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Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #27
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Counseling Department Offices | Deck 08 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Handing off the sunscreen tube, Natalie pulled her hair forward, over her right shoulder, leaving her neck, shoulders and back exposed. Once again thinking that a hair tie would have been smart, she turned her face back toward the beach, glancing along the shoreline in the direction of the bar from before. She could just make it out if she leaned forward, catching the thatched roof top peeking over a smaller dune. Hints of music faded in and out on the ocean breeze, wafted away by the sound of the surf crashing against the sand. As the Lieutenant began to work the sunblock over Natalie's back, the Martian sighed and let her eyes drift close.

Her counselor was right. She was clearly tense, and could tell that Amanda was trying a slightly different track than the one Nat had used, applying targeted pressure in a light massage to ease some of that off. A more hands-on approach to counseling and therapy, the Executive Officer mused, but presumed nothing untoward in the intentions. She'd glanced at Ashby's file, and was aware that the woman had years of medical training, and thus likely knew what she was about. The trick was allowing herself to relax, for all the professional - and personal - concerns brought up in the moment.

Deciding she didn't want to delve into the reasons behind some of the tension - her questioning of her sexuality being chief among them - the brunette could only nod in agreement, acknowledging, "It's something I'm working on," and left it at that. She was wrapped up in her mental gymnastics over preferences and comparisons that - just as she had with Amanda's top - she failed to notice the knot on the back of her bikini beginning to unravel. The irony was not one that she would appreciate at any point that morning.

Glancing up - and getting an interesting view from below - Natalie saw the proffered hand and reached over to take it, allowing the taller woman to help her to her feet. Well-used to being on the shorter side of her species, Nat took it all in stride, dusting her shins off once she was upright (not that there was much sand on them to begin with) and wiggling her bare toes, having divested herself of the sandals she'd worn down to the shoreline. The suns beat down on them from above, and Nat eyed the water. "May as well..." she started off, not quite as enthused as her companion but not against the idea, but then the blonde shot off like a rocket, leaving Natalie to stare at her bouncing bum in the wake of the sudden departure.

"I am so not running in this," she said to no one in particular, and took off at a jog, which was about all she was willing to do on the beach. Even if there was no one around, she was well aware as to what running did to her chest when things weren't properly supported. And while her top was (or should have been) more structured and secure than Amanda's choice, as Natalie jogged she found her bust shifting about more than she'd expected. Which only reassured her that outright running would have been uncomfortable at best, and possibly painful. She did manage a smirk when she trotted past Amanda, who had stopped in confusion, but the other Martian still 'beat' her to the shore line.

Not bothering to break her stride, the brunette moved into the water in turn, though not quite diving down like Amanda. She failed to notice that her jog had loosened her own top, letting out a little yelp as the water splashed over her hips, but laughing all the same. It was hard not to enjoy the warm waters and she threw a hand up to shield her face. When she pulled it back down she was greeted with the jubilant cries of the counselor, and a shock.

Wow. Those are really, really nicely shaped. And bigger than mine... A wave of embarrassment followed the thought as Natalie brazenly stared at Amanda's bared boobs, the water rolling down between the two mounts and leaving trails over the blonde's stomach. She opened her mouth, shut it again, and turned slightly to one side as if trying not to look, but only half managing.

"Your top! She called out, but it was swallowed by the rolling waves that swept up behind Amanda, and rushed forward, swirling around Natalie's stomach. Her own arms flailed for a moment but the busty martian managed to keep her footing. She patted her chest, and called out again, "You've lost your top!"

This time, she thought she'd made herself heard. She bit her lip and looked back toward the beach, half twisting with the intention of moving back up to grab the towel to give Amanda some sense of privacy, when her foot slid across a slick rock buried just under the silt of the ocean bed. Her foot went out from under her as the tide rolled back, sucking her down and under the water with an undignified squawk. Fully submerged, Natalie was dragged out, a bit past Amanda, before she managed to twist and get her footing under her once more, bracing on the ocean floor before kicking up. She broke the surface a moment later, perhaps 2 meters further out into the sea than the counselor, now with the blonde between her and the shoreline.

What did not come back up with Natalie however, was her own bikini top, which had been dragged off her when she was twisting about and trying to right herself in the momentary riptide. Sputtering, the brunette swept her wet hair back from her face and blinked her eyes, looking down as she felt the relatively cool breeze ghost over her wet chest. Her nipples went hard, the orbs pale, clear tan-lines on display from her last outing. She blinked the water from her eyes, bobbing in the sway of the ocean as she rose up, every inch above the water line bared and on display, two perfectly plump orbs capped with her own pink nipple proudly pert.

"You have got to be kidding me!

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #28
[Lieutenant JG Amanda Ashby | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy]
Wearing: [Show/Hide]
Attn: @Brutus

As she looked at Natalie, Amanda could see how the other Martian made an attempt to call out. From where she was standing however, the blonde-haired Psychiatrist had an amazing view of Natalie getting surprised by the incoming waves and she couldn’t help but laugh as the other woman flailed her arms around to keep herself from falling over. In response, Amanda simply waved back while laughing; a move that made her now bare 34E-sized breasts jiggle proudly. It wasn’t until the brunette called out again, this time while patting her own ample chest, when Amanda turned her attention down to her own breasts and discovered what was wrong.

In response to the sudden realization that she’d lost the already somewhat sheer upper half of her bikini and was now topless, Amanda gasped and instantly brought her hands up to cover her firm breasts. It had little effect though, as a little part of her rosepink-coloured areola peeked out from above her hands; their sheer size making it unable to fully cover them up like that. Regardless, the blonde-haired Martian tried her best and, while she attempted -and mostly succeeded- to maintain a calm appearance, she quickly looked around to see if anyone had seen her. As luck would have it however, most people seemed to be around the tiki bar and that left her and Natalie with a modicum of privacy on their little corner of Chiffon Beach.

While a soft, almost relieved sigh escaped Amanda’s lips, a strange squawk drew her attention back to the general direction of Natalie. However, when her blue eyes came to rest upon the place where the Executive Officer had been mere moments ago, all she could see was warm water. A lot of warm water. ”Natalie?” As she spoke up, Amanda took a step in the direction of where the brunette Martian had been mere moments ago. ”Nat? This isn’t funny!” The tone of Amanda’s otherwise so friendly Martian-accented voice now betrayed a little bit of concern, mostly because she partly expected that the Executive Officer would pull some kind of prank on her; something like suddenly shooting out of the water right in front of her or suddenly pulling her down under the water.

If there was one thing Amanda Ashby did not like, it were jump scares.

It was exactly what she got just mere moments later, when something indeed emerged from the water just a little under two meters behind her. With a shocked yelp, Amanda spun around in the direction of the sound only to find a sputtering Natalie Stark standing there. ”Natalie? Tha-…” While she spoke Amanda began to approach the woman, still making sure to keep her hands in front of her bare breasts (which were adamant at drawing attention to themselves by proudly jiggling with each step) but, halfway through her words, she suddenly realized that the Commander was just as topless as she was.

And a beautiful pair of breasts they were too. While she approached Natalie, Amanda couldn’t help but stare at the other Martian’s breasts in awe; they were a little smaller than her own, albeit barely, but equally defiant of the laws of gravity and donned by a pair of lovely pink-coloured areola that were a little smaller than her own. The blonde-haired Psychiatrist couldn’t help but think -somewhat bitterly- that Natalie would at the very least be able to cover hers with her hands. In spite of herself, Amanda could feel that the sight of Natalie’s breasts stirred something inside her and, at that point, it wasn’t just the exposure to the air that kept her own rosepink-coloured nipples so hard.

Tearing her blue-eyed gaze away from Natalie’s breasts, lest the brunette Martian would catch her staring, Amanda closed the distance between them in just a couple more steps. ”Natalie, are you alright?” As she spoke, the blonde reached out with her right hand and gently placed it on Natalie’s shoulder. While she did that, she quickly placed her left arm over her own ample breasts; barely covering the areola of her right breast with her hand while a large portion of the areola of her left breast peeked out from above and below her arm. ”Well, I don’t know what happened…” In an attempt to make light of the situation, Amanda quickly changed her tone and accentuated her attempt at humour with a big smile. At the same time, knowing that she wouldn’t be successful in covering up her breasts anyway, she dropped her left hand to her side and once more bared her E-sized breasts for Natalie to see. Covering up might only make it more awkward and embarrassing for the both of them, or so Amanda reasoned to herself. ”…but let’s be honest, you know how to make an entrance.” A gentle laugh escaped the blonde’s lips; making her perky breasts jiggle ever so slightly as she laughed.

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #29
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Counseling Department Offices | Deck 08 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Some would call the fallout of the moment funny, amusing, and laugh it all off. Some were more comfortable in their own skin than the Theurgy's XO, who was experiencing a wave of frustration and embarrassment, and to her mortification, arousal as well. Thankfully the water was cool enough and the breeze strong enough to use as a reasonable excuse for why she was suddenly so nipply above the water, and damp below. That wouldn't stop her from knowing that at least part of her found this whole thing a turn on in a fashion she did not want to analyze, but it should hopefully not make the junior officer accompanying her on this perhaps ill advised venture from being too embarrassed. Never mind your own discomfort, must make sure the subordinate isn't put out.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, she turned, ran her hands through her wet hair and growled out at the rather striking sea, which lapped gently around her waist now, the waves seeming to have subsided for the moment, leaving a sparkling, calm expanse as far as she could see. Shutting her eyes she breathed deep (doing wonderful things for her now exposed bust) and turned around to watch as Amanda seemed to rally herself and approach, reaching out to check on Nat. The former Ops Chief's skin was covered with goosebumps that only had a little to do with the breeze and the water and much more to do with the exposure, as she squeezed her legs tightly together under the surface of the ocean waters. Ironic, considering she had spent a few days practically living in a swimsuit - or much less - on a boat not too long ago. The differences in that situation and this were legion to the younger Martian, though perhaps not so from an outside perspective.

Pursing her lips, Nat scowled back out to sea for a moment, her gaze focusing anywhere but on the blonde, who seemed to have decided that covering up just wasn't worth the effort. Natalie meanwhile had her arms crossed tightly over her chest. The result was a rather petulant looking commander, soaked head to toe and bobbing topless in the cerulean sea around them. She sighed again and shook her head. "I am mildly mortified and utterly mystified as how this could happen, but beyond that I'll be fine."

Not exactly a lie, but not the whole truth. She was not going to tell her counselor that she was fighting off unexpected arousal at being partial naked with a colleague and struggling to remember that she was in a holodeck program and not actually on a Risian beach where real people might be ogling her at a moments notice. Never mind that she was still exploring her own sexuality and all the mess that came with that.

Sighing again, she let her shoulders slump and a smile graced her face, that didn't quite reach her eyes. "An entrance huh? Is that what we're calling it? Falling flat on my face in the water and ending up with my tits out after? I'll update the Federation standard dictionary with the new definition of entrance." She shook her head and added a soft, "Sorry. I'm just out of my comfort zone," by way of an apology.  Looking back at the shoreline she could make out the crowd around the tiki bar that was mentioned earlier by the holographic representation of the program's creator, and let her eyes sweep along the beach, back to their umbrella. No one was clustered around that for the moment at least.

Without warning she stuck her head under the water, dropping down for a moment then popping up again, sweeping her hair back from her head with both hands. If Lt. Ashby wasn't bothered by the fact that they were both topless then Nat figured as the senior officer she ought to try to pretend that she wasn't turned on and that this kind of thing happened all the time. Projecting confidence she didn't feel, she tried not to stare too much at the blondes chest, nor compare the size and shape to her own, or her girlfriends for that matter. Having not had all that much experience with getting eyefulls of plump busts, she had little to compare to.

This is going to be a hell of an awkward conversation with Vanya later, she mused, gesturing back toward the beach and starting to wade through the hip deep warm waters, being far more careful with her steps this time. "Maybe we should retreat a bit closer to the shore before another wave kicks up and somehow leaves us with even less on than we already have. At least there are some towels we could use to cover up on shore." She shook her head, wondering belatedly if by simply putting the words out into the universe, the universe would respond in a less than desirable fashion. Dismissing that notion, she looked back over her shoulder, wet hair spilling down her now bare back, at Ashby as a question rose from her lips.

"This program isn't...designed to try and trick its users into ending up naked is it? Some weird 'embrace Risa as Risa was meant to be embraced' subroutine?" There was a mix of both suspicion and outright curiosity in her voice that she couldn't hide, wondering how exactly she would go about coding something like that into a program. A fascinating challenge from a technical standpoint, and an exercise in comedic absurdity on a practical front. She didn't know the Aurora's Operations Chief well enough at all to make any assumptions, however.

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #30
[Lieutenant JG Amanda Ashby | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy]
Wearing: [Show/Hide]
Attn: @Brutus

While Amanda was initially somewhat worried about the brunette Martian, especially because she had no way to know how Natalie would react to suddenly finding herself standing topless like this in the middle of a public setting, a soft sigh of relief escaped the blonde Psychiatrist’s lips upon listening to the other woman’s joking remark about updating the definition of the word ‘entrance’. The smile on Natalie’s face further reassured Amanda that the Executive Officer wouldn’t have a nervous breakdown right in the middle of the holodeck, and that reassurance prompted Amanda to take her hand off the other woman’s shoulder. As she did so, Amanda also took a careful step back so she was no longer directly standing in Natalie’s personal space. At roughly the same moment, as if on cue, the brunette leaned forwards and put her head under the water; thus prompting Amanda to wait for a moment before she spoke up in response to the joke. ”Well, if that becomes the new definition I’m glad that I don’t make a lot of formal entries.”

Almost instantly, her mind wandered to the Chief Diplomatic Officer and Lieutenant Madsen’s penchant for causing chaos in even the smallest things. Her own personal experience in dealing with Enyd Isolde Madsen, in combination with what she’d heard during her long talks with Ensign L’Nari, left her with no doubt that the woman would agree to that definition and find some way to incorporate it into her daily work.

A soft chuckle escaped Amanda’s lips and she shook her head before she began to follow Natalie back to the shore. As they waded through the water however, the brunette suddenly made a casual remark which instantly drew Amanda’s attention. It was when the Executive Officer looked over her shoulder and asked about the design of the program. While it was an innocent question, it nevertheless gave Amanda a brief respite for thought when she took into account the other elements that surrounded the question; the tone of Natalie’s voice and that equally semi-innocent look in her blue eyes, the earlier casual remark about ending up with even less clothing and covering up with towels on the shore, the fact that Natalie instead took her sweet time wading through the surf and no longer covered her breasts anymore, and the woman’s hard nipples which seemed to almost beg for attention. Everything combined made that Amanda raised her left eyebrow just slightly while she observed Natalie for a couple of seconds, and she soon recognised what had drawn her attention. Mainly because she was struggling with it as well.

You like what is going on.

Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour, Amanda just shrugged. It was a move that made her bare breasts jiggle in proud defiance of gravity once more, but at this point the blonde-haired Martian stopped caring about it. ”There are no tricks as far as I know. When Hailey, the real Hailey Bennion I mean, gave me this program she told me that this program has three settings though.” As she spoke, Amanda counted the three settings on the fingers of her right hand. ”The real Chiffon Beach is a topless beach, as are so many beaches on Risa. That’s the default setting of the program. However, Hailey wrote a somewhat safer mode for this program because it would eventually run on Starfleet holodecks, and that’s the mode we are running now. The mode where normal bathing suits are allowed. Then we have nude mode, but I’ve never tried that one before.” A soft laugh escaped Amanda’s lips and she shrugged once more. ”I don’t think that one requires any explanation. Talking about Hailey…”

The lone person that came strolling towards them was rather hard to mistake for anyone but Hailey Bennion. While the woman had discarded the loose-fitting white shirt and beige-coloured shorts which she’d been wearing before in lieu for a yellow bikini, the large, wide-brimmed white sunhat was still firmly planted on top of her head and the woman’s long, slender legs made her hard to mistake for anyone else. That, and Amanda was pretty sure that the characters of this program weren’t meant to actively approach them on the beach itself unless somehow provoked, and the woman who approached them was happily waving at them.

”Her timing sure couldn’t be any better, hmm?” As she spoke, Amanda briefly gazed at her own breasts before turning her attention to Natalie’s bare globes. After a brief moment the blonde-haired Martian laughed softly and turned her attention back to the approaching woman before returning the wave. It was a move that made her bare E-sized breasts jiggle much more furiously, and it wasn’t something that went unnoticed by Amanda either; the idea that Hailey was about to catch them in such a state of undress was quite honestly starting to turn her on even more than she already was given the circumstances.

”Hey you two!” Their state of undress clearly did little to curb Hailey’s enthusiasm when she held her pace right in front of them. Hailey smiled her usual happy smile and, as the blonde held out the tray which she’d been holding in her right hand, Amanda noticed that the smile worked quite contagious. Or maybe it was what was on the tray instead. On top of the tray was a plate with something that looked like various kinds of sashimi, and right next to that were three cocktail glasses containing some kind of orange liquid, complete with ice, straws and paper umbrellas. ”The barbecue is about to start, so I thought I’d pay you a visit and give you a taste of what’s to come!” While Hailey spoke, Amanda didn’t fail to notice that the other blonde’s bright blue eyes briefly rested on not just her own breasts, but those of Natalie as well. The effect was almost instantaneous, as Amanda could see how Hailey’s own nipples began to harden against the fabric of her yellow bikini top in response to the view. It was… strangely arousing to see that her nudity had such an effect on Hailey though, especially because she had never seen her friend in such a state before, and as Amanda bit her lower lip she could feel how she was getting more damp inside her bikini bottoms.

Before Amanda could properly observe Natalie’s reaction to these events however, Hailey reached out with the tray as if to push it into her hands. As she turned her attention back to the holographic Chief Operations Officer, the blonde-haired Martian noticed that this was indeed the case and took over the tray in both hands. Once she was rid of the tray, Hailey happily spoke up once more. ”I see you’re both having a blast here though! If I may,” Amanda noticed how Hailey turned her attention to Natalie. ”Going topless will work wonders for your tan lines, Natalie!” The grin on Hailey’s face was hard to miss, and Amanda noticed that the blonde-haired hologram of her friend turned to face her. ”Mandy! You should have told me that you wanted to run this program on the default settings.”

Amanda didn’t exactly knew how to respond to that, but Hailey saved her from that by speaking up once more. ”That’s alright though, because I’m the Catalyst!” While Hailey spoke, the blonde-haired Psychiatrist noticed that the hologram reached behind her back. For a brief moment she didn’t knew what Hailey was about to do, but when the hologram suddenly began to unfasten her own bikini top Amanda felt how her breath caught in her throat. ”You see, if I take off my top it will automatically revert the program back to default settings.” With those words, Hailey undid her bikini top and pulled it off; freeing her perky 34B-sized breasts. They were already perky by nature, but now even more so as her pink-coloured areola, which were a little over an inch in diameter, were perked even more by Hailey’s hard nipples. Amanda didn’t failed to notice that the yellow bikini top vanished into thin air once Hailey had taken it off, even though her blue eyes were mainly glued to the petite breasts of her holographic friend. Whereas her own breasts had more of a bounce to them, Hailey’s actually jiggled and it was almost hypnotic; Amanda could feel how she grew even more damp and only managed to tear her gaze away once Hailey spoke up like this was the most normal thing in the world. ”See? Now everyone is topless and you don’t have to dress up before attending the barbecue!”

It was only at that moment when Amanda realized that she was still holding the tray. Unsure of how Natalie would react to the idea of attending a barbecue topless, and unsure if she felt bold enough to do so herself, the blonde-haired Martian coughed softly before speaking up; intent on buying them all some additional time to make up their minds. ”Now Hailey, I’m sure we have some time to enjoy our food and drinks before the barbecue, right? I mean, I’m not sure about Natalie, but I could use a bite. What about you, Nat?” With a smile, Amanda turned her attention to the brunette standing right next to her and offered her to pick something from the tray.

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #31
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Counseling Department Offices | Deck 08 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Humans had many sayings; they were as a species fond of being able to pull something out of a hat and sound wise about it. One in particular came to mind for Natalie as she and Amanda waded their way back to the sandy shores of the holographic Chiffon Beach: Fake it till you make it. In this instance, Natalie had to do her best to pretend that she was perfectly fine with the wardrobe malfunction when she was not at all pleased about being topless around a colleague - a subordinate, and someone who was supposed to be her therapist. Given that the blonde seemed rather unperturbed and found the whole thing mildly amusing (or so the XO inferred), throwing a fit was not an option. She was aware that a part of her brain was hyper fixating on how she should act in the moment, like a record stuck on repeat, over and over; 'act like everything is fine and you'll be fine.'

Gee, maybe this is the kind of thing you should be talking to your therapist about, Nat? She ruefully acknowledged that her inner voice was completely right, but while she was inadvertently half naked with said therapist was empathically not the time to bring that up. Especially not when she had to guard against her apparent desire to sneak peeks at the proffered display of said therapists bust.


Pushing that unhelpful thought aside, she watched Amanda as the blonde counselor considered Natalie's suspicions and countered with a reasonably well thought out dismissal, full of plenty of shrugging and more than a little eye-catching jiggling. If the other Martian noticed the small, almost unconscious glances and the determined gaze aversions that always followed, Natalie failed to pick up on being caught out. In any event she did her best to focus on the words as they neared the beach, and not the form of the person saying them. She didn't know much about the Lieutenant who coded the program they were 'enjoying' currently, but she would have to take Amanda's word for granted that this Hailey Bennion had no ill intent. It made a certain amount of sense that the program would have a variety of comfort settings, if it was designed to mimic a Risian beach, a people known for their hedonistic tendencies and welcoming warmth. She had to wonder if she would feel as awkward as she did now if she were on the actual beach where everyone was walking around without a top on.

You would think this would be easier because it's all holograms, but at the same time, it's you and Amanda, and you're both real and topless and that's why it's awkward. If everyone was like this...I'd probably still be a basket case. Never mind. She gave no verbal explanation for the wry, rueful grin that now graced her features as she watched the arrival of the Holographic Hailey, decked out in a fetching yellow bikini that quite suited her frame, moving in to intercept them as they came up to the shore. Immediately self-conscious, Natalie wrapped an arm around her waist and latched onto the forearm of the other, trying to resist the urge to cover up. She's only a hologram after all, and not a sentient one.

"With timing like that she ought to be a comedian," Natalie murmured, not so quiet that Amanda wouldn't hear but hopefully quiet enough that 'Hailey' wouldn't pick up on it, or comment if she did hear it. Surely the sound of the surf gently lapping about their ankles would be enough to cover that up? As the Aurora's Ops Chief greeted them, Natalie wondered just how awkward this was for Amanda, who knew the woman the visuals were based on. She felt a momentary spark of sympathy for the counselor, before her head snapped down to gaze at her own tits, and she finally gave into the urge to cover up.

"What's wrong with tan lines?" Nat asked the hologram, rather mulishly. It was true that a large portion of her breasts and stomach were much lighter in tone than the rest of her, giving hint to the fact that she spent most of her time on Aldea in a tasteful one-piece swimsuit. Most of your time naked was below deck, or under the stars, she reminded herself. So caught up in that train of thought as she was, Natalie failed to notice the signs of arousal in their holographic host, which would have had her questioning just why that was programmed into the characters code. I'm getting teased by a hologram!

Before she could say anything else, Hailey explained how, in short, her avatar was the control focus for the program's clothing settings. As if to demonstrate this, the blonde hologram deftly disrobed her own yellow top, to which Natalie watched with rapt attention that would later embarrass her. She immediately compared and contrasted the two blondes and found much to enjoy about both of their 'builds', before blushing and looking away. Nat did turn back when the hologram informed her everyone was now without a top. Sure enough, she could just make out a few now topless figures milling about the tiki bar area, where the sounds and smells of a cookout emanated freely. Men, if they had shirts before, were now clad only in shorts. Women, whatever their tops might have been, were pleasantly bouncing about unbound and unbothered.

The only person feeling awkward and aroused is me, Natalie mused, before pursing her lips a bit. She noticed that both Amanda and Hailey were sporting taut peaks for their nipples, so maybe she wasn't the only one, but then that could just be a reaction to the breeze coming off the water. Shaking her head, the brunette of the topless trio reached over and grabbed the orange drink, pulling it to her mouth and using that as an excuse not to say anything while she tried to calm down somewhat. The drink was fruity and sweet, not unlike something she had tried (what seemed like a lifetime ago) on Theta Endrani IV. There was the ever so slight burn of what she presumed to be synthohol that helped it all go down.

Swallowing, and not at all noticing a bit of the drink dripping down from her lips to fall between her breasts, she looked at the hologram and tried to keep her eyes on Bennion's face and not her exposed bust (with mixed levels of success). "I think I would like a moment to get collected by our umbrella. Towel off and the like, you understand?

"Oh of course. Let's head right that way. No time like the present! We won't start the party without you, of course. It would be rude to exclude the only users of the program from the fun!" If the hologram was bothered at all, her sparkling smile and cheery demeanor didn't seem at all put out by the detour, inviting herself along and setting right off, giving Natalie a view of her yellow clad ass and bareback.

"Is she this cheerful in the real world?" Natalie asked, sounding resigned, as she fell into step behind the slender hologram who seemed determined to make sure Natalie and Amanda enjoyed themselves. She's not real. It's not a problem to ogle her a bit. Just don't get caught and sort all this out later with Vanya. Who is going to laugh her ass off at you. Natalie was fairly confident that her girlfriend was going to find the whole thing hilarious, given that she thought Natalie got entirely too hung up about such a small thing as nudity.

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #32
[Lieutenant JG Amanda Ashby | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy]
Wearing: [Show/Hide]
Attn: @Brutus

As she fell in line right next to Natalie, Amanda couldn’t help but chuckle at the other woman’s question. ”Who, Hailey?” The blonde-haired Martian made sure to lower her voice so the holographic Hailey wouldn’t hear them, and she closed the distance towards the brunette so her voice could still be heard over the sound of the waves. ”Yeah, she’s always quite cheerful. It’s rather refreshing, really.”

In truth, during her first weeks aboard the USS Aurora, Amanda had often found herself wondering if Hailey Bennion was truly as cheerful or if it was just a pretence; her way of coping with situations as they arose. It was likely that being positive and cheerful was just Hailey’s attempt to stay ahead of the curve and give her enough time to come up with an answer to anything that might be required of her, but at the same time it could be something else entirely. Without reasons or indications to suspect something darker however, Amanda had eventually concluded that Hailey’s almost annoyingly cheerful attitude was just who she was, and that’s why they became such quick friends in the first place. After all, Amanda very much preferred cheerful optimism over depressed pessimism as both were contagious and the former was definitely a lot better to contract than the latter.

When she thought back aboard her days aboard the USS Aurora, when things were still peaceful and relatively uncomplicated compared to the USS Theurgy, a smile began to adorn Amanda’s face. ”Hailey is alright though, she’s an amazing and dependable friend.” While she spoke, Amanda’s shoulder brushed up against Natalie’s due to the close distance between them. At the same time, she could feel how the side of her 36E-sized right breast pressed against the surprisingly soft skin of Natalie’s left breast. It felt surprisingly good and, at that very moment, when her blue eyes were drawn to that droplet of orange liquid which was about to trail its way down between those ample E-sized breasts, Amanda realized how close they truly were. That, and how amazing Natalie’s breasts were from up close. Like her own, they proudly swayed ever so softly with each step and the Commander’s hard pink nipples only further added to the almost hypnotizing jiggle. Amanda felt how the dampness between her legs only became worse and began to itch a little, but in an attempt to hide her growing arousal she coughed and continued speaking. ”You’d like the real Hailey Bennion.”

While Amanda spoke, she noticed how the holographic representation of Hailey turned around as she reached the relative privacy of their umbrella. ”What are you two gossiping about?” There was a certain tease in Hailey’s cheerful voice as she spoke and, as Amanda quickly took a step away from Natalie, the blonde-haired Martian noticed how the holographic Hailey reached for the tray of drinks and took one for herself. ”Thanks for carrying our drinks, Mandy! Let’s get ready to party!”

Amanda simply smiled in reply to Hailey’s words and, having reached their bag first, quickly bent forwards to carefully set the tray in the sand and retrieve their towels from the bag; completely unaware that, by doing so, she was giving both Natalie and Hailey a pretty nice view of her ass in doing so. Within a couple of seconds she stood up straight again however, before turning around and handing Natalie one of the towels. ”Here you go, Nat.” With a friendly smile towards the brunette, Amanda brought her own towel up to her head and began to dry her blonde hair. In doing so, her unsupported breasts jiggled furiously in plain view of the two other women. Once she was done drying her hair, Amanda began to dry her arms and turned her attention towards Hailey once more. ”So Hailey, what’s on the menu tonight?”

Hailey had been looking in the direction of the tiki bar but, upon being addressed, Amanda saw that the hologram immediately turned around to face her once more. ”Oh, tonight we have Earth night! We have corn on the cob, baked potatoes, a variety of different salads and various meats. We have hamburgers, steak, sausages… you won’t leave hungry!” Amanda noticed how Hailey, still sporting a cheerful smile, raised her arms above her head and began to stretch her back; pushing her perky 34B-sized forwards. It was already hard not to notice the hologram’s hard, pink-coloured areola, but a part of Amanda wondered if Hailey wasn’t just doing it on purpose now. One look at Hailey’s face was enough to show Amanda that this wasn’t the case though, given how she was looking at the tiki bar with an absent-minded look on her face. ”It’ll be fun.”

At that point, Amanda was already rubbing the towel over her breasts and nodded in response. ”I’m sure it will be, Hailey.” While she spoke, the blonde-haired Martian couldn’t help but briefly pay additional attention to rubbing the towel over her nipples. It made her briefly close her eyes as she stifled a gasp, but as she felt a shiver run down her spine and the dampness between her legs turn into even more of an itch, she quickly regained herself and proceeded to dry the rest of her body; sheepishly throwing a glance at both Hailey and Natalie to make sure that neither of them had noticed.

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #34
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Counseling Department Offices | Deck 08 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

Refreshing was a word. Natalie wasn't entirely sure it was the word she would use to describe the endless cheer that the holographic Lt. Bennion radiated, but then she wasn't feeling as charitable as she knew she aught to be. She was broken from her brief musings by the brush of soft skin on soft skin, causing her to misstep slightly. "Pardon me," she muttered mostly to herself as she readjusted her gait and eased herself to the side a little. She didn't want to think about how soft the other woman's breast felt. That made her feel...well, dirty. And mildly guilty, considering she was very much happily in a relationship. Then again, up to this point everything had been one comedic farce of an accident after another.

You are being too harsh on yourself, and the situation. And if you caught some other officer acting this way, you'd send them to their department head for a stern talking to. And then one of the counselors to help them sort themselves out. Which is what's supposed to be happening here. So just relax, dammit.

Once more silently chastised, Natalie sipped the orange drink in her hand, impressed with how the various juices and syrups mixed into the beverage just about hid the taste of alcohol, save for a faint tingle on the roof of her mouth after she swallowed, and the mellowing warm feeling in her stomach. "Your friend certainly knows how to mix a drink," she allowed.

Said hologram inserted itself back into the conversation, but Natalie waved her off, not bothering to give a concrete answer. It would be an awkward thing to say anyways, telling a hologram you were comparing and contrasting them to the individual they were programmed on. Given that the aforementioned Lieutenant programmed herself into the Risian simulation, to a level of detail that included a full scan of her bare body, she clearly didn't have any hang ups on being nude in front of complete strangers. So maybe the hologram wouldn't have hangups on the comparison. But Natalie figured it would be best not to go down that rabbit hole.

She glanced over at Amanda and averted her gaze quickly as the blonde was bent forward. Thankfully her swimsuit was still in place around her rump, so that saved her any more awkward revelations. Brushing a nonexistent speck of sand off her exposed bust, the First Officer turned back as her name was called and reached down to take the offered towel. In an effort to affect some thin veneer of privacy, Natalie turned her back on the other two and began to towel off, vigorously, as she stared out at the rippling waves of the honestly beautiful ocean, lapping up to the shoreline.

Dry now, she padded the towel against her chest, covering herself for the moment. She supposed there was no point in trying to cover up, now that the program had been reset to its default configuration. And it wasn't as if she had not discovered a certain appreciation for the warmth of the sun on her bare skin; most of her time on Aldea had seen her in various states of undress, and getting more sun than she ever did aboard ship, or even back home growing up on Mars. For a moment she thought she heard a gasp, but turning back to Amanda and Hailey, nothing seemed amiss, so she returend to drying off the rest of the way.

Looking from the shore, to the bar, she could see the holographic beach goers gathering around. Flames flickered as a bonfire on the beach started up, and the smells of food cooking behind the bar made their way across the sand. Shutting her eyes, Natalie breathed in deep, unaware of just what that did to her bare chest, before she let the towel fall back to the ground. "Well i can smell that they've started on the food so we best head on over. Since we've been promised a good time."

Natlaie flashed the hologram a smile, who smiled back in turn and bubbly as ever, danced off to take the lead, with Natalie padding along behind her, admiring the view. It took them less time than Nat thought it should to close the distance from the umbrella, still left behind them on the beach, to the tiki bar, with its tall, palm leaf thatched roof and long, wide bar, supported by bamboo rods, driven into the sand. Music bubbled up around Natalie, and she smiled softly, trying to relax and ignore the fact that she, Amanda, and all the holograms in sight were topless. Not so uncommon on a beach for men, she knew, and remembered, but she didn't really recall going to any nudist beaches on Mars or Earth, when she was stationed there for the Academy.

Lots of jiggling and bouncing going on, she noticed, as a dark haired woman swung around the side of the bar and nearly lept at Hailey, tossing her arms around the startled hologram. Wearing dark red bikini bottoms topped with a white and black stripped waist band, the brunette woman exclaimed, "What took you so long? I swear I'm not sure I could wait much longer to get my hands on a burger but no we had to wait!"

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #35
[Lieutenant JG Amanda Ashby | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy]
Wearing: [Show/Hide]
Attn: @Brutus

As they approached the tiki bar, a part of Amanda became hesitant to proceed further and the blonde-haired Martian tried to focus her attention to the music instead in an attempt to forget that she was topless. It wasn’t exactly easy though as her ample E-sized breasts bounced softly in proud defiance of gravity with each step she took and reminded her of her public nudity. At least, as far as a holodeck environment could be considered a public setting; the delicious smell of barbecue in combination with the soothing, rhythmical tones of tropical island music which only seemed to accentuate the already scalding temperatures made it really easy for Amanda to forget that this was but a mere holodeck program though.

When she entered the tiki bar, the realism of the program once again caught Amanda by surprise. The music was actually played live by four musicians who were positioned on the balcony which overlooked the sea and her blue-eyed gaze noticed that several people were already dancing to their music; clearly enjoying Earth night to the fullest. Several more people were spread out throughout the tiki bar, with some leaning against the long bar and casually enjoying their drinks and others either caught up in idle conversations while seated at the various small tables in the room or gathered around the large barbecue on the other balcony which overlooked Chiffon Beach and, in the distance, the umbrella which she and Natalie planted in the sand.

Sudden movement in the corner of her eye drew Amanda’s attention towards Hailey just as a brunette woman tossed her arms around the startled blonde Chief Operations Officer. It only took Amanda a moment to realize that the brunette was the USS Aurora’s Chief CONN Officer, Ensign Lucy Hunt, and her mouth briefly fell open in shock at the sight of the woman’s bare, bouncing breasts; after all, you didn’t get to see your (former) crewmates in a similar state of undress every day. As Amanda listened to Lucy’s complaint, the initial shock began to wear off and the blonde-haired Martian instead grew even more aroused upon realizing that Lucy must have deliberately programmed herself into the program at a later date as a surprise.

Hailey, however, reacted with a sense of mild annoyance as her own initial shock wore off. It was part of the reason why Amanda realized that Lucy wasn’t part of Hailey Bennion’s programming; the Hailey hologram needed just a brief moment to compute, as if the appearance of Lucy wasn’t something which the hologram was programmed to expect. When she did however, Hailey responded with one of her cheerful, bubbly smiles before speaking up. ”Oh, hi! I was just getting our guests, it would be impolite to start without them!”

It was at that moment that Amanda realized that people in the tiki bar began to pay attention to herself and Natalie, and not just because Hailey called out like that. While everyone in the tiki bar was in a similar state of undress and there were several busty women around, it was relatively obvious that she and Natalie were, by far, the bustiest women in the tiki bar. Their Martian genes now drew a particular interest in some people, which was made fairly obvious by the rising erections, the tightening breasts and the slight squirming in chairs.

I am being watched.

A part of Amanda wanted to cover up and leave the tiki bar, but a different and very much dominant part of Amanda actually relished the fact that people were looking at her like that. Her 34E-sized breasts were already firmed up to the point where she could probably cut glass with them, drawn perky by her hard, dusty rose-coloured nipples and perked rosy areole, but Amanda nevertheless slightly arched her back; pushing her breasts forward and allowing them to rise even further in defiance of gravity in a (successful) attempt to draw even more stares. As more people watched, Amanda could feel how she became increasingly wet as her arousal began to accumulate even further, and she turned her attention to Natalie with as innocent a smile as she could manage. ”Shall we leave Hailey and Lucy to their bickering and go to the bar for another set of drinks?”

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #36
[Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Counseling Department Offices | Deck 08 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan 

The confusion from the Bennion hologram was lost on Natalie, but it was clear that the first hologram knew the second, and thus it was easy to extrapolate that the brunette in the red bikini bottoms was a fellow member of the Aurora's crew. That would make some sense she supposed since the program was designed to be a gift to Lt. Ashby, who had not been able to visit the planet with the other Aurora Lieutenant and - presumably - the brunette whose name had not been given. She glanced over at the 'real' Lieutenant in the room with every intent to ask for a bit of clarification but saw that the blonde was busy looking at the assembled crowd in the bar and - very clearly pushing her chest out to draw attention to it.

Natalie stared in shock before averting her eyes, and drawing a hand over her own bust. Surely she had to be mistaken as to what she had just seen. Was the counselor trying to draw attention to her bust, or had Natalie drawn the wrong conclusion to a perfectly innocent moment. There was chatter among the holograms, nothing that she could really pick up any specifics from, but just like her fellow Martian, Natalie noticed that a lot of the virtual patrons of the bar were looking at the two humans with concealed - or not so concealed - interest and....Approval? Desire? Just what kind of program is this? She asked herself.

No, now that she was aware of it, she couldn't ignore the fact that she was being watched by almost everyone present, save for the moment, the two holographic Aurora personnel, who seemed more interested in each other than Lt. Ashby or Natalie herself. She was sure she had drawn a few looks on Aldea, but most of that time had been in the presence of Vanya and in truth, Natalie had eyes for no one but her friend, and thus missed a lot of the stares the pair had drawn. True, they stayed clothed around people, unlike the situation she found herself in now. And it was clear that the algorithms that governed this program decided the bar crowd liked big titted Martians. The trucks on that one Risian were doing nothing at all to hide just how much he approved.

Natalie could feel the brush crawling up her skin, turning her cheeks red and causing her legs to press together in a barely repressed squirm. Dammit.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Amanda's voice, and she turned her attention back to the blonde doing her utter damnedest to pretend nothing was amiss because it would be highly unprofessional of her to do otherwise. The smile was a bit shaky and she kept her eyes glued firmly above Amanda's ample chest.

"Yes, I think I need a drink after all of this," she waved her hand around in a circle to indicate pretty much everything, having pulled her arm away from her breasts lest her companion pick up on her discomfort and more than mild (traitorous) arousal. She turned and promptly moved over to the bar, ordering something at random and watching the half nude man mix the drink with little issue while waiting for Amanda to join her. She'd leaned over, crossing her arms under her bust and resting them in turn on the bar, something she did often enough in the Spreadhead lounge or Below Decks. But she wore clothes at those bars - certainly more than the remnants of her swimsuit that she sported now - and had not quite taken into account how that put her on just as much display as Amanda's preening had done earlier.

"So her name is Lucy? The one who practically assaulted Lt. Bennion?" Natalie asked, once Lt. Ashby had joined her as the brunette Martian had scampered away at a quick, hip wiggling clip. "I take it she was another one of your crew?" Apparently saying Lucy's name had been a mistake, because the talkative, slender woman's head turned away from the holographic representation of the  Aurora's Chief of Operations and over to Natalie and Amanda. Something about the exchange had drawn the attention of the holographic pilot, though why it took a second mention of her name to do so would confuse Natalie when she thought about programmed triggers later.

What was important was that the Lucy Hunt hologram recognized the blonde Martian at the far bar, and her face lit up with glee. "Amanda! Fancy meeting you here on Risa! When did you get in?" The Pilot grabbed Bennion's hand and dragged the other avatar over to the two Martians, bouncing about and throwing her arms around Amanda in a fierce hug, pressing her smaller bust to the blonde woman's in a way that Natalie found appealing, much to her chagrin, before the pilot stepped back and held Amanda at arms length.

"I'm so glad you're trying the program out! Risa was such a fun place, especially when the party really gets going and we were both so sad you couldn't join us. Which, don't you have a job to do?" This was said to Hailey, who looked at Lucy with mild annoyance.

"I was getting to that but someone interrupted me, miss-nosey-intruder," the operations officer poked Lucy in the shoulder, but the pilot just laughed it off and made a 'get on with it gesture', while her eyes watched Amanda intently. If she took notice of Natalie, the hologram gave no sign. There was something about that gaze though, the intensity, that intrigued Natalie, and she began to feel as if she were missing something. But by that point Hailey had turned to the assembled Risians and called out, "Now that our guests have arrived let's get this party started!"

The crowd of holographic Risian's let out a collective cheer, raising glasses, and the band really kicked into high gear, with a fast paced tune replacing the slower, though no less festive piece they'd been playing prior. Glasses clinked, music swelled and the two cooks tending the pig roast across the bar lifted the carcass up off the coals to even more cheers. And during it all, Lucy Hunt kept her eyes glued on Amanda. Only when her holographic counterpart was facing fully away, and the cheers were their loudest, did the representation of the Ensign act, with a massive grin on her face.

"You should really get the full Risian experience, Amanda," she declared, and reached out, placing her hands on Hailey's hips. The other hologram seemed startled and twisted to look down at Lucy, but the brunette simply slid her hands down, and hooked her fingers into the other blonde's waistband. And then she dropped down to her knees, pulling the bikini bottoms off, which promptly vanished, before giggling madly and giving Bennion's now bare rump a playful swat. "Surprise!"

It took a moment for the shocked Martian commander to realize that a breeze had picked up, and she clasped her arms around her chest as her nipples grew even tighter at the site of the other woman's bare (holographic) bum. And then feeling the chill between her legs, she remembered one small fact: the Hailey Bennion hologram was the control factor for the program's clothing settings. And now that the hologram was completely nude - so was everyone else.

Including Natalie and Amanda.

Re: Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant

Reply #37
[Lieutenant JG Amanda Ashby | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy]
Wearing: [Show/Hide]
Attn: @Brutus

Amanda couldn’t help but chuckle and turn her blue-eyed gaze towards Hailey and Lucy while Natalie spoke. ”Yeah, that’s Lucy Hunt. She’s the Chief CONN Officer aboard the USS Aurora.” As she spoke, the blonde-haired Martian turned her attention back towards Natalie in the assumption that her holographic former shipmates would be way too preoccupied with each other to pay them much heed. In doing so however, her blue eyes briefly came to rest upon the ample breasts of the other woman; similar to what she’d just done earlier, Natalie was definitely showing off her own breasts as well and it was hard to miss that some of the other holographic patrons were enjoying the view. With a grin, Amanda lowered her voice and leaned in closer while she brought her blue eyes back up to meet Natalie’s own blues. While it would prevent the two holograms from overhearing, it also had the added benefit of being able to look at the Commander’s bare orbs from even closer. ”I honestly have no idea why she’s here though… and I don’t think that Hailey expected it either.” These were the kinds of shenanigans Amanda came to expect of Lucy though and, at this point, she had to admit that they were part of the classic Lucy Hunt experience which she’d come to appreciate in a certain way.

The Lucy Hunt experience certainly caught up with Amanda when the brunette suddenly came up to the bar, dragging Hailey right along with her. Before Amanda could really say or do anything, the holographic CONN Officer had thrown her arms around her and pulled her together in a fierce hug. Amanda could feel how her larger 34E-sized breasts were enveloping Lucy’s smaller bust and a soft gasp escaped her lips as her own hard nipples rubbed against the nipples of her holographic friend. It only lasted a second though, just long enough to tease Amanda, because Lucy stepped back again just as the blonde-haired Martian could feel the stir deep down in her loins. Regardless, her breathing had gotten a little bit ragged though and her ample breasts were heaving a little heavier than before while Amanda answered with a ”I… I’m happy to be here.”. While Amanda made an attempt at making it sound quasi-nonchalant, the ever so brief contact hadn’t helped her arousal at all and at this point it was beginning to show.

In an attempt to regain herself Amanda turned her attention to the drink in her hand and took a big swig. This wasn’t what she expected when she proposed a visit to the holodeck and, while she was definitely getting more and more aroused, a part of her worried about Commander Stark and if she’d ever be able to look the woman in the eyes again after this. While Hailey was calling out to the other holographic patrons at the tiki bar, Amanda noticed how Lucy kept her eyes glued onto her and took another big swig of her drink in an attempt to distract herself from the staring.

Maybe, in hindsight, Amanda should have kept a closer eye on Lucy so she maybe could’ve prevented what came next. Either that or, at the very least, could’ve mentally prepared herself for the next series of events. By the time her attention was drawn to Lucy because the holographic CONN Officer called out, Amanda saw how the other woman kneeled down behind Hailey Bennion and unceremoniously pulled her bikini bottoms off. They promptly disappeared into thin air, and at that moment Amanda couldn’t do anything but close her eyes in an attempt to accept the inevitable.

Less than a second after Hailey Bennion was stripped naked, Amanda’s own bikini bottoms disappeared into thin air as well. She could feel how the bikini bottoms disappeared and, upon feeling the air between her legs, a soft moan escaped Amanda’s lips as the last remaining shreds of her dignity disappeared along with them. Standing as naked as the day she was born, her cleanly-shaved vagina glistened in the torchlight of the tiki bar; from the way she stood, with her legs just slightly apart, Amanda’s swollen clit was clearly visible. Without her bikini bottoms to hide and contain it, especially given how she stood, Amanda’s pent-up wetness was now starting to slowly leak out of her vagina as well. While it embarrassed her and a part of Amanda wanted to cover up, a bigger part felt even more aroused at the fact that everyone could see her like this and, as a result, Amanda just bit her lower lip and kept standing like that.

Meanwhile, Amanda could see that Hailey didn’t respond to getting stripped naked like that. Instead, as if the nude mode of the holodeck program was initiated, the blonde-haired Chief Operations Officer turned to face them with a big smile on her face as if nothing happened. ”How do you two like this party?” As she spoke, Hailey turned her attention from her to Natalie, but Amanda could see that her attention was more focused on the brunette Commander now. In fact, it was obvious that Hailey’s perky 34B-sized breasts were jiggling proudly and her pink-colored areola, which were a little over an inch in diameter, were now even more perked by her hard nipples. The hologram’s vagina, which was adorned by a thin blonde landing strip, was obviously getting wet as well and Hailey’s arousal suddenly made Amanda realize what had been in front of them all along.

’The holodeck program is reacting to our own arousal…’

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