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USS Niger: Valiant

[ Marlee | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @Top Hat @Endeavour Survivors aboard the Niger

"Computer, test communications array."

The blond woman sat cross legged before an open panel that showed scaring from what might have been an uncontrolled discharge. Before her was a messy array of tools scattered about, some of which were easily identified as engineering tools. Others not so much, even a platinum plated butter knife.

"Communications system damaged."

That infuriating matter of fact computer voice telling her the same thing for the last three hours. She took the tool that was in her hands and threw it against the wall in frustration. Thankfully the tool was of decent construction and didn't break on impact. She muttered under her breath "Merde, morceau de merde" as she stood and moved over to the main control panel of the cockpit of the runabout. Hitting a few controls she brought up the sensor analysis of the warp trail the ship had been following. The nebula was playing havoc with the sensors and required constant recalibration. This in part due to the fact that part of the sensors had been dismantled and augmented with a completely different setup, so it wasn't entirely automated any longer. Even at this distance the sensors were having a very hard time.

"Computer, status of emergency beacon?"

"Emergency beacon functional."

At least one thing was working. The others aboard the ship were either asleep in the bunks, or in the common area in the back, which suited her just fine. She didn't mind being alone, often times the computer was a better companion for her any way. Except today where she was frustrated as hell with it.

She moved herself into one of the pilot's seats and settled herself into a slouching position. Looking out the large front windows at the nebula, letting the soothing colors relax her a bit. To her it almost looked like a constantly shifting painting.

Honestly, she didn't really like the idea of going into the nebula. A starship capable of taking out a Nebula Class, could swat a Runabout without even thinking twice. And since they had already determined that the modulation of the warp trail was highly suspect as Borg in origin, she felt that it was best they leave well enough alone. But as this was a Starfleet owned ship, the Starfleet officers did have authority. Under normal circumstances, as a civilian, she wouldn't be placed in charge of the operation of the craft, but she did manage to convince the one in charge that if they were all exhausted when they came upon the aggressor, things might end very badly for them all.

Letting out a small sigh she leaned forward and called up the Runabout's operating matrix and began to insert program code. The matrix had never been finished which was part of the reason the main sensors were only partially functional. She had managed to get them online enough to track the warp trail, and the proximity sensors were functional enough that they wouldn't run into anything. But everything else was offline, including their ability to detect a ship. Someone would actually have to go to a window and look outside for that. Unfortunately, to complete the modifications and a large portion of the repairs would require a space walk, sadly no one thought in the chaos to reequip the Runabout with EVA suits. Besides, they would have to drop to impulse for that and the officers seemed in a hurry. So they would have to make due with what they could do from the inside. Which is what Marlee was attempting to do with the still open access panel.

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #1
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Crew Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @TrexelCat et al

"Focus on the others," Hadiya had said, her perpetual open smile showing white teeth against coffee-coloured skin. "Closing yourself off just leads to a downward spiral for you; you've seen it. You've been there. Being in Starfleet always carried the risk that people you work with would be hurt, or worse. The stress will stay with you until you're ready to deal with it... but you need that delay."

"Right..." he had replied, unconvinced.

"We all cope in different ways, Ranaan. There's no shame in it."

The memory faded as Ducote blinked it away, closing the tricorder with a ratcheting click and sighing. The scientist lying on the cot next to which he knelt was unconscious with an impressive goose-egg on her forehead, and a nasty concussion they couldn't really treat except for waiting it out. He had some first-aid skills from his days as a Security officer, but besides checking there was no ongoing intracranial bleed he couldn't do much. A hypospray loaded with an anti-inflammatory agent hissed as it discharged into the Vulcan's neck.

More than half of the people aboard the Niger had been injured in some way during the runabout's unconventional ejection from the bay. Mostly they were minor bumps and scrapes, but there were a couple of more severe cases. One of the lesser ones was currently, if his empathy was to be relied upon, having an argument in the cockpit. Given that she was there alone, he could only assume that the communication systems repair was not exactly going well.

His order to fly into the nebula on the hunt for the origin of the Borg warp trail hadn't exactly been popular. Not that he could really blame anyone for that; the thought of crossing the path of another Collective vessel in nought but a runabout was quite sobering. But staying by the Endeavour left whatever rescue came for them and the escape pods wide open to ambush and assimilation. And, honestly, any individual ship that Starfleet could field wasn't a great match for a Borg Cube either way. As Ducote saw it, they needed two things: to ascertain the number of Borg ships in the area, if more than 'one', and to warn the rest of Starfleet about it.

Santa Maria, I hope you're safe, Blue.

That was as far as he let himself get down the path of thinking about 'mission losses'. He needed to function. Schooling his expression and standing, he slipped the tricorder into a belt pouch and moved towards the fore compartment where Marlee was keeping an eye on their sensor systems. Their interface was a new one on him, and he didn't have the attention to spare to learn the layout; better to have the designer on-hand. She'd made a convincing case towards delegation earlier.

Ahead of them, the sapphire expanse of the nebula filled the viewport. As soon as they'd crossed its outer edge, he'd raised the shields. The radiation here was manageable, but it could become deleterious if they had to get too deep into the cloud. Thankfully, even at low warp as they were, there was a fair chunk of time before modifications became necessary.

His obsidian gaze swept over the scattered tools and a couple of scorched components next to an open inspection panel. "Any progress, Ms Hailey?" he enquired as he took the seat next to her, running a quick systems check.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #2
[ Marlee | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @Top Hat et al

She was frustrated, so much so that as she tried to complete the recode of the computer while it was actually running, she just dropped her head to the control surface with a small thud in an expression of her frustration. She heard some movement behind her, better than she normally would have as she didn't have her music buds in at the time. She wasn't sure where those had gotten off to. Raising her head again she turned in the chair to see the commander from the Endeavour.

This was another of the people that she had a hard time remembering the name of, though he certainly remembered hers it would seem. As he took a seat in the other pilots chair she let out an exasperated sigh and made a small motion to the control surface displaying incomplete code.

"I would have better progress if we found a planet to set down on. The communications array is toast. And when I say toast, I mean the replicator really messed up and turned it charcoal, toast. Even if we could set down, we would need entire replacement parts. The emergency beacon works, I think. But I left that off because I don't think we need whatever attacked your ship, to come back for survivors."

She then turned to once again look out the main windows for a moment before turning back to the man.

"The LCARS interface is.. Progressing. But what I'm trying to do with it was not meant to be done in flight. So quite literally we are flying with half a computer that barely knows what a warp drive is. And since I still can't bring the internal sensors back online, I can't even tell if that is damaged from our abrupt exit from the shuttle bay."

She slowly stood from her seat and rubbed her eyes. She wasn't tired really, just looking at scrolling code dried out her eyes. She then started towards the open hatch she had been working with earlier to gather up the tools.

"And I know I already brought this up before, but assimilation? Not my preferred method to die. I understand that you might not think anything of it, but the way I see it. Where there's one, there's more. And that nebula is large enough to hide a fleet."

She ended that by motioning to the front bay windows to indicate the nebula she was talking about before she placed the tools in a tool box and started to arrange them so they would fit. She wasn't going to try to convince him to turn the ship around, she knew that would do no good. But every chance she could, she would bring up that she didn't like it. Once she finished with the tools she turned back to the Commander.

"So, how is everyone else doing?"

Now her voice carried a tone like she genuinely cared about the well-being of the others aboard this craft.

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #3
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @TrexelCat et al

It was hard not to receive Hailey's assessment without dismay. Still. 'Adapt and overcome', and all that.

"... The emergency beacon works, I think. But I left that off because I don't think we need whatever attacked your ship to come back for survivors."

"I'm not sure we factor into the Collective's arithmetic any more, Ms Hailey," the Brazilian rumbled. "We're not worth turning a Cube around for. But there's always that chance... wise to leave it off. We'll activate it when we detect a Federation ship in range."

That seemed to put a momentary damper on things, which Ducote used to check their course. The sweep was due to take them deeper into the nebula, but without the sensors at their best it was tough to tell if that would mean they were going to have to adjust their shields. For the moment, he had a spare tricorder monitoring ambient radiation levels in the cabin. Any spikes or more gradual increases would raise an alarm.

He let the smaller woman vent her frustrations at their situation; it was the least he could do, considering he shared most of them. He didn't allow himself the luxury of succumbing to them, though. Not even through some notion that he had to be a 'strong leader' or some other armchair-general bullshit - just for his own sake. If he started to commiserate, he worried he wouldn't stop.

"And I know I already brought this up before, but assimilation? Not my preferred method to die. I understand that you might not think anything of it, but the way I see it. Where there's one, there's more. And that nebula is large enough to hide a fleet."

At that, he had to frown, cocking his head slightly to one side as he turned to face her. "Is that what you think?" he asked quietly. "That Starf- that I don't care about being assimilated? Captain Amasov fought the Borg twice.. well, three times.. and knew exactly what they could do. He's been fighting them since Wolf Three-Five-Nine, in one way or another.. I think I caught him for a moment during the evacuation," Ducote said, tapping a temple to indicate his empathy. Amasov was one of the few people he was familiar enough with on the Endeavour that Ducote could pick him up from a range greater than a couple dozen metres. "He'd have been happier thinking the ship was about to explode than the prospect of anyone aboard it becoming new drones." Not sure I disagree with him, either.

The erstwhile XO turned back to the console after that exchange; probably the longest they'd shared since the blonde scientist had awoken from her introduction. He sighed, still blocking the weight of the day's loss from his conscious mind. A muscle in his jaw ticked as he wrestled with the runabout's hobbled sensor system, the sound of his fingers drumming on the panel almost loudly enough to be heard over the haptic response tones.

"So, how is everyone else doing?"

Ducote paused, taking a moment to feel her out with his empathy. Blunted as it was, even now, it took some effort - on top of the fact that he didn't know her very well. Still, she seemed genuine. And the excuse to change the subject was welcome enough.

"They're about as well as could be expected... T'Kel is going to have a wicked headache when she comes around, everyone else is pretty much just waiting for the right moment to sedate me and turn the ship around." A hand, still grubby with soot from his exit from the Endeavour, rubbed his eyes before pushing into his hair. It wasn't even a lie to say that this wasn't the worst situation he'd ever been in. How sad's that?

"Assuming everything goes smoothly-" Don't laugh, now.. "-we'll be picked up soon. But we have to make sure there aren't any more ships coming after that one. Transwarp conduits can stay open a fair while; we have to ensure the ships that picked up the Endeavour's distress signal aren't going to be fodder."
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #4
[ Marlee | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @Top Hat et al

Marlee let out a long breath and leaned back against the console edge that was behind her. She looked very much like she was trying to carry the whole Runabout single handedly all the way across the void into the nebula, and the Commander just told her she could an anti-grav sled instead of her back.

"That's good at least. About the others I mean."

She just took a moment to lean there, mulling things over in her mind. She was always thinking, often times so much so that she felt that she was even thinking in her sleep when she got some. Her mind came around to the conversation they were just having, and the Commander's reaction to the assimilation subject she brought up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean you didn't care about being assimilated. I just meant that this is your duty, to protect as many as possible. That's what drove you to make the decision you did to head for the nebula."

An amusing though suddenly popped into her head, the irony that they were leaving one Nebula - class starship - to enter another nebula. She smiled a bit at that allowing herself to just enjoy the thought before continuing.

"And I'm certain no one wants to sedate you. Your crew is loyal. And while I doubt anyone likes the idea of going toe to toe with another ship that could swat this craft like it was a fly, you're in charge and they will follow you."

She pushed herself up from her leaning position and moved over to the vacant pilot seat once more to sit in it. Despite everything that was going on she managed to make the motion of sitting a graceful act. Unlike before, suddenly she looked like she was in complete control and ready to plow onwards into the unknown with a smile and a plan. She always had a plan, even if they weren't all that good, like now. Turning her chair a bit so she could face the man she continued.

"As for everyone else, I can assure you that I have no wish to sedate you. I may not agree with the idea of tromping into that nebula looking for trouble and a fate worse than death, but I understand your reasons for the choice."

Listen to her, when did she become a counselor. She offered the Commander a smile and leaning forward she reached over to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Just promise me one thing if it's the Borg we end up facing, if I end up being assimilated take me out before they make me look all pasty gray."

She leaned back and stifled a small chuckle.

"I don't think it would go well with my hair color and I wouldn't want to inflict that sight on anyone."

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #5
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @TrexelCat et al

He waved off Marlee's apology; they were all exhausted and strung out. Though he was amused on some small level that she felt the need to help him justify his decision... perhaps he was simply over-used to his interactions being confined to the Fleet. One of the lessons he remembered from his time at the Academy was never to give an order that wouldn't be followed - and as he'd risen in the hierarchy the chance of that happening had become smaller and smaller.

"My crew are... well, were loyal, yes. But besides me, a couple of unconscious officers and an enlisted back there who's too shaken to do much of anything but sit there with a mug of tea they aren't even drinking, there's no one but the remnants of your science team in here. And they're less sanguine about where we're going than you are, Ms Hailey."

It didn't take an empath to read the sullen expressions and the resentment brewing in the other cabin. No doubt they'd prefer to be opening the throttles and pointing the nose of the Niger at Starbase 234, and not stopping until they were tractored into a landing bay. Not an unattractive thought, if he were to be honest. But still, they had to go on. Colleagues, friends, families - all were in potential danger until they destroyed the Borg threat.

Gallows humour was something he appreciated, though, because aside from appealing to his own sense of humour it was also a sign of resilient morale. He wasn't interested in the hand on his shoulder right now though, given his mood, but the spirit in which the gesture was meant was plain. So he nodded as he offered a tight-lipped smirk in return. "I'll make you a counteroffer; do the same for me in return and you have a deal."

A beep from the panel in front of him let him know that the ship had lost track of the warp trail again. Another minute or so and it would reacquire, if past experience was any indicator. Besides, ships in warp tended to travel in mostly-straight lines anyway. Ducote sighed before standing and heading towards the little replicator at the back of the cockpit. He paused before ordering his usual, fiendishly-strong espresso, thinking instead that he could do with something that could dispel his bone-weariness over a longer period of time. He settled for a mug of raktajino.

"You want anything?"
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]


Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #6
[ Marlee | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @Top Hat et al

Marlee chuckled a bit, "I'll do my best. But as I'm not an officer I'm afraid it may come down to a lot of screaming and firing wildly in your direction praying I hit something."

She watched the man as he move for a moment before she turned back to the panel and hit a few buttons. She was manually having the balance the sensors since they weren't fully installed at the time of 'launch'. She then head him ask her if she wanted anything.

"Icoberry juice, and perhaps a sandwich."

She just realized she hadn't eaten anything since she had come to in the Runabout. She was too focused on trying to bring the craft up to snuff and fighting with the computer to think about things like that. She turned her seat again once she was satisfied with the sensor calibration to look towards the man once more.

"You know, I came on this project because I was the most qualified in the field of quantum mechanics. I spend most of my time in a lab or in front of a computer screen looking at equations and trying to broaden our understanding of the unknown. But I often dream of going out there among the stars and see new things that others can see as well, rather than new things too small to be seen without excessive aid."

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #7
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @TrexelCat et al

The replicator hummed again as the (so very) tired XO input Marlee's order. The particular kind of sandwich being left open for debate, he let the computer choose a random one, Earth-centric. Not that the stipulation meant a great deal, what with more than 200 species making regular visits to the place, but beggars could hardly be choosers. The aroma of his own coffee was teasing his nose.

He moved forward again, sliding back into the second seat and pushing the plate and second glass over to the diminutive blonde. For a moment, Ranaan allowed himself a moment of peace, wherein he refused to think of anything but the warmth of the mug in his fingers and the sensation of the steam brushing across his face. His empathy retreated from his awareness as he all but meditated on the moment.

Hadiya would be proud.

His onyx eyes closed for a slow moment as Marlee launched into a short, if rambling, reminiscence of her joining the project. With some effort, he recalled his diplomatic training before responding quietly, blowing on the surface of his coffee.

"It's a beautiful view, to be sure," he agreed, the low volume emphasising the roughness of his voice. "I think it's a bad time to visit, though... but I do have to agree in general. I didn't just join the Fleet through family expectation; I wanted to see it all for myself, too."

Much good it did me.

Ducote tried to kill the thought.

Before them, the console beeped as it reacquired the Borg warp trail amid the ambient noise of the nebula. The Brazilian reached one hand forward, his palm cooling away from the hot ceramic of the mug, and squelched the tone to acknowledge it. As he'd predicted, it still marked a ruler-straight line through the cloud to some unknown point.

He sipped his raktajino, savouring the warm bitterness and spreading stimulation as the hefty caffeine kick sank through his system.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #8
[ Marlee | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @Top Hat et al

All Marlee could do was think about quantum calculations for the time being. It made it hard for her to be sociable most of the time. Even as a child while other girls were playing with dolls and thinking of boys and trying to get away with 'naughty' things under their parents noses, her mind was going warp speed with physics. It often made her appear very awkward when dealing with others unless it was working on a project.

Without even thinking she reached over and took the glass and had a sip of it. "So, anyone in your life? Someone waiting for you back on earth?"

Most would consider that a very personal question, but she did away with niceties hours ago when she was plopped into this situation without warning. In all truth, by her math, they had a very high chance of being dead very soon so she thought she might as well find out more about this man who might be the last biological being she would ever see.

"Surely someone of your looks has someone close who is waiting for them."

She offered a smile to him, hoping he would not get offended by her prying.

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #9
[Lt. Kai Akoni | Crew Module | USS Niger]  Attn: @Top Hat @TrexelCat

Kai bolted upright from a supine position. His breathing was fast and heavy. His heart rate was sky high. His vision was slowly coming back to him as he sat there. He was trying to catch his bearings.

As his vision came back to him, he looked around the room he was in. It looked familiar to him. How was this even possible? Kai thought to himself. The last thing that Kai remembered was stepping off a turbolift near the shuttle bay and then nothingness. Were we under attack? Did something go wrong on the ship?. Kai asked himself internally. Slowly but surely the answers had dawned on him.

The Endeavour had been under attack and it was the Borg. As he came to the realization that it was the Borg, he quickly took both hands and felt around for any prosthetics attached to him. Kai was beyond relieved when he found nothing.

He looked around and saw a junior officer laying in the room, apparently unconscious.

Kai had a pounding headache, but this didn't surprise him. Probably something to do with why I was unconscious He thought to himself, even making himself chuckle a little bit. He was a bit sore all over, so it had taken him a few extra seconds to bring his 6'5" and 240 pound frame to its feet.

He was relieved that it felt good to be standing, as he had come to the realization that he had no idea how long he had been unconscious for.

He exited the Crew Module and turned right, headed for the cockpit.

"Oh I hope it's not a Borg piloting.." Kai had mumbled to himself.

He entered the cockpit and saw the XO and a civilian sitting there talking. Kai was relieved that the XO was still around.

"Commander...what the hell happened? Kai asked, not knowing what the answer would be.

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #10
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @TrexelCat @trevorvw

The conversation continued into small talk territory, which Ducote tended to find tiresome. However, he couldn't really blame Marlee and it wouldn't take a lot of convincing for him to reveal that even he found the distraction welcome after the day.

"... Surely someone of your looks has someone close who is waiting for them."

He took the comment at its face value, scrubbing his tired eyes with one hand before replying. Absently, he tapped his Damascus steel ring against his coffee mug; Blue's choice for his engagement band, after she said Yes. "Not on Earth, no. You've already met her, I believe - she was the Chief Engineer late of the USS Endeavour, Blue Tiran."

He took a moment to sip his coffee to help hide the pain in his expression. He was possibly the loosest-practising Catholic going, but he was still praying with every fibre of his being that she was alive and being picked up. The state of the sensors on the runabout and the fact that space was big meant that they hadn't been able to rescue any of the ship's escape pods themselves - and even if they had been able to, the Niger couldn't have handled many of the survivors.

Something twinged at his perception, and Ranaan turned his chair around slowly to look towards the arch at the rear of the cockpit, one hand holding his raktajino still. Thank God for timely interruptions...

"Commander... what the hell happened?"

"Good to see you up and about, Kai," Ducote said, before sighing. "The Borg crippled the ship a few hours ago; probably for the last time. Escape pods were launched but we were unable to pick any of them up. Until-" his voice caught, "until we know better, assume we are the only survivors. We're tracing their warp trail back to the origin, so we have a chance to warn the Federation if any more are coming."

The hybrid's eyes narrowed a little as he concentrated on the huge humanoid before him. "How are you feeling, Lieutenant?"
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #11
[ Marlee | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @Top Hat @trevorvw et al

Marlee looked a bit surprised hearing who this man's special someone was. That brash, abrupt woman who knew as much about engineering as she did about quantum mechanics. She would have expected that a woman like that would be dating a giant brute of a man, a super jock, possibly someone in security. Or a Klingon. This man did not seem to fit her idea of any of those. Though it's a possibility that he might have been in security sometime before he was promoted to his current position.

"No, really? You and her? You don't strike me as someone who would..."

"Commander...what the hell happened?"

Marlee was cut off as the Lieutenant came into the cabin. Now this was a man she expected the Engineering woman to be dating. A large security person, with zero tact.

As she was not part of Starfleet, just a civilian, she wasn't bound by the protocols that the crew was. But out of respect she leaned back and went silent so that the two of them could converse. She did understand that in times like this, it was best she not interfere with the protocol. For some, it was all that stood between getting a task done and complete abject panic.

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #12
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @Top Hat @TrexelCat et al

"Good to see you up and about, Kai," the Commander mentioned, sighed and continued. "The Borg crippled the ship a few hours ago; probably for the last time. Escape pods were launched but we were unable to pick any of them up. Until-until we know better, assume we are the only survivors. We're tracing their warp trail back to the origin, so we have a chance to warn the Federation if any more are coming."

As Ducote spoke, Kai felt light headed and confused.

What the hell is going on?

Kai wasn't sure if it were a head injury, an overwhelming amount of information or a bit of both.

Probably a bit of both Kai surmised, feeling that was probably the most right of the choices.

Kai rubbed his head when the Commander asked "How are you feeling, Lieutenant?"

The large man felt immediately small after the question had been asked. The Borg took his shipmates, his home and his best friend Cross. In the grand scheme of things, even though there were two other people in the Runabout cabin, Kai probably could not have felt more alone.

It doesn't matter how I feel right now. Kai thought about saying before actually opening his mouth and speaking

"About as good as could be expected Commander. It all happened so fast. I'm sor.. Kai immediately cut himself off. Now wasn't the time for grieving or apologies.

That will come later

"What are you orders?" Kai asked Ducote, and waited for the answer so he could put his mind into work and off the horrible tragedy that had just occurred.

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #13
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @TrexelCat @trevorvw et al

Ducote elected to ignore Hailey's hasty misjudgment (and managed not to roll his eyes), though it was tiresome to have to keep feeling as if he had to defend his relationship to every person who'd ever met the two of them in isolation. She had no idea what she was talking about, was all. No big deal. Besides, he had better things to focus on besides some civilian's misapprehension.

Akoni looked unwell; unsurprising, really. Ranaan remembered the aftermath of one particular boxing match wherein he had been the convincing loser - he'd felt sick and unsteady until he was taken to sickbay and treated for the absolute drubbing he'd taken. Head impacts were the worst.

"... It all happened so fast. I'm sor-"

Don't you dare, Ducote silently warned the giant. Not your fault. The irony of thinking of the advice when he hadn't considered taking it for himself was lost on the Brazilian. It was probably just as well that Hadiya wasn't here to see him falling into all sorts of old and unhealthy habits.

"What are your orders?"

Focusing on the work. Compartmentalising events. Pushing the bad thing away to be coped with later. Prioritising short-term function over long-term health. The officer in him, taking the long view, disapproved. The humanoid in him, preferring survival to idealism, agreed.

"Everyone's favourite," he deadpanned in response. "'Sit down and wait'. We're scanning for any more Borg warp trails, but we have a while to go until we know whether or not we're going to find any. Take it easy for now. Though if you have any ideas on how to jury-rig a subspace comm array out of the tiny pieces of one we have right now, do feel free to dive in."

The erstwhile XO turned briefly back to the sensor return, sipping his coffee, before turning back to Kai almost as an afterthought. "And get something hot and sweet to drink - the last thing we need is for you to keel over with shock."

I'd only be jealous.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: USS Niger: Valiant

Reply #14
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Pilot Cabin | USS Niger ] Attn: @Top Hat @TrexelCat et al

"Everyone's favourite," The commander said on the stern side "'Sit down and wait'. We're scanning for any more Borg warp trails, but we have a while to go until we know whether or not we're going to find any. Take it easy for now. Though if you have any ideas on how to jury-rig a subspace comm array out of the tiny pieces of one we have right now, do feel free to dive in."

Sit and wait...are you kidding me? Kai thought to himself as he stared out the front window of the runabout. Kai wasn't the type to be content with sitting and waiting. It really wasn't in his nature, BUT orders were orders. Kai also thought he had no experience with jury-rigging anything especially, subspace comm arrays, however he could give it a shot.

Kai's thoughts and the momentary silence in the cabin were punctuated by Ducote also adding in.

"And get something hot and sweet to drink - the last thing we need is for you to keel over with shock."

He's got a point... Kai thought to himself before verbalizing his answer to the Commander.

"Aye sir" Kai spoke and then sauntered over towards the replicator.

He pressed a few buttons on the control pad of the replicator. Just half a second after he completed his order on the replicator inputs, the hot steaming beverage materialized in the replicator in front of him.

He picked up the warm and steaming cup as he felt the warmth in his hands and move up his arms. He brought the cup up to his nose and inhaled.

He smelt warm air with overtones of sweetness with just a hint of bitterness mixed in.

Ahh...Raktajino He thought to himself. Not a beverage he was very fond of before joining Starfleet, but he had become accustomed to it.

He lowered the cup to his lips and took a sip. Kai felt the warmth go into his mouth, down his esophagus and into his stomach.

Kai had figured he might look crazy standing there with his cup of Raktajino sensually almost as if it were a beautiful woman. He then snapped back to reality and walked over to one of the rear chairs in the runabout's relatively small cabin and sat his large frame on the chair. The chair didn't make a sound of complaint as his larger than average officer weight settled into it.

Sit and wait huh... Kai pondered to himself as he ingested yet another mouthful of the delicious Klingon beverage. I can do that until I'm done this cup...and then what? Kai thought as he stared out the side window of the runabout as his thoughts drifted to his friend Cross and the hope that somehow, against all odds, he was still alive.

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