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Topic: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like... (Read 2950 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Pain, flared behind her eyes. This was the first thing that Faye noticed as awareness came back to her spent body, a throbbing ache as if someone had set up a pair of giant drums between her ears and began to lay down the base to the traditional song of the Fifth House, which when done properly, could take an hour. Right. Between. Her ears. And it wasn't just the pain in her head, though that was the most prevalent ache, and what her focus was naturally drawn to. There were other aches. A sort of tingling pain throughout her body, as if everything were fuzzy and off. Then there was the more acute ache in her feet. As if she'd spent too much time jumping up and down on them (which she had).

She opened her mouth to let out a low groan, which became something of a quick cough. Her throat was parched, and her mouth felt as if it had been stuffed full of gauze or cotton. She probed around the back of her teeth with her tongue and buried her face in the pillow beneath her. She caught the whiff of stale alcohol on her breath, confirming her nascent suspicions as to what was the cause of all her suffering. The warp core detonation behind her eyes when she tried to open them was enough to convince her she'd be better off blind for the rest of her days.

Though OUCH! was the main thought in her mind, everything else was a massive jumble of half remembered moments and sensations. As she tried to sort that out, Faye became aware that she was entangled with another body. The body was warm, and draped over her, wrapping around from behind. There was a lot of skin on skin which was lovely where she wasn't feeling as if her bones might vibrate outside of her muscles. She wasn't entirely naked - a surprise to be sure - as she could feel cotton clinging to her hips. It felt both feather soft, and sandpaper rough to her sensitive skin. Something had done a number on her last night. If she burrowed further under the covers would that make things better, or worse?

A question bubbled up into her mind, from beneath the morass of discomfort and poor life choices: who was in bed with her? 

More importantly: whose bed was she in?

Carefully cracking an eye open again (shaded by the palm of her hand), the miserable creature that was currently playing the part of Faye Eloi-Danvers, Diplomat extraordinaire, saw that she had pulled up over her arm a familiar blanket, that had been first replicated when she'd been thawed out of stasis months ago. That put her in her bed at the very least. Which was great. It would hardly be hte first time she'd woken up after a drunken escapade in an unfamiliar room. No walk of shame across the Academy barracks today, she thought, pushing her head further into her pillow. 

She didn't want to roll over to see who was next to her. So with her eyes shut, she reached out with other perceptions. For a moment there was a sharp, stabbing pain in the back of her skull that drew half a whimper from her lips, but it faded as she made contact with the slumbering mind next to her. 


Less a thought, more like a feeling of warmth bubbling up against the miasma of suck that currently had taken up residence inside the lithe Betazed. Even had she been utterly sober, Faye would haveh ad a hard time quantifying what exactly it was she felt when she brought her mind in contact with that of Riley Patterson, as such a feeling of connection and love went beyond words to begin with. Imzadi was just a person, it was a feeling, a connection.

Hungover as she was, there was no way that Faye could wax poetic upon how she felt, recognizing the safety and comfort of the woman that was (despite appearances) hers in a way no other would be. No, the best she could manage was a mental Oh thank fuck. If she were going to wake up hung over next to anyone, this was as good as it could possibly get.

Reaching out and grasping the arm slung over her, Faye tried to pull the other woman in closer still, as if her presence would make the mistakes of the previous nights partying in the holodeck go away. (She couldn't remember at the moment why she had gone, when she had shown up, and in what state she had left, but what deductive reasoning skills she had clearly lead to her having gotten black out drunk). It didn't, but she'd reckoned the attempt was worth making.

"I never, ever want to go to a rock concert from Earths past again. Ever." Even she was surprised she managed to speak, though her voice sounded hoarse, as if she'd been shouting (or singing) too long.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #1
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

A rough night was perhaps and understatement to what last night was. The rock concert certainly was a thing, Faye had been going last night like an unchained demon and Riley had been laughing with the love of her life more than once. Riley had arrived late at the party and had less alcohol to drink than Faye. The diplomat had never, ever failed to bring a smile to the nurse ever since the day she had been unthawed. The two of them had developed a bond that Riley never thought would be a reality. Sure she had read about the bonds a Betazoid could make. Though it always sounded like a fairy tale, a story that was too good to be true. Yet here they were.

Riley slowly slumbered out of her sleep as she felt Faye move ever so slightly. Riley didn't open her eyes just yet and she felt the lithe Betazoid reach over to grab her arm and pull her in closer. The shared connection they had, quickly trickled in the feeling of the hangover Faye Eloi-Danvers was currently nurturing. It made Riley smirk slightly and she nuzzled into her paramour as she was pulled in closer. Riley had been wearing a similar nightly attire like Faye, just a pair of standard issue cotton briefs around her hips. The warm, firm swell of her bosom pressed flat against Faye's back made the nurse nuzzle her face into the back of her neck, nestling her face into the long brown hair.

Patterson's eyes slowly open when she heard Faye's hoarse voice and she let out a low, soft laugh "Really? Last night you were all about needing more of it. I think the quote was... 'I need more socks to rock this off.'" the human couldn't help but giggle a little when remembering it and she nuzzled more into her paramour. She could only try to imagine just how bad this hangover would feel like on the diplomat and she could easily fix it with the medical clearance she had gotten. Though that meant getting out of the warm cocoon they had been nestled in and leaving the side of her Imzadi. Both options were not quite high on Riley's agenda right now and she let her arms wrap around her more tightly as if to tell her that she wasn't going anywhere. Instead, she chose to kiss Faye against the nape of her neck and nurtured her with soft, delicate kisses.

"I suppose the galaxy is sending over every bit of radiation to your head to split it, right?" she asked softly against Faye's ear while kissing further and trying to achieve as much skin contact as she could with her in the meantime. Her legs entangling with hers and her body pressing into her as if she wanted to meld with her into one whole. She waited for her to answer and chuckled lightly before she almost said patronizing "I told you to drink water before going to sleep, but you just had to pass out." her voice sweet and filled with playfulness though, she wasn't mad at Faye. At least she hadn't thrown up or anything. That would've made this morning a whole lot worse.

"You want me to get up and get you something to drink? Something to dial the pain down from ten to a solid three maybe?"
she whispered against her ear while her hands slowly moved up and down over her sides, stomach and ribcage. She did it softly, checking to see if it would cause more discomfort or if it would soothe the pain in her lover's head. Her fingers often came close to the edge of the cotton panties Faye was wearing and at times, they brushed just against the underside of Faye's breasts. Though Riley's intentions were fully aimed to make her Faye feel better, to rid her of the post rock carnage that raged on in her head.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #2
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Humans burned so bright, Faye mused, and hardly for the first time. In this instance it wasn't just the mental glow that she was considering when it came to Riley, and her species, but the physical warmth of the other woman's body. Humans ran ever so slightly warmer than the average Betazoid, and when she ached, and felt miserable, Faye craved that warmth as much as she craved the darkness that ducking her head under the covers provided, shielding her from the evil, evil overhead lighting. Sweet, warm skin, rubbing against her bare back, heat radiating over sore muscles. She wasn't as bad as a Trill, of course, whose skin was icy cold to the touch constantly, but she was certainly leeching the warmth off of Riley now, shamelessly so.

"Past me was drunk, and dumb. I can't be held accountable for her bad puns," Faye insisted, scrunching her nose up and burying her face down against her pillow, hair spilling out in every direction, dark locks with hints of gold woven throughout forming a halo around her hidden features. In the harsh reality of the morning after, her declaration was embarrassingly corny. For a girl that claimed she had no shame, her actions now were begging to differ.

A shiver worked its way down Faye's spine as Riley pressed her lips to the diplomats neck, a soothing touch that eased one ache and began the barest of beginnings for another. Faye could only nod her head in agreement with the nurses observation, feeling the amusement and sympathy radiating from her lover. A wordless groan of agreement that only served to intensify the sensation of a gravity well churning in the back of her head. On the one hand, she was not one to take being chastised lightly. On the other hand, she was slowly being entangled with her Imzadi, and Faye wasn't one to complain about that kind of physical contact either. If a bit of 'I told you so' was the price to pay for the comfort of Riley's skin on hers, and the soothing presence of her calm mind, unburdened by the mistakes of partying too hard, well, Faye would simply have to endure.

None of which stopped her from murmuring, "But I was tired. And the bed was right here..." A feeble protest to be sure. Even to Faye she could tell she was whining, and this was hardly a solid argument to be made, nor was she doing so in her top form. Years of training in the fine art of debate and her most eloquent of protests was whinging.

Riley's actions held none of the scorn her words might have borne, had Faye not know the woman's mind, and had the nurse's tone been anything other than the gentle kindness that she'd evoked to that point. Far from it, her lips were lingering all over Faye's skin, and those feather light touches were starting to get her to squirm. Her head still felt like she'd suffered an up close and personal warp core breach, but her body was beginning to release some of the tension of the night prior. Gentle touches, small strokes, weightless caresses' all served to pull her thoughts away from the pain of her poor decisions and toward the sensitive nature of her aching flesh. It was impossible to hold still under such considerate attentions, and Faye found herself squirming back against Riley. 

She bit her lip for a moment, searching for spot of clarity in the maelstrom of ache and the tantalizing tenderness of Riley's sweet machinations. She wanted the pain to go away, and her throat felt as dry as the Death Valley of her mothers homeworld. She wanted more of Riley's touch. She craved the intimacy of morning snuggles, and gentle kisses to wash away the previous evening. Of course even her lips felt dry, as she ran her tongue over them, and that was a consideration to be weighed and judged as much as anything else. Was she in a state to appreciate those tender touches.

In the end, Faye managed to roll over, onto her back, twisting about in Riley's arms so that one of her legs was tossed over the other girls hips, and her own arm shaded her eyes from the low light of the room. Cracking one open, a deep pool of bloodshot onyx glistened up, seeking the sight of her beloveds face. She arched up, just enough to brush the tip of her nose to Riley's, then collapsed back on to the bed with a dramatic sigh. Practicality won out, as she confessed, "Wanna kiss, but my mouth's too dry. Stupid hangover." 

Petulance, thy name is Faye, she thought to herself, almost giggling. She wanted a lot of things in that moment. For her lover to move her fingers over her breasts, instead of just tracing right below them. Or to have Riley peel the panties from her slender hips. She wanted to kiss the nurse, just as she'd said. To run her nails over all that pretty skin. But most of all she wanted to stop feeling like ass. "Water then cuddles?"

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #3
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Riley couldn't help but snicker as Faye pointed out that Drunk Faye was dumb and not accountable for bad puns. She kept herself close to Faye and lightly ran some fingers through her hair, slowly clearing her face out, exposing her to the light, yet also allowing Riley to look at the face of her Imzadi. Another soothing kiss was given to the neck of the ship's top diplomat, the next one brought closer to her jaw as her hair had been moved out of the way.

The whining and protesting slowly made place for squirming and a yearning it seemed. Faye continued to feel pretty miserable, though Riley could see how she enjoyed and soaked in the tender touches and musings she was offering her. The nurse couldn't help but smile as she watched the Betazoid use every fiber of her being to roll over to turn towards her. She never got that far though and she just rolled onto her back before her leg was thrown against the Riley. The nurse couldn't help but laugh softly and positioned herself so she'd be semi covering Faye.

She could smell the after effects of the alcohol when Faye drew closer and rubbed her nose against hers. Riley scrunched her own nose and as Faye mentioned that she needed water first before she could kiss, Riley snickered even more. Hung over Faye was a delight she hadn't experienced before. She nipped away at her skin, top of her chest, her neck, the arm hanging over her eyes. "Mmh, you might need more than water." she teased her before she hugged Faye tightly and cuddled her. The own dirty brown-blonde hair was splayed over Faye's arms and face as she kissed the neck of her lover. Her hands gently ran over the orbs of Faye's chest, feeling her up unashamed before the nurse slowly raised herself from the intimate embrace.

She rubbed in her eyes and looked around before she untangled herself from Faye and walked over in just her panties towards the replicator. A few dials in, she produced a glass of water and a standard inoculator to help with the hang over. Before she made her way back over to Faye, she stretched herself and stood on the tip of her toes before she spoke up "Computer, dim overhead lights to 20%" A chirp confirmed the order and the room was plunged in a more soothing darker lighting.

Riley went back over to the bed and she kissed Faye's neck before giving her the shot of painkillers, only to kiss the spot again and placing the cold glass of water against the skin of her midriff. A bit of playful and teasing behavior fromthe nurse as she watched Faye's reaction "It should kick in in a few moments, so you'll feel somewhat better. I did bring water though." she mused softly into her ear.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #4
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Even as Riley slowly stat up on the bed, pulling away from Faye, the Betazoid could feel the lingering affects of the light kisses that had been plied upon her body. She'd let out a pleased little sigh when her lover had brazenly groped her breasts, which she had (not so secretly) longed to feel. The pleasing touch had momentarily distracted her from the nasty after affects of a long night of partying with no precautions taken to the quality of the morning that would follow. Riley was of course correct; she almost always was, though Faye didn't always acknowledge it. More than just water was going to be needed to put Faye back to rights, but her immediate desire, to press her lips to Riley's and return at least a small portion of the affection she was receiving, would require a mouthful or two of water.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and Faye was both immediately grateful, and more than a smidge frustrated with herself. Ordering the computer to lower the lights was one of the easiest things anyone could do. It aught to have been second nature. And it hadn't crossed her mind. She groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose between finger and thumb and berated herself quietly, under her breath. Had she been willing to be more generous to herself, she could have allowed for the fact that she had a splitting headache from the hangover and was clearly not operating on full thrusters. 

"You are a goddess, you know that?" While her voice held a heavy rasp, she winced more from how loud it felt, even if the volume had been simply conversational. Such was the affects of the alcohol, and Faye found herself wishing that standard protocols had been followed the evening prior, restricting all the beverages to the synthehol versions, so that such moments like this could be avoided. Someone had thought that 'the real deal' made more sense given the setting for the concert, and no one had complained from that point on. 

But the next day...Faye thought to herself as she heard Riley padding back toward her. The room was dark enough  that she could watch the other woman's approach, appreciating the way her messy hair cascaded down over bare skin, and the pleasing little bounce that each step caused to her Imzadi's uncovered bosom. She smiled, in a lazy fashion, as the human woman leaned over her. Yes, she felt miserable, but there were certain perks to dating a nurse, and in truth Faye enjoyed being pampered and taken care of from time to time. When that care included sweet sweet kisses...

No sooner had Faye thought that, than Riley tilted the ice cold glass of water so that the edge caught Faye just under the ribs. The hiss of the hypospray had barely left her ear when her own startled yelp took its place, the girl jumping in the bed and squirming to the side in an effort to get away. "Cold cold cold cold cold!"

Goosebumps broke out across Faye's body, and unsurprisingly, her nipples stiffened up into taut peaks as the chill touch of the glass worked its way over her torso. There and gone in mere seconds, the results still lingered in the aftermath, and she bit down on her lip, eyes flashing to the glass, condensation against its surface. She shivered, having more to do with the whisper against her ear, than the cold touch she'd been subjected to, and slowly forced herself up into a seated position with her pillow tucked against her back and storage cabinet that served as a head board behind her bed. Just beyond that was one of the sweeping, large windows in the room that showed Qo'noS in a lazy orbit beneath their vector. 

Without another word, Faye reached for the glass with both hands and pulled it to her lips, regardless of whether or not Riley let go. She gulped down a mouthful before forcing herself to take things slower. A bit of the cold water managed to catch the side of her mouth, dribbling down her chin and dripping to her chest. The lithe diplomat shivered again, swallowing a few more slow, careful swigs, until she gently eased the glass away and let out a deep breath. 

"Thank you for that," she murmured, her voice no longer sounding to her ears like it had been dragged through a field of glass. With a gentle effort, she reached up and ran her fingers along Riley's jaw, before mimicking what the girl had done to her earlier, and tucking some of those dirty blonde locks of hair behind Riley's ear. The pain in her head had already begun to recede from a full out core breach to a more manageable dull roar, and Faye could let herself take in more of her lovers amusement, that was truly radiating off of the human in waves, without hurting tender mental facilities. 

"But now I'm all cold," she summoned up what she believed to be an adorable pout to her lips and leaned in, while drawing Riley down toward her with the hand in the girls hair. "What are you going to do about that, hmmm?"

Clearly she was starting to feel more like herself and less like a half animated corpse, as she pressed her lips slowly to Riley's in a tender kiss, that she let linger just long enough to get a good feel for the woman's mouth, before pulling back and allowing the human to give an answer.


Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #5
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Faye called Riley a goddess and the nurse couldn't help but giggle and snicker about it before she returned back to her Imzadi. She could see and feel how the eyes of the lithe Betazoid were tracking her as she made her way back to bed. The dreamy look she'd been getting would probably soon be gone though and the positioning of the cold glass was partly there to distract Faye from the inoculation. It proved to be far more funny to see how her Imzadi squirmed and exclaimed that it in fact just rushed a cold feeling through her. Said notion quite clear to Riley as she saw the goosebumps form and noticed the erecting nipples.

Faye didn't take long to sit upright and take the glass. Riley moved over to sit in front of her, she sat on her knees in front of Faye and lingers her hands over the Betazoid's legs. She had let go of the glass and just watched her lover as she quenched her thirst. Riley stared out one of the windows to the planet below, though her interest shifted back to the woman before her rather quickly. Almost like a child, Faye seemed too ambitious in drinking and Riley watched the small slip of water escape from the side of Faye's mouth before it pooled at her chin and dripped down to the bosom. She had to snicker lightly and shook her head "Don't drown yourself." she added playfully to Faye.

Patterson was thanked for providing water and painkillers and she smirked as Faye pointed out the next problem that had hit her this morning. Coldness was the next issue on the agenda and Riley was being pulled closer to Faye. She thoroughly enjoyed the way how Faye pushed some of her hair behind her ear, a near mimic of what she had done to her moments ago. She was asked what she'd do about the cold problem and Riley sighed softly as she drew closer. Before she could actually answer Faye, their lips connected and Riley wrapped her arms around Faye's neck before the tender kiss broke. She was allowed to answer now and she bit her lower lip before whispering "Well maybe... Someone shouldn't have been so eager to drink." she teased.

She glanced down and pulled one hand back to wipe Faye's chin dry along with the side where the water had spilled. She looked back into her eyes and kissed her quickly on her lips before adding "Maybe you should take a warm shower or a bath to warm up?" While she let that idea sink in with her lover, Riley traced some kisses down her lover's neck and it didn't take long before Faye felt the warm, wet tongue of Riley follow the trail of cold water along her chest. Soft tender kisses followed up every now and again until Riley cleaned Faye's spilled water up entirely. Being this close though to her breasts, Riley couldn't resist as she felt those erect nipples against the side of her face. She made two quick stops at each nipple, kissing the flesh of the breasts first, only to continue and tease the aureoles with her tongue and eventually topping it off with a flick of the tongue against the nipple before pressing her lips around it for a light suckle and a kiss.

When she was done, Riley surfaced back up and scooted closer to Faye. She let her legs nestles against Faye's sides, spreading her own legs by doing so. Her full breasts pressed against Faye's and she snuggled close against her Imzadi and kissed her full on the lips before tangling her fingers into those brown, golden locked hair. She gently began to massage the scalp of Faye and embraced her intimately and hugged her as she never wanted to stop doing this for the rest of the day.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #6
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Teasing and affectionate, that was the best way to describe Riley's behavior, in Faye's mind. Not that she blamed her paramour by any means. Had the tables been turned, and Riley the one who had made errors in her self-care the night prior, drinking to excess and not taking the necessary measures to prevent the inevitable the following day, Faye too would have done similar. She would have been caring and considerate, and taken full advantage to tease her Imzadi.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander,
she recalled her mother saying at some point in her childhood, another one of those odd sayings from the woman's homeworld. What a gander was, Faye had no notion, but she'd seen a goose one and considered the beasts to be horrible monsters with wings. (she had been 12 at the time and been chased by one. It was understandable).

Given that there were no Geese in Faye's quarters, all thoughts of demon fowl fluttered away under the gentle press of sweet lips and the cool satisfaction of a throat no longer parched. As Riley pulled back and started to trace the water's trail across Faye's skin, the diplomat let out a contented sigh. This just might be paradise, she thought, save for the dull ache behind my eyes. She knew that the inoculation she'd been given would take a little time to truly clear the fog away and restore her head to a state that wasn't sore in some form, but already it was much better than before. Of course, lowering the lights certainly helped to keep at bay stabbing pains shooting into her retina. And the water wasn't going to do any harm either (a thought that accompanied a second sip, and then a low groan). 

Riley running her lips over Faye's breasts was hardly a hardship in the moment, and more a welcome distraction. So too was it a spark that began to kindle the flames of a different, far more pleasing ache, located far from her head, nestled instead between her legs. A welcome thrill, for all that it was familiar, it was desired, needed. She was desired, and reveled in being pampered by the non-commissioned nurse. Selfishly basking in the attention, she let her head fall back, the water cup resting on a nightstand, and arched her chest to meet each caress and kiss. The next moan that left her mouth had nothing at all to do with discomfort and everything to do with excitement and pleasure. 

"Ahhhh, yes," she hissed ever so softly, her hand cupping the back of Riley's head as the other woman lavished affection on the previously cold peaks, tongue swirling around, then over, her nipples, leaving them delightfully wet. She didn't get a chance to answer the shower suggestion before she felt lips closing over her own. Riley was thus rewarded with a deep moan from Faye, utterly swallowed between their lip-locked embrace. A shiver ran down her spine, finger's raking her hair, and she managed to murmur out, "Oh, Riley."

Faye put a world of emotion into that word, as her arms circled her Imzadi, wishing that the other could understand just what she meant to the diplomat. Taking the offered comfort, love, and desire, and returning it ten fold, she pulled tight to the human, with her face nuzzling Riley's bosom, hairs tickling the underside of the nurse's chin. As close as a Betazoid could come to purring, Faye ensconced herself in her lovers embrace, holding her there for a moment, with ear pressed to chest. She fancied that no only could she feel her lovers thoughts and and emotions, but she could hear the woman's heart beating against her ear, drumming out the slowly fading throb of a hangover. Like as not it was the medicine coming into its own, more so than the steady beat of a heart, but Faye wasn't just a hedonist, but a romantic at heart, and what was more romantic than this?

Eventually she turned her face and began to pepper light kisses along Riley's chest, mimicking the affection she had received before, though keeping her lips away from the other woman's nipples for now. She wanted to nibble and kiss her way up to the nurses' ear, and did just that, letting her hands fall down the girls back, until each could cup one cheek of Riley's delightful bum and give it a firm squeeze.  She knew that she was hardly at her best first thing in the morning, and after a night like that, the urge to make love to her Imzadi was warring with her urge to wash away the lingering affects of too much booze and dancing.

Thankfully there was a simple solution to that conundrum. 

"You're joining me in the shower," she murmured quietly, licking the shell of Riley's ear, her own eyes closed as she settled her mind on her desires. An image of herself, on her knees, kneeling on the floor of the shower, her tongue chasing rivulets of water down Riley's tummy flashed in her mind so vivid that it was like watching a holo-recording. She groaned softly, and nipped at the lobe of Riley's ear as her nails dug at the fabric covering her Imzadi's ass. Faye basked in the warmth and closeness of her lover, the feeling of safety that seemed only to come from Riley now, for her, but so too did she swim in a pool of her own growing desire, not just to be pampered and cared for, but to show how much it meant.

In this case that would entail shuffling the two of them into the shower alcove, without tripping over each others feet because Faye had little intention of actually letting go of Riley at any point during the trek. Thankfully there wasn't much in the way of clothing being worn to pull off, and she could keep her hands around her lover the entire time.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #7
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

While Riley began to focus on the distraction part in order to let Faye notice less of the pain searing in her head, the nurse continued to work on the diplomat's body. The soft moans and hisses that left Faye's mouth sounded like music to Riley's ears and she felt the fingers of her lover snake into her hair before she held her in position at her breasts. When her minute ministrations came to a stop, she came back up and after a little smooching session, Riley felt herself getting hugged by Faye.

The NCO nurse had to chuckle lightly while she played with faye's hair as she pressed her face in Riley's bosom. The nurse continued to play with the long hair of her Imzadi and while some of that long hair tickled her chin, she closed her eyes and just wrapped her arms around the Betazoid and held onto her. It had been one of the best parts to happen aboard the ship, to defrost her soul mate. To help her function and to live with her whenever she could.

It took a little while before Riley felt the small kisses being delivered to her breasts nd she looked down before Faye made her way up towards her neck and ear. The human couldn't help but laugh and giggle while holding on to her. The hands of the diplomat in the meantime traveled down and came to rest against the rear of the nurse. Riley let out a little sigh when Faye gave it a firm squeeze, only making the desire to have them tumble in the bed only grow more. "Mmmh, Faaaaye." she mused with a little whine to her partner and as Faye nibbled at her ear, Riley's nails raked over Faye's back.

Her quiet request to join her in the shower was one that was pretty much answered before it had even spilled Faye's lips. "Duh." The light lick making the nurse squirm while she hugged Faye closer. For some reason, Riley got the exact image of Faye on her knees under the shower and she let out a soft gasp as she dipped her fingers into the underwear of Faye, slowly easing them down from behind.

"Hot shower?" she mused softly against Faye's ear, biting in her lobe and tugging lightly at it. her hands had reached a point where she couldn't pull Faye's panties down any further. Riley however, had no real intention to get up from the bed where they were as she was quite comfy here and quite enjoyed what was going on. Riley let herself lean back onto the bed and pulled Faye with her for as far as she could go. Her hands leaving the panties where they were and just peppering the diplomat's face with kisses while she did so.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #8
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Giggles ripped through Faye at Riley's succinct answer to Faye's inquiry about a joint shower. Duh might be the most Riley thing she's ever said, the diplomat thought to herself, her shoulders shaking with barely repressed mirth. The attitude that Riley could bring to any conversation was just one of the many facets of the nurse that Faye truly loved. Oh, she could be prickly, and there was no denying it, but even when Riley was hopping mad, Faye was enamored with her. In that moment, that warmth, affection, outright love was chasing away all the pain and leaving Faye in a place of acceptance and desire. A much better state, if anyone were to ask her opinion on the subject.

The light touch of Riley's fingers beneath the hem of Faye's panties had the Betazoid purring. Between that, and the desires she had to drag Riley off to the shower it was everything that Faye could do to keep herself calm and collected. Oh, there was the fact that moving about too fast would probably still send a shard of stabbing pain into her head. The inculcation and tender care combined to do wonders, but Faye wasn't dumb enough to think that she was entirely out of the woods yet. The heat of the shower would go a long way to help that, as she carefully gave a nod of her head and a wiggle of her hips, trapped as she was under Riley at that moment, each woman fondling the others bum. 

Objectively, Faye knew they both had very nice asses, so really, that was hardly a surprise. 

"Very hot shower, if I get my way," Faye affirmed Riley's suspicions, adding another little lick of her own, savoring the way she could feel the human girl shiver, and the taste of her skin.  At this point her panties were half off her ass, half on, clinging tight and protecting the last vestiges of her modesty. From what, exactly, Faye couldn't quite decide, giggling and purring as she was. 

There was a firm tug and Faye found herself being pulled up as Riley leaned back. A bit of awkwardness followed, mostly due to the addled state of the Betazoid diplomat, whose quarters they were currently snuggled up in, but soon she found herself on top of Riley with her ass fully hanging out of her own panties now. They'd gotten caught up under her and she giggled a bit, face flush with warmth, and butterfly kisses peppered over her skin. She purred and nipped at the hollow of her lovers throat, then eased back, up onto her knees. Hooking a thumb on either side of her hips, she tugged her panties up taut for a moment, feeling the pull of the soft fabric against sensitive skin (the hem was still stuck on her ass cheeks and it was going to take quite a bit more effort to pull them to a proper position, and that wasn't the goal).

"You seemed in quite the hurry to get me out of these," she murmured, tugging one side up and then the other, to cause the fabric to stretch and wiggle. She was the one straddling Riley now, not the other way around, and she wiggled further forward, her legs squeezing the human's torso until she was perched above her paramours chest. She thought about just letting go and having her panties snap into place, but Riley had been quite sweet up to this point. So instead, with her hips swaying to some silent tune that she alone heard, lingering in her mind from the previous evening, she peeled the fabric down as far as she could manage. 

She couldn't slip them off without getting up, and they were stretched tight enough to dig into her thighs by the time she stopped, but it was far enough to give Riley a direct view of her freshly laser shaven pussy, the folds slightly damp from all the sweet kisses that had been dealt out by both women. Arousal had replaced the dull roar of hangover now, leaving her heart beating fast in her chest, and wicked mirth slowly pushing aside the tiredness that had been in her eyes.

Licking her lips, Faye cooed, "This better?"

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #9
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Riley got the confirmation that Faye wanted a very hot shower if she were to have it her way and it made the nurse wonder if she actually meant the water temperature or in fact what would be going on underneath the spray of warm water. While Faye and her had been together for a good amount of time now, Riley had been feelings things of Faye from time to time. On a rare occasion she'd even find her mind in sync with hers, or at least she thought so.  Needless to say, Faye's rising arousal was certainly brushing off against the human and whilst it might not all be due to their connection, Riley certainly felt that need to have Faye as close as possible to her grow more and more.

With the shift of position, Riley giggled and watched Faye as she was the one on top now. The nurse's eyes moved up and down Faye's lithe form and as Faye began to toy with the half tugged down panties, Riley couldn't help but giggle. She watched the Betazoid inch closer, moving herself up towards her torso. The feeling of her warm legs against her ribcage, she watched her Imzadi slowly sway her hips to an inaudible tone.

"Mhm... They need to be off before we hit the shower." she pointed out with a nearly straight face. The smirk that followed would tell Faye enough and as the diplomat sat comfortable perhaps on her lover's torso, Riley followed the movement of her hands. Her panties being slid down, offering her a sight of splendor. Riley bit her lower lip as she gazed at the neatly, laser treated bare sex of Faye. She noticed the slight dampness of them and her eyes darted back up to meet Faye's.

From where Faye was sitting, she was just at the underside of Riley's breasts. Her panties strained against her thighs, cutting into the skin, though at the same time, the fabric was against the midriff of the nurse. Her breasts slightly being pushed up by it while Faye could see Riley's nipples harden lightly at the sight of her partner and with the exposure to the room's temperature. Riley took a moment to think of how she'd be able to feel Faye up, coming in from the front would be hard and thus she opted to reach in from behind Faye.

First, she gave Faye a firm, playful smack to her rump though. The smack somewhat resounding through the room before Riley giggled and tried to reach in between the diplomat's legs. Her fingertips could barely trace along a portion of the damp sex and Rile puffed as she couldn't get to what she wanted and just felt her fingertips wet with Faye's arousal. She instead moved those wet fingertips to the smacked area and smeared it open there before groping the Betazoid's delicious rear.

Riley had been developing a similar heat between her thighs that was only growing more and more as Faye seemed to slumber awake for real now. "You want to take off mine Faye?" she asked almost innocently while she looked up at those onyx pupils of the diplomat and found herself to be hopelessly lost in them.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #10
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

For the briefest of moments, she could feel a finger brush her folds, but only just. The smallest of touches. One soft little tease, enough to draw the dampness from her core to the pad of her lovers finger, and then up along the swell of her bum. Really, at that point Faye should not have been surprised that, as soon as she could, Riley was giving her ass a pleasing swat. Between her own open senses, which she did not need to hold in guard when it was just the two of them, and their track record together, she should have expected to be spanked. Especially given that she herself was teasing the nurse, stretching those panties to the point that she thought they might break, perched between her thighs and tight enough to strum. And yet she was caught off guard, and a yelp slipped right out of her mouth, which hung open momentarily. 

"You little minx," she purred, licking at her lips and wiggling her ass from side, to side. Faye pondered for a moment, laying herself down across Riley's lap, her panties still down at her thighs. Stretching herself, grasping the edge of the bed and bunching the sheet up between her fingers, biting down on her lip. Of rising her hips up, and wiggling her bum, gasping out as each swat was delivered. The thought was delightful, really, but perhaps that would come later. The diplomat had other goals in mind for that morning, and a thorough spanking would have to wait for a more opportune time.

There would be plenty of opportunities, of this Faye was sure.

Looking back over her shoulder, Faye had to admit that Riley had a point. Her own panties were going to have to come off, and so were the humans. "Oh, we could wear them in the shower I suppose," she noted, reaching down with one hand and giving one of Riley's nipple a good tweak. "But I suppose I can take care of things right here and now. Sooner these are off, sooner I can enjoy that shower. Yes, I think I will take them off, dear Riley." There was a pause, and then a wicked grin crossed her face, as she held her lovers gaze, basking in the love and desire she saw there. "And enjoy you, too."

With that said, Faye pulled her right leg up, and perched on the side of Riley just long enough to push her panties down over her knees, and then down her legs. Dropping them onto Riley's chest, the now bared Betazoid swung herself around, switching her position so that she was facing Riley's hips and legs, and her own rear was thrust back toward the woman. She looked over her shoulder and gave a hearty wink, wagging her eyebrows. "Enjoy the view, Imzadi."

Wasting no time at all, Faye leaned down and pressed her lips to Riley's stomach, sucking a trail of kisses toward the woman's panties. After all, she had a goal. A very hot shower. Oh, it would wash away the lingering aches of the exertions from the pervious evening's outings, but in truth, she liked the idea of hot water and her hot lover. Growling, she hooked her thumbs under the straps and began to wiggle the cotton down. "Be a dear and lift your hips?"

She asked the question, and as soon as she was obliged, slid the panties away. Well familiar with her lovers sex, she none the less allowed herself to enjoy the sight that morning, before leaning in and blowing gently over the folds, her breath warm, and eager. Then she sunk her teeth into Riley's right thigh, biting down  quite close to her pussy, without actually touching it. She giggled, wiggled and then licked where she bit, having left a small mark. Sitting up - and pushing her self back toward Riley's face - she held up the panties again, letting them hang from a finger. 

"Well look at that. No more panties to make a shower difficult."

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #11
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

She was awarded the title of minx and Riley seemed to be proud of the title as she giggled at the delivered swat and looked into Faye's eyes as she had kept her mouth slightly hung open. Faye's thought pattern got carried across to the nurse and Riley bit her lower lip as the images flashed before her eyes. Faye's voice brought her back to the here and now, the diplomat suggesting that they could wear the panties in the shower as well. Riley rolled her eyes, blindsiding herself for impending revenge of Faye as she tweaked the nurse's nipple.

"A-Ah! H-Hey!" Riley protested and covered her bosom up with both hands to prevent any further sneak attacks by the diplomat. Faye went on undisturbed though and decided that the removal of panties would be a good idea, since it would allow her to go to the hot shower and enjoy her lover fully. Riley shook her head slightly and puffed some of her hair out of her face before Faye repositioned herself, dropping her panties on Riley's chest. The nurse grasped them and held the fabric between her fingers, using her other hand to turn it into a makeshift slingshot. She aimed and launched it off just as Faye had turned her back to her.

It landed just short of the top of her head and Riley was sad her plan hadn't succeeded though, she had a whole different view to appreciate now as Faye's bum and thighs were in plain view of her. The nurse's cheeks flushed lightly and she sucked in some air. She was just too far away to be in range for Riley to tease her some more and she nodded wholeheartedly to enjoy the view. The instruction to lift her hips was followed up instantly, her legs pushing her hips off the matrass and soon she felt the cotton slip down her legs.

Riley had grown a light landing strip as she was overdue for a full laser treatment. She squirmed when Faye blow over her nether lips and she willingly spread her hips lightly for her to tease her. She had been developing some heat there and perhaps having Faye blow some air over her sex, it might cool her down. Or not. Faye leaned forward and soon she felt the teeth of her Imzadi in her thigh, biting down enough to leave a mark "Faaayyeeee!" she squirmed and whined before the soothing tongue tended to the bitemark.

Faye sat up victoriously with the panties hanging loosely at her finger and Riley simply poked her tongue out at her. The nurse did see an opening though as Faye had pushed herself back slightly more. Stating that there were no more panties to make their shower plans a hassle. Riley hummed and as revenge, she bit in the curvy hind cheeks of her lover, soothing it with her tongue afterwards before she sucked the area to leave a mark as well.

"Well, I suppose that means it's time to get up and freshen up, right?" she grinned "Unless you're turning into a zombie and plan to bite me more?" she snickered and held her hands up to Faye to get her closer for a hug.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #12
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

A merry little giggle burst out from between Faye's lips when she felt the wizz and light smack of her own panties shot at her from behind. She'd picked a good position to keep teasing Riley as she divested the human of her remaining undergarments, staying just out of reach for the most part and allowing herself to mark her lover as she pleased. There was a sense of pride that came with such actions, leaving little visible signs that she had 'been there' as it were. It always amused her, the notion of someone else finding some love bite she'd left behind on her Imzadi. She liked to share and would imagine that such a thing would make whatever encounter Riley was having all the more enjoyable. 

Or maybe you're just a perv, Faye, she thought to herself with another pleased giggle. Her self-assessment was hardly incorrect after all, she just didn't see that as a bad thing, or something to be ashamed about. There was far too much joy and love in the acts of physical pleasure for Faye to be a prude. She liked bringing people together professionally, and personally. The later was generally far more arousing than the former of course, but then, she doubted some of her best techniques could be properly applied in a more formal Diplomatic setting. 

All thoughts of carnal negotiations fled her mind as Riley lunged forward and sunk her teeth into Faye's right ass cheek. "Eep!"

Faye deserved the bite, of course, having left one on her lovers thigh, and had she not just been thinking about how fun it was to leave marks for someone to find? Turnabout was fair play, or so she'd often heard, and the slight flush in her cheeks was a good indicator that she'd enjoyed having the bite and licks. The low moan that followed the sucking, sure to leave that telltale sign of physical affection, only reaffirmed the notion. Tease and tease alike seemed to be the order of the day, and Faye was looking forward to doing that all through the morning, at the very least, if not the whole day that followed. Given how things had started, with a supernova behind her eyes, today was shaping up to be quite lovely. 

Being in love will do that, she reminded herself. The thought chased way the notion of 'revenge' for the bite that had in turn been revenge for another bite. Faye as hardly a zombie after all, though first thing in the morning the argument could be made to the contrary. Faye was not a morning person, especially not when hungover. Todays antics aside. But she swallowed down the notion of simply planting herself right on Riley's face in 'retaliation,' though that would not be any great hardship for either of them, and twisted about again.

Draping her body over Riley's, Faye nestled into the welcoming hug, worming her own arms up under the girl until she was snug as could be, chest to chest. Smiling softly, she leaned in and pressed a small kiss to the human's chin, letting out another giggle. "That little landing strip you're rocking is nice. I'm going to enjoy licking water off it in the shower." This was her not so subtle way of letting Riley know she wanted to get under the hot water, and under her lover. Not that she wasn't enjoying the sweet emotions and feeling of safety that came with curling up against Riley in the bed. Honestly, that was as much the cause of her pain bleeding away as the medicine the nurse had given her.

"I promise, no Zombie Faye today."

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #13
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Laying naked in bed with her Imzadi had been one of the best experiences Riley had experienced so far during this deployment. Despite all the hardships, this moment was one where she could truly come down from all the pressure and tension that would build up throughout the day. Faye in the meantime draped herself over the nurse's body and Riley smiled and hummed as she felt Faye's whole body against hers. She wrapped herself as much as possible around the woman she loved and nuzzled into her.

The soft kiss delivered against her chin made her smile and Faye pointed out the little landing strip, which in turn made the nurse blush. Faye's words seeped in with Riley slowly though and she grazed her fingers through Faye's hair. "You plan on getting down on your knees in the shower huh?" she pointed out while combing through Faye's hair. While it seemed to be a subtle notion to head on over to the bathroom section of the room, Riley felt more content where she was now. She kept Faye close like a favorite doll being kept by a young girl.

"Pinky promise?" she mused to the statement of not being a zombie today, knowing she had mixed it up her Terran saying, though figuring Faye would still get the message. Riley's legs slowly came to wrap and intertwine with Faye's, making sure she'd not be able to bend her own knees in order to leave and get out to lead the way to the bathroom. To add and incentive for Faye to stay in bed, Riley nuzzled her face against the nook of Faye's neck and shoulder. Giving slow, sloppy wet kisses against the skin and occasionally licking up against her. She made herself comfortable and made it quite clear she wasn't ready to head into the shower just yet.

Instead, the nurse fantasized, knowing far too well that Faye would catch on to these images and feelings. She made sure to steer her fantasy, never showing full on long images. Just shards. Skin brushing against skin, pleasure, kisses, heated moments, moaning, carnal pleasure. She darted her eyes up to see how it would affect her Betazoid lover and she was curious how she'd act to it.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #14
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Cuddled and nestled as she was, Faye wasn't about to complain over her lot in life. Embracing the moment, Faye wormed her arms tighter around Riley and gave her a squeeze, settling her head on the woman's shoulder and humming softly under her breath. A shiver worked its way down her spine as she felt fingertips brushing her locks, teasing her scalp. Oh, she could picture what she intended to do to the human nurse, to show her with actions how much she loved her, but then, wasn't she already doing just that? Faye pondered that notion for a moment and concluded that she was indeed. It wasn't her normal licentious mannerisms at play, but that didn't change the fact that there was significant, romantic affection being displayed by both of them. For a moment Faye felt she just might burst from the sensation. Still a question had been asked, and she needed to answer. 

"Well yes. I plan on bathing every inch of you, and that'll have me on my knees to better reach the back of your legs. If I'm down there anyways..." letting her words trail off seemed sufficient enough to convey the notion she had in mind. And again, doing such a thing, taking the time to bathe her lover from head to toe, was just another way to show her Imzadi how she felt for her, for the kindness she'd been shown that morning. For that matter, from the moment she'd been defrosted and woken up after the major surgery, it had been Riley whom had been there with Nicander, and Riley who had overseen her recovery.

Yes, Faye had a lot to be grateful for when it came to the other woman, and she intended to spend every moment that she could making sure the nurse knew how she felt about her.

Like how much she enjoyed the way Riley could be spontaneously cute. Biting her lip to swallow back the giggles, Faye nodded and extended the pinky of her left hand, wrapping it around one of Riley's and bringing it to her lips to seal the promise with a kiss. Having a human for her (adoptive) mother had taught a much younger Eloi-Danvers the human practice of the pinky promise, and instilled in her the cultural understanding of the sanctity of the act.

Faye was no longer so inebriated - or more accurately, so hungover from said inebriation - that she failed to notice what her paramour was up to as she was slowly encircled by the other woman's arms and legs. Kissed plied out against warm flesh drew soft murmurs of pleasure from Faye's delectable lips, and she found that the impulse to snuggle in closer, to press as much of herself to Riley became overwhelming, and unavoidable. Between the water she'd sipped and the mild restorative hypo that had been (bracingly) administered earlier, the fog of a night of poor life choices had faded from the diplomat. Such that, when a new fog began to settle in on her, this a warmer, hazier veil full of promise and pleasure, Faye was quite cognizant of the change in her emotional state.

What caught her by surprise was the intensity at which she picked all this up from Riley and began to mimic it. Even when non telepaths were directly thinking at a Betazoid there wasn't a guarantee that said telepath would pick up the 'transmission' as it were. Certainly not like it would between two members of the Ensigns species. And yet Faye was receiving this message loud and clear, or as clear as deliberate snippets and impressions could be. More so, she was reacting to them, as if they were her own feelings and desires. Thus she understood perfectly that Riley had a clear yearning to stay put. The kisses a long her neck certainly helped illustrate that point, but even as wonderful as that physical affection was, it paled compared with the mental broadcast to which Faye had attuned herself.

"Oh my," the words were half a whisper, half a moan, as heat rose up in her cheeks under Riley's sudden scrutiny. The human woman had known exactly what she was doing, deliberately trying to rile Faye up, and get her to remain in the bed and explore those intense desires. And it's working, the lithe diplomat could not deny just how aroused she was, not only by the thoughts themselves, but by how Riley had gone about flinging them at Faye's perceptions. 

Given that her leg was currently entangled with one of her lovers limbs, the telepath had no chance of easily getting up out of the bed. That was hardly an issue now however, as she acted on instinct - hers and Riley's. She couldn't sit up, with those arms draped over her neck, but she could wiggled her hips easily enough, and the other leg wasn't trapped (yet). Faye dragged herself back along Riley, her chest pressed firmly to the other woman so that her tits were mashed against the Terran's warm skin, and popped her ass up into the air. It swayed side to side briefly, before she managed to throw her free leg up and over Riley's leg in turn. Locking her onyx gaze upon the human, with just as much deliberation as before, she rolled her hips forward, pushing her groin down on the other girls thigh. Damp heat and tender flesh collided with the Petty Officer's leg, and Faye slowly began to gyrate in place, her chin resting just above Riley's bust.

True, this had drawn her momentarily away from Riley's lips, and she could still feel the last imprint of the previous kiss below her clavicle. A small price to pay, and certainly it was only a momentary hinderance. Swallowing, she focused her thoughts and desires on mimicking what she felt coming from her Imzadi, and murmured softly, "Raise your leg up baby, please?"

Gods I want you to feel how swiftly you affect me, Imzadi.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #15
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Faye explained why she'd be on her knees for Riley and the nurse couldn't help but burst out in a fit of laughter at the seemingly logic explanation for the bathing scene. Regardless of it all though, it was a cute idea and Riley snuggled closer against Faye for sharing that notion with her. The two continued to press themselves against one another, like snakes that would be coupling. Going for a maximum sort of surface to be covered. Riley could lay here all day in all honesty.

In the meantime, Faye seemed to catch on to the images Riley had been broadcasting and the pinky promise they have made was pretty much a wholesome act all together. Now however, Faye started to catch onto what Riley sort of was hoping for. Riley couldn't help but blush, as if caught in the act, her hand in the cookie jar so to speak. Her lips formed a stupid grin as she looked at her Imzadi's face and more wiggling and moving ensued after that. Riley let out small whimpers and giggles. Enjoying the feel of Faye's bare body against hers. Faye however seemed to position herself and it didn't take all that long before Riley felt the heated, damp flesh of her lover against her thigh as it was gyrated and pressed up against her.

The request to rise up her leg was met by a small coo and Riley abided as she raised her leg for easier access to her Imzadi. Riley had been somewhat limber, working out post shift every now and again to remain in shape. She bit her lower lip while she never broke the eye contact with Faye. Staring into those onyx orbs as she positioned herself as well. Trying to match that damp heat she was feeling against her skin with her own. To any outsiders, it would seem like a slow, intricate wresting match perhaps as the two moved against one another, only moving inches it seemed.

Riley didn't speak a word as she did her best to make sure that Faye could feel just how aroused, wet, and hot she was feeling. Both physically as mentally. Her fingers grazed over the perfect skin of her lover, reaching up to push some of those dark, brown locks out of her face so she could stare at her as Riley let out a soft sigh of pleasure and contentment.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #16
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Satisfied for the moment that her desire to be clean and free of the previous evenings escapades would be seen to in due course, Faye was happy to give herself over to other desires. Desires that were her own, but ones that were also influenced by the desires of her Imzadi. Just as delightful, these desires, just as decadent, tantalizingly sweet and erotic all at once. And definitely coming from the human, blossoming inside the diplomat with sheer delight. Yes, indulging in these desires was no hardship for the Betazaoid, and far from it, her breath hitching in throat, kiss swollen lips parted slightly.

Those lips weren't the only ones making themselves known, as Faye slid her bared cunt up and down her lovers leg. She ground down against Riley, soaking up the friction that sent small bursts of pleasure deeper into her core. This wasn't the best form of stimulation, but it was enough, for the moment, to help build up her longing and desire, and give her just the smallest bit of relief, and that was a teasing she could allow herself to indulge in and enjoy. Faye was going to get lost in the moment easily enough especially when her human lover started to wiggle about and bring her own warmly familiar folds into contact with Faye's skin.

She could feel the flowering petals rubbing up against her leg, and the way that Riley was twisting about. More so she could feel impressions, images of desires, notions and emotions, and Faye found herself perfectly willing to accommodate such an act. Turning her head slightly, her lips chased after Riley's fingers, kissing the tips briefly, as she bent and contorted, sliding until she could kiss the woman, hard on the lips, squeezing her legs against her paramours and trapping their loins against each others legs. She slid a hand behind her lovers head as she pulled away, nipping at the girls lip.

"If I lean back and shift..." Faye didn't actually say the rest, the Betazoid simply visualized in her mind, the idea of twisting so that instead of trapping, with the way that Riley was moving, Faye would mimic it, and then her legs would be shooting forward, bringing the their cunts into contact. She wiggled her hips and gestured with her hand, until she felt the idea settling in with Riley. What felt like approval, desire, eagerness bubbled up and Faye could not decide if that was her own needs, or her lovers, or both. She didn't care. Still not letting go of the back of Riley's head, for the desire for continued eye contact was burning in Faye now, she propped herself up, shifted, made an utter tangle and mess of the sheets under her, and then slid forward with a bit of a yelp, accompanying a wet smack, as slick folds connected with slick folds. 

"Oh, fuck, there we go," she groaned out as she ground down on her lovers pelvis, legs tossed over each others, two v's connecting at their narrowest points, her hand now firmly intertwined in the other girls lighter hair. Rubbing herself against her lovers sex was a feat of erotic gymnastics that Faye didn't often indulge in, but was happy to experience again. A part of her mind lamented the lack of a double ended toy wedged between them, but then she likely would not have found one that would be filling enough without being so big as to keep them from kissing in such a lewd fashion with lips that lay betwixt their legs.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #17
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

The light caresses and gentle humping slowly turned into something more as the two women remained close to one another. Faye told Riley about how Faye could lean back and shift, yet it all was lost on the human. The actions of the Betazoid spoke louder than her words and Riley bit one her lower lip was she felt Faye move. It didn't take long for their warm sexes to brush against one another a whimpered moan escaped Riley's lips as she clawed at Faye to get closer to her. It didn't matter though as in a matter of moments, the wet smack and gyrating hips of both of them sparked that passion, that pleasure.

"Ngh... Nyesss..." she cooed and panted lightly while her own hips ground back against Faye's. Riley's body heated up, rapidly and the grounding, grinding, pleasuring only increased as the sheets around them felt like they were quickly becoming too warm. Riley's eyes fluttered shut and her moans filled the air for Faye to hear. Moans calling out her name, moans that murmured about sweet nothingness.

It took a long while before Riley managed to formulate a sentence while she was overcome with the pleasure her Imzadi was giving her. "Mmzadiii... We should shower!" she groaned, clearly not wanting to get out of the bed or away from their current interaction. Yet there was the fact that Riley would probably just drift asleep after this playful escapade in the morning. Perhaps together with Faye, yet she wanted to spend some quality time with Faye today as well, not just focus on the carnal pleasure that they were thoroughly enjoying right now though.

Re: Day 04 [0730 hrs.] Wake up in the morning feeling like...

Reply #18
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters  | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

As a connoisseur of the female form, and all the varied, hedonistic acts that could be conducted with a willing partner of her own sex, Faye could easily have claimed to hear a hundred different women moan in her relatively short life. Thus, it would not be out of reason to call her something of an expert. Bringing all her experience to bear, the Betazoid could state without qualm that none sounded quite so sweet as her Riley. The oddly possessive nature of her feelings manifested itself in a groan of her own, in the way she ground her cunt down against her Imzadi, and the tightening of her hand in the other woman's hair, locking their gazes for a time. She would share herself with others - Faye was not one to deny almost anyone the benefits of her experiences and the she was a devoted follower of the human axiom that variety was the spice of life - and she would, in turn, share the wonders of her Imzadi with the world. Riley was a wonderful, beautiful human and her light deserved to shine far and wide.

That did not change one ounce of her possessive desire for the woman, to know that at the end of any given day, the girl whose sweet sex she currently rubbed against would be coming home to her. That very notion, of home, and that it was less the place, and more the person, blossomed up and had Faye purring out her lovers name. Love and affection she felt washing back over her in equal fullness from her lover. She remembered some old flat vid cartoon that her mother had shown her as a child, about some creatures heart growing too many sizes too big, and at times, that was what being with Riley felt like.

Faye being Faye, that sweet love manifested itself in truly lewd fashion, her leg hooked behind her lovers bum, pulling their cores tighter and tighter, making an utter mess of the bed they had lain in. She was going to have to strip the whole thing down and replicate new sheets, but that was a hardship for future Faye.  Present Faye needed what was happening. She needed the warmth trickling down her ass, the mixed juices from two flowering cores caressing each other in sweet love.

Eventually she too felt overcome, swallowing back another moan - glad not for the first time, nor the last, of the soundproofing that came standard in all living quarters - and allowed herself a moment to sink back onto the bed. Her legs were still intertwined with the humans, and her chest rose and fell. In the dim light she could see sweat glistening off her body, and she knew that if anyone was going to actually get them into the shower, it would have to be her. Drawing a long breath through her nose, and smelling the sex in the air, she allowed her self a ragged sigh and slowly disengaged from the scissoring act she'd been entangled in.

"I think we're going to have to help each other up, Imzadi," she spoke softly, surprised and somewhat pleased at her clear enunciation despite their antics. "I don't entirely trust my legs." A giggle accompanied her words, and sure enough, her knees clacked together slightly when she was finally upright, slipping one of her arms around the human nurse and pulling her close. What followed was sweet, sappy, and comedic, as she stumbled arm in arm to the bathroom. Taking a breath, she managed to call out, "Computer. Turn on the shower. Hot, er," she paused, looked at Riley, and then shrugged. They could deal with being light headed in a steamy enclosure. "38 degrees."

The bathing area of her quarters wasn't nearly as large as when she had appropriated the quarters reserved for the Diplomatic Department head during her brief tenure as acting Chief (and only) Diplomat. Honestly that had only worked because the quartermaster was a secret softie with a big heart, but Faye had been happy to bask in the luxury that came with the position for as long as it lasted. She would happily trade the lack of full tub for the lack of crushing responsibility that the current Department Head, Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford now shouldered. One day she'd be ready for that full time, but for now, she would be more than willing to play a support role, and not a lead one. And it wasn't as if the shower in this room didn't work well, and was (thankfully) wet. She very much wanted to be wet with Riley just then, and wasn't about to be denied.


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