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Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Shuttlecraft Bouman | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


It had, thus far, been a quiet day of work for Lillee. The shuttles were behaving, the work orders were on time, everyone was being friendly, and nobody had tried to kill her even once. As shifts went on the USS Theurgy, it was a downright idyllic day.

Naturally, by lunchtime, Lillee was deeply suspicious. Her suspicions seemed to prove well-founded as, right when she was about to head out for lunch, there was a minor refuelling mishap with another shuttle. Lillee wasn't involved in the refuelling, but when the refuelling team called out the antimatter flow malfunction to the entire bay, she leapt into action without hesitation, just as she'd been trained. Of course, 'action' meant standing to the side with an emergency containment shell, poised for a catastrophic antimatter leak, a leak that might cause a devastating explosion, a leak that might threaten the structural integrity of the ship, a leak that Lillee alone could contain...

...a leak that never happened, nor was ever likely to. A dozen redundancies had to be fail before Lillee (contingency 13) would be required. Instead, Lillee was left standing aside for an hour, looking and feeling faintly ridiculous in her hazardous materials gear as the actual professional technicians dealt with the problem. It was a very long and dull hour spent thinking of increasingly delicious and indulgent lunches, meaning that when the technicians finally finished and Lillee could take off the hazmat gear, she was famished.

Thus, when she began walking for the shuttlebay doors and spotted a familiar chief headed her way with a PADD in hand, she groaned. "Tell me it's not so, Chief," she said sourly. "Tell me that you're not bringing me an urgent flight that I must do immediately before I can eat."

"Sorry Lillee," the chief said with a sympathetic smile. "Emergency pickup from the planet. A botanical team was working in a forest when there was some trouble nearby. The Klingons are dealing with some rebels and they've interdicted transporters in a hundred kilometer radius. Most of the team have beamed back already; there's just one guy still down there, a civilian." Seeing the disgruntlement on Lillee's face, he handed her the PADD. "This should cheer you up, at least. Check the name."

After reading it, Lillee's eyebrows shot up like rockets.

Barely fifteen minutes later, Lillee was in a shuttle, zooming down to the planetary surface. She ignored the worried Klingon law enforcement on her comms, instead referring them to the enormous dreadnought a few hundred kilometers over their heads, which shut them up nicely. Soon enough, after breaking through some threatening rainclouds, Lillee descended upon a lush forest nestled inside a valley. Eager and a bit curious, she neatly landed her shuttle in a small clearing near the coordinates that she'd been given.

After putting on an equipment belt, complete with phaser and tricorder, Lillee opened the rear hatch and stepped out. "Hello?" she said, looking around, cursing herself for not simply scanning for lifesigns first to see where the man was. "Hello!" she called out, louder.

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #1
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

No one had died, and not one person had leveled more than a distrustful glare in Hirek’s direction for the duration of their collection efforts this morning. Though a few had beamed out with new cuts and bruises compliments of the aggressive shrubs growing plentifully in this area, not one member had suffered so much as a venomous bite or broken nail, which could be thought of as akin to a miracle considering the location and context of their mission. Even before they’d left the ship, the Klingon officials had warned of the potential for rebel activity in the Sussi-vuv Highland area. But seeing the “potential” as an acceptable risk in favor of bulking up their arboretum diversity and injecting more specimens into the botany lab for study, Hirek had been recruited to the mission.

This suited Hirek fine as, aside from a few stints in the labs to assist in ongoing experiments, the department heads had yet to figure out how to incorporate his expertise into their programs. His extensive background bridged medicine and science, botany and zoology, and no one quite knew what to do with a Romulan defector. Though he’d passed through the “red tape” of interviewing with the captain, both Intelligence heads—the now deceased one and the newly appointed one, and passing his physical and mental assessments, not failing to mention the “hazing” from Valyn Amarik, there was still the residual uncertainty that a goodly amount of the crew felt towards him.

Amarik would chalk it up to his being Romulan, but Hirek knew these things rarely had such simple answers. More likely, the crew was leery of his intentions and were curious if he would happily shoot them too if he found it necessary—as he had so casually done with Madsen to achieve his place on the ship. The fact that the answer was a shameless “yes,” and everyone knew it did not add points to his popularity. But, despite the lack of enthusiastic affectation, the Theurgy crew had remained professional in their treatment towards him, and for the duration of their specimen collection, they’d spoken to him as a peer and not hesitated in asking for his insight whenever it seemed pertinent to do so.

However, when it came time to return to the ship, and they discovered issues would soon arrive for beam out, as the newest “member” of the crew and the most expendable, Hirek had been elected to remain behind with the various crates and canisters of specimens that hadn’t been successfully beamed up. With the promise of a “pick up” within the hour, Hirek was left behind without one glance of regret. And he found no fault in this reality; amusement, if anything. In fact, having the wilderness area all to himself now was a welcome change. The highland area was covered with white rock formations intermixed with low-lying shrubs, succulents, cacti, and green-needled trees that offered shade over short, small patches of grass. The breeze was warm, spiced with the blooms of a nearby fern colony, and the partly cloudy sky afforded occasional protection from direct sunlight.

After months of being a “member” of the Tal Shiar cell in the First City, he’d found the change to Theurgy a blessing. Now, after only a week, if even that, on the ship, Hirek found this secluded glade a blessing. He didn’t have to play the mental or verbal mind games, perform, so to speak, to maneuver his way through the day-in-day out of life on the ship without incident. There were times he didn’t comply with this expectation, and those times were also as welcome to his soul as this sunny silence. Hirek smiled as he snatched a fig from one canister and made his way to a scrub tree that hung over a thin patch of mossy grass. His time on the holodeck with Pierce had been one of those times, and though he was far from a hopeful optimist, Hirek was certain with time, there would be more opportunities to act on old hobbies and cultivate new acquaintances.

As the day's heat pressed upon him and there was still no sign of the “rescue,” Hirek removed his red tunic and, rolling it up, used it as a pillow before sprawling on the grass. He wore a form-fitting black undershirt tucked into his equally form-fitting black trousers. The grass was soft, cool, and spongy enough to relieve his joints as he lay there after a long morning of bending, twisting, and hauling specimens. Contented smile pulling at his lips, Hirek hummed a bawdy tune he’d learned from one of the mollusk fishermen back home as he opened the native fruit. He was just touching the succulent orange flesh against his lips when he heard the shuttlecraft.

Hirek knew it would be polite to sit up and signal the pilot of his whereabouts a few yards away from the mound of specimens still awaiting rescue. But he was hungry, the juice of the fruit was already coating his lips, and he was too comfortable to care for manners. So, instead of jumping to his feet and snapping to their side when he heard them call out expecting an answer, Hirek released a shrill whistle between his teeth and thrust a single booted foot up into the air. If they were scanning the area visually, as he was certain they would be, they’d see the movement and likely come to investigate. Regardless of their response, Hirek didn’t break the silence of the glade until after he finished the prepared first half of the fig. He couldn’t help but smile, eyes sliding shut for a moment, as he savored the unique sweetness. Still lying upon the grass, Hirek’s eyes moved to the second half of the fig, studying it with lazy interest as he finally called out to his “rescue” pilot.

“Grab a fig from the canister marked for the chef and join me.” He began to dig his fingers under the protective flesh of the fig, peeling it away from the orange fruit. “Unless you brought a crew with you, we’ll need the sugar boost to finish loading all these specimens by ourselves.” Sensing movement, Hirek looked up, an eyebrow shooting nearly to his hairline when he saw the blonde Romulan staring back at him. “Oh, hello. Hirek tr’Aimne, expendable botanist for the day. And you are?”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #2
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Shuttlecraft Bouman | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


It took a moment for Lillee to spot the raised foot from the direction of the whistle, and she traipsed over to the stranded botanist in a distinctly sour mood. His flippant reaction to her arrival didn't win him any points, and given that lunch had been abandoned, he was already in a deficit. Stopping before Hirek, Lillee crossed her arms, looking down at the other Romulan in exasperation.

"Petty Officer Lillee t'Jellaieu," she answered curtly, "the non-expendable pilot who is supposed to bring you back to the ship. Possibly. If she can be convinced that it's worthwhile. Normally, the people that I rescue are polite enough to at least stand up when I land near them." Lillee glanced at the various canisters that had been stacked up. "Is this what exobotanists do, then? Lie in strange forests and gorge themselves on alien fruit? Do you even know if what you're eating is safe for our physiology, or will I cleaning out the inside of the shuttle all night as you writhe in pain on a biobed in Sickbay?"

A distant peal of thunder roared from afar, suggesting that the thick clouds might burst forth at any moment, and Lillee glanced upward warily. Yes, that would be the perfect addition to the afternoon. Exposed in the clearing, she and Hirek would surely get drenched if they didn't beat the rain. Knowing Klingons and their disregard for the environment, their planet's 'rain' was probably hydrocloric acid or something equally ridiculous...

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #3
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

Hirek’s smile of amusement grew the more she spoke. There was no beguilement here. No sense of game-playing. No Tal Shiar ingrained shielding of emotions. Just pure emotion. Granted, annoyance, but still, it was a genuine emotion, and that earnestness delighted Hirek. With smooth movements, Hirek drew to his feet and gave an exaggerated bow. He said nothing as he pushed past her just long enough to snag a second fig along with some of the tubers they’d found. Everything had been sterilized for transport, and so offered no threat to their gut biome upon consumption.

Hirek dropped both the fig and the tuber into Lillee’s hands, leaving it up to her to actually catch them or not, as he moved back to his original location. Still holding his half-fig and a second tuber, Hirek nodded towards the food before dropping to the grass cross-legged. He’d heard the thunder but knew from the weather report that the system wasn’t due to arrive over their present location for another hour. That left them plenty of time to load the specimens, so long as she didn’t shoot him out of annoyance.

“Well, Petty Officer Lillee t’Jellaieu, these specimens have been cleaned and scanned thoroughly, and while I was posted with the Tal Shiar cell in the First City, these figs and tubers were part of what kept me from murdering my supposed colleagues, thereby ruining the entirety of my placement among them. They’re both flavorful and nutritious. The fig has a succulent texture, and the tuber has a delightful crunch.” He raised an eyebrow at her defensive stance before softening his smile. “Perfect to stave off hunger. My stomach is aware of the hour, as I’m sure yours is. Since I did not know when you would arrive, I felt it pertinent to revive myself with something that, given our surroundings, can be easily replaced before our departure.”

Looking past her to the pile they would have to load, Hirek snorted, “You’re welcome to start loading the crates if you wish, but after having spent all morning packing them, I know I’ll need these additional calories to hold me over until we can have a proper meal back on the ship.” He used the end of the green tuber to point to the clouds, “Rain isn’t due for another hour, and based on your stature and potential energy output from your annoyance level, I suspect we should make it through the loading process in less than thirty minutes. If you’re willing to exert a sense of teamwork with this impolite expobotanist.”

Shameless indeed to a fault, Hirek popped the remainder of the peeled fig into his mouth and smiled as he chewed on its juices. Overhead one of the region’s songbirds began its mating call again, lending a sweet melody to the moment. Hirek gestured to the plushy grass beside him after another moment.

“While I have no notion whether you bite when you’re hungry, I can assure you I do not. And there is plenty of room for the two of us here in the shade if you’d like to enjoy the small repast more comfortably.”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #4
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


Having accepted the fig and tuber with bafflement, Lillee was half-tempted to throw them at Hirek's face. The bow was exaggerated to the point of mockery, and combined with his obvious amusement, it put Lillee in an even more sour mood. Hirek was proving to be a typical rihannsu male, so full of arrogance that he couldn't imagine a world that didn't revolve around him. Lillee had met countless like him, and as amused as she might've been in her younger days, that time had long passed. Now she was just irritated and unimpressed.

Then Hirek said it.

The moment that the words Tal Shiar were spoken, Lillee froze. Her mind blanked in a frenzy of adrenaline and fear, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide. She didn't register the rest of what Hirek said, still processing the situation that she was suddenly in: alone with a Tal Shiar operative. Without thinking, she had one foot behind the officer, her right hand held loose at the side, ready to drop the tuber in an instant and draw her phaser. It was set to stun by default, but that didn't matter, she could kill him afterwards when he was unconscious...vaporise the body, just to be safe...

Slowly, as Hirek continued talking, common sense began to creep back into Lillee's mind. Still extremely wary, she nevertheless forced herself to relax, to be smart, not emotional. Somewhat reluctantly, Lillee moved up to Hirek, although she didn't get too close.

"You make a reasonable argument," she said begrudgingly, then with a sigh, she sat herself down on the grass, drawing a knee high up while other lay on the ground. Somewhat slowly, Lillee began peeling her fig, although her eyes remained focused in Hirek's general direction, if not directly at him. "Speaking true, I was about to get some lunch when I received the orders to retrieve you, so this is welcome. You are correct in that."

After a moment's silence, Lillee added offhand, "You say that you were posted in a Tal Shiar cell, yes? Then you are one of Captain Alarak's people? Why is a spy down here collecting fruit and vegetables?" Despite her best efforts, Lillee couldn't conceal the quiver in her voice at the mention of Alarak, or her hand's anxious twitch as she peeled.

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #5
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

Watching the look of horror and fear plainly cross the Romulan woman’s face at his mentioning of the Tal Shiar had Hirek mentally smiling. It seemed that he’d found a fellow Tal Shiar hater without meaning to. Of course, it didn’t escape Hirek’s attention that her body had shifted as if to attack, her fingers hovering over her weapon, and he knew without having to ask that she’d feel no remorse at killing him if she felt he was still active with the Tal Shiar or supported their idiotic notions. This further endeared the blonde to Hirek, even though her voice and mannerisms denoted a woman who’d very much like to see the back of him as he fell off the cliff she’d pushed him off of.

“I know these are no replacement for a full-on meal, but they’ll have to do for now. It was not my choice to remain here with the items or haul you into a rescue mission. But I am grateful for not being left behind. Again. Knowing my luck, I’d run into the leftovers of the Tal Shiar and since they think I’m dead, that would be most difficult to explain away in person.” Hirek crunched off the end of the tuber with a playful eyebrow wiggle.

Her question had Hirek pausing between bites. Tipping his head to the side, he went over the names of his former cell members as well as those who’d bothered to drop names before his placement on Qo’Nos. He gave a half-shrug and shook his head, biting off another bit of tuber. He let her mull over his response just long enough to swallow his bite.

“I’ve only ever been a contact for Starfleet Intelligence, so while a spy in a sense, not quite the spy I sense you’re assuming me to be. I picked up where my favorite uncle left off after the Tal Shiar executed him. Most of my life has been a legitimate career in the sciences, and that would be why I am here, doing precisely what I would do in a more genuine sense in any other context. My background is varied enough to allow my expertise to bridge more than a few departments, though my specialty is bioengineering. As my defection via feigned death was so recent, the department heads are struggling to finds things for me to do that won’t result in a fistfight when someone presumes I am something that I am not or that my shooting a member of the crew was in any way malicious, which it wasn’t. To save Lieutenant Madsen from further harm and ensure my own safe removal from the Tal Shiar cell without risking my family back on Romulus, I felt it necessary to overload the weapon and render us both stunned as we fell into the sewage water.” Hirek raised an eyebrow at her facial expression. “I’m surprised my notoriety hasn’t reached your ears if this is the first you’re hearing all this. But you’ve nothing to fear from me, Petty Office Lillee t'Jellaieu.  I am here, potentially annoying you by my very existence, and not also exiled with my parents on the Uluma Islands, because I am willing to be perceived as an arrogant, selfish bastard of a defecting Romulan and more if it means Romulus can finally be rid of the Tal Shiar’s tyranny and every last agent is eradicated from existence. Preferably a slow and painful death, considering what they’ve put my family through and generations of others as well.”

Hirek shifted on the grass to grab a large canteen. He pulled off the top, producing two cups when he separated it, and promptly filled both cups with clear water. He raised one glass to his lips and took a sip before placing the other on the grass between them.

“It isn’t poisoned.” He winked. “Now, if it isn’t too personal a question, on a scale of a mere tickle of a phaser stun to peeling the flesh from their bones, how much hatred do you hold in your heart towards the Tal Shiar?” He jutted his chin to the area she’d been standing in earlier. “I couldn’t help but notice your momentary temptation to shoot him. While I thank you for resisting, I am curious about the very obvious display of animosity. So very un-Romulan of you.” He winked again before taking a generous bite of the tuber and waiting for her response.

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #6
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


Lillee was cautious at first, then confused, before realisation finally dawned. In short order, she'd looped right back around to semi-murderous irritation. After a moment's thought, she concentrated on peeling her fig with a distinct visciousness.

"Fool," she said bitterly. "Always speak carefully and deliberately when discussing the Tal Shiar, didn't anyone ever teach you that? Even the mere suspicion of being one of them is dangerous. I could've killed you. I know of at least three people onboard the Theurgy who would have killed you in a heartbeat and walked away smiling. And no, you are not sufficiently notorious that I have heard of you, nor you of me, clearly."

After finishing exposing the fig, Lillee took an exploratory bite which was considerably more tidy than Hirek's shameless gobble. After considerimg the taste for a moment, she sighed in appreciation before looking at him. "I...I apologise. You have been polite and amicable, if annoying, and I answered with hostility." Lillee swept a strand of blonde hair back behind a pointed ear. "Speaking true, I thought that you were about to arrest me. Or kidnap, or capture...whatever word you prefer. I have spent seven years looking out for the Tal Shiar to finally come and get me, practising for that moment, planning. The instinct is strong. It only just occurred to me that between the war with the Federation and the civil war with Donatra, the Tal Shiar would not be so foolish as to waste resources on me and make an enemy of the Theurgy."

Lillee considered Hirek for a moment, examining him closely. He was evidently older, if not quite in his second century, but his openness was welcome, if not indicative of a character trait. She had the phaser, after all, and he presumably wanted to avoid being vaporised. Still, it could not be ignored or go unrewarded.

"I suppose we are sharing stories," Lillee said reluctantly befoe taking another bite out of her fig. Some juice dribbed down her chin, and she wiped it away irritably. "You are a defector, yes? In that case, you are in good company. Do you remember the warbird Sunheart, a few years ago? The warbird that was destroyed in the Neutral Zone? That was me. Well, partially. I sabotaged the engines to prevent a cataclysm, but the fools who activated the engine anyway deserve credit too. Of course, they're dead, I'm not, so who do you think the Senate blamed?"

Lillee was steadily becoming more and more bitter as she spoke. "I was rescued by a Starfleet ship, but before we even reached a starbase, the Senate declared me a traitor. The evil shruk-nun haevos veruul didn't even bother investigating. The Federation tried to negotiate my exchange for a prisoner held by the Empire, but it came to nothing. The Senate thrice wrote and burned my name before I'd even changed out of my Star Navy uniform!"

Quietly seething, but still remarkably still and calm, Lillee looked Hirek in the eye. "Do you know the punishment for people like us, Hirek? You should, now that you're a defector. If the Tal Shiar find us, they won't kill us. They'll take us to ch'Rihan, to Ki Baratan, and tie us to a post, naked, in the Tricameron. There, the Senators will take turns cutting things off. Slowly. Inbetween feasting as we starve. The whole event is broadcast to the entire Empire. We are not permitted to die for at least six days. That's when they really become nasty, on day seven."

Lillee looked away and sighed. "I do not hate the Tal Shiar as you do. I fear them and wish them dead, but I do not hate them. They are just tools of the Senate. Them, I hate more than you can imagine. I saved millions of Romulan lives, and those veruul reward me with exile, or a horrific death if I am caught. If you are caught."

shruk-nun haevos veruul - fucking spineless assholes
veruul - assholes
ch'Rihan - Romulus
Tricameron - Romulan government, synonymous with a major government building

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #7
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

Hirek laughed, “Perhaps fools are all that’s left to live on the Uluma Islands. And if you’d killed me, I would have no reason or ability to be further perturbed. The dead know nothing, and that is their blessing. That I was no longer a part of seeing an end to the Tal Shiar or this newest threat, the Infested, well, again, I cannot say I’d feel much about that either. Because I’d be dead. So, it is a waste of time dwelling on the emotional ramifications of your killing me or that of your peers on the ship gleefully lending their hand to the cause. If you were, or are, successful, then I won’t have to worry about anything anymore, will I?” Chucking as he pulled off the leaves at the tip of the tuber, Hirek shook his head, “It is when, in dying, you put a threat or a curse on the living that there is a problem. And that is why I defected as I did.:

It surprised Hirek when Lillee began to do two things. One, she actually ate the fig. For someone who’d nearly vaporized him at mentioning the Tal Shiar, it was intriguing that she’d give in to her hunger and eat something someone like him had offered her. The second, far more surprising, act was that she was sharing personal thoughts and opinions with him. Again, Hirek knew he’d done nothing but annoy her so far, not that he’d been set up for much else, considering the context of their meeting. So the fact that she was willing to open up to him like this was a testament to how long she’d spent among humans and serving in Starfleet. And this was further fodder for his own relaxation in her presence. Regardless of how often she would be tempted to shoot him in the coming minutes, he was confident that she wasn’t Tal Shiar and was happy he wouldn’t have to kill her. She was beautiful, had a pleasant voice, and if they’d been able to meet under different circumstances—perhaps if he’d been raised differently—Hirek presumed they could have been amiable with one another. Maybe more.

Hirek mentally snorted at the thought. No, more likely she’d shoot him in that fantasy.

He shook his head at her question, “I was lecturing at the Imperial War College at the time and while I heard many of my students speak of the matter, I rather ignored it as I tend to do with anything that polarizes the population or has much to do with politics. My father knew more of the matter, a deposed senator in exile and all that, but he knew better than to speak to me about it. Knew I would pretend to listen but actually be thinking about a new blend for the ale.” He shook his head, tossed the remains of the tuber, and laced his hands behind his head as he laid back on the grass. “The Senate does have a bad habit of jumping to conclusions and allowing themselves to be jerked around like pets. My uncle was a member of the Continuing Committee back in the 2350s and when it came to light through political and familial betrayal that he’d been working with Starfleet Intelligence in an attempt to oust the Tal Shiar and end hostilities with the Klingons, well he was executed. Not before naming his betrayer in an attempt against the Praetor. A blatant lie, but as you know, the Senate doesn’t care about truth or lies, only what keeps them in power. So, my uncle was killed in the very fashion you described mind you, my family placed under scrutiny, and the betrayer was temporarily exiled. His return prompted me to resume my uncle’s work with Intelligence.”

He rolled onto his side facing her. Hirek made sure his hands were always seen. He really would rather not get shot, or punched, or kicked.

“You may not want to hear this, and I am likely doomed to forever remain on the ‘arrogant bastard’ side of your mind when you see me, but not all senators are corrupt villains. Yes, I am biased, having had my father and numerous uncles and forbearers serve on the senate representing our islands, but with that bias comes insider knowledge that many do not perceive. They see the Senate as one entity, for that is the power of the Senate. But within the Senate are many voices, some louder than others, some more daring than others.” He broke eye contact, though he was well aware of her movements in his peripherals, as Hirek began to idly pick off the tips of the mossy grass under his fingers. “I cannot claim that my family has always made decisions that could be construed as ethical by Federation standards, but I do know, at least for my uncle and his death and my father for his exile, they earned fates because they were willing to be the smaller voice of a contrasting opinion in a frenzied room of idiots.”

Hirek chuckled then and returned his gaze to her face, “And with that confession shared, instead of giving in to the temptation to shoot me, what do you think about expelling any rage you might be feeling toward me by loading these specimens? Unless you’d rather pout at a missed opportunity for murdering a deposed senator's son in the cockpit, and I do it alone?”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #8
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


Lillee listened attentively as Hirek talked, slowly eating, her sharp eyes not missing a thing. She didn't move save to finish her impromptu lunch, concentrating instead on the man before her. He was one of very few Romulans whom she'd met since defecting from the Empire, and one of even fewer who was truly rihannsu rather than Romulan by blood. Lillee had actively avoided her own kind for years out of paranoia, even when other defectors had sought her out, so the experience was novel. Hirek was an elite veruul, an arrogant fool of the highest order, but he was rihannsu all the same, and Lillee had almost forgotten how much her heart ached for such social contact.

"I am the only fighter pilot in the galaxy who was trained by both the Star Navy and Starfleet, survivor of more battles and cataclysms than I care to name, one of the best that you'll ever meet," she said haughtily as she got to her feet. "I can multitask pouting and loading at the same time, thank you. Besides, if I kill you now, I would have to load all this cargo by myself. It is far more efficient to kill you afterwards."

Lillee spoke with deadly seriousness, her mouth not even twitching. Not waiting for Hirek to join her, she turned her back on him, strode to the pile of boxes, picked one up and got to work. It was as she returned from the shutlle that she looked at Hirek again, still quite serious.

"I may only be a simple farworld rihanna," she said brusquely before being interrupted by more thunder. Glancing in the direction of the sound, she frowned before picking up another box. "I didn't even travel to the Hearthworlds until I was nineteen. Most of the people I knew on my homeworld had never seen ch'Rihan or ch'Havran. Even so, Hirek tr’Aimne, son of an optimistic senator, you underestimate us. My kin know that the Senate is complex, factional, composed of individuals. We follow the politics, even if we are simple colony folk. When our Senator was moronic enough as to allow our world's defences to be weakened, we sent her our swords. She got the message, and her successor was more dutiful. The bastard still voted to thrice write and burn my name anyway so as not to engender suspicion of association with me."

Setting the next box down in the shuttle, Lillee eyed Hirek with (as promised) an annoyed pout. "I don't hate you or wish you dead just because you are associated with that frenzied room of idiocy and that stratum of arrogant bastards. I may want to smack that ridiculous grin off your face, but little more. Speaking true, this crusade that we are on could last for many months, even years, with our serving on the Theurgy. Assuming that this is not an elaborate ploy and the fig was not drugged, I would welcome the friendly company of another rihannsu."

As she stepped past Hirek in the aft hatch of the shuttle, Lillee recognised the implication. She fixed him with a glare and raised a warning finger. "Friendly company, tr’Aimne, no more. I am taken, yes? And by someone far cleverer and prettier than you."

rihannsu - a male Romulan
ch'Rihan/ch'Havran - Romulus/Remus

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #9
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

Hirek lifted an eyebrow in surprise, then offered a genuine smile of appreciation, “You must have been one of the best in the Star Navy then as from what I can tell so far, they're almost more different in operating systems and structure than there are in common.” Her additional comments had Hirek tipping his head back and laughing. It was delightful talking with a fellow Romulan who was genuine in emotional expression. “Well then, with those very clear parameters set,” Hirek also rose to his feet and quickly brushed off the bits of grass and dirt from his trousers, “let us get to work.”

She further displayed her strength when she picked up one box of fungi specimens and carried it to the shuttle without expressing exertion. Considering they’d had to include quite a bit of local dirt to ensure their healthy transfer, Hirek knew that was not one of the lighter boxes. He left his gear under the tree and quickly followed Lillee’s example, stacking two boxes in his arms and depositing them just beside the one she’d already carried. Hirek almost walked into her back when she stopped to continue their conversation with a tone of voice that betrayed a past of belittlement and discrimination against her.

Hirek had worked with a few colonists in the service over the years and had even fewer in his classes at the college. Unlike other elite in their society, Hirek had never found the colonists noisome or backward. If anything, Hirek adored the spice their different perspective brought to his classes or to his work. They were hardworking and carried a vision of Romulus in their hearts that was in many ways closer to what Romulus should be than what it was. Hirek merely listened and continued his work as Lillee shared, not wanting to interrupt a Romulan female while she was in the midst of speaking true. It was such a rare occasion that Hirek knew better than to interject.

He should not have been surprised at how much she shared, and yet, considering the only other female Romulan he’d bet on the ship so far had been Amarik, Hirek couldn’t help but do a mental comparison between the two. Lillee’s guarded openness, in contrast to Valyn’s calculated demeanor, was a welcome change, and Hirek was pleased that for the time was on the ship he would have both to work with. Granted, he felt as comfortable letting his guard down around Amarik as Lillee might feel hugging the cacti they’d placed inside the box she now carried. But the challenge of keeping an eye on Amarik just as she kept an eye on him was entertaining.

“Only a fool would presume anything more than friendly company from an armed female of any species, just as only a fool would underestimate a hearthworlder.” Hirek refrained from his desire to lean forward and playfully bite the tip of Lillee’s warning finger and instead gave a wink as he moved past her to grab another set of boxes. “My earlier comments had less to do with regional bias and were quite over-generalized. Ignorance exists on any world and in any city, so it would be illogical to think it could only be relegated to the colonies. I find the penchant for judgment against or for a person based merely on their place of origin or position to be foolish as well. And I know that may come across as a pithy remark holding little substance considering I have directly benefited from both my place of origin and my position but, believe it or not, sometimes growing up with privileges gives you the incentive to ensure that others have their own alongside necessary protections.”

Hirek dropped the boxes and swiped the back of his hand over his forehead. The breeze that wafted into the shuttle was still pleasant, stronger now as the thunderstorm continued its warning brew on the horizon. He was quiet a moment, his gaze roving over Lillee’s form as she worked. When she similarly paused in movement before heading back for more, Hirek smiled.

“So what clever beauty has claimed such a talented pilot? Surely it isn’t Amarik, as she is the only other Romulan I have met onboard so far.” He raised an eyebrow. “Or is it someone outside our race?” He didn’t wait to see her facial expression before clicking his tongue against his teeth and returning to work. “That is one aspect of my defection I believe I will enjoy. As I’m sure you can remember, life within the Empire does not afford as many options for bedroom playmates as what I have observed on the ship in my brief time aboard.”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #10
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


Hirek was becoming more aggravating by the minute. Everything Lillee said seemed to bounce off his superior wit, every insult seemed to slide off ineffectually, every point made was turned round to make Hirek seem noble and wise. She was increasingly feeling stupid and foolish, just the exotic colony girl trying to appear smart among her betters. It had been many years since she'd felt like that, and the feeling of belittlement had not been missed.

The two were in sync now, moving next to each other, affording Lillee no excuse to be away from the infuriating man. His question about her girlfriend helped restore Lillee's wounded pride, at least, and she smirked. She had that in her favour at least: Hirek couldn't hope to find, never mind claim, a woman as sexy and brilliant and charming as Anh-Le.

"It depends where in the Empire you are, yes? The Hearthworlds are so...stuffy, when it comes to sex and love." Lillee smiled as they walked back to the boxes, remembering those years. A series of mighty thunderclaps echoed from the horizon, however, providing extra encouragement to go faster. "You are right, however, yes. I have served on many vessels with many crews, and none quite the Theurgy. War and desperation are strong motivators to find comfort in another, or more than one other, and we have both aplenty."

Eyeing the largest box of the lot, Lillee tested its weight, winced, then gestured at Hirek. "Help me with this, please?" After he picked up the other end, she continued, "As for my girlfriend, that I will not tell. Know only what I have said: she is far prettier than you or I and her intelligence outstrips either of us, more than you realise." As they slowly returned to the shuttle, Lillee asked lightly, "And what of you? Is there a husband or wife in your past? Children that you left behind?"

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #11
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

Hirek laughed, “If you want to find open minds toward sex and love, then the Uluma Islands are for you. Other than stopping over to resupply, I’ll admit to more ignorance than insight regarding the Hearthworld.” He grunted as he picked up an awkwardly shaped crate, its oddness compliments of the specimen requirements within it. He spoke over his shoulder as he waddled back to the ship, “Over the years, because of the open opposition to the Tal Shiar and various moves against popular opinion, our islands have collected a number of self-imposed or Senate imposed exiles. They bring with them their perspectives on life and love, and over time, we have created quite the counterculture. As you can imagine, this has often brought a silly amount of censorship and aggression from the Senate or Tal Shiar. Hence why I am an only child. Medical sabotage rendered my mother infertile after me, payback for some unpleasant things my father had said against a Senator from the capital and her support for increasing tyrannical measures of the Tal Shiar.”

Hirek put his hands against his lower back and quickly stretched after depositing the box. A sheen of sweat coated his bare arms, and a single river of sweat began at his temple and trickled down over his jaw and down his neck. He looked forward to the shower back in his quarters but wasn’t yet certain if he wanted to eat in the mess hall first, subjecting his fellow “crewmates” to his dirtied self, or if he’d shower and eat in his quarters. It was always more entertaining in the mess hall.

He was pulled from his thoughts at Lillee’s call. Hirek nodded and was quick to respond to her request. As she spoke of her lover, his lips pulled back into an amused grin. Even if she found him aggravating, Hirek looked forward to continuing this acquaintance. Lillee held a fiery spirit, and poking her pride was entertaining, but also in many ways, elements of her character reminded him of one of his aunts. He didn’t pause in his movements at her question, nor did he stutter over his words when he answered. If anything, the casual tone of voice and neutral expression on his face when he shared may have disturbed Lillee if she was given to romantic notions of marriage.

“I had an arranged marriage for political gain and did my duty by marrying the yaekh ri'kaishaasi. The sex was divine because it was always another place for us to fight, trying to exert our wills over one another. Probably have a few scars from that, but, no, no children came of our time together, she didn’t want any, at least not from me. And we spared the galaxy further grief by not continuing her genetic makeup through offspring.” They deposited the crate together just as a thunderclap reminded them that there was good reason to move quickly. Hirek snorted as he called to Lillee over his shoulder, “She died in a ship explosion while on duty. It may not surprise you that I shocked certain traditionalists by NOT mourning her loss.”

They only had a half dozen crates left. He could hear the rain coming and feel the coolness of it in the breeze. Hirek piled together two boxes and hoisted them into his arms. Oh yes, a shower would be welcome. Maybe even the steam rooms, now that he knew where they were.

“Since my uncles and aunts had more children, and those children had children of their own, there was little concern over continuing the family line and I was, therefore, no longer required to marry. I have had several lovers over the years, but nothing that lasted longer than a few months. My work was one variable for the lack of commitment and the complexity of tragedy and intrigue with my family another.” He glanced at Lillee as he walked past her into the shuttle. “What about you? Children?”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #12
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


Hirek's description of his loveless marriage drew a surprised look from Lillee as she returned to the vastly diminished pile in the grass. She hadn't honestly expected him to answer, even if the spouse in question was long dead and hardly missed. His description of the marriage was more revealing than the details; Hirek had a notion of honour and integrity indeed, if he was telling the unshaded truth. Such things were easy in professional and political life, but far more difficult in personal life.

Before picking up her final boxes, Lillee stretched with a groan, her arms and back aching mightily. The uniform did a fine job of absorbing the sweat, and she wagered that she stank less than Hirek did, but her cheeks were flushed a light green all the same. It was an irritating reminder that for all her physical training since the Azure Nebula, she needed to do more. Six years ago, such exercise wouldn't have bothered her in the least.

Another thunderclap pierced the air, followed by another, then another in quick sequence. "Does that thunder sound odd to you?" Lillee said with a frown, but she shrugged it off and picked up two more boxes, stacked one on top of the other. The sun had disappeared completely, with thick grey clouds now occluding the sky. "I suppose honesty deserves honesty in return...assuming that you are being honest. Urgh, Elements ward me, I've spent too much time among Earthers. Their optimism is infectious, like a disease."

Arriving at the shuttle, Lillee plopped down her boxes with a gasp of relief. The aft compartment of the shuttle was now nicely packed. Rather than helping Hirek with the last load, Lillee happily took the excuse of double-checking the magnetic locks that kept the cargo securely in place.

"I have two children," she called out as she worked. "Twin girls. They just turned five. Their father died during the war, but their grandparents care for them now back on Earth. I was dragged on this mission against my will, so they likely think me dead. Starfleet have no reason to think otherwise, and it is far too risky to attempt to inform my family that I live, or send them to safety. It would put them in danger; the Infested could hold them hostage."

The bitterness and frustration in Lillee's voice was undeniable.

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #13
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

Hirek remained on the gangplank while Lillee spoke of her children. He respected her sharing of such a vulnerable topic and would not reward her earnestness by turning his back on her words. Though she kept up her work, he remained still, listening with his whole being, hearing far more than the words but the subtle nuances in between as manifested in her tone of voice and body language. Once she finished, Hirek gave her a genuine nod of respect. Only then did he turn and move back to gather the last few boxes of specimens.

“I doubt my parents will believe any who reports to them I was killed on Qo’Nos. They know of my hatred for the Tal Shiar, and now that the civil war is ravaging the home world, and this ship has likely been reported to the general populace as having a hand in the destabilization of our government, well, I’m fairly certain they will deduce I am alive and well and mightily involved in the coming events. But, until we can end the Infested threat, I will no more be able to see them or contact them than you can your children.” Hirek paused before grabbing a box, shooting Lillee an almost apologetic smile, “I am not attempting to make a comparison in our pain. That would be dishonorable. I am merely empathizing with your plight.”

Shifting his weight, Hirek lowered himself to lift the boxes.

Then he groaned, rolling his sprawled body onto its side as he spit out pieces of dirt from his mouth. His ears ringing, Hirek blinked against the smoke and falling debris, his hands moving over his face and torso in a quick sweep to ensure everything was still in place. He was lying half on the end of the gangplank and half on the ground at its base. An explosion had thrown him up and back, smashing him in a heap amidst the remains of the specimens. Shaking his head and dislodging bits of box and specimens from his hair, Hirek grabbed the edge of the shuttle closest to him and began to pull himself up. Two more explosions, one on top of the tree he’d rested under earlier and another landing on the last few boxes still intact, tossed Hirek back onto his ass, once more sliding down the angled gangplank

“That’s not thunder.” Hirek yelled as he rolled onto his knees and half-crawled, half scurried up the rest of the gangplank into the shuttle. It seemed the warned-of rebel action had carried itself to their location on the cusp of the storm.

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #14
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Shuttlecraft Bouman | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


The attack came completely without warning, and Lillee was entirely unprepared. She wasted precious seconds looking back to see the explosions, more seconds finding Hirek, and yet more seconds forming a plan of action. With the shuttle rocking violently underneath her feet as impacts slammed into the hull, Lillee staggered to the cockpit and slapped the button that activated the shields.

A flashing indicator coolly informed her that they were now offline.

"Fvadt!" Lillee swore. Furious, she rushed back to the aft hatch to where Hirek was crawling aboard, the world still shaking mightily. Reaching Hirek, Lillee bent down, grabbed his shirt and unceremoniously tossed him into the shuttle proper, inbetween the orderly stacks of cargo.

"Get up there and sit down!" she shouted at him before promptly turning around and following her own advice. Not waiting another moment, Lillee hurled herself into the left chair and started working the controls. The shuttle jerked sharply, rocketing upward with alarming speed until the hammering on the hull finally faded. Lillee breathed a sigh of relief as she set the craft to make a gradual ascent to orbit, menacing-looking clouds filling the forward viewport.

"Hirek!" she called out, her focus on the panel in front of her, "are you injured? There is a medkit-oh Elements preserve me, what do those idiots want?"

She tapped a control and a gruff voice spoke. "Federation shuttle, you are in a no-fly zone. Cease your ascent immediately and come to a complete stop or you will be fired upon."

Lillee scowled, but she duly did as she was told, setting the shuttle to hover ten kilometers up in the midst of thick clouds. "This is the shuttlecraft Bouman of the Federation starship Theurgy," she said with forced patience. "You knew that we were down there, and you have sensors that can tell you there are no Klingons or sensitive cargo aboard. What is the problem?"

"Sensors can be fooled," the nameless Klingon said curtly. "Standby."

Lillee took a deep breath, clenching and unclenching her fists. She glanced at Hirek with a sour expression. "You are fond of talking, yes? If I say another word, I will these filthy morons. I will keep an eye on sensors and hope that nobody down there has an anti-aircraft weapon at hand."

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #15
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

The shuttle rumbled and shuttered as more mortars smashed into it. Hirek had barely made it to his feet before Lillee’s grip on his shirt threw him off balance, and he found himself pushed between the cargo stacks as the shuttle doors closed. There was very little time between her instructions to sit and when she was strapped in and the controls. But Hirek was not a young idiot easily left stunned by circumstances. He’d picked himself up and placed himself into the right chair before they were propelled off the planet’s surface.

At her growled-out question, Hirek again looked down at his body. He had not felt the box shards when they’d entered his skin during the explosion, but now that he’d seen the shrapnel protruding from his arms, chest, and thighs, Hirek’s conscious mind began to tell him very clearly that he was injured. A basic self-assessment told him that nothing vital had been punctured and for the most part, the shrapnel was only marginally embedded. Still, he presumed Elro would be less than impressed to have him wander into sickbay looking so bedraggled. He’d rather visit the doctor under less serious circumstances, perhaps for another physical, but at least he wasn’t missing any limbs and still had all his faculties.

Lillee’s curt response and subsequent growling at the channel had Hirek’s lips pulling back into a half smile. He didn’t move to take out any of the shrapnel, well aware it would lead to more bleeding. For now, it was fine where it was, albeit inconvenient and growing increasingly painful as his adrenaline receded. He also did not have the luxury of feeling irritation as a further distraction. Unlike Lillee. Her confession further amused Hirek, and he snorted a reply.

“Shuttlecraft Bouman report to these coordinates and prepare to be boarding.”

Hirek leaned closer to the console, a hand moving to hone bit ofof the bits of shrapnel smarted from his movement, “We have identified ourselves, and as noted allies of the Klingon Chancellor, we expect you to identify yourself.” Hirek placed one hand on the console, staring at it as if he could stare down the Klingon who’d been speaking. “If you refuse, we will presume you to be hostile and ignore your instructions. And if you continue to fire upon us in response and we are shot down, perhaps even killed, then you will bear the brunt of the Chancellor’s anger in that you have risked a newly founded alliance. Our ship knows precisely where we are and is monitoring these frequencies. If anything happens to us, they will know where and why, and as we are having this delightful conversation, they are tracing your signal and will determine exactly who pressed the button to shoot us down.” Hirek winked at Lillee, hiding the grimace as the pain continued to increase, now to a constant throbbing. “I do not believe you would want your House to bear the dishonor or risk discommendation for such reckless behavior.”

He kept his hand on the console, the other still pressed to his side while they awaited a response. He felt the stickiness of blood as it seeped around the shrapnel, staining the cloth of his shirt and pants. Glancing over at his pissed-off Romulan companion, Hirek smiled.

“I’m not sure that was any more diplomatic.”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #16
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Shuttlecraft Bouman | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


"My response would've included phaser fire," Lillee grumbled.

The comm clicked on again: "Federation shuttlecraft, standby." A beat passed before the Klingon continued reluctantly, "by the authority of Chief Inspector Zibuz of the Twelfth Special Execution Legion."

Taking a breath to calm herself, Lillee examined her console. "Shields are still offline, urgh...that clearing is swarming with lifesigns now. The rebels must've saw me land and thought to steal the shuttle. That's why they used such weak mortars; they wanted to kill us but leave the shuttle intact. The thunder...that must've been the artillery of the government's forces, I see them on sensors. Maybe we-FVADT!"

Lillee jerked the shuttle back hard, just in time to avoid a huge bright beam of emerald plasma that would've surely ripped the teency shuttle in half. She promptly sent the shuttle into some wild evasive maneuvers, the view outside becoming increasingly nauseating as sky, cloud and ground kept appearing interchangably, even if the inertial dampeners ensured that the ride was deceptively smooth. In a spare moment, Lillee glanced at Hirek, noted the increasing darj blood staining his uniform and came to a decision. She set the shuttle to climb once more.

"Forget diplomacy, these filthy beasts can't be reasoned with," Lillee growled furiously before tapping the comms again. "Shuttlecraft Bouman to Theurgy, I am declaring an emergency. I am under fire, I have wounded aboard and local authorities have threatened hostile action to stop me reaching orbit. Repeat, I am under fire. Requesting immediate fighter escort and orbital fire support." Not waiting for a response, she continued "Chief Inspector Zibuz, you just heard me call for help. In ninety seconds, there will be two Valkyrie warp fighters with me. A minute after that, I'll have a dreadnought covering me from orbit. Stand down and let us pass or face the consequences."

A thought struck her, and Lillee's voice turned cold. "And if you think to test me, know that I am Lillee t'Jellaieu, the Starfleet warrior who saved Chancellor Martok's grandson. Twice. The Theurgy could obliterate your entire legion and Martok wouldn't even bother to protest. Am I understood?"

No answer came even as the shuttle rose higher, breaking out over the clouds. No answer came as the blue sky dimmed to star-sprinkled blackness. No answer came as two Valkyries arrived, smoothly slotting into place on either side of the shuttle. No answer ever came at all.

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #17
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

Hirek’s eyebrows rose as he stared at the fiery blonde woman piloting the shuttle. In nearly one breath, she’d called the Klingons beasts and then claimed glory for rescuing the Chancellor’s grandson. TWICE. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, lips pulling into an amused smile. Lillee was proving to be both an exceptional pilot and a fascinating companion.

“Klingons being as they are, they probably would’ve enjoyed the phaser fire in a fashion.” His eyes remained closed as he spoke. Not watching the clouds or noting the details of their escort’s arrival somehow helped him concentrate on keeping the worst of the pain at bay. “Quite the title you spit at poor Chief Inspector Zibuz back there. If you find Klingon adults beastly, I’m amazed you didn’t murder Martok’s grandson instead of saving him. In my time on the planet, I found myself sorely tempted to cuff more than a few upside the head. Perhaps knocking sense INTO them.”

When Hirek opened his eyes again, they cleared the atmosphere and headed into space's darkness. Just as his first time leaving the planet during his defection, Hirek let out an audible sigh. He didn’t consider Klingons beastly. Their culture had much to be admired and respected. He liked the prickliest Klingon more than he’d ever like the kindest Tal Shiar agent. Hirek glanced over to Lillee, and his smile grew.

“You are an exceptional pilot, Starfleet warrior Lillee t’Jellaieu. While you may still be making up your mind whether my rescue was worth your delayed lunch of having to deal with impertinent Klingons, I am glad it was you who came. I’ve not met all of your piloting colleagues, but I think I may have lucked out with the best of them in this scenario.”

Static came over the comms channel, but neither of them could tell whether it was poor Inspector Zibuz trying to call them back or the rebels tossing insults at their retreat. Hirek winced, eyes darting over the interior of the shuttle.

“You mentioned something about a med kit? Does it have a pain medication by any chance?” He chuckled then. “Don’t worry, you won’t have to carry my noble ass into sickbay. I can still walk, but the remainder of this journey would be a far cry more enjoyable if I had something to take the edge off.”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #18
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Shuttlecraft Bouman | Qo'nos orbit] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


Lillee glanced at Hirek and winced "Yes, I see your point," she said as she got to her feet before hesitating. Lillee considered Hirek at length, sighed, then tapped the comm again. "Bouman to Theurgy, requesting that medical standby in the shuttlebay when we land."

"Acknowleged Bouman, we'll have a medical team standing by. The Wolves will escort you in."

Lillee moved to the aft end of the shuttle and moments later, she returned to Hirek with a medkit in hand. "Hold still," she commanded as she opened the thing. "Lucky for us, the default Starfleet drugs are designed for many species, including Vulcans." She opened the kit brisquely, although Lillee had to think for a moment before filling up the hypospray. "It's been more than a year since my last first aid qualification. I think that I have this right...20 cc's...or is it 50? Hydrocortilene or, I think it's the green one..."

After a moment's consideration, Lillee shrugged, swiftly filled the hypospray and casually injected it into Hirek's arm. "Well, I think that I have it right," she said brightly as she closed the kit and sat back down, refocusing on her controls. "If you feel a sudden bout of projectile vomiting or explosive diarrohea coming on, Hirek, kindly inform me so that I may beam you out before you mess up the carpet. Replacing it is always such a nuisance."

With that, Lillee settled into her chair, still quite cheerful but giving nothing away. At the relatively sedate orbital speed limit, it would still take the autopilot a few minutes to weave through the orbital traffic until they reached the Theurgy. She glanced at Hirek, biting her lip. "Hirek...have you heard much of the civil war, back home? Of Tal'aura and Donatra? Even with the war against the Federation, rumours say that the fighting continues, that Donatra's armada is heading for Klingon space. There is nothing official, not yet, but there are whispers that Captain Ives intends to do something. Intervene, maybe, as we did to the Klingons."

For the second time that afternoon, there was a distinct quaver in Lillee's voice; uncertainty, anxiety, even fear. "How do you...ah...feel about this? Of returning to the Empire in an alien ship, a Starfleet ship, no less...of picking a side, maybe, whichever one is free of Infested corruption?" Lillee laughed bitterly. "If either is free of the Infested, that is."

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #19
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

If it had been Valyn Amarik kneeling at his side with the medkit, he’d have doubted her sincerity as Lillee bumbled her way through the dosage of the medication. Hirek knew he could stop her and demand they wait for a professional to work with him, but at the same time, he figured that allowing her to care for him would work in his favor. She would continue to be less guarded around him and view him as a potential threat. Which he wasn’t. At least so long as they were united in their causes.

“I would suggest that, for your own sake, you take the necessary steps to rectify that dearth in training. You wouldn’t want to be the weak link in the fight for survival should you and your goddess of a lover ever get separated from the crew.” He eyed the injection area as if waiting for the flesh to bubble and flail back from his bones. When nothing happened, he snorted and sent Lillee a smile. “Thank you, I’ll be sure and let you know which body fluids may be on their way out of my body. At least those aside from blood, which is already a known factor.”

He sat very still as he waited for the medicine to take effect. The shuttle was on autopilot still, and it seemed from her subtle fidgeting that something was preoccupying Lillee again. Hirek closed his eyes and relaxed. She would speak when she was ready and not a moment before. Her question didn’t surprise him when she finally voiced it, though her follow-up query regarding his thoughts and feelings on the matter surprised him.

Hirek kept his facial features neutral, and his eyes remained closed as he replied. “Back on Romulus, the worst fighting is in the cities and the main continental areas. But that’s to be expected as that’s where most of the political and military power are concentrated. The last I heard from my father, he spoke of both factions stopping by the islands to demand loyalty.” Hirek smiled, eyes sliding open as he looked to Lillee. “Both sides limped away with bruised egos and not much for a solid answer.”

The pain was beginning to subside. So far, there was no threat of vomit or runs. Hirek took that as a good sign and adjusted his body in the seat so he could lean against the edge of the shuttle and partially face Lillee.

“As to how I feel about being on board a Federation vessel, potentially about to fire on Romulan ships, in a fight to rid the galaxy of the Infested? Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. I would like us to take advantage of the coming chaos to also rid our homeworld of the tyranny of the Tal Shiar. I know that is not a priority compared to the Infested, and after doing some of my research on the ship regarding them, I can see why. However, that does not keep me from hoping that we could achieve both goals simultaneously.” He sighed, drawing his fingers into a loose clasp and laying them over his stomach. “I’ve never much cared for what people thought of me so I could show up in a Tholian ship just as happily as a Federation ship. The end goal is what matters to me. So if the Tholians, or the Federation, will aid in the cause for the freedom of our people, then I’ll happily polish the exhaust pipes of every shuttle on the ship if necessary. Or replace this carpet.” Hirek winked as he gestured to the floor. “What about you? From the sound of your voice, it seems as if you care.”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #20
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Shuttlecraft Bouman | Qo'nos orbit] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


Lillee smiled as she gazed out into space, only occasionally tapping a control, although there was a distinct melancholy to her mien. A Valkyrie flew leisurely past the forward viewport, and beyond, a distant bright speck steadily grew larger amidst the thousands of other specks that filled Qo'nos's orbit. Between warships, stations, orbital defences, civilian ships and satelites, it was downright cramped.

"I am a good rihanna who loves her Empire," Lillee said softly, still looking out into the dark. "People always look at me strangely when I say that, but the Federation is different. They don't have the pride of our people, the sense of duty, of obligation. Shared history, shared suffering. Nobody here understands. They think that they do, but they don't." She looked at Hirek. "Not like you do. I can see it in your eyes, I think."

Lillee sighed. "That's the Theurgy up ahead," she said, pointing at the still distant dreadnought, the four nacelles and eliptical saucer barely distinguishable as they approached from above. "Speaking true, I am probably overcompensating because of how much I miss home, of having to stay rihannsu amidst the aliens. Be assured, I don't go to sleep hugging the Imperial flag to my breast. I just...I decided a long time ago that I would serve the Federation but remain true to the Empire, even if the Empire was not true to me. I told Starfleet Intelligence as much. My honesty was the only reason they let me join Starfleet. Now, look at us!"

The Theurgy was growing quite large now, and Lillee busied herself for a few moments with getting landing permission. As she oriented the shuttle for landing, she continued quietly,  "In no more than a week, the Theurgy could be at the Neutral Zone with two hundred Klingon warships at our back, not to mention however many Starfleet vessels join us. We might find ourselves on a campaign to conquer Romulus, all in the name of destroying the Infested. Are we still true to the Empire in that moment?"

The actual landing sequence took mere seconds as the shuttle smoothly glided in, spun around and gently touched down. Lillee stood, smiling sadly down at Hirek. "Rest easy, Hirek, I do not expect an answer. I just had to release all that. Thank you for listening." She turned to head for the aft hatch before pausing and glancing back at him with a raised eyebrow. "I do not need to ask you to keep this between us, yes? There is no need to threaten certain body parts with my honour-blade?"

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #21
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Forest | Sussi-vuv Highlands | Qo'nos] Attn: @Griff

Hirek winced as he gave a half shrug, “I will defer to your more extensive knowledge of Federation mannerisms for that. I’ve been initiated into some ideologies and trends,” he smirked as he remembered his “counseling” session for onboarding, “but by and large, I’ve had limited exposure to the Federation beyond the propaganda.” He gave her a deep nod in return, “A strong sense of who you are and where you come from works wonders for keeping you motivated and warm at night.”

He studied the ship Lillee pointed to, listening to her words and reflecting on his own experiences so far. Much had happened since he’d defected to the ship and while the majority of the experiences were “positive” in a basic definitional sense, others were more intriguing or revealing. Hirek had never considered himself much of a diplomat or ambassador but it seemed left and right he was being questioned or positioned into a scenario where he had to show crewmates that Romulans were not all military worshiping automatons and not all of them were Tal Shiar. Over the passing days, he’d concluded that for all its inconveniences of discomforts, being on this ship was proving far more profitable for destroying inaccurate notions of his people than he’d expected.

“I believe your motivation is pure and intentions are good, though you shall never need my endorsement for action,” Hirek smirked at his companion. “If any culture could see through the surface and pinpoint the details of why something was being done, it would be our people. Even our drama reflects our understanding and belief in ‘more than meets the eye’ and ‘the ends justify the means.’ We are just as patriotic to the true Romulus by firing on Romulan ships as we would be by fighting against an invading force on Romulan ground. In many ways, you could argue that Romulus was invaded ages ago by false ideology and idiocy that was embraced and later became a corrupt senate and the tyranny of the Tal Shiar. The threat from the Infested and our civil war could be necessary birthing pains to a new era.”

Her threat with the honor blade had Hirek chuckling, then wincing at the pain this action caused. He shook his head. “Please, no, not the honor blade.” He tossed a wink in her direction before letting out a heavy sigh. “My family discontinued that tradition eons ago, it seems. Well before my time. The knowledge of blending good ale and running the mollusk fleet is my ‘honor blade.’”

He closed his eyes and allowed a few moments to pass, during which he processed through a new wave of discomfort. When he opened his eyes, Hirek gave Lillee a half smile.

“Would you give your children an honor blade if they were here?” Hirek kept to himself the personal opinion that giving a blade one encouraged political and ideological violence that resulted in the Tal Shiar. He’d learned to keep opinions covered until the other side revealed their thoughts and then, and only then, to reveal his own if it proved helpful.

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #22
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Shuttlecraft Bouman | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


After opening the aft hatch, Lillee returned to Hirek, although she listened to him all the while. Smiling slightly at Hirek's humour, Lillee leaned on a bulkhead and crossed her arms. She was somewhat perturbed by how much she'd shared but the exchange had been equal, more or less. His question about honour-blades caught Lillee by surprise, however, and she raised an eyebrow, even if the small smile remained.

"My babes are five years old, although I understand your meaning," Lillee said drily as she glanced back out of the shuttle. "The medic should be here in a moment. Yes, Hirek, I intend to raise my children in our ways, including honour-blade artistry, should they choose it. I pray that they should never find themselves needing a blade, but even if they don't, an honour-blade is precious. A sword is only a weapon of war in the hands of one who makes war; outside that, it is like a paintbrush. That is what I was taught. Besides, it is the birthright of my babes, much as it was mine. What they do with that birthright is their choice, even if they decide to reject their Romulan heritage in favour of their human side. I made that decision a long time ago. My children are and will be free."

Lillee eyed Hirek curiously. "Why ask that question?"

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #23
[ Hirek tr’Aimne |  Shuttlecraft Bouman | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Griff

“My mother gave up keeping me out of trees or out of the water by the time I was five.” Hirek smirked, shaking his head at the exasperation he brought both his parents in different ways. “It is good that you will raise with the foundation of Romulan culture. It is also good that you do not intend to force them to live a certain path. Though, again, my opinion on what you do or don’t do with your children holds very little merit, all things considered.”

Hirek shifted in the seat before standing. The hypospray had done wonders for alleviating the sharp pain movement brought, and he wasn’t so injured that he couldn’t stand and move on his own two feet. He moved slowly towards the open hatch, leaning against the shuttle’s side as they waited for the medic’s arrival.

“The question was asked from pure curiosity. My family, as I mentioned, has not followed that tradition for many generations. I believe it started with my grandfather’s father, or perhaps one generation before that, coming back from a very bloody campaign, victorious and yet defeated in some fashion. No one questioned him when he did not give his son an honor blade or his daughter either. And no one protested when he quietly requested that his son do the same with his offspring. Over time, even after he was gone, my family continued the tradition of passing on knowledge and skill without the tangible blade.” He wanted to shrug, having come to love this human gesture, but it was still too uncomfortable, so he mimicked the move with a half smile. “A blade of the mind is sharper than a blade in hand. Something my uncle told me before his execution.”

The medic arrived and looking at the green-speckled tatters of Hirek’s clothing, immediately called ahead to sickbay to ready a biobed for a Romulan patient.

“Can you walk?” The young human medic asked, hands hovering in the area in front of Hirek.

He raised an eyebrow and nodded. “Yes, I can walk.”

“Finally!” Jones, one of Hirek’s science team colleagues, approached the shuttle. “I was about to call in reinforcements. Still can’t believe they just left you with all the specimens.” He barely seemed to notice Hirek’s wounded state as he popped her head inside the shuttle and took stock of the crates. “This doesn’t look like everything. Did something happen?”

Hirek chuckled, “Yes. We lost about four crates, mostly fungi and a few orchids. Would you mind telling Ensign Cir’Cie about that while I am tended to in sickbay?”

Jones reared back, suddenly noticing Hirek’s status, and nodded after glancing at Lillee a moment. “Thanks for rescuing and not killing him. He has a tendency to annoy even a saint.”

“You are not a saint, Jones.”

The man shrugged and moved fully into the shuttle, his hand already tapping the combadge to talk to the head botanist in the department.

Hirek looked back to Lillee, “And for myself, thank you, Lillee. It has been enlightening, amusing, and endearing. If you ever need assistance or need pleasant or annoying conversation, my quarters are on Deck 17.” He smirked then and shook his head. “I mean no disrespect in the invitation to my quarters. Your warrior goddess lover is welcome as well.”

Re: Day 14 [1330 hrs.] Risking It All For A Fig

Reply #24
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Shuttlecraft Bouman | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Ellen Fitz


Somewhat bemused by the whole interaction, Lillee smiled at Jones as the man started checking the cargo. Her smile turned into a smirk as she considered Cir'Cie being Hirek's boss. It was a wildly incongruous image. Cir'Cie was so young and sexually charged that she was like a live grenade, while Hirek was evidently quite shameless, yet much more mature. The dynamic between the two was a fascinating thing to imagine.

Or perhaps not, Lillee realised. Cir'Cie was impressionable and impulsive, liable to manipulation, and Hirek was...well, classic rihannsu in manner, if not quite in belief. Perhaps she should check on Cir'Cie later on, just to be safe...

"It has been an enjoyable experience, Hirek tr'Aimne, despite your annoying qualities," Lillee said with a smile, "and thank you for your kindness. I may come and seek your hospitality as time permits; I would welcome more of your company. I may even introduce you to my warrior goddess lover, if she is so inclined." The thought of Anh-Le's sharp mind doing battle with Hirek's wit made Lillee chuckle; that was indeed something that she would love to watch. Perhaps combined, the two women might be a match for the infuriating Hirek.

As Hirek made to leave, Lillee cleared her throat loudly, looking pointedly at Hirek's seat, which was now stained with dark green blood, with green droplets splattered on the carpet. "I just knew that I would be cleaning up after you," she said with amusement, before briefly bowing her head in the old custom. "Fair winds, Hirek."

After the medic helped Hirek out of the shuttle, Lillee chuckled under her breath again before sitting down and starting the shuttle's shutdown proceedure while Jones inspected the cargo in the back. It was after a minute or so that Lillee suddenly sat up straight, eyes wide.

"Fvadt!" she swore loudly.

Jones looked up from the boxes in alarm. "What? What is it?"

"That...that veruul!" Lillee ground out furiously, her hands clenched into fists. "I think that he just propositioned me...I didn't even notice...oh, that moronic man, he invited me and Anh-Le together for a threesome in his quarters! That...that...stupid...little...fucker!"

Jones laughed long and hard, glad that at least more people were getting to enjoy the unique experience that was Hirek tr'Aimne.


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