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General Character-Based Sub-Plots

General Character-Based Sub-Plots

All thread ideas can't be listed here, but its the place to keep track of requests or ideas that are half-baked or pending. Threads started already/underway will be removed.

  • F'Rell reclusive but open for scenes - Open Request! Contact Hastata-Nerada
  • Nicander and Heather McMillan catch up after what happened - Pending. Day 02, before Sabine Mission
  • Deacon reconnect with his human half, some of his father's keepsakes and logs are found - Open Request! Contact Steelphoenix.  SB84's Comm Logs?
  • Deacon available for scenes in Below Decks (Day 1 and 3-6) - Open Request! Contact Steelphoenix
  • Deacon sees B'Nila for counseling - Pending, Day 03
  • Natalie helps out in the Fighter Assault Bay as a distraction (Any Day) - Pending
  • Jaya Thorne seeks new friends after her years on the Black Opal (Any Day) - Open Request! Contact Even Angels Cry
  • Jaya Thorne reminisce with Jennifer Dewitt (Any Day) - Pending, Day 03
  • Alessia seeks distraction on the Holodeck (Any Day, writing with..?) - Open Request! Contact Even Angels Cry
  • Drauc T'Laus and Nathaniel Isley meet, unaware they are brothers on their mother T'Mei's side - Pending, Day 03
  • 1st Counselling session with Ejek & Ravon. The (soon to be) new SCO would probably need some counselling following the events surrounding his crash, repair, rescue and thrust into command. - Pending, Day 02/03
  • Continuation of Counselling with Ejek & Marquez. With the Resolve stuck in Romulan space over the last three years, Marquez and Ejek would have had regular sessions to help the XO. There should be reason for this to stop now they are both on Theurgy - Pending, Day 02/03
  • Wenn Cinn dealing with the loss of Edena- Open Request! Contact Arista
  • A thread between Selena and Cinn following the Starbase 84 mission and its outcome - Pending, Day 02/03
  • Krystal threatened to come after Parnak if he called her princess another time, which he did. - Pending, Day 02/03
  • Jovela trying to learn who her Starfleet father is (what side he's on, with or without help) - Open Request! Contact Esyel.  SB84's Comm Logs?
  • Marquez and Alessia should meet whenever convenient. - Pending, Day 02/03
  • The below characters are open for thread ideas and plotting - Open Request! Contact Auctor Lucan via PM on the Forum
    • Captain Jien Ives
    • Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854
    • ThanIda zh'Wann
    • Lucan cin Nicander
    • Rihen Neyah
    • Liam Herrold
    • Drauc T'Laus
    • Devyrie Okhala
  • Faye ends up having to talk with Selena about getting over/used to her new cybernetic arm - Pending, Day 02/03
  • Natalie and Simon are gonna have a quick chat after the senior staff meeting ends. - Pending, Day 02, 1030 hrs?

List updated (see date below) with suggested scenes that are pending. See below for requests and ideas.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #1
Shall could be a tempting target for the Morali worshippers, he's certainly a blasphemer by their standards, and as a "half-cripple" he would look like an easy target, someone that could be made an example out of.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #2
What makes shall blasphemous? Did I miss him badmouthing Sarresh? (Not that Sarresh cares )

Regaeding the cult. They might call themselves The Devoted of Morali instead of cult. Or The chosen perhaps. That sounds familiar tho.

As for morali himself he wants to get his head together before dealing with this shit haha. Not.sure how much of that he'll get. Plus he has ppl that he actually wants to ceck up on

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #3
Thoughts for the above stuff:
  • I could easily see Derik getting into a fight with one of these Devoted. Either from protecting someone from the Resolve or even by being a target himself. So I offer that up if anyone wants to join in on that.
  • Derik is probably going to be very uncomfortable not being armed at first, but wouldn't actively fight it. Though, if he or someone he cared about got messed up enough by a Devoted, that could spark a more intense resistance for the Resolve crew wanting to remain armed. That might be an interesting way to have those threads intersect.
  • I'm having a brain-fart on the virus. That might have been a thing that happened right before I joined and got lost in my trying to speed read the first part of Episode 4. Anyone that remembers mind sharing a cliff-notes version?
  • Derik will need to meet likely with Trent or Ives or whoever will inform him of his assignment as acting chief conn officer.
  • Derik was on the bridge for some of what happened, and he and Sera saw a lot of it through the video feed to the conference room, they can take part in people wanting to question them about what happened, either officially or unofficially.

Other ideas springing to mind:
  • A thread where the Resolve crew have a 'to absent friends' moment either in a lounge or private room where they share stories about their departed friends and Captain and toast to their memories.
  • Sera gets into an argument with someone in the hangar bay where Sabine is being kept. Perhaps she doesn't like where they want her to park it. She wants to sleep there for now because it's where she's comfortable, etc. There are any number of fun reasons for her temper to flare up I'm sure.

These are some of my first pass thoughts. If anyone has an idea they want Derik or Sera for, feel free to PM me. I'm down for almost anything really.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #4
Good ideas all around.

"The Devoted (for short) of Morali" is awesome, let's go with that then. :)

I will be compiling a list in the top post when I have the time, but keep the ideas flowing.

Havenborn, the virus was your idea, what's your take on that?


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #5
So essentially the virus is supposed to be a non-life threatening viral agent.  Effects include, distorted vision, numbness, swelling of hands or feet, extreme cases have swelling of limbs.  On it's own it's not bad just an annoyance, and it may not affect everyone in the same way.  So the Resolve crew are all inoculated against it since they encountered it on their three-year journey home (plus Drauc and Parnak who got it thanks to Tancredi's quick thinking) with the CMO devising a cure for it and had distributed it amongst the crew.

Daniel knows a little about the virus and the cure because he dated the scientist who had become an expert on it but he doesn't really understand the science of it (he barely passed the science classes in the academy).  So he could only really help out a small amount, I also assumed that the expert scientist didn't make it off the Resolve before it was destroyed.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #6
Not yet, and it may not be that far quite yet.  I'm thinking along the lines of Shall getting approached by the Disciples about supporting Morali to be the new science chief (or some other lofty position), and Shall just wouldn't care.  The blasphemy charge could stem from the old favorite "I don't have anything on you so I'll just toss this catch-all term that's impossible to prove onto you and let the others do my dirty work."

Depending on when this starts happening it could also have some shades of epidemic panic.  His semi-reclusive nature would make Shall one of the last to get the plague.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #7
Right, so,

  • I know that Martin has a backup of files that the science department made during the Resolve's journey, I don't know if absolutely everything was stored on that but there could be some clues regarding the cure for the virus at the very least (I think I mentioned that she has this in her first post?).
  • I can also see Martin becoming a target for the Devoted, given that she is an outsider who essentially usurped the position of science chief. That might be something that her and Morali would want to address at some point, maybe a little bit later along the line.
  • Speaking of Martin winding up as the new science chief, there's probably going to be a meeting about that at some point I assume, until then she's probably going to operate under the assumption of being a temporary resident aboard the Theurgy, probably take part in that 'to absent friends' thing that Mathis mentioned.
  • I'd imagine Martin would have no trouble being unarmed, she doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would walk around with weaponry.
  • F'Rell's probably going to be pretty reclusive during this time, but if anyone wants to harass the resident balloon worm, by all means feel free to do so. It might require security clearance for the first day at least because I know she's going to want to be monitoring what she did with the deflector controls.
  • Lastly, Martin bore witness to the events on the bridge, through the video feed as well as rushing out to try to mitigate some of the damage (and being too late). She can probably serve to answer a few questions about that if people have them? I'd imagine that goes for most of the Resolve senior staff as well.

If anyone wants either of them feel free to PM me.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #8
Ha ideas! Plenty of ideas!

  • First of I'm thinking Amelya Rez will be the prime target for the Devoted/Morali Cult. Considering she now houses the essence of Jona Rez I'm pretty sure she'll need extra security if not body armor to do her job with all these nutters running around.
  • On the science front I'm thinking Tovarek should have a meeting with Vivian to discuss the future of the science department. Essentially looking how they'll work together and what to do with ranks and titles. Perhaps they start off with a one on one conversation before he shows her around the department and introduces her to the people working on Theurgy already? Before implementing the rest of the science team from Resolve? We could also work with a total rehaul of the science department, having each and every member over for a personal talk with the two ranking officers to see where their future lies on the science deck?
  • Bootcamp idea that Goldeneye had in the previous chapter might be followed up by the new SCO. Especially with three squadrons turning into one, it might be interesting to have a group activity or bonding session to bring everyone closer once more. Plus what else brings people closer than a hard rugged boot camp. Holo decks would do fine I imagine? But I'll take any help I can take on this.

I'll probably have more ideas come to mind in the next few days so I'll post more when able!

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #9
Speaking selfishly, my hope for Deacon in the short term is to reconnect with his human half.  Not sure what level of access Theurgy still retains to Federation archives but it's my hope for some of his father's keepsakes and logs to find their way to him.  Following that, he's going to have much of what was done to him as a child undone if one of the doctors is so willing; he's more or less abandoned his life among the kzinti to return to the Federation -- such as it is -- and with that comes accepting his true form (sneak peak 1 and sneak peak 2).

And since he's sort of claimed Below Decks as his territory, if anyone wants to come down and chew his ear off, here's some potential hooks:
  • He is technically a novice priest and a bit of an unlicensed counselor
  • He really is a good cook; just hard to tell when the replicator does all the work; hopefully we can get a Neelix-style galley set up at some point :)
  • He's the convenient representative of a hostile species that, literally, likes to eat other sentients
  • He's the convenient representative of a hostile species that takes misogyny to levels that would make Ferrengi jealous

And if there's anything else any of you feel he could contribute to, please let me know  :)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #10
Upon further consideration - Sarresh really, really doesn't have time to deal with this cult crap. He just wants to wallow, check up on Sel, and maybe figure out what, if anything, he can do about that tiny little time aberration that flared up (not a damn thing). I imagine he's going to be cranky around the science department conference table ;)

As for Natalie....she may very well end up down in the bellow decks. Not sure she's feeling the spearhead lounge again, but maybe she'll surprise me. Either way - she got to watch yet another pilot bite the dust right in front of her face. That's gonna leave some scars. She's going to probably bury herself in her work again - overseeing repairs when she needs to pitch in and help, spending too much time looking over her peopels shoulders (like the deck hands maybe) and trying to find something to do to just make her...forget.

This being after they get into the nebula, of course. Till then she's gonna be busy on the bridge, possibly holding down the fort as needed for a shift or three.

TL;DR -> no set plans for Natalie, if folks can think of something interesting, an reason to interact, I'd be happy to brainstorm :)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #11
Since we're tossing out ideas, here are my plans for my ladies.

Jaya Thorne has an immediate date with sickbay to get the gash on her head looked at, and Sithick's arm of course.  Depending on how long that takes will determine if her next agenda happens before or after the briefing.  Either way, the next item on her to-do list is to find all the people who directly aided her in some way during the battle and thank them.  With a drink.  ..And she's not opposed to taking things further ;)

At some point, Jaya will have a sit down with Derik and with Covington, likely separately, to discuss the various paths her future can take.  She will have to decide: stay an enlisted man for her career or test into ensign.  She will also be looking to make new friends and lovers.  Be warned, she doesn't believe in monogamy, so any flings with Jaya are generally one night stands or friends with benefits situations.

I was hoping Jaya could also have a minor heart-to-heart with her beloved CO, Jennifer Dewitt, but with all the chaos about to happen, I think Dewitt will be a little too busy for that.  So she may seek out someone else to chat with about all the shit that just went down (granted, she doesn't know about the wrong message being sent yet).

As for Alessia, she has just  been handed some terrible news and some good news.  Once she has a room assignment and whatnot, she'll be spending a lot of her off-hours time in the holodeck venting her frustrations with adrenaline.  She'll also want to speak privately with Thomas Ravon.  She doesn't currently trust herself to be around alcohol since slipping off the wagon is so easy in her times of grief.  I expect her to stick pretty close to her fellow Orcus pilots, since Thomas Ravon is now the sole person on the Theurgy that she knows.  She is generally friendly and outgoing though, so if you try to befriend her it will likely happen.

She currently has no plans before or after the briefing, though I'd love to create some.

If you have an idea for a scene that you'd like to do with me, let me know.  We can discuss via PM or Skype.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #12
I have thoughts on the matter:

Resolve Crew:
My new character, Ensign (Security) Jimmy Mariner managed to rescue several crew members' datarods from the Resolve as she was burning before he and the onboard crew were beamed to safety. This included his Pet Pit Bull, Sharky, who was a puppy when the Resolve first got lost, and over time became the ship's unofficial mascot (a la Porthos to NX-01); much like the dog in any given Roland Emmerich movie, Sharky lept to someone's arms and was beamed to safety just in time (I'll get a pic of him soon; he's trained to the extent of a K9 unit police dog, opening the door for alien in-jokes-- I hope there aren't any Tellarites aboard, haha. )

Some of the datarods contained personal logs, mementos, transporter buffer keepsakes, , things that could be restored from a replicator or transporter buffer. Nothing big or important, but clearly sentimental, such as Marquez's taco* and synthale formulas or individual officers' personal blueprints, holodeck novels/simulators, pet projects, etc. I figured the Resolve's recipes would be of interest to Deacon, since there are some things that can't be synthesized, others have to be homecooked. Anyone who's ever had/ authentic tacos/burritos would agree.

I had an idea that on the outskirts of Romulan space, we came across a Reman colony who were fleeing the fallout from Shinzon's rebellion, and wanted nothing to do with Slamek or Obisek's efforts at reconciliation. In "Tales of the Dominion War", Shinzon's rise to power began when he retook a Tal Shiar base from the Jem'Hadar and discovered a King's Ransom of technology: Thalaron, B4, Plans for the Scimitar, and I got an idea [hypothetical] The Triphasic holo-emitters from the ENT: Babel/Aenar trilogy; minus the Drone Ships, though perhaps certain Remans could use their telepathy for short-range control-- perhaps. These Remans used this and other technology to hide themselves and their vessels from the Tal Shiar, and when Resolve stumbled upon them, shots were fired. Realizing we were about to pass into Romulan Space, Marquez suggested a parley: We'd swap replicators and food for some of these emitters which would make life possible for us in the event we'd have to camouflage or otherwise play cat and mouse with the RSE without the telltale forensics of phaser fire. This died with the Resolve, but our understanding of the technology remains; we likely camouflage-disguised ourselves to maintain a low profile for the final third of our journey. [/hypothetical]

Marquez, wary of infiltrators after his fight with Hawthorne, in particular (And in 'Vietnam Flashback' mode to the Founders' saboteur tactics)  would be very unwilling to disarm his crew. He was in a position of authority to oversee and draft "Buddy-System Protocol" on his old posting during the Dominion War  and later occasionally in Romulan Space, and now on our new vessel: (No one walks corridors alone, citing DS9: The Adversary; after reading Capt Sisko's report and hearing of other incidents like it, it was a tactic born out of a reasonable extent of paranoia, like the Cole Protocol from the Halo universe). It was only ever used when infiltrators or saboteurs were afoot or suspected to be: Anyone caught alone was to be treated as a suspect without hesitation, hence the crew being armed with at least a token stun phaser. Now aboard Theurgy, Striker Marquez is a particularly slow-to-trust L-Comm and takes responsibility for the lives of his crew quite personally. He'd be willing to compromise warily with Ives but won't take any chances. He'd eventually fall in line with Ives, but initially,

Marquez to Jien (for certain Resolve crew keeping sidearms):
"Look, Captain, I'm as straight a shooter as you're going to deal with, so let's not mince words. It's not that I mistrust you, Captain, It's just that I don't trust you. Not yet. But,  I -will- meet you half way if you return the favor: My crew keep their weapons. Perma-fixxed to stun if needed, but no one in my crew, I repeat, no one, goes unescorted on your ship. They won't be anyplace they're not supposed to be; I can safely and solemnly swear: I'll take full responsibility for their actions, better or for worse. You help and trust us, and I swear on the names of those we lost, we'll return the favor. You saved our lives, and we owe you, but we're not going to be scapegoats or hostages, not to you, not to Sankolov. not anyone, -period-. I know we're clear on that.  I know you're concerned we might mutiny: but look at me--square in the eye: I did not watch my ship and crew burn only to squabble our best bet at vindication or a ticket home: You are our best hope at returning there with clean names and truthful assurances. My crew keep their weapons, in case there's another Ian Hawthorne-- or worse-- aboard. If there is one, well, Sharky is trained to know the difference between 'Good alien' and, well, the other kind. But never mind the dog, beware of the owner, like we say on Earth."

To Absent Friends:
Marquez was saving a 400+ Year old bottle of Tequila that was saved for our return to Earth. Mariner saved it along with the remains of USS Resolve's Plaque and crewmates (both living and otherwise)'s personal files, logs, mementos, keepsakes, pet projects, replicator food menus, etc.
We'll have a somber round of "Remember that time..." 's. 
"Remember the time Jimmy pulled the old shaving-cream-in-the-hand, feather-to-the-nose trick on Kendrick? Skipper canned happy hour for a week, but the look on his face was worth it."

It'll be here and now that Marquez issues orders to watch eachothers' backs at all times, never venturing alone without a designated 'buddy'. The Orcus crew are welcome to join us at the Ten Forward or Mess Hall, but standing orders are to be careful with anyone you don't know personally. (I'm positive Jimmy Mariner would wisecrack about watching Martin's back/spinal implant IC (Aussie accent): "Or whatever ya call that thing."). Resolve would be a tight-knit crew at this point in our history and healthily distrustful of, aforementioned strangers outside of ex-crewmates.

This would be the first way to possibly extend an olive branch of intended trust: Joint exercises to be participated with and measured by anyone of any seniority. ENT: Harbinger, Major Hayes' joint training sessions comes to mind in the holodeck. Orcus, Theurgy, Resolve working together, or meeting for the first/initial time post-briefing.
"I love it! I love bringing people together!" -- Bad guy, good quote. Don't you just hate it when that happens?

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #13
The "Absent Friends" plot sounds like a good one to me, I'm all for that.  Maybe while the Resolve characters are in there the virus could be spreading its way throughout the ship and symptoms begin shortly afterwards.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #15
With regards to senior officer appointments, I'd like to have Trent handle the new CTO and Intelligence officer appointments.  I think some fun could be had with that.

And just a quick note regarding Marquez' comment about "his" crew: a certain XO with a voice that is almost always a near-whisper would remind Marquez in no uncertain terms he isn't their first officer anymore, and that by accepting what Ives had to say, they are part of Theurgy's crew now, no longer Resolve.  And if he thinks it's a good idea to dictate terms to Captain Ives, he's got something else coming. That XO might even raise his voice to "just above conversational levels", too.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #16
*chuckles* Indeed, Marquez needs to get off his high horse and play it smart, or he'll fall off it. I know it was a joke, so no worries, but if he would say something like that to Ives, he would not be appointed as CTO.

Have in mind the development listed at the top:

  • The Resolve's Senior Staff will kindly be asked to hand over their weapons in the Conference Lounge before the 1900 hrs. briefing in the Fighter Assault Bay. Senior Staff who refuse gets unarmed anyway, Wenn Cinn, ThanIda zh'Wann & Ryuan Sel may be summoned to Conference Lounge. (Loose Ends thread)
  • When the Resolve and Orcus crews are beamed into the Fighter Assault Bay, all their weapons are filtered into the buffers (Nebula Entry thread)
  • Marquez brought from Sickbay to FAB, has belatedly requested to Ives en route to have the Resolve crew keep their armament, but was rejected on all points. Policy already implemented and everyone has been unarmed. In the Fighter Assault Bay Marquez tells the crew Captain Kendrick is dead. (Striker N7 posts in Nebula Entry)

So, in your post in Nebula Entry, Striker, you may write how Marquez tried to oppose his crew being unarmed before he get to the Fighter Assault Bay (perhaps with a smarter approach), but with him having been in surgery, it would be too late for that already. His crew is already bereft of armament. That being said, see the next point in that list:

  • Later, after the briefing, Marquez issues unofficial orders to watch each others' backs at all times. Resolve would be a tight-knit crew at this point

So, Marquez might try something behind the scenes, fine, but openly trying to dictate terms is a sure way to get on waste management or latrine duty. ;)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #17
So with my characters I've been a little lost in the planning phase with two out of three.

Nathan is pretty well taken care of at this point, he's already a big part in the interogation of doctor Maya, getting his pilot wings back, and rejoining the new lone wolves so he has a pretty big day ahead of him in all honesty.

Still I would like him to have a sit down with Wenn after he is offered the transfer back. His attitude during their last mission was unnacceptable and I do not want Nathan to be able to skirt punishment just because he is a pilot again.


Sithick i'd like to embroil in the two factions that are planning their mutiny. It seems to me that either side would probably want the Scary Murder Lizard on their team, and he himself is already torn between two sides.

  • I'd like it if someone was to actively try and recruit Sithick to either side. Trying to pull him both towards his duty to the Federation as a whole and his moral values that the mission will compromise.
  • Sithick has a current need for medical attention with how his arm has been burnt.
  • In the description of the Gorn home world I said that most Gorn are immune to diseases because they come from a swamp world, which is just rife with all kinds of nasty bacteria. I'm wondering if he could assist the research on a cure by having to give some of his blood to help build antibodies. Aside from that I don't see this affecting him much.


Jack is my favorite character to write, but also currently the one that I am having the most problems setting up with a few threads. With all the emphasis on the resolve's crew I'm not really sure where the two survivors from Starbase 84 actually stand on anything.

I really want a meeting of the science department so that Jack can meet new people.

Right now aside from Sera he knows no one, and considering Sera has a ship, it's kind of hard to justify him sticking around when things are going tits up. Especially because I don't think the evidence that will be presented will be enough to sway Jack to the opinion that these parasites actually exist.

He's also not part of the senior staff so he doesn't really get to play into any of the other up and coming meetings, so the character that is supposed to be my main and most used currently is just sitting with his thumbs up his butt which is very frustrating to me.

I'm kind of considering putting him in as one of the people hit by the virus, we could even have it where because he is a half breed the virus hits him even harder than others, and make the non life threatening virus a little more serious... viral mutation anyone?

Seriously i'm up for anything with this character, please just PM me or hit me up on skype or even discord if you have ideas cause I got nothing at the moment and it's driving me crazy.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #18

Still I would like him to have a sit down with Wenn after he is offered the transfer back. His attitude during their last mission was unnacceptable and I do not want Nathan to be able to skirt punishment just because he is a pilot again.

Oh believe me Kaligos, I wasn't going to let Isley just mosey out of security without saying goodbye to the big man. I'll hit you up with the start when it's time appropriate.

Now, as for my characters. There's a few thread ideas I have, but I'm always up for more ideas. Let me know if you have any thread ideas or wish to interact.

  • A meeting with O'Connor to talk about new dutes and structure of the counselling department is something I'd love (and I think it's already on the main list)
  • 1st Counselling session with Ravon. The (soon to be) new SCO would probably need some counselling following the events surrounding his crash, repair, rescue and thrust into command.
  • Continuation of Counselling with Marquez. With the Resolve stuck in Romulan space over the last three years, Marquez and Ejek would have had regular sessions to help the XO. There should be reason for this to stop now they are both on Theurgy
  • Anything anyone else would like to do

Wenn Cinn
  • Interrogation of Maya
  • I'd like him to meet with Ravon before Isley's transfer back to TacConn
  • Isley's transfer and goodbye from security
  • Dealing with the loss of Edena
  • I'd like Cinn to check with in most of the security staff during the the interregnum. Thus, I'd like either a  singular or seperate posts with Ryuan and Dyan
  • Something between Selena and Cinn following the mission together
  • Anything anyone else would like to do

  • The meeting with Ives
  • Krystal threatened to come after Parnak if he called her princess another time (which he dutifully did!) I'd love another interaction(/Altercation?) with her if Triage is up for it
  • Anything anyone else would like to do

As you can tell some characters have more plans/ideas than others. If there is something you'd like to do, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me! :)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #19
Thinking on the virus, it sounds like it might be cardio-vascular in nature, which likely means that Deacon would hold a great deal of resistance to it, but with his recent exposure to a whole new crew full of new all new illnesses and he's from a relatively isolated species, I expect it to finally affect him and affect him hard, especially if the "Fallen Friends" situation takes place in Below Decks.  This would be a good opportunity for Dr. Nicander or whomever is covering in sickbay to discover his genetic tampering -- I suspect all that genetic tampering would, in fact, make it worse for him (not that it would be incurable, but we're talking probably weeks of confinement to sickbay as his immune system compensates for everything).  By undoing all of that, it might help bolster his immune system.  That would also be a good time for someone to look up his parentage in order to find the appropriate genetic mapping for him to undo the damage; and that might lead to his parent's few remaining personal effects.

As for the mutiny.... well, even if Deacon isn't in chain of command, if you want a big murder lizard on your team, you probably want a big murder kitty too.  But Deacon has no interest in monkey politics, and he'd probably find the thought of a covert coup distasteful.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #20
I should add that both Alessia and Jaya can and will likely contract the virus.

And should the meeting with Ravon go as planned, Alessia will also be meeting the rest of his pack. It is likely that a holodeck invitation will spring from that.  Prior to that meeting, she will be seen mostly with her Orcus pilots when in public.

Also, while not thrilled about being unarmed, both Jaya and Alessia have no real reason to protest much. They would prefer a phaser on stun, but such is the life of a non-security person on a starship.  Plus, neither of them expect any danger on the Theurgy, and I would think they are used to NOT carrying weapons aboard their respective ships or starbases.  Officer Sunshine just better be ready in case something does happen.  (laugh)
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #21
With regards to senior officer appointments, I'd like to have Trent handle the new CTO and Intelligence officer appointments.  I think some fun could be had with that.

And just a quick note regarding Marquez' comment about "his" crew: a certain XO with a voice that is almost always a near-whisper would remind Marquez in no uncertain terms he isn't their first officer anymore, and that by accepting what Ives had to say, they are part of Theurgy's crew now, no longer Resolve.  And if he thinks it's a good idea to dictate terms to Captain Ives, he's got something else coming. That XO might even raise his voice to "just above conversational levels", too.

"His Crew" = "his" associates, friends, comrades, colleagues, his responsibility.  As opposed to "his" Subordinates, his followers, his loyalists? Please, don't get me wrong. High Horse is not what we call attack dog. I have no particular ambitions aside from being there for the Resolvies. Just to be clear.

Don't get me wrong,  CV,  Marquez is nobody's sycophant and he's letting Ives know that Trust isn't just given, not with snakes in the garden (parasites among Starfleet, possibly aboard.) He's taking the Resolve survivors under his protection the way Aragorn took the Fellowship under his responsibility--condition that parallel for the record; Spokesperson, advocate, if anything. That's the metaphor I'm out for. No mission, No Resolve, just her crew, ergo her memory/legacy and the will to survive. I'd like that on the record; they're his responsibility and he'd put his life on the line for them without question. That's why I'd like to have the meet n greet forum underway. There will be some initial tension, but once Marquez gets a formal role/title, things will go along smoothly, possibly even almost immediately after the first meeting. (TOS: Balance of Terror:  Stiles and Spock grade initial lack of trust, by the end, appreciation and Star Trek patented catharsis.)

Ives & XO :
Your advice is taken to heart. In the same spirit, don't plan on me being treacherous or treasonous.
I'm an attack dog, not a cavalryman. I growl but I play ball with whoever's in charge and I certainly will not, under any circumstances bite the hand that feeds me or my ---pardon, or the--- Resolve pack; besides, there is lingering bitterness over SB84 to be cured soon by Ejek (Eyes only, Counselor: ) 

Anyone who tries to sneak* a sidearm after the order to turn them in gets their asses handed to them by yours truly. To Ives, I would make a firm argument, lose it but (set up ^ Stiles-vs-Spock) accept your command, and pledge Resolve's crew to yours, as you'd expect. [Show/Hide]

Marquez IC: No Arms locker raids. Period.
"I argued to keep our weapons, but we're playing by their rules now. We are now under the command of Captain Jien Ives for all intents and purposes. All sidearms are to be peace-bonded and checked in. No exceptions.
[example]*You too, Jimmy." *Pats down his friend's  uniform, knapsack and finds a few phaser components and hands them in.* "Nice try. You're confined to quarters. I want these people to trust us. No whining, Mister, now give Sharky a bath. If anyone else has anything else they want to sneak through, now's the time to come clean, or clean the dog; we all know he hates bathtime." [/example]


You're right about Jimmy not knowing the full extent of the contents of his knapsack. Initially keeping an eye on Marquez, he'd try to make himself useful while the XO--former XO, now that we've established that, CV.  He'd be annoying Duv to no end until Martin shows up. "Ah, Ma'am, damn good to see someone with a real spine around here. Gotcha these. Might come in useful."   A quick chat with Marquez would get him on his feet soon enough to meet in the FAB.

Mariner would probably be protective of Martin and there at her side for the Cult of Morali crisis, a chance to show he's more than just a trash-talking cowboy. Marquez, a former Pilot and Tac-Conn before being full Tactical, would be a participant in the Bootcamp. Part of his WW2 Simulator included "Battle of Britain" and "Battle of the Pacific" missions. Havenborn will be aware of this, and routinely flew lead during our voyage. We of course flew simulations of the real deal, obviously,

[example]Upon not having his named sidearms, he would ham-handedly try to get them back, or at least try to, but Ida would be five steps ahead of him. "Do you always walk your canine near the armory"   'Yeah. You don't? We window shop for something to fasten to his harness. You think you could see about a SAFTI with custom specifications---'    "Your bullshit doesn't phase me, Ensign. Back to your post, or should I contact LtCommander Marquez?"    'Chill, Leftenant, I'll go. And just call him Striker.'

"Marquez to ThanIda: I saw that. Thank you. Good kid, bad idea." [/theoretical example]
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #22
Plot listing updated again with new entries! Let me know if I should add or change anything more. :)

Oh, just a comment that will clarify, in regard to Marquez feelings about the Resolve crew. I want to make the comment for the benefit of all the Resolve character writers:

"I'd like that on the record; they're his responsibility and he'd put his life on the line for them without question."

They are no longer Marquez responsibility at all, since Captain Ives is their new Commanding Officer. Of course Marquez might think so initially and privately, but strictly per chain-of-command, with Ives rank and position and with the Resolve's Starfleet crew aboard the Starfleet Theurgy ship, he is their Commanding Officer. That is, unless the Resolve crew thinks they are no longer a Starfleet crew, or they don't think the Theurgy is a Starfleet ship. I hope that makes sense, lol.

In short, simplified: If the Resolve crew recognises both themselves and the Theurgy to be part of Starfleet - which they should after the briefing, hopefully - then they should recognise the chain-of-command as it should be, with Captain Ives their Commanding Officer, and Commander Trent their Executive Officer.

Hope this doesn't just jumble things up more, but it's pretty straight-forward in my head at least... (which really is no guarantee towards anything, lol)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #23
It would be convenient for Maya to be familiar with a two hundred year old treatment for the virus that had been lost in the mists of time.  That would get her out of the brig and restore her to duty.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #24
Edited and updated my reply after our last skype chat, Lucan: Know that I was in step with that We're-all-Starfleet-Officers concept all along. Marquez is very by the book, but now blacklisted by Starfleet, he has no choice but to formally acknowledge Jien as his CO and is all aboard, per regs: Bent on revenge against the parasites, and valuing the lives and well being of the Resolve survivors.

However, his personal feelings to Theurgy and the fear/possibility of Parasites are twixt skeptical, paranoid and [over?]protective, so he'd still ... advise (not order) caution during 'Absent Friends': Watch eachother's back, don't get compromised, etc. It'll play out to a favorable outcome for all.

There is no question as to who is in charge or who the chain of command is, and there's nothing to worry about from Marquez. Wherever he's needed, wherever Theurgy Command wants him, consider it done. If it plays out to friction or contention, let it evolve.

I hope this helps set the record straight, there's no doubt Resolve's crew is tightly knit, and I'd like to think we're reasonably protective of eachother, armed or unarmed.

Trent, if there's any issue, feel free to PM or skype(preferred) me, I'm all for transparency and ironing out the wrinkles.

Lastly, I apologize for shorthanding my characters in first person on this thread; it's a habit I'm unwiring.

Best Regards,
--Striker N7

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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