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[2381] 1 Unread Message

S.D: 57563.15
SENDER: Liebrecht, Triss (Hasselt, Belgium, Earth)
RECIPIENT: Lt Cmdr Hathev (USS Bellerophon, NCC-74705)
SUBJECT: [No Subject]

you wouldn't understand
this, even if
you could see it. poetry
without bounds, without rules is
illogical, you said,
it is, and
i am.

you used to say that
affectionately, do you
remember? and
i used to say
'vulcan' and mean 'my
love'. we should have
known it was too
late, when those words
in our mouths.

i used to send wishes
to the stars, knowing
you were among them.
no longer.
wherever your travels
take you next, i
hope you find your
peace. earth
never held it for you,
i know.

now, the world
turns, on and
on, our family
flung out of orbit, sent
far into space. our home
lies empty. did you
think of us, before the
end? did you
miss us? are you
able to?

were, not
are. you are
past tense, now.
in every way a
person can be.

we had a
lifetime, together.
whatever else, we
still have that.

maybe one day, i
will even
forgive you.

Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
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Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
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