. As she ran, long dark hair streaming out behind her, a random thought occurred; she might switch it up today and go for a swim instead. It was good to change things up once and awhile, after all. The sounds of confused hollering echoed behind her as she darted from the Bay, laughing as the doors slid shut behind her.

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All Lone Wolves [Show/Hide]
Tessa rolled over after a bout of disorderly conduct...granted she didn't know anything either way. She'd spent the better part of the previous night dancing in her Valkyrie after she stood up naked brandishing her chest to the world. And that was after spending some time at the public baths and her closest compatriot's room for some TLC.

Slapping her face, she looked up and saw two bulbous mounds on her chest staring her in the face. The chill of the air causing her nipples to harden as she came to the rest of the way, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She looked around noticing that thankfully, her uniform was in the Valkyrie this time. Sitting up, it didn't take long to notice she'd had a monumental amount of ale with the bottles to boot in the cockpit that her and Scruffy only weeks before had broken in.

Slowly taking on her bra and underwear, she pulled the legs on her pants and the jacket over her chest, zipping it up as she scrambled to pickup the various bottles. No doubt she'd not know what all else she had gotten into the night before, but it had to have been fun.

The red klaxons alerted loudly causing her to fumble many bottles and dropped some outside the ship to a loud shattering sound as she saw Shadow making a run for it. A smirk caught her eye as she noted the woman playing her usual band of tricks on the group. Tessa thought about chasing after, but she'd had her fun not that long before with the woman.

Waving overhead she saw the rest of the flight deck in panic mode, but she wasn't sure if anyone saw or even heard her yells. "Hey! This is a drill! It was Shadow!" She said waving her arms to the doors to no avail.

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #8
[ Lt. Rieka Sh'laan | Wolf's Den | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] attn: Lone Wolves @Eden

While waiting for Cal to respond, Reika started looking around for her shoes.  She didn’t even remember taking them off.  She replayed the night over in her mind.  There was the one pilot she had shared a drink with.  There was another one that she flirted with and shared a couple more drinks with.  Another one she danced with … “Shit, that’s right.”  The OPS officer had taken her heels off because with them she was significantly taller than the pilot she danced with.  Remembering why she took them off and remembering where she was in the Den when she slid her feet out of the sleek black heels were two totally different issues.

Running a hand over her bleary and slightly bloodshot eyes, she tried to picture in her mind where she was dancing.  Maybe if she could remember that, she’d be able to remember where she left her shoes.  She remembered feeling wood under her feet. "Wood, at least that's something," she said looking around the room, but she didn’t see any wood on the floors.  Did she remember it wrong?  Then she realized that she was dancing on top of one of the coffee tables.

As she pushed away from the pool table, she cast Cal one last glance, but just as she did, klaxons began going off and the lights in the Den flashed red.  “Damn!” she said looking around at everyone else.  Prior to taking off to scramble and find her shoes before heading to her duty station, she grabbed Cal by the arm.  “Only thing that’s gonna get you outta that drink tonight is if we’re still in the midst of a battle.  Even then I may still hold it over your head if you don’t show.”  She winked at him, released his arm, and slightly tottering, headed for the coffee tables to quickly find her shoes.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr Jaru “Janus” Rel | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All Lone Wolves, @Pierce @Eden @Dree

The replicator had provided him with a pot of raktajino – again as strong as possible – and a stack of cups. Then Janus somehow became the waiter, circling the room and bullying kids into consciousness before shoving the piping hot stimulant into their hands. Some of them, like Archon and their pretty party crasher (even losing three months to stasis hadn’t taught him to say no to an Andorian), got up and were moving on their own power. Emerald practically snatched the cup out of his hands, downing it in a gulp and coughing as the drink burned her throat. He had to pour an abandoned glass of beer on Javert to finally wake the man up, though the only thanks he got was a garbled mixture of sputtering and swearing. “Go take a shower,” Janus ordered after placing a coffee next to him. “You smell like shit.” He deliberately neglected to untie the betazoid, grinning as the pilot’s swearing increased as he started to untangle himself.

Then he somehow managed to find on a couch, drinking the raktajino straight out of the carafe, staring idly at the pool table. He had sung a magnificent duet on that table. He couldn’t remember his partner right now. Or even the song they’d chosen. But it had been great.

The next thing he knew, Janus was thrust back into consciousness by the red alert klaxon. He might have fallen asleep there for a little bit. Damn, he must be getting old. Years of training and the accompanying rush of adrenaline that always followed that alert did wonders for clearing the cobwebs from his brain. “Everybody up!” Last time, he’d been amused, but this time it was perfectly obvious that Janus was done fucking around. His voice was loud enough to overtake anything else happening in the room, and the tone left no room for argument. The coffee was forgotten, knocked over and added to the mess on the floor. “Get to your stations.”

While the others started running, Janus took a quick detour to the nearest computer to get a situation report. He needed orders from the Bridge to relay to everyone else. They weren’t scheduled to leave Qo’noS for hours yet. What was going on? “Prophets. Fuck.” Naturally, since he was the one who had ‘created’ this drill, the computer had no issues reminding him that it was fake. But he hadn’t scheduled one for this morning. That was sadistic, even by his standards. Had he changed it last night in a drunken haze? While deciding what to do, he rested his head against the cool console for a moment. Funny, now that he knew it was fake and the burst of energy was fading, his headache was returning in force. “Might have been better if there actually was a battle.”

Instead of canceling the alert immediately – what fun would that be? – Janus went out to the main bay to see how they did. The drill was happening, so why not run the test? Unfortunately, the others had already caught on, since he walked out to Goldeneye shouting that it was a drill. But what did Shadow have to do with it?

“Computer, cancel drill.” The noise died down instantly. Janus looked up at the blonde with her arms in the air. “Unless I gave out a lot of field promotions last night – which I can’t even do – Shadow doesn’t get to make drills. What are you blaming her for?” He wandered over to her ship, looking down in confusion as he stepped on something with a crunch. Glass, a few shards large enough to be recognizable. “How many bottles do you have in there?”

OOC: Heads, there's still a sign on his back; tails, he found the sign and removed it. Whoever sees him from behind next, flip a coin.

Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Callax Valin | Wolf's Den | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Lone Wolves & @Dree
"Do ya think he was serious about cleaning this place up?"

She tottered away and before he could answer, the red alert klaxon sounded. Again, Cal was reminded of the splitting headache that had been his intimate companion since waking up on a handful of cue balls. Despite the throbbing pain, he had been conditioned to respond to the that very alarm and immediately pushed himself to his feet and began stepping towards the locker room to get suited up.

“Only thing that’s gonna get you outta that drink tonight is if we’re still in the midst of a battle.  Even then I may still hold it over your head if you don’t show,” he managed to hear over the cacophony in the room. Rubbing his temple with one hand, he gave Reika a wink as she grabbed his arm.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s a deal. Provided we don’t die. If your blue ass haunts me wherever we end up after we die though I swear I’ll find a way to stuff your spirit in a vase and sell it to a Ferengi.”

When she released his arm, he continued to meander his way towards the locker room. Before he could finish putting on his flight suit, however, the klaxon stopped. He closed his locker with a huff.

Cal groaned, reemerging half-dressed into the room where the others were still largely assembled. He soon discovered it had all been a drill.

A drill at 0500 hours was just cruel. Understandable, but cruel. When Janus turned their back to the Ardanan, he conveniently failed to mention the presence of a sign on his back. After all, it had been a drill, and mentioning such things was not in the manual. All was fair in love and war.

OOC: Flipped a coin and got heads. The sign remains unnoticed.


Re: PRO: S [D01|0500] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #11
[ Lt. Rieka Sh'laan | Wolf's Den | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] attn: Lone Wolves @Eden @Pierce @rae @Dumedion

Reika continued searching for her shoes.  Fortunately for her most people who were scattered across the floor had gotten up right at the sound of the Klaxons, making it easier for her to search under the tables.  Finally, she found one shoe under one table and another shoe under a different one. 

Yeah, yeah. It’s a deal. Provided we don’t die. If your blue ass haunts me wherever we end up after we die though I swear I’ll find a way to stuff your spirit in a vase and sell it to a Ferengi.

First off,” she said as she slid her first foot into a shoe.  “Who says that we’re both gonna die?  I’m like a cat.  I’ve still got eight lives left.”  She slid her foot into her other shoe making her one of the tallest people in the room at the moment. “Somehow I doubt any Ferengi would like my spirit.  I’m too free, sometimes clothed, and blue for them.  So if I do use up my next eight lives in one day, you’re spirit’s likely stuck with my blue ass until I get bored and decide to haunt someone else.

Between her heels and her hangover, Reika swaggered toward the door.  She had to get to her duty station.  Five levels up?  Was it five?  Damn. She hasn’t been assigned to Vector three the last time around.  She rushed out into the hallway and practically bowled someone wearing blue over as she decided that it would take her too long to run with these fucking shoes on.  She stepped out of them and scooped them up over two fingers when it hit her.  The hallway was quiet.  No one was around, the red alert lights weren’t flashing and there was no blaring reminder that they needed to get to their station.  “Fuck, some asshole pulled a fast one on everyone.”  She sighed and stood barefoot in the middle of the corridor trying to decide if she should go back and finish off her night in style or if it was time to get some real sleep in her quarters.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

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