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[2372] Trojan Horse

[ Z'Heni | Urim's Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @Stegro88

On the one hand, Z'Heni couldn't help being bothered that Urim hadn't taken her on his business trip. She was important, wasn't she? And leaving this place sounded exciting, even if only for a short time; there was almost nothing to do here without him, all she could do was lounge around and she'd been here long enough that the novelty of such freedom had already worn thin.

Then again, on the other hand, it gave her a rest from him breathing down her neck constantly. It was a bit of peace and quiet, to be honest, the chance to sleep in her own bed, wear whatever she wanted, and generally do whatever caught her fancy. Which wasn't much, admittedly — her options were depressingly narrow, and even being able to access the holo suite didn't help much, mostly because Urim's tastes were so bland it made her want to cry.

For the first day, she mostly just enjoyed the ability to laze around in her quarters and the bath house, but by day two of Urim's absence she was bored of that. Right! Time to explore the household. She'd been here over a month but never set foot in many of the rooms — her work kept her busy elsewhere — but with Urim gone she could go wherever she wanted. Even the overseer freedwoman Nyri couldn't stop her; as bedroom staff, Z'Heni technically answered only to Urim. It was the part of her position the others envied the most, and for good reason. It was great.

There was always going to be a bit of a rivalry between household and bedroom staff, and especially between Z'Heni and Nyri, but she didn't mind. She wasn't looking for friends in low places, and Nyri was super boring; meanwhile Urim's favour made Z'Heni the unofficial queen bee, and she would absolutely take that ranking, thank you very much. She'd worked to get here, after all.

Still, she couldn't help being curious about the others in the household, especially now she was going to be alone until Urim returned. Even if they weren't going to be her friends, at least the other slaves could be someone to talk to. She might go mad with boredom otherwise. So once she'd finished exploring the public areas of the villa — all lavish and beautiful, of course, filled with soft furnishings and smooth lines, almost every surface made to recline on — she decided to head to the slave areas. Why not? She'd never seen most of them, and she was fast running out of things to do.

The common room was disappointingly boring, little more than a large communal space filled with pod beds. Luckily, the villa was honeycombed with secret passageways for slaves to move around undetected, which seemed a lot more exciting. In reality it was pretty anticlimactic. All the corridors looked the same, and she quickly went from 'intrepid explorer' to 'bored, frustrated, and lost'. Eventually she found a door that spat her out into a new room: the kitchen. She'd known Urim liked his food hand-prepared — Mig was a brilliant chef, even for a human — but she was still surprised by the size of this room. It was bright and clean and full of utensils she had no idea how to use.

It was also empty of anyone else. Apparently standards went out the window when Urim was away.

Well! All the better for her. Time to rustle up something delicious… if she could just figure out where everything was kept.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
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Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Kitchen | Unknown Ship | Urim’s Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @fiendfall

Donna had accepted the assignment to look into the business dealings of Urim without too much thought. It was a mission that she had performed before on several occasion and would almost certainly perform again. Urim had mostly skirted around the edges of Starfleet Intelligence’s attention for several years but something had changed recently and now she was here to find out more about the man. 

Of course, his having left several days prior put a crimp in her plan to get close to him. But that was only her primary goal; while he was away, it made it easier to go about searching his residence. Or it would, if she could gain access to his chambers. Nyri, the overseer, was almost tyrannical in her behaviour and made sure that the household’s slaves only went where they were supposed to. Which for Donna, didn’t include the bedroom. And while Donna was confident, she could entice the man to promote her, his absence made that difficult. 

Entering the house’s kitchen again, Donna saw that the room she expected to be empty was actually occupied. And by someone that, if she rolled her dice right, could help her succeed in her mission. In front of her, eating a meal that she couldn’t see, was the Orion Z’Heni. She was considered Urim’s favourite and the unofficial queen bee among the slaves. And she had access to the entire house.

Shuffling forward, making enough noise to be heard, Donna effected a stumble that sent her sprawling across the kitchen floor, the tray of cups and dishes she had been carrying crashing loudly to the ground. Cursing under her breath, Donna began to pick up the broken pieces when she pretended to realise that she wasn’t alone.

“My apologies for disturbing you, ah,” Donna stammered, keeping her voice broken, uncertain. “I’m sorry. I’m new here and I don’t know everyone yet. My name is Vanessa.”

Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #2
[ Z'Heni | Urim's Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @Stegro88

It took her a hot minute to figure out what, exactly, she was looking at. One of the utensils looked like a hairbrush, another looked like a very long spike, and what she assumed was the oven had about 700 settings, including one that looked like it had a picture of a person burning alive. Honestly she might just take it up on the offer if she couldn’t work it out very soon.

Luckily, from somewhere deep in her memory, she remembered how to poach an egg. Brilliant! It all really came together when she discovered the spice rack, too, and before long she was settled at the table with a delightfully simple little meal. She felt like a lowly household slave, sneaking a moment’s rest and a bland meal before getting back to work. Doing whatever it was they usually did. They cleaned, right? Probably cleaning.

The novelty wore off in about thirty seconds. Ugh, this thing was tasteless, the room was boring, and the chair she’d found was possibly the most uncomfortable thing on the planet.

A clatter pulled her from her mental complaints, and she turned to see a Human slave sprawled on the floor, surrounded by dishes. Clumsy girl. She watched with idle curiosity as the woman began to clear up the mess before noticing Z’Heni at the table.

‘My apologies for disturbing you,’ the woman stammered, clearly nervous. Poor dear. She was new? Oh, kitten, that explained the mess.

Z’Heni stood with a sweeping movement, crossing to help the girl stand. ‘Oh, sweetling, don’t worry about all this. Come, sit down, you look exhausted!’ A new slave might not hate her yet. A new slave might be able to lend insight into the household more generally. And a new slave might be just the best company she could hope for while Urim was away, might be her best option for not going perfectly insane with boredom while she waited.

And befriending Vanessa would be a wonderful way to annoy Nyri, which in turn would be just delightfully fun. Yes, this was going to work perfectly.

‘I’m Z’Heni, darling, so lovely to meet you. Have you been given the tour? Settled in alright? Poor dear, I do hope they’re taking proper care of you down here. Nyri can be so fierce, can't she?’
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Kitchen | Unknown Ship | Urim’s Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @fiendfall

“I shouldn’t Mistress,” Donna mumbled slightly as she continued to load the tray with the broken kitchenware. “If Mistress Nyri sees me, I will be punished even more than I will be now.” In truth, she didn’t know what punishment she might receive for having broken the dishes. Different houses with different masters had different rules. And this house was currently being run by a freedwoman overseer, which just complicated the whole thing. Still, if she completed her mission, it would be worth it. Starfleet Medical could heal just about anything. And what it couldn’t, it could replace.

“Except death, Donna,” she thought to herself mockingly, listening as Zheni introduced herself. “They haven’t found a way to fix death yet and you keep skirting ever closer to it.”

“Yes, Mistress,”
Donna responded, continuing the meek, new slave visage. “I have been shown my duties and warned against failing them,” she added as she finished gathering the pieces and stood up, holding the tray. “Forgive me Mistress for disturbing your meal. I will clean this up and leave you in peace.”

“C’mon, take the bait,”
Donna urged silently. “Rumour has it everyone hates you, leaving you without too many friends. And being down here means you are probably either lonely, or bored. And both will work in my favour.”

Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #4
[ Z'Heni | Kitchen | Urim's Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @Stegro88

Rather than take her invitation, Vanessa just busied herself collecting up everything she'd managed to drop. She really had made quite the mess, hadn't she? Poor little thing. She really was lucky one of the other slaves hadn't been here to see that. If it'd been Z'Heni's meal the girl had been carrying she would've slapped her herself. But she was here to find an ally, not make enemies, and so Vanessa was spared the hand print.

Oh yes, this would be good. Nyri would be beside herself if Z'Heni managed to steal away the loyalty of one of her little slaves. And Humans were so mousey and obedient it really wouldn't be much of a challenge at all. If there's one thing she knew how to do, it was charm someone to her side. Her position here was just proof of that. Humans, men, both equally malleable, bless them.

'Nonsense darling,' she said, attempting to steer the girl over to the table. 'I'll have a word with Nyri for you, don't worry about her. Come, sit, give yourself a break.' She sat once more, patting the bench beside her. Come on, you stupid girl, give her something to do for once!

Were all Humans this boring? Then again, perhaps she was a fresh catch. It'd explain her nervousness, at least, if this was her first placement. Poor dear. It'd make her all that much easier to manipulate.

Oh it would be brilliant to have a pawn! Nyri would be so angry, yet completely unable to do anything at all about it. Z'Heni would well and truly have the upper hand. She couldn't wait!

'Well I'm glad they've taken care of you at least. If anyone gives you any trouble you just speak to me, alright?'
She'd never tried taking another slave under her wing, it was actually quite thrilling. 'Is this your first time on Vondem, sweet pea? You must be awfully far from home!'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Kitchen | Unknown Ship | Urim’s Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @fiendfall

“Jackpot!” Donna internally cheered as she listened to Z’Heni insist that she come and sit with her. The casualness that she displayed in saying that she would ‘have a word’ with Nyri spoke volumes about how she viewed the freedwoman that was the overseer and her purported authority. Nyri ruled the slaves, but as a bedroom girl, Z’Heni was beyond her reach, answering only to Urim; Donna’s target. Which made getting into Z’Heni’s good graces one of ‘Vanessa’s’ top priorities.

“Vondem, Mistress?” Vanessa asked softly, uncertain. “Is that where I am now? I was never told,” she revealed slowly. “I’m from a small colony on Vertas 2. We were attacked and there were explosions. I, I was in the fields at the time. I watched our house burn. I saw my father run inside before something knocked me out. The next thing I knew I was in the hold of a ship. I could see my sister, but I couldn’t reach her. When we landed, we were separated. That was the last I saw of her.”

Donna had used all her skill to sound as pitiful and sad as she could the further into her story she went; to paint the perfect picture of a girl who had lost everything, her home, her family, even her very freedom. Tears had formed in the corner of her eyes and her hands were shaking slighty. She needed to be broken. Someone that could be seemingly put back together and to serve a purpose for someone else. She had agreed with the mission planners that it was the best pathway to success if there was someone who could be played in such a way.

And Z’Heni appeared to be the perfect someone.

Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #6
[ Z'Heni | Kitchen | Urim's Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @Stegro88

Z'Heni smiled as she watched Vanessa give in -- of course, poor thing, she had no idea the power games she was getting herself into. Sweet pea.

But then she didn't seem very bright. She didn't even know where they were! The dear, sweet thing.

She laughed brightly at the girl's ignorance. 'Oh darling, of course! Though I suppose your people might have a different name for it. We're in Priyiz, on Vondem; maybe I can show you around sometime.' Oh, the ways she could expand this little creature's world. It would be a bit like having a pet. She could take Vanessa shopping! Oh, Nyri would hate that.

It seemed she'd been right about the girl being new to this whole thing -- and she was so dramatic about it too. Non-Orions thought slavery was so barbaric; Z'Heni had originally thought it was adorable how upset they got over little things like that, but after hearing them complain enough it'd just become boring.

Z'Heni waved her off. 'Yes, yes, of course.' She couldn't be less interested in hearing someone else's tragedies. 'Very sad I'm sure, poor thing.' Ugh. Humans needed to get over themselves.

'I'm sure you'll forget all that soon enough, though,' she said dismissively. 'And you've done well for yourself! This is a good household. No need for all those hysterics, hmm?' She didn't want a mopey pet.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Kitchen | Unknown Ship | Urim’s Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @fiendfall

“Hooked,” Donna thought to herself as she inwardly judged Z’Heni’s reactions and considered how best to progress. The wrong step here could throw everything off kilter and complicated matters. “Now to reel her in so I can get to work.” 

“Of course not Mistress,” Vanessa stuttered, sniffling and using her hand to wipe her eyes. “We were promised to good homes and so long as we behaved then we would not be returned. If we were, then we would regret it.”

“This is a good house,” Vanessa declared once she was calmer. “Mistress Nyri says that as long as we work hard and don’t cause any trouble then trouble won’t find us.” Her words said, she moved over and discarded the broken dishes. After rinsing her hands in the sink, Vanessa turned back to face Z’Heni. “I would be grateful if you didn’t say anything to Mistress Nyri about this. This is a good house and I don’t want to leave it. Please,” she begged.

“Alright. Now the test,” Donna judged. She had basically put herself in Z’Heni’s debt, but would the Orion call her on it or dismiss her. Her species her notorious for their scheming and underhandedness so this opportunity should look like the apple of Eden to her.

Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #8
[ Z'Heni | Kitchen | Urim's Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @Stegro88

Well, wasn't Vanessa just delightfully naive? Bless her, putting herself in Z'Heni's debt like this. Make no mistake, she would've owed Z'Heni either way, but she wasn't making any effort to even the scale now was she?

Whatever, it worked in Z'Heni's favour. Here was a young, naive Human with clearly no idea whatsoever how things worked, and it would just be all too easy to swoop in like a saviour, like a big beautiful hero. In Vanessa's eyes, of course.

'There, doesn't that feel better? Good girl.' At least she'd stopped snivelling. And Z'Heni could use her obvious fear of Nyri to her advantage -- the stick to Z'Heni's carrot, if you will. 'Nyri can be very cruel sometimes, but your secret's safe with me, sweet pea, don't you worry about that. I'll take good care of you here, darling; Nyri is a good mistress but she can go too far, and I like to protect people from that where I can. You just tell me if she's on a rampage, hm?'

It would be so lovely to have a little informant in the household. Someone in her debt, loyal to her over Nyri. God, the fun she could have with that!

She stretched lazily. 'Oh, I think we're going to be such friends, you and I! Maybe one day, if you'd like, we could see about making you my maid? Then you really wouldn't have to worry about Nyri anymore.' It'd never happen; not because she couldn't do it -- Urim was pretty easy to wheedle -- but because Vanessa would be more use in the kitchens. Then again, Z'Heni's current maid was absolutely a spy for Nyri, reporting back on every little thing Z'Heni did, and it'd be nice not to have to worry about that for once. Although it was deliciously easy to piss her off just by making an offhand comment to her hairdresser.

Still. It would help her narrative. Nyri, the mean old overseer. Z'Heni, the nice, kind alternative trying to rescue Vanessa from Nyri's clutches. Who wouldn't fall at her feet with that story?
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]


Re: [2372] Trojan Horse

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Kitchen | Unknown Ship | Urim’s Household | Priyiz | Vondem ] Attn: @fiendfall

“I will Mistress, I will,” Vanessa promised when Z’Heni told her to tell when Nyri was on a rampage. It was almost perfect. If Donna was judging things right, Z’Heni believed that she had ‘Vanessa’ right where she wanted the slave; as someone that would be loyal to her over everyone else. Instead, it was Donna who had Z’Heni where she wanted her. And if she played the game well, she could get what she needed to complete her mission before escaping. With any luck, she wouldn’t need to kill anyone to do it either.

“Your maid!” Vanessa gushed, showing excitement. “I, that would be wonderous Mistress,” she declared. “And exactly what I need to get upstairs,” she added silently. Once she was up there, she could find a computer terminal, or some sort of safe or vault and either steal or copy everything. After that, she disappeared, and Starfleet Intelligence used the intel to monitor Urim. But that was their business and above Donna’s purview. She only had to worry about getting it and then getting out.

“I will do anything to be you maid, Mistress Z’Heni,” Vanessa declared. “Just name it and I will see it done for you.”


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