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Topic: Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations (Read 5494 times) previous topic - next topic
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Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations


The polls for the Researcher's Medal and Depth of Character have been posted, so make sure you go there and vote! :)

Nominations for two new Writing Awards are now open until the 23th of November, where two separate polls will be posted soon afterwards for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively.

This time the awards are these:

Awarded to a player in recognition of their willingness and ability to put their character through extraordinary personal hardship, be it suffering through sickness or personal crisis, through which the writer contributed superb posts relevant to the situation. The writer who gains this award is a master at torturing their character(s) for the enjoyment of others.

Earlier Recipients (no longer eligible): @Brutus 

Awarded to a writer who through real-life crisis keep current with plot despite an overwhelming level of events occurring or mounting obligations. The player may be only able to post at a minimum level for up to three months, but their contribution is consistent and focused.

Earlier Recipients (no longer eligible): @trevorvw  


Those who make a nomination in Dedication & Suffering 2021 will receive 1 Story Token. Here are the rules for Award Nominations:

  • Nominations should be posted in the announced nomination thread posted on the forum (here). Anonymous nominations may be made to the Game Moderator via PM on the forum, who will then post the nomination in the nomination thread.
  • Nominations are to be made before the announced nomination time expires.
  • Nominations may be made by any member that isn't an Applicant.
  • Self-nominations are not permitted.
  • There is no limit to the number of nominations one can make (but will not get extra Tokens).
  • Prior winners of the same award are not eligible.
  • Each nomination should include a motivation. The nomination write-up is 50 words minimum and should concentrate on why the recipient(s) specifically is/are deserving of the award. You should always include one or multiple links.

All nominations will be added to the polls that will determine the winner of the awards. 


  • Forum Name of Nominee(s):
  • Primary Reason for Nomination:
  • Secondary Reason for Nomination (Optional):
  • Motivation & Links (50 words minimum):

Of course, you should only make nominations where at least one of the writers are still an active writer on the forum. There is no need to nominate scenes or a species where the writer(s) that wrote it have already left the sim.

I look forward to reading your nominations here in this thread! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations

Reply #1
The Scourge Award

Forum Name of Nominee: @Swift
Primary Reason for Nomination: Its not often a scene comes along where you can laugh, cry and feel the pain of a character all at the same time but Swift has managed to do that to Fisher and convey it to us.
Motivation & Links:
Operation: 'Dinner Out' (Reply #16)
Operation: 'Dinner Out' (Reply #31)

In the span of just two posts, Swift has conveyed the suffering that his character is enduring while at the same time that refusal to give in to what he is being subjected to. His use of humour to break up the pain and suffering I feel is accurate to situations where you have to laugh otherwise you would just break down, cry and fall apart. It is an effort to be saluted.

Re: Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations

Reply #2
The Writer's Heart

Forum Name of Nominee(s): @Ellen Fitz

Primary Reason for Nomination: The woman's a teacher, studying for a doctorate, and has Inherited Cross, in addition to being all over the place with her OC of Enyd

Secondary Reason for Nomination (Optional): She's suffered some rather devastating events in her personal life recently, and she's continued posting.

Motivation & Links (50 words minimum): We've all come to know Ellen as the Chaotic little muffin that we all know and love. and she's not shy about telling us what's been going on in her life. Honestly, if I had even half of what's going on in my life compared to her, I wouldn't be able to post half as often as she does.

her posting rate is insane... I don't think there's been a week where she hasn't made at least 2 or 3 posts. 112 (0.560 per day) Link to profile:;u=609

Addendum: She won the "Depth of Character" award while being piled on professionally and emotionally. I can't think of a better statement for her worthiness of  this particular award.

Re: Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations

Reply #3
The Scourge Award

Forum Name of the Nominee: @P.C. Haring
Primary Reason for Nomination: Inheriting a rock-steady character like Lt. Cmdr. Hathev and turning the world upside down on her in order to tell an intriguing and engaging story.
Secondary Reason for Nomination: For allowing the evolution of difficulties facing Hathev to be reflected in others, and in welcoming those others to play a real part in how that story ends.
Motivations & Links: When I first came to Theurgy, Hathev was one of those characters that seemed relatively standard affair for a Vulcan, other than the whole being Chief Counseling Officer thing. Anyway, as was reflected by my own interactions with the character prior to P.C. Haring inheriting her. That’s not to say that the previous iteration was bad, not by any means, but what P.C. Haring has done with her, and to an extent, to her, has really broadened the appeal of the character to a greater degree. The way she’s dealt with a series of mounting tragedies in short form, taking a very real toll on her, some might say is a bit brutal, but then again, that’s kind of the aim of this award, isn’t it? To effectively force change into your character by putting them through the worst of it. At least, that’s what I’m taking it as, and accordingly, P.C. Haring has put Hathev through a lot in order to effect change. What’s even better though, is seeing how that change is reflected in the interactions with other characters, and how other characters are in turn contributing to that change. It’s neat, and it’s really turned Hathev into a character that I like and enjoy reading.

Triage and Tactics
Patched Up
Reconciliation and Recovery
Communal Therapy

The Writer’s Heart

Forum Name of the Nominee: @Stegro88
Primary Reason for Nomination: Sticking through and maintaining a consistent presence in and about the Forums, and on Discord.
Secondary Reason for Nomination: Seriously, have you seen the way Australia is coping with COVID?
Motivations & Links: I think it’s safe to say, that 2020 was a challenging year for all of us, and that the ongoing annoyance of COVID-19 has affected all of us in some way or another. I also think it’s safe, at least from this American’s point of view, to look at the way things are unfolding in Australia with COVID, and feeling as though it stands out among most, if not all of our respective nations. Stegro has played witness to that, first-hand of course, with the inconsistent lockdowns affecting his work life, and beyond. Factor in the fact that he’s going through the pleasantness of a new addition to his family, though with some hopefully minor complications, the man’s commitment to Theurgy and our RP is commendable. He manages to find time to upkeep with all of us. I think that’s amazing, and very worthy of recognition, and from the sound of this award, exemplified in him.

No specific links, just look at his activity and you’ll get it.

Re: Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations

Reply #4
The Writer's Heart

Forum Name of Nominee(s): @Tae

Primary Reason for Nomination: Immersing himself so completely into the sim in such as short span of time while displaying an amazing creative joy as he contributes.

Secondary Reason for Nomination (Optional): Dealing with his challenges in life and those of his friends.

Motivation & Links (50 words minimum): Tae is one of those people who grips any part of the simulation he's in with both hands, then goes ahead and sinks his teeth into the topic completely.  He's created characters that are easy for the readers to live, love, and laugh with while sharing in their trials.  He's always taken to the time to consult and work with the various writers in each topic with an endearing sense of humour that makes it easy to consider other ideas that help to enrich the story as it's being written.

He always has an idea to work on and a great way to share what he comes up with.  In the end, he's all heart for anyone who writes with him.

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