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Topic: Day 19 [2100 hrs.] Oceanside Dress Party (Read 10079 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 19 [2100 hrs.] Oceanside Dress Party

Reply #25
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Aldea Prime | Ibai Besi Palace ] Attn: @Nolan @BZ @Stegro88 @Numen
[Show/Hide]Isel avoided Ravon’s gaze as he began to protest the look and comment Zyrao gave him, the Vulpinian sliding her left foot slowly backwards and shifting her weight so she was half hidden behind Donna. The Vulpinian finally chanced a glance at the two lovebirds when they had both cut off their comments abruptly, leaning to the side so as to peer around Donna at the two.

The body language of both had dramatically changed, the frames of both man and woman holding considerably more tension than they had just moments before. Keep hearing brought the soft words ”Play nice” to her ears, and Isel began to worry that she had said something that had actually offended the El-Aurian. Feeling she ought to try and clean up yet another fucking mess she had made, Isel slid partway back out from behind Donna and held up her free hand in what she hoped would be a disarming gesture.

”No no no, it was supposed to be a joke, Miss Natuana.” Isel spoke fast, her mismatched eyes staring at Zyrao. ”I mean, there was something that happened, but it wasn’t Razor’s fault! Besides, I haven’t met him yet, but I’ve heard out Klingon is a bonehead. So you really can’t blame the boss for…” Isel trailed off as she realized that Zyrao wasn’t looking at her or Ravon, but rather at someone who stood elsewhere in the room. Green and blue eyes followed the El-Aurian’s gaze until they found a grey-skinned man in Starfleet dress uniform staring back at them. Was he the reason for the change in mood? Was the tension in the area actually not her fault?

Isel breathed a soft sigh of relief and took another sip of her drink, glancing at Donna to see if her companion had any inkling as to what was going on, offering Donna a slight shrug to indicate her own confusion at the sudden change in tension.

Re: Day 19 [2100 hrs.] Oceanside Dress Party

Reply #26
[ Captain Ives | Ibai Besi Palace | Aldea Prime ]
Having mixed feelings about the reveal of the Minister of Transport's true identity, Jien did have great need for more officers in Intelligence after the passing of Trent and Erev, the latter whom had barely served at all on the ship before he died from events down at Aldea. Still, there were complications that had to be addressed, and sensitive matters to discuss. Lieutenant Byrne's suggestion was more than sound. Given the sensitive relations with the Aldeans, they had no choice but to discuss this later, when there was no risk compromising Byrne's mission and their own.

"Agreed. I suggest we speak with Deputy zh'Wann again, and she can give you the clearance you need to enter the Theurgy when the more opportune time comes," he said without committing to discuss the number of topics they had to address. He couldn't very well tell Byrne that he was his predecessor, having had Byrne's assignment on Aldea long before the genetically disguised Human ever set foot on the planet. Much less was it wise to speak of Rez, and the exact nature of their prior relationship. If Byrne was Rez' protege, what did that say about Byrne, given past events? Jien had no way of knowing, and he wouldn't just dismiss the man out of spiteful ignorance. "Deputy?"

Ida turned around and walked over to the two spies - former and current - and Jien sipped his drink before he spoke. "Please give Minister Stessias access to the Theurgy's public areas. There is a certain matter of great importance that we need to discuss, but tonight is not the time for it."

"Aye, Captain," said Ida and regarded the man that had spoken with her Commanding Officer with a bit of curiosity - unaware that the Akdean might become a permanent presence on the Theurgy.

Jien turned his attention to Byrne and toasted him a little.  "Thank you for approaching me with the issue," he said just loudly enough to carry and yet not making a spectacle. "Let's discus the details soon enough, Minister. Deputy, I will leave this gentleman in your care for now. Make sure he gets what he needs for the follow-up meeting."

Glancing back to Byrne he added. "Just so that you are aware, explaining why you'd leave Aldea is one thing, but quite another is to evaluate your aptitude for service aboard a starship after so many years undercover."

The rest would have to wait, and Jien raised his stare to the other people attending the event, leaving Byrne alone with the Deputy. Still, his thoughts lingered with the undercover operative, and what his presence might entail once he met Amelya Rez.

Re: Day 19 [2100 hrs.] Oceanside Dress Party

Reply #27
[ Lt. Izar Bila | Ibai Besi Palace | Aldea Prime | Epsilon Mynos III ]
@anyone interested in interact

Every living thing had ingrained in their DNA the fight-or-flight urge. In Bila's case, the choice had always been simple, and he had always chosen to flee from any situation that was moderately risky. Aside of chemistry of course. Or the odd places where his BIG MOUTH lead him.  After all, it was the method that had allowed her to keep that bag full of bones and scales that he calledhis body alive and functioning for so many years. So when his eyes spotted the El-Aurian's change of demeanor, the hybrid wasted no time in rationalizing what was happening: his body simply started to move on its own accord.

By the time he realized it, a railing had stopped his crazed escape. The glass he had carried had disappeared from his hand, his pristine uniform now decorated with an amorphous stain of bright cyan.

The half-Cardassian's heart drummed wildly in his chest and he needed a handful of precious seconds to pull himself together before he was aware of where he was. His frantic running away had taken him far from the main group and he was in a less lit up area that he didn't recognize. Perhaps it was a service area? Where the heck was he?

Bila tried to rearrange his attire as he studied his surroundings, when some whispering voices caught his attention. The hybrid bowed his head and, moved by curiosity, approached the sounds, trying to understand what they were saying.

Izar Bila had always been an expert on escapes. But his curiosity had always been able to get him into trouble


Re: Day 19 [2100 hrs.] Oceanside Dress Party

Reply #28
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Ibai Besi Palace | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Fife @Nolan @BZ

Donna smiled happily at the stunned look on her lover’s face. She'd make it up to her later, Donna knew, but for now, the deer in headlights look on the Vulpinian’s face was priceless. If she made sure to reign in Isel before she talked herself into a situation she couldn’t get out of, then having Ravon’s and Zyrao’s attention focused on her wingwoman was a win/win situation for her.

“Plain old Terran?” Donna mused, listening to Isel go. “I haven’t been that in a long time. Though it was fun to pretend for a bit while I was at the Academy. Oh, time to break off,” Donna noted, nudging Isel to cut off her words before she bored in too deep. “Damn, I love the innocent look she can pull off.”

What happened next was interesting. Something drew the El-Aurian's attention and when Donna followed her eyeline, she found that that something was a person, a Cardassian to be specific. And she herself recognised him. One Izar Bila, the man that had managed to save the Reman Lorad’s life from Borg assimilation, among others. But none of that explained the obvious discontent that was practically rolling off of Zyrao. A glance at Isel confirmed that her lover didn’t know the reason either.


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