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CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand


STARDATE 57652.8
APRIL 17, 2381
2100 HRS

[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

It had been a long day Tessa thought to herself. One that she didn't necessarily look to repeat based on the series of events. Sure getting to fly in the small ship was great, and the camaraderie, but it was a different sort of thrill. Having just arrived back to the ship a little over an hour before, she wanted a little time to survey the area around the ship but lacked the excuse to get into her Valkyrie. The little flyers weren't allowed to be just joyridden in without a proper cause.

She'd found her way to the Observation Lounge on the upper Vector of the ship while she was in her daydream state. Something about getting to see the stars seemed to soothe her down to the core. As she stepped through the doorframe, she saw a few individuals lounging about, but one, in particular, grabbed her eye. She thought she recognized him despite not having worked with him before. Well, that was more so because she had always been out flying or attempting to stay alive during a disaster.

He was a Lieutenant Junior Grade, definitely from tactical judging by the red collared undershirt he wore. His appearance was handsome, at least she thought so, but he seemed troubled as he sat on a bench nearby staring downward instead of to the stars. Despite her situation, this wasn't something she could let be. She could tell that look and understand how he must feel. It was that look of loss and despair.

Tessa straightened her jacket out, arms looking tough as she pulled it down, and she headed to the replicator for a drink before she decided to speak with him. Soft delicate fingers brushed the pad on the wall as she ordered a warm tea. Something caffeinated but not so much so she couldn't sleep later. Her lips taking a sip of the hot liquid, she was ready to go talk with the man who seemed all alone.

"Alright Tessa, here goes. Give him some of your infectious charms." She said quietly under her breath before charging over a little haphazardly in what was meant to be a smooth, and delicate manner. Her hips swayed in motion as she stepped closer. She stood next to his bench and drank another sip as she peered at the stars. Her glance went downward towards him and he was definitely in some sort of thought as she went unnoticed. Not to be undone, she leaned in, holding her tea in her left hand as she tapped him on the shoulder with her right.

Smile wide, she did what she does best. Talk. "Hiya there! Lovely view of the stars here isn't it. I'm Tessa by the way. If you need anything, such as someone to chat with, I'd be happy to help. What's your name?" Still smiling big with an energetic glow to her as she waited for a response.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

It had been the 24 hours from hell. Salem, not even thinking about his duties right now, had agreed to his sisters convalescence and then retreated, locked himself away alone in his quarters for the night and most of the following day. Nobody needed to see his tears or his anguish. Nobody needed to see him be a victim AGAIN. He needed to appear strong. Though tonight, he felt the need to be around others, to try and feel normal again, so he headed to the observation lounge, grabbed a coffee and sat, looking out to the open expanse. He heard a girl speak to him from behind.

Salem looked up to see where the cheerful voice had come from. The bounce in her tone was a shock to the system. For the past two days all he had heard is solemn tones, muted moods and "I'm sorry for your loss". Just 24 hours had passed since he said the two words he would forever have etched in his mind: "Do it". Of course, the "it" here was agreeing to his sister Vivian being put into indefinite stasis.

He was still in shock and hadn't slept well at all. Every moment he almost dropped off to sleep the night before, she entered his thoughts and he woke with a start, sweat dripping down his face. He knew it would get easier over time but that was hardly a comfort so soon. He wrapped his hand around his mug of Raktajino as if it was the only thing he could feel and looked at her, this "Tessa" that so cheerily offered an ear.

She was attractive, young and definitely full of life. Something he hadn't seen in a while. From the bar to sickbay to bed, everything has been dark, gloomy and lifeless. Seeing someone so happy was...welcome. "Uh hey, Lieutenant Martin, I mean Salem" he said, stumbling over formalities. He tried to smile but his face showed the angst he had been feeling, anyone could have noticed.

"Yeah, the stars...they're pretty for sure..." he said, taking a sip of the hot beverage. "You can sit with me if you want, but I'm not sure I'll be the best company." he admitted, though in his heart he appreciated someone talking to him when he felt the most alone he ever had. Losing a twin is something only another twin could ever understand. He watched as the girl took a seat at the table.
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

Not phased in the slightest, Tessa stood firm and learned the man who was little over half a decade older than her, was Lt. Salem Martin. Wasn't he the brother of? The realization hit her knowing that it was his sister who was badly hurt in the Spearhead Lounge bombing. She could tell that the situation was rough on him, and could completely understand the sentiment having lost many along the way. Although none as important as a sibling. What she didn't realize was how close they were and that they were twins. Not deterred by his defeated reply, she took the seat next to him.

"You know, sometimes I've been told I'm not the best company. But then they meet me and can't stay away." She smirked with a slap-happy grin as she nudged him with her elbow trying not to irritate but letting him know she was going to cheer him up. "Regardless, you look like you could use a friend. If you feel like talking about it, I'm here. If not, we could sit and see where the conversation takes us."

Tessa looked at him and shrugged with a goofy grin still slapped upon her face. Her arm reached up taking a sip of tea before placing it on the table nearby. She motioned for him to stand up. As she did so, she waited for the man to stand, and regardless if he did or not, she planned to give the tall fella a big hug to comfort him. She gripped his muscular frame tight and then released him.

"Sorry about that. I've been told I have an issue with boundaries sometimes but you just looked like you needed it." She softened her face giving a calmer smile than she had been giving. Stupified on where to go next, she placed her right hand under her chin and rested it on the other arm held securely under her bust. She pondered for several moments and it hit her like lightning.

"You know, I think I know something that will cheer you up. I could tell you about some of my crazy adventures to the gym and the Holodeck. If that doesn't interest you, we could describe what we think others look like as they're conversing quietly at the other end of the room." Her hands went up as if saying I don't know. Despite everything, she was intent on him getting cheered up if it was the last thing she did before turning in for the night.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Salem watched as the young woman sat with him, seemingly unphased by his clear mood and lack of excitement at the prospect. Truth be told, he could use the company and someone perky may just shake him from his downward spiral. She was looking at him, the way that someone does when they're realising something. He knew exactly what she was thinking. "THAT Martin, the brother of the girl who got taken out by the bomb". He hoped the realisation would not turn her enthusiasm into pity.

She was friendly, offering him someone to talk to and part of him was interested, the other part reluctant to involve anyone else in his personal drama. She stood up and asked him to follow suit. Confused, Salem followed her lead and stood, looking down to the shorter girl as she leant in and squeezed him into a hug. He stood there stiffly for a moment in surprise but then relaxed into it and squeezed her back. She was right, he DID need it.

He smiled for the first real time in a day. "Boundary issues huh? You don't say..." he said smugly. "You know what? I think you're right, maybe I do need to be cheered up. I'm happy for you to take the lead on that, whichever option works for you, your adventures seem interesting but then again most of the crew seem to have interesting stories." he pondered.

The young Lieutenant sat back down in his seat, straightening his uniform and sipping from the still hot coffee. "Tell me adventure..." he asked, pointing to the seat where she had been sitting before. "Come now, sit and regail me with your story."
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

A slight chuckle occurred as she heard Salem make a remark about her boundary issues. She was happy however that he agreed with her assumptions of the situation at hand as far as him lightening up some. He certainly seemed genuinely interested in her escapades on the Theurgy as well as many others that had been going on over the course of the past month.

Her finger poked into her cheek as she sat back down next to him. She crossed her legs, having stretched them outright as she held her tea again attempting to pick one that would create some fun reactions in him. What about the Holodeck with Dr. Kate? Well, that may leave a bad thought with bringing her up in association with his sister. There was also the time at the gym where she kissed Rutherford accidentally. She grasped at straws of which story she should tell him.

"Yeah I think I have one." She smiled warmly but still in a giddy state as she wound up for the story. "Well, a while back when we were still at port at Aldea Prime or at least towards the end of that time. I was heading to the gym for some exercise and I was totally not expecting what happened to happen." She paused for effect to hopefully hook him.

"I bumped into Lt. Commander Rutherford mid-workout and almost got creamed too. It turned out to be a cool experience as she was working out. Then I taught her the sledgehammer throwing technique. She discovered how cathartic it can be to smash something. I explained to her how I'd in the past gone on a drunken binge in the gym, even going topless working out which left some a little worse for wear." She paused again brushing a strand of strawberry blonde hair from her forehead. As if she lost her thought, she looked down at the cup, then almost immediately she slammed her cup down and began explaining more.

"So while talking, I showed her that technique, but not before she showed me how to use the dumbbells properly. She stood behind me and maneuvered my arms to proper form while breathing on my neck. She threw a quick quip about poaching officers in the gym at me and I said only when I find a good catch. Basically, I had fun flirting with her." Not skipping a beat, she jumped to more of it. "When she asked if I did, I said yes. Then I hugged her. Only, I held on a little longer than I should have and told her she smelled nice and then entranced with the closeness and her eyes. I kissed her. Again I totally misread the situation and my emotions got the better of me."

Tessa blushed a little before continuing her story. "So it was a little awkward but she was good with it I think because of her diplomacy skills. She was getting looks when I showed her how to swing the sledgehammer and we teased some guys in the gym about how our hammer was bigger than theirs. All in all it was a fun experience but as you can see, totally misread the situation and fell into that one."

She laughed and took another drink before placing the cup back down, albeit empty this time. "So do you have any embarrassing experiences with crewmates?"

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Salem listened to every word that came from the young woman's mouth. Something about her was captivating. The way her mouth curled when she spoke, the way her strawberry blonde hair fell across her face and curled past her ear and the way she played with it, tucking it back as she did.

It wasn't a sexual attraction, he knew what that felt like, but something else. He felt in awe of her presence, her confidence and the way she presented herself. Tessa was Tessa and you were either on board with it, or your loss. He admired that. It was something he'd always struggled with. He'd always been in his sisters shadow. The "not as clever" sibling, the quiet one, the brother who nobody noticed. He wasn't unattractive or boring, at least he didn't think so, but he never stood out, never got remembered, hell, he'd been on this crew a while and still when senior crew call his name from a roster, their eyes dart around the room trying to remember who Lieutenant Martin is.

Salem listened to Tessa's story, her mention of Rutherford making him grunt a little, remembering the argument they had where he'd almost wished he had a hammer for her face. But that was the past. The story took a turn and he listened to how Tessa had gotten close and then even intimate with the Commander. He also admired how Tessa admitted that she got the signals wrong.

"Heh, sounds like that was pretty awkward..." he said with a smile as she finished the story. He thought about her question about whether he'd had any embarrassing stories with a crew mate and he remembered one with a blush and drank the last of his Raktajino before telling the story.

He looked at Tessa. "So, it was my first posting on Starbase Epsilon right? I was enlisted back then as I hadn't passed the Ensign test. Anyway, I reported for duty with one of my friends, Evan. I'd always idolised him and followed his lead, even though it got me into trouble more times than I can count." he chuckled as he remembered the story. "So, I arrive late for orientation, as usual, and Evan says to me not to worry and that he'd sorted out quarters for me. I was stoked not to be missing out and to have quarters to myself! So I headed to the room he told me to and the first thing I did was take my clothes off and get a sonic shower and shave. All going well right?" he looked to Tessa to see if she was listening.

He continued. "So I walk out of the bathroom, fully naked and standing in front of me is Admiral Rainer, fully in uniform, sat with the Captain, my commanding officer. Turns out, Evan played a trick on me and sent me to the Admiral's quarters. So I met both my CO and the Admiral butt naked." he laughed.

"I think that qualifies as embarrassing." he said, playing with the handle of his now empty mug. "Seems like we all get into situations in our careers but it hasn't stopped yet, plenty more stories to come I hope." he nodded, finally feeling a bit happier now that he'd been cheered up. "Thanks. For sitting with me and talking, it really does help."

Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

Tessa laughed at his response at how awkward that situation was with Commander Rutherford. Although it wasn't totally uncomfortable nor did it feel wrong. She enjoyed the time she spent with the Commander despite what had happened. She thought how she needs to follow-up with Sam sometime soon again.

Sitting on the bench next to Salem Martin, she swigged her glass around watching the swirl in the bottom of the cup as it neared the bottom. She placed the cup down on the table nearby and sat back down to hear the tale Salem was about to explain to her. Likely it had to be just as embarrassing and entertaining. What she heard however felt both funny and saddening. Saddening as someone tricked him and put him in an uncomfortable position. And funny for the same reasons.

"That is a rather funny but embarrassing story. I think you topped me there." She chuckled showing her growing smile, and rose colored plump lips. She was enthralled by the story of Salem in the buff in front of the Admiral and CO. "Yes, I certainly hope so...I'm glad you feel a little better. I just can't stand seeing a sad face. If you know what I mean." She winked and then chuckled again. As if switching gears completely, she jumped into another mis-adventure she'd had the pleasure of being included in.

"I did go on another mission with someone else but it started as a Holodeck adventure to a night club in the 20th Century." She left out the name of Kate, the doctor who handled his sister's stasis situation to not cause him any alarm after seeing the look he gave about Rutherford. Clearly something happened between the two of them in the past.

"We were in the program when the Holodeck malfunctioned and morphed it into some sort of 1980's film universe. In that we were called, angels. At least I think we were. We had a blast in that as we hunted down the evil gangster, King. It seemed every twist and turn we were in a new version of the program. Not to mention somehow the safeties were disabled. Not sure what happened but we had a blast."

She sat there watching him react and listen intently. "You know, I've had a lot of fun just sitting here relaxing with you. Even if it was my crazy self doing a lot of the talking." Her face showed off all her features as her face displayed the sheer joy she embodied. Something two months ago, most individuals on the Theurgy would not have said about her. Thankfully, her counselors straightened her out. Well, at least mostly.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

It had been one of the most terrible times that young Salem had been through in his life. He wasn't sure what felt worse to him, the loss of his sister this week or being in the labour camps. Sure, the camp lasted longer and was more of a test of endurance but this was personal, this loss hit him hard but for just one short moment, one hour of socialising with Tessa, he felt something new. Something uplifting.

"Thank You" he said. One simple gesture. Two simple words. He smiled up to Tessa and sighed softly. "I needed this. This distraction. Not that you're simply just a distraction or..." he began to stumble over his words. "What I mean is that you've reminded me that life goes on. There will be more holodeck shenanigans for us both, more tense encounters with commanding officers and hell, more Raktajino to enjoy." he said, clinking his empty mug with hers.

It felt like it had been a lifetime since he last smiled. So much so that he felt physical fatigue in his face from the lack of use those muscles had gotten. It felt good to smile though and to do it with her. He enjoyed Tessa's company, her jokes, her laugh. Perhaps young Salem could make a new friend. Lord knows he needed one now more than ever.

"Hey Tessa..." he piped up. "Have you ever had a crisis of faith?" he asked, realising he needed to elaborate. "I mean, a moment where something happens that makes you question everything? Your life choices, your personality, your job even?" he looked up rather seriously, eager to hear her reply.
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

Inwardly Tessa was jumping for joy, which in of itself spilled from her insides out as she bared a very big smile, infectious to Salem who was before her. She was ecstatic about his reaction to her distraction. She clinked her glass into his as well as she listened to him talk. She was surprisingly more interested than usual in his predicament and the fact he was fun to cheer up.

She saw the smile pouring out on his face after he finished speaking which made Tessa smile even more and giggle a little at his phrasing of "tense encounters with commanding officers." Tessa enjoyed the conversation and the time with him. He was a surprisingly nice guy. It just needed bringing it out of him to see it with everything that's happened lately. She couldn't really blame him for how he felt but was glad that she could help him live again.

Almost speaking but holding her tongue...barely, she heard him ask her if she had a crisis of faith. She had to ponder that as she'd seen a lot of friends meet their untimely end here on the ship. "I have actually. I am only recently able to cope with loss. You see, it's plagued me even back to MIMAS station where I was placed during the Dominion War due to training with the Tactical CONN Academy. I lost a good friend there and ever since I've come to Theurgy, it's followed me here too. I've been shaken to mental breakdowns and back." She paused and drank another sip of her glass.

"Honestly, I don't talk about it much because there aren't many who I can relate to on it. I've questioned going into the Tactical CONN and bumped shoulders with other departments while on Aldea to see what their jobs were like. Just in case someday...I decide to change careers." She looked down and perked back up.

"When we first hit Aldea, I was a wreck. I had lost so many friends that I was broken inside and out. I went through some experimental Vulcan meditative counseling sessions that finally freed me and allowed me the power to cope on my own in a normal fashion again." She looked him in the eyes and grabbed his hand in hers. "I'm not going to lie. It's been tough, but I feel like I can do my job again, like I can live...again. You will too." She continued to hold his hand and smiled warmly back at him.

"Everything will be okay. It will just take time, and some of it, you'll never get over. Just like my friend on MIMAS. Even though I barely knew her, I felt a friendship there that could have grown. But I'd be lying if I said there are days I don't want to do something else in Starfleet than being in the thick of it all." Her face looked at him intently to see how he felt before looking back at the stars out the windows.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce 

What is the meaning of life? It’s something that we ask or hear being asked a lot but never truly answer. Perhaps life, like death, was about new beginnings. When one door closes, another opens. When that door closes, another and another until we’re gone.

This thought swirled around Salem’s head as he realised that his loss didn’t have to define him or end his own existence. Here he was, having a lovely social time with Tessa, smiling again, laughing even. Vivian would not be angry at him for enjoying himself, she was never the selfish type really.

Perhaps it was time now for Salem Martin to have this new beginning, out of the shadow of his sister and now his own path, carved by his own hands.

He smiled at Tessa and looked her right in the eyes. “You know, what you said about changing career?” he reminded her. “You may be on to something…” he said with a wink. “But tonight is not about work or careers, it’s about having some fun and clearing the mind and you’ve helped with that immensely.”

He felt this sudden warmth inside of him that he wasn’t sure was there before and his brain gave him signals that maybe this is the time the hero takes the damsel to his bed but he wasn’t that kind of guy and he wasn’t seeing Tessa that way.

He wanted the night to continue but not like that. Instead he simply smiled and took her hands. “Perhaps you’d like to come to my quarters and share some wine I’ve been saving?” he asked. “Would be a shame to end the evening here when I’m finally happy again.”
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]


Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

Thoughts could be seen bouncing about in Salem's mind as far as Tessa could tell. The feeling of conflict, yet at the same time the realization that life was full of new opportunities even if some of the previous ones had been unforeseen and unfortunate. Gladness swelled within her as she took note of his face smiling back at her. A feeling within her soul felt different as he gazed into her eyes.

Listening intently to the handsome man before her, she took note of how he seemed more optimistic just from having someone to talk to. Someone who cared about him and not just paying him attention due to his sister.

"You know, what you said about changing career? You may be on to something...But tonight is not about work or careers, it's about having some fun and clearing the mind and you've helped with that immensely."

A smile washed over her, eyes smiling just as much as her plump, shiny lips were. "I'm just happy I was able to lift you up. We've all been there and sometimes I think other people forget that. Well, for careers, I am still thinking that one out too. But I'm glad you've been having some fun and that I played a small part in that."

She felt his hand take hers in a strong but gentle clasping. "Perhaps you'd like to come to my quarters and share some wine I've been saving? Would be a shame to end the evening here when I'm finally happy again."

The feeling welled up inside her a little more at the mere mention. On the one hand, she thought about bedding him. At the same time, she didn't want him to think she was easy either. Just because she'd had shirtless endeavors and shown some skin to people in the past didn't mean she'd go that far. But then again, the night was young and so were they. So who was to say what would happen.

Tessa placed her other hand on his forearm that happened to be attached to her other arm. Holding on to him, she leaned in a little in comfort for her but for him as well. Not wanting to let the evening die, especially knowing what tomorrow would likely bring, she decided to follow him back to his quarters. "Lead the way handsome. I'd hate to waste a good bottle of wine and good company to spend it with."

She winked back at him and followed him out of the Observation Lounge. If Tessa wasn't excited before, she was really excited now. It'd been a while since she was invited for an entertaining evening in someone else's quarters.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

The smile that he saw creep onto Tessa's face as he invited her to his room made him feel good. It had been a long time since Salem had connected with someone new and he didn't want it to end just yet. He had no plans for where the evening would lead but he knew it would be nice to get out of uniform and to relax in his own space. The company would be a bonus of course.

The last time he had anyone in his quarters it was Vivian, his sister. This was not the same kind of thing at all. Salem having a social life at all was quite the revelation and something his sister would find shocking. He smiled as he thought about that. He got up from his seat, brushing down his uniform and nodding to Tessa, leading her out of the observation lounge, nodding to a colleague on the way out who gave him a wink that made Salem blush slightly.

They headed to the turbolift and off to the correct deck in relative quiet, not because there was any awkwardness but more that Salem was just enjoying the downtime of being comfortable in someones presence.

Once the turbolift came to a stop, Salem led her to the door of his quarters and showed her in. “Make yourself at home” he said with a smile, looking around the room to ensure it was clean. It was. There were clearly the signs of a man living here though. It was a little cluttered and there was some underwear on the floor here or there but nothing that couldn’t be quickly tidied.

“I’m just going to get changed, then I’ll get us something to drink” he said as he headed into his bedroom, stripping off his uniform slowly, not bothering to close the door. He wasn’t exactly getting naked, just changing into jeans and a comfy t-shirt. He caught himself in the mirror and adjusted his hair a little, coming back through to the main room fully dressed now.

“So, what can I get you? Romulan Ale? Bloodwine? Something exotic? What’s your tipple of choice?” he asked with a friendly smile as he tried to play the role of a good host. His nerves showed possibly through his hands which he had suddenly forgotten how to use.
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

The turbolift ride was short, quiet but nice. Tessa wasn't sure what the evening would bring but since she was assuredly going to be swamped the next day, she might as well enjoy it. Plus she felt better knowing that he was loosening up more as they talked. Being guided to his quarters was different in recent history, especially not having been to anyone's quarters as of late. But she welcomed the change in scenery. The gentle nudge from Salem to make herself at home was the only call she needed. Her hands unzipped her outer duty jacket as she laid it out on the armrest of the nearest chair. She took a few steps over to the lounger and kicked her feet up, getting into the casual nature of this meeting, she also slightly unzipped the top of her light gray duty undershirt typically worn by the Lone Wolves.

Tessa took note that he had some slight clutter lying around but honestly if he went to her quarters, there would likely be random clothing and things strung about too. She was startled from her thoughts briefly as she heard his mentioning about changing and getting them something to drink. Her head leaned forward a little almost rubbernecking it to see him as he changed in the open bedroom. She quickly returned to her previous position to relax as he came back towards her.

Salem's inquiry about the type of drink made her pause as Tessa stroked her chin thinking a bit about the question as if there were more choices than what she could think of. "Romulan Ale sounds good. I know it's usually illegal but it just would hit the spot." She smiled showing off her teeth and dimples on her cheeks. If she had nerves, they weren't even functioning right now. The enjoyment of spending time with him made her feel relaxed.

"So." she said leaning forward to get his attention. Not fully realizing that her shirt was zipped down to her collar bone and she was inadvertently giving him a show too. Forward nature aside, she was looking to find out what he was about. "What do you want to do now? Do you have plans after we get out of this mess the ship is in? I'm still thinking about the future but unsure what direction things are going to go. I kind of...go with the flow on things and let life take me where it may. How about you?" She leaned back again and crossed her legs, albeit stretched out.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Salem noticed her looking at him and smiled to himself. It was nice to feel attractive, but alas, she hadn't seen his scars, few had. Few had been allowed close enough to see them as Salem kept so many at arms length. Was he afraid of people rejecting him or was it fear of being touched at all? He didn't know, but he had a plan on how to find out.

"Romulan Ale it is, I have a nice stash under my bed for just the occasion. I know I shouldn't but hey, I didn't buy it, it was a gift, so technically I didn't break any rules!" he said with a smug grin as he entered the room and poured them both a glass. He sat down in his casual clothes next to Tessa.

His american-style blue jeans hugged his figure well, showing his muscular legs, gripping his rear well, as all jeans should, and his t-shirt did little to hide his physique either, but he looked happy, comfortable. Some sense of relief of not being "Lieutenant Junior Grade Salem Martin" and just being "Salem" for the night.

"So, you've had Romulan Ale before? I'm not surprised, you give me that bad girl vibe...." he chuckled. "My plans for the future you ask? Well, with Vivian...out of commission..."

His words almost got lost as he pondered his wording and swallowed his feelings back again.

"I plan to re-evaluate my place onboard Theurgy. I love working with Starfleet and I love my crewmates, even if they don't really notice me much, but after seeing Viv hurt by weapons, by man made tactics that I find myself employing against our enemies...I don't know if I can do this job any more...does that make any sense to you?" he asked, sipping the strong ale as he did so, looking over to his beautiful guest.
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Salem Martin's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

Relaxation set in as she stretched out her slender legs and leaned into the cushions of the couch. Placing her drink down on the table she stretched out and let out a loud groan that was normally something women didn't do, but Tessa wasn't most women either. She looked back at him and smiled warmly. Her head turned slightly as a silly smirk struck her face. "Bad girl? Far from it actually. I just know what I like." Her smokey-lined eye winked at Salem letting him know she was fine with his relaxed state.

"Honestly, I was going to call you the bad boy for having Romulan Ale stashed under your bunk." She stuck her tongue out at him as she sat up again. Her slender hand reached for the drink and lifted the glass to her soft reddish-pink lips. She listened in, tuned in more than normal to his hesitation at the name drop of his sister who recently passed from the Lounge explosion. Hearing him think about re-evaluating his place on the ship gave her a puzzled look as she reached for his hand gently. Her grip held tightly letting him know that whatever happened, she was there for him as she looked up in genuine concern.

"You know, this ship is full of misfits. We're all damaged goods. I'm a basket case!" A slight chuckle escaped her mouth. "The only thing we can count on now is each other and our mission. Once we are no longer renegades and Starfleet is restored, I think for most of us, all bets are off on where we go from here. I might look for a nice desk job. Or something less likely to get shot at...but not today!" She laughed a little at stealing a line she had heard rumors of Gowron using often during the Dominion War and into his rise to power. Whether true or not, it still struck her funny, and couldn't help but laugh.

She reached for him as if to say, bring it here. Not waiting for him any longer, she pulled him in close and gave him a hug. "It'll be okay. Sure it may take some time, but things will get better. The pain will fade, but let it be your strength." She looked puzzled. "Holy smokes, where did that wisdom come from and why didn't I think of that over the past six months?" She laughed again. She poked him in the chest. "Now straighten up chief and let's not let this Ale go to waste!" As she clinked the glass for a refill.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #15
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Salem smiled. It had been a long time since he'd felt this way and Tessa was right, there was a time for wisdom and a time for drinking. It seemed the wisdom portion of the evening was over and she was already clinking her glass expecting a refill. Of course, Salem obliged her, pouring another glass for each of them. The Romulan Ale had been for a special occasion and what better time than this?

"I hope you're right" he said as he poured the drink into her glass. "About the pain fading I mean." he finished. "I've spent so much time in my life hiding from it and feeling like I can't do anything about it. I guess I've let myself become a permanent victim. It's about time I became something more, someone more." he added with a smile as he gulped down a bit too much ale, causing him to choke a little but then laugh as he recovered, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Went down the wrong way..." he chuckled out. "What was I saying? Oh yeah, I like helping people...I always have done, always put people first and I think that's what I wanna do going forwards. I think I'm gonna start looking for other job opportunities. Tomorrow morning I am officially going to resign my post in Tactical. I guess the future is a scary place but hey, it can't be worse than the past right?" he asked, sipping this time.

He had no idea what he was going to do after he resigned the role in Tactical, if they even let him, but he knew he wanted to stay within Starfleet, to stay on the Theurgy but one thing was for sure. He wanted people to know who he was. For "Lieutenant Salem Martin" to bring an image to peoples minds, not a questioning look and a "Who?". He was gonna make his sister proud and hell, making Tessa proud seemed fun too.
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #16
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Salem Martin's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

Tessa was unsure whether she was helping or hindering Martin's decision in this tough time. She herself was feeling rather erratic with all the turmoil going on. She couldn't help but feel her time was coming for a massive tragedy. She just didn't realize how soon that would be. The mention of helping people was something she could relate to albeit in a different way. She enjoyed the comradrie of mingling with the crew but also enjoyed the thrill of duty.

She took another swig of her drink as she placed the cup down on the table. Leaned into him, she held closely wondering what was to come. "What do you plan to do? I mean there is quite a bit to do on this massive ship. Make it something you enjoy at the very least." She winked at him and pulled him close again before kissing his cheek. The heat of the ale getting to her a little but the emotion of the situation was as well. "I believe in you and what you can do. Find that thing that makes you want to get up in the morning instead of wishing for sleep."

The look she had was of slightly being inebriated and lacking sleep. Tessa's usually one who endeavors for sleep but she just couldn't let him be on his own right now until she was sure he was alright.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

The quote rang true in his ears. "Find that thing that makes you want to get up in the morning instead of wishing for sleep."

Tessa had, albeit while rather drunk and particularly friendly, hit the nail on the head. He needed to live to work, not work to live. He needed a passion, something to drive him. Not just a job that is needed, but something he needs for inner fulfilment. He just didn't quite know what that would be yet, but he knew one wasn't in Tactical.

He smiled to Tessa who was leaning on him. "You know, you're absolutely right...I need to do this, to make a change for me, for the crew, for the future. It's all in my hands." he said, finishing the bottle of Romulan Ale and tossing the bottle behind him. He looked at Tessa and laughed. "We're pretty drunk..." he said, though he wasn't quite as affected as her by the alcohol it seemed, perhaps she had drunk more than he had, he hadn't exactly been keeping score.

"I don't think you're in a state to make it back to your could just stay here if you wanted?" he offered, once he got the words out.

He was drunk, but he was thinking pretty clearly. and able to articulate himself. He knew once the words left his lips that Tessa would assume he was hitting on her and trying to get laid but in all honesty, Salem was just enjoying having someone around, someone he could talk to without judgement. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed anyway...up to you if you're staying. I can even get you a blanker for the couch if you want..." he said with a chuckle as he got to his feet.
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #18
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Salem Martin's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scratchrat

Listening to Salem's excitement was soothing to the ears of Tessa as she sat back relaxed, seated next to the man. She definitely felt the Ale as it created a fog in her head. The room was very calming to her as she leaned into him a little more. The realization hit her though that as he stated, she was in no state to make it back to her quarters. Finding it would be the easy part. Getting there was another story.

As she heard his suggestion for staying the night, she looked up at him, slightly googly-eyed as she regained focus again. "You know what? ...hic... I think you're right..." She said posing a finger at him and trying to stay stationary. "Methinks I overdid it a little. Been a while since I've drank Ale, but oh boy is it tasty!"

She watched him take a stand and resume the offer to sleep there as he proceeded to head towards his bed. Thoughts swirled in her head. She wasn't sure if he was hitting on her or not but assumed, either way, she wouldn't be in bad company. She attempted to stand and fell over off the lounger. Laughter burst from her as she climbed back up. "Haha, that was a good fall. Some pilot I am. Can't even land on the floor properly." shaking her head, she climbed back to that couch and motioned over to him. "I thinks I'll take that blanket now..."

Tessa waited for him to get the blanket. When he returned however she grabbed it a little more forcefully than she thought and pulled him down with it. His body landed partially on her face to face. She stared at his eyes and to be honest, she rather liked the sensation. But she wasn't sure if it was her inebriated state or that she just realized how handsome he was. Either way, she pulled him in close grabbing his face, and planted a deep kiss on his lips, smashing her soft, plump lips onto his. As Lance let him go, she looked at his face again and smiled. "You're really nice... you know that?" She then lost control of her limbs and began to pass out.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2100] A Helping Hand

Reply #19
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin |  Salem Martin's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | ] Attn: @Pierce

Seeing Tessa fall flat on her face on his floor made the young officer laugh. The first genuine laugh in a long time. They were both drunk, illegally so, on the smuggled in Romulan Ale he had been saving for a special occasion. He shook his head and fetched the blanket he kept in his wardrobe, bringing it through to the living area and holding it out to Tessa who grabbed it eagerly. He felt his feet move as she pulled the blanket down and him along with it.

His body fell on top of hers and their eyes met. He could feel her heart beating through her chest, he felt his own matching time. Her breath on his neck and cheek, hot and heavy, her eyes bright yet clouded from the night's alcohol. He blushed at the sudden and unexpected intimacy. 

Then she kissed him. Her lips were soft, full and eager. It only lasted a moment before she pulled away and told him how nice he was. He hadn't even had a second to say a word since fetching the blanket and now he just felt startled and confused. "" he asked, still in a haze of confusion. He got up to his feet and brushed himself off, before tucking the blanket around Tessa who had fallen asleep instantly. He shook his head and walked back into his bedroom, got himself undressed and slid into bed.

Today was a weird day. Interesting...but weird.

Tomorrow was a new day and it would be the start of something new in his life.

"Thanks Tessa" he muttered under his breath as he told the computer to turn off the lights and he slept.

Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

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