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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4350
Yes! Awesome! Welcome aboard @Nesota Kynnovan  !

I hope you enjoy your time here, and if there's anything I can do to help make your acclimation to Theurgy easier, please feel free to ask. Also, make use of the Mentors, they're a wealth of information, and made my own settling in far easier.

Anyways, can't wait to catch you in the SIM!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4351
Welcome, new person!  I hope you have fun!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4352
Thanks for approving me, Auctor!

Hello everyone, I'm Nesota and I really look forward to writing with you all! Please allow me to tell you all a little bit about myself. I'm currently 30 years old (I turn 31 in September, but I'm still coming to terms with 30 so...)  and I live in the Netherlands. I've been writing for roughly twelve years, split between Star Wars- and Star Trek-themed RPGs, and my favourite type of fiction (both to read and to write) is crime noir. There is something about that particularly dark setting which is very entertaining!

This is the first time I'm adopting a pre-made character, but I'll try to live up to your expectations and the intentions of L'Nari's previous writer. Once again, I really look forward to writing with you all, please take good care of me! I hope to run into you all on Discord!


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4355

Today, @Number6 reclaims the character they once made for this sim, namely Vanya, one of the two Asst. Chief Science Officers! :)

Lt. Vanya                    Asst. Chief Science Officer (V2)

  - Writer:

Vanya was first written by Number6 (formerly known as Veridian), later inherited by Cosmos  before he vanished from the sim. Then Revan (Jesaya) hade her in their care for a bit, but I'm happy to see her back where she belonged to begin with. @Number6 has said they wanted to add an explanation here in the Main OOC, so go right ahead!

Looking forward to read Vanya's continued story. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4356
Thank you @Auctor Lucan

In light of the problems we’ve had recently with people creating multiple accounts, I thought it prudent to do this little post to explain things. 

I used to post here as Veridian, the original creator of Vanya.  

Two years ago, I was in a job that required an hour’s commute each way.   At times, the work was miserable.   I also had other “hobby” responsibilities that took precedence, and it didn’t leave much time for writing on Theurgy.    My post rate suffered, and there is no excusing that.  

I now have a shorter commute to and from work, which is a generally healthier place for me mentally, and my hobby responsibilities were diminishing even before the Pandemic.   I found myself wanting to rejoin Theurgy, and spoke to AL about this.   Because I had forgotten my original login details, I joined with a new login making it clear to AL from the start, and then because I didn’t want to cause discomfort between myself and the person that inherited Vanya, I chose to keep my history, and my status as Vanya’s first player on the QT.   

Some weeks ago, AL approached me about picking up Vanya again    I must confess I jumped at the chance.    AL put some great work in the art, and creating the character’s history was deeply rewarding.   To right my wrong two years ago, and prevent the work we both did in creating her from being wasted , I decided to take her back.   

Huge thanks to @BZ as well.   Bouncing off her (phrasing) as Foval has been great and long may it continue.   

Rest assured, Number6 is my only account now.   Unless it’s a JP posted by a partner, if it ain’t from this account, it ain’t me.  

Thanks for reading!
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4357
Oh, that's cool!  Welcome back!  I hope we can write something together sometime!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4359
Bruh ... this is quite a bit to digest

I totally understand and I've got nothing to hide    I am happy to answer any questions publicly or privately  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4360

Another announcement! Today, @Swift expands our Medical Department with Kate Foster, who will take Doctor Maya's position as Chief Surgeon!

Lt. JG Kate Foster      Chief Surgeon

  - Writer:

Doctor Maya volunteered for secondment in the KDF during the Aldea Prime Anthology, transferring to the IKS Vor'nak when it arrived at Aldea. On the Vor'nak came Kate Foster, who ended up taking Maya's place. Awesome character write-up and I look forward to having V-Nine - besides others - interact with Doctor Foster in sickbay.

Congrats on the new character, @Swift ! :)

Oh, in additional news, @Swift has also volunteered to become a Mentor, so he is now also listed on the Joining the Crew page, as a helpful writer in the Mentor Program. Thank you so much for stepping in to help out!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4362
That was fast!  Congratulations @Swift , I hope you have fun with your new character! 

EDIT: Unrelated, @Auctor Lucan, can I edit Anh-Le's wiki page?  I think I've been playing her as having ADHD and I think I want to add that in. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4363
My fellow writers!

After finding some time to look at the Tac Conn squadron list, some adjustment were made after the departure of some writers.
Lucan and myself have puzzled a new chart together and it'll look as follows. Official squadron changes will be implemented soon.

Furthermore @Nero Logan Hale will be drafted as Ravon's wingmate as Rawley has chosen to be part of the Away Mission. The Valravn pilots are missing from this list as they will be put in either stasis or morgue depending on the outcome of the bombing at Spearhead Lounge.

If you have any further questions, feel free to PM/DM me here or on discord.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4364
Since they are the Wolf Squadran are we going to name the elements Alpha and Omega? Like in Alpha Pack and Omega Pack?
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4365
If they were Flights (with four warp fighters), it would make sense with an Alpha Pack, but now it would be more like... Alpha Pair? :)

I think Alpha Element would be more fitting now, even if I love the Pack idea. Good thinking!

Since they are the Wolf Squadran are we going to name the elements Alpha and Omega? Like in Alpha Pack and Omega Pack?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4366
So... it's like a promotion :) from Wolf-16 to Wolf-02.
But with 3/4 of his fellow Valravn pilots dead/in stasis and missing Zeke as his RIO he has a lot to cope up.
I now have something to think off, but right now it looks to good to me.
Otherwise as @Nolan already mentioned it, I will let you know if I have any questions.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4367


Development for the Allegiant mission!

Chapter 04: Horns of a Dilemma [ Day 02 | 1245 hrs. ]

Instead of a Story Development Poll being posted at this point, I am leaving it to you all to advocate solutions In-Character in this thread. Should more than one viable solution come forth in this thread, then we will post a poll that settles the matter. :) Indeed, this thread is the starter for Chapter 04, and @BZ , @uytrereee , @Number6 , @DaValle , @RyeTanker & @Stegro88 , you all have 7 days to post in reply to this starter to kick the discussion off, the deadline set at the 27th of August. :)

Supplemental threads on the Allegiant/Erudite set before this scene above belong to Chapter 03, with the title convention CH03: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title. No Supplemental threads may be started set after this scene just yet. This, until after the 28th of August, when we know who stays and who goes! Oh, I have also updated the Advent of War Calendar, which shows when the Breen will convene in the Hall of Heroes. All they know about the bomb on Andoria is that it is set to detonate somewhere that evening of Day 02, in the heart of the capital.

I am open to start other threads for the rest of the Allegiant crew, and if you have ideas for scenes that might involve a lot of characters, PM me. :)

Next, Chapter 02: Quantum Frontier will be updated, in hopes that a couple of stragglers manages to post there before then. Stay tuned!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4368
I meant to mention earlier in the week, but it just got away from me. I am working a lot of doubles this week and next, covering day shift and afternoon shift, so my availability will be extremely limited, just due to only having 8 hours of home time each day. I'll have this Sunday off, and I'll try to get caught up on threads. My apologies to everyone I'm writing with right now.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4370


So! First of all, @Sqweloookle will be inheriting Elro Kobol , our Chief Medical Officer!

Lt. Elro Kobol                   Chief Medical Officer 

  - Writer:

Kobol  escaped the Endeavour before its destruction by the hand of the Borg aboard the USS Niger and became the CMO on the Theurgy at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. Sqwee has been sent the synopsis of what this Doctor has been up to so far, and I look forward to reading his continued story! :)

We also have a new Head Nurse, given the death of Jovela in the Spearhead Lounge. Namely...

Ens. Vinata Vojona            Head Nurse

  - Writer:

With his other writing project falling short of a satisfactory outcome, @Aharon has decided to return to us, and this time it ought to be for good (as he put it), with his time jojo-ing off and on the sim coming to an end.  ;)

Welcome back to the sim, @Aharon , and I look forward to see how Vinata will fare in his new position!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4371
Thank you Auctor.

Sorry to hear your writing project didn't go as desired @Aharon , however welcome back.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4372


Today, @Stardust expands our Counseling team with Stellan Foster, who will take Ejek's position as one of the Asst. Chief Counselors!

Lt. Stellan Foster      Asst. Chief Counselor (V1)

  - Writer:

With his sister Kate Foster arriving on the IKS Vor'nak, Stellan could be given the medical care he needed to be thawed, and returns to duty after his post-surgery recovery. Upon Ejek being killed in the Spearhead Lounge bomb, he is promoted to Asst. Chief Counselor by Commander Hathev.

Awesome character write-up and congrats on the new character, @Stardust ! :)


With little to no activity or replies, and after being notified, the following Theurgists have been added to the Inactive roster, but might show up again when and if they are ready to resume actively writing with us.

- Jesse
- Lisavw
- TheFounderIsWise

Lisa's character (T'Panu) has the Asst. Chief Medical Officer role and may have to be put into stasis in the Spearhead Lounge bomb thread as well, while neither Jesse's nor TheFounder's characters have been seen in the story yet (only having posted OOC), so those characters will simply be deleted for the time being, and I'll recycle the image material I used to make those characters (Til Brogan and Dominic Masi) when making other character art.

I'm still waiting for replies from a couple more, and I will let you guys no if there are others whom may have drifted off into RL commitments.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4373

Congrats @stardust ! Thank you @Auctor Lucan for allowing her and I to make this contentious pair of siblings for the SIM, and for putting up with our frustratingly long Character Bios.

Damn excited!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4374

Give your warmest welcome to @Shandala , who joins us today as our newest Theurgist. :) He will be taking up Alessia Garcia!

Lt. JG Alessia Garcia        Wolf-08 [Angel]

  - Writer:

Alessia has been with us since the battle of Starbase 84, and ought to be a familiar face to all those who write Lone Wolves by now. She didn't come along on the Allegiant mission, so she's available for threads on the Theurgy. With the detonation in the Spearhead Lounge, I am sure there is a story to be told by this surviving White Wolf...

Welcome aboard, @Shandala , and I look forward to seeing you on Discord if you fancy to chat with us there! :)


Auctor Lucan

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