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Topic: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!? (Read 11210 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Transporter Room 4 | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn. @EllenFitz

It had been so long since his last one that Alistair had forgotten the happy buzz of excitement that preceded a date. All day, even as he dabbled in such trivial tasks as realigning EPS flows, assigning holodeck time and designing a pan-galactic contradimensional temporal defence network, his mind kept drifting to his evening plans. Few things focused the mind and buzzed the spirit so much as the prospect of a date with a beautiful woman in the immediate future.

Still, as Alistair stepped into the shower and turned on the water (rank had its privileges onboard the Theurgy), he mused on how odd it felt. By rights, it shouldn't. Enyd was an engaging woman, chaotic and magnetic in equal measure, and Alistair wanted to see more of her. She had driven him slightly (well, more than slightly) up the wall when they first met, to be sure, but it was hard to deny how darn enjoyable their brief encounter had been. Regardless, it still felt...odd, as if he was being yanked in another direction by some unseen force. It was strangely unsettling, although in a perverse way, it only made the forthcoming date seem even more exciting.

Standing beneath the jet of water, steam rising around his body, Alistair sighed, resolving to work out his own confusion later. Tonight he was going to enjoy himself, darn it, and so would Enyd. Thinking about her, he found himself grinning like an idiot as he got dressed in a simple crimson shirt and some black pants. The shirt sleeves were long and the only the top button undone, enough that Alistair felt good about his appearance. He looked hot, damn it, and he was enjoying every second of it!

Thinking about what awaited on the planet surface, Alistair was smiling all the way to the transporter room. The transporter operator took one look at him, grinned and gave him an appreciative thumbs up as the two men waited for Enyd to arrive.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #1
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Transporter Room 4 | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd shook her head as she finished brushing her hair. She still hadn’t decided if she loved or hated Qo’Nos. Logically, the Klingon homeworld was no different than Earth in how it held memories of both the delightful and less-so varieties, but that didn’t stop her illogical musings. In a week, she’d been nearly killed a handful of times and yet had also received her first kiss in years and had been able to grow closer to a slew of new friends. Giving a non-committal shrug, finished buttoning the dress sleeves at her wrists before spritzing her favorite floral perfume on her neck. Stepping back, Enyd twisted and turned in front of the mirror to give herself one last once over.

Alistair had finally given her an official invitation for the “follow-up,” and Enyd had been glad for it. With so much going on in her life that required serious thought, she needed time spent with people who made her feel like a five-year-old. Her chosen dress for their outing was an antique-looking black floral patterned lace over pink silk. Long sleeves buttoned neatly around the wrists emphasized her delicate bone structure. A deep v cut through the mandarin-style collar of the fitted blouse, falling nearly to her belly button, but made tasteful with sheer material shielding her ivory skin from direct view. The skirt of the dress fell to just below her knees, where the pink ruffles of her petticoat peeked out beneath the black lacy pleats of the skirt whenever she twirled. She wore sheer hose with a single seam running up the back of her legs, directing the line of sight to her pink and black strappy high-heels. She’d combed her hair to the side but left it loose, figuring less attention on her ears while on the planet could be helpful considering the previous week's events.

Enyd’s smiling lips briefly dipped into a thoughtful frown as she recalled her kidnapping(s), namely her time spent with the Romulans. The enigmatic Hirek still haunted her thoughts. Something about the way he looked at her as if seeing through to her soul in a way no one else could, left Enyd feeling disquieted. Where she normally felt excitement for the opportunity to explore Romulan culture, Enyd had yet to warm up to the concept of exploring much of anything with Hirek. And it wasn’t just because he’d been a part of her kidnapping outside the opera house.

Giving a physical shake to jar her thoughts back into more pleasant territory, Enyd grabbed her purse, which held all the necessary items for a date on Qo’Nos, including discrete weapons, and made her way to the transporter room. Alistair was already waiting for her, dressed handsomely in crimson and black, cutting a suave image that Enyd felt her cheeks warm at the sight of.

“Why hello there, handsome,” Enyd purred as she came closer, switching her accent to match Valyn’s southern twang, “going my way?”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #2
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Transporter Room 4 | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Enyd certainly didn't disappoint. Alistair was grinning as she entered the transporter room, the familiar happy buzz in his stomach growing. He still didn't know if this was a good idea (heck, it probably wasn't), but it was too late to turn back now. In any case, he couldn't deny that he liked being called 'handsome'.

"I'd be a doofus not to be," Alistair said, bemused by her affected accent. "You look pretty great yourself." He gestured at the transporter pad, inviting Enyd to hop up onto it before joining her, then looking at the transporter operator. The chief was plainly trying not to laugh, but Alistair was in too good a mood to care. "Saqwa' city, the Square of Death. It's on the list of approved spots."

The chief nodded, still smirking as he worked the console. "Co-ordinates locked in."

Alistair glanced at Enyd to check that she was ready, then looked back. "Energise." And stop smirking like that. I'm the one with the hot date!

In a whirl of blue sparks, both Alistair and Enyd disappeared, only to rematerialise moments later in the heart of a thriving city centre, right in the middle of a vast square, in front of a great statue. Tall buildings towered around them, while Klingons of all ages milled about, from the eldery to the infants. The sun was only just setting but it was still remarkably warm, the emerald sky having only a few wisps of clouds, dominated by the great shattered orb of Praxis. It was a remarkably ordinary city, all things considered, even if the statues spread around the square depicted more graphic violence than would be typically seen in the Federation.

Alistair took a moment to find his bearings before looking at Enyd. "Saqwa' is a neutral city," he explained, "so there was no fighting here. I served with a friend in the war who liked to talk about a show." He looked pointedly at the other side of the square, where a large theatre loomed. Alistair held out an arm. "Shall we?"

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #3
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Square of Death | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

“I like a man who establishes where I stand with him on the first date,” Enyd commented as she chuckled at square’s name, knowing full well the historical context of the square and how it had gotten its moniker but not allowing that knowledge to keep her from teasing Alistair.

The transport was smooth, credit to the operator, and within seconds Enyd blinked into view the bustling city of Saqwa,’ already a welcome change from some of the other places she’d visited on the planet so far. Alistair’s quick comment about it being a neutral city was further comfort to Enyd’s soul. Some of her excursions had been in the line of duty, and not one of those had left her unscathed. The others had been for fun, but even then, her assumption that chaos followed in her wake was quickly becoming fact, given how many of those so-called fun excursions had resulted in difficulties and discomfort as well. If they could make it back to the ship in one piece, without threat or harm, that would be a first for Enyd in her personal history with Qo’Nos.

Taking his arm with a pleased smile, Enyd followed his lead as they moved across the square to the destination he’d pointed out. His mentioning of “the war” had her curious. Her first thought was the Dominion War but, given that it was Alistair and his neck-deep existence in temporal mechanics, it was likely he was referring to a different one.

“If you don’t mind my asking, which war?” Taking note of some of the other show-goers filing in beside and behind them, Enyd raised an eyebrow. “And what kind of show is this?”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #4
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Transporter Room 4 | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Enyd's first question threw Alistair for a loop, and he looked at her in confusion, not answering for a moment. How many other wars were there? There was just the war. Everything before and since, from the Federation's bloody two-year conflict with the Klingons to the Theurgy's own recent battles, had been a quaint side-show by comparison. As the line moved forward, the lightbulb finally switched on. Enyd knew he'd traveled in time and worked with time travel, so of course, he could mean any old conflict. Or new conflict, for that matter, assuming that the Infested's influence hadn't reduced the galactic quantum variation so much as to ensure an apocalyptic outcome, regardless of counteraction...

Shut up, brain.

" was the Dominion War," Alistair said soberly. "When I was on layover at Starbase 12, I met someone in the KDF, an engineer on a cruiser. He told me all about-"

"Did I hear that right, dear?" interjected a wheezy woman's voice from behind them. Startled, Alistair turned around to see an elderly Klingon couple in the queue, both well dressed and (naturally) both carrying d'k'tahgs on their belts."You fought in the war?"

Bemused, Alistair glanced at Enyd. "Uh, yeah," he said, baffled by the interest. "On the starship Pioneer."

"That's wonderful, it is, my dear, truly," the old Klingon woman said with a wrinkled warm smile. "That is an honourable thing. I've always liked you humans, you fight so well. And you, dear," she said as she looked at Enyd, "you have the look of a warrior about you. Oh, you must be from one of those Federation ships up in orbit! You did such a fine job in the civil war, dears, you both must have claimed such glory in battle. I'm sure your families are very proud of you. Isn't that right, Carvok?"

"Hm?" her husband grunted, having plainly been trying to avoid the conversation, but at his wife's sharp elbow to the ribs, he jerked to full alertness. "Urm, yes Leshvor, very proud, very proud. Good warriors on the Theurgy, yes, yes. Qa'pla." He gave such a weak salute that his wife glared daggers, and Carvok stood a little straighter. "You two young'uns will like this show. I've been to Earth stand-ups, a few of 'em. Not bad. This is like that, but with more punching. Much more fun, let me tell you, and I've been to shows up and down this quadrant, in the Empire and the Federation and Cardassia-"

"Hush dear, I'm sure they don't want to hear about your honourless whoring all over space," Leshvor interrupted, patting his arm. "My husband here likes to think that he's a comedy critic, but it's all a load of waffle in his retirement, don't mind him."

Carvok scowled. "I'm the best comedy critic in this city-" ("the only critic", his wife added) "-and I've told you a thousand times, woman, I've never whored!"

Leshvor harrumphed. "That trollop that I saw you with was naked!"

Carvok rolled his eyes in exasperation. "She was Ferengi, you daft woman! They're all naked!"

"So you say," Leshvor said skeptically before smiling at Alistair and Enyd. "Oh, you really will adore this show, dears, it will appeal to your spirit if you have seen battle. You will have a lovely time. Is this your first date as a couple?"

Alistair (struggling mightily to not laugh) was taken aback by the question, and grinning, he glanced at Enyd expectantly, not trusting himself to answer.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #5
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen |  Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd’s response to Alistair’s comment was stalled by the interruption of the Klingon woman’s question. Enyd remained quietly observant by Alistair’s side as she watched and listened to the exchange. The woman’s glowing praise of humanity surprised Enyd but then again, she’d already met a few Klingons who had more critiques for their own kind than for humans or any others—except maybe the Romulans. As the woman spoke and doted on her husband, Enyd couldn’t help the instinctive pull to lean more heavily against Alistair’s side, cueing into the woman’s words and demonstrating a physical unity display for the couple that brought a smile to the man’s face.

“I bloodied my tik’leth in the battles we just came through,” Enyd added for Leshvor’s sake, watching Carvok’s eyebrows rise in surprise. “And this handsome warrior saved an entire ship from destruction by the sheer might of his wit.” She lightly patted Alistair’s chest with her free hand, delighting in watching the woman momentarily fawn over Alistair while Carvok exuded an air of preferring anything but small talk.

It was then that Carvok let loose the content of this show and it was Enyd’s turn to look at Alistair with an expression of surprise. Klingon stand-up comedy…assuredly not at all what she would expect to find here. And it was very telling of the man beside her that he’d decided that it was precisely what was in order for their first date. After a quick squeeze of her hand against his forearm, Enyd returned a smile to Carvok.

“The punch lines are more literal here, then?” Leshvor laughed first, with Carvok wagging a knowing finger in her direction in appreciation.

She briefly leaned her head against Alistair’s shoulder while the married couple fell back into bantering, tossing him a playful smile when she got his attention. At the mentioning of naked Ferengi, Enyd quickly dropped herself back into the conversation.

“Not to choose sides, but in my line of work, I can attest to that fact, ma’am. Ferengi women are naked the majority of the time. It is considered unseemly and offensive for them to wear clothing. It was not my favorite mission, but I have had to work some missions with higher-ups in the Ferengi government that required me to be similarly unclothed to avoid diplomatic incidence.”

She smiled when Carvok was careful to look everywhere but at Enyd then, especially with Leshvor keeping a level eye on him. Her smile faltered then grew at Leshvor’s question, and it was with childlike glee that Enyd redoubled her efforts to appear clingy against Alistair’s side.

“I keep calling it what it is but this one is playing hard to get.” She batted her eyes at Alistair before returning her attention to Leshvor. “How did you get yours to stop running away?”

Leshvor chuckled, “I just learned how to run faster than him to take out my competition before they could sink their claws into him, my dear.” She leaned closer and spoke to Enyd as if Alistair wasn’t looming over the both of them. “My advice, make sure you have good running shoes and keep your tik’leth sharpened.”
“Our seats are over here, dearest.” Carvok tugged on his wife’s arm. “You will see. This show is to die for.” He winked. “Almost literally.”

Enyd laughed, tossing her hair as she looked back up to Alistair. She waited for half a heartbeat before she lightly poked him in the sternum, “I’ll have you know my tik’leth is sharpened and at the ready.”

I'm so sorry it took so long to reply. Life was cruising them BAM it got chaotic. Cheers!

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #6
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

As Carvok and Leshvor shuffled away to find their seats, Alistair was chuckling silently, suddenly reminded of why (when they weren't shooting at him) he really liked Klingons. As Enyd teased him, he reflected (again) that she was far too cute for someone so mischievous.

"That's good," he answered drily, "because I'm feeling pretty unarmed right now by comparison." Glancing around the auditorium, Alistair tried to make sense of the Klingon numerals on each rows, and he guided Enyd to their seats with the usual awkwardness of such an activity. Eventually, though, with only a modicum of grumbling from other spectators (by Klingon standards) that they squeezed past, the humans found their seats.

By then, the auditorium was filling nicely as the buzz of anticipation and pre-show chatter filled the air. Most present were Klingons but there was also a scattering of other species here and there, even Federation species, although there was no way of telling if any were from the Theurgy and Oneida. The entire auditorium was full of positivity, reflected by the dramatic statues and artwork at the sides and the spectacular fresco on the dome above.

Granted, it was a little unsettling that the fresco showed a Klingon hero surrounded by the butchered bodies of his slain foes (including more than one Starfleet officer, wearing the gold uniform of a century past), but it was impressive all the same.

"It sure doesn't look like there was a civil war on this planet two weeks ago," Alistair commented to Enyd with bemusement. "Or that the moon know...blew up. They really bounce back fast over here."

Before he could say anything else, the lighting dimmed dramatically everywhere except the stage, and the hubbub of the crowd slowly quietened into silence. Eventually a woman walked onstage, regarding the crowd with apparent bemusement. She was simply dressed, wearing only a short-sleeved tunic and simple pants, and most unusual for a Klingon, she was completely unarmed.

"Well well well, aren't you a miserable bunch," she said to the crowd, her voice caught by a microphone to reach the entire auditorium. "To those of you who are ignorant, I am Yovvur. You know, looking out at you all, it occurs to me that+ this is my first show in four months, and this is what Qo'nos gives me! Two thousand Klingons come here, not two weeks after a civil war, and look at you! No shouting, no fighting, nobody has been stabbed, nobody has even passed out drunk yet! It's been five minutes! Come on, somebody, please, show me that you are KLINGON!"

The silence remained unbroken after Yuvvor's dramatic cry, the awkwardness building by the moment, the crowd looking at each other in confusion. Alistair glanced at Enyd, looking rather baffled himself but smiling awkwardly all the same as he shrugged. Then the silence was finally broken.


In the row behind Alistair and Enyd, and several seats away, came the loudest and foulest belch that the humans had ever heard. The offender, a young Klingon man, looked sheepishly around, realising that he was now the center of attention and had been soundly caught.

"Sorry," he said into the silence, wiping his mouth helplessly, his apology reaching everyone in the auditorium. A beat passed before everyone erupted into laughter, the raucous sound filling the entire auditorium. It took a fair while for the laughter to die down, Yuvvor herself chortling merrily on the stage.

"For twenty two years I've opened with that gag on Qo'nos, and not once have you let me down!" she said, full of exuberance. "Welcome, one and all! Remember, there is only one rule: leave your grudges at home! I don't care if you wife's third cousin was once pissed on by someone's pet targ, or if you don't like Martok's hair style, there is no room for it here!"

Before Yuvvor could continue, someone else appeared on stage, a burly Klingon in armour. He was equally unarmed, although his thick lustrous beard I(ong enough to tuck into his armour) could likely double as a weapon should the need arise. He carefully began sneaking up on Yuvvor from behind, with the comedian apparently having no idea that he was there.

"This is part of the show," Alistair said quietly to Enyd. "From what I hear, members of the audience are allowed on stage at certain times to attack her. If they beat her, they win a prize."

As they saw, however, beating Yuvvor was no simple task.  The crowd offered no clues that he was coming, but Yuvvor seemed to know all the same. The big Klingon tried a jumping tackle, but Yuvvor neatly pivoted so that he merely dove onto the floor. He hurried to his feet anyway, regarding her warily.

"Oh, you are a strapping warrior, aren't you?" Yuvvor teased merrily. He tried a couple of punches, but Yuvvor was impossibly nimble as she dodged them, even making her movements comical, as if she was dancing, to the laughter of the crowd. A moment later she twisted her assailant around so that they were back to back, with the whole 'fight' becoming rather pantomime as Yuvvor played with him, constantly dodging and maneuvering so that they remained back-to-back. Eventually Yuvvor rammed her own backside into his, unbalancing him, allowing her to elegantly toss him onto the stage. The poor man looked rather pitiful, lying flat on his chest and facing the crowd, and his dignity was not helped when Yuvvor promptly sat herself on his back, pinning him, the crowd cackling in hilarity.

"So, just the other day, I saw a Tellarite out at my local bakery, and-" Yuvvor was interrupted by the indignant waving hands of her vanquished foe, apparently not happy that she planned to remain there, but she patted his head affectionately. "Oh hush dear, you're doing very well. You make an excellent place to sit, very firm and strong, a true Klingon seat. Now, this Tellarite..."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #7
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen |  Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd squeezed Alistair’s arm with excitement as Yuvvor took the stage and challenged the crowd to be more Klingon. She’d been half tempted to take off a shoe and toss it at the lone woman—as a gesture of goodwill, of course—but had been saved a lost shoe with a timely belch. Enyd was the first to shamelessly hoot with laughter, hand reaching out to grab hold of Alistair’s forearm as she threw back her head and gave in to the belly laugh. Her laughter was soon drowned out as the arena joined her. Smiling up at her companion, Enyd wiped at the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand as Yuvvor continued her act, this time with more merriment and less feigned animosity.

Her eyes widened, and she couldn’t help but start to point toward the would-be attacker, but Alistair’s explanation had her hand dropping back to her lap. She gave a quick nod and edged forward in her seat, anxious to see how things would unfold. Without a care in the world for propriety, when the Klingon lunged for Yuvvor and the woman gracefully pivoted out of his way, Enyd reached out and latched her hand onto Alistair’s knee. Squeezing it, Enyd laughed and pointed toward the ruckus happening on stage, as if the man couldn’t see the mayhem for himself.

As Yuvvor continued her dance with the Klingon, Enyd gradually fell back to lean over and whisper to Alistair, “When the Klingons boarded Theurgy, I was cornered in the corridor, alone, armed only with a fork.” Her eyes were dancing with merriment now, though at the time, she’d definitely hadn’t been amused. “I can say he got more than one of my points.”

Patting Alistair’s shoulder for good measure, Enyd returned her attention to the stage just as Yuvvor sat on her opponent’s back and began to tell a story. But then, in the shadowed left corner of the stage, a commotion from the audience interrupted Yuvvor’s story. As if emerging from the waters of evolution, a god of a Klingon slowly took to the stairs. He wore an ornate tunic and skin-tight leggings with knee-high boots. His curly hair was loose about his shoulders and his forehead regally ridged. No doubt this man was of noble blood, and even Enyd felt the tugging allure that hovered about his shoulders.

“And who is this dandy?” Yuvvor didn’t move from her perch, not just yet, but shifted to face the newcomer, taking hold of the fallen Klingon’s feet and twisting them to elicit a moan of pain from the man who had tried to best her. “Some fat nobleman’s son, lost on his way to a brothel?”

The towering man waited until the audience’s laughter died down before he spoke in a rumbling timbre that brought goosebumps to Enyd’s skin. “Your father told me where you were.”

“My father?” Yuvvor dropped the Klingon man’s legs and stood up. Freed of his comedian burden, the other Klingon man rolled off the stage into the first row of audience goers. Ignoring his grunts of pain or the curses he earned from those he’d fallen upon, Yuvvor shot a question at the long-haired Klingon god, “And who are you to know my father?”

“I am Klar.” Yuvvor took a step back at his name, her mouth dropping open and then snapping shut. Klar smiled and gave a partial bow to Yuvvor and the audience, “I see from your reaction that you have heard of me.”

Yuvvor snorted, crossing her arms over her chest, “Were you not the one who got his finger stuck in a vethl’s ass?”

The audience erupted into a series of hoots and hollers. Enyd looked to Alistair for clarification, but before the man could offer his best guess on what a vethl was, Klar rolled his shoulders and lifted his hands to silence the commotion her comment had rendered in the arena.

“Make your jokes, Yuvvor, but I will contend with you here,” Klar began to strut over the stage towards Yuvvor, fingers deftly working at the various strings and buckles that held his ornate tunic together, “I will woo you on this stage in plain sight of all these audience members.” The tunic sprung free, the fabric all but leaping off his torso as if fleeing from the power of his undulating muscles. Enyd’s mouth dropped open in amazement. She hadn’t known a Klingon could be THAT muscled. “If you dare to deny me my right, I will fight you.” Shaking his thick mane of hair, Klar all but purred at Yuvvor, “Now, good evening, Yuvvor. For I have heard that is your name.”

Yuvvor was making a valiant effort to keep her eyes on his face and not roving over his body. Enyd wasn’t even making the attempt. “You must be hard of hearing, for that is only what my friends call me. For a waqboch like you? You may call me qavan. For that is all I will ever be to you.”

Again the audience booed or cheered at her retort, taking the cues for silence or cheers from Klar’s hand movements. Once more he held up a hand and everyone fell silent to listen.

“You lie. For you are called witty Yuvvor. Beautiful Yuvvor. And sometimes, Yuvvor the cursed.” A snarl was her only warning as she took a menacing step toward him. “Lusty Yuvvor.” Another growl from Yuvvor, another step, each reaction bringing more confidence to Klar as the two began to circle each other. “Your father spoke of your wildness, your strength; I could not help but be moved to woo thee for my wife.”

“Moved!” Yuvvor seemed to remember the audience then, eyes darting between the half-dressed hunk of a Klingon and the audience. “In good time, for a good Klingon man. But as for you?” She tossed her hair over her shoulder and scoffed, “Let the feet that moved you here remove you there.” She pointed to the arena exit, her mischievous smile growing as laughter pitter-pattered from the audience. “For you are a moveable pillar. Not worth considering.”

She made the mistake of turning her back and that was when Klar sped into action. Enyd gasped, one hand covering her mouth, another reaching out for Alistair as they watched Klar move with greater speed and agility than the first Klingon. Perhaps for the first time in her twenty-two years, Yuvvor rapidly found herself clutched from behind in a vice-like grip. Klar shuffled on stage with the writhing comedian in his arms until he faced the audience and bent down to not-so-softly whisper to Yuvvor, “So what is moveable, dearest Yuvvor?”

Yuvvor found her footing with a heartfelt snarl and shimmied in Klar’s arms until she had enough purchase to reach up and fairly pull the bulkier man over her shoulder as one might a sweater. A crashing thud echoed in the arena as Klar fell in the same spot the earlier fleeing Klingon had.

“A useless cheS like you!” She gave a firm nod to the audience, raising her arms to solicit a rise in the applause and laughter.

But the laughter was mixed with gasps of surprise when Yuvvor abruptly fell onto her back, the victim of Klar’s firm grip on her ankles as he’d pulled her feet out from under her. With animalistic power, the man retook the stage. To the cheers and jeers of the audience, he quickly flipped Yuvvor onto her stomach. Then, kneeling beside her, Klar pulled Yuvvor’s arms behind her back and fairly hauled her into his lap, her chest awkwardly thrust forward as her disheveled form faced the audience.

“Why don’t you sit on me awhile and rest from all you must bear?”

“Minn'hor are made to bear, and so are you.” Even as her face scrunched up into an expression of obvious discomfort, the comedian did not look inclined to give up or give in.

“Woman also bear-“ Klar’s words were broken off on a gasping grunt when Yuvvor pushed them both back onto his back, the weight of her atop him breaking his breath and words at once.

Cracking her head back, his ridged forehead painfully met the back of her skull.

With a yelp of victory, Yuvvor rolled off Klar. “Yes, we bear many burdens for the likes of those such as you!” She went to kick him in the side, but Klar caught her foot in midswing.

“I will not burden you, sweet Yuvvor.” He tugged her foot towards him, his smirk growing as she hopped in her efforts to escape. “For you are young and light-“

Yuvvor once more cut off his words, but this time but a flying kick to the face, gaining her freedom as Klar rolled onto his back and clutched at his bleeding face.

“Too young for you and as heavy as I should be.” She dusted off her clothes and turned to face the audience again, mouth open to offer them apologies or jokes; Enyd wasn’t certain. But then Klar was at it again, this time with Yuvvor mindfully stepping out of the way of his oncoming tackle. “You are like a noisome parbIng!”

“Yet not so noisome that you have fled from my courting.” He spat a glob of blood at her feet, lips pulling back into a bloodied snarl. “Now, Yuvvor, set aside this waspish behavior and yield to me.”

Yuvvor tossed her head, arms in front of her, ready to fend off attacks, as they continued to circle each other, completely uncaring of the arena of spectators.

“If I am a pherza wasp, beware my sting.” She feigned an attack, her lips pulling back into a smiling snarl when he foolishly evaded the feint.

“You know the remedy for a pherza.” He ran at her, but before taking hold of her around the waist, Yuvvor locked an arm around his neck and swung him under her body, landing on his back.

“What? To pluck out its stinger? If the fool can find where it lies.” She winked at the audience, earning a few whistles.

Klar reached up, wrapping her hair around one fist, and jerked her down until their faces were parallel. The arena fell into a dead silence. Enyd against squeezed Alistair’s knee as she fell just as silent, in awe of whatever it was they were watching. Be it true or just a part of the show, she was loving it.

“Why, it is in his tongue.” Klar licked his bloodied lips for emphasis.

Yuvvor stiffened, “Whose tongue?”

“Yours.” Klar leaned forward and would’ve landed a kiss if Yuvvor hadn’t pulled against his grip on her hair just enough to bite the tip of his nose.

Instinctively Klar tossed Yuvvor from his shoulders. She curtsied to the audience before returning her attention to Klar, who had since recovered enough of his wherewithal to turn about and face the comedian. Upon seeing his bloodied visage, Yuvvor exaggerated a shiver.

“Why do you shiver?” he asked.

Yuvvor grinned, “It is what I do when I see a suy’.” Members of the audience hooted and hollered, some calling out for Klar to hit Yuvvor again. Enyd again had no notion of what this thing was, but apparently, it wasn’t something good-looking.

“There is no suy’ here, so you should not shiver.” He ran his hands over the sweat-glistened muscles of his chest, down over the contours of his stomach, and further to cup his own manhood. More than a few ladies in the audience growled out their delight at seeing his masculine beauty. “Unless it is from pleasure.”

Yuvvor’s mouth had dropped open, obviously one to appreciate the visible splendor, but snapped it shut almost immediately at his challenge.

“Had I mirror, I would show you the suy’.”

“Oh, you mean my face?” Klar reached up to pull his hair off his shoulders, making exaggerated moves to accentuate his muscles. A lady on the far side of the arena stood up and looked ready to take the stage, perhaps to claim Klar for her own, but either her husband or brother tackled her to the ground to stop her. Klar smirked at the ruckus his motions had caused before returning his attention to Yuvvor. “Come, sweet, dearest Yuvvor, your father has consented to our marriage. And will you, or nill you, I will marry you. For in this fight, I have seen the wild beauty of your spirit for myself, and you can be married to no man but me. For I am the man born to fight you,” he moved closer and made a not-so-subtle thrusting motion with his hips, “to ride you, and to love you.”

Yuvvor remained strangely silent for the span of a few heartbeats before she put her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side, “Where did you learn to talk like this?”

“Such as you, my mother had wit.” Klar smiled.

“A witty mother,” Yuvvor looked to the audience and winked, “and a witless son.”

Klar lunged at her. Yuvvor could have easily evaded, but she met his tackle with her own until they were wrestling against each other in the middle of the stage.

“Am I not witty?” he growled at her, hands on her shoulders pushing.

Yuvvor grunted her answer, “Yes, it must keep you warm at night for nothing else will.”

Suddenly Klar stopped pushing, and the quick change in physics had Yuvvor crashing against his chest. Wrapping his arms around her torso, pinning her arms to her sides, Klar smiled.

“It has until now, but now, Yuvvor, I will find my warmth in your bed.”

With one last snarl, Yuvvor leaned up and bit Klar’s neck, eliciting a howl from the man. Behind her, Enyd heard a gasp and turned to see an older Klingon woman had fainted with her husband working to fan her face. Eyes wide, Enyd looked back to Alistair.

“Do you think this is real?” She gestured to the stage, where Klar had finished his howl and had once more grabbed Yuvvor’s hair, pulling her head back to place a fierce kiss on her lips.

The arena erupted into applause, many of the Klingons around them standing up and hooting out their delight. Enyd looked all around her before she shrugged and clapped as well, winking at Alistair as she stood. She was curious if there was more to come or, if this interlude was enough to fire up the need for a hasty exit for the Klingons on stage and perhaps a few in the audience.

Great inspiration from the commedia form of theater, and the dialogue of this scene is shamelessly adjusted from Taming of the Shrew.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #8
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

At Enyd's very pointed joke, Alistair couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief but not trusting himself to reply. The subsequent drama onstage enraptured the audience, not least because some of them were surely imagining being raptured by the glorious man who'd entered the stage. Alistair grinned as Yuvvor and the newcomer exchanged opening words, and he laughed outright at the vethl jibe, quite aware of what their rear ends were like. It all felt distinctly like the opening teasing jabs of a fight...and then Klar took off his tunic.

Oh. My. Word.

Alistair's mouth was wide open as he took the physical perfection that he was witnessing. He was too absorbed to even feel inadequate; what a man! A quick glance at Enyd made clear that she was also looking over Klar like the juiciest of meats, and he could hardly blame her. Half the audience seemed to be in agreement with Enyd's assessment, although Yuvvor struggled mightily, hitting back with another barb. Alistair's eyes widened then, realising what was about to happen.

Sure enough, Klar struck, and the dance began in earnest. Barely believing what he was watching (but loving every minute), Alistair didn't even register that Enyd had taken his hand at first as they watched the courtship unfold. Yuvvor and Klar had the audience's complete attention as they exchanged blows and words, the tension onstage building more and more.

When Yuvvor bit Klar's neck and Enyd asked her question, Alistair could only shrug in bafflement, grinning all the same. As Klar finally landed a kiss on his quarry, the entire crowd seemed to roar in approval. Yuvvor might've been making approving sounds too, but given that she was locked in oral warfare, nobody could tell.

After a few more moments passed, with hands starting to wander and Yuvvor increasingly surrendering to the inevitable, the crowd starting to look at each other in askance. "Uh...are they really..." Alistair said, his cheeks flushing as Yuvvor's free hand dipped into her foe's pants. Klar yelped at whatever she was doing, but retaliated by biting Yuvvor's bared neck in turn, earning a cry from her in turn. "If nobody stops them, they're going to go at it right...oh wow, right there..."

Some of the crowd didn't seem to mind this in the slightest, but fortunately for those with more delicate sensibilities, a short portly Klingon man rushed onto the stage. He was quite agitated, moving around the amorous Klingons as he anxiously tried to attract their attention, much to the crowd's amusement. Finally Klar simply grabbed the poor man's collar and tossed him away before resuming his business, attempting now to remove Yuvvor's shirt.

The director, as he surely had to be, picked himself up and headed for the front of the stage. "There will be an intermission now, thank you, honoured audience!" he called out in a high-pitched voice before glancing back at Yuvvor and Klar. He winced, then pulled a small device out of his pocket and pressed some buttons; moments later, both lovers had been beamed away in a whirl of red sparks.

"Thank you, thank you!" the director squeaked, trying valiantly to ignore the loud protests from the audience. "We will resume in twenty-oh, what's that?" He held a finger up to his ear and listened, then rolled his eyes. "Thirty minutes, thirty minutes! Thank you!"

The director jogged off the stage, and Alistair glanced at Enyd, smiling in happy bemusement. "So that happened," he said. "Fresh air?"

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #9
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen |  Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd had to fan herself as the antics on stage turned far more physical than ever. The bites and nips grew more aggressive, the pawing at one another shredded clothing, and if it weren’t for the sudden appearance of the director, Enyd was of a like mind to Alistair that this night of comedy would have instead turned into a peep show. Her cheeks red, Enyd could only nod her head to Alistair’s suggestion for some fresh air. The press of the crowd, many of them now like-minded to the wrestling couple on stage, was having an effect on her, and Enyd very much needed some space and air. It seemed she wasn’t the only one. Sensitive to the emotional environment, so keen on picking up the body language cues of those around her, Enyd was VERY aware that the grand majority of those nearby were mightily aroused by what they'd seen.

As they joined the throng of theater-goers in the pour out into the anteroom of the theater hall, many couples were making a beeline for exits or dark corners. Enyd felt her ears heat up when she deduced what it was they were all likely to do. And yet, instead of hiding behind propriety and modesty like a sane woman, Enyd sidestepped such notions and leveled a steady gaze on Alistair. She gained pleasure in messing with this man the same way some women enjoyed a morning latte. There was something about the way he responded to her that just goaded her into teasing him more, and each time, more assertively.

With measured steps and a fixed stare, lips quirked upward in her best rendition of a seductive smile, Enyd advanced. As close as they were to the pillars marking the entrance to the theater, he had little room to maneuver away without running into the steady stream of people or the columns at his back. Only once she was toe-to-toe with the man, her head tipped up to keep the gaze consistent, did she speak, her voice husky, “Did you trick me into attending a Klingon orgy, Mister Leavitt?”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #10
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

There was definitely an energy to the crowd as the throng left the auditorium. As he and Enyd headed for the exit, Alistair thought back to Brah's merry effusal all those years ago about Klingon comedy in Saqwa' City. Had that sneaky engineer been pranking him?  It was possible. As Alistair spotted the occasional couple splitting off, undoubtedly to find some dark corner or secluded spot, he reflected that if it was a prank, he was hardly complaining. Enyd certainly seemed to be enjoying the evening thus far, judging by her happy blush and smile.

Oh wait. That smile...oh no.

Alarms bells ringing furiously in his head, Alistair's eyes widened and he began backing up from Enyd's advance. Surviving a war and an apocalypse had given him a keen sense for danger, and the devious look in Enyd's eyes was about as dangerous as it got. Then she asked her question.

"What?" Alistair said in alarm, stepping backward into a tall solid object. He glanced behind him at the pillar and realised that Enyd had adroitly maneuvered him into a place from which there was no retreat. "Uh, that wasn't my...uh...I mean, it'" Unable to look away from Enyd's astonishingly green eyes (how can they be so green!?), Alistair gulped. "It's not exactly an...uh...orgy...I think...hope..."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #11
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen |  Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Licking her lips, Enyd tipped ever closer to watch the panic level increase in Alistair, enjoying the sight like the hellion he was turning her into. If she didn’t make the effort of confining her own hands, she’d likely give in to the temptation to walk her fingers up his chest and tap the tip of his nose just to enjoy the reaction such an action would render. But then, the more rational, merciful side of her brain activated, and she leaned back on her heels and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Now THAT would be quite the cultural experience, something to tell your grandchildren.” Enyd winked as yet another randily excited couple nearly bumped into them, despite their position to the side. “’Yes, that’s right, children, I took Grandma Enyd to the Klingon comedy show that dissolved into an orgy. And that’s where your mother came about.’” Enyd did her best mimic of Alistair’s voice, intentionally overdoing it just for effect.

Spying another group of Klingons coming through the entrance and not at all paying attention to their surroundings, Enyd shifted forward and to the side, coming to rest side-by-side with Alistair as they leaned against the pillars. Another wave of mercy hit her, and Enyd reached out the lightly pat Alistair’s arm, a goofy grin touching her face.

“I’m joking with you, Alistair. I deduced long ago that you did not know this would happen. And before your brain overheats, I wasn’t just propositioning you to impregnate me so you could tell that delightful story to our progeny.” Tossing a morbid snort to the side, Enyd shook her head. “Likely, I won’t have grandchildren at the rate I’m moving through men.” Glancing up at her companion, Enyd’s smile softened, and she again patted him on the arm. “I only mean that after I fainted in his arms, completely overcome by his charms and my own overactive imagination, the last man I kissed ended up facing off with a sabre bear. And before that, my Cardassian fiance died in my arms, And before that, my Bajoran boyfriend was nearly eaten by a Vulcan sea monster, though at the time, we weren’t yet dating. So you’d think he would’ve been free from my curse.” Shrugging, Enyd turned and leaned her shoulder against the pillar, eyes fully trained on watching Alistair’s reaction to her confessions. “I suppose I should come with a warning label. But enough about me, what of you, Mr. I swear it isn’t an orgy?”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #12
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

As Enyd leaned in, with his heart racing, two impulses were screaming in Alistair's head: "RUN, YOU FOOL!!" and "KISS HER, YOU IDIOT!". The conflicting urges only froze him in place, and Alistair couldn't conceal his relief when Enyd pulled back at the last moment. She really was playing him like a human fiddle, and to Alistair's distinct irritation, he couldn't even bring himself to be mad about it.

He chuckled at Enyd's joke, shaking his head in dismay. The crowd had thinned out by now, the foyer becoming more quiet and intimate, save for occasional over-amorous Klingons (who were at least mostly quiet, at least now). Alistair kept a wary eye on a nearby couple in case he had to dodge, but the two men fortunately dragged each other in a different direction at the last minute.  Their enthusiastic but tender kissing made Alistair smile affectionately; even for Klingons, it was a rather romantic display, rather different to the hyper-lustful couple onstage.

He glanced at Enyd again as she shifted to his side, assuring him that impregnation was not in the offing. She grew more serious then, and Alistair turned to face her fully, crossing his arms and leaning against the pillar. As he listened attentively, realisation bloomed in his eyes as now, finally, he had some insight into this baffling woman. Beyond the teasing and extroverted flirting, beyond the deceptive cuteness and sneaky charm, there was a complex person within.

"Well," Alistair said, grinning at the nickname, "if you ever do get a warning label, I'd appreciate having one too." He uncrossed his arms and held up a finger. "My first serious girlfriend, back during the war? Suffered burns over half her body when her ship was destroyed, spent time recuperating in a Bajoran hospital, then fell in love with one of her doctors." He ploughed through, not wanting to linger. "Brah, the Klingon who recommended this place to me? He spent three weeks trying to court me. Poetry, music, a...uh...striptease in an airlock. Two months later, his ship is boarded by Jem'hadar and he loses both his arms in battle."

Alistair sobered then as he raised a third finger. "Then Nadene. We started dating not long ago, on the Eclipse. She...I'd rather not say, honestly, not right now, but it was bad." After a moment of somber reflection, he shook his head to clear it, then considered Enyd with a small but warm smile. "So hey, warning noted and returned. Maybe our curses will cancel each other out? I'm open to finding out if you are."

As an impassioned woman's cry echoedout from the far side of the nearly empty foyer, Alistair reddened as he glanced that way, but the source of the cry was hidden in a darkened corner. "Uh...granted, current evidence suggests otherwise."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #13
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen |  Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd kept her gaze neutral as she listened to Alistair’s romantic history. If he’d been less of a genuinely nice guy, she might have been tempted to think he was making up his woes to compete with her own. But Enyd highly doubted such a thought would ever cross Alistair’s mind. He was much too pure of a soul for that sort of calculatingly misplaced jocularity. Ignoring the obvious mewl of passion coming from across the foyer, Enyd unfolded her arms and began rubbing her hands together. Her eyes alight with playful warmth, she held them out towards Alistair.

Avoiding eye contact for the moment, Enyd darted her gaze back and forth from each of her hands as she positioned her palms just above his shoulders. “On one of the Efrosian moons, there is an old tradition,” she smoothed her hands over Alistair’s shoulders and down his arms, taking care to keep from touching him, “of smoothing out the curses of your loved ones with warmed promises from your soul.” Reaching his fingers, Enyd pulled her hands back to rub them together again. “These warmed promises are not to be spoken aloud for fear of the gods twisting them into more curses.”  Her gaze twisted a bit mischievous before she hovered her palms in front of his chest. “I think traditionally, the ritual is performed in the nude, but seeing how our luck has turned out thus far this evening, we’re both liable to get tangled in our own clothing and break a literal leg instead of leaving the idiom for the thespians to execute.”

With her palms stopping at his waistline, Enyd resumed her hand rubbing as she shifted to stand behind Alistair to complete the same swishing hover movement over the back of his neck and down his back. Even if the “chosen one” for Alistair wasn’t herself, Enyd hoped he would find peace and healing in his soul from the pain of his past, be it viscerally recent or historically latent. She truly did wish the best for him, for them both, really.

She grinned like the cat who ate the canary when her palms stopped at his hips again, leaning forward to whisper over his shoulder, “I’ll not violate the ritual with a bum pinch, but I must say, you do have a nice one, Alistair.” Moving around to the front again, Enyd rubbed her hands together one last time, using her chin to point towards his head. “Usually, they go for the whole body, including the soles of one’s feet, but I don’t think the intermission will last that long. So for our impromptu little curse-be-gone interlude, I’ll just need you to bend down so I can smooth them away from your noggin’.”

Once Alistair complied, his responding expression to this whole ordeal bringing a giggle to her throat, Enyd was quick about smoothing her warmed palms over his head and first down the back of it, then forward along his jaw line. She saved the front of his face for last, waiting until he closed his eyes in instinctive response to having something hover so close to his eyes. She leaned forward on her toes and kissed his cheek. Dropping her hands to her side, Enyd grinned at the taller man.

“Curse-be-gone activate!” She made an exaggerated victory fist thrust in the air accompanied by a very girlish giggle.

[Ladies and gentlemen, you may resume your seats for the second half of our show. We demand that you ensure you are prepared for the show's second half. Now!]

In the background of the overhead announcer, Enyd thought she could hear clothes rustling. Prepared indeed. Quirking an eyebrow at Alistair, Enyd left the next move in his court.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #14
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Alistair supposed that the Efrosian ritual was intended to be a very serious affair, but he couldn't stop himself smiling all the same, sharing Enyd's fun. It was, however, surprisingly intimate (though not as intimate as normally performed, apparently, which led to Alistair grinning nervously and glancing away briefly). Though Enyd never physically touched him, he felt his skin tingle where her hands passed all the same, an altogether very pleasant psychosomatic response. It was easy to understand how a pair of Efrosians, nude and lit only be candlelight, could assign mystical power to such an act.

Of course, that thought led to Alistair imagining Enyd nude before him, lit only by candlelight, which did not help matters in the slightest. His cheeks were still a little flushed as she moved around behind him, the ritual somehow becoming more intimate as Alistair couldn't see what she was doing. His back tingled anyway where Alistair imagined Enyd's hands were passing, only adding to the intimacy of the act.

Admittedly the compliment about his ass did ruin the magic a little, but Alistair wasn't complaining. He was proud of that ass.

When Enyd snuck in a mischievous kiss on the cheek at the last, Alistair started in surprise, standing straight again. At Enyd's enthusiastic magic words, he laughed, but before he could say anything, the announcer spoke.

[Ladies and gentlemen, you may resume your seats for the second half of our show. We demand that you ensure you are prepared for the show's second half. Now!]

"I guess he means that everyone should be fully clothed," Alistair said with a grin. He took a step away from the column and held up his arm for Enyd. "Shall we?" After a moment, he added more quietly, "that was beautiful, by the way. Maybe I could do it for you too at some point...wait, I don't mean the proper way, but the...erm...appropriate way."

With that, he and Enyd made their way back into the auditorium, which was only slowly starting to fill up again despite the demand of the announcer. Many of the attendees were quite lively and cheerful as they returned, straightening clothes and sticking close to their companions. After Alistair and Enyd sat down, a couple of minutes passed as more people flowed in, some still quite amorous with one another, but having cooled off somewhat during the intermission to (just) the right side of propriety.

"Uh...for the record, I had no idea that the show would turn out this way," Alistair said to Enyd, looking somewhat embarrassed. "I didn't know that Klingon comedy could be this...erm...well, this."

Before Enyd could respond, the lights dimmed and an anticipative silence filled the auditorium. A moment later, the distinctive whine of a transporter filled the space as two figures were beamed onto the stage. Both were fully clothed this time but still looked quite dishevelled, and evidently had not been expecting the transport, judging from their expressions.

"Welcome back to you all!" Yuvvor cried out to the crowd, making a swift recovery. "This show has been different to what I anticipated-" (Klar struck a pose and waggled his eyebrows, drawing some very un-Klingon giggles from the audience) "-but you seem to all be enjoying yourselves. Some of you might be enjoying yourselves more than usual for one of my shows..."

Yuvvor was interrupted by a wild cry from behind her. A young Klingon woman charged Klar in a full sprint, but he seemed unperturbed as he faced the intruder. At the last moment he adroitly caught her by her shoulders, spun her around, placed his hands on her sides and lifted the shorter woman bodily up into the air.

"What do you think?" Klar asked Yuvvor casually, presenting his captive to her. In fairness, the woman didn't seem to mind the experience in the slightest. At Yuvvor's disinterested shrug, however, Klar simply moved to the edge of the stage and tossed his charge out into the seats, causing a minor commotion. Yuvvor, however, was already looking elsewhere.

"We can do better," she mused, her eyes roving the crowd. "So who here thinks they are worthy of a prize other than my foot in their rear? Who here will risk what we will unleash upon them? "

As Yuvvor's gaze settled, Alistair's eyes widened. "Oh no."

"Humans!" Yuvvor called out cheerfully, and the audience followed her eyeline to look at Alistair and Enyd. "You look so adorable together on your first date! Dare you test yourselves with fists or wit?" Yuvvor winked dramatically. "We will be gentle with our alien guests, I promise!"

"I make no such promise," Klar added with a smirk.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #15
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen |  Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Taking his arm, Enyd leaned forward long enough to playfully swat his chest in response to his offer, “Who knew you could be such a tease? Promising a girl a traditional nude Eforisan ritual then backtracking into the ‘appropriate,’ tsk tsk, Mister Leavitt.”

Laughing at his expression, Enyd followed him back to their seats, her amusement not once dwindling as she watched the other patrons—those who’d remained and/or managed to get dressed in time—take their seats. It made her curious if there had been a fine print to the brochure detailing this show. Perhaps a rating, if Klingons even had a rating system or deemed anything inappropriate for children. Either way, this turn of events was something Enyd wouldn’t let Alistair live down.

“That’s okay, Alistair, but just know, you don’t need to go through such elaborate efforts to proposition me,” Enyd whispered close to his neck, sending him a winking smile when he noticed her. Sitting back straight, eyes on the stage, Enyd added, “I find this absolutely thrilling. As a diplomat, I delight in such circumstances. So no need to apologize; we’re bonding through adversity.”

Enyd was a bit surprised to see Yuvvor and Klar returned to the stage. And fully clothed, albeit a bit disheveled. It seemed as if Yuvvor was wearing Klar’s shirt, and the warrior was wearing near nothing up top in return. With the charging woman fulfilling an expectation, Enyd was just settling in to enjoy the second half and all its surprises when the axis of their evening tipped, and they were both thrust into the literal limelight. Gaging how cheerful Yuvvor seemed to discover their presence, Enyd did not doubt that whatever was going to happen to them would involve physical or social discomfort. So the real question was not so much IF they were going to be “tortured” but whether or not they could weather it with poise. Enyd certainly didn’t want to dishonor the Federation or her shipmates by cowering away from this ordeal.

Within the last two weeks, she’d faced down a Klingon warrior in the ship’s corridor with a fork, an Infested in the Great Hall with the tik’leth, a gaggle of warriors in an arena with her wits and timely acquired spear, and just that morning had plunged through rabid birds and then hunted wildlife in the traditional Klingon garb—nude—with a halberd like weapon. She rather figured neither Yuvvor nor Klar were actually going to kill them and if things went south, well she still had Zark’s vibro blade hidden.

“Not too gentle, I hope.” Enyd surged to her feet, voice booming despite her size. Growing up on a ranch in Montana, you had to learn to project your voice from a young age. “My companion and I hope you are not mere empty vessels gonging loudly for coin.” She tugged at Alistair to join her as she shimmied her way down the row and then began her confident stride toward the stage. Around them, Enyd heard the audience laugh at her barb, “Often the loudest blabbers are the emptiest of wit.”

Klar raised an eyebrow, looking over to Yuvvor. She seemed even more delighted by Enyd’s words, licking her lips as she watched their approach.

“Now, which of you wishes to battle with my fists, and which with my wits?” Enyd intentionally exaggerated her pose once she was on stage, the audience roaring with laughter at the sight of the svelte diplomat raising her fists and puffing out her chest like a Klingon warrior as she faced off with the thespian and her lover. Glancing over her shoulder, Enyd waggled her eyebrows at Alistair.

Sadly, that brief moment of diverted attention was all that was needed for Klar to surge forward and wrap Enyd in a Klingon bear hug, hoisting her off her feet and twirling away. As Enyd began yowling out exaggerated frustration--though she was more amused than anything--Yuvvor shifted her attention to Alistair, eyes bright with anticipation.

"Shall we dance, human?"

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #16
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

In contrast to his date, Alistair was quite nervous as Enyd merrily lead him up onto the stage. It was hard to ignore the penetrating eyes of hundreds of Klingons. Feeling thoroughly exposed and uncomfortable, Alistair watched as Enyd taunted their 'foes', and he raised his own hands in a fighting stance, albeit half-heartedly. Enyd's waggling eyebrows drew a nervous grin from him, but in the moment of distraction, Enyd was promptly yoinked away by Klar...leaving Alistair alone.

He briefly considered rescuing Enyd, but reasoning that she didn't seem to mind being in the hunky Klar's powerful embrace (who would?), Alistair focused on Yuvvor. "I...uh...I've danced many times, but I can't say that it's my strong suit," he admitted. He suspected that Starfleet's martial reputation might be about to take a knock, but there was nothing for it. As Yuvvor stepped closer, he lunged to tackle her...

...only to stumble into empty air with a playful swat on the rear for good measure, to the amusement of the crowd. Turning around, Alistair tried again, only for Yuvvor to dance out of the way...quite literally.

"What is it you humans call this?" Yuvvor teased, undulating her hips and snapping her fingers to imaginary music. Alistair leapt forward to grab her again, only for Yuvvor to neatly dodge him once more. Still dancing, much to her victim's bemusement, she even nudged her hip against his. "The hula, yes, that's it! I love this dance! You're a natural!"

Somewhat baffled as Yuvvor continued dancing in front of him, Alistair tried to grab her again, only for the agile Klingon to simply lean back as if it was part of the dance, avoiding his outstretched arms. She advanced until she was dancing in intimate proximity, stunning Alistair into immobility; should he dance with her or toss her away? He was hopeless in either respect. Yuvvor's hands moved to his sleeved arms, tracing the biceps, and she made a low sound of appreciation that the microphone carried into the auditorium all the same. Alistair was so befuddled that he lost track of whatever Enyd was up to as his brain desperately tried to catch up.

"Oh, what a powerful man we have here, so well disguised!" Yuvvor teased as her hands slipped under his crimson shirt from underneath, moving up his torso. She looked out at the crowd with a devious grin. "Shall we see what our dancing human is hiding?"

The crowd called out the assent, but Alistair's eyes widened. "No, wait-" he protested, but to no avail as Yuvvor forcefully yanked her hands back. The shirt burst open, buttons flying everywhere, revealing the musculed torso that lay underneath. The crowd laughed as Yuvvor stepped out of the way, although more than a few were plainly enjoying the view and were being none too subtle about it. His cheeks steadily becoming as red as his ruined shirt, Alistair opened the one button that had survived and he glared at Yuvvor.

"Okay, that's it," Alistair said furiously, grabbing Yuvvor's biceps before she had a chance to react. He spun her around and pulled her against his chest, holding her there by sheer brute strength as they faced the crowd. "If my shirt is fair game, then so is Yuvvor's, right?" he called out to the crowd, suddenly emboldened, and the audience agreed quite loudly. It was only then that Alistair realised: he was threatening to rip a woman's shirt off while on a date with another woman.

"Oh crap, Enyd..." he muttered, his cheeks as red as ever. He glanced back at Enyd as the crowd guffawed at his embarrassment.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #17
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen |  Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

“You remind me of a cheS.” Klar’s breath was hot as the Klingon spoke gruntingly against her neck.

His arms were steely vices clamped over hers. His restrictive embrace left only her forearms flailing about like ancient Earth dinosaur arms, tiny and useless. For the time being, her legs were free to lash about, kicking up and down and swishing all around as her “dance partner” twirled about on stage for comedic effect. The length of her dress afforded some aid to protecting her modesty from the eager audience, but Enyd knew her luck would hold only for a matter of time. The goddess of chaos was ever against her and Enyd had strutted onto this stage having accepted the inevitable reality that she would leave the stage either entirely naked or in tatters. But the honor of the Theurgy was at stake, her own and Alistair’s as well, and she wasn’t about to back down from a diplomatic encounter.

“Is that some fierce creature your children fear in the night?” Enyd knocked her head back but disappointingly met air instead of his nose. This was not Klar’s first dance.

His rumbling chuckle vibrated through her body, “No, it is a small, four-legged mammalian creature with long, floppy ears. It hops along the ground eating smaller mammals and reptiles. Although the barb on its hind legs can cause temporary paralysis, it is far too small and adorable to be feared.”

Enyd took a deep breath then let it out in a controlled breath, bringing her legs together and raising them up in front of her in a dress-covered version of that most hated strength training move, the captain’s chair. She felt Klar stiffen behind her, likely curious what sort of shenanigans she was about to pull, this human cheS he found so adorable. Gripping his arms with her hands—though she wasn’t much worried about him letting go—Enyd dropped her legs down and back in a controlled pendulum move. To avoid having her heeled feet from knocking into his shins, Klar jumped his legs out at the last second, affording Enyd with a brief window to repeat the move on a smaller scale but with more momentum in the hopes of knocking his equilibrium off just enough to get dislodged from his grip.

And it worked. Somewhat. Only, instead of letting go, Klar took her down with him when he fell forward. To his honorable credit, he didn’t smash her face into the stage. This was, after all, only a comedy show and not a fight to the death. The Klingon had the decency to absorb the fall into his right shoulder before rolling on top of her. They were lying parallel to the audience, her head twisted to face them with her lips pursed as her cheek was flattened against the stage. The audience loved both her move and the re-established dominance of Klar overtop her, his superior weight pressing her uncomfortably into the unforgiving hardness of the stage. With one hand lying atop her head to keep her from rocking back with it, Klar moved the other to trace over the contours of her squished face.

“Now, what was the point of that?” Klar bent down and purred next to Enyd’s ear, soliciting hoots and hollers from the audience. Likely some of the viewers wished they were in her position.

Grunting as she wiggled and squirmed until she had her hands braced under her, next to her chest, Enyd croaked, “I was curious if you knew the horizontal mambo.”

“The what-“

Enyd bucked her hips up, bringing her knees forward under her torso to prevent Klar’s smashing her back down flat. As Klar’s weight was shifted forward, Enyd pushed with her arms, not trying to push directly up so much as to push up and back, working to roll the Klingon onto his back so she could either get out from under him or, if he did as she suspected, pull her atop him as he rolled onto his back. The audience guffawed when their bodies settled into the new position, Enyd straddling Klar’s waist, facing toward his feet with Klar’s massive hands gripping her hips, working to keep her in place. While she wasn’t directly over his hips, Enyd was straddled reverse cowgirl style close enough to feel the belt buckle securing his pants rubbing against her, far more intimate than she cared it to be.

She rode out the rise and fall of his belly, the depth of his laughter exaggerated for effect, eliciting more giggles from the audience as they watched her bounce up and down. While his hand rummaged around through the volume of her skirts, his teasing words spoken mostly to the audience momentarily lost on her, Enyd reached beneath the front folds of her dress and deftly unclipped the offending buckle. Although the pants had seemed painted on, leaving little to the imagination, it might prove somewhat useful.

Klar’s hands still played with the various layers of her dress, happily showing the audience little glimpses of the alabaster flesh of Enyd’s legs as he continued to growl out Klingon witticisms; Enyd smirked. He was no longer trying to secure her. Glancing over her shoulder, face framed with tussled hair, eyes alight with mischief, Enyd gave Klar a wink before she tucked and rolled forward. She couldn’t roll down his torso with as much agility or speed because of the dress, but it was enough to end up sprawled between his feet. Gathering her skirts close to her body, Enyd made to spring to her feet and away from Klar, heading straight for Alistair and his own dance with Yuvvor, when she heard the rip.

Klar had sat up and grabbed for the first thing within reach, which just so happened to be the back of her dress. Given the fact that it was mostly black lace hugging her torso over a tasteful placement of pink silk, it proved no match to the Klingon’s enthusiasm. The other condemning variable in this chaos equation was the cut of the dress itself—a tantalizing v cut that sliced down nearly to her belly button—with the sheer material covering her skin for a hint of modesty also waving a flag of surrender. The combination of Enyd’s forward momentum and Klar’s backward jerk resulted in two things:
         1.   Thanks to her lithe nature and speed, Enyd was freed from Klar’s grip.
         2.   Thanks to the flimsy material of her dress and Klar’s determination, Enyd was now wearing lacey forearm covers with no top connected to them.

The chaos goddess sprinkled further mayhem on the evening when, just as Enyd stumbled forward, bare-breasted like an Amazonian warrior, Alistair’s turned his frazzled attention to check on her. She could only manage a half-shrug and an attempt at a coy wave before she heard movement from behind her. Whether Klar was apologetic for having taken it so far, Enyd couldn’t tell. But the Klingon’s eyes were wide when he took in the creamy mounds of her breasts dancing with her every movement. Feeling emboldened by their circumstances, Enyd tossed her mayhem-loosened hair over her shoulder and threw a smirk at the audience.

“It seems the warrior has lost his nerve.” She made the universal gesture of holding up a pinkie and letting the erect finger topple over with a feigned gasp.

The audience, and Klar himself, erupted with laughter. It seemed things were not quite turning out the way the Klingon had expected, and yet that was the perfection of comedy. He was slower about standing, still holding the lacey left overs of her top in his hand. Instead of launching back into an immediate attack, his gaze moved past Enyd and tracked the antics of Alistair and Yuvvor. Enyd wasn’t about to take her eyes off the man, having fallen for that once before. Even as Klar held a hand over his stomach as he hunched over with laughter, Enyd refused to look at whatever it was the other stage occupants were doing to elicit such a response. She had no interest in feeling Klar’s rough hands against her naked flesh and would rather run around the stage like a rabbit than get caught again.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #18
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Well, that happened. Dumbstruck by Enyd's sartorial distress, Alistair couldn't take his eyes away, completely forgetting Yuvvor. It wasn't just the sight of Enyd's bared breasts that stunned them (though they did have an undeniable hypnotic allure), but the realisation that this show was going further than he'd thought possible. The thought was frightening and exciting in equal measure. Alistair noted that just a couple of months ago, he would've leaned into the 'frightening' part and run like the wind, but now, excitement was winning out. This was fun, astonishingly so, and even though her beautiful dress had been torn to reveal all, Enyd's grin made it clear that she felt the same way, even with her breasts swinging in the breeze for hundreds to see.

Oh, she was a very dangerous woman.

"Hmpf!" Alistair grunted at a sudden tightness around his nether regions, realising too late that he had been distracted for too long. Yuvvor, her forearms still clutched by his iron grip, had nevertheless managed to maneuver her hand back between them to take two very important hostages. She squeezed, drawing a startled gasp from her victim.

"And see here, honoured watchers," Yuvvor said to the crowd with an evil grin, "how one controls a male. We can give him a shock," (Alistair yelped) "we can make him sing," (Alistair squeaked, his cheeks flushing) "and we can make him lose his senses entirely!"

At the last, Yuvvor's deft fingers found another (somewhat larger) hostage, the fabric of the pants providing no protection. "Oh!" Alistair gasped, rising up on his toes as Yuvvor did her work. He immediately felt himself hardening under her touch, unable to prevent it, and Yuvvor didn't help matters by rythymically bumping her posterior against his groin. It wouldn't be long until, when Yuvvor stepped aside, everyone would see the results of her teasing, pants or no.

"This would be the time to yield with much honour gained, friend," she said softly. "It only gets harder from here, doesn't it?" Her last words were to the crowd, and they laughed at the pun, but Alistair had enough presence of mind (barely) to understand her meaning. She was offering him and Enyd an out if they were uncomfortable, as well as a warning. "So...will you yield?"


Suddenly Alistair released Yuvvor's arms, his hands moving to her waist, and with a grunt of exertion he lifted her up high. She cried out in surprise, flailing, but unable to escape. Alistair strained mightily to keep hold of her; she was shorter than him and quite slender, but still Klingon, and thus packed a lot of extra muscle mass. After keeping her in the air for a good few seconds, content that his point had been made, Alistair lowered her back towards the floor...and then, quite suddenly, dropped her.

Yuvvor didn't fall far, and she reacted instantly after hitting the floor, turning onto her back and looking up at him with an indecipherable glint in her eyes. Caught up in the heat of the moment as he stood above her, Alistair nevertheless hesitated; what next? Straddle her, rip her shirt off as he'd threatened? Pin her, subdue her? Let her get back up? The crowd began shouting suggestions, some of which were so lewd that Alistair blushed even more fiercely. He didn't even want to check if his partial arousal from Yuvvor's teasing was visible, although given that Yuvvor was still on the floor and looking up at him...

Exhilirated and embarrassed in equal measure, Alistair glanced back at Enyd; he certainly wasn't going to forget her. They were a team on this crazy night, and it was apparent that she could use some aid against the much larger, bulkier and hunky Klar, who wore only pants again...there's a thought. He glanced down at Yuvvor and shrugged, grinning self-consciously.

"Hold that thought," he said before turning around and making a beeline for the others, unbuttoning his cuffs as he did so. Reaching Enyd, he looked at her (trying valiantly to keep his eyes up). "I hope you don't mind me butting in, but...uh...I have an idea. Cover me."

With his shirt open, his own powerful physique was evident (much to the crowd's appreciation) although he still paled compared to Klar's mighty body. Stepping closer, Alistair squared up to Klar, who grinned in anticipation.

"The tame minn'hor finds his teeth!" Klar laughed.

"Time to pick on someone your own size," Alistair countered to general confusion. He glanced around at the crowd in askance. "Er...anyone? No? It's a human expression..."

"But you're not my size," Klar said, frowning. "You're so small. Half my size, perhaps. No matter. Come, let us dance the night away!"

With that, the two men began circling, arms held high, ready to grapple. Klar hadn't been exaggerating about the size difference, in either height or sheer bulk, but Alistair seemed undeterred. The crowd began amping up the noise in anticipation, the tension buildimg as the two men gradually closed, until Klar lunged and...

...met empty air as Alistair ducked into a crouch, grabbed the hem of Klar's unbuckled pants and yanked them down.

He stared. The crowd stared. Silence filled the auditorium. Alistair was utterly stunned. His mental picture of Klar awkwardly bumbling around in his underwear, pants around his ankles, vanished into smoke. Instead, right before his eyes, was the most spectacular penis he'd ever seen. Even flaccid it was substantial, ridged down its length and just...well...there, directly before Alistair's face. The human was completely dumbstruck.

Klar, having not a care in the world, swung his hips and thwapped the other man with the phallus. Alistair backed up hurriedly while still crouching, fell on his ass, then hurriedly got to his feet next to Enyd, his prior bravado having abandoned him.

"Sorry," he babbled, "I thought you were wearing...uh, I was sure you had, completely sure, entirely sure, I didn't" He ran out of steam, eyes fixed on what was, in fairness, hard to miss. "I mean...really, it' look at it..." He glanced at Enyd and shrugged helplessly. "It's pretty incredible, isn't it?"

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #19
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Enyd jerked in surprise when she felt the warmth of Alistair’s breath fanning across her neck, his words quickly spoken before he approached Klar. She couldn’t help but laugh at his last comment. Cover him? How was she supposed to do that when she stood bare-breasted before the auditorium?

Enyd didn’t have much time to contemplate his request of the turn of events much further before the skin on the nape of her neck prickled in anticipation. Yuvvor. She’d been standing with her back on the Klingon woman all this time. Energy zoomed into her gut, the heat of adrenaline resurging into her veins. Acting on instinct, Enyd ducked and shifted to the side, assuming that Yuvvor was about to grab her from behind. When she stood upright and turned around, however, Enyd frowned. Yuvvor was nowhere to be found.

At this time, Alistair returned to her side, panting and commenting on something incredible. Glancing back toward Klar, Enyd’s mouth dropped open and her eyes widened at the length and girth of the Klingon’s penis.

“Incredible is not the word I’d use-“

Enyd’s voice was cut off by the audience's sudden eruption of cheers. Neither she nor Alistair had a chance to turn to figure out just what had triggered the response, aside from Klar’s well-endowed personality swinging before their eyes. In a rapid succession of “oh no’s” murmured unintentionally from Enyd, Yuvvor reappeared into view with a rope dangling in her hand. A second rope was tossed over their heads to the semi-pants-less Klar, and with practiced arm movements, both sets of ropes wrapped around Enyd and Alistair. One around their shoulders, the other around their ankles.

Yuvvor was the first to tighten her rope, drawing Enyd’s ankles painfully against Alistair’s, their hips almost flush against each other. Enyd had to hold her hands up, pressing them against Alistair’s chest to keep from falling into him. So far, they remained standing, although teetering on the edge of falling over. Enyd was certain the moment Klar tightened his rope fully, they’d end up helpless on the stage. If she took her hands off Alistair’s chest, she end up crushed against him, and so left any further rope wrangling to her companion.

From behind her, Yuvvor spoke. “It seems rude, don’t you think, dear audience, that this man remains so overdressed?” Enyd met Alistair’s gaze. “I think it is high time we fix that!”

Enyd’s eyes widened, her almost panicked expression mirroring Alistair’s mere seconds before Yuvvor reached around Enyd’s body. How she managed to rip Alistair’s pants and underwear off his hips and leave them dangling at his ankles, Enyd couldn’t quite figure out. It was almost as if the comedy act had turned into a magic horror show. Milliseconds into the audience’s guffawing at Alistair’s new state of undress, Klar finally tightened his rope fully, the braided band having shimmied down to rest just above Enyd’s elbows. There was now no way to keep the separation between the naked flesh of her bosom from that of Alistair’s bare chest, and neither was there any way for him to keep his bare hips away from her—thankfully—still clothed waist.

For the first time in this entire endeavor, Enyd felt fear. Although, yes, she’d glibly participated in light shibari just the day before with Via, this was quite different. She’d been a willing participant in that scenario, fully aware of what came next and fully trusting in Via. This was very, very different. While she had no fear of Alistair, the anxiety of the unknown of their scenario combined with the reality of their bondage fueled an old fear. In flashes, Enyd remembered the ropes around her ankles and wrists put there by the Directorate. The scars she’d intentionally left on her skin ached at the memory, and her stomach twisted uncomfortably as she actively fought against the desire to hyperventilate.

Rationally she knew everything would be okay. They were not about to die. Alistair was not about to die in her arms, bleeding out from a wound she should have taken instead. It didn’t help matters that Drauc was only just released from the sickbay just that day after spending three days recovering from their outing to the mountain. Javec had died. Victor had been heartbroken. Drauc had ended up in a coma. Enyd had spoken lightly of a potential curse earlier but now the lighthearted teasing came back to taunt her, and Enyd squeezed her eyes shut against the internal whisperings of her toxicity to men.

Unaware of the whimper that hummed out of her throat, Enyd lowered her head until she could tuck her face against Alistair’s neck. While she could still hear the audience's laughter and continued taunts and jests coming from the ignorant Klingon thespians, at least the lights were blocked with her face pressed so close to his skin. Breathing in, Enyd felt a portion of the knot in her stomach ease at the familiarity of a masculine scent. It would be okay. Everything was going to be okay. Enyd wiggled her face closer, tucking herself more firmly into Alistair’s body regardless of the situation. Alistair would not die merely because he’d seen and touched her naked flesh.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #20
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

Okay, maybe I should've given up.

The glum realisation occurred to Alistair far too late as the ropes bound him and Enyd together. It was profoundly awkward, particularly as Enyd struggled to keep their bare torsos from being pressed against each other. Alistair struggled against the ropes simply by instinct, both excited and anxious about whatever Yuvvor had planned. His heart was racing, adrenaline raging through him...

...then he saw Yuvvor come closer, an evil look in her eye, and the excitement twisted into the far more familiar anxiety.

"No, wait!" he cried out, but to no avail as Yuvvor reached between him and Enyd and, with frightening dexterity, rendered him fully naked before Qo'nos. The crowd roared at seeing his buttocks, and with his bared groin pressed against Enyd's, Alistair felt as if he'd catch fire from his embarrassment. Yuvvor and Klar were exchanging banter with the audience, but he was no longer listening.

Enyd was in trouble. Her cheeks were scrunched up, stress lines forming, as her body quivered. Her distressed whimper pierced Alistair, and he desperately tried to work his arms out of the ropes, wincing at the burn on his skin. The noise of the crowd felt sinister now as Enyd nuzzled his chest, as if seeking sanctuary, until finally, Alistair managed to get his arms free and enclose her within his embrace

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here, you're not alone," he murmured into her ear, bending his head down, trying not to think about his stiffening manhood between them. The physical proximity to a beautiful woman, her own breasts pressed against him, the sudden fresh air on his buttocks and all the exhiliration of the moment made arousal inevitable, if mortifying. "Focus on my voice Enyd, I'm with you, focus on-argh!"

Alistair yelped as he and Enyd finally lost balance, teetering over. Only blind instinct had him twist to hit the floor first, eliciting a pained grunt with Enyd atop him, still in his arms. The crowd laughed at their misfortune, and for the first time in longer than remember, Alistair felt anger, the urge to strike out at those stupid Klingons...strip them naked and tie them up in public, see how they like it...

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #21
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Though Alistair’s body cushioned the brunt of the fall, Enyd’s forehead still cracked against the stage. Groaning out her pain, Enyd fought against the ropes further as her body instinctively sought to curl into the fetal position for comfort and protection. She registered Alistair’s voice, comprehended his words, and even noted the ramping concern coloring the edges of his voice, but she could not yet say much beyond chattered words. But she was spared the failing effort by the returned appearance of the director. To much booing and even a few thrown food items, the director forcibly told Yuvvor and Klar to loosen the ropes, thanked Alistair and Enyd for their participation at the same time that he firmly informed the audience the volunteers were excused from the stage for a wardrobe change. Enyd pulled her bruised head back just long enough to catch Alistair’s eyes before she felt a strong pair of Klingon hands on her shoulders.

The ropes loosened and pulled away, it was easy for Klar to hoist Enyd off Alistair by her shoulders. It was also easy for him to pass Enyd over Alistair’s head to the waiting Yuvvor, eliciting another round of uproarious laughter from the audience as both of Enyd’s breasts bobbed their way over and past Alistair’s face. Closing her eyes, Enyd did her best to ignore the feeling of his face passing through the valley of her cleavage. Earlier, through the panic of their predicament, Enyd had thought she’d felt something firm pressed against her belly, but it wasn’t until this moment that the reality caught up to her. Eyes popping open, Enyd looked down her chest, with her swaying breasts, to see glimpse the top of his head, his face still sheltered from view in her very bosom. How terrible for Alistair! If aroused, despite himself, there would be no way for him to hide it from view. As Klar continued to hand her over to Yuvvor, Enyd’s feet were draped on either side of Alistair’s body, her knees now about to his ribcage, and the last portion of her dress all that was still hiding Alistair’s intimate region from the audience.

Twisting her feet to hook under his torso as an anchor, Enyd dropped her hands to the ground and jerked against Yuvvor’s hold. Poor Alistair would feel the pressure of her sternum against his nose, but it was for a good cause. To her surprise, Yuvvor let go, probably more interested in seeing what it was Enyd intended than in complying with the director’s wishes to have them leave the stage. Rocking back to sit on her heels, Enyd raised up to a seated position, her lacy underwear brushing against Alistair’s bare skin.

“How about we have the wardrobe change here?” Enyd glared at Yuvvor, putting her hands on her hips. Enyd could hear the wobble in her voice, the earlier panic still working its way out of her system and being replaced with pure determination to conquer this moment with her dignity in tact, and Alistair’s too. “In fact, how about a wardrobe exchange?” Enyd looked to the audience and raise a single eyebrow, hoping they would be as eager to see Klingon nudity as they had been for humans.

She was not disappointed. There were jeers and cheers, and some clothing was tossed on stage—apparently, the audience members wanted to join in as well. Yuvvor licked her lips, gaze lingering on Enyd’s chest before she looked back to Klar with a coy smirk. Returning to a wide-legged stance, Yuvvor tossed her head. For the moment, it seemed as if the humans were going to take backstage in attention. What a relief!

“Do you think you can adjust my wardrobe, Klar?”

With the audience and their “co-hosts” distracted by the newfound wrestling match between Klar and Yuvvor, Enyd looked back down to Alistair. Though the buttons had been ripped off, he still had his shirt on. If he wrapped it around his waist, he could use it for some modesty, with her walking in front of him to block the audience’s view as they made their exit stage left. Enyd was quick to voice her suggestion, leaning forward to tug at the hem of his shirt as she explained her plan.

“And, um,” her hand lightly resting on his chest, Enyd leaned forward more, conscious but uncaring of how her hardened nipples fluttered over his chest, “I’m sorry about my panic earlier. Long story. Can share over a very LARGE pint once we get out of this.”

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #22
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

"Looking forward to it," Alistair said dumbly, still somewhat out of it from his journey through the valley of Enyd's breasts. He was still hyper-aware of Enyd's proximity, of everywhere that they were touching, which didn't do him any favours in trying to rein in his stiffening manhood as it perked up the bottom of Enyd's dress. The laughter and cheers of the crowd only added to the absurdity of the situation.

"So, uh, good plan, happy to see that you're okay," he said slowly as he looked up at Enyd, "but it'd be tricky to pull off. Put on, I mean. Wrap on. Tie on? Underneath your dress." Alistair looked supremely awkward, his prior confidence having vanished, but he barrelled through regardless, trying fervently not to think about how he now knew exactly what Enyd's underwear felt like, or the touch of her nipples, or how strong her thighs were. "I appreciate your concern, and your cover, but the rabbit is out of the hat. I might as well try to act with what little dignity I have left instead of slinking off. You know, acting like a proper Starfleet officer and all that stuff. You ahead and get up now."

After Enyd got to her feet, Alistair took a deep breath, then stood up as well, and just like that, he was fully exposed to the world. It was a profoundly exhilirating sensation to be fully naked, his erect manhood bared to so many people, although he also felt as if he might catch fire from how hot he felt. Even with the distraction of Yuvvor and Klar, plenty of the audience noticed him. Alistair hurriedly bent down and pulled up his pants, although he was horrified to see that Yuvvor had broken the clasp of the belt, so the pants hung more loosely than he liked, with all the attendent consequences.

Taking Enyd's hand, Alistair led her off stage, and breathed a sigh of relief when he was out of view. Feeling his arousal begin to calm down now that they were out of the spotlight, he remembered that Enyd was still topless and handling it with much more grace than he had. Alistair duly took his shirt and offered it to her, smiling self-consciously.

"If you want to cover up,"he offered, deliberately looking Enyd in the eye. "That was certainly an...experience. You were brilliant, by the way. Definitely doing good things for Starfleet's reputation in the Empre, assuming that someone recognised us."

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #23
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cashmar Auditorium  | Saqwa’ City | Qo’Nos ] Attn. @Griff

Nodding to his resignation, Enyd offered what she hoped would be interpreted as an encouraging remark, “At least they won’t readily forget the show we’ve given them. More points to Starfleet.”

It was difficult to get up without knocking into Alistair’s…rod of awareness…proof of paying attention…erect staff of concentration... Her skirts certainly didn’t help matters. Even after getting her leg swung over, so she was kneeling at his side, her back to the audience, giving Alistair a little privacy to get up, there was a problem. In her efforts to get her feet under her, Enyd tipped forward and face-planted on Alistair’s lower abdomen. Though the moment was brief, Enyd’s cheek still felt warm from where the soft flesh of his member had bounced against it before she righted herself with flaming red ears and matching complexion and finally got to her feet. 

She stood still on the stage long enough for Alistair to hoist up his trousers. Enyd was not so experienced in the art of physical intimacy to have a “list” for comparison on Alistair’s…equipment. She had only ever been intimate with Javec sexually, kissed Victor, and later Drauc, and in the interim of all that, knew how to please herself. Obviously, compared to Klar, Alistair was smaller. Still, Enyd knew enough about the basics of sexuality to know that length or girth were not the only variables to note when adding up the requirements for pleasure. For women, sex began in the brain as much as it was connected to the body, and standing here, holding Alistair’s hand, she knew that IF circumstances were altered and she’d been given a choice between Klar and Alistair based on size alone, she would still choose Alistair.

She followed mutely behind Alistair as he led her off stage. He didn’t let go until they stood in the darkened side wings of the stage. Enyd glanced over her shoulder to watch the antics of their former captors. The audience was still in uproarious bright spirits as Klar and Yuvvor continued to paw at one another, various pieces of clothing being ripped or shredded as their act unfolded. Feeling something brush against her arm, Enyd returned her attention to Alistair and noted he held out his shirt, his toned chest and arms now fully exposed. Enyd shivered as she accepted the shirt. She’d almost forgotten about the shredded state of the top of her dress. The shoulder and sleeves remaining intact led to a strange sensation of feeling clothed though she was very much not.

“Thank you,” though the act was downright silly at this point, Enyd twisted her torso away from Alistair as she pulled on his shirt and buttoned the only remaining button at the top. It did only marginally better than nothing at all, but she could at least hold the sides of it together once they left and were in crowds again.

“I think you handled everything like a champion, Alistair, have you thought about joining the diplomatic corps?” Enyd rolled up the shirt sleeve of her left arm and just started on her right as she turned to face him. “You didn’t have an almost panic attack and acted as a rock for me.” Enyd stopped. After a millisecond of thought and throwing caution to the wind, Enyd placed both hands on his chest and leaned up on her tiptoes to place a soft kiss directly against his lips. “Thank you,” she whispered against Alistair’s skin before she lowered herself to her heels again.

Re: Day 10 [1945 hrs.] Today Is a Good Day To...Laugh!?

Reply #24
[Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt | Cashmar Auditorium | Saqwa’ City | Qo'nos ] Attn. @EllenFitz

"Any time," Alistair said, smiling warmly even as butterflies ran rampage through his stomach. No matter how old and experienced he became, it seemed, being kissed by a beautiful woman never seemed to lose its magic. "I'd be a terrible diplomat, but I did get trained in similar stuff. De-escalation, negotiation, body language, official protocol, cultural interaction, counseling. People who work for the DTI spend a lot of time with temporal refugees, so we're expected to have a broad skill-set. I was never particularly good at that part of the job, but it is fulfilling."

He stood there for a few more moments, looking down into Enyd's green eyes with a goofy smile, before he realised that the silence was stretching to an awkward extent. Clearing his throat, Alistair stepped back to glance at the stage and blanched.

"Okay, they're both...yep, both naked now, and...uh...some of the, that's happening," he said as Hu'ler poetically challenged Klar (itself quite a baffling sight as she no longer had a scrap of clothing on her) to see who could delay climax the longest. In response, he encouraged his fellow men to win the same challenge in a bizarre battle of the sexes, amping up the crowd even further. Facepalming, Alistair glanced at Enyd sheepishly. "Okay, you were right earlier. It's definitely an orgy now."

He noticed the diminuitive director approaching, but the old Klingon didn't venture on stage, simply crossing his arms and watching the show with bemusement. Alistair stared at him in bafflement. "Er...hi. Are you going to stop them, like you did earlier, and then with us?

The director sighed. "Do I look like a fool to you? The crowd would rip me to shreds. This is part of the improvisational art form. If it happens, it happens. I only pulled you two out of there because aliens cannot be expected to partake. The Federation would go berserk, then the Chancellor would have my head. Perhaps literally. Jumped up commoners never do appreciate the classics."

He looked at Enyd with a modicum of compassion which, to his credit, actually looked genuine. "On behalf of this establishment, I offer my apologies if your honour was defiled. Such things are rare here. This is only my third show in sixty years of directing to become this wild, and Yuvvor's first. Mass brawls are one thing, and more common, but orgies are different. The war has affected us more than we thought."

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