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Topic: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory (Read 2975 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Of Shadow and Memory
06 April 2381
Day 21

[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Adisia’s Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall
[Show/Hide]Isel could feel her heart pound with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, Her furred hand gripping the phaser tightly as her heterochromatic eyes scanned the darkness of the room again.

Adisia had been installed in a vacant senior officers quarters on Theurgy’s Vector 01, and the size and layout of the room was larger than Isel’s own room, with a separated bedroom. This aided the Vulpinian in her current undertaking, the larger area giving the pilot more room to conceal herself. Isel had disabled the lights in the room, and the area outside the viewport’s position provided little in the way of illumination. What little light there was in the room came from a series of coloured lights which belonged to the vast array of computer equipment which adorned the desk. A brief inspection in the darkness had revealed a variety of beauty products in the bedroom, as well as a number of clothing items strewn about the pair of rooms. Her target did not seem particularly careful with her clothing. Not that Isel cared much for the cleanliness of Adisia.

Isel was more concerned with the knowledge in Adisia’s head, and the purpose behind her coming aboard.

Dressed all in black, Isel had set the bedrooms doors to remain open, and had concealed herself in the corner of the bedroom by the foot of the bed, giving her a clear view of the room beyond. As soon as her quarry entered the quarters, Isel would have an easy line of sight on her.

The frantic plan had been thrown together hurriedly the moment Isel had heard the name Adisia uttered aboard the Theurgy. Some may not know Adisia’s true profession, but Isel was all too aware of the particular skills Adisia sold. A former Syndicate Enforcer herself, Isel know that the Theurgy’s new passenger was a Venator. The idea that someone in the Syndicate had discovered her location and sent the Venator to seek out Isel and kill her.

Isel had no intention of being on the receiving end of such an interaction.

And so, concealed in shadow and with phaser in hand, she waited. She may have been Starfleet for the past six years, but her old self had seemed to bubble to the surface upon hearing that familiar name, Demetria and Isel blending together in a combined effort to stay alive and deal with this new threat. Green and blue eyes fixed on the door as the chirping sound of the keypad could be heard, the lip of Isel’s white muzzle curing back in a cruel, silent snarl as she waited for the doors to hiss open.

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #1
[ Xelia | Xelia's Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife

What. A. Day! Honestly, she'd thought Aldea was boring, but that place had nothing on Starfleet. All these poor little soldiers running around, and nothing to do for fun! She'd spent the day touring the ship, visiting each of their little 'recreational areas' as they called them -- adorable, really. Thank god this place had holodecks, at least, or Xelia might honestly have gone back down to the planet and taken her damn chances with the Syndicate, just to avoid dying of boredom in about three seconds flat.

Though the crew would probably have liked that. It didn't take a genius to tell no one aboard trusted her. Some of the looks she'd got walking just walking around the ship! Thrilling.

No, this she could work with. And if she had to keep some of that work a secret from those stuffy officer types? All the more fun!

All in all, a mixed day. And exhausting. Honestly, it'd been years since she had to wash her own hair! Such a shame the Federation wouldn't let her have slaves.

By the time she made it back to the dingy little room they'd apparently decided was hers -- sorry, two whole rooms, lucky her! Ugh. -- really she just wanted to kick off her clothes and lie face down on the scratchy bed for a few hours. The lights were off when she entered, and didn't turn on with movement; she tried calling out to them in case they were voice-activated (so retro!), but that didn't work either. Maybe they were racist. Or -- ooh! -- sexist! Exciting.

At least she could just about make out where she was going from the pale glow of her computer setup -- obviously the first thing she'd arranged when she got here, and it looked so cute! Too bad it was still a shitty build and not her beautiful powerhouse back home. Whatever, it looked good.

So she made her way across the room, pausing only to yank off her heels and fumble around on the floor for a fuzzy jumper to pull over her dress so she didn't freeze while she took off her makeup. She'd figure out the climate controls tomorrow. It was only as she wrestled the jumper on that she spotted her bedroom door was already open.

She'd not left it open. She knew she hadn't left it open. Which could only mean she had a visitor! And well now, wasn't this interesting? Someone either really didn't like Orions, or really wanted to get her alone. Or both! The most fun option by far.

'How are you finding it in there, sweet pea?' she called into the bedroom. 'Chilly? Need something to drink? Let me know darling.'

She'd not been able to bring her disruptor aboard, but that didn't mean she was completely defenceless, and honestly she wasn't worried about whoever this was. Starfleeters were rule-following babies; no one was going to hurt her unless they were ordered to, and she was fairly certain they weren't quite at that stage yet.

Then again, there was that little cat and her mate she'd managed to piss off. Oh, it would be rubbish if this was one of them. All she could do was hope this was a fun visit rather than a violent one, because really, it'd been a long day already and she hadn't brought enough makeup to cover a phaser burn.

Speaking of, her foundation was starting to crack, it needed off. 'You don't mind, do you?' she asked, not waiting for an answer before crossing to the tiny cubicle that passed as a bathroom here. A bathroom with a mirror, angled so it reflected some of the light from the main room. She scrutinised it as she made a show of getting out various products; a glint at the foot of her bed caught her eye. There you are.

'I hope you haven't been waiting long darling!' she said, peeling off her false eyelashes and watching that little sparkle, trying to make out the shape behind it. Turns out guessing games could be fun! 'What can I do for you, sweetling?'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #2
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Adisia’s Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall
[Show/Hide]Isel had remained still and silent as the doors had hissed opened, her eyes watching the figure who entered. She could make out the woman’s green skin in the light which shone in from the corridor, though she couldn’t see the person’s face through the waves of black hair with hung over it as she stooped to remove her heels. The doors hissed shut as the green-skinned woman was fumbling about the floor as if looking for something. In the darkness which fell over the room, Isel could see the woman’s head turn to take in the open bedroom doors. Still, Isel didn’t move.

”How are you finding it in there, sweet pea?” Adisia called out, the questions which followed asking if she was cold or thirsty making Isel’s muzzle twitch in amusement, though she said nothing in reply. ”You don’t mind, do you?” Adisia crossed the room and entered the bathroom without waiting for Isel’s reply, which was just as well as Isel didn’t plan on giving her one. Isel simply followed Adisia’s movements with her mismatched gaze, her phaser still held at her side. From inside the bathroom came Adisia’s voice again. ”I hope you haven’t been waiting long, darling!” Isel could just see inside the bathroom, where her target had busied herself removing her false eyelashes. ”What can I do for you, sweetling?”

The language the woman was using intrigued Isel. Demetria had never met Adisia, though she had trouble imagining a Syndicate Venator using such… flowery terms. Either way, Isel wasn’t about to allow a cute manner of speech to stop her from firing first. She had no intention of being assassinated by some Syndicate contract killer. And she certainly wasn’t about to let Adisia blow her cover. Still, the easy manner in which her prey was addressing her amused Isel, the Vulpinian deciding she’d have a bit of fun before she did what she’d come to do.

”Well, for starters, sweetling, you can tell me what you’re doing here…” Isel finally spoke, stepping forward to that she would be illuminated by the faint light coming from the other room, her white fur shining faintly in the dim illumination. ”And no, I haven’t been waiting long at all, Adisia.” Isel thumbed her phaser as she spoke the other woman’s name, the audible report of the phaser powering up seeming to punctuate her use of the other woman’s name. She raised the phaser, holding it at waist height with the muzzle levelled at Adisia’s back. ”So tell me, darling. What brings a Syndicate Venator to our happy little ship? I can’t imagine this is just a pleasure cruise…” Isel’s voice had become a low growl as she spoke the words, her upper lip curling back to expose the sharp teeth and prominent canines of her muzzle. Blue and green eyes stared into the mirror, studying the reflection which looked back at her from the glass. ”Looking for someone, are we?”

Something in that reflection struck her as odd, as though the face stirred a memory, though Isel pushed the thought aside. She reminded herself that now was not the time for distractions as her finger brushed over the trigger of her phaser as though itching to use it.

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #3
[ Xelia | Xelia's Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife

Her little intruder still hadn't spoken up -- probably nervous, poor dear. She had that effect on people. Even bundled in a jumper and with one set of eyelashes dangling from a bit of poorly-dissolved adhesive. Still, she made it work. The secret is confidence, darling, and she had the ultimate confidence-booster in the certain knowledge that she was miles better than, well, everyone really.

Still. The eyelash thing was annoying. The other set had come off like a dream, but this one seemed determined to yank at her eyelid painfully. It took her a hot minute to find the dissolvant again -- in the dark, no less! -- and she ended up making such a meal of trying to sort it out that she almost missed the movement behind her. Almost, but not quite -- she was far too excited to meet her secret visitor. Much as she liked monologuing it did help so much to know your audience. That's why she started the data farming business! She just hadn't expected to be so good at it as to find... what she'd found.

The visitor finally joined the conversation, stepping out of the shadows to reveal-- 'Oh, well aren't you gorgeous?' She couldn't help herself, it was just the most stunning white fur! It reminded her of a rug she'd had back in Kinarvon. It looked so soft! Oh, she just wanted to floof it and stroke it and turn it into a blanket.

The downside was that this white-furred intruder was probably here on behalf of the kitten Xelia had met. They'd been Starfleet, that was what started this whole thing off. And if they were the same species they probably knew each other. Well, it would be too much of a conincidence otherwise! Strange that neither the kitten nor her mate had bothered turning up themselves, but then maybe it was more Starfleet's way to get someone else to do the dirty work. Someone stunning.

Either way her gorgeous little visitor had a phaser trained on her, which really killed the mood honestly.

Still... They'd called her Adisia. She could still get out of this. She just had to play it right.

'Ugh,' she said, making a show of pulling those pesky eyelashes off. 'I think you're getting confused, darling. I'm not that nasty witch Adisia, I wasn't involved at all in that horrid business with your little cat friend. I didn't even arrive on the planet until after it had already happened! I've really got no interest in hunting anyone down over it or anything else for that matter.' She'd never actually tried lying while she could watch herself do it in the mirror. It was brilliantly fun, she should do it more often! It looked so good on her. She almost believed what she was saying!

'Really, you shouldn't judge someone like that,' she continued flippantly, punctuating her words with the sharp snap of her moisturiser lid closing. 'I'm honestly here for the same reason as everyone else!' Lathering up her under-eye area, the last thing she wanted to do was get puffy. 'We're all here to save the world, or whatever.' On inspection, her eyebrows would need doing tomorrow too.

Bless these Federation types with their 'save the world' nonsense. It was so easy to fake. Too bad they didn't put more effort into saving their own skin. The water on this starship was so harsh it'd practically turned her into a prune!
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #4
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Adisia’s Personal Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall
[Show/Hide]”Oh, well aren’t you gorgeous?” Not exactly the words Isel had expected from someone seeing a stranger training a phaser on them. Still, it also wasn’t the strangest thing she’d ever heard. The Vulpinian’s canine features twitched into a slight grin at the words, though her eyes remained cold.

The Orion claimed Isel must be confused, and that she was not that nasty witch Adisia. She also claimed not to be involved with some horrid business with a cat, claiming to have only arrived on Aldea after the fact. The Orion stared at herself as much as Isel as she spoke, as though enjoying the sight of herself talking. Isel chuckled as the greenskin made the claim that Isel shouldn’t judge people like that. There were all here for the same reason after all, weren’t they? Saving the world or whatever.

Isel took a step forward, moving in behind the Orion woman and pressing the muzzle of her phaser into the small of the Orion’s back. ”Word of advice, sweet pea…” Isel said as she pressed the phaser harder into her target. Her other hand snaked forward, frisking the Orion in search of any hidden weapons which might be brought to bare against her. ”Tacking the words "or whatever" on the end doesn’t make for a convincing lie, pretty as you might be while telling it.” Isel’s hand continued it’s search, pausing on the Orion’s thigh as she felt a familiar shape beneath the fabric of Adisia’s dress. ”And I think it’s you who’s mistaken. I don’t know anything about any horrid business, and I don’t have any cat friends.” Isel pressed the phaser harder into Adisia’s back, forcing her to lean forward over the vanity. With her free hand she hiked up the dress that Adisia wore, retrieving the dagger from it’s sheath strapped to the Orion’s thigh. ”I don’t think you’ll be needing this, sweetling.” Isel cooed as the Orion, tossing the dagger out of the small bathroom so that it landed somewhere off in the shadows.

”Alright, miss Not-Adisia…” Isel spoke as she continued her search, her hand moving over the various parts of the Orion’s body where one might conceal weapons, or anything else they wanted to hide, with an almost invasive thoroughness. ”Who are you claiming to be then? And what really brings you’re here?” Her continued search uncovered a small PADD, a pair of data crystals, and what appeared to be several recording devices, all of which Adisia was relieved of and which joined the dagger in the shadows of the next room. Satisfied, Isel listened to Adisia’s next attempt at an explanation, still not believing a word which came out of the woman’s green lips. In truth, a part of her hoped that this wasn’t Adisia, though she would have a hard time believing it. The odds of a Syndicate Venator showing up on the planet below, accosting one of the crew, and then an different Orion showing up on the Theurgy, quite out of the blue, seemed too long to bet on. Add to those odds the fact that Demetria likely had a sizeable bounty on her head, and the threats made by Admiral Asshat, and Isel didn’t expect to find herself overly inclined to take that bet.

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #5
[ Xelia | Xelia's Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife

Well, none of this was turning out how she had expected. She'd only managed to do half her face! And now there was a phaser pressed against her back and a hand getting very familiar. Really, the intruder couldn't even let her finish up?

She leaned backwards into the phaser. 'You know, darling, you didn't have to bring that nasty thing. If you wanted some fun you could've just asked. "Please" gets you a long way.' As did payment, but she knew how to pick her battles.

There went her dagger. Void, she'd been relying on that. Now she really was defenceless. Not that she expected to get murdered here -- she was on a Federation vessel, they had rules and morals and no backbone -- but still, sometimes a good knife could make the difference between a terrible evening and a brilliant one.

The visitor -- it sounded like a woman's voice, but it was difficult to tell with all the growling going on -- dug the phaser into Xelia, forcing her over and hiking up the skirt of her dress. Oh for pity's sake, here? Bent over the basin? The bed was three feet away! Even with those awful sheets it'd be better than this.

Then again, it seemed like the intruder did really just want to search her. They were terribly thorough, but there was a clinical edge to it. Like they knew what they were doing. Someone who worked in security, perhaps? Or maybe just paranoid. They went about stealing all sorts of things from her, the little thief.

'Careful with that, it's worth more than even you my dear,' she said as her various pieces of tech were thrown unceremoniously into the next room. Really! As if the indignity wasn't enough!

Still, the visitor's protest that they didn't have any 'cat friends' was odd. Because if they weren't here for revenge after what happened with that little kitten, and they weren't here for a bit of fun, then what in the void here they here for?

But she wasn't the one with the phaser, so she didn't get to ask the questions. Ugh.

And they weren't even good questions! Who was she claiming to be, and what really brought her here? Boring. She'd answered both already, before she'd even been allowed to set foot on the ship! Not that this person had been there, clearly, but still. It was boring to have to repeat herself!

She did her best put-upon sigh, a little tricky considering she was still bent over the damn sink. 'I'm not claiming to be anyone, darling,' she said. At least, she wasn't anymore. Ironic, really, how she'd been worried people wouldn't believe she was Adisia, and all along it was people not believing she wasn't Adisia that was the more troublesome. 'I'm not Adisia, and I'm certainly not in the Orion Syndicate. Not all of us are, you know. Just like how not all Federation citizens are idiots, I'm sure.' Although she'd yet to see evidence to the contrary.

She tried to straighten up, testing to see if she would get pushed back again. 'My name is Xelia,' she said with a tasteful amount of dramatic flair. There was always the chance of running into a fan. A slim chance this far from Vondem, admittedly. But still. 'I'm here because it's the right thing to do.' She didn't even gag when she said it! The real test of a good liar.

'Now, I rather think it's my turn sweet pea, don't you?' She watched her assailant in the mirror, trying to read their face.  'We both know you aren't going to use that phaser. So what did you think you would accomplish by coming here? Is there something specific about Orions that scares you or is it just the whole concept of us that you don't like? Really, be honest darling, I love constructive criticism.'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #6
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Adisia’s Personal Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall
[Show/Hide]”You know, darling, you didn’t have to bring that nasty thing. If you wanted some fun you could’ve just asked. “Please” gets you a long way.”

Isel smiled behind the Orion’s back, amused by the flippant defiance the woman showed in her current circumstances. The admonishment she received as she discarded the tech she’d found on Adisia’s person made her grin. ”Worth more than me? I suppose that depends on who you’re asking, darling.” Given how vindictive Analla had been throughout the years Isel had worked for her, she could imagine a sizeable sum placed on her hide.

Not-Adisia made more protests, insisting she wasn’t claiming to be anyone. She again insisted she wasn’t Adisia, nor a member of the Orion Syndicate. The repeated claim was followed by an underhanded comment which insinuated that Isel was an idiot.

She’s got guts, I’ll give her that. Isel mused, though she’d see how long that nerve held.

Not-Adisia was talking again, giving another name. Xelia. The name rang some bell in the back of Isel’s mind, but she couldn’t place it. The fact that an Orion’s name had such an effect did little to convince Isel that the woman wasn’t a Syndicate associate, however. Neither did Xelia’s claim that she was aboard the Theurgy because it was the right thing to do. The claim elicited a dark chuckle form the Vulpinian. The Orion’s nerve continued to hold, as the woman went so far as to claim it was her turn. She claimed that Isel wouldn’t use the phaser, asking what she had hoped to accomplish by coming here. Apparently she thought that something about Orion’s scared Isel.

”Well, if it’s constructive criticism you want…” Isel spoke the words softly, running her hand gently up Xelia’s back. ”I’ve got a few points for you…” A quick motion left Isel with a firm grip on Xelia’s long, dark hair. She pulled it backwards, using the phaser to press Xelia forward to that the woman ended up in a rather strained position. ”First of all, never tell someone holding a phaser on you that they won’t use it. I’ve got an itchy trigger finger, and I’m just dying to prove you wrong. The only reason you’re alive at this point is because I want to know how many contracts Analla handed out, and how much the bounty on my ass is.” Isel’s hand released Xelia’s hair, but rather than providing a reprieve it reach forward to grasp the woman’s throat, the tips of her pointed claws pressing into the soft green skin of the Orion’s neck. ”Second point. I don’t need the phaser to kill you. All that moisturizing you obviously do means that these claws will have an easy tiny opening your pretty little throat, darling.” Isel pressed herself against Xelia’s back, digging the phaser in deeper between the Orion’s ribs. ”Third point. It’s a mistake to think that a fear of Orions would be something that would benefit you. Fear would make me more likely to finish you off quickly. Luckily, I’m not afraid of Orions, as you seem to think. Though after being sold on your fucking slave markets, I can’t say I’m a fan of them, either.”

Isel pressed the claw of her middle finger against the soft, tender skin of Xelia’s neck, sliding it so that a small drop of blood beaded on the scored flesh. Isel pushed herself up on tiptoe and leaned in, then darted her tongue out to taste the beaded blood. ”Lastly, darling, as you said. “Please” gets you a long way. You might want to think about begging for your life about now. Or…” Isel loosened her grip on Xelia’s neck and used the hand holding the phaser to force Xelia around to face her. That done, Isel’s grip tightened on the green woman’s throat again, forcing her to bend back over the sink. Isel leaned in close, her heterochromic eyes peering out of her white furred face to bore into Xelia’s dark grey eyes. ”You could just tell me how much Demetria’s hide is worth. I’d love to know how much Analla hates me.” The furry white muzzle split into a grin, exposing long, sharp teeth which hovered just inches from the Orion’s throat. At the same time, the phaser pressed into Xelia’s ribs. ”I still don’t know how she survived, but if she’s sending assassins after me, perhaps that’s a mistake I’ll have to go and remedy…” The furry white head tilted to the side, the green and blue gaze holding a look of dark amusement. ”What do you think, darling? Should I go kill Analla after I take care of you?”

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #7
[ Xelia | Xelia's Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife

Somehow her intruder managed to make Xelia's position even more uncomfortable, the hand bunching in her hair yanking her head backwards at a stupid angle. They'd better not pull any of her hair out. She didn't exactly have much faith in the hairdressers on this ship, if it even had them. God forbid she had to go down to Aldea to get it done, she'd seen what passed for style down there. Nightmarish.

The visitor seemed determined to intimidate her, which was a strange tactic, but then maybe that was the Starfleet way. Talk about doing things rather than actually just doing them. If they wanted her dead surely she would barely have made it through the door? Maybe they just wanted her scared instead.

But then who was Analla? What was this about a bounty? Who was this person?

Analla... There'd been someone with that name she'd come across once, right? Oh god, that meant she might be Syndicate. The intruder wasn't Syndicate, were they? Surely not. But then Y'Lev had been here, on board a Federation ship. Who's to say Z'Lexha wouldn't have others? Or someone else could have sent their own agent, someone with a grudge against Adisia -- the real Adisia. Damn, she hadn't thought of that, it hadn't seemed plausible, she'd assumed a Starfleet vessel would be all peace and good behaviour and boredom. She'd let her guard down, ugh, she hadn't thought she'd need it here! Not for much more than fending off angry cats and horny humans, anyway.

But this visitor didn't seem to be either of those.

Something pricked the skin of her throat, and her pulse quickened. She'd misjudged this. She had no idea who this person was or what they wanted and that meant she couldn't barter, she couldn't try to manipulate the situation round to her favour, and now she was unarmed... She was trapped. She swallowed dryly.

She resisted the urge to try to pull away from the intruder, their body pressed against hers, forcing her down, leaning in. She lay still as they tongued at neck, letting it happen. She had to pick her battles. She had to be smart. Void, she hadn't come all this way to get killed on a Federation ship for reasons she didn't even understand. She refused. They could lick her neck all they liked, whatever. She could always take a shower. Or two. But she would not let them kill her.

There was one thing her visitor had said that Xelia understood, at least. One thing she could use. Because she might not understand anything else, but she knew how to play to an audience, and now her intruder had let slip what kind of audience they were: an ex-slave. Non-Orions did love to make a song and dance about how terrible that was for them. Bless. As if anyone cared. As if half of Vondem hadn't been slaves once.

But she knew the type, at least. Ex-slaves wanted nothing more than to become masters themselves, to feel powerful and wield that over others. If her intruder wanted that over her, fine. She'd make them feel powerful. She'd built a career out of that, after all.

'Please,' she gasped on cue. She hadn't had to beg for a long time, not the real her, but she still knew the words, and she definitely knew the potential of a part well-played. 'Please, please, I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know Analla, I don't know who you are!'

The intruder spun her around, pressing her backwards into the vanity, white muzzle snarling inches from her throat, ready to rip it out. No.

She willed tears into existence -- they annoyed some people, but they made others feel big and strong, and there was no point in doing things by halves. She could always stop if they didn't help. Still, she went for pretty crying rather than all-out sobbing; that annoyed even her.

'I'm just one of their slaves!' she blurted, bringing a terrified babble to her words, her hands coming up to clasp uselessly at the one around her throat, holding on like a lifeline. 'I escaped and I ran all the way here, if they catch me they'll-- But I thought this ship could protect me! That's why I'm here. I'm sorry I lied, I'm just so scared they'll find me, please, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me, I'm no one, please...'

Through her tears, she saw the wolfish face getting even closer, eyes boring into hers. They were different colours, she realised almost distantly. A useless thing to notice.

No. Not a useless thing. She'd called herself Demetria. Demetria. Of course. Of course! She'd know those eyes anywhere. How many stunning white Vulpinians were there on Orion, involved in the Syndicate? That was where she knew the name Analla, too -- she'd only heard it a couple of times, and really she'd been much more focused on the Syndicate boss' gorgeous freedwoman, for understandable reasons.

But really! Talk about knowing your audience!

The tears stopped. Xelia let out a surprised laugh, too shocked to do much else. 'Oh my god, you're Demetria? Sweetheart, I heard you were dead! I'm so glad that's not true, it would've been such a waste of you. You look even better than before!' The claws on her throat reminded her what she was meant to be doing. 'Ah, darling, let go of me, I'm not here to hurt you. Don't you think if that was why I was here I would've come to find you first, rather than spending a delightful evening sampling the hospitality here? You know me, I've never been Syndicate or had any love for them, and my talents certainly don't lie in assassination.' She paused, watching Demetria for any response. Any recognition.

'You don't remember me, do you?' she said after a moment, slightly crestfallen. 'It's-- ah, well, it's a little complicated I suppose. Xelia, we met at a party? Had a lovely time together. Or you might remember... Z'Heni. Analla's Tavros brothel owned me for a few months, what, five years ago? Ten in your Federation calendar, I suppose. You came in from time to time.' She tried to pry the hand from her throat. 'Really, sweetheart, I'm not interested in turning you in or whatever it is you're worried about. I wasn't lying -- if they find me I'm dead or sold again for the rest of my life and honestly neither of them sound like much fun, do they? The Syndicate is full of parasites anyway, no one here likes them anymore. Just relax, darling.'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #8
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Adisia’s Personal Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall
[Show/Hide]The woman Isel had pinned in a rather awkward position had started begging, though Isel suspected that, given the woman’s previous disregard for the severity of her situation, the pleading wasn’t exactly genuine.

Nor would I do her much good…

When Isel turned her prey to face her, she saw tears appearing in the Orion’s eyes as the green-skinned woman blurted out words at her. ”I’m jus tone of their slaves!” Convenient, given that Isel had already admitted to being a former slave herself. The Vulpinian’s grin turned into a half-snarl at the words, the white furred woman not believing a word of it. The Orion continued speaking as her green fingers clutched at the wrist of the white-furred hand which held her throat. She had escaped. She thought Theurgy could protect her. She was sorry she lied. She’s so scared. Please don’t hurt her.

Blah blah blah..

Demetria seemed to be taking more of a hold of Isel, as the Vulpinian found herself feeling old thoughts running through her head.

She’d still lying. Trying to sound like nobody important It annoyed her. She always liked it better when people were defiant  before she killed them. Honestly, die with a bit of dignity. And not that false, blasé attitude she’d been throwing about earlier.

She’s trying to gain pity. Pathetic. The waterworks were a nice touch, but Isel wasn’t going to be swayed by such a display.

Just hurry up and kill her so you don’t have to listen to any more of this garbage. That was the plan. Isel’s finger brushed the trigger of the phaser pistol she still held pressed into the Orion’s abdomen, itching to fire.

Isel’s mismatched eyes blinked in surprise as the tears suddenly disappeared from the Orion’s dark grey eyes. ”Oh my god, you’re Demetria? Sweetheart, I heard you were dead!” Isel’s white-furred head tilted to one side as she regarded her prey with a new curiosity, the change in tone both confirming that the green-skinned woman had been full of shit, and giving Isel pause. There was a sense of familiarity there…

”Ah, darling, let go of me. I’m not here to hurt you.” Isel made no move to loosen her grip on the Orion’s throat as those green lips continued to speak, Isel’s green and blue eyes probing those dark grey orbs. There was something familiar there… ”You don’t remember me, do you?” The words sounded of disappointment, a genuine emotion rather than the feigned stories from earlier. Isel found herself feeling growing curiosity, the sensation causing her to loosen her grip on that green throat ever so slightly. She continued to speak. A Party. A name. A name which seemed to be familiar to Isel. Then another name…


That was a name she remembered. A name from many years ago. The brothel on Tavros. The one Analla owned, which Isel had both kept an eye on and frequented on various occasions.

Z’Heni… or rather Xelia… spoke of the truth in the statement that she’d be dead if the Syndicate found her. She insisted that she wasn’t here to turn Isel in. She told Isel to relax.

Isel’s grip on the woman’s throat tightened again, the Vulpinian pressing herself against her prisoner, the muzzle of the phaser digging harder into the Orion’s abdomen and Isel’s face loomed closer to Xelia’s. ”Oh, but you did lie, darling…” Isel said in a soft, menacing voice, close enough that Xelia could feel her breath as she spoke. ”You said you didn’t know Analla, and now you’ve just admitted that you were in one of Analla’s borthels…” Isel shifted her grip, lightly running the claw of her thumb along Xelia’s jawline. ”If I were a less happy and forgiving fugitive form the Syndicate, that would be plenty of grounds to pull this trigger…” Isel eased the pressure of the phaser digging into Xelia’s abdomen, though maintained her grip on the woman’s throat. ”If you really areZ’Heni, tell me something she’d know. There’s no reason one of Analla’s people wouldn’t have noticed me taking a liking to one of the slaves in that brothel.” Isel’s eyes narrowed, boring into the other woman’s. ”I liked Z’Heni. I felt an affinity, as I used to be a slave too. I told her more than I did other people. If you are Z’Heni, tell me some thing you’d know. If you aren’t Z’Heni…” The pressure of the phaser returned to Xelia’s stomach. ”You die.”

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #9
[ Xelia | Xelia's Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife

So Demetria did remember her. It was good to know she wasn't entirely forgettable, at least. And how helpful that old acquaintance would be now! After they'd last parted ways she hadn't expected to see Demetria ever again, let alone rely on their old friendship to save her life -- aboard a Federation ship no less! Strange, how things worked out.

'Aww babe, you were important to me too!' she cooed. It wasn't a lie, either -- Demetria had been everything Xelia had wanted to be. Strong and independent and powerful. Respected in the Syndicate despite not being an Orion, despite her lack of pheromones. That had been back when Xelia wanted to join the Syndicate, of course. Before she'd learned other ways to gain and exercise power. More fun ways.

But back then, she'd been young and naive, and Demetria had seemed like the coolest person in the world. Someone who'd risen up from nothing to become someone. Here was someone even the Madame was afraid of, someone who answered only to the top mistress of the whole business, and she took the time to see Xelia. And not just see her, speak to her. About all sorts of things.

So it was hardly a surprise Xelia had hoped that, one day, she might be leaving on Demetria's arm. And it had been career aspirations that made her hope, but only partly. She'd also just liked Demetria, liked the time they spent together. She was gorgeous, and powerful, and smart, and belonging to her had seemed like it might even be fun.

But in the end her contract went to auction early, and that was the end of that. So never mind.

They'd come across each other only once after that, at a Syndicate party. Xelia hadn't let on that she knew Demetria already, and if Demetria had recognised, neither had she. It had been a fun evening. She'd hoped to see her again, for another fun evening maybe, but then she'd heard Demetria had died, and that was the end of that. So never mind.

'I'm so glad you're not dead,' she said now, unable to keep herself from smiling. 'What a small world! Honestly babe you're the last person I expected to find here! I thought this ship was going to be so boring, full of stuffy Federation idiots. But I suppose if you're here, it really can't be that bad, can it?'

She laughed slightly at Demetria's paranoia. Bless her, she really was scared of Analla wasn't she? Sweetheart.

Not that she didn't have good reason to be, of course. But really, it would almost be flattering if the woman had sent someone this far out just for little old Demetria. Flattering and terrible.

'I never spoke to Analla! I only knew the name in relation to you, sweetheart. I didn't make the connection, that's hardly a maul-able offence is it?' She rolled her eyes. 'Really, darling, you need to relax, you're so tense!'

Demetria didn't shift, still pinning Xelia down. Ugh, really? Something only Z'Heni would know? That was nearly six years ago! A lot can change in six years. And it had, clearly.

'You can put that phaser away, I'm not going to do anything,' she said, somewhat petulantly. 'Ugh, fine. You're... Vulpinian, which is why you've barely aged a day since I last saw you. You also said that's why you got so clingy when you were tired, just wanting to curl up like a furry blanket.' It was getting easier to remember details now, leaning into the woman's touch. 'We used to spend hours lazing around together. I asked about your career once, and I think you said you were a Ferengi acquisition when you were very young, and Analla was your only mistress. And...' she stood up straighter, looking the woman in the eye, 'you said your old name was Eira.' She smiled brightly. 'Does that about cover it, sweetheart?' Then, quickly: 'Oh, wait, also!' Her smile turned delighted, and she reached out to find the base of Demetria's ear. 'You love ear scritches, don't you darling?'

She gave Demetria an expectant look. 'See? Now are you going to stop trying to strangle me or do I have to convince you some other way?' Honestly she'd rather not, but offering to give was always better than having it taken anyway, and sleeping with Demetria had never been much of a chore anyway. 'Do make up your mind, sweet pea, I'm getting cramp back here.'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]


Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #10
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Adisia’s Personal Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall
[Show/Hide]”I thought this ship was going to be so boring, full of stuffy Federation idiots. Bit I suppose if you’re here, it really can’t be that bad, can it?” Isel almost laughed at Z’Heni remark, but settled on a grin instead. ”Trust me, it is full of stuffy Federation idiots. I just happen to be one of them now. Mostly…” Isel’s grip tightened on Z’Heni’s throat again. ”Now… you were saying?”

Z’Heni, if it actually was Z’Heni, seemed to finally understand that she couldn’t charm her way out of this situation, and began to answer Isel in earnest, though starting off by stating the fact that Isel was Vulpinian was hardly a great start for the green-skinned woman. How many of species did one see in the universe which looked like a furry bipedal fox? At least she had settled on that for a started and not something like the fact that Isel was short. That might have ended their conversation very quickly. Isel had to admit that the second part of Z’Heni’s statement about being clingy and curling up was true, as was the aging bit, but that was hardly concrete proof.

A little more pressure with the phaser. A little tighter on the throat. Try again.

Her next tidbit was more useful, at least as far as keeping the Orion alive for another moment or two. She and Z’Heni had been in the habit of lazing about, spending hours doing little but sleeping, talking or making love. For Demetria, it had been like a small haven, a place to escape who she was and what her life had become. And it was exactly that string with Z’Heni tugged on next, referring to her as a Ferengi acquisition. A Ferengi acquisition which had been bought by Analla at a very young age, and whom she had served as a slave until Analla had set her free. Once freed, she served Analla as many things for many years, committing horrible acts throughout those times. Right up until the day she had bombed Analla’s compound, stolen three children slaves, and fled to seek refuge in the backstabbing arms of Starfleet Intelligence.

This Orion knew what to say, to the point where Isel was almost convinced.


The paranoia still gripped Isel, causing her to fight belief. It would be too good to be true, to find that the one she thought was an assassin was, in fact, an ally. Had Adisia or any other would-be assassins wished to gain such information, it would have been possible. Analla knew that she had purchased Demetria from Ferengi. Analla knew that she had been only a pup when she was purchased. If Analla had sent an assassin, there’s no reason Analla wouldn’t provide them some sort of details in case such a situation occurred. Analla had been good at planning for any eventuality, though Isel stil chalked up her survival of that blast to be pure, dumb luck. Bitch.

Isel’s head seemed to be swimming with memories. Analla, that day when she had first purchased Demetria and several others, torturing a child to death just to make her point. Z’Heni, that sweet Orion slave who had been like a safe harbour in the storm which had become Demetria’s life. The explosion in Analla’s compound, watched with satisfaction on her shuttle’s viewscreen…

Isel’s mind snapped back to the present moment as Z’Heni uttered the words ”You said your old name was Eira.” Isel’s wide, mismatched eyes stared at the Orion as she beamed a green grin back at the Vulpinian, the white-furred woman hardly believing what she had just heard. Analla would never have remembered that name, having forced Demetria to discard it early on. Nobody knew that name… ”Does that about cover it, sweetheart?”

That about covered it, alright.

Isel’s grip lessened on the green skin of other woman’s neck, and her muzzle opened to speak, but the Orion cut her off. ”Oh, wait, also!” To Isel’s amazement Z’Heni, and she truly believed it was Z’Heni at that point, beamed a warm smile at the Vulpinian and released her grip on the furry white wrist she had held, reaching up and…

Isel’s strength seemed to wane, though she maintained her grip on the Orion even as the other woman cooed at her. ”You love ear scritches, don’t you darling?”

Fucking right she loved ear scritches…

The gentle scratching at the base of her ear was a definite distraction, and Isel shook her head to ward off the delightful touch of those fingers. That was another little piece of information she hadn’t exactly made common knowledge. It would hardly have helped her reputation now, would it? The scary Syndicate enforcer with a temper, the ability to gut a man with her claws, and who happened to be a slut for ear scritches. Oh yes, what a reputation she would have had…

Z’Heni, or Xelia, or whoever she was now, asked if Isel was going to stop trying to strangle her, or if she was going to have to try and convince her some other way. Tempting though the offer was, Isel wasn’t here for such things. ”Did you make up your mind, sweet pea, I’m getting a cramp back here.” Isel stared blankly at the Orion for a minute, then released her grip on the woman’s neck and stepped back, letting the woman straighten up from the awkward position Isel had been holding her in but keeping the phaser trained on her at hip level. ”You really are Z’Heni…” Isel practically breathed the words, her green and blue eyes wide with amazement. ”Fuck me, what the hell are you doing here?” Isel remembered something the woman had said, her eyes narrowing and her mouth morphing into a grin. ”And why exactly is the Syndicate after you?” Curious, and no longer aiming for intimidation, Isel shifted to her Vulcine form, the fur on her face and body disappearing to leave her with the look of a Human, if you ignored the pointed ears and fluffy white tail. ”You know why Analla wants me dead. Your turn. Let’s see if you can’t convince me once and for all you aren’t here to put that knife between my ribs.”

Isel wanted to believe that, desperately wanted to believe, but she hadn’t survived this long without a good amount of caution…

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #11
[ Xelia | Xelia's Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife

Void, Demetria was paranoid wasn't she? As if an assassin sent after would've spent so much effort on their makeup! The Syndicate's fashion sense was awful, come on. And taking a detour to remove her eyelashes before doing whatever dastardly thing Demetria thought her capable of was just stupid, even she knew that. She'd have left them on for murder.

Finally it seemed something she'd said had gotten through to Demetria -- as it should have! She was quite impressed she'd managed to remember so much, honestly. Things had changed so very much since then.

She did have to grin at Demetria's expression when she started the ear scritches. Hadn't been expecting that now had you, darling? Still, she took the hint when the Vulpinian shook her head. Just because Demetria remembered her didn't mean she was safe from those jaws. The woman had been Syndicate, after all, and poor little Z'Heni at the time might not have known everything that implied, but Xelia certainly did now. She might have had a kill of her own by now, but Demetria... She must have been in a class of her own.

She stayed still as the other woman deliberated for a moment, before Demetria finally let go of her throat and stepped back. The phaser was still trained on her, but whatever. Small victories. At least she could breathe properly now.

She grinned again at Demetria's stunned words. The woman seemed nearly as surprised as she was!

'Babe, you're the ghost here! I really thought you'd died! You never even called,' she pouted, before laughing brightly at her own joke.

Demetria switched into her un-furred form, looking awfully Human now without that beautiful mane. Had she gotten better at this version of herself, or had Xelia just mis-remembered how cute she was? Look at her, the little sweetheart!

She rolled her eyes as Demetria demanded even more convincing. 'Really, darling, you're so stressy, it's killing the vibe in here. Sit down, get yourself something to drink. If I was going to stab you I wouldn't have worn my only nice dress. Who knows what the dry cleaning is like in this place?'

She turned away, leaving the bathroom and crossing back into her bedroom. 'I'm going to get changed -- not so I can stab you,' she clarified. The last thing she needed to do was scare the poor woman, with how jumpy she already was. Though considering Demetria was the one with the phaser it was pretty ridiculous she was still so worried. What was Xelia going to do, bite her to death? She needed to lighten up. 'I just want to, like, take my bra off, be comfortable for our little catch up. You coming?' She called behind her, not bothering to see if Demetria was following.

'Oh by the way, did you do something to the lights?' she asked, casting around in the dark for something more comfortable to wear. 'Because I'd just love it if you could un-do something to the lights, sweetling, it was a very dramatic effect you had there but it's really getting quite inconvenient now. Unzip me?' She'd found what she was looking for, and this dress was a pain to get out of alone.

Eventually she managed to get changed, boxer shorts and a fluffy jumper, her hair pulled back into a messy bun -- the kind of look that's artfully dishevelled, and deliciously comfortable. She replicated a couple of warm drinks -- 'What do you want, sweetheart? And don't say nothing, I'm already here. I promise not to poison it or whatever you're worried about.' -- and settled them on the sofa in the main room, the lights from her computer setup casting a glow over them. Now, cross-legged and comfortable, she was ready to chat.

'Well first off darling, I'm very glad you didn't die after all, though I have to say I don't actually know why Analla wants to kill you. You must've done something to royally piss her off, and all I can say to that is yes, get it, I'm very proud of you.'
She resisted the urge to pat Demetria's hand, blowing on her drink instead. 'As for me... Well. I changed careers a little there, and might have found out some information people would rather kept hidden. Some very powerful people who now, it turns out, might be actual demons, so that's nice and fun for me!' She laughed to cover her nerves -- god, that whole thing was never going to get less freaky.

'I actually wasn't lying about the rest of it, either -- I did, how to put it, terminate my contract a little early, so while it's only Z'Lexha who actively wants me dead, the rest of the Syndicate weren't too pleased when they found out my history either.'
She shrugged one shoulder casually; in truth, she'd been absolutely livid when that had come to light. She'd gone to a lot of effort to keep all that hidden, and to pay off anyone who did know, so really it was just rude for them to come after her despite all her hard work.

'So anyway sweetheart, if you're still worried about me secretly working for Analla or something, really don't bother. I've never been Syndicate, and I'm definitely not interested in doing their dirty work now, believe me, even if they would talk to me long enough to ask. And besides,' she waved her hand dismissively, 'you're too cute to murder. I only kill ugly old men.'

She leant back into the sofa, looking at the other woman. 'So. Dimi. Tria. Eira. Whatever. Your turn, darling. How did you raise from the dead and end up on a Federation vessel, of all things?' She smirked into her mug. 'Not that I'm complaining, of course.'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #12
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Adisia’s Personal Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:
[Show/Hide]”Babe, you’re the ghost here! I really thought you’d died! You never even called.” Isel could stop herself from chuckling at the pouty expression Xelia directed at her, and found herself grinning back as the Orion finally laughed.

Xelia seemed weary of the Vulpinian’s demands for more proof of her intentions, the Orion claiming that she was killing the vibe. Inwardly, Isel had to admit that Xelia hardly behaved in a manner she would expect from a Syndicate assassin. Indeed, Isel had dealt with a few in her time, and none of them had been so flippant, nor had they told their victims to sit down and get themselves a drink, at least not to her knowledge. Xelia’s comment that she wouldn’t have worn her nice dress to stab Isel caused one of the Vulpinian’s white eyebrows to rise. Isel watched as Xelia turned and walked into the bedroom, claiming she wanted to get into something more comfortable for their little reunion. ”You coming?”

”After you.” Isel replied as she followed the green skinned woman into the next room, choosing to lean against the wall. A quick glance showed her the dagger lying next to her feet, and she briefly stooped to and retrieved it from the floor. As she did so, she heard Xelia asking if she’d done something to the lights, stating the she’d love it if Isel could un-do that something she’d done. Then she asked for Isel’s help unzipping the dress. ”Which is it?” Isel asked in an amused tone. ”Get a drink, sit down, unzip you, or get the lights up?” She stepped forward as she spoke, chuckling as she deposited the dagger in the replicator and tapped the recycle button to dispose of the thing before pocketing her phaser and moving behind Xelia.

”Hold still.” Isel murmured, brushing Xelia’s hair out of the way so she could find the zipper, then pulling the fastener downward. Her eyes trailed over the newly exposed trail of green skin, her gaze appreciative even as she looked for any possible concealed weapons. Nothing. Satisfied, Isel turned and made her way into the other room as Xelia changed. A few moments late the lights flicked back into life, and Isel reappeared just as Xelia was tying her hair into a messy bun. Isel crossed her arms under her chest and leaned against the doorframe, her mismatched eyes following Xelia as the Orion moved to the replicator, asking if Isel wanted anything and apparently not taking no for an answer. ”I’ll have anything as long as it’s good and highly caffeinated.” Isel said, letting her head fall to the side to lean on the doorframe. ”I’ve had a hell of a day...” She watched as Xelia returned to the couch, seating herself cross-legged, then pushed herself away from the doorframe.

Padding her way across the room, Isel stood before the seated Xelia for a moment before taking the proffered drink. ”Thanks.” Isel hesitated. ”Sorry. For threatening you. And cutting your neck a bit. And well… yeah…” A weak-ass apology, but it was the best she could muster up at that point. Rather than press on with it, she seated herself on the couch beside Xelia.

Xelia wasted no time in starting the conversation back up, stating that she was glad Isel hadn’t died after all, and that she didn’t know why Analla wanted to kill her. Isel chuckled at that, though didn’t have a chance to answer before Xelia pressed on. Isel listened intently as Xelia explained that she had changed careers, and that she had stumbled upon some information that certain people would rather stay hidden. People who apparently might also be… demons? Xelia laughed, but Isel could hear some nerves beneath the sound. Not that the Vulpinian could blame her Orion companion from being unnerved by what she had just said. The Syndicate was bad enough.

Isel laughed as Xelia voiced her opinion that Isel was too cute to murder, giving the Orion a wink and a mock toast with her mug. ”Guess I should be glad I’m not an ugly old man, then!” Isel chuckled as she sipped the drink, then put the drink down and leaned back on the couch, feeling much more at ease now that she wasn’t certain the Xelia was trying to kill her. She let out sigh and rolled her head form side to side.

”So. Dimi. Tria. Eira. Whatever.” Isel chuckled, realizing that this woman knew her bar far too many names. And now she had another one to add to the mix. ”your turn.”

Isel chuckled at the question. How had she come to be resurrected and found aboard a Federation vessel? ”That’s a bit of a story, darling…” Isel said, rolling her head to the side so she was looking at Xelia. ”I guess that story starts with the reason Anall wants to kill me.” isel gave Xelia an innocent grin. ”It’s Isel, now, by the way. Ensign Isel Nix.” Isel stuck out her tongue at Xelia, then continued. ”It feels like I haven’t been Demetria for a long time…” Isel shook herself back to the present. ”Anyway, I was kind of passing intel along to Starfleet Intelligence for fucking years, and then I decided I wanted out of the Syndicate altogether. So I may have stolen 3 child slaves from Analla and left. Joined Starfleet Int’s witness protection program. Hid the kids somewhere safe where they’d be taken care of.” Isel sighed again, letting her head roll back and closing her eyes for a moment. ”Oh, and I might have blown up Analla’s compound when I snuck off…” Isel’s eyes opened, staring at the ceiling as though searching for answers. ”I still don’t know how the fuck she survived… that bitch should be good and dead. She’s like one of those Earth bugs that you can’t kill… dickroaches or something…” Isel shook and sat up, shifting herself to face Xelia. ”Anyway, after that Starfleet made me join the Academy so they could keep tabs on me, then they got my friend… girlfriend? Asshole? Whatever. They got her to blackmail me into defecting to this fucking shitshow and, well, here I am. Stuck on the run, assaulting sexy sexy Orions and just trying not to get my ass shot off!” Isel took up her mug again, took a long sip, and peered at Xelia over the rim of the mug. ”Anything else you’d like to know?”

Re: Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory

Reply #13
[ Xelia | Xelia's Quarters | Deck 14 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife

Finally, Demetria was lightening up, no longer standing in the corner all tense and ready to shoot at a moment's notice. She'd even relaxed enough to unzip Xelia's dress -- 'Thanks babe.' -- and go fix the lights finally. Of course, she'd also destroyed Xelia's dagger -- which, rude -- but that was whatever in the long run. She'd just get a new one. She could reprogram a replicator to make a dagger, right? Probably. Eventually. And until then she'd just be unarmed.

Ugh. Maybe she could steal one off Y'Lev while he was looking the other way.

Anyway. None of that mattered right now, because right now she wasn't looking to stab anyone, just to catch up with someone. And make them a drink, which Demetria even accepted, so, progress. Coffee for the fox, a milkshake for her.

It was as they got settled on the couch that Demetria tried to apologise. For a moment Xelia just looked at the woman like she was mad, before bursting into uncontrollable giggles.

'Oh my god!' she gasped through her laughter. 'You really have joined the Federation, haven't you?' She didn't think she had ever heard someone apologise to a person that wasn't their superior. This was wild! 'Sweetheart, what have they done to you?' She leaned back into the couch, sinking into the cushions and blankets she'd replicated to cover the roughness of the base material. 'I mean, I don't hate it. I guess it's almost cute. Just... Coming from you of all people! Though I guess you always were kind of different.' She grinned. 'In a good way, I promise, babe.'

Demetria had asked for an explanation, so she gave one. She didn't know what kind of response she'd been expecting from the other woman -- so much had changed since they last had any sort of decent conversation -- but a toast to not being an ugly old man was not it. She nearly choked on her mouthful of whipped cream with surprised laughter.

'Oh my god, aren't we all glad!' she exclaimed. 'I would've had to charge you way more for the sex.'

The other woman looked way more chilled out now, which was nice. She was even flopped onto the couch sleepily -- 'a hell of a day', she'd said. Poor thing. Although it might've been less of a day if she hadn't broken into Xelia's apartment and tried to murder her.

Xelia grinned as Demetria copied her, calling her 'darling'. From other people -- Zaryn -- it felt like a mockery, but here it was just cute. As was the stuck out tongue as Demetria offered yet another name.

'Ugh babe you really do go through names like hairstyles, don't you?' Xelia teased. 'Isel,' she tested. 'Hmm.' She contemplated it for a moment, and then shrugged. 'It's not so good to moan--' she grinned cheekily '--but it's cute I guess. Shorter. It suits you. "Demetria" was awfully... Well. Slave-y.' She waved a hand. 'You know.' Foreign slaves were so often renamed by their owners, and they always seemed to choose the most obnoxious names. 'Did you choose this one?' Choosing your own name could be so much fun. It felt freeing. It was weird, how much of who you were got tied up with your name, a name you usually didn't choose for yourself even if you weren't renamed by an owner. Really, everyone should rename themselves. It was so much fun.

The next thing Dem-- Isel said was kind of surprising. She'd been a Federation double-agent? Oh my god. That was so wild. She'd always thought Demetria was totally loyal to Analla! And she'd stolen some slaves? No wonder the woman was mad at her.

'Analla wasn't around for a while after the explosion,'
she said, only remembering the details now she was thinking back. 'When you stopped being seen with her, everyone kind of just assumed you'd died. It was a bummer.'

The rest of the story was just as insane. She'd been to Starfleet school? She'd had a girlfriend? Was she hot? Was she Human? Oh, she'd betrayed Isel, that sucked.

...Were they still together?

'Babe, that's ridiculous,' she said honestly. 'You went from, like, loyal Syndicate agent, to double agent, to Academy student, to fucking Starfleet traitor in like, five minutes! That's insane. And I thought my career had gone wrong.' She laughed. 'Sweetheart, you've had such a time! But at least it's led you here, right, so you can attack cute Orions and get them to make you coffee.' She preened slightly before devolving into laughter again. God, this was all so weird!

'So,' she said after a moment, swiping cream off her drink and licking it from her finger, 'what's this ship like? For real. Is it, like, super stuffy? Is it boring? Does it suck?' She looked at Isel askance. 'And what's this girlfriend like?' She poked the woman with a toe. 'You guys still together? Is she cute? Can I see her? Is she hotter than me?' She laughed brightly -- god, teasing someone was so much fun, she hadn't done this in ages! 'Come on babe, spill, I'm new here I need all the info I can get.'

Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

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