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Topic: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure (Read 5545 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure


STARDATE 57599.59
MARCH 27, 2381
1600 HRS.

[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Turbolift > Transporter Room 03 | Deck 12 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @BZ + 2 Writers (Vacant)
[Show/Hide]Stepping out of the turbolift, Ensign Liam Herrold checked the comparison on his PADD a seventh time, just to make sure he and Ji weren't mistaken.

"Can't see how it's possible any other way," he said and glanced at Ji with his light blue eyes when they rounded an intersection in the corridor - her walking alongside him towards the transporter room. "I am just amazed that no one realised this earlier. The Reaver in maintenance bay two has been sitting there since the Calamity attacked you guys on Theta Eridani IV, long before I came aboard, so the engine specs should have been well documented. I guess it could be because of the Reaver's namesake - Narik Cinsaj - being a civilian contractor and her not documenting that fighter's specifications in the ship database? Can't see how else it's possible everyone missed it."

After having spent over two weeks as the Chief of the Deck, and earning a promotion to Ensign in order to bolster his sway in the Fighter Bay, Liam still wasn't quite used to having his girlfriend as his direct subordinate and keep things entirely professional. Outwardly, however, that was no issue - since he made sure that for appearance sake there was no cause for concern among the shift rotations of deck crews. No, the deck personnel were not getting much of a reason to complain about his or Ji's conduct, but it was all the instances when they just happened to be alone. Be it in either of the two offices, the magazine or the workshop. How was he supposed to keep a level head when he and Ji found it so thrilling to just take the opportunity and speak of things not entirely appropriate in the work place, or steal a kiss or two when no one was looking? They might have taken things a bit further than that too a couple of times, almost getting caught, but how could they not?

Indeed, the thrill of seeing each other hadn't abated, even when they shared quarters more often than not. They had even managed to go down to Aldea a few times when the opportunity came along, but it had not been any longer stays. A random dinner, a lunch or a walk along the beach. Liam had heard that there were desert rovers in the outskirts of Aldea Prime, and he was meaning to take Ji on a drive in the dunes - surprising her with an excursion that would be the closest he could take her to his childhood on Mars. He had collected all the specs he could on the Aldean rovers that they took into the Beyond, just to prepare the surprise for her as best as he might. She was likely on to him, since he kept hiding the PADDs he was keeping the information on, just telling her it was stuff he needed to read up on now that he was an Ensign and a Line Officer.

When they stepped into the transporter room, he cleared his throat and nodded to the woman who manned the transporter controls - one Lieutenant JG Yvette Conway, whom had taken quite a lot of her time to show Liam the ropes when it came to the reports he needed to file in his new rank - and she smiled warmly in turn. She looked like she wanted to say something, but with a glance towards Ji she just settled for a wordless nod. Meanwhile, Liam kept talking about the discovery Ji and him had made.

"I mean, the sensor data on the Savi fighters - that they call the Initiator-class - is quite clear. The impulse engine outlets are identical to that of the Cinsaj, and since she came from the future aboard the Calamity... it must be that the Savi somehow influenced the technology of Starfleet in that future. Just taking a glance at the sensor data from the Calamity and that of the Versant suggests the same thing. There are too many similarities. That suggests that the Savi and Starfleet Command were in cahoots when the Calamity was sent back in time to destroy the Theurgy and the Harbinger. Are we truly the first ones to see it?"

It might be because Ji was the propulsion expert, and had been able to confirm it all. The brass had to know, so Liam and Ji were about to beam to Vector 01 and request an audience with the higher-ups, to show what they'd found. Since Thea was still split in three in the shipyards, however, they had to beam to the right part of the ship first. Conway waited to ask them where they were heading until they were on the transporter pad - their yellow jumpsuits bathed in overhead light.

"Where to?" she said from her station, pointedly looking just at Liam with her smile lingering in her eyes, but Ji beat him to answering. Liam had to clear his throat and scratch the back of his neck while he waited for the transporter to take them where they needed to be.

Before the shimmering light enveloped them, however, Liam saw a frown building in the Lieutenant's features - perplexed at something she saw on her transporter controls. The anyon sweep had begun - something that had become standard ten days earlier in order to safeguard the Theurgy from infiltration - but something felt... off. Liam was about to ask what was happening, but it was too late, since the sequence was locked in, and both Ji and him were fading from the transporter pad.

When Liam opened his eyes, his concerns were allayed when he saw that they were in a transporter room again, assuming that they had ended up in the right Vector. They had....

....only there was no transporter officer in the room.

"Aren't there supposed to be someone here at all times?" he asked Ji quietly, all thoughts of the Reaver vanishing. It was quiet in the room. Far too quiet.... and yet... somehow, he could still hear voices. Like whispers in the air.

"Chief Petty Officer Jeff Kowalski to Lieutenant Conway, do you still have them?" said the whisper, a male voice - almost too faint to hear. "They are not in the buffer, ma'am."

Wherever the whisper came from... there was no one present, and Liam looked at Ji, perplexed as to what may have happened. "What's going on?"

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #1
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Working Relationship | Professional Liaisons | What is this Fuckery? | I Fix Ships Not Transporters]
@Auctor Lucan

The Turbolift doors opened and the dynamic duo stepped out into the corridor.  Their matching boots marched similarly down the corridor, though Ji being much shorter made it so that they were not moving in time.  Instead, she was walking as fast as she could push her legs and Liam was likely still slowing down a bit so that they could walk side by side as he towered above her in his height.  Liam was amazed that the information they had found when working together had not been documented before.  Her brow rose as he spewed forth a wealth of information that she was still trying to latch onto as they turned a hairpin corner and continued forward. 

“We've been a bit busy, you know, since then.  It isn't like we have had a whole lot of down time to categorize everything.  You yourself know how busy we have been.  The likelihood is, the Reaver was overlooked because of the civilian status and the lack of time to properly go over it.  On a ship like the Theurgy we use what assets we have and worry about the logistics later.” she reminded him as they continued to move forward.

Working alongside her boyfriend was actually fun.  It wasn't new for her, but what was new was the fact that he was actually her boss now.  They had been almost equal before, and now he was an Enisgn and had the title of Chief of Deck.  There had been only a few grumbles about Ji having fucked and sucked her way to the top because of her own promotion to Assistant Chief.  But, most of them had been working with her for hears and knew there was really no better candidate.  Ji was gifted when it came to the fighters engines and the propulsion systems, and now, she was able to work on things on a larger scale as well as giving more training to her underlings to help them fill in the gaps when she was needed elsewhere.  Ji and Liam had taken the opportunity from time to time to actually enjoy themselves when they were on duty, but alone.  Ji was always pushing Liam past his comfort zone here and there, because it was fun, and while he totally said it was unprofessional she knew that he was into it because as soon as she mentioned anything, he was ready to go.  So far, they hadn't been caught.

As the pair stepped into the transporter room, Ji looked up at the young woman behind the controls who seemed to light up at the sight of Liam.  Ji gave the woman a glare that said 'it's mine, hands off' without actually using any words.  Ji had never really thought herself the jealous type but it seemed that Liam drew the eye heavily from both men and women and there were times Ji had to remind the ship that he was a very taken man.  It wasn't Liam's fault, but, she found herself frustrated with it from time to time.  They weren't quiet or secretive about their relationship, most of the ship knew about it at this point, so it shouldn't be a surprise.  Which meant the people hitting on Liam had zero respect for their relationship or either of them.  Which dropped their ranking in her eyes no matter what their collar said. 

Together they stepped up onto the transportation pad.  “Well, yes, we have to tell the Captain, and honestly, we may be the first to see it.  Under Sten we had to do whatever we were tasked with but now that you're in control we are able to give time and effort to the things that we need to get done.  And... honestly.. we had time.  Sitting in docking we have time now to do this kind of research while everything else is being patched up and fixed.” she stated calmly.

The woman behind console asked where to, and Ji looked up.  “Vector 01, thank you.” she stated, though there was a bit of bite to her words as she sent another glare to the woman who's smile fell off her face.  Ji wasn't putting up with shit, and it was plainly obvious that this woman had the hots for Liam.  Perhaps she thought she was a better fit, perhaps she just wanted a tussle in the sheets with the blonde beauty, whatever the case, it would all happen over Ji's dead body.  Ji would have slid closer to Liam to leave her mark on him, give him a peck on the cheek, hold his hand, something, but she didn't want to screw up the transport.  The warm glowing tingle of the transport began before she could say anything else, and then they were gone and off onto another part of the ship. 

Only.... something wasn't right.

As they materialized there was no one there to receive them.  She looked around, a bit perplexed because there was always someone manning the transportation rooms because of their sheer heavy use.  Especially right now with all the Vectors in different places and needing to get from one to another.  Most definitely for senior staff, but there were some things that just needed to be done in person, and that was why there were off to Vector 01.

“Maybe he's on the shitter?” she asked with an unhelpful shrug, though the tone of her voice stated that she wasn't all too sure about the matter herself.  It was quiet, and yet.. if they strained just enough they could both hear a conversation that was taking place.  Almost as if she were listening to it under water, almost as if they were in another room and it was muffled through the walls.  Something about did someone have them.. they weren't in the buffer, and Ji turned and looked at Liam.

“The fuck?  I have no idea.  I'm not gifted at transportation but I can guarantee something went wrong.” she stated as she looked around the room.  I hope that bitch wasn't trying to get rid of me and accidentally got rid of Liam too... she thought but kept the thought to herself, she didn't want jealousy to get the best of her.  She just.. didn't like people disrespecting her relationship.  Liam was a good man.  To her, it was more than his looks, it was their chemistry.  When they had sat together looking over the guides and manuals for the Valravyn together, she had found they just.. jived.  After that, one thing lead to another, and now they were firmly in love and the envy of the deck at times.  Ji wasn't without her own pursuers but she made sure they all knew she was taken and worked to make sure that she didn't give Liam any reasons to be concerned.

“Maybe, we should look around.  Find some answers.  There has to be a way back?  Maybe we can put a message up in here.”  she said as she went over to the console, testing to see if she could get off the pad before she actually did.  She didn't need to disappear into atoms because of a whim.  Seeing that she could get down, she jumped down and crossed to the console.  Digging around she found a large marker, and walked to a nearby wall in sight of the console and wrote. 

-CPO Eun Sae Ji & Ensign Herrold, were here 1605 hrs.]  she capped the pen and stuck it in her pocket in case they needed it later.

“Should we go see if maybe .. we can find Thea?” she offered thinking maybe the holographic female might be their best bet.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #2
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Turbolift > Transporter Room 03 | Deck 12 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @BZ + 2 Writers (Vacant)
[Show/Hide]Stepping off the transporter PADD, Liam tried to listen to the faint whispers in order to understand where they were coming from, but it was as if the vague sounds echoed inside the room, without any distinct origin. Frowning in confusion, he followed Ji to the computer console, and by then, he was quite positive that the officer that was supposed to man the station wasn't relieving himself. Something had to have gone wrong, if the whispered were any kind of clue. "Yeah, I have a bad feeling about this..."

Ji tried to leave a written message on the wall, and Liam admired the ingenuity, listening closely to the whispers to see if there was any indication that someone - wherever the whispers were coming from - could read it. Yet the voices only conveyed a confused conversation between the two transporter officers, where they tried to understand where Ji and he had gone. Eventually, before Liam did as Ji suggested and tried to make contact with Thea, he could hear how the two officers decided to report the incident to Security - following protocol as they were.

"Yeah, I don't think they can read the message. Perhaps, if we can hear them, they could hear us?" he suggested, and cupped his hands around his mouth. "Hello! Can anyone hear us? This is Ji and Herrold and we're right here, only we can't see you! We can hear your voices, only very faintly! Hello?"

There was no response, the whispers just yielding a conversation with Deputy Than'Ida zh'Wann over comms, the Andorian security officer asking questions about what had happened."Okay, let's try Thea then. You might be right. She's a computer, so even if people are gone from sight, she might remain, right?"

Liam cleared his throat and tapped his combadge. "Thea, could you join us please?" he asked, requesting the projection of Thea to appear. They waited, without any answer. "Computer, please state the time."

[The time is 1605 hrs.] said the intercom in the room, the voice nothing like Thea's, which made Liam frown in confusion again. She sounded like any standard Starfleet computer system, identical to the one he was used to on the Resolve.

"It seems like wherever here is, Thea isn't installed?" he said, and decided to step out into the corridor outside the transporter room. The sliding doors parted for him, but as he might have expected by then, he found the entire length of it empty in both directions. "It's like we're on a ghost ship..."

Taking a few steps down the corridor, he listened to whatever Ji might have about their current predicament, before scratched the back of his neck. "Perhaps we should ask the computer more questions to learn wherever 'here' is. I don't know if it will help, but at least we'll know what we might expect if we're to go searching for some way to make our ship hear us? I mean, if the crew is gone, something ought to have happened to everyone, right?"

That came out somewhat ominous, Liam realised, which made him hope he was wrong, and that there was no contagion or malign force present that had made the crew flee.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #3
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Strange Things Are Happenin' | Solving the Case | We Are Together, Missing | They Will Find Us]
@Auctor Lucan

Ji worked on her words on the wall, the marker worked just fine like normal.  It showed up darkly against the metallic walls and stated their case.  Ji and Herrold were here, had been here and she even added a time stamp at the bottom of it.  She might as well since they needed to let them know if it worked.  She turned as she heard Liam calling out to the others, hoping that they could hear him, but it seemed that wasn't going to be the case.  As much as she wished that they were stuck somewhere in between, it seemed that was exactly where they were.  She watched him calling out to the woman that had been eyeing him and the man that was supposed to receive them.  Ji didn't like the fact that the woman had been making eyes at him, Liam was hers, and she wasn't the kind to share.

No one responded.

Ji stepped over towards him as they listened while the people informed Security of the issue.  Her eyes widened, brown orbs taking in Liam's face for a moment, in a bit of panic.  She had gone through a lot on this ship, and the Harbinger, and now here they were stuck in some kind of in-between.  She wasn't sure what to call it since it wasn't completely different they could still hear the whispers from the other side of the barrier or whatever it could be called.  She wasn't Scientifically inclined, she could fix an engine, make things go faster and further, but she could not start talking shop with an Engineer over things like this... and most definitely would not be able to hold a candle to someone in Science.  It was going to take a team to get them back, and she hoped they could get them back.

The others couldn't hear them, and so Liam decided that he might should try to speak with Thea.  That was probably the next best, she would probably be able to at least help them.  If Thea could bridge the communications gap between this in-between and the other actual reality then it would be perfect.  AS he called out to Thea, again, there was no response, and Ji found her brow furrowing.  “That's odd, where ever we are, there should be a Thea.” she said softly as she brushed a frustrated hand through her short locks.

Then Liam decided to address the computer as if they didn't have Thea at all, and finally got an answer.  Her brow rose.  “We're not at home anymore Toto.” she whispered looking around at the room they were in with a different light.  This wasn't Thea, this wasn't their ship, this was something else and it was likely somewhere else. 

She stepped out into the corridor with Liam and it, too, was a ghost ship.  Everything was empty, the sounds of the ship were there.  The beeps of various consoles, the boops of various processes happening, she could hear the thrum of energy moving through the walls powering the ship. But it was distinctly void of any life signs.  “Computer, locate nearest life sign” Ji said out loud, thinking maybe they were on another deck or something. 

[CPO Eun Sae Ji, Assistant Chief of Flight Deck, and CPO Liam Herrold, currently assigned to the USS Resolve, located in corridor adjacent to Transporter Room.]

Her brows rose.  “That's.. there's no one else?” she whispered a little bit of fear filling her voice at this knowledge. Liam told her that maybe they should ask where in space they were, and she nodded.  “Computer, what is the current location of the USS Theurgy.” she stated waiting for the answer.

Ji thought about what they could do, there had to be answers here somewhere.  There had to be information.  The ship, so far as she could tell from their current location, was running just fine, but that didn't mean that other decks hadn't been compromised somehow.  “Do you think we could make it to a Bridge or.. uh, a Quarters, where we could check for some crew logs and figure out what happened to everyone?” Ji suggested.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #4
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Transporter Room 03 | Deck 12 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @BZ + 2 Writers (Vacant)
[Show/Hide]"Computer, what is the current location of the USS Theurgy." Ji had asked the computer, and the answer shocked Liam quite profoundly.

[The USS Theurgy is currently orbiting N9GA Majoris, an M-Class planet in the Mahéwa System.]

All the reports about the Niga Incident came to Liam's mind, and he felt the colour drain from his face a bit. The place was infamous after what the crew of the Theurgy had been through, and evidently something had happened that had caused all the crew to abandon ship. Was it the virus? Was it the state of the ship? It had been damaged after the persecution through Federation space, hadn't it? While Liam had been on the Resolve, and it had suffered a lot of damage during its three year voyage home, it had not been anything like what the Theurgy and her crew had endured. The computer's answer had rendered more questions and answers...

...and Ji's suggestion to find some crew logs or get to the bridge was an excellent one. They wouldn't learn anything just standing around.

"Yeah... This is freaking me out, but I guess we have no choice but to start looking for clues," he said, and started to step down the corridor. His steps were slow, half expecting the reports about the Niga Incident to indicate that there were predatory plants around every corner. Plants that sought to spread their seeds through the innards of people, and made them slaves to the purpose of pollinating the whole galaxy. Liam wished he had a weapon in hand, so that he might protect Ji, but one thing at the time....

[ Ten minutes later ]

Several things had become clear during the slow, tentative progress through the starship's corridors. Many sections of the ship were without power, so they'd had to pry sliding doors open to get through. Furthermore, the Theurgy was nothing like Liam remembered her. In fact, it was smaller. Much smaller, and the corridors didn't lead to where they should. Of course, they were all of Starfleet design, which had made the Transporter room seem like the one they'd been supposed to end up in. But this ship was far more damaged than the Theurgy had been at the point they'd left it behind in the Aldea Prime Shipyards. Obviously, the ship was not separated into three hulls either, but in Standard Operation Mode. Nonetheless, these first impressions were not the most sinister ones they'd come across.

The whispers of their past reality grew fainter by the minute, as if they had been mere residues of the reality they left behind. In mere minutes, they were all alone in the derelict ship.

They had found dead, naked bodies. Most of which Ji ought to have recognised, if not by name by memories from the time before the incident. The dead had fallen due to different kinds of trauma, ranging from phaser fire to plasma explosions. The corridors showed signs of severe damage from battles. Not just from the battles that had preceded the Niga Incident, but from internal fighting between the infected and those who tried to escape the ship. Down several lengths of corridors, the lights were flickering on and off from power failures. There were also many signs of intercourse having taken place, results of the madness of the virus plain. Liam had read reports of a Garden of Eden having been made in one of the cargo holds of the ship by beaming up greenery from the planet, but thankfully, they didn't pass any cargo holds on their way up to the main bridge.

When Liam and Ji emerged on the bridge, it became abundantly clear that Thea wasn't herself. A single glance towards the flickering MSD at the back of the bridge didn't show a Theurgy-class multivector dreadnought... but a carrier-version of a Prometheus-class starship. Liam frowned, wondering how this could be? Slowly, he began to tap the touch-screen surface of a damaged console.

"Looks like all the shuttles and escape pods are gone... and we have limited power. Plasma leaks in main engineering. I think the only reason we can breathe right now is that the ship has been able to replenish oxygen after all the crew abandoned the ship, for whatever reason. The infected likely sought to spread the virus, while the rest fled for their lives..."

Liam had no idea how they might get back to their own reality, but he knew one thing for sure... he was no longer certain he wanted to review the logs from the event that caused the ship to be abandoned.

And outside the viewscreen, the verdant planet Niga could be seen. A paradise hiding the bio-weapon that the Infested had planted there for the Theurgy to find and spread through the galaxy.

OOC: Sorry for the slight delay! Hope this set-up is interesting enough. :)

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #5
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Things Are Not What They Seem | This is Familiar | Take Me Home Toto]
@Auctor Lucan

There were few words in the world that could strike fear into the heart of Chief Ji.  There were Borg, Liam's dead, Parasites, and N9GA.  Because, she knew, all too well, what had happened in that system.  She remembered the planet, she remembered the plants, she remembered hiding out in the jefferies tubes hoping that she wouldn't get discovered or found out.  Terrified of what would happen having seen the bodies that the plants had used, seeded, and pushed through.  She turned white as a sheet, at just the mention of where they were and stood stock still. 

We need to get out of here, we need to be gone, if the virus is still around here, we .. we are in trouble.  I don't want to have sex with a plant and I certainly don't want to hatch any seedlings.  I need to get us out of here now, but how?

Liam wasn't exactly excited either and she figured that he probably remembered the reports of things that had happened before he even came on board the Theurgy.  Back when he was on the Resolve.  They began to move, because she was right, they needed to figure things out.  Knowing already they weren't where they were supposed to be and even then as they walked they began to realize this was not the ship they knew at all.  This was not the Theurgy class ship, she remembered the ship, she remembered the layout.

There were many corridors that had been left in the darkness, just small runners of emergency lights guiding people over the curve of the ship as they moved through it.  Small flickers up ahead here and there right before the lights resumed in another section on a different breaker.  There was a creepy sort of ghost feel to the ship.  A complete lack of people, and a complete lack of anything.. really.  She kept expecting to see some kinds of plant life or something, but she didn't, she just kept seeing the emptiness and the corridors that had been hard hit.  There were phaser fire marks on the walls, and clear signs of battles.  It was harrowing.

Then there were the dead.  Here and there, sometimes in groups, sometimes on top of each other, many times alone.  When their bodies burst open and the seedlings sprouted to go after another person.  When they were just hungry mindless people waiting for the end.  Shooting at each other, begging for the end and yet the plant inside them driving them further into madness.  To procreate, to harvest, to continue.  Ji recognized the faces. 

Lieutenant Salvatore Garza, Ensign Carla Havinger, PO1 Gretta McMillan, CPO Benjam Grodito, Doctor Elissin T'Kor, Lieutenant Goja.. and more.

Turning from the bodies, she brushed a hand through her hair and looked over at Liam.  Her face still white as a sheet, this was effecting her more than she was saying.  She was trying to be strong, trying so hard to retain her cool and get them out of this place, but she was terrified.  They entered the bridge, again, it was empty and Ji looked around at the empty seats.  Some of them were turned slightly as though someone had rocketed out of them quickly, and there was someone dead in the front of the Bridge laying just underneath the console, she only knew because she could see one Starfleet issued boot poking out from underneath.  Liam was already at the console typing away and trying to figure out what was going on.  He mentioned that the escape pods and the shuttles were all already gone, and she hoped that was because many had escaped.  But, she really hated to think if they hadn't.  All of a sudden, she realized, ….

“I .. I was here.” she whispered softly, the first time she had spoken since he mentioned N9GA.  “I was here when the Niga virus infiltrated the Theurgy.” her voice was rough with emotion and she thought about what to do.  Part of her wondered if she was alive, part of her wondered if she had escaped, part of her wondered... what had happened.  And the other was terrified to find out.

Ji stepped up to one of the working consoles and put in her log in information.  She was signed in easily because her things had always been the same, once she was into the system she began to search for her logs.  “Computer, play the last log of CPO Eun Sae Ji.”

[Playing the last known log for CPO Eun Sae Ji.] the computer returned quickly and a brief moment of silence before three beeps and it began. 

I'm still here. came the whisper, full of fear and full of exhaustion.  I can hear the screams outside the tubes.  I can hear the running of feet all around me, and the sound of the phasers as friends turn on friends, as plants split open those around me, people I've known and worked with for years now.

I'm a coward.  Hiding here in the tubes, waiting desperately for something to change.  For the battle to be won, for the battle to be lost, for some way to get to the escape pods.  Every time I think about moving, there are more people out there.  Waiting for me, waiting for anyone, and .. the things I've seen will be hard to forget, if I ever even can.  I want to go home.  I miss my family, my Oma my Apa, I want to see them again, and eat my mom's kimchi.  I want to eat her sticky rice and taste her egg rolls.  I want to go home.

Ji falls quiet for a long moment, as she shifts around in the tube.  Her clothing can be heard rustling around, and then she begins to speak again.  They're calling out.  Everyone can go, escape pods now, and .. I have to try, I have to try right?  For myself, for the crew, for my family.  If I don't make it.  Sranghae...

The real Ji stood on the Bridge swallowing as her face drained of any remaining color.  “Computer, show last known footage of CPO Eun Sae Ji” she whispered softly.  But, the computer heard her anyway.

[Last known footage.  Shuttle Bay.]

She nodded, of course it was.  Ji watched as the screen filled with the full color security footage of the corridors and Ji bolting down them.  Her Korean face was a mask of stress, hurry, and pressure.  She was fearful but trying not to show it.  She turned and continued on, being picked up by another camera, and then she was at the doors to the shuttle bay.  They opened at her command and the stumbled forward.  There was one shuttle left, one beautiful shuttle and she bolted across the floor towards it.  People, officers, were already climbing on board but they saw her breaking for it across the deck.  Calling out to them.  Ji rushed across, the deck plating taking a pounding by her boots.  Half way there she suddenly stopped and fell down to one knee and then all the way to the ground.  A puddle of blood forming around her leg.  She had been shot in the leg.  The camera angle showed, someone, a male, walking into the frame completely naked and not himself as he worked his way towards Ji.  She screamed out, and began to crawl away.  Begging the shuttle to stay, reaching out for them, but she was too far away and no one was willing to risk it.  They closed the hatch and the final shuttle took off leaving Ji in a streak of her own blood as she tried to crawl away from the man.  She tried to get up, slipping in her own blood and her leg unable to support her weight, she fell again.  She reached for a large thick pipe but it was too far away.  Sliding each inch that she could, but the man behind her advanced much more quickly.

There was a blood curdling scream, as Ji was taken by the Niga infected.  However, she never stopped fighting, and eventually she was able to wrangle the phaser from his hands while he was busy ripping her clothing off and working to get inside her.  He succeeded in both of his endeavours before she was able to get the phaser but Ji was a fighter, and she shot him, and then.. turned the phaser on herself.  She wouldn't be another one.  She refused.

[End of CPO Eun Sae Ji's record.]

Ji turned and hurled any and all food and liquid out of her stomach and into a pile in the center of the Bridge.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #6
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Transporter Room 03 | Deck 12 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @BZ + 2 Writers (Vacant)
[Show/Hide]Before the end, the development on the screen had become far too much for Liam to endure watching. When the infected crewman came for her, and the shuttle took off, he'd averted his eyes, his face twisted and sickened by the sounds of fear and fright this other Ji was making. He was breathing through his teeth, wanting to tell Ji to stop the feed on the screen, yet he froze up by the overpowering sound of what was happening. When the sound of the phaser hit his eardrums, twice, the whole bridge had lit up by the flashes, and Liam hadn't needed to see the screen to understand what two phaser bolts implied.

The sense of relief he felt when the computer finally announced that it was over was short-lived, however, when he could hear Ji retching. He looked around, found her and went to her side. He didn't know what to say, or how to comfort her in such a situation. Could anyone? He wrapped one arm around her, and if she wanted to, he'd wrap both his arms around her and hug her close, making soothing sounds and words. "Hey, hey, it's okay. You're here with me, and we'll get back to where we belong. If we can't get back on our own, you can be certain that the people on the real Theurgy will figure it out. We just need to wait it out, stay safe, and everything will be all right. Okay? We can survive this, together, and put this behind us. Given time, we'll push this from our minds, just like we've moved on from the Savi, the Klingons and the Borg boarding the fighter bay. I have three years of voyages on the Resolve through all kinds of nasty things that I've outlives, and you have your experiences here. We can move on. We're Starfleet, and we're strong."

Liam gave Ji all the time she needed, not leaving her side. Eventually, he told her what he'd learned when he checked the computer.

"It seems Thea was indeed installed on this Prometheus-class version of the Theurgy, but at some point during the outbreak, it seems like either the Infected or the survivors deleted her completely from the shipboard systems. She must have represented a threat to either side, and she was dealt with permanently. It said her positronic brain remains in the computer core, but it's... empty. There is nothing there any more. Only the auxiliary computer. We're on our own."

[Not quite.]

The loud, male voice was like a slap in the face for Liam and he bolted to his feet, looking around. Yet the sound had come from the intercom, he realised, seeing how no one but them were on the bridge. The surveillance system... someone had to be watching them on a screen somewhere on the ship. He felt a cold shiver run up his spine, and heard his heart beating in his ears. Liam had no idea who they were dealing with, but he did know that those infected with the virus eventually died from the seed bursting out of their throax or their wombs, depending on gender. It was a long, slow process before it happened, but the stardate on the computer said they had not been brought to a different time. It was the same day as it had been at Aldea. That ought to mean that the voice didn't belong to someone infected. The person should already be dead.

"Hello?" he called, looking around and trying to find one of the surveillance units in the deckhead. "I'm Liam Herrold and this is Eun Sae Ji. We mean no harm, we just want to be safe, and get back to where we came from. Can you help us?"

[I know who you are.]

The voice, it sounded awfully... familiar somehow, the static of the damaged intercom garbling the voice a bit. He couldn't quite place it, however. "That's... great. Who are you?"

No answer came...

...and the whole situation was beginning to freak Liam out. "Hello? Are you still there?"

Eventually, Liam looked towards Ji, unsure what to do or say. Should they leave the bridge? Should they try to find weapons? He wasn't even sure she was ready to move after what she'd just seen on the screen.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #7
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | How to do This | Can We Go Home | I Need a Round Trip | Someone Fix This Shit!]
@Auctor Lucan

Ji didn't want anyone to witness what she had, and unfortunately, Liam was in the same room as her.  It wasn't that she was embarrassed about the situation but this was something gravely personal and despite knowing that Liam loved her and cared for her she felt quite.. strongly about the fact that she didn't want anyone to know what had befallen her.  Even though it was another timeline, or another universe, or whatever it could be called.  She felt sickly and was glad that she hadn't had a large lunch, nor time to snack, with her busy work schedule.  Still, her stomach dry heaved even after it was empty while she clutched the back of a nearby chair until Liam was there at her side.  Ji didn't like to feel vulnerable, at least, not when she was working and not when she was just around.  She didn't mind being vulnerable in bed and things like that but, this was different and she felt extremely exposed.

He put his arm around her and she turned brushing her mouth against the back of her sleeve to get rid of any residue as she curled into his chest and let him hold her for a long moment.  He promised that she wasn't alone, she was there with him, and that they would get through it together and head back home.  Everything would be all right, she swallowed heavily and gave a nod, just trying to burrow into his chest.  He reminded her that they were strong and she would survive this.  Ji gave a silent nod as her arms came up and wrapped around his waist just needing a moment to hear his heart thundering in her ears and feel his arms around her, his hands on her and for a moment she thought about his touching have a slightly metallic feel, and yet, she knew that was not true.

Liam spoke as she calmed down but she hadn't let him go yet.  Her eyes were closed and Ji was focusing only on his words and the sound of her own breathing so that she could remain calm as much a possible.  He told her that Thea had been installed on this version of the Theurgy but somehow during the outbreak she had been deleted.  That was enough to make Eun Sae pull her head back off of his chest.  The brain had been stored in the computer core but was ultimately empty and would not be of any help to them.  They were on their own.

“I can't believe all of this.” she said stepping back.  The smell of her own puke made her stomach churn even more and she really felt like she needed to get off the Bridge as quickly as possible.  There seemed to be no actual reason to come back either.  Suddenly though, there was a voice from the intercom and Ji jumped.  It was male, loud, and it surprised the both of them because they had been pretty sure they were alone until that very second.  Liam was on his feet looking around, and Ji went to grab a tool.. a phaser.. something on her hip only to realize they had been on their way to a meeting and therefore had no weaponry on her. 

Liam took it on himself to interact with the invisible man.  Introducing themselves to him only to find out that he already knew who they were.  She looked over at Liam as she wondered just who could it be because if Liam had been on the ship then this time line was already a mess because he hadn't been on board the ship when the Niga came through the first time.  Liam tried to get more information out of the invisible man but the man began to not answer and Ji rolled her eyes.

“What is it with men and fucking dramatics.” she sighed softly.

She thought about what to do next. 

“Computer, list the living members of the Theurgy currently on board the ship.”

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #8
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Transporter Room 03 | Deck 12 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @BZ + 2 Writers (Vacant)
[Show/Hide]Thinking that Ji had the right idea, asking the Starfleet computer who it was that had spoken, Liam fell silent in anticipation of the reveal.

[Access denied. Authorisation required.]

"What?" he said, frowning, "Computer, who was it that used the intercom on the main brigde just now?"

[Access denied. Authorisation required.]

Looking at Ji, it dawned on Liam what must have happened. The one who was looking at them through the surveillance cameras must have locked them out of the computer by rescinding their security authorisation, preventing it from recognising their requests. Liam was not prone to cursing, even though he very much felt like it right then, because if this stalker of theirs aboard the derelict ship had the means to turn the computer and effectively the ship against them, who knew what he might do to them? One thing was certain, however. If this person locked them out, then he likely didn't have the best of intentions in their regard.

"I think we have to arm ourselves," he said to Ji as he walked to the sliding doors from whence he'd come. He looked out into the corridor, only to find it empty save for the flickering lights caused by the damage to the ship. "You, at least, have your martial arts training. I have virtually nothing, so I'd be more confident with a phaser or even a hyper spanner, at the very least."

He looked back at Ji, keeping his worries from showing in his face. "Let's go."

[ 20 Minutes Later ]

Whilst moving down the ship corridors, Liam had kept silent, since they were not trying to make any sounds in their search for weaponry. Early on, they had decided to head for known ground, and for them, that was the Fighter Assault Bay. There, perhaps, they would be able to find something. At least they hoped so, knowing that going to the Security Centre wouldn't do them any good. If they didn't even have access to the turbolifts any more, then getting access to Security to get weapons would be a fool's errand. They did pass a couple of weapon lockers in their path, before they'd climbed into the jefferies tubes, but they had all been empty. Likely picked up and used during the Niga incident. Entering the jefferies tubes wasn't just a necessity now that they couldn't access the computer any more, they would also be able to get out of eye-sight from the surveillance system and the unknown person that was watching them.

And watched, that was exactly what Liam felt he was, when he climbed out of the Jefferies tubes on the deck where they believed the fighter bay was at. It wasn't entirely easy to navigate the ship since it was a Prometheus-class version of the Theurgy. How this could be in this... alternate reality, Liam didn't know. He was no scientist. All he knew was that they had to hope the officers on the real Theurgy would be able to bring them back to where they belonged. Somehow.

"It should be down here," said Liam quietly, and walked slowly down the corridor to the doors which would take them into the fighter bay. Evidence of battle could be seen, as if someone got the idea to use the armament on a warp fighter inside the bay. For when they reached the doors, the outline of a missing section of the bulkhead could be see just further down. Instead of having to pry the doors open, should they not admit their access, Liam stepped up to the opening, pushing a few hanging cables aside. Beyond the opening in the bulkhead, the expanse of the fighter bay could be seen...

...and it was so small compared to the real Theurgy's bay. Everything seemed so cramped together, the slots in which the warp fighters were supposed to be seemed almost on top of each other, being used to the bay they saw every day. The basic outline seemed the same, however, the number of doors and areas appropriate... only without the excess of space between everything.

"I guess this is it..." Liam stepped through the opening, listening attentively to any possible sounds out there in the bay, but everything was dead quiet. Without the hum of any impulse engines or warp flight, the ship just orbiting Niga like a satellite, the whole ship felt like a tomb. Which was apt, since while there were no warp fighters present in the bay, there were bodies in various state of undress and decay. They had been lying there to rot for a couple of months, and the scent had been prevalent to different degrees all the time since they came aboard. Liam reminded himself that they had not come to stare at the fallen, but to find weapons... should their unknown stalker decide to do them harm.

"See anything we can use?" he asked Ji quietly, stepping towards the weapon magazine room, hoping against all odds that they could get access to something inside. He remembered using counter measures when the Asurians boarded the real Theurgy, and it might be those had been left alone. "Chances are tha-"

A loud sound from the other side of the fighter bay made the deck below their feet reverberate, and Liam froze mid-step - eyes darting about. Then he felt it, the tug on his clothes, and a glance towards the bay doors confirmed it, just in time for the whining noise to steal his words, and the rush of air yanking him off his feet. The bay doors! He's opening them!

Beyond the opening bay doors, the green planet could be seen, blurred by the bodies that were being sucked out into space along with the air in the fighter bay. "Ji!" called Liam, trying to see if she managed to grab a hold of something. He hoped she'd not stepped too far from the hole in the bulkhead, and could seize one of the cables there. As for himself, he was right in the open, with nothing but the deck below his feet to claw at. He was already tumbling down the deck towards the bay doors, desperately trying to get a hold on an edge somewhere. "JI!!"

Surely she'd been able to get back into the corridor? He could no longer see her in the bay. All he could do while he struggled, was to try and leap towards the side of the bay, flailing arms trying to seize the edge of the opening to one of the maintenance bays - panic shortening his breath and his means to think clearly.

OOC: I was thinking that Liam's fate, whether or not he reaches the bay, could be an unknown? Since the bay doors remain open, Ji wouldn't be able to stay there, at least. *grins*

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #9
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | All We Need is Toto | How Can This Happen? | I Want to go Home]
@Auctor Lucan

The Jefferies tubes eased some of the nervousness that Ji felt.  The jumpy behavior and quick shudders as she walked through the corridors eased slightly once they were into the internal walls of the Theurgy.  She wanted to go home, right now.  Back to the ship she had known and loved for a long time.  Back to where her friends, her boys, her work was.  Back where she still had to play poker with Thomas, back where she needed to pay another visit to Nicander, back where she needed to get her work done.  She wondered if time there was passing the same as here.  How long had they been gone?  Would the deck worry that their Chief and Assistant Chief had suddenly disappeared off the ship?  She knew that she had trained the deck well enough to be able to take their absence and still get their jobs done for a while.  But, the lack of being there to make sure it all ran smoothly bothered her a little bit.  Ji was not really a control freak.  She was fully of the mind that her men were well trained and could do their jobs without a 'mother' lording over them, at least, until it was proven otherwise.

Ji was so lost in her own thought processes that she wasn't even thinking about where they were going.  She knew, in the back of her mind still, they were headed for weapons.  But, if who ever was currently alive and running the ship had locked them out of the Computers it would be much harder to get.  Liam's voice broke through her mental panic and made her look down to where he was just below her.  In the low lighting of the Jefferies tube his blonde hair seemed like a beacon of sorts beneath her.  She swallowed down a lump that formed remembering for a moment what had happened in the Brig not all that long ago.  Betrayal formed heavily in her gut, she would have to figure out what to do about all of that had been feeling pretty shit about herself since then.

They got to a hatch and climbed out into the corridor and began to walk through it towards their destination.  She hoped that they bay would have something, it was the best bet since it seemed to have a plethora of fighting and the score marks on the corridor walls and doors proved that they had been used here.  Hopefully, there were some left.  Ji would feel a lot better if she had something with her even though ultimately it might not protect her.

The fighter bay was like home to her, and even though it was different, she immediately felt a little better when they walked towards the bay.  Knowing what lay beyond.  There was a massive section of bulkhead that was missing and Liam headed that way pushing cables and wires out of the way to see through the large hole to make sure the destination was what they thought it was.  Sure enough, it was.  Ji stepped forward and leaned over slightly so that she could look through the slits in the cables to see what it looked like in there.  Carnage.. absolute carnage.  Instead of even attempting the door, he decided to just step through the large hold in the bulkhead.  Ji let him for first since he was the one that seemed to be spearheading this whole situation. 

The smell in the bay was horrendous, Ji's nose burned with the varying degrees of decay hitting her senses.  She tried not to gag, but it didn't work.  She was still reeling from the fragrant odors as Liam headed across the deck to the Magazine room.  Ji was about to follow when a large noise radiated across the deck echoing slightly as it did so.  Ji's eyes shifted further into the bay where the doors were beginning to crack, the bright green light of the planet they were orbiting began to infiltrate, the tug on her suit was beginning already, the fabric being pulled before it was enough to grab her entire body. 

JI twisted and grabbed the thick cables from in the walls.  Already her body was being pulled, she could hear the screams of Liam, and looked around wildly for him, the whites of her eyes large with fear.  She couldn't see him though, only hear him, right now she had to concentrate on getting herself to safety.  The muscles in Ji's arms worked hard as she pulled her body up the cable and into the hole they had come into to begin with.  Grabbing the jagged bulkhead cut into her hand, she could feel the blood beginning to well but Ji refused to give up.  Using her boots, her legs, her knees, cutting into her clothing she was able to push herself into the corridor again before the vacuum could get too strong for her to fight.  On the other side of the make-shift door she fell to the floor and crawled, still with great effort, to make sure the wall was behind her.  Pressing her body against it, and holding onto the cable just incase.

She couldn't hear anything anymore except the scream of air escaping.  Debris, bodies, and what not came flying down the corridor to the hole in the wall.  They began to make a make-shift patch over the break in the bulkhead.  Liam...

Ji had no idea what had happened to him.  She could only think the worst and hope for the best.  Tears streamed down her cheeks as once she was able to, she got up and ran back up the corridor and back to the Jefferies tubes.  If she was going to survive until the Theurgy could beam her back she was going to have to play a game she didn't want to have to do.  But, it was important, and she had to live.  She didn't know which person with a God-complex was playing doll house at the moment, but if she found him she was going to wrap her strong calloused hands around his neck and watch the life bleed out of his eyes.

Ji would disappear from all cameras.  She didn't know the map of this particular ship, but she would figure it out.  A destination and idea formed in her mind.  Now Ji was on the move, blocking Liam from her thoughts, she couldn't think about him being spaced, or it would be harder to move forward.  No, she would have to survive for the both of them and just keep hoping that he had found some way to survive.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #10
[ The Presence in the Darkness | Somewhere on the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 
Too long he had waited, bid his time in hope for more games to play. He had run out of toys long ago, most of them having been too willing for his own preferences. He'd spent them all by then, and merely kept the company of the plants. He'd given them what they wanted, more times than once, just because he could. The pain involved was a welcome experience, since it wasn't entirely his own, was it?

As he walked there, down the flickering halls of his playground, he wondered, how many seeds had he let burst forth through his skin? How many times had he relished the mess and the aftermath, revelling in the sensations that few others could ever feel? Had he lost count already? Better yet, it was a simple task to mend the damage done afterwards, wasn't it?

Chuckling, he shook his head - pale eyes glowing with pent up power. With every step, the air stirred around him, as if reality warped around his presence. It filled the whole of the ship, if not by movement of air, by crackle of ore, or roar of fire. In his wake, a riven lab coat decorated in blood lazily trailed - buffeted by his step.

Stopping by a control panel in the corridor, he turned his face towards it - his countenance twisted by a smile. As he did, he saw it happening before, and many times over. He had stopped by the panel before. Countless times. He'd sent the male out through the bay doors again and again, and yet here he was, in the next Cycle, doing it again. Oh, how he enjoyed the outer body experience of knowing how it might end, and how it had ended so many times before. So many ripples in the time-stream, fractured images in the darkness that cascaded imagery of what might come next. Once more, he raised a tattooed hand against the panel, and summoned the location of his remaining visitor.

"There you are," he said, his voice carrying through the ODN system of the ship and blasting the area she was in. "Mind your step. The winds know where you might be heading..."

Leaving the control panel behind, the artificial light overhead caressed his scarred torso. The layered scarring across his abdomen and chest was framed by the stark whiteness of his bloodied lab coat, and unkempt hair touched his shoulders. His pale grey eyes were not his own, but they were set on the future to come... where he'd reacquaint himself properly with someone he'd known quite well, in a timeline altogether different.

New memories, they were, surfacing across the boundaries of his current existence.

Perhaps she knew how to break them?

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #11
[CPO  Eun Sae Ji | Run | Fight | Hide | Alone]
@Auctor Lucan

Ji moved through the Jefferies tubes, she didn't know this place as well as she would have known it were it the Theurgy.  She had been through the Theurgy so many times, but right now, she was just doing her best.  Most of the decks were labeled with numbers and she had a decent idea of where she could come out at.  She had a plan and hoped that it would work.  The Jefferies networks would only get her so far and not to the place she wanted to go, but if Ji was going to live she was going to have to play smart.  That was the most important thing.  She had no idea what happened to Liam, she had no idea who was after her, but the voice sounded eerily familiar.

Again the voice sounded over the whole intercom system.  Ji jumped even in the jefferies tubes, knowing that he was hunting her down.  His goal was to find her, and what he would do after that.. well she didn't want to know.

Pushing the door open, she pulled her body out of the jefferies tubes.  Out on the corridor she read the panel that stated what was on the deck.  She moved through the deck with a destination in mind, glad that she had picked the right deck.  Ji didn't waste any time, she ran down the corridors past all the dead bodies, the carnage, the scuffs on the deck plating and what not.  She ran til she got to the room labeled gym.  The door was off kilter, hanging at an odd angle and wouldn't open properly.  But she pulled herself up where the widest part of the V separating the two doors was.  Shoving her body through the fell on the floor hard.  A small cry escaped her lungs as her shoulder smarted from the impact.

Getting up, she moved through the gym and towards the locker room.  Again, more and more bodies, but she tried not to see any of them.  The smell alone was enough to turn her stomach.  Inside the locker room she wasted no time going through all of the various lockers.  Most of them had been gone through already.  Most of them were empty or their contents spilled out on the deck.  She found towels, clothing, pictures, mementos of peoples lives, she found socks, and uniforms, underwear and water bottles.  So many things, and not one of them useful. 

Ji headed back out into the main gym, across the gym was a Security officer still in his uniform.  She could see the phaser on his leg.  She worked her way through the gym, past all the pieces, and to the spot where he was.  There was a woman on top of him, her abdomen blown out through some kind of plant life that was now dead and the cavity of her midsection rotting and filled with bugs.  Ji was glad for the empty stomach she now had, but she was heaving anyway as she shoved the woman off the Security officer and quickly grabbed at his phaser.  She went to pull it out but it fell into her hands in two pieces.  It wasn't going to be any good and now Ji wished she could take advantage of the shower room, but that wasn't an option. 

Again. She looked around desperate for an answer, and ended up just picking up one of the steel pipes that people used for lifting weights.  Holding the small bar in her hand, she figured she could use it as a club until she found something better.  Right now though, she needed to hide.  Hopefully she could see who was coming after her before they found her.  That was the only way to hopefully get a head of this situation.  Ji slipped across the room and towards the sauna room.  Stepping inside she left the door to the sauna ajar so that she could see from the crack who was coming if he came into the gym after her. 

I have got to get out of this.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #12
[ The Presence in the Darkness | Somewhere on the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 
Having tracked his prey, the beautiful little human he'd exploited so many times, in so many Cycles, the presence aboard the Theurgy stopped outside the damaged doors leading to the gymnasium. He raised his white-glowing eyes to look at the v-shaped opening at the top... but like so many times before, he refrained from entering the lower gymnasium. He had before, of course, and it had been a rewarding experience to corner her in the steam room, far inside there.

This time, however, he smiled and decided against it. Instead, he stepped away, heading to the control panel a little further down in the corridor. When he came to a stop before it, his bloodied and torn lab coat settled around his black uniform trousers. He was barefoot, of course, because of his Envonian ethnicity. He'd always loathed footwear, and it was liberating to never have to wear it again. The light in his eyes danced over the bulkhead as he accessed the LCARS interface and summoned the controls of the transporter system, which was operational enough for limited use. Since his prey and himself were the only ones aboard the ship, and the system was made for an entire crew's usage, there was certainly enough bandwidth available for the little game he meant to play.

Instead of him coming to her, he'd make her come to him.

With a tattooed hand, he established a transporter lock.... but not on her. That would not be any fun at all. No, he would use the sole company he had on the ship to help him instead. The site-to-site transport was fairly easy to make, having picked one at random, and when he tapped the last button, he remembered what they used to say aboard, when Starfleet protocol had a place in his life. "Energising..."

His prey would no longer be alone in her little hiding place. No, she'd just received some dear company, in the form of a fully grown sample of the Niga flora. The sweet, intoxicating scent might just stir some memories, before she actually saw it there behind her. Two meters tall, lush with foliage, and set in soil from the Garden of Eden. Such a vain name based on Earth religious myths, but he'd never heard some other name from the infected crew... before they all had died out from his games.

The plant's many violet flowers would turn towards her, like a hydra. The pungent aroma they emanated would permeate the air, intoxicating her. She might still, if she focused enough, possess her natural fight or flight response. She might just escape the vines that sought to seize her ankles, before her thoughts became too leaden with desire, and escape from her little hiding place. The vines were long, and might chase her, but the presence in the corridor knew that he might have to transport more flora into the gym to flush her out...

...and once she crawled out through the damaged door just down the corridor, he'd be waiting for her.

If she was caught, however, he'd merely step inside and join the plants when they played with her.

Either way, she was his.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #13
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Burn the Fucking Forest | I Hate Fucking Plants | I'll Never Grow a Fucking Flower in My Life | Perfume is for Pussies]
@Auctor Lucan

Ji waited. 

Surely, he was coming and surely he would be here soon.  Who ever he was, she just knew that he was going to track her down.  She wished that phaser that she had found out worked but she had a feeling nothing was going to go her way on this ship.  Once more, as she waited her mind turned to Liam.  Wondering if he was all right, hoping he wasn't floating in space around the ship dead.  She had not been able to tell him about Luca and she had not gotten the opportunity to figure out what she wanted to do.  More so, she really did care for him and the fact that she had no idea of his fate was bothering her and making her feel stick to her stomach.  As much as she didn't want to have to tell him what was going on, she would still like the chance because he was pretty damn amazing.  Please don't be gone. she thought to herself right before she heard the telltale sound of the transporter behind her.

She turned, and her eyes widened as she recognized the plant all too well.  She could feel the shudders of memories breaking free from her mind to assault her.  The vibrant purple flowers, all lof them began to swivel towards her because of her being unaffected.  Already, she could smell the perfume, and already, she was dying to run but at the same time she was so enamored in what was happening.  The flowers were so pretty, and if she got closer she could smell them better.  She could look at the various purple hues in the blooms and the soft colored centers.  Ji almost took a step forward, until a rustling on the floor caught her attention. 

The vines!  Oh fuck no.

Ji threw the dumbell bar that she had been intending to use against her guests' head at the crawling vines that were heading towards her.  It wouldn't stop them for long, but it would hinder them for the split second that she needed.  Ji was not the screaming type so she didn't scream at all as she darted out of the sauna turning just in time to slam the door to the sauna closed behind her.

“What the fuck do you want from me!” she cried out into the gym, not knowing if the person could hear or not.  But, she was cornered, there was no where to go but out.  And nothing she could do in here.  There were more plants and more teleporters that would only serve the same result.  Sure enough, moments later, the bright blue glow of a transporter being used came into play as she watched it take the shape of another planet.  She turned and ran, back through the doors.  Not any more agile a exit than the entrance she fell bodily into the corridor with a loud sound of air escaping her lungs.  She could already see the vines of the plant poking and prodding through the door opening.  Rolling onto her stomach she popped up and took off down the corridor.

As she came further down the corridor she could see someone standing there.  Tattered, blood covered labcoat.  The frame, the hair, the skin, she knew that person.  “Luca!” she cried out his name in relief.  Slowing her run to a jog and then to a quick walk the tension bled out of her shoulders as she walked closer to him not seeing the glowing eyes yet she just saw him there, still alive.  “I have no idea how you made it alive without getting caught.  Who the heck is chasing us all down?  I'm still trying to figure everything out.  The plants are everywhere..” she said.

“Man you're a sight for sore eyes.”


Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #14
[ The Presence in the Darkness | Somewhere on the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 
Like a scattered image before his glowing eyes, Lucan didn't just see Eun Sae Ji crawl out of the broken doorway and land upon the cold deck plating one time. No, he saw it happening before, and how sometimes she would run in the opposite direction, and other times towards him. It was odd, however, in how the old images seemed unfamiliar to him, as if with this Cycle, the past ones had been altered as well. What had the Theurgy done to unravel the tapestry of time in such a fashion? Surely the images of Ji, and the experiences of her arrival, would not seem so recent? Through the abyss, he saw it all nonetheless, and he could but wonder how it had come to pass. Had the Theurgy and her crew, in some other reality, managed to escape the virus he carried? Or had something else happened, which had sent ripples down the time-stream?

This Cycle, for whatever reason, Ji came his way, and he just stood there and smiled while she approached.

That name... he thought, the echo of 'Luca' traversing the depth of the dark void, and he realised she'd called him that. The connection to the host body... it had been weakened. The Radiant had got to him, surely. Yes, this is the Ji that came to me in the cell. Was it her reality that set time in disorder? Or is she just a facet of that effect, since I've seen her here before? Hard to tell. Nonetheless, she's here again, which suggests that she might come once more.

The Cycles hadn't ended, and the darkness yet fed.

"Oh, Ji," he said in a soft voice, and he stepped out of the shadow and into the overhead light - his feet making whispers against the deck of the corridor. He could see the glow of his own stare reflected in her big, dark eyes. She would undoubtedly see the layers of scar tissue at the front of his bare torso, knitted together in a cursory way with his dermal regenerator, and she would undoubtedly slowly piece it all together. He expected to see the shock dawning in her eyes, unsure if it would be before or after she could smell him. For he carried the same scent as the flora he'd just subjected her to, like all the other people that had been left behind on the ship. "I am so happy to see you as well."

His next move was one propelled by his disconnect with the host body. The darkness that imbued his frame served to both strengthen and quicken him, phased out of corporeal restrictions as he was. In no time at all, he had closed the distance to her, and caught her by the neck with his tattooed hand. He held her there while he smiled at her - the light from his eyes casting her face in garish glare - and he let her struggle all she wanted. Against him, his scent or her doubts about his nature. Perhaps even her hopes against all odds that he remained the same 'Luca' she had left behind.

"Let me show you," he said, and while he didn't scream, his deep voice had risen to a kind of eldritch scratch against the fabric of their current reality, "what I really wanted to do when you saw me last."

Then his grip around her neck tightened gradually, suffocating her completely. Effortlessly, he lifted her feet clear from the deck plating. Soon, as he continued to squeeze, her vertebrae would yield, and her flesh split between his fingers. If her fight-or-flight response kicked in before then, he'd let her kick him all she wanted. He would even enjoy the pain she might cause the host body. It would be inferior to the experience of the seeds that had sprung through his torso, but pain was still pleasure, no matter how minuscule.

Then, he tilted his head, and the white light of his eyes turned from her face and caressed her thrashing body - suspended as she was from his grip. Was he really about to waste such a delectable opportunity, by breaking this new toy so soon? No, perhaps not. She would likely be more than willing, if he only let his scent turn her to his will. Her compliance was inevitable, if he only exercised a bit of patience...

So he dropped her before she suffocated, yet to have damaged her neck. Oh, how she reminded him of a mewling animal. Another skin-puppet, so easily bent to his will. They were all made to breed and die, after all. A pointless existence, about to cease.

"Look at me," he said to her, and his cutting words flayed the bulkheads. "I am your end."

Then he began to step after her.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #15
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Big Trouble in Little Theurgy | Not the Buddy I Was Looking For | Something is Wrong | Can't Stop the Feeling]
@Auctor Lucan

It was a relief when he answered.  That familiar voice brushing across her ears causing her to relax even more.  He was amazing, Luca, and she was so glad that he had survived through everything that had gone onto the ship.  How he had, probably due to the parasite or maybe it was because he was from another race.  Whatever the reason she was thankful that he was here and she had someone that she could count on.  Someone that maybe she could go with to mount a rescue of Liam, figure out what happened to him, if he was still alive and how they could get home.  Maybe Luca knew of a way that they could get off the ship and back to their own timeline.

Lucan turned towards her and began to step out of the shadows and towards her.  Her eyes went straight to the blood covered labcoat and the uniform that ws ripped in so many places she was shocked that he was even still wearing it at this point.  Underneath was a sever criss cross of various healed wounds that had left heavy scars on his once beautiful body.  Ji slowed her walk, not because she felt a threat coming but because she was in such awe of what he had survived and yet he was still there standing and trying to help her.  Finally, she looked up into his eyes which were glowing, and that was when she realized this was not her Luca, this was something else, someone else, the parasite if nothing else.  This was the Luca that would have come if the parasite had not been put under control. 

She wanted to run.  But, he smelled so good.  He smelled like flowers, and perfume, and home.  Instantly, it relaxed her, and while her mind told her briefly to run she felt it starting to just pool in her mind that she was fine. This was Luca, and how could something that smelled so good be something that she should fear.  No no.. this is bad, I have to go.  I have to g-  Her thoughts were caught off before she could even really muster the thought to turn he was there in front of her with his large hand around her slender fragile neck.  She gasped as she looked up at him, her pupils dilating with the much stronger scent now.  Looking up at him fully drugged up with the Niga that he was giving out  his pores.

His voice was different now, higher pitched, less controlled.  Not her Luca.  Not my Luca.. not my Luca... she chanted in her mind but her body wouldn't listen and her mind was at war with herself.  She wanted to stay, in this warm good smelling company.  She needed to let him impregnate her so that the Niga could live on, so that she could live on, so they could conquer the ship together.  He told her that he wanted to show her what he had wanted to do last time she had seen him. 

“How could y-” Ji gasped as his grip tightened.  Fear hit her dilated pupils and her hands went up to his singular hand trying to get his grip to free her neck.  She was gasping for air, trying to draw any ounce of it she could down into her lungs.  As strong as she was she was incapable of actually doing what she wanted, she couldn't do much more than make scratches on his skin as he lifted her up with that single hand.  She fought, and kicked, her body's own natural response to the situation.  She kicked at his legs, at his hips, chest, groin, she wasn't aiming anywhere at all, just kicking because that was what the body did naturally when it was deprived.  It fought with everything it had.  Her hands turned from his hand and started to try to scratch at his face, getting one good swipe in as blood and skin welled underneath her fingernails.

He dropped her, and she fell with the thump unable to catch herself deprived of oxygen.  She ran a hand down her throat and sucked air into her lungs like a starving child.  She gasped harshly, her throat hurt, her neck hurt, and her body hurt.  Turning onto her back so that she could see him he stepped forward to her prone form and looked down over at her, saying that he was her end.  Ji shuddered at those words, but not because she feared him but because his scent was stronger now than before.  Her eyes dulled again, the fight was bleeding out of them.

“But... first?” she said, her voice raspy and coarse, reaching towards him as he closed the distance once more, her eyes barely showed the brown iris at this point, so high on the scent of the Niga, she began to get herself up off the floor.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #16
[ The Presence in the Darkness | Somewhere on the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 
It appeared that this particular time, the effect of his scent had overpowered Ji enough to keep her from fleeing. It made Lucan smile as he saw her rise up - neck still red from his grip.

Indeed, if she cared to play, what kind of gentleman would he be if he denied her?

"First..." he repeated, and tilted his head whilst studying her, wondering just how compliant she'd become from his proximity. "...incubation."

She could yet break free since he hadn't laid his lips to hers, much less shed his infectious seed inside her, and she might know it somewhere in the substructure of her consciousness. She acted and spoke merely from the primal response to his scent, and if she couldn't break free, she'd be lost. Her previous struggles had rewarded him with a modicum of pain, the cut from her nails and blunt trauma from her kicks being nothing more than a stimuli for him - enticing in how the host's nervous system made him feel it. Whatever further fight she might put up would only excite him further, making the inevitable only so much more enjoyable.

He wondered... just how willing had she become?

"Remove your clothing," he told her, his voice scratching at the fabric of time and place - echoing from beyond the corridor.

He said this as he began to circle her, denying her the touch she wanted, for there was a certain reward in making her volunteer, doing his bidding. Was she ready to deprave herself of any hope for survival? Was her feelings for the skin-puppet he wore strong enough? Teasing her, leaving her bereft of what she wanted, he thought he might make her give him anything he wanted.

Intellectually, she might see how she had little choice anyway. She was alone, with no means to oppose him. He had the whole ship and it's systems at his verbal command. He wasn't just stronger and faster than her, but he had unmitigated access to the host's elemental abilities. Even if she had been able to outrun him, she wouldn't be able to run faster than the storm he might unleash down the funnel of the corridor. From the moment she ended up displaced from her own reality, she'd been lost. He knew it, for he'd played this little game with her before. The unknown variable was if she knew how lost she was, and how she might act on that knowledge.

"Then, you remove mine," he commanded as he paced around her - the glow of his eyes caressing her in the flickering lights of the corridor - and he wondered if she'd come to her senses in time. Whether or not she'd still surrender... in the knowledge that she could only prolong her inevitable end.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #17
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Desperation | Funny Feelings | Dejavu | This isn't the Luca You're Looking For]
@Auctor Lucan


Ji tilted her head to the side, unsure of what that meant.  She was still in a fog, in a haze, but somewhere in the back of her mind she realized already this wasn't her Luca.  Her Luca had been gentle and caring, and sweet, he had been someone that held her ently and brushed his fingers across her cheek.  He had kissed her so gently and smiled at her when they were together.  He had hidden her from view of the cameras to give her as much modesty as possible.  Luca had taken care of her, and Ji's throat still hurt from the onslaught of this Luca's hand.  She knew that she should run, but, she also knew that it was going to be useless.  This ship was filled with the flora of the Niga, and not only that, but somehow they had been transported into the gym to flush her out.  As far as she knew, there was only one person on board, and that was Luca.  Which meant, he had sent the plants, and would send them again if she was to run. 

There was no escape.

I don't want to escape, I've had him before I want him again.

No, we can fight, run, hide.  He'll find me, he found me in the gym somehow.

I want to be found. 

No, I want to escape.

I want to escape in him.

Ji shook her head from the internal fight that was warring behind her skull.  Luca was walking around her in a very predator like way.  Part of her recoiled from this thought process.  She was the prey in this scenario, something that she knew all too well.  She could feel it, that desire to run, the knowledge that he was stronger, faster, and she should escape.  But also wooed by the power that he held in his body.  In his hands.  He told her to undress herself, her eyes widened, he continued to stalk around her.  Ji's soft brown eyes, widened with the horror of the situation followed his pacing when he was in her line of sight.  She clenched her hands against her side, gripping onto the pant legs of her uniform, so that she couldn't move them so easily.  He continued to walk, waiting to see what she would do.  Ji was stubborn, and she hadn't gotten where she was without a fight, without being able to actually do something with herself, to stand up for herself. 

But, he smells so good.

He told her then, when she was undressed, she could undress him.  “You don't have much left.” she retorted, in her snarky tone, that was very much Ji when she felt cornered.  Still, her hands released of their own accord and began to pull down her  yellow jumpsuit, the zipper going down past her naval.  Shrugging her shoulders out of it, the thin but strong fabric slipped off her upper body and pooled around her hips until she pushed it down all the way and it ended at her boots.  Those were kicked off and she stepped free of the uniform.  Only in her sports bra and panties now she padded quietly, almost silently over to where he stood in his bloody labcoat and his ripped uniform.  Her hands grabbed harshly at the uniform and pulled him closer with those muscles in her arms standing out brilliantly, the tattoo on her shoulder showing against her olive skin.  Her lips and his only a fraction of a breath separate, she used those muscles to rip his uniform straight apart.  The sound of ripping fabric resounded in the corridor where only the two of them were now.

“Your turn.” she whispered, just shy of her lip brushing against his. 

This close, his scent, it made her knees weak.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #18
[ The Presence in the Darkness | Somewhere on the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 
It was a delectable sight, seeing his prey comply with his bidding.

With shining eyes famished for flesh, all other playthings long gone, the anticipation of her bareness stirred him more than it usually might. True, the pollen of the Niga flora inhabited the cells of his body, and the pleasures of the flesh were seldom far from his thoughts... but the recent experience of the other reality made it all the better. Through the abyss, he recalled the warm loins of the Human female before him, and actually seeing her in the flesh before himself... Oh, it made him stall the impulse to hurt her. His tattooed hands closed into fists at his sides, but he did not strike her down.

She stopped prematurely, however, which vexed him to no end. She chose to come for him before she'd shed her last pieces of clothing, and yet the quieted the impulse to savage her for her disobedience. Because with his uniform merely being his trousers - the bloodied labcoat just donned over bare shoulders - Eun Sae Ji had grabbed his waistline in her pollinated hunger for him. She pulled him closer, quite unexpectedly, and then ripped his trousers apart. She bared him, in all his infected glory, and only tatters of his trousers remained around his thighs and calves. The cloth dropped from her fingers, yet his stare remained upon her face.

"Your turn." she whispered, just shy of her lip brushing against his.

He needed no further incentive.

Brutally, he seized her head, tattooed fingers hard against her scalp, and he laid his shining mouth against her lips. Thoroughly, he pollinated her with his saliva - lips and tongue battling hers. She was his, and while a mere kiss might take quite some time before it completely won her over, the pollen would spread to every cell of her body. She would change, become a slave to her base desires. She would begin to lactate, as most mammals might, and she would mewl for more and more. She was past the point of no return, and he would savour her, making her serve his every whim, until she broke like the rest.


The impact against his head made him stumble, his hands loosing their grip on Ji. Disoriented, he cast his glaring eyes about, finding himself on the deck plating of the corridor. He raised his shining stare towards the speaker who'd struck him, finding the blonde male there with a hyperspanner. He thought he'd got rid of the male already, but it would seem he'd managed to survive the decompression of the fighter bay. It wasn't the first time it had happened, so he should have anticipated it.

"Get away from her, you beast!" said the Ensign, his voice echoing down the corridor.

"Fool..." he said, the word a bit slurred. When he touched the side of his head, his tattooed hand came away red with blood. That was the reason the host body had become so sluggish. "She's already mine..."

"No... It can't be. She can be cured... I read the reports. There is an antidote. You made it." The words of brittle hope, spoken in anguish.

Nicander found himself laughing, an idea coming to him. Why not play with them both when he had the chance? "Actually," he said, and slowly got back to his feet in a disjointed manner. As he spoke, his shining mouth made the sweat on the male's face glimmer. He ignored his statement. "I already had her. She came to me whilst I was in the brig, before you came here, and she gave herself to me entirely. By the winds, she didn't even care about the cameras in the cell. That was how much she wanted me. So why do you even care what happens to her?"

"You liar!" the blonde said, and struck once more. Oh, how sweet the raw doubt sounded.

This time, the lad caught him across his cheekbone, and he staggered to the bulkhead. He put one hand against it, and levelled his shining eyes against the boy - blood running down across his white labcoat. Obscenely so, the pain made him even harder. Perhaps he'd sodomise the boy before he killed him.

"My turn," he stated through his teeth, and went for Liam Herrold. He spread his hands, and lighting began to crackle around his fingers. The stale air in the corridor began to move, like a wind being funnelled towards his new prey.

"Run!" said Liam, perhaps in vain, trying to save Ji even if all three of them knew it was too late.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #19
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Too Far Gone | Remembering Everything | He's Alive | Torn Between Two Evils]

Ji looked up at him, those dark brown eyes of hers giving a nod to her Korean heritage, looked into his lighter ones.  The bright light of the virus of the parasite shining through them, but she didn't mind.  They were beautiful in their own way.  Ji found herself fully relaxed as she stood there in front of him, he was bare to her now, she was not fully bare yet but she doubted he would let her be clothed for too much longer.  Lucan grabbed her head and pulled her forward that less hair's breath before kissing her soundly.  The moan that escaped Ji was unlike anything she had ever heard, and her knees felt truly weak just from the kiss laying on her lips.  He was holding her up and kissing her with everything he had, the lips were so familiar.  She leaned into him, her hands sliding around his waist, and grabbing his ass in her strong grip.  Suddenly, a scream from behind, but Ji didn't even really pay attention to it.  They were just jealous that she had Lucan first, they didn't know there was plenty to go around.

Something made Lucan stumble though, and break the kiss.  Ji grunted as the seal was broken and her dark eyes swam over to the intruder.  The virus was already taking hold though as she looked at the lean body in an Ensign's uniform.  The blonde hair, those blue eyes that she remembered all too well.  She could barely even revel in the fact that he was alive, she was far too interested in figuring out why they looked so hot.

Liam told Lucan to stay away from her, then Lucan said something about having had her before in the view of cameras.  Ji's face turned bright red, she hadn't even gotten to tell Liam about that yet.  She had intended to, but she hadn't worked up the nerve and now it was out there.  Though Liam was calling Lucan a liar, she knew that he would figure it out soon enough.  Liam struck out with the wrench again, this time clocking Lucan across the face.  Lucan was pissed now she could see it in his posture and in the way that he turned quickly on Liam and closed the distance to take him down. A wind began to blow down the corridor, and there was lightning crackling around the Doctor's fingers.

Liam looked over at her, told her to run, as if knowing he was about to die.

“That's no fun ...” she said sounded rather drunk. 

She walked over to the two men, their eyes were locked before the inevitable would happen. Liam, while strong, was not going to be any match for Lucan.  The man had more than just normal strength he was both infested and infected. If he wanted to, Lucan would kill Liam without a second thought.  Ji still remembered the hand around her throat only moments ago, and part of her wanted to run.  Let Liam do what he could to give her the chance to go, but at the same time, she couldn't leave him to that fate.  And, she didn't want to. 

They were both fine looking boys, and the virus was taking more of a hold by the minute.

Ji sauntered over to the two of them, and she put her hand on Lucan's shoulder as it rose to send the energy he held forth, about to scorch Liam and perhaps even killing him. The Câroon abilities of the Doctor and the power he commanded did not seem to phase her.  Her eyes were glazed and dazed as she looked at Lucan.  “Luca, we were having fun... do you want to play with Liam more than me?” she asked a little pout on her face.  She stood on her toes, and cupped his cheeks, making his eyes meet her own.  “Isn't there enough of you for two?”

[LCdr Blue Tiran | Fuck Did They Do Now | Why Can't This Fucking Ship Stay Golden? | Why Took So Fucking Long to Call in the Experts?]

Blue was currently laying down on her back, underneath a console that kept fritzing the fuck out.  She didn't need to fix it, she had other fuckers that could do that kind of work, but she wanted to fix it.  Because, it kept her mind busy and it allowed for her to delegate other tasks to the Engineers on her deck so they felt less like she was a job-hog and more that she was willing to do whatever was necessary.  Blue twisted another set of brand new wires together, linking one of the circuit boards to the main power conduit.  A small blinking yellow light on the circuit board told her that it was receiving the power now but it was not conducting it yet because she had the console powered off because the last thing she needed was some fun electrocution protocols on her sickbay jacket.

She reached down and grabbed a small screwdriver that barely fit in her delicate fingers secretly and began to screw the tiny screws in place so that the new board would be fitted properly.  [Commander Tiran, this is Transportation Room, 03, on Vector 02.]

Blue waited a moment since both her hands were busy.  Once the screw was fully secure, she tapped her combadge.  “Tiran to transporter, what is the issue?”  It was easy to assume there was an issue since they were contacting her directly and not just Engineering in general. That meant they were pulling out the big guns which meant probably someone had royally fucked up.  It seemed to be a pretty consistent thing that no one wanted to be the bearer of bad news for Blue even though she seemed remarkably cool under pressure.

[Commander, we have an issue.]

Blue rolled her eyes.  “Obviously, do you have details or are we fucking playing twenty questions here?”

[Uh. No, no sorry.  Um, Ensign Liam Herrold and CPO Eun Sae Ji were in the middle of transporting from Vector 02 to Vector 01 when they disappeared.]

This peaked the Engineer's interest.  “Explain disappear.  Because if you're calling me because they made it to Vector 01 as planned, then I'm unimpressed and you're wasting your fucking time.”

[No ma'am, I mean they disappeared.  They never appeared on Vector 01, and they are no longer on Vector 02.  I've been running diagnostics and trying to find their bio signatures, but I'm coming up empty.]

Tiran was quiet for a moment as her mind ran through the known possibilities but before she could go down any one path, she was going to need far more information.  First hand information.  She looked over at Albert who was perched on the side of the console where she was currently working and she rose her brow. 

[It does seem that what she says is true, Commander.  Diagnostics show that the two signatures departed and yet never returned.  No known destination is in the databank.]

“Well fuck.”

[I'm afraid that sort of activity will not be helpful in this instance.]

“Albert..” Blue sighed. 

[Shall I accompany, my technological advancement may be of some use.]

Blue's eyes shifted to her creation, the metallic owl with his bright blue glowing eyes.  Finally, she packed up her kit, closed the panel on the console, and pressed the power button.  Once it started up, she sat up and slid out from underneath the console.  Brushing back some stray curls she rose and nodded.  “Lets go, Cricket.”

[Did you mean me, Commander, my moniker has never involved Earthen entomology.]

Blue grinned.  “Lets go Albert, you get to leave deck today.”

[I am ripe with excitement.]

Albert used his anti-gravity boosters to push himself up off the console and over to Blue's shoulder.  Each of her uniforms had a metallic piece on her right shoulder, where Albert's claws could fit in and snap shut so that he could move with her when they needed to go together.  This way he could save his power for other things when necessary.  The definitive sound of Albert locking into place sounded in her ears as the two headed for the Turbolift. 

“We're on our way Conway, sit tight.”

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #20
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] @BZ + 2 Writers (Vacant)
[Show/Hide]Standing there, knowing he had likely no chance to defeat this Infested Doctor, this version of Nicander that they'd encountered in this derelict version of the Theurgy, Liam Herrold was prepared to die, as long as he gave Ji a chance to run away. Perhaps she'd makei it off the ship, somehow, if he only gave her a little bit of time. Perhaps the officers on the real Theurgy might figure out how to bring her back.

But as he faced the demon Doctor with the shining eyes, while the wind tore at his own uniform, Liam saw how Ji didn't run. His eyebrows rose in panic, as she stepped closer to the Infested. She wasn't herself. She couldn't be. She was acting as if she was drunk. The Niga infection. It had her. The Doctor had kissed her, and she was loosing herself, just like in the reports he'd read about the incident. Now, those on the real Theurgy might not take her back, at the risk of the virus spreading again. Whatever hopes Liam had were quickly being cut down.

Obscenely so, the Infested remained aroused despite the bleeding wounds Liam had caused - the blood shimmering in the light from his eyes. That light turned towards Ji, casting her wanton gaze in garish brilliance. While the imminent blast of energy that Liam expected to come out of the doctor's outstretched hand never came, he couldn't just remain where he was. Quietly, he began to inch closer, the hyperspanner heavy in his grip. He might be able to strike again. Perhaps he could shove Ji away from the Doctor and send her running away...

"I will mount him, just like I will mount you," said the Infested in answer to Ji, acknowledging the mad idea she'd had.

Two meters to go, and Liam launched himself forward, the swing of his hyperspanner going for the head again. He cried out with the force he put behind the strike, not sure if he'd get the same kind of chance again. Something went wrong, however, as his step was interrupted. Desperately, he made the swing nonetheless, but it passed short of reaching Nicander. One of his legs wasn't responding, and he lost his balance with his strike. He fell to the deck plating, bewildered, until he saw it.

The vine that had curled around his ankle.

"No..." he breathed, trying to kick it off. He tried to pry at it with his fingers, dropping the hyperspanner in the attempt. Wide-eyed, he looked back at the Doctor, and he was kissing Ji once more. "No!"

In panic, he tried to come loose, but he felt how the vine - which emerged from the damaged doors to the gymasium - was pulling him away from Ji and Nicander. He tried to grab a hold of something, reaching for the hyperspanner once more in hope to strike the vine and damage it, but by the time he tried to pick up the tool again, he'd already been dragged too far away, and he couldn't reach it in time. His fingertips merely got to brush the handle. His shout had turned shrill with fear. "Don't touch her!"

As if prompted by his cry, the Doctor ended the kiss, and pushed Ji down on all four - making her face Liam where he struggled to grab at the deck plating with bloodied fingernails. Liam could see her riveted face in the flickering light of the corridor, and how the Doctor positioned himself behind her - the blood-drenched white labcoat framing the scarred torso of the man. Liam knew what happened to those infected with the virus, but unlike the Infested, neither Ji nor himself would survive it. "Please! Don't do it!"

His pathetic begging was met with a sinister chuckle from behind Ji, and Liam met her eyes, knowing it was too late. His desperate grip on the edge of a plate in the deck wouldn't last, but while he held on, he'd be forced to watch Nicander claim his girlfriend. The sound of clothing being ripped apart overrode the howling wind. The tears of horror in Liam's eyes were in complete contrast to the gaze that met him, and it made him wonder if the Doctor had told the truth.

"Fight it, y-you don't want this. Run!" he managed hoarsely.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #21
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Love | Lust | Niga]
@Auctor Lucan

Everything seemed fuzzy around the edges.  Luca.  Liam.  They were there, but her body was only thinking about them in the fact that she could quite take them both.  Liam was screaming but she was far too busy kissing Lucan.  His hands on her body, their lips in a dance that probably only further allowed the infection of the virus to take hold.  Kissing him with everything she had, and running her hands down and across his chest.  She could hear Liam scream, the scream of someone that was hurt, wounded, and scared.  Not about her, no, he couldn't be worried about her because she was just fine.  He could share, it would be fine, he just needed to wait his turn.  Everything would be good. 

She knew that she should care about Liam's screams, and she would, in just a minute.  When she was done with Lucan .. when they had finished scratching the itch the two of them had together, she would go and check on him.  He would be okay, and if he wasn't then they could fix him up and still have fun.  He should get to feel the way that she felt, it was glorious and she just wanted more. 

Lucan pushed her down on all fours, and she looked over with her glazed eyes as Liam reminded her that she didn't want this.  To run.  One last time, to run.  She gazed at him as the fabric of her panties was torn asunder.  She smiled over at Liam.  “Don't worry, Li, you'll get your turn.”

She should run, part of her mind told her to run, to get out, to go.  To make it down the hall.  She knew there was the spanner, and she thought about grabbing it and bashing Lucan in the face with it, and yet, as he entered her from behind all the thoughts of those things slipped from her mind as her back arched and she began to moan.

[LCdr. Blue Tiran | What The Fuck | Why Wasn't I Called Earlier | Fixing Shit]

Blue came into the room, and looked at the very paniced officer standing behind the console.  With a flick of her hand she motioned for the woman to move.  “I don't know what happened!” she said, the panic evident in her voice. 

Blue gave a nod.  “Obviously, or you wouldn't have called me, what the fuck made you take so long to tell someone.”

“I thought it would fix itself!” she squeaked out, and Blue leveled a rather pissed of gaze at the young woman. 

“How long have they been lost?”

“Um... like.. an hour.”

Blue paused her fingers on the console where she was looking through all the information prior to their beam out to a different vector.  She slowly turned, and the girl's back straightened because she knew that she was likely in a fuckton of trouble, and she was.  Because, Blue could not imagine having two officers from their fucking ship lost where they should be able to be retrieved from for a fucking hour.  “Why the fuck was I not called ten minutes after you figured out this was beyond your limited understanding?” she didn't scream, no, this was worse than a scream, this was Blue Tiran on a cold rage.  This was Blue Tiran ready to bitch slap someone into next week and stomp on all their hopes and dreams.  Every syllable of the sentenced punctuated with disapproval and avid pissiness.

“Uh.  I just.. I asked another operator to see if they could fix it first before I contacted you I didn't want to bother you.” she stammered out.

“Right, so the two lost officers, they're just.. waiting.  Cooling their heals where ever they are, hopefully not in any fucking pain, or fighting for their lives, or whatever the fuck could be happening because we don't even fucking know.” she reminded the girl who paled.  “What did you do.”

“Uh well we restarted the system.”

Blue rolled her eyes.  “And?”

“And we tried to beam them back but we can't get their location well enough.”

A hologram appeared in the corner of Blue's eyes and she shifted her cold gaze over to the young woman's visage.  “Thea, thank you for responding, I need you to help me.  I need you to lock on Ensign Liam Herrold and CPO Eun Sae Ji's biosigns.  They've been lost in the transportation between vectors, and I think together, we can do this.” Blue stated to the holo female who was also a bit of a friend-ish.  They had all gone through a lot together and while Thea was not exactly flesh and bone, she still had gone through her own horrors at the hands of the Savi.  In the Turbo, not knowing the situation fully, Blue had called on Thea to come assist.  Sending a message to her, asking them to meet up.

With Thea's help, they were able to comb through the data much more quickly.  Thea was able to compile the information on the two officers, and Blue was able to correct the programming error that had somehow made it's way into the server and corrupted the transportation beam.  “This is a huge problem, how did this shit even get all fucked up.” she shook her head.  “We need to inform Ives and Ducote that the anyonic scanning for Infested is fucking with our transportation.  We need to shut down all transporters until I can get word with Ives and figure out how to fix this fucking shit.” 

Finally, she disabled the anyonic beam, and was able to give a nod to Thea, to bring Ji and Liam back.  The warm blue glow came a moment later.  The blonde male was on the ground reaching outward in fear, his hands and fingernails bloody.  The girl, had bruising around her throat, was completely naked except her sports bra, and in mid-moan.  Suddenly, the alarms went off in the transporter room. 

[Warning.  Niga virus detected.] 

“The fuck!” Blue cried out as she looked at the both of them. 

Ji was crawling across the transporter pad to get to Liam and was already pulling on his clothes.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #22
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Transporter Room 03 | Deck 12 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @BZ
[Show/Hide]One moment, Liam's life was ending, with his grip failing on the edge of the deck plating - sentenced to be taken by the Niga flora. Yet that hadn't been the worst of it, Ji had already been lost to the virus, ecstatic about the twisted version of Doctor Nicander claiming her. Liam had been too late, and both their lives would end in madness and a reality not their own.

"No," he'd managed, face twisted in terror at the sight of Ji loosing herself, and he shook his head in denial. His fingers gave out, and he had slowly been dragged away from Ji. The sounds she made were too familiar, only completely unbridled and caused by someone else. One of the Infested. Kicking and screaming, he refused to believe it would end that way. "No!"

Yet in the next moment, a sense of vertigo came over him, and he lost his bearings entirely. Had the vines that had seized his ankle twisted him around? The corridor seemed impossibly brighter, and the surface beneath him had turned from metal to glass. Wildly he looked around, squinting against the light. There were more people, shadows moving in the brightness. Voices! There were more of them!

Get away from me! he tried to call, but his throat had been dry from screaming already, and a mere wheezing sound hissed through his teeth. He couldn't quite get his bearings, but then there were hands on him. Ji? No, this wasn't Ji. It wasn't really her any more. Manically, she was working on his belt buckle and his uniform jacket, trying to reach the skin hidden beneath. The voices again. Thea? Wasn't she deleted? Why was she giving a warning about the virus now?

"The fuck!" A woman's voice, and Liam made out the figure outside... the transporter padd? Ji was right in his face, her clearly wanting to kiss him, but he turned his face away, panicked noises coming out of his throat. He tried to push her off himself, but she was too strong, and she almost had his trousers open. Denied a kiss, she might go down on him instead unless he got away from her. He didn't even know what was happening any more.

"Emergency medical transport initiated!" announced Thea, not from the intercom, but standing there in her holo-flesh. Dared Liam hope they were back? "Isolation and quarantine protocols in effect! Sickbay and Security has been alerted!"

Right when Liam was getting his bearings...

[ Isolation Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 ]

...he found himself on the floor of another brightly lit room. It looked almost like a large sonic shower but with white panels instead of blue, and there was a forcefield at the opening of the stall instead of a glass door. Ji was right there with him, still, and if she even noticed that they had been relocated a second time, Liam couldn't tell. In panic, he tried to push her off, while she tried to mix her bodily fluids with his in any way she could. There was a sweet smell beginning to come from her, as if emanating from her pores, and he knew what it was. He'd read about it. He'd scented it from the Infested as well. "Get away from me!"

Vocally, he protested, but his body was already responding, his struggling abating by the second.

Outside the forcefield, a white... robot appeared. She ran to the forcefield and the weird face - if it was a face - zoomed in on him and Ji. Quickly, she'd raised her hand and it opened up into some kind of weird scanning device.

"Confirmed! Virus detected! Issuing high stun protocol to detain the contamination!" the robot announced, and there was a whole team of doctors or nurses amassing outside the forcefield, making Liam more than a little bit self-conscious about his increasing state of undress, but it was a mere undercurrent to the terror of what he'd been through, even as it bled out of him because of the Ji's sweet scent. He'd more or less given up trying to stop him, no longer turning his face away from her. His light blue eyes sought hers, and he found himself running his fingers behind her neck...

"Protocol initiated in three, two, one. Energising!"

When the whole room flashed, and he lost consciousness, Liam was kissing Ji passionately - sanity leaving him already.

Re: Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #23
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Back Home | Spreading the Virus | Come to Me | Let's Play]
@Auctor Lucan

Ji was quite happy.  The tight hands on her hips, the vivid thrusts, each one further poisoning her with the virus.  She could not give a care for the virus.  There was Liam scraping at the floor just out of reach and screaming no.  The only thing she could figure was that he was angered he hadn't gotten to go first.  She wanted to tell him that his turn would be next, she could share, maybe, probably, but she was enjoying herself too much to give him a turn right now.  He would have to wait until her body was too tired to go on.  She had a feeling that Nicander had quite the stamina when he wanted to, but then she wouldn't even mind going multiple rounds.  It felt good, deep inside her, with every thrust he filled her and then came out again only to thrust back in just when she was about to whimper for more.  The sounds coming out of her body were loud and proved that she was quite enjoying herself. 

A odd tingling sensation took over her body, she was too far gone to figure out what it was, she figured it had something to do with Nicander just making it better.  Only at some point she stopped feeling him the way that she had a few moments ago.  She could feel him growing more faint, she grunted in surprise and anger as he was suddenly gone from her and she could feel the cold glass underneath her knees and hands now.  Completely naked, she was still on all fours when she was transported back.  She could hear voices but she didn't even register them at the moment.  No her eyes swung around to her mark.

Liam.  Liam could play with her, he had wanted to play with her back on the ship and now was his chance.  She crawled over to him and began to work on his belt.  Shoving his jacket to the side, he fought with her, fought to keep his clothes on.  She figured that he was just fighting because he didn't want to see easy in front of others.  It was cute, but she would get him off.  Suddenly, they were transported again, and this time to a clean white cell with a flashing white light.  Ji looked down at Liam, her scent was already over powering him.  When the light hit, he seemed to go unconscious and she took her opportunity to kiss him soundly finally.

[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Worst Nightmare | Niga 101 | Into the Known | Discovered]

Zephyr was standing at the nurses station inputting some information on one of her patients into the PADD that she had just seen.  The woman had been feeling chilled lately and turned out to have a fever.  It was a simple little bug, and there was already a hypo to treat her.  So it had been a pretty quick turn around, though Zephyr was the kind of doctor that made sure everyone who was sick took the rest of that day off for rest.  She had told as much to the woman who had just left.  Most of the officers she dealt with were grumpy when she told them to take the day off, but this one seemed grateful for the rest.  Zeph had just finished saving the file to the system when she heard a huge commotion over by the containment area.  The isolation area had not been used since Zeph came on board so she wondered what could have possibly have triggered it at this point.

Zeph put the PADD down on the counter so that it could be used by the next patient assigned to it and headed over to the containment field.  Vee was there stating that the protocol was being initated.  The bright light caused Zephyr to blink her eyes several times to get the vision back to where it was.  She watched for a moment as a naked Asian woman was tearing at the clothes of a lanky blonde guy.  She didn't know either of these officers, but it was clear, at least the lower one, was an officer.  However, as Zephyr watched she realized what she was seeing. 

The dilated pupils, the fact that he was fighting the girl at first and then just seemed to melt into her.  It can't be... not here.

Grabbing her tricorder she began to run scans of the people in the containment and isolation ward.  Even though the virus was labeled something odd, that she had not named it, she knew it for what it was as the information began to spew across her screen. 

“It's the .. Niga?” she said looking up she tucked her tricorder away the information it had was incomplete and would not help.  One of the doctors looked over at her in surprise.

“It's originated from a plant base hybridization of three varying plants.  A scented vine plant that relaxed it's user from the planet Zigo IV, it would use it's scented leaves to relax the insects and small animals in it's presence that it could consume them and continue growing.  Zigo had sunlight for only two hours a day, and thus, the plant life were forced to find other ways to gain energy.  The plant was eventually named Vite Nocturne.  The secondary plant used in the hybridization was a floral component, with bright purple flowers attached to vines.  The small vines with floral tips would reach outwards towards the sun the vines were extremely strong and the inhabitants of Anorus, used them for ropes and so forth.  The flowers themselves also had a great strong scent used to make love perfumes and acted as an aphrodisiac.  However the most interesting thing about Trictorcanus Consumae was that it would shoot barbs from the flowers to poison animals and people that got too close with it's concentrated chemical components.  In some, it would make them go into rages.  There was also an Earthen fungi toxoplasma gondii which, could control the mind of various insects.  Now at the time it made them going into a increasing desire to reproduce, the plan was just for making sentient races more malleable to contact.”

“The thought was, putting the three plants together, could create something that could relax people more easily, put them at ease, for certain procedures or diplomatic endeavors.” she admitted with a shrug she was in full on Botanist mode. 

“However, the reactions of the plants hybridizing with one another created something that the lab.  It didn't take long to realize it had created a virus that was highly contagious.  The virus Rhabdoviridae trichtovirinae gondovirus, was reproduced itself over and over again infecting the hosts quickly and promoting the mind control necessary to continue this.  The Virus was then labeled as R/TCNG/AS/2379 and the strain was N1G1, that's what we called it for the most part.  N1G1.” she stated and all of a sudden realized there were a crap ton of eyes on hers all of them widened in shock and surprise. 

“The.. tricorder readings were rather lacking in proper information on the virus...” she stated before she trailed off. 

Re: Day 17 [0900 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure

Reply #24
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Isolation Ward | Main Sickbay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 
When the energy field flashed, the two specimens behind the forcefield were kissing, which made V-Nine raise a metallic hand to the front of her cranial unit. "Oh, dear..."

Then, the two fell limply to the deck beneath them, both rendered unconscious by the energy field. It was the equivalent energy ratio of a high stun beam, and it could just as well have been administered by one of those crude phaser rifles that the Security officers brandished aboard the Federation ship. V-Nine felt... highly embarrassed on behalf of the female, the state of undress and elevated hormones she detected with her lens suggesting a primal mating behaviour. Were the reports about the Niga virus not exaggerated? a digital thought came to her as she wrung her hands and didn't know quite where to lay her field of vision. Surely it can't be...

Then, Lieutenant Praise - or Doctor Praise - began to speak, and in mounting perplexity, the android zoomed in on the Betazoid's face. The scientist revealed how deeply implicated she was in the design and creation of the horrible atrocity that had accosted the ship long before V-Nine came aboard. The others that worked in sickbay, standing around them, looked just as horrified as V-Nine's emotional feed made her feel. It was as if the mad scientist was speaking of the most mundane thing possible, showing not a shred of remorse over the profound impact that the Niga Incident had dealt upon crew morale. V-Nine had hundreds of personal accounts available from the treatment of the poor patients, loading up in her background processes, and double that amount from the publicly available articles from the counselling department.

In the end, one of the male Nurses just couldn't keep staring, anger making him find his voice. "I'm calling Security," he managed in a strained voice, and being one of the original crewmen aboard the ship, he must have had a personal experience of his own that made him act before the rest found their wits. "Doctor, stay right where you are."

Part threat, part instruction, coming from a lower ranking officer. Still V-Nine could understand how the Petty Officer, if a victim, didn't care about the chain-of-command upon learning that the very engineer that had synthesised the Niga virus and its flora were right in their midst. He made no move to grab a hold of the Betazoid, however, but he did tap his combadge and shouted for Security to report to the isolation ward immediately. All the other medical staff had come to distance themselves from the woman, but V-Nine decided that those in most need of attention at the moment were the two victims lying on the deck of the ward, behind the shimmering forcefield.

"I'm... going in," she stated, a lingering feed of shock in her voice as she stepped up to the replicator and wirelessly instructed it to generate the Niga antidote for a hypospray vial. A medical compound that hadn't been used since months, but would again be added to a treatment journal. V-Nine opened her forearm and inserted the vial, before she activated the forcefield and attended to her poor patients.

Behind her, two Security officers in exosuits barged in through the sliding doors, and hearing the shouted accusations from the male nurse, they seized Doctor Zephyr and dragged her away - ignoring anything she might have to say.

[ The Next Day | Day 18 | 1100 hrs. | Deck 07 Corridor ]

With his jaw clenched, Liam Herrold stood in the intersection, his thoughts erratic and going from one thing to the next.

After waking up in the recovery ward of sickbay, he had listened to the instructions from the android about staying in the biobed for the duration of the night. Numbly, and without much outward reaction, he had nodded. He'd looked around to see if Ji was there, but the android said that she was kept in the ICU instead, given how advanced her infection had gotten before she received the antidote. Liam had wanted to go to her, but he'd been denied. Instead, he'd inquired what happened, got the explanation, and then he'd learned about the discovery of Doctor Zephyr's involvement in the creation of the virus.

Liam had no idea who this woman was, but he'd already formed his opinion about her.

Yet be that as it may, it proved in the interrogations that it could be Zephyr had stepped away from the research when she'd found out about the results. Scuttlebutt had it that the researchers in her company had continued the research in her absence and with her unawares, and that she'd left the research station when she found out what had been going on. Liam didn't know what to make of that, not having any idea if the rumours were true or not, but he did learn that after spending the night in a holding cell, she was allegedly supposed to see Captain Ives.

So, since Liam wasn't allowed to see Ji, he had donned a fresh uniform and left the recovery ward the moment he was allowed to. With a frown and resolve in his step, he'd asked Thea about the Doctor's whereabouts, and he'd tracked her path towards the turbolifts that would take her to Deck 01 and the Captain's ready room. He meant to intercept her, and have his say.

When she stepped around the corner, he faced her directly - blocking her path.

He said nothing at first, letting her recognise him, for he knew she'd seen Ji and him arriving from that horrible reality in which the virus had overtaken the ship entirely. He stared at her with an icy fire in his eyes, and while he wanted to say far more... the residual gentle nature he once had... it just barely made him stay his temper. He could barely keep his taped fingers from closing into white-knuckled fists.

"Off the record, Lieutenant," he said quietly, the deferment to her rank paid mere lip-service, "I have found how much I despise people who, somehow, think they have the right to create things just because they can. In my eyes... you are no better than the Savi. The way I hear it.... they also went too far."

Feeling that his temper was getting the better of him, a temper he'd not felt since he'd entered service in the fleet, he stepped past her. Leaving her standing there, he merely added.

"I hope you'll be able to live with yourself."

Then he went to his quarters, in hope that Ji might come there... but little did he knew she wouldn't.

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