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Topic: Day 06 [1311] Crappe Diem (Read 5705 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 06 [1311] Crappe Diem

[ Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

@SarahBerry @SummerDawn

The beeping was incessant, it just wouldn't quit, and all she wanted to do at this point was sleep.  The train of thought carried the patient to the realm of the living as her brain began to cycle very reluctantly back to full wakefullness.  Her eyes were still closed, so there was nothing to see, but her sense soon began reconnecting with their host brain to deliver the stimuli that would let her know what was going on.  It wasn't easy.  The beeping that was incessant was also very annoying, not for it's tone, but for the complete opposite reason.  It was as if the sound was muffled by a liquid medium that refused to clear up.  She really wanted to turn that beeping off.  Her arm refused to function though.  The patient was reasonably sure the signal was going to her arm, yet it refused to rise, and the effort was more tiring than she thought it should be. 

Other stimuli soon began to filter in.  She could hear voices.  The patient could make out the words, yet they seemed to have lost meaning as if her mind recognized what was being said, yet they didn't have any meaning.  The air smelled .......... very different from her last fuzzy memory.  It was cleaner, less ........... rancid.  The beeping sound began to increase as the patient's heart rate became elevated at the revelation she was no longer where she thought she was and couldn't figure out why or how that had happened. With syrupy slowness, thoughts began to form in her mind. Where am I? I think I'm in Sickbay? How did I get here? I was Brestant, we were travelling through to colony, searching the brewery, got into a fight, why can't I remember the rest?  Come on XamotZark. It was then that the rest of Lt. Zark's body decided to remind her that everything else existed and was very pleased to have someone to complain to as well.

The Andorian medic silently groaned and cracked an eye open and immediately regretted it as the light was pretty much searing.  Her arms finally responded and slowly moved to cover the open eye, but it seemed to take more work than usual.  As her eye adjusted, she risked opening the other one and kept both in a squint before slowly laying her arm back down, Zark sighed in relief as her eyes adjusted to the light level.  Looking around slowly, her thoughts began to speed up, but mainly consisted of Yep, looks like sickbay..  Spying someone with a teal collar, Zark tried to call out for her attention.  Her parched lips and dry throat didn't make this easy though, and she had to clear her throat before her voice seemed to work, and hopefully carry to the person. "Excuse me? Nurse? Can I get some water please? And when did we get back?"

OOC: The follow up to Something in the Ale

@Pierce @UltimaImperatrixia @Tae it's up to you whether you'd like to be a part of this one

@SarahBerry your choice whether Sarah is in the Recovery Ward or tending to Kala in Isolation

Re: Day 06 [1311] Crappe Diem

Reply #1
[ Lt. Kala Marika | Isolation Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry @RyeTanker

The sense of weightlessness, of hovering in a fog, suffocating, thick, all around her, like wrapped in a warm blanket she couldn't escape. Her mind was a fog, her consciousness submerged in her mind, bobbing just below the surface. The sound however, of something beyond the fog, a familiar sound, familiar smell, it drew Kala toward it. Even as she walked towards it, she drew back, taking a few steps back, only to take several forward. The light became unbearable as she approached it, hurting her eyes, the sounds all the more clear, all the more vivid.

Her eyes fluttered open and Kala got her first glance of the isolation ward. The lights hurt and she closed them, trying to move a hand to shield them from the worst of the light. Her body though seemed to refuse her commands, wouldn't move as she wished. "Why am I here?" was the first question that came to her mind, "Why am I in sickbay?" Eyes slowly adjusting, she took in more of her surroundings, the hum and beep of machines near her bed, a display monitor that showed her vitals, scans of her body in real time.

As her mind gained clarity, she remembered a little. She was on a planet, some sort of colony, Klingon. They were investigating a power outage, and she'd gone into a reactor room to? To what? Repair? Power on? A brief flash of a wall of thick liquid crashing into her, the pain of her head smashing against durasteel, and nothing. Had she been knocked unconscious? She tried to sit up, but just like her arms, her body refused to obey what she wanted it to do. She grunted in pain, her abdomen hurt like she'd been kicked in the gut. She sighed, it seemed answers would have to wait until someone came in to explain why she was here, and what had happened.

Re: Day 06 [1311] Crappe Diem

Reply #2
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Charting was always the hardest part of the shift. Oh sure, it was too easy to pop 20 cc's of Anetrizine into an officer suffering from hysterical migraines and turn right around and pop another patient with a dose of Mexhohexital to sedate them and keep them from walking around and bleeding out before you popped them again with Leporazine to keep them alive long enough to wheel them into trauma surgery- but it's all done so quickly that sitting down to chart right after you do one patient right after the other was absolute nonsense, no one had time for that!
Like any sensible person, she did charting while it was quiet.

And it had been quiet for a while now.

The low, rhythmic beats of the heart monitors and cortical scanners that had been hooked up to Lieutenant Zark were something of a comfort. Her eyes blinked nearly in tandem with the high-pitched bridle of the monitor, allowing Sarah to furiously tap away against the screen, her pink painted nails clacking against the glass loudly enough that it too sounded like another monitor off to the side, however erratic it must have sounded.

Though, as the heart monitor on Lieutenant Zark began to increase in pace as she stirred and began to wake from her comatose state, Sarah went ahead and sat her PADD down, she wouldn't be getting any more done for a bit now that the Lieutenant was beginning to display some very promising cognizant signals. "Good morning, lovely~ My name is Sarah," She breathed out sweetly, stepping over to the Andorian woman and gently finding her fingers within her own softly. There was a dual purpose for this- one to check pulse and grip, and the other? Well, just comfort, really. It was nerve-wracking to wake up and not know or understand where you were, how you got there, and how long you'd been out. Her words, if one could call them that, were slurred and jumbled at best, but it was clear she was at least trying to speak, which was incredibly hopeful. She'd no doubt make a full recovery from this, but it was going to be a tough few days.

"I understand perfectly. You said...You want your daughter's seized backpack?" She hadn't understood a word.
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 06 [1311] Crappe Diem

Reply #3
[ Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]


This is nice.  The Zhen thought to herself as a warm hand linked her with her own and held it.  Her voice, oops, Sarah's is nice.  I don't think I was ever that comforting while I went through nurse training."  Zark concluded as the nice blonde nurse helped the Andorian to reconnect with the world.

The next sentence caused combat medic to stare at the nurse and she blinked a couple of times.  Her mind was still spinning up and misunderstanding caused a hiccup that her brain was having trouble overcoming.  Zark turned her eyes to the ceiling above her and her free hand came lose to rub her eyes and her temple.  The sensations against her face and head sure felt real pretty much confirming to the Andorian that she wasn't dreaming and she had heard the jumbled nonsense that Sarah had repeated back to her.

Zark had never been a model patient under the best of circumstances, and had no intention of starting now as she let go of the nurse's hand and grimaced as she dug her elbows into the bio bed and began pushing herself up.  The combat medic grunted with the effort and winced as a throbbing made itself known around her abdomen.  The discomfort caused the Andorian to stumble for a second as she brought her knees up and quickly grabbed at them.  The throbbing intensified, but it wasn't enough to stop combat medic as she pushed her way passed the pain with some difficulty and she finally got herself up in the bed and leaned on her legs to balance herself.  Her breathing had become heavier with the increased effort and she closed her eyes once more and she mentally waited for the endorphins to kick in an lessen the pain her body was experiencing.  When she felt the hurt subside, she took a moment to clear her throat once more and turned to Sarah once more, smiling as she made sure to slowly enunciate her words.  "Can I have a glass of water please? I feel parched."

Re: Day 06 [1311] Crappe Diem

Reply #4
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Sarah watched with a delighted gaze as Zark began to rouse, his lovely eyes opening a bit, then blinking a few times to seemingly adjust to the bright, artificial light of sickbay. It wasn't an easy adjustment, that was for sure. "There she is!~" Sarah cooed, allowing Zark to move around as was her want, pulling her hand away as Zark began to sit up.

"Not too fast, you will get a headrush- you have been lying down for a few hours," Sarah whispered hurriedly, once more reaching back out to hold onto Zark's arm as she balanced and steadied herself, reorienting to her new surroundings- but at least Sarah would be there to catch her head if she flopped backward.

"Easy- hey! Easy! Herregud! Lieutenant, you will bust your guts open across the table like a sausage party if you push too hard!" Was that actually the correct usage of sausage party? The intestines looked like sausages, no? It made sense. Though her ability to interlace Federation Standard proper and backstreet lingo aside, her main concern was the Lieutenant's labored breathing. She was in pain if the dewy condensation against the woman's forehead hadn't said that enough. Her request for water was understood, however, more so than the last bit, and with it, she would get her something for the pain.

"Ja ja ja ja, Water- you need pain medicine too. Please sit STILL, lovely, and we will get you fixed up." It was only with a few motions of her fingers did the nearby replicator produce a tall glass of water, chilled to a frost, the glass subsequently being handed off to Zark as Sarah begin tapping in the code for the specific hypospray she needed from the Pixis dispenser.

"I know better than to try and have you lay down, but can you lean back, please? Your wound site is still freshly healed. Are you otherwise feeling well? No double vision, no impending sense of doom? No apparitions? ..The last one was a joke."
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 06 [1311] Crappe Diem

Reply #5
[ Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]


Lieutenant Zark felt a pang of sympathy and gave a crooked smile to the flabbergasted nurse.  The sausage party comparison was pretty funny, but the medic was still in too much pain to laugh that much, so she clamped down on any laughing and simply sat there till the nurse returned and smiled gratefully at getting the glass.  Sipping slowly, the cool rush of refreshment caused the Andorian to close her eyes and sigh with contentment. At the very least it kept her mind off the pain in her mid section and her back.  The headache also seemed to be lessening as well and Zark opened up her neck like a good patient so the nurse could inject her.

The Andorian looked over her body as she checked to see what everything was still attached.  The signal that was sent to her toes responded more normally and she gently kicked her feet back and forth a bit.  Didn't seem like there was noticeable damage to her nervous system.  Her head looked up to see several other team members lying in bed.  Closest to her seemed to be Chambers, and Cir'Cie.  "Sorry, it's Sarah right?"  the medic asked as she turned to face the blonde nurse.  "Thank you, I'm feeling fine.  Mostly.  None of the symptoms you mentioned, especially no weird feelings, but what happened?  I don't seem to recall anything that happened and how we ended up here. Last I remember, we were in the brewery on Brestant, and we......"  Zark's voice trailed off and her brows furrowed as she ran into a memory void though it seemed to be tinged with traces of an inexplicable personal warmth.  She shook her head again and set aside the glass as she leaned over to rub her temples at the conundrum.  She was so confused as to what was going on that she didn't notice till it was too late that her body still didn't want to be bent and she straightened quickly as a grimace over took her face.

A couple of deep breaths helped to settle the pains and Lt. Zark grabbed the nurse's shoulder as her face became serious. "Ensign, why are we here?  What happened to Brestant?"  A quick look around the ward and a Bajoran engineer seemed to be missing as her tone grew frantic. "And where is Lieutenant Kala?  Is she alive?  Did she make it out?"


(For the time being, in case the other writer returns)

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