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CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

STARDATE 57653.98
APRIL 18, 2381
0815 HRS

[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @P.C. Haring

By the time Lieutenant Junior Grade Amanda Ashby entered Main Sickbay, she was running late. While she never scheduled an appointment with Lieutenant Commander Hathev, it had been the young Counselor’s intention to report in at the start of the new duty shift in order to make a good first impression. However, having misread the deck layout displayed on her PADD, Amanda spent over twenty minutes walking in circles on Deck 11; even though she was used to the fact that the Counselor’s Office was integrated in Sickbay, just like it was aboard the USS Aurora where she’d been the only Counselor aboard, she logically deduced that the Counseling Department aboard the USS Theurgy was far more autonomous given how it was a completely separate and much larger Department.

In short, Amanda simply got lost due to a faulty assumption.

It wasn’t until she’d passed the entrance to Main Sickbay for the third time when Amanda finally decided to enter. At that point she exhausted all other ideas, and she figured that it couldn’t hurt to rule out what she assumed to be obvious; at the very least, she could ask for directions while she was in Main Sickbay. As she made her way through the empty waiting room and approached the reception duty station, the Martian Counselor presented the Nurse behind the desk with a friendly smile. ”Hi, good morning. I’m looking for the Chief Counselor’s Office.” After a brief exchange of greetings, during which Amanda also confirmed that she didn’t had an appointment to see Lieutenant Commander Hathev but was reporting in for duty instead, the young Nurse momentarily turned her attention to the computer on her desk to check a few things. Much to her surprise and dismay, given how she could have entered Main Sickbay twenty minutes earlier, the Nurse looked back up after a couple of seconds and happily gestured to the second door on her right before exclaiming that the Chief Counselor was ready to see her. With a friendly, but at the same time rather laconic ”Thanks.”, Amanda made her way over to the door of the Chief Counselor’s Office and pressed the door chime. 

Re: CH06: S [D03 | 0815] New Faces

Reply #1
[Lt. Hathev | Chief Counselor's Office | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Hathev sat at her desk and continued to review her session notes.  She had, of course, committed all of her sessions to memory.  However, logic dictated, and procedure demanded that she maintain documented records in the event that someone else was required to take over the treatment of her patients, or there was ever need for the record to be reviewed in an official capacity.   Thus far in her career, there had only been one incident where she had been required to turn over her records on a patient.

Although routine, Hathev welcomed the opportunity to focus on something other than the crisis back home and the bombing aboard ship.   She had lost people in both.   She had been off duty when the blast occurred and had rushed to her office where she would be positioned to assist the sickbay staff if necessary.  In hindsight it might have been more prudent to assist with the recovery efforts, something she would have to consider.  With the Theurgy escorting Chancelor Martok and the unrest in the Empire combined with the Klingon tendancy to prefer violence as a method of conflict resolution, it stood a near certainty that  there would be more to come.   Between that and the events of the past night, her continued difficulty with her mediation and control.  Yes.  Today would prove to be challenging.

The door chime rang, drawing her attention.   Hathev's appointment calendar was clear for the morning.  Then she recalled the note she'd received from Thea about the crew transfer.

She checked the time on her monitor and had to suppress the frustration.

"Typical human punctuality," she muttered to no one in particular.

She cleared her desk, pulled up the appropriate service record and straightened her uniform before she invited her guest in.


Re: CH06: S [D03 | 0815] New Faces

Reply #2
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @P.C. Haring

It was rather new for Amanda to actually report in to a Chief Counselor, especially given how there hadn’t even been a Counseling Department aboard the USS Aurora. As the only Counselor aboard the small Nova-class ship, she had been integrated into the Medical Department instead; serving as both the ship’s Counselor and Morale Officer whenever the need arose, but also making use of her medical education by assisting the Chief Medical Officer and his two Nurses.

While she’d only been aboard the USS Theurgy for less than twelve hours, Amanda realized the ship couldn’t be compared to the USS Aurora in the slightest; in the words of the great pre-Warp poet Eminem, it was an entirely different ball game. In combination with the fact that she was already running late for this meeting to begin with, it all made that the young Martian Counselor was somewhat nervous about meeting Lieutenant Commander Hathev. When the woman spoke and cleared her for entry, Amanda took a deep breath and straightened her uniform one last time before literally crossing the threshold.

”Good morning, ma’am.” Unsure of how the Chief Counselor would want to be addressed, Amanda chose for the formal option. While she was somewhat nervous, the young Lieutenant Junior Grade managed to match her facial expression to the friendly, cheerful tone of her slightly accented voice while she made her way to the business end of her superior officer’s desk. ”Doctor Amanda Ashby, Lieutenant Junior Grade. I’m one of last night’s new arrivals, and I’m here to report for duty ma’am.”

Re: CH06: S [D03 | 0815] New Faces

Reply #3
[Lt. Hathev | Chief Counselor's Office | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Hathev appraised the psychiatrist as she entered and presented herself.  She presented herself well, and she did well to keep whatever emotions she had been experiencing in check.   Hathev had read her service record, of course, and having come from such a small ship that was the Aurora it would not have surprised her if the young officer experienced apprehension over the increase in scale and size of the Theurgy and her crew over the Aurora.

“Welcome aboard, Lieutenant.   As you’ve no doubt concluded, I’m Lieutenant Commander Hathev.  You may feel free to address me as “Counselor” or by name should you so desire.   The latter, I offer only because you are on my staff.  Please feel free to avail yourself of the replicator should you so desire, and to be seated.”

Hathev waited while Amanda gathered whatever refreshment she desired and took her seat.  She observed her subordinate.  It was not her intention to make the Lieutenant feel self-conscious but rather to start taking stock of the newest member of her team.

“How are you finding the Theurgy, Lietuenant?  I am aware you have been on board for only a short time, but I am certain you have initial impressions.”

Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #4
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @P.C. Haring

While she wasn’t particularly thirsty, Amanda knew that there were various different cultures where it was considered impolite or even downright rude to decline a drink when offered. As such, the blonde Martian chose to replicate herself a glass of water; a warm cup of tea would have been nice as well, but experience taught her that, in many situations, a simple glass of cold water was the best choice when offered a drink. After all, should a conversation suddenly turn particularly sour, at least cold water was relatively easy to quickly gulp down so everyone could part ways and go about their own business again. It was a lesson she’d learned the hard way, when she first met her mother-in-law and she ended up stuck in an uncomfortable and rather awkward silence until her tea cooled down to a drinkable temperature.

As she sat down in one of the seats on the business end of Lieutenant Commander Hathev’s desk, Amanda held onto her glass with both hands and presented the Lieutenant Commander with a polite smile. She’d learned a long time ago that most people would fidget with their hands when nervous, but a glass of water –as opposed to tea- allowed itself to be held indefinitely; thus preventing her from subconsciously fidgeting with her hands. ”I haven’t been aboard long enough to form an accurate opinion, Counselor.” When Amanda spoke, there was no trace of uneasiness whatsoever and instead, her confident voice held a polite and respectable tone that matched the smile on her face. She chose to address the older woman with her official title though, as not to appear overly familiar or even bold. ”Though it is big, much larger than my previous assignment.” Her blue eyes carefully observed the Lieutenant Commander while she spoke, only momentarily breaking contact as Amanda took a sip of water.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #5
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Chief Counselor's Office | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn:

Hathev found herself more impressed than she might have expected with the Ms. Ashby’s answer.  While she had some first impressions, she had not allowed herself to form a deeper opinion on the topic as she had little experience.  That was telling- she had an open mind.  Something she would need. 

The Theurgy is indeed a unique vessel, one which can be overwhelming if one is not careful.  I would encourage you to take some time to familiarize yourself with this ship and it’s systems, especially its unique features and facilities.”

Hathev took a sip of her drink.  Ms. Ashby seemed unfazed by the conversation thus far, showed no signs of being nervous around her direct supervisor, all positive signs.  But there was far more to this ship than to most.

“Before we get started, I want to ensure you are fully aware of the circumstances of this assignment.  The Theurgy is currently considered a Renegade vessel.  As a result, we are cut off from Starfleet and the Federation as a whole.  The 900 souls aboard this ship do not have the guarantee of haven.  There is no guarantee of support from external sources as supporting us risks the standing of our would be allies.  Due to the nature of our mission and our circumstances, this ship suffers from a high casualty rate with no promise of replacements.  There is no luxury of calling home to family and friends.  The crew must rely on themselves, each other, and our department for the support they need.  As such we are far busier than what might be considered normal and despite our own issues and concerns, we must put our patients needs first.  As such, my expectations for you as well as every other member of this department, whether it be as simple as the expectation of your promptness or something more complex that would require to to stand in where you might be out of your area of expertise, will be high though not unreasonable.”

She studied Lieutenant Ashby, opening her empathic senses looking to gauge the young woman’s responses.  Hathev had laid it out in blunt terms intentionally.  There would be no room for significant on the job training, and Hathev had to ensure the Lieutenant could do her part as her role would be vital to the overall objective of the counseling department.  But she had to know if the Lieutenant was up for it so she could know how deeply on her she could rely.

“I simply ask, Lieutenant for a frank answer without fear of judgment from me.  Do you believe you are prepared for the responsibilities of serving aboard the Theurgy?”

Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #6
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @P.C. Haring

As she listened while Lieutenant Commander Hathev began to mention the challenging circumstances of serving aboard the USS Theurgy, Amanda just quietly sipped her water. While she most definitely understood why the older woman was being this blunt with her, given how she was responsible for the mental welfare of the crew and had to be absolutely certain that everyone under her command would be able to pull not only their own weight but also the weight of others, the Lieutenant Commander didn’t told her anything new. She did confirm some uncomfortable suspicions which already kept the blonde Martian up last night, mainly that they were truly considered to be renegades and that neither Starfleet nor the United Federation of Planets would show them any leniency, but aside from slightly raising her eyebrow in disdain of this knowledge Amanda didn’t really respond.

While there were certainly things she could have said in response, experience with a Vulcan mother-in-law had taught Amanda that it was better to just patiently await the point. When it came, in the form of what she identified as a trick question, the Lieutenant Junior Grade allowed herself a small smile. ”Quite frankly Counselor, I am not.” As she spoke, the smile on Amanda’s face accentuated that slight hint of friendliness in her voice. ”But neither are you.” If Lieutenant Commander Hathev had been any other race, the young Counselor would not have put her opinion this bluntly; given the other woman’s earlier bluntness, combined with the simple fact that she just asked for a frank answer, Amanda didn’t waste time unnecessarily sugar coating her opinion. ”In all honesty, there is not a single person aboard this ship who is truly prepared for these kind of overwhelming responsibilities. It is impossible to prepare for something like this, this isn’t something we learned to do at the Academy, nor something we taught ourselves through experience. All anyone can do is face the odds to the best of their abilities. That’s what I learned to do at Starfleet Academy and from experience, and that’s what I will do. Just like you and anyone else on this ship, I can only do my best and motivate others to do exactly that.”

Maybe it wasn’t really the answer Lieutenant Commander Hathev expected but, as Amanda took another sip of water, she knew that anyone with empathic senses –like the Chief Counselor, in case the ears hadn’t given it away yet- would find this answer to be one of the most genuine. Just to be on the safe side however, Amanda presented the Lieutenant Commander with a friendly smile before adding an equally friendly ”Respectfully, of course.”

Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #7
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Chief Counselor's Office | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Hathev took in Ms. Ashby's response to her inquiry.  It was not what she had expected from the young woman, as she turned over the Martian's words she came to realize that she and Ms. Ashby would work well together.

"A well thought out and reasoned response, Lieutenant.  Logical, honest, realistic, and direct to boot.  Quite refreshing, actually."

She raised her coffee mug in a silent toast as she took a sip.

There was more to her appreciation for the comments of the young officer.  She showed a strong sense of practicality and showed a humility to boot.  She would provide a favorable counterpoint to the likes of Lieutenant Foster.  Hathev would have to keep an eye on her though to make sure the elder Foster was not 'rubbing off' on her in the wrong way.  Yet, there was something about Ms. Ashby that endeared her to Hathev she held a certain respect for the young Lieutenant that transcended mere professionalism.  Had Ashby…impressed her?


"As far as your duty assignment is concerned, I have several responsibilities that I will need you to take on."

She reached for a PADD on the side of her desk, activated it and handed it to the Lieutenant.

"Your primary responsibilities will be threefold.  First, and foremost as the only psychiatrist on board ship, you will be serving as an intermediary between the counseling and medical departments.  In that role I want you to consult on matters of medication for counseling patients as needed.  The other counselors and myself will bring our needs to you, you will work with medical to determine the appropriate prescriptive treatment."

A notification popped up on her computer, a message had come in for her.  She tapped the screen and the unit turned off.

"Second, as a Junior counselor you will be expected to float between the counseling offices and supplement the established counseling staff accordingly.  I maintain my offices here on Vector 02.  Lieutenants Foster and Williams maintain offices on Vectors 01 and 03 respectively.  Each section has a supplemental office that you may use at your discretion, but it would be my preference that you operate primarily out of the offices on Vector 01."

She made a point to not offer her reasons for that preference.  She needed someone to keep an eye on Mr. Foster.  Ideally her own concerns about him, would prove unfounded.

"Finally," she said, "and possibly most important.  I am assigning you the additional role of morale officer.  As I said earlier the crew is under considerable stress.  There are no guarantees of crew rotations or shore leave.  Calling home is impossible.  Some members of this crew, such as myself, are presumed dead to their friends and family…"  her voice faltered for a moment.  "Others," she started again, but stopped to clear her throat, "have had their names and reputation destroyed by being falsely named traitors to the Federation."

She let that sit for a moment, allowing the Lieutenant to decide which lie was worse.

"On top of that, the Theurgy has had to assimilate the crews of multiple other Federation vessels, some of which were destroyed by the very ship aboard which they are now serving.  Suffice to say integrating these crews into one cohesive unit is a challenge in and of itself."

"To that end, it will be incumbent upon you to conceive, organize, and run events designed to boost morale and encourage crew integration.  These events should occur at least once a week as our mission permits.  I am content to give you a free hand to organize them as you see fit.  That said, should you need resources of any type, please coordinate with me and I will ensure you receive them."

Hathev eyed Ashby, gauging her reaction.  She had thrown a considerable amount of instruction at her all at once and she was curious to see if the Lieutenant could handle it.

"What questions do you have of me, Lieutenant?"

Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #8
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Amanda had finished her glass of water while listening to Lieutenant Commander Hathev explain the tasks which she was expected to perform aboard the USS Theurgy. While the Martian normally never finished her drink during a meeting, just so she could hold the glass and thus prevent herself from subconsciously fidgeting with her hands whenever she got nervous, the words of the Chief Counselor had made the blonde Lieutenant Junior Grade much more confident in both herself and in the overall course of this particular meeting. After all, it wasn’t often that a Vulcan complimented a Human on things like logic, and to hear that her new direct superior found her answer to be ‘quite refreshing’ was probably the best compliment Amanda could have expected to get. Careful not to let her confidence get to her head, Amanda instead focused on Hathev’s words and made a couple of mental notes; a list of suggestions and concerns which she would share with the Lieutenant Commander once the older woman would finish her explanation.

When the Chief Counselor finished and focused her hazel eyes upon her in a gaze which most people might find intimidating, or at least unsettling at best, Amanda smiled politely before speaking up. ”I don’t have any questions, Counselor.” As she spoke, the blonde-haired Martian kept her blue eyes locked with the Lieutenant Commander’s hazel ones; several years of experience with an initially disapproving Vulcan mother-in-law had taught her some things about maintaining eye contact and, compared to T’Kol, Hathev’s hazel eyed gaze was far from intimidating. ”Your instructions are clear. However, while I do understand the logic behind your words, I do have some concerns and suggestions.”

Even though she wasn’t nervous, Amanda nevertheless made sure to keep her hands firmly folded together while she began to explain the mental notes she’d made earlier. ”As opposed to you and Lieutenants Foster and Williams, I barely know anyone aboard this ship whereas you have all built extensive rapport with the crew. It will take considerable time before I can efficiently supplement the established staff as a Junior Counselor, during which I might be more of a burden than an actual help.” The problem, at least as Amanda saw it, was that the established Counselors would have to take her under their wings and help her build rapport with the crew; aboard a ‘normal’ ship this wouldn’t be much of an issue but, aboard the USS Theurgy and the constant mental strain the crew was subject to according to Lieutenant Commander Hathev’s earlier words, the time it would take her to become an efficient addition to the established staff could be spent much better on more pressing issues. ”Hence, I would like to suggest that we dismiss the second responsibility so that I, aside from the important responsibilities as Morale Officer, can focus on my duties as liaison between the Counseling- and Medical Departments just like you described earlier. It would make the best use of my abilities as they are, and allow me to add to the Department right away.”

It was a suggestion that made sense, at least to Amanda. If the established Counseling staff would treat patients as a ‘first line’, they could send anyone they deemed to be in need of medication to her –the ‘second line’- so she could perform a psychiatric assessment and prescribe the necessary medication. Aside from her duties as Morale Officer, which Amanda expected would take up a considerable amount of time as well, it would make the most effective use of her abilities without unnecessarily taking up everyone’s time to train her for a job which was already done by three other good Counselors.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #9
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Chief Counselor's Office | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Hathev steepled her fingers as Ashby offered her suggestion.  When the junior officer finished speaking, Hathev rose from her desk and crossed to the replicator, and ordered herself a Vulcan Chai before returning to her seat. 

“A logical suggestion, Lieutenant.  However, your premise ignores two fundamental points.”

She took a sip of her tea and savored the flavor.

“First, while I did say there was no guarantee of reinforcements, I did not say it was impossible.  In such a situation, new additions to the crew would not have no more rapport with myself, or lieutenants Foster or Williams, than they would with you.  Second, one must also consider the patient’s personal comfort.  It is entirely possible existing members of the crew would prefer to work with you over the rest of us.”

Even as she spoke the words, her mind turned over the crux of the Lieutenant’s concern- one of time management and how best to prioritize her multiple responsibilities, which certainly was valid.

“To that end, I am not willing to dismiss that responsibility entirely, and it is my wish that you remain open minded to seeing and counseling new patients of your own.  However, I do agree with your suggestion that your duties as morale officer and as liaison with Medical should be your first and second priorities respectively.  Will that be an acceptable compromise?”

Hathev took in a breath and continued her silent assessment of her new Junior counselor.  She could have ordered her subordinate to see it ‘her way’ and she had little doubt Ms. Ashby would follow her orders, she did not desire that outcome.  Ms. Ashby had shown a professionalism, and a certain level of confidence to present her suggestions manner on her first day aboard.  Thus far, everything she had said about her preparedness to take on the role, as well as her suggestion about her duties spoke to a self awareness that Hathev respected and in a certain way appreciated.  This officer could prove to be one of the most promising rising stars she had seen in decades.

“Tell me about yourself, Lieutenant.  What brings you to the Theurgy?”

OOC - Don't feel obligated to wedge Amanda's response in between Hathev's two lines, the first asking about the compromise, the second about what brings her aboard.   Depending on your response to Hathev, I'm willing to 'delay' her last question until any issues about her duties are resolved. 


Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #10
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @P.C. Haring

As she listened to the Chief Counselor, Amanda had to admit that she indeed hadn’t taken neither of those issues into account when she explained her perspective on the matter. While the Lieutenant Commander’s logic was impeccable, as expected of a Vulcan, the blonde-haired Psychiatrist nevertheless began to wonder how she could possibly balance her various responsibilities if full-time psychological therapy would remain a part of her duties. Instead of speaking up about that concern however, the Martian chose to nod and keep listening instead; there was still plenty of time to get worried once that decision was final.

And indeed, the Chief Counselor seemed willing to compromise. Upon being asked if it was acceptable, a small smile appeared on Amanda’s face and she nodded in acknowledgement. ”It is a workable compromise, Counselor.” In spite of her smile, Amanda chose maintain a professional and somewhat neutral tone in her Martian-accented voice as she spoke. ”I’ll remain open minded about psychological therapy, but I would like your permission to not actively seek out new patients while I’m acclimating to my duties.” While Amanda knew that the Lieutenant Commander would understand the meaning of her words, she nevertheless explained them just to be absolutely sure; even though she was beginning to like Lieutenant Commander Hathev as a direct Commanding Officer, she remained just that. ”Don’t get me wrong, we all swore an oath and if anyone were to specifically ask for me I’ll help them to the best of my ability. Until then I would nevertheless prefer to use my time more efficiently to get used to my primary responsibilities.”

Some Starfleet Officers might have taken offense to such honesty, but Amanda expected that Lieutenant Commander Hathev preferred honesty over the disappointment of overconfidence.

When the Chief Counselor moved on to a different subject –a much more personal one- however, the smile on Amanda’s face gradually disappeared. ”In all honesty, my personal life and entire career got uprooted in the span of just a couple of days. I know right from wrong when I see it, otherwise I wouldn’t have been sitting here today, but aside from that I’m still trying to process everything that’s happened up until now.” As she spoke, Amanda briefly fumbled with her fingers; it wasn’t often you had to tell your direct Commanding Officer that you simply didn’t trust them enough to discuss personal information, and it made her nervous. Upon realizing it, the Martian folded her hands together in her lap and instead gazed her blue eyes into those of Lieutenant Commander Hathev. ”So with all due respect, I would prefer to keep things professional and keep anything that’s not already in my personnel file to myself for now.” While Amanda knew, deep down inside, that Lieutenant Commander Hathev was too professional to take this personal, she nevertheless felt bad about being so reserved. The older woman had been kind enough thus far but, given how her brother Ethan was the reason why she eventually ended up aboard theUSS Theurgy in the first place, the very last thing she wanted was to accidently get him in trouble by mentioning his name to someone she didn’t fully trust.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #11
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Chief Counselor's Office | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Hathev listened intently to Lt. Ashby.  For a Human she had a refreshingly logical mind, one that Hathev found herself developing a respect for the woman.  Given the troubles she was having with Lieutenant Foster, and her concerns about Lieutenant Williams, Hathev even found herself wondering if Lieutenant Ashby could one day be promoted to her departmental second in command.

It was, of course, premature to give serious consideration to that course of action and illogical to assume that course would even bear out.  Far too many variables. 

“Permission Granted Lieutenant Ashby.  As stated before I am in agreement that your morale officer and liaison duties are your highest priorities at this time.  Once the current crisis has passed, I would like you to begin immediately with the organization of a morale building event aboard ship.  Should you need any assistance or resources that I am able to provide, you need only ask.”

Hathev asked her more personal question of Ashby and was surprised to be rebuffed.  In her experience, most humans were typically not only willing, but eager to share information that one might consider to be not relevant to their duties.  Ms. Ashby, however…. Did not.  That was her right and her prerogative.

“Very well,” she conceded.  “Did you have any other questions or concerns to bring to my attention?  If not, you may be dismissed to your duties.”

Re: CH06: S [D03|0815] New Faces

Reply #12
[Lt. JG Amanda Ashby | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Even though she already expected that Lieutenant Commander Hathev wouldn’t take offense, Amanda nevertheless felt a little relieved to see that the Chief Counselor simply shrugged off the courteous refusal to divulge any personal information. In response to the older woman’s words, the blonde-haired Psychiatrist presented her direct superior with a friendly smile. ”No Counselor, I have nothing more that comes to mind. With those words, Amanda uncrossed her legs and rose to her feet. ”I’ll report to the Quartermaster to get an office assigned to me on Vector One, and I’ll make an appointment to introduce myself to the Chief Medical Officer as well.” Given how she was supposed to be the Counseling liaison to the Medical Department, Amanda figured that the Chief Medical Officer would appreciate the sentiment.

With that, Amanda turned around and began to make her way to the door of Lieutenant Commander Hathev’s office. Before reaching it however, she held her pace and turned around once more; looking at the Chief Counselor with that same friendly smile still present on her face. ”Oh, and Counselor? I look forward to working with you.” As the Martian-accented voice left her lips, Amanda knew that it would be an interesting change of pace to work alongside an actual Counseling Department; back aboard the USS Aurora she had been the only Counselor aboard, but Lieutenant Commander Hathev had made an excellent first impression on her.


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