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Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #75
[Ensign Six | Forensics Lab | Starbase 84] Attn: Lucan, Kaligos

It took a little over an hour to perform the autopsy on the deceased Romulan, and it would have been concluded a lot sooner had she not decided to double and triple check her results, results that didn't make any sense to her. She had collected all the residual materials from the body, around it, and the head, and there were destroyed particles from the device that had been inside his neck that spoke of Starfleet affiliation. But, that couldn't be, could it?

Traces of Dentarium and Bitanium were found on her optic scans of the metals, remembered based on their consistency and makeup from her time as part of the collective. As much as she wasn't a borg anymore, that massive database still remained in her mind, and likely would never go away. It thoroughly confused her though and she tested the pieces of metal and such that were large enough to grant conclusive results to confirm her findings, but still small enough that they could easily be shrugged off by the untrained and unwary.

The fact that the amount of Triceron compounds were overwhelmingly high didn't help to deter her resolution that the device was a disguised Starfleet subcutaneous communicator, not to mention the fact that Tricobalt was a known Starfleet used explosive used on warheads, and had been added to the device in such high amounts that it destroyed nearly all traces of any Starfleet issued material. Had it not been for her optic implant, not only would it be likely that the other materials would have been left unrecognized and thusly overlooked, but without knowing what to look for, the larger pieces that were in fact intact had an increased chance of also being overlooked and not confirmed through the ship's computer.

After searching carefully through all the pieces and fragments of detonated material she eventually found what could only be the point of detonation. There was barely anything left from that part of the device, but it was enough to tell her that the device had a remote detonation, and through her optic scans, she was able to conclude with minimum reasonable doubt that the detonator had to be somewhere on the Starbase itself, the overall range being fairly low.

Her findings were troubling, and she compiled her report with a bit of remorse, unsure exactly what this meant. Were there members of Starfleet handing out information, weaponry, and technology to the Romulans? And who on the Starbase would be traitor enough to do something like this? Could it really be one of the Resolves members? Or was one of her peers the traitor in question? Six knew that some of her findings would likely be discredited, considering they came from borg collective knowledge rather than from the computer's findings, her experiences showing her more often than not that borg findings were often turned away just due to the sheer amount of hatred and fear of it. However she included them in her report anyhow, feeling it was far too important to leave out. If there was a traitor on board, it needed to be known.
"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #76
[Komial Dotnhil | Starbase 84 | Base Commanders Quarters]Atten: Lucan

"Good, I know you won't fail me," Those words meant more to Komial than she knew how to say. So instead of saying anything ,the Trill did her best to show Ian. Actions not words. Her eyes flicked up and she pulled back from his cock again, meeting his gaze. Slowly she dragged her tongue over his dark shaft, from tip to base, in a long, wet lick. She kissed the ridged vein along the underside of his cock, and teased his head once more as she spoke, flicking that tongue with the same attention to detail as she put into her work, before once again swallowing her captain, working him deeper, and deeper into her mouth, till that thick head was poking her throat.

She hummed and grinned ever so slightly, as there was something simply satisfying about having him in her mouth like this. His confidence in her skills, professionally, was like an aphrodisiac to the Trill, that just allowed her to enjoy this all the more.

Soon though, after ruminating on the possibilities of a search of the Resolve - sad, but a necessity that Komial understood - she found herself standing before Ian with the taste of him on her lips and an ache pooling between her legs. All from simply sucking his cock. It was amazing how much that turned her on, a fact that she had discovered in college.  She wanted to reply, to thank him, reassure him but his lips were on hers and any thought of speech was gone.

Cold fingertips traced her captains jaws as his mouth claimed hers, and then moved lower, working across her spots. "Mmmmmmmmmm," a wordless noise of pleasure slipped out past her lips as her head tilted back. Her butt hit the edge of the wash-bin and she let out a little squeak, followed shortly by another moan as the last of her clothes fell away and those sinful chocolate lips closed over nipples.  He was so much warmer than she was - it amazed her that more Trill didn't flock to humans in droves. The sensation was tantalizing....addictive.

Komial would swear, after, that when Ian's lips moved down her stomach, her spots grew flushed. Maybe it was all in her head but she was sure she could feel them pulse and heat up from his kiss. And when he nestled between her legs, the bare shaven folds that she took such pride in...

"OHhhh," the moan broke out, as her hands slid over his shorn head, caressing, her legs squeezing and her head falling back in bliss as a little bit of cream pooled in response to that tongue. Oh, that devilish tongue "Ohhh, oh yes....."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #77
[Lt Hi'Jak|Science Center | Lab 17] Attn: Rosaria, Auctor Lucan

When the scan completed Hi'Jak sighed he knew that had been a possibility, knew that he didn't like the idea that the fragment he had taken had been too small to really give him the information that he needed. He sighed as he looked over the metals that he could ascertain just from the small fragments he had, as he continued to absentmindedly play with his new found toy. The puzzle box had otherwise intrigued him as he worked over the list in his mind he had no reference for their use.

But something told him that he knew someone with an encyclopedia in her head that might have more answers than him. He took the baggy and walked out of the lab, keeping it and the puzzle box on his person. There was no reason not to take his new found toy, and if he left it in the lab then he could bet that his overseer would get his hands on it, and he would never see it again.

Walking down and out of the labs he reached the turbolift and quickly departed for the forensics lab, when he arrived he walked in to see Ensign six working on her report. He sighed seeing her again was both nice, and yet felt like his own head was going to explode. He still was unsure of exactly what he thought about her aside from being cold and emotionless talking to her was like talking to a literal ice queen. Still it beat half the people on this station he knew that much.

"My scans were inclusive. All i could find out was a few pultry metals, and none of them were that explosive." Hi'Jak gave a sigh as he walked into the room. "How about you? any new information to share?"

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #78
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: FollowTomorrow

"Understood Captain, Havenborn out."  Daniel replied as the communications channel closed.  This was going to be a hard investigation.  The best place to started he supposed would be in Engineering.  He nodded to Lieutenant Suq and agreed with him.  "We'll inform him when he arrives back onboard."  He said as he made their way through the corridors and entered Main Engineering.

He looked around and saw that the place was being cleaned up by the Resolve's personnel which seemed to be a good thing.  Security had cleared out all the Starbase personnel from Engineering first and he was quite glad for that.  He walked up to an technician who handed him a report and he looked it over.  It didn't really read that well, they weren't too badly damaged but it'd take awhile for Engineering to be fully operational.

"Lieutenant I'd like it if you got started down here, see if you can access the computer that Petty Officer Sanford was on, I doubt we'll be able to get anything from it but let's cover our bases."  Daniel said as he handed the report to the Lieutenant. "I'm going to head to the computer core and run a diagnostic on it and see if we can't determine if anything was actually uploaded."  Daniel said as he waited for the Lieutenant to acknowledge him just in case he had any questions before he left.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #79
[ Lt. Jg. Suq | USS Resolve | Main Sickbay > Engineering ] Attn: Havenborn, Auctor Lucan

Suq took the report and gave it a cursory glance. He could already guess what it contained--a couple weeks worth of repairs and long nights staying awake, and that's only if they had the parts on hand. He wasn't looking forward to it, or any of this investigation for that matter.

He glanced up at the scorch marks on the floor and sighed. Everything around the console and the console itself looked like some mighty god came down and smote Officer Sanford out of existence. More than anything, Suq was unwilling to touch the console himself. As he started to come up with a game plan, his expression became one of great determination.
"...I'll get started, yeah. Let me know if you find anything. I'll do the same. If I find anything, that is." He took some steps towards a different console, one that did not look like an overcooked hunk of metal.

First things first, Suq created a virtual machine on the console he was running. It imitated a very basic medical console, without actually having any real hardware. If there is a virus that can be transmitted from computer to computer, he couldn't risk his own console blowing out on him and possibly endangering the ship computer as well. If Sanford unwittingly uploaded a virus, then connecting to the crashed contraption through the virtual machine would not trigger an explosion, because the virtual machine believes it's a medical console, not an engineering console. The virus would tell the virtual machine to overwork parts that simply don't exist. Hopefully, this would allow Suq to study the virus, the upload, or whatever it was, but that's provided that he can connect to the annihilated apparatus.

Next was to open a connection to the damaged console. Suq's screen informed him that it was attempting connection. From there, all he could do was wait, and hope the damaged console still had something to connect to.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #80
[ Melissa Wright | Sabine  | Space ] Attn:RosariaRosette

"Fuck it."

Oh no. No no no. Those were two little words that rarely had good connotations. Uttered together, at a moment like this, they were a sign that some hesitation was occurring. Not what she needed now. Sera may have followed it up with a mention that she needed to grab a few things from the science center, but Mel was still back on the previous comment.

"Okay, great, but back up. Fuck it? Fuck what? Fuck the station, fuck the crew, fuck Starfleet, fuck the engineer who patched up your ship?" She shrugged, some apprehension clear in her voice. "First three I'm down with, fourth... maybe later, but what's going on?"

Her eyebrows raised as she considered what else the other woman had mentioned. "Something you can't get back? Because, I mean... if we're gonna be stealing a starship, I can steal some other shit too." Both eyes darted away just long enough to lay in a course back to the hangar bay. "If it's something that's been taken as contraband, that's not too much of an issue. I can probably get a transport lock on it and beam it onto the Sabine while we're hauling ass out of here."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #81
[ Drauc T'Laus | Brig ] Attn: 1) Kaligos 2) Vystori 3) Absinthe

Drauc had been watching the newly arrived people, biding his silence as he tried to make up his mind about what he had learned. When the Orion young woman spoke, and she actively thought about her encounter underneath the Subspace Acquisition grid, the words he believed he had perceived in her mind became even more clear - shedding any doubt from his mind about what was going on. Or at least, the implications were clear, even if he had no idea what motivated the man that had named himself 'Moon' in Drauc's native tongue.

The creature, the alien that was unknown to him, it was thrumming and shifting light, and it seemed a distraction to Drauc - seeing it as an opportunity. If Bradford was preoccupied, he could speak with Captain Kendrick and Ensign Zeshryr. It was his only chance, and despite how he had abandoned Starfleet many years ago, it seemed he had little choice in the matter. Another war was at hand, and it started in the shadows. If it meant he could fight once more, he was not about to spend that time in a penal colony.

"Kendrick, Zeshryr," he said and stepped up to the force field - emerging into the stark light from the ceiling in the corridor between the holding cells. "Hear me, for I have derived what it was you heard, A'vura, when you were attacked."

Having said this, he glanced towards the creature and Bradford, who was looking more agitated - fearful - than under some kind of trance. He was retreating from the beast, and it suited Drauc fine. He looked back to the Orion with the blod-stained dress uniform. "I may be Romulan, yet not like others," he said and raked back mahogny hair from his forehead, revealing the surgical scars across his flat forehead in the light, "I can read minds, and I have read yours. I know what was said, and the Romulan named a traitor aboard the base. I used to be in Starfleet, and I have been betrayed before, so I care none for it..."

The bygone memories of Tal Shiar still lingered with him, but he shed it from his thoughts - more urgent matters at hand. "My name is Drauc. Drauc T'Laus. Will you hear me out? I wish to help, but I can do naught else from inside here than speak of what I learned from your memories, A'vura Zeshryr."

Meanwhile, Bradford covered his eyes with his forearm - the fearful trance broken. "What is it doing? Stop it! Guards! I am being attacked!"

Behind Bradford, the sliding doors opened, but it was not the base's security detail that arrived... but a redhaired woman and an Andorian man that Drauc had never seen before.

[ Captain Ian Hawthorne | Base Commander's Quarters ] Attn: Brutus

His Trill subordinate was easily led on, by actions and words, and Ian rewarded her compliance with diligence - devoting himself to her alien sex.

As his subject, Ian had come to bend her fully to his will, the past month's project having been as rewarding as it was enjoyable. He believed he had her loyal beyond question, not about to doubt his word. She had accepted the necessity to search the Resolve without objection, and he was pleased that she had submitted herself so quickly. All it had taken was to build upon her debt, without bespeaking it, and she had become more pliant with each private encounter. As long as he made her believe he truly desired her beyond her duties towards him, he would reap the rewards. After all, it was hardly a sacrifice on his part - rather the opposite - even though the thing inside had to be discouraged from time to time. Splitting her head open against the mirror was hardly constructive, nor smothering her in the shards while mounting her. No, she had purpose, far more so than Trish.

Before he was content with his reward to her, he had let two fingers enter her as well, working in tandem with his tongue. Yet before long, he meant to give her what she truly craved. He brought her as close to euphoria as he could, before he stood up between her spread legs. He kissed her, made her taste herself, and he grabbed the base of his hardness so that he might stroke his swollen head up and down her shaved sex. He kept her on the edge of the basin as he lubricated himself with her fluids, and without making her wait for too long, he sheathed himself inside her - her welcoming depths well prepared for his entrance. With just a couple of thrusts, she had as much of him as she could fit inside her - squirming into her with each surge of his hips.

"The people on this base... are counting on you... just as much as I," he said against her full lips, grunting as he pushed harder, "and I know... neither of us will be disappointed... when you do what has to be done... They would not want you to hesitate... nor would I... if you would have to arrest people on the Resolve. For regardless what rank they may have, and despite how we.... celebrated their return like they were heroes today... We cannot let that affect our judgement. If they have been with the Romulans the past three years... it would explain a lot of what has happened... since they docked."

Driving his hard member into his Chief of Security, Ian was quite content with how he had ascertained control over the situation. Pleased, he indulged her by visiting her breasts with his mouth - sucking at those Trill teats of hers because he had learned that she liked it.

[ USS Resolve | Computer ] Attn: FollowTomorrow & Havenborn

When the computer was accessed, noting out of the ordinary could be found at first - as if the upload had never taken place. It discredited the statements of the late Sanford, making one chalk up his claims to paranoia or excuses for his mistake. A diagnostic search rendered nothing.... until the search entered the root catalogues of personal messages made aboard the ship.

Then, log after log revealed itself to contain Romulan speech patterns and text symbols. Not just in a dedicated order, or a hidden folder, but there were even logs in Suq's and Havenborn's own personal log directory as well. Furthermore, traces of subspace messages appeared too, suggesting regular and clandestine correspondence. Even more were generated while the diagnostic was still underway, as if the virus was still working to create the evidence.

There was simply too much data to translate and take in, but based on just a few samples, the texts were not very flattering, sufficed to say....

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #82
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | Sabine | Space ] Attn:Drana

Sera blinked as Melissa seemed to take her words to heart quickly bringing up the words she'd uttered out of frustration. She opened her mouth to reassure the engineer that their plans would still be proceeding regardless of if she managed to get her stuff back or not. But before she could even utter a word Melissa continued throwing out ideas of whatever it was she seemingly wanted to "Fuck.". The last bit of the blonde's sentence didn't escape her but using her better judgement she chose to put that aside for later and instead focused more on calming the other woman. "It's nothing r-" Sera began only to be cut off as the blonde continued speaking telling Sera that it wouldn't be that difficult to steal more if that was the issue.

Once more Sera found herself speechless it was like the deity of fortune or something had chosen today to just dump every little droplet of luck onto her. "Starfleet Security has my weapons." Sera said simply. It took a moment for the it to sink it but now that she thought about it she felt a bit ridiculous they were just weapons it wasn't like she couldn't get new ones. But some stubborn part of Sera's personality refused to let those Starfleet Security goons keep her property. "It's stupid I know...But they're mine and I want them back..." Sera said crossing her arms and drumming her fingers against her arm. "So your telling me you can just beam them onto Sabine? Doesn't Starfleet have any kind of failsafe to make sure that kind of stuff doesn't happen?" She asked.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #83
[ Melissa Wright | Sabine | Space ] Attn: RosariaRosette

Security office? Mel bit her lip, pondering options for how to approach that particular problem. As long as she knew the locker they had Sera's weaponry stuffed into, she could initiate a beam-out from inside the station before they departed, getting around the hairy issue of Stabase 84's shields blocking any transport attempt. The problem was the automated defensive measures that lockup had in place: force fields around that entire section to block transport attempts, with a failsafe in the form of an EM field generator that would throw up interference if an unauthorized transport attempt was detected.

Getting around the failsafe actually could be easy, if a feat that would need to be accomplished with haste. Making a clean getaway was already going to require a diagnostic cycle to shut down external sensors, and adding the internal sensors in that area to the cycle would be a simple matter. They would have perhaps thirty seconds before someone in the control room overrode the cycle and had sensors back online; with any luck, Melissa could transport the guns on board within ten seconds of the initial shutdown, and use their remaining time to book it out of tractor beam range at full impulse. By the time sensors came back online, they'd be too far away to be easily grabbed, with shields up to prevent beam-out and warp calculations almost done.

It was the force fields that were an issue. "Yeah," she finally said aloud, "They've got that whole section shielded. It'd have to be shut down from a security station, or by someone with the right engineering overrides... which I don't have." She winced at the admission; weapons and sensors weren't an issue, but internal security was outside her assigned duties.

Although, there was something else she had access to. A more indirect, much more manual sort of override "Okay.... Okay, we might still be able to pull this off." Christ, this plan was getting more complicated by the minute. "The force field has its own backup power source, but it runs on station power usually, which means there should be a main EPS conduit feeding that section."

She let out a small huff. "If you disable that conduit right after I shut down sensors, the automated security measures and alarms won't go off. It'll be tight, and we'll pretty much have to rip out of the hangar at full impulse, but I think I can juuuuust barely beam you and your guns onto the Sabine, they get us out of tractor range before the station has eyes up again." Close was putting it mildly; the margin of error would be all of three or four seconds. "I mean, the timing is gonna have to be pretty much perfect, but it'll get around all those security measures without getting us locked up or shot."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #84
[LT Keval ch'Rayya | Brig] ATTN: Everyone

Keval had been unusually quiet during all of this, processing everything that had been said in front of him as well as what he was seeing and "feeling" from an Andorian point of view and he kept up with Krystal on reflex up until they got inside of the station's brig and his pale eyes saw that the captain and Fr'ell was in the room facing a security officer that seemed to be trying to cause some kind of trouble.

Keval simply went into motion as he came up behind the security guard that was claiming to be under attack, slipped one broad arm under and across his chest while centering his thumb on a cluster of nerves on the back of the man's neck before wrapping the rest of his fingers alongside a couple of other pressure points which brought the security officer's ranting to a quick and sudden stop as his eyes shot open in reaction for a moment before he was guided to the floor like a boneless fish by the Resolve's Tactical Chief.

"Alright, can someone please tell me what's going on here before I need to start hacking the security cell?" Keval asked his captain with a tone of respectful curiousity as he dragged the security officer off to one side and out of the way.


Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #85
[ Captain Tristan Kendrick |Starbase 84| Brig ] Attn: Vystori, Absinthe, Havenborn, Follow Tomorrow DocReno, and Lucan

Kendrick was going to have to talk with F'Rell at some point about how not to scare people. He understood why she had tried her abilities here, but at the same time such tactics only tended to work when there was a calm environment to work with not a brig break out. Which this was quickly becoming. He wasn't going to leave one of his officers in the brig while there was now a lot of problems to work past. For the moment he looked to Keval who wanted to know what was happening.

"I will debrief you later, for now get A'vura out of there." Any calm approach that they could have had just went down with Bradford calling for back up. His original plan to facilitate a prisoner exchange was up in smoke now that he had one unconscious officer and more questions than answers. The safest place for him and his crew was back on the resolve which of course meant that they would be breaking the quarantine faster than he had desired. There was also the problem with getting off the Starbase, the brig of course had a dampening feild that would protect prisoners from beaming out, but once they were past the security offices... as the idea dawned on him how they could make an escape, a smile crossed his lips.

With that he clicked on his combadge and sent a message to Havenborn. "Lutenant I am going to need someone at transporter controls on the ready to beam out the away team plus two as soon as you are safe to do so."

"It was a good shot F'Rell, on a happier day you might have gotten him to calm down. For now I'd like You and Tancredi to take Officer Bradford to the security offices and hold an escape route into the hallway make sure we are clear. Once we have A'vura out of her cell we will perform an emergency beam out to The Resolve." He sighed, they were only going to have one chance at a beam out as it would probably raise a bunch of alarms. The station was already on High alert, but if they took Bradford with them. He smiled lightly thinking it over before he looked to A'vura. "I remove my previous statement it seems you will be much safer back with us after all."

"To everyone else I am about to break several of Starfleet's laws and regulations. If you have any objections please speak now so that I can make a note of it in my log and when we get to the hearing I will speak to your behalf." He otherwise turned to Drauc. At this point he was already sold on the idea of a traitor among the Starbase. He was half considering freeing Drauc as well as A'vura in fact he could probably blame her break out on him. At the same time this was a self proclaimed Romulan who could read minds.

"Speak quickly Drauc we are on a tight schedule apparently." He knew he wasn't going to like the answer, but he needed to know who it was.

OOC: I think within the next two or three post cycles we will be pulling back from the Starbase without hopefully raising too many alarms.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #86
[ Dr Silim Parnak | Starbase 84 | Science Lab 47 ] ATTN: Auctor Lucan

It was dark. Very, very dark. So dark that Dr Parnak knew without the goggles he was wearing, he could easily wave his hand in front of his own face and not see it. The lab in which he sat had been carefully selected. Lab 47 was a glorified cupboard, no windows and only one door meant there was no chance of leakage from external light sources. All the equipment had been turned off and stored aside his PADD.

As he had for the previous 30 minutes, he watched the bat sleep. The bat came from Carrayan II, where it spent most of its time pollinating flowers, dispersing fruit seeds and, unlike many other mammals in the Chiroptera order, frolicking in the sunlight. The current stage of research on this animal was to assess how to interacted with its environment; Silim's plan to see how the Carrayan Solus Bat handled complete darkness was not progressing as well as he hoped. There was an expectation for the bat to do something, anything really, however the bat only slept and this left Silim bored, idly fingering a PADD.

The PADD he held in his hands was Starfleet, not Cardassian. All of his old devices had been transferred to Federation standards when he joined the research project seven months ago. Silim missed the old PADD, the Starfleet ones were grey, square and boring; they had no aesthetic.

Careful not to make any sound, Dr Parnak sighed internally. The project had sounded interesting when Starfleet Science had suggested it as one of many joint ventures with the Cardassian Science Ministry. He had arranged a sabbatical from the University of Culat and travelled across the quadrant to join to taskforce. Oh yes, that taskforce; Silim had expected at least three or four researchers, including himself, plus some research assistants. Instead he had Walt. A nice enough person, for a human, and an otherwise accomplished scientist but with too much going on in his department he was nothing more of a supervisor and pencil pusher. Perhaps if that assistant Walt complained of often did more work, then Silim could get more help on this project and head back to Cardassia.

It was a little surprising how much he both missed and did not miss Cardassia Prime. Here he was, deep in the heart of the Federation, absorbing the culture, the food and apparently, the understaffing yet Parnak's mind drifted to the newsletter he had received from the Federation Consulate before he left. In two days time, they would be performing Oedipus Rex at the National Theatre in Cardassia City as part of their on-going 'Arts of the Galaxy' campaign. The season so far had had both up and downs, the less said about the Klingon opera the better.

There was a faint hiss of the door, breaking the silence of the lab. Silim instinctively turned to see who was with him, but with his goggles acutely tuned to turn the infrared light of the dark lab into light that Parnak could process any normal light source would be blinding. This was definitely correct of the corridor.

"GRAH!..." Silim cursed, retching the accursed eyewear from his face. "... Has NO ONE told you it's polite to knock? There are experiments in progress."

Parnak hit the button on the padd. The lights returned to normal levels within the lab and, after a few moments of rapid blinking, he could finally identify his intruder.

"Walt? Did you forget what I was running? You could have blinded me!" Even with his aggravated tone, Silim wasn't overly angry; the disruption was a break from the boredom even though he could have done without the resulting visual distortion. While Walt stood in the doorway and explained himself, the Solus Bat had awoken. It lifted itself onto its wings and flew once around the room. It was only as it swooped out the open door and down the corridor that Parnak realised the trouble they would be in.

"Well that's JUST perfect." He sighed, exasperated. "You know, I'm blaming you for this..."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #87
[Ensign Six | Forensics Lab | Starbase 84] Attn: Kaligos

Six had been so engrossed in her work that she hadn't heard the doors to her lab swish open nor the footsteps of Lt. Hi'Jak as he walked in. It wasn't until he was directly behind her and speaking that she finally noticed, and despite her normally calm demeanor she seemed to jump nearly three feet out of her skin before spinning around defensively. It took her a minute to realize what had happened. She had been startled, and she cursed herself in her mind upon realizing that and quickly spoke on point to try and deter the Lieutenant from noticing. Borg did not get scared after all. But she wasn't exactly borg anymore was she?

"My results were a little more conclusive than yours I think. I was able to determine four trace elements within the metal fragments. The computer primarily found Triceron, but I managed to find miniscule fragments of Dentarium and Bitanium. Unfortunately the amounts were so small that they can easily be disregarded but I can assure you, after viewing the fragments with my optic implant that they are there and were part of the device. What's most curious about the elements I found though was this."

Six handed him a copy of the report in a way that showed her excitement, something that rarely got seen of her, and only when she was captivated by a mystery or puzzle. For a small moment while she gabbed on, she even smiled a bit at talking about her findings and the potential for what it could mean.

"I found residue that was found to be Tricobalt, a known Starfleet explosive. Now, I'm not sure why, but according to my findings it seems as though the implant was a Starfleet subcutaneous communicator, disguised as Romulan with all the Triceron to deter anyone from finding the smaller Starfleet issued fragments. And if you look here," she started, moving to pull up a magnifying scope that had a tiny piece of metal beneath it, "You'll see the point of detonation. I've concluded that this device was remote detonated, and that the detonator has to be somewhere close on the Starbase. Whoever took off the Romulan's head, is likely still here."

Looking at him expectantly, she almost seemed eager to see what he might have to say in response to her findings. "I will admit that my optic scans are often dismissed by Starfleet, but I know they are accurate, so I included them in my report regardless."


[Ensign A'vura Zeshryr | Detention Center | Starbase 84]  Attn: Kaligos, Lucan, Don Reno

A'vura knew what F'Rell was doing as soon as she started and did her best to keep her gaze down and away from her shipmate. She almost didn't hear what the other member of the brig was saying and had to turn her focus from looking away to trying to peer to the side and listen to him harder. When he said the last of his words she looked at her commander with wide eyes. "A traitor on board? But who? This.. this can't be right can it? I mean why would anyone want to betray Starfleet?"

She had had yet to hear about the Theurgy and its crew, and couldn't quite wrap her mind around the idea of anyone going awol. She was about to say more when shit hit the fan so to speak and Bradford started to shout after Keval and Tancredi both entered the brig. At that point everything seemed to slow down like it had before in the ducts, Keval moving to Bradford and quickly causing the man to lose consciousness.

It made A'vura take a small step back from the field in front of her, mouth open and stunned, wondering what they were going to do now. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind did the Captain speak again and set a plan in motion. Shaking a little she waited, waited for Drauc to speak again, waited for the field to be lowered, waited for her Captain to direct her to where he wanted her.
"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #88
[ Drauc T'Laus | Brig | Holding Cell ] Attn: Havenborn, FollowTomorrow, Absinthe, DocReno, Kaligos, Vystori (no order set)

What was this calling that had stirred him to speak? Old loyalties to Starfleet? He was not sure if he had spoken up for sake of vindication in the light of his years as a raider after the Dominion War, facing time at a Penal Colony or extradited to a war-riven Romulus for a even harsher sentence, or if he had rose to the call of action after deriving what Zeshryr had heard. Either way, he had caught Kendrick's attention. Should he bargain for release if he told them what he knew? Another gambit, and a dangerous one. No, he would speak as he would when he served in Starfleet, and earn their recognition rather than try to force their hand. They were virtually heading out already, and Drauc leaned forward to look at the creature and the white-collared woman with the red hair.

"Take him? As in carrying him? Geez, thanks, Captain," said the young woman, but she hesitated not on the order, already crouched down in order to pull the heavy human across her shoulder. Straightening, she stumbled, but caught her balance before she fell. "Okay, F'Rell, I don't know how you'll do it, but I can't help you that much in drawing any guards outside away from the way to the exit. At least Bradford didn't think to tap his combadge, so they won't know what we are up to... I will try to stay out of sight, so you lead the way."

Drauc looked back to the Captain, wondering why they would not leave the despicable Bradford behind, but as he read the surface thoughts of the human's mind, Drauc derived the motive. A'vura had not been identified, so if they brought the single witness and got out of Security undetected, there was a chance they'd buy time before Lieutenant Komial would set her guards after them. Drauc nodded towards the Brig Control station by the exit. "You will have to delete the surveillance records and shut down sensors here, and I have learned the access codes," he said before he got to the truth about what A'vura Zeshryr had said. He did not bargain for release, merely commenting on what the Captain was thinking.

"Yhfi-ss'ue.... N'ventnar. Auethn," he said next, looking towards A'vura - reciting what the Romulan that had accosted her had said first. He spoke quickly, saving them time to hear it all. "It means 'Travel tubes... Code 'Bared Fang'. Advise me.' Your attacker told the person who communicated with him that he was in the base's Jefferies tubes, and while I don't know what code 'Bared Fang' entail, I guess it might have something to do about you exposing him. Then, more importantly, he said 'Au'e, prod. Hwiiy hrrau hwaveyiir,' and that means, word for word, in a derisive defence to something said to him, 'Oh, sure, Captain. You are in the command-executive center.'"

Despite his history, and his battle experience, Drauc found his heart beating faster - the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. It was the anticipation of expected battles to come, now that the truth was given a voice through him. Yet he was not finished. "When he spoke next, he was threatened, saying 'Daisemi'in, regghai, sthea'hwill h'ta-fvau galae. Vaed-', and while he was cut off, his words were 'Chief among several, sir, I request to go back to the fleet. You-'." Drauc took a step closer to the forcefield, looking at A'vura as he spoke in his quick words. "Then, you saw what happened. The communicator he was touching on the side of his neck exploded - ending his life before he could say anything more. Kendrick, as you are aware, there might be several 'Prod', several Captains of docked starships in the Executive Command Centre, but 'Chief among several' evidently means that there are more of them. More of them that would murder their own Romulan asset, an operative that they hid aboard this starbase. Unfortunately, I don't know what 'they' - whoever they are - might conspiring to do, but if if it merits such methods, I would wager it is not something in line with Starfleet protocol, to say the least. This is what I know, and since you are not the Captain that spoke to the Romulan, I lay the truth at your feet, hoping you may act on it."

Having said what he had learned from the Orion woman, he had made his gambit, and while he hoped they would set him free, he said nothing further - awaiting what sentence Kendrick would give him. Hopefully, it was a sentence that didn't entail him remaining in the cell.

[ Lieutenant Simon Walt | Starbase 84 | Science Lab 47 ] Attn: Arista

Having been deep in thoughts, Simon had failed to realise he might disturb Parnak when he stepped into the laboratory. The Cardassian was studying the Carrayan Solus Bat, and it required nocturnal conditions, so he quickly realised his mistake. "Oh, I am sorry, Parnak," he said, blinking his watery eyes to make out where man from the Cardassian Science Ministry was. He needed the light from the corridor behind him, so he left the door opened just to that he might speak with Parnak without being blind."There came a transmission from Cardassia Prime. The University of Culat wants you t-"

The flutter of wings startled him, and he yelped, backing away towards the door. He fumbled for the handle, meaning to get out again and close the door, but had he only opted to remain inside instead, he might have shut the door before the bat escaped. Yet escape it did, in a rapid flutter above Walt's head, it shot out into the corridor. Mind drawing a blank, Simon supposed he ought to run after it, as if he would have any chance of catching it with his large hands, but the notion of running rid any such notions from his mind, and he ended up just standing there - mumbling a curse in answer when Parnak said he would lay the blame on him.

"You should have put it back in the cage," he said, flustered, and stepped out to look where the bar had gone. It was making its way down the corridor, and conveniently enough for sake of its impromptu experience of freedom, two researchers happened to step through the sliding doors from the area outside the science centre - opening the doors for the bat too. The two researchers screamed, thinking they were attached by the creature, and one of them even fell to the floor. If it weren't for the time wested in the lost bat, it might have been humorous, but Walt had little inclination to laugh.

"It is already out of the centre," he said to Parnak, and an idea came to him, "You. You are in better shape than I am. You might be able to catch it. I... I can go to my office and in-inform security about the missing bat, but you know its behaviour too. I'm sorry, but the project is riding on you now. Go, go, you must go after it before it escapes out into the Recreational Dome! Then we'll never be able to get our hands on it. In the corridors, at least, you have a shot!" Swallowing, Simon shifted his weight out the door again, making way for Parnak to get out of the laboratory.

To be completely honest, he saw a great opportunity in the set-back too. With Parnak leaving, he could use the scheduled time in Lab 47 for himself. He could just bring the holoemitter from his office and peruse the holovids he just downloaded from the civilian databases. He had yet to see the seventeenth edition of the 'USS Intercourse', and now was his chance. Unlike Parnak, however, he would make sure to lock the door...

OOC: Havenborn & FollowTomorrow, your characters have just found that evidence of a close affiliation with the Romulans has been planted into the ship's database, navigation systems, system calibrations and logs. The whole ship is permeated with compromising evidence. Moreover, Kendrick has asked Transporter control at the ready to beam those in the Brig back. Given what has been found, FollowTomorrow, you could post Suq reporting it to Havenborn or Kendrick, your pick, but the word must come out. Havenborn, you know what your character has to do. Absinthe, looking forward to see what you come up with for F'Rell but let me know if you need help. DocReno, Vystori and Kaligos, you have Drauc's revelation to react to, aside from getting A'vura out of the cell (and Drauc too, if you want him to purge the surveillance logs as they get out).

Arista: The idea I had was that the chase after the bat would take Parnak to the corridor outside Security, and see F'Rell emerging there - the T'Fanrell species something that would catch his eye. If not, the fact that Krystal Tancredi is carrying a body over her shoulder might instead. :) Your next post could end before he and the bat reaches security, however, since Absinthe have yet to post with F'Rell.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #89
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | USS Resolve | Computer Core > Transporter Room 1 ] Attn: FollowTomorrow, Kaligos

Daniel was reading through the records he didn't notice anything at first; then suddenly he began to see information that shouldn't have been in the computer core, it seemed that a virus had been uploaded into the computer.  He began seeing a script he was familiar with and while he wasn't fluent in many languages he recognized Romulan when he saw it.  This was not going to end well for them if they couldn't figure out how to get this damned virus out of the computer core.

As he was reading through the some of the logs he had a hunch to read through his personal log and saw that the virus had worked its way in there as well.  This was definitely not good and the amount of time it'd take to get this smuggled onboard meant that Sanford had to have done this unknowingly.  He was about to begin looking in other places when he heard the communications message from Captain Kendrick.

Daniel tapped his combadge to respond.  "Understood Captain, I'll see to it myself and let you know when I'm standing by."  He said as he closed the channel and logged out of the computer core.  He walked towards the turbolift and made his way to transporter room 1 and after a few minutes he arrived and as he walked in he relieved the transporter operator then stood behind the console and made sure that the virus hadn't infected it yet.  If they could beam their people back that'd be good.

Daniel tapped his combadge again to inform the Captain he was ready for them.  "Captain I'm ready to beam you group back on your command."  He said as he watched the screen waiting for their signatures to appear outside of the security office.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #90
[ Lt. Jg. Suq| USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: Havenborn, Auctor Lucan

There was so much that had changed that Suq didn't even know where to begin. Romulan, in his personal logs, in the navigation logs--everywhere, in everything. He was pretty sure that's Romulan food and drink in the replicator history. To anyone with an ounce of common sense, it looked as if they had been in cahoots with the Romulans for a long time now. On top of the crap-sundae that was that day, there was really no way he could fix this unless he plain old wiped the entire computer, and that would look even more suspicious.

He stepped back from the computer and ran both hands through his hair. He couldn't believe it, but it was starting to look like some kind of conspiracy. A real one, not just the ones spoken about in tabloids and message boards. He had to admit to himself, this was genius. Horrible, but genius.

It took him some time to gather his thoughts and find his courage. He's sure Havenborn already knows what's happening. This widespread corruption of the computer is probably visible from every terminal. He taps his combadge,
"Captain Kendrick, looks like someone's trying to frame us for conspiring with the Romulans. They planted evidence on us, makes it look like we've been cohorting with the Romulans for a while."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #91

[Komial Dotnhil | Starbase 84 | Base Commanders Quarters]Atten: Lucan

When he put his tongue to use between her legs, well that was when the profanity started in earnest. Mixed in with liberal use of the word "Yes," in both Trill, and Federation Standard, the spotted beauty let out a litany that would make a Marine blush, and a Klingon proud. Thank the Great Bird of the Galaxy, the mans quarters were sound proof. It wouldn't do for any of the Security staff (or frankly, anyone on the starbase, StaFleet officers or no) to hear the raunchiness that broke past the Chief of Securities - her reputation as a cool and collected officer would go down in flames as bright red as the ones gracing her cheeks just then.

She got closer and closer, he legs beginning to shake. Those spots felt like they were on fire, even though she knew her legs had to feel cool against the Captain, especially with him fresh from a warm bath. His fingers curled deep inside her and she let out another rolling moan, hitched in the back of her throat. Her breasts bounced as she shook, and her fingers gripped the counter under her, back arching. And then he was pulling away and she let out a pitiful whimper, dark eyes fluttering to look down at him - and see him standing between her legs, his hard length resting above her sex, along her toned stomach.

There was that whimper again, muted this time by her captains lips against hers. Coyishly, her tongue darted out, tasted herself on his lips and groaned, a deep, vibration bubbling from her throat.  Her breath hitched again, feeling his cock slide along her swollen, tender pussy lips, and she rolled her hips - maybe she could catch his cock head, slip him into her - or maybe it would just feel good for them both, the added friction. She smiled against those dark chocolate lips; either result was a win for her.

And then he was inside of her and that whimper became a sweet mewl. Her hands roamed over his shoulders as she listened to his words, nodding, biting her lip and blushing fiercely. The faith this man had in her, the praise he leveled on her in the middle of something so intimate as this - managing to make duty into an endearment. She was melting inside, there was no doubt about it, even in her hushed "yessirs," and other little noises, those walls in her heart breaking down even as the walls of her core squeezed the rock hard shaft inside of her. She had little idea of how soon that faith would be put to test, and with the way Hawthorne's teeth were scraping her nipple, well, thinking wasn't really at the top of her to do list just then.

"Oh Gods, Ian," she whimpered as he hit her just right, just, just perfectly right, his cock head brushing that place deep within, his lips sucking her nipple, the dusty red pebble hard as a rock in his mouth. She hardly ever used his given name, never in public, almost never in private, but when he did that so very deep inside her tight, tight pussy, well - nothing else seemed right. Her whole body quaked with the way his cock head stroked her so deep inside, left her feeling vulnerable, safe, strung taut and limp all at one a contradiction of feelings and sensations that she couldn't put into words. Her fingers stroked over his bald head, back behind his ears, as if trying to map every curve of his skull as she shook again, nearly on the edge of orgasm.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #92
Dr. Silim Parnak | Corridor outside Security Centre | Starbase 84] Attn: Auctor Lucan, Anyone leaving the brig

As Parnak thundered down the corridor he cursed Walt, in fact, he cursed everything. He cursed the bat, he cursed the station and he definitely cursed the confused ensign who did nothing but stop and stare as Silim passed.

For the last five minutes he'd been following this bat down various corridors but at least he'd had the sense to take some equipment from the science lab. In one hand he held a light baton and in the other something Starfleet defined as a Handheld Animalia Containment Unit, or in other words, a cage. In this case, Parnak continued to be perplexed by Starfleet's, and the Federation's, inane desire to call normal objects by complex names so that later they could then make it into an abbreviation.

"Computer, lower lights in this section by 60%" He barked. The computer dutifully carried out its orders with a chime. This was Silim's plan. If the bat was a positively phototactic creature, and it was, then it will be drawn to biggest light source in its path. With the lights down low and his baton turned high, Parnak waved the baton manically; the bat, blissfully unaware, continued on its path away from the Cardassian.

"Oh, my kingdom for a phaser..." he sighed.  With that he could just stun it out of the sky, although no doubt security would detect the blast and dispatch deputies leaving him to explain how he had forgotten to lock the door and let loose a wild creature onto the station. So far, this had not been Silim's greatest day on the job.

He followed the bat around the corner towards the security centre and in a moment of inspiration he tossed the light baton forward into the bat's line of sight. As it descended, he quite literally grasped the moment and used his now free hand to catch the creature and stuff it into its crate. Precisely at that moment, the doors in front of him parted leaving him staring at the open entrance of the security centre like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He abruptly stood and tried to look nonchalant.

Although there were others, his gaze was brought upon the redhead in front of him. She wasn't unattractive, but what really held his attention was the unconscious body she held over her shoulder. "Hmm?" He mused inquisitively. To break the tension, he smirked and raised his cage, nodding towards Tancredi.  "I don't suppose I could interest you in a trade?"

OOC: Sorry it took me so long to reply, I got caught by a cold which knocked me through a loop. I'm feeling much better. Hopefully this should give those in the security centre some fun for those that want to participate.

Also, I promise Parnak is quite a good exobiologist. Honest! Even if he currently can't keep tabs on a bat.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #93
[LT Keval ch'Rayya | Brig] ATTN: Everyone

Keval gave A'vura a slight smile as he walked over to the control panel for the force field and pulled open the access panel below it to get to the isoleaner chips system as he started a quick process of switching out chips and entering a series of codes.

"You know A'vura, we've really got to stop meeting like this." Keval said in a slightly jovial tone as he continued his work in a unhurried manner as what he was doing wouldn't cause a system inquiry and then a message to the trill security chief if he went about it slowly. "I mean of all the places to get locked up for trying to sing old earth bubble gum pop songs..."

Keval gave himself a moment to raise his head and wink at the orion woman to let her know that while he was taking this seriously, he was trying to lighten the stressful situation just a little bit before he lowered his head and went back to his work.

"Now they probably didn't teach you this at the academy which is how to do a system bypass but making the computer think that it's a routine bitrate cleanup cycle..which if done right will cause the systems that the security field operates on to go into a system check mode and...."

At that moment the force field that seperated A'vura from her and her freedom disappeared which left the andorian with an even bigger grin on his face.

"...and turn off the security field. Gods how I miss those classes." Keval said as he stepped aside and motioned with a refined grace like he was a butler for the younger woman to step out of her cell and head out of the brig.

But as he straightened back up, he looked over at Drauc and his eyes narrowed in thought before his face relaxed and he asked "What about him, please tell me we are not leaving him to rot in this place that stinks worse then a Pakled beer factory?"

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #94
[Lt Hi'Jak| lab 17 | Starbase 84] Attn:  Vystori, Auctor Lucan

Jack almost chuckled when the former Borg drone seemed to nearly leap out of her skin. She was kinda cute when she was more Brunali than borg. But at the same time she seemed to gather up her wits about her. He let out a sigh as she seemed to recover and then go over her findings. When she said that it was in fact a close proximity detonated device Hi'Jak actually clapped his arms and did a quick fist pump.

"Called it." His celebration of joy was short lived as he came to the same realization that she had, whoever detonated the device was likely still on board the ship which of course meant that there was a likely a traitor or even another romulan agent here. His eyes widened as he came to the realization that they were in actual danger here. "Wait... that's not a good thing."

He bit his lip as he looked over the fragments on the table. Jack was no longer sure what was going on here. It didn't take a scientist to figgure out that the Romulan got here on a ship recently docked here. He remembered the Romulan from the holding brig, the bio scans that had ended up on his desk, How had he ended up on the Starbase? How many more traitors could there be. "If it's as you say than that means this was a Starfleet explosive right?"

Walking up to the computer he sighed and started to work. "Starfleets sub net is massive, but we know the time of the explosion which means we know the time that any communication was sent to it, if it was a Starfleet explosive, then I am going to bet that it was a Starfleet com channel, probably something small, if I were going to set off a bomb, I wouldn't encrypt that kind of communication makes it's file too big, cumbersome you can't hide it, if it were me trying to hide Romulan operatives than I'd go with something that looks like subspace chatter, the same stuff the communication tower is designed to pick up, I bet you that if we focus in and search all comm signals at the point of the explosion than we can play back the detonation command. It wouldn't be much, it's probably scrambled all to hell, but if we are lucky we can get a voice in that chatter."

Jack smiled as he thought about his plan and tried to make it happen. "If we can find and reconstruct the voice, then we will have a clue as to whoever set off the bomb."

[Captain Tristan Kendrick |Starbase 84| Brig ] Attn: Vystori, Absinthe, Havenborn, Follow Tomorrow DocReno, and Lucan

F'Rell and Krystal left the room hauling away Bradfords limp unconcous body. At the same time he turned his attention to Drauc. His story and all that would follow it. 'Command-Executive Center' and Chief among several. Sure enough he had to agree with Drauc's current mind on the situation. There were probably more than one traitor on board starbase 84, and that meant he couldn't trust anyone be them from another ship or on the starbase themselves. What was more there was a big one calling the shots, a leader who had the power to kill assets at his disgression.

Kendrick's fist tightened he was about to give a different set of orders, perhaps start down a very dangerous path, but then his com badge clicked, and for a moment his mind stopped. Someone had altered their story. Altered the logs of his crew, and his ship to make it seem like they were the traitors. This chief among many was going to hang his crew for their crimes! Someone was going to end up taking the blame for this situation and it was his ship... all of his crew.

Or just him...

Kendrick tapped his com badge. "Save all of my altered personal and captains logs to your personal PADD, and then begin a progressive memory purge of the ship. As soon as I am on board I am going to be calling a senior staff meeting."

He turned to Keval and had to agree they couldn't risk letting Drauc stay here. "Get him out."

Turning to Avura he handed her his phaser after he set it to stun and smiled. "Go with F'Rell and Krystal secure our exit, and if the Romulan tries anything funny stun him."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #95
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Detention Center Main Desk | Starbase 84] Attn: Everyone in the brig

F'Rell's mind raced as she did her best to come up with a plan. As the doors slide open and she spotted the first security guard she had but one idea, she only hoped it was a good one. She snaked over to him, turning up the volume of her communicator as she did so, so that it would be more than loud enough to intimidate the guard, so she hoped, and inform the others of her plan.

"You! Peon! I am F'Rell of the 12th House, representative of the T'fanrell peoples. I demand to speak with the Station's Commanding Officer, no... I Demand to speak to the President of these United Federation of Planets in regards to the truly despicable way I have been continued to be treated," roared the communicator quite loudly as the vibrations of her whisker like tendrils shook the air. She did her best to look furious and dangerous, she only hoped that due to her alien physiology the humanoid would have no point of reference. "And until I speak with the leader of the United Federation of Planet, I am commandeering this section of the station on the behalf of the T'fanrell peoples, as it appears to have the highest concentration of security personnel."

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #96
[Ensign Six | Forensics Lab | Starbase 84]

As Hi'Jak worked at the computer, he seemed to find what he was looking for, only to have it bleep at him loudly with, "Security Authorization Level 10 is required to review this transmission." Six frowned when she heard that. Only a Captain or higher ranked member of Starfleet could have sent that transmission. She checked over the logs herself and sure enough he was fairly accurate with his finding that the transmission came within the same timeframe suggesting that this was in fact the at the moment the bomb was detonated, and using her borg interface alongside the computer she was able to ascertain reasonably that the transmission's target was within the area of the detonation, though she could only confirm that with about 70% accuracy.

Regardless, Six was not all that happy about these findings as they grew more into the realm of a Starfleet traitor on board the Starbase. Looking at Hi'Jak, she shook her head. "I need to get these findings to Lieutenant Dotnhil." Tapping her Comm-Badge she tried to call for her with no response, and again no response after she tried a second time. "Computer, locate Lieutenant Dotnhil." "Lieutenant Dotnhil is in the Senior Officer's Quarters." Six pursed her lips and gathered her report along with all the recorded evidence and the upload of her ocular and borg interface evidence and snatched the other lieutenant by the shirt sleeve, tugging him with her. "Looks like we'll have to search for her personally," she chimed as she pulled him along toward the turbolift.

[Ensign A'vura Zeshryr | Detention Center | Starbase 84

A'vura crinkled her nose a bit as she thought about the implications of what Drauc was saying. The words were entirely familiar to her when he spoke them in the other language, though she couldn't be certain that his translations were accurate. Given the state of things there seemed reasonable cause to wonder if he was lying. But then again to what end? To be let out of his cage? Only to come along with us and be trapped inside of another? Shaking her head she looked at her Captain disdainfully. "I've never heard of a captain betraying Starfleet. What has been going on since we've been away?"

As she spoke Keval made tried to make light while tricking the system into letting her free. And even then her brow furrowed in the frowning expression on her face. It wasn't that she wasn't appreciative of his attempts. It was just so utterly harrowing to learn that someone so high up in Starfleet rank would even think to betray them, their own people. It tied her stomach in knots and made her feel a little sick. Still, for his benefit, to show she wasn't upset with him in any way, she forced a small smile, and a small crack back, "Well, you know me Lieutenant. I can't seem to get enough of that Candy Girl."

No sooner had she made her comment did the field disappear in front of her and he was motioning for her exit in a mock-dashing way. Stepping out she happily accepted the phaser from her Captain with a nod and another small, forced smile. Then she hurried after F'Rell and Tancredi to do as he had asked.
"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #97
[ Captain Ian Hawthorne | Base Commander's Quarters ] Attn: Kaligos, Brutus & Vystori

With no counter-arguments raised, and her sounds merely being mewls of pleasure, Ian was confident that Komial would see things his way when it came to the Resolve's Captain and crew. Thus assured, he held nothing back, no point in making either of them wait for the culmination of their impromptu meeting. He wrapped one arm behind her lower back and ground his thick hardness into her where she sat on the edge of the water basin. He made them heave with his movements, and the way her cool body felt against him made him increase the pagan rhythm - the hard peaks of her breasts raking across the planes of his chest once he released one of those pebbles with his mouth.

Eventually, he lifted her off towards his bed in the adjacent room, continuing their exploits in earnest.

Sometime later, he came the second time that day - having sown Trish with his seed too before he killed her. Whether or not his seed would take in Komial did not concern him the slightest. If he would impregnate her, he might keep her alive long enough to let her beget him children - spawn that he had no faith would survive in the wars to come. If she would die before she came to full term, so be it, because she was expendable once she had served her immediate purpose at his side. After all, she would be less useful as his right hand in the later phases of her gestation, her physique deteriorating with each trimester, and her appeal to him lesser by the day. There would simply be no point in keeping her or the potential children alive.

Thus, he came inside her without compunction. As if it meant something, he slanted his lips across hers while it lasted. Afterwards, merely on a whim, he whispered those words he knew she wanted to hear from him too, simply because it would aide his cause. "I love you..."

Forestalling any answer, bereaving her of the moment, there was a chirp on the door to Ian's quarters. There was a visitor, and reality returned. Ian was curious who had come, yet he did not answer. He acted irritated, and unsheathed himself from Komial so that he might walk over to a control panel outside the bedroom. He keyed up the camera feed showing the two people outside, and turned his gaze towards Komial.

"She is one of yours, isn't she?" he said, mind racing despite his collected demeanour. "That forensic science officer you spoke of?" Leaving the display lit for her to come see for herself, Ian moved to dress himself, subtly letting her know his irritation through movements alone, but not saying anything further. Hopefully, she would deal with the two junior officers without him having to speak with them.

[ Ensign Krystal Tancredi | Outside the Security Center ] Attn: 1) Arista 2) Vystori 3) Absinthe

The way F'Rell set up the distraction had been truly inspired, and Krystal could not help but pause in her slow progress to get out of the security center to gape at how the T'fanrell drew the attention of all the present personnel with her gambit. The aide's desk was already empty since Bradford, well, he lay across her shoulder, so as soon as she got there, no one would note her slipping out the door.

Sneaking was hard with the dead weight she carried, but F'Rell had drawn people away from her round-about path towards the exit, so it was merely a manner of moving silently and hoping the security guards wouldn't turn around. She could hear them trying to reason with F'Rell, which was quite funny since it showed how little they knew about diplomacy and protocol for the current kind of situation.

"Well, F’Rell of the... Um... 12th House," one of them started to say, searching for the proper words that would soothe the alien's rage, "Representative, we do not have any means to communicate with the President from here, and even at maximum warp, there would be quite some time before she would get here. And, well, you can't stay here until then, so... Could we... Um... could we perhaps arrange for accommodations that would suit... your majest- I mean, your eminence?"

Keeping from laughing despite herself, Krystal managed to close the last distance towards the exit, and she slipped out. She'd done it! Only then, she practically walked straight into a Cardassian, and her eyes widened in alarm. After being away for three years, the Dominion War was not that long ago, so she almost jumped out of her skin when she was caught carrying Bradford, but that was merely the first stage of her fright. Because next, a nightmarish creature was shoved into her face, and she let out a short scream - toppling backwards with Bradford. She ended up with him draped across her on the deck plates - stuck and at the Cardassian's and his monster's mercy. Through sheer luck, the sliding doors had closed before she had screamed - preventing the entire security centre to see her indignant fall.

"Get tha' thing away from meh!" she barked as she tired to shimmy her way out from underneath Bradford. To add insult to injury, this being Krystal's pride sustaining a savage blow, A'vura soon emerged through the sliding doors too - seeing her there with Bradford on top of her. She was so mortified she wasn't really noticing if the Cardassian tried to help her or not, because even if security was none the wiser, several people that had been crossing the open area had stopped to stare at what was going on - likely wondering if the Cardassian had attacked her or even killed Bradford before he'd do her next.

[ Drauc T'Laus | Brig | Holding Cell ] Attn: 1) DocReno 2) Kaligos

The anticipation of Captain Kendrick's decision regarding his fate was something Drauc kept from getting to him, or at least keeping himself from showing it. Ultimately, he had offered the Resolve his aid, but if the crew didn't dare accept it, it would be their misfortune. He was confident about his own capabilities, and if Starfleet would not have him back, he knew there would always be some battlefield he could find and earn his keep. Redemption among his old peers would have been excellent, but if it was denied him, her was not about to accept a fate in a penal colony.

As it were, the Andorian named ch'Rayya and Captain Kendrick made their decision, and Drauc inclined his head to them while the forcefield was being dealt with by the resourceful Tactical Officer. "I will do whatever I can to aide you, and afterwards, you can decide my fate. For the time being, my phaser is yours, along with my loyalty."

Once the field winked out, Drauc stepped past the two Starfleet officers and made his way over to the duty station inside the detention centre. Without delay, he tapped in one of the access codes he had learned and brought up the surveillance system's master display, keyed up the records for the last hour and deleted them one by one - the arrival of the Resolve's crew removed from existence along with any evidence of the ongoing escape. He had some trouble with the permanent removal of the files, but luckily, the authorisation that Komial Dothnil had used when she searched for his Starfleet personnel file worked to get the job done. It took him fifteen seconds, give or take, then he stepped away from the duty station.

"We have one minute until the surveillance system reboots. I suggest we leave... Captain." It was odd, using Starfleet rank again. Nostalgic, even. He had been a better man back then, or younger, at the very least.

Drauc looked towards the Andorian, expecting the man to take point instead of Kendrick in order to safeguard his Commanding Officer.

OOC: FollowTomorrow, Suq was given orders by Kendrick earlier. Havenborn and SummerDawn, you have your joint post to finish and Kendrick's order to beam them all out is coming up with Kaligos' post.

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #98
Dr. Silim Parnak | Corridor outside Security Centre | Starbase 84 Attn: Auctor Lucan, Vystori

That thing? Silim had been called many names in his life, but never had he been so insulted. He may be an outsider on a Starbase many light-years from home but he had a doctorate and was respected in his field. For the briefest time Parnak was ignorant to her meaning. It took him a moment to realise she was, in fact, referring to the caged bat in his hands. He hadn't even moved the cage that much. Obviously she had some form of phobia. Placing the enclosure on the deck carefully away from the woman and her unconscious partner, Parnak stepped in to help.

He wondered about this redhead. In his mind he began to fill in a story. This man and woman must be dating and they must have been celebrating, fighting or something similar. The man had drank too much, got in trouble, been arrested and passed out. This woman obviously wasn't very smart. It was foolish to release a man so intoxicated. Parnak then remembered back to the tales from the Irish man on the freighter he had taken to Starbase 84. In his stories it was blondes who were stupid, not the redheads. It was all a ridiculous system anyway; assigning hair colours to levels of intelligence.

The doors to the security centre parted again and out walked a dishevelled Orion woman. At last, the story made sense, or at least why the male had drunk so much. The Orions were notorious boozehounds. This one? Well, she was either a friend or a mistress. A mistress, now that would be interesting! Again a tale began to weave itself in Silim's mind. There'd been a fight between the redhead and the male. He then turned to the only option he knew, the arms of a bottle. In a bar he'd met the Orion. She'd whispered in his ears and filled his nose with pheromones. Later, they were caught cavorting on the entertainment decks, lewd and inebriated. This poor redhead, she obviously had been called to collect her lover and because she was so distraught, or that she was so stupid, she'd saved the man and his mistress. It was poetic. It was marvellous. It was something that Silim would have to write down later and send to one of his playwright friends.

"On Cardassia, deputies wouldn't let people out of the drunk tank until they've sobered. Perhaps next time you should think the same for your boyfriend. It could avoid this situation." He hefted the unconscious human up and placed the man's arm over his shoulder, hugging the man against himself to support the weight. It was unfair for this woman to have to drag her lover home alone, especially as Silim had started to feel guilty about his bat joke. "Come on then, lets get him home. Which habitat level are you on?" He asked the poor dense redhead, then he shot a look at the filthy Orion succubus. "...And you. Are you going to help or not?"

Re: Chapter 01: Tensions Rising

Reply #99
[ Lt. Jg. Suq | USS Resolve | Engineering ] Attn: Auctor Lucan

Suq paused. He had a inkling of where this is going, and he didn't like it one bit--but it's not like he had a better idea, did he?
"You've got it Cap. See you soon." He reached for his pocket, searching for his PADD, and found nothing there. Of course, he had dropped it during the explosion. He began to walk about the room, checking under consoles for it while his mind wandered. If only Captain Kendrick's logs survived, and the rest of ship's memory'll seem as if only Captain Kendrick had collaborated with the Romulans. He knew that was not true, not in the least, but...

He found his PADD, kicked into a corner, and dragged it out. He wiped the dirt off it with his sleeve and returned to the console. It didn't take long to set up a download. The Captain was not making a small sacrifice by doing this. This was treason. He didn't want to let this happen, not while he knew the truth, but all other options in his head were too dangerous, risked too many lives.

A chirrup interrupted his thoughts. The download was complete. He disconnected his PADD. His hands hesitated over the keys, but he began to enter the command. He thought briefly of taking a quick nap before the senior staff meeting. He watched the numbers on the screen mark the computer's progress, and to him, it felt like counting down to someone's funeral. He listened for sign that the Captain was aboard the ship, and hoped he came soon.

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