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Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada , and anyone else showing up after

Deacon frowned as he regarded his latest attempt at an update to the Lounge staff.  He was, admittedly, new to this holographic technology, but the details of projection and function, those were things the computer itself could handle.  He was more interested in personality, and though he'd been working on this one for the last thirty minutes, between checking on the progress of the meal prep and preparing an impromptu uniform for himself, he still felt her incomplete.

He felt a female was appropriate.  The monkey crew seemed accustomed to them and one of the other holographic staff had made mention of a long standing program named Felicity that had once served here before being transferred to another lounge elsewhere in the ship.  Sure, he could merely have left the system to itself, with bland, inoffensive servers milling about, but such imprecision didn't sit well with Deacon.  It was a job half-done, he felt, and as such, one he could never take pride in.

Regarding the hologram he'd named Xenia, he shook his head and frowned.  "I'll need to create another program to serve the drinks.  You should oversee the Lounge when the proprietor is not around.  I believe the humans would use the term 'second in command', so to speak."  He crossed his arms over his chest, rubbing his chin with one hand.  "You will need to add a... managerial subroutine.  And alter the personality.  Personable, but professional.  Hands on when necessary, but delegatory when not."

There was a faint beep as the computer processed his admittedly vague instructions.  He was learning as he went, after all.

"My base personality has been updated," she replied, straightening herself somewhat, seeming to stand ever so slightly taller though her physical stature remained unchanged.  "Managerial subroutines are installed and functional.  No incompatibilities detected."

He nodded, peering back into the galley to see if anything had changed in the moments he'd been away.

"Computer, create a second hologram, male, human.  Randomize appearance every 5 seconds."  As requested, a male human appeared beside Xenia as she stepped back slightly to regard the newcomer as if assessing a new employee.  The male's image shifted regularly.

"Why not designate a specific appearance?" she asked.

"This adds an element of chance.  An appearance that is approachable and disarming is recognizable to everyone, even to those who think most humans look alike.  There," he replied, his final word catching the computer and bringing the ever changing images to a pause on a caucasian male, his dirty blonde hair slightly curled, a faint smile on his lips.  "This one will do.  He will need an appropriate name."

"Which position will he hold?"

"Bartender.  To allow you to focus on the lounge itself.  And because I don't drink."

Xenia nodded.  "Then if I may, how about Taliesin?  It would be thematically consistent with both mine and Felicity's names."  She tilted her head, raising her eyebrows expectantly.

Deacon wasn't certain about this habit of naming holographic servants after human divinities, but the humans seemed, by and large, almost godless these days and didn't appear to take any offense.  He took a deep breath.  "Very well. But don't ever expect me to authorize a Fanged God hologram," he responded, his expression serious.

"Of course, sir," she replied. 

"Now, take your prior program parameters and give them to him, along with the appropriate subroutines humans will expect from a bartender," Deacon replied, again, uncomfortable with the vagueries, but knowing he needed to start somewhere in order to refine to his exacting expectations.

Another faint beep resounded and the newly christened bartender smiled warmly.  "Pleased to meet you, boss.  I'm Taliesin."

"Yes, yes, fine," Deacon replied.  "Just one small correction.  Try using a male's voice.

"Happy to oblige, boss," Taliesin stated with a cocky grin, his voice no longer sounding so out of place.  He wasn't certain, but had Xenia smirked at that?  Being unable to reach these holograms emotionally would be troublesome, but he would adapt.

Deacon took a deep breath.  Today had been eventful -- perhaps even more so than the one previous.  Both had placed his life in jeopardy and set his expectations on end.  But his encounter with the caitian hybrid, K'Ren, had left him with the impression that this day, above all others, was one to be remembered.  Since their time together, he'd managed to slip back to his own quarters and file a quick report with security over what he could recall of the attack in sickbay.  That aside, he had found time to properly relax and groom, ensuring that he was presentable and not smelling of sex and two days of hard travel. 

Although he'd not had time for a full inventory review, he'd managed to locate some suitable meat around which he could plan a simple meal.  He'd reviewed the database for common human recipes that were easy to prepare while he'd groomed, committing a few to memory as he settled at last on what appeared the simplest of all:  hamburgers.

The meat was simple to prepare and season and was ready for the grill.  He'd set out an appropriate array of condiments and vegetables to compliment the patties as necessary.  The added advantage of so simple a meal is that it was one he could readily prepare for himself to stave off any further hunger.  K'Ren had been kind enough to provide him with a quick meal in her quarters, but after nearly a full day without eating, it took considerably more to off-set his growling stomach.

Looking back at the holograms, he folded his arms behind his back. "I am not familiar with how things may have been handled in the past, but I want to emphasize one rule above all others.  In this place, we are one pride."  Xenia and Taliesin gave one another a curious look before turning back to the kzin.  "One pride.  Meaning there will be no arguments, no fighting, no bad blood.  If a crew member cannot abide by that simple rule, then they can eat in their quarters."

Both nodded, taking his meaning.

"Very good.  Now, computer, begin program Mehueret."  Again, a compliant beep was the response before the stage area of the upper deck was replaced with a cascading waterfall that seemed as much water as stage curtain.  Before the flowing waters stood a pale female with white hair and hints of golden light reflected in her features and dressed in a flowing white robe accented in orange.  Without hesitation, she began to sing a soft serenade in ancient vulcan, the sound of disembodied lutes accompanying her.

Deacon pointed to the doors.  "Alright, you two, let's begin."

OOC- Thread named in honor of my favorite song by Yanni

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #1
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix & @Hastata-Nerada
Having come from a background as a farmer and brewer, O'Riley had what some would call a hearty appetite. Granted, few ever really saw her eat, but that was mostly because she preferred eating in the relative privacy of her quarters. This much advanced technology afforded her that luxury. Living in the caves of Bringloid V and even Mariposa was far different from the volume of space afforded crew members on board starships, and admittedly, the auburn-haired woman enjoyed it over the longhouse style culture they had adopted. She remembered how repulsed the Mariposans were over it when they saw how the Bringloidi tended to live. It made her curious, and she was one of the few who ventured over to live in the capital, which was how they discovered that the Bringloidi had a serious vulnerability to the sun and heat, not to mention the increased likelihood of them going blind from having too much light for their sensitive eyes.

There was a slight problem with the replicator in her quarters, however, and she found she had no choice but to venture out. And after today, she could do with a good meal. Which was what brought her here, to the lounge called Below Decks. She poked her head in first, opting for a careful study of the layout, and she was thankful that the lighting seemed low enough, low enough for what normal humans here would say as dim lighting. To O'Riley, it looked like high noon with full sunlight. Removing her protective optics, the silvery-white glow in her pupils showed up under the minimal lighting. She remembered when some of the Resolve crew saw it for the first time so suddenly, they thought she was possessed by an alien entity. She had to explain to them how the Bringloidi all naturally had this phenomena that showed only in the dark. A bioluminiscent byproduct from the phosphorous cave moss they had been feeding on for centuries. She hoped the people here didn't react as strongly as Declan Peterson did.

When she spotted the waterfall and the woman, she smiled, pleased to see that this ship could have holograms outside of a holodeck. It made her curious and eager to study the mechanics and setup of the entirety of the ship...after she had something to eat. She had an affinity for photonics and holodeck technology ever since she first encountered one on board the Enterprise, when she was only eleven years old. She would go so far as to say that she could spot a hologram and tell the difference from a real person and a hologram, which was how she was quite confident that the waterfall and the singing woman was holographic rather than real. It created a very relaxing ambience nonetheless, and she privately approved of the lounge proprietor's tastes. Settling herself at a table, she glanced about with interest, but also kept her eye on the exits and escape routes.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #2
[ F’Rell of the Twelfth House | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage, @steelphoenix

The photonics unsettled F’rell, they always had. They sounded wrong, that’s what it usually was, and in this case they sounded about as off as an out-of-tune orchestra. Something like them should have weight, and sound like rythmic beating, not the subsonic buzz of forecields and magnetic resonance. Still, this uncanny valley of photons and magnetism was something that she was used to by now, for her time spent on the Resolve had provided the acclimation she needed from particle projection to hardlight holograms. After discovering hardlight themselves, the T’fanrell had worked hard to make the next leap into particle projection in order to avoid disturbing all who viewed them. Symphonic holograms had been the first step, and F’rell had half a mind to modify the lounge projections or even Thea to emit graviton fields which kept their cohesion and allowed a more immersive experience for everyone. But she couldn’t, it would reveal another technology she wished to keep out of Federation hands, like all the other innovations that her people had created.

F’rell gently floated into the middle of the room, keeping a wary eye on the singing hologram. She swam to about the middle of the lounge and floated into the air, her serpentine body twisting in tune with her gaze. She continued to look over the scenery as she switched to making laps around the edges of the quiet chamber, and eventually came to a rest at a nearby table. Her head cocked to the side as she looked over the arrangements, and her twisting form inched closer to the table to allow a noodly appendage to grasp one of the implements and hold it up to look at. “This is a… fork, yes? I have never actually used one of these before, but I assume it must be useful in some way.” she trilled, as her translator spoke out her syllables and vowels in the broken and clumsy words of Federation Standard. She placed the fork back in the space in which she found it and floated herself over to Sinead. “A nice setup overall, I think.” The place intrigued her. The holographic staff, the alien proprietor, the setup in general. It seemed to her a an interesting combination of amenities to have on a starship.


Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #3
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada , and anyone else showing up after

As the first customer of the shift entered the lounge, Deacon made a mental note that it was, once again, a female that seemed to flock to this place.  The ship certainly did have it share of females, although he supposed it should cease to surprise him at this point.  He had managed to lay eyes on a vast majority of the crew when they assembled to hear the current circumstances of the ship the day before.

With a glance and an inclination of his head, he signaled to his newly designated second in command, holographic though she was, to approach the new customer's table even as a second life form descended to the table from overhead inquiring as to the nature of a fork that had been laid out in one of the place settings.

"Yes," she replied from behind, providing a welcoming smile to both guests before her.  "Forks are one of a variety of eating utensils common to human culture.  They are utilized to to readily convey food items to the diner's mouth in lieu of the less sanitary and often messier method of using the fingers."

Turning her attention to the bringloidi, she gave an another nod.  "However, tonight the proprietor has prepared hamburgers with an assortment of condiments for your dining pleasure.  If hamburgers are not your preference, alternative dining options are still available through the replicator.  How may I serve you this evening?"

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #4
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix & @Hastata-Nerada
Studying the holographic woman serving as a waitress, O'Riley's eyes widened slightly with interest when she learned that the proprietor, a Kzinti no less, if her observation was correct, was actually preparing the meal by hand rather than by the replicators as most vessels were wont to do. This intrigued her very much. Having come from a rather primitive background where everything was done by hand and hard labour, the woman honestly preferred manually cooked food over something beamed into place with just a verbal command. On top of that, it was hamburgers, with condiments. Just before she joined Starfleet, she had been touring the planet with a few Bringloidi and Mariposans. Hamburgers was one of the few things they became obssessed with. It took a while to get over that addiction, but she has since learnt self-control over it.

“Hamburgers certainly sounds grand,” said O'Riley in her usual lilting accent, “would it be served with ketchup and chips? Oh...and...mayo.” She remembered the sauce that probably would have killed her people with how delicious it tasted. While they retained a great many things from their journey to Bringloid V, her people did not bring along that. Having placed her order, and thanking the hologram, she turned to F'Rell, whom she had been observing earlier as the flying serpentine alien entered, herself taking a flown study of the surroundings. Like herself, the T'fanrell had been a part of the Resolve crew, and shared many adventures (or misadventures) with the people. She hoped F'rell didn't feel too out of sorts. Though to be fair, it was only their second day here.

“You find it satisfactory, then?” asked O'Riley, “I suppose it is secure enough. With sufficient escape routes and cover should it become necessary. What about the holograms?” She turned to look at the singing woman again, and peered closely, her silvery-white pupils gleaming in the low lighting, “Does their resonance seem a wee bit off to you?” She tilted her eyes to look at F'Rell directly.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #5
[ F’Rell of the Twelfth House | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

“Holograms always seem off to me, Sinead O’Riley.” F’rell hummed, as she twisted about and took in her surroundings. “They are like… ah… A human once described a concept to me, an ‘uncanny valley’ of some kind? Holograms are like that to me, they [sound] wrong. If that makes sense at all?” She didn’t like the translator, or English for that matter. It just didn’t have enough capacity to handle translating her language to the strange and broken sounds that most humans spoke in. Words like her own senses were lost on it, various idioms and translations simply failed to carry through. F’rell herself often got confused at the things she heard, and wished there was a better way for her to understand the grating intonations of most other species.

“But,” F’rell continued, “Their [sounds] seem to be optimal from what I can [hear] of them. Their forcefields seem to be in check with what I have observed of normal Federation holograms.” She paused slightly. “Actually, they [sound] higher quality, more [in symphony] than the holograms aboard the Resolve were. I think the [symphony] of Thea’s systems are more advanced than those that Luna-class vessels have.” She shivered slightly and some brief flashes of dull purple scattered across her flank. “They still make me anxious though, but good job.” She floated slowly away from the holographic waiters. “Though,” She turned towards Deacon to address him. “May I ask, is it possible to prepare a dish based on some form of plankton? Like some sort of algae puffs?”

OOC: So something I got an idea for, is putting certain words in brackets. Those words, in her dialogue, are words of which there is no equivalent in English, but the translator tries its best and fills in the closest approximation it can. In this case, it's attempting to accommodate for the tunes which F'rell uses to describe how she "hears" and percieves things through her sensory organs.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #6
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada

Not long after the female hologram had departed with the order, the table was approached by the decidedly far more realistic proprietor carrying two plates.  Atop the first, which he placed before Sinead, was a thick hamburger, medium well, decorated with lettuce, onion, tomato and crowned with a half-cocked bun.  Arranged around the plate was a pile of thinly sliced potatoes that had been deep fried and prepared with a mixture of seasoned salts.  He gave the bringloidi a glance with his golden eyes before speaking, "You said 'chips'," his own accent sounding reminiscent of what the terrans referred to as British, "I wasn't certain if you meant the flat crunchy kind like this or the ones with the chewy middles. I'll have to make the holograms follow-up on that one in future.

Beside the plate, he set out small ramekins of mayonnaise and ketchup.

He then turned to regard F'Rell, as if finally seeing her fully for the first time, before clearing his throat.  "I had to replicate your request," he stated, laying out a plate of puffed algae in a variety of colors.  "I'm still new at mastering non-meats and did not have the opportunity to check with hydroponics to see if they had a fresh supply for me to experiment with."

"Will there be anything else?  Beverages, perhaps?"  Truth be told, he wasn't yet eager to leave the table until the meals had at least been sampled and his skill at handling even this new cuisine was assured, even if such assurances had to come from a female.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #7
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix & @Hastata-Nerada
Listening to F'rell speak was like trying to listen to a soft yet strong orchestra and at the same time hearing an artificial voice speaking over that melody. It wasn't strange or hard per se, but it certainly made for an oddity of sorts, and the young woman's interest showed on her face as the large serpentine being explained her opinion on holograms. She knew that the T'fanrell perceived things in a much much different way than most sentients did. She was oddly curious to see if she could perform a mind-meld just to experience or more deeply understand how her friend saw the universe. Though that wasn't possible for a number of reasons; the first being that even if she knew how to find the points on a being, having watched the act on occasion, she didn't have the telepathic abilities of Vulcans, and secondly, she couldn't fathom the very method itself, despite her time spent with them.

It was a wishful thought leftover from her much much more emotional days.

She gazed over at the holograms when F'Rell complimented them as being somewhat better than the ones on the Resolve. This would be true, considering the technology behind this vessel. The Resolve was a prototype Luna-class, which was designed with a larger than normal hangar bay and a complement of fighters and shuttles. The artificial intelligence however was still the standard variety found on most other Starfleet vessels, and having served aboard a great many of them, O'Riley could agree that the photonic technology on board the Theurgy was unparalleled. “As long as they do not bother you too much, yes.” said O'Riley, as the proprietor of the lounge approached with a delicious looking meal. She tried to get a read on the Kzinti, studying his posture and behaviour, and noted his golden eyes, which contrasted against her silvery-white (under the low light environment) and his businesslike demeanour.

And he brought out condiments too. And he had apparently managed to prepare the burger with chips just the way she remembered it being prepared on Earth. If anything, that was already good enough for her. That it was prepared by hand was even more impressive.

“I suppose you might,” said O'Riley, in regards to his following up on his holograms, “though it is precisely what I asked for, so my compliments to your work on them and the dish itse...” she had placed a chip in her mouth even as she spoke, unable to refrain, and the taste was even better than she remembered, if the widening of her eyes was anything to go by, followed by a most pleased expression, which she normally would have masked with all her training by Vulcans, yet, food this good would break her calm and controlled nature. “...this is the best chips I have ever had...I do wish you could eat this, F'rell...”

If the chips were this good, she had to try the burger, and the taste hit her. She had to close her eyes so she could truly enjoy the strength of its flavour. The meat was perfectly cooked, and the lettuce, onions and tomato only added to that. It was so good she could eat it without the mayonnaise or ketchup. But she really had to control herself, she had not expressed herself so openly about how much she enjoyed well prepared food in...ever.

Opening her eyes, she turned them to look towards the Kzinti first, then at F'rell, without moving a muscle. Lowering the burger, she cleared her throat, daintily dabbing at her lips with a napkin, “This is the tastiest burger I have ever eaten thus far,” said O'Riley frankly. Even the Earth burgers couldn't beat this, “truly, my complements to you, sir. May I ask your name? I am Sinead O'Riley, of Bringloid Five, more recently, Mariposa. Oh, and if you have any...cola? I believe it is called. I think that would be good.”

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #8
[ F’Rell of the Twelfth House | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix and @Triage

The idea of a hamburger, or other thing that used to be an animal, an actual living creature, being a meal baffled F’rell. For the T’fanrell there were very little in the way of natural predators, and indeed save for the J’nranells and the great reefbacks, there were very few on the entire planet. It occurred to her that the Kzinti were descended from predators themselves, and she wondered if her Kzin host found her appetizing at all. She doubted that she would be very delicious given that she was largely composed of nitrogen and gaseous compounds, but her mind couldn’t help but wonder.

When the algae-based meal arrived, she hovered low over them, and tilted her head at various angles to allow her silver eyes to survey the replicated dish before her. The replicator had done a fine job, it almost reminded her of T’fanrell dry rations that were designed for use in survival missions. The T’fanrell’s advanced replication techniques allowed for rather delicious rations, and on a surface level the plate which their feline host had prepared seemed to measure up quite nicely. She reached out a tendril and popped a puff of algae into her triangular mouth, letting it dissolve as her body broke it down to osmosize into her system. It was, for lack of better terms, quite good, as much as can be said for how T’fanrell perceive taste. It wasn’t quite as good as some of the things she had tasted on V’nai, but for a first try it’s sensation was quite pleasurable. “My compliments, Kzinti, I know it is not your speciality, but you have done a good job with my request.” she hummed, as pleased and subdued colors danced across her flank.

As Sinead mentioned her desire to have F’rell able to eat the chips she was busy with, F’rell’s colors shifted to a more purple complexion of wishful wistfulness. “Indeed, as do I, but I am afraid I cannot [digest] such things.” sang her symphony behind the artificial voice of her translator. As Sinead dug into the burger she winced slightly, or something akin to it, and turned her gaze away from the carnivorous fest. It wasn’t until Sinead asked the Kzinti his name that F’rell realised that she had never found out. “Ah yes… And I am F’rell. Of V’nai, if we are introducing each other by homeworld.”

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #9
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada

As the bringloidi female gave her compliments, Deacon stood a touch straighter, taking pleasure in his accomplishments.  Certainly, it was hardly the job he'd been trained for, and not what he'd expected at this point in his life, but he'd invested himself personally and, he supposed, professionally, in this endeavor and while the humans had seemed content to allow him to remain on the ship, proving his talents was a justification.  He could make a proper contribution to the crew, even on those most fundamental of levels.  He was meant to nourish the souls of his people, and now he was nourishing the stomachs of the enemies of his people.  Well, these were his people now, he supposed.  As for nourishing their souls... well, that may come in time.

The second compliment from the shimmering creature also floating at the table, however, confused him.  In truth, he wondered if he shouldn't take offense given he'd invested no real talent in the production of the algae, merely spoke the words into the replicator and waited for the items to materialize and bring them to the table.  One might just as well have complimented the holograms for their talent in taking an order.

When she asked his name, he was so lost in his own train of thought, that he very nearly did not notice -- something he chastised himself for mentally.  "Deacon," he answered.  "I was raised on homewor..." he stopped himself.  It was a cultural habit.  All kzinti referred to their world as homeworld.  It had no other name, and it was the arrogance of the species that assumed it required no other.  "I was raised on kzinhome," he corrected, remembering the name the humans had first ascribed to the home of their one-time adversaries.

He considered the new request, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.  "Cola?"  The word was familiar.  But only distantly so.  It was a beverage, he assumed, and one he suspected he'd had in his childhood.  With a nod, he returned to the replicator and made the request, taking hold of the tall glass, his sense of smell catching the effervescent sweetness that danced across its surface.  His eyes opened somewhat wider.  Sweetness?  He'd thought that flavor lost to him following his time on homeworld.  Had the surgery brought it back?  With some effort, he managed to set aside his curiosity in favor of his duties, but it was a subject he would need to revisit, he told himself, as he returned to the table and placed the glass down before Sinead.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #10
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix , @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada

          As Vinata arrived at deck 28 he did one last check of his data padd, he read over the instructions once more to memorize what tasks he had been asked to perform, the request was for a patient check in, due to the high number of rehabilitating patients it was deemed that less vital checkups would be performed outside of sickbay. The patient was Deacon, the file simply stated he had undergone a surgery and had taken well to recovery, due to the exceedingly rare odds of there being any need for further treatment Vinata was tasked with administering the simple survey and then send the report before officially being off the clock. As Vinata had learned that Deacon was in the Below Decks Lounge he could not help, but sigh as he realized he was being told to go and relax, by his own sister no less.

Walking through the corridors Vinata's boots clicked to the deck with each step, he was curious if he would see Nolak again...but it was also perhaps a better idea to not dwell on such things. As he finished walking from the turbolift to the lounge Vinata took a deep breath, his shift was almost over perhaps when he was done he could enjoy himself here, make a friend or two...hopefully. Passing through the door into the lounge Vinata looked to the image of Deacon and quickly spotted him in the room. Smiling softly Vinata took a moment to look around the lounge, there were a few other people there as well as F'Rell, a truly fascinating being, nothing like most bipedal lifeforms, but they were not the reason Vinata was here and he had to get his work over with. Making his way over to Deacon he walked with a very womanly movement, his hips swaying as he moved and his chest bounced within his uniform, after the day he had the uniform was a bit loose on his seemingly womanly frame.

As he come up to Deacon Vinata cleared his throat in a chirping croak before he spoke up in his melodious voice. "Hello Mister Deacon I am here from Sickbay, I was sent to submit a quick survey to check to confirm that you have made a full recovery from your recent surgery." Looking around Vinata took a moment to take stock of the surroundings before smiling reassuringly. "It is nothing intrusive, mostly just a question of any lingering pain, uneasiness or complaints that might relate back to the surgery." Vinata smiled and adjusted his stance so that he would be more comfortable waiting for the information. As he looked around Vinata noticed that the people in the lounge were enjoying burgers, it had been months since he had last had one of those while back at the academy on Earth, perhaps he could stick around for a while and enjoy a meal.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #11
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada, @Zenozine 

At the arrival of the newcomer, Deacon turned, his ears rolling backwards slightly, uncertain what to make of the one who addressed him.  Clearly, this appeared to be some sort of amphibious species, but it was not one with which he was readily familiar, and while the form seemed to possess many of the affectations similar to what he might expect on a female, the mannerisms were decidedly male.  Some tiny bit of Deacon's mind found some dark humor in this, wondering what other kzinti would make of this example of Federation heterogeny.

He cleared his throat, slipping the serving tray under one arm.  "The surgery was... fine.  My recovery could have done without the attempted murder, but I don't blame the doctor for that," he replied, squaring his shoulders and folding his hands behind his back.  "There are still some moments of weakness, but I am doing my best to anticipate them and take precautions.  I have scheduled time for therapy between my duty shifts starting tomorrow."  He found it exceptionally challenging to keep his senses focused on this new alien as his innate curiosity demanded a more in-depth examination.

Looking downward to his feet, he finally lifted his gaze once more and leaned slightly forward, "My apologies.  Do not take this impersonally... but what are you?"  As alien as the creature introducing itself was F'Rell was, it had only managed to pique his interest as it did not conform to anything he recognized as sentient.  But this envoy from sickbay seemed to conform to far too many at once, and it was in that inherent conflict that Deacon found himself confounded.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #12
[ Vinata Vojona | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix , @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada

          Vinata froze up at the mention of an attempted murder and he looked to his data padd for a moment as he flipped through it for a moment and sighed as it was clear that he was not likely being given all the information about recent events among the crew, of course he likely did not need to bring up a murder attempt in a simple medical form. "Well I was not aware of any such situations, I am glad you are alright." Vinata did notice a note of how Deacon had been in sickbay earlier in the day due to the biowarfare that had unfolded on the ship after the last battle. In the end Vinata chose not to  question about that as for the most part the crew did not need to be reminded of such situations, and undoubtedly Deacon knew what to do if symptoms returned.

Vinata took down the information that Deacon gave on his physical state, it was clear he was on the expected track for post op., no real complications and basic weakness and discomfort that would likely linger for the week or so. Things all seemed pretty much taken care of until Deacon spoke up with a question for Vinata, it was one he was all to familiar with getting and one he had no problem answering as he finished tapping at the padd's screen and lowered it. "I am an Ovri, we are a more recent member of the Federation, a more long distance membership, but my people have a fascination with what the Federation stands for. We do not have many members in Starfleet academy, or serving on ships, so it is common for us to be unknown to others."

Vinata could tell that the question had also been geared to get him to talk about weather he was a man or a woman, it was a common ploy, but at this point Vinata had a little internal game with his sister to see how many questions a person would ask before they finally got up the nerve to just ask their gender, or if they would choose to make an assumption on appearance and need to be corrected.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #13
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
K'Ren, dressed in comfortable civilian clothes, quietly walked into the Below Decks Lounge where she knew Deacon was working. She wanted to chat with the K'Zin male after the days excitement, untangle some of the complex situation and hopefully straigten a few things out between them. Of course, how do you sort of a day like today, rescueing the K'Zin from some attackers in sickbay, dragging him to her quarters and (unintentially, tho willingly) mating with the man, then finding herself involved in arresting the people who'd assaulted him. She also knew, now that she knew she was in heat, that she'd want some more alone time with Deacon, sating a need in her species, a need only her Deacon could sate.

Now, having had a few hours to calm down and meditate a little to collect her balance, K'Ren found herself making her way down here, wanting to talk to Deacon, sort this day out with him when he had some time or was off shift. Finding a quiet corner she could sit and watch the bar, she ordered a non-alcoholic drink from the bartender, something that was a mix of fruit juices and proteins, a smoothy she'd heard one human call it.

Sipping the glass when it came, she glanced around, watching the various interactions between the crew. Most of the faces she didn't recognize, except Deacon's when he poked his head out a few times, but glancing towards the door she saw a face she did recognize, a person she needed to talk to, a conversation that would most likely be rather awkward and she hoped would end well, or at least not badly.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #14
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn
After having visited engineering and gotten a second opinion from Morgan, Liam had felt himself conflicted for the second time that day.

Earlier, he had the impression that Chief Ji had been coming on to him in the Fighter Assault Bay, flirting openly, and now, after having met Morgan Song, Liam was feeling very conflicted about his feelings. The reason was not them... Well, of course it was them, but the main reason for his discomfort around them wasn't them, truly, but the fact that he didn't know if he should allow himself to even consider either of the two Theurgy crew members in more than a platonic way. After what had happened on the Resolve just before the battle, and because they had spent the night together in his quarters, he felt he had to speak with K'Ren before something happened.

So, immediately after having met Morgan Song in Engneering, Liam had tried to get a grip on himself and asked the starship's A.I. "Thea, where's Ensign K'Ren?"

[Ensign K'Ren is in Below Decks, on Vector 03, Deck 28.]

"Thank you," he'd said, happy to hear she wasn't back on duty, both because he wanted to speak with her and because she had just left sickbay when she came to his quarters the night before. He headed towards the closest Transporter Room and the officer there beamed him over to the right Vector, close to the lounge in question. He entered and looked around, seeing an exotic alien in the bar, talking to a large... Was it a Caitian? In either case, clearly not someone to trifle with. He spotted F'Rell too, since she was hard to miss, and O'Riley, who was also from the Resolve.

When he spotted K'Ren, however, he smiled and set a pace towards the table she was at.

"Is this seat taken?" he asked rhetorically, smiling to the female Caitian in the room as he pulled out the chair and sat down. "Thanks to you, I am quite tired today, actually. How are you feeling?" He jested with her, clearing his throat a little in slight embarrassment.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #15
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
K'Ren grinned a little when she saw Liam, obviously happy and chipper, a good sign he was doing well. She motioned to the seat opposite, taking a sip of her glass to clar the sudden lump she felt in his presence as he sat down. "You arre welcome to join me Liam. I am waiting forr a frreind but they arre delayed a bit by worrk." She wasn't about to mention that the freind was the large K'Zin in the lounge, and wasn't surre she wanted to admit that she'd pretty hopped out of Liam's bed and into Deacon's within hours, girls who did that got called 'easy', or 'whore.' K'Ren was neither, and to her mind the hormones coursing through her body were the root cause of her bedding two men in quick order.

"Last night would tend to do that Liam," she said, smiling a little as memories of what they did, not once but numerous times that night, and the quick fling in the fighter's engine bay the day before came to her mind. "I am feeling betterr, thank you. I know it's been a rrough twenty fourr hourrs forr all involved but we are alive." She noted. Pausing, she really wasn't sure how she wanted to bring this up, how to bring this up in a way that would leave Liam's heart intact, if in fact he felt there was more to the last 24hrs between them then there in actuality was. She wondered, hoped, he saw this as no more then a random fling, a release of certain tensions she'd been feeling, tensions she'd not realised were what they were.

"Liam," she said, leaning forward a little, her tail nervously twitching, ears flattening a little as she placed her glass down, a paw reaching out for his. "About last night..."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #16
[ Deacon | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Triage , @Hastata-Nerada, @Zenozine, @SummerDawn , @Auctor Lucan  

Deacon lifted his chin slightly at the nurse's response, noting that his implied question was either purposefully dodged or was too subtle to warrant response.  Either way, the answer he'd been given was sufficient for his purposes.  Ovri.  Rare as they may be, he was certain that the ship's database could provide him with clarifying answers at a more convenient time.  He didn't relish the thought of demonstrating his ignorance to others, so his more probing questions could wait for another time.

"I suppose you're the first in the assault wave of nurses that the doctor is unleashing on me for leaving sickbay prematurely," he said, the memory of Nicander's scolding barely an hour before still fresh in his thoughts.  With a deep breath, he collected himself, suppressing the momentary tinge of irritation that rose in the back of his throat as he reflected on the humiliation he'd felt. "He was rather vociferous with his displeasure and seemed quite disinclined to a civil discussion at the time.  So, for his sake, assure him that I am not taxing myself, but once I was awake, now matter how untimely or unintended, I was awake.  We kzinti live our lives by certain patterns, and when our minds tell us we should be active, we should be active."

He paused, realizing that he was ranting, taking out his frustrations on someone who had not been present and had no ability to resolve his sense of wounded pride.  Holding up a hand, he added, "Sorry. You're just doing your job. I should take this up with the doctor directly at some opportune time."  This was, after all, his place of business, and it seemed improper to take the nurse's ears for the doctor's slight, especially given this ovri didn't seem to have ears... at least, externally.  This gave him a momentary respite of humor, wondering how an earless alien would fair in a duel of honor back home.

As the door opened, he caught glance of his savior, his lover, arriving.  They'd barely been apart for more than an hour and a half after dealing with the matter of his attackers.  On reflection, today had been quite hectic, all things considered.  His golden eyes fixated on her lithe form as she strolled to the bar and requested a drink from the holographic bartender. 

Straightening, he squared his shoulders and folded his arms behind his back, first looking to the customers at the table and then back to the ovri nurse.  "So, I can only hope you weren't sent all this way mid-shift just to pester me about my health.  The dinner shift is under way and we're serving an Earth meal called hamburger tonight."  With a sweep of his hand, he motioned towards one of the tables.  "Are you hungry?"

At that, the door opened again, admitting a human male who seemed to pause only briefly to take in those assembled before making a direct line to K'Ren's side at the bar.  A mix of conflicting emotions moved through his chest as Deacon watched-- confusion, curiosity, and perhaps a touch of ingrained possessiveness.  He would need to suppress that last one, he chastised himself.  Females didn't seem appreciative of such emotions outside of kzinretti harems, and K'Ren was no kzinrett.  Perhaps this was another windpipe situation, like she's had with the ensign in security -- Mariner.  With a concerted effort, he turned his senses back to the ovri to see if there was any interest towards his offer of a meal.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #17
[ Sinead O'Riley | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix, @Absinthe, @Zenozine, @SummerDawn & @Auctor Lucan
“Thank ye very much,” said O'Riley, when the drink was placed before her. She resumed her eating when an amphibious being approached Deacon, and a most intriguing conversation took place. The Ovri, as she heard him mention, was not in fact a female as the Bringloidi had originally thought, and now that she noted his face, she detected a masculine sense to him. But the chest was the one that had her staring. They were rather...pronounced.

She enjoyed her meal in silence, going back to observing her surroundings rather than participating or engaging in conversations. There was certainly plenty of it going on, and it always interested her to watch the Federation people in their interactions. Even after all these years, Sinead O'Riley still considered herself a person on the outside looking in. She was one of them, and yet at the same time, not really. She was her own unique individual, contributing in whatever way she could, yet not being truly included. She ultimately decided it was better this way. Less chances of herself getting too deeply involved and thus more vulnerable to harm.

She wanted to speak some more to the Kzinti, most intrigued by him, but for the time being, she realized he had his hands full, and she turned instead to F'Rell, her meal finished, “Do excuse me, F'rell, I must be on my way. Ah, but before that.” She fished out from her pockets a pair of pink and orange hued socks, placing it on the table by her plate of food, “I do not know if ye recovered any from th' Resolve, but I am sure ye woul' like t'start a new c'llection, aye? Enjoy dinner.”

She gave the alien the barest hints of a smile before quietly rising, and slipping away stealthily, by habit more than by intent. Keeping out of sight whenever possible.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #18
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn
When K'Ren put her paw on top of his hand, Liam smiled and put his other hand on top of hers.

"It was pretty damn amazing, right? I am so glad we skipped that get-together. Well, not just for... you know, but because I wanted to make sure you were okay," he said, oblivious to any ideas Neko might have had for the direction of their conversation. "After I got aboard the Theurgy, I learned that the fighters were docking, and that one Mk II Valkyrie cockpit pod was being towed inside mid-battle. I don't know what it was, but I just had this feeling that it might be one of ours."

Liam nodded towards the T'fanrell further away in the lounge. "If it weren't for F'Rell, I would never have made it aboard this ship, and as soon as we were out of the transporter room, we ran to the upper shuttle bay, where we found you. I'm not sure how much you remember, but I was there, and I stayed with you in sickbay for as long as I could. I was required to leave for a briefing, and I had to see the Quartermaster aboard to get quarters, but aside from that, I remained with you, hoping that you'd make it."

Having said this, Liam chuckled and looked a way with a sense of embarrassment. "When you woke up, you really showed that you sure knew how to say 'thank you', and judging by your... enthusiasm alone, I would say you are well on your way to a full recovery already. All in all, last night was - to me - a way to keep things in perspective... when we lost so many. At least we had each other, regardless, you know?"

Since he wasn't sure what he was supposed to eat or drink, he did not call for any attention from the holographic staff or the.. Was it a Kzin? In any case, he was content with just sitting there with Neko's paws in his hands, and look into her eyes. He didn't know what she wanted, but talking to someone familiar was exactly what he needed, giving him time to sort out the awkward things that had happened during the day, and just a short while ago.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #19
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
K'Ren couldn't help but smile, thinking about the previous evening. "I was rrelieved to see a familiarr face Liam, when I came aboarrd rratherr unorrthodoxly. I don't rremember much of what happened but I do know I felt you nearrby, felt a familiarr perrson nearr my side and I was grrateful forr the companionship."

She paused as he commented on how she'd shown her gratitude for his remaining with her through the hours following the battle. A purr escaped her lips, she gave his hand a squeeze with her paw. "Underr the cirrcumstances Liam, it was a lot of things. A thank you forr being at my side, a need to feel alive and close to someone I carre about, and even a little morre." She paused at that last statement, trying to somehow screw up the courage to tell him, to explain to him some of the driving force.

"Liam," she said quietly, "What we had last night was amazing, it was everrything I'd hoped loving you would be, but I also ... therre was morre going on beneath the surrface then I underrstood, and morre then I wanted." She paused, "If I told you that therre was a biological drrive to some of it? That what happened between us, while it was everrything you'd said, love, carre, rrelief, and just needing to feel alive, therre was also an underrcurrent of my species rreproductive drrive pushing me to do what I did?" She looked at him, hoping her words didn't cut too deep, hurt too much.

"I think it best if we considerr what happened last night to be an wonderrful way of exprressing concerrn for the otherr and a fun way to pass the time, but I also think it best we leave it at that Liam, best considerr ourrselves frriends who shared something close but make a clean brreak to purrsue otherrs as we desirre." K'Ren felt bad as she said that, knowing her new lover was mere feet away, working the tables along with his staff.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #20
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn @Top Hat
Listening to K'Ren, it was obvious she was grateful that Liam remained by her side, and had enjoyed the.... recovery with him. Yet as she continued to talk, it seemed like she was feeling conflicted about something. Eventually, she explained it, and it made Liam's eyebrows climb.

"Oh, You're in heat? I am sorry, I didn't know," he said, a lot of things going through his head, but still thinking he understood what she meant to say. He reckoned she omitted it out of kindness to him. "So... what you are saying is that you don't trust your own feelings right now?" 

Of course, if his own body was screwing up his drives and motivations, he would not be too keen on making any commitments either. If he couldn't trust his own feelings, how could he express them to someone, and indulge that person to feel the same? The way K'Ren described it, it certainly made it sound like she wasn't feeling herself right then. And what did that leave him? Well, he had wanted to know where things stood between them when he sought her out, and he certainly got his answer. He cleared his throat and soothed any guilt she might be feeling as quickly as he could, speaking up before she got a moment to answer.

"I understand, believe me. Neko, I am really, really attracted to you, but you and I have been friends for a long time, and what happened yesterday - all of it - is something I will remember fondly. If your body is to blame - for lack of a better word - for what happened between us, I would not indulge the idea of a steady relationship or making commitments either. I know better than to mix attraction with something more... profound. I learned that the hard way."

As if avoiding any awkward silence to settle between them, Liam removed his warm hands and folded his arms across his chest, chuckling as he told the short story. "There was this Hermat on Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, back before our voyage on the Resolve. I loathed hir at first, and I am not the kind think poorly about people, but s/he was really grinding my gears. Perhaps it was personal chemistry or just a different way of handling things, but in the end, s/he came gunning for me, being a Lieutenant at the time. One of hir superiors overheard what s/he said to me, and s/he was demoted for hir conduct. I felt bad about that, seeing how I got hir into that position. I was not solely to blame, but s/he got the worst of it. S/he was ordered to work closely with me, to finish some project, and over time..."

Liam could just chuckle, even if the hurt was still there. "...I came to like hir. I mean, really like hir. We made a great team, finishing our project ahead of schedule, and got to know each other quite well. We spent every waking hour together. So when we were done... I told hir what I felt about hir," he said, a bitter smile on his face as he look at the table between them. "Needless to say, it didn't work out the way I hoped. Hir Hermat upbringing made hir somewhat... xenophobic, perhaps, or I just wasn't hir type. Perhaps s/he was still somewhat pissed about hir demotion. Either way, I can't recall ever being so blatantly rejected as I was by hir."

He looked up at Neko, his smile less bitter. "My point: I don't confuse attraction with deeper feelings after that, and as time passed, I also understood hir better, studying the Hermat species in the database now and then and seeing how s/he might have seen me. I failed to account for the drives and motivations of hir species, and I will certainly not hold anything against you while you are in heat. If you need me, I will be there for you, but you are not quite yourself, so if you think it's better to keep it casual, let's do so."

Having said his piece, his thoughts turned to what had nearly happened twice during the day, and realised that he was none the wiser about what to do, even if he had no reason to feel guilty about his thoughts any more on K'Ren's account.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #21
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
K'Ren listened to Liam as he spoke, letting him have his say, hoping her would understand. And it seemed he had, at least in part though there was still Deacon, that she'd well, pretty much given her heart to the K'Zin, oddball a couple as they preobably were to those who knew the two species. But when he said he wouldn't hold it against her, not during her heat, she felt a small stab of hurt, not knowing if he would once she came off the heat and still remained with Deacon.

"I am sorry it ended badly with the Hermat Liam. What little I know of their species, complex barely begins to scratch the surface." She paused, looking at him, still a bit of tension in her facial expression. "My species, well, the heat can add some complexities to how we interact with others. A female without a bonded mate will often times pursue several potential mates during a heat, hoping to find one she'll bond with. A bond, if it happens, tends to be a lifelong thing, only death can break a bond."

She looked at Liam, "Markus was the first I bonded with. It happened outside of the heat so I wasn't pursuing anyone when I did go into heat, I just wanted to hole up in quarters with Markus and, for lack of a better word, breed. After he died, I didn't think I'd find another to bond with, didn't think I would go into heat so soon afterwards." She sighed, "I didn't know I was in heat Liam. I didn't recognize the signs of it until today, didn't know until another male pointed it out to me."

Now for the moment of truth, "I guess what I'm saying is that right now, I'm in a weird state of mind, and it drove me to pursue you that way Liam. I know Humans tend to look down upon females who jump from one bed to another, I think the term used is 'easy' or 'loose', as normal as it is for younger females in my species." She paused, "And, driven by this need, another male was available and willing, so I took advantage of the situation, though he was the one who understood what was going on, why I was behaving how I was. He was the one who pointed it out."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #22
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn @Top Hat
Hearing more details about K'Ren's biology and how the Caitian females behaved when they were in heat, Liam remained seated with his arms folded across his chest, head tilted a bit as he took in what she said. That Neko would seek companionship during her heat was hardly surprising, and as monogamous as he usually was, he had a hard time understanding the need for several partners, but he accepted it as a fact because it could certainly make sense out of an evolutionary point of view for some species. Selection was a part of it, and he already knew about Markus, so the true surprise came when she said she had already been with another male.

"Oh," he said... yet he could merely chuckle and smile at her, realising why she was being so discomfited and spoke about how human males tended to perceive women, "I... think you are ascribing a human mindset of centuries past to me. Please, don't worry. I would never think less of a woman of any species because they followed their heart and nature. It is certainly not like we are married or 'bondmates' or anything like that. If he - this male you've met - was 'willing and avaialble', who am I to judge you for acting on your own desires? That you are in heat doesn't even matter in that regard. Now, instead..."

Liam leaned forward, keeping his voice low. "You don't have to answer, of course, if you feel it is too early to tell if he is a keeper, a potential 'bondmate'. But... having a taste for men myself, could you tell me what he was like? It has been forever since I was with a man, and admittedly, I just spoke with a guy in engineering that I wouldn't mind talking again to in a more... private setting."

Wanting to put her at ease, knowing how bad Neko could have felt about what she'd done before she told him, Liam wanted to make it perfectly clear that he was okay with it. He might be a male human, but he was a human of the 24th century.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #23
[ K'Ren | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
K'Ren breathed a sigh of relief, hopefully not audible, as Liam explained that as far as he was concerned, humans mores of centuries ago, ones that held monogamy in high esteem, while perhaps not outdated, only really applied to his species, and not to a species such as Caitians, or Hermats she guessed, though she knew little of their species societal views on the subject. "Thank you Liam." She said, her posture softening visibly. "It means a lot that you understand my motivations. I would have, had the time been there, to seek your blessing as it were to do so. Caitians do practice a form of monogamy and outside heat, it is the norm even for our species, and even in heat monogamy is practiced if one has a bond mate."

K'Ren smiled a little, the human facial expression felt comfortable even if she was careful this time to keep her fangs covered as she did so, time spent around humans made her not worry but she wanted to be careful around Deacon, out of respect for the social customs of felinoid races, customs she'd forgotten a little about over the years. "It is too early to know for sure but the feelings I had with Markus, the sense of attachment is there with him. As for the sex, let's just leave that one unanswered for now. I'm not in the habit of comparing lovers Liam, each male is unique and special in their own way." Placing her paw on Liam's she smiled, this time her natural smile, she looked up into his eyes. "I think you should pursue this guy Liam. If you find love in another's arms, I will not be jealous if you do."

She glanced up, seeing Deacon working a table, his glance having been cast her way moments before, almost like he was keeping an eye on her and Liam. She knew K'Zin males to be possessive, and perhaps he was seeing Liam as a threat, something she would have to reassure him of otherwise. Turning her gaze back to Liam she continued. "As for the male, and I'm actually here to meet him after he's off work, is the large K'Zin who runs the place, Deacon is his name."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion

Reply #24
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn 
Hearing Neko's relief, Liam was glad that he could allay her fears. Her words, however, suggested that she had missed his point entirely. She had said she feared what her actions had made him think of her, that he'd think her unfittingly promiscuous and that she had no right to be just because she was a woman, and this was certainly an antiquated idea, at least in his eyes. Moreover, they'd had sex, and not gotten engaged. Why would he judge her, and especially when she was in heat?

He shrugged it off, not bothering to correct her. She was already talking about the guy he'd met in Engineering - Morgan Song - and he was about to tell her about the attention he thought he'd gotten from Chief Ji in the Fighter Assault Bay too. He was not entirely sure what to make of those meetings, and what had been said, but at least K'Ren thought he'd try and meet Morgan Song again. He was already thinking about how he could arrange that in an inconspicuous way.

Though Neko might not have been keen on sharing the details of her adventure, which was perfectly understandable, she did reveal who he was. Smiling, Liam looked towards the felnoid that was running the establishment, and given the similiarities between their species, Liam could see how she found the large male figure right up her alley. As far as Liam was concerned, while he liked the Kzin's build, he as not into that much body hair. He had also heard... things about how felnoids were... equipped. While he could enjoy such sizes, he was not entirely sure he could enjoy such... features.

"He is a fine male specimen, for certain," he said to Neko and grinned at her. "Then I suppose you want me to leave, so that you can have him all to yourself, once he is free? Don't worry, I was on my way to finish up this report about the new Valravn fighters, so I can't stay anyway. I want to get this done so that I can have some time off myself. Is it okay if I go, or was it anything else we needed to sort out? I reckon you have already acquired your own quarters today?"

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