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Topic: Day 20 [2122 hrs.] And then the Gods created war, death, and space lasers... (Read 8164 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 20 [2122 hrs.] And then the Gods created war, death, and space lasers...

Reply #25
[PO2 Kino Jeen & Lt Reika sh’Laan | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree @rae @Ellen Fitz @ob2lander961 @Juzzie @tongieboi
[Continued directly from previous JP...]

Reika’s eyes closed at the quick kiss, really trying to cherish the moment, no matter how fleeting.  Then her eyes opened again, and as Kino began to pick up her equipment, she hoisted the coms unit up taking off after the Trill as they made their way back toward the group. Yet as they did, a deep thunk followed by a high-pitch scream whirred overhead; Reika heard it coming closer and closer. “Kino!”  Reika cried, dropping her coms unit and pulling the Trill down to the ground, but the two were covered with tons of dirt and the computer said, “Mable Maddie Green, USO talent performer.  You died in the game and are now known as PFC Rickie Rockwood, Mess Hall Grunt. Heather Lambert, Flying Ace, you’ve died in the game, and are now known as Private Tammie James, Logistic specialist.”

Reika stood up and shook herself off, and offered her hand to Kino.  Once she was sure that her girlfriend was really okay, she asked,  “Do those positions sound fun to you?”

Kino shook off the unpleasant experience of being blown up again, mentally and physically, for a second. “Ugh,” the non-com groaned as she rolled over, trying to stop her limbs from tingling without success. The battle that raged around them was ignored; artillery shells still rained, tracer fire ate up dirt, distant machine gun fire and flames roared. Kino narrowed her eyes at herself, now dressed in a different getup, with the MG she’d stolen gone. I liked that gun, she pouted, but managed a crooked smile as she took Reika’s hand. “Is that a trick question,” she teased with a laugh as the Andorian hauled her to her feet. But there it was again, that look in Reika’s eyes. Kino’s features tightened in concern as she stepped close. “Hey, you okay,” she asked, taking Reika’s hands in hers. “What’s up?”

“Ya know what Gorgeous?  I think all of this may be too much. I changed my mind and I do wanna get out of here, if that’s okay with you.  Maybe talk things over about what I learned in sickbay today.  And just to be alone with you. Whatcha think?”

“I think that sounds better than staying here and getting shocked again,” the Trill answered instantly. “Computer: arch,” she added over her shoulder, then started pulling Reika toward it while she walked backwards. “You can reasonably assume that from now on, given the choice, I’m gonna choose you,” Kino added conspiratorially.

The Andorian found a small smile for her girlfriend. “Thanks Gorgeous.”

The non-com nodded then and led Reika by the hand to the arch, then offered one last look over her shoulder for the other players. All she saw was the command tent and flashes of combat over the trench walls, which prompted a snort as she shook her head. The pair crossed the threshold back out into the corridor beyond the holodeck, clad once again in uniforms. More detonations thundered as the holodeck door closed behind them. Kino turned to face Reika, then, with an apologetic look. “Wasn’t exactly the best of ideas, in hindsight,” she admitted, adding a silent Thanks alot, Red, to herself. “Maybe we just stick to relaxing get away sims. Or at least something…less intense than that,” her head flicked to the holodeck door with a smirk.

“Yeah,” Blue fingers laced with creamy spotted ones.  “I think I’d like that better.”  The two walked down the corridor in relative silence for several moments, but as they approached the turbolift, Reika inclined her head toward the Trill.  “Your place or mine?”  In that split second moment, Reika realized that she didn’t want either of those things….not really.  What she really wanted was for them to go ‘their place.’  The only way it could be ‘their place’ was Kino moving in, but….that was too fast wasn’t it?  Or was it? They had become a couple in the blink of an eye, so was this just continuing along at the same breakneck pace.  They both said they knew what they wanted. 

Finally, the Andorian found her voice - but just enough for one word, “Or….” but her voice trailed off.

Kino chuckled. “There’s a third option? Color me interested.”

Now Reika felt silly.  It was too fast, too soon, too much.  It might scare the other woman away.  This woman who had become her all in a few short days.  Her cheeks colored, giving them a pale purple hue.

The Trill turned a beaming grin at the flush of color in her lover’s face as they walked. “C’mon Legs, use your words,” Kino prompted teasingly.

“I love you,” Reika laughed. She had already said that - and meant it wholeheartedly - in their short time.

“Well, I am loveable,” the non-com agreed with a dimpled smile, looking quite pleased with herself; but her hand tightened around the Andorian’s in a squeeze of affection. “As are you, in every way possible - even those I didn’t even think about,” Kino raised their hands to plant a quick kiss on the back of Reika’s. “So tell me what’s on your mind, hon.”

“Move in with me?  It doesn’t have to be tonight.  If you want, we can just talk, or cuddle, or…well,” she quirked a slightly seductive smile, “anything else.  But it just hit me, I don’t want to go to your quarters or my quarters.  I want to go to our quarters.  To create a place of belonging together with you.”

Kino grinned again. “Well, my toothbrush is already there - so I’m practically moved in already, ain’t I,” she winked. “Seems to me the only thing we really need to discuss is where to put my tools and torpedo,” the Trill’s brows rose as her grin widened. “We’re a package deal, I’m afraid. Besides, this way I can teach you all the things. Demo work is a blast, y’know.”

The Andorian couldn’t help but have her spirit bolstered.  She was given a second chance. This time not only was love declared - unlike her last time - but it was being realized right in front of her eyes.  She had to work hard to keep the silly grin off of her face, her whole spirit was alight with a joy that the OPS officer to this point had not known.  She reached up with her free hand to lay it aside her girlfriend’s face as azure eyes twinkled.  “Then let’s go to your quarters and pack up some things to bring back to my…”  The Andorian colored slightly though her smile never wavered, “I mean … our quarters and unpack them.  What do you say?” Reika stepped in a little closer.

Kino chuckled and stole a kiss before the turbolift door opened. "You're cute as hell when you blush," the Trill grinned, "Lets do it."

“Just... maybe not the torpedo tonight?” Reika chuckled as they entered the lift.

"Absolutely. Don't need it with you around, darlin'," Kino winked as she closed the distance between them while the doors hissed closed.

OOC: That concludes Kino and Reika's participation in this thread, folks :)

Re: Day 20 [2122 hrs.] And then the Gods created war, death, and space lasers...

Reply #26
[Horrible French Accent "Some time later..." | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

@ob2lander961 @Dumedion @rae   @Dree @Ellen Fitz @tongieboi @Juzzie @Pierce

Petty Officer Vinnie Ferris was waiting for the holodeck to open up.  He'd been planning on showing off a program where he would fly ancient air breathing jet aircraft from an ocean going ship.  From there, he'd exercise holographic daring do against a fictional enemy to protect an innocent cargo ship.  He'd sold it pretty well to his date, Crewman Tashanna Ford since she worked on shuttles and had an interest in small craft as well. "Hey Vinnie, am I late?" she asked rounding the corner, and the Rio smiled as he shook his head. "Naw, you're pretty much on time. I'm just waiting for the current session to end."  He jerked a thumb at the double door. "If it isn't over soon, I'll just signal their time is up, and we can go in."  The crewman nodded and fidgeted for a moment. "So, what are....."

The doors to the holodeck opened and the two were treated to a most unusual procession.  First out was a well known short and loud pilot who was practically skipping backwards in outrage. It seemed every other word that she yelled was either a bitch or ass as she  ignored the bruise that covered half her face, and the blood dripping from her nose and lips.  It also didn't help that she had a outfit on that was silk black with white frills and seemed to have a feather duster hooked to a belt around her waist.

An Andorian, and a human brunette followed supporting a red headed Trill who was skipping along while being supported by the two. It was definitely unusual as the human and Andorian were dressed in tan tunics with matching kilts and swords while the Trill was in a lab coat with a shattered set of goggles. The three were ignoring the angry and boisterous pilot as the Trill argued over the need to go to sickbay with the Andorian. "Azrin!  You don't set off a jury rigged 1960s plasma charge right next to a fusion core without consequences!  Even with the safety protocols in place!  If we're lucky, Chief Arnold is only going to yell at us for breaking the holodeck again!  So I will tie you into a pretzel and carry you off to sickbay since there is something clearly wrong with your leg!"  Any attempts to argue were cut off with a yelp as the deft blue hand applied a pressure point squeeze of the pale wrist she had wrapped in grip followed with "You fell over twice just trying to get away from me, so shut it!" the medic finished as the trio plus one rounded a corner and disappeared into a turbolift.

A steady stream of other worn bodies followed out the door, many looking less bedraggled but still worse for wear.  Some wore looks of utter exhaustion, though one very well built Romulan seemed quite smug and satisfied with everything.  He was feeling so jovial about the entire adventure that he was trying to proposition a red haired woman for a drink with something that was probably flammably hazardous and illegal on ship.  It didn't seem like he was having any luck.

The two stared at the holodeck suspiciously, especially after the Andorian's outburst and invoking the name of the Chief Engineer and some possible associated items.  Pilot crews were not known for being indecisive or slow on their feet. "I uhhhh, yeah, Holodeck 1 seems to be open, let's go there instead."  Crewman Ford just nodded as she stared wide eyed at the procession that had disappeared out of sight. "Uhmmm.  Sounds good, and let's just mark this holodeck out of service for now.  That sounds safe."  There was a pause as she punched in a maintenance shut down code on the command panel. "Yep, safety first."  She said to no one in particular as if offering a prayer to no one in particular. "Yep, safety first." she repeated quietly.


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