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Topic: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.  (Read 13602 times) previous topic - next topic
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[2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

[ Lieutenant Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dormitory Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]  @Brutus

Vanya had made it to Earth, finally. The security department of the ship she’d rode in from Jupiter station to Earth had been a bit more friendly. As in to say they weren’t right jerks about her and her transit. The new Academy year was about to start and there were many many exotic beings making the trip. The ship was practically filled to the brim with species from all over the Federation and her over 150 member planets. Not to mention those from out side the Federation with special dispensation to attend the academy, such as Vanya herself.

People were chatting animatedly and making new acquaintanceship and perhaps even starting friendships. Vanya took the time of the trip to observe. Many humans of course, but that was to be expected here. The other species were fascinating to her. The rich cobalt color of an Andorian Zhen’s skin. The intricate movement of the antennae. The clipped speech patterns of a Vulcan young man, even coming through the universal translator.  The quarrelsome tone and aggressive gesticulation of a Tellarite conversing with a rather startled looking Alpha Centurion. The combinations and fascinations went on and on.

Sitting quietly by a viewport, the statuesque Romulan woman observed as many as she could. A slender long fingered hand coming up to tuck her sable hair behind the pointed ear. Her dark green eyes taking in as much as possible. People had glanced her way of course. Her beauty even drew the eye across species lines from time to time. Then eyes would migrate to her ears. “Vulcan?” Their expressions seemed to ask but then the slight forehead ridges would be perceived and the expressions would change. Some anger. Some fear. Much suspicion. One or two instances of aggressive expression was exhibited. Vanya for her part offered gentle smiles back to those that looked her way.

This confused some, pacified others and others, seemed to think she was mocking and shifted more towards anger. No one accosted her or anything so that was refreshing. Perhaps they thought her presence was one of those “Unannounced Psychological tests” that the academy was renown for.

Almost her entire trip she was left to her own devices and sat quietly observing the fellow passengers, and soon to be Cadets. About a half hour out from Earth itself, a young woman with dark hair and rich almost coppery skin came and sat down beside Vanya. She could have passed as human of some sort, until she hit you with those rich purple eyes. A hand was offered.

“Hi. I’m J’N’if’Rr. Heading to the Academy, aiming for Command track.” The young woman offered a mischievous grin. “From Xenex so everyone’s totally wondering if I’m going to pull out a sword and stab someone. I see they’re eyeing you too. Romulan huh?”

Vanya had taken the hand and shook it, a bit amused by the Xenexian’s forward nature, but she was friendly. Vanya had to give her that.

  “Yes. Vanya, formerly of Romulus.”

The girls purple eyes sparkled. “It’s that ‘formerly’ that’s gaining the looks I’m betting. Looks like we’re two freaks. Wanna be friends?”

Vanya chuckled at that assertion and assumption but the girl had a point. The Xenexians were.. unique in many ways and were looked at aside more than say your average Bolian. Vanya stood out for her own reasons, both visible and ones that would become more evident later.

  “Sure. I could use a friend.”   

The rest of the trip, Vanya sat with J’N’if’Rr. The girl chatting away in that some what wild, animated way of theirs. Vanya adding in now and then, but pretty much just going with the flow.

Then they came to their destination and the crew started to beam down the would be Cadets. J’N’if’Rr stood and grabbed her space bag. “See you around Campus, Vanya!”

Vanya nodded and retrieved her own. Getting into the line and soon enough was beamed down to the receiving pad at the entrance to the Academy. Her dark green eyes looked up and around the beautiful grounds of the Academy and a smile crossed her face. She’d worked hard to be accepted here and this would be the first step in a life of her own choosing. So it was a significant point in her life. No less so for the others coming into their Freshman years here.

Lines were forming over to the check in registry and Vanya got on line there. The information was being doled out swiftly and soon she was to the head of the line. A human in Ops gold looked up. Vanya offered her name and identification number from her Federation ID. It was punched into the computer and the woman looked up.

“Ok Cadet. Here’s your chit for the Quartermaster. Draw cadet uniform, dress uniform, and athletic uniforms, and the required gear for your first semester courses. The pad will direct you to the proper building on the grounds. Once you’ve drawn your gear, report to your first berthing. You are in Freshman dormitory Alpha 2. Fourth Floor. As you might guess we do not have any Romulan only floors so you’re being housed in the Cross Species Accommodation dorm. The dorm will have people from all over the Federation in it. So.. you’ll get a crash course in diplomacy. Or you’ll seriously hate life. I highly recommend the former over the later. Our notes, say that you don’t need any special accommodation as pertaining to your singular species needs?”

Vanya shook her head.

The woman went on.  “The quartermaster will issue you, your first months replicator credits. These are to be used for items ‘not’ covered by your class and course load. Uniforms and such are provided by the academy. The Replicator credits are for personal items and what have you. Remember there are three replication-mats on campus for food. So using your credits for that is unadvised.” A pause. “Do.. you eat?”

Vanya nodded, it was much simpler to just say yes. “Yes ma’am”  She could in fact, eat and her design was advanced enough she could even taste and enjoy food. It wasn’t needed for continued function but was possible and something she did for the sensations and ‘taste’.

The woman smiled. “Great. Stay away from the Bolian stew. No matter what they tell you they still haven’t gotten that right with the program. Blech”

If you have any questions your Guidance Counselor is in the notes I’m transferring to  your pad. Draw your gear. Orientation starts tomorrow morning. Welcome to Starfleet Academy, Cadet!”

Vanya took the pad with a smile thanking the woman. The map was easy to follow and soon enough she was at the quartermaster’s office. A short and… characteristically stout Tellarite Petty officer took one look at her and snorted. “Going to take a ton of energy to replicate uniforms in your size!”

Vanya had frowned and smoothed down the front of her jumpsuit. What had THAT meant??

The man had her step into the scanner to get her measurements and then punched in the code. Soon her standard Cadet uniforms were replicated. Dress uniform, and athletic gear, 24th century undergarments. Boots, dress shoes and athletic ones as well. Assorted gear for her course loads were all replicated and packed into a bag. The porcine person shoved it across the counter. “Hope you’re strong, tall one. That’s a load”

Vanya lifted it with one hand and shoulder it. “Thank you Petty Officer. I’ll manage”

He grunted. “NEXT!”

She carried the bags and followed the map on the pad again. Soon the residence hall came into view. People were moving in. Many parents were saying good buy to their children or hassling RA’s about their child’s special needs. Vanya had none of that. She slipped through the people gathering looks now and then and came up to the door. A young man in Security Gold held up a hand and asked for her ID. She gave it and he scanned it. Nodding. “4th floor. Room 404. You’re in the database now. The doors will let you in.”

She smiled and headed inside. Beings were moving every where bumping and pushing a bit in the rush to get settled. Vanya made her way up to the 4th floor and glanced at the door numbers… 1…. 2… 3… and here she was. Room 404.

As she stepped closer it recognized her information from her Com badge and whisked open. Vanya paused in the room that would be hers for the next year. Looking to see if her room mate was already in residence. 
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Acadmey] Checking in.

Reply #1
[Cadet Natalie Stark Starfleet Academy | The Grounds | San Francisco]Attn: @Cosmos 

To say that Natalie had been having a bit of a day was an understatement. She was, at last, at the Academy. She had taken a flight in from Mars two days prior, with her father. The elder Stark had wanted to treat his daughter to a few days together before he would be returning home - alone. For the first time in more than 20 years, Chief Stark would have no one at home for him when he returned to the house at Bradbury Point.  It was a sobering thought for the man, that had lingered in the back of his mind while he and his only (remaining) child sailed out across the San Francisco Bay.

She'd said good bye to him about two hours ago, and already her heart ached. Daddy, as she was want to call him, and flown her to earth himself. And he would be all alone, and even though she was going to be surrounded by people, they weren't her people. She would be just as alone. The girl sniffled, dashed a hand under her eyes, and took a breath to steady herself.

Natalie stood in the gardens of the Academy, making her way to the dorms. She'd stopped by an alien looking tree, its leaves wide and strange fruit hanging from it. She tilted her head to the side, using this as a distraction as she clutched the bundle the quartermaster had foisted upon her, her bag slung over a shoulder, with what little personal gear she'd brought along.  "What alien plant is this?" She asked herself, as a breeze off the bay ruffled the skirt about her legs, flaring it slightly behind her.

"That's called a mango tree," a voice said from behind her, causing Natalie to near jump out of her skin. She managed to keep a hold on her gear, and turned to see an elderly man, with a shock of white hair, and pair of dark overalls on. His face was weathered with time and sunlight, smile lines and frown marks. He was old. He was, in fact, the oldest looking human that she'd ever seen (assuming he was human. "And there's nothing alien about it. They ain't in season yet, but they come from Earth herself.

"Colony girl then, if you've never seen a mango." He declared.

"Um, Mars, actually." Natalie murmurered to the old man, her voice quite, shy. As if she were unused to talking to strangers. That had been her demeanor when not in her fathers company. He seemed taken aback by that, then, in what was likely a rarity, he smiled.

"You too, eh?" He said with a small laugh, and reached over, giving the shorter girl a pat on the shoulder as he walked over to the tree. She noticed how he carefully picked his way along the grounds, before placing a hand on the trunk and looking up. "They don't grow these back home. Not that I've been home in...well. I started in here '21. Fell in love with the grounds. Only tend to leave when I need to go to the source for advice about a plant. " He turned back and motioned her forward. "You can touch, this time," he added.

"They don't grow these back home, no. Or at least they didn't when I was growing up. Pressure was all wrong for them," he continued, and shy as she was, Natalie let him prattle on. "This one came as a sapling from India about 25...30 years ago." He tugged on the straps of his overalls and smiled again, quite pleased. "You're new to the Academy." Not a question. "You come back, a few more months from now, and give me a hand picking some of these, and you can try one for yourself. Don't -" he held up a cautioning finger, " - you dare replicate one to try it. You want your first taste to be the real deal. Trust me. There's something that the replicators just can't quite

"A um....a few months?" She asked, and the man nodded again, leading her away from the tree, back to the path, gesturing down towards the dorms. "Not all that far a walk. Dorms over there, classes this way," he drew his hand across the gardens. "Pass by here often. You just stop by after your mid terms in your first semester. They'll be ready then."

It was impossible not to smile back at the man. She wasn't bothered by the way he would reach out, a comforting hand. She wondered if he did this often to new students. "I, thank you, Professor....?" He laughed at that and shook his head.

"Boothby. Just Boothby. I'm the groundskeeper. Have been for - well, since '21." He swept some of the wispy hair back. "And you, Cadet ?"

"Oh! Um, Stark. Natalie," she said quietly, but less nervous now.

"Well you ,Miss Cadet Stark, Natalie," he rolled, with a knowing smile, "had best get along. I'll see you around, and don't you forget, you'll be helping me pick those mangoes a few months from now." He wagged a finger at her, then made a shoo'ing gesture. "Get yourself settled in girl. It'll start to feel like home in no time at all."

With that, Natalie watched as the older man looped off, fishing a trowel out of his pocket as he went. She stared, then shook her head. It was the oddest thing that had happened to her since coming to San Francisco two days ago. And yet, some of the anxiety and the worry over her father, over settling in, had left her. Lighter of heart, she turned and headed on to the dorm she had been assigned to as part of the Cross Species Accommodation program.

[Freshman Dormitory Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor]

It had been about an hour since her impromptu encounter with the groundskeeper, and Natalie had been unpacking in the surprisingly spacious room. There were beds on either side, and each student had a workstation with an accompanying ergonomic chair. There was a footlocker at the end of the bed and a series of small drawers in the walls adjacent to the bed. An alcove was built into the wall above the head of the bed, and a large window overlooked the grounds. 

In the center of the room was a tiny square table, and to each side, cushioned chairs for lounging. Off on the far wall was a mirror, under which was a retractile wash station, and a replicator. To the right of that, a door that lead to the refresher unit, which was shared with a neighboring room.

Natalie had just set a small holocube into the alcove and pressed the button, watching as it displayed a floating representation of  a family of four, including what could only be a younger version of Natalie herself. There on the right was her father, and at his side was a woman that had Natalie's nose and smile. A younger man stood in the center, taller than the rest, in a Cadet uniform a few years out of date. And there in front was Nat, smiling up at the young man.

"See. I made it, Eric," she said softly. "Bet you never thought I'd be here, huh? Wish you could see it." She said quietly. Before she could do much else, the doors to room 404 opened with a hiss, catching Nat off guard. She jumped a bit in her bed and turned, to face the door, only to stop and stare, wide eyed. The girl in the door had long hair, dark, silken black. Piercing eyes that drew Natalie's attention in a way that few had ever. Pointed, up-swept ears framed her angelic face. And a pair of ridges above her brow, forming a V, gave the whole appearance a slight, menacing cast.

"Er.....hello?" Natalie said softly, her legs tucked up under her sundress (a pleasant, light green color with white flowers) on the bed. She gave a very small finger wave, and tried, very, very hard, to reconcile the fact that she was fairly certain her roommate was....well, she could be a Vulcan, but Nat was thinking....Romulan.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Acadmey] Checking in.

Reply #2
[ Cadet Vanya | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor |

Vanya looked across the room to the some what diminutive young woman sitting on the bed in the pretty dress. Those dark green eyes, byproducts of the copper based blood and slight differences in physiology between the races, took in her appearance. One of those pointed brows rose. The little finger wave, the wide eyes, the entire package and presentation was observed for a few long seconds.

Then something perhaps even – more – unnerving for poor Natalie happened. The young woman in the doorway offered a radiant….. smile. Had she been a Vulcan such a display of emotion would give most cause to take a step or two back. Shocking in and of itself, one would wonder if something was going on with the Vulcan to make them… emote like that. Disturbing for a number of reasons, it would give pause.

Just as disturbing, perhaps more so even, was a young Romulan standing there in the center of Starfleet Academy, with a Starfleet Academy bag over one shoulder, here on Earth. Sector 001. Center of the Federation.

The young woman came in, tall but moving with grace unbecoming someone of her size. Her space bag, and bag of Academy gear was deposited on the other bed. Turning Vanya approached the sitting human. A hand was offered, in what she had been taught was the ‘Human way’ of greeting. The smile remained as the young Romulan spoke in a beautiful soprano.

“You must be my roomate. I am Vanya. Science track.” A beat and her dark green eyes swept over Natalie.“Love the dress!”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #3
[Cadet Natalie Stark Starfleet Academy | The Grounds | San Francisco]Attn:

Oh dear lord, Natalie thought to herself, her eyes not quite the size of saucers, as the being in front of her offered up a hand to shake. Yup. No doubt about it, she realized. The eyebrow had given her the thought, for just a moment, that perhaps the figure in the doorway, wearing a jumpsuit that still somehow flattered her, was Vulcan. The classical, stoic sweep of a brow was common stereotype.

The smile was not. That smile, and the bright, cheerful nature in which she introduced herself (Vanya) laid rest to any doubts that Natalie had harbored (not that there were many left). This girl - this recruit? - was a Romulan. In Starfleet Academy.

In her newly assigned room.

Her roommate.

For a moment it didn't compute. Thankfully, Natalie's had acted on autopilot, the human greeting ingrained. She took the other womans hand and gave it a shake with a reasonable squeeze. Entirely out of habit.

"Um, Thank you," she said softly. There was a trace of awe in her voice. She had never met a Romulan. She wondered if anyone in the building had. Other than in battle. The Romulans hadn't maintained a diplomatic presence in the Federation since the early part of the century, and Nat wasn't sure they'd opened up an embassy. And yet here was a Romulan in her room.

"I...Um, That is....manners," she stammered, scolding herself. "Sorry. Where are my manners. I"m Natalie. Natalie Stark," she said. If this girl was actually her roommate - and it would be an impossibly bold ploy for her to pretend to be when she wasn't - she'd learn anyways. "Operations track. And my god you're tall." She blurted the last bit out, taken aback by the graceful presence in front of her.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #4
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya shook Natalie’s hand. Both of her pointed brows raising at the girl’s reply. The human looked a little flabbergasted, if Vanya’s observation of human facial expressions were correct. She supposed it would not be the last. As Natalie was to share a room with her, Vanya had decided a friendly approach would be best for them both. Confrontation with one you were sharing quarters with is not a good way to spend your down time. So far Natalie hadn’t started swearing or throwing things. That was a good sign.

Leaning in with a bit of a playful conspiratorial air.    “We Romulans have a thing for –green– you know! You’re already appealing to my racial heritage.”   Vanya leaned back and a gentle look of amusement crossed her face.    “Tall?” I suppose I deviate a bit from the statistical norm.”   A long fingered hand smoothed down the front of her jumpsuit, worn for space travel to the Academy.

“Nice to meet you, Natalie Natalie Stark. That’s a beautiful name. Is it a… family name? Natalie? Or is it human custom to have first and middle names the same? I must confess you’re sort of my first human. Please forgive me any ignorant faux pas.” She slipped back over to the far side of the room and started to unpack her space bag on the bed. Motioning to one of the closets that pointed brow raised again. A simple graceful motion, inquiring which closet Natalie preferred.

“I’ve only got the one. Name, that is. Perhaps you can help me choose a few more?”  
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #5
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

Belatedly, understanding came to Natalie. As nervous and on edge as she herself was, in the presence of a confirmed! (by her own admission) Romulan, the woman across from her was in exactly the same boat. This was quite the revelation to Nat, whom had, up until this point, viewed Romulans as calculating, clever demons whom embraced the darker emotions that Vulcan's shunned. Never had the brunette human considered that Romulans were prone to being nervous, or overtly bubbly in personality.

Later on it would dawn on Nat that this was exactly the intent of Cross Species Accommodation program. She'd smile and laugh in admiration when that clicked.

Taking her hand back, she rubbed her fingers into her palm and then swept some stray hairs back behind her ear. She's nervous too Natalie reminded herself. Never all that great around others, she wasn't sure how to deal with this. How to put the girl at ease. If she even could. Not shouting and running from the room should have been a good start, she decided.

"Um first it's just ...Natalie. No middle name. I only said it twice because I was startled." Her voice was much quieter than the Romulan's, but then, she had those elegantly pointed ears, and Natalie knew that her hearing would be far better than Nat's own, so she wasn't too worried about her roommate having any difficulty in picking up her shy tones. "I honestly wish I could say that the dress choice was an attempt to appeal to um, your heritage, but I had no idea who or what my roommate was going to be."

Glancing up, her blue eyes bright, she smiled, sheepishly.

"Natalie is my given name, if I'm using the term right?" She continued, taking things slow, not because she thought the woman across from her would have issues following her (her Federation Standard seemed impeccable) but because Nat ended to pick and choose her words carefully around someone she didn't know in an effort not to be a fool. "Daddy said that it was one of my Great Aunts names. Stark is the family name. That's the norm for most humans, but not all. We're confusing like that.

"Is it the norm in Ro-Romulan culture to use just one name?"

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #6
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 


Vanya was indeed a bit nervous. Here she was on Earth, center of the Federation and there would be more than a few people who’s multiculturalism did not include her or her kind. For more than just the obvious on the face reasons too. This would be the first long term interaction that Vanya would have with humanity and other species of the Federation, out side of the Daystrom Institute who had determined her person-hood. So, she didn’t want to screw it up. Get kicked out, or even worse imprisoned and or dismantled.

When Natalie started to speak again, Vanya paused in her unpacking, turning and giving the other young woman her full attention. It was a trait that had been hard to repress. Looking someone straight in the eye when you spoke with them. Being a part of the conversation. Paying attention. Not just waiting for your turn to talk. Vanya had this trait and others sometimes found it off-putting, depending on the person, it may even be intimidating. It manifested, in Vanya’s case from two sources. The first being that her primary programming had been in infiltration, observation and accumulation of data. The second being, that as her programming matured, as – she- matured and grew, she honestly- was – very curious of the world, universe and people around her. So she wanted to learn all she could, and thus, paid direct attention.

So those dark green eyes landed on Natalie with laser like focus and the human got her full attention. She nodded gently and her hand came up to tuck silken dark tresses behind her own pointed ear. Accidentally mirroring Natalie’s own motion. “Sorry to startle you. Was it my height, or….. ?” She left it open for Natalie to fill in on what had startled her. Providing the ‘height’ option to give the human woman an ‘out’. When the explanation of the dress was disclosed, Vanya offered a nod.   “It suits you quite well, Natalie. Brings out the depth of color of your hair. The highlights and all.” 

When Vanya was asked about Romulan names she paused a bit as if pondering the question. Then met Natalie’s eyes straight on again. “I may not be the best to ask about that. Vanya is the name my… mother gave me, but my upbringing isn’t anything you’d call ‘normal’.” A bit of a nervous laugh and she motioned around them, seeming to indicate their shared location.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #7
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

Biting her lip gently, Natalie felt her eyes tip up, just a bit, and her head lean to the side. There as a hint of pink in her cheeks - from the praise? Or embarrassment. Probably a healthy helping of both, if she were being completely honest with herself. There was an intensity to the woman on the other bed, the way she watched her. Those green, green eyes lingering, twitching slightly with every move that Natalie made. A boy had stared like that at her once, a few years back, and sent Nat into a flutter. Odd that it was happening again from this alien woman. She had to force herself not to wilt under the weight of the attention.

"Well, you're what, 2 meters tall? I'm just over a meter and a half?" She worried at her lip again, a nervous tick of hers. "It can be intimidating. And well, I'm sure you've guessed by now I've never exactly met a Romulan before." There. That cat was out of the bag. Nat wouldn't hide the fact that she was very much surprised. "I don't actually know of any Romulan's having been through the Academy and if you were a smiling Vulcan well, then I'd be worried!" She declared, attempting for a bit of humor.

"Regardless, I uh, yeah, i might stare a bit because you are really, really tall," this was honest, though she was still blushing something fierce at this point. "Its nice of you to say those things about me." She was doing that thing where she bounced from one subject to another, boom, boom, boom. Another nervous habit. Chill, Natalie. "Seeing as you can make even a simple jump suit look good, I appreciate it.

"So, colony world then?" She asked, launching right along with another tangent. "Colonies, they develop their own kind of culture, not the norm. Like the folks from Terra Nova," she paused, "Though really that wasn't their fault. The irradiated rains didn't help things. Okay, bad example."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #8
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Natalie blushed and Vanya smiled. Oh! She was so pretty when she blushed, but Vanya kept that thought to herself. The arched brows rose as Natalie started to speak. A bit of a nod. “One point nine meters, yes.” The green eyes shifted from Natalie’s face to sort of take in her entire body. Vanya not having seen her standing yet, true height could be difficult to judge. Then back to the young human’s face as she just kept right on going!

“Which is more intimidating? My height, or my species?” At Natalie’s own admission to not having met a Romulan before, the Android effected a small smile. “How am I doing? Romulan enough? Or do I need a more severe haircut?”

At Nat’s joke Vanya grinned. A real honest grin. “A smiling Vulcan would totally freak me out!”

Her roomate’s blush was more pronounced now, and Vanya tilted her head watching Natalie go from topic to topic. This roommate could be fun! At the mention of her jumpsuit. Vanya looked down and blushed slightly herself. Instead of the pink and then red that Natalie possessed, the human would see a touch of ‘green’ infuse Vanya’s cheeks.   “Just wanted to travel and not get all dirty and nasty, you know?”

Standing she undid the front closure of the jumpsuit and started to peel it off as Natalie continued on. Dark green eyes flicking back to her face as she spoke. “Um… not a colony per sey… think of it more as… very restrictive.. home schooling?”

The jumpsuit was unzipped down the front and Vanya paused to remove all the items from it’s many pockets, then removing her boots, before peeling it totally off. She stood there in satin dark green undergarments and carefully folded the jump suit.
“Have you tried on the uniforms? Do they fit nice or are they scratchy? I have sensitive skin.”

The duffelbag from the quarter master was opened and the cadet uniform pulled out and smoothed, Vanya standing there gloriously fit, eyeing it skeptically.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #9
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

"Oh, no no no! Don't cut the hair. Its far too pretty as is!" The brunette human was sensing something of a circle going - both trying to put the other at ease, both ending up a bit awkward. Now, that could just all be in my head[/i] she admitted to herself, but probably not. Inter-species interactions is hard. And Natalie wasn't exactly the best at reading other people. She did great with gizmos and gadgets, but living creatures weas a bit of a step up for her. All the same, Nat realized that the girl's sudden green color wasn't that she was getting sick (as would be the case with a human) but that she was flushing.

Copper blood. Nice to know she can blush. And that compliments go well. Natalie was making a whole mess of mental notes on the fly. She was going to be living with this woman for some time. it would be important to know. Just like it was important to know the right kind of power converter for an ODN Bypass. Important.

"Pretty and Practical. Seems like a good combination, Vanya," she said, trying the name out for size on her tongue. She could understand wanting to stay clean. What followed next had Natalie going very quite, very fast, and quite red in the cheek. Not at first, of course. Unbuttoning the jumpsuit a bit made some sense. No need to be fully pent up in the room.

"Restrictive homeschooling?" Natalie repeated. "I...well, I have absolutely no idea what the Romulan Education system is, but I can think of a few world where that would be par for the course in the Federation." She managed to get the whole sentence out without stuttering, because her roommate was just stripping right on down.

Good lord she's damned stunning under that! Natalie almost felt jealous. She glanced at her own prominent bust, and wider hips, and felt wholly out classed. The Martian was flummoxed as to how to deal with this. Swallowing, she kept right on starring. Her roommate...yeah. She was beautiful. And apparently very at ease.

"Um, sensative skin?" She asked, eyebrows rising up a bit. "I uh, honestly, I haven't tried it yet," she was picking at the hem of her skirt and still watching in awe, unaware that her cheeks were much, much more red now.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #10
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 


At the mention of her pretty hair, Vanya turned to look over one shoulder. The hair itself reached to the small of her back in a straight fall, with out a hint of curl. The light shimmered over it’s sable depths, so shiny that it seemed to have an almost green-black sheen. By looking over her shoulder the tips of hair swished in the small of her back, above the panty-line. 
“Thank you Natalie!” The soft green tint on her cheeks intensified a little and even brushed the tips of those pointed ears.

Looking back to the uniform she poked and prodded at it a bit and then sort of looked down to her own chest, then over to Natalie’s chest, and then the uniform jacket. “We’re both going to have to let these out….”

Striding to the closet on the balls of her feet she opened the door softly and pulled out a hanger. Hanging the uniform up. Not…. Putting it on. Oh no. She returned to her bag and got the others hanging them up too and started to put things away. Glancing to Natalie as she bent to put her socks in a drawer.“Well. It was more… specific goal oriented training programs? You with your multi planetary knowledge and all may find me a little sheltered. I hope I won’t come off as too much of a shut in or something. If I ever get on your nerves asking questions. Just let me know.”

Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #11
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

"You're welcome," Nat managed, in regards to the compliment she'd given. Her own hair was currently quite wavy, brushing down along her shoulders. Not at all like the straight, darkened locks of her roommate. The hair seemed to swish as the Romulan turned back around. There was just a hint of an impulse to reach out and run her hands through the hair. She'd done that with a past boy friend, on Mars. It was a tactile sort of treat, and Natalie was girl that enjoyed tactile sensations. It was part of what she liked about working with machines, getting her hands in there, feeling the energy pulsing around.

Pulling her mind away from that, she focused back in on her roommate -- which was really was not hard to do - Natalie watched as the girl stared at her own bust...and then at Nats. She felt the red creep down her back as Vanya spoke about letting things out, and the poor girl squeaked aloud. Did...did she want me to...out of She thought, dumbstruck. Was this a Romulan culture thing? hi, nice to meet you, time to take your tits out and say hello???

Before she could ask, Vanya had turned around and headed over to the closet. Natalie had a few things hanging up in one of the two alcoves - there seemed to be one for each cadet. She hung the uniform up and then went about continuing to unpack - something Nat knew she herself should do. But it was such a struggle not to watch this strange - and apparently uninhibited - creature move about.

She bent right over in front of Nat without a hint of humility, and the blue eyed brunette had to swallow another squeak. There was no denying that this woman was physically attractive. And, Nat decided, she liked the girls personality. If she herself could only stop blushing every ten seconds around her, well, maybe they'd make out well enough.

"Oh no, its perfectly fine," Natalie waved the concern off, wanting to her best for intergalactic relations. No sense in offending the first Romulan at the Academy (she thought). "I'm happy to answer what I can." True enough. Was she going to put anything else on? She fidgeted about with the hem of her skirt again, wondering if the Romulan was expecting her to strip down too. She was still a little confused about 'letting these out' and tugged a bit at the top of her dress, glancing down. It hadn't dawned on her that Vanya meant the uniform top.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #12
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 


Vanya watched Natalie as they spoke and she unpacked. The young woman seemed to be fluxuating from hot to hotter and back down a bit. Dark green eyes flickered to the hem of the dress that was getting absent attention and a pointed brow rose. Then back up to Natalie’s face as she sat in the chair.

“Are you any good with replicator fabrication? Going into Ops you must have scored high with your mechanical and operational entrance exams. You could probably program one all on your own?”

Her head tilted and the dark green eyes slowly slipped from Natalie’s face down to her hands. Hand full of delicate little motions. Little movements. So intricate. So… alive. Real. That was a –real- woman’s hand. So full of life. Vanya found herself entranced for long moments. Wondering what Natalie’s fingertips felt like. The intricate swirls and loops of her fingerprints. The edge of her fingernails. Vanya smiled gently, and wet her lips. Nothing overt or gross or anything. Just… wow. Those hands.

Vanya felt inadequate and didn’t fully understand why. She could likely crush the bones in Natalie’s hands with out half trying but… those intricate little movements. The life that the other young woman possessed, just playing with the edge of her skirt. It was damn near mesmerizing.

Vanya absently continued on with her previous thought. “The replicator…. Fabrication. To adjust the jackets so they fit right on us, let them out. How do we say it on Romulus. “We’ve been twice blessed by the breast fairy”? Humans have fairies? Little green sprites of supernatural origin? They like the green milk of new mothers, and it’s sometimes left out to appease them when a Romulan woman has their first child.
Anyway, we want to look sharp for our first classes. Not like we’re dressed in tents.”
  The dark green eyes coming up to Natalie’s at the end.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #13
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

Vanya sitting was much easier to deal with than Vanya strutting about on legs that would make a dancer envious, let alone little ole Natalie Stark. The Cadet perked up quite a bit when her roommate asked her about replicator tech, a grin spreading over her face, clearly eager. She let go of her dress hem and wrapped her fingers together and rested them against her knees, which were crossed, one over the other.

This didn't last for long, of course, because Nat was a naturally prone to fidgeting. About half way through her response, feeling the scrutiny from the barely clothed woman would set her hands back to her skirt hem, flashing a bit more of her leg than she might have intended otherwise. Still, this she was happy to talk about.

"Yes actually, I'm quite good at it," the smile was gentle, but broad as she spoke. "I got in a load of trouble when I was younger for taking apart the family replicator. Daddy was amused, but mother was not pleased." She didn't choke up when speaking of her mother any more, thankfully. "In my defense, it worked better when I was done."

Natalie was particularly proud of that point. She'd been all of 12 years old at the time.

"Why do you ask?" She prompted the girl, who seemed lost in thought. But Vanya answered, and it was then that Natalie understood the girls former statement. Her hands flew from her skirt to her chest, one clasped over the other, and she listened with rapt attention and a smattering of embarrassment.  Her bust was not something she was used to talking about. However, the Sciences Cadet continued on, telling her a tale of Romulan Fairies that left Natalie flabbergasted. She probably learned more about Romulan culture in those scant short minutes than half the professors in the Academy.

"They like Romulan Breast milk?" Nat stammered, smiling, but confused. "And" She giggled, covered her mouth, and sat back onto her bed, shaking. "Oh, I'm sorry, I really don't mean to laugh its just...well, on Earth, they do have Fairies. And Daddy always used to claim they followed the first settlers on Mars.  The little ones are prone to small practical jokes, but if you catch them they owe you an equally small, practical favor. Its the tall ones, the Fae, you have to be careful of." She didn't point out that the Fae of old legend looked a damn bit like Romulan's and their Vulcan cousins.

Glancing down at her breasts, covered as they were, and then over to Vanya's - starring, yes, but not for long before her blue eyes flicked back to meet those very intense green ones, Natalie gave another nod. "We'd need to enter in our measurements. I can do that easily enough. I think if we recycled the garments we've been given that would give us new credits to use to replicate a new, better fitting set of tops." She flushed a bit. "I really didn't think about that at all. Good catch."


Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #14
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 


When Natalie’s fingers stopped moving Vanya was almost sad. Dark green eyes focusing once again on Natalie’s face, one corner of her lips quirked up, seeing how Natalie seemed to come alive describing the tech. A nod of encouragement was offered as she spoke of dismantling the family replicator. A soft laugh escaped and then a grin. “With me it was a disruptor rifle.”

Then Nat’s hands were back and Vanya’s eyes dipped and noticed the creamy thigh and the fingers again playing the hem of the skirt. Both were distracting, but the Android payed attention. When Natalie’s hands flew up to cover her chest. Vanya’s eyes went with and her brows went up. Did her roommate’s breasts hurt? Vanya had read in her studies of the Federation that old 20th and 21st century undergarments often were uncomfortable for humans. Perhaps they still were? Romulan undergarments had to be far superior.  With Natalie cupping herself, poor Vanya was looking from the girls eyes to her hands and back a touch confused.

Then her roommate was asking questions and Vanya brightened. “The Fairies? Oh yes they like Romulan breast milk. Well. Who doesn’t?” She grinned.  “Romulan babies are all about it too!” A light chuckle was given and she smiled.  “We’ve copper based blood and such. Our blood is green when oxygenated, and the breast milk and semen both possess a greenish white hue, due to it.”

Hearing about the Martian fae, Vanya leaned forward and nodded for Nat to go on. “Be careful of them? Do they steal souls in the night? Or carry off one’s first born?”   It would seem some legends were truly universal.

Vanya brightened. “Could you show me how? As you’ve noticed. My height and shape.. it’s so very hard to get clothes that fit. I would be in your debt, Natalie”   
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #15
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

Oh, there is so, so much I need to unpack from all that, Natalie thought to herself as she listened to Vanya. She got a boat load of information in a few minutes of conversation, and it was taking her a moment to process it all (and not linger on the thoughts of just what Romulan breast milk and semen looked like - she was blushing enough as is). She felt like the Academy had possibly done itself a disservice by sticking her in the room with Vanya and not another science track student with a focus on xenoanthropology. Vanya would be a treasure trove to such a cadet.

Or perhaps that's exactly why they didn't. For Vanya's sake. That would make sense to Natalie. As much as the Academy was about learning, it was also about nurturing students into officers. Perhaps having someone picking at everything Vanya said would be counter productive.

Natalie made a mental note to look up how the Academy accommodated other 'firsts' when it came to species attendance.

Pushing aside naughty, naughty thoughts, Natalie focused on Vanya - which, given her beauty wasn't exactly innocent territory. Despite her surprisingly innocent nature. None of the guile she'd expected was evident here. "The Fae will extract promises, or so the legends go. Never thank them, for they will hold sway over you. They cannot tell a lie, but can twist the truth to be just as effective as a lie." She held up a warning finger as she spoke, giggling a bit. Then she let it drop to the girls bust, pointing there.

"I can absolutely show you what needs to be done," Natalie said, letting her feet sway a bit on the edge of her bed, side to side. "We'll need to get our measurements down pat anyway to input so we have a base to work from when modifying the standard uniform." She rubbed one foot against the other, having kicked off her sandals earlier. "But I'd be happy to show you." Nat repeated, favoring Vanya with one of her brighter smiles. She understood machines, and was more comfortable dealing with how they worked.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #16
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya listened, for her part greatful to the Academy housing staff. They had roomed her with a young woman, whom, if afraid of her, didn’t show it, and was actually talking – to- her. Not – at- her. And in fact speaking at all. A stony silence or even hostility could be expected, but Natalie had given none of that. Natalie was almost a gift. Someone quiet and unassuming, but friendly and willing to share herself and her experiences. Vanya would learn so much.

When Natalie went on to describe the fae, Vanya listened and nodded gently.  “Sounds some what like my people… except for not telling lies. I learned early on that a well twisted truth is twice as dangerous” A look that Natalie could easily catagorize as sadness or regret crossed Vanya’s face, but like a spring breeze it was there and then gone. The emotion kissing the Romulan’s features and then evaporating. Her eyes came back up.   “Sounds like your fairies are clever and wise sprites. You must have some fairy blood?” 

A glance down to her own breasts when they were mentioned and then up to Natalie.   “I’ve not read the instruction manual on a Federation tricorder yet. Ours work a good bit differently. If you have, we could get the measurements, or do it the old fashioned way with a tape. I put myself in your hands.” Vanya reached back clearly about to disrobe the rest of the way for Natalie’s proscribed measurements.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #17
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

A hint of concern passed across Natalie's face as she saw the sadness on Vanya's. Seeing someone that looked so much like the Vulcan's she had known (there were more than a few that worked in the shipyards) being so emotionally expressive was going to take some getting used to. The ridges over her brow did help to remind Natalie that this was not a Vulcan she was dealing with, but it was still a bit much to adjust to. Still, Natalie promised herself she would persevere.

"I, um, thank you," Nat said with a blush as she caught up with what Vanya was saying and realized her roommate paid her a compliment. She decided not to tell the other woman that as cleaver and crafty as the Fae were, they were equally, if not more so, cruel. If Vanya was indeed drawing conclusions between the Fae and the Romulan species, well, that wouldn't do any good to insult the woman.

After all, she seemed far too nice to be cruel.

"Right, I was told they'd issue me a tricorder when I got here so I didn't bring mine but I might have a tape measure in here!" Natalie said, jumping up off the bed. In her eager haste to help she failed to notice, utterly, that Vanya was starting to disrobe further, something that wouldn't really be necessary. Meanwhile the Ops Cadet was rummaging through one of the bags she'd brought along with her that had not yet been fully stashed away in the foot locker at the end of her bed.  She was pulling out one tool after another, looking at it, and then discarding it - carefully - onto the top of the locker, or the mattress of her bed.

"Ah-ha! Here's the little bugger," she exclaimed, standing back up, having been bent over the bag. In her hand was a simple measuring tape. She turned around, pleased as a peach as she was saying, "Daddy told me always pack the analog tool, just in case."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #18
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 


If told about the cruelty of the Fae, it very likely would have made them sound a bit more like the Romulans to the Android. She wasn’t ‘ashamed’ of her heritage, but she knew that the Romulans were far from innocents on the galactic stage, or even at home.  The slavery of the Remen and usage of them as shocktroops had always disturbed Vanya and speaking out against such had horrified her creator.

Then Natalie was rummaging for the tape measure so Vanya went ahead and unclasped the bra in the front and removed it. Carefully folding then placing it on the bed. Then slipped out of the matching dark green panties as well. Those were folded and placed on the bed as well and her hands came up to sweep her dark hair back over her shoulders. Standing to her full height, all 1.9m.

When Natalie turned back she’d basically walk full tilt into the Romulan, awaiting the measuring. She had flawless pale skin, of one that lived in space. Legs for days and days up to pleasantly flared hips. A sleek toned stomach with just the faintest hints of abbs, up to her ribs. As previously described her creators had blessed her with breast and ass to help with her infiltration duties. The rear being tight and shapely, breasts were full and heavy but with out much sag, standing proud. The collar bone was delicate leading up to her throat and proud jawline. The skin itself was with out flaw or blemish, and infused with the warmpth of life. South of the eyebrows, there was no significant body hair to be seen. She wasn’t 100% hairless. She wouldn’t bead water or anything, but she lacked hair under the arms, or elsewhere.

Dark green eyes were watching Natalie as she turned back.“It sounds like you very much loved your father.” A tone of longing in the nude Romulan’s voice. “I never had one...”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #19
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

Oh holy shit, Natalie thought, her bright blue eyes going as wide as saucers at the sight before her. There, in all her glory, was Vanya. Buck naked, as they'd say back home out of Bradbury point. She knew many of the boys and girls liked to go skinny dipping out on the lake, but Nat had never been one to indulge. She was too embarrassed about her body to do something like that. I bet Vanya would have no issues with skinny dipping what so ever. Christ, not looking like that.

She was unable to avoid looking. Ogling really. How could she not, with Vanya just starring there? It was then that she came to the conclusion that Romulan's did not have the same sort of cultural nudity taboos that many (but certainly not all) human cultures had. It never crossed her mind that Vanya might simply be an odd ball. Having never met any other Romulans, her roommate was the authority on the subject of 'what Romulan's do'.

"Oh boy," Nat whispered softly. It was only then that she realized two things. Firstly, Vanya had been talking. The girl, uninhibited by her own nudity - and it was impressive, to say the least - had said something about Natalie loving her father, and her own lack of father. It tugged Natalie out her startled head space and into a more sympathetic one.

Secondly, she realized the tape in her hand had been unraveling while she stared - drank in - at Vanya's nude form.

"I'm so sorry," she blurted out, as she watched the other woman. She was apologizing for starring, yes, but also, for what Vanya said. "I love my father dearly. He is all I have left but I cannot imagine never knowing yours." she bit her lip, and looked down at the tape measure.  There was nothing else for it, she needed to duck down and scoop it back up. Flushed in the face, she did just that, and kept telling her self not to look, not to look, not to look.

Of course, her eyes darted to the side, when her face was eye level with Vanya's pelvis, her nose drawing in a sharp breath. She'd never been this close to a naked alien before. Or anyone naked, for that matter.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #20
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya tilted her head when Natalie turned and had such a reaction. Looking down a touch self conciously she made sure she hadn’t gotten anything on herself that might be unclean. She was a rather fastidious creature and the thought of being dirty or slimy or sticky or something with out her own knowledge was distressing. With a bit of a look a twist and turn she asertained, that no, she was still clean.

The dark eyes came back up to Natalie and then a gentle smile crossed her face. It wasn’t dirt or the like. Natlie seemed to appreciate the body that Vanya had been given. That was good. Vanya rather liked it too. A hand slid up her leg and gently rested on a hip as she watched the human.

Vanya listened as Natalie spoke and raised her brows. “Natalie. You have more than you know.” She watched the girl for a long moment. “You have this. She motioned with her other hand. “Starfleet. A new family. One you’ve -chosen– for yourself. That you’re pledging to dedicate yourself to. That you’re joining of your own free will. Of your own motivations, your own decisions.” Her dark green eyes watch her roommate.   “And now you have a friend.”

When Natalie stooped to pick up the tape, Vanya offered her a hand to aid in standing. The young woman was a good 25cm shorter, so it wasn’t quite as far to stand, but the gesture was more, an offer of friendship, than true aid in standing. Natalie could probably accomplish that on her own, but if history was any indicator, it may have ended up more interesting than she’d intended.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #21
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

This was perhaps the sweetest, and most awkward conversation that Natalie had ever had when meeting someone new. It was certainly the most eye opening in her life. Taking Vanya's hand, the brunette human allowed herself to be helped up. She had been knocked completely off her game by the woman's attitudes and frankly, a little bit of physical support was welcome in that moment. Plus, the emotional subtext was appreciated.

Once fully upright - with the tape carefully secured so as to not go tumbling about again - Natalie looked up at Vanya and smiled, sheepishly. It was easier to look into those piercing green eyes that were so intensely curious than it was to stare at the girls naked body. Not if she wanted to actually get words out.

"Thank you, for that," she said, giving Vanya's hand a squeeze, and then carefully extracting her hand. Though she let her fingers brush against the other girls skin, to show she didn't necessarily mind. This was strange and new territory for Natalie, and she was taxing her limited social skils to the bone. "For the perspective on what I have ahead of me," she continued, and holding that gaze, "and for a new friend. I really, really like that idea." And this was truthful. Oh, this girl was strange, so very, very strange, and Natalie had no idea how she was going to handle this at all, without passing out, at this rate.

But secretly - or perhaps not so secretly as she thought - Natalie craved a connection with someone else. So she squeezed the girls hand again, gently, and bit her lip, hoping she wasn't saying too much as she added, "You've got me, too. A friend, I mean. Plus, everything you just said about a future, choosing a path, that applies to you too." Don't look at her boobs, don't look at her boobs, she kept telling herself. This was important.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #22
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accomidation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya gently returned the squeeze, very careful not to crush the human’s hand. Positive feed back had been early in her training. Interacting with biologicals meant she needed to move effortlessly among them and not damage them by accident. Many practices with eggs and other fragile things had eventually taught her how to touch with out damaging the fragile flesh and bone of those around her.

She watched Natalie’s face as she was thanked. Her own tone soft.   “You’re welcome”. Her roommate wasn’t wrong. Vanya was very very strange, and frankly, Nat only knew the half of it so far. It would likely get much more strange before it ever got normal.

When the sweet human had said that it all applied to Vanya too, the Romulan had looked out of their window and over San Francisco Bay. Her dark green eyes seemed to lose focus for a bit. Words escaped her. Just above a whisper.

“I hope so….. I truly do.. it’s my dream. A dream I’ve allowed myself to have. That I can find a place here. Fit in. Find a way to help those around me. Not hurt. To be a part of something bigger. To -build-, not destroy. To learn how to be a person. A person of my own. My own experiences.”  She looked back to Natalie. “I want to become more… than I was destined to be. I want to -choose– my own destiny. Maybe…. Starfleet is the way. Maybe here I can be a part of something bigger.”

The Android left unsaid, that maybe she could find a family. If not that comrades and friends. People of like mind that don’t fear her. People that accept her for who and what she was. All the reading material. All the brochures. All the sites on the computers indicated that Starfleet encouraged multiculturalism. That their differences were embraced, not spurned. The young Romulan was hopeful that it wasn’t just hype.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #23
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn:

The scientists hand was warm to the touch, slightly warmer than her own. Vulcanoid heritage Natalie decided. She had heard that Romulus was not a desert world like Vulcan, but that the time between the sundering had not been so long that such a huge genetic drift would have occurred. She resolved to read everything in the database available to cadets about Romulus, Remus, and the Empire. And then wondered what kind of trouble that would get her in.

Still, the hand was warm and the touch was gentle and careful. As someone who used her hands, Natalie could tell. It made sense to her. Romulan's and their Vulcan cousins were much, much stronger than Humans, in physical terms. The touch was still there, still gentle and lingering between them. Nat decided that Romulan's clearly had less boundaries than their Vulcan cousins. Holding hands like this...well, she'd seen plenty of holonovles about the lewd hand holding practices. Not that she liked that kind of thing, of course! Purely research based.

Dashing those thoughts aside, Nat continued to watch Vanya. Saw her gazing out the window at the stunning view they were lucky to have. (Drapes. We need to replicate drapes. Anyone could stare in! We're only four floors up!) She heard the longing and gave another squeeze. "You're fitting in already, Vanya. Thats a dream so many of us here have."

Carefully - and keenly aware of the girls nudity, just trying so very hard not to squeak again - Nat moved her hand up (and up, and up) and rubbed Vanya's back just a little bit. "You don't strike me as the kind of person that would want to hurt a fly. I think Starfleet can be a perfect fit." What kind of place is the Empire, that your dreams lead you to flee your home? she thought. She was too concerned about the sadness she was seeing to remember she was supposed to be wigged out and a mess herself.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #24
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Turning her head away from the window, Vanya looked at Natalie. "You mean I'm fitting in as well as a Romulan female of my height can fit in." she replied with a smile and nodded "Although you are correct, at least we all have that dream in common, it is somewhere to start and build on."

The feel of the other woman's hand rubbing her back was not an unpleasant sensation to Vanya and the fact that Natalie seemed to be growing in confidence based on the fact the girl had managed to move her hand up and up to rub her back, even slightly given her nervous disposition much have been a positive sign surely?

At her words Vanya shook her head "No Natalie I would not. Nor would I wish to harm anybody if given the choice." she answered and
that was true, despite the fact she had advanced combat protocols and knew many, many, many different ways to both injure and kill numerous species, plus the strength to do a lot of them with her bare hands it was not something she wanted to do and hoped to avoid doing as much as possible.

Vanya however was not naive, joining Starfleet had it's risks and given their numerous encounters the odds were high that she would eventually be forced into such situations. "However in situations where such actions are necessary, I was taught how with those too, as I'm sure you and others were too...or at least will be by the time we graduate." she finished, only realising after she had said it that that comment might unnerve her new roomate even more than she already was. The last thing she wanted to do was terrify her only friend and living partner into thinking she was a killer...or at the very least that she would one day snap and kill the poor girl in her sleep....then again perhaps she was over thinking things. Finally the android decided to just stop thinking and see how Natalie would handle that comment and hope for the best.

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