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Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

After having resided on Vector 01 for unofficial business, Thomas had walked over to one of the transporter rooms for a site to site transport to Vector 02. He was wearing his regular duty outfit as he roamed through the corridors and when he stood on the transport pad he asked the transport officer to bring him to the transport room in vector 02. It would be a regular transport from point A to point B and Thomas didn't think much of it as he felt the tingle of the energizing teleporter enveloping him.

When he did re materialize though, he knew exactly something was off. The ceiling was brushing against his head and he couldn't feel the transport pad underneath him as his eyes adjusted to the new environment. For a split second he was hanging in mid air., his arms extending as if wanting to level himself out before the transport sequence ended and artificial gravity took over. In free fall, he dropped down and landed. Something broke his fall as it wasn't exactly deck plating that broke his fall, yet something softer. With a groan he crawled on his hind and crouched up as he wanted to see what had happened.

A blue skinned engineer had seemingly broken his fall, her antennae having been pressed into her head before he reached his hand out to her "Oh fuck, are you alright ma'am?" he asked as he stood up slowly, his hand brushing over his left flank as he had probably landed full weight on her. His rib cage had probably interacted against her shoulders as he could feel the painful sting in between his muscles. He got back on his feet and looked the woman over, the colors of her uniform indicated that she was probably from engineering and the tools laying around indicated that she was probably fixing something here.

"I don't know what happened there..." he tried to explain his presence "Where am I?" he asked the female Andorian. A voice came through his badge though from a panicking teleport officer "Lieutenant Commander? I-I I'm sorry... It seems like a power surge intercepted your signal somehow and diverted you to that area. I-I_ I guess it was a glitch of sorts. Is someone hurt? Are you hurt? Do we need to inform medical?"

Re: SD 57563.76: Transporter Malfunction

Reply #1
[ LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]


Officially, there was no position on the starship. No one had approached her and offered to be part of the crew or had simply put a toolbox in her hands and kicked her butt in the direction of some malfunction that needed to be repaired. Actually, it was what Shar would have wanted. Being idle didn't go with her. Having too much free time simply gave her a headache. It gave her time for thoughts. And every time she had time to reflect, things went wrong. So, she had decided to avoid that problem. She had replicated a set of basic tools and had thrown herself into the nearest airlock. After all, that vessel was crumbling into pieces. The Andorian doubted that Ops or Engineering had many complaints about an extra pair of hands staining themselves to put some duct tape around the Jefferies. And, in case someone really HAS a complaint, it would take a long time to find her. Shar knew how to move in the tubes and it was hard to find her, if she tried to hide a bit.

So she had been dragging around deck 7 for a while. She hadn't taken any specialized tools with her, so she couldn't take care of the most complicated malfunctions she had found, but she had taken note of their location and the extent of the damage and would send a report to the Chief Operating Officer so that someone with better equipment could take care of those.

She felt almost... normal. Move forward. Repair. Inform. Move forward again. Mechanical. Methodical. Enough to divert her mind from everything that had happened since the destruction of the Endeavour. She had little fondness for the Theurgy, her ties to the ship thin and linked to her mockery of bondgroup, or what was left of it. And the remnants of the crew of her original vessel. Most of them seemed to have perched in the senior officer staff of this new starship. They had stood together and had made the decision to help the Theurgy in that crusade that it fought alone against those... Parasites or whatever they believed. Shar... Shar had been put aside. She was in a limbo, not belonging to the crew, but with nowhere to go. As her fingers wrote a damage report about an EPS conduit near intersection E-53, she wondered again if she might not defect. Maybe she could find some transportation that would take her to some system near the Federation borders and then...

Then something unexpectedly fell on her.

It was so sudden that Shar could only let out one pained puff of air. For a few second,s the Jefferies filled with a skein of arms and legs and grunts until finally the pink-skin unraveled from it and released her from his weight. The human apologized, rubbing his side and looked as out of place as an Andorian on Vulcan. The man tried to explain himself, but Shar's antennae were already tightly crushed against her scalp. "What the fuck is wrong with you, pinkskin!" she shouted, her angry voice made her unable to hear the buzz of his combadge and the explanation that emanated from it. " No longer do they teach Jefferies etiquette at the Academy? Or have you forgotten about it, you flat-footed?"

Re: SD 57563.76: Transporter Malfunction

Reply #2
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

Ravon could understand why the Andorian was so angry as he had effectively nearly crushed her under his weight. Though the anger jst kept coming as she spewed out jeffries tube etiquette, which in all honesty he had no clue about. He stood up on his feet once more as he straightened his jacket and noticed the rank on her uniform as he doubted she knew who he was. "Calm down lieutenant." he called out to her as he extended his hand to her to help her up.

"I didn't come out of the tubes, I simply got mis-transported." he tried to explain it to the blue skinned engineer "I don't know how, but clearly I didn't end up at the transport pad I was supposed to be heading to." he explained calmly "Now, did you get hurt or sustain any injuries?" he asked her with a slight hint of concern in his voice as his eyes studied the lithe framed engineer. He didn't recognize her from any prior interventions, yet it would be impossible to meet all of the crew. Yet some faces were pretty easy to catch in a crowd.

Waiting for her reply he asked a next question "Can you tell me where we are exactly lieutenant...? I'm sorry, I didn't get your name the first time." he queried as he looked around and figured he was in some kind of lab. It was a pretty odd looking lab with various stones, rocks, and other minerals in the area. Why the engineer was here would be a good guess as any. Faulty relay or something most probably.

Re: SD 57563.76: Transporter Malfunction

Reply #3
[ LtJr. Kelleshar sh'Zenne | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]


When that mass of meat that had fallen over her asked her to calm down, Shar's antennae flattened further against her scalp, ruffling her short hair even more.  She sneered at the hand that was being offered and huddled into the tube by her own means, without taking her eyes off the human. Although her demeanor remained as hostile as when he had fallen on her, this time she listened to his explanations. Enough to learn that some useless transporter officer had been responsible that men began to rain over her head. "By the Water Guardian, the people in transporters are always the most useless. Transporter maltfuction? bullshit" muttered to herself as she opened a lateral panel, clearing an exit for both of them. The human didn't take a second and used it, and Shar just took a few seconds to pursue him. Just enough to pick up the few tools she was carrying and the padd she had been using so far. Unfortunately, the device had suffered the worst of the impact and the screen was irretrievably damaged. Finding out this just made the shen spit out another curse in her native tongue, which the UT was unwilling to translate.

"We were at intersection E-53, deck 7, pinkskin," he explained as she stretchedher back. Her spine sounded loudly as she did so. She didn't know how long she had been crawling through the tubes but it had to be more than she had initially planned. "As for this place...." she paused halfway through the sentence, looking around. The place was overcrowded. Rocks, minerals and something that looked like carved slats were piled up without rhyme nor reason against one of the walls. Clearly it was some kind of laboratory, but it seemed like it hadn't been used for a while and it had become a sort of warehouse where a lot of half-assed research and, most likely, a ton of space junk were piled up. "... this place... I have no idea what it is. I'm still not acquainted with the plans for this starship, to be honest." She grudgingly confessed. Finally she spun around again and nailed her pale blue eyes on the human. "Kellesar. Kelleshar sh'Zenne" she finally said, dragging the syllables into a hiss that was hardly pronounceable for a non-Andorian. "That's my name, but before you mutilate it, you can simply call me Shar," she said as an introduction, as she arched the antennae towards the human with curiosity, even though her face remained sour.

Re: SD 57563.76: Transporter Malfunction

Reply #4
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

If anything the Andorian seemed to be in a foul mood to say the least. The exit out of the jeffries was a quick enough move to make. Once he got his bearings along with the information from the engineer he had absolutely no clue where the hell he was. Ravon looked back at the woman as she cracked her back rather loudly before she introduced herself. He gave her a nod as she did her utmost best to hiss her name at him. He figured he shouldn't even try to repeat it and was glad all in all that she gave a shortened name.

"Thomas Ravon, well met... Shar" he answered her as the rock and other minerals seemed to be just laying around with no real purpose. He spotted a replicator though and offered the blue skinned woman "Would you like some coffee or anything fresh? It seems like you could use something to warm up to." His eyes locked as her pale blue ones nearly pierced him "And when you say you're not acquainted with the schematics of the ship, I take it you're not from this vessel?" he asked her further on as he walked over to the replicator.

Re: SD 57563.76: Transporter Malfunction

Reply #5

[ LtJr. Kelleshar sh'Zenne | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]


Shar nodded succinctly at the pinkskin introduction. Ravon. The name rang a bell for her, but the Andorian couldn't put her finger where she had heard it previously. However, she decided that the man would give her some clue about his position in the vessel's chart. After all, humans tended to brag, according to her past experience. Unless they were Russian. Russians had always proved to be gentle and polite people, according to Khellesar's standards. And comfortably quiet, most of the time, which also appealed to her.  But that Thomas Ravon looked like a brawler, with his square jaw and wide chest, and he seemed willing to engage in a conversation whatever she wanted or not.

For a second, at the offering of a drink, Shar's expression softened slightly, but the ill-intentioned joke about 'warm her up' made her frown again, her antennae approaching dangerously close to her scalp again. "I'm perfectly this cold, thank you" she spat with obvious disdain, without taking her icy stare away from Thomas' eyes. The silence thickened between them,and the Andorian didn't make any movement or tell a thing, only piercing the human with her stare. "You can replicate a cup of katheka for me, pinkskin." she finally ordered in her best disdainful tone.

As Ravon made his way to the replicator, Shar looked at the nearest stock of samples. One of the stones caught her eye and, without thinking about it, Shar grabbed it, provoking a small avalanche. The young shen spun quickly to gaze if the human had noticed her clumsiness, but he seemed immersed in his task.  Then, Shar peered at the ore in her hands. It was a perfect icosahedron, with golden yellow hue. The crystal had a faint, translucent quality and its interior shone dimly, as if its core contained something living, which fluctuated and twitched somewhat. So self-absorbed was she observing that dancing light, that she almost forgot her anger at Thomas' wit, and answered his question in a less aggressive fashion. "No, I was the Assistant Chief of Operations at the USS Endeavour. I came aboard with the rest of the abductees from Versant," she explained. "Now..... Well, I guess you could say I'm out on leave, more or less."


Re: SD 57563.76: Transporter Malfunction

Reply #6
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen 

The initial order for drinks seemed to have gone to waste as the Andorian insisted on being the ice queen she seemed to be. Ravon could tell how unpleased she was by looking at her antennae and he decided to let it go before she eventually, yet with a disdained voice ordered katheka. The Pilot nodded and walked over to the replicator as he punched in the order. The replicator gave an error though and Ravon grunted as it addressed him "Apologies lieutenant commander. It would seem that this station is in need of maintenance."

"Fuck sake." Ravon grunted as he turned back around to Shar "Replicator is fucked." he stated the obvious as he looked back to the Andorian as she gave him more info from where she came. He smiled faintly as she mentioned the Endeavour and his smile faded once more as she mentioned the Versant. He nodded silently "I've met some of your crewmembers. Ducote and the lot." Thomas said "As for the Versant, I heard it was worse there... I'm sorry for what you must've gone through." he whispered softly to her as he looked away from her. He had known Zephyr to be there too and expected not much good from it.

"Well, considering I can't get you a drink... I suppose I shall get going to where I was supposed to go. Apologies again for the hassle lieutenant." he apologized as he nodded towards the Andorian. He got the feeling that she wasn't up for small talks or socializing as her demeanor just radiated it off her. 

Re: SD 57563.76: Transporter Malfunction

Reply #7
[ LtJr. Kelleshar sh'Zenne | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]


As the replicator acknowledged the failure, Shar left the yellow stone where she had found it and approached the spot where the pilot stood, stating the obvious fact. Despite all the years she had lived among them, the Andorian still didn't understand that need to point out what was easily noticeable. Shar huddled next to the device and spread her tools at her feet as he kept chattering about the people he had met from her original starship. "Ducote is a fine officer," she confirmed as she manipulated a panel until it fell sideways. What was on the other side was a mess, a clutter of fallen wires, ODS and electronics which showed that the device had suffered more than its outward appearance suggested. Shar introduced both arms up to her elbows in that tangle, and began to fiddle with them, connecting and disconnecting gadgets in an order that only she seemed able to understand. "I am glad that he survived, at least he will be able to keep The Beast in check if there is another blue alert... and THAT will happen sooner rather than later. That woman is a danger," she explained as she kept working, never looking back at the pink skin.

At the mention of the Versant, the Andorian stopped for a moment. Her antennae shook slightly and fell to the sides of her head, before she forced herself to arch them forward and remain focused on what she was repairing, placing much of her body in the hole left by the panel. "The Versant..." resounded her voice from inside the opening, after long minutes of silence."... was a challenge..." was the only answer. "I hope those white faces blew up there in the Nebula. No good can come from them," she grunted later. Even despite the strange reverberation of her voice in the alcove under the replicator, the anger of her voice was more than evident. Not the annoyed with the whole world tone that seemed the standard blue woman's fashion, but an endless, bitter and aching anger.

"Try again now, pink skin," she suddenly ordered, interrupting her sour speech. "Something simple, water or something like that. If it has a strange color or an odd smell, let me know..." she asked.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction

Reply #8
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

Thomas could understand why the woman considered Ducote to be a good officer. Despite his stunt when they had first met, the how and why he did it had come to the pilot's ears. That he was pushed up to be their XO was a good decision in Thomas' eyes and with such determination he could only encourage the man to continue his fine work. As Shar began to talk of the beast, Ravon frowned. He looked at Shar "Blue Alert? What does that mean?" he asked, having met Blue Tiran, yet not making the link to the woman directly.

Thomas didn't inquire further into the topic of the Versant as Shar had stamped it as a challenging experience. The clear anger and hatred against the Savi rather evident. In the meantime the engineer had propped herself halfly into the replicator to start working on it to fix it. The pilot could only watch and wait before he was given the request/order from the blue skinned woman to replicate some water.

He inserted the command and waited for the glass to materialize, it eventually did after a short delay yet the contents of the glass looked not exactly as he had hoped "Okay.. I replicated water, though I think I got... Tar instead." he said as he moved his fingers to the glass to pick it out, yet quickly returned his hand as it felt hot to the touch "Really hot tar..."

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction

Reply #9
[ LtJr. Kelleshar sh'Zenne | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]


"I'm sure that by now you've met our beloved Not-So-Blue Tiran," Shar grunted as she kept manipulating the replicator's entrails. " Her temper tantrums aboard Endeavour were legendary, so much so that engineers coined the term 'Blue Alert' to warn themselves when she was in a grim mood. It was the way to point out that they should get out of their way and, if possible, alert the XO to placate the Beast," she explained. The pilot was unable to see her expression, but Shar didn't try to conceal the disdain she felt for the blue haired engineer. " Usually after a Blue Alert you could see the poor bastard running down the aisles with a handful of that crap she devours. Twitties, or twitters... something like that." Shar was not very talkative, and usually preferred short, dry answers, but her animosity against Tiran was one of the few thing that could loosen her tongue.

After a while, the pinkskin informed her of the results of the replicator test. What he told her about what has appeared was..... quite different from what she had expected. "Tar..." she said with incredulity. "You mean bitumen?" she asked as she tried to propel herself out of the gap under the replicator. But she failed in her calculations by knocking her forehead against the edge. What followed was a series of hissing words that the UT hesitated to translate, but that sounded like a mixture of fingernails against a blackboard and someone sipping soup with a straw. Finally, Shar stood up, rubbed her forehead and found that the pilot had not been fooling her. The crystal glass looked perfect. Perhaps slightly slanted to the right, but it was certainly a glass. On the other hand, its interior was oozing.... tar. Tar that bubbled and smoked sinisterly. "That.... that doesn't seem fitting," she finally conceded, looking into the face of Thomas. Her antennae had curiously arched towards the replicated object, and in her eyes shone a spark of curious interest very different from her usual sullen attitude. "Come, I need you to help me out," she said as she went back into the opening, waving for him to accompany her. It was a narrow space, but it could hold both of them, from the waist up, if the pinkskin narrowed a little his shoulders.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction

Reply #10
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy

Shar talked about Blue Tiran, the woman he had met a few days ago during a  senior staff meeting. She seemed nice enough, hitched to the commander no less. Hearing about the woman having tantrums and so called Blue alerts made the pilot wonder why she was put in charge of the engineering department in the first place. Did her expertise weigh up against the outbreaks of foul mood perhaps? If anything it was something that was  noteworthy and to be remembered. Ravon didn't answer to Shar about the  subject as she was hidden behind the console of the replicator though his facial features would've spoken volumes. 

When the Andorrian asked if Thomas meant Bitumen instead of Tar the pilot looked dumbfounded at the lower body of the Andorrian "Frankly, I don't even know what Bitumen is."  he admitted before he heard the bang against the console. His face contorted as he heard the sounds the blue woman made. He stepped back to give her some space and eventually saw her doom u once
 more. She inspected the glass and the content before mentioning that it indeed didn't seem fitting. The pilot wanted to make a humorous remark about it, though refrained from it.  He was even more surprised though when the eyes of the woman looked curiously at him, her eyes burning with an emotion he had not seen before in her. The angry pissed off engineer seemingly interested by the product they had produced with the replicator "Help you out? How?" he asked her carefully. He wasn't afraid to get himself dirty as he was used to work inside fighters. There was however a big difference between fighter engineering and actual engineering "I have have some background in fixing fighter but, I know nothing of replicators..." he warned her as she waved him over to accompany her. 

Ravon removed his jacket to get a bit more freedom movement wise and he wormed himself into the opening, having to narrow his shoulders quite a bit before finally managing to fit in. He looked up at all the wires and conduits as he frowned and looked at Shar "So, how can I help?" he asked her curiously.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction

Reply #11

[ LtJr. Kelleshar sh'Zenne | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]


"Well, repairing a replicator is more or less like fixing a Fighter. You fit what's not in place,and you bypass some ducts and cross your fingers so that nothing explodes at the worst time," she explained as the pilot snaked in the duct next to her, after having freed himself from his jacket to better suit in the narrow gap. Her white undershirt would not last too long of that colour, thought the Andorian as she observed him, their bodies almost pressed against each other in the cramped space.

"Look, there, above your head, you have a set of 25 panels, disconnect the uneven or those with two yellow wires attached. Let me know when you're done, while I'll disconnect the other side."  She explained by pointing with her antennas the places that Ravon should handle. Then she contoured around until she rolled over, squeezing her back against the pilot's to gain some room. Her slender hands worked quickly, disconnecting the panels in her side with the flow of custom.

"Ok, have you done it?" she asked, rolling around slightly to try to observe the pink skin's work. "Pass me the A44 and TH88 ducts," she demanded, waving one hand over her shoulder. When she felt the weight of the ducts on her palm, she pulled them out, and found that they were exactly the ones she had requested. The human wasn't as dull as he looked at first shight, and at least he knew how to follow instructions. Shar quickly connected the wires in her side and kept teaching the pilot. "Ok, now you should see an ODN shut down just below your chin. Snap it in and make sure it doesn't move at all. Once you've done that we have five seconds to connect panels 7 to 14 on your side and 14 to 21 on mine. You have to start with 14 and continue to connect in descending order, okay?" she said as she leaned back, crushing her sinewy body against the human to gain some maneuvering space. "Ready at your signal."

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction

Reply #12
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen

The instructions given by the Andorian were clear and Ravon nodded as he started to get to work. He did make a side note to inform her that fighters usually didn't explode when maintenance was performed to them, though he figured he'd save it for later or at a more convenient time. The space they shared was cramped at best, there was no notion of personal space as the Andorian was pretty much pressed against him. As she turned around to manage to do her work, Thomas tried to give her as much space as he could. It didn't really help of course that her waist twisted and shifted against his.

He knew what he had to do though, so he focused on the task at hand. He did exactly what Shar demanded of him and he worked quickly to get his job done. She requested the A44 and TH88 ducts and he fished them out before placing them in her palm. She continued with further instructions and Thomas nodded a few times before affirming with a low hum. He waited till she was done and he answered "Okay, go." he said as he snapped the ODN shutdown. He began to work the the panels as fast as he could and he smirked "If I don't get this done in under five seconds, do we blow up?" he asked as he knew he should at least have a full second left to spare if he managed to keep up like this. His body to move and twist slightly to get the job done, grinding slightly into the Andorian's body.

Once he was done he pulled his hands back and looked at their handiwork "Anything else?" he asked her as he wondered what the hell they just did. Even a monkey could rearrange these wires and chords, but honestly, he had no freaking clue what he was doing. Repairing a replicator or preparing an explosive charge that would rupture the already fragile hull.

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction

Reply #13

[ LtJr. Kelleshar sh'Zenne | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]


"Either we blow up or our hands liquefy,"
answered the Andorian as her fingers kept manipulating some electronic components. "As an Andorian I have more chances to survive, due the cartilage under my skin. In your case? I hope you have chosen some cool prosthetics, because you can say goodbye to that pretty hands of yours" she assured with a very serious tone. However, hidden from Ravon's view, her antennas faced each other over her forehead, congratulating herself on her own joke. In spite of the ominous nature of her prediction (or perhaps because of it) the work was done on schedule.

"You work well for being a pilot, pink-skin," she complimented him as she slid using Ravon's body as a ladder to leave the narrow gap. When she managed to sneak out, she stretched her arms above her head and rejoiced for a moment in the possibility of standing up and with all her muscles outstretched. "Ok!" she exclaimed in a much more lively tone than she had spoken since Ravon fell on top of her. "Now we must order something. If we're lucky, we've fixed it. If we're unlucky, the replicator is still broken... if we're VERY unlucky, we've prepared a small plasma bomb and we're about to behold how a hole opens in the hull and experience the pleasures of depressurization and a short, but intense, suitless ride through outer space," she explained as she tried to etch a human smile on her face. It didn't work out too well and, instead of the comforting expression that she was pretending, she looked at him like a shark would smile at her next dinner. 

With resolute steps, she approached the replicator panel. "Two kathekas, ninety-three degrees," she requested. On the replicator shelf, shiny particles began to swirl...

Re: Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction

Reply #14
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Geology Lab | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Numen @Brutus 

The prospects of his hands being blown up or liquified made Thomas mouth out a louder"Wha?" before the Andorian spoke of odd of survival before they managed to complete the feat in due time. A sigh of relief washing over him as he was rewarded with a compliment from the blue skinned woman before she slipped out from underneath him. He followed quickly after her as he stretched himself as well, cracking some bones and joints in the progress before she stated that they needed to order something.

Again the woman stated the possible outcomes and he wasn't quite sure if she was joking or not. His eyes looking wary over over her as he suggested "So we'll try water again, right?" The attempt of her to smile made her look even more scary than her initial declaration of possible outcomes. It dawned onto the pilot that she was joking and he laughed and nodded "Okay, okay." The Andorian ordered two kathekas and Thomas squinted his eyes together in case something would blow up regardless.

The replicator produced exactly what it needed to though and upon further inspection the drink even tasted like it should've been. Thomas was relieved and smiled "Well, thanks for that lesson one-o-one in engineering." he thanked Shar "Perhaps I'll be seeing you around." he smiled as he saluted her before saying his goodbye to her. On his way back to a turbolift he couldn't help but laugh at the situation he had just been in and when the lift opened up, Stark was standing inside of it.

"Ah Stark, I think I just ran into one of your minions." he chuckled before he unveiled the story to the Chief of Operations, concluding that the Andorian was quite effective and determined in her job.


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