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Topic: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation (Read 5544 times) previous topic - next topic
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[2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

OOC: This is a continuation of Kino's and Reika's part after this post -


Lt Reika Sh’laan|  Turbolift  | Between Decks | Vectors 3 and 2 | USS Theurgy @Dumedion

The turbolift doors slipped closed behind the two of them.  Kino took a step toward Reika and long blue arms wrapped around the Trill’s waist and pulled the spotted beauty against her firmly but gently.

Computer, Vector 2, Deck 11."  Then turning to the non-com Reika asked.  "Did I remember correctly?"

The turbolift started at its usual pace.

Computer, take it slow, please.” 

“Acknowledged.  Slowed to third speed.”

Now that’s more like it.”  Reika beamed as her hands moved down Kino’s waist and slipped over the nicely contoured backside giving it a squeeze, keeping their pelvis’s pressed together. 

But while her hands enjoyed the ample flesh they were kneading.  Reika’s eyes searched Kino’s face.  Before her didn’t just stand a woman.  Before her stood a gift - a priceless gift in the form of a beautiful, kind, precious, voluptuous Trill.  One arm remained firmly squeezing Kino’s ass while the other hand’s fingertips trailed up the Trill’s side, a teasing stroke across the side of her breast, a flit of tender touches up her neck until finally, the heel of her palm settled along Kino’s jawline, her thumb stroked the smooth pale cheek.

But a realization struck the Andorian, and she chuckled as her mind continued its internal conversation.  “Sorry,” she grinned.  "I just had a funny thought.  I was just considering how much of a gift you are to me…And you know what you do with gifts right?

A huge grin wound across her face.  “You unwrap them!”  Bright blue eyes found their laughter, but that was followed by a sigh.  “However, seeing as we’re still in the Turbolift, that’ll have to wait until we’re back in our quarters.”  Blue face closed the distance to the pale one.  Reika brushed her nose against Kino’s, then her lips slipped back toward the Trill’s ear, bringing them cheek to cheek.  “And I love unwrapping my presents.  It can be so,” white teeth nibbled a pale ear. “Much,” blue lips engulfed the soft peach earlobe suckling on it.  “Fun,” Reika blew a soft column of air around Kino’s ear and down her neck.

And while I probably shouldn’t unwrap you here, it doesn’t mean I can’t indulge in a little taste.”  The OPS officer trailed a line of kisses down the Trill’s jawline until she reached her chin, when she nuzzled her face just below the jawline tipping Kino’s head up slightly while wet lips kissed their way around the supple skin just above the collar of her uniform.

But even at a third speed, the turbolift stopped all too soon and the doors opened to let the two off.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #1
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Turbolift | Between Decks | Vectors 3 and 2 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Reika didn’t waste any time; Kino loved that about her. A single step closer was met in kind without hesitation, until they were pressed together, held in each other’s arms.  “Hm,” the Trill smiled dreamily, completely distracted. She couldn’t quite concentrate enough to remember her own room number – wrapped up in blue, senses overwhelmed with Reika – but she did manage a shrug. “No idea at the moment, but yeah, sounds familiar,” Kino winked. But then Reika’s lovely hands squeezed her even closer, pinning her in place. A sound, somewhere between a whimper and a squeal, escaped Kino’s lips as they turned in pecking kisses across Reika’s palm. Her eyes noticed, with abject amusement, how the Andorian’s antenna began to wiggle; it was the cutest thing – but also a huge turn-on – but it ceased as Reika’s expression shifted suddenly.

“What is it,” Kino asked through a smile, even as her brow creased a fraction with concern – but after Reika explained, the Trill’s smile only grew to a grin. You are so adorable, Kino chuckled while her eyes fell closed to breathe in her lover’s presence. The perma-grin faltered as her lips parted in a silent moan from what Reika was doing to Kino’s ear, however. Oh shit, not the ear!

And the Andorian didn’t stop there.

“Nhhhg,” Kino moaned, face to the ceiling, biting her bottom lip with a smile. “Cant…argue with that,” she added as her own hands spread to grip curved flesh in turn. “Ahhh, please, let this be the right deck,” Kino laughed under her breath, caught under the loving mercy of the insatiable blue beauty that was her girlfriend.

But then the doors slid open, and the pair turned to glance at an empty hallway.

“Totally gonna get you back for this, y’know,” Kino smirked, then stole another quick kiss as she turned and gave Reika a tug. “I fully encourage such behavior, of course,” she added with a smirk, once their hands were once again linked. “So taste away anytime you like,” the Trill whispered playfully after a few steps.

Kino loved her; loved this – just being around her – being goofy, and loving, flirty, all of it. Reika made the entire day vanish from Kino’s mind; the bullshit, the conflicted memories, the grind, it all seemed so trivial. Cognitively, Kino knew it was all new relationship energy – but damn it felt amazing.

“Wait,” Kino laughed abruptly when she realized they were walking the completely wrong way. “Its back this way. Ahhg, I’m such a mess! Your fault, Legs,” the non-com flashed a dimpled smile as they turned around. “Better not pull that kinda stuff on me while I’m working on the torp, unless y'want jelly all over the place,” she warned jokingly, trademark smirk firmly in place. “I can’t be held accountable for my actions under such duress.”

Soon enough, they arrived at Kino's door. After the code was inputted, the Trill led the way into the common area with a glance at her roommates door. "Must be out or sleeping," she shrugged and made her way to her room, pausing to flash a grin at Reika. "This shouldn't take long, so long as you behave yourself, LT."

Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #2
Lt Reika Sh’laan|  Kino's Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy @Dumedion

As Kino pulled the stately Andorian down the hallway, Reika smiled.  She loved everything about this woman - her sensual noises when Reika kissed, sucked, or nibbled on any part of her milky-white spotted body.  Her darling, teasing sense of humor.  Those damn provocative dimples! The way she would chew on her lip when she was thinking or concentrating or responding to Reika’s advances. 

But just as her thoughts were getting going, Reika felt herself yanked in the opposite direction.  “It’s back this way.  Ahhg, I’m such a mess!  Your fault, Legs!  Better not pull that kinda stuff on me while I’m working on the torp, unless y’want jelly all over the place.  I can’t be held accountable for my actions under such duress.

That one statement slowed her steps - remembering what happened the last time she had been in Kino’s quarters, Reika had shot a torpedo with an arrow and thought she was going to blow up half of the ship.  Kino had done her best to assure her quickly enough.  Still, finding a torpedo hidden under the non-com’s bed had done nothing to assuage any of Reika’s fears.  Her girlfriend had a crazy sense of humor.  It both scared her and intrigued her at the same time.

But Reika was still half dragged, half running after her girlfriend even after the quick change of direction.  But it wasn’t long before they made it to Kino’s - old - quarters.

Her roommate wasn’t in the main room. “Must be out or sleeping.

But just before Kino crossed over the threshold to her room, she paused, turned, and grinned mischievously at her girlfriend before saying, “This shouldn’t take long, so long as you behave yourself, Lt.

But Kino turned quickly after and headed into her room. Before doing anything else, the OPS officer headed to the replicator and ordered a large duffle bag, then she turned to follow the Trill and leaned against the doorframe.  The Andorian crossed her arms under her bust and just watched Kino.  Damn.  The woman knew who she was and what she was about.  She moved with a purpose - a mission.  One of joining two separate existences into one shared life.  She could see her see her muscles tighten and loosen, she could see the tension in her shoulders release and the unconscious smile that graced her mouth.  It all filled her heart and gave her such joy.

After Kino removed several sets of clothes from her drawers and set them down on her bed, Reika made her way over.  In the six steps that it took to get there, Reika had a choice, make a move and sidetrack the two of them in - oh such an enjoyable way - or she could help, so they could consummate this new part of their relationship in their new shared quarters.  Reika rarely had a problem with delayed gratification, and while there was a momentary internal struggle, her decision was made shortly thereafter.  Coming up alongside her girlfriend, she asked, “You are so gorgeous, you know that?”  She smiled at her.  “And precious, and I want to make passionate love to you, but the next time, we make love, I want it to be in our shared quarters.”  She paused and looked at her girlfriend.  “So how can I help get us there sooner?
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #3
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Personal Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Okay, essentials only, Kino told herself. Moving in with someone wasn’t exactly new, insofar as she remembered how it worked thanks to all the other lifetimes Jeen had lived, but that didn’t stop a bubbly feeling of excitement and anticipation from filling her up. She already knew that there wasn’t much in her room that was “essential”; almost everything she owned could easily be replaced via replicator, and the things that had once held value to her as Kino Taer – especially after recent events – didn’t seem so important after all.

I’m still me though, Kino grew still, and blinked. A shake of her head dismissed the moment of introspection, and she moved again without further hesitation – but the feeling lingered. The bow, her medals and clothes, the odds and ends of EDDI scattered over the desk; these were the possessions Kino valued, but none of it seemed to really matter. None of it had ever brought as much joy into her life as Reika did; truthfully, some of it carried a great deal of pain. Do I really need any of it, the non-com wondered, even as she moved with such purpose to gather the items up, like a stage performer collecting his props after a show – an act of muscle memory with no greater emotional resonance than a beggar collecting scattered coins.

A stack of her favorite tee’s, tanks, cargo shorts and jeans was set on the bed; Kino let her hand rest on the faded cotton of a smiley face with a bullet hole in its head, a nostalgic smirk on her lips – it was Taer’s, her style, her attitude – but it was also very much Kino’s. How odd, it seemed, how so much could change in such a short amount of time, yet still remain the same.

Reika drew close then, and the Trill’s face turned to her with a smile, knowing the Andorian had been watching the whole time – because if the roles had been reversed, that’s exactly what Kino would have done. In those loving orbs of glacial cerulean, Kino saw her whole life. It wasn’t the words she spoke that seemed to dilate time; it wasn’t the way her platinum locks fell and framed the infinite shades of blue skin – it wasn’t even the way her beautifully sculpted form leaned in close to fill the air with her heated scent, like air charged with electricity before a storm.

It was the effortless sincerity in her voice, the warmth promised in her touch, the loving promise in her eyes; it was just...Reika– loving her, Kino, in a simple, adorable, but oh so meaningful way – just one moment of all the future moments to come. Kino raised her hand to cup the Andorian’s cheek while she moved to close the small distance between them; an instant before their lips met. The kiss was gentle, earnest; filled with all the emotions the non-com felt but could never find the right words to express: gratitude, longing, adoration, wonderment – topped off with a dimpled smile that lit Kino's face up. The touch and taste of Reika’s lips lingered as Kino pulled away, just far enough for them to gaze into each others eyes. 

“Stop being so damn sweet – it’s very distracting,” the Trill purred through a grin, then then tilted her head a bit as if she reconsidered. “Actually, no, don’t listen to me. Do that again, please, I’d like more of that; like...a lot more,” Kino nodded enthusiastically. “A lifetime more,” she whispered through a smile and cradled Reika’s face with both hands, and spoke between the series of soft kisses that followed. “This is...not it?”

Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #4
Lt Reika Sh’laan|  Kino's Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy @Dumedion

Clothes were packed quickly and neatly - as was Kino’s custom.  The Trill didn’t mess around.  Everything seemed double-timed until it came to Reika.  There, time stood still.  Wistful touches stretched into an eternity, seemingly endless brushes of pink lips across blue and blue lips across pink.  Nothing could be better than standing in the presence of someone who was the joy in your life while time stood still.  Even the way pale fingers cupped the blue cheek.  Reika held her breath until her lungs burned with need, but her heart had another need: the woman in front of her. 

“Stop being so damn sweet - it’s very distracting.”  Kino started.  While Reika smiled and watched the thoughts play on behind the mismatched blue eyes, The Andorian noted a decision quickly made by her girlfriend. With a great deal of intensity, Kino continued. “Actually, no, don’t listen to me.  Do that again, please, I’d like more of that; like a lot more.”

Sh’laan loved the way the dimples erupted on the Trill’s face when she was delighted with something, but as her volume dropped off considerably and Reika felt the gentle caress of both hands on her cheeks.  “A lifetime more.” 

The two drank deeply of each other lips - mostly soft sips - though too many of them to count. 

“This is … not helping … it is?” The Trill asked as lips once again barely parted.

Reika whispered into the infinitesimal space between them.  “Yes, and no.”  She rubbed noses with Jeen.  “Yes, in that I love knowing how much I’m loved….how much you want me…how much you care for and yet need me.” One soft kiss.  “But you’re right.  It’s not getting us to our quarters.”

Reika’s hands settled on Kino’s slight waist.  “And since I want to show you how much I want you, how much I care for you and need you too,” she entwined her fingers with the Trill’s and walked over to the bed picking up Kino’s bag.  “Let’s go home shall we, gorgeous?  It’s been such an eventful day.  I just want to rest in your arms knowing that no matter what happens with the genetic unspooling that I’ve got you.  That you’re mine and I’m yours.”

Reika drew Kino out of the room with a regal stride.  But apparently, between the time the girls entered the quarters and now, Reeds, Kino’s roommate had deposited himself on the couch.

“Oh,” Reika paused for a moment startled by the sudden appearance of the interloper.  “Hey, Um…” Reika stumbled over her words.  “We’re going to go.  I don’t meant just for now,” Reika said, not sure why Reeds appearance had discombobulated the Andorian - almost as if she had gotten caught doing something she shouldn’t have.  And on one hand, she kinda was.  Fraternization between officers and non-coms wasn’t technically allowed.  Granted Theurgy was in a situation that most ships never find themselves in - at least that’s what Reika told herself.  But moving in together could be another story altogether. 

Glancing back over her shoulder at the pale-skinned Trill, suddenly not only did Reika not care, but she positively needed to tell someone what she was doing.  She needed the world to know what she was doing.  “Hey.  Just so you don’t worry, I’m taking the Trill home with me,” Reika stated emphatically. “I mean for good.  She’s moving in with me.”  Reika pulled the Trill close with their entwined hands, and instead of looking at Reeds, Reika confessed to Kino.  “I’m gonna love on her - every day.  I’m going to take care of her every need.  I’m going to satisfy her every desire.  I’m going to be there for her, no matter what’s going on in her life.”

As the Andorian finished, she realized just how much it sounded like wedding vows.  No, the two weren’t getting married at that moment, but they were promises she was making to Kino here and now.  She needed her girlfriend to know that this wasn’t just about pleasuring each other as often as possible but meeting every need - physical, emotional, and spiritual. 

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #5
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Personal Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
She tried not to giggle at the look on Reed’s face while Reika over-explained the situation, in the cutest way possible, but wasn’t quite successful. For his part, the mechanic’s face remained in a comical expression of ‘oh, really,’ though-out, but Kino knew him well enough to see that he was barely holding back his own amusement.

“Well aight then, go head ladies,” Reed’s face of mild shock finally split into a shit-eating grin. “Just make sure you come up for air once an’ awhile.”

Kino belted the laugh she’d been holding in. “Duly noted – I’ll try to remember, but no promises. Do me a favor and try not to spread this all over the ship,” she asked with a sarcastic edge, knowing it was going to happen anyway – or probably already had.

Reed threw his meaty paws up in the air in placation. “Ain’t nobody seen nothin’,” he frowned dramatically, then turned his attention back to the PADD in his hand with a heave of one massive shoulder. “Don’t even know y’all. How’d you get in here anyway,” he added in a chuckle.

“Atta boy,” Kino smirked and nodded, then tightened her hold on Rieka’s waist and pulled her closer to plant a kiss on her temple. “And if you borrow my tools you better put ‘em back,” she warned him teasingly, to which he held up two fingers with his own smirk.

“Yeah, yeah, but if you’re not back in three weeks – they’re mine,” he shrugged. “Thems the rules, I don’t make ‘em up.”

Kino just laughed and rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Be good,” she waved at him, then tugged Rieka towards the door. “Shall we,” she grinned, eager to get them to where they both wanted to be, and maybe take a shower – then settle down and spend some quality time together – or honestly whatever Rieka wanted.


Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #6
Lt Reika Sh’laan|  Kino's Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy @Dumedion

As Reika finished stammering her confession both to her girlfriend as well as to her girlfriend’s former roommate, her cheeks morphed from a beautiful cerulean to a lavender as she realized how corny what she said sounded - true though it was.  She could tell that Reeds found it amusing, but apparently in an endearing sort of way.  Maybe he had seen Kino alone so long that he was happy for her even if her girlfriend was a bit of a flake when it came to romantic proclamations.

But at his comment about coming up for air once in awhile, Reika decided he could be a comrade in arms if she ever needed.  It was obvious that he wanted to see Kino happy.  And that made Reika happy. 

Duly noted -- I’ll try to remember, but no promises,” Kino added to the conversation.

Only once in awhile, though.”  Reika snuggled in close to Kino.  “I mean, we have to keep our priorities straight.  Right, Gorgeous?”

The two exchanged a few more quips, but it was evident both from her body language and from her comment, “Shall we?” that Reika knew it was time for her and Kino to depart.  And that was exactly what the Andorian wanted.  She needed time to get her girlfriend settled in … and then time just to be together.  It was the most simple of pleasure - sure sex was amazing (and she was sure that there would be plenty of it), but just to BE with Kino - to tend to her - to bring her joy - that in itself brought such joy to her heart.

But as her thoughts ran wild, she felt herself get tugged toward the door.  Being - literally - pulled back to the here and now, Reika processed Kino’s question and her eyes sparkled as it took all she could do not to pin Kino to the wall there and kiss her as if there were no tomorrow.  But instead, she kept those feelings in check - telling herself it would only take a few minutes to get them to her quarters.

Reeds’s quarters door opened for them and the two slipped out together. After walking down the corridor for thirty seconds in silence, the Andorian couldn’t keep quiet any longer.  “Ya know,” Reika started as they made their way to the turbolift. “On one hand, I know you.  But in reality, there’s so much that I still don’t know about you, Gorgeous.  It’s not that it matters to me one way or another, but so I understand you a little better, have you ever lived with someone before…well, I mean as Kino.  I’m assuming Jeen has lived with someone before.  And how many times has Jeen been married?” Her mouth was opened to continue the barrage of questions because her thoughts continued on apace in a fraction of a second.  There was so much more she wanted to know about this entrancing woman at her side.  So much more she needed to know.  ‘One step at a time,’ she mentally chided herself.  Don’t overwhelm her with questions simply because your brain’s on fire to know everything about her.

Reika laughed nervously as she realized that her words had really trailed off.  Her steps slowed to a halt and she turned to face Kino.  “Sorry,” she nearly whispered with a penitent smile.  “I just realized how much I don’t know about you, how much I want to know about you, and it overwhelmed me for a moment.  You overwhelm me.  Your heart.  Your care.  Your tenderness and passion.  You fill my heart, Kino Jeen.”
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #7
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Corridor | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree 
The corridor was vacant while they walked, hand in hand; Kino felt her cheeks and ears burn – flushed into a rosy color from Reika’s endearing words. For a few strides, the Trill couldn’t even form speech, she simply bowed her head and grinned like an idiot; the Andorian continued to amaze her, on every level. While it was true they had only just met, and yes, there was so much left to discover, Kino had never felt so sure of anything in her life. They'd figure it all out, together, wherever the path led.

She squeezed Reika’s hand, then brought blue skin to her lips for a quick kiss. “Your heart, my heart. One and the same,” Kino smiled at her, “and no apologies for bein’ you. I kinda like you, ya know,” she added with a wink.

As they neared the lift, Kino considered Reika’s question, then lifted a shoulder. It was…difficult for her to answer; Kino fumbled for words that would make sense for someone who had never experienced what being joined felt like. In that context, she tried for a direct and uncomplicated response, and hoped Reika would understand.

“For all intents and purposes, I am Jeen,” Kino huffed a laugh, amused at her attempt; it sounded crazy even to her ears, and admitted that to Reika as well. “I’ve been married twice, been a husband, been a wife  – raised kids, built homes…all of it,” she added, “love and loss. Triumph and tragedy.” Her face shifted briefly as a wave of emotion poured through her; love, loss, joy and regret – all of mixed and jumbled from all the lives she’d lived and all the memories therein. Kino clawed her way back from the cascade, blinking rapidly with a deep breath to steady herself.

“Whew, it’s a lot,” she cleared her throat, then smiled again. “But as for me, Kino? No, I’ve never shacked up with anyone,” the Trill beamed, “boot camp don’t count. Room mates neither. This’ll be a whole new experience, and us spotted folk love new experiences.”

When the lift doors opened, Kino entered, dropped her bag, and pulled the Andorian close; with her back to the wall, the Trill’s eyes gazed up at her love’s face, eyes, and antenna lovingly.

“What bout you, Legs? Ever done this before,” she grinned teasingly, falling back into her habit of joking around serious topics. “Have those eyes seduced others into your loving embrace, promising the joy and ecstasy you've shown me?” A dark brow twitched up playfully. “Should I be worried?”

Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #8
Lt Reika Sh’laan|  Turbolift  and Sh'laan/JeenQuarters | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy @Dumedion

Reika loved the feeling of her long blue fingers wrapped in creamy ones, but when Kino raised their hands to her lips and kissed the back of Reika’s hand, she could have just melted into the floor.  It was such an innocent yet deeply touching gesture.  And while she kept on a pace, her antenna did wobble slightly with the intense peace and joy she felt.

And Kino was right.  Their hearts - they were already one and the same.  But Reika could see her love searching for the words to adequately answer her question about Jeen.  Reika just wanted to wrap her up so Kino would feel the love that her heart exuded and not worry about searching for the right words.  Any words would do at this point, but then the Andorian saw the raw emotion that nearly overwhelmed the Trill.  Reika couldn't help but feel it alongside her.  But instead of saying something, the Andorian gave her girl the space to pull herself back together - which she did amazingly.

The blue-skinned woman learned that her love had been married twice - once as a man, once as a woman and that she had kids.  That one thought nearly brought tears to Reika’s eyes.  She knew that the neither of the two of them could never have kids.  Kids - it was something she had never given much thought to.  In many ways she had accepted her fate, but with someone by her side…did that change the equation for her?  Her mind started in on her question, but Kino kept going.  Returning her thoughts to the beauty before her.

This - moving in together - was a first for Kino and that brought a smile to pale blue lips.  She got to be a ‘first’ with the Trill.

But it was only a moment later, when the turbolift doors opened, and they were in the quiet solitude of each other’s presence in a closed space again.  Kino dropped her bag, backed up to the wall, and pulled Reika firmly against her.  Those blue eyes roamed her face, her antennae, and returned to Reika's eyes.  But it wasn’t the contact that weakened the Andorian’s knees, it was the way that her love looked at her.   That “I don’t know how you could make me happier than I am this moment,” look.  That “I am so excited to be on this journey with you,” look.  That “I’m filled with joy - just being with you,” look.  And blue antennae, which had stabilized, were once again wobbly.  How she loved this.  Yes, this woman, but not just the woman.  It was what she made her heart feel, how she made her body react, how she felt completely safe in her arms.

Reika laughed at Kino’s teasing remarks about whether or not the Trill needed to worry about Reika seducing other people. “Well, you know about Barak.  We spent the night at each other’s place often, but, no, we never moved in together.”  She paused for a moment closing her eyes as she tried to work through her thoughts on the matter - her lips only centimeters from Kino’s forehead.  Instead, she leaned her head down and rested a blue forehead against a creamy one.  “Looking back,” she nearly whispered, “while we enjoyed each other, he always kept an emotional distance between us.”  She opened her eyes and continued softly.  “I think that’s why we never moved in together.  So no, no need to worry,” she winked.  “And yeah, this is new for me too, Gorgeous.  But I love the thought of having this first for both of us - together.

Reika brushed her lips softly against Kino’s and had the turbolift doors not opened again at that moment, that gentle touch of her lips would have lingered much longer.  But with a giddy smile plastered on her face, she leaned over and picked up Kino’s bag, slung it over her shoulder, and once again wrapped her fingers in white.  Her quarters were close to the turbolift and Reika didn’t want to break the precious silence just yet. 

She drew the Till along the corridor until they came to the door.  She input the code and stepped inside.  Slipping Kino’s bag off of her shoulder to the floor just inside the door, she took the Trill by both hands and led her to the center of the living room.  She held her breath the whole time until she pulled Kino to her and was able to breathe out the words. “Welcome, home, Gorgeous.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation

Reply #9
A JP by Dree & Dumedion...
[LT Reika Sh’laan/PO2 Kino Jeen | Personal Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree

“First of many firsts to come, Legs,” Kino whispered back with a playful wink, hoping to convey that she had never felt concerned or threatened about Reika’s previous relations. The present felt too amazing to dwell on the past. There was something immeasurably satisfying in the simple happiness of the moment; how all the linear events and decisions of life had led her here and now, of all places. It was...surreal, like a dream, but better than anything the Trill’s imagination was capable of. Her hand tightened around Reika’s as they walked, grounding Jeen in the moment. Remember this. All of it, the Trill willed; the warmth of the Andorian’s hand – the way her hair swayed – the way her scent teased the air. Above all, Jeen wanted to remember the happiness and joy in Reika’s smile, the way she looked at her. Like I’m the only one in her world, Jeen realized with a smile that lit up her face and colored her cheeks.

Once inside their soon-to-be shared living space, the non-com noted the subtle shift in temperature, but barely had time to feel it; Kino’s eyes never left Reika’s face as the Andorian drew close and pulled her into an embrace – the Trill couldn’t stop smiling – couldn’t stop her hands and arms either. Wrapped up in blue, Kino tilted her head up and to the side to feather kisses up along the Andorian’s jaw.

“Home is where you are,” the non-com grinned quietly into a blue ear, then pulled back enough for them to meet each other’s eyes. “So – shower first,” Kino suggested with a cocked brow and a playful smirk as she unzipped her duty jacket halfway, “then snuggles?”

It was like Kino could read her mind - a feast for the eyes and hands and heart.  Then and there, she decided that every time the two of them were in each other’s presence, she was going to learn something new, find a new physical aspect of Kino, discover a new emotional propensity of her love - just something.  It could be a freckle or the way she tilted her head or how her eyelash fluttered when she was in thought, or even a sound she would make when she found herself in a particular situation.  Anything or everything - every time.  She would learn and study the heart that walked outside of her body, so she could more fully worship at its altar.

Lowering the chin, which she had lifted to give Kino access to her jawline, Reika couldn’t bring herself to smile.  She was too happy to smile.  Her heart was too full, so instead of saying something and breaking the ebullient bubble swelling within her chest, she drew Kino along by the hand through the bedroom, where she deposited the Trill’s bag on the foot of her bed, but continued through into the bathroom.  When she reached its doorway, the Andorian turned around stepping backward and taking Kino by both hands, the elegant Andorian led her into the room where they would share their first shower together in their shared quarters.

She had seen Kino naked many times already, but somehow, the expectation of this encounter felt different.  Her stomach was all aflutter, and her chest noticeably rose and fell with each anticipatory breath.  She took a step toward the noncom and released the milky fingers so she could unzip her uniform jacked the rest of the way.  She slipped her blue fingers over Kino’s shoulders, releasing the jacket from its perch and allowing it to drop to the floor.  A blue tongue set her azure lips, and her eyes never left the arctic-colored ones of the woman she loved.

“Silent treatment already,” she teased playfully, eyes bright, smiling brighter; as her jacket hit the floor, her hands and fingers deftly slid up Reika’s torso to mimic the Andorian’s movements. There were entirely too many layers of clothes separating them, and Kino needed them gone, but her movements were not hurried. This was no scramble for satisfaction; not a dead sprint of passion to the finish line.

It was the end of one journey and the beginning of another: just another step onto another path, one they could walk together. There was no hurry. In that moment, they were immortal - untouchable - unbound and untroubled by time, physics, or the laws of reality. After all, what did any of that matter, compared to the love that lit up the soul? Nothing. Kino gazed into her love's eyes, those endlessly beautiful oceans of blue. In their depths she witnessed everything her life could be, everything her heart needed, and everything her body craved. Nothing else matters.

Reika’s jacket joined Kino’s at their feet, as pink lips gently pressed into blue. Pale fingers tugged up on a golden undershirt once, to free it from the Andorian’s slacks, before curling in against azure skin in a slow tickle. All the while, the pair slowly orbited each other, until Kino’s butt bumped into the vanity with a giggle.

Reika chuckled.  She had been silent - words weren’t important.  What needed to be said could be - and was being - said without words.  It was spoken by the glint in an eye or the brush of a fingertip, in the flush of a cheek, or the curl of a lip.  Just after Kino’s jacket hit the ground, Reika felt the touch of Kino’s fingertips, first on her shoulders dropping her own jacket to the floor. 
Reika’s lips parted in anticipation as Kino pressed in.  Lips joined each other.  If it hadn’t been for the color difference, there were moments when it would have been hard for a bystander to tell where one set ended and the next began.  The two moved fluidly in and around each other.  Reika draped her arms over Kino’s shoulders, folding them around the Trill’s neck.  One locked in place, the other slipped up into Kino’s white hair.

But she felt Kino’s hands tugging at her shirt.  She felt it slip its moorings and warm fingers slipped under its hem and ran along her torso, but as the two spun around each other on an invisible axis, Reika felt Kino bump into the sink.  The smile that broke onto her lips broke their kiss, but drew her heart even closer to her girlfriend.

Reika lifted Kino up and plopped her ass on the sink, touching the inside of Kino’s knees Reika spread them apart so she could step into the space she created.  Blue fingers lifted up, allowing Kino the ability to remove the shirt she had untucked.

Golden fabric peeled away from blue flesh, but Kino’s eyes never left Reika’s. She watched the flow of platinum hair tossed by the movement with a smile and sigh of satisfaction, even as her hands roamed of their own accord across soft skin. The Trills legs, open at the thighs to accommodate, hooked around the Andorians waist in a welcoming embrace. The entire movement occurred mere seconds, even though nothing had been rushed or frantic in their movements; Jeen marveled at that, at how right it felt, just being there, wrapped up in each other, as her hands slowly trailed up Reika’s flank to gently cup each side of her beautiful face.

No words, then; Kino let her eyes and her body do the talking.

A head tilt was all it took, followed with a brush of lips.

Perhaps the shower can wait, Kino chuckled to herself…


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