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Day 28 [2115 hrs.] Firewall

STARDATE 57627.69
APRIL 7, 2381
2115 HRS.

[ Xelia | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

The Theurgy somehow managed to be both much better than she'd expected and much, much worse. On the one hand, it did at least have a bar -- several of them, in fact. On the other hand, they sucked. Really, they were awful. Below Decks was basically, what, a group of chairs with a vague attempt at mood lighting? Darling, please.

So the good news was, everyone here would just be gagging for something better, something made by her. Oh they'd simply lap up whatever she gave them, she'd have them eating out of her hand in no time! A captive audience is so wonderful for engagement metrics.

Of course, the bad news was, she was going to have to live like this. The tiny bedroom with its rough, scratchy bedsheets wasn't bad enough, nor was the bland, tasteless décor, nor even the endless sea of uniformed people all with the same dull, flat expression, oh no! She couldn't even escape somewhere fun.


At least this place had holosuites, thank god. Below Decks had two -- poky little things, she'd stuck her nose in one to have a look, see what she was working with. Still, after a few of her little perspective tricks, size wouldn't matter darling. And then there were the holodecks, which she hadn't seen, but sounded significantly bigger. She'd only rarely worked on large-form programs for more than three participants; perhaps this would be her opportunity to diversify?

It was nice, being able to do market research while sipping a blue lagoon. And she was getting so much free marketing -- the novelty of an Orion woman on board was a blessing. The rumours that were flying around, the attention she was getting even just sitting here... Before long, everyone would know her name and brand.

So it wasn't all entirely terrible.

She'd need someone to get her into the more exclusive lounges, where the more powerful people hung out, of course, but Below Decks would do for now. And the novelty of getting to design bigger experiences was quite exciting. She was already halfway through imagining a holo bar as a replacement -- beautiful, stylish, spacious, and, most importantly, fun. She'd need to resurrect her old taste simulations; it'd been something she'd tried a few years ago for a short series of holos, but it'd been much more work than it was worth so she'd dropped it. Of course, she hadn't been able to draw on even a tenth of the processing power of the Theurgy's systems -- with something like that at her disposal, she could just have the program run its own procedural generations.

Oh, the computer here would make her life a million times easier! She was desperate to see it and say hello -- didn't it have a holo avatar? It probably supported dynamic vocal programming, which ugh, how sexy. She'd never managed more than basic vocal work with Oniri, and that was even after turning off all the personality modules to conserve memory.

Of course, if she needed someone to get her into a members bar, she would definitely need someone to get her in to see Thea. She'd have to ask Zaryn about it.

'Another of these please, sweetling,' she said, leaning over the bar to catch the server's attention. It was a holo -- quite a good one, actually. Idly she wondered how much programming it had. Did it have a full personality simulation? Would it be able to answer her questions about the ship? What about data protection? Oh, just imagine what secrets had been told to it... If she could just hack into its system... It would depend on how robust its protections were, how complete its programming was. But that was easy to find out.

As it took the glass off her, she continued: 'Do you know where Zaryn Arn lives? I'd simply love to pay him a little visit.' Two nights, one fire. He'd seen her old boudoir, after all -- it was only fair he repaid the favour.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #1
[ Jonathan Byrne | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall

Byrne still had to get used to this new old outfit. New since hadn't worn any official Starfleet clothing in over nine years, old since he did have to wear them before he had been placed on assignment. It itched and felt constrictive in comparison to the Aldean chlamys he was now so used to wear. His eyes looked at the people passing by through the corridors as he walked towards his intended goal. After having spent said nine years on Aldea, a ship felt so cooped up it almost got on his nerves already. He reminded himself that it was probably still just the adjustment period of coming out of deep cover.

His legs guided him to the below decks lounge. He had heard several crew members speak highly of the establishment, though when he arrived it looked rather bland in comparison to what heh ad been used to on Aldea. 'Quit comparing Byrne.' he thought to himself as he sighed and looked around at the tables that had been occupied, not recognizing anyone in particular before walking over to the bar. He spotted the Orion woman from a distance, smiling to himself as she wasn't in a uniform. Perhaps she was off duty.

She ordered a new drink and Byrne awaited his turn to place his order as he looked around silently. Blame it in his job description that he was curious and always looking over crowds to spot irregularities or something out of the ordinary. He could safely conclude that the Orion woman was the only or at least most out of place in this picture as he let his eyes move over her as he straightened his uniform before he heard her ask about Zaryn Arn.

This of course piqued his interest as he looked what the holo would answer "Sorry miss, I'm afraid I don't have that information." he answered her "Can I get you anything else or would you like to take a look on the menu?" he suggested to her as Byrne's eyes were now locked on the Orion beauty.

He waited for her to dismiss or answer the holo before placing an order himself "A pint if you please." he did turn to face the Orion woman as he smirked slightly "Not many people know of Zaryn Arn aboard the ship. He's rather new." he said to the woman "I could point you in the right direction of course. In return I'd like for my curiosity to be sated as to know what the Trill has to offer for such an appetizing appearance." he offered her, curious why someone needed Arn of all people.

Perhaps the other intelligence officer had already hooked some women aboard the ship with his mysterious demeanor. Although the more he had looked at the Orion woman, the more he came to the idea she wasn't actually part of the ship. A civilian perhaps? Who would tell, yet it'd not be that hard to find out, now would it?

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #2
[ Xelia | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

The server was less than useless. Not only did it not know where Zaryn was staying -- a shame, she would've loved to send him a housewarming fruitbasket or whatever it was Federation people did -- but it moved on from the question so swiftly she had to assume it was programmed to return to business as quickly as possible. Not much of a conversationalist, then. A shame.

Still. Code could be re-written. She'd just love to get her hands inside that holo's scripts and play around a bit.

Ah well. Even if it had been useless, she'd stolen a fresh straw from behind the bar while its back was turned. Ha.

The feeling of eyes on her wasn't new -- it hadn't ever really stopped since she'd first stepped foot on the ship, and she didn't want it to -- so honestly she hadn't really been paying it much attention. There was an Andorian to her back left who she'd caught looking earlier, and a Trill that'd been eyeing over her a minute ago; it was probably one of them. Surprisingly neither of them had tried actually talking to her -- apparently even in more tolerant cultures, the men were afraid to speak to a woman. As they should be.

Or maybe Starfleeters had rumours about Orions eating Andorians or something. She wouldn't put it past them. They probably believed all sorts of things about Orions. 'Oh no how terrifying, their idea of fun isn't staring at a plant for four hours! Scandalous.' Bless them.

She didn't actualy know what Starfleeters did for fun. But she'd bet money she wasn't too far off.

One of them was talking to her, she realised, and turned to see some unidentifiable humanoid -- they all looked the same -- stood beside her at the bar. A man, she assumed; taller than her, but shorter than the average Orion man. Drinking... Ugh, what was that, a beer?

She sipped on her straw.

Well, it could be worse. At least this would be an opportunity to head off any bad press she might be getting. Everyone she spoke to was free marketing. And apparently this man knew where Zaryn lived, so even better! She could send him something, after all.

Not many people knew Zaryn, apparently. She gave this stranger a smile and a half-shrug. 'What can I say, I'm just the friendly type I suppose. Xelia, absolutely lovely to meet you sweetling.'

She swirled her straw around, sending ice cubes clinking against the glass. She couldn't quite tell if he was being sly or was actually trying to flirt with her. Oh, darling.

'Oh, Zaryn's just a friend,'
she said carelessly. 'He and I have some business to discuss, that's all. What about you? How do you know our favourite dashing Trill?' Oh how she missed being in a place of safety and power so she didn't have to massage anyone's ego -- least of all the male one, it needed so much attention. She's get there, of course, she just had a whole lot of work to do first.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #3
[ Jonathan Byrne | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall

The Orion turned her attention to Jonathan now as he addressed her. She looked him over before she seemingly avoided the question all together. She stated herself as a friendly type after which she did give him her name. "Jonathan." he answered her "I might say the pleasure is all mine." he smiled as he nipped from his drink, letting it roll around in his mouth first before he swallowed. In all honestly he had tasted better pints and the replicated stuff this joint offered wasn't the best he had. He placed the glass aside, debating whether or not he'd drink from it again.

She toyed with the straw and mentioned Zaryn was just a friend, Byrne nodded yet seemed to be more interested as she mentioned business. He had to crack a laugh as she asked about their mutual dashing Trill. He looked at the pint and neglected to drink from it again as he licked his lips "Well, I work with him. One could say he's one of my direct colleagues." he stated. He left it open for what exactly they did. Figuring out if the woman had an idea of it or not. He couldn't quite blow a potential cover of Arn. Not the the first or the best looking woman in a lounge at least.

"How did the two of you meet?" he asked her now as he looked fascinated by her drink "And if you don't mind me asking, what is that contraption that you're drinking?" He could quite tell what it was. In fact, he had drunk it on Earth himself. It would however provide him with a sort of baseline if she gave the wrong answer. To check how she'd act or be when she'd be lying or telling the truth.

"Anyway as I'm one of Zaryn's colleagues, perhaps I can aide you in whatever business you have to conduct with him. Who knows how busy he might be today... It'd be a shame to keep such an attractive woman waiting." he smirked. Perhaps he was flirting with her, perhaps he was just being sly. Either way, it felt good to be unrestricted by his cover identity. He watched her every reaction and response with interest as the Orion woman made her reply to him.

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #4
[ Xelia | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Jonathan, was it? He must've been Human, then -- or at least, he wanted her to think he was. Whatever. She really couldn't care less what he was. Obviously everyone on board was Starfleet, and that was more than enough information.

She lounged on the bar, bored. At least 'Jonathan' seemed as unimpressed by his beer as she was. The boy wasn't a total lost cause, then. He let out a laugh at her characterisation of Zaryn -- oh honey it really wasn't that funny, is this what passes for hilarious around here? God. -- and then said the first interesting thing to pass his lips.

He worked with Zaryn, did he? Did that mean he was one of their little intelligence people?


'Oh darling that's wonderful!' she said brightly. 'I'm sure you've just got all sorts of fun stories about him!' How well do you know him, then?

She waved a hand dismissively at his question. 'Oh, mutual friends, you know how it is.' Although calling Y'Lev a friend of either of them was a bit of a stretch. 'I had a spot of bother, the Theurgy had a bit of trouble, we helped each other. Mutually-assured satisfaction.' She laughed at her own joke.

What an odd question, to ask about her drink. Whatever. She shrugged, taking another sip. 'What, this? It's some Earth invention, darling. A blue-something-or-other. Inventively named, clearly.' She would've preferred something more her usual speed, but after listing three possible drinks only to have the holo server stare at her blankly, she'd given up and asked for 'something vibrant'. This was apparently the best they could do.

Not that it was bad. It was actually quite refreshing. She just missed the feats of mixology boasted by Kinarvon's bars.

It was interesting that Jonathan would offer his own services, though. She watched him curiously as he spoke. Did he know Zaryn was intelligence? Was he intelligence too? Did Starfleeters have secret spy identities or something?

Whatever. It wasn't her identity she'd be revealing. 'Oh, do you work in intelligence too?' she asked, the picture of innocence.

She did laugh at the man's continued attempts at flirting. They weren't even bad they were just... Very obvious. Thank you, darling, she knew she was gorgeous. Though it was nice to have it confirmed every now and again.

'And here I was thinking the Federation didn't have any gentlemen,'
she said dramatically. 'Thank you, sweet pea, that's very kind. I came to an arrangement with Zaryn, you see -- and the captain, I suppose -- but I can't fulfill my end without just a little bit of help.' She eyed him over, wondering how much to give, how much to ask. Whatever. Zaryn already knew what she needed, she could hardly get in trouble by telling someone else. 'The Theurgy's computer is very advanced, isn't she? I'd just love to borrow some of that processing power. So I can do my job to help you all, of course.'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #5
[ Jonathan Byrne | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall

She was laying it on thick though as she called him pet names already. She seemed to be fishing about stories he had heard or been through with Zaryn and he smiled as he shrugged "Who know, I might bot be at liberty to tell. Snatching away all those good stories that our mutual Trillwould probably love to tell himself." he answered her. She told him she and Zaryn had met through mutual friends. A thing Jonathan wondered about considering Zaryn had been quite new to the ship from what he had gathered.

Regardless, it mattered not as the Orion woman continued about helping one another out. What really was interesting was the fact that she addressed the trouble of her own as her problem while the other problem was Theurgy's. Just who exactly did he have in front of him.

She would have to apologize for not knowing the name of the blue lagoon and it served Byrne very little to establish if she were lying or not. The conversation evolved and when Xelia asked him if he worked intelligence, it would seem that she at least knew what Zaryn worked in. It complicated matters perhaps as he hadn't heard of this woman before, no from Zaryn or anyone else aboard the ship.

He chose not to answer the question if he worked intelligence and simply winked and smirked. She called him a gentleman and Jonathan had to chuckle again as he shook his head. She opened up slightly about having come to an arrangement with Zaryn and Ives. She seemed to be stuck for some reason as she needed help.

"What kind of help?" he asked her simply as he looked her in the eyes. His flirty attitude switching to a somewhat more serious tone and his eyes definitely looking into hers for answers. She spoke of the Theurgy's processing power and how she'd love to be able to get just a fraction of it for her work. She claimed it to be to help them all in the end, yet Jonathan had dealt with Orions in the past enough to never buy them on their word. Perhaps Zaryn was naive, or the deal he struck was made up by the woman.

"Well... I could help you. Though I'm afraid you'll have to fill me in on the details of it all, sweetie." he smiled as he deliberately used the pet name, almost emphasizing on it "I'm sure your people know a good deal when they hear it. One time offer." he smiled as he kept his eyes on her.

It had been a while since he had to do these kind of things. The position he had earned himself on Aldea had come rather smoothly, it allowed him to no longer deal with the criminal scum yet with the more refined and gullible corrupt politicians in and around Aldea. Xelia however, he could feel was something else entirely. He couldn't quite put his finger on it yet. Though he didn't trust her one bit.

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #6
[ Xelia | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

No stories for her, then? What a shame. She'd have liked to have something to hold over Zaryn's head. Or at least to know if this Jonathan knew the man as well as he said he did. It was a common tactic on Vondem to pretend to be closer to someone important than you really were -- she'd used it herself more than enough times. Did Federationers do that kind of thing?

She supposed their spies might. Although, infuriatingly, Jonathan managed to dodge her question about whether he really was one of them. Slippery one, aren't you darling?

Well, whatever. He clearly wanted to play it coy, which was fine by her. It was a game, wasn't it? Might even be the most fun thing to do aboard this ship, honestly.

She took a sip from her drink as she finished explaining her problem, watching for his reaction. Interestingly, he seemed to become more serious, more genuine even. A trick? Or was he really offering his help?

And what price would he ask in return?

It seemed the first part of the price was information, up front. Interesting. As was his attempt to turn the tables on her -- that was what the 'sweetie' comment was meant to be, right? It was adorable the way he emphasised it. As if he thought it would have any affect on her. Sweet pea.

She raised one eyebrow at his next words. 'I'm not a Ferengi, darling,' she said with amusement. Your people, ugh! She'd had a business manager for a reason, sweetling; she'd never had a head for that side of things.

Leaning over, she offered him a pat on the cheek. 'You're very kind though, offering your help.' How did she even know he would be able to help her, even if she did pay his price? He'd not admitted to anything, he hadn't even been able to prove he knew Zaryn -- and honestly, she'd only really needed Zaryn to ask him who she should be talking to, because the level of bureaucracy on this ship was absolutely appalling.

But she couldn't exactly afford to be picky. And really, how valuable was her information anyway? It wasn't a secret. And knowing him, Y'Lev was probably blabbing to everyone in sight. If Jonathan really did work with Zaryn, surely he'd find out sooner or later, and she'd lose it as any form of leverage.

No, better to just tell him now. And if he was a nobody trying to scam her, then she'd just fill his computer account with malware or something. Program the lighting in his quarters to just strobe constantly. Make his sonic shower play nothing but Klingon opera. Any of the above.

Fine. Whatever. She'd tell him.

She made a show of checking her nails. 'It's all very exciting I'm sure.' She looked over at him out the corner of her eye to see if he was paying attention. Oh the drama of it all! 'I have backdoor access into the systems of some of the most influential members of the Orion Syndicate, you see, and it turns out at least one of them is one of your, how did Zaryn put it... Parasites.' She smiled sweetly across at Jonathan. 'Naturally, that one is in contact with some of the parasites in Starfleet Command, so it's just a case of keeping an eye on them and having a little look for any more we can find, isn't it?' She shrugged delicately. 'It's very easy, really. For me, that is. I suppose you could say I'm the key to it all!' She laughed brightly and took a dainty sip of her drink. Delicious.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #7
[ Jonathan Byrne | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall

If anything, it looked like Xelia was open to play ball with him. She pointed out that she wasn't Ferengi and the man in front of her snickered a little and shook his head in agreement to that notion. He had set his demand for his help and while the Orion woman checked her nails and thought over her next move undoubtedly, Byrne simply waited patiently as he let his eyes take in the details of her. Not just her body, but how she behaved, acted, reacted. It had been a thing that had been implanted into his routine of measuring up people ever since he joined the intelligence corps.

She eventually spilled the info he sought and as she checked, she'd find the man to be very interested into what she was telling him. He nodded a few times as he looked straight into her eyes and rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek. It seemed that Zaryn had secured an asset of the syndicate. What was more surprising, though it shouldn't have, was that Xelia knew that the parasitic infection had even spread itself into the syndicate.  The officer in front of her moved slightly in his seat as he ordered a whisky now without any ice. He never understood why people wanted to dilute the perfectly fine drink, though that'd be a discussion for another day.

He could now see why she needed help and how Zaryn would have to help her. Obviously, Byrne assumed Zaryn to not be that naive as to grant full access to the woman. Perhaps he ought to help her himself, ensure that in turn he could keep track on what she was sending out of the Theurgy as it was essentially still running in the dark. He let a few seconds, long enough for the barkeep to slip him is drink as Byrne looked at the glass and ran his fingertip over the rim of the glass.

"So it would seem that you need help." he started off, not having missed the drama Xelia had implored when she offered him the information. His eyes resting on his drink as he swigged the contents around in the glass before taking a sip. It tasted nothing like proper whisky, but it at least reminded him of the drink "So you need... a secure communication channel that's untraceable back to this ship and allows you to rummage around with your syndicate palls to be kept in the loop." he looked back at her again and asked "I guess we can make that work. Do you need it installed in your quarters? Or will you be conducting your business elsewhere?"

He emptied the rest of his glass now and cocked his head "Would there be anything else you needed?" he asked her with a smirk on his face. Sure he seemed to know what he was talking about, yet he hadn't actually given her any proof that he was able to come through "And how did the a girl like you end up at a nasty place like the syndicate?" he asked more curiously.

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #8
[ Xelia | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Well, at least Jonathan seemed to appreciate the importance of what she was saying. He listened quietly and with interest, paying her the proper amount of attention she deserved. Yes, really, he wasn't at all bad. Better than Zaryn at least, who had responded to her offer as if he was doing her a favour by even staying to listen, rather than being given information that could help his silly little agenda and whatever else.

She finished her explanation with another sip from her drink, the straw gurgling slightly as she reached the dregs. Ugh, there was just ice left. She'd need to flag down the server to get a refill.

Jonathan definitely seemed interested in helping her, which was cute. She just had to assume he actually could help her and wasn't, like, a cleaner or something. She absently fished out an ice cube to suck on as he spoke.

Well! He knew enough to sound competent at least. That was a good sign. A secure, untraceable comms link was exactly what she needed.

'Oh yes darling, that'd be perfect,'
she said sweetly. 'All my data harvesting systems are still running, I just need to access their reports.' Set up a proper route from Vondem to the Theurgy; there'd be a delay of course, but it'd be better than just sending things off out into the aether. Obviously remote access into the systems she had backdoors into would be out of the question, unfortunately. But: 'I've also still got all my download and upload links, so there's plenty to play with, sweetling.' Anything would be better than the toothless boredom she'd been reduced to on this backwater planet.

'My room would be lovely, sweetling,' she said in answer to his next question. 'Unless someone's planning on setting me up with some kind of office.' She waved a hand dismissively. 'It all depends how desperately they want to keep an eye on me, I suppose.' She didn't want an office, somewhere people could come by and look in on her and make smalltalk and ugh. Just leave her be in her room where she could get high, play games, and analyse data stolen from some of the most high-profile members of the Orion Syndicate. Easy.

Was there anything else she needed? She paused to think, chewing the end of her straw.

Then: 'Oh, does my apartment have holo integration?' She didn't exactly need it for her official Theurgy work, but she couldn't get any of her personal projects done without holo support. And it'd be lovely to get Ve out of her box, even just for helping with admin and data analysis -- while Xelia could technically do all of that herself, and even script unassisted in a 2D development environment, Ve made life so much easier. 'I'll need that for my setup.'

She arched one eyebrow playfully at Jonathan's next question. 'Curious, aren't we?' she said. She flicked a stray strand of hair over her shoulder. 'Everything on Vondem is mixed up with the Syndicate sooner or later, darling, surely you know that.' She shrugged casually. 'Plus they're the biggest earners, so it's only smart to market to them. Especially if your marketing team is the best in the business.' She'd only had to go through three marketing managers before she found Duniz, and honestly what a treat that woman had been. A true lifesaver.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #9
[ Jonathan Byrne | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall

As Jonathan was talking to her the green skinned woman had finished up on her drink. If it was performed on purpose or just a coincidence, Byrne surely didn't mind the way Xelia began to suck on a piece of ice from her now exhausted drink. She seemed to be interested in his offer as she answered him sweetly. The human considered if he'd let her know that he'd obviously put a bug in the system so he could tap in and oversee what was going in and out. A fail safe so to speak in case the woman who worked for the syndicate wouldn't go rogue or indulge in sharing classified information.

She did however mention that she'd prefer the installation to be done in her quarters rather than in a designated office space. Byrne could understand why and saw only advantages in setting the Orion at ease in doing her job. If it meant she felt more at ease to work, it would only be so much easier for him to look into her work when needed. The human male kept his eyes fixed on the Orion as he still harbored some skepticism towards the woman.

He had to smirk about her question about it having holo integration "I'm by far not long enough on board of this ship to know whether or not the room will have holo integration. I'm sure that we could make it happen, proven that our efforts for your job are fruitful." he answered with a wink. Why would he have to give her everything she wanted right of the bat. Some leverage or rewards always worked nicely in his line of work. "I mean if it is a requirement for your setup, I advise you try and see how it works without. This ship could face blackouts when underway and your holo support might not always be operational depending where they reroute power to." he smiled slyly at her.

She shared in on her history with him and he nodded as he flagged down the waiter in the meantime to refill both of their drinks. He crossed his arms as he listened to her and nodded from time to time. Her background made sense and on Vondem, thing were rarely or never mixed with the syndicate. That much was true. He had to chuckle lightly as she offered up that her marketing team was the best in the business. With their drinks refilled he raised his glass to hers "In that case, to a fruitful collaboration Xelia." he toasted before he took a swig from his own drink and smirked.

"Indulge me, what do Orion girls do for fun nowadays?" he teased her as he seemed to relax more that business was off the table. They still needed to set a time and date for the instillation of the secure line, a thing Jonathan would probably oversee and do himself.

Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #10
[ Xelia | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Hmm, so holo integration wasn't a given. That was a pain. She'd have to rely on her own system's projectors, which would technically be fine but it'd be nothing like the full 3D environment she was used to working in. Ugh. Maybe she could hook up her system with the Theurgy's computer and use one of their holodecks?

Well, at least it didn't seem impossible -- it was just Jonathan playing coy and keeping things for leverage. Which, whatever. She hadn't expected anyone on board to trust her or anything; this wasn't exactly surprising.

She crunched on her ice absently. 'I suppose.' She mostly needed full 3D for her holo programming; the stuff the Theurgy wanted her to do wouldn't matter much either way. 'I can make it work without, I guess. For now at least. Although if one of those blackouts corrupts my work, it won't be pretty.' She said it like a tease, as if she wasn't entirely ready to prove everyone's worst fears about Orions correct in an instant.

She raised one eyebrow slightly at Jonathan's calling their arrangement a 'collaboration'. She hadn't collaborated with someone since she released her makeup line with Yvri, and at least then she'd known the brand beforehand. Jonathan was such an unknown. But if he wanted to call it a collaboration she wouldn't stop him. People were so much more ameanable when they thought they were getting their own way.

'Indeed,' she said, tipping her drink to him as he raised his to her. The refill was definitely welcome; she took a nice long sip. The second drink also seemed to relax Jonathan more, as he settled down a little, changing the topic of conversation to ask her about fun.

A sly smile. 'Nothing the Federation would like, I'm sure. What, are you looking to get into trouble? Sweetling! You should've opened with that!' She laughed brightly, shrugging slightly. 'What does anyone do for fun? Drugs, mostly. Get high, go to parties, make out with a celebrity, sell their secrets to the Syndicate, rinse and repeat. Mix it up with a holo game here, an orgy there,' she waved a hand, 'whatever, the usual.' She looked Jonathan over idly. 'So, what do Federation boys do for fun?'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]


Re: Day 28 [2115 hrs] Firewall

Reply #11
[ Jonathan Byrne | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @fiendfall

Being informed that the projectors weren't exactly a necessity for her work she'd perform for the Theurgy had confirmed Byrne's suspicions that the Orion was probably trying to sweeten the deal. He had seen it before in negotiations throughout his career and he laughed a little as she mentioned blackouts causing to corrupt her work "That's what backups are for no?" he teased her before shaking his head.

Their drinks were refilled and Xelia informed him of what fun to the Orion girl would result in. A long list of violations to any Starfleet officer and Jonathan looked both amused as well as intrigued at the Orion. He heard her out and shook his head "If I opened up with that I wouldn't have been saving the best for last." he smirked "As for what Federation boys do, I'm afraid that's far too dull for a lady like yourself. Holoprograms and the sorts obviously as well as the daily exercise routines I presume." he answered her before he looked around at the other people sitting about in the lounge.

"If you'd ask me though, intelligence always did like to color outside of the given lines." he continued as he avoided eye contact with her for now "An orgy or some intoxication never really killed anyone.... Or well that's a lie." he snickered before looking in her eyes "Yet I'm of the opinion that one should live his life without having to deny oneself the delights and pleasures life could give." he concluded with a wink.

Byrne had experimented with drugs and various illegal contraband. Both on himself as targets to extract information. He wouldn't shy away from it as long as he could sweep it under the category of needing to do so for the job. Now however, he was aboard a starship. He wasn't sure how serious they'd take these misdemeanors if he got caught. Perhaps he simply didn't have to get caught. His eyes moved over the Orion again, not exactly a surprise that the woman enjoyed the more carnal sides of life. It was a trait given to their race. Byrne did keep in mind though that she pleasures she indulged herself in though would mostly lead to serve a purpose. In the past, to get intel over to the syndicate. He wondered "How will you fare aboard a Starfleet ship where drugs are prohibited though? I mean, I'm sure you could find enough people for an orgy."


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