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Topic: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout! (Read 10431 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

[Ens. Mia Dunne| Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Tag: @rae

The lights had been dimmed hours ago leaving the recovery ward with only minimal lighting. It was enough for Mia to see that she wasn't the only one not sleeping. So much had happened and she'd lost so much time just being kept frozen.  So this is what a popsicle feels like when it melts She thought to herself.  She shifted in the bed, not able to get comfortable at all. Even though she could not see it, she could feel the wounds on her back pulling with each movement. She could almost imagine the damage that must have been done. She wanted to see it at some point but, for now, she forced that out of her mind.

She finally sat up in the bed and swung her legs over the side. She glanced over at Azrin. The other officer was not looking her way at the moment. Mia stepped quietly closer to Azrin's bed.  She spoke quietly so no one else would hear, "Hey, I really need to get out of here or I am going to lose my mind. I was wondering if you felt the same way?"

Mia looked for something to wear, but other than the slippers they provided, there was nothing. Well, it didn't matter much to Mia what she was wearing, she just needed out. Part of her wanted to believe that everything they had told her over the past two days was a lie. She hadn't been in stasis, the Cos Wasn't dead, and they hadn't lost so many of the crew that she had barely gotten to know.

Mia put the slippers on and went to the exit to look around, Getting out would be tricky but at least she had to try.  Without looking back she whispered, "You coming?"

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual

“Yes.” The word was long and drawn out, filled with the relief of one who had been fighting an urge for hours, only to be receive the sweet permission to give in. Twenty-four hours – or six months, if time in stasis counted – in sickbay was more than enough. Azrin had been dying to leave all day. Since her initial conversation with Nurse Vojona yesterday, Azrin had forced herself to remain in her biobed to recover. She’d gotten them to give her a PADD for some ‘light reading,’ which in actuality was a thorough search of every record from the past six months Azrin could get her hands on. Her spirit had sunk with every line. She didn’t recognize a single name on the Engineering roster and the list of the dead went on for far too long. Desperate to escape the PADD she had begged for, Azrin had then disabled the privacy screen around her bed and met another occupant of the recovery ward – Mia.

The lights had been dimmed hours ago to try and force them to rest, but Azrin found sleep elusive. She’d slept for far too long already, her mind running in circles at all the new information forced upon her. When Mia came over to her bed, Azrin's eyes were wide open, the dull blue glinting dimly in the darkened room. But she was up and moving immediately when given the opportunity. “I think I’ve already lost my mind though. Sorry to report.” Trying to lighten the mood with an entirely fake smile that didn’t reach her eyes, Azrin was already out of bed and kneeling on the ground beside it, pulling a panel off the biobed’s support to reach the systems inside.

“Biobeds are automatically activated by pressure sensors. It’s quick and efficient, put someone on there, it turns on. It’s also a really easy system to fool. All you have to do,” Azrin pulled out two connector cables and switched them, “Is invert it.” She peeked up to see a that the biobed was activated again. “No weight and it turns on! Now, the computer at the nurse’s station will still say that the beds are occupied. I could make it project fake lifesigns too… but that’s a bit… that’s too far.” Azrin wanted to get out of sickbay for a bit, not end the night with a court martial. Then she was up and over to the other bed, the floor chilly on her bare feet. “Is there anyone outside? They probably won’t like us leaving.” As she asked, Azrin repeated her alterations on Mia’s bed. Just having something to do with her fingers made her feel better. A distraction.

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #2
[ Ens. Mia Dunne | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy]  Attn: @rae 

Mia glanced back as Azrin did something to the biobeds. Whatever it was, at least for a while, the nursing staff would think they were still safely ensconced in their respective beds.  Mia turned back to spy through the doorway, "I saw one of the nurses head down the corridor about a half minute ago, then two more ran in the same direction." Mia turned back to her companion, her emotions plainly evident in her green eyes, "I can't wrap my head around all of this. I didn't join Starfleet to be ripped away from my family. Now I have no idea if they are safe, or if they even know what is going on. I can't talk to Dad and Mom and tell them I am alive. It's not fair! I need to find a way to see if they are ok." She turned back to the door to hide the tears that were now threatening to fall from those green orbs.

She gave her head a shake, forcing herself to concentrate on the present situation.  Mia opened the door a little further to see if there were any other medical staff, or even patients, wandering nearby. As far as she could tell the path to the exit was clear, although they would have to pass the nurses station and the other corridor. Chances were they would be seen by someone before they got too far, but she didn't care at that moment, she just wanted out. "If we want to go, now would be the opportune time," Mia stated in a wavering voice, "unless you have a better plan." 
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual

Imagine having a plan. Azrin was definitely making this up as she went along, functioning on the rush of adrenaline this escape provided. At the mention of Mia’s family, Azrin winced and dropped the cables from Mia’s biobed in the middle of reconnecting them. She hadn’t even considered that yet, too caught up with the friends who’d been in immediate danger with her six months ago, most of whom were dead now. Guilt settled into the pit of her stomach, fitting nicely with the dull ache of the injury to her abdomen. For the first time in her live, she had no idea where the Izar was. Though she hadn’t lived there in years, Azrin had always kept track of the cargo ship her family called home. They probably thought she was a traitor.

A deep breath settled her shaking hands and Azrin completed her work, an indicator light popping on to show that Mia’s bed would also read as activated. “Done,” she finally said, voice unsteady. “If we go to a computer console, we can look into the subspace communications relays,” though if they were still a renegade ship after this long, those were almost certainly locked down. Starfleet would have been able to find them otherwise. “Or we could- you know, let’s get out of here first and worry about that later.” Movement. Movement would help her think.

Her work completed, Azrin moved across the recovery suite to her new friend by the door. “Now? Ok. Let’s go!” She reached past to trigger the door so it opened wider and poked her head out for a moment. Seeing no one posted at the console not far from the door, Azrin then dashed into the hallway, stopping a few steps later to peek her head around the corner. She’d come here for a standard physical back in the day, which was enough to know where the exit was. Left turn here, down the hall to the right, then straight on to freedom. She turned back around and gestured for Mia to follow, mouthing “Come on!” silently.

OOC: Main Sickbay picture, so I don't have to find it again next time :)

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #4
[Ens. Mia Dunne |  Main Sickbay & Corridor | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @rae, @RyeTanker

Mia watched as Azrin quickly moved out of the room and down the hall. She glanced back at the bio beds, praying that the subterfuge would work long enough for them to make their exit and put some distance between them and the Sickbay.  She stepped out of the recovery ward, her slippers slapping gently against the deck plating. Stopping just behind her new friend, or perhaps accomplice would be a better word for their relationship at the moment, she rested her hand on the other woman's shoulder. They had a clear shot to the exit as long as no one came out of whatever room they had entered too soon. "Lead the way, Azrin," She whispered quietly.  

Mia moved as quietly as she could past the corridor, holding her breath as they got to the exit. Mia had no idea where she was going to go. She wasn't even sure if she still had assigned quarters. That was something she hadn't really thought out.  Once the two of them passed through into the corridor, Mia continued to follow Azrin, hoping that she knew her way around the ship because Mia had never ventured much beyond her quarters and the archaeology lab.  She finally took a breath and looked back. "No alarms went off. That's good, Right?" Mia asked as they continued to move away from the Main Sickbay.

However, their hasty retreat had not gone completely unnoticed, and a message was conveyed to security of their unauthorized departure.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Main Sickbay – Corridor – Turbolift | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @RyeTanker

Once Mia was behind her, Azrin set off again, putting all of her best spy skills on display to get them out of sickbay unnoticed. As neither Azrin nor any of her symbiont’s previous hosts had any sort of intelligence or spy training… this mainly consisted of walking slowly, trying her best to be quiet, and peeking conspicuously around corners to see if anyone was waiting. That they made it through the doors into the hallway without being caught and dragged back to the recovery ward was due to luck, rather than any skill. In contrast Azrin’s efforts to be sneaky, each soft smack of Mia’s slippers on the floor reminded her of her companion. Azrin belatedly realized that her own footfalls lacked the accompaniment – she’d forgotten to put her own slippers on before leaving.

“That’s good yeah. I’m more impressed that no one saw us.” Azrin admitted in response once they were in the hallway, biting her lip slightly and looking back at the sickbay doors as she realized how strange that was. The nurses Mia had seen running down the hallway earlier must have come from the unoccupied stations they had passed. Whatever emergency had pulled them away, Azrin hoped they were successful. The world she had woken up to was dark enough already.

Shaking her head to dispel the shadows invading her thoughts, the trill turned her attention back to the mission at hand. “Come on!” She moved down the hallways at a brisk pace, completely abandoning her attempts at subterfuge now that they were out of sickbay. Still in hospital gowns, this little walkabout of theirs would certainly end the moment someone with authority saw them. “I never spent much time on this deck, but I’ve studied so many schematics of this ship. There should be a turbolift… there! Yes!” Azrin dashed inside, the doors sensing a biosignature and opening immediately to admit them.

“Computer, Deck 10, Vector 1 please.” Azrin’s voice was the picture of politeness as she asked. Her first instinct had been to go to engineering and find some work to calm her down. But after six months in stasis, she knew there was no way she still had clearance. The consoles would automatically lock her out until she was returned to duty. That left Plan B – “The Observation Lounge.” Hopefully stargazing would bring her some peace. “Unless there’s somewhere you want to go?”

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #6
[Ensign Kitty Ellison | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

@Eirual @rae

Ensign Ellison didn't enjoy the overnight shift, but after all the surgery that she'd had to assist with following the curiously named Battle of the Houses, it had been determined by higher ups that she needed a few more sedate duties, and watching sleeping patients was as good as it got.  Coming back from the rest room and too busy straightening her skirt, she almost missed the blinking warning light indicating the sickbay doors had activated.  Grimacing, the nurse around from the nurse station to see if anyone was wandering around.  Her sense of confusion grew as the lights were dimmed and she couldn't see or hear anyone wandering around.  Grabbing her coat and note PADD, Ellison began to walk around the halls and looked in through the Intensive and Primary Care Units, she only found the duty staff.  Her frustration began to grow as she made her way to the Recovery Ward and upon entering, her blue eyes quickly swept the room and when they settled on the two empty bio beds, her mouth dropped as her eyebrows attempted to climb into her hair line.

Quickly checking the bed assignment, Nurse Ellison quickly made her way back to the Primary and Intesive Care units to see if anyone had seen Ensign Mia Dunne and Lieutenant Azrin Ryn take off.  The looks of utter confusion answered the question as the nurse quickly made her way to the the Nurse Station to call Security that two patients were on the loose.

[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Security Centre | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Lt. Zark was having a neither good watch, nor a bad watch at the terminal in the security centre.  Truth be told, she didn't have to be there either, but it was one of the weird perks of never really having ever met the bosses, she kind of just went about her business as a free floating trouble shooter for the ship.  In this particular case, she had a half eaten flatbread, and two windows open on her terminal, one for a very tedious cross referencing medical and personal weapons usage across the ship.  It was tedious detail work that the Andorian medico used to distract herself from the fact her friend, Lieutenant Enyd Madsen, was attending a Klingon Opera on a planet that had just seen a short and bloody civil war.  In the Andorian's mind, the whole thing was a little silly with hold outs either still fighting or in hiding, so the security situation from her perspective was less than ideal.  As a result, the second window was occupied by a combadge location watch on Enyd and her party with an accompanying biometric monitor as an interested yet very distant space watch.

Lt. Zark was thus perfectly placed when the priority call signal began blinking on her terminal and she waved away the duty petty officer as she answered the call and a semi-familiar face popped up on screen, consternation clearly written all over her face.  "This is Lieutenant Zark, what can I do for you Ensign.... "

"Ensign Ellison ma'am"

"Ah! Right! Kitty, what can I do for you?" Zark replied hoping to put the nurse at little more at ease with familiarity.  It didn't work. "well ma'am, I hate to say it, but it looks like a couple of our patients decided to check out early, an Ensign Mia Dunne and Lieutenant Azrin Ryn were in the Recovery Ward and they're well......gone." Zark could see the embarrassment on the nurse's face at the admission and she wanted to laugh then pat the nurse on the head that everything was going to be okay.

"Okay, I can already figure out why you're not looking for them, but why not just transport them back?"

"Well, they're not really in any great danger, and we don't want to shock them too much.  They just got out of stasis and surgery."

Zark gave the medical ensign an Are You Serious Look and the blonde visibly squirmed.  Closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose, the medico checked the location tracker one last time and deemed the situation safe enough before letting out a sigh.  "That's fine. Thank you Ensign, we'll take if from here." she reassured Ellison before killing the connection.

Taking a moment to formulate a plan, she decided to take the advice of simply not beaming them back and instead going for a good old fashioned chase.  She needed the walk anyway.  "Thea, lock out Ensign Mia Dunne and Lieutenant Azrin Ryn from the transporter system and Jeffries tubes, keyed to my voice and biometric override, then show me the moment those two left sickbay based on their biometric data, and call up their activity log including what they were watching, eating, reading, and who they were talking to.". The terminal brought up camera footage of a human and trill trying to be sneaky as they left sickbay and Lt. Zark giggle snorted in amusement at their attire as they got out.  A suspicion began to form as to why the two would risk exposure on the ship this way and Zark called up their activity log, which amounted to a whole lot of nothing causing the Andorian to shake her head in more amusement.  

Turning around, she spotted two of the security watch crews. "Samuelson, Jackson, looks like we have a couple a runners from sickbay.  I think they're bored."  The two security personnel gave the officer the Are You Serious look and Zark could only offer a toothy smile as she nodded as she tried not to laugh at their faces.  "Anyway, we're going to bring them back to sickbay. Jackson, you're with me and go grab a couple of phasers, stun batons, and binders from the armoury.  Samuelson, keep an eye on their movements and keep me up to date on where they're headed.  But first, let the brig officer know to have an interrogation room ready with three chairs."

With a nod, the two enlisted took off to execute her orders as Lt. Zark grabbed a PADD to download the two officer's details before she took off and decided what was the best way to being the two truants back to bed.  Zark realized she was probably being paranoid about their ability to access the ship's systems, but Ryn was a great engineer, so it didn't hurt to be prepared.  Hopefully this would all end happily enough.


Link to Ensign Kitty Ellison

PO1 Michael Samuelson

Cmn Jackson Lewis

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #7
[ Ens. Mia Dunne | On the Run| Deck 11 - Turbolift/ Deck 10 | Vector 2/ Vector 1| USS Theurgy] ATTN: @rae @RyeTanker

Mia followed her partner in the escape. By the time they reached the lift Mia was having a little trouble with catching her breath. She remembered that the android, V-nine, had mentioned lung damage and even this little bit of exertion was evidence that it was still not healed completely.  Mia stepped in after Azrin and shrugged her shoulders at the inquiry of where to go, “I have no idea where. I wasn’t on the ship long enough to go anywhere put my quarters and the lab. What’s on deck ten in vector one?”

Mia raised here eyebrows at Azrin’s response, “We’re going there dressed like this? Couldn’t we at least find somewhere less... open?” While Mia had never been to the Observation Lounge, she imagined that there would be at least a few people in there. And as first impressions would go, this would be a less than ideal one.

As the rode the lift Mia started to giggle, “You think anyone noticed we were gone yet? I can’t believe we actually got out of there like this.” She waved a hand up and down indicating their attire. “I bet that Android is having a fit about now!” She could not stop herself from giggling, even though it sort of hurt her ribs and lungs,  giggling and holding her ribs, "oh that hurts."

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Turbolift – Corridor | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @RyeTanker

“We tell them that sickbay cleared us for a visit to the observation lounge,” Azrin replied with a slight shrug. “And the nurse who’s accompanying us is popping back to sickbay to get my slippers.” Her toes were getting cold. “Until sickbay declares us missing, people won’t question it as long as we act like we’re supposed to be there.” She’d never been good at sneaking, but Azrin had been quite the mischievous child. This little escape of theirs was right in line with teenage Azrin’s antics. It was amazing what one could get away with when they possessed a heavy dose of self-confidence, bravado, and bullshit. She had always managed to get in an astonishing amount of trouble within days of arriving at any freighter port.

She walked into the hallway as the turbolift arrived, spinning back around in a moment of concern at Mia’s pain. Azrin’s own wound only really hurt when she was in the process of standing up or sitting down. This short walk had left her slightly winded, which had only served to convince her that more walking was required. “Are you- wait. Android? What android? There’s an android in sickbay? And it can have fits? How have I not met this android yet!” Azrin was affronted, her scientific curiosity instantly peaked. Honestly, she wouldn’t have left sickbay at all had she known there was an android there to study. Sure, she worked on warp engines, but who didn’t love an android? “What has this ship been doing for six months?” she continued, though this time she was talking to herself. “Apparently we have all this beautiful technology now and I completely missed it!”

“Ok, plan B. We go to the Observation Lounge and talk anyone in there into letting us stay. Or we can go back to sickbay to see the android. Or go to your lab, but you’re definitely been relieved of duty so we probably can’t access anything there. Or engineering, same problem. My quarters used to be on deck 7, vector 1, not sure if they’ve been reassigned or not…” Azrin took a breath, tilting her head to the side as she thought of more options. “That’s more like Plans B, C, D, E… I lost count. Anywhere on the ship that you always wanted to visit? We’re going to get caught eventually. I just wanted a change of scenery. Having something to do... it calms me down.”

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #9
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: @rae @Eirual

Lt. Zark and Crewman Lewis casually walked along the corridors of Deck 10 following the instructions that Samuelson was providing.  It would take an act of Q at this point for the two to disappear and completely evade Zark, and that would be.........annoying.  The Andorian had taken the short trip from the Security Centre to read over the file on the two women and since she was honest, she did sympathize with them immensely.  Just waking up to find out 6 months of a life gone in a blink of an eye and multiple colleagues and friends dead or missing, which is why she hoped the instructions she'd passed to the brig officer would help to offset all the craziness.  Still, the first thing to making this plan work was catching the two wayward officers.  As it was the middle of the watch, there weren't too many other crew members around, though the ones they did pass often looked curiously at the two relatively heavily armed security officers.

After a short and sharp debate, Lt. Zark had decided she wasn't annoyed enough to go for a hard approach, but instead decided on a relatively soft approach to bringing the two escapees back to sickbay, which amounted to letting them get to their final destination before confronting them.  The plan was loaded with enough mischief in her mind to make their lives interesting, but she did have some doubts about the last bit.  To be fair, Lewis has also voiced his doubts when Zark had updated him on what she had planned. Shrugging those doubts aside as soon as she saw the two ridiculously clad officers trying to be sneaky as they dodged the odd crew member making their way through the corridors.  Holding up a hand in a quiet sudden stop, the two security personnel quickly padded to a junction, waiting for the two officers to move on before following them, making sure to stay out of sight. 

Taking a quick peak around the corner, a silver platinum eyebrow shot up when Lt. Zark got a good look at their attire. Uh Oh, only medical gowns, and Ryn doesn't even have foot wear!  This is gonna be a little more delicate than I thought.  Who am I kidding, delicate has nothing to do with it, this is gonna be fun!  Now, as long as they continue on their merry way to the Observation Lounge, this should go well enough. Tapping the PADD into the camera system, Zark kept well out of sight and waited for the human and trill to make their next move.

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #10
[ ENS. Mia Dunne | Deck 10  | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @rae @RyeTanker

Mia was following Azrin since she had very little actual knowledge of the ship's layout. As her cohort in the escapade reacted to the mention of an android Mia paused, "You didn't see it? I was under the impression it,  what was it called again?" Mia scratched her left eyebrow as she tried to remember, "Oh! Right, V-Nine! Well, it told me that it was the one that performed all my surgery and stuff, so I just thought it was treating everyone."  She shrugged her shoulders a little and felt the pull on the newly formed scars on her back. It was an odd sensation that caused her step to falter as she remembered what the android had told her about her injuries.

Mia was worried she would be left alone in the corridor with no idea where she was, so she forced those thoughts from her mind and picked up her pace to keep up with Azrin. A quick stop at an intersection with both of them peering around the corner to check if the coast was clear for them to proceed. Azrin rambled on about other places they could go, or not go as the case may be. Mia shook her head, "I thought the observation Lounge was plan A? And yes, I am fairly certain I would not have access to much of anything at this point. I just wanted to find somewhere to get a message to my family, if that's even possible."

Despite her eagerness to get out of sickbay, Mia wished she had stayed there. She was beginning to feel the loss of the adrenaline that had given her the energy to make it this far. She turned to Azrin, "What I need is a place to sit and rest a moment. I guess being frozen for six months after getting blown up isn't too great for stamina. How much further is it to that observation lounge?"  Stepping up next to Azrin and unconsciously tugging the medical gown tighter as she frowned, "And I am beginning to think this is not the simple plan you hinted at."

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 4 - [!915 Hours] - Breakout!

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Corridor – Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @RyeTanker

“Oh! Vojona might have mentioned that. I was a bit distracted because the next thing he said…” Azrin trailed off with a shudder, the joy she’d summoned for this little escapade vanishing in an instant like the farce it was. The list of the dead, dropped in her lap by accident during what should have been the simple task of the nurse figuring out who the chief engineer was. “I guess I just didn’t think about it at the time… android doing medical procedures, thought maybe it was a new piece of tech built into Thea’s systems, not an actual android capable of fits. Which is really really cool. So much better than my assumption. I feel like an idiot for making the assumption at all now that I think about it. I have really got to meet this android.” As she spoke, the words speeding up as she went and coming out more of a ramble, Azrin’s brain took the time to catch up. Eventually she reset, shaking her head as though knocking the bad thoughts out and plastering her fake smile back on her face. Surely it would magically transform into a real smile if she faked it long enough. That had always worked for her before.

“Plan A was engineering, but I cut that before even bothering to mention it the first time around. That might make the same problem though? I told you I lost count! Hold on,” Azrin paused in the middle of the hallway, her lips moving silently as the counted random plans on her fingers with exaggerated, comical motions. “No, this is definitely Plan B. Don’t doubt the plan Mia! Convoluted plans with unexpected random tangents are more fun anyway!” She was being more ridiculous now on purpose, trying to forcibly manufacture some joy for the two of them.

“Anyway, the lounge is just up ahead,” Azrin pointed and started moving again. “I’m glad it’s not just me. My legs feel like lead. Hope I get an extension on any PT tests I missed.” She led them up the hallway to the door she wanted, pausing just outside the sensors that would trigger it to open so they could gather themselves for a moment. “Remember, we’re not breaking any rules and we totally have sickbay’s permission to be in here.” Two women in hospital gowns about to stroll into a public area. What could possibly go wrong? With a final wink at Mia, she walked through the door with her head held high, as though she owned the place.

There were a few people in there, which didn’t concern Azrin at all. This was there she’d wanted to go. If she wanted to hide in a boring, secluded, featureless room, she would have stayed in the recovery ward. At least this way she’d get a few moments of solace before a flock of angry nurses found them. Azrin veered to the right immediately after entering, taking a seat at the couch nearest to the door. It was one that let her rest her back on the cushion while still having a view out the windows. A confused looking man in yellow caught her eyes as she sat down, and Azrin responded with an abashed grin and a slight shrug, as though to say, ‘Yes, my butt is on display in the back of this gown. No one’s perfect.’ Her ploy was ruined by a wince. It wasn’t the same stabbing pain that had plagued her yesterday, but sitting still wasn’t a pleasant activity.

“I hope Nurse Vojona gets here soon with my slippers,” she mentioned offhandedly to Mia, keeping her voice at a normal conversational tone. “I feel bad that he had to go, but I don’t think I would have made it back to sickbay on my own without a break first. He's probably worried that I'll be his patient for longer if I get frostbite on my toes.”

OOC: Observation Lounge [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 4 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #12
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: @rae @Eirual

Lieutenant Zark at this point somewhat regretted not having spent the time in the security centre to repair the split lip she'd picked up from her bout on the holodeck she'd had earlier in the day.  Nobody in security had commented since they generally practised fighting one way or another and injuries happened, but these two had just woken up, so the medico was sure she looked more intimidating than she'd intended. Oh well, nothing for it now. the blue woman thought to herself as she saw her two wayward soon to be charges settled on a couch despite all the on lookers.  "Looks like they've settled in Lewis, time to go. Lewis only nodded, his face having gone impassive.

Casually strolling in, Lt. Zark padded closer to two medically garbed women ignoring the look of surprise on the few crew who were also occupying the lounge.  Getting right up behind them, the medico crossed her arms under her chest and made a loud throat clearing sound.  Zark knew she had their attention from their reactions, and she slowly, menacingly walked around the couch to stand right in front of them and frowned ferociously.  "Ensign Mia Dunne and Lieutenant Azrin Ryn, my name is Lt XamotZark zh’Ptrell. You do not get to call me Zark like everyone else, you have forfeited that privilege with tonight's event. I'm going to be your security officer for this little episode you've caused and before you tell me you're supposed be here, I have the whole report on where you're supposed to be at the moment, which is in bed in sickbay.  You've gone and upset Nurse Ellison who came crying to me.  I have not had a chance to finish dinner, and I have a friend on the surface who's currently in more danger than she's willing to admit.  In short, I am NOT a happy security officer."

A cobalt hand flashed out with the palm in their faces to forestall any sort of interjection. "Don't even think about trying to make a run for it for I have a few facts of life to explain to you two miscreants first.  I'm the ship's combat medic, so my role makes me uniquely suited to delivering mayhem and despair.  Mr Lewis behind you is quite strong and has had lots of training in restraining people into submission.  Now that we've laid out those facts, please give me one reason why I shouldn't take my time turning you both into pretzels at the same time?  Consider your answer carefully."  Zark finished as her frown morphed into a particularly nasty looking smile that totally matched her frozen blue jade eyes.

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #13
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgey ] ATTN: @rae @RyeTanker

Mia was more than happy to slide onto the couch beside Azrin. While she was a bit uncomfortable sitting in the room in just the medical gown, especially with several crew sending strange looks their way, she was at least enjoying the view out the viewport. Mia lowered her face to hide the small smirk on her face when Azrin spoke about a nurse getting her slippers.  Mia leaned back on the couch, enjoying the relaxing feeling of not being stuck in that recovery ward. The gown had slipped slightly when she sat down pulling tighter around her chest uncomfortably. But she was reluctant to shift from her position to fix it, she just wanted to rest a minute first.

Mia closed her eyes for a moment, “It feels nice to be ... well anywhere but that room.”

Just then a clearing of someone’s throat came from behind her and her eyes popped open and she sat up quickly.  An Andorian female came around to stand in front of them. Mia stole a glance at Azrin and then back at the obviously not happy Andorian in front of them. Mia could feel heat burning her face as they got a tongue lashing from the Security officer. Mia took a quick look behind her at the other officer and then turned back to the officer in front of her and swallowed nervously.

Mia wasn’t quite sure what to say, looking at Azrin again she really wondered if Azrin would speak first. Mia was almost certain that whatever either of them said would cause more trouble but she had to repond. “Well, Lt. zh’Ptrell, you see, it’s not like we did anything bad. Not really. And that weird android might not be happy if you messed up what it did. I mean, umm,” Mia looked at Azrin and paused to gather her thoughts.

She looked down at her feet, “it was sort of spur of the moment. I just wanted to be somewhere else, and maybe try to send a message to my family to let them know I was still alive.”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @RyeTanker

Azrin had sighed at the sound of a someone clearing their throat loudly and obviously behind them. Somehow, that act seemed to have caught on as an ‘I caught you!’ introduction across the Federation. It had been bound to happen eventually, but she really did wish that they’d gotten a few more minutes to relax here first. The Trill didn’t turn around, blue eyes taking in her last look at the stars outside before they returned her to the depressing walls of sickbay. Twisting in the seat would have hurt anyway. Luckily, the throat clearer was already in the process of coming around to the front, revealing herself as an angry looking Andorian.

By the time Zark – Azrin had started calling her Zark in her head from the moment she’d been denied permission to do so – finished introducing herself, Azrin already had a whole litany of questions lined up. Her mouth opened, then snapped shut as the blue hand came jutting out to shush her. The engineer leaned back in her seat a bit, eyes crossing slightly to focus on Zark’s fingers. She wasn’t frightened or intimidated as much as… perplexed? This amount of anger seemed rather overkill. Maybe Zark was one of those people who got angry on an empty stomach. Sure, they’d walked out of sickbay without permission. And she’d done a crude reprogram on a biobed. But Azrin didn’t think they’d done anything that bad. She’d always intended to go back after a few hours break.

“Ok,” she began, noticing Mia give her more than one look that seemed to indicate she wanted Azrin to do the talking. “One reason! Nurse Ellison would probably cry more if you brought us back all bent out of shape like... Can you even turn people into pretzels? Is that anatomically possible?” At this question, it was Azrin’s turn to glance at Mia for a moment to see if her companion had an opinion. “We’re not going to run, because the leisurely walk up here was exhausting enough thanks. No worries there. I needed a room with a view to help me think, but we’ll go back with you without all the restraints and pretzel stuff. That’s um… four reasons. I had one more too… oh! I thought a combat medic’s job was to make sure all the people doing the mayhem and despair stuff didn’t die?”

Maybe Zark had practiced her creepy smile to the same extent that Azrin had practiced her class clown one. If so, the Andorian was better at it, because the smile the Trill put on didn’t reach her eyes. It belatedly occurred to her that her last reason came out more insulting that she’d meant for. She’d meant to turn that into a reason for Zark to help them – as the two escapees were full of despair and causing mayhem as a result. “That’s not what I meant. It sounded much better in my head. Personally, I’m a fan of mayhem. Very against despair though. Despair isn’t fun.” Azrin trailed off, her attempts to look cheerful failing as the smile faded.

She was feeling her exhaustion more by the second, and was definitely not considering her words as a result. Azrin always did her best to hide any sadness she felt, never wanting to being other’s down with her. But the news from the past day was too much to handle, her misery coming fully on display. Unable to maintain eye contact with Zark any longer, her gaze shifted back to the window, searching in vain for the comfort the stars could provide. “I hope your friend is ok. Mine aren’t.”

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #15
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: @rae @Eirual

Lieutenant Zark flicked a quick flick of her eyes at Lewis and it looked like he'd set his face in stone.  That wasn't quite right, his careful non expression held more frown than it should have.  The unfortunate part was that Zark needed Lewis to hold together for this to work.  Zark leaned down and gently, but firmly gripped the despairing Trill's chin and raised it so she would have to look in her eyes.  Zark's face became less enraged and more hard as she loudly scoffed, pulling her hand back quickly from the uplifted Trill's head and she heard a gasp or two behind her.  "Hon, your naivety astounds me.  I most certainly am an Angel of the battlefield and the saviour of desperate souls.  To do that, I deal mayhem, destruction, and despair as I see fit to save those souls.  I have saved people in worse condition than you, bleeding and crying for their parents while they were sure they were going to die, so I know how to put people back together for the doctors to get them.  As to how is it anatomically possible to turn a person into a pretzel?  I will not do so in front of these innocent souls for they have not done anything to deserve such a stomach twisting, mind bending demonstration."  A cobalt index finger lanced out and stopped a couple of millimetres from the pale red head's nose. "No Miss Ryn, I will demonstrate on you in the only place fitting on this ship, a place where few souls ever leave.  You and miss Dunne here are destined for The Dungeon. Of. Very...Comfortable........Chairs!"

Zark was quite sure she heard someone fall off the sofa behind her as Lewis' frown began to quiver.  She was also sure she heard some ask What the Fuck? The shock was going to be too great and for the next part to succeed, she needed the two sickbay patients moved quickly before they had a chance to recover. In a voice that would have done a motion picture villainess proud "Mr.Lewis, seize Miss. Dunne!"  The human security officer quickly vaulted over the sofa and scooped the blonde science officer up as Zark moved to do the same to the engineer.  As soon as medic made the lift and confirmed that Lewis had his quarry, it was time to enact the next part of the plan. "Samuelson, initiate transport." and the four disappeared in a shimmer of light leaving many shocked and befuddled crewman in their wake.

[Interrogation 1 | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

The quartet materialized in a rather bare room, except there were two white but well cushioned chairs crammed in against a wall and a small table in the centre.  Zark and Lewis knew what was going on, so when the transport cycle was complete, the two security officers carefully placed the their quarry in the soft chairs and Zark was glad to see Azrin gently sink into the cushions before she let go.  Looking up, Mia seemed none too worse for physical wear either.   "Great! I'm glad that's over with." Zark said as she stretched a bit before making her way over to the other side of the table with the regular chair before seating herself and bestowing a warm smile on the two sickbay escapees.  "What? You didn't really think they'd send someone from the Spanish inquisition after you?" As if on cue, the interrogation door opened and a smirking Samuelson along with an embarrassed looking crewman entered. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition."  The two called in unison before Samuelson laid a platter of bread, cheeses, sliced meats, dips, vegetables, chicken wings, chips, sauces, and small pretzels on the table. 

Lt. Zark waited for the red faced crewman to put down the plates, napkins, and a pitcher of beer with three glasses before she turned dancing blue-green eyes on him. "Hughes, next time a little more pomp and hurrah like Samuelson.  You know what, Samuelson, why don't you show him what I was going for?  Thanks.  You're all dismissed."  The enlisted crew left with Samuelson and Lewis' laughter ringing on the way out before it was cut off by the door closing.  Turning her attention back to the two comfortably encossed ladies, the Andorian steepled her fingers together as her smile turned a little crooked. "Sorry about the theatrics, but after the fit you gave Ellison, I figured the best way for you two to be welcomed awake after your shenanigans was one set of my own."   The blue alien took a breath. "To start over, you can call me Zark, and welcome back to the land of the living ladies." Zark gestured for the two to eat as she grabbed the pitcher and began pouring for three.

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #16
[Ens Mia Dunne | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] ATTN: @rae  @RyeTanker

Mia’s eyes widened as Azrin spoke and the Andorian seemed to get even more aggravated. She looked at Azrin and gasped, “Oh My God! You’re going to get us annihilated before we can even recover!” Her eyes went  to the Andorian and back to Azrin several times in dread of what was to happen to them. Azrin’s comment on mayhem and despair caused Mia to sink lower in the seat. This was not what she wanted, mayhem was not something she was going for. Despair, well that she already had in spades and with every comment from Azrin it looked like they were in for even more.   Azrin’s comment on the friend hit home hard. Mia was still trying to deal with the loss of her, if not exactly friends, but her comrades that had perished in the explosion.

She chanced a look as the Andorian’s blue finger brought her companion’s head up and the look in her eyes had Mia frozen in her seat. They were definitely in big trouble now. The look on XamotZark’s face was hard enough to bend gold pressed latinum. Then the Security officer said something that didn’t quite make sense, but before Mia could process the comment the other security vaulted the seat and scooped her up. She gave a small shriek of surprise and grabbed onto the Human tightly.

[Interrogation 1 | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Mia sank into the chair and let go of Lewis in confusion.  She looked around for a second. It looked like an interrogation room, but the chairs were definitely not what she expected. Then XamotZark sat down and smiled, not the mean smile but a friendly one. Mia blinked her eyes as two other crewmen entered the room, one of them carrying a tray loaded with foods. As the other three left amid a chorus of laughter Mia looked back at the Andorian, “I am so confused right now,” She said quietly.

“Umm, thanks?” Mia said as Zark welcomed them back to the land of the living. “I didn’t mean to cause  any alarm, really. I just... I wanted to ...” She sighed and her shoulders dropped in shame. “I’m sorry if Ellison was having fits, umm, Lieutenant Zark. “

She reached out a picked up a small piece of cheese to nibble on hoping that it would give her time to think. “I hope your friend is okay, too,” She said as she popped the cheese into her mouth. Even chewing seemed to take a lot of energy right now, thank the stars it was a small piece or she’d be chewing for while.  Mia finally finished and swallowed the cheese then looked at Zark, “Are we under arrest?”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @RyeTanker

While certain it was supposed to scare her, being called naïve struck an obstinate cord within Azrin instead and that sadness was replaced with a hint of fire as she met the Andorian’s gaze. She met the hard look with one of her own. She was flippant, stubbornly cheerful, and tried her hardest to be an optimist, but there was no naivety in her eyes. She had already lived through a war. Her attempts to make sense of it in the aftermath had led to her graining hundreds of years of life experience from five other trill. Twisting someone into a pretzel was foreign to her, but she’d seen plenty of death. Charred remains from explosions, ripped to pieces by the Dominion, bodies floating in the vacuum of space.

Frankly, Azrin was miserable enough without the added problems of someone trying to scare her. So she wasn’t going to let that happen. Azrin was just opening her mouth to tell Zark to bring it on when the medic finished talking, ending her pronouncement in an overly dramatic flourish that took the words right out of Azrin’s mouth. She even forgot to push the blue finger – again in her face – out of the way. “Comfortable cha-“ she began in a nonplussed voice, before being cutoff as Zark grabbed her and pulled her off the chair. Azrin yelped, the forced movement unkind to her sore guts, then was frozen in place as the transporter beam took hold…

[ Interrogation 1 AKA ‘the Dungeon of Very Comfortable Chairs’ | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

…then they were in a room that managed to be even more dull looking than the recovery ward. Zark dropped her in a chair immediately. A nice, plush seat that she even sank into a little. Dungeon of very comfortable chairs, indeed. Too bad it didn’t have a window. As Zark kept talking, Azrin’s confusion – and anger – dissipated rather quickly. “I knew it!” She exclaimed rather gleefully. Well, she had no idea what the Spanish Inquisition was, but that wasn’t the point. “I knew there was no reason for anyone to be that mad at us.” She was a good sport. Anyone who played pranked had to be cool with being pranked in return.

She reached forward and grabbed a handful of pretzels, deciding to give her stomach a bit of a test before moving onto something else. Though her wounds were mostly healed up, she hadn’t eaten during her six-month stasis nap, and Azrin knew it was best to let her stomach reacclimate first. Zark’s newly happy mood probably wouldn’t last if one of them threw up. Everything she’d been given in sickbay so far had been very plain. Even the salt of the pretzel felt exotic – how sad was that?

“I don’t think so,” she answered Mia’s question, even though it hadn’t been directed at her. “Sounds like our punishment already happened.” Besides, when she’d annoyed local law enforcement as a child, they’d sent her back to the Izar with a slap on the wrist. They never gave her food. If it weren’t for the room, this would feel like a party. “Hello Zark. I’m Azrin and this is Mia.” They’d never gotten to introduce themselves earlier, after all. It felt like a fresh start, now that everyone’s escapades were over. “I'm sorry about the nurse, but I really had to get out of there before I went crazy. I kept asking for things to do and they kept telling me to rest and there was this PADD and everything I looked up was terrible and..." Azrin trailed off, ate a pretzel to distract herself and give her racing heart a moment to slow back down, then completely changed the topic. "Does this place have an official name? I definitely would have noticed ‘Dungeon of Very Comfortable Chairs’ on the ship’s schematics.”

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #18
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Interrogation 1 AKA ‘the Dungeon of Very Comfortable Chairs and Drab Looking Resto with Fancy Food’ | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Eirual @rae

Lieutenant Zark listened with one ear while pouring drinks and smiled in sympathy for Mia.  Azrin's cheer was a good sign and she was the tougher customer as the Trill been through the ringer more than once.  The Blue bar tender lifted the glass up and inspected the golden liquid before pushing them over and looking at her two 'drinking buddies'.  "Azrin is quite correct Mia.  You haven't broken any laws or regulations that I know of, you were just silly.  At the moment you're both in Interrogation Room One in the Security Centre on Deck 7, Vector 2. My that's a mouthful."  Zark's smile disappeared for a second, but there was no hostility in her eyes. "Now as for your little escapade, I'm sure you can tell from the last round of fighting that sickbay has it's hands full, so not adding any additional stress would be much appreciated.  Does that sound reasonable?"  The security officer gave Mia a pointed look before switching to Azrin and waggling a cobalt index finger between herself and the Trill. And Lieutenant Ryn, since you have a healthy amount of suspicion, I will not be able to get another drama piece on you, but be warned, I will be happy to just simply carry you back to sickbay over my shoulder in the future and tie you to the bed, although I am quite sure this threat is not going to work on you anyway." The medico smiled and passed the drinks over.

Zark's smile returned as she took a sip of beer and sighed.  "Don't worry, it's a Radler, a grapefruit beer, low in synthehol and everything that makes booze great, except being refreshing and tasty.  Anyway, don't worry about Nurse Ellison.  She would like you back for rest, but I always assumed it was a sort of as soon as I felt you had to go back and since sending you back would just bore you out of your minds again, and yes, I'm quite aware of why you two decided to run off even though you're not really in the shape for it."

Zark piled together a good inch and half thick sandwich and grabbed some wings and veggies.  "Sorry, you two really did interrupt my dinner and all that work has made me hungrier than I expected."  Zark took a massive bite of her sandwich and began chewing really quickly before washing it all down with beer.  Zark repeated this a couple more times, essentially massacring half the sandwich in three bites. Hunger temporarily staved off, Zark wiped her mouth and hands before turning her attention back to her guests.  "Now to start since you're going to have questions, and to answer one of your more pressing one Mia, I'm not sure what the situation is with sending messages home.  Lor'Vela knows I'd love to send a bunch out.  Maybe we can use the Klingon comm net.  Maybe the diplomatic department knows?"  Zark made a mental note to ask Enyd about it at some point.

The medico took a moment to strip a chicken wing before turning to Azrin.  "It is anatomically possible to turn someone into a pretzel when needed.  I still practice gymnastics, so I have the range of movement to do so.  Anyone else I do it on will be less than pleased with me, so I tend to use anaesthetics on them first."  Zark took a moment to think about Enyd Madsen before turning back to Mia. "As to the friend, Lieutenant Madsen, she should be fine.  It's unlikely the rebels are going to attack her and the other guests at the Opera House." Zark had her doubts though and shrugged before grabbing a vegetable stick, leaned back and began nibbling on it.  "So, this is your free time, what else would you like to know?"

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #19
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Interrogation 1 AKA ‘the Dungeon of Very Comfortable Chairs and Drab Looking Resto with Fancy Food’ | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] ATTN: @rae  @RyeTanker

Mia looked between Azrin and Zark as the two women spoke. “Not in shape by a long shot,” Mia agreed with Zark, “and I am sorry, but I didn’t know about another battle and the wounded being in the other areas of sickbay. It’s not like they tell us what is going on, well other than hey we just woke you up from a long sleep and everything is fixed, sort of.” She unconsciously rubbed at the shoulder that had been replaced.

 She took the offered beverage and took a sip. While she wasn’t really a beer drinker, it was at least cold and wet.  Mia felt a bit of a smile touch her lips as Zark continued to speak and acknowledged the sheer boredom  that comes with a stay in a medical ward.  Mia certainly appreciated that Zark was at least giving them a break, but the location left a bit to be desired. However Mia realized she was in no position to argue. This was Zark’s domain, and the chairs were really comfortable after all.

Mia watched as Zark made herself a sandwich and proceeded to practically inhale it. She was amazed that someone could consume food that quickly.  With her own stomach feeling a bit uneasy due do her current location, the thought of eating much more than that piece of cheese was not pleasant.

The answer to her wanting to get in contact with her family was hard to hear. Mia sighed a little in defeat.  She was glad to hear that Zark’s friend was at least not engaged in some other battle. Mia almost laughed at the thought of going to such an event, “I don’t know if I could sit through a Klingon opera, I can barely stay still long enough to deal with one of those old holovids. Those are like two hours. I hear Klingon opera can go for 6 hours or more!”

When Zark sat back and asked what else they wanted to know, the first question on Mia’s mind was vocalized before she could stop herself, “Where did that medical android come from? “ Mia leaned forward a little, “Not that I am complaining, but, well when did they get so advanced?”

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #20
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Interrogation 1 AKA ‘the Dungeon of Very Comfortable Chairs and Drab Looking Resto with Fancy Food’ | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Eirual @rae

Lt. Zark looked at Ensign Dunne and began analyzing her, treading down various paths in her own mind as to the Ensign's behaviour as she munched on a carrot.  The chewing action served to occupy a portion of her mind as she gave for there was something that was bugging the medic.  When she had to swallow the carrot, her fingers began tapping on the table for a few more seconds.  "Miss Dunne, you didn't know that the ship has been on the run for the last six months, and given the nature of your injuries, it would not surprise me in the least that you have survivor's guilt.  Why did you get to survive when so many others did not?  That is the nature of fate.  It is not something you, I, or anyone can control.  Nothing that has happened in the last six months aside from the reason we're sitting here tonight is your fault, so please stop apologizing for it. I'm not a trained counselor, but I do recommend you talk to one of them as soon as possible.  I'll be honest about meeting with them.  Sometimes just having the chance to talk to someone who knows how to listen is all you need to make sense of what happened, and develop the coping mechanisms.  Consider this a very friendly request." The Andorian shrugged as she ran out things to say on the topic. 

Deciding to bridge the gap, the Andorian hostess grabbed a plate and began spooning some of the dips onto a plate as she talked. 
"Now, in an effort to avoid any more heavy stuff, I'm gonna agree with you Mia.  I for the life of me can't sit still for the length of a Klingon Opera, I'd probably be tempted to join the fight scenes just to have something to do.  Motion pictures have to be entertaining to keep me going over two hours."  Zark laid the plate in front of Mia and placed a spoon on it.  "You can barely chew, and I guarantee the dips are soft and going to be more tasty than whatever they're serving in sickbay.  Don't worry about the salt content and all that health stuff. I can't stand too much salt myself and I tend to scrape the dips off the plate anyway."

Zark had to search her memory for a bit and her head tilted from side to side as she jangled the necessary file cabinets.  "Can't say I know much about V-Nine beyond the basics that she was handed to us by the Savi, who as an aside, are an extreme hush hush to anyone outside the ship, as in the Captain will break you if you mention it outside the ship kind of hush hush.  She, it's? extremely advanced as you two can attest to as you're sitting here now.  The main thing is that Savi tech is extremely advanced, sort of like a ummmmmmm...... those old gas engines versus our warp drive is the best way to put it I think."  The Andorian shrugged again to emphasize this was out of her realm of knowledge.   "I haven't really had a chance to interact with the Andoid, since Doctor Hernandez handled most of my medical misadventures, but I agree, they do really good work, especially my really big one on Breen." Zark's eyes became unfocused for a moment before coming back to the present as she decided to take a sip of her drink.

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #21
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Interrogation 1 AKA ‘the room that is far superior to the recovery ward, but lacks the observation lounge’s views’ | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker @Eirual

Azrin had quite zoned out for a few minutes there. First she had been wholly focused on her stomach, ensuring that it could hold the pretzels before she moved onto a real feast. And damn, did she want to eat. It was like being around real food again suddenly reminded her of how empty her stomach was. She didn’t remember when her last normal meal had been, too happy toiling away in Engineering to remember to eat – then they’d been attacked. Six months ago. Her resolve finally broke as her mind drifted down that dark, increasingly familiar path, and Azrin decided to dig in. It probably hadn’t been long enough, but she wasn’t nauseous, so she was going to try it. Chicken wings, cheeses, vegetables, more pretzels – Azrin grabbed a plate and loaded it up.

Then she became oddly focused on her food, doing her best to hide her reaction at Mia’s words… “and everything is fixed, sort of.” Azrin always tried her best to avoid the heavy stuff. Aside from talking to counselors, she always wanted to lighten the mood, not bring it down. But still, she profoundly disagreed with that. What was fixed? She thought angrily, stuffing some cheese in her mouth. They were still on the run, everyone outside this ship thought they were dead or traitors, most of her old cohorts in engineering were dead. Oh, and apparently there was about to be a war, because fighting these ominous ‘Infested’ assholes wasn’t hard enough already. Everything had been going wrong when she’d been injured, and it didn’t seem any better now. It was like a nightmare. Needless to say, when Zark changed the subject, Azrin jumped on that.

“Yeah! And why haven’t I gotten to see the android yet!” It had taken her a bit, but Azrin did vaguely remember Vojona mentioning someone called V-Nine when she’d woken up. “That’s the only thing I’m looking forward to going back to sickbay for. Maybe if she’s not busy she’ll let me study her systems a bit. By the way,” she mentioned offhandedly to Zark, just now getting around to responding to the andorian’s earlier comment. “You can pick me up and carry me if you want the workout, but I would have gone back if you told me to. I never expected it to be a permanent escape, only a change of scenery before someone found us and shooed us back. I’ll even stay in the bed, but I need something to do! I kept trying to make deals with the nurses and they kept telling me to rest. Give me some broken tricorders – I know ops has a box of them somewhere – and I’ll repair them from there. Take them apart on the food tray.” Azrin started to sound more stressed as she explained, the depressed mood she’d been trying to hide moments ago sneaking out. She was an active person. Laying in bed with only bad news for company might have been good for her physical health, but it had been terrible for her mind.

Belatedly aware that she might have gone slightly too far, Azrin got a glass of beer and drained half of it, using the movement to stop her mouth from running. When she finished, she continued, much calmed now, “I know. Counselor. Got it.”

In a more successful attempt to lighten the mood, she changed the subject again. “I like holonovels more than watching vids or shows. It’s more fun to be part of the story.” If it wasn’t abundantly clear already, she could not sit still for six hours.

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #22
[Ensign Mia Dunne | Interrogation 1 AKA “Room of unmade pretzels” | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] ATTN: @RyeTanker  @rae

Mia looked at the plate that Zark had pushed in front of her. While it may not have been the most healthy food, it was indeed soft end she used the spoon to take just a little to see how well it would settle in her stomach. It stayed down, and didn’t taste too bad considering she wasn’t having the chips along with it.
Mia didn’t much like the idea that Zark pretty much psychoanalyzed  her in the few minutes they had been sitting there. Well of course she felt guilty. She survived when even the Chief of Science hadn’t. The whole team she’d worked with was gone. That alone was enough, wasn’t it? But she kept that thought to herself since it really wasn’t any use pointing it out.

She raised her eyebrows as talk moved to V-Nine, and the Savi, whoever they were. The fact that their existence, or the fact they were on Theurgy was to be kept silent was even more surprising. Why would an apparently more advance species even deign to help them, unless the parasite was also an enemy of theirs, that would make sense. 

When Azrin started in about meeting V-Nine, Mia couldn’t help but smile. She wanted to see how the android worked, which was something Mia could get behind as well. Understanding the science and the technology that created the advanced artificial lifeform, while not in her area of expertise, would be interesting.  Azrin began to ramble about doing something, anything, while she was confined to sickbay. While Mia did not share quite the need to keep working, she did understand that resting all the time was not as restful as they make it out. The forced rest actually had her more agitated than if they had contacted the science department and had given her something to occupy her mind with something other than her memories.

She chuckled when Azrin’s rambling ended with a comment about counselors.  The change of subject was welcome, though she’d had little use for holonovels while she was in school, she did enjoy them once in a while.  She glanced over at Azrin, ”Let me guess, you prefer ones with lots of action and very little story telling.” She smiled and thought for a moment, ”I think if I was going to do one of those it would have some... I don’t know, maybe romance and perhaps a little bit of a mystery to be solved without a lot of gratuitous violence.”

Mia sighed tiredly. Their ‘escape’ and subsequent capture had taken more energy than she would have imagined. “I think I understand why medical keeps telling us to rest,” she said as she looked over at her partner in crime, ”Or am I the only one feeling totally drained of energy right now. And we didn’t even run that far. Sad to say but I might be happy to get back in that recovery room and go to sleep for a few hours.”

OCC: Sorry I took so long to reply. Every time I sat down to write I seemed to get interrupted for the past week.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #23
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Interrogation 1 AKA ‘a room with a bowl of regular non-humanoid pretzels’ | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker @Eirual

“There can be action and storytelling,” she replied quickly before Zark could get a word in, almost gleeful that Mia had jumped on her change of subject and keen to continue the train of thought. If she kept it going, they could simply be friends having a little party in an oddly plain room full of snacks, instead of traumatized officers sitting in an interrogation room post-stasis. “And romance and plot, if you find the right one. You ever try a spy novel? I’ve found some good ones. It jumps from romance to action to investigation for tiny clues. The mystery of finding out the evil plot! There’s even engineering when you have to steal get away shuttles or land vehicles – or dismantle the villain’s secret weapon. Though the programs glitch sometimes when I do that, they never expect the protagonist to have in depth xeno-engineering knowledge.” Azrin was rambling a bit now, far too over zealous in keeping this topic of conversation going. Her food abandoned in her rush to speak, hands moving in quick jerks as she mimed out some of the holo plots. It was too much, an obvious overcompensation.

The word vomit kept her preoccupied so she didn’t have to answer Mia’s next question. Yes, she was tired. Though her brain was sending conflicting signals, her desire to stay here warring with the need to sleep. The food was giving her a momentary rush of energy, leaving her quite jittery. For all she’d spent the entire night claiming that she fully planned to return to sickbay eventually – Azrin refused to admit that they might have finally reached that point.

“Even when you’re not running around, at least in a holonovel you’re doing something. You’re part of the story, you know? Not just spectating, or missing the whole thing…” Dammit. There was reality, crashing back in again. She’d circled back to their own situation without even trying. The more she spoke, the more Azrin realized that she did truly need that counseling appointment.

“The really sad part is that we didn’t run at all. Walked the whole way. I used to be able to run the gauntlet of this ship through the Jefferies tubes without breaking a sweat.” Her excitement over holonovels fell away, and the trill looked worn out again. “I am tired. But I don’t want to admit defeat yet.”

Re: Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!

Reply #24
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Interrogation 1 AKA ‘the Itus Space' | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: @Eirual @rae

Lieutenant Zark polished off the rest of her beer before stripping another chicken wing.  She was content to let her two wayward charges have their conversation.   The Andorian grinned at Mia's choice of subject for holonovels, but her head started to nod in agreement with Azrin. Seeing the other two begin to spiral down, the medico figured she'd either have to buoy them up, or it was time to call it quits.  Snagging and munching on a two-bite brownie to help her think, she decided to let the fun notion have it's chance.  "Well, if we had the time and you two had the energy, I think we have ourselves a pretty good adventure party here."  The cobalt index finger waved between Mia and Azrin "You two can be Shirley Holmes and Joan Watson." then the thumb pointed back at herself. "and I can be Jane Bourne to deal with all the gratuitous violence that will most likely come along.  Though I do have to warn you, with the holo programs that I usually go for, they tend to be either spectacularly peaceful, or quite loud, noisy, and kick ass, so we'd have to work out a happy medium somewhere."

Looking between the two, there was a conundrum to solve.  "Now, we have a problem as it's not really late at night, but I have one saying she's ready to call it quits, and the other is determined to stay awake till last call.  What to do?"  The medico looked ceiling ward for few seconds as an internal debate occurred.  Turning back to her companions, Zark realized it was not her call to make and decided to leave the decision up to them.  "I know we said no more heavy stuff, but I was thinking of having you two hover chaired to the arboretum. It's somehow managed to come through all the fighting intact, hardly even a tree out of place." The blue woman scratched her nose for a moment from more internal debate before continuing. "The only thing is, the memorial wall is down there, so I wasn't sure if you wanted to actually mourn now, or take the time later."  The medic paused one more time. "Last option is to have you two go your separate ways now.  I can call the medical staff and Miss Dunne, they can take you back to your bed in sickbay, and if trees aren't your thing Miss Ryn, I can have you carted to see the warp core, or you know, some combination of what you prefer before you both head back to bed."

With that, Zark began piling plates and cups together as she waited for the two ladies to come to a decision.

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