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USS Endeavour: Meridian

[ Marlee | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Marlee stood in the center of the main shuttlebay. Before her sat the large Danube class runabout, the U.S.S. Niger. She was holding in her hands a PADD that was showing her the proposed design schematic for the installation of the new sensor equipment that she was here to help install. She rotated it and examined the calculations that were being displayed on the screen. Next to her was one of the engineering staff aboard the ship, she couldn't quite remember his name. She had a problem with remember names, unless you were named after something to do with the quantum realm. After a bit of looking things over she moved the PADD so that the engineer could see it better.

"This isn't going to work, not in this configuration. You have the secondary receptors behind the primary power conduit. In this configuration the new sensor readings are going to be corrupted by the quantum instabilities in the plasma stream."

Her voice was soft, yet stern. It was easy to see that she was taking charge of the situation and knew how to give orders, but at the same time she was also polite about it. Something that shocked a few people aboard the ship when she arrived as most people expected someone with a brain like hers to be overbearing and obnoxious.

She found the engineers aboard this ship quite competent, but that was the mechanical aspect of things. What she was trying to help develop was something that extended way beyond anything most of them had even heard of, let alone studied. The engineer took the pad and looked over the notes she had added and nodded, accepting that her assessment was a better one.

"Please let me know when you've completed that. I still need to calibrate the program interface, but I need the equipment in place first."

The engineer nodded and took the PADD off to show the rest of his team and to begin making the modifications. Marlee however moved off in another direction. Another of her quirks that weren't like the other scientists was, she actually trusted the crew of this ship to do their jobs. The wouldn't be here if they were unable to at least do that. So she felt no need to play helicopter scientist with them. She moved over to a control interface that had been set up in the bay, one that had a number of conduits running off it and traveling along the floor to connect with the runabout. On the screen was an overview of the primary computer matrix, in the process of being edited. The matrix had to be updated any time hardware was altered, and she had been in the middle of doing that when she was shown the PADD from earlier.

Her first task being to configure the computer to accept dual sensor input, and to do that she had the engineers install a second basic sensor package which would only be temporary so that she could reprogram the computer for the dual input.

She was easy to spot in the bay. While everyone around her was either wearing a Starfleet uniform or a white lab coat, she was wearing a black, hooded jumpsuit. Her hood was up, but not because it was cold in the bay. It was a subconscious thing to isolate herself from outside distractions. But it also made her stand out against the stark white environment.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #1
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Engineering | USS Endeavour]

Blue did not always sit behind her desk, she hardly used it.  She tended to be the kind of Department Head that moved around constantly.  Checking on the deck, the engines, plasma conduits, nacelles, everything.  She was constantly tinkering, thinking, messing.  She wasn't the sort that often sat behind the desk plugging in numbers and delegating tasks.  That just, was frankly, not something that she was overly excited about. 

Still, there were times that she had to actually own up to her position on the ship.  Put on her Department Head issued pants, and sit behind her desk in her office which was a constant mess.  It was an overflow of what she had turned poor Ranaan's quarters into.  She tried to keep the messier things down here.  Her world was one of grease, grime, and parts.  Parts that she had collected in scrap yards all over the galaxy, she was constantly collecting and there were so many times that her hoarding nature came in handy when someone needed that 'one' part to fix something and she could either find it or cobble something together.  People always thought she was nuts, until it came in handy.

Blue brushed her black and blue curls out of her face as she looked up at the screen in front of her as she worked on personnel schedules and making sure that all shifts were full up.  Making sure that maintenance was properly done and attributed through out the deck to those that were, honestly, the best at such things.  Blue believed that everyone had a strength, and some of them had them in maintaining and being able to be counted on for such a thing.  Those were the ones that got saddled with the larger tasks, but that didn't mean any tasks in engineering were small.  They were literally the heart of the ship.  Without a smooth working system, the ship would go no where.

A beep sounded on her PADD and a chirp elicited from the owl that was perched on the edge of her desk.  The eyes glowing brightly as he seemed to stare at Blue. 

“What is it?” she asked. 

Chirp.  a small light flickered on his stomach.

“A message, okay.. fuck... fine.”

She reached for her PADD and pulled up the message.  [Boss.  Need help in Shuttle bay to reconfigure sensor equipment for the USS Niger.]

On one hand Blue had a feeling that if Carlton pushed himself, he could have done the work, but on the other hand, the request blissfully got her away from paper work and responsibility.  “Tell him I'm on my way.” she told Albert as she got up and shut the screen she had been working on down.  Grabbing her bag, the one that she carried with her everywhere, she hoisted it up over her shoulder.  Taking her Engineering kit as well she headed to shuttle bay.

It wasn't long before the Turbolift doors opened and she looked around the bay, dressed in Engineering colors her blue hair and blue eyes were striking and out of place among the gold she wore but then again, she owned it.  Confidently, she walked across the shuttle bay over to the Niger who sat open.  A team of Scientists were working on things.  Is that one coding?  Oh Blue's fingers itched to take over, she was a hacker and programmer from way back, but she didn't need to get into a fight today.  If Ducote had to pull her out of the Brig again.. she would probably have to actually be reprimanded this time.

Be nicer if people just kept their fucking mouths shut.  If they actually, seriously, fucking think I didn't earn my fucking spot on this ship, they deserve to be punched in the fucking face.

She spotted her Engineer, since he was waving at her from by the Niger.  She rolled her eyes, it was like a fucking celebrity entered the scene.  She made her way over to Carlton.  “What seems to be the issue that you dragged my ass down here from a very comfortable chair?”

Carlton grinned, they were pretty used to Blue Tiran and all her brashness.  It wasn't that she was mean and nasty she just was this way.  She was this way to everyone.  Even Ducote.  Poor sap, many thought, but they worked out well together.  “Well boss, I thought I had this all figured out but the .. chick that's doing this refit said that the plasma conduit will mess with the ..”

“Sensor readings, of course it will.”  Blue finished as she looked at the schematic on the screen that Carlton was holding in his hands.

Blue dropped her bag on the deck plating with a loud resounding thump; then joining it with her Engineering kit before taking the PADD from Carlton.  “I'm just not sure exactly how else to configure the parts, they fit best this way.”

Blue tilted her head as she studied the image.  Thinking bout all the different ways that she could change the configuration since obviously it wasn't going to work well.  The first thing she did, using her fingers, was separate the two pieces.  Looking at their connections and how they could or would possibly fit together, she pulled up the schematic of the Niger, and the position that this particular coupling would be installed.

Everything mattered.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #2
[ Marlee | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

The computer kept fighting her as she tried to reconfigure the sensor operational instructions. Eventually she had to rip out entire sections of it and reprogram them from scratch. As much as this LCARS system was a marvel of modern library access, it left much to be desired when one had to reprogram it. Even some of the main OS had to be reprogrammed to understand the new sensor code. Marlee loved computers, but only when they cooperated.

The first thing that broke her concentration was the abrupt sounding voice from across the bay. This prompted her to look up from what she was doing and try to locate the source. There, next to the Niger was a new person that wasn't in the shuttle bay before. It took her a moment before she realized who it had to be. The blue in the woman's hair was a dead giveaway. It caused her to blink in a little shock when the woman dropped her equipment unceremoniously to the deck. 'Uh oh..' she thought to herself, 'This isn't good..'. In her line of work, when the chief of engineering came down to see what was going on, it was never a good thing.

Marlee saved what she was doing, even though it was nowhere close to being workable at the moment, then reset the screen so that others might be able to use it while she was away from the console. And with that she started walking towards the new person who entered. As she crossed the distance she pulled back her hood allowing her blond hair to fall free, she then pulled out a pair of ear buds she had been using to listen to music. Low level so she could still hear what was going on around her, but allowed her to focus. She stuffed those into a pocket without bothering to turn them off.

Once she had closed the distance she stood there a moment, watching the woman and what she was doing with the PADD, a device she recognized as the one she gave to the other engineer who was also standing there. She waited a moment so as to let the woman see what was going on before she spoke.

"Hello. I would like to start by apologizing if you've been drug away from something important. But, if you're here I can safely say the ship's not going to explode."

She ended that with a slightly nervous giggle. God that sounded so stupid. To Marlee, chief engineer told her that the person occupying the position was a rather intelligent person. Intelligent equals attractive to Marlee, and even if she isn't trying to pursue anything with the person, she found it hard to talk to people she found attractive.

"Anyway, is there something I can help you with? Did we call away too many engineers?"

She kept her blue eyes trained on the woman, offering as best a smile as she could manage given the fact that she honestly thought she was about to be chewed out for something.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #3
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour]

There was a way to do it.  There always was, you just had to be willing to think outside the box.  That was something that Blue was fairly talented out.  Her entire existance was basically outside of any box that was considered normal.  But then, she didn't give two shits what people thought about her, she ran her life the way that she wanted to.  It had not let her down yet.  She knew that there were those that didn't understand her brand of living, that was okay.  It was okay that they were wrong, she didn't expect them all to be as intelligent as she was.  She tried hard to be accepting of others' stupidity, it worked out for the most part since she was constantly something she was faced with.

She pushed the schematics for the system up to the corner of the screen and pulled up the connector information on the engine and the spot that they had to configure these parts within.  It was a tight space, little wiggle room, but she had a feeling that they probably had enough room to switch them to side by side, and allow for the extra conduits behind. 

Maybe a small offset to allow the sensor array to sit just slightly in front of the plasma conduit to allow a buffer..

Her thought process was interrupted by an interloper coming in and making herself known.  Blue had the striking eyes that seemed to look directly into someone's soul.  They were piercing and as close to ice blue that you could get.  They were lovely and seemed to stand out especially with the accent of her hair color but also the paleness of her skin. 

One of her worst pet peeves was being interrupted when she was working, she had been fully in the moment.  Thought processes flowing, creative juices gathering, and then she was thrown out of all of it by the woman in an odd black jump suit and as much hair as Blue  had.  Which she found, in Starfleet, was an oddity.  She didn't know what to say to the woman, as she was happy, and popped right over with a hello and an apology if she had been taken away from something important.  Blue rose her brow at the ship exploding comment.

“Well at the very fucking least, if it is going to explode, we're close to the shuttles.” Blue didn't get the giggles.  Blue could not think of a time in her life that she had ever fucking giggled.  Maybe as a small girl before her world fell apart but that was a life time ago, and the hardened woman in front of the blond did not find the giggles particularly interesting or well placed.  Clearing her throat, she gave a quick nod.  “No, I'm down here at the behest of the Lieutenant here, to help you configure this properly.”

She was smiling.

It was creepy.

People only smiled at Blue when they wanted something.  Usually, anyway.  She pursed her lips and tried not to snap at the woman.  Reminding herself that another stint in the Brig would probably call the Captain's attention and she didn't need Ducote having to be the third party in that discussion.  “No, I know the contingent of my people that you have down here, I would have stopped sending them if you had too many.  I'm merely here for assistance.  What is it you're actually trying to do with this shuttle.  Re-fitting it for what purpose, exactly?” Blue asked, her eyes were sharp on the blonde woman, but she wasn't being mean, just straight forward.  It was one of the many traits that Blue carried in her.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #4
[ Marlee | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Marlee actually flinched slightly at the opening, what she would consider, harsh language. The effect on her amplified slightly by that it was coming from a Starfleet officer, practically unheard of in all her dealings with Starfleet. In the civilian science field yes, she's heard more than one expletive yelled out across a lab or two when the equations started to fall apart. Her smile faltered a bit, but returned when she heard the woman indicate that she was here to help.

"Oh! Well, you see, what we're trying to do is design a sensor apparatus that will amplify the quantum subspace signature of quantum filaments."

She motioned with her right hand to the partially disassembled multi-mission pod situated atop the 'roll bar' of the Runabout.

"Normally they are very hard to detect, normal sensors generally overlook them. But using the records from several ships that have been damaged by them I think we've found a way to detect them."

She turned away from the woman a little to face the Runabout sitting near them, taking a moment to look up at the mission pod and working out in her mind what it would look like inside at this exact moment without the need to physically go up there and look inside.

"And that's the project in a nut shell."

She then turned to face the woman once more, taking the time to cross her arms under her chest as she did. Not in a dismissive way however, more just a habit she had when her hands weren't busy with something.

"Just some small hinks to work out in the technical department. Then I can get to rebuilding the sensor subroutines. Then we have to upload the custom interface to the science stations, reconfigure the primary sensors, reinforce the antimatter containment fields and warp core containment, and find a way to boost the power to the mission pod because this new equipment is going to draw quit a bit more power than normal."

She offered a slight shrug in a sort of apologetic manner as she was almost certain that the next question would be why it needs more power.

"It's still in prototype phase, once we know that it works, then we can work on streamlining it's power requirement for use in other ships."

Through out this whole thing, she made a conscious effort to play down her involvement in the project. As if she was just another cog in the wheel. In direct contradiction that, at least here in the shuttlebay, she appeared to be the one directing the show.


Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #5
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour]

Blue could tell that she had thrown Blondie off.  But then, that was Blue; she was constantly bending what people thought was the normal thing.  She wasn't normal, and she was totally fine with that.  There was no way that she was going to change herself.  She had grown, some what, since being on the ship where she had actual friends and of course Ranaan.  It was no secret that her and Ranaan's names tended to run together in conversations.  They shared a Quarters and were engaged.  She was still shit at expressing her feelings but the best part about being engaged to a half-Betazoid was that she didn't have to.  Sometimes she tried, just because, he was worth the effort, but most of the time a single look sufficed.

Blue's eyes followed the woman as she began to explain what she was doing even motioning to the disassembled shuttle in front of her.  Oh fuck me twice on Sunday they took my baby apart. she looked at everything, and just hoped that they would put it back the way they fucking found it.  She wasn't against upgrades, she never was, she liked to be part of this kind of shit though.  Especially when they were jacking with something that was going to carry the lives of others on it.

Okay Blue.. chill pill time.. she's probably intelligent.  She .. probably.. educated herself on... things or .. something.  She's not.. an idiot.  Probably.  She's what.. a Lieuten...  Blue's eyes shifted, probably not as stealthily as she had hoped, to the woman's collar.  No pips.  Oh fuck me... fuck me... fuuuuuuuck me.. there's a civilian playing models with my fucking shuttle in the fucking bay, and .. you know.. it's cool because.. wait.. NO.  NO it's no cool.

Blue's hand curled into a fist. 

I can't keep bailing you out, Trouble. Ranaan's words shifted into her mind, not because he spoke into it, that was their little secret.  But because, she tried really hard to alleviate as much stress on his shoulders as she could.  Not add to it, even though, for the most part, that never worked out.  She focused on the woman's words and less on wanting to remind her that she needed permission for shit like this.  Well, she couldn't say for sure that the woman hadn't gotten permission but .. she certainly hadn't talked to engineering about it.  Blue would have preferred to be in on this shit from the beginning. 

“How so?” Blue said as she focused more so on the words coming out of the civilian's mouth and less on the fact that she was down here gutting one of her babies.

The she rambled on.  Blue listened though because, she could tell the woman had intelligence, she wasn't just sitting here disassembling it for shits and giggles she had a point.  A good point.  Blue just didn't like being left out when a big project like this was on the line.  Especially, because who knew when a shuttle like this would be needed.  Hopefully, not any time soon.  The shuttle bay had others that were at the use of the away teams and so forth but even still..... every shuttle being in working order could be the difference between life and death at some point. 

The more the woman talked though, the more interesting it became.  This.. project of hers.  She crossed her own arms over her chest, though one hand still held the PADD that she had been working with.  “And who exactly, will be programming your sensor interface?” she asked curiously.  She wasn't being harsh or anything, she was trying to be nice, to talk like a normal person but Blue had intense borders and walls built around her 'real self' and so she came across rather brash to most.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #6
[ Marlee | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Marlee was really into this project of hers, and the scientific side of it was where she lived daily. Another of the scientists moved over to hand Marlee a PADD for her to look over for a moment while Blue asked her question. The scientist completely ignoring the woman with blue highlights, not seeming to care that she might be the engineering chief of the whole starship. And for a very small moment it almost seemed like Marlee might have moved into ignoring the other woman as well.

Then she turned back to Blue again after nodding to the scientist so he could get back to what he was doing and spoke. "Well, it was going to be Alan. But he came down with a bad case of the Terellian Flue before departure, so I've stepped up and will be the one doing the sensor interface programming."

She didn't think the name Alan would ring a bell with Blue, just another scientist who had been studying this project with her.

"I assure you, I'm fully qualified to reprogram the interface. I'll also be designing the science station custom interface so that we can adjust the quantum subspace sensor in flight, run through some of the frequencies and calibrate it."

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #7
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Main Shuttle Bay | USS Endeavour]

Annnnnd Blue was being ignored.

Blue took a long steady breath and tried to calm herself down.  Blue eyes drifted up to the ceiling as she tried to think about something good so that she could calm herself down.  Think of Peru.. think about the waterfall... yeah when Ran nearly died because he jumped off a mother fucking cliff for shits and giggles without really knowing how deep it was.. okay that's not helping, lets think of something else.  How about hammocks.. and hamburgers.. and ummm... what else.. what else... ancient ruins.. breaking rules... new wrenches.. old shit that you can fix....   Before she broke into rendition from that old musical that she and Ran stumbled upon that was terrible and she spent the whole night laughing at how really bad it was. 

10.... she's blonde … and there's a stereotype....
9...she is a scientist....

Finally, they were back to paying attention to the situation and Blue's eyes dropped from the ceiling and back to the blonde that mentioned she was going to have someone else on the job but he came down with some kind of flu.  Well that fucking sucks for him, doesn't it? she thought as she shifted her weight to the right hip and let out a slow breath.  Remaining calm was never Blue's strong suit even though she tried when she could.  Blue pushed her free hand through her mass of black and blue curls, the blue eyes directly laying on the woman.  Blue had been told they could be considered piercing and she tended to let eye contact linger a bit more than most found comfortable but .. then she didn't really care.  It probably made her do it more once it was brought to her attention anyway.

“Right... so... you're refitting this .. thing and .. programming it to the new sensor grid all on your own?” she asked trying not to make it sound condescending or that she didn't believe in the woman.  Truth was, she didn't.  Proof had not been given yet that the woman was competent at her job.  Starfleet badges on the chest meant shit.

The woman went on about how she was totally qualified to do the adjustments and the programming as well as the information that she would be redoing the science station custom interface.  Blue's fingers twitched with the desire to program it herself.  She had always been gifted when it came to programming and computer based interactions.  She thought about how she wanted to handle the situations because she didn't really want to piss the woman off and she didn't really want to make her leak fluids or anything. 

And she .. kind of wanted to help.

“Well, I tell you what.  Why don't I send the Lieutenant to Engineering and I'll stay down here.  This way with me and you we can get this shit done right, and probably faster.  Also I know my way around interfaces and programming so I could be assistance there too if you got.. stuck or had an issue.  Just you know.. might go faster.. better.. with .. both of us.”

There you go Blue that was .. almost nice and you didn't even call her stupid.. or civilian.. or any of the bad words that will land you on R'Rori's couch again.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #8
[ Marlee | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

"Right... so... you're refitting this .. thing and .. programming it to the new sensor grid all on your own?"

Marlee nodded in affirmation of this as she listened, then spoke up.

"Well, not entirely. My field is primarily the quantum mechanics of the project. I'm not involved in the actual building of the project, with the exception of making sure it works."

She blinked a few times as she ran things through her head. While she was here for the quantum field she was also rather good at running calculation through her head. She had to take a moment to do this when the woman suggested that the Lieutenant be sent back to engineering, she found the Lieutenant rather competent at his job, but if the chief of engineering wanted to take over, that could only benefit the project, at least in her mind.

"Really?! I mean, sure, if you think that would work out better. I mean, you know, if you don't have anything else you would rather be doing."

Train of thought derailed, again. There was suddenly a the strong possibility that this might actually go slower with Marlee distracted all the time by the woman's intelligence. No, keep focused, you're not here stare at her brain, you're here to build something that could save lives. She shook her head slightly to clear her thoughts as she looked back into the woman's eyes.

"I think we should start with the quantum subspace sensor. Nothing else can go forward without that since I'll have to configure the interface specifically for the device. Unless you think that we should start with the antimatter containment fields and warp core containment."

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #9
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour ]

Blue was trying to remain calm.  She didn't really like the thought of a civilian doing this kind of work on one of her shuttles just made her really nervous.  Not that Starfleet would let her do that if she wasn't more than qualified and that was a fact that Blue kept slapping herself mentally with.  She was talented enough to be on the ship, and it wasn't just because she was married to someone that was assigned here.  She was here because she had talents, though Blue just felt that it was such a huge undertaking for someone that hadn't gone through the Academy.

The dark headed woman tilted her head to the side for a moment.  Blue was definitely confident, she had always been.  She didn't lack self confidence, at least, when it came to her job.  If it was something to do with her personal life she lacked all the confidence in the world but when it came to her job she knew what she was capable of and never tired of pushing herself past whatever her last limit was known as.  This woman though admitted that she was more doing the quantum mechanics and not really the actual building. 

Well at least there's that, but the computer program will have to be perfect and stout to do what she wants.  One slight error and it won't do shit and likely will explode.  The domino effect on something like this would be absolutely horrendous.  Blue pondered mentally as she watched the blonde that seemed to be quite confident in her own intelligence which was good.  Blue didn't appreciate those that cowed in front of her.  She knew she could be intimidating, Ranaan told her that all the time, but that didn't make her change.  Intimidating didn't really mean anything other than she wasn't easily approachable, but it also meant people knew she knew her shit and respected that.

It seemed that the woman was fine with them working together.  Blue's gaze flickered to the Lieutenant.  “Head back over to Engineering, tell Cresta to finish my paper work and get the schedules out.  I'll be down here if needed.  I trust I won't be, but .. none the less.” 

The Lieutenant nodded and headed for the turbolift.  She looked over at the woman again, now that they were going to be working on this together.  She was already trying to figure out just where to start and Blue rose her brow as she hopped from one idea to another.  I wonder if this woman ever completes anything.  Though I'm not one to talk, Ran's quarters are a study in half-finished projects.  But that's merely because I figure out better ways to accomplish them, the prototypes just don't ever get put away... but that's for later. she reminded herself.

Sharp eyes studied the large shuttle that they were going to be refitting with all this new science shit that this woman wanted to add to it.  Blue was never afraid of adding things that could be beneficial but at the same time, she thought Science somewhat of a waste of time.  Glorified scan-monkies.  Not something that needed a warm ass in a chair.  Anyone could push a fucking button and get scan results, at least this one, seemed to want to use her brain.

“Okay, so I think we should still start with the subspace sensor and plasma conduit.  That has to be figured out first, then we can work on the containment fields.  And the programming.  That's going to, frankly, be the trickiest part.  If it's not perfect we're all fucked.” she stated as she pulled the PADD back up into her line of sight and began to tinker with the different ways that it could plug in and be placed into the space that was available.  “I think side by side is the best.  We will put the sensors in front of the plasma will allow the sensors to take precedence without having overflow readings due to the plasma being that close.” she said mostly spit-balling out loud at the moment.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #10
[ Marlee | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Her mind was like a phaser when she started a project. She thought of nothing else until it was completed. Another reason it was hard for her to have a social life, she was always working on something.

She moved closer to the woman as she held up the PADD and looked over her recommendation for the placement, running things through her head as she did. What the woman was proposing did have a certain logic to it, though it did bring up new concerns to her.

"Hmm, I see where you're going with this. However, given the state of the quantum realm we are trying to tap into here, it's going to be difficult enough to read out the quantum interference of the duranium hull plating of the housing. Side by side there is the possibility of quantum overwash that could come from the plasma stream. Is there any way we can run the conduits behind the sensor? Still a danger of overwash, but less of one and easier to calibrate the sensors to rule it out. Remember, we are dealing with a realm that by it's very nature enjoys being unpredictable and hates being observed."

She remembered reading books on the first transporter test, and how they had to overcome the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Now she was trying to completely break that principle and possibly rewrite their definition of the quantum realm. Saving lives though was more important to her though, if she could get away with it her name would just be a minor footnote on the project. Someone who just happened to be there and helped out when the laws of quantum mechanics were thrown out the airlock.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #11
[LCdr Blue Tiran | I'll Take Projects for 1000 | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour]

The woman was not unintelligent.

Probably the only thing that saved her ass while working on this project.  Only because, were she an idiot, as so many could be, she would have tossed her off the Shuttlebay and told her to go do a million piece puzzle until she could be dropped off at the next Starbase or something.  Blue consistently had to remind herself that not everyone that was intelligent were in Starfleet, and she already quite easily knew the opposite.  Not everyone in Starfleet had any real intelligence.  She hated to think that way but it was honestly the truth.  She struggled daily with other peoples ignorance.

The woman moved closer as they spoke about the process of how to work the sensors and the plasma conduits as well as the Quantum shit that she wanted in this fucker together.  Blue didn't mind the closeness so long as the woman kept her hands to herself everything would be fine.  Blue was not touchy feely with anyone that wasn't named Ranaan.  Even then there were times that she wanted hands off, though for the most part he knew when they were.  It paid to have a man that could read your emotions without having to guess. 

Guessing ended up in bad fights.

“Theoretically yes.  But why don't we just mount the whole sensor apparatus elsewhere?  It doesn't have to go there.  There is enough shit on this fucker that we won't be needing for your little pet project we could mount the sensor array far enough away from the conduits that it should have no overwash.  Like if we put it in one of the Auxiliary positions.” she pushed the schematic she had been working on off the screen and tapped several buttons to get the schematic for the actual shuttle to come up and spin slowly so she could see all the different things.  As it spun it slowly popped up with small red boxes showing what was there and available.

“We could even create it's own array that we could place here on the outer hull with an internal power supply.  That way it doesn't have to go in anywhere.  We won't want to lose weapons, shields, or communications, so maybe building it it's own sensor... turret if you will, we could aim and use our sensors in any direction and leave this spot up here.” she pointed to the spot where they were going to try to get both situated in earlier, “Just for the conduits and that way the bleed over is null.  If anything at all anyway.” she gave a shrug and her blue eyes looked over at Marley to see what she thought about the newer idea.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #12
[ Marlee | Main Shuttlebay | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Marlee listened to the woman as she gave her ideas. Certainly the ones the woman was coming up with were good on their own, and dealing with any other equipment Marlee would jump at them thinking they were very good. But unfortunately she could already see several problems with the ideas.

"This is good, but there is a small problem. The mission pod already has all the connections needed, they just need to be rearranged a bit. If we're to mount this anywhere else it would require a complete redesign of most of the connections, both inside the Runabout and with the device."

She could tell by the way the woman moved and acted she wasn't too fond of taking a shuttle apart as much as they already had, her idea would require even more disassembly of the craft. And while Marlee had no problem with this, she had all the time in the world to redesign and rebuild a runabout since Starfleet had already given their approval for the project. But she was certain this might not sit well with the woman.

"For this to work, we would have to completely remove several panels, reroute the power supply. Remember, we are going to need extra juice for this equipment which means adding in extra conduits to whatever area we move it to. Which could result in completely dismantling an entire section or two. Maybe even rerouting command lines to ensure that none of the primary systems are compromised."

She was careful to leave out her feelings that the woman may not like this. But she was unable to hide her chatty nature when it was dealing with something that she was focused on.

"Given that the mission pod is already directly fed from the reactor, we just need to boost that power, it seemed a logical choice to use it rather than try to work out a completely new setup. But, you do know ships better than I do. So I'm definitely open to better ideas."

It totally went over her head that she was standing so close to the woman. In all honesty those thoughts completely vanished as she dove face first into her work Was probably the reason she hadn't had a date with anyone since she was about fourteen. Get her working on a project and the rest of the universe becomes a minor footnote in her consciousness.

Re: USS Endeavour: Meridian

Reply #13
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Out of the Mouth of Idiots | I Know My Own Job | USS Endeavour]

There was one thing Blue Tiran hated most in the world.

Well there was actually a list and all of them vied for the top position.  On any given day they could shoot up over another.  Depending on her mood, the idiocy involved of those around her, and whatever was coming at her the most.  Right now, in this moment, it was being told what her job was and would entail.  Being told the work that would be involved in instituting the plan that she had in her mind.  As if she didn't know.  As if she lacked the intelligence for her job and was just spouting ideas all over the fucking place because maybe something would stick.

It kind of reminded her of back before her mother lost her mind and they would make spaghetti for dinner.  She and her brother were always noodle tasters.  But they never tasted it, they always threw them up at the cabinets.  If it stuck, the noodle was ready, if it didn't, then it needed more time.  That was what she felt like this blonde headed bitch was coming away with.

Noodle theories.

Well it wasn't.  Blue didn't do noodle-theories, she came up with the theories and actually said them out loud because while the work load might be a bitch it was a valid theory.  Nothing that she came out with was something she wasn't willing to do.  But then, Blue Tiran had the work ethic of someone that had true passion.  The one that forgot to sleep and eat because she was too busy and engrossed in her work to remember that her body actually had needs.  There were so many times that Ducote had to take her project away just so she would sleep or eat. 

Those were some truly beautiful fights.

“Are you done telling me how hard it's going to be as if I don't know?”

Blue was not a happy camper.  “If you want to boost the fucking power then I'll do that.  You're the one that asked for some fucking ideas.”

Blue didn't say anything else she stepped over to the pod and headed inside the beast.  She knew how to help the conduits work better and boost the power, but that wasn't exactly going to make her readings the best.  But then, this was her fucking project and if she wanted it to fail or have her readings be less stellar then that was on her.  Blue was just an engineer, and one that quickly wanted to get her shit done so she could get back to the shit she really needed to be doing.

Paperwork or.. yelling at someone.

Blue opened the panel that would allow her access to the conduits underneath the deck plating and quickly pulled out a tangle of wires and things so that she could find the one she needed to boost.


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