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Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

STARDATE: 57634.89
APRIL 10th, 2381

[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


Tessa had arrived right on time down the corridor from Holodeck 5. Normally she was a quite bit late everywhere she needed to go, but not this time. She'd had an easier ability to keep time since the Vulcan mind-meld sessions. She wondered if Akel was already at the Holodeck as she hadn't seen him come in yet. Her hand reached forward and touched the controls for the Holodeck just outside the door. The program was already running.

She keyed in a few inquiries to decipher the time and place they were to meet.

Location: Tavern on the Green | New York Central Park | Earth
Date: Summer, 1992

Interesting. I didn't guess it would be this restaurant, or bar during this timeframe. Should be fun! She smiled not knowing what to expect once inside. Tessa hoped she was not too dressed up. She wore a simpler black dress that was not too formal, but not too informal either. Something that was easy on the eyes, with a little cleavage, accentuating her curves, and easy to get around in too after their Holodeck time. The thought of meeting someone she just met on the Holodeck almost piqued her curiosity and her hopes to not screw it up. So far, she realized that he actually didn't mind how she acted or talked, which already put the points in her favor.

She straightened her dress, pulled down on the fabric to ensure it was smooth and perfect as she approached the Arch. "Here goes nothing Tessa." The woman walked with head held high and stepped through the door, entering the busy sidewalk of 20th Century New York. With a little hope, Tessa wondered if she could find this restaurant in time.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #1
Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Pierce

Inside Holodeck 5

Akel was inside the Holodeck with the program running making some last minute changes to the program before the arrival of his evening companion.  He had changed his outfit before arriving at the Holodeck as the location deemed something a little more formal. Wearing a white shirt, slacks and a jacket he looked almost appropriate for the time period, except for the PADD which he held. He had just configured the bar, tying it into the ships replicator system, when the computer announced the arrival of LT. lance.

In a move that could only be described as a magic in 1990’s earth status he disappeared from inside the restaurant and reappeared by a park bench within visual range of Tessa. Secretly hoping she had not spotted his magic act he stepped forward to get her attention. Akel noticed how the dress she wore accentuated her beauty in ways no Starfleet uniform could ever dream. 

Making sure he was not going to scare the woman when opening his mouth he locked eyes with her, waved somewhat awkwardly, and spoke up “Welcome to 1992 Earth, you look fantastic.”  Although he couldn’t help it, he felt the complement came off the same way a teenager would talk to a prom date.  At least he didn’t call her hot, although she completely was.

Gesturing his arm towards the vine covered structure he spoke, “The Tavern is a very interesting location on earth, fun atmosphere, and I did tie in the Holodeck system with the replicator so whatever you want to order will be real food.  May I escort you to the Tavern?”  . He smiled extending his arm awaiting her reply.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


Tessa smiled, taking in a different atmosphere than what she was used to seeing. Automobiles, noise, and tons of people. It almost reminded her of Starfleet Academy on Earth. She glanced around looking for Akel until she noticed a man dressed in a white shirt, slacks, and a jacket. He'd have almost succeeded in blending in with the locals except for the PADD which he held. He was sitting next to a park bench, and not that far from her, he stood and walked closer. Tessa was slightly taken aback at how handsome and put together Akel was without his usual Starfleet uniform.

Her eyes locked with his as he welcomed her to the Earth from 1992. "You look fantastic," he said to her, making her cheeks change several shades of crimson as she blushed breaking eye contact, but still smiling toward him. She slightly stuttered out and regained her composure, "Ahh....Thank you Akel! You look fantastic yourself... I mean handsome... I mean..." She turned trying to correct herself as she was flustered for this what felt like a date despite it being a chance to get to know each other more as friends and colleagues, "Where is the restaurant we're going again?"

He gestured his arm toward her and pointed with his other hand at the Tavern as he spoke. "The Tavern is a very interesting location on earth, fun atmosphere, and I did tie in the Holodeck system with the replicator so whatever you want to order will be real food.  May I escort you to the Tavern?" 

She took his arm and let herself be guided by his arm toward The Tavern. "That is great that you tied in the replicator! I'm famished! Lead the way and we can hang out to discuss whatever comes to mind before we tour the ship." She smiled back and walked with Akel to The Tavern.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #3
Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Pierce

Not being used to taking complements in any forms, Akel was flattered by Tessa complimenting his appearance.  He wanted to make himself look nice for her, more to make a good impression on her rather than anything else.  However, upon hearing the compliment, Akel began to feel like a more in-depth relationship with the fighter pilot would be a good thing.  Banishing the thought from his mind, at least for the moment, Akel walked with Tessa into the tavern. 

Walking into the lobby of the tavern Akel wondered for a moment if he had chosen a to romantic spot for their first outing.  He pointed in the direction of the Bar, guiding Tessa, and sitting down at a small raised table.  “I figured we may not want to stay era specific for the food, so literally anything in the ships replicator files. I haven’t had a chance to review everything available to what do you like?”  He smiled, remembering what his father taught him when dining with a woman, and provided a suggestion “New York at this time had a great appetizer called nachos, have you ever tried those?” 

As he waited for her to suggest something, Akel thought of the first question question he had since his first meeting “Tell me something, how did you get the callsign GoldenEye and how did you become a fighter pilot?”  Akel had worked with Starfleet research and development on the Valkyrie fighter and the craft slightly terrified him.  Although part of him was making polite conversation, called small talk, he really did want to know about her history.  He spoke again “Also, it has been such a hectic onboarding process, I completely forgotten if you were ok to call you Tessa?

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


Akel and Tessa walked into the lobby of the tavern arm in arm. She enjoyed and took in the sights and sounds of an old-world establishment. It was definitely feeling more like a date to her as they approached, seeing people in various states of dress in this higher-end facility. The vibe of the atmosphere was romantic but still offered the opportunity to get drinks or eat at the bar. Not sure where Akel was taking her, she waited for him to decide momentarily. He guided her to the bar, easing whatever possible tensions could have arisen on them both.

The two Starfleet officers sat at a small raised table near the bar. Akel mentioned not having to be specific to the times for their meal together. "I figured we may not want to stay era specific for the food, so literally anything in the ship's replicator files. I haven't had a chance to review everything available to what do you like?" As he smiled, Tessa tried to think of the last good meal she had. She liked Italian food really well but honestly anything real was good to her right now. He provided a suggestion, " New York at this time had a great appetizer called nachos, have you ever tried those?" [/i]

"Oh, I have before. We can get that to start while we talk. Normally I go for Italian food, but honestly, appetizers and some drinks should be just fine." She smiled as she watched him nervously break the ice again on a non-food related question.

"Tell me something, how did you get the callsign GoldenEye and how did you become a fighter pilot?" 

"Well," she paused to think, as she looked to around the room as if drawing inspiration from somewhere. "...aside from the part that my eyes are a shade of golden-green in the right lighting, it's almost like the Golden Tiger's Eye. The Golden Tiger's Eye is a gemstone symbolizing the 'eye of the tiger' as its name. So basically it means 'I won't let go of the prizes I aimed for'."

She paused and waited for his next question as if she felt he had another ready to go. "Also, it has been such a hectic onboarding process, I completely have forgotten if you were ok to call you Tessa?"

Tessa laughed in a nice, cute, almost giggling manner as he asked politely if it was okay to call her Tessa. "It's totally fine. I prefer being called by my first name unless with the Lone Wolves in which GoldenEye works there." She paused and listened intently as he brought up the hectic manner with which his onboarding was.

"I can't imagine being one of the new recruits to the Theurgy. It had to be tough. Especially since most of us that have been here since she launched has been on the run from Starfleet because, well, I'm sure you've heard all about that." Her head shook as she motioned for the thoughts to leave her mind. "Let's just say a lot has happened to this crew and ship. We've had to be a tight-knit group and we've lost quite a few of our crew, taking on all of these new crew with each ship we encounter." Realization hit Tessa as she could sound insensitive to Akel on his arrival. "Not that we haven't loved getting to meet everyone and work with all these great people. Just can be sad at all that we've lost."

She smiled at him as she felt comfortable relating this to someone else instead of keeping it bottled up. Her therapy sessions really helped to unwind her mind and be free. "I'm sure you've heard most of us, myself included have had to have therapy for the trauma we've encountered on this mission. Thankfully, you're meeting the new me. The old me, I would have been embarrassed to meet you let's just say. After each fight, somehow I survived and each time, my mind was fracturing. I'm thankful for this brief rest we've enjoyed, and the counselors."

Relaxation hit Tessa as she closed her eyes and internalized the place where she was right now. The sound was busy, but not overwhelming. The smells were of delicious foods. She reopened her eyes and looked back at Akel. "Thank you for inviting me to meet with you here. I have been in need of a friend lately. I've felt mostly alone in the past several months." She noted she'd been doing all the talking and felt self-conscious about it. "I'm sorry Akel. I've been yapping about like a chatterbox. What's your story before joining us here on the Theurgy? Or we can talk about other things but I just want to give you the chance to talk."

She leaned forward, her breasts slightly resting on the table, partially giving him an unintended show of cleavage as she rested her elbows on the tabletop. Her hands folded awaiting Akel's response.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #5
Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Pierce

In his entire memory. Akel could not remember a time when he had enjoyed a conversation more then he was enjoying his time with Tessa.  He made a mental note to remember her affinity towards Italian food for a future get together.  He ordered a plate of nachos and a bottle of fine wine from the bartender. As he continued to listen to Tessa answer his question about her call sign.  Hearing her describe the shade in her eyes made him unintentionally stare into them for a few moments.  Her comment regarding not letting go of what she aims for made Akel want to one day be something Tessa sought after. 

Akel smiled with her almost casual allowance for the use of her first name.  When she mentioned the fighter squadron Akel felt his fighter phobia return.  He was in the middle of burying his fear when his attention was focused on Tessa’s reflection of being onboard during the events that lead to their current situation.  Sadness was evident in Tessa’s words regarding the loss of all the people.  Akel had looked at all the losses faced by the crew and knew the Lone Wolves had their lions share.  He put his hand on top of Tessa’s before speaking “I am so sorry for all the loss you have faced.  Loosing people you care about is never easy, especially when it happens by the hand of those who are supposed to be on your side.”  He paused for a moment before adding “Now that we have met, you have someone to talk to. I too have had my share of therapy, so maybe we can compare notes.

As Tessa was thanking him for the invite, mentioning how alone she had been, Akel related to her feeling of loneliness on so may levels.  “You are such a fun person to be around Tessa, I should thank you for making up an excuse to introduce yourself.”  He chuckled as she called herself a chatterbox and was about to begin the Akel story when she leaned forward.  It really had been a long time since being in a situation like this, because he story got jumbled in his head and he began with an “mmm.” Tessa was amazingly beautiful and it was at that moment, he was thankful to Admiral Anderson for ordering Akel to the Theurgy

After getting himself back on track he began again “I won’t go back all the way before Starfleet academy.  For over a year I have been solving Starfleet technical problems all over the quadrant.  Just me, my orders, and my runabout for about a year.”  He paused to take a small sip from his drink “I served on Ds9 for a while, where I became an expert in Holodeck programming.  That earned me the attention of Admiral Anderson of Starfleet intelligence.  He told me to abandon my previous post and come here.” 

He paused for a moment, wondering if he seemed to her as nomadic as he felt to himself.  He didn’t know how in depth she was interested in at this point and wondered what she would notice and grasp onto.  He added, almost despite himself, “You should know, although I am a betazoid I can’t read anyone.  I have a wonderful condition known as Rapid Neurological imprinting syndrome.  In medical terms it means without this” he turned his head and pointed at the implant on his neck, “any emotion people around me have I can’t distinguish from my own.” 

Akel smiled wondering if he shared too much at this point in the evening. 

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


Tessa noted how intently Akel listened to her speak. It had been a while since she'd had this much fun and able to unwind like this. She felt him almost peering deeper into her as he glanced at her eyes. That feeling though, she was pretty much okay with.

As she thought and reflected on past events with Akel, he put his hand on hers as he mentioned how hard it must have been for her. "Now that we have met, you have someone to talk to. I too have had my share of therapy, so maybe we can compare notes." That was true she thought to herself.

Akel thanked Tessa for being a fun person to be around. "I should thank you for making up an excuse to introduce yourself." She blushed as he said this.

"You're not too bad to be around yourself." She noted he had a moment of distraction before diving into his story which she was genuinely interested in hearing since he was new, and fun to talk to.

With himself back on track, she leaned and listened to Akel talk. She was intrigued over his experiences in Starfleet. DS9 was a well-known station these days being at the forefront of the Dominion War. "Wow, you certainly made a name for yourself on the edge of the frontier! And holodeck technology is an awesome feat. That explains how you were able to pull up this program and yet give us real food!"

She took a drink continuing to listen to Akel as he paused. He explained his species wasn't human but Betazoid. Listening in she gathered that he had a neurological syndrome as he pointed to the implant on his neck.

"Oh wow! I wondered if you were totally human. Hey don't be ashamed for sharing. I have been in various therapies since we hit Aldea Prime. Specifically, the counselors gave me an experimental mind-meld that freed me of some weird childlike tendencies when under extreme stress." She paused eating some of the nachos which were covered in cheese. It was delicious she thought. Certainly hadn't tried anything like them before.

"As I said, we all have issues." The food and drinks ran out and it was interesting to note that the place was still booming with holograms moving about.

She stood up and slid her chair in, "Ready for the tour? Anywhere you'd like to visit first?"

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #7
Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Pierce

The evening was going better than Akel could have ever hoped for.  Genuinely complimenting Tessa brought a slight red tint to her cheeks and in turn her complements brought a similar red tint to his.  After Starfleet medical had installed the latest version of his implant he had no idea of concepts such as flirting. 

Wondering to himself if Tessa and he were flirting with one another, enjoying the concept and the conversation very much.  He was in the process of listening and processing inside his head when he heard her comment on his pulling up the program and making changes.  Akel would usually jump at the chance to explain how unique is work was, but hesitated for moment before speaking “Actually I made this program along with several others. Holographic engineering was actually a form of therapy for me.

He looked at her, trying to notice any indication she was displeased with his holographic therapy.  Akel had read about holographic addiction in several Starfleet officers and did not want anyone, especially Tessa, to think of him as an addict.  He also was not prepared to go too in-depth about his therapy.  He looked at the photo of a beautiful woman  on the wall.  He wondered how Samantha and Tessa would get along with each other. 

Responding in absolute surprise when Tessa was not bothered in the slightest by his implant, she even added her own issue to his.  “Tessa, I am very impressed a mind-meld helped you.  They tried that with me and it didn’t take so well.”  He agreed with her that they all had issues.  They had finished their drinks when Tessa asked “Ready for the tour?  Anywhere you’d like to visit first.”  He took a few moments to think about her question and decided to use his response as a two for one activity.  “Where are your favorite places on the Theurgy? I would love to see which parts of this ship are closest to you.  Let’s avoid the fighter bay for a while if we can.” 

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


Tessa knew they were basically flirting with each other but it felt very natural. The conversations brought added interest in their friendship and the knowledge that they both were skilled Starfleet officers, only with issues of their own. It grounded her knowing that everyone is messed up in some way but having a good friendship helps to even it out.

She was interested in the fact Akel could program such an elaborate program. She always loved the Holodeck but this brought added depth and personalization than she had seen previously. Granted, most of her Holodeck sessions in the past were self counsel with her stuffed animals. Not needing that anymore, there were so many more possibilities for the use of the room.

"Funny you mention holo therapy, I used to self counsel myself in them, only it was my childhood bedroom." She chuckled a little with an embarrassed laugh. "Thankfully, I don't need that anymore and my head is screwed on straight for the first time in years."

She noted he glanced at a picture of a beautiful woman on the wall and looked quickly taking note to ask about her later. Tessa looked back at Akel and he explained how he was impressed over the mind-meld therapy and how it didn't work for him. "Yes, the therapy sessions consisted of talking things out but also of trying to give me some of that Vulcan mental discipline without necessarily needing training. I've discovered since then that I can process things much easier but I can get lost in thought." She raised an eyebrow in humor, "It's a fascinating feeling." Almost breaking into laughter but keeping it under control.

Akel asked her where her favorite spots are on the ship which she had to pause to think about for a moment. Her hands on her hips, she thought and spoke again, "Actually, the Holodeck is one of my favorites for Holonovels, Westerns, and reenactments of some of the best Captains in the fleet. Of course, I enjoy the fighter bay, but we can stay aware for now, although I'd be interested in knowing sometime what disturbs you about it. Truth be told, I spend most of my time on Vector 02 "The Sword". I also love relaxing in my quarters, the public baths where I can go swimming, the Gymnasium, and the Lounge to get drinks every now and again."

"You can follow me, and we can head out unless you had some other things for us in the Holodeck." She pondered what to do next as they approached the Arch. "Anywhere pique your interest first?" She said flashing a smile at him, genuine happiness strewn across her face as they stood near the exit.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #9
Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Pierce

Akel found the story Tessa told him about her childhood bedroom and the therapeutic effect she used to find there to be the sweetest holographic story that he had ever heard.  He was about to tell her so when she stated her no longer needing it.  He created a mental note to remember the cute bedroom story for later. 

He didn’t stop himself from laughing at her imitation of Vulcan stoicism stating “you do a very good Vulcan, if your career as a fighter pilot waxes old you would do great as a comedian.”  He caught his breath for laughing at her impersonation, and moved a little closer to his companion. “Your sense of humor is amazing Tessa, considering all you and the Theurgy has been through I am impressed with your mental fortitude.” 

As he listened to her responding to his question about her favorite places on the Theurgy he noticed her hands on her hips, finding it amazingly cute.  When Tessa first mentioned the Holodeck as a favorite place Akel felt he could be of great service to her in the future as they could literarily go anywhere their minds could imagine.  Naturally the fighter bay was the next choice on her list and she inevitably asked why he didn’t like it.  He calmed himself taking a few deep breaths before responding “Well, a while ago I worked on a Valkyrie upgrade program several years ago and the old analogy is true when someone knows how the sausage is made, they don’t want to eat it.  All of the elements that make up the fighter working together just makes me a little nervous.”  Akel hoped that he had not sounded too much like a complete and total weakling.

It took him until after his explanation for something he said to click within his mind and he spoke up “wait, the Theurgy has a swimming pool?  That wasn’t in the ships blueprints that I saw.” After sounding like a Betazoid teenager, with a mixture of awe, excitement, and confusion Akel wondered if she would think he was just trying to see her in swimwear.  “I knew about the gymnasium and the lounges.  Is it true that one of the lounges has holographic staff?”  He wondered for a few moments how to suggest the next location.  “Since we already had a drink, either the gym or public baths would be delightful.”  He stated approaching the holodecks arch he took a moment away from his lovely date and spoke to the computer “Save the updated program’s setting, transfer to Padd AKI-P115, and end program.”  The holodeck magically removed the tavern from around the two, returning them to the 24th century. “Lead on my guide” he said triggering the door, holding it open for Tessa. 

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


When Tessa performed her best Vulcan impression to Akel, she was surprised but elated to see he took it at face value. "I doubt  I could be a good comedian. More so throw baseballs at the dunk tank type." She noted that he moved closer and talked to her more relaxed, brushing her arm, shoulder to shoulder, as he got closer to talk. "Your sense of humor is amazing Tessa, considering all you and the Theurgy have been through I am impressed with your mental fortitude."

"It's certainly been a tough journey, but I feel we may take the egg yet."

Akel explained his dislike of the Valkyrie's but soon responded as a switch flipped about the public baths.

She walked with Akel down the path to the Arch. She crossed her arms, unwittingly propping up her cleavage more as she tried to warm her torso up due to the hallways temperature being lower than the programs burst through.

"Wait, the Theurgy has a swimming pool?  That wasn't in the ship's blueprints that I saw."

"Oh, yeah it's there, just not something publicly advertised." She winked. "We try to keep that to ourselves on this portion of the ship. She laughed tenderly as she decided to head towards the Public Baths where swimming could happen since he was so excited about that option.

"I knew about the gymnasium and the lounges.  Is it true that one of the lounges has holographic staff?"

"Yeah, that's true, although I am unsure which one of them it is." She said scratching her forehead as she thought about it more. He certainly was as interesting to her as she was to him.

He saved the program and she leads him to the corridors towards the public baths. Along the way down the corridor while on their "date", they overheard a conversation about something but Tessa wasn't totally paying attention lost in thought but Akel seemed to pick up glimpses as they approached the public bath's swimming pool room.

OOC - "Take the egg" means to win. I guess this was back in the days before, like, trophies.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #11
Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Holodeck 5 / Surrounding Corridor | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Pierce

Akel thought for a moment about the idea of Tessa throwing a ball at a random dunk tank switching between all the people who annoyed him.  In his mind, she was a very good aim with a ball.  He realized, he might be dwelling on the subject of all the crap Tessa had gone through and decided not to bring it up again. 

The idea of being ‘let in’ on a secret such as the pool made Akel feel like he was in the process of being accepted as a member of this ship’s crew.  As he was standing closer to Tessa and when the program ended Akel caught an amazingly pleasant scent in the air.  It took him only a moment to realize it was perfume Tessa was wearing.  As the environment adjusted from the warm New York city air to the internal temperature of the Theurgy Akel noticed goosebumps appearing on Tessa’s arm and moved closer to warm her.  As they moved closer together; their hands brushed against one another, intertwined, and remained together as the two walked down the corridor. 

As Tessa was leading them to the ship’s public baths, they passed two Klingon officers and Akel almost ignored them as he was amazingly happy walking with Tessa.  Almost out of earshot, he heard the submissive Klingon speaking to the other trying to calm him “General, it will be well, we can speak with the fleet and send someone to rescue the Deqchov.  If not, they will die well.”  The Klingon, the general, was not happy “It is without honor Kem’tar, Gorka left honorable warriors to die a dishonorable death and we can do NOTHING to stop it.

At this point, the Klingons stopped talking to one another, storming off down the corridor.  Akel stopped walking, essentially stopping Tessa as well.  He thought for a moment, considering what if any action to take before mentioning to Tessa “those two Klingons are arguing because a ship was left behind to die slowly.  For some reason, they are not allowed to rescue them.  If you and I put our heads together, we could do it, would you like to go save some Klingons?”  He said all this without letting go of Tessa’s hand.  He was not forcing her to hold his but it seemed so natural. 


Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 5 / Surrounding Corridor | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


As Akel and her were walking arm in arm, clasping hands, Tessa realized, maybe this wasn't so bad. Maybe something to explore more as it felt so natural to her. Suddenly she was jerked forward then almost thrown backward as they passed some Klingons arguing in the corridor. Akel stopped abruptly causing her to have to rebalance herself.

"Whoa! A little warning!" She yelled in as kind and playful manner as she could muster at almost losing her footing. Her hand grasped his arm closer to hold her fall and pulled themselves together. She realized that he stopped because of the Klingon's conversation and the issues they were unable to overcome. Akel explained the situation to her as far as he had heard it. "I think we could run a rescue mission but we may need some help," she said rubbing her temple. "At the very least, we need a plan. We have to wait until we're underway again, but I think we can get this done with a Bird in the sky with enough room to ferry passengers. Think we should tell someone or just go? I've never taken part of a secret mission before."

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #13
Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Holodeck 5 / Surrounding Corridor | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Pierce @Brutus

Akel playfully held onto Tessa long after the Klingons had left, in part because he was too engaged listening to her and part because he found it almost natural to be this close to her.  He had not experienced this feeling for over 20 years and did not want it to end.  When she asked if they should ask permission or just go off on the rescue Akel wanted to tell her they would just go and do it.  However, after the initial meeting with Commander Stark he was not too keen on-going rouge just yet.  “I think we should tell someone.  Let’s hit the turbolift and we can ask Commander Stark”.

The two turned in the hallway following the direction the Klingons went, not intending to follow them but it was the fastest way to get to a turbolift.  “By the way Tessa, thanks for the night out with me, can we continue to the tour later?”  They kept walked as he spoke, still holding hands the entire walk to the turbolift.  After signaling the lift to stop at their location they stood together only for a few moments before the lift door opened.  Akel being the kind of man his father would be proud of stood by the side of the door motioning for Tessa to enter first “after you Tessa.”

Inside the lift, Akel pulled his combadge from the pocket of his pocket and tapped it “Izavid to Commander Stark. Lt Lance and I just overheard two Klingon officers discussing the downed IKS Daqchov.  For some reason they weren’t able to rescue the ship, I would like your permission to take Lt. Lance and go after them.  I would need the use of a shuttlecraft and will be back before the Theurgy gets out of range.

Akel waited, still holding onto Tessa’s hand, for Stark to respond. 

OOC: Argyros wants to join the rescue of the Klingons, after @brutus and @pierce responds this thread will be over and I will create a new one.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 5 / Surrounding Corridor | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


Tessa enjoyed the close embrace of Akel. She felt warm and comfortable. Was it because she was frightened of the Klingons or wanted to be secure? Or was it because she was happy? She shook it off for a moment feeling his arm around her waist. After asking her question, Akel responded they should tell someone else. Decidedly, that was the right choice in this situation.

Akel said he had a good time with her and asked if they could continue the tour at another time. A big smile came across her face, almost too enthusiastically. "We sure can! That...I mean... " She blushed and tilted her head down but looked up quickly. "Yes we can do that. Let's go find out if we're going, and when we can go. Might be best once we head out to space and use the new warp drive tech I've heard about. If we can get closer, that might help our chances of picking up survivors."

She waited beside Akel as he held her hand and contacted Commander Stark, unsure what their next step was to be.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #15
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Lt. Cmdr. Starks Quarters  | Deck 11| Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @JediMaster @Pierce 

It had been a long, hectic day, and the evening would prove to be just as involved. Natalie had left her office only a short while ago, delegating the rest of her evening's tasks to Lt. jg Nator 159 and made a bee line for her quarters, stopping only long enough to confirm with members of her department that the Wardroom would be ready and set up to receive the department heads later that evening for the pot luck and cocktails social that she and Commander Ducote had set up.  So much to do, so little time, she'd decided that if she was going to have to she would at least be relaxed. And thus as soon as she had entered her quarters she had queued up some lo-fi jazzy tunes, something chill and warming all at the same time, replicated herself something sweet and cold to drink, and then moved off to take advantage of one of the few truly impressive benefits of being in charge of a Department:

The full sized, fully functional, bathtub.

An oasis in among the stars, an egregiously lavish use of space afforded to department heads by some brilliant, kind soul in the Starfleet Design Bureau. It was deep, and long and wide and everything that the antsy Martian woman could ask for. In but a scant few minutes, the water was bubbling and hot and ready for the Operations Officer, and the officer in question was ready for it, having discarded her uniform in a heap on the floor of the bathroom. Naked as the day she was born, Natalie shimmied across the room, drink in hand, over to the tub, and stepped up and in with a low hiss as the heat ran up her leg, easing sore muscles almost instantly.  Setting the drink on the edge of the tub, wide enough for just such a purpose, the brunette placed a hand on the edge for support and got her other leg in, and then slowly eased herself down, inch by sinful inch into the hot water.

Soon she was up to her neck in the bubbling warmth, eyes closed and head leaning back against the side of the tub. A warm purr escaped her lips as she wiggled her shoulders side to side and got adjusted, curling her toes against the tile of the tub bottom. Even fully stretched out as she was, there was plenty of room in the enclosure for another body. Two even, if they were really close. But Nat was all alone at the moment, and given what she had to go do in a few hours, that was fine. She needed to relax, unwind, and not think about anything at all.

So of course, that was when the call came in over the comms from her newest Assistant Chief. The babble rang out swiftly, some sort of excitement about a Klingon ship, the IKS Daqchov, that rung a bell somewhere in the part of her brain that she didn't want to go digging around in. He wanted to take off after the ship in a shuttle and was promising to be swiftly. "Now Nat, you can't offer to eject him out an airlock without a suit. That's just rude. Count to ten and then answer," she hissed under her breath, doing just that, counting and taking slow breaths. Then she addressed the actual call she'd received. She tried to keep the annoyance out of her voice. She tired to hide the fact that she was in a tub as she sat up a bit, water and bubbles streaming down her chest to where she had reached for her fallen combadge on the floor of the bathroom, before realizing that Thea had helpfully piped the message in over the rooms unit, instead of directly to her badge.

"Stark to Izavid," she replied, sinking back into the water and sending it sloshing against the sides of the tub. "You need to work on your timing, Lieutenant. You want to borrow a shuttle to go chasing after a downed Klingon ship? Fine, go ahead. God knows we could use some good will with our hosts." Considering one of them tried to kill me, she thought, but did not say aloud, still bitter over the events of a few weeks prior.  "God speed, good luck, file a report when you're back, and please don't get killed. I don't want to have to break in another new assistant chief. See if you can find someone from security to go along with you. Take back up, basically. Stark out." In hindsight that might have been a bit harsh, or flippant, but Nat was stressed and tired and had a lot to do, and simply wanted to enjoy a bath.

With a groan, she sunk down into the water further, so that her chin touched the surface and called out to the room in general, "Thea, unless there's a red alert, block all calls for the next hour." And with that she shut her eyes, and tried to forget about Klingons, Assistants, and social obligations for a little while.

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #16
Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Corridor | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Pierce

Akel did not love the fact that he seemed to annoy Commander Stark and realized after checking how late it was.  Tessa and he had been talking longer than he realized and it was 23:30. Looking at Tessa with a mischievously happy grin he responding “I will work on it Commander, sorry to bother you, Akel out”. 

Closing the communication channel, he focused on Tessa “I think she was busy, how about we change back into our uniforms and then meet at the shuttle.  I will request an additional officer to accompany us.  We should be ready to leave at about 01:00 hours.”  Requesting the turbolift to the level of his quarters he embraced Tessa, looking at her carefully, “you are an amazingly beautiful woman Tessa, I look forward to spending more time with you.”  Akel was tempted to kiss Tessa as the turbolift moved towards the level of his quarters. 

As the turbolift arrived at his floor and after a moment of holding the embrace with Tessa they separated and he mentioned “See you in the main shuttlebay at 01:00 hours.”

Akel walked to his quarters, accessing the Theurgy’s computer requested an available shuttle, the Argo class “tesla”, asking for an additional officer to be assigned to their away mission, and filing the intended flight plan before stripping off his clothing and walking towards the sonic shower to begin his extremely advanced cleaning regiment. 

OOC:  If you want to post Tessa doing anything before, go for it.  I will be starting the new post from the shuttlebay. 

Re: Day 31 [1800 hrs.] Drinks and a Tour

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Corridor | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JediMaster


Tessa realized how late it was when Akel contacted Commander Stark and could just imagine the thoughts going on in her head at present. Akel commented they should change into their uniforms and be ready to head out when it was time to go on this mission. She felt him hold her close in an embrace that made her giddy inside, especially not having felt this way in some time.  She felt him looking at her carefully as he spoke again. "You are an amazingly beautiful woman Tessa, I look forward to spending more time with you."

She waited for it but the kiss never came. But she was happy either way knowing that he cared about her deeply. She felt the same way. As he stepped out of the turbolift towards his quarters and released her, he mentioned when to meet. She nodded as the turbolift doors closed in their engine filled silence. In a hushed tone, she whispered to herself, "Me too Akel..."

Realization set in that she was growing to really like him in their briefest of meetings, she also knew that she needed to get changed back in her quarters. "Deck 8, Vector 2," she commanded the computer system as it took off again towards her living space. Time stood still for her as she stood there by herself now. "Maybe a short nap is in order." The turbolift opened on her deck and she wandered off to her cabin in a tired yawn.

OOC - Sorry for the delay here. Wasn't sure if I was supposed to respond or not but I think we're good now and it can be done formally.


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