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Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

[ Lieutenant Enyd Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | Holosuite 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

Every step sounded with the bright tinkling of her golden anklets as Enyd passed through the corridor toward the Below Decks Lounge. Dressed in a heavy silken green lehenga with a matching gold embroidered choli, pinned together in the front with a silver belled pendant, Enyd knew she struck quite a sight, and sound. The gold-beaded headdress pinned into her combed hair only punctuated further the reality that Enyd was neither on duty nor interested in being on duty just yet. Choosing to spend at least an hour or so in a holosuite performing the various renditions of the courtesan dances of Rigel VII before joining the others on their excursion to Klingon opera, Enyd had dressed for the occasion.

Enyd’s life had been a quick succession of near-death experiences and fights piled upon fights in recent days. She prided herself on keeping up with all necessary, and some unnecessary, training for hand-to-hand combat and phaser qualifications, and if there was ever a posting that required such vigilance, it would be this one. At the same time, Enyd craved the feeling of joyous freedom that came with dancing. The expression of emotion through the controlled movements of muscle to the rhythmic beats of music: there was nothing quite like it. And it was something she hadn’t done in quite some time. She didn’t count the dancing with Victor, as that was partnered dancing, and that brought an entirely different euphoria. No, this was the kind of dancing one did alone. The kind of dancing that splayed open the heart and projected onto the dance floor all of one’s hopes, dreams, fears, and longings.

Already hearing the music in her mind, Enyd stopped just outside her reserved holosuite, finger just above the button to release the door. She noticed the previous program was still active. All programs were coded in some fashion or another, typically to suit the program builder, but there was enough about this program title that Enyd recognized that instead of ending it—figuring the previous user had merely forgotten to end it before leaving—Enyd curiously cued the door and stepped inside.

Nothing could have prepared Enyd for the absolute delight she walked into, and within seconds of the door closing on her struck-mute form, Enyd was grinning like a madwoman, completely immersed in the joy of this moment, shared clandestinely with the previous occupant, an Andorian woman standing proudly at the front of the scene.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #1
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01 | USS Theurgy]

@Ellen Fitz

As soon as the holosuite arch appeared in the simulation and the brunette vision of Enyd Madsen walked in, Zark knew it was totally her fault (I really didn't mean to, but....).  At the same time, she knew she wasn't about to get into a whole lot of trouble, she was smiling a heck of a lot.  If she had one major fault that she could say with an absolute straight face in an interview, it was that she would lose track of time when she entered the holodeck and decided to play the pipes. There were of course safe guards for this, usually someone walking in on her or the alarm she set on her wrist watch, but today hadn't quite worked out that way.  With all the damage the ship had taken, she'd had to review the program file when it had hitched during a performance.  That had necessitated some reconstruction work to to get it operating the way she wanted.  That had been gruelling, tedious work that she hadn't counted on, so now she was running over time.  It didn't help that she'd elected to change inside the holosuite as well. C'est la vie  she'd thought to herself at the time before belting out a selection of bagpipe favourites.

The last two songs in the truncated set she'd been playing were her absolute favourites, so she wouldn't stop them for anyone; unless there was going to be a fist fight. (I really didn't mean to beat the stuffing out of those three nice tellarites, but the argument they were making was taking longer than the five minutes it would have taken to finish playing!  I'm really really sorry!).  So, she had to adjust for that as well.  It was a nice temperate fall day in the city of Maastricht in the Netherlands on Earth, and the crowd was merrily drinking and swaying away the gaily lit Vrijthof to a Highland Scottish Music Exposition in conjunction with an orchestra led by an elder gentlemen wearing a kilt and orange sash for the evening. 

The adjustment came in the form of white shirted waiter with an apron who greeted the newcomer.  As he handed her a drinks menu, he also gently placed a hand on her back to guide her through the seated or dancing throng to the picnic table front row centre of the stage.  It had as many empty spaces as there were newcomers, so there was one empty seat just waiting for Enyd.  She was totally expected. Enyd reached the seat  just as the strings ended and the blue skinned highland piper began playing the welcoming intro.  Now that she had an actual live audience, even if just one, Zark's A game came out, and she poured her heart into the coming together of two former enemies coming together in peace and love.  Her heart briefly remembered playing the exact same song at the memorial service a few days ago and the loud bittersweet goodbye caused her eyes to become shiny once more as the orchestra crescendo'd.  The combined pipes and drums soon added their voice to the blazing glory of the moment.  Somewhere in the simulation, Thea decided that Zark was giving a particularly heartfelt rendition of the highland classic and a woman sitting next to Enyd began wiping tears of her own as the man next to her cupped his hands over his mouth.

As the journey of the piece came to an end, Zark noted the waiter dropped off Enyd's drink order, then whispered in her ear that the final piece was going to start.  Zark took a moment to wipe her eyes as she waited for the applause to die down, then looked at the holographic representation of the conductor and nodded.   The conductor smiled and pointed to the drums who began putting out a beat as hologram screens of the stage began to descend.  Smiling brilliantly, the conductor pointed at the crowd and began clapping over his head.  Everyone around Enyd stood up and began gently dancing on spot while clapping and the woman who had been crying earlier smiled and waved her hands for Enyd to join.  A raven haired woman in a sky blue dress entered the stage and soon joined Zark on stage.  As the the conductor signalled for the diminuendo, Zark blew into her mouth piece and manipulated the chanter, rousing the finale as an impossible number of pipers and drummers began joining her on stage.  The lyrics began scrolling on the hologram and the raven haired woman began leading the whole square in singing When the Pipers Play.  Despite the large number of voices singing, the platinum haired piper's rousing spirit could clearly be heard across the entire square, and nothing could hold back the tidal wave of beats and skirl when all the other pipers and drummers joined her as they blared their intent to send their music into deepest reaches of a person's soul.

But, it all had to come to an end, and as the singer finished, the Andorian piper began marching in place, marking time as she continued to play.  When the final piper had exited her view, she turned with a swirl of her kilt and marched off the stage.  Back stage now, Zark took a moment to catch her breath, and waited for the conductor to end the piece.  When it was over, it was time to face the music once more.  "Thea, end program but leave Lieutenant  Madsen's drink and her table." The computer beeped obediently and the entire program vanished as Zark marched out in full highland regalia with a crooked smile on her face.  "Lieutenant Madsen, I do apologize for cutting into your holosuite time, but I do hope you enjoyed the performance.  I usually keep better track of time I don't really perform in public unless it's a Highland Event, so this is unusual."  If at all possible, the Andorian's smile became more crooked.

Lt. Zark paused momentarily her eyes flickered over Madsen's costume for her holosuite time.  An eyebrow arched in a very quizzical  Vulcan manner, but in a voice definitley not from that planet at all. "If ya don't mind meh askin, what are y'all coming here fohr?"

Zark's outfit for the performance:

Lyrics to When the Pipers Play

OOC: The parentheses are the gist of the arguments that Zark used in the past.  She was younger then

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #2
[ Lt. Enyd Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

Completely enthralled with the scene, Enyd was happy to be led to a table by one of the holograms. She ordered a warm mulled wine, finding the temperature wonderful, albeit a bit chilly for her state of attire. She remembered Zark from the concert, though they’d not been given much opportunity to talk given so many others had also joined the holoprogram that evening. She never would’ve guessed that this lovely Andorian female was a talented bagpiper, and she likewise never would’ve known Chief MicKayla was an accomplished swordswoman either if it hadn’t been for a similar holosuite mixup only a few days before.

Enyd smiled. She’d never been around holoprograms much, even when stationed in places that had them. Prior to Theurgy, she’d always been on a planet or a large starbase, and so had no need to use the holodeck for recreational stress relief. On a starship, Enyd had assumed the usage necessary to maintain sanity. And yet instead of it offering her mere elements of joy to maintain her sanity, holosuite usage had thus far offered her keen insight into crewmembers that she might never have known otherwise.

The program audience responded aptly to Zark’s playing, as did Enyd. Though she felt no tears touch her eyes with the music as it had the audience and Zark herself. It was a moving piece, and Enyd had sensed the depth of emotion behind it, but she’d been so preoccupied in the atmosphere and reality of this moment to allow herself the luxury of giving herself over to the emotions behind the music. In the following song, however, Enyd participated alongside the audience members. After taking a long sip of her mulled wine, she stood and began clapping with the beat, the bells on her anklets chiming with her swaying. Enyd had never heard the song before but delighted in singing along to it, reading through the lyrics on the screen as the holosuite was filled with the combined voices of the audience and the spectacular playing of Zark and the band.

Enyd’s heart was still pounding along to the beat when the song ended, and the band began to march off stage, leaving to the last Zark and her pipes. It was a little wobbly to her senses when the program abruptly ended soon after Zark exited the stage, though the table with her drink remained. Enyd was just picking it up to take another sip when Zark approached with a lopsided smile on her beautiful features.

“No apologies necessary. And do call me Enyd, and forgive me if I call you Zark. I find damning propriety is appropriate, considering your attire and the nature of your performance.” Enyd shot a wink in the Andorians direction before taking another sip of her now tepid wine. She always loved the rebellious nature of the Scots and was pleased to find so many Scottish-influenced crewmembers on board. It meant they had a greater fighting chance against the Infested, in her opinion at least.

At Zark’s question and quizzical study, Enyd laughed, tossing her hair over her shoulder with a quick head flick. “I was planning on getting a few courtesan dances from Rigel VII in before joining a few friends in a venture into Klingon opera on the planet later this evening.” Enyd glanced between Zark’s clothing and her own before giving another amused smile. “While they can be lively and rousing in their own way, they are assuredly not of the same ilk as piping. Where did you learn to play the pipes, if you don’t mind my asking? You are really quite talented.”

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #3
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) |  Deck 28 | Vector 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Ellen Fitz

A complex flood of emotions rolled through the Andorian Piper as she wondered how to best answer the question Enyd had just put to her.  As her mouth helped her mentally chew over the question, she realized she'd been quiet just a bit too long.  Settling on another lop sided smile, but this one tinged with a bit of sadness, Zark took a breath before beginning.  "Since you're Enyd and I'm Zark anyway, we'll work with it.  Let's see, I think it was the summer of 2374, you remember the lowest point in the war with the Dominion? I think the news of the fall of Betazed was still recent and 2nd fleet had been repulsed from it's first attempt to take back the system, so there was a pall the Academy at the time.  Anyway, the next break had rolled around and since I had chosen to be a Combat Medic after visiting my Zhavey the previous year."  Zark shuddered briefly as she remembered that visit. "Sorry, nasty memories from that one.  Anyway, where was I? Right.  So I was applying myself to be a combat medic and putting in too many hours according to the academic advisors.  They said I needed more interaction with others or just get away for a bit. So, when a bunch of Academy friends; the two Schmidts, and Leopold; asked that I join them at the Highland Games being held in Germany that summer, I thought it was a good time to apply the advisor's advice." A single bittersweet laugh followed.   "Oh Shelat! I forgot how much they sounded like a German comedy troupe."

Taking the opportunity to place her pipes on the table, Zark undid her Piper’s Plaid and Glengarry hat, she laid them on the pipes before shaking a hand through her platinum locks. Her smile morphed into a fond one as her eyes looked into Enyd's emeralds, but the stare seemed to go straight through the human instead. "When you go to the Highland Games, it's always opened by a truly ludicrous number of pipers and drummers from all over the world.  There were bands from Pakistan, Canada, even the colony world of Caldos that year.  I think there were over a fifteen hundred pipers and drummers when all was said and done. You'd think it was impossible to coordinate that many people as an orchestra, but they did it, and it resonated deep in here." A cobalt fist pumped her heart.   "It's hard to find that kind of warrior's spirit, that sense of defiance.  They were determined to make it work."  Zark's Iced Jade eyes turned dreamy for a moment before she shook her head once more. "After that, I spent the rest of the summer in Scotland learning how to play and performing.  I didn't think I was any good, but the Highland Historical of Scotland Pipe and Drum Band tried to make me Pipe Major, go figure.  I obviously had to demure due to being at the Academy."

Bringing her focus back to Enyd, Zark's eyebrows jumped as if to shrug.  "When the summer ended, I took the pipes with me back to the Academy and on my deployment to the Kalandra sector.  Almost got into a few fist fights because of them and nearly shot once too, but I wouldn't have given them up at all."  Shrugging her shoulders this time as she took on a Shakespearean accent "And that is the story of how XamotZark zh’Ptrell, medico and piper extraordinaire appeared." The Andorian made small theatrical bow to her audience.

A toothy grin appeared on the medicos face as she leaned on the pile of fabric on the table while reverting to normal speech. "My turn, how do you know Rigellian courtesan dances, and did you have to use them in a diplomatic event? Heck, what is a Rigellian courtesan dance?"

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #4
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd continued to sip at her drink while Zark shared her backstory of how she’d become the accomplished piper that she was today. The manner in which Zark spoke, her vocal intonations, and facial expressions pointed to a passionate woman who felt keenly and lived with little hesitation. Enyd smiled at the appropriate times to smile, sharing a chuckle here and there, and nodded affirmingly as Zark continued to share. The only time she took her eyes from the Andorian’s face was to briefly inspect the pipes as they were laid upon the table, curious over their form and function. Though she’d heard pipes many times before, Enyd had never been this close to the instrument and found it fascinating that such a contraption could make such powerful music.

Enyd looked back up when Zark thumped her chest, speaking of the magnificent piper and drum ensemble assembled at the Highland Games. She’d attended a smaller Highland Games hosted near the farm back home for those of Scottish descent living in Montana. Though it was not nearly to the magnitude of what Zark described, because of that exposure, Enyd could picture the scene as Zark described, nodding in agreement on how powerful such a sight would be. At the mention of violence in connection with her pipes, Enyd couldn’t help but laugh.

“Were you serving as a distraction with your piping, and someone took potshots at you, or how did you nearly get shot?”

Finished with her drink now, Enyd set the empty cup still with dregs on the table, though not in danger of tipping into Zark’s precious pipes. Zark’s question had Enyd’s lips turning upward into a mischievous smile.

“Diplomacy is not based on words alone, dear Zark, but also upon action. You’re probably more likely to sit down and have an amicable conversation with someone who knows at least a little about your culture, if not a lot, and who seems keen on learning more through knowing you. The same rings true for nearly every species in the Federation library, with a few exceptions, of course. While not every diplomat makes such efforts to assimilate a portion of a target culture into their own diplomatic repertoire, I’ve found it useful.” Enyd’s smile shifted ever so subtly to hold a more devious quality. “It isn’t just dancing, though, that can be used as an ‘in’ for a target group. Food, art, clothing, weapons. I must admit, I prefer dances and weapons to food, art, and clothing. I find it more difficult to stare at what looks to be a pile of discarded food items and be serious about its worth as an art form than I do learning how to wield a new weapon or contort my body into a new dance. And food can always be a touchy thing since some cultures ingest things that are toxic to my system.”

Enyd tipped her head to the side, pausing in her own sharing long enough to order the computer to load her intended program. The table holding Zark’s pipes remained as Enyd instructed, but everything else around them changed. A purple sky could be glimpsed through latticework windows that lay at shoulder level around the large stuccoed room the scene had shifted to instantaneously. Ornately woven tapestries hung intermittently between the windows, matched in regalness by the carpets that layered the floor and cushioned their feet. Near where Zark’s stage had been, at the far end of the room, was a carpet-covered raised platform with musicians sitting at every corner. The musicians held instruments similar to the Arabic riqq and davul drums, a tar and oud, and a ney. The room was filled with the spiced incense candles the Rigelians preferred to burn as such ceremonies, the only interior lighting that of the lamps hanging overhead.

A few seconds after the scene changed, others appeared as part of the scene, partygoers dressed in their finest silks of a myriad of colors unseen to most outside of the Rigel system. Everyone sat upon cushions on the floor, reclining against one another as they listened to the music, chatted, or ate the delicacies only offered on such special occasions. Through this scene, Enyd led Zark closer to the platform, her voice easily heard over the din of the background music.

“Some time ago, it looked like I was going to be sent on a mission to Rigel VII during the Festival of the Courtesan. While some find the festival to be nothing more than an excuse to host orgies and become a glutton,” Enyd winked at Zark, “it is a beautiful time for a unique echelon of society that many other cultures vilify or abuse. It is culturally accepted for married men and women to take on concubines, with wealthier rulers boasting of harems numbering in the hundreds. And the Festival of the Courtesan is, in a fashion, how they shop for new concubines. Or assist those concubines who wish to move from their household to another. Through these dance exhibitions, a courtesan, male or female, may display their strength, agility, and allure. And it is during this weeklong festival, the courtesans may also showcase their hospitality and diligence in looking after their hosts.”

Coming to stand just beside the platform, Enyd gestured toward an especially fluffy cushion next to the wall. She signaled one of the serving courtesans to bring Zark a tray filled with an assortment of savory and sweet delicacies. Another courtesan brought a pitcher of spiced wine and a glass, also left for Zark to pick from as she wished.

“While I never did make it to Rigel VII for that mission, my posting to Cardassia taking precedence, I enjoyed the dances so much that I decided to keep them in my diplomatic handbag, so to speak. They help stay limber and are also a delightful way of expressing aspects of my soul that I sometimes find hard to articulate.” Enyd felt her cheeks warm. That was as close to confessing to her inability to talk sex as she was willing to go with a near stranger. “I’ll show you the Dance of the Night Lily, and if you haven’t fallen asleep, I’ll show you the Dance of the Fire Asp.”

Her feet bare now as she raised herself onto the platform, Enyd shifted her attention fully onto the beat of the drum as it built in volume and rhythm. Taking her first tentative steps into the song, Enyd felt herself transform into the night lily itself as her arms raised overhead, and they swayed in rhythm with her hips. The chimes of her anklets added another sensual layer to the music as she undulated her torso, her shoulders rolling as if swimming through water. As the dance continued, Enyd lost all sense of audience as she gave herself over to the music, allowing it to express its own insistent passion through her body movements. Through fluid dips and turns, her hips moving in opposition to one another on a vertical plane, all her movements mimicked both the water and the lily caught in the night breeze.

Only when the music began its slow descent into silence did Enyd remember time and place. Her cheeks aflame from the exertion of dance, and the reality that she’d just danced for a crewmate, Enyd looked back to Zark with eyes bright with a mixture of reticence and joy.

“It’s no Highland Game song, nor something you’d find in the fields of Scotland,” Enyd breathed out on a laugh, “but there you have a Rigellian courtesan dance. What do you think of it?”

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #5
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) |  Deck 28 | Vector 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy]

@Ellen Fitz  

Enyd's question about being shot at with her pipes was a pretty uncommon one, but it had stuck in Zark's mind ever since the war and she let out a derisive snort. "The honest truth is that I was being young and really really dumb.  The field hospital I was posted to was being hit by a Jem'Hadar attack and it looked like we were going to get overrun, so instead of shooting more, I climbed up an observation tower and started piping.  My favourite theory is the music got the security folks and medical staff to fight that much harder, and the noise angered the Jem'Hadar no end since they colandered the tower soon after I started.  Anyway, it gave the security forces some time to regroup and counter attack.  Wiped them out to man."  The Andorian shrugged as she looked down at her pipes and rubbed the polished mahogany of the pipe drones.  It was one of those things that happened when you fought the fanatical, and there wasn't much to be done about it now.

With her little tale ended, the Andorian began to take in the subtleties of diplomatic tradecraft as Enyd explained the various methods of finding common ground.  Zark blinked when the diplomat mentioned weapons as one of her choice methods of engagement since most of the diplomatic types she'd knows had eschewed the use of weapons, which usually resulted in Lt. Zark providing a personal protective detail when they were at functions, while nodding in silent agreement on the dangers of ingesting substances that didn't agree, not to mention poisons.

As Enyd called up the dance program, Zark became momentarily disoriented with the purple sky hanging above her and the palace she was in.  Holograms began to populate the chamber and musicians holding instruments that looked vaguely Arabic settled into their seats.  Soon, the Andorian felt she was the one out of place as she was still in most of her Highland Attire and quickly discarded her jacket on top of the growing pile of cloth on the table.  Following her local guide, Zark was shown a spot close to the platform and the history of this particular skill was most certainly fascinating.    Sounds kinda like Risa, but much more formal for a special day. The medico thought to herself.  Sitting on the fluffy cushion, the Andorian grabbed a proffered glass of wine and a delicacy, and held them for a moment as she listened to the reasons for the Festival of the Courtesan, it sounded remarkably kind as no one was discarded and the people who had chosen this life were looked after while being able to follow their chosen profession to its fullest potential.  Better than some other places in the galaxy. the medico thought to herself.

Zark raised an eyebrow and her antennae pointed towards the brunette as she explained how she managed to acquire the skill in dance, and the Andorian could understand there was passion hidden underneath the professional shell.  Cobalt eyelids narrowed slightly as Enyd sported the faintest trace of a blush suddenly and the Security Officer tilted her head for second to exercise an occupational hazard, speculation of something out of place.  Sure, dancing was a great way to keep in shape, Zark herself did so after a fashion through gymnastics, but what could cause the diplomat to turn rosy all of a sudden?  Deciding to file the conundrum away for later, Zark mentally shrugged as she adjusted her kilt and undid the top button of her blouse to get more comfortable.

Seeing the dance was about to start, the Andorian could only nod in agreement with Enyd's choice of what was being demonstrated as she took in all the deatils.  Having never been to Rigel VII, it was a treat to experience something new, even in a simulation, and her local guide had obviously gone to great lengths to get the details right.  Taking a quick look around to see how she was supposed to drink and eat, Zark found all different sorts of manners from the various 'guests.'  Some were indeed glutton, others were delicately eating their wares, so the Andorian settled on the middle ground and ate casually.  Whatever it was, it was delicious. As the drums began to beat, the ethereal brunette vision that looked immensely like Enyd Madsen blossomed into the dance.  Zark's eyes widened as she watched a poet's soul go into motion, flowing and undulating to the rythm as the Lily travelled across the water in search of a final destination, yet still making the journey a greater part of it's existence. 

As the dance came to an end. Zark let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding.  It was very easy for Zark to appreciate the life and joy that Enyd demonstrated through dance and part of her suddenly found the diplomat very attractive for there was an intensity and joie de vivre that radiated off the diplomat.  The Zhen also knew that she didn't know enough about the woman to say whether that sort of affection would be returned, so until there were indications otherwise, friend in the making it would be. 

As the bright eyed human breathlessly finished her dance, Zark could see why General Shran all those years ago had christened this species Pink Skin, for it truly suited them.  The Andorian smiled brightly at the wonderful dance and clapped in the manner that the rest of guests used, she understood that sometimes humans tossed flowers to the performers, but alas, she didn't have one.  Oh Well again.  As Enyd approached, Zark smiled brilliantly and held her hands in front of her as if to contain the joy. Enyd, I have seen dances done with more precision, but I can't recall one done with the amount of life you demonstrated today. Don't take this the wrong way, but if you were actually a courtesean, I would take you into my household in a heartbeat! Zark's mouth snapped shut at what she'd just said and she looked down, hoping to hide the dark blush that she felt suffusing her cheeks.   She felt like a truant school girl admitting something she shouldn't have to the principal.  The Andorian's head came up suddenly with a determined look on her face. "SorryIdidn'trealizethatwouldcomeout.Itwasabeautifuldance,andseeingtheFireAspwouldbegreat!" The Andorian vomited out at high speed in a poor attempt to cover up her gaff.  Well, if we're going to be friends, I might as well learn to mess up in front of her.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #6
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd’s laugh bounced off the holographic walls. “Precision dancing…sounds Vulcan.” She gave a playful wink before reaching for a glass of rose water off the serving platter of a passing courtesan. Her laughter increased in volume and passion at Zark’s confession, nearly snorting the rose water through her nose in the process. “I am honored, dear Zark. That is high praise from an Andorian, indeed. None of my Andorian friends made such an offer, even the ones who saw my dances.”

Enyd knocked back the rest of the rose water in a very unladylike fashion, drawing the back of her hand over her lips with a playful smirk playing upon her flushed features. She could tell from Zark’s antennae that the woman was being honest in her praise and the added blush on her cheeks only furthered Enyd’s assessment that this particular Andorian couldn’t lie convincingly with a gun to her head. At least not in this sort of context.

Zark’s gushed comment had Enyd leaning closer, almost not catching the words. But after another moment of deciphering Zark’s word-vomit speech, Enyd nodded with a playful smile.

“Not to worry. Just relax and try not to let the asp bite you.”

With a wink, Enyd clapped her hands, and as the lights dimmed, she moved behind the curtain that demarcated a small alcove just behind the raised stage. This was the sort of song that required a delayed entrance, building up the audience’s tension and desire before the dancer revealed herself. Enyd grinned. This was her favorite kind of dance, as it required athleticism, flexibility, a good sense of rhythm, sensuality, and even a sense of humor. Depending on the dancer, they could either pull audience members into the dance, twisting and twirling around them, wrapping them up in veils, or even tying the hapless audience member in literal knots as they wove the veil through arms and legs and around their torso. For Zark, Enyd would have pity. Since this was the Andorian woman’s first time in such a context, Enyd would dance without requiring audience participation. But, if the woman even extended interest in a return and a repeat performance, all bets were off.

The music sufficiently built in rhythm and volume, the audience clapping along with it, and with the added palpable feeling of positive tension in the dimly lit room, Enyd took a bouncing chaise entrance to the stage, with her opposite arm raising overhead as the opposite leg tapped forward. The lights brightened as soon as she was in the middle of the stage, and the audience let loose a volley of cheers and whistles. Enyd laughed in response, sending a wink to Zark, before she gave herself over to the music and the moves its rhythm demanded of her.

There would be no pausing to this dance, not when the theme was both of fire and snake. She would visit every corner of the stage with her ever shifting, hopping, and twirling movements. This upbeat dance required a variety of figure-eight moves with her hips, cycling downward, forward, upward, backward, and, to keep her body from looking too poised as she adjusted for one move per rapid beat, Enyd was quick to keep consistent arm flutters and snake-like shoulders circles. This dance was just as passionate as the first but more rambunctious, mischievous even, as the deep bouncing hip circles led into shoulder shimmies and then to hip drops before shifting into fluid undulations and hip shimmies.

At the cued times where she might otherwise pull an audience member onto the stage with her, Enyd employed more acrobatic leaps and twists that were borderline non-traditional. But none of the audience members programmed for this context seemed to mind, finding the change invigorating if she had to go by their cheering. Her heart was ramming against her ribs as her lungs stretched for more breath by the time the dance came to an end. Enyd raised her arms to the ceiling, gave a panting bow, then attempted a twirl off the stage, a traditional move for when a courtesan signaled the end of their set.

Only it had been far too long since Enyd had attempted these dances or that particular twirl, and instead of the graceful exit she’d hoped for, Enyd instead launched herself into the empty space just adjacent to the stage. Closing her eyes, Enyd braced herself, thankful that the floor was padded with pillows and carpets.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #7
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy]

@Ellen Fitz

Zark felt relieved after being told to relax.  Except for the one little question she reminded to ask herself later. What is an asp and why would it bite? The question was lost as the Andorian sat back down and signalled for one of what Enyd had gulped down and a delicious smelling vegetable kabob looking items and that was always welcome.  The rosewater was very refreshing as the Andorian munched her way through the skewer to help stave off hunger since it was sort of around lunch time, and she'd just finished when the music began again.  Zark tensed in anticipation of Enyd starting her dance, then got more tense as she didn't show right away. Did I just get ditched here?  Zark thought to herself as the tension began to engender more confusion, she was lost until the crowd began clapping, causing her to start. When on Rigel..... Zark mentally shrugged as she listened to the general beat before clapping along.

The asp appeared, a green and cream apparition that writhed and danced with energy and abandon.  The Andorian was surprised when the crowd let loose with cheers and whistles.  The noise added to the psychic experience of the event and the medico felt herself leaning forward with that wink as it drew her further into the rapid wiggling movements.  Zark was falling into it so much that she began giving herself a subtle core exercise trying to duplicate the movements.  It was no where near as exuberant, but as her head and shoulders began to undulate, the Andorian began to get a feel for the rhythm.  Smiling as she was shaking and clapping, Zark got the feeling that this was a lot more work than it appeared to be and would be a different way instead of having to do planks, stomach crunches, and various other contortions to her core. I need Enyd to show me how to do this the medico thought to herself. And the arm movements are very elegant, but I don't really get those ones.  Must ask what an Asp is, though she did mention biting.....and the movements are very fluid, so a snake?  Definitely never heard of an asp.

As the ethereal brunette danced to and fro, twirling, and undulating for the crowd, Zark laughed out loud then stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled in appreciation. Zark whooped in delight as the costume covering Enyd flowed through aerial cartwheels that instantly screamed 'Another Gymnast!' to the Andorian's mind and she appreciated the aesthetics of the flying form.  A particularly well done mid air jump seemed to slow down time as the billowing material seemed to carry the lithe diplomat on a green cloud before she landed and the medico's whistle seemed to double in volume before she sat back and sighed at the joyful sensuality Enyd was able to convey through her graceful movements.   Patience XamotZark, these things will resolve themselves in time. The Zhen thought to herself as the dance came to an end, and whatever elegant grace Enyd had processed was clearly spent as the hard breathing woman unceremoniously back flopped off stage into a pile of cushions.

Zark wasn't sure if this was part of the performance, so she sat there for a moment for a cue from the rest of the crowd who promptly toned down the previous cheering to a polite round of applause.  Uh Oh, I don't think that's how it was supposed to end.  The medico effectively bolted out of her cushion to where Enyd lay breathing heavily, a light sheen of sweat covering her flushed skin.  Any question as to the human's state was answered by the smile plastered on her face.  Zark could only offer a toothy smile in reply as she shook her head in disbelief at the joy radiating off the woman.  The Andorian's head turned towards a server and waved him over.  When he arrived and bent over to lend his ear, Zark asked for a basin, some towels and glass of rose water with ice.  The server raised a professional glance and his hands shot out ending in a quick theatrical double clap, and two more servers arrived with the requested items and laid them on the ground next her kilt.   Zark nodded her thanks before picking up and gently running a towel through the cool water and firmly wringing it out.  Damp towel in hand, Zark began gently dabbing the sweat from Enyd's forehead and cheeks before folding the towel and going for the pale jaw line and neck.  The Andorian took great care to not upset the cosmetics and brunette arrangement before dipping the towel back into the water and folding it into a compress that she placed on the dancer's forehead. 

"That was a most ummmmmm......anticlimactic landing My Lady Madsen.  I was pretty sure the grace you were showing was going to carry you through to the end."  The Andorian giggled for second. "I'm quite sure if you were ballerina, the teacher would have dragged you off to do that exercise where they have to stand on their toes as punishment."  Sighing out the last of her laugh, the Andorian, picked up the rose water and a dry towel and put it between herself and the gleefully prone diplomat before lying on her side next and propping her head up on an arm.  Still smiling, the Zhen did take a moment to admire the human before testing out whether she was still awake in case she'd overdone the comforting.  "Soooooo, I'm not sure the acrobatics were intended to be a huge part of the dance, but you move with the grace of a ballerina and the form of a gymnast, so I'm going to go with.......both.  How and where'd you learn to do all that?"

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #8
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

From her cocoon of pillows, Enyd was still panting in euphoria when the blue head of Zark popped into view. Only moments later, as her heart rate returned to a steady pace, leaving Enyd in a blissful post-cardio state, Zark returned with towel and basin in tow. Enyd was touched by the woman’s care and dutifully kept still as the Andorian administered the aid. Enyd couldn’t remember the last time someone had dabbed at her skin so gently and with such care; perhaps her grandmother many years before, in another age and life on Earth? Though the thought brought a tinge of melancholy to the moment, at the same time, it brought an added sweetness. While Zark was a far cry from her prim and traditional grandmother, at least she had a streak in her that matched her grandmother’s no-nonsense yet tender forms of care.

Zark’s comment about her landing had Enyd giggling, “Yes, well, the dance calls for a flourished twirl off stage. Only my flourishing twirl hasn’t been practiced in ages and, well, you saw the result.” Enyd’s eyes briefly traveled back to the stage where the musicians were resuming the places to be the main form of entertainment now that her dance was over. Only as the music resumed as a steady, lulling background din, did Enyd return her gaze to Zark, a smile on her lips. “And you’re not wrong about the ballet teacher. Had Madame Blanchet seen this spectacle, she would have made me do fouetté turns and grand adage lifts until my toes were bloody and my body collapsing.”

Enyd was grateful for the rose water and reached for it almost as soon as Zark had it perched between them. She refrained from guzzling, though it tempted her, and instead took a long sip before forcing herself to set the glass back down. Enyd felt Zark’s gaze and when she looked back to her new friend, Zark was commenting on the more acrobatic portion of the dance, correctly surmising Enyd’s diverse past with kinesthetics.

“I’m not sure how much you know about Montana, on Earth, but it has a reputation among humans as being rather isolated and backward. Even in this century. However, though, yes, we still have large swathes of land undisturbed for centuries that are filled with all sorts of wild creatures who would probably take a bite out of you first and ask questions later, we also have large cities, and convenient transportation. My family has owned Yew Valley Farms ranch for centuries and is quite established in the region; so much so that other ranchers and farmers would get together with my grandmother to arrange for special lessons to be hosted at our ranch instead of the folks in our region having to spend hours traveling to the big city. So for months at a time, they could collectively hire a coach of this or that variety, and we would host the lessons on our ranch.” Enyd allowed herself another sip, this time a shorter one, followed by another short one, before continuing. “If it weren’t for the convenience of having these coaches living with me for long winter months, and sometimes summer months too, I doubt my scatter-brained self would’ve had the notion to learn much of anything outside of ranching skills. But there was also the fact that my grandmother insisted I know how to comport myself with poise, to make up for my lack of verbal grace, as she said.”

Enyd laughed as she remembered some of the barbs her grandmother shot her way. They were always spoken from a place of love, and even at the time, Enyd had known that. No need for truthful revelations from a time distance. Enyd had never doubted her grandmother’s love and affection. That had just been the way her grandmother spoke and acted, and everyone accepted it because she was the matriarch of the Madsen clan.

Bringing her memory-filled far-off gaze back to Zark, Enyd gave a half shrug. “Ballet and gymnastics were always a favorite. Eventually. And then later, after my parents both died, my grandmother almost encouraged me to take up martial arts. That started a whole new love of kinesthetics, that eventually brought in affection for bladed martial arts. But what about you? Granted, I haven’t seen your dancing skills yet, but from what I gather, you know how to hold your own in a fight.”

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #9
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Enyd's question was probably meant as a compliment, most likely a straight up question, but Zark's face turned expressionless the second it was asked.  If she'd had any conflicting emotions at any point during the exchange, they boiled to the surface and the medico sat up for a second before tucking her legs under her chin before closing her eyes and pressing her forehead to her knees.  Her mind replayed a flash of light, a loud bang, her hand moved unconsciously to her abdomen.  Looking up into space, there the Andorian rubbed her nose. I'm still alive aren't I? Zark asked herself, though a doubt still plagued her.  Looking at her abdomen one more time, Zark stood up and stripped out of her blouse as she made her way her pile of belongings, her mind was focused on one question only as she reached the pile of personal belongings before she pulled off her kilt and dumped it on the pile leaving her in nothing but her bra, panties, and boots.  Turning around, frozen blue green eyes looked back and saw Enyd sitting, watching her.  "Lieutenant Madsen, I'm sorry you have to watch this." Zark apologized, her voice flat and bereft of any earlier joy.  "Computer, activate training program zh’Ptrell 10 at previous completed difficulty level."  Frozen jade watched as the simulation dissolved and was replaced by a caged hexagon with a ring in the middle.  Zark stopped by a table that contained a virtual complete fight set of clothing to put them all on.  A pair of fight gloves, a mouth guard, a pair of shorts, swapping out her duty boots for boxing boots, and finally to tie her hair into a pony tail, Zark jumped into the ring as another similarly attired Vulcan female entered the ring from the other side.

When the two reached the separated lines on the mat, there was brief bow before both adopted ready stances.  Lt. Zark's mind tried to still as she worked to focus on her opponent, yet there was a flaw in the stillness from the doubts.  The Vulcan suddenly lunged forward at high speed jabbing at the Andorian's head.  Blue arms and legs moved quickly to block the combination of punches and kicks that were sent her way with the sound of skin and leather colliding reverberating through the ring.  The slight flaw in Zark's focus caused her to miss several subtle available counters, wasting time and energy, Yet she still spotted one as as the Vulcan just slightly over committed on a jab that Zark sidestepped and grabbed.  The opponent grunted as a blindingly fast cobalt leg collided with her midriff before an uppercut smashed into the tanned chin.  The Vulcan reeled back but got her arms up in time to block a shot at her head before launching a quick counter at Zark's head.  The medico dodged the strike and drove a punch straight at her opponents face, smashing her nose in a mess of green blood.  Zark features became more fierce as she grunted in exertion grabbing the back of her opponents head and began kneeing her in the abdomen as fast as she could. 

Zark oofed in surprise as very strong arms suddenly grabbed her leg and the air wooshed out of her as she was thrown onto her back and landed hard, barely rolling out of the way and a strong foot slammed into the ground she was just occupying.  As Zark rolled back up to her feet, a round house slipped passed her distracted guard and the blue medico grunted as the kick slammed into mid section sending her stumbling back into the cage with a loud ring.   The Vulcan moved quickly and was on Zark with punches flying.  Zark got her arms up in time to block several strikes high and low, but missed an elbow that slammed into her face and the opposing punch that snapped her head the other way, eliciting a grunt while splitting her lip and sending blood and spittle flying.  Zark next felt the air involuntarily rush out of her as the Vulcan repaid the earlier kneeing by slamming her gloves into the poorly defended blue midsection.  Zark felt herself slammed back into the cage as she grunted and cried out after four or five hits.  What would normally have been debilitating only served to enrage the medico and Zark screamed as she used the kinetic energy from the last hit to bounce off the cage and attempt tackle her opponent to the ground, but instead found herself airborne again.  This time though, she was ready and rolled on her landing coming straight back to her feet and facing her opponent who was also up again.

Zark settled back into her ready stance and felt her mind become actually still.  There had been small flaw in her calm that had caused her to misjudge the random opponent she was assigned and her body now ached in several places as a result of the flaw.  Quickly working to bring her focus back, she switched strategies and waited as the two opponents circled each other.  The battered Vulcan danced a bit as if to figure out what to do next before charging forward.  Zark ignored the protests of her body as she dodged or blocked each blow, feeling the wind as she came within milometers of being hit several times, or having to flip out of the way; always looking for the right move from the opponent.  Her mind finally spotted the over extension of a punch as it flew, Zark shifted her momentum in an instant as she grabbed the arm and pulled the other woman before vaulting up the Vulcan's back then grabbing her neck in a scissor hold.  Twisting into a back flip as hard as she could, her opponent was slammed into the ground by Zark's mass induced cartwheel while the Andorian landed on her feet and brought an axe blow down on the Vulcan's neck that stopped suddenly as the blue gloved hand landed on skin, but stopped just short of actually breaking anything.

This was enough and a bell sounded indicating a lethal strike.  The prone Vulcan vanished and Zark collapsed on to her butt as she leaned her head on one raised knee.  Sucking in air, the Andorian smiled a bloody smile as he body began to remind her of the various aches that had been inflicted on it.  I still got it. Rubbing her nose and mouth, the combat medic noticed they were wet and she summoned a towel to staunch the blood flow, then grimaced as her free hand moved to hold the areas of her abdomen that the opponent had tried to turn into mush.  Owww, that's gonna bruise.  At least there's no hole in it. Still smiling, the Andorian looked around and spotted Enyd and blinked before flushing at her state of undress and the impromptu bloody demonstration. "Uhhhhh.....Sorry Enyd, I ummmm didn't realize how errrrrr energetic the answer to the question was going to be." came Zark's towel muffled apology.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #10
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd’s eyes widened, and immediately she sat up alongside Zark when her question prompted nearly the opposite reaction than when she’d intended. Where she thought Zark would have done much as she had in sharing laughter with memories, Zark had closed off, then turned formal after an impromptu stripping down to her underclothes. The pillows and comfort were gone in an instant after Zark’s command, and instead, she sat on an uncomfortable chair facing a ring where Zark joined a Vulcan female, both dressed in boxing attire.

The Vulcan was calculating in her attacks, relentless in her logic applied through movement, and it took Zark a few moments to recover and then take advantage of an over-commitment made by the Vulcan in a jab. From there, it looked like Zark had the upper hand, or rather, upper knee, until the Vulcan swept Zark onto her back, and even once she regained her footing, she received a set of brutal attacks that kept Zark on the defensive all the way to the ring’s edge. The fight continued to abruptly shift from being in the Vulcan’s favor to Zark’s, with barely a time between attacks for Enyd to catch her own breath. The final seconds of the fight had Enyd literally on the edge of her seat, and she very nearly fell out of it in thankful surprise when Zark dealt the final blow and won the brutal round.

Enyd stood as Zark recovered herself, pressing a towel to her nose and gingerly pressing a hand to her stomach to assess the damage. When Zark’s eyes once more rested on Enyd, it was not lost on the diplomat Zark’s surprise. It seemed the Andorian had completely forgotten that this had been a sort of answer to a question, a demonstration of sorts, and not just an exercise regime played out in private.

“I’m not certain I caught the context of the answer,” Enyd moved closer until she could loop her arms through the ring’s barriers and stare up at her new Andorian friend, “I mean, I can see that you know how to box; however, watching you fight didn’t exactly explain where or how you learned to fight. Do you need some ice?” Enyd pointed to Zark’s face, parts of it already starting to swell. “Some water, perhaps?”

Enyd moved away from the edge of the ring and ordered a pitcher of water and two glasses. They appeared on the floor of the ring just in front of her. Enyd had to reach through the barrier but was quick to pour Zark some water as she waited for her friend to either offer up the context or leave her with a mystery.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #11
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

As soon as Enyd had clarified what she was looking for, Zark knew she'd less overstepped, and more overreacted. She knew the signs and the causes.  The combat medic also knew who she should eventually talk to about it, but she felt much better now and she'd resolved quite a few issues in the ring.  Just at the price of worried friend and bunch of bruises she maybe didn't need to have.  She was much better now. Really!

The battered Andorian winced as she made her way over to Enyd hanging on the cage and removed the towel to inspect it for a moment before dabbing her nose and mouth again separately.  She involuntarily winced at the gentle prodding of cut on the lip, but relaxed as the endorphins soon took the edge off. "Well, at least I don't have to jam anything up my nose this time." Zark tried to joke with Enyd.  "Thanks." Gratefully taking the proffered glass, the medico removed her mouth mouth piece and dumped it on the ring before taking a few experimental sips, sighing in satisfaction as the ice water cooled her core.

The medico felt worried she was going to give Enyd holo and emotional whipsaw the way simulations were changing for their chat as her free had made a shooing motion so the diplomat didn't drop the water she was holding. "uhmmm, Enyd, close your eyes for a second.......Thea, zh’Ptrell Relax Program, Cabin 2 please."  The fight ring dissolved and large and cozy wooden cottage materialized around the two women.  "You can open your eyes now."  Zark told Enyd as she made her way to a  square couch that surrounded a raised granite fire pit in the middle of an expansive living room.  A fond smile fell across the blue woman's face at good memories.  "Welcome to Banff."  Motioning Enyd over, Zark gently sprawled herself down on a spot that gave a good view of the fireplace and the lake mountain outside. Huh. It's snowing. the medico thought to herself as she she stared at the white covered evergreens. Pretty as it was, the Andorian was procrastinating and she knew it.

When she was sure Enyd had grabbed her seat, the security officer trudged down memory lane to answer the diplomat's question. "Don't worry about the bruising, I've been through worse, plus my role gives me virtually unfettered access to medical equipment. I'll dermal the bruises later." giving the diplomat a wan smile before taking a breath and shifting gears. "I think it's in my genetic somewhere, but there were martial arts classes where I went to school on Andor, then there were the practitioners on the USS Renegade where my Zhavey was the XO. They very much got me into practicing hand to hand to hand. It feels like it never really stopped, when I got to the academy, there was so much variety! It was like a martial arts buffet! I mean my blade work was always top notch from my time on Andor, but the unarmed stuff. Whew!" A big grin split the blue face completely ignoring the still broken lip. "I think the person who really got me going in unarmed combat though was Commander Lin, he was a supposedly dour man who was the security chief on the Renegade. Anyway, he was a total expert in his field from investigation to general fighting, but he let me in on some really strange notions of how to fight."

Zark swung her legs off the couch gently but so she could face Enyd properly as her antennae pointed directly the human as her hands became animated. "You see, he mixed styles shamelessly, borrowing and throwing in random stuff where he thought best. In my case, he saw that I took gymnastics and he also had a love of motion pictures, so he thought that some of the more strange moves he'd seen in 'movies' could be applied to someone more flexible than he was in a practical combat application!  I was the experiment to put it nicely and it worked, mostly I think, hence the scissor hold cartwheel you saw at the end."

Zark scartched the back of her neck for a moment as another memory popped in that she hadn't thought about in a very long time and she surprised herself with a single laugh that got cut off with an understandable "Owwww" Zark groaned as she held her mid section for a moment before relaxing while taking a chug of water. "Sorry, I just remember at one point Commander Lin was teaching me in his own weird way."  Straightening herself up and sitting cross legged like some ancient master, the blue alien began stroking an imaginary long wise beard on a very mock serious face before beginning in a very deep and mock wise serious voice. "Cadet Zark, I am your mentor and I tell you to do these things for it may one day save your life.  A woman of your stature does not always have the strength in your arms to batter an opponent into submission, but your legs and body will more than likely have the mass and centrifugal momentum to force an opponent to the ground where you can deliver the winning blow.  Besides, it looks damn cool and will always look impressive before you smash the consciousness out of your enemies.  Pity the fool who ends up between your legs!"

Zark thought it was hilarious and burst out laughing again before it was again cut off by the thoroughly expected "Uhnnnnnnn."

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #12
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

“I’ve had to have a few things jammed up my nose before too after training,” Enyd grimaced as she shared in Zark’s relief that the damage was not so bad this time to merit that.

When Zark asked her to close her eyes, Enyd did so but only marginally. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the Andorian, but she was curious why Zark would suddenly ask her to shield her vision. When she heard Zark order the holoprogram to change again, Enyd smirked. Likely the woman was afraid Enyd would get a headache from all the scenes changing. Enyd squeezed her eyes firmly closed then blinked them open when Zark bid her, smiling her thanks at Zark.

The scene was drastically different from all its predecessors, but Enyd felt especially connected to it. Though Montana did not have such large mountains and was not known for its glacier lakes, Enyd had grown up exploring lakes, rivers, canyons, and mountains not so much different from the snowy scene unveiling itself through the massive window that made up the entire wall adjacent to the fireplace and the sofa where Zark sprawled herself. Enyd followed more leisurely, her eyes traveling over both the outdoor scene and the indoor setup. She would have to see if it was possible to copy this program or have access to it, as she could easily see herself wanting to return, either solo or with company.

Enyd opened and closed her mouth against that very question when Zark began explaining her training history. Moving to take a spot on the sofa so she could face the Andorian as she spoke, Enyd settled herself comfortably and drew the throw blanket tossed across the back of it over her lap. The sofa was comfortable, which was a welcome change to how these sorts of sofas tended to be, often just looking comfortable but acting like cloth-covered boards. Enyd leaned against the cushioned back, watching Zark’s antennae move as she told her story. She was curious if Zark had ever considered becoming a professional storyteller for her vocal intonations mixed with both her facial expressions and antennae movements, and the Andorian struck quite the mesmerizing image.

Laughing as Zark recalled her mentor’s words, Endy shook her head. “The move does indeed look cool, and I think the pity is contextual, of course.” Enyd wasn’t trying to change the topic to hinge on whether or not Zark’s bed partners should indeed be pitied, but she hadn’t been able to stop herself from offering at least that reassurance.

“Hey,” Enyd leaned forward, her eyes filled with concern as she looked towards Zark’s abdomen, “would an ice pack help with that?” She jerked a thumb over her shoulder, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. “A swim in a glacier lake while it's snowing?”

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #13
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

The contextual answer relating to the Andorian's legs and her sex life flew right over her blue head.  Unfortunately the suggestion to take a dip in the lake did not and Zark couldn't help it as a mental image flashed of Enyd standing in the glacier lake dropping her choli while flashing that mischievous smile over her shoulder.  The Zhen blushed and grabbed a convenient pillow to covered her face till her eyes peaked over as she pouted and her antennae began to twist slowly.  Too far! Behave XamotZark! she commanded to herself as she felt conflicting emotion began to jostle for control of her mind.  Control wasn't easy and it took several deep steadying breath for sense of control to re-assert itself, finding her centre once again.

Zark dropped the pillow and gave the human an intense looksie and figured she was most likely being messed with, but it was touching that Enyd was concerned about her health.  It had been a long time since she'd taken the dip into a properly cold body of water.  That's it, she just wants to take dip in the pool, it is a really pretty piece of scenery after all. Still, there were other ways to figure this stuff out and sometimes the best way was the direct method as the Zhen gave a matching smile right back. "It's been a while since I've had a dip.  I think we can do with a short swim before lunch.  Did you have any plans?  If not, there's a bathroom over there for you to choose and change into something appropriate.  I'll meet you at the door."  A cobalt arm waved at sliding barn door somewhere behind Enyd.

Zark smiled brightly as she not so gently got up to go to the kitchen pantry without looking back, excited at the prospect of jumping in some cold water and playing in the snow. Closing the pantry door behind her, Zark leaned back against some racks of various food items before deciding on what was appropriate pool lake wear.  There had been a temptation to jump in naked if for nothing else than see how shockable the diplomat was, but she discarded that idea remembering her earlier admonition.  Settling on just replacing her clothing with a grey sports bra and bicycle shorts, she also made sure to create a set of wool lined boots and a few towels.  Opening the pantry door, Zark saw she was done first and headed to the door before remembering on more thing as she passed by the kitchen island. "Thea, hot chocolate in two-cup thermos please."  The requested item shimmered into existence at her hand, and Zark smiled as she unscrewed the top and gave the aromas a good whiff.  Interesting, definitely European, must be Belgian or French. The blue alien resealed the thermos and headed over to the door outside to wait.  As her body reminded her why she was going into the ice water, Zark grimaced in embarrassment and decided to wrap her towel around her like a full body sarong before heading out.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #14
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd raised an eyebrow as she watched Zark’s response to her playful teasing. The way the woman moved, if Enyd didn’t know any better, she might think Zark found her attractive and was fighting against said attraction. Enyd filed that away for later analysis, figuring now was not the time or the place to dance around such topics. If Zark found her attractive, then in some ways, it would make their friendship easier to form and maintain, as in all friendships, there was an element of attraction, be it mental, emotional, or physical. If Zark didn’t find her attractive, then Enyd needed to brush up on her Andorian body language reading skills. It had been some time since she’d studied on Andoria and an equally long time since she’d spent significant time with an Andorian. It was entirely possible she was misreading the body signals.

As Zark agreed to the suggestion, Enyd smiled and shook her head, “I had no lunch plans. Aside from leaving to attend an opera later today with some of the other officers, my afternoon is blissfully free. I try to relish these peaceful moments, as I have a habit of attracting chaos.” She gave a half shrug, looking as innocent as she felt towards that truth. Enyd truly didn’t understand why things always went wobbly-wooply around her; almost as if she were a walking spatial anomaly.

Following Zark’s suggestion, Enyd darted to the bathroom where she worked as quickly, and quietly as possible to change. Likely it sounded like she was wrestling a bell choir to Zark, but soon enough, Enyd had changed from her traditional dancing garb into a simple one-piece white swimsuit in a vintage style she preferred. Over the top, she wore a white faux-fur calf-length parka and tucked her feet into white faux-fur-lined boots. She knew she looked like a fluffy white rabbit with only her pink face and bright eyes peeking through all the fur, but she was warm and eager to jump into the chill of the water.

Enyd passed through the door and stopped just on the other side, looking over her shoulder at Zark through the waving fur.

“Race you!”

Enyd took off down the path, gleeful laughter falling in her wake, as she raced toward the lake. She was almost certain Zark would overtake her but enyd happy for the time being up front on their spontaneous wintry adventure.


Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #15
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

When the mountain of white cloth came out of the bathroom, Zark's hand came up to her mouth in an attempt to cover her amusement.  The snigger that escaped was turned into a somewhat convincing coughing fit though the attempt to completely hide her amusement was rendered moot as her eyes danced. I know it's cold, but it can't be that... "Hey!" The medico exclaimed as green eyed white rabbit bolted out the door leaving a plume of snow in her path.

Zark couldn't help but laugh as she ran after Enyd. It was so freeing and absolutely great to be running without having to worry about a battlefield situation, or super strength other dimensional being trying to rip her apart.  The only thing to worry about was the cold, but it wasn't terrible compared to jumping into snow drifts back on Andoria, so with a big toothy smile on her face, Zark ran behind Enyd, catching up very quickly.  Zark was very unencumbered pretty much wearing next to nothing, the main impediments being a couple of towels and heavy thermos when a very silly idea struck. 

What followed was immensely juvenile and Zark knew it, but as she just caught up to Enyd, she lunged forward and grabbed the diplomat around the waist.  Getting as good a hand lock while juggling a thermos, the combat medic leaned back on the hill and dragged the human down.  This in retrospect was not a good idea as her torso complained about sudden addition of a similar amount of weight so suddenly.  Zark had been expecting this and had mentally steeled herself, letting out not much more than an "oof" as she brought both bodies to a sliding stop.  The Andorian flipped the human over with an arm and legs, making sure the pink skin ended up face first in the snow.  Smiling maniacally,  Zark bounced up and blew a raspberry as she took off towards the lake at full speed.

Reaching the lake edge, Zark placed the thermos and towels on a flat boulder but thought better before taking off her boots.  It wasn't often she got to play in the snow since she usually came to this simulation to read or play her pipes.  Why not let the frivolity continue? Ducking behind another boulder, Zark gathered up a relatively clean pile of snow in to a sphere.  Not too many bits in it the medico thought to herself as she rounded the boulder and unleashed a baseball throw, hurling the snowball at Enyd before taking off passed her at high speed to secure the high ground.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #16
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

The snow-crunching footsteps rushing toward her was the only warning before Enyd let out a whoosh of air and a yelp of surprise. Zark’s arms wrapped around her waist and flipped her into the snow-covered ground with her own grunting “oof.” The Andorian rapidly recovered and took off back down the path to the lake, making a childish noise in her wake. Enyd was just raising her head and pushing the snow-crusted parka out of face when Zark deposited the thermos she’d been carrying alongside the towels on a flat boulder.

It was when the woman disappeared from view, Enyd pushing herself to a crouched position in the snow—her movements sluggish from the weight of the snow in the faux-fur of her parka—that Enyd quirked an eyebrow and fought a smile. Either Zark had suddenly been struck with a sense of shyness and wanted to get into the water out-of-sight, she was building a snowman, or she was up to some sort of mischief. Enyd finally stumbled her way back onto the path and gingerly picked her way closer to the lake’s edge, nerves on high alert for whatever it was Zark had in store of her next.

Zark remained true to Enyd’s guess and pelted her with a snowball before moving to zoom by her in a blue streak back to the high ground. Zark’s snowball caught Enyd directly in the neck, dripping snow down both the inside and outside her parka. Enya shivered as she laughed. It hadn’t hurt, especially not since she’d rather expected nothing less from the Andorian. Enyd knew she should try to chase Zark down and repay her in kind but dressed like the abominable snowman, there was no way she’d be able to catch up to Zark before the woman let loose another volley of snowy ammunition. Or, Enyd could try another tactic...

Since Zark hadn’t stopped to see where she’d hit Enyd with the snowball or to see if it had caused damage, Enyd decided on the low-blow cheating tactic. Feigning a grunt, Enyd dropped directly on her back and lay as still as death with her arms and legs splayed out at her sides. She was curious if Zark would fall for it or if the woman, an experienced combat medic and savvy fighter, would see through Enyd’s ploy and end up pelting her with more snow as punishment. Either way, it was damned difficult to hide her elated smile as she lay waiting for the Andorian’s response.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #17
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark really didn't know how the snowball throw went.  It went in the general direction of Enyd and there was a high probability of a hit.  When she'd run passed, her own feet crunching through the snow provided too much cover for any other sounds for her own ears to parse out.  The combat medic made it to the a low rising set of stones and vaulted over before crouching down, fully expecting a pile of fluffy cold return fire to pelt her position.  Zark quickly gathered another snowy sphere in her hands and waited for any indications as to what was going on, and her sense of confusion grew when there was............nothing.  That couldn't be right.  There should have been laughter, indignation, snow flying everywhere, rapidly crunching snow from running............unless.................. Maybe she's being sneaky.  That has to be it.. The medico crouch crawled to the side of the boulder and placed a hand on the smooth stone striped Portsoy Limestone before peaking out.  A blue head quickly ducked back in anticipation of an incoming snow ball, and once again, nothing.  Leaning out, Zark mentally hmphed as she found a lot of trees in her way and had to move to get a better view of the path Switching the snow ball to the other hand, the medic crawled to the other side of the boulder, making sure to stay low.  Upon reaching the other side, she looked down the path and saw an abominable cloth covered figure lying in the snow. 

Zark's first instinct was to drop whatever she was doing and dash out to see if Enyd was okay.  However, the combat medic's training kicked in and she began to survey the area around the prone human.  Her initial impression of the area was that there was nothing remarkable.  Her security training picked out the bits of the impact that had survived intact and she the Andorian didn't see any dark bits indicating rocks, jagged clear parts for ice, or more importantly, blood.  She did see the bits of leaves and twigs, and they appeared to be blowing away.  This meant that the snow ball was a good clean fun one.  Zark did know what to look out for since she'd had ice and stones thrown at her and by her in the past, always with lots of apologizing, and some fist induced bruises that followed. From an amateur crime scene investigators standpoint, it looked like there was nothing dangerous, so Enyd was either enjoying her time quietly or laying a trap.  Most likely the latter knowing them slick diplomat types. Zark thought to herself humorously.

The Andorian had a decision to make, all of which were great fun for her, but potentially not so fun for Enyd if done incorrectly.  The most obvious was to simply pelt the prone human with snow balls till she decided to get up and do battle.  Next was to investigate and risk whatever Enyd had planned, hopefully being able to dodge quickly.  Zark decided on the first one and quickly raised her head over the boulder to lob her now melting snowball at the pile of cloth.  Zark ducked down to an eyes up position on the boulder and watched as the snowball smacked and fountained a good foot passed Enyd's head without appearing to elicit any reaction.  Maybe she fell asleep, or... "Enyd!  You okay there?" Zark wanted to cross off all the T's and dot the I's before she moved to the next step as she surveyed the area.  Still nothing.

The combat medic's mouth changed from one of contemplation to one of delight.  You see, Zark didn't know that Enyd was a mayhem magnet, and it was about to become doubly, nay, exponentially worse for the diplomat as Zark's job was to go out and deliver mayhem.  Thus, when the combat medic  put her mind to the tactical problem in front of her, she saw a ridiculous over the top opportunity.  One thing that Enyd was probably used to doing was playing by a certain set of rules, where as Zark, being more intimately concerned with life and death, usually did whatever it took win within certain Starfleet protocols. Or in some cases, go too far in what she was doing.  This usually meant a greater awareness of her surroundings and the implications.  In this case, Zark knew she was on a holodeck that was her program, and she could mess with it as she saw fit. Ducking back behind the boulder and making sure her voice wouldn't travel too far, the combat medic enacted her plan with the ludicrous,  "Thea, one tactical winterized hydrocarbon powered leaf blower XamotZark mark 1 please."  The requested white painted device appeared and Zark quickly grabbed it before bounding out of her boulder cover and began making her way to the prone human before stopping a good 20 feet away from the pile of frozen snow angel.  This will do nicely, oooooh, this is too good to pass up. 

Clearing her throat, Zark brought up the leaf blower and braced herself  as she dropped her voice an octave while taking on accent from Germany/Austria. "Hey Enyd, get ready for a snow storm" was all the warning the medico gave before she pulled the activation trigger and the laws of physics were conveniently ignored as the leaf blower loudly and throatily spun up to several thousand RPM and blew a 30 mile per hour wall of packing snow at the human.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #18
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

It was damned difficult. Lying still while filled with anticipation. Hearing Zark moving around and fighting the urge to respond when the Andorian called out to her. But if she hoped for the ploy to work, Enyd knew she would need to play dead for a while longer. Hoping that Zark would set aside her training just long enough for Enyd to shove snow in her face before taking off for the “protection” of the freezing cold lake. Inwardly sighed, not for the first time, Enyd noted that Zark had many advantages in this particular scenario. Native to an ice planet, the woman was unlikely to feel the bite of the cold as readily as Enyd.

But then, it happened. On the tail end of a well-accented threat, Enyd heard the roar of a machine being activated. Enyd had very little warning before a tidal wave of snow buried her further in the snowbank. She at least had enough response time to cover her face and curl onto her side before she was hit with the first of it. Laughing at the proof of her assumption that Zark wasn’t one to easily fall for such ploys, Enyd weathered the snowstorm with as much dignity as one could when on the receiving end of a total trouncing.

“I surrender.” Enyd took one hand away from her face just long enough to wave it in the air above her head. Waiting until the worst of the blast died down, Enyd dared to peek her head up through the newly made wall of snow the size and shape of her body. “What are your set terms?”

Her face bright pink from laughter and exertion, parka askew, and hair an absolute mess, Enyd waited for Zark, uncertain if she was going to have to duck behind the wall for further protection or if they were to finally make their way to the lake.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #19
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Uh Oh! Did I overdo it? Zark thought as she saw the giant wall of white cover Enyd.  The arm waving and laughter came as a relief.  Damn, I forgot how overpowered this thing is since I programmed it to ignore physics. Zark couldn't help but laugh out loud when she saw the snow woman shaped Enyd that the human emerged from.  It just felt too good in this case and not even the lessening pain in her abdomen was going to stop her as she used a thumb to wipe some snow from her eyes.   "Thea, remove the leaf blower." and the device faded out of existence as Zark made her way over to the diplomat and taking the time to commit to memory such an.........unkempt version of Enyd.  Shaking her head in amusement with a smile of her own, Zark began wiping away the piled snow from Enyd.  In some cases, breaking off the really stuck bits.

Terms of surrender? Well......  A series of options flashed through her mind and a bunch had to be quickly discarded for being either wholly inappropriate or just downright silly.  Standing up after wiping off the last bits of snow, medico took a little time straighten the white parka and cover Enyd first before moving off to the lake.  Afterall, that's why they'd come in the first place and the Andorian was sort of starting to feel the bite of cold wind.  Smiling again, blue hands reached out and grabbed the pale ones while leading her down to the water. "I'm sure I'll think of something later for those terms, but I'm getting hungry and there's something you should see first before we find food."

Zark picked up speed as she got closer to the water and at some point, she let go of Enyd before letting her boots go flying off her feet behind her and taking a swan dive into the frigid water.   The water was refreshing, crisp, and cleansing as Zark glided through the water and kicked her way forward leaving her partner to get ready.  She wasn't just swimming to enjoy the water though as she began looking in earnest for something on the bottom of the lake.  It was harder since there was some clouds and snow, but eventually she spotted a series of reflection on the lake bed and smiled as she kicked for the surface.  The Andorian broke the surface in a cascade and gasped for air as she began to float and pushed the excess water out of her hair and face.  Looking back, she saw she'd swum a good 20 meters or so into the lake, about right distance as she waved to the diplomat.  "Enyd, come ere!  I have something to show you!"

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #20
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

“Could be ominous, could be fun.”

Enyd’s bright laughter filled the area as Zark managed to promise both more mayhem in the future and a delightful time in the lake with one sentence. She allowed the Andorian to lead her towards the lake, pausing long enough to watch Zark as she divested herself of her boots in a manner that could only be described as haphazard poise before zipping down to the water’s edge. Enyd moved at a slower pace, content to watch her friend enjoy the water and scenery and marginally loathing to get as cold as the alpine lake promised. However, by the time Zark called to her, waving for Enyd to hurry her bum out to see something, Enyd was wading through the frigid waters, arms braced at her sides, air sucked between her teeth.

“One, two, three,” Enyd counted to herself before dunking under the surface.

It was indeed as cold as she’d imagined it would be, and she was immediately curious if Zark would comment on the blueness of her lips because Enyd knew by the time she swam out to join the medico, at least her lips would be blue from the low temperatures. Using a rapid breaststroke, Enyd found the water more tolerable by the time she joined Zark. As she reached the Andorian, Enyd dipped under the surface and began a shark-like circle, reaching out to tickle the woman. But, with bubbles popping out of her mouth and rushing up alongside her, Enyd instead clawed to the surface, eyes wide with awed surprise.

“Did you see the lights down there? It looks like the aurora borealis underwater!” Enyd quickly took another breath and ducked underwater, undulating her limbs in the water to keep herself submerged.

It took a few moments, but there they were again, bright yellow-greenish lights dancing through the aquamarine-colored water above her. Enyd couldn’t help but grin. She ignored the cold and began to ignore the call for air as she watched, fully entranced, as the colorful light show unfolded all around her. Her eyes still bright with joy, Enyd turned to look at Zark when, yet again, a mouthful of air rushed out in a slew of bubbles and she was forced to resurface with a sputtered yelp of surprise.

“Is that…” Enyd waited until Zark was bobbing in the water alongside her, her fingers pointing down, “Nessie?”

It certainly wouldn't surprise the diplomat if Zark, so influenced by the Scottish culture, had programmed the plesiosaurus looking creature to join them in this setting. She just hoped the safeties were on and that this particular Nessie was a vegetarian.

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #21
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz‍

Zark grinned as the Enyd finally took the dive made her way over as the medico idly kicked her legs to maintain buoyancy.  Zark laughed as Enyd submerged herself into the water, getting herself into the spirit of things, though the silver-platinum brows knotted momentarily as the human made a more circuitous approach than she would have.  When the program 'easter egg' activated, Zark was not surprised to see the spluttering diplomat come back up for oxygen, having lost most of it to surprise.  The Andorian knew she was going to be doing a lot of laughing as she sucked in a lungful of air and forced herself underwater to join in the light show.  The dance of the borealis penetrating the water surface was really quite enchanting and the medico felt everything fall away to calm as she never got tired of how relaxing the whole scene was despite being under water.  Zark smiled softly as she gently turned her head to see how Enyd was doing when she got a face full of bubbles that startled her and automatically caused her own legs and arms to go into over drive to get to the surface.

Zark gasped for air and flipped her wet locks behind her, cold completely forgotten as she looked into very wide and astonished green eyes and her own head followed the finger down to "Nessie." Oh Shelat, I didn't realize it's been that long since, wait, how long has it been since Nessie's been fed????.......   A high pitched otherworldly groan vibrated through the environment and the combat medic's eyes widened as her head shot up and blue arms grabbed Enyd before turning her around and held on tight. "Shelat! Hang on!" Zark yelled as mythical ancient beast swam for the surface at the exact point Zark and Enyd were floating and tossed the Andorian and Human into the air in a massive splash of water.  Zark held on to Enyd as a small part of her screamed for joy at the sudden ride skyward while the rest mentally cursed Nessie left and right.  The medico held on to the human's dear life as the two apexed and gravity took hold again.  Zark had a moment to check beneath her and mentally sighed in relief that Nessie's neck was reaching up and right under her then realized that Enyd was on top of her. This is gonna suck! was the Andorian's last thought as she got sandwiched between human and mythical beast only letting out a loud "Ahh!" as the two slid down the neck at high speed before sliding up the spine and going airborne again.  Zark let go of Enyd and windmilled her arms hard to make some space between the two before crashing into a nice soft fluffy pre-positioned snow bank. 

The medico groaned at the sudden stop to the trip and rolled onto her front.  The snow felt really nice at this point on her aching muscles, but she was upset as she turned a glare on the beast that appeared to be smiling as it thump waddled it's way over to the snow bank.  Getting up and brushing herself off, Zark had enough cold at this point and asked the computer for a long parka and tuque.  Putting on the garments in a huff, the medico marched over the oversized sea beast and planted one fist on her hip and waving her other hand at the beast easily 5 or 6 times taller than her.  "Nessie!!!  What were you thinking??!  How many times have I told you not to send me flying when there are guests!! You have to treat them gently!!......" Zark ranted and raved as the beasts head seem to lower in shame.  Zark was more mad with herself for forgetting about Nessie and sending Enyd flying unexpectedly, and let her anger spend itself.   Huffing. The blue alien turned around and sighed.    "Sorry Nessie, come on over and meet Enyd."  The friendly looking plesiosaurus seemed to perk up and thumped along behind the comparatively diminutive blue woman as she trudged back and noticed the diplomat's skin being more pale as her lips took on a distinct shade of blue.  "Thea, heated parka, hat, and boots for Enyd please.  Enyd!  Meet Nessie, Nessie meet Enyd.  You can feed Miss Greedy Guts here, there should be a shed with some fish in it."

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #22
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd’s hands gripped Zark’s forearms. There was no point in trying to swim away; she knew this without Zark explaining the sudden “embrace.” For a few moments, the cold water around them vibrated with the sound waves and bubbles of the approaching behemoth, reminding Enyd of a jacuzzi spa, and despite the precarious nature of their coming encounter, Enyd couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips. And then it happened. The pair were sent flying into the air, and while she felt Zark’s arms tightening around her, Enyd also felt her stomach fly into her throat and her eyes widened as they nearly kissed the sky at the peak of their aerial arc. But, instead, of falling all the way back to the water, or even onto Nessie’s back, the breath rushed out between Enyd’s lips as she landed atop Zark on a portion of Nessie’s neck. She heard Zark’s grunt of discomfort as they continued to clutch at one another, their adventure not nearly over as they slid down the creature’s slippery neck. And then they were airborne again, this time separated, and Enyd only had a moment’s grace to brace herself before the snow enveloped her in an icy embrace, a thick snow bank their padded receptor.

It took Enyd a bit longer to dig her way out of the snow, her snow-covered head popping up like a diplomatic daisy just in time to see the last of Zark’s chastisement. Her body already shaking from the cold, Enyd’s was wobbly, and her words punctuated with the chattering of her clattering teeth as she shivered.

“Ppleasseddd ttto meettt yoooou, Nessie.”

Her movements were sluggish and jilting as she pulled on the much-needed snow gear and as Zark had wisely ordered them to be pre-heated, Enyd’s body almost immediately relaxed once she was better prepared for their present circumstances. At Zark’s suggestion, Enyd noted the small shed a few paces away from their position, between the snowbank, a copse of trees, and the water’s edge.

“Let us get food for this wee beastie, then some fer ourselves.” Enyd playfully adjusted her accent to mimic a Highlander’s as she basically frolicked like a snow fox through the embankment to the shed.

The shed was filled with all sorts of fish and eels, though blessedly, the holoprogram kept the smell at a tolerable level as they entered, and Enyd selected an iridescent eel to toss to the creature. Nessie slurped it up like a noodle, slapping the water like a happy puppy doing a food dance, her body quivering as she waited for more.

“I can tell you I do NOT want fish for lunch now.” Enyd joked once they finished time and were on their way back to the cabin. “Maybe a thick stew with crusted bread and a flagon of warm mead. You?”

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #23
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz‍

Truth be told, Zark wanted Enyd to feed Nessie mostly because getting sandwiched had actually hurt more than she'd realized, but being as physically tough and as mad as she was at the time, the Andorian had been able to ignore the pain to a certain degree.   However as the adrenaline wore off, the dull, spikey, cramping, throbbing was getting in the way of a good time now and it didn't take long to weigh the scales of life for a solution as she ordered a dermal regenerator transported to her location.  As the diplomat bounded through the snow like white rabbit fish bearing easter rabbit, the medico sat down and let out a silent groan as she took the opportunity presented to open her parka and inspect the damage.  Blue lips pulled into a grimace as her hands tenderly probed telltale dark splotches that marred her toned and smooth belly.  I really need to work on the counter. The combat medic mentally grumped as she grabbed the regenerator, and began running the device over her abused torso and felt relief wash through her as the pain began to subside and her abused muscles unknoted themselves. 

The loud slurping sound caused the Andorian to raise her head and smile as Enyd tossed a Pacifican Light Eel for Nessie to slurp.  Zark felt much better and and it was good enough to stand, Zark got up and flashed a smile at the diplomat as she tossed the medical device a couple of times in the air before depositing it in a pocket.  "Gimme a second to see if I can find something for Nessie." Zark called to Enyd as she proceeded to the shed and held her breath before going in.  Thankfully it didn't take long to find the fish she was looking for and the Andorian unhooked a meter long salmon and carried it out.   Mimicking Enyd, the Andorian modulated her voice to Scottish, "Oy Nessie! Come get yer fishie!" and the plesiosaurus happily thumped it's way over kicking up a storm of snow towards the Andorian and nearly burying the diplomat in snow once more.  With an aleyooop, Zark tossed the fish at the mythical beast and Nessie's head lanced out to catch the fish before tossing it in the air and catching again to chew on it. Looking at her arms, Zark figured it was good thing, the fish was holographic as she didn't want to leave with fish scent all over her.  With Nessie happily munching away, the blue ears perked up when Enyd reminded her that they hadn't had lunch yet.  Zark laughed at herself when her stomach agreed with the sentiment and growled loudly at it's owner.  At this point, she was sure she'd eat just about anything, but a big hunk of protein sounded good too. 

As the two trudged back to the cabin, Zark began to wonder why they hadn't been interrupted again with more visitors. "Computer, when is the next booking for this holosuite?" "The next booking is for 1500" and Zark arched an eyebrow at this.  "Lucky us I guess."  The medico idly commented.  As the two ladies made their way to door, Zark surreptitiously stretched her step to grab the handle and open it for her guest before following her in.  Keen blue-green eyes noted the diplomat's well maintained appearance was a wreck at this point having been snow walled, tossed, and covered in winter weather one way or another.  Zark was pretty sure she wasn't in the best looking shape either with a cut, dried blood, and bruises on her face.  This brought the smile back to the blue face as a silly thought merrily floated through her internal filters and out her mouth. "So, did you want to eat in the cabin, or should we see if the mess people prepared stew and mead for the crew today?"

Re: Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud

Reply #24
[ Lt Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | D. 28 | V. 3 | Holosuite 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd glanced down at the sight of herself then Zark and let out a bark of laughter. Elro had already had to deal with more than a few injuries of her own and would only dub Enyd bad luck if she came in with Zark in tow. And she knew that was exactly where they’d end up if they dared to venture to the mess hall looking like they’d gone toe-to-toe with the abominable snowman.

 “My dear Zark, I think we’d best stick to the cabin for now or else we’ll both be carted first to see the doc and then perhaps to see a shrink.”

She led the way back into the cozy cabin and made quick work about ordering up a toasty fire in the cabin’s massive fireplace before moving off to wrangle out her food from the replicator in the holosuite. Enyd was just settling down, sitting crisscrossed on the rug at the coffee table, when she remembered the yelp of pain elicited from Zark earlier during their Nessie episode.

“Hey Zark, I have field medic training only, but do you want me to help out in any way?” She nodded towards the Andorian’s torso. “I know I’m not the heaviest dame around, but I’m not lightweight either. You took quite a beating even before I landed on you.” Abandoning her food for the time being, though she paused long enough to take a soothing sip of mead, Enyd returned to her friend’s side and waited. “I promise not to tickle. Much.”

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