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Topic: Day 09 [0501hrs] Whose Room Is It, Anyway?  (Read 4682 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 09 [0501hrs] Whose Room Is It, Anyway?

Reply #25
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dumedion

“I’m fine!” Azrin replied quickly, brushing off Kino’s apology. It was her own fault that this room was a disaster zone. Everyone down in engineering would get reprimands for far less. It was a strange dichotomy, how what she thought of as normal in her room would be considered absolutely unacceptable anywhere else. Even recognizing it, Azrin knew herself well enough to understand that nothing was going to change. ‘Better here than down there,’ had always been her mindset, drilled into her head by an annoyed mother. Understandably so, since having a daughter who took apart everything she saw had certainly been a nightmare for a space faring family. She’d always needed an outlet, something harmless for idle hands to fiddle over. Over the years, she’d collected a lot of such things, living in her own brand of chaos that served to keep her calm. Another dichotomy.

“I’m asking Thea.” Her normal blue eyes were edging towards gray today, a byproduct of the exhaustion she was determinedly ignoring, but they were still alert as she scanned the floor for any hint of the little bottle. It needed to be found. Azrin didn’t like the idea of someone accidentally stepping on it, releasing that sweet smell to the air all at once, only to lose it forever. “Well, maybe I’m asking you. Definitely asking Thea for the time, since you don’t know. And asking you about the bottle,” which, if it was stepped on, would at least be less concentrated than the last time they’d had a sniff. “Though I’d ask Thea too if she knows… hey!” Azrin spun around to face the computer, her face a mask of surprise. “Why didn’t I get an answer?” Endosian orchid forgotten, she made her way to the console. Technology - especially broken technology - was the only thing that could always distract her.

When she reached the other side of the work terminal, Azrin found that it looked entirely normal, huffing a bit in frustration at the sight. Why hadn’t the computer answered her question then? Even if it had been confused like Kino, there should have been an error. She was itching to dismantle the whole thing within seconds of starting her search, only to eventually find a much more boring solution. Voice commands were turned off. “Well what did I do that for- huh?”

The redhead refocused on the rest of the room at the sound of Kino’s laughter, her gaze finding the other trill on the floor speaking some sort of nonsense. Opening her mouth to ask if she was alright, she was beaten to the punch by Kino’s apology. Azrin shrugged the moment off without another thought. The newly joined were supposed to be a little crazy. Everything needed to settle into a new equilibrium up there. She only hoped that the rambling sentence meant Kino had a revelation, instead of another random host’s memory taking over.

“I’m glad I met you too!” She meant it, every word dripping in earnestness. Even if it meant another sleepless night, Azrin loved meeting new people. They couldn’t replace the friends she’d lost, but they gave her hope that everything would feel better eventually. “You can visit Kaylon’s old quarters whenever you want. They’re probably going to be really messy though.” At the mention of her bottle, Azrin slapped herself lightly on the forehead. How could she have forgotten the orchid perfume!? “No? I got distracted. Where are you bottle?”

That question was available for Kino, Thea, or the bottle to answer.

Re: Day 09 [0501hrs] Whose Room Is It, Anyway?

Reply #26
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Azrin's Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @rae
Well it couldn’t have gone far, Kino mused over the fate of Azrin’s bottle. While she was curious why Red had turned off Thea's voice response, the silver haired non-com figured it was just a personal preference and left it alone. “Lemme try something,” she said instead, gesturing to the terminal, but Red had already moved off. “Once we find your missing bottle,” Kino announced as her fingers tapped out a sequence of commands, looking up at the other Trill with a concerned glance, “I'm gonna get out of your hair. You probably won’t, but you should try to sleep, Red.”

Judging from what she’d learned of Azrin so far, that suggestion was very likely to be ignored or met with fierce dismissal; Kino smirked regardless. “Argue all you want, I’m just gonna keep telling you what you already know is true,” she interrupted with a grin.

After inputting her low-level security authorization to access the internal sensors, she pulled up the synchronization protocol to her ocular implant. This was a handy trick Bremmer had reprogrammed into the cybernetic – which was originally built for one of the Wolf pilots – designed to sync with a fighter’s tactical scanners and various other systems which needed recalibrating after implantation when Kino had first woken up from stasis, months ago. She’d used it in conjunction with her armor systems, tapping into internal sensors for counter-boarding operations. Now she was going to use it to visually ‘sniff out’ Azrin’s bottle of Endosian orchid. “OK, lets see,” she nodded as her finger tapped execute.

Pink crept into her vision almost instantly – the drifting remnants of the orchid scent being pulled into the vents of the room. She was aware of Azrin moving about behind her, churning the air. Kino called out to her, several times, to get her attention. “Stop moving,” she laughed, then tapped under her cybernetic eye. “I can see it, but your wafting the scent away,” she explained. “Just wait a sec,” she grinned, as her eyes scanned.

The far corner of the room, by Azrin’s door: a pile of totes and PaDDs stacked atop each other, pulled away from the wall by about a foot. The wall itself looked like someone – Azrin – had removed the environmental control panel for some reason. A subtle waft of pink rose from the exposed circuitry within, behind the boxes.

Kino grinned as she walked over, leaned down and reached near the base of the wall. Her fingers found it, lodged in a cluster of glowing isolinear chips. “Well that was a close one,” Kino smirked as she palmed it, then turned to show Azrin. “Another mystery solved, huzzah,” she deadpanned, then grinned. “What’d you take that apart for anyway,” she hooked a thumb over her shoulder at the environmental console as she handed the bottle over.

Re: Day 09 [0501hrs] Whose Room Is It, Anyway?

Reply #27
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dumedion

She was reasonably sure that past-Azrin had had a reason to turn off the computer’s voice commands. There must have been a need for silence. Or maybe she’d simply been talking to herself and didn’t want Thea to answer. Problem was, now-Azrin didn’t remember the reason. And it was bugging her. That little itch in the back of her brain demanding that she know everything. How dare her memory fail her this way, what if there was something else important she was forgetting too? Aw man, she really really needed to sleep. Her brain was in full shutdown mode.

Or it was a completely innocuous slip of the mind and she had woken up in a dramatic mood today.

“I don’t need to sleep-” she began to argue against Kino’s suggestion - for all she was just thinking it herself - only for her mouth to snap shut at the other trill’s correct anticipation of her reaction. “I only have an hour or so before I have to get up for my shift. Not near enough to make up for my sleep deficit.” Azrin shrugged like it didn’t matter. Honestly, it took her so long to fall asleep that one hour wasn’t going to cut it. She’d spend the whole time rolling around in the sheets. And not in a fun way.

Her eyes were drifting sheepishly between her stripped bed, the sheets piled up on the floor, and various places where her bottle of orchid scent might have fallen. It wasn’t her best searching, a rather preoccupied meander around the room. Not surprisingly, she didn’t find anything. Though the look on her face was still perplexed when Kino told her to stand still. “How am I supposed to find it if I don’t- wait how can you see it?”

Trill eyes did not work like that. Azrin would know, being a trill and remembering a little bit about anatomy from Dezra. But then, her focus moved to Kino’s unusually bright eye. “Why didn’t you do that in the first place?” She asked, though the question was good natured and slightly amused. Nor did Azrin expect an answer, knowing full well that they’d both been distracted. She stayed mostly in place, shifting her weight back and forth between her feet as Kino searched, the wait punctuated by a large yawn. “I need more coffee,” she muttered, still refusing to admit her sleep problem out loud.

While her jaw was open far wider than it wanted to be, Kino had apparently done something useful, her weirdly calm ‘huzzah’ enough of an invitation for Azrin to dash over there. Not moving wasn’t her strong point. It was amazing she’d lasted that long. “Did you find it?” The question was asked right as the bottle was revealed, which ended in a shout of excitement. “Yes! I’m so sorry perfume I’ll never drop you again!” She plucked the bottle out of the silver haired woman’s hands, opening it up to take a good long whiff in victory. The cork was immediately replaced. “Woah, that’s still strong.” It helped wake her up again though.

“Sorry, take what apart?” She leaned to the side to see past Kino, noticing the environmental control panel. Ah, that. “I was - um - taking a look to see if I could pump melatonin into my room. Then I decided… not to do that.” A hand rose to scratch the back of her head, embarrassed. Melatonin had been the least wild idea she’d had for the environmental controls. “I know, I know, go to sleep Azrin! Everyone makes that sound so easy. But don’t worry about me, I’ll figure it out. You’ve got enough on your plate with the new worm and all.” Like her body was determined to betray her, here came another yawn.


Re: Day 09 [0501hrs] Whose Room Is It, Anyway?

Reply #28
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @rae
Kino frowned to keep from smiling as she stood there, watching Azrin yawn; she felt terrible for bringing so much confusion into her life, but was also glad that she'd been able to help her in a small way. Time to r.u.n.n. o.f.t., she thought to herself, moving to secure her towel (which was still draped over the chair at Azrin's terminal).
“I'll adapt. It’s what we do, right,” she lifted a shoulder, offering Ryn a lopsided grin. “You'll get there too, Red.” She gave the fellow Trill a friendly squeeze on the shoulder as she passed, her eyes taking in the room one last time. Adios, she told it, backing away to the door.

“I’ll keep my eye on you, all the same,” she winked at Azrin with her glowing cybernetic, chuckling at the weak jest. Lifting her chin to the workstation, she added, “I’ll shoot ya those specs for EDDI soon.”

As she turned to leave, watching the redhead go about, procuring more coffee, her attention drifting from one task to the next, Kino’s grin widened. She’s a hot mess, she thought fondly. “Bye Ryn, take care,” she hollered to ensure she got the engineer’s attention. With a final wave, she was gone, back out into the corridor, chuckling as she shook her head.

It was an odd, but immensely satisfying start to the day. Her head felt clearer, her sense of self more balanced. Azrin fucking Ryn, she shook her head again. What were the odds, she wondered, setting off for the lift and her room. Her belly rumbled then, and she covered her stomach with a hand. “Stow it, I’ll feed you,” she muttered aloud, ignoring the confused looks from passing crewmates. It wasn’t easy, living with a worm, but at least she knew one thing for sure: That is definitely not my room, Kino grinned.


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