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CH04: S [D05|1955] Karaoke Night

Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Everyone who wants to give it a crack

It had taken Thomas some convincing with Sten Covington to use the lounge of his cubs. Yet after a small hour of debating as to why it needed to be refurnished a bit, Sten could only laugh at it and accept that it might be a decent idea to crank up crew morale. The set up was pretty basic. The tables, chairs and sorts of the largest lounge on the fighter assault bay had been moved to the mess hall of the wolves. Some tables had remained behind and were puzzled together to form a sort of stage. A couple of view screens were demounted and remounted from various locations and a few smaller tables were borrowed from the below decks lounge. In the end decorations were replicated and the crew lounge now had the typical back alley ditched karaoke bar vibe going.

A makeshift bar had been assembled by the deck hands due to the impending threat of running into a cube, only mocktails and sythenol was served along with warm beverages. A short ship wide message had been sent that R&R activities would be held at the current location, yet the how and what were kept under covers to serve a maximum surprise effect. It was meant to be an open night for all layers of the crew to join. As people came in to peek curiously post shift or during shift in the wolves case, Thomas moved up on the makeshift stage. The lights were dimly lit and a few spots were trained on the wolf leader as he looked at the gathered crowd. With a few taps on the microphone he gathered everyone's attention and his face had a lopsided grin on display as he clapped his hands together and rubbed them "Good evening everyone, thank you for showing up! I'm hoping we'll have some more people in. Anyway, to change our minds a little, Chief Covington has granted me the use of this lounge to accommodate our very first Karaoke night!" Thomas announced before clapping and nodding at Sten "So without further ado, I'll kick us off with a classic." he laughed lowly before he closed his eyes.

It didn't take long before the first notes and tones began of the song and a few laughs and giggles were heard as Kenny Loggin's Danger zone started to fill the room. Ravon started to move his hips as he grabbed the microphone "Revvin' up your engine...
Listen to her howlin' roar.." he started with a low deep voice before he smiled broadly and continued "Metal under tension
Beggin' you to touch and go..." he continued as he winked at his gathered wolves and had his eyes drifting to the rest of the crowd "Highway to the Danger Zone! Ride into the Danger Zone!" he sang along loudly with the song now as he tapped his foot on the table and danced along like a true performer.

Thomas sang the entire song and when he closed it off by landing on his legs and singing loudly along with the song he bit his lip and stood back up. Thanking the crowd he placed the microphone back on the stand and he laughed "Feel free to line up your songs and the stage is yours! Enjoy the evening folks and relax." he concluded before he jumped off the table and walked towards the rest of his pack.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Rawley's Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Auctor Lucan @Triage @Doc M. @Havenborn @Triton

“Computer, locate Thomas Ravon,” Rawley commanded to the computer.

[Thomas Ravon is in the Deck Crew Lounge.]

Makes sense if he’s down there, Rawley figured. She was anxious to see Razor, take as much time as possible before the likely engagement with the Borg.

She had been in her quarters for under an hour, Nicander still on her mind. She knew full well she had left him a threat, but she didn’t care. She knew this time that he was the puppet master he was looking for, parasite or not. She remembered when she challenged Doctor Maya to a duel, and specified that it would have to be during Pon Farr when it happened; she knew Vulcans didn’t have emotional control during Pon Farr, and it also included violent urges, which suited Rawley fine, because she’d love to kick an angry Vulcan’s arse.

But then she found Maya’s mind was mucked with.

Of course, the most natural place for Rawley to go was her quarters. She had taken care of her personal agenda, but she still felt…unsatisfied. Empty. She still felt that when she kept going over in her head what to do if Nicander tried to scarper. She swore she’d keep an eye on him, and if he did scarper, she was going to live up to her promise: emptying her ordinance into his arse.

After a while, all thought of Nicander seemed to float away in the chasm of boredom. All thought of intercepting and taking him out oozed from her mind. And in its place, Ravon kept coming into her mind. Yes, that would fill the hole of dissatisfaction growing in her mind and heart. And the more she thought of Nicander, the more she felt the need to hit something. Which was why she inquired of the computer where Ravon is, because thinking of Ravon recently made her feel better..

She didn’t care if he was busy making flight plans or doing diagnostics on the fighters. All she needed was time with Ravon. And it seemed to energize her in her mood, elevating her from the clouds of misery wrought by the news of the Borg and Nicander. Cor, she never felt this good in a long time.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

What Rawley found in the lounge left her gobsmacked. What kind of party was this? She wasn’t surprised to see Ravon, but what did, more than the fact that it was a party for the Wolves…what left her gobsmacked was that Ravon was singing.

It then dawned on Rawley…it was a karaoke party. She never encountered one in years. She never experienced it fully, but she remembered the club she served as bouncer at, it held karaoke nights on occasion, so she knew what it was. And, blimey, Razor had quite a singing voice!

Once he was done, he began mingling with the pack. Rawley wasn’t interested in getting in line to sing; in fact, her thick Scottish accent would likely turn heads if it transpired she began singing, say, Adele or Lorde. All that mattered was Ravon.

“Bloody good singing voice yeh got,” she said with a smile once she reached him. “And a bloody good idea for this. I can see it’s good for morale, Razor. Shall we have a drink, or do you want to wait until I sing a number?”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #2
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & PO Riley Patterson | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] [Joint-Post Havenborn and Nolan] ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan@Nolan, @Triage, @Triton, @Doc M., + Anyone else I missed.

Since his quarters were located on a Vector 1 Daniel had decided to hang out in the squadron mess hall, he had replicated a pillow as well as a change of clothes and had grabbed a couch to crash on.  As he had been lying on the couch making some adjustments to his holonovel plot technicians had come in bringing chairs and smaller tables, when he had asked one what was going on he said something about a karaoke bar which utterly confused Daniel but he shrugged his shoulders and went back to his PADD.  After a few minutes he realized that he wasn't getting anywhere and he needed some companionship, nothing intimate but someone to talk to.  Daniel tapped his combadge.

"Lieutenant Havenborn to Petty Officer Patterson."  Daniel said as he waited for a response.  "Lieutenant?" came the reply over the badge "How can I help you?" she asked."Would you like to get together for a little bit?"  He asked her "You're in luck, my shift just ended." Patterson giggled.  "I'm on standby right now if you'd care to meet me in the pilot's lounge."  Daniel said.  Currently there wasn't anyone in the room with him so they'd at least have some privacy to talk. "I can do that, I'll be there in ten."was the response of the nurse. "See you soon, Havenborn out."  Daniel said as he tapped his combadge again closing the communications channel.

It took Patterson a little while longer to get to the Fighter Assault Bay, after that she had to look around a bit to find the pilot lounge. In addition to that, she did get a bit distracted by the large fighters in the bay that she could see through the windows. She bit her lower lip as they looked most impressive from up close. Eventually she found the right door and chimed the entrance in case more people would be present. She didn't even have access to get into the mess hall. She did however get a notification about a karaoke bar or something. Presumably it wasn't that far from here...

When the doors opened she smiled when she saw Daniel "Lieutenant." she addressed him as she saluted with a bit of a teasing grin on her face. "You called for me?" she asked softly with a vibrant smile that could melt almost anyone's heart.

Daniel could hear what he assumed was the party on the other side of the deck, and while he was somewhat curious about it the urge to actually go and see it wasn't strong enough to pry him away, especially since he had a lovely companion coming soon and with no one in the lounge he wasn't about to give that up.  Soon enough the door chimed and Daniel replied.  "Enter."  Daniel smiled as Riley walked into the room and stood up to greet her and escort her to the couch, her own smile was enough to make him feel completely relaxed.  He walked over to her and motioned for her to sit down on the couch he had been crashing on.  "I'm glad you could make it, and while we're alone you can call me Daniel."  He stated, he had no problem with her using his name when they were alone even though he was technically on duty.  "Did you have a good shift?"

She had nodded silently "My shift has been... Odd." she started as she sat down on the couch and crossed her legs "You know, with the whole Nicander surgery thing going on... We did have some patients from the Niger that needed care, but most of them are discharged now." she told him before she looked around in the room "What about you, isn't it straining to be on call like this?" she asked softly.

She could hear the music and party sounds as well and she moistened her lips a little "Would you like to go to the karaoke night? I think it was meant for you boys, but it got spread ship wide so..." she suggested "Or would you rather keep me here for something else?" she asked with a teasing tone.

Daniel sat down next to her and nodded as he listened to her speak about her day, he didn't really know what was going on with the whole Nicander thing as that was above his pay grade now.  When she asked about him being on call he shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose for some people it is but I'm mostly anxious.  The worst part of going into battle is the wait."  He said.  "I'll leave that up to you, I've never been to a karaoke night but I'm happy to just spend time with you." He said with a smile, he knew that there was a good chance that he wasn't going to make it back from this mission, this was the Borg after all.

"How about we go to the karaoke? We can always leave if it's nothing for us and we can go somewhere else." she suggested as she offered her hand to him. She looked around first before leaning in and waiting for him to meet her halfway for a kiss.

He took her hand and smiled.  "Sure."  He said as he met her halfway and returned her kiss.  After a moment he stood up and waited for her to do the same, once she had he escorted her to where the party was at, walking in they caught the tail end of Commander Ravon singing, Daniel wasn't really sure what he had been singing but it sounded kind of catchy.  He found a empty table and escorted Riley over to it sitting down and taking in the whole experience.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #3
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye  | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

On the edge of an enchanted forest a tea party was taking place in a circle of giant colorful mushrooms.  Most of the mushrooms were just a little smaller than barstools.  The shorter mushrooms were arranged around a larger toadstool with a flattened cap that served as a table for a white and pink tea set.  Sitting on the mushrooms around the toadstool were various creatures that appeared to be large plush animals.  Indeed, they appeared more like the creations of the late Jim Henson from Earth’s 20th century than any lifeform that evolved in nature.  A large green blob of a stuffed animal that vaguely resembled a frog used its long “arms” to clumsily mimic drinking out of a teacup.  A brown teddy bear the size of ten year old was dressed in an archaic Starfleet uniform from the 2360s held his teacup with quiet dignity.  A white fluffy plush creature that resembled a unicorn with a gold mane stood in front of her teacup and looked at the only human there with expressive crystal blue eyes that were even bluer than the azure sky.  Other plush creatures were seated around the table, ranging in size from less than a meter tall to just over a meter and a half.

“Are you all right, Tessa?” the plush unicorn asked the only human at the table.   “You don’t seem yourself today.” Her voice sounded just like that of the 20th century celebrity Julie Andrews.

“It’s the job,” the teddy bear stated in a rich baritone.  “Even the most dedicated officer needs time to unwind.”

“Thanks guys,” Lieutenant (junior grade) Tessa May Lance, the only flesh and blood person present gasped in a shaky voice.  “You guys got me through some real hard times.”

The sound of a door chime was heard.

“Oh my gosh!” Tessa squeaked.  “Computer, stop program!”  If the rest of the squadron found out how she spent her time on the holodeck, she’d never live it down.

The forest, the sky, the field, the plush creatures, the tea set and the fungus furniture vanished to be replaced by a dark room defined a glowing grid that defined the dimensions of its boundaries.

“Ouch!” Tessa cried as she fell to the floor.  “That hurts!  Come in!”

An arch of metal appeared, framing a set of heavy doors that opened to reveal a tall handsome young man in a white colored uniform that marked him as a fighter pilot. “Tessa what are you doing hiding like this?” Ensign Christopher Slayton, callsign Husker, formerly part of USS Harbinger’s Dor'GhItlh Squardon asked in his husky masculine voice.  “What happened to the woman who was the first to welcome me as part of the pack?  As part of the Lone Wolves?  You’ve hardly gotten to know any of the new guys from the Orcus or the Resolve.  Come on, it’s not good for you or good for the pack for you to be isolating yourself like this.  Ravon’s holding a karaoke party in the fighter’s lounge.  Everybody’s welcome but the pack is supposed to be there.  Come on, Tali has agreed to sing a duet with you if you come.  T'Zantha is going to be there too.  Come on, it’s not good for morale if the whole pack isn’t there.  Think about unit integrity.  Come on Tessa, for all intents and purposes, we’re a family.”

“I... I’m not ready to be part of some weird four person romantic relationship, Chris,” Tessa admitted as she stood up and rubbed her hindquarters.  “I know it’s normal for Andorians, but I’m not put together that way.” 

“It’s okay, Tessa.  There’s no obligation, I promise” he assured her.  “Some people are built ‘one man and one woman’ and that’s okay too.  Just rejoin the pack?  Please?  If you don’t want to be with Tali and T'Zantha and me, doesn’t that make it even more important to get to know your other packmates?  Come on, join the party.”

“You know that whole ‘Andorian family’ thing only works with two men and two women, right?”  Tessa pouted.  “You know that whole ‘Andorian family’ thing only works with two men and two women, right?  Not one guy and three girls?” 

“Where’s the fun in that?” Chris laughed self-consciously as he made an exaggerated shrug.

“Okay, I’ll come,” Tessa surrendered.  “But if I’m doing a duet with Tali, I get to pick the song, no matter how old, no matter how silly, no matter how obscure, go it?”

“Sure Tessa,” Chris nodded as they left the holodeck.

[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye  | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Everyone who wants to give it a crack

"Feel free to line up your songs and the stage is yours! Enjoy the evening folks and relax," Thomas Ravon announced as he jumped off the assortment of tables that formed a makeshift stage and strode to the other end of the room where a collection of chairs and small tables held his audience.

“Okay, It’s our turn,” Tessa announced as she rose from her seat to pull on Lieutenant Talidenai zh'Idenna out of her chair.  “Come on, you promised!”

“How did I let you talk me into this Chris?” the Andorian pilot groaned.

Soon both Tessa and Tali were standing on the makeshift stage as a sentimental tune started.

“I… was so naïve...” Tessa sang in a dulcet, but hauntingly regretful voice, “Not to know that looks can deceive…  The first time with you made my heat jump…   A good looking young man…  That’s how he looked to my eyes… but it lasted only a while…  In the middle of our kiss, I saw, his hairpiece come off…”

Tali was struggling with the tune.  Her verse was a different tempo.  And the words and references were meaningless to her on top of everything else.  She chanted an off key tune that was more fitting for a nursery rhyme than a song.  “You should have known better my friend…  No matter how good a rug may be-hee, a closer look should tell you, for shore, if it’s fake or not…”

“But it’s okay now…" Tessa sang in the same hauntingly mournful tone.  “I don’t mind it any more…"

“I let you deceive me ‘cause I’m… in love with you," the two women finished together.

OOC:  To listen to their song, click on the spoiler below:


Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] [size=10]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado[/size]

Alessia had a carefully-mapped out schedule for the time until her slated patrol was to take place. She wasted no time and prepared her fighter for action, reviewing her options in additional warheads and, as-needed, countermeasures and additional guns. Vinnie worked on a different time schedule than she did, so she went solo while her RIO took an hour off, before she’d have her shift. It was her fighter, but their responsibility, so it was best to unwind after a hard-earned hour of work, inspection and working carefully with the deckhands until everything handled on the Valravn before she could take a breather.

She passed along word to borrow the stencil and paint to give the fighter a new nickname. No such luck in this hour, but an ordnance noncom would pass word to the deck chief. Alessia wanted to socialize or find something to do as she waited her turn in the Holodeck, at least another hour or so of wait time. She'd exercise before taking a nap, so she had to fill her time finding something to do while she waited as her orders and load-out specs were queued. Later She'd later exercise in the holodeck before taking a nap, but until then, or if Vinnie pinged her, she had to fill her time finding something to do, outside of this temporarily-unnecessary hardsuit, for starters.

Once Alessia had her suit beamed out so she could among other things, relax in preparation until for her next slated  C.A.P. or combat sortie, whichever came first. After a quick sonic shower and a change in uniform, Alessia heard another squadron anthem she hadn't heard since her days on the Hornet. Compulsively, she found and borrowed an older-looking replicated upgrade to cordless microphones. Fortunately, technology had since improved from this model, and Alessia's trilling Spanish accent sung the chorus, chiming in at the lyric, "Heading into Twilight / Spreading out her wings / tonight".

She threw her input to the playlist but skipped on having anything but an Horchata but disguised it in a mug with some added dye to make it look as if she was having a beer. Alessia wasn’t about to fall off the wagon, not before a mission. Not having anyone to chat with yet, Alessia waited and listened, making ambience as she settled on a spot at the end of the 'bar', grateful that a replimat was nearby to snack on low-carb chips and salsa.

As she was thinking on the events of her past in the Dominion War, she remembered when she'd gotten a Romulan delegate to sing 'My heart will go on'. It caused quite a stir, especially since the delegate spotted some of the Hornet CO's fondness for the drink Kathekta, which could've been mistaken for Romulan Ale during the joint-task force. That Romulan mistook the beverage for Kali Fal and agreed to the Human woman's dare. Last Alessia heard, that recording had millions of playback 'hits' on the Federation Information Network. Evidently, after the war, the song became a tribute to lost loved ones in the war. It was somewhat sentimental. But Alessia was already just buzzed and making time with her microphone switched off.

Unable to resist, Alessia pocketed her padd, donned a grin and the Latina arrived and pulled up a list of songs to consider as she waited. "Aces High", "Try Everything", "Magic Carpet Ride", were all classics. Too bad they didn't have any Gipsy Kings Music; that was best for dancing salsa or some such flamenco. More intimate of a venue for Alessia's taste anyway. No one else in all her years-save one- had ever matched her . Striker Squad's assorted "Manowar" collection. It was gonna be a long wait by the looks of things, so she awaited on a singing partner, not feeling one to steal the show if she could avoid it, despite reinforcing the Kenny Loggins classic.

It was Alessia's turn. She'd been recently fond of history and often joked about how Andorian-Human Contact should have been made April 5th, 2063. "This one goes out to the history jocks out there. And to my friend and missing wolf, Sehl."


Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #5
PO2 Sithick |  Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]  ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan  @Havenborn @Triage @Blue Zephyr @Multificionado & @Triton

Sithick was nervous about this. He had to give this a shot, but he had performance anxeity he always hated being the subject of attention of everyone in the room, and yet he had a love of musicals, and the chance to witness a group gathering like this was something that never happened on the black opal. So taking a break from his work, he had come down to the holodeck to try.

HE was chewing on his tongue for a moment sitting in the bar as Alessia sang, her song, thinking of the missing crew members, he wanted to go after Lahkesis. Perhaps he should dedicate his song to her?  should he even sing? his voice was often considered grating could he even hold a tune? he had sung in the shower before, and his voice had echoed through the small quarters of opal so much so that Jaya had forced him to stop. He was chewing on his answer for so long that he was unknowingly called up to the stage and he took a deep breath.

He looked through the options, going to the place he felt most comfortable, something he could go with power, something that was hopeful, and appropreate. Still as he approached the stage and picked his song making sure to clap for those that came before, he knew he was about to commit a violent murder.

Taking the microphone he disengaged his translator. "I apologize, for what I venture forsh to do. For I am about to slaughter a classic."

He took a deep breath. As the orchestra started out for him. He looked up for a moment his large muzzle tilting away from the camera. "My song goes to exploration, and all the stars of the universe."

Though his voice couldn't hit the higher notes, he had a bellowing power and he tried his best to keep his voice free of his slithering accent, keeping himself to the english he had memorized, for all the times he had listened to these songs before. His deep bellowing voice working well with the operatic tone of the song.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #6
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Masorin, @Havenborn, @Triton, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
Admittedly, coming to a karaoke event with a splitting headache and the potential to bleed out from every orifice without warning was not the smartest idea that Meony ever had. She certainly didn't want to be grounded before she was airborne. But more than that, she didn't want to be alone in her quarters any more. She'd said all that needed saying in the event of her demise. But she was still alive right then, and she'd rather celebrate what life she had left in her. Dressed in a sleeveless white top, blue jacket, ancient styled but comfortable jeans, boots and her trademark hat, she settled down at the farthest corner of the lounge, with a secluded spot all to herself, she watched the event unfold.

When Thomas Ravon went up there, Meony dared to look up for a moment, exposing her red-rimmed eyes for people close enough to see, and her jaw dropped.

“Lord Almahteh,” she said, “Ah didn't know 'e could even smahl, nevamahnd laugh.”

But that was not the only surprise. He was a hell of a singer. Despite herself, she was able to forget her own troubles a moment, and smiled and clapped, applauding Thomas, then Tessa with Tali, doing a duet, followed by Alessia's incredible rendition of Magic Carpet Ride, to which she thought Leon and Jimmy would've appreciated, and then the massive dinosaur, who was the big surprise, to Meony. But he was...quite incredible, really. She'd heard renditions of the song, for certain, but Sithick brought a fresh new take of sorts on the tune. Then there was a pause of sorts...and against her better senses, the Texas-born redhead found herself rising from her seat, from the shadows hiding her, and walked, almost trancelike, looking purposefully at the stage, and even though she felt her stomach fluttering with a nervousness she hadn't felt since the day she escaped her family farm, she didn't slow down or stop.

She hadn't even planned to come here, now she was putting herself in the center of attention standing on stage.

Using her hat to her advantage, she kept her gaze on her feet, effectively hiding her face from view, she stepped back, taking the microphone with her, not certain she could even sing at this point, without her voice breaking, but it was a karaoke, right? Bad singing was synonymous with it at times. She wished that Jimmy was here with her, either to talk her out of doing something stupid like this, or to just be with her. She doubted anyone, even those on the Resolve, had ever heard her sing. It wasn't something she really showed off. She'd chosen a song by an classical singer from the twenty-first century, and she cleared her throat.

“This...this song is...” she spoke hesitantly, realizing her voice was a little raw and higher pitched than usual, “'s for all of us. And those who love us.”

As the tune began, she raised her head a little, just enough that her audience could see her nose and lips, but she was careful never to lift her head high enough that her eyes might be visible. After that, she just lost herself in the music, singing with all her heart, and maintaining control on her octaves, because her throat was hurting, but she managed to match the tune and tone, having practiced in the privacy of her own quarters or the refresher for years on end. She wasn't going to be a concert star, but she at least didn't cause injury to people's eardrums or send them fleeing from the lounge. As the song ended, she quietly said “Thank you...for listening...”

She stepped down, still keeping her head down, and marched right back to her lonely corner, where she could be hidden from too many prying eyes.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #7
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Multificionado @Auctor Lucan  @Triage  @Doc M.  @Havenborn  @Triton @Blue Zephyr

As he returned to his table, he nodded at Garcia as she had joined him mid chorus to sing along. He had encouraged her to do a solo, and she had gone to the playlist, yet he was unsure if she had chucked something in on it or not. In the meantime he took some hold of a glass of water, which was a pale drank compared to the rather alcoholic beverages he usually consumed. Than again game time could come at any moment, Thomas wanted to be on top of his game for when it did come by.

Rawley in the meantime seemed surprised to have heard him singing "Don't mention it... And don't expect me to sing more often either." he smirked as he downed the water before refilling it "Well, I'll get you a drink Evelyn... As long as you promise me you'll stand on that stage over there and do some singing yourself." he smirked as he sipped from the water once more "And thanks, but if you want to thank people, you'll have to thank everyone who helped in creating this place." he snickered as he looked around at his surroundings "A fucking fine job they did..."

In the meantime Tessa had dragged Talidenai zh'Idenna out of her seat and dragged her onto the stage as they sang along with a song Thoams didn't recognize. However, that was just the fun of it as he laughed at the Andorian's 'cheery' spirit about it all. Tessa at least seemed to be having fun which warmed the SCO's heart. The young woman was on the brink, possibly leaning more towards snapping entirely which would only trouble the squad chart further. Yet tonight, such thoughts were not on his mind as Thomas just enjoyed the company he found himself in.

Thomas his eyes caught on to Daniel as he walked in with a teal uniformed girl. It made the eyes of Ravon narrow as he followed them with his eyes. As they settled down whistled, loud enough for the two of them to notice "Oi! Daniel! Don't you keep that lovely company all to yourself! Join us, have a drink." Thomas shouted with a wide grin covering his lips. Riley had jumped into Daniel as she heard the whistle and blushed lightly at the words of the SCO. She looked at her pilot before she poked him in the side, whispering to him "I don't mind to sit with your pack. I won't leave your side though." she laughed softly, leaving the choice to Daniel entirely.
Alessia Garcia was next to claim the stage for her own. It was a surprisingly catchy song which had Thomas tapping his foot on the floor as he smiled at the Spanish influences and words slipping int of the lyrics as was tradition with Garcia. Thomas mentioned to the rest of the table that Garcia had quite the voice and once she was done he applauded her effort as he nudged her on the shoulder with a wide grin as all was fun and games tonight.

The room silenced a little as Sithick climbed the stage, the tables holding it barely, but seemingly were reinforced enough. With a gnawing anticipation Thomas waited to hear what the Gorn would sing. To his full fledged amazement he dug up a song older than old. It was impressive to say the least as he sang along, not hitting certain notes, yet the overall performance was bone chilling. He had only seen the Gorn when they were scrambling for launch against the Versant. He had been an impressive figure to say the least... As Sithick finished his song, the whole room exploded as the Gorn was applauded cheered on and quickly taken into the arms of cubs who seemingly lost it.

Krystal was the next person to set up post on stage, Thomas wondered what the feisty woman would sing as he prodded Rawley to get on there later tonight at least. He had already handed her a drink to her liking without alcohol and just in general had some small talk with the rest of the pilots or members of crew who had joined him at the table. After Tancredi's announcement for whom the song was dedicated, the room went ear deafening silent as the young pilot began singing in a crystal clear voice. The room exploded once more when she was done singing, yet the woman secluded herself from everyone as she sought the loneliness of a corner in the room. Again, Ravon called out to her, asking her to join them. He had been hard on her after the Niger incident, yet Thomas wasn't a man to hold things against someone. They had discussed the matter at length and there had been some yelling and figuratively speaking biting. Yet he admired her for her fire inside of her, which in most cases all pilots had. That burning flame that made them erupt into searing fires once out there in the cold fringes of space.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Doc M. @Havenborn @Triton

"Well, I'll get you a drink Evelyn... As long as you promise me you'll stand on that stage over there and do some singing yourself." he smirked as he sipped from the water once more.

Rawley was gobsmacked. She really was expected to sing. And the fact that Razor called her by her first name was enough to see that this was serious. Well, fine, if that’s what it took to get some time with Razor, that was fine with her.

She got in line, listening to the varied songs that played. She smiled with amusement as each of the Wolves had their turn. Goldeneye seemed to be having the time of her life, and bringing the Andorian along to it…well, seemed like the antennaed bugger was uncomfortable up there. But Rawley was paying more attention to Goldeneye. Tessa was looking better, and Rawley could understand; Tessa was fragile, and with the Borg threat looming, she could use something like this. Beyond that, Rawley didn’t pay much attention, although Sithick the Gorn was enough to turn heads, but she paid more attention to Meony, mostly after the song.

She stepped down, still keeping her head down, and marched right back to her lonely corner, where she could be hidden from too many prying eyes.

Rawley wondered what was going on with the ginger cowgirl. She liked her, given Meony’s feistiness. The only difference between the two girls was Meony’s accent, height, age, color and amount of hair, and Rawley wasn’t sure how often she drank. Rawley figured she can hang with Meony later, after she and Razor had that drink.

Finally, it was her turn.

She couldn’t think of the song while in line, and in her rush to avoid looking awkward on stage, she picked the first song that came to mind and selected it. Cor, it brought up memories: she had thought of that song because it went through her head whenever she got in brawls back in Eton. Sod it, it lay beyond Eton; she had a reputation for brawls ever since she entered school.

Let’s get it over with, she thought, and sung.

The speed of the song must’ve raised a few laughs. She felt she was making a fool of herself, trying to sing in a fast, upbeat pace in her thick Scottish accent.

When she was over, she made a beeline for Razor. Seeing him made her feel better, but she was still red in the face, partly from blushing, partly because there might be people ready to take the mickey out of her.

“Alright, Tom, yeh wanted me singing,” she said when she arrived, partly smiling with amusement, partly grimacing. “I sung me arse out. Now how about that drink?” She decided on using his first name, so as to show how serious she was. Made sense, he used her first name when he asked her to sing.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #9
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Multificionado

Enjoying the guts and singing talents of the participants on this fine evening, Thomas felt curious however at how Evelyn was going to perform. He had never seen her as a musical talent, yet plenty of surprises had come out of the closet tonight. Tancredi for example had a singing voice that could be closely compared to that of an angel's voice. Thomas snorted at that thought, a foul mouthing angel at best though. He downed his colored drink and missed the taste of true alcohol in it. He ordered a new round before the figure of Rawley appeared on stage.

The Scottish song suited her and as she seemingly tried to sing it quick enough in order to get off the stage, it made Ravon laugh before he whistled at her as she was nearing the end. He was amused, happy to feel anything other than sadness or anger at this time. It felt like they weren't on a suicidal mission for a moment, that the odds weren't stacked against them the entire time. He could almost feel like they were on a peaceful mission in fuck knows where.

The song ended and Thomas clapped and cheered for his pilot as she made her way to him in a beeline, he could tell she didn't like being put in the center of attention and he smirked as her flushed face came into sight. "Aye, that you did Ev and that's what I promised ya." he answered her with a fake Scottish accent before he winked at her. He couldn't offer her real alcohol but the synthetic junk would do for now as he slid a bottle over to her.

"To your fabulous singing career!" he toasted as he laughed and bumped his shoulder into her "You weren't as bad as I thought you'd be. Maybe a transfer to the Starfleet choir is in order." he teased her as he took a sip from his red colored drink.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Doc M. @Havenborn

Rawley blinked. Blimey. Nobody called her “Ev” in a long time. She didn’t care if Ravon used it in taking the mick out of her accent. She accepted the bottle he slid to her without hesitation.

"To your fabulous singing career!" he toasted as he laughed and bumped his shoulder into her. "You weren't as bad as I thought you'd be. Maybe a transfer to the Starfleet choir is in order." he teased her as he took a sip from his red colored drink.

She felt the bump on her shoulder, and that made her all the more ignore his tease about the Starfleet choir. She just merely shrugged. In a team, she was better as a crack pilot than a choir girl. She took a sip with him.

“Yeh weren’t so bad yerself, Tom,” she said. She then raised her bottle in a real toast.

“A toast. To Miles Renard, one of the best bloody squadron commanders Starfleet ever had. I think he'd be proud of yeh, Tom.”

She took another swig before looked back at him, smiling.

“Yeh did a good thing, setting this up. It’s a big help, with the shite we’re about t’face.

“Lick at Tessa; she’s a nervous wreck,” she added, rolling the “R” in “wreck.” “This must be lifting her spirits. It’s lifting the lads’ spirits.”

She was feeling something, something she hadn’t felt in a long time, something she hadn’t felt since Soo Young. Oracle. Ravon was past the influence he was under, was long past the incident that happened between them. And Rawley had forgiven him. She snogged men before, even old Sten…okay, snogged seemed like an understatement…but Rawley was so surprised that it occurred to her, that it took so long to occur to her. That she had feelings for Ravon. That he could fill in for Oracle. Her anger at Ravon before she found out about Maya had prevented those feelings from surfacing. Now that she had forgiven him…it felt right.

“I’d like to thank yeh, too, Tom,” she added, her raspy, thick Scottish accent sounding strange in the kind of gentle tone Liz Bennet would make around Mister Darcy. “It’s…it’s made me feel better, too.”

And she kissed him on the cheek. She didn’t want to aim for the lips yet. The lips were too soon. Too soon.

Tom Ravon was definitely going to be a great squadron commander to work with. Miles would definitely be proud of him. And so would Soo Young.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #11
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Multificionado

"Aah, it was mediocre at best." he answered at Rawleys reply to his singing talents. She took in a swig of her drink in the meantime and he grinned before she toasted to Miles. It was a good idea to toast for him, yet it also tore open wounds. Miles was still considered MIA. Would he really be proud of the position he was filling in for him? Thomas already lost one pilot and half of them were abducted. It just brought a sigh out of Thomas.

Rawley managed to quickly congratulate him with the event he had pulled up. His eyes looking at Tessa as she seemed to be doing better with the distraction. It was quite true that she was a wreck. Perhaps not even space worthy in the eyes of some people. His eyes lingered on the stage as she dropped in a silence herself.  Thomas looked back at Rawley as she seemed sunken in thoughts.

Suddenly she spoke up to him, thanking him which made him frown. Her voice sounded different than he was used to and before he knew it the pilot had come closer and sneaked in a kiss on his cheek. He naturally brought his hand to her side before resting in on her back. He wasn't aware of the feelings she was harboring for him.

"Hey, don't mention it. It was the least I could do really." he answered her as he gave her a kiss back on her jawline. A lot of things had changed since that night. That night where he had done things to her supposedly. He pushed the thoughts away as he downed his drink. "Any more songs you'll sing tonight?" he asked her "Or different plans all together"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 ]Attn:  @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

Angel soon enough finished her horchata and felt she got a good enough energy buzz out of the sweet drink, but finished it all too soon after needing to prepare her voice for another song. ... but which, she wondered which. Battle hymns from the Hornet Squadron riffs from the Kusanagi, Earth classics from the Hiroshima... oooh. Someone shared her taste in music. Someone from the other ships must have uploaded it. But in her time aboard, she didn't yet sate her curiosity about her new peers apart from the old Orcus crew. So she only skimmed past up loader J. Mariner's name when she spotted the song. Had she looked closer, she might have identified one of her old wartime shipmates.

Alessia almost wanted to laugh when she spotted the SCO and Lt Rawley fawning over eachother, but let them have their fun and privacy. Still, she thought to herself with a smile, 'Geez, Pelona, take your guerito and get a room.' <Take your blondie somewhere private>. She didn't fault him, though. Ravon almost reminded her of someone else she had fallen in love with what must have been almost a lifetime ago. But this was a place to party and unwind, not one of those Andorian Mating dens Sehl often spoke of and invited her to in the holodecks, but Alessia wasn't interested in participating, only watching and raising an eyebrow. Still, she might have joined Tali for a session if ever invited, but her Sister-wolf was similarly enamored with Captain Slayton's brother and was already up to something with T'zantha. Alessia felt they were occupied enough and thus didn't go looking for them.

Several moments passed, and Alessia found time to visit the time to visit the lockers and change into a midriff-revealing off hours leather jacket and after two more rounds of nonalcoholic drinks, though, Alessia felt it was getting too quiet and figured the party needed just an octave of pilot-worthy tunes. Even though a Gorn singing Les Miserables was... quite the memory and hard act to follow.

Alessia conjured up the song in question. She felt she dressed for the occasion, and while the song traditionally called for banners of nation-states, Andorian clans or Klingon houses, she left her Spanish flag back in her quarters But under her jacket was an old USS Orcus t-shirt. "This song once brought Humans, Andorians and Klingons to the same table after a contentious war conference." she announced. It was definately a Hornet classic that even the Andorian Captain Zaarin once called, 'a good choice.' The drums and cymbals seemed to match the latina's steps as she rose up to the makeshift stage, and did the crew a favor by skipping past the choral overture. Originally a song by a band of viking metal practitioners, Alessia's voice gave more of a Valkyrie spin on the song. Her wavy black hair was let loose just a beat before she put the microphone to her mouth.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #13
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye  | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Nolan, @Triage, @Triton, & anyone else who wants to share a bonding experience with the pilots.

”Gosh Angel, that was dark!” Tessa protested when Alessia had finished.   The last thing she needed was to hear a wartime song.  Or maybe it was the first thing she needed.  Tessa couldn’t help but feel shame that she had lost that ‘death or glory spirit’ that typified so many fighter pilots.
“Don’t worry Goldeneye, I’ve got a really stupid song I’d like to share,” Wolf-09’s rear intercept officer, Ensign Tallanyreen sh'Kandros smiled as she stepped past the timid pilot to strut up to the stage.  As all of the pilots who had formerly served aboard the Orcus knew, Talla had received the callsign of ‘Aria’ by making up drinking songs or parodying the popular songs of the day.  “Hey everyone, feel free to join in the chorus!” she called out before a sprightly folksy banjo tune could be heard.  As Tessa pondered her courage and her relationship with the pilots and RIOs from the Orcus, the Andorian broke out into what was almost a patter song:

“When we pulled into Argo Port in need of R&R,
The crew set out investigating every joint and bar.
We had high expectations of their hospitality,
But found too late it wasn't geared for spacers such as we.”

Tessa didn’t listen to the chorus.  She was already familiar with it. It was an old drinking song whose lyrics changed depending on what ship you were serving on.  The singer would poke fun at his, hir, or her shipmates pointing out their foibles demonstrating how destructive and self-destructive they could be on shore leave.  The song usually started with the command officers and the department head but was often changed to represent one department, squadron, or team.

“The Captain's job is simple, but hir gender is complex.
The Skpper can change hir features, height ‘n wieght 'n sex.
So if you’re looking for a stud-to take into your bed,
You best take care because in the morn, -you’ll get a woman instead.”

Tessa was surprised.  Talla and her shipmates had only been aboard the Theurgy for three days and yet already she was familiar enough with the officers and crew to make fun of them.  It really hit home just how much they had assimilated to life aboard the fugitive dreadnought and how much Tessa had been keeping her distance from the rest of the pack, both old and new.  Christopher was right.  Tessa had to start trusting the newcomers and get to know them, no matter how painful it might be when they fell in battle.  This was the life they chose, and Tessa should respect it and be part of the pack.

If she respected herself that is, and right now she didn’t.  It was humbling.  The pilots from the Orcus had switched sides in mid-battle, just on Christopher’s say so.  Tessa didn’t think she’d have the courage for that.  They had more ‘Death or Glory’ spirit than she’d ever have.  What was their secret?  It was time to find out.

”Hey Alessia,” Tessa said shyly as Talla went into the chorus again.  ”How do you do it?  How do you keep your ‘Death or Glory’ spirit even though we’re on the run from Starfleet and heading into a fight with the Borg?”

OOC:  The song Talla is singing is, of course, Banned From Argo Copyright © 1977 by Leslie Fish, Copyright assigned to Random Factors.  I’ve changed the lyrics to match that of the Theurgy’s crew, but I encourage all players who are having their characters discuss things in the audience to make up your own lyrics for one of the player characters, preferably one that Talla could know about.  Your own characters are acceptable targets (Talla probably knows them pretty well).  For those who are curious about the tune and the original lyrics click on the spoiler below:


Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 ]Attn:  @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

Taking a bow, Alessia completed her song which had been the closest she'd been to a rock concert in over a year; albeit the singer, not the screaming fangirl. Not since the art was gaining more attention from deviants, rebels and renegades from across the Federation members. Such concerts were also a way to invite Klingons and repulse Ferengi, who were famously sensitive to music and loud noises whilst attempting to make a profit; whereas Klingon women proved their reputation for being great fun at parties. More than she cared to admit, during her more... wild cadet years, she'd borrowed some of their reckless habits, but that decade had long since passed.

Satisfied with her peformance and with her wavy black hair disheveled from moshing out, she returned to the bar, smiling as pleased with her performance as she could be, grinning from ear to ear as she tucked in her undershirt, crossing eyes with Goldeneye's RIO, taking a seat next to Lance herself and leaning against the bar, getting herself a flavored sporting drink, Croc-Ade, downing it to calm her throat, getting a second to supplement her response to Lance.

"It's easy, Mija<pronounced mee-hah: 'Kiddo.'> I just know where I'll be once this parasite crisis is over, and we all get big damn medals and promotions." She opened her second bottle and conversationally relaxed as she matched poses with Tessa. "So... I dedicate whatever prayer, mantra, katra, pagh, karma, etcetera wish towards getting there, and that future gives me strength." almost melodically citing her outlook, Alessia shrugged, leaning in so that she could be heard over the peculiar song her RIO chose. "And that's getting my own family, my own ship and captaincy. Then spending my last decades exploring deep space, founding and protecting new colonies for the Federation. Maybe even earn Admiralty status." Alessia kept her tone to Lance's earshot, but was just slightly interested in her facial appearance. She'd read the after action reports, at least skimmed the broad details about the expedition into the Klingon Moon. Alessia wished she could have gone herself. A fight, a battle, real gravity... and also horrors there that could've rattled the cage of maybe even her. Maybe. In actuality, Alessia wanted to lend some of her strength if her new acquaintance was willing to befriend her; they'd have to ultimately, no squad thrived on contentious rivalry or doubt in their peers.

Acting as 'tough' as ever, but wearing a happy smirk, Alessia spoke up so as to spread the pleasantry to earshot. "Can't get to that future without a good flight suit attitude." Alessia also didn't mention how initially jittery she was when she first graduated. Her first action was against the Cardassian-Dominion shipyards of Toros III. The ensuing months of battle, however steadily forged Alessia's self-confidence into what she was today. Like Alessia, Tessa was a newcomer on this strange new ship, presently aboard because of gut instincts her wingmates had about Starfleet uncharacteristically killing its own people. Unlike them, however, she didn't join for any one person.

Only her intuition. Still, Tessa knew Captain Slayton's little brother. "If you don't mind my asking, Goldeneye, what's the story with the younger Slayton and my squadmates? There some kind of sh'lereth going on? I know Tali's into some stuff, but a pink-skin?" She almost wanted to cackle knowingly, but stopped short to hear Lance out as her RIO's song concluded, passing the moment with some applause. Alessia seemed more interested in superficial gossip but in actuality was curious to learn about Captain Slayton's brother, as she tended to be close to her wingmates. They were here because of him, after all. "His brother was my skipper until last week. I just hope he's... a good man, is all." the regard she exchanged with Tessa was as sincere as she was, despite the previous repartee.

(OOC: Had a plan for Singing 'Faith of the Heart' but let's let a few more songs have their day. Also, in the JJ movies, there was a bit of advertising, so I didn't stoop to promoting Gatorade. Teehee.)
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #15
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye  | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Nolan, @Triage, @Triton, & anyone else who wants to share a bonding experience with the pilots.

Alessa’s response was so unexpected that Tessa covered her mouth with her hand to hide some nervous titters.

"It's easy, Mija I just know where I'll be once this parasite crisis is over, and we all get big damn medals and promotions. So... I dedicate whatever prayer, mantra, katra, pagh, karma, etcetera wish towards getting there, and that future gives me strength.  And that's getting my own family, my own ship and captaincy. Then spending my last decades exploring deep space, founding and protecting new colonies for the Federation. Maybe even earn Admiralty status."

Tessa stared back at Alessa completely speechless, her topaz yellow eyes wide with bewilderment.  How could she be so optimistic when Starfleet wanted them dead or alive, preferably dead?  If they somehow solved this crisis, the best they could hope for would be honorable discharges; no one would serve with them after all of the rules they had broken.  And yet somehow Alessia had convinced herself that deserting the Orcus hadn’t permanently derailed her dreams.  ”Wow, that’s amazing that you’ve managed to keep such a positive attitude!  To still think that we have a future… Of course you’ve only been aboard for about three days…”

Alessia cut her off.  "Can't get to that future without a good flight suit attitude."

”Oh uh, yeah, right…”  Of course they couldn’t.  Reality and reason told them they didn’t have a chance.  If they were going to continue this fight the only way to keep going was to totally ignore the odds and remain hopelessly optimistic.  To be realistic about their situation would be both insane and idiotic.

Alessia changed the subject. "If you don't mind my asking, Goldeneye, what's the story with the younger Slayton and my squadmates? There some kind of sh'lereth going on? I know Tali's into some stuff, but a pink-skin?"

”Yeah, I don’t really understand the Andorian family structure myself,” Tessa admitted with a girlish blush.  ”I understand that Christopher, Tali, and T'Zantha were all um… they all knew each other intimately when they served together aboard the Harbinger.   As for Chris, well, Chris is a great guy; he sacrificed everything to save us, but he’s uh… got a thing for um…” Tessa’s blush became more noticeable as she struggled to find some discrete way to describe Christopher Slayton’s preferred method of lovemaking.  ”Well uh… let’s just say that it’s hard to feel like his one and only when he prefers two or more partners at a time,” she stammered.  ”What about him?”

"His brother was my skipper until last week. I just hope he's... a good man, is all," Alessia sighed.

”Oh don’t you worry!  He is,” Tessa assured her.  ”So Marcus Slayton was your commanding officer, huh?  He was my first officer when I served aboard the James Kirk four years ago.  That was my first assignment after completing my cadet cruise.  I only spend a year aboard the Kirk, of course.  It’s not like I got to know Mister Slayton personally.” 

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #16
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] [size=10]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado[/size]

"Yeah, I don't really understand the Andorian family structure myself," Tessa admitted with a girlish blush.  "I understand that Christopher, Tali, and T'Zantha were all um... they all knew each other intimately when they served together aboard the Harbinger.  As for Chris, well, Chris is a great guy; he sacrificed everything to save us, but he's uh... got a thing for um..." Tessa's blush became more noticeable as she struggled to find some discrete way to describe Christopher Slayton's preferred method of lovemaking.  "Well uh... let's just say that it's hard to feel like his one and only when he prefers two or more partners at a time," she stammered.  "What about him?"

"Hard-ass, but a good one. Ran a tight ship but he-- they come from Asgard. Their family founded the Colony there. He lost people in the war and seemed to have a specter on his shoulder. Like Ben Sisko before he was promoted." Alessia paused for a drink then resumed. "He was one of the early generation of carrier captains, namely like USS Ranger. They still wore those nonsensical uniforms back in the day." She joked. "But only I among his pilots had served on refit Galaxy-classes as he did at the time, so we mainly talked about that in private hours Good Captain, though. He took on Tali and T'zantha under our wing after that business with the Harbinger."

"Oh. And Marcus referred to Theurgy the way one might regard a ship named after one of the Genetic War tyrants. Ironic he couldn't see the truth." Alessia almost wished more from the Orcus saw reason during the battle. Starbase 84 was the one battle she wished she could forget. She didn't sign up to hunt humans or their Federation 'sibling' species. She'd rather arrest so-called traitors than to deny them a trial. Too bad. Slayton could have been a formidable ally; she almost admired the man but a headstrong and stubborn one through and through. She hoped she could rekindle the brotherhood with Husker.

Alessia realized she'd been forced to talk into Tessa's ear to hear her. "I never met Chris until I was posted here. Lemme tell you now, though, Try an Andorian equivalent to a night club if you were curious about what Tali and T'zantha were into. Something for everyone, blue-skin or otherwise; The Trill and Risians have something similar." Alessia didn't cite her involvement, granted that she'd only done the photonic variants of the former, while only mentioning her involvement as a curious observer on her first time at one of those, clearly joking with Tessa, given Angel's reaction to Goldeneye's incessant blushing. "C'mon, Mija, I'm just kiddin'. The Trill and Risans prefer getting sweaty and wet by surfing." Alessia laughed a tomboyish chuckle for a moment, before adding, "Andorians though. Party like Klingons would, but without the head-bashing." Alessia was clearly enjoying herself.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #17
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye  | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Nolan, @Triage, @Triton, & anyone else who wants to share a bonding experience with the pilots.

"Oh. And Marcus referred to Theurgy the way one might regard a ship named after one of the Genetic War tyrants. Ironic he couldn't see the truth."

”Yeah, but I can’t say I blame him,” Tessa sighed.  The truth was too awful to face head on.  ”So how do you know Chris?” she asked, momentarily forgetting that Alessia didn’t really know Chris and wanted to know just who her two squad mates from the Orcus were getting involved with.

"I never met Chris until I was posted here," Alessia reminded her.  "Lemme tell you now, though, Try an Andorian equivalent to a night club if you were curious about what Tali and T'zantha were into. Something for everyone, blue-skin or otherwise; The Trill and Risians have something similar."

”Golly!  I had no idea!  Denobulans maybe but I had no idea that the Trill were so um… social,” Tessa chirped.  ”As for the Risans… Well I kind of suspected…”

"C'mon, Mija, I'm just kiddin'. The Trill and Risans prefer getting sweaty and wet by surfing. "

Tessa squirmed uncomfortably as Alessia chuckled at her naivety. 

 "Andorians though. Party like Klingons would, but without the head-bashing."

It took a moment for Alessia’s implication to register.  ”They do?” she gasped before looking up at the makeshift stage where T’Zantha was giving a rendition of ‘All Time High’.  ”Holy smokes, do they?” she croaked.  Tali was the leader of their little surrogate family.  What kind of weird stuff did she have Chris and T’Zantha into?  Clearing her throat, she attempted to put on a calm casual demeanor.  ”So um… What can you tell me about Tali?  Maybe it’s because she outranks me but she seems a little… bossy.”

OOC:  For the song T’Zantha is singing, click on the spoiler below:

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #18
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] [size=10]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado[/size]

Alessia laughed in earnest as Tali took the stage and sung something from the Luna Base's holodeck inventory. "Oh come on, you can do better!" she jeered on her friend and squadmate's choice in song; Both grew fond of that series' songs and certain novels. Angel scoffed at invites to the holonovel versions. She hardly considered herself up to playing a femme fatale, so she stuck to reading the stories; easy to catch an unsuspecting date off-guard.

Still, Tali carried a pleasant tune that had Alessia clapping in support in exchange for a blue one-fingered salute at her friend and friendly rival who maintained her composure and energetic performance. Some knew or alleged they were somewhat close but nether confirmed that. "Their idea of clubbing involves nude co-ed wrestling and ice-cold temperatures. Great drinks though, just wear layers, something for everybody. And anybody." On that note, Alessia got herself an Andorian-blue Tulaberry flavored CrocAde energy drink. Gradually, her tongue turned blue; which was probably distracting and ironic, given the topic.

Between beats, Tali smiled at her though. Alessia lip-synched along and found the moment to continue, as if the attitude continued. "Oh. Right, well... ...she's that way from being my roommate. Her or T'zantha, but Tali's ususally more fun company. Martial arts, potty-mouth, interesting maneuvers and a taste for interesting holodeck programs. Reminds me of another former crewmate, Tarsi, those two were two of a kind." Although she meant it in a friendly manner, it was a good moment to reminisce in earnest about her past.

Angel let the ambiguity of the claim stand up for itself, further privately enjoying reading Lance's reactions. Still, she pitied the poor girl to an extent and had to set the record straight. "So. Any interesting roommates yourself?" I just might hit up a holodeck before the final countdown. "I had this one good guy back in the war, kinda reminds me of you for some reason; I saw his ship blow up at 84, but you strike me as a good nature who could use a bit of confidence. Probably pick up some tough traits from a good pairing. Got any takers?" She wouldn't want to run into any friendly fire with a squadmate when it came to looking for exercise.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #19
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye  | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Nolan, @Triage, @Triton, & anyone else who wants to share a bonding experience with the pilots.

”So um… What can you tell me about Tali?  Maybe it’s because she outranks me but she seems a little… bossy.”

"Oh. Right, well... ...she's that way from being my roommate. Her or T'zantha, but Tali's usually more fun company. Martial arts, potty-mouth, interesting maneuvers and a taste for interesting holodeck programs. Reminds me of another former crewmate, Tarsi, those two were two of a kind."

”Um, yeah I noticed.” Tessa commented, wondering why she let their relationship with Chris get to her.  Were they really any stranger, wilder, or more unsettling or obnoxious than Rawley or Rini?  No.  But Tessa had emotionally staked a claim on Christopher Slayton and couldn’t accept that he was already involved with two women at the same time.  Before Tessa could become too introspective Alessia asked her a question.   

"So. Any interesting roommates yourself?  I just might hit up a holodeck before the final countdown.  I had this one good guy back in the war, kinda reminds me of you for some reason; I saw his ship blow up at 84, but you strike me as a good nature who could use a bit of confidence. Probably pick up some tough traits from a good pairing. Got any takers?"

That Tessa was so easily identified as the wimp of the packs struck her like a physical blow.  She held her composure with remarkable calm, merely blinking sadly and stammering slightly as valiantly fought back the tears.

”Hm?  Oh no, thanks to all the um… vacancies, we’ve pretty much each got a cabin to ourselves,” Tessa mumbled uncomfortably as she recalled all of the casualties the squadron had taken.  ”Oh.  That’s not what you meant was it?  No, I’m kind of on my own right now.  You can have Chris.  Everybody else has.  Tom seems nice though; I need to find out if he’s still unattached.  Oops, never mind.  Rawley is making her move.  Are you seeing anybody right now?”

Tessa wasn’t about to get in the way of Evelyn’s romance.  When Ghost was passionate about something, she usually expressed it with a frightening intensity.  In Tessa’s opinion, a happy Evelyn Rawley meant a happy Lone Wolves Squadron.  Tessa had never been on Rawley’s bad side and she wasn’t about to.  Besides, out of the entire squadron Evelyn Rawley had the most sexual conquests.  Only the late Miles Renard could compete with her.  Assuming he didn’t become a casualty Thomas Ravon would be available sooner or later if Tessa hadn’t found someone else to cling to by then.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #20
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @Doc M.

"Any more songs you'll sing tonight?" he asked her, "Or different plans all together?”

“Maybe. Yeh may be expecting to hear some ugly Scottish belching if I do sing again,” said Rawley sheepishly to Ravon.

She took another swig of drink and looked around. She could see Goldeneye having a heart-to-heart with one of the new lasses…Angel, was it? No, that’s the callsign. She saw some Andorians having a few rounds, one of them clearly taking the mickey out of Captain Ives. She seriously hoped it was a joke and not an insult.

“Yeh know what, maybe I’ll bring around another number,” she said.

She returned to the stage and let out her ugly Scottish belching once again, this time to a tune she knew, even if it did make Irish references.


Once Rawley was finished, she went to the replicator and fetched a stogie. She missed those cigars. True, her voice became husky after years of smoking on cigars, but, hey, she was grateful for the breakthroughs of modern medicine. As husky as her voice was, lung cancer would always be cured.

“Perhaps we can move somewhere more private like, aye?” Rawley proposed once she got back to Ravon. “It’ll undoubtedly be a long night, unless yeh want me to sing some more.”

Much as it was good to be around Ravon, it would’ve been a lot better if they had a moment to themselves. After all, the only time she was around Ravon was during missions and there were other pilots around. She rarely had a private moment with Ravon.

Cheekily, she brought the stogie to her mouth with a smile and winked.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #21
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Multificionado 

Ravon couldn't help but grin as Rawley mentioned she'd simply bring more dirty Scottish belching "Surprise me." he taunted her as he took another sip of his drink and looked with a playful look on his face.

He clapped along with the song and laughed as he saw her sing and toy around with the crowd. He hadn't seen this side of Rawley before and it made him wonder about. He kept clapping until the song was done, he watched her make her way to the replicator as she got her one of her cigars and he smirked as he emptied his drink.

He watched her return to him and he chewed on his lip as she suggested if they could move away to a more private place. He eyed her as he licked his lips slowly. He chuckled and looked around in the lounge, most of the pilots seemed to be busy and looked like they were enjoying themselves. "Sure, any preference lieutenant?" he asked her as he offered her his arm.

As they moved out of the crew lounge he guided her through the corridor to the hangar bay itself. The ships all neatly parked away and besides the occasional clanging of equipment being moved around, the area seemed more quiet than the musky music filled lounge "My office or quarters or somewhere entirely else?" he asked her softly as he felt a feeling gnawing onto the back of his mind.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #22
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Rawley’s smile widened as she accepted his arm. They went arm in arm to the hangar. Rawley could only feel a sense of joy in her. The ships, the bay, it all looked so grand. Like sentinels ready for battle. It felt so quiet, except for the music that went on in the lounge. It was almost romantic.

"My office or quarters or somewhere entirely else?" he asked her softly.

“How about yer quarters, Tom?” asked Rawley, in an equally soft tone. “An office is not as romantic. And…pardon if I soond too feminine, but I think the sight of the nebula through the windows looks…beautiful.”

Rawley could feel the tension. And she was inwardly surprised at her own feminine side. Feminine as in expressing beauty.

The tension came from momentarily in that things could get awkward, if she thought she knew where it was going to go. The last time they were alone together so intimately…well, technically it was no snog. Ravon wasn’t himself then, and it has taken some time for Rawley to come to forgive him. And Maya.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #23
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] [size=10]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado[/size]

She didn't mean necessarily to insult Tessa, and Alessia at once realized her mistake. Evidently her competitive roughneck attitude was construed as thuggish or some less-flattering reflection of her inner nature. She wasn't one to brag or boast of her party-girl days, as they were the foundations for her to improve upon. Well, that and a classified but documented accident where she had a nightmare that she met her mirror self who warned her the error of her ways at the time. That, or she was having a terrible nightmare, but she felt she knew what she saw. A warning of who to be and who to avoid becoming. Her current nature was the lesser of two evils, or at least options. It was also probably why she slept with Dragon recently.

"Hey, hey, easy now." Was her response, putting an arm around Tessa, as if reassuring a younger sister, even though she was the one without, for-lack-of-a-better term, a roommate. Thinking aloud, Alessia seemed distracted on Tali as she mentioned how Vinnie was cute and looked good when they shared showered in co-ed locker rooms, but she was highly selective when it came to men for company, and admittedly, it was probably the proximity to emotional vulnerability that kept Alessia's conscience from inviting Fury to try a repeat of the first time they tried to dance bachata together. Despite looking good in a Spanish Tuxedo, the sight of Alessia in thigh-high boots and a revealing two-piece silver dress* was too much for Dragon's RIO-- or -- he hadn't expected Angel to wrap her leg around him to keep him interested in her 'culture'.

Vinnie... went running out of the holodeck. He left Alessia dancing the same dance with a photonic version of her favorite dancing partner at the time. It was only that evening where she took her satisfaction from a holo-photonic version of the real deal. With Striker. "... so, sure he's got a good body and can stand his ground in a cockpit or in the gym, he still remains just a friend. Maybe Chris--I mean Vinnie!-- is eye-candy sometimes, but you keep that to yourself. I haven't really been looking at the menu since the Dominion War. A good match is hard to find, right?" Alessia realized she'd narrated the entire story between her and her current RIO to Goldeneye while reminiscing of her happy times. Alessia still had that dress in her personal belongings. "I mean I'm not picky, but I draw the line at photonics. ... Most of the time." She chuckled, as if joking further. Privately though, she knew that T'zantha was keenly familiar with creative applications of Vulcan Neuro-pressure and wasn't feeling the need for that much 'euphoric stimulation'.

Alessia realized she'd unintentionally wound up having her hand on Tessa's back like a buddy but shifted her posture as if it was't a Freudian slip. "You can have Chris, but I thiiiink.... he's gonna be busy tonight. Want me to 'arrange' a meeting with you and Fury-- I mean Vinnie? Or,..."[/color] Alessia's eyed glanced at the microphone when Tali finished 'All-Time High'. It was more an invite for a moment of toughening up rather than an invite of any kind, and to break both awkward (but direct) moments, "Look, She's done. Up for a duet?" 

*Alessia's dress reserved for holodecks or off-hours.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #24
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay -> Thomas Ravon's Quarters | Deck 16 -> Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Multificionado

"Romantic?" thomas repeated after her as he cracked a laugh "You're right, that sounds far more feminine than I'm used of you Evelyn." he admitted as he turned and made his way to the turbolifts. He wasn't sure where this was going to lead to, yet he hadn't been with anyone since his return. His mind was still in turmoil however as he placed his arm over Rawley's shoulder and pulled her close "Bunch of old muts we are... Almost the last remaining wolves from the original pack." he murmured to her as he hailed the lift.

Once the turbo arrived he stepped inside with Evelyn and gave the designated deck to go to. Thomas looked Rawley over from head to toe in the elevator as he was trying to figure out why she wanted him to be alone with her. The last time that had happened, things had spiraled out of control with them ending up at each other's throat. The images flashed in front of Thomas' eyes and he rested against the wall of the lift as he looked at Rawley silently.

With a chime the elevator arrived on deck 10, Thomas stepped out as he left Rawley to follow him. He walked down the corridors and up to his room before he entered the code to open the doors. The pilot had received an upgrade room wise as he had become department head. The walls and interior however had been barely changed as he hadn't had the time or the feeling that he should redecorate. He probably would later in time if things settled down a little. If they settled down at all at least.

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