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Day 09 [1300 hrs.] The Targ House

[Lt. Zephyr Praise | One Pissed Off Betazoid | Luckily She is Cooled Down Slightly | You Won't Die | But Might Wish You Did]

Zephyr Praise had spent three days alone.  Three days since her mate had been sent to the Brig and she had heard the full story.  Three days to stew and try to calm herself down.  Three days to have a bad attitude and to know that she needed to confront him.  He was likely going to get out soon, and part of his punishment had been her lack of visitation up until now.  She had wanted to go see him immediately and confront him on what happened and just the heck he was thinking when he attacked his superior officer because of a small comment made.  Oh she hadn't been told everything by Thom but she was really gifted at finding answers and it wasn't long before the people on the flight deck were talking about this and that and she was able to piece together the story and she could tell from her empathy which was true and which was a bit more exaggerated.

To know that her mate had attacked Thom was bad enough, not only was he her friend (or had been) but he also attacked his boss, which in her mind was not acceptable no matter how much of an ass he was.  Zeph wasn't even in her uniform as she stormed down the corridors letting her mind rage as much as it wanted because she knew, she knew that he was going to feel her coming, and that was exactly what she wanted of him.  She wanted him to know that she was finally coming to see him and it wasn't in a good way.

As she entered Security she was stopped, and her biometrics scanned, the large muscled man looked at the screen on his console and gave a nod.  “Lieutenant, I thought you would visit before now, he's been in there for days.”

“That's precisely the point.” she said with a sharp voice her arms folded underneath her chest and that glare on her face that said someone was in trouble.  If the Security officer knew what was good for him he wouldn't cross her path before she got to Khorin.  Less he get a piece of the Betazoid he didn't want.

“Well, he's in cell six.” he said as he stepped to the side and let Zephyr prass.

The Brig was not a place she had been frequently, though she had visited this one before when she, Khorin, the apparent traitor, and the other one had all shared a cell after Khorin had exploded once off the Versant.  She stormed down the corridor, her boots connecting with the deck plating with a fierceness that didn't seem to serve in helping her calm down but only amp her up further.  She moved with such authority that her hair was moving around her quickly.  Finally, she saw him, he was pretending not to watch the corridor where she was walking but she could feel that his mind was focused entirely on her arrival. 

She turned and looked at the force field that separated them from one another.  She stood there staring down her mate.  She had no words, she was disappointed, she was righteously pissed off, and she was probably not going to hold any punches.  In fact, he was probably really lucky that he was protected by the force field at the moment, because, if she could have slapped him she probably would have.  He deserved it, he likely knew he deserved it, and Zephyr was not a very violent woman.  So she stood there, waiting, for him to come out with whatever he was going to say that would determine, greatly, how this conversation was going to go.

Re: Day 09 [1300] The Targ House

Reply #1
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Holding Cell number 6|  Brig | Main Security Center | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy]
att: @BZ

Like so many times in the last three days, Khorin was working out. He had completely lost track of how many push-ups he had done in that round. But the Klingon didn't care about it. At the end of the day, he had little to do there besides that. Sleep. Gaze at the ceiling plates. Wait until one of the security officers brought him his next meal. Wait for his customary shot. Wait. Wait. Think. And, of course, think never been his strong suit. If it were, he wouldn't be locked up in that cell right then. The Klingon's lips curled in a bitter sneer. As he lowered his chest to the floor he frowned deeply. When the white fabric of his undershirt brushed the floorplates, the pilot stopped. That was not entirely true. THOMAS RAVON was as guilty as he was of his present situation. And worse still, of Zephyr's absence.

That was the main reason why Khorin had been exercising to the point of exertion. His mate had not visited him at any time since he had been confined behind the force field. During the first night, concern and jealousy had crept into his brain, to the extent that the Klingon thought it was going to drive him mad. The next day, Khorin had begun to exercise, to prevent violence from taking hold of him again and pushing him to do something foolish and insane to find out why he could not feel her mind. Of course he was afraid of what could be found if, by some strange combination of circumstances, he managed to escape his confinement. Would he find her on the arms of the Alpha Wolf? Or so angry and offended by his behaviour that she didn't even want to see him again? Would she have severed the bond between them? His thoughts dragged him deeper and deeper into a spiral of jealousy and pessimism from which Khorin was unable to escape. So instead of thinking further, he was doing push-ups. So he didn't need to keep thinking. Just move his body.





A break to dry the sweat that began to pearl his ridges.


That was the moment when he noticed it. A kind of pull on the back of his brain. The inaudible snap of something he had missed that clicked back into place after a very long time. Khorin halted and held still for a brief moment, before he stood on his feet.


Oh, even someone with as little telepathic training as he could tell that she was angry. Well, that was a blatancy: she was raging. And she had no shame in hiding that anger from him. His mate WANTED him to know that she was going to visit him and exactly how she felt. Khorin clentched his jaw and dropped himself on the bunk which was the only object that broke the sterile symmetry of the cell. She had no right to feel that way. It was HE who had been abandoned in that cell. He was the one whose wings had been clipped, depriving him of the right to work on the only thing that he was good at. It was HE who had protected HER honour and had confronted HIS superior officer to protect it, to remove that harmful influence from her, that man who had made her suffer so deeply. He had behaved as was expected of HER mate. She should be proud of him, not outraged. He had put his career at risk for HER, for being the best Klingon partner he could be for HER. Some thankfulness in return was not too much to ask for. A visit to the loneliness of his cell. A little reassurance in the dull and tedious existence that had been his last three days. His hirsute beard bristled under his lips as he tightened his jaws even more.

After a brief pause, Zephyr's presence approached him even more. In fact, after a few minutes, Khorin was able to hear her furious footsteps thundering down the corridor, while her anger washed over him like an unstoppable tide. Khorin struggled to remain lying on the mattress facing the wall opposite the corridor, as intensely as if his gaze were able to pierce the bulkplaces and observe what was going on on the other side. But, in fact, he was well aware of her presence, of how she came closer and closer, of how her thoughts (or rather what she allowed him to read from them) became clearer, more precise. Zephyr halted in front of the invisible barrier that separated them... and said nothing. Khorin couldn't see her from his position but he knew she was there, waiting for he to speak, judging him under the prism of her outrage.

The Klingon took his time to move. He slid off his bed until his bare feet touched the floorplates. With astonishing composure, he stood over them and walked slowly toward the force field. His dark eyes pierced in her hazel ones. He was the vivid image of Klingon pride: all bulging muscles under his clothes, chin bristled with dense beard, frown darkening his eyes beneath his ridges. He stood just across the barrier, just a few inches from her, looming over her smaller frame as a bad omen. He did not avert his gaze from hers at any moment. Hers didn't flinch for a second either. Khorin opened his mouth. Willing to defend his actions. Willing to justify himself, to argue why she should have supported him instead of offering him the punishment of her indifference. His heart doubled sonorously in his chest, almost painfully.

"Zephyr." he grunted quietly. "I've missed you so much." That's not what he meant to say. But it was true. It was the only truth.

I wil format the dialogue asap

Re: Day 09 [1300 hrs.] The Targ House

Reply #2
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Playing Opossum | Not Giving In | I Missed You Too | Still Mad, Though]

He lay there, on his bunk, with his back to her.  Zephyr stood there with her arms crossed underneath her chest and she glared into his back.  She had no doubt that he would be the first one to give in.  She could tell that he was surprised at her level of rage, that he was shocked she hadn't been here, and likely hurt that she hadn't come to see him before now.  She knew that the fact that she hadn't come until now was probably the best form of punishment and it likely saved his skin from the fact that she would really like to tell the boys to take down the wall so that she could punish him properly.  A nice slap across the face, only that would probably turn him on and while she was in no mood to mess with him about it, she knew that when he was going it wasn't long before she was too.  No, there was a reason she had opted for isolation, that and time to let her own feelings sort themselves out.  Had she come straight from sickbay where she had treated Ravon herself while she was there helping out, she would have left a little lump of a Klingon in the corner.

He finally moved, the muscles underneath  his clothing moving and rolling underneath the taut fabric.  Her eyes followed his every movement as he worked his way towards her and then stood there towering over her.  She was not intimidated, she never had been, and it wasn't easy to do that to her.  Especially, with Khorin because she had always trusted him.  But, his judgment when it came to her was pretty crap these days and she wasn't sure what to do about his Klingon jealousy.  It was something that really needed to go because she had picked him, and there was no reason to second guess her.  She didn't deserve his distrust as she had done nothing to earn it, and it really pissed her off that he should go into a physical attack mode when it came to things like that.

So yeah, pissed was likely an understatement.

He looked over at her, and she could tell that there was something he wanted to say.  Likely what had happened, what had caused him to go crazy on his superior officer and not been the man she had mated with.  But, instead, he threw her slightly off guard when he said her name followed by the fact that he missed her.  She could tell that it was every bit the truth.  She could tell that he had yearned and longed for her presence and that her absence had the desired effect.  It was a punishment and he had deserved one.  So did Ravon, but that was a whole different situation with it's own results.

“Khorin Douglas, have I ever given you cause to doubt my loyalty to you?” she said in a firm, and quite harsh voice, it was quiet though.  She wasn't yelling, she wasn't screaming, it was that low toned quiet anger. 

“Is there any time that you have caught me with anyone else in a precarious situation?  Have I ever given you reason to think you are not enough for me as you are, and that I need to find it elsewhere?” she asked him knowing that in each instance there would a 'no' for the answer because she was extremely loyal and while she had to cuddle with Ravon for warmth in a freezer that was trying to kill them.  She had mentioned Khorin immediately when he tried to make a move, she had even told Khorin the whole and full story when she got home.  So, there were no secrets, and there was no cause for him to doubt her.

“Then tell me, right now, what in the hell you were thinking of when you attacked your superior officer?  Hmm.  You think this makes anything better?  You think you solved a problem?  Showed him who was boss?  You think he's going to be all 'better not even look in the direction of the deck that Zephyr might be on, because Khorin is watching'?!  How .. how did this make anything better?  How does this instill more trust?”

Re: Day 09 [1300 hrs.] The Targ House

Reply #3
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Holding Cell number 6|  Brig | Main Security Center | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy]
att: @BZ

Khorin Douglas. When someone adressed him by name and surname he knew for sure that he was not going to enjoy what he was about to hear. The question that followed his name irritated him, and the Klingon wanted to give an answer as soon as Zeph asked it. But as his mouth had barely formed a mute 'N', she spatted the next question. Of course, he tried to reply it instantly, but he only managed to knot his tongue while trying to give an answer and, at the same time, ask her to let him do his talking. At the third inquiry he was at least able to release a strangled, wordless grunt, not the harsh sound of his anger, not the complacent hum he let out when a situation matched his desires, not the soft purring he reserved only for her. Just the sound of a tongue trying to deliver four different sentences at the same time, frustrated and somewhat bewildered.

The pilot took a second to disentangle his tongue from itslef and try to produce an unintelligible sound, while the betazoid just fumed in front of him, her hands firmly planted on her hips and that soft, calm tone that predicted an exploding volcano. The mother of all thunderstorms rushing to explode in his face. "I..." he managed to say this time before Zephyr cut him off again with another barrage of questions that hardly veiled the lecture that his woman had been baking during three days especially for that moment. The anger that boiled inside her hit him almost like a physical strike through the bond that linked them, more violent and raw after so many days in which his mind and emotions had only echoed in the loneliness of his own brain.

"What was I thinking? What WAS I THINKING?" he repeated after her, increasing the volume of his voice with each word he uttered until the panels in the cell seemed to vibrate with the loudness of his voice "NOTHING, I WAS NO THINKING,  OBVIOUSLY, I WASN'T THINKING A FUCKING SHIT, ZEPH, I WASN'T THINKING AT ALL" he roared as he ran his fingers through his thick mane and pulled his hair.

Khorin stepped away from the force field and crossed the reduced space of the cell in just two long strides to reach the opposite wall. The Lone Wolf raised his trembling, white knuckled fist. For an moment he stayed there on his feet, as he battled to not hit the wall, letting go his anger with the hit, and his frustration, and the pain that Zephyr's attitude inflicted on him  on a single punch against the bulkplates. He threw his fist forward with both strength and purpose... and, at the end, he just rested his hand on the wall. Gently. Trembling due to restrained tension.  "He taunted me." He said after a minute, not looking at her, his gaze lost at some indeterminate point of the featureless wall. "He challenged me," he grunted, his voice dropping an octave. "And he said he would come between us, between you and me.." That had been the straw that had broken the camel's back. Khorin had been hardened in receiving reprimands. That his superior officers acted with him as the bad cop. But that phrase Ravon had said... it had pierced him more deeply than the stab he had taken few days before. Even worse, at the time everything had happened,he was in the reserve of the shot that kept his emotional balance on check, exhausted and tense. The words Ravon had said were burned printed into his memory, although not so much what had happened afterwards. He had seen the surveillance footage of the quarrel, sometime after his arrival at the Main Security Center, maybe between his second or third shot. The Klingon had been almost unable to recognize himself in those videos. A pang of shame rattled through his chest, but it was soon drowned in frustration, anxiety and anger, both of his and hers.

"What did you expect I should have done, Kyamo? Let it be? Remain arm-crossed as I listened how he planned to spread discord among us?..." he said, without disguising how hurt he felt, for his actions, for having fallen into that trap. For her absence, more than anything. "It is clear that at least he has succeeded in the latter," he said as he finally turned to face her again, the bitterness plain in his voice. The fear of losing her obvious in his heart

Re: Day 09 [1300 hrs.] The Targ House

Reply #4
[Zephyr Praise | Sad Sacks | Anger Management | Control Yourself | Don't Lose What is Precious]

She knew that she wasn't really leaving him any time to actually answer, because she already knew the answers.  And, it helped that she could see them in his mind the way that they were connected.  She knew that he could feel every lash of her anger, and she hoped that it would stick in his mind this time and he would stop all this stupid foolishness, and remember that she wasn't going anywhere unless he ran her off through actions much like this.  She loved Khorin, very very much so, but if he was going to be acting this way and his actions were going to prove that she couldn't trust him, that would begin to fade at some point.  It would hurt her heart a lot to turn away from someone she felt so strongly about, but, if he was going to make her life this way then she wasn't going to be able to hang around.  That was one of the reasons she had stayed away.  To make sure that the punishment stuck, to make sure that he understood just how mad she was, and to give herself time to cool off because she would have been far more angry had she come straight from sickbay where she, herself, had fixed Ravon's face to confront Khorin.

And, then he exploded.  Zephyr took a slight step back but she weathered the storm for the most part, glad that no one was there to witness.  She didn't need them thinking that she was abused, she wasn't, Khorin took nothing but good care of her.  But, she knew that he had an anger problem when it came to some things and apparently she was one of them.  He was screaming and brushing his rough hands through  his mane of hair, and she stood there hands on her hips waiting for the anger to play itself out.  It would, it always did, the medication he was on was helping a lot but she wondered if he might need a higher dose.  However, for the most part she felt that he self regulated easily enough he probably didn't.  No one wanted him to be a zombie, they just wanted him to feel balanced.

“That is the question of the day, isn't it?” she said calmly. 

He walked away from her and Zeph wondered for a moment if she had pushed him too far.  He raised his fist and punched the plating of the wall, causing her to flinch.  She was glad that he couldn't see her, he would probably sense the weakness.  She didn't wish for him to hurt himself, in fact, when he did it only caused her more pain.  But, she had to get to the bottom of this hopefully it wouldn't happen again.  Because, she would most definitely not like to repeat all this business.  But, the hit never came, and she opened her eyes to see his large palm resting against the metallic walls.  He began to speak, and the tone in his voice softened her heart.  She stepped forward so she could feel the thrum of the force field humming against her skin lifting the small hairs on her skin with it's static.  She listened as he told her that he was taunted, that Thomas had taunted him about her.  Stating that he would come between them both, and she sighed.  Reaching a hand up, she brushed it through her own short curls and knew that was what had done it.  Thom threatening to come between the two of them for no reason, because, Zephyr did not feel that way about Thom.

He asked her what he should have done, her hazel green eyes studying him, as he leveled his quesetions at her.  Asking her if he should have just listened instead of attacking the man as he tried to throw discord between them, and then, it had worked.

“No.  You did this.” she told him straight up.  “You made the discord when you attacked his face to the point where I had to heal it.  I was in Sickbay that day,  helping out, working to get through physicals and things.  I was the one that drew the short straw and had to go heal his face and listen to him tell me about how you attacked him, in his office, and broke his face.  How my boyfriend, my mate, my Imzadi was now in the Brig because he couldn't keep his cool.  How the man that loves to fly almost as much as he loves his woman, was now grounded.  That is what happened.  Thomas might have made comments but you chose a road that altered everything.” she said softly.  The anger had gone out of her sails she was just saddened now.

“You didn't have to stand there arms crossed.  You could have done something else though.  You could have told him that he hadn't been good enough, that I chose you, because I did chose you Khorin.  When we got on this ship, when I realized he was alive, when we met for the first time since the Academy.. I didn't go home with him.  I didn't throw you to the side in favor of him.  He is.. was.. whatever my best friend.  You already know the story there.  So you know that I didn't pick him, even back then.  He was busy wooing girls, I was busy with a relationship that I put all my effort into and it ended poorly.  So yeah... you could have known... and been secure in what you have.  Instead of worrying that he could ever sway my thoughts.  You could have trusted me.  You could have trusted our bond.”

She sighed.

“Do I not show you my love enough?  Is there something you aren't getting from me, so that you can feel secure in our relationship?  Because, I can't figure out why you're so terrified of losing me when I've never walked away once.  After the Versant, I sat in the Brig with you, all night.  I soothed you, and when you made your cardboard castle, I climbed in after you.  I've been there every step of the way since we met.  But, apparently, it's not enough.”


Re: Day 09 [1300 hrs.] The Targ House

Reply #5
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Holding Cell number 6|  Brig | Main Security Center | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy]
att: @BZ

Khorin watched as she ran a hand through her hair. Despite all her efforts, a curl slipped out of place and the Klingon was about to step forward to put it back in place. But the forcefield hum reminded him that was not an option. The Klingon pursed his lips, disappointed. And he pressed his lips even more shortly after, when she spoke again, and narrowed them down to a thin line.

She had fixed him. She has treated Ravon. Of all the sickbay crew present that day, just she has been the one that take the role that day, she had been there to see the mess he had made of Ravon, live and direct . The pilot ran a hand over his face, ashamed, as he cursed his luck among clenched teeth. Worse still, a new pang of jealousy curled up in his guts. Not only had he received the cold shoulder treatment, but Ravon had been the one who had brought her the first version of the facts and had received Zephyr's kindness. The Klingon clenched his teeth even more, until his jaws ached, but he endeavoured not to voice all of this feelings. And he tried wholeheartedly to listen to her words and truly understand her point of view. Even if her words were more painful than a punch in the groin. His breathing came ragged and unsteady as her speech kept unfolding. The anger that stemmed from her, that one that had fueled his own frustration and anger, faded away gradually. What replaced it, the utter sadness and dissapointment, pleased him even less. Khorin knew how to deal with anger. He was learning to deal with it even better as a daily routine. But that heartache was too much. Even worst due he was the culprit of it.

With a grunt, Khorin stepped back closer to the force field. For a moment, he looked at the flickering surface, avoiding Zeph's gaze. He moved uneasily, shifting his weight from one foot to another. He raised his hand and dropped it before completing the initial movement. "I... you " he grunted with a faint voice, before he fell silent once again.  Teh, He raked his fingers through his mane one more time, frustrated.

"You are more than enough. Your love for me is more than enough" he finally grunted, nearly shyly. Khorin took another step forward and bowed his head. The screen sizzled a few millimeters from his skin, but he didn't touch it. That was something he had learned long ago, in other similar circumstances and which he was not  eager to repeat. "All this... is new for me too, Zeph" he said with a sigh and his eyes staring something between his feet. "Kyamo, you know better than anyone else that I don't think what I do more often than not, and this is no different. This is... a kind of test for me," he confessed. There was no shame in his words, he was more aware than anyone that he acted on impulse on most occasions, despite the disservice that it did him. "I just... try to be all you need, relationships aren't one of my areas of experience and the examples I've had have been..." Khorin waved his hands around him, pointing to himself. "...very Klingon. Jealousy and violence are normal in Qo'noS. In fact it is EXPECTED" He knew that thas apology was quite poor. And that the experience he had seen among his own parents was quite different from his performance so far. But it was what he had witnessed in his own House and in each of his visits to Homeworld.

"I've tried to be the best mate for you, Kyamo, even if it all turned sour... I promise I've tried..." he said, as his voice gradually faded out. However, he knew he was just trying to justify himself. To save his sorry ass for what was trully behind all that situation. Khorin closed his eyes. ~~ “... But truth is, I'm terrified. Not because you' re not enough. It terrifies me not to be enough. I'm so afraid of the day you discover that I am not good enough for you,"~~ he finally admitted. He used the link that bound them together due those words that his pride would not let him pronounce out loud. ~~"I'm terrified that my... weakness embarrasses you so much that you decide to cast me away. My whole body yells at me to show you I'm strong enough, dominant enough to be your partner. Because if I make the mistake of losing you..."~~ He didn't continue. He didn't need to.

Khorin averted his gaze from the betazoid and looked away to some point behind her. The force field flickered faintly, bristling his hair. "Even if you don't believe me at this point, I really tried to stop myself when I realized what I was doing. After all, I only hit him once," he added aloud, trying to give his voice a boastful tone that he didn't really feel. Trying to give the situation a sense of normalcy that shouldn't be there. He just wanted to feel that the gap that had opened up between them, portrayed by the force field that kept them apart, has any chance to be mended.

Re: Day 09 [1300 hrs.] The Targ House

Reply #6
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Heartaches | Bumps in the Road | Road Maps Lead On | No Path is Only Straight]

She could tell, he was uncomfortable, and that he wanted to find a way to have the words necessary to give the right answer.  The way he held his body alone was enough but she was so connected with him that she could feel all the little emotions racing through his mind.  The fear of losing her, the fear of doing more wrong than right, and the fact that she had never been mad at him.  He was lucky she had waited three days to show up because had she come on the first day he likely would have had a bruise to rival Ravon's when she was done.  Zeph was all happy, kind, and sweet but she was not the kind of girl that couldn't take care of herself.  She had trained hard and become stronger than she looked for a myriad of reasons.  So no, she didn't need someone looking after her unless it was someone that she elected to be in that position.  Khorin had been the lucky one chosen. 

She had no idea what would have happened had she met Khorin after she knew Ravon was still alive and even more so on this very ship.  Until extremely recently, she had no idea that Thom had liked her at all more than friendship.  It had never come up, he had always chased after other women and she had been with Ethan.  When that fell through they were a universe a part and she had not heard or spoken to Thom in forever.  Distance had made his heart stronger, but hers had been wounded greatly by Ethan and had needed a long time to heal.  She had shut off that part of her heart for some time and allowed it to hibernate assuming that when the right person came along it would pull her heart back to full function.

Khorin had woken her heart back up.

He began to speak, about how she was more than enough.  Her brow rose and she listened watching him as he came as close as he could to the force field that separated them.  Now it was her turn to wish that she could put her hand on his rough bearded cheek and brush her thumb across the apple there.  But, they needed to work this out.  He explained that jealousy and violence were normal, expected, and that this was all new to him.  She pursed her lips, because she was torn if this was an excuse or truth but her inner Khorin radar, said it was the truth.

“I know you are Klingon, and that this runs deep in who you are.  But, could you fight for the integrity of our relationship with more words and less breaking faces?” she asked him curiously.  “You're going to get yourself sent off ship and then what is your plan?  You have to start trying to think through your anger and jealousy and remember what is important here.   Us.  I'm here beside you, I chose you.  You are mine, and the only one that I really want to be with.  If I wanted to be with someone else, then I would be.  If I wanted to be with Thom, I would have told you 'sorry, this isn't going to work'.  He can say what he wants to, to your face, but that doesn't change my heart.”

He began to tell her that it was his own insecurity that caused everything.  His own concern with not being enough, and that it was were all these emotions stemmed.  How he was afraid that one day she would realize that he was really weak and not wish to be next to him any longer.  That he wasn't good enough and he was terrified of that day.  She sighed softly, her shoulders sagging a bit as she tried to figure out what was the best way to soothe this wound of his.  She knew that he had struggled with being half Klingon for a long time and a lot of insecurities probably came from that.  Then, when he was full Klingon and in a rage he killed a woman.  He was still underneath the guilt of that and while she tried to soothe his soul when it came up in the middle of the night or in day to day life, she couldn't take away the pain because it was something he, himself, would have to make piece with.  Her eyes shifted up to his and now she really wished that she could touch him.  Boots sounded down the hallway as the Security officer rounded the bend and he came up short.

“So, is his stay longer or can I let him out as planned?” he grinned, pretending to give Zeph the control. 

Zeph failed to smile.  “Take the field down, please.” she said.

The officer quickly typed some numbers and scanned himself into the wall panel beside the door and then turned to head off as the field faltered and failed.  For a moment the two of them stood there as if it was still there.  But, a moment later, Zephyr closed the distance into his arms and wrapped her arms around him tightly.  Burrowing into his chest and felt him folding his strong Klingon body around her to almost swallow her smaller frame.  Tension bled from both their bodies at the same time just by touching one another, but Zeph knew there was more to say and she needed to say it.

~You are more than enough, Khorin, my love.~ she began mentally.  ~You are my rock, my foundation, and my home.  Never forget that I chose you and keep choosing you every day.  I chose you back on the Versant, I fought back to back with you, I came to the Brig with you when you first got on the ship.  I am yours and you are mine, Khor.  Our love is different than the ones others have because I am your mate and you are my Imzadi.  Those bonds cannot just be broken.  Even by someone as petty as Thom.  He's angry he didn't get his way, well let him be.  There is a reason things happen in life, Khor.  A reason I'm not with him, a reason we met the way we did, a reason we stand here today.~

Her hand reached up to scratch into his beard, one of her all time favorite things to do.

Re: Day 09 [1300 hrs.] The Targ House

Reply #7
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Holding Cell number 6|  Brig | Main Security Center | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy]
att: @BZ

Khorin bowed his head, while listening to Zeph's words. There was still a scolding tone in her voice, but it was... somehow mellower, gentler. The anger that had struck him from across the corridor had faded in some ways, though the fierce determination that had moved her was still there. Zephyr would not shrink back due some puppy eyes and a few heartfelt words, no matter how much Khorin might wish it. And in spite of it (or perhaps because of it) he loved her more for it.

"You know that talking instead of acting is not my cup of tea... but I will try to bark more and chew less, I promise" he teased her. Even though his words were humorous about his precarious position among the Wolves, he really took her suggestion to heart. The Klingon shifted the weight from one foot to the other once again, as his right hand inadvertently shifted to the recent scar that he had been gifted by his reunion with his brother. She was right, he could not risk losing his position in the Theurgy. Returning to Earth, after everything they had gone through, after everything they knew, was not an option. And due what he had learned from the circumstances in his House and, therefore, in his Homeworld, the possibility of returning to Qo'noS was no longer a viable option either.

Khorin's thick brows dropped over his eyes in a concerned grimace. Only a week ago, he would not have thought twice about the consequences of his actions, but at that point, he was far from eager to pass to the afterlife in a sudden blast of glory. Not if it meant he would never see Zephyr again. "I will really try to think twice" He rumbled in a deeper, more earnest tone.

After that, Zephyr kept on speaking, and Khorin followed her speech without averting his eyes from her. But deep within him, there was a battle going on between the warm feeling her comforting words elicited and the jealousy and fear that the mere suggestion that she might have set him aside if that had been her wish. He knew that those words, that mention of the prospect of having exchanged him for Thomas if she had wished so was only a way to draw his attention to the fact that her choice had been the opposite and she had remained at his side. And that she was STILL there, even after all his mistakes. And yet, dread curled in the pitch of his stomach.

Khorin swallowed and breathed deeply, striving to drown out those feelings and stick to the reason she was uttering all that. He averted his gaze from her briefly, as he endeavored to tune in to her words rather than to his own  insecurities. When he glanced at her again, those hazel eyes were still locked in his face and, in those dark orbs, there was a glimpse of the longing he himself felt. Khorin tried to step forward, but before the movement began, the sizzling barrier prevented him from doing so. A frustrated snort fled his lips before he managed to form any coherent sentence.

Footsteps in the hallway that led to the cell distracted him and, one more time, Khorin turned his gaze away from her. The guard's presence broke the charm for a brief moment and the Klingon took a step back from the forcefield. However, he didn't move too far away and he remained attentive to the small exchange, face turned into a seriousness mask. Finally, when the barrier between them vanished, Khorin stood still, frozen in place without knowing exactly whether to advance or retreat. His gaze intertwined again with the Betazoid' s, and unable to avoid it, Khorin swallowed once more, so that his apple moved blatantly under the thick skin of his neck.

In that very moment, as if Zephyr had read his mind (something Khorin would never know for sure if she had actually done) she threw herself into his arms and he answered by surrounding her tightly with them, clutching at her figure, to the warmth of her body and to everything that was hers as if he was afraid that she might fade away in no time. His breath quivered faintly and he shut his eyelids, because if he did not he might melt in her arms, like an ice cube under the August sun.

When he thought his heart couldn't beat any harder in his chest, she used the bond between them to talk with him. The words she spoke made him tighten her even more against his body if that was possible, while he buried his face among her hair. Overwhelmed, but in a way that he wished would last forever. She leaned back a little, still wrapped in the wall of his arms and cupped his cheek, caressing it through his coarse beard. As an answer, he leaned his face further into her hand.

"ghajbe'bogh SoH ghajbe'bogh ram rur." He purred. The UT took a few seconds to unravel his heavy klingon accent and when it finally did, Khorin was talking again. "bangwI' SoH" he muttered. There wasn't a sentence to say 'I love you' in tlhIngan Hol, but Khorin used the closest thing he could remember. Words mattered little when she knew what was really in his heart.

The security officer let out a little chuckle at this exchange before he looked at Zephyr again. "Look at you, you've hooked a softie" he joked without a hint of malice.  Khorin squeezed his lips into a thin line as his muscles tightened when he glanced at the security officer. He stared at him for a few seconds before returning his eyes to her, stroking her cheek gently with one thumb. "I am... but only for her," he eventually said, without taking his eyes off his Kyamo. Despite his frown, a grin flashed at last on his lips, for the first time in so many days.

The security officer shook his head. He mumbled something that neither Zeph nor Khorin understood. "Ok, ok, you're a tough guy, I think you guys are made for each other," he added aloud, a smile on his lips as he raised his hands as a statement of his defeat. "You can pass through the Security Center for the last paperwork, just make sure I don't see you here again soon flyboy, all right?" he warned before he walked away from the couple into the cell complex.

Khorin remained standing there, not bothering to watch him leave, his eyes caught on Zephyr's face, like the lovesick idiot he was. He outlined her face with one of his fingers and tickled his nose. She wrinkled it and stuck her tongue out. "You know what we should do as soon as we get out of here? Pancakes," proclaimed Khorin. "I'm starving."



ghajbe'bogh SoH ghajbe'bogh ram rur → A day without you is like a night without stars
bangwI' SoH →  You are my loved one
tlhIngan Hol → klingon language
Kyamo → term of endearing

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