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Topic: Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH01 Blood For Blood (Read 16489 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #50
The opening for the Scouting Mission on the Allegiant is up! :),2409.0.html

I have just named it Scouting Mission for now, but if people have suggestions on a better title, I am all ears here in this thread. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #51
Perhaps "Following the Whispers?"

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #52
I guess Vanya can help out on the ship, maybe study the captives from a scientific perspective before they escape?

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #53

Check the latest post in From the Ashes: :),2331.msg17349.html#msg17349

Seven days of posting time in response to the above begins today! At this given point in time, 0800 hrs., let's have all PC characters on the Stallion aboard the Cayuga, helping out with the repairs. Exceptions would be anyone too injured to help out, and either Ejek or Stark. This, depending on preference, but if needed, I will decide between them. As for the conditions, the Cayuga have very, very limited power, most systems offline. Emergency lightening everywhere. Comm systems work most of the time, but internal sensors are offline along with any means to raise force-fields in the corridors. All such reserve power is devoted to the structural integrity fields that cover the gaping hull breaches around the ship, including the bridge.

Moreover, now we have an opening for Supplemental threads in Chapter 03, spanning from 1200 hrs. on Day 04 (directly after the battle) to 0800 hrs. on Day 05, where Chief Marshall Akri Sitaio releases her captured Asurians on the unsuspecting Cayuga. Which, incidentally, is also time the USS Allegiant disembark on its mission to find the Borg. The naming convention for such threads that belonging to Chapter 03 is still: Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day XX | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title. As for the mission on the Allegiant itself, it has its own thread, posted here.

Here are those present on the Cayuga:

Present on the USS Cayuga, Day 05, 0800 hrs.:

Natalie Stark @Brutus /or/ Zelosa Ejek @FollowTomorrow
Anya Ziegler @Arista
Cir'Cie @StarDuster
Vanya @Veridian
Billy Bob O'Connell @Doc M.
Kaylon Jeen @alphawiz
Rhys Williams @Juzzie
B'Nila (Still injured?) @Absinthe

Looking forward to your posts! :) If there are any questions, post away here in this thread.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #54
You'll notice in my last post in Chapter 03:  From the Ashes I didn't specify exactly where Billy Bob is beaming to.  Let me know if you want Billy Bob and Chief M'oar to beam to your location and feel free to add the description of their appearance to your post when I confirm hearing from you.  If I don't hear from anyone I'll assume they beamed to main engineering.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #55
You'll notice in my last post in Chapter 03:  From the Ashes I didn't specify exactly where Billy Bob is beaming to.  Let me know if you want Billy Bob and Chief M'oar to beam to your location and feel free to add the description of their appearance to your post when I confirm hearing from you.  If I don't hear from anyone I'll assume they beamed to main engineering.

Excellent post, Doc M.! Thanks for the read. :)

An Addendum to the development in that post, to keep things interesting: Let's have that transporter room on the Cayuga the only active one, since there is not enough power to sustain any more transporters, the repair efforts so far having relied heavily on the Theurgy's transporters instead. Now, with O'Connell beaming somewhere (you can PM Doc M. or write here if you have ideas for his re-appearance), that single active transporter room on the Cayuga is overtaken by the Asurians. :)

As Havenborn pointed out in chat, the Asurians could e beamed into space, but now, it won't be that easy. *grins*


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #56
If Main Engineering is where everybody's gathered so Billy Bob can warn everybody, sure, go ahead, Doc. :) Other than that, he could beam to the Cayuga's bridge to warn Captain Zeigler or to the Theurgy's bridge to warn either Ejek or Stark.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #57
I think that, as much as Natalie is itching to get her hands dirty again  - shes an OPS officer after all, and they do a lot of fixing of things - she's going to remain on the Theurgy in command of her ship. She still has the gentle chastising from Trent ringing in her ears, about delegating to her subordinates and letting them do their job instead of wading in and doing it for them. As Captain, her place is in command of her vessel. Regardless of how antsy that makes her feel at a time like this.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #58
Well well, after reading the current development in the Scouting Mission on the Allegiant, i've been doing my homework and have a couple or ideas that could be implemented. I want to put them on the table to know what do you think about them before write my post  :)

- Neural interlink frequency: it's what Borg used to interlink themselves with the Collective. As that, "the whispers" that Six is "hearing" are asociated with this. It's recieved by the interlink node in the drones (or ex-drones) brain, a  cortical implant set to re-arrange the patient neural patters could be set to disconect a drone from the collective, with risk of his/her life. In any case it could give the crew a chance to "control" a borg/exborg and give them time to scape. This could be used as ultimate security measure if Six goes all Borg and don't need to kill her. Could be useful for @lisavw 's post

- The Doctor developed a anti-assimilation inoculation: i've been looking for how exactly he did it, and have found several posibilities:

  • neural suppressant: used to de-borg drones,and to retain individuality in a recent assimilated drones. Not prevent assimilation
  • Omicron radiation: used by Doctor Phlox to kill the nanoprobes when he was infected. Seems it's a rare type of radiation result of some matter/antimatter reactions. The nanoprobes' intramolecular processors brokes if facing an intense dose of omicron radiation, which is very painful for the patient and could kill him/her but destroy the probes. Useful after infected but not fully asimilated. It could necrotize ex-borg tissues (sorry Six)
  • Nanoprobes: well, we know in VOY the Doctor leeched Seven almost constantly to modify the nanoprobes and heal several disseases, wounds, etc. Maybe we could leech Six too to modify them with one of the previous anti-borg measures and have the crew of the Allegiant "vaccinated" against borg, at least for a time.

My money at this point is a source of omicron radiation ready on the ship and modified nanoprobes to vaccine, maybe producing neural suppressant and/or programed to attack other nanoprobes. What do you think about this plan? It's consistent? Anything to add or supress here? I'm open to suggestions :)

Bila would be working on this most of the time to give Masuda a solution if they were attacked by the Borg, probably with the help or T'Panu and Six as a lab rat ('cause being half Cardassian he need to be a bit of mad scientist some times).

As I've said, any help/idea is welcome


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #59
Not sure about the radiation, but the thought of modified nanoprobes has crossed my mind. Six could use help in modifying them. And the neural suppressant would work if somebody got stung by a drone's tubules. :) And I like the idea of the crew using the interlink frequency to control Six; in fact, she'd provide the means as a non-fatal just-in-case measure. :)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #60
Well I think that guiding the scouting mission by the collective voices, taking care of the weapons and being a blood-bag Six has no time to modify the nanoprobes: please let the scientist and the doctor do their jobs ;)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #61
I think that sounds like an extremely cool idea!!!! I will be researching more into that to incorporate into my neural network calculations :D

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #62
Good point. The doctors would more likely extract the nanoprobes. I guess I should've realized she'd be too busy.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #63
Theres a lot of good ideas going on here tho. Seriously, all y'all are doing great.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #64
Yeah, erm… okay..... …. Jimmy's probably taking his vaccine right about now before clamping his helmet on, provided he has the option to do so.

*Considers hiding in the transporter buffer on a preset time-delay auto-thaw out to smackdown or pose as a drone to his fellow shipmates, emulating non-interest/threat in anyone aboard-- if such were the case, he'd play the vaccine-use card close to the vest as logically/timely as one could hope to achieve without succumbing to the cancer.*

But that might not do any good, tentatively anticipating to be a stabilizing agent or thaw-out Deus Ex Machina, but I can't conjure up an equation without further deliberation and hope of a crew response for a, 'favorable' outcome. Sufficeth to say he'd make an auto loop recording in the event things go south.

On that note,
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH01 Blood For Blood

Reply #65
Crew of the Allegiant! You might want to check the latest post in Vantage Points. :),2430.msg18012.html#msg18012

Hope you all liked the ending of the Epilogue too!


Auctor Lucan


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH01 Blood For Blood

Reply #66
Liked it? I LOVED IT! :D I loved how the Epilogue ended! And it's indeed a fitting tribute to the "Destiny" books. :) Kudos.

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