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Topic: Day 12 [1850 hrs] How to make friends and fight dirty (Read 2369 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 12 [1850 hrs] How to make friends and fight dirty

[PO2 Kino Jeen | Armory | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Stegro88
She’d pulled her weapons and armor for maintenance hours ago; the pieces and components scattered across the worktable, where she stood. Kino’s eyes and mind were occupied on the workstation screen however, pouring over schematics. She was keenly aware that time had run into the following shift – several of her colleagues had already reminded her of that fact – because she’d gotten distracted, naturally. Her mind snagged on the possibilities to incorporate the drone program she was working on into the suit, which led to dipping into the development files of the armor, which led down a rabbit hole of other data. What had begun as simple maintenance and function checks turned into full-blown disassembly, as the recently joined Trill found the knowledge and experience of the Jeen symbiote improving her understanding of the armor’s systems. All of it fed her curiosity, which burned the hours away while she worked.

These...distractions also served to keep her mind from wandering down the memories attached to this place; before the Borg, before Aldea, back when she was just Kino, and was more biological. And getting laid, semi-regularly, she thought bitterly. Still, those memories of Eliska lingered in the back of her mind, begging for attention, among all the other ghosts and regrets. Let it be, she shook her head, frowning to herself while her fingers reconnected a thread of synthetic muscle-fiber weave in the left shoulder of her armor. What’s done is done. Tits up, Kino, her jaw muscles bulged as she clenched her teeth, frustrated and weary of dragging the pain around.

Working in relative silence, minus the constant background thrum of the ship itself, she labored to reconstruct the armor to its full component pieces at a steady pace. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Where her equipment was concerned, she’d always treated it like gold-pressed latnium, and it had never failed her. Once the outer chest plate had been drilled back into place, completing the torso section, her eyes lingered on the right leg. Kino pursed her lips as she pulled the retractable combat knife from the hollow in the thigh armor, scrutinizing the edges of the blade as her thumb ran across it. Dull as fuck, she tsked. In truth, it was sharp enough to be serviceable, but not to her standards.

The door to the armory parted then, prompting her to glance while her free hand grasped an photonic edger, which activated in her hand with a small crimson beam. One dark eyebrow arched at the towering figure paused in the threshold as she ran the beam along the length of the knife, producing minuscule sparks of heated parsteel. Huh, it's the big guy, she thought, relatively surprised to see him there. She’d seen the Reman before once or twice, but never had the opportunity to speak with him; he was much bigger up close. Samala was nice enough. I’m sure this’ll work out fine, her lip twitched up at the sarcastic thought. "Hello gorgeous, welcome to my party." Turning her attention back to the tools in her hands, the Trill jerked her head to the side in a ‘come in’ gesture. “You must be Lorad. I’m Kino. Be out of your way in a few,” she told him as she passed the beam over the blade’s length; filing it to a keen mono-molecular edge.

Re: Day 12 [1850 hrs] How to make friends and fight dirty

Reply #1
[ PO3 Lorad | Armoury | Security Centre | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Dumedion

Lorad had found himself with some free time after his sword training session had finished. He wasn’t due to report for duty for several more hours but was unable to rest and was at a loss as to how to pass the time in a productive manner. With scarce few options that he considered would be appropriate to fill in the time, he had decided on working on improving his accuracy with a phaser rifle. Due to his size, he had been given an Accipiter rifle on his last few missions, his strength allowing him to make the best use of the oversized weapon without it affecting him as much as it would a Terran. Unfortunately, that had left him with a deficit in his training, one he wanted to remove.

Entering the main armoury, he found that it was already occupied be a Trill female with short-cropped, silver hair. He had seen her around several times before but had not yet taken the time to speak with her. He was about to introduce himself when she spoke, inviting him in, after a fashion, before declaring who he was, then herself. As he stepped fully into the room, he saw that she was sharpening the blade that formed part of the exosuits that they sometimes wore.

“Take time,” Lorad intoned as he moved around to the other side of the bench to get a better look at what she was doing. “Haste will ruin blade,” he declared solemly.

Re: Day 12 [1850 hrs] How to make friends and fight dirty

Reply #2
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Armory | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Stegro88
As the Reman moved into the room, Kino’s eyes focused on the task at hand yet studied him in her peripheral; mostly out of curiosity. As he moved to the opposite side of the workbench, she found herself suddenly nervous – like a green recruit under the judgmental eyes of an Instructor. Her brows knit at the feeling, dismissing it as irrelevant insecurity, as her eyes flicked up from the blade to watch him overtly. From what she could see, Lorad moved with obvious strength; deliberate in his approach, but not belligerent. She wondered if he fought the same way, having no experience with his kind at all. The corner of her lips curled at his words, prompting a dark brow to arch up as her eyes returned to her task. Pretty sure I could do this in my sleep, but whatever, she thought dryly, even as her passes over the length of the blade slowed.

Red versus blue, she thought comically, noting their cybernetic ocular implants. “It’s parsteel,” the Trill replied, her tone slightly amused. “Not a relic. Really hard to screw it up,” she added, tilting her head to the side slightly as she ran her thumb along the edge. A few more passes, she thought with an audible tsk – even as her movements over the blade sped up again. Half a dozen rapid swipes, and the edge was gleaming razor sharp.

“Here,” Kino flipped the blade in her hand, holding the grip out to him. “Tell me how I did,” her head cocked to the side with a smirk that didn’t really reach her eyes.


Re: Day 12 [1850 hrs] How to make friends and fight dirty

Reply #3
[ PO3 Lorad | Armoury | Security Centre | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Dumedion

“Yet still possible,” Lorad silently mused as he watched from across the bench. She did have a point though; Parsteel blades were very tough and usually held their edge quite well. That of course did not mean that you could ignore the upkeep of the tool. For as he was taught, that was exactly what a knife was, a tool. It was dependent of the wielder for what that tool would be used for, be it something benign or something lethal. His musing was interrupted when the Trill female presented the knife to him, handle first, asking his opinion.

“I not meant to criticise,” Lorad apologised, accepting the blade and lifting it up closer to his face for examination. He took his time, twisting it this way and that before checking the edge with a claw. “It is good,” Lorad responded stoically, holding out the knife again. Once it had been accepted, Lorad decided to add a comment. “The blade is good design for use, but I find it small.” Moving across to one of the sealed lockers, he opened it and withdrew a substantially larger weapon.

“What is your opinion of this weapon?” he asked, holding out the sheathed knife he had acquired on the Klingon capital world to replace his Kukri.

Re: Day 12 [1850 hrs] How to make friends and fight dirty

Reply #4
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Armory | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Stegro88
After accepting the blade for examination, Kino continued to observe the Reman; her head tilted slightly at his apology. She hadn’t taken offense – not really – but could understand how it had seemed so. Either way, the apology was surprisingly courteous, so she simply blinked, nodded, and waited patiently; studying him as he studied the blade. You could infer a lot about someone based off how they cared for themselves, their dwelling, and possessions. Far from a perfectionist, the Trill endeavored nevertheless to maintain her equipment to a high standard, and expected the same from those she worked with.

A brow twitched at the light scratching sound as he ran a claw along the edge. Kino wondered if they were as sharp as they looked. Shit, those would hurt either way, she figured, glancing at her own nails and filing that away under don’t-go-hand-to-hand-with-Remans. That line of thought produced another, as she tried to remember when the last time she’d had a decent fight. Been a hot minute, Kino smirked subtly, accepting the knife back with another nod at his assessment; she smiled at his comment on its size, returning it to the bench by her armor. Ah, yes, let’s compare cock sizes, shall we?

In her hand, the blade was a balanced, familiar piece of equipment that she felt comfortable using – in and out of combat. Lorad was bigger, stronger; he didn’t move the same or likely use the same techniques, so she took no umbrage at his words, only amusement. Boys with toys. It amused her even more due to the fact that she actually had a cock once – no, twice – and found the insight into the male thought process truly hilarious.

So when the big Reman turned and held out his own blade, Kino had a difficult time keeping a strait face, but played along. It’s shape was familiar – a survivalist or hunters knife – equally useful for skinning game, chopping vegetation, bone, or personal defense. She accepted it with both hands, then pulled the blade free of its sheath. It weighed about twice as much as she’d expected, and she’d expected it to weigh a lot. In her hand, it was a short sword, far too heavy and unbalanced for use without considerable practice. Yep, that’s a big dick, no doubt about it, she thought, lips pursed in a frown to keep from grinning.

Unable to hold it any longer, Kino finally snorted a laugh, lowering the sword to her side and meeting the Reman’s eyes once more. “Ever hear the expression, ‘size doesn’t matter’ big guy,” she asked, unable to keep the amusement from her voice.

Re: Day 12 [1850 hrs] How to make friends and fight dirty

Reply #5
[ PO3 Lorad | Armoury | Security Centre | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Dumedion

Lorad was confused, to say the least. The myriad of emotions and expressions that he had seen pass across the Trill’s face were more than he was able to comprehend. He recognised amusement, discomfort and understanding there but beyond them, the Reman was at a loss as to how Petty Officer Jeen was taking his presentation of his new knife to her. Her snort of laughter as she lowered his blade to her side did little to appease his apprehension, nor did her question, confusing as it was to him.

“It does when tool is not up to tasks to which it is being put to,” Lorad countered evenly. His gut told him he was missing something from how the question had both been phrased, as well as its amused delivery, but he was far from familiar enough with the language or the culture to know what it might be. “Suit knife feel too small for hand,” Lorad continued, holding up his clawed left hand to emphasise his words. “Blade feel like it might break if task to tough. I get knife that harder to break,” he said, using the upraised hard to then point at his own weapon. 

“More uses to.”

Re: Day 12 [1850 hrs] How to make friends and fight dirty

Reply #6
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Armory | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Stegro88
M’kay, Kino arched a brow at the Reman. A few blinks later and the sword neatly slid back into its over-sized sheath. Her face settled into a mask of bored indulgence. “Right – big buy, big hands, needs a big blade – I get it,” she drawled, handing the cleaver over to him. “Good luck against someone small and quick, like me for example,” she smirked with a wink of her cybernetic eye; “Me and my little tooth pick might not take an arm off, but it’ll slice your neck all the same,” the Trill added with a dangerous grin. “Or balls, if you have the external variety, that is.”

Her head tilted as her eyes narrowed at his crotch. Hm. Can’t tell.

Mismatched eyes came up to his as Kino shifted her weight, folding her arms under her bust. “Anyway,” her brow furrowed in confusion. “You really didn’t get the joke?” Her eyes flicked over him quickly. “Its a dick joke,” she shrugged, “popular with humans. Guess I’ve spent too much time around them,” the Trill snorted, then leaned back against the workbench behind her. A dark brow arched at the large Reman. “What? No sense of humor,” she asked him incredulously. “I suppose you’re one of those ‘bury it all under honor and duty’ types then, eh? That operating software will get you along, I suppose,” a shoulder lifted in a shrug. “Till it doesn’t.”

For a long moment, she simply watched him watching her; two very different beings, yet similar in many ways. Kino wasn’t sure what to make of him yet, other than the fact that she enjoyed poking the bear. “So,” her brows lifted, “I suppose I'll leave you to it,” she smirked, gathering up her tools and returning them to their proper place. "There ya go," Kino gestured to the Armory, then tossed a nod to the hulking Reman. "All yours. See ya round, Lorad," the Trill offered a two fingered salute, before making her exit.


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