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Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #100
[LT Keval ch'Rayya | Brig] ATTN: Kendrick and company

Once Keval got the security field down for Durac, he nodded respectfully to the hybrid before heading over to a weapons storage station and grabbed a phaser for himself before following him out of the room and took up a spot at the rear of the group, keeping their rears guarded in a casual manner.

He caught the look and posture of Durac but he knew that Kendrick was more then capable of taking point himself because he had worked with him over the past few years and knew what he was capable of doing in the field..however it took every ounce of his considerable willpower not to bust out laughing when he saw the tableau of what F'Rell was doing.

"So captain, do we have a plan in place from alpha to beta?" the Chaan inquired from his spot in the group.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #101
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Sabine | Space ] Attn: Drana

Sera blinked at Melissa as the blonde laid out her plan to actually get her weapons back. To be quite honest Sera had expected to just forgo getting them back sure they were hers but was it really worth potentially getting caught and getting thrown into prison. Already she'd been given back her ship with all of it's newfound glory that would have been enough for her. And it wasn't everyday a stunning blonde with an attitude to match her own decided to run off with you against all form of logic or reason to go off to maker knows where in a stolen ship.

"Do you think it will really work?" Sera asked now that they had a plan she was far more willing to give it a try. If they were going to steal the ship they might as well steal all her other possessions back at the same time. "If so then I'm up for it. We're already committing one crime a few more won't make a difference." Sera said. Already Sera's mind was processing how many different ways things could go wrong but in the end her mind had always tended to do that. It was better to have a good understanding of all possible outcomes to help decide your next course of action.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #102
[ Captain Tristan Kendrick |Starbase 84| Outside the Brig ] Attn: Everyone

Tristan nodded to the suggestion of leaving. of course with the rest of his crew holding down security, and keeping their escape route good there was probably a lot less time than they wanted. Walking out of the brig he saw what F'Rell was doing, as well as what Avura was getting into. Amusing as it was he wanted less people near the brig not more. For this plan to work they required some amount of anonymity. Still he didn't draw the weapon that was given to him by Drauc. they still had less than a minute before security cameras went back on line.

As Keval asked if he had a plan Kendrick smiled. "Didn't you hear me send a message?"

Tapping his com badge he sent a message to Havenborn. "Away team, plus three to beam up. Lock onto Avura, and we will be taking a Romulan with as well, Krystal is holding our third party."

With that command the rest of his crew should be back on his ship. Still he looked around the room. He could take full responsibility for this jail break, just like he would everything else. Of Course now his crew had to find a way to hide officer bradford as well as Avura and Drauc from the rest of Starfleet. It was a lot to entrust to his crew, but it was him or the ship.

He just had to put his faith in them, he closed his eyes and waited for the familiar sensation of being transported back onto his ship. Now that they were outside of the brigs containment field and his ship could get a good lock on them.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #103
[LT Keval ch'Rayya | Brig] ATTN: Kendrick and company

The andorian snorted back a laugh, "Of course I did, Tristan, but I'm just wanting to make sure that there was more to it because my gut is screaming at me that something major is going on other then what we're seeing." Keval explained as he looked down at the phaser he was holding long enough to make a couple of minor field adjustments that allowed him to use the medium stun setting at a lesser charge to the weapon before looking up at his commanding officer.

The andorian's "gut feeling" had been developed from years of security work, some minor work shadow work during the last couple wars and the past few years being lost with the Resolve had helped to hone it for him as he kept his senses alert because something very dark was nagging at the back of his mind. "It's times like this that I wish Krystal had a rifle on her all of the time to be completely honest." he mentioned as he kept up his rear-guard duties.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #104
[ Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek | USS Resolve | Quarters ]

Invaders on the ship. Her mind revolved around this information, for it was the deciding factor of all her present actions and deliberations. It was also the reason Ejek crawled through a Jefferies tunnel: something she was asked to do so rarely outside of training exercises that her mind didn't even care to call them "tubes".
She was with Suq. The Efrosian, in his function as Chief Engineer, followed behind her, carrying his tool box. He had originally taken the lead, being more used to these surroundings, but they had soon learned that it was more sensible for her to open hatches. There were fires and occasional explosions in the halls and walls around them, and her skin was less sensitive to the touch of surprisingly hot metal.

A flash of disrupter light and a blasting sound behind them made them hurry up.
"They're close," Ejek panted.
"Too close," Suq decided. He grabbed a coil spanner - apparently the next best thing Starfleet had to a phaser if you wanted to kill someone, so Ejek wondered why handling it didn't require a license - and turned around just in time to see a shadow emerge. She stopped.
"You can't-"
But his gaze was determined: "You have to reach the control room and lock this whole section down. It is the only way."

There were times in which Ejek knew that the impending doom of her friend would have broken her heart. This was not one of them. Her emotions ran on basic survival instinct, and her mind was set on escaping this situation. She wanted not only to avoid the raiders in the corridors, but the whole invasion, by doing all it took to prevent it from spreading over the ship. And, quite frankly, if she played her part in retaking the ship and kept him in good memory, she had done more for Suq and made sure his death was more meaningful than if she stayed to argue until they both got killed. It still left a gloomy feeling in her chest when they parted.

The hatch at the end of the corridor did not lead to the expected control room within the warp nacelle on the port side. Instead, Ejek climbed into main engineering. After she closed the hatch, she left Suq and his doom behind. It felt as if it didn't matter anymore.

There was no further sound from the previous scene, nor any sound at all save for the mechanical humming of the machines. Main engineering lay bare and fully functional in front of her, but it was void of all humanoid life that wasn't hers. As she walked closer to the warp core, she found that there was only one other person inside as she lay eyes on the luminescent body of F'Rell of the 12th House.
That was all right, her mind said, F'Rell belonged here. She was probably dealing with some major malfunction that had left the room contaminated, and subsequently evacuated. That Ejek's own body would be susceptible to radiation did not cross her thoughts.

The Cardassian approached the alien, then she saw impossible movement at the corner of her eyes. Alarmed, she halted and turned her head; to look into the gun barrel of a Jem'Hadar soldier. She had just enough time to realise that it was over. Her heart missed a beat and her mind raced, but she could only surrender to the inevitable conclusion that her life was about to end. No way out, nothing left to do. A flash of yellow light, and-

Her cocked legs were the first things in her sight. Ejek gasped for air. She reached for her sweaty eye ridge and massaged her temple, hugging her knees with the other arm. She sat on her bed. Apparently, she had started up. Now she needed to catch her breath, and for her heart rate to calm down. She knew where she was, but the realisation did not come with much relief. Yes, she was still alive, but only to face the fact that she was not altogether well.

It turned out that it had hardly been four and a half hours since she had returned from the welcoming ceremony and went to sleep. When had been the last time she peacefully slept through?
Her crew knew better than to wake her, mainly out of concern, as she had long since discovered that nightmares were her mind's favourite way to haunt her. This came as no surprise, seeing how her expertise in controlling her mind and thoughts failed at night, as well as her strategy to focus on facts and knowledge. Where there was no consciousness, there she couldn't focus her thoughts, and where she couldn't focus, there she struggled to interfere with the dots her mind connected in a way she didn't want it to.

She had reliefs, though. She was not out of strategies. Painting was one activity she had picked up after the Battle of Cardassia, and it helped her to express her emotions with colours and brush strokes until she was drained out of the need to express herself. Running was a way to exhaust her body and stimulate happiness hormones at the same time. But right now she was too annoyed and tired for either, so she resorted to her usual routine in such situations:

"Computer. Play audio file 74 from last halt. Stop playing after I've fallen asleep."
There were sensors in the walls that could distinguish beta brain waves from the various other kinds. The computer would know, it always did.

Disgruntled, Ejek lay back down and stared at the ceiling. None of her dream scenarios had happened that way in reality. Of course not. But attackers on the ship, fires and F'Rell fixing engineering on her own, all that at least had happened at some point during the last three years. It did not surprise Ejek that her mind was still preoccupied with any and all of it, not so shortly after returning to the safety of Federation space. And now that the stress of  keeping it together had fallen off her, she had all the time, and apparently the need, to come to terms with it. Maybe she would take a few weeks off, maybe talk to someone and get some help.

Because there was more to it. Ejek only had to give the Jem'Hadar in her dream some thought to know it, and to know what it was. They were home. They were supposed to be safe here. Thus, her mind found it necessary to warn her not to feel too carefree. By the logic her emotions seemed to go by, it was better to always be prepared than to miss one clue: it could lead to a situation similar to the Battle of Cardassia.
From a rational standpoint, that was nonsense, of course. Statistically, it was no more likely that some genocidal galactic superpower decided to extinguish her whole species than in the 21 years before she had been traumatised, and feeling edgy and sleep-deprived wouldn't help her limit the risk, either. Besides, she didn't seek eternal safety, or not turning to Starfleet should have been her first step towards it. In the past three years she had faced continuous threats to her life, and it wasn't avoiding these situations that caused her quite a headache, but sleeping through the night now that they were back home. Trauma was so stupid, it was frustrating.

Yet it couldn't be helped right away, only dealt with. So Ejek decided to concentrate her thoughts on the audio book that had started playing about half a minute ago, and she was already fading back to sleep when something strange caught her attention.

".... Mnahe afw'ein qiuu; Rh'e hweithnaef..."


"Computer." Ejek frowned. "What am I listening to?"

The computer's answer came quickly, and luckily in as much Standard as was possible: "Taer'thaiemenh, by the author Raiuhes Ahaefvthe."

"I don't even have that book," the Cardassian said to nobody in particular as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and got up. "Stop record."

She had not reached the bathroom when yellow alarm sprang to life. Ejek jerked and cursed, turning on her heels to pick up her duty unfirm and get dressed in under a minute. She had five to reach her post, but what good would she be in a counselling office, not even knowing what went on?

"Computer," she addressed the USS Resolve's mechanical persona once more while applying make-up to her forehead and pinning her hair up. "Who and where is the senior officer closest to my location?"

"Acting Chief Engineer Lieutenant Suq-Reylin-Efreya Xan is in main engineering."

[ Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: FollowTomorrow

The Cardassian counsellor reached main engineering not two minutes later. For Suq, who had gotten to know her quite well, it would be obvious that she was stressed. Her skin was shinier than usual, and her neck ridges were sprawled out, stretching the fabric of her collar. Ejek approached him with wide, firm steps until her eyes found the remaining pieces of the exploded console.

Upon seeing this, her demeanour changed. She approached, still, but her steps got lighter, more self-conscious. An ironic smile appeared on her face as she acknowledged that there was even more going on than she had at first expected.
How much one could miss in only four and a half hours, she mused. Maybe her mind wasn't so far off after all. Maybe she should do it like Lieutenant ch'Rayya and chalk it up to intuition.

"A Romulan book amongst my belongings, and now collateral damage in engineering. There must be a lot I've missed." Ejek summarised, tilting her head and watching Suq with wakeful, expectant eyes. "Would you mind to fill me in?"
She stopped next to him, looking at the console he was working on.
"I mean, after you're done doing..." Her eyes narrowed. This wasn't the engineering console she remembered her friend working on. In fact, everything seemed quite generic, as if the ship had just been commissioned. "What are you doing?"

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #105
[ Lt. Jg. Suq | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: Julia

He stared at the numbers and his mind meditated on the image of funeral pyres. It felt like a thick fog suffocating him, making it hard to breathe...

Then he heard Ejek's voice, and he turned around to see her standing there. His eyes were baleful, sleepy-looking. She appeared just as stressed as he did though, her neck all flared out like she intends to scare him. He offered her a weak smile.
"It's a uh, progressive memory wipe. I hope you didn't like the novel. I probably just got rid of it."
He shrugged, then looked back at the console for a very long time. When he spoke again, his voice sounded a little more uncertain. He spoke slowly, trying to choose the right words.
"Someone burnt up a li'l. There was a...a sabotaging. Someone planted evidence on us, uploaded a chip and-- you know Federation consoles, they blow like orion hookers-- so one of our men is dead and there's Romulan on everything. It makes us look like...It implicates us in treason, basically, with the Romulans. So I'm wiping everything. Kendrick's coming aboard here soon, he might be here already. There's going to be a senior staff meeting. "

He turned his head over to Ejek, looking over at her as if the one thing in the world he needed most was a hug.
"Ejek, I can't help but feel like I'm never going to forget today. Like I'll be nightmare-ing of it for the rest of my life."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #106
[ Drauc T'Laus | Starbase 84 | Escaping the Security Centre > USS Resolve] Attn: All

Oh, the thrill of what he was about excited Drauc, moving out from the detention center in the middle of starbase security -  escaping with happenstance allies. The menial boredom broken at last. After having been arrested, the chance to stretch his legs was exquisite, and doing so in defiance of his captors made it all the more sweet. He heard the Captain and the Andorian speak, random thoughts of theirs touching upon his mind, yet he paid it no heed - focused as he was on his physical surroundings.

In the Security Center, outside the place of his captivity, he saw the strange alien posing as the decoy, and he was pleased to see that this crew was resourceful. In the battlefield, all means counted if victory was there for the taking. Lieutenant Dothnil's officers were none the wiser while he moved with Kendrick and ch'Rayya - treading in the footsteps of the two women that had gone ahead of them. Women, who were out of eye-sight when Kendrick ordered someone to beam them all out. They were about to pass the aide's duty station when Drauc picked up something strange beyond the sliding doors. It was a... maelstrom of confusion, fear, surprise and... Expressive thoughts describing an amorous affair between two humans and an Orion woman. It made no sense, since A'vura had been taken into custody. Was it someone's imagination that so poignantly cut his focus?

When the sliding doors opened, Drauc's eyes widened - seeing a Cardassian holding Bradford's unconscious body. Krystal Tancredi was down already, on the deck by their feet, and it would seem that it was by the Cardassian's hand. A'vura was there, as he thought, but why had she not fired upon the spoonhead cur? Surely Kendrick or ch'Rayya would do so any moment. The Dominion War did not seem so long ago, having never returned to Federation space after he left, so Drauc only stayed his hand from striking the snake-man down with his fist for another, singular reason.

It was because the squad was not complete - the beam-out about to happen any second. Strange, how he had adjusted to battle instincts so soon, and with strangers like these. Such was Drauc compelled to think, and he whipped his head around to make eye-contact with the strange, flying alien that they could not leave behind enemy lines - seeing her through the open doors they had just stepped through. With his arm, he waved for the alien to cease the charade and re-join the squad - hoping that she would see him in time. If not, she'd be beamed out as soon as this "Havenborn" got a transporter lock on her.

No more had he turned back to the tall Cardassian threat than he realised that the beam-out was already underway. Shimmering fields surrounded everyone present... even the Cardassian, and the cage next to the his feet. Too late, too late...

OOC: Havenborn is next to post with the beam-out! F'Rell is beamed out directly afterwards, when she had flown out of the Security Center. The caged bat escapes on the Resolve directly after the beam-out too.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #107
[ENS K'Ren | Quarters | USS Resolve ]

K'Ren sat drinking, not alcohol as her species metabolism made it to dangerous to consume even a single beer, but a simple herbal beverage she'd discovered on earth, something called tea. She couldn't sleep and after an hour of stretching and exercising, she was a bit calmer than she had been when she awoke. She put down the battered aluminum cup and glanced at a padd lying on the table next to her. The screen was lit up unexpectedly and she wondered if perhaps her mother had returned her message. She doubted it but hope springs eternal.

Picking it up she was floored by what she saw. A whole stream of messages coded in Romulan were showing in her comms. Running an auto-translate, she could recognize Romulan but not read it without a computer's help, disturbing conversations came across her screen, messages suggesting she'd slept with some Romulan Commander at her CO's behest as part of a 'cultural exchange' program between the Resolve and the Romulans.

"What the fuck?" She muttered as she kept reading the translated messages. This had to be some idiots idea of a bad joke but her internal comms were secured so how did they get in? In any event her immediate superior needed to be aware of the messages, in case there was something going sideways. She was already dressed, well, still in her yoga pants and shirt. She was off duty after all. "Computer. Location of Lt Havenborn."

+Lt Havenborn is in Transporter Room 1.+

K'Ren took the padd with her as she left. The walk from her quarters to the Transporter Room wasn't that far on these Luna class ships. Entering she saw Havenborn at the transporter console, having just closed a comm link. "Lieutenant. Do you have a minute?" She asked, a distinct purring accent in her voice, "I think somebody may have comprromised my securrity clearrances."

[LT Daniel Havenborn | Transporter Room | USS Resolve ]

Daniel was standing at the control console watching the targeting sensors as he heard the doors to the transporter room open.  He turned to see Ensign K'Ren one of his pilots enter.  He wasn't fond of her species but she herself had proven to be a good pilot.  As she walked up to him he turned to face her while keeping his hand on the console ready to beam the away team back.  So the virus was still spreading he wasn't sure how he was going to explain this to her but he'd try his best.

"There has been an act of sabotage onboard, a virus was uploaded into our computer that is adding Romulan information, you're not the only one affected by this.  It seems to be affecting everyone and everything on the ship."  Daniel said, he wasn't an engineer so he wasn't sure how they could stop it but he hoped the Suq was getting on top of it.

K'Ren blinked in surprise, ears flattening a bit, her tail twitching rather agitatedly. Everyone was affected? Virus? Sabotage? K'Ren steadied herself for a second by placing a paw out on the console. She couldn't shake the feeling this was far worse than some simple virus. "Lieutenant?" She asked, "Has anyone read these infected messages? Mine's suggesting some pretty lewd things I know for a fact didn't happen. Rather intimate encounters with high ranking Romulan military officials."

As she said that, her face flushed a little. She already knew some people thought she was loose with her body, and perhaps she was, but some things one learns from a young age are hard to shake. And given her mother made a living from selling her body, and her existence was owed to one of those encounters, the apple didn't fall that far from that tree.

She handed him the padd with the translated messages. "Does Starfleet know we've been sabotaged?"

As far as he knew the personal logs were still restricted they just had been replaced with false information.  "As far as I know no one has read them but I haven't had time to completely read through everything."  He said as he tapped the console again to keep the target coordinates centered on the outside of the security center.

He sighed, he wasn't sure who exactly had been behind the sabotage in the first place.  For all he knew it was someone from Starfleet Intelligence who had done it.  "We're currently under a quarantine lock down as ordered by Captain Kendrick.  It'll be up to him to inform Starfleet of our current situation."  Daniel replied, honestly this was far above his pay grade and was definitely above her pay grade.

"For now just sit tight.  If you want to help you though you can either go help Lieutenant Suq in Engineering or go to the Computer Core and see how far the virus has spread and try to stop it from spreading further somehow."  He said.

Despite some background knowledge in fighter systems, K'Ren was anything but an engineer. She knew she'd just be in Suq's way if she went down to main engineering or the computer core so no sense going into the grotto if she didn't have to. Which brought her back to sitting on her tail, waiting while people with more skills than her figured out this virus. And that to her was anything but acceptable. She wanted a challenge she could sink her claws into, a target on the sensor screen, a bogey for her guns. This cloak and dagger computer virus, Romulan planted evidence stuff was just too abstract for her,

"I've skimmed mine and it looks bad." K'Ren sighed, ears folded back, her tail nervously twitching now. "If everyone's reads like mine, the first thing Starfleet is going to do is lock us down on suspicion of collaboration while the spooks pick this ship apart weld by weld." She sighed, unhappy with the situation, first a nightmare about Markus, now false records implanted in her personal logs.

"I guess I'll go back to quarters or something." She finally said, "I'd be useless to the engineers and I need to go punch something. Markus was in my dreams again and I thought I was finally past that."

Daniel nodded to her as he rechecked the targeting sensors.  "I find that diving into some work helps me forget about bad dreams.  Just keep on your toes and if you see anyone from the starbase on your way back escort them to security, Lieutenant Ahern is leading the security detachment onboard at the moment and should have escorted all of them off.  Also report anything out of the ordinary to me."  He said to her.  Lieutenant Ahern should have gotten all of the starbase personnel off the ship but there could have been some stragglers.  He didn't want them on the ship just in case some of them had plans to commit more sabotage.

Joint-Post by Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn & Ensign K'Ren
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #108
[ Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: FollowTomorrow

"I didn't understand it, anyway," Ejek reassured Suq that the novel's loss was no concern of hers. She did it in a casual, dismissive tone, but it reminded her that she'd have very much liked to analyse it. More precisely, she'd have liked to analyse its background and context and everything else that had been planted on the ship. Some of it would, without a doubt, have been more conclusive than the novel.

Whoever installed evidence on them must have left some traces of their method of operation. Welcomed data for the perpetrator(s?)'s personality profile, which's creation she expected to be her first priority in a situation like this. They had to find out about their enemy, and fast, if they wanted a chance to understand and intercept what had been set in motion.
Unfortunately for her work flow, that data was gone. She understood the intention behind deleting it, and saw a 50:50 chance that it had been the right thing to do. Depending on whether or not Starfleet was involved, trusting Starbase Security to aid their investigation, despite their whole ship being under suspicion, was not advisable. Deleting the evidence would at least buy them some time.

Suq's report was altogether inconclusive. It left her with more questions than it answered, and her innermost desire was to pry them out of him. Why had he deleted the data? He had mentioned the captain, so did he act on orders or had he panicked? Was there reason to believe in Starfleet's involvement? Where was Captain Kendrick? Who had died, when, and how? How long, already, was there Romulan data on the ship, where exactly did it come from, how did it spread, and why did it need a memory wipe out of all possible counter-measures to get rid of it? And the most concerning of them all, the one most people were probably afraid to ask: was it one of their people? There could have been a traitor all along.

She didn't have to be a counsellor, however, to see that her friend was about as bad as she felt inside. After she had heard him out, she needed a short moment of collecting her thoughts. Then she put her palm on top of his, stroked the back of his hand with her thumb and offered a sympathetic smile. It demanded some restraint, because her coping mechanism seemed contrary to his, but she decided not to press the matter, not with him. There was an interesting senior staff meeting to come, later, and a friend at the edge, now. All in good time.

"We've seen better days," she agreed. "But haven't we also seen worse? We're not done yet, and I'm determined to turn this thing around."
She would have loved to offer a quick-fix, but like so often in their time serving on this ship, she couldn't think of one. It was entirely possible that it'd get as bad as Suq feared, maybe even worse. As always, though, he wasn't alone in this. Neither of them were.


Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #109
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Transporter Room | USS Resolve ] Attn: Away Team

A couple of minutes after Ensign K'Ren had left the room Daniel heard the order to beam the away team plus another onboard.  How many people was the Captain planning on beaming aboard?  Daniel thought to himself as he tapped the console, the targeting sensors locked onto the group and he set the transporter beam to a wide setting to make sure that he got everyone, it didn't help that some of them weren't in such close proximity to one another.  He wasn't a transporter chief so he wasn't the best at this, he knew enough to operate it and get the away team onboard but that was about it.

Then transporter pads began to light up signifying that he had done his job right and a moment later seven people were rematerializing on the transporter pad.  Suddenly though Daniel noticed another lifesign that had been caught in the transporter beam, it was small and moving.  He compensated for the lifesign's movement by adding more power to the transporter beam and a moment later everyone had materialized on the pad.

The first thing that Daniel noticed however was a bat was now flying around the room and there was also no sign of F'Rell, there was however a Cardassian and a Romulan.  Daniel was really wishing he had a phaser right now, the only Cardassians he trusted wore a Starfleet uniform and this one wasn't and what was a Romulan doing with the Captain, for all they knew he could be the one behind their sabotage, although he wasn't really dressed like he would imagine so maybe he wasn't but it probably wouldn't help them any if they're found to be harboring a Romulan.

"Captain, where is F'Rell?"  He asked as he began to scan for her again on the starbase trying to get a lock onto her so that he could beam her out, he was really hoping that he hadn't missed her lifesign.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #110
[ Lt. Jg. Suq | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: Julia

"Yeah. There's been worse." He nodded.
He laid his other hand over Ejek's for a time, as if he means to absorb all her cool demeanor through her hand and use it all for himself. At least, that's how it felt to Suq. He knew she probably had a million questions, and she probably wanted to interrogate him. Where he needed touch to feel better, she needed to know what was going on. He'd get to that, just as soon as he collected his thoughts.

When he felt strong enough again, he released her hand. He turned to the console to take a deep breath and collect up his PADD. Now that he was focused, he could at least offer a better explanation of what happened.
"I know that didn't make much sense, I'll try again."

"Earlier today, Petty Officer Sanford was trying to upload something from a chip and the console exploded on him. Like I said, Federation issue parts, they blow at the drop of a hat--but yeah, uh, I don't think he knew what he was doing, unless he was really messed up in the head, but that upload was some kind of virus that injected Romulan into, well, everything. Transporter logs, personal logs, Captain's logs, the replicators, the holodeck...and I guess they gave you some books. So I'm sorry about the novel, but I'm going back and wiping it. Captain's orders." The console balked at him about something, he turned to it and began typing in another command,
"The only thing I'm saving is Captain Kendrick's altered logs. They're all on my PADD." He tried to keep himself from thinking too hard about what this would mean. He hoped Ejek, being the vastly more intelligent of the two, would understand and he wouldn't have to say it aloud. Saying it aloud made it that much more real.

The console dinged at him, and he hit okay to continue. The only sound from him came from him tapping the console's frame and staring down the screen, as if to threaten it to go faster.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #111
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Outside The Security Centre | Starbase 84 ] Attn: Vystori, Auctor, Havenborn, DocReno, Kaligos & Arista


Dr. Silim Parnak | Corridor outside Security Centre | Starbase 84 Attn: Auctor Lucan, Vystori

"On Cardassia, deputies wouldn't let people out of the drunk tank until they've sobered. Perhaps next time you should think the same for your boyfriend. It could avoid this situation." He hefted the unconscious human up and placed the man's arm over his shoulder, hugging the man against himself to support the weight. It was unfair for this woman to have to drag her lover home alone, especially as Silim had started to feel guilty about his bat joke. "Come on then, lets get him home. Which habitat level are you on?" He asked the poor dense redhead, then he shot a look at the filthy Orion succubus. "...And you. Are you going to help or not?"

Blinking stupidly for a few seconds, Tancredi tried her level best to process everything that happened in a nutshell, more to her own benefit than anyone else's. Carried Officer Useless, made it past security, bless ya, F'Rell; bumped into Cardassian, swept off feet, anchored down by Officer Useless, bat from hell too close to proximity for comfort, and all this witnessed by Zeshryr and a Romulan. Yup, perfect summary. She rose to her feet with all due alacrity, and waggled a finger in the Cardassian's direction, "First off, we ain't on Cardassia, secondly, ee-yuck! That lump o' worthless ain't mah boyfriend and ain't gonna be e'en if he was the last man in da universe, y'hear?"

Brushing her uniform down for emphasis with her hands, the redhead glanced towards Zeshryr, and had a defensive "This ain't what it looks like," on her lips, but she forewent that when she realized the way the Cardassian addressed Zeshryr was very disrespectful. She refrained from slapping him only because she felt Captain Kendrick did not need an intergalactic incident on his hands. If it were her alone, the universe would have imploded long since. "Hey, be nice to 'er! That's an officer of Starfleet, and 'er name's A'vura Zeshryr," said Tancredi, "And fer the love o' mother mercy, wouldja please put away the bat from hell?!? Why are ya even carryin' around somethin' like..."

[ Transporter Room | USS Resolve ]

The slight nauseating sensation was so familiar to Tancredi, it didn't even register in her brain that she was being transported until the scenery transformed all around her in the blink of an eye. "...that anyway? MOTHERFUCKER, Havenborn! A li'l warning next time, wouldja? Ah was in the middle of beratin' this fella 'ere with 'is stupid ba...oh God, ya did'n' transport its cage with it! SOMEBODY SHOOT THAT THING NOW!" Tancredi flapped her arms frantically at the bat, now free, taking a few laps around the room, when the door actually detected the bat and opened for it, and seeing or sensing the door, the critter was soon past it and on its way to God knows where. "NO! SOUND RED ALERT! WE GOT AN ANIMAL LOOSE!"

She whipped around to the Cardassian, "What is that thing and what does it do?"

Realizing that Havenborn hadn't transported F'Rell over, Tancredi turned to the lieutenant and said, "F'Rell's on da same floor wit' us, just a coupla feet ahead, get 'er outta there real quick like, lieut, she's surrounded by Starbase security. And Ah need ta get me gear 'n' weapons. Shootin' time's comin'."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #112
[ Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: FollowTomorrow

It would have amused Ejek that Suq perceived her demeanour as cool. She felt not cool at all, but held back. She had woken up to a real-life kotra game, and now she wanted to make it her turn. Being a token wasn't good enough for her. Instead, she meant to fight back.

Suq wasn't the only one who was reassured by holding hands. His were warm, much to Ejek's delight. She enjoyed the sensation of their touch, and was almost a little disappointed when the acting Chief Engineer let go of her to gather his PADD. A feeling soon forgotten as he resumed talking. She listened carefully.

Sanford's name made Ejek raise her eye ridges. Starbase personnel. Interesting. If Suq was right in that he had been oblivious to the consequences of his upload, the man would have gotten his chip from someone he trusted. Most likely a higher ranking Starfleet officer. Unfortunately it was too late to ask him whether they were part of the Resolve's crew or the starbase's, but Ejek was sure that security was already tracing back this poor man's steps, and finding out more about the explosion.

"I have the novel's name and author memorised. Mh, the little of it that I understood, at least, but I trust it will be enough to look it up later." Maybe the Federation database had an entry, if not the whole book along with its translation.
As she spoke, the Cardassian leaned against the console and slowly, as if in fear he'd take it away from her if Suq saw it, picked up the PADD he had mentioned to hold the last remaining data of the virus. Immediately, she started to skim through it.
"Have you any idea how the virus worked? It would make a huge difference if the evidence was specifically written for our crew, or if the virus learned our speech-patterns. I'm looking for mistakes that would indicate the latter."

After a few minutes of silence, Ejek turned her head to look at Suq: "When station security asks you why you wiped the ship's memory except for the Captain's logs, what are you going to say?"

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #113
[Ensign A'vura Zeshryr | Transporter Room | USS Resolve | Attn: All in the transporter bay.

No sooner had A'vura walked through the doors did she see Tancredi on the floor with a Cardassian in front of her and Bradford sprawled across her middle. She was about to point her phaser at the man when he was suddenly hoisting Bradford off of Tancredi's lap and over his shoulder a bit, focusing on her to help him. With wide eyes she looked from her fallen shipmate to the man before them confused, trying to catch up to what was going on here. Tancredi seemed to be relieved to have the man no longer on top of her though so A'vura swiftly moved her weapon to her belt and draped Bradford's arm over her own shoulder to help the Cardassian with the heavy load.

By the time she had her Captain and the others had come out from the brig as well. He hit his Comm-badge and ordered them to beam everyone out, and beam they did, bat, Cardassian, and all. In the span of another breath she was back on her ship with her crew, away from the Starbase brig and breathing her own sigh of relief to be 'home' as it were. Her relief was quickly replaced though by another small burst of panic when she realized the Cardassian at her side had been beamed aboard with them and that there was a small, flying creature flitting about the transporter room above their heads, in an even greater state of panic than her own fluttering heart seemed to be in.

Cursing under her breath at the outright anxiety ensuing over the small creature A'vura let go of the limp man that she and the Cardassian had been holding up and took out her phaser once again. Adjusting the settings to a lower stun she ran from the room into the hallway, pointing, aiming for a moment, then fired, hitting the bat whilst in the air only to have it drop to the ground with a soft thud. She marched over and picked it up in her hands then marched back into the transporter room where everyone was at, glancing around in annoyance. "Somebody want to get me a containment unit for the damned thing please!?"
"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #114
[ Melissa Wright | Sabine | Space ]

"Hey, if you're gonna commit about a dozen felonies, might as well toss in a few extras right?" Mel's confidence in the plan was evident in the lopsided grin she offered to Sera as the Sabine cruised back towards the shuttlebay, falling into autopilot for the remainder of the return trip. "I know it's a bit.... well, nuts, but that's why it's gonna work. Trust me, this is the most boring starbase in the entire Federation - nothing crazy ever happens here. Nobody's going to expect it or know what to do until we're long gone."

Within a few moments the craft safely returned to the bay, coming in for a gentle landing inside the empty hangar area. With any luck, it'd be the last time this ship ever came in for a landing on a Starfleet installation or spacecraft. Mel hopped to her feet with a renewed energy, eagerly clapping her hands together as her mind started racing with the specifics of this little diagnostic routine script she'd need to slap together. Wouldn't take too long to throw it onto a padd and load the thing into the starbase computer, hopefully, and after that she would have just enough time to pack her crap, crate up June, and haul everything down into the ship using some of the starbase's underutilized corridors.

Over the course of... about an hour and a half? Yeah, no problem at all, then.

"Alright, I gotta get everything straightened out for my part," Melissa said cheerly as she started heading towards the exit ramp, "I'll call you up, say 1730ish? Just be ready near the security office by then, and we'll get this shit rolling." She clicked her tongue at the woman and winked before bounding down the ramp, quite enthusiastic to put this ridiculous plan of theirs into motion.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #115
[Dr. Silim Parnak | USS Resolve | Transporter Room] Attn: Triage, Vystori, Haverborn, DocReno, Kaligos, Auctor Lucan

Silim stepped down off the transport pad and, with the help of the Orion, dragged the unconscious male with him. He wasn't best pleased. It was rude to transport someone against his or her will, especially without prior knowledge. The redhead could have at least told him that she didn't live aboard Starbase 84, he wouldn't have bothered to try to help at all.
There was a sound of fluttering; the solus bat was loose and terrorising people again. It was amazing how many people became distraught over a simple flying creature. As Silim straightened his coat to the best of his ability with one hand he heard a hurried question. "What is that thing and what does it do?"

Excited, Parnak rapidly replied. "It's a Chiroptera from the Pteropodidae family. Most similar to the Earth based Nyctimene Robsoni. What's really interesting about this is..." Turning, Silim realised it was the dense redhead who had asked. As such he resisted the urge to roll his eyes, instead he shortened his vernacular and started again. "... It's a bat. It flies and eats fruit, nectar, and insects. It's completely harmless Princess."

Silim had originally meant the Princess comment in earnest, as she was pretty enough to be one, but as it left his mouth he remembered the woman had rejected his 'rescuing a drunk lover' theory; he hoped she wouldn't take it as him being sarcastic.

In fact, why was this woman so irritable anyway? It was like... wait... could it be? Did she have feelings for Silim instead? On Cardassia, it was common that when one party was interested in another they would flirt by adopting a confrontational attitude, but this was too soon, they'd only just met. Could she already be falling in love with the enigmatic charm of Dr Silim Parnak, noted Researcher and Exobiologist? It wasn't as if Silim was apposed to the idea; she was attractive, for a human, and it had been many months since his last intimate liaison.

His musings were abruptly brought short as the Orion abandoned Silim with the comatose man, off to hunt Parnak's lab experiment. There was the short shrill sound of phaser fire and she returned, proud in her capture of a poor defenceless creature. How barbaric.

It was beginning to get like a Pakled circus in here, all chaos, no fun. Parnak jostled the slumberous man to catch Tancredi's attention. Alright Princess, boyfriend or no, it's your body. Where do you want him?

Silim silently prayed that the end would be close. He didn't want to carry this lump down 15 decks.

OOC: If anyone wants to look up Cardassian dating tips. I'd suggest the Deep Space Nine season 3 episode: Destiny. Gilora and O'brien would have made a lovely couple. If it wasn't for that darn Keiko in the way ;)

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #116
[Captain Tristan Kendrick |Starbase 84| Brig ] Attn:Triage, Vystori, Haverborn, DocReno, Auctor Lucan, and Arista + senior staff of the resolve.

Tristan had to practice deep breathing for a moment. His ship was being consumed by chaos. Or at least this one transporter room was. They had somehow grabbed a cardassian in their beam out and left F'Rell on the station. If they sent the cardassian back it would implicate the resolve even further, if they beamed out F'Rell who was busy trying to rope in the entire security aboard the station they would implicate the Resolve as well. Though considering where she was he wasn't entirely sure which was the smarter move.

He was thankful when the bat was finally apprehended, and it seemed he needed to control some of the chaos. He gave a sharp, loud whistle as he stepped off the transporter pad. Clearing his throat he gave one harsh order. One that was at least mostly directed towards Krystal, as she was still in some mode of freak out. "Silence!"

Kendrick rubbed his hand along his face, for a moment once he had the attention of everyone. "Excuse me there seems to have been a mistake. I was trying to get my crew off the station and it seems you have been beamed aboard with us. As the ship is currently under quarantine, hence the need for our beam in, I can't actually return you to the starbase right away. I apologize for the inconvenience but I promise you will have our full co-operation in the mean time perhaps I can get you a personal escort while you become acquainted with us."

"Havenborne if you can't get a lock on F'Rell through her... rather unique life sign, then perhaps it is best if you keep a temporary lock on her, so we can beam her out when needed." He was going to add that she was drawing a lot more attention to herself than he would have liked and perhaps waiting until she was alone would be for the best. He would have sent a com to her, but with all the attention on his ship he honestly didn't know which was more dangerous.

"Drauc, you will acompany me, and as for Bradford." There was a soft smile that touched his lips as the Cardassian asked the question of where do we want him. "Perhaps some time in the brig would do him well."

Lastly he pressed his com. "This is Captain Kendrick, I am back on board The Resolve and I am calling a senior staff meeting in the briefing room in 10 minutes."

OOC: I am going to wait for Brutus's post for Hi'Jak since I think that will be a goldmine of material.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #117

[Komial Dotnhil | Starbase 84 | Base Commanders Quarters]Atten: Lucan

Komial came, right then and there on the bathroom counter as her commanding officer increased the ferocity of his thrusts, teeth letting go of her nipple only to press his body to her's. It drove her over the edge, loudly, lewdly, and nearly violently with the way the woman convulsed against, and around Ian Hawthorne. She rippled over his cock and he didn't once seem to stop at all, just took it all in stride.

Which really did wonders for the Trill, in ways she couldn't find words to describe.

By the time she came down from that first high, she was on her back on the bed, the soft sheets crinkled and ruffled under her, smooth and soothing against her back and shapely rear. A gasp escaped her lips and even though they shook still, she wrapped her legs around Ian's waist, her tan skin and brown spots so pale compared to the rich dark tones of her captain. They made quite a contrast as they fucked there on the bed.

And then there was a warmth filling her that shocked her, eyes going wide. Even as she realized what had happened, her second orgasm hit and sure enough she milked every drop of seed from his body. They hadn't done that before. He'd always pulled out in the past. Filling her mouth, coating her skin. She adored both options, but this, this was something far, far more intimate and it robbed her of her will to speak, or think. Think of the repercussions. All she could do was feel, and feel she did, feel wonderfully, lost in the bliss. His lips capturing hers as he filled her deep inside.

Only as she came down from that high did she start to wonder to question why, until - "I love you..."

Her eyes went wide again and a blush crept into her cheeks. She was shocked. She was thrilled. She was all aflutter and lost. Her mouth opened to repeat the words, to kiss him, to revel in the moment, the pure bliss - and the door chime went off. Ian pulled out of her - a sudden loss that nearly brought a sob to her throat - and went to check who had the gall to interfere just then.

Komial's head fell back against the pillows and she whined out a soft curse at whomever had chosen that moment - what should have been her perfect moment - with their poor timing. Oh, it was the bane of a Starfleet officers existence, always being on beck and call. Especially for a base CO. But this? Right Then? What god had she offended so thoroughly...

"She is one of yours, isn't she?" he said, mind racing despite his collected demeanor. "That forensic science officer you spoke of?"

She sat up abruptly and then swung shaking legs off the bed to pad over to the monitor - feeling a bit of his seed trickle down her leg. It should have summoned up butterflies in her stomach, but instead  the image on the screen robbed her of that joyful feeling. Just as that blasted Borg cunt had robbed her of her own declaration.

"That bitch," she hissed under her breath before she schooled her self and looked about for her uniform, rushing to dress before answering the door. Let them both stew. "I'll handle it sir. My utmost apologies for my subordinates...timing." She left her underwear where it was, strewn about his bathroom. Six and her pet idiot from the science division wouldn't get that far into Ian's quarters. Bra-less, she snapped her shirt into place and zipped the jacket. Rank insignia hadn't been shaken off, she didn't think but didn't take the time to check. Her badge in place, she stormed to the door, hitting the comm panel.

"Ensign Six, and Mr. Hi'Jock" she said harshly as she raked her fingers through her hair, trying to put herself back into place and buy Ian a bit more time. He seemed to move with purpose, ease, and clear frustration that only angered her further. Ruined the moment she thought again. "You two had better have a stellar reason for interrupting a classified briefing." An utter lie - nothing about this briefing was classified, not that there was much of a briefing at all. But let that bitch think that Ian had summoned her to his quarters for work. Let her think that she had stepped in it again - because she had, though not for the reasons stated.

She still hadn't opened the door for either of the idiots outside. She wanted to jettison them both out of an airlock and then wrap her self back in Ian's arms and tell him - at length - just how she felt. Instead she waited for the pair of mewling fools to state just why they were there, slowly counting backwards as she tried to reign her irritation into something at least approaching the professionalism that Ian - That Captain Hawthorne - admired in her. Admired enough to tell her he loved her. Oh Gods I am going to kill them both

ooc: not sure quite how much of a gold mine this is but here ya go ;)

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #118
[Lt Hi'Jak| lab 17 | Starbase 84] Attn:  Brutus, Vystori, Auctor Lucan

Well that was easy. Jack had been looking for a needle in a hay stack, something that subspace would have scrambled to hell, instead he found that who ever had sent the transmission had incripted it with the highest level of security. The file was there for almost completely in tact. Impossible to access for anyone other than a captain, but in tact. It also meant who ever had sent this transmission had been a captain... a fact which caused Hi'Jak, to shudder for a moment.

He quickly saved what he could to a PADD, keeping the traced file for a time when they could have someone break the encryption.

When Six grabbed him and stormed off to find Dotnhil, Jack's heart fluttered for a moment. "Wait like right now? I have been wroking with lab chemicals all afternoon, can't I take a shower or something first."

Jack stumbled over his words, but there was no pleeding with six, and soon the two of them were outside of the captains quarters... A captain, he shoved that thought way back. He had no reason to suspect that it was the starbases commanding officer, what would he have to gain from attacking his own station? there had to be a dozen or so ships attached to the starbase which meant that there were probably a dozen or so captains, any one of them could have sent the message and encrypted it. In fact if anything this was a blessing, he could ask the commander and chief to help break the encryption on this clue and help solve the mystery! Yeah there was nothing to worry about. They were going to solve this case.

Jack was happy to hear Dotnhil's voice but even more greatful that she didn't actually open the door. He was glad that she wouldn't get a full close up of him, which was probably for the best. Her voice was no less heavenly when it was angry, and he felt himself swoon just a tinge at the angry slightly berating voice. She even continued to mispronounce his name, but at this point he was considering it a pet name of sorts. "You can call me Jack if you want. I mean everyone else does."

Hi'Jak tried to press himself so that he could look a little better than he felt about the situation."We analyzed the bomb, and we found that it was of Starfleet make. I then back tracked the bases recording system to find the detonation signal which was also Starfleet, and had a level 10 encryption on it. Which means that it was sent by a captain. We need someone who can override the security locks, but with that done we can play back the voice of whoever sent the detonation command. "

He gave a happy smile back at the door trying to convey his best look towards the camera. "Well actually Six was the one who identified the bomb... But I found the recording." Credit where credit was due after all. "So do you think we could speak with the captain?"

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #119
[ Lt. Jg. Suq | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: Julia

"Well, I mean, I do have an idea of how the virus worked." He already sounded a little more emotive, more energetic--relatively speaking of course.
"Computer viruses are like people-viruses piggyback on cells and legitimate programs. It's possible Sanford's chip was legitimate to an outside observer. I'm not sure if it was intended to blow the console or not--you know real programs exist specifically to blow up computers, and I wouldn't know without looking at the source code, but anyways, this is a really good metamorphic virus that hitched onto some sort of program, most likely a basic program designed to scan stored data on a starship computer for corruption or illegal alteration. That's used all the time and just about every starship computer worth it's grass has one, it's part of the computer's self maintenance system. Anyways, the program was probably written to analyze types of data, speech patterns, language, basic personality traits, expressions and tone of voice, and anything that seems out of the ordinary is flagged so someone can look at it. What probably happened is that those flags the program put up were immediately read by the virus, which then used the data the program collected to scan file types, scan our personalities and stuff, and alter everything into Romulan. Oh, and someone must have deliberately coded it with certain phrases and information to make it purposely look like we were collaborating with Romulans, phrases that we don't say often, like "Bird-of-Prey" and "Jolan Tru". Similar viruses exist already and the code is published for all to see. It's just a matter of altering the source code for your needs and then somehow not only getting ahold of Starfleet-specific programs, but also altering Starfleet-specific programs. Not an easy task, but not impossible.
It would be unlikely that the virus-writer knew what we were like because we were lost for so long without contact from Starfleet. It might be simpler to write a virus that just plants false data specifically crafted to look like us, but that would mean that either someone on board did it, someone who knew what we went through and what we were like, or that our lizard overlords sent us off to get lost on purpose and crafted the virus so that we would be destroyed when we get back. The first option is unlikely because the virus would implicate the virus-writer and there are so many better ways to kill yourself than implicate yourself in treason, and the second is unlikely because there are no lizard overlords, and Cardassian overlords excluded because they're Cardassians, not lizards."

It was quite a speech. Considering how little Suq usually talked, with his frequent random tangents notwithstanding, it's possible he just used up his entire word quota for the day. He paused, just long enough to think about the last thing Ejek said. The thing that was not about viruses and computers. In that silence, he heard the captain's call for a meeting. He sighed and patted the console.
"I'll say whatever the Captain tells me to say. I don't have a better plan. I don't agree with it, know." He shrugged.

OOC: I sure do hope you guys like yellow

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #120
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Transporter Room | USS Resolve ] Attn: Vystori, Auctor, Havenborn, DocReno, Kaligos & Arista


The look was not lost on Tancredi, when the Cardassian had been quite eagerly explaining what the creature was exactly, until he realized who he was talking to, thus shifting his demeanour; dumbing down his explanation, as it were, and this irritated the redhead no end, and she was already in quite a mood as it was. Sniffing audibly, she folded her arms over her chest, and said, "Ah know what chiroptera an' pteropodidae means, mister, an' nyctimene robsoni, that's an Earth creature known better as the eastern tube-nosed bat. Ah grew up in a farm, an'....wait, did ya call meh princess?!?"

One Kentucky Fried Cardassian coming right up.

His summary execution on the spot was halted mainly due to the presence of all the superior officers and Captain Kendrick, along with the fact that just then, Zeshryr was taking care of the bat problem, its liberty short-lived, thankfully. Unfortunately, the Orion only stunned it, to the disappointment of Tancredi, who, despite herself, reached out to tentatively poke the creature. That was when the Cardassian, still bearing Bradford, or as Tancredi preferred to call him, Officer Useless, called for her attention, using that title again. She rounded on him aggressively, "Just shove 'im out an airlock for all Ah care! And if ya call me princess one more time, so help me God, Ah'll..."

Her left fist was already drawn back, when Kendrick yelled for silence. The redhead reluctantly obeyed, folding her arms and turning her back to the Cardassian, muttering under her breath. Still, the captain resolved all the issues in one fell swoop. That was why he was the captain, Tancredi privately mused. Personally, the young woman wasn't one for leadership. Those things were best left to people with the capacity and willingness for it. She cast a glance at her captain, and then at Officer Useless. "Brig? Great, he gets to steal our precious oxygen."

Sighing, she turned to the Cardassian and put her hands out, intending to take the weight off him. It was her responsibility anyhow. Then a lightbulb went off in her head, and she bent down instead, picking up Officer Useless by the boots and hefted, intending to let him drop, hard, onto the floor. Hopefully the Cardassian would have the sense to let go. No way she was going to lug him on her back, breaking it, only to have him tossed into a brig. No, she was going to drag his sorry behind through the most difficult-to-navigate paths through the Resolve. Including the doors that you have to bend your head and step over to get through.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #121
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Transporter Room | USS Resolve ] Attn: Triage, Kaligos, Vystori, Auctor Lucan, Havenborn, DocReno & anyone else

Silim was willing to help a damsel retrieve her drunken lover and mistress. Even though it wasn't as poetic, he was willing to assist in taking a comatose crewmember to their quarters. The brig however? That was the final straw. He refused to haul dead weight through the ship to a prison, especially since they'd just left one.

The redhead, who was so aggressive at this point that Silim was sure she would jump his bones at any moment, wanted the unconscious man? She could have him. He placed the man unceremoniously to the ground, and as Tancredi bent to pick up his feet, Silim took his chance. With his hands behind his back, he lent in close, acting nonchalant. When his mouth was about an inch from the redhead's ear he teasingly whispered. "Come find me when you finish. I'm sure I can help you see your god, Princess..."

With that Silim was gone, leaving Trancredi to drag Bradford away. He had already stood back straight and was approaching the Captain with an outstretched hand and a smile. The smile was part amusement and smugness over the situation with the redhead, with a hint of smarm towards his next target.

"Dr. Silim Parnak, Exobiologist." He said by way of introduction. As the Captain introduced himself, he formulated the correct way to explain this whole incident that would mean that Parnak came out on top. As a Cardassian, this was one area in which Silim excelled.

"It's a shame to meet under such unusual circumstances. I was transporting one of my research animals to the lab when I found your crewman struggling to, what I thought at the time, bring a drunken lover or colleague home. Naturally I stepped in to help." He shrugged as if he was performed a selfless act, which in his head, he had tried to do so. At this point Silim looked back at the Orion with his escaped bat and continued.

"Needless to say it was a bit of a shock to be suddenly transported aboard a vessel, especially with the accidental release of my bat. Unfortunately with the manner in which it has been captured, the phaser fire will have no doubt put strain on its cardiovascular system." He paused for effect. "Alas, the creature will no longer suitable for research and will have to be released back to Carraya II, or destroyed humanely." It was masterful; in one sweep Silim managed to exonerate himself and removed the need to keep the bat around. Good riddance.

"Now..." He said, looking back to the captain. "...You said something regarding a quarantine and an escort?"

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #122
[ Drauc T'Laus | Transporter Room | USS Resolve ] Loose PO: 1) DocReno 2) Kaligos 3) Triage 4) Absinthe, escaping 5) Vystori & Havenborn JP

As Drauc had feared, the Cardassian had come along with the beam-out, and with him, some vile cretin that beset the Resolve's crew with screeches from above their heads. It sought to flee, about to escape the room and into the endless corridors of the Luna-class ship, but A'vura - the Orion who's dreams he had been reading the past few hours - she was quicker. An excellent shot, impressing Drauc where he stood on the pad - completely motionless throughout the chaos. If he had been given a phaser, he might have attempted to subdue the creature as well, alas, the Andorian had not trusted him enough with a weapon of his own. Cautious, clever, Keval. Anything else would have been a severe error on his part, Tactical Officer and all. He would have done the same, despite how true he would be to his word.

Drauc stepped off the transporter pad to make way for the last individual, the one named 'F'Rell'. As he did, he looked at the man by the transporter controls. Fleeting thoughts and images, nothing solid. He was a fighter too, as much he gleaned, and judging by his collar, his weapon-of-choice was to ride a metal beast into battle. Drauc could respect that. Wars needed all kinds to be won. Jaws clenched, he surveyed the rest of the room and what transpired, noticing that the Cardassian had the wrong idea about a great deal of things, the attention from red-haired human foremost - another pilot. She deigned not fornicate with the man. This was plain to Drauc, yet he said naught - brown eyes staring through the dirty tresses of his burgundy hair. He flexed his hands underneath the sleeves of his threadbare cloak, quelling the temper that rose him him - an unbidden instinct to protect the human female rising. It would complicate things if he spoke to quick, lashed out without forethought. Yet he stared at the snake until Captain Kendrick asked him to come along, and he shed all brutal intent from his mind.

Eyes unblinking, he stepped after the Commanding Officer of the Resolve, and he felt... something animating his step. Was it the feeling of treading the path of the righteous again? Had he truly missed it so? He meant to speak before that voice came again... the snake approaching Kendrick with clear intent to associate himself with the person who held the most authority in his presence. Drauc bided his time behind Kendrick's shoulder as the Cardassian introduced himself - eyes cast in shadow as he verified every word said. To his credit, the exobiologist seemed truthful. Drauc could respect that, at the very least.

"He speaks the truth," said Drauc quietly without releasing the snake with his stare, not caring if more people than Kendrick heard him. "He is here by mistake."

It was not his place to advise the Captain, not unbidden, even though he had a defined opinion about Parnak's presence. He was a witness to the capture of Bradford and knew his whereabouts. He could not be released. While the brig might not be the Starfleet way, Drauc wished to ensure he did not leave the Resolve and reveal the very same actions Drauc had sought to hide from the security guards. Why erase the surveillance logs if a Cardassian might - unwittingly or not - set the hounds on them instead?

Drauc flexed his scarred hands underneath his sleeves, foreseeing words spoken before they escaped the teeth of those present - anticipating Kendrick's answer...

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #123
[ Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: FollowTomorrow

Pleasantly surprised, Ejek listened through Suq's speech. A reptilian smile grew larger as he navigated her through his thoughts, deepening and corroborating some of hers.
Nothing of her colleague's explanation was too technical. Courtesy of Suq, most likely, because even though she knew the first thing about engineering - she was a woman, after all - her friend was well aware that it wasn't her field of expertise, and how much of it she could stomach at a time.

She answered his conclusion about lizard overlords with a low chuckle: "You realize that gives me the best of alibis, don't you? A Cardassian, no lizard, who's been stuck in Romulan space for three years, and a counsellor at it, no less." One of her hands let go of the PADD to spread her fingers innocently. "It can't have been me."

The idea was to relay this information to starbase security. The look she imagined on the security officer's face when Ejek simply answered their inquiry with 'I'm no lizard overlord' was the most amusing mental image she could get out of this whole, messed up situation.

"But in all seriousness," she continued, getting earnest. "We have been stuck in Romulan space long enough for someone, or even a group of the finest Starfleet officers, to desert. We could have had a stowaway, too, or the Romulans stole data and we never realised it. Perhaps they want to implicate the virus-writer - framed one or real - in treason, just in case Starfleet needs further proof of its own involvement. It might even be that we deal with an idiot, but without any data we can only make assumptions. Assumptions are no reliable source of information for a personality profile, you see."

Her voice got irritated in the end. She had grown up on a planet with excellent data storages and had even worked in a facility that stored data. The idea of losing three years worth of information didn't sit well with her. Especially since they were looking for the truth, not for a way to place the blame.

That was the moment both of them got the captain's call for a meeting in 10 minutes time. Finally! Right afterwards, Suq answered her question about his plans to withstand the starbase's possible questioning.

"I know. Of course, maybe the virus was never meant to be analysed before its deletion." She gave Suq a meaningful, dry look, then continued in resigned, icy cheeriness: "But we don't want to implicate the captain in treason for real, do we?"

It was a rhetorical question, but one that gave away her intentions. She believed Suq that he had acted on orders. Unless he had been replaced by a Founder, Ejek simply didn't think he was a good-enough actor to fool her with a performance like the one he had given since she joined him in engineering. The captain, on the other hand, had not only destroyed evidence, but also left Suq with incriminating leftovers and no explanation to cover it up. There was a fine line between leaving it to his acting chief's discretion to deal with the situation, and planning to frame him by both blaming the loss of data and the falsification of captain's logs on the Efrosian later. However, Kendrick had saved the ship a few times too often for Ejek to incriminate him on such far-fetched suspicions. Yet she didn't want to leave her friend unprotected, either.

"600 seconds." She eventually said. "A lot can happen in 600 seconds, mh. So far, all indications point towards someone who used an unsuspecting station operative to plant incriminating evidence on our ship. For the sake of argument, let's assume this is true.
We may be lucky and whoever gave Sanford the virus didn't know his schedule and has no idea the deed is done. But it's only a matter of time until they connect the dots, now that we're quarantined."

"If we're further lucky, they don't expect us to be so bold as to delete the evidence, and thus aren't in a hurry. But no self-respecting mastermind would give us much time to organise ourselves and come up with counter-measures."
Unless they were really confident. Over-confident, Ejek would think. Or they were after something entirely else,  not necessarily the Resolve's incrimination. But, also for the sake of argument, she continued to assume they were. It seemed like their greatest threat at the moment.

"Let's assume we don't have much time and starbase security gets to you before you have another chance to talk to the captain. I will suggest the same to him, later, but for now, let's see if we can make this version work: Sanford's stick blew up his station and deleted the memory core. You've been trying to retrieve the data. That way you won't incriminate yourself by following a potentially defected captain's order and thus draw more suspicion than necessary to the rest of us."

Ejek paused for a moment. "As for this PADD... you can leave it to me if you like. I want to further study the changed logs, and I'm sure, between the two of us, I can come up with a better lie on the spur of the moment."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #124
[Ensign Six | Outside Captain's Quarters | Starbase 84]

"Lieutenant, according to my findings, I can reasonably say with about a 70% accuracy that the detonations frequency not only occurred locally, within the Starbase but also within close proximity to the blast, but that the communication Lieutenant Hi'Jak found coincides with the time and general location of the signal sent to the device found in the deceased Romulan. Much of this I was able to find with my optic implant but some of it seems to be corroborated with the computer's findings via testing and lab results. It would appear as though we have a traitor on board Ma'am. One that would rank Captain or higher no less."

Six rambled on about her findings as if it wasn't strange to have the Lieutenant hiding behind the closed door of their shared Captain, but the fact that she was, was not lost on the ensign, nor were the higher levels of agitation in Dotnhil's voice. It was quite obvious by the sound and pitch in her voice that the pair had interrupted something, though Six was clueless as to what that could have possibly been. "Lieutenant, if we could only speak to the captain, we could gain clearance on our finding and use the computer's voice recognition software to pinpoint and clear up exactly who was on the other end of that receiver."
"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

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