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Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Working out was just as much a diversion from work and the absence of a social life, as it was a welcome benefactor to Samantha’s biological health. The blonde made a point to at least do some sort of exercise every day, and she usually picked various times, whenever the bug bit her, so to speak. So today, she had opted out of a real lunch break, instead of getting some work done at the gymnasium. Maybe eating something would’ve been more beneficial to her overall health in these stressful times, where she forgot to nourish, more often than she did to work out, but why should today have been any exception?!

Her agenda was actually packed for the rest of the day, and the pressure of duty almost acted like an added weight to her workout. Dragging a couple of light dumbbells to the yoga mats, the diplomat started to go through one of her full body routines. Each workout was broken up into a primary workout. Those were the exercises that she forced herself to perform on each training day. For her rest periods, she usually rested anywhere between 45-90 seconds. For larger lifts, such as squats, she sometimes even took the full 90 seconds.

Starting out with the ‚gecko’ pose, Samantha got on all fours with her hands under her shoulders and knees beneath her hips. She then drew her shoulders back and downward and tucked her tailbone slightly, so that her pelvis was perpendicular to the floor. Remembering to brace her core, for added effect. Raising her left leg 90 degrees out to the left side, while simultaneously raising her right arm out to her side, with the elbow bent 90 degrees. Lowering herself down, she repeated four reps. Then the same with the opposite side. Subsequently continuing with some more poses, like squats, Romanian deadlifts, inverted rows, push-ups … and so on.

After the primary workout the commander usually did some additional, optional workout, immediately after her primary full body workout, on a good day. This additional workout isolated the glutes, core, and arms. Intending to make her way back to the free weights area, returning the dumbbells, the blonde turned so swiftly, already making a step forward, that she ran right into another woman, who had just come down the stairs. Clenching her hands tight around the weights, so to not drop them on the other officer, Samantha let out an agitated breath, followed by an apologetic smile.

“Sorry, that could’ve gotten ugly.” she chuckled, steadying herself, with her blonde ponytail swaying in the remaining momentum of her blunder. “Love your equipment, always wanted to try that.” the blonde smiled at her visual counterpart, nodding at the exercise tools in her hands.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust 


Tessa figured since she was about to go out soon for a mission, she needed to get some well-needed exercise to test her on foot stamina. Her body seemed to be in condition, but a test beforehand is always a plus in these events.

It had been some time since she had been to a gym at all and she wasn't sure what she'd see. Especially going to this particular one. Usually, she opted to stay on Vector 02, but today was different. Exploring doesn't always have to be out in the stars. It can be inside this vast ship as well. Despite the time Tessa had lived on this vessel, she still hadn't seen it all yet.

The trek down the corridors to the gym was quiet albeit with some commotion of crewmen running about, but no one she recognized. At least that she could remember. Wearing a black outfit, tight that grips all her curvy areas and holds them in so they don't jiggle as she worked out. She was fit, but every woman had these parts to conceal to have an enjoyable workout session. Her hair on the other hand was too short to put in a ponytail but it worked out fine the way it was.

The door opened and Tessa saw Commander Rutherford working out in various moves. Although she didn't know the Commander very well, she knew she was one of the good ones. She smiled and quietly stepped over to the weights quietly and mats as Rutherford ran into her bumping her into the mat wall. "Ooof!" she gasped as she was saved from falling by the mats. Commander reached forward grasping the weights before they could bash her shins or feet into the deck plates. She apologized to Tessa in an apologetic smile.

"Oh! No worries Commander, that was my fault. I should have called out and let you know I was here." She said sheepishly and in relief from not being bludgeoned by accident with workout equipment. Grabbing her weights, mat, and dragging the sledgehammer for sledgehammer swings, she continued to head over to the pullup bars. She hoped she could still do these. "Yeah, thanks! I've been to the gym occasionally but haven't been recently. I used to work with a trainer when I was a teen but nowadays, stress and combat keep me preoccupied." She paused, "You look like you had a pretty hard workout going yourself!"

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #2
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

There was certainly some sort of hierarchy established on every Federation starship, no matter how much Starfleet wanted to till the notion and promote everyone as equals in opportunity and amenities … almost. But even with these efforts, there were certain ranks and branches that rather liked to keep among their own. The senior staff, for example, could easily be judged to be aloof and distant, up in their higher decks and special casinos. With their seemingly clandestine meetings and missions.

Then there were the engineers, a group among themselves, who usually hung out in the maintenance areas of the ship and the various lounges. And the security staff, and so on … everyone had their clique, a little bit. And that was perfectly fine. Those were the people you likely had most to talk about with. But you also never really left work, if you just mingled around those that you already spent all of your duty hours with. Thus, Samantha had always made a point to meet crew members from all branches and ranks. Plus, as a department head, socialising with her own branch, was slightly tricky.

Not that she had particularly planned to meet this particular acquaintance today. Running into her, quite figuratively so, could be considered fate, at best … if not just only an accident. She did not readily recall the pretty blonde’s name or position. But the fact that her impeccable memory for faces could not quite readily place her, meant that she did not usually frequent these parts of the large vessel. Neither did the diplomat hers, it seemed. Intriguing, indeed.

“Don’t be silly.” Samantha laughed good-heartedly, carefully maneuvering past the woman, to reach the weight shelf and put down her dumbbells. “It was entirely my fault … I tend to zone out when I exercise.” Turning with a relaxed sigh, as the other officer continued to speak, the commander gave her a pleasant appraisal. She loved her strawberry touched hair-color, it wasn’t as cold as her own, maybe she’d give the ship’s coiffeur a reference next time.

“Yeah … could’ve been harder though, I feel like.” The blonde contemplated, letting her eyes drop to the sledgehammer by the other woman’s side, tongue pressed into her cheek. “What could you possibly do with that? You going to tear something down?” she chuckled, pale blue eyes returning to her conversation partner. “I never liked those ugly lamps in the locker room … they make everyone look like an Andorian.” Obviously, she was joking. But she kind of hoped to be let in on the secret to the sledgehammer workout. It looked like a great frustration reliever.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


Tessa listened to the other officer speak, noting how fit and beautiful she was. She wondered more who she was and what her role on the ship was. She knew she was a commander of some sort but hadn't really seen much of her on the ship with everyone being in their own cliques. As she began to sweat from grabbing the sledgehammer, her blonde compatriot asked what it was for. "Ah this thing? I use it to do sledgehammer swings. That basically is swinging the hammer overhead and hitting it either on a rubber cylinder of some kind akin to an old Earth tire or on the floor ahead of you. It takes a lot of effort."

The woman swung the hammer overhead and demonstrated the move for Rutherford to see how it was done. "A circuit of various strength and cardio moves will do wonders for your body." She smiled and laughed as she stopped after a few reps due to Rutherford mentioning she hated the lamps in the locker room. Her chest heaving a little more than usual as she caught her breath from the intensity and laughter.

Replying to the lamps, "I know, it does, doesn't it? And it is a wonderful stress reliever too!" She put it down and could see that the Commander was a little distracted by something but wasn't sure what and sat down near her. "So I know we haven't ever talked before being in different Vectors. I'm Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, part of the Lone Wolves Valkyrie squadron. You can call me Tessa though." She said flashing a friendly smile towards her new friend. "So what exactly do you do on the ship? I don't think I've seen you around much but I've had a lot of issues over the past few years too aside from battles. What brought you down this way? Looking for a quiet place to think? If so, I'm sorry for interrupting you."

Tessa waited to make sure she wasn't being a bother. If she was reading the conversation at all correctly, Rutherford was enjoying her company.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #4
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Watching the pretty blonde explain the finer details of how to use a sledgehammer as a workout tool and its qualification to be counted among the exercise equipments, Samantha nodded with an impressed smile. Pushing one hand into the curve of her skinny waist, while assuming a more comfortable stance. Easing into the moment of conversation, quite enjoying the prospect of it stretching on a little further than the casually small-talk convo. “Sounds cathartic.” she chuckled. Surely that was one of the lesser destructive ways of dealing with stress and agitation.

Leaning back a bit, however, as she demonstrated the moves, swinging the hammer over her head like a helicopter, the diplomat let out a subtle ‘woah’ in utter awe. She was not worried to get struck, and it conveyed in the tone of her impressed exclamation. But this was some high-level rough shit, that she wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle. She wasn’t the strongest of women, physically. “I can see that.” she judged the other blonde’s athletic prowess. Clearly, she herself had been goofing around the whole time, with her simple body weight child’s play.

The gesture of sitting down on the workout bench in the weight’s area, was an inviting one and did not pass the commander’s keen perception unnoticed. Running her flat hands across her tied back hair, the blonde brushed back a few stray strands, that had gotten loose in the workout, and were now tickling her skin. Taking the vacant space next to – whom she now knew as Tessa – as an invitation, Samantha sat down beside her new acquaintance. “Nice to meet you Tessa, Samantha Rutherford, chief diplomat …” she pointed at herself formally. “… but you can call me Sam.” After all, they weren’t exactly on duty and she doubted there would be much professional crossover between a fighter pilot and a diplomat.

“You’re not interrupting anything.” The blonde chuckled, with a dismissive wave, crossing her legs comfortably, turning her seating position more towards Tessa, so they wouldn’t appear like two women just idly occupying the same bench. If they were engaged in a conversation, and visibly so, they would likely not be talked to and disturbed by anyone else so easily. A little diplomatic body-language trick. “I was actually just finishing … but you’re right, lots of people on this ship, it’s easy to just pass one another by. Also, I have only just joined the crew …” now she had to think on that. Time had just been rushing by. “… six days ago, really.” she added, a little surprised herself that it was actually only this short a time.

“I take it you’ve been on board close from the beginning? Must’ve been quite a ride, from what I gathered.” Clearly, she did not want to pry into the tougher details of the past weeks, but rather convey a sense of understanding.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


Tessa was glad to hear she wasn't interrupting the other blonde woman in the gym. Sometimes she often thought she was a bother to others but apparently this time, she was just fitting in. She thought it must be a different world working as a diplomat as opposed to just blowing stuff up.

Following Sam's body language, Tessa too turned to face her to dissuade anyone else from butting in should the opportunity arise. As she listened, Tessa was amazed that Sam had only been on for six days at this point. The Chief Diplomat seemed like she had been part of the crew since the beginning, minus all the havoc they'd gone through in that time.

"Six I've been on board the Theurgy since the beginning. Can't say it has been an easy voyage but I'm sure you've heard a lot about what's happened along the way. Space spores that invaded our bodies, mystical entities, and all kinds of other issues from the Borg to the AI Starfleet ships from the future. If it's crazy, we've probably encountered it." Tessa laughed in a tone that displayed her exasperation at the things they'd encountered.

"So what about you? What were you doing before hitching a ride with us?" Tessa was intrigued by this woman. She was a Diplomat but had clearly seen her fill with things too. Maybe not to the extent this ship had, but she could tell Sam was burdened as well.

"I am just using this well earned time we have to relax for once. Most of us from the start have had it rough and had various amounts of Therapy. Myself included. But I think we're starting to see the light to some extent with the Klingons and getting some much-needed R&R lately." Daydreaming for a second, Tessa wasn't realizing it but she was still looking at Sam, almost through her lost in thought for a moment before she came back to normal thought, shaking her head.

Tessa wondered if Sam could take a joke or not but decided to try her hand, "So, come here often?" She chuckled and let loose a little as she began doing some dumbbell lifts.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #6
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

The annals of Theurgy history were a treacherous water to dive into. Many an officer had gone through the wringer and back, with many of them still harboring – if only subconscious – scars from one or all of the events, that had been unfolding. So, Samantha was always weary bringing any of it up, at the danger of upsetting or triggering anyone. In the short time she had been aboard already, so much had happened that she found herself getting whiplash from the memories alone. One could only surmise how bad it would be for those who had been along from the start.

Maybe she’d find out through Tessa.

“That sounds about right.” The diplomat laughed at the lieutenant’s spot on sarcastic humor. She was a little bit of a connoisseur, when it came to this particular brand of comedy. Even more so, she appreciated that the other blonde seemed equally at peace with making light of the darkness they had encountered. She wasn’t a counselor but that seemed like a rather healthy way of dealing with the past.

Her subsequent counter question was … surprising. Quite honestly, Sam had never been asked about her past, since arriving on the ship. Potentially because years of diplomatic service would pail in comparison to the past 2 months on Theurgy. “Well, I was mostly working on negotiations along the Cardassian border during the Dominion War and subsequently with the Romulans, before coming here. Just to name the biggest engagements.” Sure, her career history was a varied and diverse one, but potentially also rather boring to a fighter pilot.

“Yeah … it must be quite adjustment to settle into a sense of calm and peace all of a sudden. Especially when history has proven that it is usually short-lived – I get that. Even more reason to enjoy it, as you said.” The blond concluded, slapping her thighs lightly in some sort of notion that was meant to convey her readiness to do just that. Watching the lieutenant get up and start her routine, blue eyes followed her motions, until she cracked that subtle joke, obviously calling Sam out.

Dipping her pate down in genuine bemusement the blonde let out an audibly snorted chuckle, before looking back up at Tessa with white teeth broken free from plump lips. “That’s … that's pretty good stuff.” she conceded, getting up too, positioning herself behind the other woman, gently placing her hands on the insides of her elbows, to guide her motion while she did the dumbbell exercise. Just so that she could more easily realize if her upper arms were moving too much in the lifts.

“What about you? Often poaching officers at the gym?” she replied quietly, her face being so close behind Tessa’s. Now it was to show whether the pilot had humor too.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


"Oh wow, that's pretty cool. It may not be action-oriented but that's great on the negotiations with the Dominion War. I know that was a massive bloodbath but it was under a pretty big scope. Must have been tough to deal with those varying factions." Tessa couldn't fathom how to deal with Cardassians and Romulans during that War.

She sat and listened to Sam explain her backstory and was interested in hearing it. Some different perspectives she found rather...intriguing. Ahh more Vulcan mental patterns! she thought to herself. Sometimes it was weird but oddly comforting at times knowing that logic and history often provided that inner peace she used to lack.

"Peace is honestly what we all needed, to be honest. Seems like there isn't a time where conflict doesn't rear its ugly head in the universe. Enjoying it just makes it all worth it in the end. How we live in it defines us. I see that now."

Tessa laughed at Sam's chuckle as she watched the woman approach her slowly. She felt Sam's presence behind her and wondered what she was doing and then felt the warm hands of the Commander guide her elbows. The gentleness startled her a little but she eased as Sam showed her how to do a proper form with the dumbbells. "Thanks for that, sometimes I don't know what I'm doing and try to emulate others." She grinned with a slight smile.

The breathing on her neck was hot and she could feel Sam's breath as she asked quietly in her ear, "What about you? Often poaching officers at the gym?"

Tessa thought of what to do in this situation. Should she go for it and tease her back, push her away, or throw a sarcastic quip. She pondered it quickly and set the dumbbells down gently on the bench, grabbing the commander's arms and making her hold Tessa's midriff from behind, She turned her head and whispered back to Sam just as calmly saying, "Only when I know I'll find a good catch..."

Then she let Sam's arms go as she turned to face the other blonde woman who looked a little flustered but unsure of herself. Tessa all the while was looking at her comrade and smirking, her golden-green eyes flashing as she waited to see what the reaction of the commander would be.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #8
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

„If been on dates that have been tougher to negotiate.” Samantha chuckled, trying to make light of a dark past. Both for the Federation, the whole quadrant and, more specifically, for herself. She had no real intention to dive deeper into these haunted memories, no matter whether Tessa actually had meant to or not. Keeping it light and surfacy, that was her mantra, what her past was concerned. But she did actually appreciate the other woman inquiring. That had been a kind and selfless sentiment that was considerably rare, in her experience.

Nodding slowly, the commander was honestly impressed by the other blonde’s mature notion towards war and peace. It wasn’t exactly what she had expected from a fighter pilot. Which only showed that even a diplomat could harbor quite the preconceptions, which could oftentimes manifest in the absence of actual knowledge. As one person could not potentially know everything, a big part of her job was also to believably fill the gaps. “What makes you say ‘now’?” she couldn’t help but inquire, subsequently, as the ending had sort of stuck out, from the whole comment.

Aiding her elbows in keeping steady through the dumbbell exercise had not been intended as a patronizing gesture, and Sam had hoped it hadn’t come across as such. Lending a helpful hand was what people did when they were at the gym among friends, no? She had seen countless men ‘spotting’ each other, wasn’t that what they called it? Granted, she did not exactly foresee herself, or Tessa, overindulging in the weights to the point where they could crush themselves under a barbell, like many of the guys seemingly sat out to.

As the lieutenant then proceeded to put down the dumbbells after her set, Samantha was already prepared to take a step back and maybe give the sledgehammer a try. But her hands were swiftly caught in the soft embrace of Tessa’s, as she placed them on the warmth of her slender waist. Making the diplomat wonder for a second if she wanted guidance in a squat, or something similar. Having a clarification whispered her way, however, revelation followed on quick feet. Raised brows and a delighted facial expression the only heralds of such an epiphany.

As Tessa turned around, Sam kept her hands against her slender midriff, fingertips sliding across the flawless, soft skin as it rotated away beneath them. It would’ve been sort of rude to take them away now, that the other woman had made an extra effort of placing them there. Besides, her waist felt wonderful to the touch. Something was unfolding here and the blonde was not quite sure whether she simply enjoyed it, or simply enjoyed it a little too much.

“And … did you?” she replied calmly, intent to play this out for the time being, channeling strength from the lack of discomfort, she felt at the prospect. There was something innately endearing about the strawberry blonde that did not immediately register as sexual.

Not immediately …

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


Tessa responded to Sam's inquiring thoughts about what 'now' meant in the only way she knew how. Honesty. "Well I used to freak when in tough situations to be honest. I was a wreck before Aldea. I had to undergo extensive therapy that resulted in retesting and in getting my faculties restored through a Vulcan mind-meld which helped me obtain mental discipline to stay sane. So basically, I can compartmentalize and appreciate the finer things in life."

Admittedly, Tessa didn't mind the gentle touch of the other woman on her elbows. Her guiding hands at 'spotting' her was welcome as often she forgot proper form not getting in the gym as often as she had in her past. As Tessa guided her lower to her midriff and turned around to face Samantha, she was stunned slightly to see the other female enjoyed this as much as she did. Tessa had experimented before but wasn't shy by any means. She could tell the Commander was pent up and secluded. Hell, she had been too for quite a while.

Samantha replied calmly to Tessa's tease of finding a great catch with one of her own. "And ... did you?" Tessa put her arms on the other woman's midriff too and felt her soft, silky skin in the palms of her hands. She pulled her closer to test the waters a little more to see what the Commander would think or do in this situation, not really knowing if she was taking it too far.

Whispering in her raspy, sexy dulcet tones, "I like to think so. I think you unintentionally did too." She grinned and held the other woman in her embrace, feeling each other's chests rise and fall with quick motions as Tessa pulled her in for a hug and held the motion a little longer than a friend normally would.

"You smell nice too." Tessa winked.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #10
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

In the grander scheme of things Samantha supposed they could draw comfort in the fact that Tessa had come this seemingly long way and had landed in an emotional state of complacency and acceptance. She had heard of Vulcan mind melds being use in therapy, though with mixed results. The consciousness was not like a computer that always behaved the same way. It needed a really skilled therapist to guarantee a positive outcome. Luckily, it had seemed as if Theurgy had one. She’d have to research later who it was, out of sheer curiosity.

“It can help to get a Vulcan cleaning lady in there and get the place in order, once in a while.” she quipped gently, still intent on keeping the conversation light, despite the heavy subject material. She herself had certainly greatly benefitted from her grandfather’s Vulcan meditation techniques in order to keep her own personal daemons under lock and key. But she wouldn’t have considered herself qualified to do the same for someone else, in any way.

Soon, however, that Vulcan discipline and personal restraint, was nothing more but a far cry, somewhere in the tangled memories of her past, as she ended up holding, and equally being held, with gentle hands on their respective waists. Tilting her head to the side lightly, with a warm smile blue eyes sparkling of intrigue, as their faces closed in on one another. Somehow she wasn’t feeling like this was so outrageously, though certain glances from other gym goers spoke of a different perception.

“Certainly didn’t plan for it.” The blonde replied quietly, biting the soft pillow of her bottom lip, hints of white teeth showing against the plush rouge. Tessa had quite similar, full, desirable lips, to be honest, which made her wonder if that was potentially the closest she could ever get to feeling like everyone who got to indulge in her own tender embrace.

The ensuing embrace, however, made her chuckle. Wrapping her slender arms around the frame of her counterpart, hands reaching to the delicate small of her back, the diplomat felt the situation ease considerably, as a sense of tension fell away that she hadn’t known existed. “It’s my gym perfume.” she mused quietly, letting her fingertips casually strum on the other woman’s back. Whatever this was, it was nice, and it would’ve almost felt awkward to end it.

Tilting her head slightly, so her nose tip could gently nudge against Tessa's neck, Samantha felt inspired to appraise the woman's scent just the same, as the warm air of her exhales caressed the tender surface unintentionally. Something of peach ...

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


Tessa could feel the pressure fall away from Samantha as they were embraced in a hug. Feeling the other woman also breathing chest to chest made her feel relaxed as well. The other blonde stated that she, "Certainly didn't plan for it," pertaining to their sexual innuendo of meeting in this manner. Sam's fingers strumming on Tessa's back made her shiver a little but she kind of liked that rush as the Commander nudged her nose into Tessa's neck, which again she enjoyed.

Slight sniffing sounds could be heard below Tessa's ear where Sam's face laid. "Oh...I am wearing a lily and peach-scented perfume. All the better to disguise me." She chuckled a little, still holding Sam and caressing her back. She felt the other blond woman's hair as she held her close as if she could tell that Sam desperately needed it.

Leaning back slightly, Tessa looked the other woman in the face, noticing her beautiful baby-blue eyes, almost entranced with them. Something in her made her lean forward, and she kissed her without much thought. Sometimes her curious nature caused her to do things that she was sometimes not totally in tune with or understanding, but she kind of liked it once it happened.

Granted she really enjoyed the kiss, however, at the same time it scared her and she looked a little flustered and shocked that she had just done that. Desperately hoping not to have overstepped some boundary, not only as women or as fellow officers, Tessa took a few steps back in an attempt to re-compose herself. She was hoping she had not just ruined this new friendship that started over working out, good fun conversation, and some sarcasm. Her emotions ran wild for a few moments as she remembered that both of them are broken and seemed to have found this kinship amongst the crew in their differing struggles. Things just seemed to escalate within her hopeful, caring nature and she instinctively went for it.

Her mind raced as she wondered how Akel would feel about it. Granted they weren't quite an item but she had a great time with him in their previous encounter. Tessa seemed to realize that her heart was throwing that Vulcan training for a loop and focused on that to stabilize her person. She attempted to squeak out some words to Sam who looked a little struck with shock too, "I...I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I mean I do but... I shouldn't have forced myself on you... I just..." Tessa began reaching for her workout equipment in an attempt to put it back, in hopes she hadn't just screwed up on multiple fronts. "I should go..." she said attempting to move faster as she moved almost embarrassed for her actions as she felt the emotions of the situation really hit her in her confused state.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #12
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

When Samantha had dipped her head, to better let the sweet, flowery scent of lily and peach, better invade her olfactory system, like a warm summer breeze, the sensation had temporarily numbed her brain. Like when you ate ice-cream too quickly, on a hot day, but far more pleasantly so. Scents were a huge deal to humans and even more so to Vulcans, which her sense of smell was at least ¼ based on. They told a story about a person, about their health and their mood, as they mixed together with the artificial favors that reflected someone own perception of themselves, or how they wanted to perceive them.

The fruity peach, quirky and passionate, paired with the coy lily, dainty and considerate, the diplomat felt like she got a good sense of Tessa. Granted without the creepy ramifications of sniffing her like an animal, trying to discern potential mating characteristics. This was not what this was about, she liked to think her poetic approach to the topic at least belied a more ethereal reasoning. Simply indulging in the soft ministrations of the other woman’s delicate hands against her back, which were certainly a new sensation. It may have come as a shock to some, but not to many, that the headstrong blonde did not get along well with many members of the same sex. So, a hug, and certainly gentle caressings, were a scarce.

A memory of the last time she’d received them, from another woman, if ever – her late mother aside – then the memory had faded so much since that it was barely intelligible at this point. Bur she somehow doubted that this one would get lost to time so easily. Feeling Tessa pulled away slightly, her head, at least, Samantha followed the notion, refocusing her pale blue irises to notice every little nuance of her face, up so close. She could’ve probably taken a day to map the porcelain skin and subtle curves, the thick lashes and glimmering lips. Causing her to brush her own together before releasing them, painted with blood-flushed vigor.

And then, before she knew what was happening, she felt the warm embrace of Tessa’s soft lips, fitting almost perfectly into hers. Now, that was a sensation she was more than certain she could not recall if her life depended on it. Not a memory, faded into non-existence, but an entirely new one, that was not a mere finely nuanced carbon copy, of past events. In this capacity, however, it turned out not to be one she would care to discard, as soon as it was over. Not before thorough conscious evaluation, at least. Blue eyes had fallen shut, as long lashes came to rest against puffed cheeks, that soon flushed with the notion of the moment. Somewhere between embarrassment and excitement.

But as the moment passed and the cold residue against her lips chilled the warm the of the sentiment, the blonde found herself only feeling isolated, in the cold reality of what had just happened. In the public gym, where other people worked out, with another member of the crew, that she had only just met! Now the rosy cheeks were not flushed with the bashfulness of the kiss but the heat of that very realization. But emotions were a part of her that the diplomat could easily hide, and had done so on many occasions, not only for professional reasons.

“No … no, it’s quite alright.” she said warmly, only barely resisting the urge to reach out and stop her from spinning out of control, by forcing both hands firmly against the curve of her lower back. As much as she wanted to contain the situation, she did not want to escalate it further either. “Nonsense …” Samantha finally submitted, rolling her head in an incredulousness that was meant to make light of the situation, as she took one of the dumbbells that Tessa was putting back on the tray, and placing it down where it had been on the mat, again.

“So, we gave everyone a little show, big deal … haven’t you been around the Niga incident? Apparently, it was the norm back then.” She chuckled lightly, shrugging her shoulders, once again putting a lighter touch on horrifying past events. “You still haven’t showed me the sledgehammer exercise.” Subsequently smiling at her brightly, insistent on incepting the very same notion in the other woman again, Sam nodded for reassurance. At that point, not quite sure, whether she wanted to convince Tessa of the harmlessness of it all, or more herself.


Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


Tessa's cheeks still stung of the heat emanating from her kiss with Samantha. Not from the action per say but from the fact that she didn't realize what had come over her as it happened. She enjoyed every second of it but at the same time felt an unease. Her uneasiness however soon washed away as Sam looked at her in a warm and comforting way and spoke to her, "No ... no, it's quite alright. Nonsense ..."

Still somewhat worked up and trying to distract from her actions, of kissing the Commander, Tessa attempted to lean over as her tight sports bra clung to her chest, holding her breasts, as she put all effort into grabbing the various workout tools. Samantha however intercepted and placed the dumbells back in their place on the mat. As the blonde woman looked back up at Sam, she could see Sam wasn't bothered in the slightest. In fact, she made light of the situation.

"So, we gave everyone a little show, big deal ... haven't you been around the Niga incident? Apparently, it was the norm back then." Thinking back, Tessa was present during that event. Some of it brought back shudders but Sam's light-hearted comment made her smirk, and finally laugh a little at that statement. Her chest hurt a little with the range of emotions she'd just displayed but it was a rather funny way to bring it up. "You know, you're right. Thanks Sam." She said cheerily standing back upright, as her breathing straightened out allowing her to finally stretch. Her smooth, silky arms jutted overhead making her chest rise as Tessa took a few deep breaths to calm her breathing the rest of the way.

"I hear too that we were all rather uncontrollable during that time. I remember some of it but most are just a haze at this point to me, thankfully that is."

Tessa looked at Sam and saw her smiling brightly back at her. She looked over and pointed at the sledgehammer exercise. "You still haven't showed me the sledgehammer exercise." Laughing she realized Sam was just helping her go back to normal before their recent episode, whether things changed or not, she was happy for the public normalcy at least.

Her bubbly nature took over as the realization washed over about getting to teach this cathartic exercise, "That's right! I totally forgot to show that to you. It's such a fun exercise too! When I feel totally stressed I just grab this big ol' sledgehammer, heave it over my head, and slaaaaaam it down on the ground!" All the while explaining it, Tessa's arms grabbed the tips of the handle with both hands, leveraging it over the back in a fluid motion. She leaned into it, with her joints loose and slammed it hard on the ground letting the hammer's momentum take it down rather than hurting herself.

"Care to give it a shot?" In the back of Tessa's mind, she still thought about that kiss, but was also glad she was back to normal at just having a friend at the gym.  In any case, she just felt bad she had to make it weird. Must just be choked up emotions, she thought to herself. Her bubbly nature taking over a little more as she watched Sam prepare to take on the might sledgehammer.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #14
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Was there really any reason to get worked up over being kissed by a beautiful woman in public? No, not really. And while it had probably not done for her what it could’ve, given Tessa’s obvious allure and intrigue, but also given her own preferences, she had still indulged in the notion comfortably. Hell, the diplomat was certain, she had preferred it over a similar notion by some sweaty dude. Which was an interesting conundrum to consider.

„I am sure the sense of awkwardness, after it was over, could not be overstated.” Samantha replied, a faint sense of seriousness to her coy demeanor that clearly transpired from a sense of understanding. It was already awkward enough to face a fling of more sane volitions. So, she could only imagine how sobering it must’ve been to come out such a haze of communal digressions. But, seeing as she had read the logs, she didn’t really want to delve into the past as much as she didn’t want to toss anyone else back into it either.

The diplomat could feel that the diversion was a welcome one, as she nodded towards the sledgehammer. It wasn’t like she wanted to pretend nothing had happened, which would’ve invalidated the entire, sweet sentiment. But maybe now, while the wounds were still fresh, was not the right time to torture Tessa with it. The bubbly nature with which she recovered, however, made Sam chuckle with utter delight. Professional vanity aside, it was always delightful to see when her social manipulations worked out and everything aligned just perfectly.

Taking a step to the side, the commander shifted her weight to one foot, tilting her hips into the notion, while resting one hand on the higher curve, as she watched the woman go through the motions of the routine. “Woah.” she exclaimed as ana dibble breath, concluding with a small laugh. That looked pretty impressive and like you could get hurt if you didn’t do it right.

Getting the wooden helve offered to her, alongside a refreshing invitation, Samantha pondered the prospects for a moment. Oh well, they had excellent medical staff, she would be fine. “Alright.” The blonde chuckled, picking up the sledgehammer and diligently putting her feet in the exact same positions where Tessa’s had been. “Gosh, I feel like something bad is going to happen.” Shifting in her position, from one foot to the other, adjusting her dual grip on the tool, rolling her shoulders and adjusting her pate, the officer slowly settled into a stance that mirrored the pilot’s closely, but not entirely.

“Is this the right position?!”

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #15
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


The diplomat spoke to Tessa noting the difficult nature of what she was currently feeling and took this as a sign that she's all good to go now. Still bubbly in nature, she was glad that Sam and created a welcome diversion for her embarrassed state of mind. The blonde watched as she hefted the sledgehammer overhead and blasting it to the padded deck plates again. This time however, she took note of Sam's impressed sounding "Woah" behind her.

Finishing her rep, she handed Sam the wooden handle of the sledgehammer, giving her a new attempt at trying it out. She watched as Sam walked to the placement where Tessa previously resided as they played a gym version of musical chairs, sans the music and chairs. She chuckled as Sam chuckled and spoke out, "Gosh, I feel like something bad is going to happen."

She laughed too as she noted how the woman appeared to be slightly nervous. "You'll be fine," she chided. "I've never actually hurt myself with one of these before. Although I have almost injured my shoulder trying to do it while drunk once. Hence why I don't do that very often anymore." The mental picture of a drunk Tessa swinging a large sledgehammer was a scary thought indeed.

Tessa admired Sam's ability to mimic the positioning without having to be guided. For her, it had taken quite some time as her hand-eye coordination needed work pre-Starfleet. Now she could pull it off but it'd taken becoming a pilot for that to happen. She heard Sam's inquiry about the stance and stopped her reverie. "Yes, actually but, maybe move your posture just a little more to the right and balance a little more on the right leg. Then it will take more of a swinging action from your arms and torso and less of your shoulders and back."

Staring back at the other blonde's direction, she waited to see if she pulled it off. "So what have you been up to since joining the Theurgy? Anything interesting? I've been experimenting with discovering what other departments do for when this is all over and I can climb the ladder of command. After all, I can't be a fighter pilot forever. Not that I plan to leave it soon but, exploring my options is all."

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #16
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Irking a brow slightly, pulling a comedically confused face, at the mention of drunk sledge hammering, Samantha actually had to wonder one moment, whether the other blonde still referred to the exercise or a visit to an ex’s quarters, that hadn’t quite ended on friendly terms. But either concept, at least in theory, was equally amusing. The idea of ‘not often anymore’ however, finally dipped the diplomat into a sense of ridiculous exasperation. “Not very often anymore?” she chuckled teasingly. “I am sure the other gym patrons, where you usually frequent, appreciate that.”

The idea of someone drunk working out with a sledgehammer was just … pure comedic gold. Something akin to what you would see in 21st century earth media. She certainly hoped she would not go a similar route with her own, untrained, execution, of the exercise. So, as the blonde got into position, there was a certain uncooperative tension to her muscles, stemming from this very insecurity. It made her appear a little stiff … which surely could’ve potentially ended up in being rather painful.

Biting her bottom lip, as Tessa related her instructions, Sam listened intently, but ultimate a quizzical look washed over her pretty pate. Trying to follow the prompts, moving her weight over to the right leg, felt awkward, probably because she was arching her whole body in the opposite way out of the sheer basic feeling of potentially falling over. With a sledgehammer in hand, no less. “You mean like this?” she queried hesitantly, though it was obviously from her posture, that was not what the pilot had wanted her to do … like, at all. The slight shake of her booty, like a little bunny, as she tried to settle into the stance, did not help.

Waiting for Tessa’s helpful guidance, the commander welcomed the idle, yet sweetly interrogative chatter, that ensued between them. Entirely unbiased by previous events. If anything, turned a little bit more personal, as a result. “Oh, so not a pilot for life.” she inquired gracefully, adding a hint of mischievous daring to it. “I think it is good to have options … and there are command positions on the flight deck, I reckon. Unless you mean COMMAND – command … as in red undershirt and spending a lot of time in or around the upper decks.”

Samantha could remember when she had been approached back on Starbase 133, to join the Command branch and take on an executive position somewhere. But she had disregarded it then, because diplomacy was her life’s blood. It was the only steadiness she had known in her entire adult life. And as the posting had stipulated that there would be a fully independent diplomatic detachment on the ship in question, she had opted not to being caught on the sidelines, watching the real fun be had somewhere else, while she sorted through duty rosters.

So what Starfleet Command was concerned, that door would be closed for a while, after her refusal. Oh, and the fact that now she was basically a pariah, to them.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


Sam had a look of mild amusement at the, not anymore concept in reference to the drunken sledgehammer incidents. Tessa chuckled a little at the reverie of it. "Well, although it was on the other Vector Gym, I would get swashed after battles and came to the gym to cool off. Often it was me attempting to hit the ground and whacking a lot of other items in the process. And yes...the other patrons were safe, but laughing at my drunken stupor. Came close to losing my top on that last one."

Thinking back, she was thankful her idiocy hadn't hurt anyone. The way that hammer flew through the air, she could have likely killed someone. It was almost akin to one of those old earth movies with Arnold Schwartzenegger. At least she thought there was something like that from him. Either way, her focus came back to Sam who tried her hand at using the hammer on her own now. She inquired again about the posture. "You'll be fine," she said in a cute but friendly chuckle.

Her eyes watched closely as Sam shook her bottom ever so slightly, almost akin to a golfer getting into position to swing. It was cute in more ways than one. While Sam took a couple of swings with the sledgehammer, she responded kindly but inquisitively to Tessa's previous idle banter.

"Oh, so not a pilot for life?" Tessa watched her almost teasing the sarcastic tone on the comment before straightening up. "I think it is good to have options ... and there are command positions on the flight deck, I reckon. Unless you mean COMMAND - command ... as in red undershirt and spending a lot of time in or around the upper decks."

Tessa had to think about that as the thought of COMMAND command had never occurred to her before. Just moving up the ladder, but it did create an interesting series of thoughts to enter her mind on her future should they ever be clear with Starfleet again. Or as morbid as it is to get promoted on the ship due to crew deaths. She shook her head to clear that last thought and return to her previous resolve.

"Well, I'd never thought of that before. I merely just thought of moving up in the ranks, not necessarily a bridge officer. But that is an interesting thought to keep in mind. I'd definitely have to take some new training to make it up there though."

As the thoughts whirled around in her head, she realized that being a fighter pilot is all she's really ever known. Other exposures to other departments could be a good thing to explore and see what would be interesting to her after all this. "I'm also not sure what departments I'd even be interested in. I mean I've only ever been a pilot. But I do want to keep my options open and not close off ideas to other places I could be someday. Flight deck wouldn't be a bad idea either to be perfectly honest."

Giddiness returning as she started to pick up her things a little, lost in thought. She didn't actually bring that much but reaching to the floor, she grabbed the dumbells she used, wiped her prints and sweat from them, and finally placed them in their specialized rack.
"Well, I think it's time I head to the showers and head back to my quarters. Thank you for being so kind to me Sam. I really appreciate it." She paused looking at the other just as sweaty woman before her. Both of their hair a little messy, and skin a little glossy from the workouts.

"Let's do this again. Either at the gym or we can sit down for a drink in the lounge sometime. I enjoyed getting to meet you and talk." Tessa walked over to the other woman after she'd rested the head of the sledgehammer on the floor. Reaching out, she was deliberate in her moves but pulled the Commander in for a real hug, quick but friendly. Tessa's humor got the better of her again as she spoke in normal tones while still hugging. "Don't worry, no kiss this time, hehe." Breaking the embrace she stepped back again and looked at Sam with a friendly smile awaiting any further input.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #18
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Samantha still had a hard time wrapping her head around the story of the drunk lieutenant wielding a sledgehammer in the gym. But what she could do as a diplomat, was to give a fairly decent impression of understanding. But at the mention of almost losing a top, not even her sterile Vulcan demeanor and professional poker-face, could keep a sentiment of incredulity from washing over her pretty features, as she double took the notion. Ultimately settling for an impressed, nod, that let her blue eyes subconsciously trail to the areas currently covered by a top.

“I could see that being a potential safety hazard.” She replied dryly, yet with a mocking sense of obeisance, in reverence to her sassy and outgoing drunk shenanigans. “If only because half the male clientele would just fall over themselves.” she added, mirroring the sentiment with her hands, flapping from the vertical into the horizontal, one by one. Which she could see the other blonde having as a permanent effect. No matter where she went and no matter the top or not. And just like that, she found herself appraising the smooth skin and gentle curves once more, like a natural masterpiece, chiseled from peach-colored silk.

Taking a couple of practice swings, Sam felt like she got the hang of it, even though the tool basically fell by the sheer force of gravity, each and every time, rather than her own will and determination. Her arms just didn’t feel strong enough to suspend the item in midair, or guide its path in any meaningful direction. But maybe that was the point! The uncontrollable chaos of it all. The way in which it was hard to predict what was going to happen and the satisfaction when, for some obscure miracle, she didn’t flatten her own toes. Erecting her slender body once more, letting her eyes trail around the gym, she gave a couple of guys over by the heavy weights a superior nod.

“Yeah, look at me, my hammer is bigger than yours.” she mumbled in cliché machoism, rolling her chin back and forth, while her body swayed left and right for a moment. Garnering some laughs, for sure, but good-hearted ones at that. There was no way any of the guys could’ve actually heard her, nor did they seem to care for the lyrics, but rather the mere presentation.

Turning back to Tessa, letting the sledgehammer rest by her side, so she could lean onto its hilt, the diplomat crossed one idle leg in front of the other, feeling utterly confident in her new power pose. “Hey, flying a fighter jet is already as bad ass as it gets. I don’t see why there should be anywhere you couldn’t go from there.” she reassured, with some good old-fashioned female empowerment. There were already enough commanding officers in service that had seen conflict only in Starfleet manuals.

“Nothing wrong with enjoying where you are, for the moment. You have plenty of time to find your jumping board into something else.” Samantha added, making a swan-dive motion with her free hand. She herself had either missed that moment altogether or had subconsciously decided that she already was where she wanted to be. And there was probably nothing wrong with that either. Drawing back to reality, from her momentary thoughts, the blonde smiled kindly a Tessa’s words.

“Don’t be silly, it was my pleasure!” she dismissed with a good-hearted wave, feeling slightly down from the moment ending. A sentiment that did not last too long as a sequel was propositioned. “I’d like that. I think we know where to find one another now.” Giving into the friendly hug, the commander wrapped the arm that wasn’t keeping the sledgehammer leaning against her side, to wrap it around the other woman’s back tightly. Resting her chin on Tessa’s shoulder she chuckled at the comment, but did not reply until the embrace was coming to an end.

“I always tell my diplomatic officers: Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep.” She winked, idly tapping the hilt of the tool by her side.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #19
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @stardust


Tessa took notice of Samantha's gaze upon her sweat glistened skin. She laughed and imagined the sentiment of the male officers collapsing in awe of her drunken, yet alluring form. "Yes I believe they would!" She said with a hearty laugh again.

Watching the other officer swing, she could tell it was enjoyed. Especially when the other men in the room took notice of the two of them again. Hearing Sam's sarcasm about having the bigger hammer, she snickered with a light snort as she eased once more into laughter.

Tessa could see the disappointment in Sam's face albeit ever so slightly as she suggested they part ways at this time. However upon the realization they would have an encounter again came up, her face lit up again.

With the separation of the hug and the mention of not kissing Sam again, Tessa was surprised at the response to her quip. "I always tell my diplomatic officers: Don't make promises you know you can't keep."

Smile drawn in a cute, yet slightly blushing expression, she started to fidget a little. "Well...I can't promise it either but just wanted to make light of the situation. In either case, I really enjoyed our time together Sam. If you ever need an ear to listen, help on an assignment or simply a friendly face to hang out with, you know where to find me." She winked as she began walking away towards the doorway. Her hand waving over her head with her fingers wiggling as if saying bye as well.

Re: Day 34 [1317 hrs.] Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Reply #20
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Having circled through a couple of swings in this new exercise, Samantha could already understand what holistic benefits it could provide in the psychological arena, not only the physical one. Granted, she would have to go through the motions a couple times more, before having fully developed the strength necessary, to tap into the routine’s full potential. The other woman’s appraisal, however, as well as the hearty laughter towards her attempted joke at the expense of the men in their vicinity, already went a great length in the direction of supplying the spiritual satisfaction that had been intended.

Now that she had not only finished her own routines, to address the physical side of her workout, she had also done some for her soul too. And it was wholesomely appreciated, even as it eventually had to come to an end. Sending the Lieutenant off with a humorous, if not mischievous quip, the diplomat felt utterly accomplished at the way the situation had unfolded and – not least of all – how she had handled it. Her first kiss by a woman, no less, which would only later sink in as something bigger than she could appreciate right then.

“I might come see you when I accidentally smash something with my hammer eventually.” The blonde chuckled, too raising her hand from the hilt of the tool to subtly wave goodbye. Standing there for a few more seconds, wallowing in the comfortable thoughts and sentiments transcending, the commander was just about to leave, as one of the other gentlemen had thought it prudent to come over. “Did you want to …” he started out suavely. “Nope, I’ve had enough workout for the day.” she shut him off, lifting up the hammer und pushing it his way, to do whatever he had intended to do with her, with the tool instead.

Running both hands to smooth back the stray strands of golden waves that ahd shaken loose through her vigorous motions and was now sticking through the strikingly glistening skin, Samantha made her way down the stairs from the workout area, in the direction of the exit, on her way to her quarters for a cold shower. “Certainly had enough kisses too.” She muttered to herself, a self-ironic smile across her plump lips, accompanying the subtle shake of her pate. What a day …


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