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Topic: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!? (Read 5315 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #25
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

“With your swagger and charm, chiseled abs, and pert,” Enyd glanced down his body to where Alistair held his pants closed, “appendages, you’d make a killing with the Betazoids.”

Enyd patted his shoulder to lessen the teasing blow before she followed his gaze back toward the audience, where nearly everyone was in some stage of undress or another, and most were either pleasuring their partner or themselves to the beat of a live band that had just transported on stage.

Enyd had to hold the folds of Alistair’s shirt to keep it from falling off as she doubled over with laughter. “Our first date was an orgy! Oh my, Alistair, what would your mother think? My grandmother would’ve had your ears nailed to her parlor wall for certain.”

The director reappeared around that time, and his response to Alistair’s “prudish” comment had Enyd giggling yet more. Of course, improv orgies would be considered an art form on Qo’Nos. After what they’d just lived through, Enyd didn’t think she’d be surprised if they brought out a greased up targ and whoever chased it down had to eat the thing with their bare hands without grimacing. His comment directly to Enyd had her smiling and giving him a nod in response.

“I will admit there were a few moments of concern for me. Some old memories I’ve yet to conquer fully. But overall, I appreciate the opportunity to participate in a traditional Klingon art form.” She reached out her hand, careful not to let the shirt gape, and placed it on the man’s shoulder. “The results of the war will continue to manifest in mysterious ways. Which is why places like this, and programs such as your own, are so vital to lead the people into a new and glorious age. Out of the ashes even stronger.”

The director’s chest puffed slightly at her words, then turned as an aide came running up holding two PADDs for the director. He smirked at the contents before holding them out for Alistair and Enyd.

“We have a series of our own that we will keep posted in the hall of fame for our best shows. But we wanted to gift you some highlights of your endeavors on stage. These PADDs hold a series of images and vids for you to scan in the future, should you ever wish to reminisce on this day.” He turned to speak softly to his aide before gesturing for Enyd and Alistair to follow the young man, “Please, my aide will take you backstage. There is a dressing room with old operatic costumes you may wear for the rest of your evening and please keep them as another gift. I have not met many humans who would have adjusted to these circumstances with as much enthusiasm, and I am deeply grateful for that. I’ll have another assistant bring you O'mat Gri T'M pffiots. I believe you both earned food and drink for all that has occurred.”

The concept of having a traditional Klingon opera outfit as a gift had Enyd’s eyes lighting up, as did the promise of free food and drink. After all the ups and downs of the stage, Enyd was of a thirst that only liquor could quench. Reaching out, Enyd grabbed Alistair’s hand and tugged him alongside her. She didn’t want him to think of some lame excuse to run back to the ship or refuse the Klingon hospitality. Enyd gave his hand a squeeze and a reassuring smile as the moved further in the bowels of the theater until the aide left them at a candlelit dressing room barely the size of the common area of her quarters. Every available surface was covered with costume paraphernalia—wigs, fake weapons, fake blood, makeup—and costumes lined the walls to the extent you couldn’t tell there was a wall. There was one small oval mirror with an equally small dressing table with a single chair, but it seemed prior occupants had used various piles of costumes to sit on as they liked. The aide left them immediately after showing them inside and thankfully left the door open. Enyd had half expected the door to close with a click, marking this as another terrible shenanigan of Klingon comedy.

Grabbing a hideous-looking mask depicting a hound of hell, Enyd held it up over her face and turned to Alistair, “Do you think this matches my shoes?”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #26
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Busy inspecting some of the outfits, Alistair glanced back at Enyd and regarded her in bafflement for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Sorry, that's just a really odd image," he said inbetween chuckles. "The mask, shirt, dress...I was just imagining you turning up to some important negotiation like that. You'd confuse the living daylights out of everyone in the room."

Returning to his perusal, Alistair was quiet for a couple of minutes. Finally he gasped. "Oh wow. Wow wow wow...I know this! From What's Right is What's Left!" He pulled an outfit out, looking at it in astonishment. "This is the outfit of...uh...what's his name...Bon...Bub...Bor...Bob? Bob! Bob'naj, that was it, son of Slauj the Left." Realising that he was rambling, Alistair smiled apologetically at Enyd. "It was a play that I saw on Tellar, years ago. A Klingon theatre company was doing a tour of the Federation. I don't think they're the same company as these guys, but this has to be the same outfit!"

Full of enthusiasm, Alistair wasted no time taking off his shoes, and then his pants. Modesty, he reasoned, had gone out the window long ago. Reduced to his underwear, Alistair promptly began putting on the tunic. "See the scratches, and where it's been repaired? They use real bat'leths and fight for real in the climax, Bob'naj against his father. The actors improvise depending on how the fight goes, so it's never the same ending twice, and they always stay in character, no matter the real injury. I saw it...what, six times in two months? Didn't regret a moment. I never forgot this outfit."

After he was done with the straps, Alistair grinned sheepishly at Enyd. The sleeveless tunic showed off his biceps to good effect, while the lower flaps barely reached his knees, similarly displacing his muscular legs. "If getting thwapped in the face with a giant Klingon penis is what it takes, then I'd say it was all worth it, right?" He glanced back at the rack, frowning. "I know that there are armoured pants that go with this, but I don't see them..."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #27
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Laughing at the mental image of her negotiation efforts dressed such as she was, with a snarling L’Nari lurking in the shadows, Enyd shook her head before dropping the mask. She was certain for some cultures out there, the outfit would be enough to get negotiations moving, and for others, the dichotomy of the mask to the rest of her get-up would be diverting enough to pique curiosity. But for those coming to the negotiation table presently—that of the Romulans and Klingons—it was not likely to do much more than amuse or confuse.

While Alistair pawed through his side of the room, Enyd began her own more tentative digging, only stopping to gaze at her companion as he fawned over the tunic he found. She’d never seen the opera he spoke of, not that she was a connoisseur of many things Klingon in any regard, but from the excitement in his eyes, Enyd could still wish to have seen the opera with Alistair if only to continue to bask in his enthusiasm at the moment.

“I mostly watched the great Tellarite debates while I was stationed there for my studies. I was so busy being fascinated by the Tellarite’s themselves that I didn’t bother much with other cultures during my time there. But it sounds like a lovely story. If you ever hear tell of it coming up when we’re in the neighborhood to see it, I demand to go with you.” She wagged a finger at him in a feigned threatening way, already knowing how ridiculous she would look doing so, considering her outfit was still in shambles.

Once Alistair began to kick off his shoes, Enyd turned her back to allow him some semblance of privacy and returned her attention to the mountain of outfits before her. She really only needed something to cover the top since her skirt was still in one piece. The first top she found that seemed to offer a solution only brought a smirk of amusement once she inspected it further. While it seemed to have the shape and general form of an old Terran corset, with a variety of metal buckets and spikes lining the bone ridges of the otherwise black fabric, it wrapped around all parts of a woman’s torso EXCEPT for over her breasts. If anything, the way it would wind up under a chesty woman, it would emphasize even the smallest of breasts. Enyd glanced over her shoulder and seeing Alistair clad in the tunic, sans armored pants, she couldn’t help but giggle before turning and holding up the aggressively sexual corset for his study.

“What do you think?” She held it over the folds of his shirt, careful not to allow any skin to show so it would be entirely his imagination that tripped him up if he was going to get tripped. “The black metal would actually match well with my black lace.” Winking at his expression, Enyd lowered the corset then dropped it entirely in favor of picking up knee-high platform boots. “If you can’t find the pants, these might work to cover most of your legs.”

She tossed the boots in his direction with another laugh before turning to paw through the pile yet again. This time she found a corset that did not have cap sleeves like the other, offered ten times the amount of metal buckets and leather straps, the chest area heavy with the sharp metal studs spiking out like armor. It was perfect. Not only would it cover her entire top half sufficiently, but the dichotomy of deathly sensual top to feminine, soft bottom would lend itself to Alistair’s more traditional garb to showcase their continued fantastical adventure.

Like Alistair, Enyd didn’t bother trying to hide before she shed his shirt from her shoulders and removed the last vestiges of her shredded top. She was unaware of the fact that with her present position in the room, if he chose to look at the vanity mirror, he would have a full view of her breasts as they bounced and swayed in her efforts to pull on the corset without getting poked or stabbed in the process. While she was able to cinch in most of the straps, there remained two buckles in the back that she couldn’t reach without help. Letting out a dog-like whimper, Enyd backed toward Alistair, one hand holding her disheveled hair to the side while the other pointed to the awkwardly placed straps she needed help with.

“Do be a gentleman, Alistair, and strap me in properly.”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #28
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Upon seeing the breast-highlighting corset, Alistair did a double-take, his imagination most certainly being up to the challenge. He only just had the werewithal to catch the absurd boots, laughing along with Enyd, unable to help himself. After setting the enormous platform boots aside, Alistair turned to go hunting for more clothing, hoping to find some pants that would both fit and not accidentally skewer Enyd's legs if she got too close.

It was as he picked up a promising pair of boots and started trying them on that Alistair caught sight of Enyd in the mirror, putting on a different corset. Enyd in the mirror, topless. Enyd in the mirror, breasts exposed and...bouncing. It seemed ridiculous given everything that had happened onstage, when he'd had ample opportunity to witness Enyd's bared upper torso at very close range, but the intimacy of the confined room, the close silence, made the sight all the more exhilirating.

With determination, Alistair focused on putting on the boots, trying valiantly to keep his eyes fixed on what he was doing. He was not the sort of man who could be hypnotised by a random pair of breasts! Granted, Enyd wasn't random, and her body was so nicely shaped with perfectly cute breasts that complimented her frame so nicely...but that was besides the point. In any case, Alistair always did prefer a nice rear end, not just breasts, darn it!

Naturally, this line of thought led to ponderings on Enyd's ass, which didn't help matters in the slightest. So distracted was Alistair by his musings on Enyd's body and his determination not to peek (again), he completely missed that he was putting on new boots before finding any pants. Befuddled, it took Alistair a moment to register that Enyd was asking for help.

"Oh, uh, gentleman, right, of course," he said quickly as Enyd backed up to him. Alistair examined the corset and, after identifying the required straps, firmly cinched them on. He lightly clasped Enyd's shoulders to indicate that she was good to go. When Enyd turned round, however, they were suddenly very close to each other, enclosed by the cluttered warmth of the dressing room, surrounded by silence and dim light, Enyd looking up at him with her vivid green eyes, him looking back, his heart hammering painfully...

...which was the exact moment that the door opened. The director's aide stood in the bright doorway, either not realising or not caring that he'd interrupted them.

"If you'll both follow me now, I'll take you to the private lounge where we have food and drink prepared for our honoured guests." the aide said in a bored tone of voice. The young man, barely in his twenties, stepped aside to allow them past. "Whenever you're ready."

"Oh, uh, right, thanks," Alistair said in a rush as he ran a hand over his scalp, blushing madly and grinning like the idiot he was. Glancing down, he shrugged. "Oh, forget the pants, the flaps go down to my knees anyway, so I'm, uh, good to go."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #29
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

The brief touch of his fingers against bare skin sent electric thrills through Enyd’s body. She didn’t bother trying to disguise the shiver nor excuse the gooseflesh that covered her skin when she felt the comforting weight of his warm hands on her shoulders. There was something so keenly intimate about the moment, even though he’d been helping her get dressed instead of undressing her. Not for the first time in the evening, Enyd’s stomach did little flip-flops. She turned to face him; lips parted to voice her gratitude when her voice died in her throat.

Ice blue met emerald green in mirrored looks of increasing awareness. It was illogical to feel such a gravitational pull to the svelte man now. They’d literally been tied together, private parts mashed together, just minutes ago, and yet Enyd felt more pleasurably vulnerable now. Perhaps the lack of audience lent itself to the ramping sense of desire. Enyd couldn’t stop her glance toward his lips. The press of her earlier kiss had been brief, almost platonic compared to what she suddenly wanted. Enyd licked her lips…

And nearly fell on her arse in her efforts to scramble away from Alistair when the door opened, and the aide returned. Hiding her near fall under the guise of smoothing her skirts and double-checking the straps of the corset, Enyd glared up through her hair at the Klingon. Really she should be thankful for his arrival, not annoyed. Growing more physically and emotionally intimate with Alistair while she was in the “unknown waiting area” with Drauc could potentially backfire to an epic level. Even she didn’t know her own thoughts on the matter—of whether she was open to pursuing equal relationships with both men at the same time—and until she could talk matters over with Drauc, or broach the subject with Alistair, there was no way of knowing their thoughts either. After all, it wasn’t just about her. They deserved respect, and her tossing aside respect for boundaries in favor of momentary pleasure was something her grandmother would’ve skinned her alive for even thinking about.

Enyd was the first to move toward the door to follow the aide, stopping to look over her shoulder at Alistair’s last moments of looking for pants and then giving up on them. Her pause of worry over potential backfire vanished as she caught the brief flashes of Alistair’s legs through the tunic’s flaps. The armored boots without pants somehow made the outfit more adorable and less aggressive, as if he’d been in the middle of a nap, or something more intimate, when he’d heard a noise in the house and threw on what was closest to go investigate.

Sharing this mental image with Alistair as they followed the aide, Enyd giggled, reaching out to take Alistair’s hand in her own and giving it a playful squeeze. “You would go investigate the strange noises in the house in the middle of the night, wouldn’t you?”

He didn’t have a chance to answer before the aide opened the door to the private lounge and basically pushed them inside. Enyd’s mouth dropped open in amused disbelief. If it was possible for an Orion sex den designer somehow to glean influence from the spartan aesthetic of Vulcan lounges and combine efforts with a certain mischievous Andorian woman she knew back on the ship, then this was evidence of such a feat happening. Her eyes didn’t know what to focus on first, the plethora of beads draped from the ceiling and dripping down the walls, the bedazzled lanterns hanging overhead, the fur-covered couches and lounge chairs that looked boxy and uncomfortable, the thick, plushy carpet that covered the entirety of the floor, the prominent pole stabbed into a platform in the middle of the circular lounge area, or the roaring fire in the corner lending its amber glow to the ambiance of the room. A conference-sized table sat against the wall beside the door and groaned from the amount of food and beverage laid out on it. Enyd felt this was where the after-party was set to take place, and they’d merely been ushered in before the show's end.

“Oh good, they have firewine.” Enyd let go of Alistair’s hand, only realizing she’d still kept it captured in hers, and made a beeline for the pitcher. “It isn’t the strongest stuff they have on here. And I adore the spiced ‘burn’ of the aftertaste.” She poured herself a glass and then looked toward Alistair with a silent question.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #30
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Rather enjoying the feel of Enyd's hand in his own, Alistair was about to respond to Enyd's good-natured teasing when the door opened. He looked around in astonishment, taken back by the shameless decor. A quick glance aside confirmed that Enyd was similarly stunned, which was a relief, at least. As she headed for the table, Alistair stepped further into the room, looking around in a mix of curiosity and bemusement.

Seeing Enyd looking at him in askance, he smiled back. "Oh yes, please," he said, moving to join her at the table. Taking his glass, he raised it to toast. "To a memorable night," he said before sipping the forewine and sighing in appreciation. "Oh wow, I forgot how good this stuff is. It's been years since I last had some."

Alistair looked over the table, and he winced as he gestured at a bowl of innocent-looking chips amidst the more exotic Klingon food. "I don't know half the stuff here, but...well, I recommend staying away from those chips. I don't remember what they're called, but after eating half a dozen, you'd be singing the Klingon imperial anthem as you wrestle anyone and everyone in sight. At least, that's what my friends told me about that night. All I remember is going to the party and then waking up in the starbase infirmary ten hours later."

Smiling in mild embarrassment, Alistair gestured at the pole in the centre of the lounge. "Anyway, Enyd, do you have any idea what that thing is? Is it...uh, some Klingon cultural thing that I'm missing?"

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #31
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd raised her eyebrows in a show of agreement as she shamelessly drained her glass and refilled a second in the time it took him to take one sip. Only Zark knew how much she enjoyed drinking and how much Enyd could pack away without suffering ill effects. Of course, she’d met her match with the steaming liquor on the mission with L’Nari, and only two cups had flattened her to a giggling mess. However, this firewine would take the whole tankard for her to feel a buzz. And after all that they’d gone through, Enyd very much wanted to feel a buzz.

For that reason, as soon as Alistair finished his warning against the chips, Enyd made a beeline for them with a gleeful smile. Mischievous grin on her face, she lifted on medium-sized chip and nibbled on its edge. It was a strange savory ginger taste somehow mixed with the Klingon equivalent of cumin and honey. Although confusing to her tastebuds, the texture was pleasant, and keeping her gaze on Alistair’s face, Enyd shoved the rest of the chip into her mouth and chewed with an audible hum of satisfaction.

She snagged a second chip, promising herself not to get anymore, before sashaying closer to Alistair and the pole. That he didn’t know what it was for had Enyd smirking. Taking a small bite from her chip and then washing it down with a sip of the firewine, she presented her elbow to Alistair.

“Help a gal out, eh?” It took some effort on both their parts, but soon enough, Enyd was standing on the circular platform and leaning her back against the pole, eyes glued to Alistair’s face as she continued to nibble at the chip, a single eyebrow rising. “Are you sure you don’t know what this is for?” She popped the last of the chip in her mouth and downed the last of her firewine. “I can demonstrate its use.”

Enyd didn’t warn him before she tossed her empty glass in his direction and turned to face the pole. Her background in ballet and cultural dances did not make her an expert pole dancer, but she knew enough of the basics to at least throw around some moves that may or may not impress the man likely gaping behind her.

“I’ve no idea how to get the music to play in here, so just imagine something slow and sensual in your head.” She looked over her shoulder at him and offered a playful wink. “And make yourself comfortable.”

The tips of her fingers were tingling, as was the sensitive skin of her lips, and she felt a pleasantly warm throb build between her legs. Enyd knew her skin was flushing and also knew that it wasn’t from the firewine or the anticipation of making a fool of herself in front of Alistair. It was the effects of the two chips, and it both intrigued and somewhat worried her that she was already feeling the effects. Would it build further? Was it connected to her downing the firewine and not eating something more substantial? Enyd giggled, reaching out and grabbing hold of the pole. Whatever it was, it felt fucking fantastic.

There again was no warning for poor Alistair before Enyd started moving to the music in her head. She widened her legs to hip-width and bent forward, sliding the side of her neck slowly down the edge of the pole as she “walked” her hands over themselves to touch the floor. The loose tresses of her hair pooled on the ground as a halo beneath her as she let go of the pole and smoothed her hands down the back of her legs. It was almost a shame that her skirt was so full. While the cut still allowed Alistair to perceive she had a nicely shaped arse, it disallowed for him to see her legs.

Head dangling near her feet, Enyd squatted, thrusting her arse out and down in a slow undulating move. She then reached one arm up, grabbed the pole again, and used the grip to mimic pulling herself up and out of something gooey, having to wiggle and squirm her way up the pole until she was again leaning against it, having shifted to have it at her back. Enyd raised her other arm to join the first over her head, taking hold of the pole with both hands as she again widened her stance and repeated the squatting motion, this time facing Alistair.

Again, Enyd felt disappointed that the skirt hid the details accompanying the wide squat from Alistair’s view. She wasn’t aware of the petulant pout that appeared on her face before she let go of the pole, keeping its cool firmness at her back. Enyd placed the palms of her hands on her knees and, keeping her eyes locked with Alistair’s, she slowly pulled her hands back towards her body, allowing the movement to lift the hem of her skirt until the bottom line was just below her knees. With the shadows of the room, it was unlikely that Alistair could glimpse the lacy of her underwear, but it still thrilled Enyd knowing that if he had keen eyes, he might’ve seen something.

“Are you ready?” Her voice was huskier than normal, and Enyd was still rational enough to note that it was from arousal, and the arousal was definitely from those delightful chips. Perhaps when she was done, she should have more…

Enyd stood up, grabbed the pole with one hand, and hooking a knee around it, Enyd pushed off with her other leg. The intent was to swing around the pole as she slid down it. Only pole dancing was not made for skirts like what she was wearing, nor was it something someone under the influence of Klingon mystery chips should attempt. So instead of executing the graceful swing she’d envisioned in her mind, Enyd crashed to the podium in a fit of hapless giggles and rolled off the side onto the carpeted floor.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #32
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Taken aback by how swiftly Enyd poured another glass, Alistair became downright alarmed when she made for the deceptively innocent-looking chips. He told himself that no, there wasn't a chance, she wouldn't...until she did.

"No, wait!" he exclaimed, holding out his hands as Enyd took a defiant nibble, followed by another. "That's a really...bad...idea...oh hell, you're" Alistair facepalmed, chuckling despite himself. In retrospect, given everything that he'd seen of Enyd thus far, it should've been predictable.

Completely ignorant of what was to come next, Alistair took his glass and sat down in one of the bulky chairs, wondering idly what Enyd had in mind as he enjoyed his drink. A Klingon ritual? A game? Some odd form of Klingon combat training? Anything was possible, but Alistair was confident that he'd experienced enough of Klingon culture to be prepared.

He couldn't have been more wrong.

Alistair's mouth dropped open as Enyd began her sensual dance. His eyes roved over body like never before as she moved up and down, taking in her shapely rear as she pushed it out. Breathless, Alistair wanted to see the skirt removed, to see her legs and ass properly, but his dazzled mind could only hope that such excitement was coming. In the meantime, he smiled in appreciation as Enyd danced, his heart racing as she teased raising her skirt.

When Enyd asked (in a devilishly husky voice) whether he was ready, Alistair could only grunt hoarsely before finishing his glass. Words were a bit beyond him in that moment. Even so, when Enyd abruptly fell off the poll in a mess of skirt and giggles, he was on his feet quite quickly.

"Woah," he said as he hurried over to her and knelt down, gently rolling Enyd onto her back. "Are you okay? Anything hurting?" After a moment, Alistair grinned. "Those chips have one heck of a kick, huh? We should probably beam back to the ship, just to play it-"

He was cut off by the door opening behind them. Glancing over his shoulder, Alistair's eyes widened as Klar and Yuvvor walked in, both laughing, and both (mercifully) wearing thin wraparound gowns. The two performers stopped in their tracks when they noticed the humans on the floor.

"Oh, we appear to be interrupting," Yuvvor said smoothly, her eyes twinkling. "We'll come back in a few minutes."

"Bah, so what if we are?" Klar countered with a grin. "We could watch, give tips, a good critique of the performance."

Alistair blushed madly as he helped Enyd onto her feet, smiling awkwardly at the two Klingons who (despite Yuvvor's suggestion) closed the door behind them. He was suddenly extremely conscious that his lower legs were quite bare (again), and all that protected his groin and buttocks were some easily-moved flaps and tight underwear.

"Oh, that's alright," he said with a laugh, an arm unconsciously hooked around Enyd's waist and holding her against his side. "We're not...." After a moment's consideration, he blinked as realisation dawned. "Uh...I think we're not..."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #33
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd reached up to wipe the laughter-induced tears from her eyes but swatted her hands against Alistair’s neck and brushed across his cheeks. This only fueled Enyd’s giggles as his words broke through the growing influence of those delicious chips. She nodded first to his question but then began to pout shamelessly, sticking out her lower lip to an epic degree at his suggestion to return to the ship. She opened her mouth to begin a long list of reasons why that was a terrible idea when the door opened and, strangely enough, it seemed she was being rescued from disappointment by the very Klingons who had earlier been a source of her discomfort.

Enyd had to lean heavily into Alistair’s grip as he helped her to her feet, discourse traded between him and Yuvvor, the background noise accompanying Enyd’s continued giggles. She was quite content to lean against him once she was on her feet. The weighted heat of his arm around her waist, fingers spread just below her ribs, sent little shivers of delightful pleasure darting out from all contact points. Then Klar’s comment sent a fresh wave of awareness pulsing through Enyd’s body. After making eye contact with the large Adonis of a Klingon—smirking at his wink—Enyd was suddenly struck with an idea.

She paused before acting on her idea when the gravity of Alistair’s sudden hesitation in words and action poked its head through the chip haze hovering over her consciousness. Tipping her head to look up at him, Enyd kissed the tips of her index, and middle fingers, then reached up and pressed them lightly against his lips. She lowered her hand to rest over his heart, her smile widening when she felt his heart rate. “A lady never kisses and tells,” her comment was tossed toward the Klingons but was in response to his own words.

After Klar snorted out his amusement, shifting over to gather food and drink from the table by the door, Yuvvor settled herself on one of the couches. Enyd pulled away from Alistair, though she quickly grabbed his hand to tug him behind her, and moved to sit on the smaller couch parallel to Yuvvor’s. Giving Alistair a wink along with a very obvious shushing gesture of her index finger pressed over his lips, Enyd leaned against his side as she addressed Yuvvor.

“I was trying to show Alistair how to use the pole, but I am not nearly as skilled as some of the Klingon dancers I saw over at the Orion outpost. Would either of you be willing to demonstrate an authentic dance for us? It seems my friend here had no idea of how this pole was utilized before my failed attempt.”

Klar grinned as he brought a platter of food and drink over to the small table in front of Yuvvor’s couch. He first handed a goblet to Yuvvor, took a moment to pop a piece of fruit into her mouth, then turned to face the humans with waggling eyebrows already in movement. “I taught Yuvvor everything she knows about this thing,” as he turned and hopped onto the platform, Enyd noted that he was still dressed in a thin wraparound garment. Enyd couldn’t but already feel heated curiosity whether he had anything on UNDER the gown.

Klar was still grinning like a lecher as Yuvvor opened a panel of buttons on her couch and keyed in a code. As the lighting in the room changed from a reddish hue to a dark blue one, Yuvvor nodded toward the platter Klar had brought before grabbing a handful of nuts and tossing them into her mouth. Enyd glanced at the table to see that Klar had brought them two cups of ale. The first strains of alluring music pumped into the room, and Enyd pushed off the couch, grabbed the cups of ale, then plopped back into the couch beside Alistair. Or, at least, she’d meant to plop beside him. She hadn’t been aware of how much her hips had swayed back and forth or how her quick movements had been just enough to change the angle of her return, and instead of resuming her earlier position, she was now firmly planted in his lap.

Pushing one cup into his hand and holding hers with both of her hands, Enyd tipped her head to the side long enough to shoot Alistair an unapologetic smile, whispering over the building temp of the music, “Sorry, not sorry.” The warmth of his chest against her back was comforting, and thankfully the spiky armor of her corset was only in the front and she wasn't in the process of stabbing him to death with accidental cuddles.

Klar’s first impressive move was to climb hand-over-hand up the pole to the top, where he reached up further with one hand while his legs pretended to walk in the air and lightly touched one of the dangling beaded chandeliers with his fingertips. His position swiftly changed as he slid down the pole to land on the pads of his feet, bending sideways to grab the pole closer to the floor and then reaching up toward the ceiling. Using the physics of the push-off from the bottom hand and the pull from the top, Klar hoisted himself up and extended his body fully, his entire mass now acting as an intersection with the pole. Enyd’s mouth dropped open, mouth going dry when the gown fell open to reveal that Klar was, in fact, fully nude beneath the flimsy material. Her cheeks warmed as she took a hurried sip of the ale as they continued to watch Klar manipulate his body into a twirl around the pole, still fully extended, his legs moving as if swimming through the air as he executed the slow twirl.

“He is quite good.” Enyd leaned further in Alistair’s chest, coming up and over her shoulder. “Maybe he could teach you some lessons? We could get a pole installed in your quarters?” She looked up at her companion, an impish smile on her lips. “I could make a paper-like version of credits and toss them at you while you danced, old Earth style.”

The song’s tempo changed, and without waiting for Alistair’s answer, if he had one, Enyd looked back to find Klar hanging upside down, hands grabbing the pole behind his back, then dropping his legs open spread eagle. Enyd gasped, clutching the cup tighter. Klar maintained this bold position, to much gleeful hooting from Yuvvor, as he walked down the pole until just shy of the floor, he extended his body out parallel to the floor. To get out of this position, he rolled into a ball and somehow twisted through his arms until he was standing next to the pole. It sounded as if the song was ending now, and Enyd wasn’t sure if she was happy or sad about that. As a finishing move, Klar pushed himself into a twirl around the pole, climbed up it a bit, then once more executed an impressive split, this time hooking one foot under the pole closer to the ceiling and the other foot doing the same closer to the floor, while he moved his arms through the air as if flying through the continued twirl. The Klingon was able to pull himself out of the splits and off the pole in a series of smooth movements just as the last strains of music died away, and he was left leaning against the pole, arms crossed over his chest, a bright smile on his face.

“Is that everything you were hoping it would be?” The gown fell back into place as Klar hopped down from the circular stage and accepted the offered glass of ale from Yuvvor.

Enyd laughed, “Oh indeed. Thank you. I was just encouraging Alistair to install one in his quarters back on the ship. Do you have any training vids we could download?”

Klar hooted with laughter, his eyes having taken in Alistair’s facial expression, where Enyd could not see it while speaking. Even Yuvvor laughed while her lover cum partner fell onto the couch beside her. While Klar continued to recover from his dance, Yuvvor’s eyes traveled over the pair of humans, and a mischievous smile tugged at her lips. “Would you not agree that it would be a fair trade, a cultural exchange of dances? Klar has demonstrated one of ours,” she tipped her head towards the pole while keeping her eyes firmly locked with Enyd’s, “should you not demonstrate one of yours? A Terran dance of a similar nature?”

Enyd snorted, “You witnessed the result of my attempt on that thing.” She took another sip of the ale and wiggled her way off Alistair’s lap, tossing him a playful smile. “But if you have something that is between one hundred to one hundred and twenty beats per minute, I know of a type of Terran dance that shows controlled movements, and that is executed in a similar environment.” She gestured to the obvious décor and earned a hearty chortle from Klar, the man having already dug into the food on the platter while Yuvvor turned to scan through her library of songs. Enyd looked back to Alistair and smiled. “Hope you don’t mind.”

The way she spoke and stood, kicking off her shoes and sashaying a pace away from him, denoted a lack of care if he did mind. The poor man would have to bolt out the door and abandon her at this point if he wanted out of the situation. The music began, and Enyd sighed, letting her mind and body relax into the unfamiliar song for a few moments before she began. She kept her back to them at first as her first movements were subtle: fingers curling and uncurling, her wrists rotating, her arms undulating. Though the fluffy skirt hid much regarding her legs, it would not be lost to those watching that Enyd had great control over her muscles. Enyd wasn’t as well balanced, thanks to the chips and wine, and knew she’d have to forego some of the more athletic movements, but she compensated by taking a wide stance and putting more emphasis on her hips. She moved not just to the noticeable syncopated beats of the drums but also the subtle rhythms in between, like a ripple of water coming to life.

“This is a Terran lap dance,” Enyd’s voice was once more of a huskier quality as she turned to face her audience and her intended victim.

“Oh,” Klar purred from over on the couch, his arm coming around Yuvvor’s shoulder, “I think I already like this dance. Please, continue.”

Enyd nodded with a happy smile. She moved her gaze away from the Klingon thespians until she had Alistair in her sights. Balancing primarily on the pads of her feet, Enyd rolled her shoulders and circled her hips as she moved towards him. Enyd paused every breath or so to run her hands along the sensitive flesh of her arms, up, and over the curve of her hips, tracing her fingers in the air over her chest, fisting her fingers in her own hair. By now, Klar and Yuvvor would have realized this was not a quickly executed dance.  From a quick glance toward them, neither of them seemed to mind.

Once she was finally standing in the empty space just shy of his knees, Enyd leaned forward and let her fingers lightly touch his shoulders. She offered the tortured man a wink before bending back, her arms moving up the length of her own torso and extending over her head as she continued to move to the music in front of him, her hips slowly circling in a sensual, more than sexual fashion. Moving to stand upright again after nearly bending back too far, Enyd intentionally tipped forward almost immediately. Her fingers traced lightly over the tops of his shoulders, up, and down his neck, and finally up onto his skull. Her hands traveled down to his shoulders again, where she lightly pressed until he leaned further back against the cushions. Letting go, Enyd danced her fingers up her torso to her own shoulders. With a quick tug and a devilish smile, the metallic armor-like layer coating the exterior of the corset fell to the floor, leaving behind an almost sheer material that sheathed the struts of the corset itself. Enyd had noted this wardrobe trick string earlier in the dressing room and had been curious if an opportunity would arrive where she could utilize it. Voila, thanks to Klar and Yuvvor, it had.

The music continued to play, though the tempo seemed to slow in pace and in response, with slow and deliberate movements, Enyd swayed herself into a kneeling position between Alistair’s knees. Her hands lightly skimmed over the tops of his bare thighs as she leaned forward, sucking in a breath between her teeth as she felt her breasts lightly brush against the exposed flesh of his legs. Every inch of her skin felt like it was on fire, but most deliciously. One slow crawling movement at a time, Enyd traveled up the length of Alistair until her chest was at his eye level. Enyd heard Klar whistle off to the side as she shifted her hips side to side on beat with the music, moving until she could settle herself straddled across his lap.

Even in this dark light, Enyd could tell that his pupils were dilated, and she knew hers would be as well. And not only from the firewine and ecstasy-inducing chips, though these elements helped fuel her growing arousal. Enyd continued to ripple to the rhythm of the music, holding the weight of her body off and away from Alistair just enough to give him a hint of what it would feel like if she was pressed fully against him and yet denying that very feeling. Reaching down, an impish smile interrupting her own act of seduction, Enyd took hold of his hands and placed them on her hips. Enyd leaned her head down and breathed a ghost kiss over his head as she slowly lowered herself onto his body. She dragged the tip of her nose down his temple, shifting forward to leave more ghost kisses on his neck. Moving her hands between them, Enyd placed them on his thighs and suddenly pushed away, out of his grip, until she was once more between his knees and arching her arms over her head. She heard Yuvvor and Klar talking, but their words were lost to her as Enyd surged into a crouched position, pivoted on her toes, and backed her way into his body, pressing her rear intimately against him as she continued to move like a wave’s swell in response to the music.

Once more, Enyd reached for his hands and placed their warm weight on her hips before she let go to raise her arms came up over her head as she pushed upward against him. Her hips continued to move, her arms snaking back and forth, as Enyd’s face rested next to his, and they lay back-to-front, cheek-to-cheek, and with her evermore dancing to the music. She turned her head towards him as she moved lithely, slowly, deliberately, drawing out every moment. It wasn’t part of the dance, but Enyd couldn’t help nudging his cheek with her nose in a brief moment of genuine affection, aside from the learned dance. Her arms came down, and her fingers skirted over his head and around his ears. A small part of her still rational brain tried to rear up and remind her about respecting boundaries and the danger of things left unsaid or unexplained, but that was a very small part, and it was being subdued by the power of the music and the divine chips.

Though she’d never heard the song before, Enyd knew enough about music to recognize that it was drawing to a close. So, lowering her hands once more to his thighs, Enyd was slow about pushing up and off his lap. Moving forward one step, Enyd turned to face him just as the music ended. No one spoke at first, until Enyd startled away from falling into Alistair’s gaze by a round of applause from their Klingon friends.

“Now, do YOU offer training vids for US to download, human?” Klar stood and pressed another glass of ale into her hands, clinking his cup against her in a toast.

The door opened then, and more members of the backstage crew came in, immediately distracting both Yuvvor and Klar from further conversation and strangely leaving Enyd and Alistair in their own intimate human-centered bubble amidst the Klingon chaos. Sinking back onto the couch beside him, Enyd suddenly felt a rush of embarrassment as things clicked into place. She stared down at the contents of her glass as she spoke. “I hope that wasn’t too much for you, and I didn’t cross any boundaries.”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #34
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

As everyone got settled, Alistair was content to be passive. Klar had a familiar look in his eye, but when Enyd fell into Alistair's lap, he rapidly became far too comfortable to care. Enyd's warmth and weight upon him, not to mention the feel of her legs against his, had the immediate effect of lulling Alistair back into a happy stupor. Accepting the ale from Enyd, he sat back with her to watch the show. Alistair wouldn't normally choose to watch another man perform an exotic dance, of course, knowing that it wouldn't do anything for him, but he looked forward to the artistry of it.

It didn't take long for the presumption to be challenged. Alistair watched with increasing awe as Klar performed athletic feats that seemed impossible, especially for such a muscular Klingon. Even more impressive was the sensuality of the dance, enhanced by the music, and Alistair was transfixed by the power, the grace, the eroticism. Then Klar inverted, the gown dropped, the Klingon body was exposed in all its glory, and the dance was taken up a notch.

There was no question: Alistair was getting turned on. He could feel his body reacting. Enyd's position in his lap kept her ignorant, although she too was so transfixed that she likely wouldn't have noticed anyway. Alistair's mind raced with the realisaton, his cheeks burning, as he enjoyed the show.

At Enyd's teasing, he chuckled. "Don't tempt me," he said with a grin. "As Deputy Ops Chief, I could make that happen." And perhaps would make happen, if the holodeck was ill-suited to such a thing. It was a bizarre thought, but heck, Alistair wanted to pull off moves like that!

Klar's performance continued, becoming ever more spectacular and building to its climax. When he finally finished, Alistair's underwear had become very constrictive indeed. He half wondered whether, if the dance had continued or somehow escalated further, the stressed underwear might've torn outright.

When Enyd accepted Yuvvor's suggestion, it became immediately obvious that Alistair was about find out.

Enyd's dance was hypnotic, mesmerising, and she had Alistair ensnared in moments. Her touch was intimate, far more arousing than anything else thus far that night, and he could do nothing but sit and endure. When Enyd pivoted and brushed her derriere against his crotch, Alistair inhaled sharply. Klar and Yuvvor were forgotten. The Theurgy was forgotten. The universe had contracted to just the two of them, where they touched, the way Enyd looked at him, the affectionate way her nose brushed his cheek.

Finally, inevitably, the dance ended, both of them gazing at each other, still locked away in their own little world. The applause shattered the illusion, jolting them back to reality, and Alistair leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, taking a deep breath to collect himself. The sudden entry of various Klingons was a welcome (and much needed) distraction, allowing Enyd to also take a break from the intensity of the past half hour.

At Enyd's worry, Alistair pondered for a moment. "Well, about those boundaries..." he said softly as he reached up to place a finger on Enyd's jaw, gently turning her to face him. Slowly, intimately, his blue eyes locked on her green, he leaned forward and placed his mouth on hers, a soft and gentle kiss that only deepened.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #35
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Alistair’s words made Enyd chuckle, eyes still on her cup. His finger under her jaw didn’t startle her, and Enyd looked up with a shy smile already tugging at her lips. But then time slowed as Alistair moved closer, much as it had when Drauc kissed her or tried to kiss her. She knew Alistair was going to kiss her now. That promise was in his stare.

Enyd’s eyes widened and then crossed as she continued to track Alistair’s deliberate movements. Her breath caught in her throat; her chest raised at the apex of the sudden hitch in rhythm. The first warm touch of his lips against hers reminded her of the kiss she’d planted on him earlier. But then his tongue touched her lips, tasting her, and Enyd lost track of where she was putting her arms. Did she even have arms? She couldn’t remember where her legs were either. How had they gone missing in the span of seconds? Were Alistair’s lips coated in a drug that both numbed everything from the neck down and yet lit a fire in her belly that threatened to burst out of her throat in a scream? A mewling moan tickled her throat as Enyd was filled with a need to get close to him, be inside him, if possible, and feel him everywhere all at once…

She would have plenty of opportunity to watch the show of lustful their antics later, compliments of the recording devices that were strategically placed throughout the room. As a parting gift from a smirking Klar, unbeknownst to either Alistair or Enyd at the time, they would receive copies of EVERYTHING that had happened on stage and backstage. And in the quiet of her room, once sober, Enyd could relive the vague memories afresh as she watched how Alistair’s tentative kiss had been the matchstick to the cauldron of desire broiling in her belly. She would hear the gasped cry of shameless desire as she threw her body against his, pressing his back against the cushions and dropping her cup of ale to the ground as she crawled atop him. Enyd’s eyes would go wide, and her cheeks would flush crimson as she watched her own hands rove over Alistair’s body as if trying to feel everything all at once while her mouth angled over his, her kiss mimicking the movements her hips instinctively began as she folded herself intimately against him. She would feel anew the embarrassment of knowing she’d been under the influence of alcohol, Klingon mystery chips, and built-up sexual tension, but also the shame of acknowledging she’d acted on these justifications while still harboring an equal desire for Drauc. And she’d startle again when a figure approached the lecherous pair on the couch and landed a firm smack against Enyd’s bum.

Enyd yelped and pulled away from the world-shattering kisses Alistair was sharing with her. Her bum hurt. It took a moment to put it together, but once she realized someone had smacked her while she’d been tongue fucking Alistair, Enyd glared over her shoulder at the offender. It was Klar, grinning like a madman, with Yuvvor leaning against his side, a more subdued look of amusement touching her beautiful features. Only in seeing their blatant amusement, and feeling the warm sting from Klar’s smack, did Enyd’s consciousness break through the haze of arousal to note:
1.   She was once more in Alistair’s lap, straddling his hips, skirts rucked up around her waist, one hand dangerously high on his bare thigh, with an obvious trajectory toward his hips.
2.   Her breasts were pressed tightly against his body, and she could feel the rattling of his erratic heartbeat as her other hand was still clinging with desperation to the back of his neck.
3.   Her lips felt heavy and swollen from how aggressively she’d twisted his initial gentle touch into something desperate.
4.      Her skin on her face and neck felt a familiar chaffed burn from where the first growth of hair was already returning on his cheeks.
5.   Alistair was just as aroused as she was, based on the bulge she felt pressing intimately against her.
6.   The group that had come in earlier was already filing out the door, their voices carrying together on a raucous tune.

“Sorry to interrupt your mating ritual, but since you were a key feature in our program this evening, we thought it right to have you join us for the parade.” Ever the marginally more diplomatic between the two, Yuvvor gestured toward the last of the crew disappearing through the door. “It is our custom to promenade through the theater and out into the streets, our songs and acrobatics carrying the patrons from the theater to the pubs or their nearby homes and attracting more patrons to join us at the pub. It is both a traditional way of ending these types of festivities, and it is a great marketing scheme for advertising.”

Klar’s eyes moved over Enyd’s face, his grin growing feral. “Is it customary to bite in your culture as well?” He pointed to his own nose, then to Enyd.

Though reluctant to pull away from the warmth of Alistair’s body, Enyd did tip back enough to reach up and touch her nose, where she’d felt a strange tickle on her skin above her lips. Sure enough, Enyd couldn’t help but snort with amusement when she realized her nose was bleeding. This was bloody proof she’d been just as overwhelmed this time in Alistair’s embrace as she had been in Drauc’s, only with a slightly different response. Movement in the peripheral had Enyd looking up in time to accept the handkerchief from Yuvvor.

For herself, Enyd loved the idea. Fresh air would do wonders for fighting against these chips' influence and sweep away the lingering embers of the arduous fire that had temporarily burned away all sense from her mind. But she couldn’t answer for Alistair. Instead, after stealing a glance at him while she positioned the cloth against her nose, Enyd turned her gaze back to the pair standing at their side. Enyd spoke to their Klingon friends with the cartoonish style voice induced by nasal pressure, “Do we have to be nude, or could we go as we are? Will any more actions be taken against us for entertainment’s sake, or will we be free to walk, dance, sing, and then leave at our own pace?”

“By my honor,” it seemed as if, for the first time this evening, Klar was speaking with a genuine tone of voice; even his facial expression and mannerisms had grown serious as he continued, “no harm will come to you, and no one will touch you. Unless you initiate or want to be touched.”

Yuvvor nodded. “The promenade has already started and will by now be halfway through the theater. While normally we would lead it, we wanted to invite you to join us, considering this evening’s turn of events.” She must’ve taken a page from Klar’s book with her winking smile that she shot them.

In all this time, Enyd had been damned careful not to move her hips, knowing that if she did, she’d likely fall back against Alistair and ravish him to bits. Lowering the cloth and checking to ensure that the nosebleed had stopped—it had—Enyd dipped her head down and to the side, looking up at Alistair with her most hopeful expression possible. It certainly wasn’t an innocent look, not when she still imagined ripping off the corset and shoving his face between her breasts the minute they were alone again. Which, in the rational side of her mind, Enyd knew was all the more reason for them to get some fresh air and exercise before beaming back to the ship as he’d earlier suggested.

“Well, what do you think?” She did not attempt to keep the begging note from her voice.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #36
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

One moment, the kiss was easy, romantic, sensual. Enyd's lips tasted sharp and flavourful, a mix of firewine, ale and the chips that she'd eaten, drawing Alistair in to taste more, fall deeper into the kiss. A distant part of his mind wondered why he'd taken so long to do this when kissing Enyd felt so good.

The next moment, a switch flipped for both of them, and the long-restrained lust was finally unleashed. Alistair answered Enyd's needy moan within their locked lips wIth his own, craving her, more, all of her. As she pushed him back and climbed onto his waist, his hands moved to her back, holding her against him. Again, a small voice in his mind suggested that he slow down, breathe, but Enyd was all over him, drowning the voice in the press of her body against his.

Succumbing to the inevitable as he felt Enyd's hand sliding up his exposed thigh, Alistair's own hands slipped under Enyd's skirt and explored her buttocks, fondling and squeezing without a whit of shame. In a rush to feel more of Enyd, to toss her down onto the couch, tear off her skirt and underwear and feast until she cried for mercy, Alistair pulled his hands back out of her skirt and to the hips, their kiss somehow becoming even more heated, even more ravenous.

He was baffled when Enyd abruptly pulled back, but it quickly became obvious why when he saw blood oozing from Enyd's nostril. Klar's amused question drew an abashed grin from Alistair, even as he pondered.

Did I really just do that just by kissing her? And

Yuvvor's offer and Enyd's well-founded concern helped awaken Alistair's punch-drunk brain. It admittedly also helped that Enyd was no longer pressing against his groin, although his hands remained on her hips. Recognising the unspoken message in her tone and plaintive look, he hesitated, smiling nervously back at her.

"I think that's a great idea," he said, grateful for the out, despite his body's strenuous objection. The speed with which he'd shifted from "romantic kiss" to "devour Enyd's sex in front of everyone" was more than a little unsettling, especially after recent events. Or future events, technically. Alternate future events? Abortive post-temporal deviative events? Something like that. Rushing into this with Enyd was a bad idea. Probably. Maybe. Conceivably. Hypothetically.

All hypotheses require verification through experimentation, right?

With considerable reluctance (and hoping fervently that the tunic's flaps provided adequate concealment), Alistair waited for Enyd to stand before joining her. Taking her hand in his, he led her in the performers' wake out of the lounge and to backstage. The place sounded different than before (mercifully). Rather than the sound of music, moaning and taunting, the air was thick with excited chatter as everyone prepared for the march. Yuvvor and Klar had vanished into the throng that passed onwards into the theater proper, giving the humans a modicum of privacy.

"Hey," Alistair said quietly, pulling Enyd aside. On reflex he kissed her hand, smiling as he considered her amidst the background noise of a thousand-odd people chatting. "I'm with you. I don't know what's happening, and this is the craziest night of my life...uh, no. Second craziest. Well...third. Fourth if you count alternate timelines." He chuckled, shaking his head in embarrassment. "Sorry. My point is, if you ever don't feel comfortable, I'm with you, and we can beam back to the ship at any time."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #37
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd landed a quick kiss in the middle of Alistair’s forehead after he agreed to the invitation. They were mercifully spared an audience for disentangling themselves from each other and standing up when Klar and Yuvvor moved to the table to grab a few more handfuls of food. It took Enyd a moment to straighten her skirts and find the metallic layer to put back into place over the sheer material of the corset. Alistair had to help her get it reattached, which proved a feat in and of itself, as every time the man touched her, it tempted her to toss him back on the couch and resume their earlier randy goings on. Enyd knew no one in the parade would care about seeing the dark of her nipples through the lace, but Enyd also knew they would eventually beam back to the ship and though right now she wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and invite Alistair to finish his ravishing of her body, that rational part of her brain was speaking louder than before, fueling her efforts to get relatively decent for the parade walk.

Enyd raised a hand to her mouth to hold in a giggle—failing miserably when it came out as a juicy snort—at the sight of Alistair’s obvious erection tenting under his tunic. It made the tunic considerably shorter. Enyd playfully tugged at the hem of his tunic in a feigned attempt to make him more decent, nearly falling over with laughter in the process. She was still giggling as he took her hand and led her from the room. Hopefully, the distraction of the parade would help him as much as she hoped it would help her. He was not under the chip-fluence like she was and so would remember far more vividly the details of beaming back to the ship with a tented tunic and the reactions this brought from his crewmates.

They were almost to the main theater when a tug from Alistair’s grip on her hand had Enyd pausing. The quick kiss he pressed to her skin had Enyd’s stomach fluttering, and she knew her smile was goofy beyond reason when she flashed it at him. When it turned out that this wasn’t THE craziest night of his life, Enyd pouted in disappointment. Granted, crazy didn’t always mean good, and once she was sober, Enyd would realize this, but for this moment, she couldn’t help but feel a smidgen of jealousy over whomever it was who’d shared the craziest night of his life with Alistair.

Tipping up on her toes and wrapping her arms around his neck, Enyd pressed sloppy kisses to both of Alistair’s cheeks. “Don't worry handsome, those chips are so delightful that you couldn’t probably step on my toes right now, and I wouldn’t feel it.”

A shout from the crowd drew Enyd’s gaze long enough to see Klar holding aloft what looked to be two instruments, with Yuvvor at his side gesturing for them to join them. It looked as if the parade goers had chosen between masks or instruments to aid them in the festivities of the promenade, and all that was left for them to choose from were the instruments.

“But I know you meant emotionally and not just physically.” Enyd lowered herself back to her feet as she unwrapped her arms from around his neck and took hold of his hand again. “I won’t pretend to know what’s going on here, either and, in fact,” that rational side of her mind surged forward, recognizing the reality of Drauc’s recovery and the needed conversation with the Romulan. Enyd shook her head. She couldn’t verbalize those concepts right now. She’d only make things worse with any attempt. Taking a steadying breath, Enyd smiled as she continued, “Well, no matter what happens, we need to have a post-op meeting to work through this night, anyway. So let’s see this through. Safeword is…” Enyd tapped her lips for a moment, then grinned as she dropped her hand to Alistair’s chest and shifted back into his personal space to whisper, “Hot lips.”

Enyd quickly let go of his hand and danced her way off the stage, giggling when she nearly face-planted in the process. She was the first to reach Klar and accepted a pair of what appeared to be the Klingon equivalent of zills. The Klingon sex god then offered Alistair a tambourine while keeping a hand drum for himself, while Yuvvor had a clarinet-looking instrument already pressed between her lips. Their small group was a pace or two behind the last of the larger group, but considering the speed of the promenade itself, with the singing and revelry taking place throughout the crowd, they caught up to the end soon enough. It seemed this tradition was so ingrained in the city dwellers that, when the theater patrons finally burst out into the city square, they were met with a host of outrageously dressed individuals alongside singers and dancers, all competing for attention and yet strangely working in unison as they melted into the parade flowing out from the theater.

“The other performers,” Yuvvor stopped her music to point to a pair of acrobats, who somehow did a quick acrobatic routine while keeping up the group, and all without harming themselves or others, “are all shopkeepers in this district. Many years ago, they first started joining in the festivities as a way of hawking their wares, but then they found they gathered more attention for their shops the more ostentatious they dressed or acted during the parade. The shock of the moment leaving a lasting memory.” Yuvvor steadied a wink at Enyd and Alistair before pulling the instrument back to her lips and resuming her playing.

The front of the growing length of people turned down a narrow street, and slowly they meandered their way into the tighter quarters. The music bounced off the walls of the homes lining their path, with the echoes of laughter and song creating a rowdy ruckus that could chase away any sort of gloom from even the most morose character. Enyd laughed as she clinged and clanged the hand cymbals together, her smile growing as she watched Alistair play the tambourine. It was strange how at different portions of the parade, the tempo and melody of the song varied, drifting in and out of unison, capitalizing on the dissonance as its way of staying together.

In the ending portion of the parade, where Alistair and Enyd marched alongside Yuvvor, Klar, and a host of shopkeepers, the music sounded akin to the songs she would belly dance to. Enyd’s smile grew bigger as she remembered dancing for Zark some days earlier. Quite by instinct, her body acted on the memory, with Enyd moving slightly ahead of the others into a semi-open area of the parade, where she danced more intricately to the music. It was a challenge to move forward along with the parade while also conducting the memorized moves of the dance, but Enyd delighted in being able to share this dance and this moment with everyone around her. Enyd kept looking back to Alistair as she danced, catching his eyes to share a warm smile and the occasional wink. He hadn’t said the safe word yet, and that was wonderful!

Even in her partially inebriated state, with the chips still an influencing factor but lesser the more she exerted herself and breathed in the fresh air, Enyd recognized the beauty of this moment. To be invited into such a unique cultural aspect of the region was something to treasure. This was why she’d joined Starfleet. This was part of what she loved about being a diplomat. The experiences of culture shared, stories heard, lives lived. Enyd laughed as she ducked under one acrobat's legs and danced between his partners. That she could share this with Alistair, a man who was quickly growing to be like a habit of thought with every passing minute, only made the circumstances sweeter.

The parade began to slow, and it took a moment before Enyd realized why. Certain houses had opened their doors, and the residents were sharing food and drink with the passing group, some even opening the windows on the second floor and tossing out flowers or herbs that rained onto their heads, bringing a vibrant fragrance to the street as the oils of the petals were released under their dancing feet. As their section of the parade continued to wait their turn for a taste of some pastries the house up ahead was sharing, Enyd twisted and twirled her way back to Alistair’s side. She shamelessly fell against him and clung to his shoulders, eyes bright with joy. She had flower petals falling from her hair, and as they stood there together, lamp light the only thing allowing them to see, a large herb leaf nestled itself in the center at the top of her corseted bosom.

Enyd giggled, pressing her body closer to his, curling against him like a happy cat. “Do you need to say the safe word yet, Alistair?”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #38
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Content that Enyd was comfortable, Alistair allowed himself to be absorbed into the experience, as if Enyd's chip-induced glee had infected him too. In fairness, he argued to himself (hoping to divest himself of responsibility for whatever happened next), the combination of wine, ale, rampant arousal and Enyd's smile was leaving him pleasantly light-headed. Thus Alistair cheerfully took the tamborine from Klar and, along with Enyd joined the promenade as the crowd headed outside.

Fortunately by then, the uncomfortable erection had subsided, allowing Alistair to enjoy the moment. without distraction. The evening was pleasantly warm even with his legs bared, the summer heat seemingly contributing the wild communal feeling of it all, as if everyone had the same madness. The spectacular night sky, dominated by the immense shattered orb of Praxis, only added to the magic of it all. All the horror and pain that Alistair had experienced on that moon seemed very long ago as he merrily played his tambourine, making up for ineptitude with enthusiasm.

Who needed a safe word amidst this much fun? All thought of the concealed combadge was long forgotten as humans and Klingons alike merrily danced the night away. As Enyd was briefly separated from him, Alistair found himself joined by a pair of bare-chested masked Klingons, a man and woman who were juggling knives with frightening skill, and he found himself dancing right along with them. Soon enough, knives were flying back and forth over and around Alistair, who (despite being extremely aware of the danger) simply had no choice but to either trust in their skill or shrink from the danger. The former seemed the safer choice on Qo'nos, after all.

Eventually realising that the two knife-experts were wearing animal masks, which Alistair supposed meant that they were local butchers, he exchanged yet another look of shared joy with Enyd up ahead. The parade continued with the same communal chaotic energy, music filling the air, soon followed up by more things: flower petals, herbs, incense and so much more, adding an aromatic quality to everything. A close encounter with an enthusiastic Klingon woman resulted in Alistair's bared muscular arms being slathered with scented oils, but he managed to escape before she could do the same to his legs or head.

When Enyd fell into his arms, Alistair laughed gaily as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Not even close!" he said with a grin, barely noticing as a passerby, noticing the tambourine was no longer being played, nabbed it from his hand and continued on their merry way.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #39
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd’s eyebrows rose, her nostrils flaring, as she noted first the scent of the oils and then the luster of the lamp light glistening on Alistair’s skin. “And what sort of mischief have you found without me, sir?”

Shifting out of his arms ever so slightly, Enyd reached up and drew a hand down the length of his right arm. She studied her oil-covered hand for a moment, throwing Alistair an inquisitive smile. A hearty laugh bellowing over the din of music from just behind her pulled Enyd’s attention away from her oil-slicked tempter. It was one of the stagehands carrying a large tin of orange-colored paste.

“What is this?” Enyd used her shiny, oil-covered hand to point to the man’s tin.

The man dipped his fingers into the tin and dug out a large dollop, dropping it into Enyd’s palm without asking if she even wanted it. “Jutngev muSHa.” He tipped forward to bellow in her ear, “Or ‘nectar of love' in your tongue.” His warm breath was rich with the scent of bloodwine when he laughed and moved further into the crowd.

Pulling her gaze away from his departing back, Enyd looked at the rapidly melting paste in her hand. She realized the oil on Alistair’s arms had likely started as this paste, but melted on contact with the heat of skin. She turned toward him, a slight frown pulling at her lips. If his arms were already covered with the oil, where should she put this new portion?

As if in answer to her unspoken question, a flare lit up the sky with a bright pink explosion, followed by an emerald green one. The dynamic color change overhead caused Enyd’s eyes to shift down and away from the bright flashes, where her gaze landed on the sliver of skin visible through the flaps of his tunic. Enyd’s cheshire grin was as bright as the continued barrage of flares when she moved back to stand in front of Alistair.

Enyd rubbed her hands together in plain sight, her smile playfully menacing. “I’ve never been a fan of leaving things half done.”

Keeping her gaze locked with his, Enyd crouched until her head was level with his waist, her oil-slicked hands reaching beneath his tunic. She started close to his knee, pressing the heels of her hands against the top of his leg while her fingers massaged the oil into his muscled flesh. She was coy and careful in her upward movement, stopping her inner hand from its upward travels while her outer hand moved on until it massaged almost to his hip. Enyd only broke eye contact with Alistair long enough to glance at her work, curious if the orange oil colored his flesh orange as well. It didn’t. Somehow it just blended into his skin, leaving behind a bright sheen that tempted her to get her own tin and slather the man completely with it, her mind burning with curiosity at what it would feel like to rub against him while they were both equally covered.

She glanced back up at him, a soft smile of impish joy in place, as she pulled her hands away from his left leg and shifted subtly to reach his right. “Do you need the safe word, Alistair?”


Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #40
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Streets | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

"Woah Enyd, are you..." Alistair babbled in alarm as Enyd crouched down. "That's not...uh...oh...alright...okay..." Enyd's touch on his bare thigh quite effectively reduced the poor man to an insatiate mess, and he quickly stopped trying to talk. Klingons continued to pass around them in various costumes, apparently unfazed by Enyd crouching down before her date in the middle of the street. Somewhat flummoxed at what to do with himself (and enjoying the sensation of Enyd's fingers and palms on his skin far too much), Alistair was reduced to admiring the fireworks. They were modest compared to firework displays that he'd seen on Earth, but still impressive with great...colour...nope, the distraction wasn't working...

When Enyd asked her question, Alistair laughed nervously. "Uh, no, nope, but, erm, getting close..."

"Humans!" a friendly voice called out amidst the hubbub, and Alistair's mouth dropped as none other than Carvok and Leshvor approached through the crowd, the very same elderly Klingons that he and Enyd had met at the start of the evening. Both looked to be in high spirits, their tailored clothing being very ruffled indeed.

"You were magnificent!" Carvok boomed happily, slapping Alistair's bicep before realising his error. Hastily wiping his hand on his pants, he continued "Both of you, extraordinary, the finest guest performances that I've seen in many years! You claimed such excellent prizes too...the tunic of Bob'naj the Right! And that corset, such a fine piece from the opera! And now, I see that you yourselves aplenty!"

Momentarily baffled, Alistair glanced down and realised with renewed alarm that from a certain angle, it did now appear that Enyd's hands were massaging higher than their actual position. "Uh, er, that's-"

"Carvok, you old beast, what of us?" Leshvor interjected, dropping Alistair a wink when Carvok wasn't watching. She draped herseld on her husband's side, a hand running up and down his arm. "Do I see you giving your beloved wife the same treatment?"

Carvok groaned. "Steady on you daft woman, I've already railed you hard three times tonight! I'm a hundred and twenty two years old, you can't expect to just hop on and ride me whenever you choose, I'm not a blasted bike..."

Leshor snorted, batting his chest in remonstration. "Do these humans look like they're riding? I'm talking about you giving for once and not just receiving, like an honourable husband should! Don't you agree, dear?"

Caught offguard by the sudden question, and with his brain neatly frazzled by whatever Enyd was up to, Alistair could only nod noncommitally. "Uh...I mean, on the, uh, face of it..."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #41
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

The older Klingon couple, Carvok and Leshvor, careened out of the milling crowd into their proximity, calling an end to her torment of Alistair. Enyd didn’t mind. Where the chips had fueled a desperate need, she now felt sanguine to basically everything. Carvok’s allusion to more intimate activities had Enyd giggling. Their continued verbal sparring, especially between the couple, had her stomach clenching with laughter, a hand coming out to grip Alistair’s arm. Only her hand slipped down the length of it and grasped air. As she twisted in front of him, hands roaming his body, looking for something to steady herself with, Enyd grabbed something hard and firm, sitting hot beneath his tunic. Her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open, horrified amusement filling her as she realized she’d steadied herself by grabbing hold of his erection. Catching his gaze, Enyd smirked as she maintained the firm grip while she continued to right her position, this time on Alistair’s other side, only letting go once she was leaning against him and facing the couple.

Inserting herself into the conversation, Enyd nodded toward the backs of passersby. “A reveler gave us some orange paste.” Enyd pointed to the shiny gleam on Alistair’s arms. “Something like the ‘nectar of love.’” She shrugged, turning her gaze first to Leshvor, then to Carvok. She held out her hand where a few last dribbles of paste lay melting. “I have some left if you’d like to please your wife in another fashion, Carvok.” Enyd winked, feeling more than seeing Alistair’s reaction to her words and actions.

Leshvor’s eyes widened a moment before a coughing laugh erupted from her throat. Carvok reached out and used one hand to cup the back of Enyd’s, rubbing the last of the “nectar” onto his hand. He, too, was chuckling, his eyes moving up and down the length of Alistair.

“You were putting this on his legs, no?” Enyd nodded, smile broad. “And he has it on his arms?” Enyd nodded, smile faltering as it seemed this line of questions was leading somewhere. “Good, good.”

Leshvor swatted Carvok’s shoulder, obviously used to her husband being vague. “It is called the nectar of love because we make it from a mixture of herbs with aphrodisiac qualities and a good dose of gha’cher sperm.” Leshvor continued while Enyd reached out to grip Alistair’s hand. “It is a four-legged horned creature known for its sexual prowess, its sperm believed to help increase a male’s virility and woman’s pleasure during lovemaking.” Enyd blinked, eyes darting to each Klingon, then glancing up to Alistair. She'd just smeared what sounded to be goat cum all over his leg.

“Do you feel like a thousand tongues are licking your skin, human?” Carvok wagged his eyebrows as he reached over to his wife and audaciously smeared the last of the paste over what they could see of her chest. “The heat of a lover's breath tickling your senses?” The Klingon man’s eyes moved down to rest on Alistair’s waist, his smile growing. “If you don’t yet, you soon will. It is the most wonderful sensation.” Carvok looked back to Leshvor again as he finished smearing the paste on her skin and reached to clasp her hand in his. “I believe we conceived our third child while covered in it, no?”

Leshvor’s eyes widened, and she licked her lips, “Yes.” She was already tugging her husband back into the crowd. “Enjoy the experience, humans. It is unlike anything you’ve ever imagined.”

Enyd watched their departure in silence, then looked at her hand. It was feeling tingly warm, almost as if something or someone was massaging each nerve ending. She was curious if any of the herbs Leshvor had mentioned could be construed as a drug, something to lower inhibitions like alcohol but without inducing sleepiness or aggression. It could be why she felt more relaxed and open to whatever happened rather than driven by an overwhelming need. But, then again, she only had her hand exposed to the paste and had not had it smeared on her arms and legs.

Tucking a finger under Alistair’s chin, she tugged until she could see his eyes. “How are those thousand tongues feeling?”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #42
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Streets | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

When Enyd grabbed Alistair's erection, she found it to be a remarkably firm handhold, much to the owner's chagrin. Her subsequent back-and-forth motions on the stiff member as she clambered to her feet drew a distressed whine from Alistair, but he was rather beyond words at that point. A long night of sexual priming had dramatically reduced his tolerance for teasing of any sort, never mind an inadvertent handjob by a beautiful woman. That the throbbing erection was trapped inside painfully tight underwear did not help matters, particularly as the oil left from Enyd's grip seeped through the thin fabric.

Then, quite suddenly, Alistair felt a sudden liberating sensation around his groin. Barely registering that Enyd was at his side, and not registering the conversation at all, he experimentally shifted his hips from side to side, hoping to be inconspicuous. The result was undeniable; the underwear had ripped open at the front and was already slipping. Alistair was busy frantically trying to think of a dignified solution to his predicament when his brain belatedly two critical words.

Aphrodisiac. Sperm.

Completely dumbfounded, Alistair simply smiled like the idiot that he felt like. At Carvok's question and pointed look, Alistair could only chuckle anxiously. Indeed, his arms were beginning to tingle in a delightful manner, as were his thighs, and...

Oh shit.

After the randy old Klingons left to go about their business, Alistair took a deep breath, hoping to compose himself. His (barely) concealed erection was now painfully sensitive, such that Alistair both feared and eagerly anticipated what it might feel like to be touched again. As Enyd gently turned his face to hers and asked her question, he chuckled in bemusement.

"Insistent," he said softly, mindful of his underwear slowly slipping down his thigh. The crowd around them was was still thick with revelry as the promenade had slowed. On impulse, Alistair leaned forward and kissed Enyd, relishing the taste of her, but he forced himself to pull back a few moments later. He held up a finger, smiling self-consciously. "Just, uh, one moment. Hold that thought."

With that he stepped back, glanced around them at the still lively street, then quite sheepishly slipped his hands under the tunic flaps (conveniently propped open) and removed the ruined underwear, pulling it over his boots. Completely bare now, his precarious modesty preserved only by the tunic, Alistair hurriedly found a nearby bin and disposed of the clothing. He returned to Enyd, grinning bashfully, as if he couldn't believe what was happening.

"So, uh," he said quietly now that they were closer, the music of the parade still merry all around them. Alistair took one of Enyd's hands in his own, rubbing her knuckles with her thumb as he looked into her eyes. "Right. Well...uh...I have to be honest, Enyd, I'm about five minutes from ripping your clothes off and just giving you everything I've got until neither of us can see straight, no matter where we are." Alistair's eyes widened in shock at his own words, but he ploughed on. "What about you? Or will you be needing that safe word?"

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #43
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd gave an unladylike snort at Alistair’s blunt response of “insistent.” Then, one moment she watched him with amusement, and the next, Alistair kissed her again. His name whispered out of her throat like a needy moan when he pulled away, mouth agape and sucking at air. Her mouth stayed open, one hand coming up to clamp over it to stifle the giggles, as she watched Alistair unceremoniously shirk off his underwear and then walk over to a rubbish bin. Watching his almost nonchalant movements reminded Enyd of her present need, her earlier wants, and the curiosity and confusion that had existed like a permanent subtext to their entire evening.

The grin he bestowed as he returned to her side had Enyd giggling. She wasn’t certain if the crimson tint to his cheeks was from arousal, embarrassment, or both. Either way, he looked well-ravished and knowing she’d been the one ravishing him only lent further pleasure to her senses. His hand was warm, grip gentle as he took her hand. Where his thumb stroked back and forth, Enyd felt delicious tendrils of vibrating heat feather out. It took half a second for her to realize that was the hand she’d used to rub the paste on his body. If her barely exposed skin was reacting like that to his touch, what would his skin feel like if she touched the thinner flesh of his inner arm? Or trace her fingers along the edge of his knee?

Hearing his voice, Enyd gave her head a quick shake, taking her gaze from where he gripped her hand and bringing it slowly up to his face, very much aware of his erection as it tented under his tunic. While surprisingly honest and offering a sort of temptation with that honesty, his words worked magic on her, soothing her nerves. She used her free hand, raising it up as if they were back in school.

“Hot lips.” She murmured the safe word through a laughing smile. “Now, don’t take that as a lack of desire for the well-oiled flesh that you present before me,” to emphasize her point, Enyd reached out and drew a deliberate finger down Alistair’s arm, playful gaze observing his reaction, “but just as you’re about five minutes from having your wicked way with me, I feel like I’m about five minutes away from being a giggling mass of silliness.” She blinked and shook her head. “I’m starting to see fireworks over your shoulders.”

Though he’d warned her about being close to the edge, Enyd wasn’t with it so much that she could abide by the space that confession would necessitate. She used the grip of their hands to tug him closer, molding her body against his in an intimate embrace.

Tipping her head back, Enyd smiled softly as she whispered, “Take me home, Alistair.”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #44
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Streets | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Try as he might, Alistair couldn't keep his surprise from showing. His mind felt like hot mush, albeit hot mush that had been turbocharged by arousal and powerful desire, but nevertheless, sense won through. Enyd didn't "owe" him anything, and she had every right to end the night whenever she chose. Anyway (and a cold wave of guilt passed through Alistair as he remembered), she was the under the influence of the chips and a reasonable bit of alcohol. Enyd was right; this was certainly the time to beam back to the ship, if she was really starting to feel off-kilter.

None of that made Alistair any less sexually ravenous, of course, but such was life. All fantasies of hoisting Enyd up against a wall and driving hard into her, or finding a dimly lit park and laying her down in the grass, faded into nothing. In a traitorous moment as she snuggled into him, he idly wondered if Enyd could beam back and he could remain, perhaps to find an enthusiastic Klingon woman...or even Klar and Yuvvor, who might be open to some team sports...

Fortunately, in the next moment, hot shame flooded through Alistair. He wasn't that sort of man, and he'd surely regret such an adventure after he cooled off. That wasn't the sort of man whom Enyd had just spent the night with, nor with whom she'd care to spend more nights with. No quantity of aphrodisiac semen oil and alcohol could entice him to betray himself like that. Thus, with some reluctance, Alistair reached inside his tunic and pulled out the combadge that he'd pinned there.

"Take a moment to soak it all in," he murmured into Enyd's ear as he wrapped an arm around her waist and held her securely against him. The music enveloped them, as did the raucous revelers, with fireworks lighting the night sky in a dazzling variety of colours. Even scents were rich, a mix of countless odours that presented a spectacular olfactory experience.

Finally, Alistair pressed the combadge with his thumb. "Leavitt to Theurgy, two to beam up."

A moment later, both Alistair and Enyd vanished in a whirl of blue sparks.

Chief Kowalski was having a quiet evening in the transporter room. There were two transporter rooms active to provide redundancy and it was Kowalski's turn to be the backup, thus he had little to do that night save for beaming down Leavitt and Madsen several hours prior. Far from anything else, his most significant achievement of the night was to finish reading one novel and start another. The chief was thus quite content to be standing at his station (transporter operators quickly learned how to survive without chairs), PADD in hand, when the call came in.

He worked his controls as usual, ran the beam-up sequence as usual, watched the two figures fizzle into existence as usual...and then the chief's mouth dropped.

"Hey, weren't you two wearing different clothes when you left?" he asked, baffled. When Alistair turned away from Enyd, revealing his prominent tunic tent, the chief's eyes widened. "Well, hello there sailor!"

Blushing fiercely, Alistair took Enyd's hand in his own. "It's...a, uh, long story," he mumbled, clearing his throat before leading Enyd out of the transporter room. Only at the last moment did Alistair stop at the door and look back. "I'll see you at 1100, Chief. I'll need the report on the ODN problem by then in case I need to check the bioneurals afterwards."

"Yes sir!" Chief Kowalski said cheerfully, plainly on the verge of laughter as the doors closed.

Alistair groaned, glancing at Enyd. "The weird thing is that I'm actually his boss," he said with a wince. The sudden shock of transition from the bustling street to the stark starship corridor (which was mercifully empty) had sobered him up some, even if the erection remained, thanks to the accursed oil. Considering Enyd for a moment, Alistair said quietly, "Enyd, it might be a good idea to go to Sickbay. Believe me, the hangover from those chips really don't want to know."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #45
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Laying her head against Alistair’s shoulder, Enyd quietly nodded. She memorized the sights and sounds, and especially the feel of Alistair holding her and how firm his muscles were as she wrapped a mirrored arm around his back and anchored herself to his side. She hadn’t wanted to return to the ship—if ever. But something in the wildness of Alistair’s gaze had worked to break through the liquor, the chips, and the paste to remind Enyd that things were left unclear with another man on the ship who’d had an even greater wildness in his eyes. Already things had gotten far more complicated with Alistair than she’d expected, and once she was fully sober, the house of cards of idiocy she’d built would crush her. But for now, she was willing herself to be calm and content. Blatantly ignoring the flashes of lights that were indeed starting to creep in from the edges of her vision.

They shimmered off the planet at Alistair's order just as Enyd placed a soft kiss against his oiled skin. Probably not the best idea, all things considered, but she’d wanted to share one last moment of affection in the atmosphere of the revelry before they were transported back to the sterile environment of the ship. Transport was always abrupt, and Enyd really much preferred shuttles. The temperature change caused a rash of goosebumps to appear on her bare skin and she rubbed at it while Alistair’s addressed the transport officer. Her cheeks warmed in embarrassment for both Alistair and herself when the officer teased Alistair, and was grateful when he took her hand and led her to the door.

When he paused and popped his head back in, listing off more techno-babble, Enyd’s smile returned in full force. There was something sexy about how confident and assertive he became when speaking about his work. She squeezed his hand reassuringly when the reality of rank came back to bite them both. Enyd tugged him in the direction of sickbay, already thinking the same thing. Her lips were humming with awareness thanks to her kissing his arm earlier, and her hand was still aflame with all sorts of pleasurable sensations. It was likely torturous to Alistair at this point.

“I think we need to get you inoculated to the thousand love-tongues.” Chuckling, she weaved to bounce against his side as they moved toward what she hoped would be medical relief of some kind. “I’m really sorry about that, Alistair.” Though she was sincere in her apology, the smirk was likely not helping her appear so. “I think we’ve learned a few valuable lessons tonight; we should write in an anonymous report for future visits.”

Thankfully they met few crewmates and no close acquaintances on their travels to sickbay, though it’d be another matter getting from sickbay to their respective quarters. The staff on duty were professional enough to not bat an eye at their state of dress or medical needs. A hypospray and some vitamins later, and Enyd’s chemical imbalance—thanks to everything she’d ingested or been exposed to—was back to normal. Earlier in the evening, she’d mentally berated herself for not speaking more plainly about Drauc, and that beratement returned in full force. The nurses finished with Enyd faster than Alistair, and Enyd took advantage of the moment alone to check on Drauc's progress. He'd been released, as planned, and the nurses indicated nothing had been of threat upon his release. Enyd sighed and thanked them for sharing before moving back to wait in the common area for Alistair.

There had to be something wrong with her. Something that had never fully developed or that had been broken after Javec, but it seemed she was incapable of being simple and straightforward with attraction or interest. Enyd kicked at the floor with her shoe while she waited for Alistair to rejoin her. Once she saw him, this time with sober eyes, Enyd felt a mixture of pleasure and regret. She’d not entered this evening intending to get seduced by him through haphazard circumstances and certainly hadn’t intended on doing the same to him. She had no concept of where he stood with other crewmembers, and although she'd alluded to prior physical engagements, she'd been vague. The devil was in the details, or the complete lack in this case.

Enyd kept her smile warm as Alistair approached. He did not deserve to have the evening ruined by her full-force confession of relational idiocy. They were both tired, and such a conversation, or confession, was best left for later. Let them process things in their respective corners first. And tomorrow, maybe, she would find Drauc. He needed to know everything. It was the only respectful thing to do. And then, regardless of how Drauc responded to her confession, Enyd needed to come clean with Alistair as well. Do unto others, was something her grandmother had drilled into her over the years, and if the tables were reversed, Enyd would want to know these details.

“How are you doing?” Enyd wanted to take his hand again, having gotten so used to holding it on the planet, but no longer having the excuse of drugs coursing through her system and now having Federation eyes on them, Enyd instead clasped them together in front of her body. “Turns out that paste, when mixed with the chips, was causing my dopamine levels to go out of whack. The nurse said I’d likely have seen pink fairies carrying elephants if I'd had much more exposure.” Enyd subtly shifted her hips back and forth in a nervous dance, not quite knowing what to do or say without doing too much or saying too much. “Um, well, I meant it when I said we’d need to have a post-op meeting. I think a lot happened tonight. That took us both by surprise.” She licked her lips, fighting the urge to ogle him. “Unless it was always in your plans to steal that outfit as a souvenir. You did say you enjoyed the play it was featured in.” Enyd winked, this time reaching out and playfully punching his arm. “Tonight has actually been wonderful, Alistair, all things considered. And I mean that. I-“

A passing nurse had Enyd shifting closer before she continued in a softer voice, “Remember the guy I told you about, the one who was in sickbay after kissing me? Well, I really need to talk to him, too.” She didn’t know what else to say because she honestly didn’t know how Drauc would feel or how she felt right with the new developments throwing her so off-kilter. Her smile was lopsided, an apologetic blush on her cheeks. “If it’s okay by you, I’ll come by your quarters or a neutral area if I scare you,” she offered a playful wink, trying to downplay the serious subtext of the moment, “to do the post-op discussion in a day or two?”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #46
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn. @EllenFitz

It was a credit to their training that the medical staff were completely professional as they dealt with Alistair. There was no teasing, no meaningful glances, no innuendoes of any sort. It was just as well. After being given an injection to clear his head, Alistair's embarrassment was so titanic that he half wondered if he was at risk of a stroke. Finally, finally his body returned to normal, although certain annoying body parts ached from overstimulation. Memories of the past few hours flashed through his mind as the doctor and nurse continued treating him, each memory accompanied by a wince.

It was just as well that Sarah wasn't on duty. If she'd been assigned to treat him, Alistair would've quite happily leapt out an airlock.

When he returned to Enyd, it was apparent that she too was now clear-headed and feeling the consequences of their date. Standing by her, Alistaor listened patiently, offering a small smile at times. At times he would have to stop himself reaching for her hand, putting an arm around her shoulders or, when Enyd shuffled closer, kissing her brow. It was hard to ignore the learned habits of the past few hours. Finally, at the last, he nodded.

"I'll be waiting, whenever and wherever you decide to find me," Alistair said quietly, making a point to meet Enyd's eyes with his own. "You're right, we do have a lot to talk about and think over, on top of that report that we'll have to file. Tonight was...uh, surprising, in many ways." He hesitated, glancing aside with unease as he recalled Emyd's cryptic references to another paramour, but he dismissed those thoughts for the moment. "Regardless of anything else, Enyd, you're right. It has been a amazing evening, and unforgettable evening, and...uh, I'm glad that you decided to end it when you did. That was the right decision."

Now it was Alistair's turn to blush, and he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Anyway...erm...well, right. I'll just be...going...then." He turned away, hesitating, before looking back at Enyd. With a nervous smile and a great deal of hesitancy, Alistair leaned in and softly kissed Enyd's cheek, a very chaste peck after all the other kisses that they'd shared recently, but somehow even more intense and nerve-wracking than any of them.

"I'll be waiting," he reminded Enyd with that same gentle smile. "Good night, Enyd Madsen."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #47
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn. @Griff

Her hand raised of its own volition when Alistair turned to depart. She fought disappointment at the abrupt ending to their evening and looked to the floor. She shouldn’t be surprised really; after all-

Enyd’s mouth dropped open in surprise when suddenly Alistair pressed a warm kiss to her cheek. Her hand raised again, this time as if to press the memory of his skin deeper into her skin as he stood up and gave her a soft smile. She had no pithy remarks to toss at him and so nodded, her cheeks flushed from the intimacy of the kiss. This was extremely ridiculous, of course, considering he’d seen her breasts, been given a personal lap dance, and had thoroughly kissed her near sense more than once through the evening. But sometimes, innocent and pure left more of a mark on the soul than blatant and demanding.

Enyd kept her hand against her cheek for a few paces as she wandered down the corridor toward the turbolift. She was glad her quarters were one deck away. After the ups and downs of this date…Enyd was curious if Starfleet should send cadets to a Klingon comedy show just to test their mettle, for she certainly felt as if she’d been put through some sort of test. She was still chuckling at the mental image of the likes of L’Nari or Victor having to make it through what they’d just lived through by the time she made it back to her quarters and began to strip the moment the door latched behind her. She was careful with the corset. No matter the coming days, Enyd would treasure this keepsake.

A cup of peppermint tea nursed before and after a shower, and within forty-five minutes of saying goodnight to Alistair, Enyd was in bed, smiling as she burrowed against her pillows for a well-deserved rest from chaos.


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